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Meghan's "voice" goes silent, but probably not for long

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been rather quiet over the past week, and no man could be happier about this than Boris Johnson.

In addition to having to supervise negotiations over the Sussexes' security costs abroad - surely if security were cut back and an incident occurred, Johnson's government would be blamed - Boris has to worry about Meghan's determination to "use her voice" when it comes to politics.

Having just put his signature on Brexit, Boris badly needs a trade deal with the Americans. And for that, he must remain friendly with Donald Trump.

Meghan doesn't like Donald Trump, and she will probably be saying so soon, possibly as soon as her first post-Megxit TV appearance.

Overestimates her influence

Meghan, like most celebrities, probably overestimates her political influence. Even Taylor Swift, who has a large and devoted fanbase, struck out with her very first political endorsement in 2018 - she put her name behind a (male) Democrat running against a (female) Republican in her home state of Tennessee, and the woman won.

That said, Meghan is gifted at causing chaos wherever she goes, and if she inserts herself into the political scene that would be no exception.

What would it mean for a member of the British Royal Family to be openly attacking the leader of one of the UK's longstanding allies? You don't have to like Donald Trump to think this is a bad idea. Would anyone have wanted to know, say, Prince Edward's opinion of Barack Obama?

The Royal Family is by definition apolitical, Prince Charles's repeated appearances with Greta Thunberg notwithstanding. Endorsing one candidate or another weakens support for the institution as a whole.

Not that Meghan cares.

Will Meg run for office?

There have been various media suggestions that Meg might run for office herself. I don't think she will or could.

First of all, a political campaign requires organization, and it requires a talented and hard-working staff. Meg has already shown herself to be completely incompetent if not dehumanizing when it comes to managing a team. (Something which has been a big negative for current candidate Amy Klobuchar.)

Secondly, a political campaign requires hundreds of in-person appearances and handshakes, precisely the job Meg ran away from in the Royal Family. You can't campaign for any office sitting home and posting Photoshopped images to Instagram.

Finally, as a real-life candidate has to be ready to deal with harsh media criticism and still rise to the occasion when the going gets tough. No one "asks if they're OK."

What I can see Meg doing is trying to ally herself with "the Squad", four left-wing women of color who are pushing the Democratic party to the left. Their most prominent face is Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez of New York, who has endorsed Bernie Sanders for President.

Will Meg do the same? The vision of a woman who chose to marry into a reformed feudal institution and is currently living off the largess of its largest duchy endorsing a Socialist candidate is delicious in its irony.

Not that Meghan cares.

The story on Doria 

What does Meghan care about? She cares about her image, or what she thinks is her image, which is why she spends so much money on PR in the past and apparently continues to do so.

Today's Mail On Sunday leads with a long-winded article about Meghan's mother Doria Ragland which managed to answer almost none of the questions people are really asking about Doria, such as where she was during Meg's teenage years and what she does all day now.

(There's also nothing about her current partner, who is reportedly a woman. That's fine by me - the poor lady never asked to get involved in Meghan's mess.)

We do learn that Doria makes an excellent shrimp gumbo, a recipe she passed on to Meghan, that she has remained on friendly terms with Thomas Markle, and that the three of them spent Thanksgiving 2016 at a house rented by Prince Harry in Beverly Hills. "There were no servants, just the family," the article states.

That sounds like a clue of some sort, the sort of thing the MoS drops into the very bottom of an article for readers to follow up on. I'm not sure what it means. Anyway, why was Prince Harry renting a house in Beverly Hills?

Post-Megxit Honeymoon Phase

If Meg were smart, she'd use this post-Megxit honeymoon phase with the US media, or at least some portions of it, to burn off the most embarrassing parts of her story and move forward.

Did Doria spend time in prison? Now's a good time to tell Oprah, perhaps link it to some kind of statement for corrections reform, and sob about how you as a teenager tried to cope with your Mom so far away.

Is Archie not really "from the body" as advertised? Let everyone know now, and tell Ellen DeGeneres about the pain of infertility, especially when living in the spotlight.

So broke during your acting years that you had to be a "ten cents a dance girl" for wealthy men? Say it now, while (some people) like you and will sympathize with your struggle. (The year that the movie "Hustlers" was considered for an Academy Award nomination might mean the time is right.)

The Mnuchin factor

Otherwise, someone else will release the story, and you won't be in control of it.

Someone else like Steve Mnuchin, Trump's Treasury Secretary, who was reportedly one of her "ten cents a dance" clients.

If Meg starts going after Trump, will Trump encourage Mnuchin to retaliate? Mnuchin has an active Twitter account.

A subtle dig in a Tweet from Mnuchin like, "The Duchess of Sussex, whom I have known for more than a decade, was in Washington to protest today" might be highly unpleasant for US-UK bilateral relations.

Not that Meghan cares.


brown-eyed said…

Sally Bedell smith on “ What Meghan and Harry’s Exit Reveals About the Royal Family’s Future”

Thanks for the new post, Nutty!
Scandi Sanskrit said…
I didn't realise that was part of Boris' job desc?

(You should've followed your dreams, Boris! 🌟🌈✨)
Lindy said…
“Someone else like Steve Mnuchin, Trump's Treasury Secretary, who was reportedly one of your "ten cents a dance" clients.”

There’s no way he will ever say that because he will look bad.
Ava C said…
Quickly shifting my comment about Doria from end of last post:


I don't see the DM article on Doria as anything positive to/from Meghan. To me, as a British reader, it comes across as more evidence of the sheer amount of planning and deliberate intent to use the BRF and the country for their own ends, right from the beginning.

Feels like it is also a further indication that what was out-of-bounds for the British media due to likely accusations of racism (OK to write about Thomas but not about Doria) is no longer out-of-bounds. The DM is using a slow build-up rather than breaking news angle. Preparing the ground.

The article also reinforces the image of grifter Meghan, trained by her mother to never give anything for nothing. This will particularly grab the attention of fence-sitters who knew something was 'off' about Meghan but didn't know what, and didn't want to get down and dirty into the rumour mill. Now they can nod sagely and realise they were right. Nothing more unsettling or primal than reading of a mother who instils all the wrong values in her child.

Meghan and politics

This doesn't worry me at all as she couldn't do it even if she wanted to. What does worry me, as someone who can't bear Trump, is that my hostility to Meghan trumps Trump! If she criticises him, a tiny little bat-squeak of support for Trump emerges in my mind. No more of that kind of thing thank you very much. Pleeeese BRF. Do something!
Magatha Mistie said…
@Nutty. So many questions, will we ever get the answers? I believe we will, starting with poor Archie, then Doria, & the piece de resistance, Megs in all her glory. The Brit press are biting at the bit to reveal all, & they will, unless BP takes them back in as stated by the Times. Games afoot, release the (press) hounds.
Ava C said…
Another addition to William's portfolio:

"The Duke of Cambridge, 37, has been made the Lord High Commissioner to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland and will act as the sovereign's personal representative at the annual meeting.

"It comes almost immediately after his brother, the Duke of Sussex, made the ten-hour journey to Vancouver on Monday to join Meghan and Archie at the start of their new life away from the monarchy. [...]

"Many have interpreted Prince William's appointment at the Church of Scotland as a way of strengthening the Union as SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon prepares to make a renewed bid to break up Britain in the wake of Brexit."

The article says William will be visiting Scotland more often. I'm moving there in April. The one and only time I stood and waited to see a royal was the Queen's Silver Jubilee in 1977, as a child, when the Queen was inches from me and all I could think about or remember now was her perfect complexion. Milk and roses. However, if William drops in nearby I'll go again. I'd like to show support for him personally, even though I'm in favour of Scottish independence.

Scottsh independence is the next big issue to Brexit, and I'm glad the Queen is showing confidence in William entrusting him with a role there, as she did for the Pakistan tour. Can you IMAGINE Harry ever being trusted with anything like that? That's why he's not the loss to the BRF many commentators would have us think.
Unknown said…
Thanks for another wonderful new post Nutty :)
Ava C said…
I get emails from the organisation 'Republic' and in HAMS all their Christmases have come at once:


48% say they're not royalists, 46% say they are [...] It's been a busy couple of weeks!

Harry and Meghan's announcement that they wanted to 'step back' from royal duties has rattled the royal household [...]

The public reaction was swift and unimpressed.

A poll conducted for the Sun newspaper this week showed a huge majority disapproving of Harry and Meghan's conduct and saying the couple wouldn't be missed.

More worrying for the royals they leave behind is that the country is split on whether we call ourselves royalists. 48% say no, 46% yes. Hardly the ringing endorsement you might expect.

With 65% saying Harry and Meghan should pay for their own security a petition in Canada, demanding the royals pay for their own protection, had gained more than 90,000 signatures by the end of this week.

Republic is getting its message out there.

I've been telling journalists that the monarchy is now in real trouble. Harry and Meghan will continue to be a thorn in their side for years to come, inviting unhelpful comparisons with the stuffy institution they've left behind. [Don't agree with final part of sentence but we all know they're thorns ...]

With the Queen turning 94 in April the royals face an increasingly difficult decade ahead. Attention will soon turn to Prince Charles as future king, while the supporting cast will have effectively been reduced to William and Kate.


It seems light years since glorious 2011-12 with the London Olympics and William and Kate's wedding, the Windsors on such a high.
Magatha Mistie said…
Ava C. I’m neither here nor there regarding Scottish independence, up to them. I do wonder though if Boris pulls off Brexit successfully Nicola Sturgeon may have a harder battle. As for seeing the Queen, I waved to her, with my flag, as she drove through my home town when I was five years old, just a glimpse, never forgotten. I also saw Diana when she opened a local baby unit in my home town, beautiful, wearing a red coat. She had radiant skin & amazing blue eyes, she looked even more beautiful in the flesh. Have also seen Princess Anne. Had the chance to see H & M at Bondi, didn’t bother!
Superfly said…
I don't know how to give myself a moniker, so please call me SUPERFLY

1. Why are we not allowed where Doria was for 7 years, while Thomas was raising her? Why is it such a big secret? You'd think that if the reason was kosher, it would have been mentioned..

2. MM publicly trashing Trump, is a gift. We should embrace it.

3. MM getting into politics is another gift. They don't make comedies this funny anymore.
Anonymous said…
MeGain's purported flirtation with American politics is just another example of the smug egocentric belief by celebs that everyone cares what they think. News flash: no one does. I want actors to act and musicians to sing. I could not care less what they think about political issues. Dance, monkey, dance. Your job is to entertain me. Not give me your Deep Thoughts on Brexit or Trump or anything else going on in the world.

I fully believe that within six months MeGain will leave Harry because after all of this furor subsides, she's going to realize she's stuck in the Canadian wilds far from the spotlight with an idiot manchild for a husband, a child she may or may not have given birth to but doesn't really care about, and a string of failed moneymaking schemes behind her. Her name is mud except to a small but vocal group of equally narcissistic sugars online.

And while we're at it, Prince Charles's behavior this week has been atrocious. Four private flights and a helicopter ride to act all smarmy around the hectoring Brat in Chief Greta? Spare me. Then he follows that up with not greeting VP Pence and having the royal social media sites trumpet his visit to the "Occupied Palestine State." Which is Israel. He's a wanker. I really hope he kicks it before his mother does. His woke reign would be a disgrace.
Unknown said…
That Beverly Hills tidbit is indeed a real quagmire. What could it possibly mean?

Just brainstorming... Wasn’t Thanksgiving 2016 just a few weeks after Harry made that statement about the press’ evil treatment of Meg? Maybe we are going to be getting some juicy news of all that nonsense being fake news. Or maybe Meg’s backers are in Beverly Hills. Or plot twist, Harry actually met Thomas Markle before the wedding. Or maybe the plotting of Susex Royal happened pre-wedding.

The H&M crazy-sauce never lets up! LOL :)
Unknown said…
I know Meg is very “politically-correct,” whatever that means, but I don’t see her opening her mouth about politics until her financial situation becomes less precarious. Her tax situation and her income streams seem strained. Potentially paying taxes to 3 countries has to be a tough pill to swallow. The BRF clamping down and the future doesn’t seem so bright right now. Meg would be better off keeping her voice to herself.
Magatha Mistie said…
They’ve posted support for the Australian bush fires on I/G. Getting roasted on DM comments.
Nutty Flavor said…
I wrote this post before I read the very interesting piece Bluebell Woods posted on the last thread - an article from The Times saying that contingency plans are already being made in case Harry wants to come back to the UK. Apparently he is "fragile" (that word again) and needs a "period of rehabilitation and recuperation."

He must be a mess. Substance abuse, mental illness, some combination of the two. I had an odd flash about Harry being arrested for drunk driving.

Meg probably wouldn't come back to the UK, and no one seems to mind. But what about Archie?
Nutty Flavor said…
Interesting about William being appointed to the post in Scotland. The Queen is really preparing him for the big job.

If you watch "The Windsors", there was a funny episode in which the Prince William character (accidentally) has an affair with SNP head Nicola Sturgeon. (Both are in disguise at the time.)
Nutty Flavor said…
Someone else like Steve Mnuchin, Trump's Treasury Secretary, who was reportedly one of your "ten cents a dance" clients.”

There’s no way he will ever say that because he will look bad.

Could be. Trump might do it, though. He's never afraid of looking bad.
Nutty Flavor said…
One last post about the Times piece on contingency plans for the return:

Bottom line, I think it's about the security. Harry cannot afford to pay for security outside the UK, and the Home Office must have told them that it cannot arrange for British officers to be stationed 24/7 in another country. Canada and the US don't want to pay for their own people to protect the Sussexes on an indefinite basis.

Funny that Meg's obvious pap shot seems to have put the security question into focus. I cannot believe that people think that shot was not set up - she's smiling into the camera! - but some people apparently do.
Unknown said…
Yes @Nutty, super interesting development about potential plans for Harry returning. I think how Megxit was framed, keeping the door open for Harry returning was obvious in the details. However, such a trumpet of him coming back so soon when he barely left is ballsy. Unless, things are crazy bad for Harry already and divorce was imminent pre-Megxit. Maybe the divorce and the Archie secrets are coming out before any interview can happen. Maybe Archie is not coming back to the UK because we’re going to find out that he is just Meg’s biological son and not Harry’s. Such a development would make things a lot cleaner for the BRF and Harry.

As time has progressed, more of the fringe Sussex rumors are becoming mainstream. I expect more cray cray going forward.
Superfly said…
As if MM wouldn't have fallen on her knees in a nanosecond, had Trump offered her a Celebrity Apprentice gig 5 years ago...
Ozmanda said…
I find it interesting that we are seeing photos of her apparently doing “charity” and stressing this was pre royals. This to me signals her PR rolls are getting the public ready for the forthcoming separation.

Good to see comments on DM skewering her for the attention seeking
Meghan is not going to be in politics. What she wants is to use her voice, which basically means she is a megalomaniac who.likes to talk about herself. For the next few months she is going to double down on her self promotion. We are already seeing that in the numerous articles praising her to high heaven. Her weakness is that she thinks she knows best and that has, so far, lead to her downfall. That will be her downfall in the comyminyhs as well. That, and the fact that she has made an enemy of the entire BRF and the entire nation.

I only see her talking about herself. This interview with Ellen would most likely happen. The only catch is that it would have to happen in LA and from the looks of the couple has been strictly banned from going to LA (or the US) just yet by the Firm. I do feel that some of the terms of megxit that we aren't privy to specify state that they can't do interviews or go to LA and that is a bone of context tion between them.

I'm looking forward to see what she does in the coming weeks when the Cambs would be working and very visible all over the country. They are also going to be at the Baftas and something petty is to be expected the Sussexes around then. Don't think they'll be at Oscars which means more mindfu****y from them.
What a ghastly thought - Megsy on her knees in front of POTUS...

Anonymous said…
Re: security expenses -- the idea that the USA will pay for their security if they come to this country is a complete non-starter. The federal government pays for the protection of our government officials. When heads of foreign governments visit, the local police provides protection, sometimes in accordance with the Secret Service.

There is NO WAY either the federal government or a local police department will agree to pay or provide for the protection of two private individuals who are not representing the BRF and are not carrying out official duties. It's not going to happen, and if H&M think it will, they are even more delusional than most of us think they are.

Meghan flouncing around and denouncing the president of the USA isn't helping her case, either. If they come here, even for a visit, they are going to have to pay their own way. We don't financially support royalty in this country anymore.
lizzie said…
@Texshan wrote

"the idea that the USA will pay for their security if they come to this country is a complete non-starter"

Hope you are right. Certainly we shouldn't pay but NYC, NY State, and the feds via the State Dept provided some security for that stupid baby shower.

Re: Doria

Odd DM article. It says

"Doria was deeply affected when her mother died young. 'This was something that led Doria to take care of her body,' the friend explained. 'That's something she instilled in Meghan. Jeanette never reached her full potential."

BS. Doria's mother died in 2000 at 71. While 71 is below the average lifespan, dying at 71 is hardly "dying young." And when she died Doria was in her mid-40s, a bit late to "instill" anything in Meghan who was 19.

Odd too the article says the father's house was left to Doria and "her sister, Saundra" by Doria's father, Alvin Ragland. Saundra and Joseph are Doria's half-sibs from her mother's first marriage, and aren't Raglands. (Her father did remarry and have another son after he and Doria's mother divorced.) And how did Doria get a $100K mortgage? I felt like I had to go through the wringer to get one as a single woman and I didn't have a bankruptcy, an eviction, or a failed dress-making business in my past. (I do plan to check property shark but don't want to do it on my phone since it can be done only once.)

Interesting the article says there was such implicit racism in the neighborhood of Woodland Hills in the early 1980s that Doria was assumed to be the nanny. I'm white but I do know there was and is racism in our society. But my neighborhood in the southern US was integrated long before the 1980s! And interracial couples weren't THAT uncommon. No one where I lived in the South would have thought Doria was a babysitter/nanny except for maybe an occasional crackpot.

And why would Harry rent them a house for Thanksgiving? And not attend himself? Plus, I can't imagine anything worse than cooking Thanksgiving dinner in a rented house. And to say there were "no servants." Who in the heck has **servants** in the US or the UK in the 21st century????

Odd. Just odd.
PaisleyGirl said…
If the latest reports in the press re Harry and/or Meghan coming back to Britain in a private capacity are true, this illustrates the dire position they must be in at the moment. Here they are, locked up in a Russian billionaire's mansion (in exchange for what?) with Archie doll. There is no country that wants to pay for their security and I suspect Harry has to live off the interest on his trust fund and cannot touch the trust fund itself, so he is in no position to pay for their security himself. Megs is cooped up with a depressed and possibly substance-abusing manchild, a real or fake child she does not want to care for, a nanny and a few RPO's who would rather be elsewhere....She must be going absolutely NUTS. And she has nowhere to go, except back to the hated UK, the country she turned her back on just a few short weeks ago. And there is nothing to merch while in Canada, no events to dress up for, no means of hustling some extra cash, no new photos for the SussexRoyal Instagram account. The game is already up for Megs, in my opinion.
Someone asked about primogeniture in the last post. This is how I understand it:

The law of primogeniture applies in England, Wales & Scotland where large estates are involved, as it has long been deemed undesirable that these be broken up by being divided among multiple beneficiaries. That is, the fate of the land cannot be changed by the current owner making a Will.

The current Scottish government is considering doing away with this as it has an aversion to large land holdings - I don't know the current situation, perhaps someone can bring me up to date on this.

(Nor do I know about Northern Ireland - in the 19thC when the whole of Ireland was consider as `British', primogeniture was abolished for at least Catholic-held land [I don't know/ can't remember what happened with Protestant-held land] in order to break up potential power bases. This had a disastrous effect on the very small holdings which became too tiny to support anyone.)

Under primogeniture, the heir usually has to be male - there are a few exceptions.

Recent changes to legislation about the succession to the Throne mean that Charlotte now follows George in the line of succession; previously she would have followed Louis and any other male child born to her parents. The law is not retrospective, so Anne's position is unchanged.

A Princess Margaret story I heard from friends who lived near Windsor:
When the Little Princesses, Elizabeth & Margaret, were small and living at Royal Lodge in Windsor Gt Park with their parents, the then-Duke and Duchess of York, their mother took them to the Theatre Royal, just across the road from the castle, to see the pantomime.

Margaret took exception to what she considered a lack of respect from a member of the front-of-house staff, stamped her little foot and cried `You've got to curtsey to me 'cos I'm a Princess!'

Whereupon her mother seized her hand and announced very sharply that Margaret was not to behave like that and as a result, nobody was going to the pantomime.

The Royal party promptly left the theatre.
none said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
I’m hear to catch up on the latest comments and news now. 😀 I’m not clicking on any DM stories, I don’t want my click to count! 🙄😩
none said…
All these articles attempting to elicit pity for MM and her mother. Most curious. No doubt trying to get ahead of some damaging information and create a favorable narrative for MM.

Whatever's coming must be big. My guess is divorce and MM has started pleading her case in the court of public opinion. Good luck with that. Forced to take sides, Harry wins.
SwampWoman said…
I just read a tweet by Mark Streeter that he was on a plane arriving from China at LAX filled with coughing people, one even requiring attention during the flight, and there was *no* Coronavirus screening or questions asked. Maybe it would be considered racist. That plane probably carried some people that will need to present for medical care soon. In the meantime, they'll be mingling.

Would PH need to get permission from the RF to travel to the U.S.? If permission is required, would it also be granted for a child? Could he be flagged as not allowed to enter a non-commonwealth country?

Madge said…

And right on cue - up pops a PR Instagram post from the Harkles about the bush fires in Australia. It's just so predictable. Every time there is something positive for Kate or William, this happens. Markle is just incapable of letting an inch of limelight go to the Cambridges.

The comments to articles in the DM have highlighted this for months, but it's also being noticed more by journalists. Today's Talk of the Town column in the MoS points out that Charles was angry that one of his important announcements was overshadowed by Markle posting from the dog's home. He should spare a thought for poor old Kate. She was trying to launch a new initiative for her Early Learning work, and Markle's PR jumped right in.

It's no wonder the Harkles are becoming increasingly despised.
Ilona said…
@Nutty - W O W ! ! ! You have surpassed yourself, today!!! Well said!!! Love your writing!!!

@holly, ‘All these articles attempting to elicit pity for MM and her mother. Most curious. No doubt trying to get ahead of some damaging information and create a favorable narrative for MM.

Whatever's coming must be big. My guess is divorce and MM has started pleading her case in the court of public opinion. Good luck with that. Forced to take sides, Harry wins.’

Harry has been strangely quiet and Meghan only showing herself on their IG account. I’m not sure what’s going g to happen next. If Meghan wants to start having a political opinion, then her time being on the periphery of the royal family will be over for good, there will be no returning for her.

I’m pretty much fatigued by the whole nasty and sorry saga. I do enjoy ready the comments here where so many reflect my own thinking and feeling. 😀
TLT said…
@Raspberry I’m totally with you. I’ve stopped clicking on the DM articles as well. Nutty’s blog is the only place I even want to see anything about the Harkles.
From the Express:

Has Camilla found a way into British hearts through decency, service and hard work?

Yvonne Traynor, from Rape Crisis South London in Croydon, praised Camilla for her thoughtfulness, after the Duchess of Cornwall met survivors at the centre. In Penny Junor's 'The Duchess: Camilla Parker Bowles and the Love Affair That Rocked the Crown', Ms Traynor is quoted as saying: "It really inspired me and I was in awe from the moment we met survivors at the centre. "She was so warm, and she was just another woman that understood women, I think that was why I was so drawn to her.

"She didn't have airs and graces, she spoke to every one of the staff from the volunteer admin to the counselling coordinator, and then she went downstairs and spoke to our clients and she wasn't shocked."

Camilla’s office arranged for security to park away from the building with the Duchess herself entering through a fire escape at the back to avoid unwanted attention.

Ms Traynor continued: "She spoke to them warmly, she asked pertinent but not intrusive questions, she was calm, everybody warmed to her, she was so open and so honest.

"I didn't feel she was doing this because it was a publicity stunt, and we've had people who've done that."
TLT said…
Nutty, I think you’re right about her using this time to continue her victimization. She could make 100 excuses about a fake pregnancy, or doll Archie, by claiming miscarriage or inability to get pregnant and woe is her, blah blah blah. Her sugars would blame the BRF for forcing her to pretend and sending poor saint Meghan into pre-partum spiral. I’ve read that many women who undergo a hysterectomy become depressed due to feeling less like a woman ect. Perfect excuse for Meghan if she can’t conceive or carry to term. Anyone antagonizing her for that would be deemed a monster. All the subterfuge of the moon bumps and baby darrens would fall away, except for us.
Ava C said…
There's a problem with Harry coming back to the UK in that he's burned his bridges with the public. We were cutting him slack for a long time as he was in thrall to a narcissist and subject to prolonged emotional abuse after significant childhood trauma.

However he has brought tremendous stress for the Queen. Betrayed his grandfather's trust in the disrespect he showed as Captain-General of the Royal Marines. Think of the sacrifices Prince Philip has made. He was commander of his own ship. A deep joy to him. Fought in the war. Only to see his grandson throw it all away for a tacky Instagram queen.

Harry has betrayed his brother and in his own desire to have everything he wants for his family, he has increased the time his brother will have to spend away from his own family. Same for Kate, who had been a sister to him for years, and is now visibly drawn and grey from the strain of supporting her husband through this. George will need to step up to the plate sooner. He's a visibly sensitive child with old soul eyes. He will feel this deeply in later childhood.

I find it harder to be sorry for Prince Charles as he seems to have been a self-centred father, but he has lavished millions on Harry and Meghan and bent over backwards to welcome Meghan. And Doria. He will now be feeling utterly defrauded, not just financially but emotionally. With the added worry of what Harry is doing to the throne he has waited for for decades.

The public also feel defrauded on an epic scale. Having welcomed Meghan they - we - are now accused of being racist and our country is apparently toxic. The Sussexes couldn't leave quickly enough. But still want our money.

How is Harry to restore his reputation after this? He will never be loved again as he was by many before. We are now looking at a spoilt, petulant, selfish man approaching middle-age. He will continue to be like Dickens' character Harold Skimpole from Bleak House, who sailed through life sponging on other people, expecting them to provide even for his children. "He had more the appearance in all respects of a damaged young man than a well-preserved elderly one.  There was an easy negligence in his manner [...] a romantic youth who had undergone some unique process of depreciation.  It struck me as being not at all like the manner or appearance of a man who had advanced in life by the usual road of years, cares, and experiences."

Yes I have compassion for those who have been subjected to abusive treatment and we should offer a way back, but this ties up too well with the way Harry was before he met Meghan. His living in the African bush fantasy (only if it came with Out of Africa trimmings) and his assumption that the money would never stop flowing. He has never wanted to do anything that was not on his terms. His time in Afghanistan he reportedly found 'fun'. Same with his own charity work. Only in environments he liked. No care homes in Grimsby.
TLT said…
@Lurking "I didn't feel she was doing this because it was a publicity stunt, and we've had people who've done that."

😂 Even if that isn’t aimed at the banana marking Duchess, it’s still hilarious.
Sorry, hit post instead of preview. It's not a recent visit, although the article seems to imply otherwise as I couldn't see a date mentioned for it, just that it's "from the book" and that's easily missed if you're not paying attention. Normally that wouldn't grab my attention, but I found it interesting that this comes shortly after the obvious merching over the Canadian charities.
TLT said…
Brava! @Ava, you’re entirely spot on.
Excellent comment Ava C, I completely agree!!! 😀
@TLT, I know! I was snickering through the entire article, it's like they were playing "how many digs can we get into an article at once?" and when they dug this one up they hit the bingo jackpot lol
@Madge, ‘And right on cue - up pops a PR Instagram post from the Harkles about the bush fires in Australia. It's just so predictable. Every time there is something positive for Kate or William, this happens. Markle is just incapable of letting an inch of limelight go to the Cambridges.’

Doesn’t this just show how incredibly immature and egotistical the Sussex’s are! 🤨 Horrid ghastly pair, I really wish the media would ignore them. 😖
SirStinxAlot said…
I don't think the divorce is coming too soon. I just saw an article yesterday that she and Harry are looking for a surrogate because her pregnancy with Archie was difficult. International Business Times discussed it but the article can't be copied. It was followed by another article discussing her secret diary. She was supposedly keeping records of conversations, dates, gossip, etc. I believe celt news covered it on YouTube yesterday. This is supposed to be the same diary Harry had coniption about shortly after they married and she left it out where staff could read it.

Odd all this is being brought up again. I think Harry was initially smitten with her but may have regrets now. I do think there is some blackmail against Harry now. Perhaps he thinks he is protecting his family by staying with Meghan. As long as she is "winning" she won't do any tell-all interviews or books. The BRF are obviously aware if we are seeing these blatant blackmail articles in the headlines. The ongoing headlines about how fragile he is and referring to his mental health are not helping him though if they do get a divorce.
As for hypocrite Charles, like father like son.Jet-gate II. The house of Windsor is on fire, we are all watching the castle burn to the ground. Because it doesn't seem they know how to put it out in an age of technology and instant social media.

That is one of the reasons I don't believe anyone is camping out in front of the house the Sussex's ate in. Everyone has a camera, anything can be posted on the internet before you have a chance to turn around. Live streaming is common. If they are off a public road, paps could park a car with a motion sensor camera and watch all day. Turn it into a live stream channel like the zoos do for the giraffe birth, or geisers at national parks, etc. Not to mention she looked staged and directly looking into the camera.
Wanda said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
NeutralObserver said…
The NY Times has a story that examines Charles' prime source of income, the Duchy of Cornwall, as it relates to the Harkle departure. The article tries to paint a picture of the Crown's heavy foot on the necks of the peasants, but does throw in a few ameliorating facts as well. Interestingly, a lot of American CEOs are compensated more than the $28.3 million Charles received last year from the Duchy. The £87 million that the entire family gets for appearances & upkeep isn't really that much when compared to the operating expenses of various organizations & companies. If the Sovereign Grant is used for the upkeep of structures like Buckingham Palace or Windsor Castle, it's no different than public money being used for maintaining historic monuments & structures in other countries. The NYTimes story is trying to make Charles seem like something of a benign kleptocrat, but the figures the story uses makes me concur with the point that Nutty made in a post some time ago, compared to many of the super-rich, the royals probably don't feel very rich. Of course, they might have sources of income that aren't covered in the Times story, but this story certainly doesn't convince me that the RF are a British equivalent of the Mugabes, if that's the intention.

The NYTimes is a big supporter of identity politics, but isn't too sensitive to the role the BRF plays in British identity.
NeutralObserver said…
@Bluebell Woods, sounds like Megs is throwing the china, & Hegs is hitting the bottle, or some other form of escape. They asked for it, let them have their 'freedom.' They're middle aged adults, for heaven's sake.
Superfly said…

"How is Harry to restore his reputation after this"

if harry showed some humility, distanced himself from his narc abuser and asked the British public and his grandmother openly for forgiveness, he'd redeem himself.

he was very quick at publicly trashing everyone and everything that had supported him since his childhood, but I don't think he will show the humility, at least not anytime soon.

He' completely and utterly lost. The more I watch his behaviour, the more I think he truly has a very very low IQ. Intelligent, confident people aren't easily manipulated, fooled or used. You have to be of a very primitive persuasion to fall again and again for such transparent mind games.
JHanoi said…
DM new article. Queen offered H & M the opportunity to NOT have title prior to the marriage nd not be working royals. MM chose not to beause she wanted to be a working ROya, probably all that BS. about hitting the ground running.

they’re both trainwrecks
CookieShark said…
She will last a nanosecond in politics.
She cannot tolerate criticism, or accept feedback. Her staffers will not be silenced.
She will be eviscerated.
JHanoi said…
As i read th earticle, that was before the wedding. HMTQ said MM could continue working as an actress prior to the wedding, she wanted there to be a smooth easy transition into Royal life. but MM said no and wanted to dive right in.
Ive wondered because the Princess Royal’s husband doesn’t have a title and isn’t a working royal and it works for them. It’s a modern take on royalty.
Sounds like PH is not fit for the job, weak, and unpredictable; not BRF duty-bound material and can’t handle the pressures of royal life. And chose to leave on his own.
Superfly said…

Bluebell, that is a brilliant chess move by the RF! I'm laughing so hard. Everybody saw how delighted MM was when those evil paps 'ambushed' her and her shit-eating grin. Now the RF is offering 'protection' to the poor hounded victims, asking very little in return. If they truly were hounded and persecuted, they'd jump at the protection offer. But they're not, so they won't. But since they won't, will they subsequently dare to complain about a lack of privacy again? And how the RF is toxic?

hahaha magnificent self goal by these two idiots
@Jhanoi, ‘DM new article. Queen offered H & M the opportunity to NOT have title prior to the marriage nd not be working royals. MM chose not to beause she wanted to be a working ROya, probably all that BS. about hitting the ground running.’

I don’t believe the article, I think it’s PR spin from the Sussex’s. I don’t believe our royal family would offer this alternative. I can’t imagine Meghan being allowed to be a ‘working actress’ whilst being married to a senior royal. 🤔Regardless, Meghan would never turn down a style of HRH and a title. 😉
NeutralObserver said…
It's obvious why Megs was so sweatily eager to get back to Canada after the Harkle visit to CH. With Harry tied down in the UK, she could call paps up the kazoo, which she did. There were almost every day sightings of her out & about in Canada. According to the free lance photog who was interviewed in Saanich, there had been no problem in shooting pics of Megs & the house until after Harry arrived. If Harry really is as averse to the paps as he claims, the photos of Megs with her big floppy whatever stuffed into a sling, & her crazed s**t-eating grin, would not make him happy. Is she really that stupid? I wonder what their minders, (RPOs) had to report back on their behavior.
gloriosa said…
@Raspberry Ruffle

There were a lot of rumours flying about where (not newspaper articles) about MM having been offered a lump sum to leave PH, but she wanted the Title and Prestige nothing else.
abbyh said…

Really nice that BRF is so open hearted is right.

And nice catch about Doria's mother's death. When I read the article, I noticed that there seemed to be a real focus on Doria's need to be independent - which makes making a marriage work more difficult because you are less likely to be asking for help when needed and maybe less likely to offer help if there is not immediate payout.
poppycock said…
Nutty, as you said, inconsistencies and twists of irony don't derail her. Remember when she praised Ivanka?

People were saying she wants to be the next Paltrow, but it's Ivanka she wants to be:
"Her eponymous brand, which, by the way, seems to include every covetable thing one could imagine. Don’t get me started on her jewelry collection: the late night “window shopping” I have done on my computer, snuggled up in my bed with a glass of wine, staring longingly at the beautiful designs. And there are the shoes, the home collection, the clothing, and the natural extension of her brand with a kids collection – a smart choice given that she is now a proud mama."

She wants to be a fancy girl with a commercial empire and I believe that is her only long term plan. She won't go into politics beyond (social media) activism because it's hard. She will never come back to Britain because she knows she's not welcome and that she cannot thrive there.

The story of the prodigal son is as old as time and could be elegantly spun by someone like ELF. It will take time, and I predict Harry spending a year or two in Africa, but they'll bring him back as a working royal. Unless. The surrogacy story is true and is exposed in the mainstream media. Now he's perceived as a gullible fool, not an evil mastermind, but if he was a willing partner in Meghan's fraud, people will find it hard to forgive him.

I must admit that those theories about their marriage being a two year contract sound more appealing every day, though it seems that the principle of Occam's razor is Meghan's biggest enemy - if there was any contract, she probably changed it along the way and complicated it beyond reason. It baffles me that she just keeps trudging onward, oblivious to her mistakes, confident in her delusional PR assaults.
Louise said…
I don't see the Times article as an indication of an imminent divorce as the article states that the invitation to return was extended to both of them.
@Jhanoi, ‘DM new article. Queen offered H & M the opportunity to NOT have title prior to the marriage nd not be working royals. MM chose not to beause she wanted to be a working ROya, probably all that BS. about hitting the ground running.’

Further to my other comment, unless this was their way of keeping them both away from royal court/life etc. So instead of them saying no, you can’t marry her, have an alternative life instead. 🤔 I can’t see Meghan wanting this though.🙄
buckyballs said…
Without doubt the tentacles of the BRF reach very, very far. A quiet nod here and there and H&M are now kryptonite to anyone in entertainment, politics and noble causes. Who's going to go up against the establishment now? Gayle and Oprah had to walk it back and Ellen will probably get seen off too. And this is before Trump has his way with them.

Honestly, what did they think would happen? Realistically, they're left with no choice now but to go back to Frogmore Cottage.
@A Narc’s Daughter, ‘I didn't watch the Thomas Markle interview, did he really compare the RF to Scientology and Stepford Wives cults?’

No he didn’t in the interview. That comment was allegedly said over a year ago.
Sandie said…
@JHanoi: 'I've wondered because the Princess Royal’s husband doesn’t have a title and isn’t a working royal and it works for them. It’s a modern take on royalty.'

Princess Anne and Timothy Laurence married in 1992, but he only retired from the navy in 2010, so there was a blueprint in the family of the spouse of a senior royal continuing a career. Since his retirement, he has been very active, but the positions have not been as a royal patron (e.g. he has been Chairman of the English Heritage Trust since April 2015).

I can believe that it was clear to some that Meghan was not going to fit into the firm and thus there was an option for her to pursue her acting career (perhaps they did not know how mediocre it was) while Harry remained a working senior royal. Meghan wanted the title and status to fulfil her ambitions, so Harry insisted on the title, huge white wedding, some overseas trips, patronages and appearances to get her that status as soon as possible ... to make her happy. I doubt that he knew that it was all just a platform for her and he is probably so confused by now!

American politics: Even if Meghan does not run for office, if she gets involved in fundraising or supporting a candidate (interviews and appearances), won't she open herself up to scrutiny, criticism and a whole lot of fake news about her? She is so thin-skinned, I do not know if she could handle that, and it would drive Harry completely over the edge.
PaisleyGirl said…
@Buckyballs, my point exactly. The Harkles have nowhere left to go, except Frogmore Cottage. If only for security reasons. No other country is willing to cover the costs and Charles will only be paying for the transition period. Harry may be wealthy, but not wealthy enough for a large villa and 24/7 professional security.

It will be interesting to see if Meghan joins Harry or trudges on alone, trying to build her global empire with her divorce settlement payout.
Eowyn said…
A compelling essay by Max Hastings, a distinguished historian and former newspaper editor, on the dysfunctional royal family, which can be used by "republicans" to make the case against the monarchy.

For me, the most stunning part of the article is this: "members of the royal family perceive themselves as different from the rest of us to a degree that renders them exempt from the rules which govern ordinary human behavior.

This helps to explain an egoism which afflicts even the Queen, and even in conversation with those whom she considers personal friends. Beyond 'Have you come far?,' she, like other royals—with the notable exception of Princess Alexandra—finds it difficult to show the sort of interest in others that, among lesser mortals, passes for good manners."
hunter said…
Hi Superfly, welcome!

I have a couple things.

1. Hikari's suggestion she was sexually molested at a young age contributing toward life of promiscuity - I disagree with this and I am a person who has experienced exactly this phenomenon in my own life. The reason I disagree is because if MM is truly the self-centered scheming narcissist we paint her as, I believe she would simply see her body and sexual draw as another tool in her arsenal to get what she wants, nothing more or less.

2. MM cannot claim her first pregnancy was "difficult" because if it was, she would have told us ALL ABOUT IT the entire time. We know Kate has some shitty pregnancy issues because it has been publicized.

3. If AOC actually meets MM and tries to do any sort of joint political thing, she will realize what a right bitch MM is, how narcissistic and difficult to work with, and I would imagine AOC would be disenchanted pretty quickly. I don't see politics being a workable option for MM, she is not smart or likable enough.

4. @Bluebell - interesting article from the Times. They quote a "source" multiple times and those are some pretty specific quotes. I wonder who the source was.

5. Harry will quickly tire of life as an Average Joe, I can't imagine it will go well.
Nutty Flavor said…
It will be interesting to see if Meghan joins Harry or trudges on alone, trying to build her global empire with her divorce settlement payout.

It'll also be interesting to see if any security is provided for Meg.

If she keeps mouthing off, someone may decide that the world is better off without her. Not necessarily the Royal Family, although they would be the ones blamed. In the shadowy world that includes whomever got rid of Epstein, someone may find Meghan an inconvenience.
Nutty Flavor said…
@Bluebell - interesting article from the Times. They quote a "source" multiple times and those are some pretty specific quotes. I wonder who the source was.

Someone who doesn't want the Royal Family to be blamed if something happens to Harry. "We made it clear that the door to return was open to him..."

I do think his family loves him and cares about him. However, he's caused a lot of damage, and could cause more.
More than that, Nutty, I also think it's damage control. BRF relies heavily on PR themselves. And as an institution they need to appear to be above reproach. This shit show happened so fast they we're probably blindsided as well, they did certainly underestimate Meghan as well Harry. So now they have to let their side of the story known, whether what they are putting out as their story is true or not or a slightly embellished version of truth no one would know.
Fedde said…
1) Wouldn't Bernie be too pale, male and stale for MM?
2) Why did Harry rent a Beverly Hills house for Doria, Thomas and MM for the holidays and not attend himself? (and in addition, how would any self-respecting individual accept an offer to have someone else rent a house for you? - well, these are The Markles so I guess that answers that questions)
poppycock said…

I've just read that excellent article by Sir Max Hastings over at Plant's, and it confirms the RF being a rather shambolic enterprise. The wheels turn until they don't. Perfect breeding ground for nefarious actions.


Agree with everything, especially about her "pregnancy". She would yap about it all the time if it was real or difficult.
gloriosa said…
@ Nutty and fellow Nutties

This a murky mess that no-one will ever get to the bottom of, but have seen several comments in various media that MM's hobby horse of "female empowerment" was the mantra of the NXVM?? cult, seeing that a prominent Canadian family has members involved in that cult's activities. Also that MM recruited girls at parties for dubious reasons??? True or not who can say, but these sort of things being bandied about lend credence to the theory that she may be a huge inconvenience to those who like to operate in the shadows.
Eowyn said…
Thanks, @poppycock. Hastings has convinced me that the monarchy should be dismantled, although William and Kate don't deserve it. Given Hastings' description of Prince Charles -- and all that we know about PC -- I can't imagine the British monarchy surviving the reign of Charles III.
Charles' Duchy of Cornwall money is reported as supporting M&H, correct? Charles has the Duchy money solely because he was given it as a member of the BRF -- it's not like he bought it or earned it workin 9-5. It was plopped down right into his lap because of his family being the BRF and mommy being the Queen. At the end of the day, it is money funneled through various BRF channels. Its initial start was from machinations of the BRF in the past. Unless I am missing something.
That article in The Times...

I don’t buy the royal family would welcome Meghan back, she’s thrown them under a bus and called them toxic and more. Harry hasn’t behaved any better. If Harry comes back, he’s better off just being a non working royal and living his life...which means getting a paid job, even if it’s at Sainsbury’s checkout. 😁

As for be UK welcoming either back just baffles me, have they heard the nation at all? 🙄
@Raspberry Ruffle

I agree, the family would not want her or welcome her back. And she wouldn't want to go back either. This is just groundwork being laid to finally throw her under the bus.

What's sad to me is that eventually when the shit does hit the fan, even Harry would slunk back to his family. And he would be forgiven, not because he would still be the beloved son but because he is part of the Forms public persona. She would be thoroughly tarnished by her own sloppiness.
HappyDays said…
I love how the press keeps disecting and allegedly analyzing Harry and Meghan, but they either intentionally or due to ignorance leave out Meghan’s glaringly obvious narcissistic personality disorder. It is driving all of everything that has happened since February 2014 when Meghan’s divorce became final and the aging, mediocre actress set her sites on bagging Harry or any other wealthy European man as her husband.

This article from The Atlantic, a left-leaning magazine in the States, is well-written, but the one factor that is not discussed is how Meggan’s NPD will impact the future of Harry and Meghan as social media influencers.


Many thanks for sharing the Max Hastings piece. I’ve always loved his articles etc., and this was no exception, it was truly excellent! 😍
hunter said…
@Raspberry Ruffle - agreed, I don't think Markle is the one they're focused on welcoming back.
Superfly said…

Hello Hunter, I agree with you on every point, esp the last one, Harry soon will tire of being Mr Independent. This is a man who has never had to do anything. He's had people organising things for him, paying his bills, and laying out his day to day schedule. We already know that working for the Harkles is hard, people quit left, right and centre. Harry is incapable of taking care fo logistics and Meghan feels she's too good for that. Who will take care of their day to day household? And more importantly: whom can they trust?
I see the RF planting someone into their midst, as a spy, who will inform them of their every move, their every word. What people are they going to surround themselves with? Assistants, housekeepers, cleaners, gardeners, nannies, drivers, security, etc. and even lawyers. It takes a village to take care fo a royal. And these people used to be vetted. What about now?

Sylvia said…
Today's Sunday Times Magazine has a feature on Yacht Girls called Buoys Club
Nothing sordid 'What it's like to work aboard a super yacht Mahan Agnew peeks back the glamour on a world wgere depression is rife ,the demands are relentless and #me too never set sail 'Is this significant timing ?
NeutralObserver said…
"If she keeps mouthing off, someone may decide that the world is better off without her. Not necessarily the Royal Family, although they would be the ones blamed. In the shadowy world that includes whomever got rid of Epstein, someone may find Meghan an inconvenience."

Wow, that's pretty harsh! I think a QVC or HSN career is more her speed. Any political or social influence she has is a figment of her imagination. The other wokies who support her publicly, just do so because she fits into their narrative of everything is the fault of white men, although Megs sure seems like them! LOL.
Nessie said…
Thank you all for your wonderful comments!

I have a question: it is stated that Megs was a “private dancer “?. Or is this figure of speach? I’ve heard Yacht Girl before, but not this.
Does anyone have a link or perhaps Some other source that gives more insight in her connection with Steve Münchin or her other “clients”?
Thank you!
Wait...Meghan was a 'private dancer'??! Like she used to dance in the shower??
Nutty Flavor said…
Sorry! Just a euphemism for yacht girl.
hardyboys said…
Nutty, your posts are unbelievable. I just love your writing style. Wish I could write like you. I loved Texshan's analysis also. However, I just want to say that I don't think MM is worth finishing off like Epstein. Like does she really have the credibility or clout to tarnish the good will that the Queen has established for 70 years and that Will and Kate are slowing trying to keep up with? I don't think she is worth and she ruined all her credibility. She is almost a laughing stock now. The DM has successfully divided and conquered daughter and Father and now they are going after the Mother. The Queen, Kate, William and PC can just sit back and watch the media destroy her little by little. As posters keep repeating the adage, she is suffering a slow death by a 1000 cuts. If she were to go on Ellen and cry woe is me, it would be incredible entertainment and she would try to provide as much shock value as possible but it would be like any other celeb who goes on a talk show and cries their heart out. Remember when tom cruise jumped on that couch? He suffered alot for that humiliating behaviour. I can't see her being able to turn the tide around. She would need coaching from a gazillion PR Svengalis because she is really unlikable. I saw her on Craig Ferguson on Youtube where she was really thin and very pretty. She acted like a dumb ass airhead. Her engagement interview. Again unlikeable. She doesn't have the charisma to turn the tide around. So in the end, not worthy of deploying their resources to make her invisible. Just slow drip of this DM is perfect.
Nutty Flavor said…
"If she keeps mouthing off, someone may decide that the world is better off without her. Not necessarily the Royal Family, although they would be the ones blamed. In the shadowy world that includes whomever got rid of Epstein, someone may find Meghan an inconvenience."

Wow, that's pretty harsh! I think a QVC or HSN career is more her speed. Any political or social influence she has is a figment of her imagination. The other wokies who support her publicly, just do so because she fits into their narrative of everything is the fault of white men, although Megs sure seems like them! LOL.

I expressed myself poorly. I didn't mean what she'd said so far - I mean what she might say, particularly about the inner workings of the Royal Family, Ron Burkle's empire, or anything else she might have first-hand knowledge about.
NeutralObserver said…
FWIW, I love reading about posters' personal experiences & lives. I think they're all fascinating. I know others have complained, but I think personal experiences add validity to one's opinions. I've certainly changed as I've aged. In my teens, I probably would have been one of Megs' sugars. (All adults were repressive no-nothings, never paid for anything myself, barely ever had a job, so yeah, she would've been a hero, taking it to those weird looking Windsors. LOL). Part of my interest in this story is all of the revising of history that's been going on here in the US. Some of it has been a gradual process, mostly taking place in academe, but some of the more esoteric stuff has been entering the mainstream. My feeling is, the Greeks & Romans did some horrible things, but I don't think we should tear down all of the art they created, or throw out the philosophy & literature they contributed because of that. Acknowledge what doesn't have a place in modern society, keep what is admirable & gives pleasure, & move on.

Unlike some here, I've never had an interest in the RF. Just read what made US headlines. I was even living in London during Diana & Charles' wedding, & I believe my husband's bank rented offices & apts along the procession way for viewing parties. I wasn't very interested. I just felt sorry for young, pretty Diana having to marry someone who looked like Alfred E. Neuman to me. I did buy a friend a wedding gift at the General Trading Company (now defunct). Diana had a wedding list there. I figured if it was good enough for a princess, it was good enough for my friend. LOL.
Humor Me said…
Good morning (what is left of it) Nutters!

I am wondering if the latest press articles (not from MM ) are a warning shot across the bow to the Sussex Duo.

We have separate articles on the parents: Thomas and Doria (i so not believe for one minute that Doria is the steely resolve behind Megxit).
We have MM given the opportunity to continue acting after her marriage.
We have did MM leave Harry (as in abandon him) with his Sentabal speech.
and..royal experts say Harry will become the "bloke" in the corner....MM had unreal expectations of life as a costs for the couple...and the PAP walk in the woods (was it real or was it a set up).

I have always wanted to know why MM lived with Thomas during her formative teen years into college. I do not care about Doria's private life now. I admire that she is keeping her head down and not running to the press. By telling falsehoods about her past, Meghan has opened the door to her life before Harry - one that Samantha was gleefully kicking open regarding who paid for what.
I await the press investigation as to the missing seven years of Doria, how was Meg's post secondary schooling and life paid for, right up to Uncle gettin her the foreign office stint. And did she graduate from Northwestern?

I await the Kraken of press on Meghan. It is coming in slow drips. My only regret when it happens - Archie. No child should be stained with the mud from his parent.
xxxxx said…
Alice, Surrey James said...
Wait...Meghan was a 'private dancer'??! Like she used to dance in the shower??

Yes indeed! And she used to sing too--

Who put the bomp
In the bomp bah bomp bah bomp?
Who put the ram
In the rama lama ding dong?
NeutralObserver said…
@Nutty, Well, if she is mixed up with people like Epstein, & Russian oligarchs, yeah, that sounds risky. I remember seeing several stories in the NYTimes a few years ago about beautiful young models from Eastern Europe dying under very mysterious circumstances In various expensive NYC apartment buildings. They all seemed have been victims of iffy suicides or unknown causes, & they all seemed to have had bfs who were very wealthy Russians & Eastern Europeans. A pretty tough crowd.

Megs is a piece of work, but I wouldn't want her to come to a bad end. A lot of her crazy behavior is standard Hollywood stuff, & probably even considered 'smart' in some circles. Society has really loosened its standards in the last few decades.
Nessie said…
Neutralobserver: “ Megs is a piece of work, but I wouldn't want her to come to a bad end. A lot of her crazy behavior is standard Hollywood stuff, & probably even considered 'smart' in some circles. Society has really loosened its standards in the last few decades.”

I completely agree with this. Even 10 years ago a woman with her backround (noooooo I’m not talking about her skin color !!!!!) would have never made it intro the cirkels she is operating in now.
Ava C said…
@HappyDays - I love how the press keeps disecting and allegedly analyzing Harry and Meghan, but they either intentionally or due to ignorance leave out Meghan’s glaringly obvious narcissistic personality disorder. It is driving all of everything that has happened since February 2014 [...]

I agree - her NPD is staring us all in the face and has been from the beginning. My psychologist father would disapprove of me 'diagnosing' anyone in this way, but every time I look up NPD to understand more about it, there is Meghan! Textbook.

Those over a certain age will remember how much flack Prince Charles and friends of his such as Sir Nicholas Soames received for suggesting Diana had borderline personality disorder. It all got very ugly. I have the feeling the media is waiting for Meghan to be truly over before wading into that territory.

I don't expect her to die as that would be too freakish, but what we are seeing now is the same fast slide older people remember about Diana's final year. Diana's slide was more gentle (until the end) and she was insulated by her tremendous popularity. Many of us were irritated with her, but we still wanted her to be OK. To be her best self.

Meghan's a runaway freight train and the public would be happy if they never heard from her again. She will never be protected again as she was in the UK as a royal and there's no way back for her. She's truly on her own. She totally blew it. I just can't get over it. As someone wrote recently, she had attained the position even 'A' listers would covet as she no longer had to hustle to get or maintain recognition and wealth. She'd made it. And now she's given it up to hustle again.
Humor Me said…
and has a new posting:

The Surreptitiously Sneaky Sussex Plan

Talk about gloves coming off....
xxxxx said…
The internet sez:

Queen Elizabeth II $500 million USD (2011 estimate)

Prince Charles is Elizabeth II's son.
Net worth Prince Charles is $100 million USD (2019 estimate)

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh is Elizabeth II's spouse.
Prince Philip net worth $30 million USD (2015 estimate)


Queen Elizabeth II Net Worth | TheRichest
Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, 86, has a personal net worth of $550 million. The queen's wealth comes from property holdings including Balmoral Castle in the Scottish Highlands, stud farms, a fruit farm and marine land throughout the U.K.; extensive art and fine jewelry; and one of the world’s largest stamp collections built by her grandfather.

Nationality: United Kingdom
Place Of Birth: Mayfair, United Kingdom
Occupation: The Queen of The Commonwealth Realms
Born: Apr 21, 1926
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
xxxxx said…
The Royal family net worth is 88 billion according to Money Magazine which has been around here for years in America.

Royal family finances can be complicated, as many details of their fortune are kept private. But it’s fair to say that Queen Elizabeth and the royal family’s net worth is in the tens of billions — around $88 billion as of 2017, according to Forbes. Since the royal family’s jobs aren’t like the average person, how do they make all their money? The short answer: much of the royal family lives off trusts like the Crown Estate, which is owned by the reigning monarch and includes real estate properties like Buckingham Palace.

Some of the royal family’s wealth also comes from a portfolio of extravagant personal collections. The British monarchy owns billions of dollars in property alone, including Balmoral Castle, where the Queen spends every summer, The Savoy in London, a horse racetrack and an entire London street. The crown also owns one of the largest art collections in the world and the Crown Jewels collection, which is made up of more than 140 individual pieces and estimated to be worth at least $4 billion.

***** Much much more at the source

******This is a long and detailed article. I am going with the 88 billion estimate
Sandie said…
Why is Meghan still running the Sussex Royal IG account? They are not active working royals and are not even in the UK. She is actively using the BRF, which she rejected and dissed and threatened in a major way through friends, as a PR exercise for Meghan Markle, with Harry included as an afterthought.

The BRF did not think this through and should have made it a requirement that they shut down the IG account and website until negotiations for MegXit are complete and all is agreed, or keep the former going with BP approved weekly posts (maybe a photo of Harry and Archie and news of ongoing negotiations and any, if at all, future official appearances). Otherwise, any formal announcements should be made through the regular Buckingham Palace channels.

The BRF are letting Meghan use them right until the very end.

If this is their attempt to keep a door open for Harry or to entice him back, they are doing more harm than good. He will not leave her, and the more damage she does, the more difficult it will be to undo.

As for the Duchy of Cornwall, the entire set up is complicated with a lot of unique rules and regulations, and the ongoing benefit of being part of a huge corporation that is dedicated to the well-being of the Duchy. Changing all that will take time, a team of lawyers, consensus from the people of the Duchy and a lot of government involvement. Will the people of the Duchy be better off without their unique laws and regulations and fully under the rule of whichever political party is in government? Maybe not. Can Prince Charles and his management team do more for the people in the Duchy? Probably. Can the royal family survive financially without income from the Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall? Probably, if they are seen as the CEO of a corporation with commensurate compensation and responsibilities.

I think it is the Rothschild family that chooses the one with the best mind to manage the business affairs of the family in each generation. Perhaps the BRF should do the same (but keep Andrew well away from the job!).
Sandie said…
Wealth in the form of property is not as cool as it sounds, not if you are not collecting rents (and even then, the properties are old and need maintenance, insurance, staff ...). A multi-million pound estate is costly to maintain, and the 'for sale' value is worth nothing unless you actually sell it. The true value of the private properties is the profit when all running costs have been deducted from income.
YankeeDoodle said…
Thank you, Nutty, for all the work, time and effort in making this site one-of-a-kind. The “Nutties” are doing the work that investigative journalists used to do, plus adding their own smart opinions, many of which are funny.

IMO, Meghan can never run for office, even dog keeper. It would be open season on her and her background. Harry’s exploits and transgressions, hidden in an attic like his some of his late uncles, aunts and cousins, will be point center. Harry’s titles, rank, and status will be taken away faster than a strip search in an American jail. The Duke of Windsor was a King and Emperor before he (in)voluntarily gave up his throne for the woman he loved (but Wallis did not love him, only his power). H is only one of many grandchildren of a Queen.

When Half of the HAMS was in New York City, for her $500,000 baby merching shower, we learned that the USA State Department officials and their security, plus the Secret Service and New York police were used to protect this woman whilst she went around New York, unnoticed, shopping and eating. The dozen or more highly trained officers were beyond flabbergasted and angry that they were babysitting a has-been actress, because Charles or the Queen rang up and told our country that half a HAMS was in NY on a diplomatic matter. It was leaked out by USA police that she said she wanted the front of the hotel secured, kept changing her mind, leading to anger, and finally said on record that she would receive the best exposure if she looked like she was sneaking out the back of the hotel, “just like Diana” one officer put in his report.

The USA public were angry that our tax dollars were spent on this nobody. If HAMS and Son, Inc, ever reside in The YSA, the British will pay for their security.
HappyDays said…
Texshan said....
I fully believe that within six months MeGain will leave Harry because after all of this furor subsides, she's going to realize she's stuck in the Canadian wilds ...

@Texshan: As early as March of last year blind items were reporting that the Harkles had people scouting possible homes for them in the Los Angeles area. My thinking is that the palace said “no” to moving to the US, so Meghan did the next best thing, she chose British Columbia. It’s in the Pacific time zone, well away from London so as to keep Harty as isolated as possible from his former family, friends, and life.

The flight from Vancouver to LA is not as long as if they settled in Toronto, and there’s no time zone considerations.

Meghan will still move to LA, but it will be an incremental move. She will do most of her business in LA. As she and Harry spend more and more time there, they will quickly buy a home there as soon as they can afford it, justifying the purchase with the amount of time they spend there.

Eventually, they will be de facto residents of LA, with their Vancouver home as their “official” residence but it will be visited only occasionally, much like Frogmore will be in the UK.

Just as she quickly sneaked into the RF, she will quickly sneak into what will amount to nearly full-time residency in LA. Archie will go to the Little Red School House as Meghan did before she went to the Catholic girls school.
Anonymous said…
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NeutralObserver said…
Thanks to Eowyn for the Max Hastings article.

It seems very apparent that as dim & stubborn as individuals in the RF might be, they suffer from not having competent advisers.

Of, course, if they ignore the advice, what good are the advisers anyway? Whoever told Charles it was ok to cosy up to Greta at Davos, obviously is an idiot, but from the sounds of things, Charles was probably freelancing, as Andrew was when he did his interview.

The royals aren't used to making decisions. Others make the decisions for them. When they try to assert themselves independently, disaster results. Also, they're treated with pomp & deference, but their behavior is also very circumscribed. They're told how to behave from an early age. It's hard for them to have an inner life. They are not what the self help folks call 'self actualized.'

I thought the conversation with Trevor Nunn that Max Hastings describes regarding the impossible behavior of famous actors was interesting. In Hollywood, people grovel for people who have power & fame just as much as they do for any royal, if not more. Megs grew up seeing that as a child & working actress. She thought the RF would give her the deference she couldn't get on her own. Hollywood is much more cruel to those who have lost, or never had, power than the general public is, which is what makes it so nasty.

When Megs married Harry I assumed that the RF had advisers who carefully vetted her, & that they would have figured out how to ease her out if something was off about her. I was very wrong.
Anonymous said…
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NeutralObserver said…
Along with so many others here, I really enjoy Nutty's writing style, but what I also appreciate about her is how she organizes all of the important talking points.She gets to the 'nut' or the heart of the subject. Corny pun, I know.
Anonymous said…
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@NeutralObserver, ‘When Megs married Harry I assumed that the RF had advisers who carefully vetted her, & that they would have figured out how to ease her out if something was off about her. I was very wrong.’

I’d like to think the royals had their homework done on Meghan, I also like to think they had her sussed from day 1. I wouldn’t like to second guess anything with the royals when it comes to easing someone out of the family, especially someone like Meghan. Maybe we haven’t seen enough play out yet, there’s an awful lot that could happen yet....
NeutralObserver said…
@Elle, Impossible to say. Megs is probably pretty thick skinned after all of her Hollywood years. Charles may have been dumb enough to think he could add wokiness to his royal cred. in endorsing the marriage.

It could be that the RF have been playing a long game. I've wondered if they've planted some of the wilder Megs stories so that they blow up later, & make her look like a liar. Lord Geidt has intelligence experience, so he'd probably know how to do that. All governments, & the RF ,use disinformation. It's a tricky thing to do without making the RF look bad as well, plus Charles seems to be stubborn & unable to see his own best interests. All the more reason to be thankful for the monarchy's constitutionally limited powers. As I've mentioned before, the BRF is unique in its longevity, as the are the Japanese royals. I think that they do have more leverage over the Harkles than is apparent to the average member of the public. Control of the purse is a big tool, if Charles has the will to use it.That's the key thing. Will Charles & Her Maj continue to do the right things. They want Harry back, don't care about Megs, Archie? ? it's a tough needle to thread.
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
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Rainy Day said…
Interesting how DM keeps referring to Archie as a one year old.

Can you imagine what the atmosphere must be like in that house on Vancouver Island? I wonder if MM was happier when Harry wasn’t there...gallivanting around to random charities, driving herself, having friends visit, arranging to get papped. It’s like she had no adult supervision. I think Harry might be a very big wet blanket - tense, nervous and unhappy right now as the enormity of what he’s done is starting to hit him.

@Raspberry Ruffle. Love your photo!
Unbeweaveable said…
AOC’s first name is Alexandria, not Alexandra. As in, “I love to curl up on the couch while the rain patters against the window in my Russian oligarch-owned mansion and read the latest wise words from my dear friend Alexandria, who I just met last month. She’s so kind.”

I think the NYT article on the financial and legal machinations of the Duchy of Cornwall is infinitely more problematic than Harry/Meghan and Andrew put together. The BRF systemically harvesting every financial and legal advantage on its own behalf is going to be worse optics than dodgy second sons. No thanks to Harry for inadvertently shining a light on this in his quest for “financial independence.”

Having said that...if what Charles offered was actually to set up the Duchy of Sussex as a corporation like the Duchy of Cornwall, and those two geniuses turned him down, then she’s even worse at planning ahead than current behavior would suggest. She could have had unlimited merching under that model with minimal effort on her part.

And finally, regarding Doria’s missing time—I don’t think she was in jail or anything else unusual. I think she didn’t want the responsibility of parenting, and shuffled Meghan off on Thomas. Meghan deploys her parents and her relationship with them strategically, but neither of them seem like they were good role models or emotionally present in her life when she was growing up.
@Elle, ‘Also, for some time I've imagined you in a fluffy raspberry chiffon outfit, and just realized that a raspberry ruffle might be something British (duh, of course), so I googled and yes, it's an excellent coconut candy.’

Your comment made me giggle, I never really thought how the name could be taken by non Brits! 😂 It’s a childhood fav of mine. Maybe for fun, I should change my avatar to a pile of Raspberry Ruffles for a while. 😜

@Rainy Day, that’s my very naughty kitten/cat. He‘s less than a year old in that photo, he’s 17 months old now and still not fully grown/mature. He’s a British Blue (shorthair breed), AKA known to us in the family as a Weapon of Mass Destruction ! 😂😍
Hikari said…
Just had a hopeful thought: Lord G. was installed as a monitor over at the Commonwealth Trust to babysit Rachel the VP of Youth Ambassadors. Maybe the Queen has kept him out of the Palace to throw Charles off but is actually relying on him as secret advisor to Sir Edward Young. Maybees?
Teasmade said…

Here is the "cult" article:

It's really not as inflammatory as it might have sounded. And I think he makes some good points! See what you think.
Anonymous said…
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lizzie said…
@Raspberry Ruffle,

I didn't know about that kind of British candy. But while I've typed "Ruffle" when responding to your comments, I think I was always kind of picturing not a chiffon dress but Raspberry "Truffles." So I wasn't far off!
IEschew said…
@Nutty, question for you: If the Harkles offered you a PR job, would you take it?
Fairy Crocodile said…

Re Charles cosing up to Greta. I am told by my Russian friends it is a common knowledge in Russia that Greta is suffering from a mental condition, most likely autism. Apparently there were articles to this extent.

Charles has made a huge mistake. Not only he alienated British taxpayers already taxed to death (UK's car taxes are disgraceful), he opened himself up to a potentially hugely damaging association. Imagine headline "Charles Signs Up to Environmental Scheme by Mentally Fragile Teen".

I seriously suspect Harry is not compose mentis either.
Glow W said…
I thought it was known Great is on the spectrum?🤷🏼‍♀️
Glow W said…
Well, HAMS is going to get knocked off US News (already has I guess) because basketball star Kobe Bryant just died. This is going to take over everything for a week.
Platypus said…
I read somewhere that Greta was on the autism spectrum (Asbergers).
TLT said…
@tatty Wow. His poor wife and girls. His littlest is younger than Archie.
QueenWhitby said…
Oh wow, just read Piers Morgan is interviewing Thomas Markle on GMB tomorrow. Here it comes, Piers has been working his way up to this, let’s see what nuggets are mined tomorrow.
hunter said…
@Superfly - "What people are they going to surround themselves with? Assistants, housekeepers, cleaners, gardeners, nannies, drivers, security, etc. and even lawyers. It takes a village to take care fo a royal."

That's the thing though, Meghan wasn't raised that way and does not have a personal history of managing (or even having) a staff. I genuinely doubt they will hire many people to care for them, due to MM's general lack of planning. Neither of them know much about the logistics of running a household and unless they stay in hotels, there will (initially) be no staff to take care of them beyond whatever housekeeping services are being provided wherever they are staying.

I imagine a disaster of take-out or room service with the growing stank of unwashed bedsheets and dirty clothing, but hey that's just me. Add some empty liquor bottles.
QueenWhitby said…
“BREAKING: Thomas Markle will give his first TV interview since his daughter Meghan walked out on Britain with Prince Harry - live on tomorrow’s @GMB.
He has a lot to say....”
hunter said…
Humor Me said…
Actually - Autism is classified in the American Psychiatric Association as a disorder, but it is really more of a communication / social skills disorder. Greta has acknowledged her "condition" back in 2019.
hunter said…
@NeutralObserver - as an American, I was never into the royal family either. I was in college when Diana died.

I'll admit to being slightly more interested in Will & Harry as they are roughly my age. I was at a Veuve Cliquot Polo event here in NY once and was sitting right next to Harry as he took his walkabout to greet fellow guests. It was kinda cool. LL Cool J has great skin.

I loosely followed the "Waity Katie" saga because again, youth... I've always been impressed with Kate's long game.

I was psyched when MM was initially with Harry because she is about my age and a pretty American so honestly I identified with her and thought hey that's so cool, a girl like me! (I am white, I never considered her color.)

BUT THEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then she didn't wear hosiery on more than one occasion and the Baptist preacher at her wedding struck a false note with me. I've been hooked ever since.

I've learned SO MUCH!! about royal stuff since then. Things I would never give a crap about otherwise. Fascinating but useless info. Also learned a lot about the British press though, and that's quite interesting. The stuff about super-injunctions and all that. That's quite interesting.
hunter said…
Yes Greta is widely known and self-acknowledged as having Aspergers.
Wanda said…
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hardyboys said…
Agree Tatty everyone is talking about Kobea premature passing. MM and HM are going to be sidelined this week. Cant wait to hear piers egg Thomas on...they are two angry men...mad at MM in a fierce way
none said…
@tatty. Yes agree with you. This will be a big story. Reports now saying his 13-year-old daughter was also on board.
Fairy Crocodile said…
The Sun now report Markle dropped her bid to become a British citizen. Some Duchess of Sussex she is. Remotely operating unit.

Goodness, I was not born British but now realize I came to view the royal family as if I sort of own it and it is the epitome of Britishness. Cokctales, corgies, five o'clock tea, bagpipes to wake up, never turn your back on the Queen, Queen's opening the Parliament in her crown, curtsy as sign of respect, "yes ma'am", "One is not amused"

And some sort of parvenue rushes in, gets money and privilege poured on her and then spits on the whole country, abuses the tradition and protocol, demands privacy and independence and yet holds on to the royal title given to her by the country because without it she is worth nothing.

If Queen can't put a stop to this disgrace the royal era is over. I have never seen so many people calling for the republic.
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Anonymous said…
@ nutty. Actually I disagree with you regarding Swift. Her candidates didn’t win, that is true, but her endorsements prompted a groundswell of voter registrations, which is evidence enough of the reach of her star power. As an American, you know how that Tennessee is a conservative state. Considering HOW conservative Tennessee is, she pretty well. Also, this doesn’t take into account any of the other races that happened on a local level. Her Senate choices might not have won, but that doesn’t say anything about how the local races went given the increase in Democratic votes.

It doesn’t need to be said that Ms. Markle has none of that draw, and any endorsements she has made have been ALL related to her merching. Harry actually seems to have a real interest in promoting environmental causes. She is merely merching ideas for private gain, either monetarily or for narc fuel.
Wanda said…
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Anonymous said…
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Superfly said…

Hunter, from personal experience, I don't see these two as heavy drinkers. Sure they drink, but I totally see them both as stoners and coke users. Harry fits the stoner profile while MM seems to fit the coke-user profile, imo.

Not wanting to let staff see their extracurricular activities, could be a reason why they I agree with your scenario of dirty dishes, take away bags strewn around, and bedsheets that haven't been changed in weeks.

Pantsface said…
What a load of shenagins going on - how old is Archie? it varies from article to articel, now, he (if he exists) is now 1 years old. If he is a living breathing baby under their care, I feel sad for him. Regaring MM and her aspirations to be President, total lol, I believe you need major backing in the US to tune of millions before you get off the starting block (not the same in the UK), who is going to fund her imaginary campaign? I am tired of it all, should have been sorted 2+ yers ago and for that I blame the RF, they have a lot to answer for
Wanda said…
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Wanda said…
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xxxxx said…
NeutralObserver said...
@Elle, Impossible to say. Megs is probably pretty thick skinned after all of her Hollywood years. Charles may have been dumb enough to think he could add wokiness to his royal cred. in endorsing the marriage.

Charles was/is woke years ago as far as organic farming. He was doing homeopathy ages ago. Multicultural Charles was visiting Mosques years ago and other foreign religious houses of worship, such a Sikh and Hindu. Matter of fact Charles blurted out that when he became King he would act as defender of faiths. Not defender of the faith, which is the Church of England. This pissed off average Britons so Charles had to backtrack on this one.

Sad to say but Charles was duped and sucked in by Meghan's wokeness. I am sure she talked this up when she was with Charles. This commonality got Prince Charles to approve the H$M marriage.

It could be that the RF have been playing a long game. I've wondered if they've planted some of the wilder Megs stories so that they blow up later, & make her look like a liar. Lord Geidt has intelligence experience, so he'd probably know how to do that. All governments, & the RF ,use disinformation.

I am a Lord Geidt fan so I like to hear this about him being/was actually in British Intel. He has old chums on his phone. I am hoping he is back for good and has been contributing greatly in the RF's handling the dumped duo's defection.
Anonymous said…
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PrettyPaws said…
Hi, Everyone

Another brilliant post, Nutty, and I think we'll get some lovely comments.

For myself, I am wondering about that bit in the DM about the RF providing a safe haven for the Harkles. It may not just be about the paps.

Just look at what is happening: volcanic activity in Vancouver (or right near, H and MM must have felt the tremors), indigenous tribe claims they are living on stolen land and that the tribe's ancestors are buried there, a case of coronavirus has turned up in Canada as well as three in the US (Chicago, Washington and LA) and news is breaking that they will have to pay for their own security or face the wrath of the Canadians.

Does H still think this is a safer environment for Archie than the UK? I am wondering if the Great Spirit in the Sky is trying to tell them something.
LavenderToast said…
FYI for those who enjoy the 'Crowns of Britain', she has a new weekly post up (funny British satire).
none said…
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none said…
Anyone recall insider reports of the Harkles fighting about her pregnancy when they were in Australia? Harry was said to have asked if she was even pregnant.

My theory is MM originally claimed to be pregnant while they were still dating and a quick marriage was arranged. This fake pregnancy then ended in a supposed miscarriage. When she became pregnant the second time with "Archie", Harry was skeptical and arguments ensued.

I don't think MM was ever pregnant, hence the absurd rollout of "Archie" which continues to this day. No one even seems to know how old he is.
Glow W said…
@prett paws Vancouver island gets many quakes a year, as does much of the west coast. A 4.5 probably wasn’t felt on the island, but in parts of Vancouver that are not built on bedrock.

As for Coronavirus, it’s only a matter of time before the U.K. gets cases.

In the US, you can say all indigenous people were robbed of their land.

NeutralObserver said…
Article from the NZ Herald which says the Harkles are winning in the pr wars in terms of the amount of attention they get vs. the rest of the family, but points out that the attention given to the Harkles is mostly negative. Not sure how the RF should handle this. Megs, like Paris Hilton, the Kardashians, & Lindsey Lohan, seems to think even disdainful attention is better than no attention at all. Wonder when camera-shy Harry will wake up the fact that his wife is a 'coverslut?' Another Nuttie came up with that term, can't remember who.
FrenchieLiv said…
Kate has taken photographs of 2 Holocaust survivors published 10mn ago (@Kensington IG)
The 2 pictures are beautiful. Well done Kate: this is something very symbolic but I am very moved.

- what Meghan will do to upstage Kate: I think she may have a few more "secret" photos she could share on their/her IG?
Maybe she'll make another announcement?
- what Meghan will do to counterattack her dad tomorrow (GMB): some more articles about her close bond with her mum?

Lastly, agree that Kobe and his daughter's death will run the headlines in America this week.
If she had a photo with Kobe, she would have showed off. If she could send a "secret" sweet message for their family (which will be - of course - released) she would do so.
Hikari said…

Been off line for the afternoon bc I was at the theater, so I did venture I said position earlier about how the queen might be deploying her secret weapon Lord Geidt aka 007 in this mess. His official title is advisor to the Commonwealth Youth Ambassadors scheme.,,It was in effect a babysitting detail for Dinge and Minge. Hoping that’s just a cover to placate Charles, and that LG is propping up his successor with a game plan to shut the HAMS down. Retrieval from Canada and house arrest at Toad Towers under the guise of rehabilitation sounds suitably draconian. I think I speak for the president of the United States of America when I tell Lord G. That he has Americas permission to Waterboard her until we get some satisfactory answers about Archie, and about how she finagled her way into marriage with a fuck buddy who dumped her. I mean, how many times can one middle-aged prostitute pretend to be pregnant in the same year with multiple fetuses and still not produce a single one? I think the Octomom was certifiably off the deep end but she did produce eight babies out of her body. Meg has at least three or more fantasy babies, so she wins the the Cray Cray sweepstakes.

I have just switched my phone back on to learn about Kobe. I need to pour a stiff drink and find out what the hell happened.
DesignDoctor said…
The photographs Kate took are beautiful--the composition and lighting is vey skilled. Well done! She is a very talented photographer who skills have grown over the years.
I am Markled out. Her pap walk stunt with the doll and the after threat of a new law suit turned me off completely. I am really tired of her silly, childish games.
DesignDoctor said…
@holly Yes I remember the reports about the HAMS fights about the pregnancy early on. I agree with a "pregnancy" speeding up the wedding. I think it was a ruse, though.
PrettyPaws said…
@Tatty - We are well aware that the coronavirus is on its way to the UK which is why we are already battening down the hatches and preparing for the onslaught.

However, your other comment rather puzzled me - what do indigenous tribes losing their land in the US have to do with my comment re the land the Harkles are living on in Canada?
NeutralObserver said…
@xxxxx, As I understand it a lot of assets which are listed as belonging to the RF, actually belong to 'the Crown,' ie 'the nation.' I believe the Queen owns Sandringham & Balmoral outright, but properties like Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, Clarence House, etc. are held in trust by the Crown Estates, as is the art & antiques in them. The royals are like human museum pieces living in vast museums. Apparently none of the RF is very keen on Buckingham Palace, & wouldn't mind turning it over to be made into a museum. They do own a lot of other things, but I believe the Duchies of Cornwall & Lancaster are not owned outright by the RF. There are very ancient deeds & titles giving the Prince of Wales & the Queen certain privileges regarding to the income & so forth, but if the UK ever votes for a republic, & the RF claims outright ownership, my guess is that there would be a legal case that would make Bleak House look like a pamphlet. The Brits here could tell us more about this & correct my mistakes on this, but Queen's private wealth, & the property she has the use of are two different things.

@Elle, I laughed out loud on your 'milk' comment, your mom, & Meg's warped interpretation of it.

@Hunter, I've learned a lot of stuff too, some things I didn't even want to know! LOL. However, now that Megs & Harry are in North America, they seem a lot less royal to me. Just another tiresome celebrity couple. I suppose we're all wondering if & when there will be a divorce, & what will happen to the baby known as Archie. I'm afraid we'll never find out the truth about that very sketchy 'pregnancy.'
Mischief Girl said…
Kate's photographs are simply stunning. I saw them on the Hello! magazine US webpage. She really is incredibly talented. The feature of the gentle light coming "from the East, from the direction of Jerusalem" was exquisite.

HAMS' attempts to stay in the public eye will come across as more desperate with each effort. I've seen a lot of discussion that the "baby" in the ill-fitting baby carrier was a doll, so that thought seems to be VERY public. No more hiding the fact that MM has the Reborn dolls hiding somewhere in the house, in case Harry didn't know about them already.

I have to wonder if Harry read MM the riot act when he saw how foolish she looked in those photos. If they moved to Canada to get away from the intrusive press, or whatever their complaint was with the UK, Harry will know that was a pap walk and she tipped them off. And he'll clearly know that wasn't his son in the carrier.

I would have LOVED to be a fly on the wall for that argument. I'm hoping that Harry really lit into her (verbally only, of course) and let her know that sort of press baiting simply isn't going to be tolerated because it only makes the HAMS look unbelievably stupid.

Louise said…
FrenchieLiv: Thank you very much for the link to the story about Kate's portrait photos for the Holocaust exhibition. I was very moved by her contribution to the project.
CelticMiss 'Unknown' here:

Regardless that there are NDA's people have had to sign regarding anything to do with Archie's birth, why wouldn't someone with nothing to lose (ie. money or professional position) leak the info? Someone with nothing to lose could secretly tell someone else the details and it get out eventually to the media. Even if reporters can't publish the story it would still be talked about among themselves in private. Nutties do you think this is what is going on (like we are discussing but the media actually may have the details)?

SwampWoman said…
Blogger tatty said...
Well, HAMS is going to get knocked off US News (already has I guess) because basketball star Kobe Bryant just died. This is going to take over everything for a week.

Agree 1000%. I thought it was a joke or some sort of macabre troll when I first heard talk of it online before it was confirmed. How incredibly sad.
Louise said…
Tatty: One can say the same thing about Australia and Canada, i.e., that all land is Indigenous land, and I often see an acknowledgment of this in films and TV programs filmed in both these countries.

William and Kate were also given a hard time by some indigenous leaders in BC when they visited in 2016, with the native leaders using the occasion of the visit to pressure the Canadian government for more money. However, they did have a more successful meeting with the Heiltsuk people.

NeutralObserver said…
@FrenchieLiv, Add my thanks to others for the link to Kate's photos of holocaust survivors. They look like Vermeers.

Ok, so now I'm officially a Kate stan. My fave Federer struggled into the quarterfinals of the Aussie Open today. (He's almost 40!) Kate's admiration for Federer & Mirka is another sign of her good taste & astuteness.
SwampWoman said…
Louise said...
FrenchieLiv: Thank you very much for the link to the story about Kate's portrait photos for the Holocaust exhibition. I was very moved by her contribution to the project.

Yes, let me add my thanks to Louise's. The photographs were lovely. She is very talented.
Animal Lover said…

If you recall M reported on one of her blogs that if she failed an audition she would take to get bed with a bottle of wine and cakes staying there for days.
Maybe an unstable H is dealing with an unstable M.

That poor baby if that's the case.

Also Kobe dying in a helicopter crash is huge news in the US.
H&M are minor celebrities compared to Kobe in the US.

His death was the top story in The Sun.
Madge said…
I've just taken a look at Kate's photos for the Exhibition. Wow. Very beautiful and full of depth and feeling.

But with a sinking feeling I found myself wondering what bit of PR fluff or nonsense Markle will put out tomorrow to try and push Kate off the front page. Will she, for once, be able to control her jealousy of Kate?
Animal Lover said…
Just read Kobe's 13 year old daughter died
with him.

Maybe the UK tabloids and blogs will pay attention to them.

My feeling is that they are over.

M really screwed up.
Anonymous said…
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Louise said…
The Royals are going all out for Holocaust Remembrance this year, the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. In addition to Kate's photos and words, Charles was in Jerusalem for the World Holocaust Forum and Camilla will be at Auschwitz at the end of January for a memorial service.

(As an aside, I don't know whether all readers here know that Philip's mother, Princess Alice, hid a Jewish from the Nazis in her home in Greece during the war. )
Tamhsn said…
Dont know if it's been posted yet...
Tamhsn said…
How Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are a boost worth more than $28M for Canada
Tamhsn said…
Started pr articles so that Canada pays for their security..smh..
Wanda said…
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Anonymous said…
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Wanda said…
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Wanda said…
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Mischief Girl said…
I truly believe this latest pap walk with the doll is the action of someone incredibly mentally unstable. Worryingly so. Totally lost touch with reality.

There is a baby. We saw him with Desmond Tutu. I can only hope that child isn't anywhere near MM. If she is unstable enough, I wouldn't put it past her to harm him if only to generate sympathy for herself. Maunchausen syndrome by proxy. Honestly, I think MM is that sick in the head. It was SO OBVIOUS she was carrying a doll.

Who does that???
Ava C said…
We were mentioning earlier about the media not picking up the narcissistic aspect. Well here's one, not saying she has a full-blown disorder, but enough of a hint.

Did Meghan Markle's 'Narcissistic Streak' Lead to Royal Exit Drama? Expert Claims Meghan Put 'Her Own Feelings Ahead of the Dutiful Life'

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s announcement about taking a “step back” from their royal lives came as a shock to many and the rumors quickly began to swirl that Meghan was to blame for the decision. A psychologist now sheds some light on why Meghan’s “narcissistic streak” may have played a large part in the couple’s move away from the royal family


Hemmings points to Meghan having “a touch of the narcissist about her, putting her own feelings ahead of the dutiful life she signed up to.” Meghan’s comments during the couple’s documentary that “It’s not enough to just survive something… You have to thrive,” according to Hemmings, “shows how important her own happiness and wellbeing is to her.”

So did Meghan push Prince Harry into this exit decision? Hemmings notes that “many strong and influential people have that narcissistic streak. They find it hard to tolerate a situation that makes them feel distressed or to manage a situation over which they have little control.”
Louise said…
Tamhsn: Canada doesn't need any more publicity. Everyone loves Canada, probably the most benign nation on earth. As it is ,we have thousands of people crossing illegally via the USA and a backlog of legal immigration requests. The Chinese have bought up a lot of real estate in Vancouver and Toronto, driving up prices and making homes unaffordable for Canadians in those cities.

My message to the author of that article: Thanks, but no thanks. We're good.
DesignDoctor said…
MM will not be able to control her jealousy of Kate's glorious,portraits and the good press Kate receives. Narcs have to be the best in all things at all times! They cannot tolerate being second best or that someone is smarter or more talented than they are.
Kate is real. Genuine through and through.
MM is an empty facade. Fake as a three dollar bill. There is nothing inside her.

@Animal Lover

I agree that M really screwed up. As someone earlier in the thread posted, she could have had it all without ever having to hustle. Yet, in her feeble mind the BRF is toxic and her position in the Firm was soul-crushing? To that I say, you screwed yourself over Rach. You could have had a very cushy life with fame, fortune, and respect. You squandered it. For what? To be a faux "lifestyle brand" a la Goop?
Ava C said…
@Bluebell Woods - The Times is often seen as a UK paper of record, as far as anything can be these days. I often pay more attention to The Telegraph as they seem to be closer in terms of royal sources (not tabloid-y ones). Move in same circles. However The Times is a close second.

I read The Times, Telegraph, Guardian and Daily Mail and Sunday sister papers and I like The Times' analysis. They tend to hold fire until they come up with some real news and analysis, whereas the Daily Mail sets firecrackers off with everything that comes along.

The Guardian drives me crazy with woke female writers excusing and defending Meghan without tracking what she's actually doing. It's enough that they see her as black and female. Then they disable comments. What's funny is that they leave comments open for royal fashion and beauty articles and readers pile in there to let off steam.
NeutralObserver said…
@Tamhsn Well, they had to use a pr guy named Smallwood from Minnesota, a place not renowned for its branding savvy. If you want to know about Minnesota, watch Fargo.

Hey, no offense to any Minnesotans. I was born there while my dad did one of his graduate degrees at the University of Minnesota. My parents loved it. Their best friends were a couple named Olsen who lived in Edina, MN back in the 40s. Minnesota was rife with good, honest Scandinavians then, & probably still is. It isn't the home of glam & media savvy, though. Never has been. Might be someday, but not now.
Wanda said…
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Ava C said…
American nutties - who is John Cardillo? I've googled him but can't tell how he would be rated in importance. He's described in a Daily Express article as a top US TV chat show host but I've never heard of him. Anyway, extracts below from some of his remarks about Meghan:

The host of America Talks Live said: “She was like a 'C' list actress, a supporting actress on a cable network show for a few seasons.

“She got lucky and married a prince.

“Now I think Meghan Markle realises that she is never going to be truly embraced as a Royal.

I've heard Meghan described as B list, C list and D list now. In talent I'd say D list but I've never been quite sure where Suits would fit. She was paid a lot of money when you think what a bad actress she was. Just think, she was earning more per episode than many doctors get for saving lives all year. In the UK anyway!
Mischief Girl said…

I'm a four-year Minnesotan, waaaaaaay up north. I'd agree--we aren't glam, or media savvy.

FYI, the biggest tragedy we've had this year is too much snow so the lake ice isn't safe for ice houses. This time last year there was a veritable village on the big lake here. Today, there isn't one house.
Ava C said…
There's a funny post on Quora for the question "Are Meghan and Harry happy? (Not Harry and Meghan note).

I like one who points out how ludicrous it was when Meghan said she met Harry on a blind date. How can you have a blind date with a British prince? She notes that Heather Mills claimed initially she didn't know who Paul McCartney was "and we know what happened there".
lizzie said…
@Ava C wrote

"Just think, she was earning more per episode than many doctors get for saving lives all year. In the UK anyway!"

I think reports of Meghan's earnings on Suits have been greatly exaggerated.

I'm in the US but I've never heard of John Cardillo.
Never heard of John Cardillo, either. I’m in the USA.
NeutralObserver said…
@Mischiefgirl, an old friend of mine once spent a winter in Duluth, MN pursuing a bf. It didn't work out, unsurprisingly. LOL. Haven't spent much time there since I was a baby, but my parents instilled a fondness for the Land of Ten Thousand Lakes in me.
SwampWoman said…
Re: The discussion about somebody shutting up MM permanently. If she were to suddenly have an unfortunate accident, I would not be terribly surprised.

If they are indeed staying at a Russian oligarch's vacation house, that can be very dangerous. I could see her being politely requested to move on. I could also see her having a hissy fit and threatening nebulous consequences and how she knows things that she would spill if she isn't allowed to stay. I could also see where she threatens a rich man (or men) that she has had/is currently having an affair with with exposure if he doesn't pay up, thereby becoming a problem that needs eliminating. Who knows what else she has picked up in her alleged yachting career that she is probably not bright enough to keep quiet about. Then there's the (alleged) NXIUM connection.

Hopefully she'll just end up pitching a miracle skin whitening cream (eyeroll) or wig freshener on late night infomercials.
SwampWoman said…
I am clueless about John Cardillo, but I cut the cable, so to speak, a very very long time ago.
Louise said…
Ava C: My understanding of the term "blind date" is that it is a "fix-up" or introduction of two people, who have not previously met, by a third party. Sometimes they know of one another.

Wanda said…
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HushHush said…
Here is a PR story from the CBC arguing that Harry and Meghan create a tourist spin off. Maybe they sell newspapers, but $28 million is a bit much. Are Brits and Yanks going to choose to ski or start a cruise in BC because of some pap photos? They're trying to justify paying for their security, which is unpopular as they don't have any official roles.
Teasmade said…
@Ava C -- I've never heard ofJohn Cardillo either but I did a search on "America Talks Live" and apparently it's a conservative direct TV station. So, not the big leagues, not a major network by any means. HAHA, kind of the Suits of talk TV. (I've ever heard what station that aired on, but I definitely had never heard of it!)
Louise said…
Jan 29 is "Bell-Let's Talk" day in Canad,. a day sponsored by one of our major media companies and dedicated to mental health. There is always a well known person who suffered from mental illness who represents them. I wonder whether Harry has volunteered.
Ava C said…
@Bluebell Woods - the Guardian and Telegraph have gone quiet on H&M. Nothing of substance. Telegraph had a beauty article about how the royals are showing us the way with makeup trends, with a photo of Kate. When I went to the article I thought surely Meghan can't feature here, but there she was, 50/50 with Kate as examples of fresh-faced beauty(!) Decided I'd exhausted my indignation quota for the day and didn't read.

At least Kate looked beautiful but she's not looking fresh-faced at the moment, thanks to you-know-who. I'm sure she'll pull out all the stops for the BAFTAs though. Last year's white dress was one of the best she's ever worn. A real Grace Kelly moment. I'm going to enjoy Kate having an evening of pure glamour while Meghan sits at home with her sulky man-child.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
@BlueBellWoods -- Thanks for the nod :)

I am a journalist (for a weekly publication for veterans, of which I am one) -- but I also have a bachelor's degree in psychology. I would probably need a master's to diagnose Markle, but offhand, I'm seeing not narcissism (NPD) but borderline personality disorder (BPD), which is, I'm afraid, always going to be impossible not only to correctly diagnose, but also to treat. There really isn't any treatment.

The Royal Family's "Grey Men" are formidable. I put ALL my faith in them, as they are the BEST at "putting out fires" in the RF. They have always been there. Hopefully, they always will. Not sure, however, what they are up to today.

Markle can be compared to a rogue cancer cell. They mutate, as they confront threats. They don't know why they bounce around other cells. They only know they must.

Something tells me we need to treat this …. person ….. as a cell, particularly now, that the Corona virus is such a threat.
murphy said…
Love this blog, so glad I found it.

Its 2 am here so I'll stick to a couple of basic points that I'm puzzled by;

1. Thomas Markle could have used all that footage of his daughter that was shown in the documentary and made a killing. Even just using it in a positive way as an interesting glimpse into her childhood, the media would have paid good money for that stuff. That he didn't do that is to his credit.

2. Katie Nicholl, journalist, was the source of the story that Harry had a major crush on Rachel Vane, MM's 'Suits' character from 2015 and that he pursued her relentlessly, (perhaps confusing the woman with the TV role.) That story has vanished and been replaced with conflicting versions of how they met. I'm always inclined to believe the first, unvarnished version of these things. And I do think he's as guilty as she is in terms of doing whatever it takes to get what he wants.

3. Harry must have spilt some very tasty beans about the RF. She probably knows all kind of stuff about Andy and goodness knows what else and imagines this gives her leverage. Except it puts Harry in a horrible position.

4. Prince Philip has said some pretty indefensible racist things in the past and we laugh and tolerate the old duffer. This won't play out quite so well for the RF on a world stage, nor for the UK public who've turned a blind eye. I imagine she has receipts for the odd unpleasant remark that she thinks will bring the RF to its knees. And I'm no fan of 'woke' culture but when somethings racist you have to be honest and admit it, and call a spade a spade.

Thats it for now.
murphy said…
Apologies for tasteless facetious remark in my last post, but I do also think it relevant that Prince Philip was ostentatiously driven away from the crisis talks.
Ava C said…
@Murphy - I don't think anything she has on Prince Philip would do much damage now. He's already said so much already and he's now so old. When my father (mid-80s) says something inappropriate I'll challenge it, but I know it's his generation, which will soon be gone. Even on the world stage, I think people would be understanding.

PP has a fine war record and has achieved a great deal in his life. I've mentioned before that I grew up in an Outward Bound school from the early '60s where PP was patron and he represented such strong values. In those days courses were really tough and lasted a month, and many kids had their lives turned around. Same for the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. Yes he can be rude and inconsiderate, but that applies to Princess Anne as well. Both of them have worked infinitely harder than any of the younger royals.
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