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What happened to Meghan and Harry's Balmoral invitation?

It hit The Sun late Wednesday evening, UK time: Meghan and Harry won't be visiting the Queen at Balmoral this year.

The story was framed as the Sussexes' own decision, because they felt their son Archificial is "too young" to enjoy the experience of salmon fishing and grouse shoting on the vast Scottish estate.

(Archificial is apparently not too young to enjoy the infinity pool at their rented villa on Ibiza, or a private jet flight to visit Elton John's costume collection in the South of France, or an upcoming journey to South Africa. But, you know. Scotland is cold and the wifi is really bad at the castle. All those thick walls!)

Surprising change of plans

This was a surprising change of plans, since as recently as last week well-connected Royal correspondent Richard Eden was reporting that Meghan and Harry had solid plans to visit Balmoral for an end-of-season trip after all the other royal children and grandchildren had returned to England.

And in early August, the Express - one of Meghan's favorite newspapers - reported that the Queen would be staging a special birthday party for Meghan at Balmoral.

The Sun went so far to describe it as a "birthday tea party."

It is testament to Meghan that she has been given this invite. It’s a huge honour.
They will celebrate Meghan’s birthday, and the catering team will bake a cake to mark the occasion.
Meghan may be a Duchess who can have anything she wants but the Queen is giving her a thoughtful present.
It’s no secret Balmoral is Her Majesty’s favourite home and that’s why this invite is so special and heartfelt.

Now Meg's August 4 birthday has come and gone, and she has yet to set foot in the Balmoral estate.

What happened?

What happened? Did Meg's invitation get lost in the Royal Mail?

Did Prince Philip put his foot down about the increasingly shady Sussex Foundation and refuse to open the castle doors to them while he is present, as he has done with Sarah Ferguson for decades?

Did someone tell them they were not allowed to bring their plastic dolly?

Or could it be true that the Sussexes turned down an actual good-faith invitation from the Queen? Perhaps they were worried about receiving a right royal dressing down from Philip or Princess Anne.

If they did turn down an invitation from the Queen, that would be an insult that would be hard to forgive. Even Diana used to drag herself up to Balmoral, although she wasn't keen on the place.

What do you think?


Nelo said…
I think it's a fake story because of the author; Emily Andrews. Ms Andrews was the one who wrote the H and M went to a pub story which turned out to be false. She also wrote the Priyanka Chopra visited Archie and gave him a gift story which also turned out to be false. She has written many 'exclusives' which turned out to be false. So take this with a pinch of salt.
Now! said…
Do you think the Sussexes will go to Balmoral?
That Express piece reads like
it’s written by someone who’s not all the ticket. Far too silly and syrupy for words, it comes across like an unintentional comedic piece. PR piece for certain; the Sussex’s are waning by the hour now. Please let the press suck them into oblivion.
Oh, the story was also in the online DM this morning. The Palace was asked for a comment.
Beth said…
Hmmm...did MM release this bit of info to coincide with major press interest in Charlotte's first day of school? She does like to highjack anyone else's coverage.
Trudy2 said…
I had the same thought. Kate was looking stunning as well, I'm sure the crazy grifter must have been furious.
Nelo said…
Nutty, the first thing that came to mind when I read it is 1. It's fake. Because the author has written so many fake stories in the past.
2. MM may have planted the story knowing that it is fake to discredit The Sun of they eventually go to Bamoral.
3. If BP wants a story out, they usually use the times. So again, the source (Emily) is doubtful.
4. If it is true, then it may be that the queen may be using this to get back at Meghan because of the hit pieces she used the US media to write against her over the Andrew/Epstein case. Meghan's US PR went into overdrive accusing the Palace of throwing her under the bus to protect Andrew.
@Beth Well Charlotte’s first day is the top article in the DM. The Sussex’s story of snubbing The Queen just makes them look extremely bad. It’s bad press, are the Sussex’s truly that desperate for attention?
Nutty Flavor said…
Stories with pictures always beat out stories without pictures, which is what the Sussexes are offering right now.

Speaking of which, there are reports that they're not going to let anyone photograph Archificial during the diplomatic trip to South Africa.

Sorry, but the plastic doll conspiracy theorists are looking more and more credible.
Nutty Flavor said…
I don't know what the palace is going to say. "We have no control over them?"

Lots of talk online now about the South Africa trip coming at a very bad time for South Africa, which is experiencing some truly awful anti-immigrant violence. (Really, stay off Twitter if you are a sensitive soul.)

It's not really a good time to "shine a light" on South Africa, to use one of Meghan's favorite terms. I wonder if the trip will be cancelled.
I don’t think they were or ever have been invited to Balmoral. I have two views how it could have played out.

The tea party story was a PR piece by the Sussex’s in hope they’d get an invite. It didn’t happen so they’ve had to issue another PR plant to try and offset their fluffy PR piece.

Or, BP is fed up with the Sussex’s PR nonsense, moreover the tea party article, and the Sun/DM article (by BP) is to shoot the Sussex’s down.
Jen said…
I truly believe there never was an invite. I think it was a story concocted to make them look as though they are in good favor with HMTQ, and of course, here we are at the very last minute, canceling because poor Archie is just too young. Awwww....really? He wasn't too young in August when it was announced they would be going? Is this honestly the BEST they could come up with? So many lies that eventually the press will stop reporting on them....maybe that's their end game?
@Nutty, I doubt very much the palace will respond, so agree, what credible reason could they give?!

it would be fantastic if the tour was cancelled, but what reason would they give? Would they truly go for the ‘it’s not a suitable time right now’? Not particularly diplomatic though. Or give some other reason?
Jen said…
Is it possible for Charlotte to be ANY cuter? Good grief that child is adorable! She is going to be quite the beauty when she is older.

Kate looked great, but she's getting too skinny. Maybe her and the family should eat at the pubs more often.
Nutty Flavor said…
Well, Harry's always going on about "safety for his family" - that's the official reason for the private jets.

Hard to argue that you can't get on a budget commercial flight because you're so worried about safety, but you can go to a country that's suffering violent civil unrest.

If there's some diplomatic purpose that has to be fulfilled in South Africa (doubtful), Harry could always go on his own.
Nutty Flavor said…
Yes, Charlotte seems much more comfortable with the spotlight than George does.
Nutty Flavor said…
It would have been so easy to say that he had an ear infection or some other common childhood malady.

Clearly, a child with an ear infection cannot fly (including fly private) and should stay h ome and recover under medical attention.

Of course, to know about common childhood maladies you have to have an actual child around the house.
Jen said…
That was exactly my thought! Ear infection, cold, etc...anything that would make it look less like a lie to begin with. Any parent (or even Auntie, as I am) would understand that kids get sick and may not have questioned it. To say he's too young is ridiculous because he's ALWAYS been too young; actually he's OLDER than he was when they first reported they were going.
Great points Nutty and Jen. The ‘Archie is too young to fly was pathetic and lame. A mild illness would have probably caused no more than a mere ripple in the press, rather than a tidal wave of negative press and comments from the public.
hardyboys said…
Meghan is running out of time. The press is turning so hard against her but you can tell she is a fighter or she wouldnt have clawed her way up to where she is now. There is a 60 minutes special airing this weekend about what a phoney manipulative liar she is. Not good press. Her fans are retaliating saying this is a witch hunt look what happened to diana leave harry alone. They dont get it. Britain is a multi cultural country with many immigrants. We live and die for our parents. Make up with Pops. Come out to a function immaculately dressed act low key and stop trying to control your image by planting idiotic stories. I also think if she could somehow worm her way on Anne and Andrew's heart which would not be easy as I imagine they think she is utter skanky trailer park trash that would help. Its helpful to have senior shareholders on your side. Debarkle was too stupid to realize that when she did that unbuttoning of the navy blue coat at eugenie wedding to hijack the attention to herself. That was a seriously career limiting move or CLM as we say today. She needs to come out holding Pops hand and let him hold archie wow that would make up huge huge points with the public.
The SA tour is fairly imminent, won’t little Archie still be too young to fly? I think Harry will fly solo.
Louise said…
To clarify, a special on 60 minutes Australia.
Ava C said…
I only started looking at Express royal stories in the last couple of weeks and can't get over their misleading teaser headlines that, when you read them, often concern events at least a decade ago. Added to their total unreliability for what is actually happening at the moment, I've decided their entire Royal output is a waste of time. They bring nothing to the party.
Mom Mobile said…
I'll be waiting for that 60 Minutes Australia interview! Do you know if it'll post on YouTube shortly after it airs on TV? I hope so!
Ava C said…
Having seen some of Meghan's sleazier acting now, I keep thinking about Koo Stark, whose relationship with Andrew was ended in the '80s for that reason. I remember being disappointed at the time, as she seemed serene, lovely and dignified in public life (as she is today). The Queen was reportedly fond of her and, if not for her CV, she would have fitted in well. Certainly better than Fergie. How awful that we lost her but had to accept Meghan. I'm sure Koo would have been fine at Balmoral.
Girl with a Hat said…
I read something about Koo Stark being sent deliberately to meet Andrew as some sort of plot to ensnare him in the sordid life. I forget the details but I was quite taken aback as I thought she seemed quite lovely.
Nelo said…
Valentine Low of the times received a press statement from BP saying that Sun report on SS is false. BP says SS only worked with Sussex Foundation. Dan Wotton the author of the story stands by the story. He insists BP is misleading Valentine Low and that SS worked with Meghan while she was editing Vogue. Dickie Arbiter, the Queen's former aide says Wottons story is silly because the Prince Trust also has a PR firm. Whom do we believe now?
Nutty Flavor said…
Veena makes a very good point I haven't seen anywhere else: in Britain's immigrant cultures (Indian/Pakistan/Bangladeshi, Chinese, African), children generally have a great reverence for their parents.

Meg is trying to strike a pose as the patron saint of the "new" multicultural Britain, but her disregard for her father puts her in direct opposition to the values of many of these communities.

Particularly since Thomas Markle was a diligent if imperfect father. He cared for her when she was growing up, paid for her education, etc. He's not perfect, but he was no deadbeat dad.

My secret suspicion is that Meg lied to Harry and told him that Thomas Markle abused her.

(While even outwardly "good" parents can be abusers, Meg's close relationship with Thomas through 2017 and her proven pattern of lying in other circumstances would suggest this is plausible scenario.)

That's why he wasn't asked to the wedding, and that's why Meg cannot reconcile with Thomas now. It's also why she made sure Harry and Thomas never met.

She was selling a "little lost lamb" story to Harry and didn't want her father to get in the way.

If she comes out holding Pop's hand, as Veena suggests, she's going to sacrifice a little of Harry's trust.
Nutty Flavor said…
I'm sorry, Nelo, but I really don't understand what you're talking about, and I cannot find any of these stories online. Could you provide some links? Thank you!
Nutty Flavor said…
Yes, the Express definitely goes for volume over quality.
Nelo said…
@Nutty, check Dan Wottons twitter(@Danwotton), he posted this there with the screenshot of Valentine Lows story: "To see the Palace appear to directly mislead the great @valentinelow in the Times today re Sunshine Sachs PR work for the Sussexes. The first official business they took on was for Meghan’s Vogue Magazine cover. This has been confirmed to me by both companies.".
@Nutty, The abusive Dad narrative that Murky could spin would explain why Harry never met her Father before her marriage, and why he was never ever invited to their wedding. I remember when it was reported that Harry was going to meet him for the first time when they were to be married just didn’t seem normal or natural. There was zero excuse for them not to have met beforehand. With money no object, flights to or from the UK could have been arranged. Perfect excuse for her to disown him. Of course the little orphan Murky narrative spin worked wonders for her victim story as a whole.
@Mishi, Koo is a rare find, she’s never spoken about Andrew or their relationship and she so easily could have done, and made a lot of money. I don’t buy this story about her. He didn’t need anyone else to lead him astray.
abbyh said…
This is a train wreck which keeps adding more cars to the engine as it careens along its merry path.

I think there could well have been a series of attempts to force the hand of the Queen which then have given rise to the follow up vaguely timed to the first day of school. I can't think of anyone who has royal protocol savvy who would even think that trying to force her hand would be a good play (short or long term).

Too many people will make the same connections about too young versus sick kid. It is too unbelievable to pass as truth. If they had said: "You know, we tried this for my birthday but it wasn't good so we aren't going to try again.", it might make some sense. But that wasn't.

Although, could they take a train there?

It still leaves the tour unresolved and asking people to think this through (logic). And more and more will join the banner: This does not make sense.
Hikari said…
I think the Dumbarton Duo are banned from Balmoral. It's the Queen's favorite place; Charles's too. They go there for respite, for pastimes that aren't 'woke'--hunting, fishing, riding. Even if Megs were in their good books, which she certainly is not, nor her dimwit hubby, she would not be able to keep from sermonizing about these activities which have been part of the royal family tradition for generations. Emily Andrews may have inadvertently printed something true for once. Smeaghan's attempts to pressure HM into extending an invitation through fanciful tales in the press about birthday cakes and private wings and cottages and so forth is, I believe, a complete wash. Going to the Queen's favorite sanctuary is a privilege, and it's not one that the Dum-Dum Duo have earned.

There may be a Come-to-Jesus-and Lord Geidt moment coming very soon . . but I think HM would postpone such until she returns to London. She may be now, in conference with Charles and her advisors, having meetings revolving around the Suxxits' exit from the RF, either together or just the Deceitful Duchess. It would be madness to send them to Africa now, where Smegs has plans to continue merching and charging for appearances. A Royal tour on behalf of the Queen is also a privilege which these two should NEVER be granted again.

Harry will always be Charles' son, and a prince. If the people of Sussex get their way, he will not be Duke of Sussex much longer. Perhaps they can be appeased if the title of Duchess is revoked from his dastardly consort, though technically that title isn't official until she becomes a British subject. Which she never will, we can all see that writing on the wall. Revoking their titles and their status as working royals is the next step if the money's already been cut off. BP needs to release a brief and straightforward statement to the effect that "The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have decided to retire from royal duties entirely in order to focus on their family life. Due to their expressed desire to live as private citizens, the ducal title of Sussex will be vacated and they will no longer be supported by the Crown." Any reference to Fauxchie would probably be excluded since BP has never officially recognized him.

I think the world would applaud. Beatrice and Eugenie were denied any extra titles or status as working royals; Harry used to be an important figure, before William had children and he was #3 to the Crown. Now he's slipped to #6, and is bringing very little, if any, value on investment for his position. His cousins, #9 and #10 respectively, do far more on their own initiative as semi-private citizens to further the aims of charity and philanthropy. Harry's shown his true colors and sentimentality toward him needs to go out the window. He's ridden the coattails of sentimentality for his dead mother for the last 22 years and it's time to look at him clearly and do the needful thing.

I looked at Dan’s Twitter. He says he had the info confirmed by the 2 companies, and Valentine was mislead by the Palace. No other info on his Twitter. Dickie A is just stating the PoW uses a PR firm. That’s common knowledge, he had Marc Bolan redeem his image after Diana died and to get the public to embrace his relationship with Camilla. Marc Bolen used nasty tactics to throw Edward under a bus (when William started uni) William and Harry used to refer to Bolen as Black Adder. The difference between other royals PR, and SS, is that SS appear to be very aggressive in their approach compared to a normal PR firm. SS has/had some very sleazy clientele with extremely high profile legal and image issues.
Hikari said…
Charlotte is the spitting image of her Gan-Gan, and appears to have taken after her Auntie Anne (and perhaps Margaret, too) for her rambunctious personality and ease with the Princess Wave. Time will tell if George is more like his father or more like his Grandpa Charles. Charles had a rep for being a crybaby, and when William was very little, he could throw tantrums and sulks with the best of them. He has grown into a fine stoic example of Windsor fortitude since then, but Diana was an indulgent mum and it showed for a while in both her boys. William grew out of it and it's still showing on Haz, who got a double portion of Mummy's indulgence.

George is a cutie with old-soul eyes, but he seems to be easily overwhelmed and have a lot of meltdowns. He was crying during the regatta outing and being comforted by Grandpa Middleton. Maybe now that he's 6 these will lessen. William got a lot more mature once he went to school.
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I’m sure I read very recently (a DM article dated April 2018, about her ex hubby) that Murky enlisted SS when she first started to date Harry. Murky and Harry use SS. It shouldn’t matter that much when she did or they did, it’s the fact they use a firm with a dodgy clientele to start with.
bootsy said…
@ Nelo Good detective work. There are far too many things stated as 'facts' when in reality it is pure speculation. The 'facts' are that no one knows if MM was invited to Balmoral with a special party laid out for her, and no one knows if she has turned this possibly fictional party down. It's all swirly rumours.

Contrast those stories with the fact that PH and MM have taken 4 (or is it 5?) private jet trips and stayed at Elton John's house in France. That is a fact. There's far too much stuff out there that states things like "Elizabeth was unhappy with this and Harry thinks this and..." It's pure speculation passed off as fact. Nothing more.
Hikari said…
I have a suggestion for a substitution for the South Africa tour, which, let's face it, is going to feature daily Dumbarton Dumbass self-aggrandizement and shameless merching and lies. The Australia tour was an utter disaster. Why would HM expect them to behave themselves in a place with even less supervision and more remote communication.

I say let the Duke of Suxxit be sent to the Bahamas to assist in the rebuilding/cleanup efforts, along with his American divorcee ball and chain. Make him Governor-General at Her Majesty's pleasure. Alas the accomodations at present are far less luxurious than during the Duke and Duchess of Windsor's tenure on the island . . . but in all seriousness, if Harry really wanted to rehabilitate his reputation, he'd go without complaint, work hard alongside the people to help rebuild and offer comfort to the homeless, and would stay off social media apart from posts about how the rebuilding efforts are going.

She'd never do it, so we're stuck with them both.
HappyDays said…
Hikari: I hope you are right about the possibility of H&M retiring from being working royals and vacating the ducal titles and no more Duchess of Sussex, which gives her far less reason to hang around Harry, especially if the royal money dries up too. Harry only gets around $300K a year from Diana’s estate, which wouldn’t fund them for long the way she spends. The Hollywood types would probably fall away too. The marriage would be on the rocks quickly. I doubt they can make the type of money she wants if there is no more Sussex Royal IG account and no more Sussex foundation. They wouldn’t be able to afford the staff they’ve assembled and I think it would be more difficult for them to get funding from other people for a new venture because Meghan is not one bit a team player and wouldn’t want to play by the rules set by an investor.
@Bootsy, you state a lot of things that most people already pass off as false, fake or PR nonsense. We know it’s speculation when it comes to something the Queen would or might say. We know the media speculate and embellish. However, I highly doubt either Meghan or Harry would turn a visit down to Balmoral (if they were asked), it’s too high profile for them to want to pass off.

Meghan and Harry together have never been to Balmoral, because if they had it would have been reported with photos, just like the rest of the family when they visit.
Kat said…
I don't think they were ever invited to Balmoral. Considering all the stories about what they say compared to what they do is so drastically different.

MM so wants for us to believe that she is favored over Kate, that Harry is favored over William, yet everything she attempts shows just how that isn't so.
PaulaMP said…
Wait, we can't see the 60 Minutes episode about Meg in U.S.? Boooo. I personally think they were not invited to Balmoral, this year or last. This story was like the rest of hers, Doria is taking classes so she can nanny Archie type of malarkey. It always looks to me like Doria can't get back on the plane fast enough, she's just there for short photo ops. Anybody seen any pix of her sightseeing? Nope.
Girl with a Hat said…
I'm beginning to question bootsy's motives for posting here.
Jen said…
@Louise - If they have been using SS since they began dating, then SS is horrible and should get out of the business. Her image wasn't so bad when they first got together and it's gone downhill since.
Hikari said…

I no longer have the least bit of doubt that the Suxxits would decline an invite to Balmoral and thumb their noses at the Queen. Of course that would be foolhardy in the extreme, and unbelievably rude, unless one of them were demonstrably seriously ill, or the 'baby' was. Harry should know better, throwing away what had been 33 years of ingrained court protocol and family custom until he took up with this woman. Smegs cares nothing at all for the faux pas in refusing the Queen . . she's been taking a dump all over protocols, traditions and common decency ever since she got her hooks into Harry.

Nobody wants them at Balmoral. Balmoral is seen within the family as a reward. The Queen gifted it to Charles and Diana for the second part of their honeymoon; the groom was happy to be there; the bride was not. Smeg wants it put about in the press that she's the Queen's favorite and was going to be feted and 'special' for her birthday invite to Balmoral. She doesn't actually want to *go* there--the rain, the damp, the midges . . the rooms festooned with stuffed animal heads; lots of damp plaid; the kilts, the haggis, the poor to non-existent Wi-Fi reception . . the general lack of photo/merching ops, apart from the snaps of the family going to and from from church. Smeg would be just as bored and bad-tempered at Balmoral as Diana was . . worse.

Along with the fantastical stories of birthday parties and baby showers and pilgrimages to Diana's grave that manifestly never occurred, Smegs also has a history of framing negative things that *did* happen as being all the Suxxits' own idea. Cf. Frogmore . . the Empty House where no one is living or when the trip to Africa was initially floated in the New Year. I don't know what's up with Fraudmore (does anyone?) but their move there would have been a directive from HM, likewise the tour. If Smegs does not like something and/or is striving to get out of doing it, she nevertheless frames it as personal choice to sound more 'empowered' . . and then she can be 'empowered' again when 'exercising her personal choice' NOT to do it.

Along with the Existence of Fauxchie, I am very keen to know what happened to the 2.4 million pounds that were allegedly spent on a property that has never been inhabited by the Sussexes. A super-injunction may extend to the press, but it does not extend to the anecdotal evidence on social media posted by a number of Windsor residents that swear that place is dark. I've come to the conclusion that HM never really expected the Dum-Dums to actually *live* at Frogmore. The dilapidated former servants' quarters were slated for some renovation; at least there are some planning permits on file so stating . . . but those renovations were never completed within four months' time, so all the stories about Smeg awaiting her joyful delivery there, and practicing yoga and cooking for Harry and taking restful walks with Archie in the pram down to Windsor Home Farm to select locally-sourced produce . . and the best one, watching lawn bowls from her window as she breastfeeds Archie . . .all lies. By announcing publicly that their new home was going to be Frogmore Cottage, ER was issuing a bald-faced rebuke, as bald as she gets, that would be apparent to anyone within the family, or anyone with any familiarity with Windsor. The cottage might have some potential for other uses, but is not a suitable residence for a royal heir with a young baby.

Of course ER was no doubt aware that there is no young baby at Frogmore and never would be . . the traipsing dutifully to FC by Herself and Chas and Camilla and the Cambridge family is yet more lies from Smegs' PR machine. That she's in some apartment in Knightsbridge sans Harry or Archie, I can believe.
Nelo said…
Seems celebitchy and Lainey are on Meghan's pay roll. Lainey has been so bitter about the fact that Meghan's vogue issue didn't receive adulation and not a day passes without her writing on Andrew. I also remember when she wrote a blind against Kate on how she refused to give Meghan a lift when she was still dating Harry. Does anyone think that the queen's aides know about laineys blog and how Meghan is using it for her PR? (Lainey is bff with Jessica Mulroney and works in the same TV station with Jessica's hubby). Have you also noticed how Celebitchy and Lainey haven't written about the PR firm, SS?
Hikari said…
I'd go a step further and express the opinion that Doria has been to London exactly twice--once for the wedding and one other time for the cookbook launch while Smeggy was newly 'pregnant'. Her daughter no doubt felt that the optics would be great--her mom, a biracial woman, mingling with other women of color made for some on-brand type photos.

If you look closely at the presentation photo with Fauxchie and the Queen, Doria is wearing the identical outfit, down to the accessories, which she wore to the cookbook launch. Now, if you were meeting your first grandchild for a photo op with the Queen of England and the Duke of Edinburgh, wouldn't you want to upgrade your wardrobe slightly to 'nice church clothes' at least?

The other appearance of Doria, in the salmon pink suit at the 'christening' could have easily been photo-shopped in from another time she wore that outfit at church at home or, seeing as I don't really peg any of the clan as church-going (maybe the aunts who were not invited to the wedding are) . . Doria could have donned that outfit at home and emailed the photos off to her daughter.

I think now that the only persons in either of the alleged 'group shots' with the baby were Meg, Harry and the Child Known as Archie. If I'm correct, then Doria has not been back to London for nearly a year. Funny, isn't it, how she is NEVER snapped at LAX or at Heathrow or anywhere in between? When she was supposedly in town for Archie's birth, that stretched from before Easter to May 8th . . some 6, 7 weeks . . and nobody saw her, not once, not anywhere.

Anonymous said…
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@Jen, I agree. If it’s true, and she was using SS once she started dating Harry, then it begs the question as to why? Who was paying their fees too?
Hikari said…
Just posting a vid link of the Cambridges dropping the kids off at school today. Kate has a perfect blowout, of course, and is the ultimate Yummy Mummy . . . but they look just like any other nicely-dressed upper middle class couple dropping their kids off, down to carrying the book bags. Charlotte had a big smile but betrayed a bit of uncharacteristic nerves by fussing with her ponytail. She looks adorable in her little uniform. Congratulations to HRH for flying up to 'the big school' and eat your heart out, Smeaghan.
Girl with a Hat said…
It's ironic that Lainey is writing about Andrew daily because she has always said that her gossip column dwells on the lighter side and not on the ugly because she doesn't want to go there. Yet, for Meghan's love, she will.

The story wasn't about Kate not giving Meghan a lift, but not inviting her to go shopping with her friends when they were all in the Caribbean for a wedding. Meghan mentioned some shop when they were all together, only to learn later that Kate had gone with her friends, but had not invited Meghan. This was a terrible affront, apparently, rather than just a sign that Kate wanted to keep some barriers between them. Perhaps she didn't know Meghan very well or something of the sort.

Lainey is indeed in with that crowd. I find them all repulsive. Lainey writes about her own life from time to time, and you catch a glimpse of a woman who has the same set of morals as Meghan - disrespectful to parents, and a fan of everything woke, without a good understanding of the world. This understanding requires serious reading and reflection, not just travel magazines and Instagram, non? Au moins moi, je peux me servir de cette expression car je parle français.

Oh, and I've heard that Jessica Mulroney was as vulgar as Meghan to staff while in Australia.

Finally, what is the story with the Jaguar that was given to Jessica in Australia?
Jen said…
@Hikari, based on your description of Balmoral, where do I sign up? Sounds like a nice place to relax and do nothing but enjoy nature.
Girl with a Hat said…
I know many men who are trapped by manipulative women using outrageously sad stories. It plays to the man's sense of heroism to put himself in the situation of being a rescuer. I am amazed at the outrageous stories I've heard used and yet, the men fall for it.
Jen said…
@Elle, I thought she looked better post baby, with the baby weight. I know she's naturally thin (all you have to do is see Pippa and her to know it's hereditary) but I want her to be healthy and have a healthy self-image, not be getting thin and working out like crazy because that's what she feels she needs to do to maintain an image. I really like Kate, always have.
i suspect she did use a story of daddy abusing her and Doria to snare Harry resulting in the "family she never had" statement. I also think Doria only learned of her telling that particular lie in the build up to the christening. She may be used to her daughter's lies but that picture looks like she is angry that Meghan involved her so deeply in those lies. Cant you just picture Harry saying something to her about Meghan having mental problems because of the abuse both she and Doria suffered and Doria being furious at Meghan for saying that Doria was abused.
Girl with a Hat said…
there's some controversy about that 60 minutes exposé. Here's that info from twitter
Anonymous said…
@Mischi, Men and women alike fall for that one -- the savior role. Women get played by the "you make me want to be a better man" line and the "I promise you I'll change for you line", too. Manipulative narcissists span the demographics. I read that, statistically at least, more men than women are narcissists, but who knows.
Hikari said…

I have long wanted to see the beauties of Scotland with my own eyes . . .Balmoral is decidedly rustic. Royal rustic will still have plenty of amenities, but I get the feeling that the aesthetic is much more 'hunting lodge' than any of the gilded splendor of Buckingham Palace or the other London residences. There are a number of cottages on the estate as well.

If somebody is into the bracing open air and loves rambling, fishing and killing small animals with bullets, Balmoral would be like the best summer camp going. I suppose they ride, too, if the terrain permits. Dressing in black tie for dinner might be suspended, but it sounds like quite a full programme up there.

It is cold in Scotland, cool enough for sweaters in August, and it rains a lot, making waterproofs and wellies mandatory. I suppose if the weather is too poor for stalking or hiking or fishing, there are games of bridge or reading. Maybe cranking up the gramophone . . lol. I think the 21st century is kept as much at bay at Balmoral as possible.

Smeghan is not a nature girl and would hate every minute of this.
Anonymous said…
As for the Balmoral invite, I believe the convo (in non-Queen's English) went something like this:

Lord G: QE, that markle woman is desperately trying to claw, beg, and lie her way into Balmoral. She even says that you've invited her.

HMTQ: GTFO! That's merde of the bat cray-cray! You know how I feel about that skank.

And with that, Lord G allowed the dumbartons to lie that they'd snubbed The Queen. The dumbartons get to save their pride (and also make it harder to play the race card later, at least on this point.)

I really have begun to consider that *all* of this crazy-making diversion by the dumbartons, these ill-timed moves and outrageous statements, are nothing more than deflection from the Fauxrchie. As they become more and more afraid of being outed for whatever (because we know what would happen if they had been defrauding the public all along with the bebe) and clamor to solve their Fauxrchie problem (whatever it is), they engage in these insane machinations to draw attention elsewhere.
@Hikari, so many great points! Agree, Balmoral has always been seen as a barometer of acceptance and approval by The Queen. The fact Meghan and Harry (together) haven’t been seen there says an awful lot. Meghan would never turn an invite down to Balmoral, she’s too desperate to want to be seen as the favourite to pass on it.

Meghan has shown us that as soon as she was first seen in public with Harry, that she wasn’t ever going to charge her ways or was in any serious way going to adopt any new ones. Yes, taking an almighty dump over expected protocol’s and traditions was no accident and very deliberate on her part. Her way of saying ‘I’ll do what I want and I don’t care what you think ’. I have an endless list of things I’ve cringed at seeing her do and say. Stealing the moment from someone else (all too many times), so the attention was on her. It doesn’t get anymore graceless and rude as that.

The Frogmore move was a sideways shuffle, they were well and truly downgraded. Ex servants quarters was hardly fitting for either of the Sussex’s. I don’t do social media so I don’t see all the chatter and stuff about no one living there. I first read about it here. Like so many have stated on this blog, if no one is truly living there, why don’t the press report it as so? Then it begs the next question, why did BP and KP even say they were moving from Nottingham cottage in the first place? Hmm...perhaps just to say they were nowhere near KP or no longer have a real royal residence? I don’t know, or perhaps I both KP and BP just preferred to keep it quiet and hush-hush. The fact the Sussex’s then spun the narrative they wanted to privacy and be away from London and the press, when they’ve proven over and over at that point just how much they love attention. Frogmore is hardly private either! Lol Don’t get me started in how much they’ve cost us...far too much and more!

Please excuse any typos etc., my phone is chronic for changing words etc., tis why I tend to keep my posts short! Lol
Hikari said…
Pippa is slender, too, but she's always had more curves than Kate. Who can forget the Dress? Pippa's delectable derriere almost eclipsed the bride that day. Kate's slenderness has verged into scrawny, though she looked very fit and up for anything at the regatta. I just wonder what the picture is like under her impeccable fashions. She seems so very fragile.

I do wonder at times if Kate doesn't have Issues with Food. She seems to have tons of energy and lustrous hair and seems healthy, but when I read that she was 125 pounds at 5'10", that gave me pause. That was at her wedding and she seems, if anything, thinner now after three babies. William is so robust, it just highlights even more how tiny Kate is when they are side by side.

I'm 5'5" with a medium frame and consider 125 pounds to be on the thin side for me. Not that I've actually been that weight since the 7th grade, but supposing that I could get down that low, I wouldn't want to go any lower. I think Kate would look best with another 15 pounds on her, but that would be anathema.

When she was younger, in college and pre-engagement she seemed a little heavier with a rounder face--goes along with youth--but I have concerns that being so thin now might cause osteoporosis and other issues as she gets older.
Nutty Flavor said…
I also find that odd, Hikari.

That said, Meg is never snapped going about her business around London, which I also find strange.

Maybe Londoners know to leave royalty alone, but wouldn't a stray Italian, Taiwainese, or Canadian tourist point a cell phone her way?
Nutty Flavor said…
I think you may be right.
Hikari said…
I wonder if it's dawned on Haz yet that he will be living in fear for the rest of his days if he does not come clean about Archie now. Meg's just now come off her maternity leave, and if they think it's been rough to hide the non-existence of an infant so far, just wait. Every passing year is going to have more milestones that Archie is missing . . . the snaps of his first steps, playing with the cousins, birthdays, starting nursery school, a progression of other schools . . Eton, Cambridge . . or will he go to Sandhurst like the old pa? Once he gets a bit older, it's going to be impossible to disguise him with a latex doll.

Something has to come to a head within the next year. I hope to God and Lord G. that it's not a whole more year of this. If HM is careless enough to send them to represent her to the Commonwealth nations in Africa, there should be plenty of hot tea emanating from there. The Australian staff from Admiralty House are not holding back anymore about the Suxxits' post-newlywed tour last fall. They'd been married for 5 months and were not even making the barest effort to present the facade of a happy, loving couple whenever cameras weren't rolling.

I guess there's always the change that their private jet will go down in the ocean. Then Markle would really get her wish to be the Diana 2.0.
Hikari said…
I need to amend my comment above . . Doria is fully African-American, which made her blend in all the more with the predominantly black ladies at that launch.
Anonymous said…
Yes, @Nutty, if I trace back to the pivotal moment when things went awry, it was that day in 2018 when that duchess decided to become preggers even though they were going to wait. Maybe things were already falling apart behind the scenes and markle needed a pregnancy to secure her ground and so she got one, at least in her own mind, and planned to figure out the rest later. Who knows. But one thing seems clear, and that is that the wheels came loose that day and now they're off completely and this has gone from plain strange to madness and all of it leads back to Fauxrchie. Are the British Press missing this or are they willfully looking away?
Anonymous said…
IDK, but I'd be appalled and embarrassed and feel violated and just dread every bloody comment about how my body looks if I were her. It's a no-win. Too heavy, too thin, she needs to gain some weight, she's in great shape but if she only... WTF. Sorry, to me, if I were Kate, I would find this stressful and insulting and frankly, a violation of my own body, because it's really *her* body and I don't feel comfortable with this conversation about it. IMO it's disrespectful.
FGB said…
Doria is not wearing the same outfit at the cook book event and in the photo with the Queen and the blanket wrapped Archie. The outfits are the same colors, but one is pants and one is a dress.
Hikari said…
No disrespect intended. Merely observations. Diana had a much more athletic frame at also 5'10", and well-publicized issues with bulimia. Kate seems altogether a much more well-adjusted and grounded person, so I don't think she would go to those extremes. There are supermodels who are as thin as she at the same height, but many of those same models do admit later that appearances can be deceiving and the means they use(d) to stay at such low weights are often the opposite of healthy.

I have the utmost respect for Kate and for her health. I've never had any personal experience with having a body frame and metabolism like hers . . I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum. Endomorph all the way and I can gain weight simply by looking at a donut. If she's feeling her best at her current weight, then it's working for her. Her height to weight ratio is quite uncommon but that doesn't mean that it's not her normal.
EFarrell said…
I am wondering how on earth a Fauxrchie will be exposed. I think that will be their downfall, if in fact there is no baby. Even her sugars will have to admit she’s insane.
Will the doll be accidentally dropped in their trip to SA? Will a child accidentally grab the doll and comment that it's fake ala’ The Emperor’s New Clothes?
At that point, how will they possibly explain this? Mental illness? Which is very much is, is their only out.
Listen I have not been on the fake baby train until very recently, but the constant secrecy and hiding of Archie is just plain weird.
We shall see.
Beth said…
I really enjoy this blog and all of the comments, particularly with regard to Fauxrchie. I was one of the few who believed that MM was actually pregnant, mainly because I didn't think anyone could be so arrogant as to think that they could perpetrate such a fraud and get away with it. Now I believe that there was a surrogate involved but like every other person in their employ, MM ran the poor woman off with her incessant demands, tantrums, vulgarity, and all-encompassing control freakery. I imagine MM wanted complete control of the surrogate's every move and the woman finally gave her the finger and left before the birth.

I would be very surprised if Archie is on the South Africa tour. I guess it depends on whether or not they have been able to score an actual baby. I never thought that I would be thinking along these lines but something just does not add up and I have a morbid fascination with this story and how it will end.
Anonymous said…
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Hikari said…
If you say so, FGB. It's possible then that Doria did come to London around the time that her daughter was allegedly expecting. If I believed that Meg had actually had a baby which she now has custody of in a completely normal fashion for most mothers, I'd have a far easier time of it accepting all the photographic evidence which has been provided to us that Archie came into the world completely normally as genuine.

My gut instinct tells me something very different and I can't shut it up.

My initial theory, then, is that the presentation photo and christening group shot included Doria to make a group of four. The other members of the Royal family in both photos appear stilted in the extreme, almost as though they are all in different photos altogether, if you get me. The Queen and Philip were beaming at their new great-grand . .beaming. That show of happiness and inclusivity does not jibe with the 'official' welcome at his birth two days earlier (allegedly) or the Sussexes' continued non-invitation to various family events. No amount of glowing press from Smeaghan's camp about how thrilled the Queen is with Archie and her favorite granddaughter-in-law can disguise the fact that something is very rotten in Windsor (or wherever the Sussexes are laying their, or Archie's potentially latex head these days.)

I subscribe to there being a 'Creative Photoshoot Day' in May which encompassed both photos and included no members of the Royal family as such, apart from Harry, if we can still consider him a royal.

I'm sure I'm not the only one wondering how Archie had a head full of blond peach fuzz hair at his christening and was completely bald and with an entirely different shaped head two months later at the polo ground. At least we're sure the Cambridge family was actually there that day. The presence of a live baby on that occasion is somewhat in dispute.
Anonymous said…
@Elle, totally agree with your decree on Fauxrchie. At some point, someone needs to dig in to all the inconsistencies and get to the truth. Will the public get it? Probably not. I honestly believe there's some level of rational explanation, like, the surrogate wouldn't give up the baby after all, so they've been scrambling to figure out how to make it work. The crazy thing is, if they just told the truth, people would be way more accepting than they are of this farce.
Nutty Flavor said…
Yes, funny that Bootsy arrived just at the same time Sunshine Sachs did.
Anonymous said…
I agree that there was never an invite and they're scrambling to cover for it. And you are all so right that there would have been a million better ways to cover for it than to say the baby is too young. At what point do people without the tin hat label get sick of the lies?
Anonymous said…
Wow, I had not even made that connection about the multicultural aspect of Britain. So true! I think that is what gets me about Meg and her games. She could have so easily played the multicultural card in a good way and done so much good. But she only plays it to accuse others of racism, which is terrible.

I can also see where she might have done the abuse narrative to Harry, because at this point, I'm willing to believe just about anything. But it would explain why there's no attempt at making amends there.
Anonymous said…
Hikari, great theory on the photoshoot. That would make a lot of sense, though the dates on the christening photos (the real dates, not the date of the supposed event) aren't the same as the cookbook, but maybe? I also think it strange there are no pics of any of them out and about.

All out and about photos we have of Meg have been shown to be pap calls. But you can't tell me that she sits alone all day in Frogpond with a baby and isn't going crazy. So where is she? Where is the baby?

Oh, as for the disparity on the baby's hair, that one I don't question. Some babies lose all their hair after birth.
Anonymous said…
@Elle, do you know how much I would pay for footage of the Queen calling Meg a skank?
Hikari said…

While I was not the person who initially brought up Kate's weight on this, or any thread, nor will I be the last, I am sure, I see that this talk has touched a nerve with you so I concur that we should wrap up this particular talking point. I don't want to attack Kate and nor do I want to make you feel bad. Societal expectations make it all too easy for women of any size to become self-conscious about their weight. I feel that you are filtering a tone of disrespect from me toward Kate through the lens of your own personal experience . . I think Catherine is a marvel and a positive role model on so many levels. My hat's off to her. My expression of concern was, I assure you, just hoping that she's taking care of herself and not depriving herself of needed nutrition in order to conform to an ultra-slim figure. For all the trouble she has early in her pregnancies with the HG, she sails through the rest and her children are all beautiful and healthy.

Are you equally uncomfortable with discussions of Meghan's mysteriously waning and waxing figure? Are trigger warnings something we need to institute here? I have joined in in bashing Meg with gusto for her physical appearance because she provides us with so many temptations to fall into not being nice. And this is an anti-Meghan forum, for the most part. But for absolute fairness, if Catherine's appearance is hands-off except only in glowing terms, then maybe we all need to reexamine our glee in mocking Meg's looks--hair, weight, teeth, complexion, etc.

It's a fun hobby (too fun to give up) . . . but her actions alone give us plenty of ammo.
Anonymous said…
LOL @Tin Hatter! Ditto, ditto.

I wonder what the royals use to properly describer her:

Her Royal Skankness?
Duchess Skank?
The Skank born on this day in 1978ish-1981ish?

I'd love to know. I'll ask Kate over Crack Babies.
Hikari said…

I'm unsure whether Doria was in London/Windsor during April-May. I assumed that she did come over, if only to lend credence to the story that she was helping Meg get ready for the birth and to be on hand during the first few weeks of Archie's life. As the story went, she arrived in England before Easter . . .supposedly the birth was imminent. If Doria was really there as long as was claimed, it was 4 or 5 weeks before she returned home--a very long leave of absence from work for a new grandma, but then, I take the story that she's a licensed social worker with a full time job with a grain of salt. I do believe that she teaches yoga at a senior center and she'd gotten those classes covered.

Having allegedly just left the happy family in mid-May(ish), would she really have turned around less than 8 weeks later for another transatlantic flight, for a visit that was, what, a weekend? There was Granny Doria, in her pink dress and hat standing next to Charles in the christening photo . . . but never again was any mention made of her second visit to England in the space of 2 months, that she stayed again with the new family, etc. The times and movements of her visits across the Pond are, apart from the wedding, kept as top-secret as anything else to do with the Dum-Dums. I saw a photo of the 'security' Doria has supposedly hired due to her new celebrity status--most likely another staged PR plant--still, it is true that everyone would be interested in the travel plans of Meghan's mom. Her appearance is known . . not a single cell phone anywhere snapped a photo of her in an airport or being greeted by anyone on her arrival?

If she was there in May, I think both she and Meg changed their dresses after 'showing the baby to Her Majesty' and did the christening photo. Study D.'s face in that christening picture . . it doesn't say 'happy grandma, and look at me in a portrait at Windsor Castle!' to me.
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
Well, here's a shocker re Balmoral:
Lime_Smoothie said…
No surprises there. One does not simply snub Liz.

Pleasing that Wills and Kate played a blinder today - cute children going to school, well-groomed parents beaming and supportive. Lovely photo op, perfectly executed.

And that's how it's done.
We know who got the top article too, The Cambridge’s and rightly so! They look like a very naturally happy family.
PaulaMP said…
Glad I'm not alone in thinking this
Nelo said…
Who knows how Meghan's September vogue issue is selling? Is it 'selling out' ? When are we expecting figures?
Nelo said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
I think if Doria was in the UK more, she would have been zapped by the paps at least once. I have heard celebrities say they are able to go about their daily business in the UK without being bothered by the public, (compared to America) perhaps this is another reason people wouldn’t snap a photo of Doria. I personally don’t think her relationship with Murky is anywhere near close.
New article in the DM about Australia’s 60 mins coming under fire SMH. I haven’t had a chance to read the comments to see how people who might have seen it reacted. Personally (from reading the article) it appears to be spot on with its criticism’s about Murky.
Anonymous said…
They're such a lovely, reassuring, and beautiful family, and the love is obvious. It makes me feel all squishy inside.
Anonymous said…
And it seems HarryMarkle has another post, too. Off to read it.
Hikari said…
Elle beat me to the post!


Apparently the referendum under discussion by the voters of Sussex would only grant them the right of refusal to acknowledge the Sussex title within the county. That is to say, the title is bestowed at the pleasure of Her Majesty and would remain in force elsewhere, but in Sussex, the people could refuse to address them thusly. One wonders if they'd be so bold as to use "Half-wit" and "Murkletroid" instead, but maybe just drawing the line in the sand re. the title is bold enough for them.

Harry Markle found a real doofus looking photo of the two of them to illustrate her latest treatise. It's hard to recall auld lang syne but there was a time, as recently as 2011, when I thought Haz was cute. William was always the more handsome one, in more conventional terms, owing his looks to his mother's side and thank God for that . . .Harry looks more like his father and grandfather with a ginge je ne sais quoi all his own. The red hair has been a big part of the charm, but until about 18 months ago I would have called it a good-natured, life-affirming type of face. When I look at Harry now, I feel sick. I'd say a pod person has taken over his body, except maybe the genial, likeable Haz was the pod person and what we are seeing now is the real self?
Jen said…
@Hikari. STOP, Im already wishing to visit! 😂 I grew up in a climate with 4 distinct seasons, and fall/winter were my favorite. I enjoy colder weather. Even more, I enjoy quiet solitude more than anything else. Balmoral sounds like heaven.
Hikari said…
I'm cracking up at the image of the very proper Elizabeth Regina, Queen of all the Britons saying GTFO!

Or the veddy posh version which might go something like,

"My husband and I declare GTF Away from Ourselves; We are not amused."

You know it's got to be bad when adult film star Koo Stark looks like she would have been an exemplary daughter-in-law compared to HRH . . I like 'Her Royal Ho-ness'. Fits better with the initials than Skank. Perhaps the people of Sussex wouldn't mind using HRHo-ness.
Lime_Smoothie said…
The Sun are running with a 'throw Megz under the bus' story tomorrow, rather than political shenanigans.

Leak that she is using 'Hollywood' sorts to manager 'her career', instead of all the courtiers and advisers that the taxpayer funds.
Another article in the DM, appears to be a damage limitation piece by Murky and Harry’s PR. Stating he sees the Queen the most, and they did not decline the visit, and had no plans to visit. The article did add the little saucy morsel, that Meghan has never visited Balmoral and pointed out that it was unusual (paraphrasing). Okay I need to slope off to laugh!!!! 😂
Anonymous said…
Ah, but you'd actually read it, so I think that gets ore points lol.
Avery said…
Beth, Elle, Hikari & Nutty - Yes YES. They are bound to have accumulated a baby by now somehow, but it definitely didn't come from her. The way I see it, is if they haven't, there is no way in hell they can play the 'he passed' card. Nope. HM would be in SO far over her head with a false Royal death and even if M & H tried to play the 'we wish to mourn in private and have a private funeral' there just couldn't COULDN'T be anyone willing to participate in that right? They can't have sunk that low.

I too can't understand why the press hasn't snapped literally and figuratively yet. No photos of Farcechy, no leaks. Why? Is it out of respect for the Queen? When they travel the paps won't be as kind. If they travel anywhere except to a celebs compound that is.

So much bothers me about all of this and my respect for the firm is diminishing daily. I guess I thought they had more resources and power than they do. It's sad that the Queen, who has always had a spine and a deep commitment to crown and country, has not put a stop to this.

And yes, I know, they could be letting dumb and dumber hang themselves, but it truly will color the entire firm with some of the same brush.
Anonymous said…
LOL. I like to think she's reading this on the sly with Kate and Camilla, and once they're all a couple of G&Ts in, everyone starts doing the GTFO reenactment. THAT would be classic. I can see Wills getting in on the fun with that, maybe some dad dancing with a GTFO Girlfriend! move.
Jen said…
@Louise, outside of LA or NY celebrities can have pretty normal lives. Paps usually follow them around in those cities because thats where they are based. That's why the smarter celebs move out of Lala land and buy ranches in TX or Montana. Open space and privacy.
Girl with a Hat said…
the point that was made on harrymarkle that really impressed me was the one about the timing of the flight to Ibiza to celebrate her birthday. They flew on August 6th but her birthday is August 4th. So, she was probably waiting for invitations by some celebs which didn't arrive. LOL
Jen said…
@Elle...what about the wedding offended you? I hated the whole thing, but at least at the time, was in the minority.
@Jen, I was referring more to the general public not bothering celebs, rather than the paps. This is only what I’ve heard actors etc., say in interviews when they come here. 🤗
Jen said…
Who won? CHARLOTTE! She is so freakin cute. There's no way the Press is going to give MM the headline over this little princess.
KayeC said…
@Elle and @Hikari,

I am going to agree with you both and hope this helps. My legs are just like MM's and I have been called "chicken legs" since HS. Doesn't bother me, but every time I saw a DM comment that called her that, I would think, oh lord I am so glad that I am not famous because that's what they'd call me too. Plus, it doesn't bother me that her legs are thin. For Kate, she should not be "off-limits" either, as I have hated some of her fashion choices, and I always thought she wore too much eyeliner (she has toned that down and looks so much better). I had terrible hyperemesis gravidarum with my third and fourth pregnancies and had to completely change my diet after pregnancy in order to prevent gall bladder issues. Could be the same with Kate, and I always get the, "you too skinny," from my relatives.

I will however comment on hair, clothes, make-up, anything that a person chooses (whether I like it or not) to do with their appearance that they have control over or have decided to alter (breast/butt/face implants, etc). The only time I think any of us have discussed MM's weight is that she looked more pregnant after birth, which we can all admit is very odd.
Anonymous said…
It sure *seems* like they had plans to visit. And I wonder if by "sees the Queen the most" they were referring to the time she failed to even make eye contact with him at the Investiture Anniversary for Charles or the TTC or at Easter Church when the whole family ignored him. Or maybe it's because the rumors are true and he's back living at BP so she sees him too much already? That makes no sense.
Anonymous said…
Excellent point, @Mischi. I do remember reading the excuse about why she wasn't spending it with her so-silent-they-must-have-gone-mute BFFs, George & Amal.
Anonymous said…
Anyone can be a plain old SoHo, but markle brings that added skank level of nastiness that plain old ho doesn't have. Her Royal Ho-ness Princess Sparkle Skank, is that too long?
The reason stated why he sees her the most, because they are at Windsor...apparently, whereas all the other royals are not.

There’s yet another article in the DM... a throw under a bus type for Murky, Lime Sorbet mentioned it. 😛
Nelo said…
Lime_smoothie, I just read the Sun story and BP's response even gives it more bite cos it's not a denial. Meghan is using the royal platform for her personal ambition and I wonder why people are not seeing it.
KnitWit said…
I imagine the queen calling MM "that woman" or "the American". Who knows. Hope some household help is working on a tell all backstairs at the palace expose.
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
Oh, yes, I forgot Frogmore Cottage with Fauxrchie and the brass tub. Of course. Excuse me while my eyes roll back into my head...
Anonymous said…
I still contend that the BRF had to let it build to pitchfork volume. I do think we're almost there. And the reason that the press hasn't dropped it is maybe b/c they've been asked to wait for Wills to lead the GTFO Girlfriend! line dance moves? Or because it just wasn't time yet.

I agree that they can't do the Fauxrchie died thing. I do not think that the BRF silence is covering for the dumbartons. I think it's led by plausible deniability and the BRFs knowledge that the dumbartons are cornered. There is a difference between letting the dumb-and-dumberbartons hang themselves and leaving the rest of the BRF with a safe escape, but I do believe the time is building. I don't think that this situation can be allowed to linger much longer. I want Prince Wills to be King Wills and I do think this is putting them all at risk. BUT I also know that they're a savvy and ruthless firm and Lord G pulls strings, so I keep the faith. For now.
PaulaMP said…
the part of the wedding that sealed her fate with me was at the very end of the carriage ride afterwards, they had just pulled into the gates and away from the public, so she thought she was safe, and very loudly said F*CK! Such a lady
Fifi LaRue said…
Beth, I agree with you that given Markle's behavior the surrogate refused to give up the baby. Markle was probably so vile that the surrogate's response was, "Not over my dead body will you get this baby." That said, I think PH and MM picked photos out of book that sort of matched them looks wise for the donated egg and sperm. The trip to visit EJ was to order a child, because MM shot her chance with the surrogate recommended by Amal Clooney.
Lime_Smoothie said…
The Queen is playing Rope A Dope here. Giving her plenty of room to mess up in the full glare of the media. She knows the British people don't like grasping try-hard self-publicists.

They're lining her up to be Fergie mk.2, god knows she is making all the same mistakes.

Also, WHERE ON EARTH IS THIS KID? Where is he????

There's nothing we love more than a cute royal kid photo, it humanises the RF and cheers up everyone's mum/gran. William and Kate have done this well, releasing just enough that it isn't overkill, and keeping their kids lives relatively normal.

Either the child is not photogenic enough for Megz liking, or there isn't a kid. I can't believe I'm saying this, but if there really was a Ginger Jesus, this bird would be practically dangling him off a balcony like Michael Jackson to get her mug in the papers.
SwampWoman said…
Sounds like one of the My Little Ponies gone bad!
Anonymous said…
I was thinking maybe she could do a doll line so Fauxrchie would have siblings: Princess Sparkly Skank, Duchess Skanky Sparkle...
Susie Q said…
Like her, thry have NO freakin' idea on how to run a PR campaign for a member of yhr RF in England. They can run it here, obviously, but not there.
Anonymous said…
Jen, Charlotte, totally, FTW. I'm Team Cambridge Kids all the way because they are just beautiful, adorable, well-mannered children, but I do have that soft spot for Louis and Charlotte, OMG, what a personality! If you missed the one of her standing on tiptoes to meet the teacher, hurry to view it 1,357 times (I already did :)
Anonymous said…
I read that. I think Mrs. Dumbarton is about to kiss England goodbye. I wish the BRF and the rest of us could have been done with her two husbands ago. How did such a horribly bad actress manage this? I know she promised to love, honor, cherish, and devote herself to serving the British people, but the only thing that woman ever serviced was half the men in attendance at that farce. Skank, skank, skank.
Miss_Christina said…
I believe there probably was, several months ago, an off-hand "invite", kind of along the lines of "so hey, are you guys planning to go up to Granny's summer camp this season?" just because all the family is casually invited to set up a time to go ( Sarah is probably no longer considered family so she just can't pop in). Then Megs and Hazard started their ridiculous crap, private planes, bullshit stories about cake and balloons and ice cream for a middle aged woman and suddenly it became "look, skip it this year. You're already too much trouble". The rest is just PR window dressing from Megan.
Anonymous said…
OT, but worth mentioning: I saw on the previous post a mention that financial records are available for others in the US if one subscribes to the right financial service.

Word up: Those are notoriously unreliable and sourced from public records.

The good stuff requires deep background databases and while online is a good place to start, I would not hang my hat on any net worth numbers found that way. Some of them are laughably incorrect. Ditto with age and political parties. So the idea that one can pay $9.99 to find out Doria's net worth is absurd, sorry to say.
Ozmanda said…
@Elle you just made me spit out my coffee in laughter:)

I don't for a second believe MeAgain snubbed the invite - there is no way she would refuse any chance to further the "The Queen is my BFF" narrative. I don't think they have been invited. MM tried to get around it by doing what she does - making the announcements through the media which then forces action - and maybe is now realizing she is on the fasttrack out of there.

I see the following happening _ MM and Haz will spin the line "Due to the need to give the fake baby a normal life,. we have decided to relocate to a bespoke LA mansion and renounce titles"
Ozmanda said…
I agree, the BRF are letting all hell break loose and there will be something happening soon.
Ozmanda said…
My job is about finding this information so I will do some digging and see what I can find :)
Anonymous said…
Go, Oz, GO!! I wish I had access to the good stuff, but honestly, even when I do, I'd be electrocuted thru the keyboard for accessing anything other than need-to-know info (and I'm only sort of kidding; the real penalty is immediate dismissal.)
Anonymous said…
Wait till you see the GTFO Girlfriend! dance moves... right palm up then slap that hip... I might even write some lyrics but I'll need some appropriate words to rhyme with 'silicone'
I really do think they never intended to go. We know how Meghan lapped up all the books and documentaries about Diana, and she was famously known to have been miserable being at Balmoral (although she did go). So MM might have said to Harry that they SHOULD never visit Balmoral because it made his mum so miserable.

The will-she-wont-she articles were just articles commissioned to keep her in the news since she was on mat leave.

If you think about it, when this Balmoral discussion originally started back in June/July there wasn't actual news about her for a while. She had been on a leave for a while, noone knew what she had been up to, and the baby debacle was giving her a lot of negative press. So back then this was probably intended to be a positive bit inserted to make people think she was actually still very much the Queen's favorite, and the RF doesn't care about all the rumours and public sentiment about the christening etc. Most of us then we're of the opinion that it was leaked for that reason. She stayed in the news that way till Vogue happened. Meanwhile, since it was never true anyway, they didn't have to worry about it.

The latest might have been the palace at play. Everyday now an article is out with new eyerolling info given palace sources. Even BP is now officially making statements andsweri h questions re the SS, how new PR is being paid for and now this latest one about MM still consulting her old agent/lawyer to get her new gigs.

So the palace is now ready to play ball, it seems. And to be honest, they don't even have to make up stuff. They just have to give a little bit of truth away. Most of these things are turning out to be true anyway.

This blind item I totally believe. Plus the pictures are so cute. Especially the one with Charlotte and George posing together. Awwww....

Also,Kate!! My my , the tan. And the hair! She is glowing since their Mustique holiday.

Quite believable that HnM tried to steal the spotlight. It was so predictable that most of us waiting to see what they would do.

A special pat on the back to BP for making the statement that MM has been engaging her old PR, agent , lawyer for future work prospects. And that she has already written the children's book but is looking for the right way to release it.

I think MM may have wanted to releasing an article alluding to that fact around Charlottes big day, but BP beat her to it and is now letting them roll in the shitpile of their own making.
Could Harry sees the Queen the most mean that he is literally stalling her? Like he's living at BP, at MMs behest and is always accosting the Queen Everytime she turned a corner.

Just imagine....
Hiding behind the doorway.

Joining her for breakfast.

Offering to wash the corgies.

Delivering her laundry.

The queen going for walk and Harry shows up and says Granny here's an avocado for you, we just got a Louis Vuitton bag full flown in from Florida, you'd love it, it's so divine.

Here Granny , Meg just made organic banana smushy for Archie wanna taste a bite?
I bet Prince Phillip still calls her the 'actress'.

(And by extension, Harry is her 'lanky hanky')
Anonymous said…
Highly, highly unlikely IMO. That would just never happen because 1) pretty sure the valued staff take care of all of those things anyway and 2) PH and markle are just too lazy and special.

No, I think that they were not invited and the "markle is still hollywood" drop is the first of much to come. My two biggest questions: 1) Does Harry see what's about to happen to him? He's been used. He's the equivalent of yesterday's toilet paper to his skank of a (soon to be ex-) wife. 2) How the hell does that skank think her book will be 'such a success' after she abandoned one of her dogs, killed the other, and has just conned an entire family? I wish I could be that delusional.
Nutty Flavor said…
It's a great idea, Hikari. For Harry.

Not sure how Meg and Archificial would fit into the concept, and the parallels with the Duke of Windsor's exile to the Bahamas would be heavy and obvious.

Might work if Meg had already flounced off to the US with Archificial, however.
Ava C said…
Long Marie Claire article here about royal reporting:

Only have time to scan it before work. Lacks structure and direction but Marie Claire have given a lot of space to it so worthy of note. Yet more M&H as a modern young couple who want to shape their own narrative stuff, but at the same time it's clear how royal reporters have been messed around. One thing - mentions some royal reporters have proper journalistic backgrounds. If that's the case, for God's sake start using them.
Curiously said…
I wouldn’t hold my breath about the 60 minutes interview. I have a feeling it is going to be more along the lines of showing how unfairly she is treated in the press rather than actual reporting on her bs. I read this article this afternoon about it.
I don’t know who this Katie Hopkins person is but sounds like she is not well liked in Britain. Is that because she speaks the truth as she sees it (ie has unpopular opinions) or she’s just an attention seeker?
Beth said…
MM supposedly flying to NY today to watch Serena play in the U.S. Open. If this is true, it better not be on a private plane!
Nelo said…
She's traveling on a commercial plane. Is she going with Archie? What will the optics be having "snubbed the Queen's invitation to Bamoral', but can fly to New York to watch Serena? I wonder how this will be spinned. I'm still wondering who is leaking the 'H and M' snubbed Queen story. If it's BP, what do they aim to achieve? If it's M and H, what do they aim to achieve?
So now we know the reason for the Balmoral snub. Quite evidently they are so busy paying visits to their super important bff's around the world that the Queen can wait.
Beth said…
My thoughts on Balmoral, for what they are worth, are that the Queen did invite her grandson and his family to Balmoral. MM, however, demanded to spend her birthday in a more exotic locale than the Scottish castle that Diana was known to have despised. "I am not going to spend my birthday in that boring place while you kill a bunch of animals. It's my birthday and I'll spend it where I like. I don't care if it's a family tradition to visit every year. Archie and I are your family now. Tell Granny we will go up for a couple of days at a more convenient time." Being the dutiful wussy boy husband that he is, Haz asked Granny for a raincheck and that didn't go over well at all. It's her house and she will issue the invitations at the time of her choosing, along the lines of "Meghan will wear the tiara that I offer her." Don't mess with Her Maj! As to who is leaking the stories, I have no idea. The whole thing is mind numbing. Time for some definitive action from the Palace to end this charade.
Nutty Flavor said…
Thanks, Ava! I look forward to reading this.
The DM has the story too now and lots more. Must look out for photos...who’s looking after baby Archificial?
Ava C said…
Any guesses how much longer 'young couple' can run for before people starting choking over their breakfast cereals?
@Nelo, you state ‘I'm still wondering who is leaking the 'H and M' snubbed Queen story. If it's BP, what do they aim to achieve? If it's M and H, what do they aim to achieve?’

I think it’s sort of obvious. If it’s the Sussex’s, they would want to try sweeten and buffer negative stories about them. As for BP leaking stories, I would suggest it’s to discredit the Sussex’s, because if they have fallen foul of the men in grey suites, BP’s PR machine and even PoW office could be out to get them, but in a rather passive aggressive way.
EFarrell said…
Seeing the DM story about the trip to NYC to see her BFF play tennis, made me think she is also going to show up at a New York Fashion week show.
That’s too big of an opportunity for her to miss out on.
Ava C said…
Take a look at Harry's eyes in headline photo for Harry Markle's latest post:

Looks as if he's totally closed off, tremendously entitled, but at the same time dead inside. As if a light's been extinguished. Haven't been looking that closely recently (increasingly uninviting) so takes me aback, but I guess it's only what we're all seeing day by day, hour by hour. At this rate we'll be talking about his sinister personality change like his great namesake Henry VIII, only Harry hasn't got the excuse of a fully-armoured horse falling on top of him.
Jen said…, those are almost the exact reasons I hated the entire fiasco! Plus, her dress was hideous...I don't care what anyone says...she should NOT have said yes to that dress. Blech.
Jen said…
Oh no, according to an article on the DM, it may be her "aversion to hunting and bloodsport" that keeps them from Balmoral. *MAJOR EYEROLL*
bootsy said…
@ Nutty, Mischi, Louise 500 and Avery. And anyone else who thinks I'm some sort of 'plant'.

This is the reason why Harry and MM might get away with all of their cr*p. And it is cr*p. He is clearly not very bright and most certainly complicit in all the shenanigans, whilst MM is clearly an actress/social climber who is out for all she can get.

But just because I don't go to the extremes that you do, and don't post loooong messages stating that you know this and that and that, and that this is the reason that MM wants this and Harry is thinking that, or you you hope this or that happens, then you think I'm some sort of spy. Wow. And you say MM is paranoid!

All I'm trying to do is introduce a bit more common sense into all this. Maybe don't attack them at length for every perceived slight. And the key word here is 'perceived.' E.g. Some on here seem to think Harry's suit and shoes were some sort of grave insult to the RF/the Nation/who knows.

Don't believe everything you hear as true. Case in point knowing for certain that MM was invited to Balmoral. How do we REALLY know. Or that we REALLY know that she turned it down. Or someone mentioning in the comments that Doria had $9million or some similar figure without stating your sources (in this case it was a youtube video. Great source).

Because if you keep doing stuff like that then it's very easy to be accused of spreading fake news and you will lose credibility whilst at the same time appearing a bit unhinged and very catty (I'm being polite). And that gives HH and MM all the excuse they need to say they are being bullied/hounded.

As I stated before, try and save it for the big stuff and for, you know, actual facts like taking lots of private flights whilst preaching at us to...stop flying. That's where you'll get them, not the bitchy trains of thought that these pages are full of.

They are clearly a rather unpleasant couple. Whether it's her who is driving it and him being a bit dim, or actually fully on board with it all then who knows.

And if you don't like what I'm saying then I'll refer you to Dirty Harry and his philosophy about opinions. Have a lovely weekend.
Nutty Flavor said…
If so, I wonder if she'll wear something from her "capsule collection" from Marks and Sparks.

Speaking of which, I think it's odd that Meg hasn't been merching more recently. I realize she doesn't have many Royal events at the moment, but it seems like she could have called her pap friends to "spot" her wearing the up-and-coming (and paying) Canadian designer of the moment.
Nutty Flavor said…
Particularly since the latest nanny has also supposedly departed. I guess she was a professional who didn't enjoy playing solitaire and Candy Crush on her phone all day while plastic Archie slept on and on and on.

Hope MM doesn't have the Markle effect on Serena, because this looks like a final she might be able to win. Her opponent, Bianca Andreescu, is a 19-year-old Canadian who has never been ranked higher than 14th worldwide.
Nutty Flavor said…
I doubt think young people think of them as a "young couple."

The writer of the Marie Claire story, K.J. Yossman, tweeted this a couple of days ago:

Sep 3
I honestly just feel embarrassed for Prince Harry at this point. What is he thinking?
Nutty Flavor said…
The question is, who knows the dog story, and will reviewers mention it?

Oprah Magazine, for example, would certainly review the book without mentioning the dog story.

But writing about Meg in publications with a long lead time (Oprah's must be about 3 months from editorial approval to newsstand) is a tricky business.

I think a lot about those people making the third season of "The Windsors" TV series. When they started filming a month or two ago, they were still going with a positive view of Meg.

Not sure when it'll air, but a lot will have changed by then.
Nelo said…
Tom Sykes of the Daily Beast has an obvious PR article on how the Sussexes will move to US in the future because the British media has been mean to them. I guess he had to do that as he confessed that Daily Beast was blackballed from Conde Nast PR after he wrote an article titled 'Meghans Vogue goes down in flames'. So now he has to write fluffy pieces to get back into their good books.

Nelo said…
When you read Celebitchy's coverage of the Bamoral visit that never happened, you can't help but roll your eyes at the comments. It's so ridiculous. Celebitchy commenters are praising H and M for snubbing the quuens invitation because visiting Bamoral after the Queen's photo ops with Andrew will 'taint their brand'. Lol.
SwampWoman said…
Just DAMN at Meghan's forehead. That eyebrow thing? Don't do it, honey. What is she thinking?
SwampWoman said…
Do you suppose she can fit time into her schedule to visit her family?
HappyDays said…
Has anyone seen the articles about how Meghan has apparently kept her agent, PR guy and accountant/ financial advisor team she had when she was acting? It sounds like she never told anyone at the palace. She’s written a childrens book they are shopping around. They think it will be a big success. To me, this shows that she still is firmly planted in America and never has had any intention of living in the UK. Also says she is only in this marriage for herself. The team is are not representing them as a couple.
@Bootsy, my comment to you was polite too, because your original comment came across as rather condescending, and in a way treating people like idiots. My point to you clearly went over your head, because I clearly stated what I thought about the the press and how they speculate and embellish stories etc. I also know from following the royals since the early 1990s, that so many (so called) rumours and stories leaked by so called royal sources (and the like), did turn out to be true in the end.

People can chitter chatter over what they like it, they can speculate, use their perception and knowledge and have opinions. People have conversations offline and online, and as long as it’s not causing anyone any harm, that’s fine.

The truth is out there somewhere, and maybe one day we’ll know what the truth is. This is a light hearted blog about the royals, and nothing more as I see it.
Girl with a Hat said…
the children's book will be about her dogs. There have been 2 other people who have written children's book based on this idea, so she will be copying again.

They thought the Vogue issue she guest edited would be a big success too.
Jdubya said…
Waiting for the pics of her at US Open. I'm curious if she'll "appear pregnant". If she left Archie behind, this would be the perfect time for the RF to act to block her out. wouldn't it be interesting if Serena lost? MM could be the bad luck.
HappyDays said…
I’ll be cheering for her opponent Bianca.
Girl with a Hat said…
But Bianca is young and has been winning a lot lately. Serena has been injured often and is much older.
abbyh said…

This is a nice blog. We like Nutty, the topics and (the people who bring nice diversity of knowledge).

So, no one here is trying to find how close to the edge of how close can we come without getting it shut down on some legal plank. We aren't going for blood or how provocative can I be. That just isn't why any of us read this.

Not every blog is everyone's cup of tea. I don't read certain ones because they are so unpleasant about how they speak about person X or person Y.
MaLissa said…
Oh so that's why she and Harry turned down the "invitation" to Balmoral because she wanted to be in NY for watch Serena play and for NYFW. ~~rolls eyes~~
@HappyDays I'll be cheering for Bianca as well
Nutty Flavor said…
It's also worth pointing out that Boris Johnson and his partner Carrie will be visiting Balmoral this weekend to consult with the Queen about Brexit.

If the Sussexes were co-ordinating with Palace PR, they would have known that this was the perfect reason not to go to Balmoral.

HMTQ is busy, she'll be consulting with BoJo, we wanted to let her concentrate on state business, etc.
Oh she wouldn't! This capsule collection would probably turn out to be white shirts, latex skirts, probably all made from polyester-lycra-nylon blend, with chunky jewellery and oxidised silver trinkets. She wouldn't deign to wear it, lest she break out in hives.

IMO it could have worked better for her had she donated some of her wardrobe from the past year to smartworks and just be done with it.

I also have a twisted theory about this collection :- A few months ago her Suits wardrobe was put on display at a museum/exhibition in US/Canada (the whole of Suits cast's wardrobe). Maybe she got to know about that and got jealous that they did it without her knowledge, or bringing her in on the idea. So she just thought she'll do her own collection.


Maybe his wife sat on him, with the makeup and hair extensions, post a roast chicken.
Nutty Flavor said…
Yes, that will be a future blog post I'm working on now - will probably be up tomorrow. In the meantime, think about what Hollywood roles you'd like to see Meghan take on. :)
Nutty Flavor said…
That aversion to blood sport doesn't seem to keep her from wearing leather skirts or roasting chickens.

Really, Meg, do you think killing animals is just fine as long as the servants do it?
Hikari said…
In that picture, they both look short of significant brain cells, but notice they are both pointing . . at her. Yep, he's pointing to her, and she's pointing to herself. When Megs tries for 'lighthearted, funny, look what a good sport I am!' (eg. baseball game, SmartWorks, this photo) it's just so incredibly awkward and fake. Megs has taken a few nice photos over the years . . when she's carefully styled and the lighting is just right, she can arrange herself into the guise of an attractive women for a still photo anyway. But the awkward to downright frightening photos are much more prevalent. Those must have been some beer googles Haz was wearing whenever he decided that THIS was the one he wanted to spend his life with.

I wonder that she doesn't wear false teeth? Because she makes such odd, troglodyte movements with her jaw. I don't understand her. But she does fit my theory, based on quite a bit of firsthand observation, that persons with mental disorders often externalize their chaotic minds with uncoordination of their physical selves. Everything Megs does is awkward. It's a miracle that she does snap a good picture every once in a while. She's putting out one of herself taken over a year ago (the one seated in the blue dress) to 'thank fans for their birthday wishes'. Probably because she hasn't taken a flattering photograph since last June.
Nutty Flavor said…
Sykes is an odd duck. I believe he went to school with Harry, and the two did not get along.
Hikari said…

Her 14th PM is a doozy.
Beth said…
I hear that unlike other royal tours, both the arrival and departure from South Africa will be "private" and that there will be no pictures of Archie. All this secrecy and privacy just raises more suspicion.
Nutty Flavor said…
Yeah, supposedly she's been drunk dialing John Major again.

Seriously, though. Major filed a lawsuit against Brexit, and he's always been close to the Queen.
KayeC said…
The two things I love to look/read about, royals and fashion, ruined in one fell swoop by MM. I dread to think what NYFW is going to be like if she shows up, and just know she will.
Nutty Flavor said…
They should absolutely not be going to South Africa right now, as many South Africans themselves are saying on social media.

The gruesome violence against African immigrants there is really out of hand, and South African embassies in other African countries have been attacked. South Africa even had to close down its embassy in Nigeria for safety reasons.

So far the Western media has largely avoided writing about the violence, but if Meg and Harry show up it will be unavoidable.

That's bad, because South Africa gets a lot of income from US, European, and Asian tourism, and if it becomes known as an unsafe place, a lot of innocent South Africans could lose their livelihood.

Meg and Harry really need to stay h ome. This is a bigger issue than just the Sussex drama.
Rut said…
Serena is Meghans knight in shining armour :)
Nutty Flavor said…
I agree with Alice.

I think Meg's collection will feature the kind of fabric that gets little balls all over it the first time you wear it.

There will also be some basic black trousers that will stretch out in the rear end every time you sit down, and make you look like a saggy-pants comedian when you stand up again.
And why is she leaving the baby at home while she is going to New York?!! To see a tennis match of all things?!

It's like they are deliberately doing thngs that are going to make them look bad. She is supposedly very keen on optics right, and she just keeps on sabotaging her own self with decisions like these.

I can understand taking care of a wee babe is tiring work (if there is one). I understand that for a woman who has spent the past 20 years building a career it's hard to sit at home taking care of a child. I also get that it's very very important to support your friends and celebrate their wins. But when the whole world is out to get you, when everyone is scrutinizing every breath you take, then it's essential to be as low key and non-scandalous no matter how much of a blessed woke feminist you are.

I have always thought they had a real baby. maybe via a surrogate, maybe a little earlier than they let on, but real nonetbeless. And today I am scratching my brain thinking maybe there is some credence to the rumours that there isn't a real live child.

This debacle makes me think of 'Winston' the doll that Jack Whitehall's dad, Michael, got in Thailand and now carries with him everywhere like his own son. That of course is hilarious. But we do have some Netflix precedence of an actual celebrity having a doll-baby. Lmao
Hikari said…
Her Maj's first and favourite Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill, is turning in his grave (mistaken for a small localised earthquake) over what the world has come to. Poor ER. She's got to hang on and get through this current fracas within Parliament and her own family. She and Philip both. BoJo, Brexit and the Harkles cannot be the final act to the Elizabethan 2.0 Age. They just can't.
Girl with a Hat said…
Nutty, are porn roles off limits? LOL
Girl with a Hat said…
I think Bojo is a brave man for taking on the PMship in these dark days but Brexit is going to be the highlight of HM's reign.
Anonymous said…
@Mischi -- I don't think porn roles should be off limits, but wouldn't it be better not to type cast her lol? Of course, as I typed that, images of her in a Mary Poppins type uniform entered my head...
Girl with a Hat said…
Also, when you've just launched a campaign for more sustainable travel, crossing the Atlantic for a tennis match makes you look like a hypocrite AGAIN.

I read an article about how millenials don't care if the marketing campaign is true, i.e. that the company follows through with their promises, just that it ticks off the right checkboxes of their values - sustainability, diversity, etc.
Anonymous said…
I love that the DM is actively seeking photos of markle on commercial.
KnitWit said…
Great idea. My heart goes out to the people in the Bahamas.

I'm in FL. We were glued to the TV watching hurricane Dorian. We were relieved the storm didn't hit Florida and horrified at the damage in the Bahamas.

If they did genuine work helping the people there, it could improve their images. She could wear jeans or her horrific fashion collection and leave her gowns and heels at home - unless she returned them already.

Tamhsn said…
Haha..same here! I thought that was odd. Nothing about MM is believable...DM is skeptical and they want us to know that too.
Hikari said…
Meghan is such a poor actress and with such limited attention span (maybe she does have AD/HD) that she can't even stick with the ruse that she and Harry have a three-month old infant & are loving their country life at Frogmore Cottage. She played along with that for a little while . . until it was obvious that Fauxchie was not going to be rating a title and exploitation as more of the Crown monies. Hence, apart from the bizarre outing at the polo ground in July, which I would qualify as an outing by an utterly deranged woman clutching a doll--seriously, clock the faces of everybody near her from Kate to Harry's friends--somethin' ain't right there, folks. They look profoundly disturbed while Megs drifts by them on autopilot like a robot, crushing her 'baby' to her chest so hard that if he were alive, he certainly would have suffocated. Same with the oddly stiff, unmoving, disproportionate infant we vaguely saw entering/exiting the private jets. That is a prop baby.

We have not seen Archie because Archie is not real. There is a real baby somewhere . . the one they borrowed for the photos at the christening and the presentation, but he doesn't live with them. Whether or not he is their genetic issue, they do not have him and will not. If they turn up at some point in the future showing off an entirely different baby, I would hope there would be an investigation. There's no birth certificate for Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor; leastways that public document has mysteriously never turned up. The baby we saw is real but he's got another legal name and lives with his birth mother. The Dumbartons are like modern day Macbeths--attempting to cover up their heinous fraud at the core of their marriage is destroying them, or rather they are destroying themselves.

Meg's swanning off to the tennis in another country with no thought to the optics of leaving her bebe because she's bored with the entire thing. Playing Mummy isn't as fun as she thought it would be after she got done playing on Instagram. This woman should never, never NEVER have a real baby. Sociopaths make terrible mothers.
Girl with a Hat said…
Ashlii from Danja Zone on youtube says that there is a surrogate baby but the rumours she is hearing is that the RF have custody of the child. She says that it's Sophie that has it, but I find that hard to believe. I believe the RF have paid off the surrogate to keep the child and that's why we are seeing more rebellion from Harry and Markle directed at the RF for ruining their plan.
Anonymous said…
@Hikari, That makes a lot of sense, in terms of her job. I do think it's odd that a full-time social worker has all that time off.
Girl with a Hat said…
yes many people are being murdered in the streets for being Nigerian, or being from other African countries. but no mention of it in the media.
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