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Open Post: Charles tests positive for Corona Virus

Prince Charles has tested positive for Corona Virus, the British media is reporting.

According to the Telegraph,

The Prince of Wales has tested positive for coronavirus and is working from home with mild symptoms.
A Clarence House spokesman said he was "displaying mild symptoms but otherwise remains in good health and has been working from home throughout the last few days as usual".
Prince Charles, 71, and the Duchess of Cornwall, 72, are now self-isolating at their home in Scotland.
The Duchess has also been tested for the virus but did not have it, the spokesman said.
What is your reaction?


Nutty Flavor said…
My first reaction was: a lot of people have been guessing this, due to Charles' absence from the Royal media recently.

Second reaction was: He has the best of all possible medical care. I hope he recovers fully.

Third reaction was: Diana always said he would never be King.
Nutty Flavor said…
Fourth reaction: I hope the Cambridge family will stop traveling on the same %/&#§!* plane now.
Unknown said…
So my worries about PC weren’t misplaced. May he recover and get well soon. May the entire family be safe and healthy.

I wonder what this news will mean about H&M and Archie? Given the travel restrictions, how they will be allowed to return? I am guessing we will be getting an IG post from them.

I am extremely worried for PC, Camilla, PP, and HMTQ. I love British civility but one thing I hope we get rid of permanently are handshakes.

I heartily agree.

God save the Queen

God bless the Prince of Wales.

And the Cambridges.
Unknown said…
@Nutty Well the Cambridges won’t be traveling by plane anytime soon. I hope they follow protocol by traveling separately in cars.
Fairy Crocodile said…
Nutty, thank you for another post.

I immediately thought that the virus often starts mildly and then worsens quickly. I only hope Charles is robust enough to sit it out. Camilla seems to be OK at the moment.

My biggest concern is the Queen, we have not heard anything at all about her. I expect they would let us know if she fell ill?

You are right, time to stop Cambridge family group travel. I also noticed the rumor that Harkles are planning to sneak back into UK. Just like vultures.
Nutty Flavor said…
I don't know that it makes sense for Harry and Archie to cross continents to visit a man who has a highly infectious disease.

One would hope they would Skype or FaceTime with him. The same is true for the Cambridges.
Nutty Flavor said…
Anyway, William in particular needs to stay healthy. He really is entirely on his own as a Senior Royal under 70, with the exception of Edward and Sophie.

Predictably, the Yorks have been embarrassing themselves again. Sarah Ferguson has been publicizing a "secret" mercy mission and dragging Eugenie and Jack along. She seems to be marching some kind of chocolate as well.
Unknown said…
@Nutty I agree with you. Sussexes should stay where they are. However, I think H&M will want to capitalize on this development to get back in the family. H&M have devolved into vultures at this point. Maybe in the midst of this chaos, we might find out their true locations. I am guessing we’re going to see Archie too if they can “arrange” for him.
Fairy Crocodile said…
Rumor is Harkles are looking to buy a "mansion" in the Cotswolds. Beautiful and very expensive part of the country.

I thought we were so racist and treated the poor duchess so badly she had to run for her life. Harry so valiantly escaped to protect his son against us plebs and against the shameless media who (just think about it!) wanted pictures of Archie the same way they get pictures of Cambridge kids and dared to criticize the Harkles' hypocrisy.

Now they want to come back because nobody else can be forced to pay for them and they can smell possible change in the royal order. They want to make sure everybody remembers Hazza is still in the line of succession, despite he is an idiot who sh**t on his country.

I am sorry but I am getting very angry. Looks like we will never see the back of the ridiculous duo.
Nutty Flavor said…
I agree that H&M will try to take advantage of this.

The question is, do they have any PR people left to help them?

Their ludicrous Instagram post this morning suggests not.
Nutty Flavor said…
Also, can they afford a mansion in the Cotswolds? How much of Harry's inheritance is left? And what about Meg's visa?

If Charles is not active and the Queen is infirm, the person in charge is William. He's not going to toss aside all his grudges at once.
Fairy Crocodile said…
Thank you Nutty. Your cool logic makes me feel a bit better.

You are right, William always kept a finger at the public pulse. I am pretty sure his PR people surf the internet and are pretty aware of the mood.

Charles is more easy to manipulate than Wills.
Mango said…
Nutty Flavor said...

Their ludicrous Instagram post this morning suggests not.

@ Nutty - Did you see the snide replies to their "encouraging" message to wash our hands, etc.?

I’m sure you guys will stay safe in your multimillionaire mansion
Bet you will have access to the very best care , 🇬🇧 you should be on the frontline like wills and Kate not sitting give your snippets of sympathy for us poor peasants!!!! Save it for your adopted country !!!

Oh my, nobody had told us that before. So good that you can provide information that nobody else can

Aren't Kate and William doing s wonderful job holding up the fort! You must both be very proud of them 😊

We don't need you telling us this. If you can't find something actually helpful to do, please just stay quiet and enjoy your "private" lives, off the taxpayers' bill.

Oh, snap!

Unknown said…
Not just PR, that last IG post looks like they’ve run out of ideas. Maybe they should join Jim Carey in his call for growing beards during self-isolation.

Newsflash: beards carry a hygiene risk. It boggles the mind that people who don’t seem to read are the ones with platforms to spread their inane nonsense and ideologies.

Sorry if I am a little edgy lately. I am in NYC and it’s a nightmare. I’m also so worried about a lot of my neighbors in my apartment complex. A lot of my neighbors are elderly and others are cancer survivors. My family got a scare with my brother getting the “flu.” He’s been self-isolating. I truly hope PC and the BRF get through this safe and healthy. May we all get through this healthy and very soon.
Magatha Mistie said…
Diana saying Charles would never be King was just words.
Are we now to believe that Diana had prophetic wisdom in her words?
I loved Diana, warts & all, but...
Hopefully Charles is/will be fine.

Harry & his wife are finished.
The Crown always wins.

God Save the Queen

Fairy Crocodile said…
True. If Diana had a gift of prophecy she would have never ended with playboy in that tunnel.
Mango said…
I'm an admitted Insta rube. I made an account just to read comments. Are H&M able to remove comments from their Instagram? There are more choice ones:

The overwhelming dislike of this Instagram site, the double standard of wanting privacy and then encouraging attention via this is wholly wrong. Please remove this Instagram and go underground and remain in your privy world. This site is too public and you both wanted privacy. Lets agree to this and respect your wishes to be private .

You two are about as interesting as toenail fungus and just as hard to get rid of.

xxxxx said…
Charles was a fan of homeopathic medicines. He still might be. So will he treat c-virus with homeopathic medicine or other alternatives? China has been feeding their virus victims with massive amounts of intravenous vitamin C. A NYC Doc is doing the same. I am big believer in C.
Don't worry about The Prince of Wales, he has best medical care.

New York hospitals treating coronavirus patients with vitamin C
March 24, 2020
moz said…
I just hope William and his family stay safe, because you know Markle is praying to every deity that ever existed for the demise of the Royal family. You know she wants to be queen.

Then I remembered Diana saying that Charles will never be king, she heard that from the same astrologer that Fergie visited, and that same astrologer told Fergie that Beatrice would one day be queen. I laughed at that, but now......
Hikari said…
As I remarked on the other thread, Charles is more resilient than he looks. He’s got his parents’ and grandmother’s longevity genes in his favor. If he’s in Scotland, rather than staying close to London hospitals, that is a good sign. If he can beat this thing, which there is no reason to assume that he will not, this could give his image with the public a shot in the arm, as someone robust enough to take the throne after his mother and spared for that purpose.

God be with his doctors, Camilla, and all the staff members that have to care for them.
HappyDays said…
I wish Charles a speedy recovery. Hoping this pandemic will run its course soon, and HMTQ, PP, and William and Kate stay healthy.

The other comments regarding the Cambridges not traveling together as a family are spot on. They need to protect William and the kids to keep Harry from getting anywhere near the throne.

Magatha Mistie said…
I saw Diana, she was beautiful, stunning.
I have a wonderful photo of her wearing a red coat.

Ava C said…
I would have thought this news condemns Harry in the public mind forever and a day. His treatment of his grandparents was bad enough, but now he is in exile by his own choice, chasing his dream of wealth and privilege without accountability, while his real family are here, and now his father is ill.

This certainly makes you realise how fragile the succession is at the top. William truly stands alone and his children are so young.

The Harkles do truly exist in my mind now as vultures. Like the wicked stepmother in Snow White. All jagged darkness and flashing fire. And jealousy.

Is that not what this comes down to? Who is the prettiest of them all? Harry looking in the mirror as he broods about his alpha brother? Meghan doing the same - her whole universe is filled with her reflection, she doesn't even NEED a mirror - as she rages against a woman living over the sea. Who is doing everything right.
JHanoi said…
I really hope PC gets well fast and Camilla doesn’t catch it. She was a smoker in the past. PC seems healthy overall, i hope he didn’t visit HM or PP before he after he caught it. It’s a sneaky one and you’re contagious before you know you even have it.

Hope the Cambridges stay well, are protected, and don’t travel together anymore
HappyDays said…
According to The Mirror, the Harkles want to build a £3 million home at Soho Farmhouse in the Cotswolds near the Beckhams. Why do they want to suddenly return after wailing, moaning, and wallowing about the toxicity of the UK to the world?

I hope before they build this home they pay back the £2.4 million spent on the Frogmore renovation.
Louise said…
"According to The Mirror, the Harkles want to build a £3 million home at Soho Farmhouse in the Cotswolds near the Beckhams. "

And according to other newspapers they are looking for a house in Malibu.

Makes not believe either story.
Magatha Mistie said…
She casts no image... only the dark shadow of her soul.
Ava C said…
I've lost count of the number of homes they want to buy. Shows how little there is to actually write about regarding those two. How they're going to spend what is in fact Harry's rapidly shrinking fortune.

Harry has no means of getting more, apart from further inheritances. Perish the thought he'd actually earn it by his own efforts. I mean from proper work. Not the marshmallow stuff his wife understands by the word 'work'.

Can you imagine any organisation willing to pay them now? There's going to be a thousand more important things to do with every dollar. On top of that, they wouldn't want to be SEEN to be giving them money. They're pariahs now.
Magatha Mistie said…
There’s no way in hell that madam would move back to the UK.
Ava C said…
@Magatha Mistie - Meghan makes me realise that old truth that fairy tales exist to help us understand the world, and the originals are anything but 'fairy' tales. My brother and I grew up with the original Grimms tales. Our parents only found out decades later. We started reading very young. The originals are pure Quentin Tarantino. Read them and you'll never look at Cinderella the same way again. We weren't traumatised. We just absorbed it matter-of-factly. We were only horrified in retrospect. Well Meghan is a fine piece of work for such stories and the Grimm brothers would have done her justice. As would Jane Austen far more elegantly. The Harkles are John and Fanny Dashwood to the life.

I can recommend a totally brilliant novel with fairy tales in its heart, that was a revelation to me a few years ago and I still love it. Bitter Greens by Kate Forsyth. You can get it as an e-book. I get lost in it and forget where I am. Children do that easily as readers, but it's a state that's far harder to reach for adults. Like a drug almost impossible to find. Well that book works for me. Now is a good time to leave the world behind for a few hours.
Fairy Crocodile said…

Oh, with the smell of big money and publicity madame Markle will move anywhere. remember people were saying she would never come back to UK?

Not only she did, she wore hideous ill fitting dresses, committed further faux pas and threw a tantrum in the Abbey. And kept that fake plastic smile.

She is shameless. With people like that soft hints do not work. She will linger sprouting her nonsense as long as there is money to be had.
Unknown said…
I've had a feeling this was going to happen ever since we found out Prince Albert was positive, since they had a meeting together a couple of weeks ago.

If, God forbid, he passes from this, I wonder how Harry will ever forgive himself, if he's not so far gone as to absolve himself of any guilt. Given the ridiculous things he said in the fake Greta tapes, I don't know what state of mind he's in now. I don't know if the British public would ever forgive him if he was off in Canada while his father died.
luxem said…
US Mag has a new Meghan story. She is like a "new person" in Canada with a "spring in her step." Whatever, the funny bit is in the embedded video where it says she wants to "write a new cookbook and develop a kitchenware brand." She is really throwing any and every idea at the wall these remaining few days.
Animal Lover said…

I wonder what this news will mean about H&M and Archie?

M will not fail to use this occasion to post inanities and promote herself.

She has a reality star mentality.
Ava C said…
@luxem - interesting - what a proposal if so. For most people food is strongly associated with family, togetherness, comfort, celebration. All antonyms for Meghan. She represents strife, division, unhappiness, separation. Look at what she could turn Christmas into. She's hardly Nigella.
OKay said…
Magatha Mistie said…
Diana saying Charles would never be King was just words.
Are we now to believe that Diana had prophetic wisdom in her words?
I loved Diana, warts & all, but...
Hopefully Charles is/will be fine.

Exactly this. Diana was reportedly a lovely person but, well...she frankly just wasn't all that bright. I've known one or two psychics in my lifetime who were brilliant, but they were also very few and far between. And any "psychic" who would predict that Beatrice would be queen one day is talking entirely out her...whatnot.

As to Charles and his health, I'm concerned but hopeful. He's always taken very good care of himself and I'm optimistic about his chances. It's surprising that Camilla hasn't been infected too, though.
Unknown said…
Hi, Emma here, longtime lurker, infrequent commenter.

@Mango to your comment regarding the Instagram posts. I commented on a recent post of theirs- the awful turquoise one about training to be a mental health counsellor (eye roll)- essentially along the lines that this was ridiculous, the Cambridges were out on the front line doing great work and if they wanted their privacy they would be best staying quiet and not patronizing people.

Whilst I got a large number of likes and responses in agreement,, the amount of crazies attempting to bombard me, both in reply and in attempted private mails to my private account, with utterly deluded, passionate bile in devotion to Meghan.

About a year ago I also commented cynically on a Sussex Royal post and a crazed Meg fangirl took upon herself to go under my 100 most recent instagram photos and post comments to the effect of 'Meghan is beautiful!' 'Meghan for Queen' etc etc (why my account is now private!)

I enjoy the comments on their posts which show that the public are in general aware of their narcissistic crazy delusion, but God Bless anybody who tries- the Markle fangirls are something not really worth contending with.
Sandie said…
Criticisms are popping up here and there about PC getting preferential treatment in being tested. Are those critics saying that people over 70 who have probably been in contact with people who have the virus and are showing mild symptoms are NOT tested in the UK? Are they told to go home, see how they feel and let us know if your symptoms worsen? That sounds harsh I thought people over 70 are in a high-risk group, that the virus does not follow the same course in everyone, and have read numerous accounts online of much younger people whose symptoms worsened over a period of 2 weeks and they ended up in ICU.

How many stories that are floating around about the Sussexes do you think are true? Why would they spend so much money building a small house at Soho House in the UK when they already have a home there, and how could they afford it? Why would Meghan think she is an experienced enough and good enough cook to write a cookbook, unless she is going to approach people to contribute recipes and try to sell it as a celebrity charity project?

Do you think Meghan is talk, talk, talk (just rambling on with whatever comes into her head) and the people she talks to pass this on and it finds its way into the media? If so, Harry must be paranoid about trust issues and I bet she is looking at him doe-eyed while pawing him and whining about how the media make up stories about her and she is the most victimised, abused person ever in the whole world! Do you think he ever gets the urge to tell her to shut up?
lucy said…
I feel very sad for Prince Charles and am extremely concerned for the Queen
abbyh said…

I knew it - that he was sick.

Which I am sad/scared to hear and want to hear that he is getting better.

Agree with everyone that the Cambs need to reconsider traveling together. My parents would travel separately if just my parents were going to a convention somewhere just in case. Made the travel agent crazy but they wanted us to have at least 1 parent if something happened. And that was decades before plane hijackings.

Perhaps waiting for PC to get better is what HM is waiting for to speak to the people?
lizzie said…
@Sandie wrote

>>>Are those critics saying that people over 70 who have probably been in contact with people who have the virus and are showing mild symptoms are NOT tested in the UK?<<<

Yes. Sounds dumb but according to

"Generally, you'll only be tested for COVID-19 if you have a serious illness that requires admission to hospital."

Depite what the palace blurb said, Charles doesn't meet the NHS guidelines for testing if his symptoms are mild.
Unbeweaveable said…
A number of enterprising realtors (and Kylie Jenner) are paying both Meghan and the tabloids to run articles about the Harkles’ iimminent house purchases, complete with full listing details and pictures of the interiors. Its a great way to merch, even though we all know they don’t have enough for any of these houses unless the Bank of Charles comes through.

The Harkles have a thin path to walk with Charles contracting coronavirus—you have the loons fantasizing about King Harry on one hand, and the detractors roasting them all over again for being so far away when both their family and the UK could use some comfort and cheer. And there’s the resentment against celebrities in general right now: attempts at getting their name out will be met with anger over rich people in well-insulated mansions. Invictus was postponed, the met gala was cancelled, nobody really cares if they’re on the cover of VF or Vogue (which I don’t think was ever confirmed?)

And the worst, absolute worst, thing that could happen is Thomas or Samantha Markle getting sick. Meghan would get some mileage out of “the duchess’ private anguish” but she’d also have to do some hasty and very public fence-mending, or risk a flood of distasteful press coverage at a time when people are talking to quarantined loved ones through windows.
Fifi LaRue said…
The idea of a cookbook and kitchen ware line by Meghan does not make sense. Is that what she paid Goop's advisors for?
Meghan does not have the style, the creativity, nor the warmth to produce and market a cookbook. What is she going to do? Wear a low cut dress, and bend over the pots and pans? Meghan also, more importantly, does not have the peservance to see a long-term project through from beginning to end. (Except for snaring Harry.) Producing a cookbook requires teamwork with stylists, photographers, editors, etc. Meghan does not have it in her to be a team player.

They won't be buying a house in the Cotswolds. Meghan's priority is to make it big in Hollywood. She hasn't given up on that dream.
Sandie said…
Timeline and the Queen:

Apparently Charles saw the Queen 9 March (interacted with her a lot on that day) and briefly 12 March. In fact, he interacted with all his close family on that day. (I wonder if the Harkles are having hysterics and demanding to be tested?)

How long does it take for test results? 48 hours? So he was tested 2-3 days ago (22/23 March) if that public announcement was written and released as soon as he got the test results.

He was showing symptoms before the test, but we do not know for how long.

From infection to showing symptoms (incubation period) is 2-14 days, with the two extremes being unusual. Three different studies have calculated a mean of 3, 5.2 and 6.4 days, and two isolated cases have shown an incubation period of longer than 14 days.

It is possible but unlikely that Charles was infected on the two occasions he saw the Queen, but I am sure they are carefully monitoring her if not testing her as she is in her 90s. However, it is unlikely that the viral load is very high (and thus a person is highly infectious) so soon after being infected. The viral load builds up in one's system and the immune system tries to cope and there comes a breaking point when symptoms appear.

It would be a nightmare to track down and check up on everyone Charles had contact with in the two weeks before he had the test done. I wonder how many people met with him in those 2 weeks and are now panicking?
Sandie said…
A nice piece of satire from Private Eye:
Unknown said…
she wants to "write a new cookbook and develop a kitchenware brand."

Priceless!!!!! A laugh in grim times....there you are Meghan … a role at last...
PaulaMP said…
I'm more of the opinion that H and M are scared to death at their money flow drying up, I can't see William being as generous as Charles should he sadly have to take over if something happens to Charles. Nor do I see him forgetting their behavior any time soon, if ever.
Anonymous said…
We have reached the point in this horror show where Markle’s obsessive need to control the narrative with whatever her conniving brain can come up with is backfiring on her mercilessly. She is throwing whatever she can at the “wall” and seeing what sticks. But in a twisted logic, by doing this constant PR barrage with a whole bunch of contradictory nonsense, she’s undermining herself with every release of some story of what they are going to do. It doesn’t matter what it is at this point. It’s We are________. You just fill in the blank. I could write “become lion tamers” and it would have the same veracity and weight as all their other schemes for world domination. It’s like Pinky and the Brain but with real people.

The point is I do not believe anything. ANYTHING that relates to these two. I don’t care where they are living. I don’t care if they come back to England, I don’t give a fig about these two extremely damaged and mentally unstable people who create chaos and ill-will wherever they go. There are people who can stop this circus and they have chosen not to do so. They are chaos agents. As narcs are. It gives them the opportunity to control the narrative. I’m beginning to think that JH is also a narc, but of a lesser variety. Henry Tudor, weigh in!

I send get well wishes for Prince Charles and his family, and especially the Queen. I imagine there are a lot of stiff upper lips in the BRF this morning. Take that, Markle! This is how you go forward with grace.
Sylvia said…
Why the Palace scrapped the Queen's televised Covid-19 address
Sylvia said…

Buckingham Palace scrapped a national televised address about coronavirus from the Queen 'for her own safety' and to keep the airways clear for politicians and medical proffesions

Sylvia said…
he Queen has not been tested for Covid-19, Buckingham Palace has confirmed – despite the fact her son, Prince Charles, has tested positive. In a statement, the palace said: "Her Majesty The Queen remains in good health. The Queen last saw The Prince of Wales briefly after the investiture on the morning of 12th March and is following all the appropriate advice with regard to her welfare
KnitWit said…
If the no longer royal morons wanted a mansion, they should have accepted the estate PC offered them. They aren't going to be able to earn/scam enough money to " live independently" like billionaires.

I don't understand the fear if Harry " going rogue" in a tell all interview. We heard Harry unfiltered in the fake phone call. He is clearly mentally and emotionally challenged. Easy to dismiss any comments as " poor Harry, Wifey took him off his meds, We are very concerned about his mental health".

PC coronovirus diagnosis will help people relate to the royal family again. Hope PP wasn't exposed. Tough times for the RF. Harry needs to stay wherever he is hiding. No one needs to see or hear from the angry, delusional Prince and his first wife.

If Harry " returns to England " to support his family, I suspect it is a cover story for him not leaving England in the first place.
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
DesignDoctor said…
I love this comment about the Harkles:

"You two are about as interesting as toenail fungus and just as hard to get rid of."

Just go away already!
DesignDoctor said…
@ Sandie said:
"Do you think Meghan is talk, talk, talk (just rambling on with whatever comes into her head) and the people she talks to pass this on and it finds its way into the media? "

Yes! I had a boss who was a narc and that is exactly what she did. Blabbed on constantly about any and all of the lame ideas that came into her head and caused turmoil and chaos in our work group forcing us to implement her inane ideas. This went on for seven years. Fortunately, she imploded last June when she was fired. We all breathed a sign of relief.

The new boss is great. It is amazing to see the rapidity with which the overly complex processes she put in place have been dismantled. They even changed the name of our workgroup.

So yes, Rach thinks she is the brightest bulb and her ideas are wonderful.

On another note.
I am very sorry to hear that Charles has the coronavirus. I suspected he had it since we were not hearing anything about or from him.
I pray that he recovers and Camilla, William's family and Her Majesty stay well.
Sandie said…

The hell of being a narcissist combined with the actress tendency to overplay stuff?

I just had a thought - Kate was subjected to lots of mean articles about her and her family, for years (plus always a new rumour of William and some other woman).

Meghan is much harder and tougher than Kate, but she does not have the support of family nor loyal long-time friends (nothing to ground her) and seemingly does not have a good marriage where she can feel safe and secure, and seemingly did not feel blissful about having a baby. Who pays attention to what rubbish the press writes if you have a new home, wonderful husband, adored new baby, decent grounding friends, loving and familiar family, and interesting charity work and tours to look forward to?

Do you think that her and Harry realise that it is their marriage and her personality and life that are the problem and that no matter where they move to, all that goes with them?
The demise of Flybe, the regional our airline that the Cambridges were photographed using, happened before the crisis came to a head. They were in already in financial trouble and lack of bookings, thanks to fears of corona abroad, had plummeted. They'd been operating under the aegis of Virgin and Branson refused to help. I had a very enjoyable episode of schadenfreude when Branson later started whining about not getting Govt. support for Virgin.

We use(d) Flybe to go to the Channel Islands from Exeter and had been on the point of booking our next holiday. Very disappointing but nowhere near as distressing as for all the staff in their Exeter HQ. We didn't know that was a foretaste of what was to come...

Please God, Charles survives OK. The Harkles will be sniffing the air in hope of detecting another inheritance to squander. Unfortunately, history has shown that Princes of Wales/Heirs Apparent have a poor track record when it comes to ascending the throne - the chances are only evens.

I take back what I said about H coming - any chance of C departing this life and she'll be here too. A bit of long-distance grovelling might be a good idea.

We needn't worry about the Harkles though - the Devil looks after his own.

Are you OK Meghan?
MustySyphone said…
I'm with Wild Boar. I think The Harkles are already trying to figure out how much their inheritance will be. I'm sure MeMe is counting the money in her head already. And spending it too in anticipation.
I hope that the members of the Cambridge family travel separately from now on. I know that they are close and like travelling together, and that the likelihood of having a fatal plan crash or car crash is low, but still, these things do happen. Do William and Catherine really want to tempt fate and risk having "King Henry and Queen Meghan" on the throne? I'm sure we can all imagine what Meghan would be like as Queen - a true nightmare.
Anonymous said…
But what about the veterans and cookware and the dog book and the fact that she has no plans to return to acting:
Fairy Crocodile said…
Interesting take from everybody who commented about Markle's supposed cookbook project. A cookbook and ever more, kitchen utensils, associate with the family, domesticity, togetherness, stability, warmth and time spent together.

Kate and Wills were so successful with Mary Berry because they do symbolize family values as well as she. They were true to their image in this project. It worked.

Spot on with comment about what Megsy will do - "bent over in a sexy manner". She is not associated with traditional family values, children, caring or homemaking. Neither is she a creative original person who can sell her own interesting ideas to others. She can't even compete with many excellent books on every culinary subject - from vegan foods to how to feed your family on a budget or how to find time to cook for busy working self. Her best bet is some sort of cultural cuisine, Middle Eastern, African, Caribbean or such like. But how many people truly believe she belongs to these groups and has something of value to add?

It will be another thing done by somebody under her name, there will be some froth created and some fans will buy it. She will need to move on to something else once the novelty dies out.

Am I the only one reminded of Sarah Ferguson and her erratic search for lucrative projects to pay for her lifestyle?
Fairy Crocodile said…
@Ava C

" interesting - what a proposal if so. For most people food is strongly associated with family, togetherness, comfort, celebration. All antonyms for Meghan. She represents strife, division, unhappiness, separation. Look at what she could turn Christmas into. She's hardly Nigella."

You nailed it! As a traditional royal she might have pulled it, but not after complaining about how "boring" and "stuffed" royals were and demanding her own thing to do. After such brave escapade against tradition I would expect her to star in nothing less than a project on what to eat in Sahara to survive or which coconut shells are the best for cooking on an uninhabited island.
Tea Cup said…
From the announcement I think it's fair to infer the palace realizes HMTQ and PP are as likely as not to eventually contract Covid-19, although the hope will always be for best case scenario and presumably every conceivable measure has been taken.

Let's not forget PP at 97 was involved in a rollover crash injuring others but from which he veritably walked away; that man is as alpha as they come. Both he and his wife are tough old birds and I actually see them faring well through all this despite their declining years. Charles may not seem as robust but he's got those longevity genes on both sides plus superior medical care that I can't see why we shouldn't be positive about his prognosis.

I am nevertheless squarely in the camp of 'protect those Cambridges at all cost.' The young are not immune and we've already seen pediatric mortality here in the United States. The Cambridges are the hope for the future and I worry their stoicism and rectitude could undermine additional consideration for their safety first and foremost.
Portcitygirl said…
Tea Cup said

'I am nevertheless squarely in the camp of 'protect those Cambridges at all cost.' The young are not immune and we've already seen pediatric mortality here in the United States. The Cambridges are the hope for the future and I worry their stoicism and rectitude could undermine additional consideration for their safety first and foremost.'

I agree! cambridges isolate now please!!!
Teasmade said…
MM and cooking: do we not have enough cookbooks and cookware already? Also, are not online recipes reducing the need for books anyway, except for glamour-type book productions? Who is her market?

And if we get out of this crisis alive, I bet a lot of those remaining will want to turn to less stuff, less new stuff, less stuff from China, and simpler times. There will be a lot of merchandise in thrift shops once millions of grandmas are gone. When this is over, it'll be time to turn our attention back to the environment and part of that will mean LESS STUFF. Some of us staying inside for a couple months may notice how much we already have and may have started to re-purpose and re-use it. I have already donated a porchful of clothes to a charity and am now determined to empty my freezer.

My point is . . . I don't think this will be the time to try to sell people new things. And if you do try, you'd better have some credibility.
CookieShark said…
In my pre Corona life, I was hoping to redo my kitchen.

Now I will settle for being alive, along with my family (including my parents).

Anyone wondering about peddling cookware or a cookbook at this time can have a seat. That's a luxury most of us won't be able to afford. Good grief MM is just like the idiot owner of Jurassic Park in the movie who keeps saying "Next time I will get it perfect!"
Maci80 said…
@mango. Here is another recent response to Cinderella’s Instagram wisdom to washing our hands. priceless!
Don't forget: *Have servants wear gloves , * have bodyguards fetch groceries * have a boat load of toilet paper * have preferential treatment from doctors to 1st to get test for virus * have lots of money to stockpile groceries * use time wisely by doing yoga and eating vegan goodies * have realtors continue to look for vacay homes in Tinsel Town...did I miss anything! Oh, don't forget to digitally train to be a therapist and call daddy.
I hope Prince Charles is OK, and that HMTQ will not become ill. The only positive would be the country and world rallying around them with love and concern. The sideshow would be to see how the Duchess of Darkness wails and gnashes her teeth as she tries to make it about her.
I hope to goodness PC has inherited the dominant genes for longevity and not a bunch of the iffy recessives.

It's a difficult one for the RF - as HM is once supposed to have said `The Queen does not just have to be seen, she has to be seen to be believed'!

How true. Victoria was accused of abandoning the people when she retreated into mourning - `The Widow of Windsor'.

If, Heaven forbid, anything happened to the Cambridges, would Parliament /HM Government pass over Harry in favour of Beatrice/ Eugenie? Even Edward?

Wasn't there some sort of question of whether Bertie was fit to become George VI, or would one of his brothers be better? Never mind the order of succession in a crisis, although I do wonder if H's commendation of Boris was a sucking-up, `just in case'.

Were it a choice of Harry, a republic or one of the others, I suspect/hope there's an obscure legal mechanism that can be brought into play that could eliminate Harry.

If I remember correctly, part of our constitution is that the monarch `rules by consent of the people'. I just hope that the Harkles have alienated enough important people to be disregarded, should such a situation arise.
SDJ said…
I'm with Wild Boar. I think The Harkles are already trying to figure out how much their inheritance will be. I'm sure MeMe is counting the money in her head already. And spending it too in anticipation.

Do you think there is any chance that Charles updated his will since Meghan cameon the scene or since Megxit happened? Maybe limiting what Harry gets to a Trust with an annual allowance and no lumpsum payout?

I thought that H & M were busy planning their rival court with a plan to swoop in once the BRF was in shambles like Edward and Wallis were planning (with the help of the Germans) during the war. It would never happen of course, but Those Two are self-important enough to believe its a possibility.
Miggy said…
EXCLUSIVE: Meghan lays down the law and forbids Harry from going back to UK to see coronavirus-infected Prince Charles as she makes plans to foster a black lab named Cole to help 'ease the strain on animal shelters'.
Hikari said…
More fekking virtue signaling from her ex HRH Twatness.

Every little bit helps and I would encourage everyone to support shelters and shelter animals in this overwhelming time. But if Meg affiliates Herself with the cause, it is the kiss of death, no matter the endeavor. She is the anti-influencer… Whatever she’s doing, or pretends to be doing, and truly compassionate and sane people will run far away.

She and Harry are upscale homeless scroungers, with no fixed abode and allegedly already caring for two dogs and a child. I use the term allegedly with all the force I can muster. So, to recap, a homeless and unemployed woman, couch surfing in temporary accommodation, and with dodgy visa status in a foreign country, Plus a new mother, allegedly, with two other dogs, allegedly proposes to adopt a Canadian shelter dog in her unsettled state? Dogs and small children seem to be frightened by her furthermore. If this has a crime of truth to it, let’s hope the shelter shoots down her adoption application.

Woody Allen has a new book out where he refused so once again the abuse allegations against him, and says that his ex Mia Farrow, virtue Signaler extraordinaire Collective vulnerable children from around the world like toys, but had zero maternal instincts, did notactually care for them, though she Weaponized them when it served her. I smell a narc there too, though it takes one to know one, Woody. This is Meg. She loves her trendy accessories… Babies, dogs, celebrity friends, husbands with money...She only cares about one thing and one thing only in this world, All the goodies for herself. She doesn’t give a toss about dogs.

Fairy Crocodile said…

I would normally rejoice at the news of somebody helping animal shelters. This is a move that is guaranteed to cause me like that person. In case of Markle I am concerned for the dog instead.

My only hope is that her marklness will not go as low as to actually look after the dog; it will be a member of staff to feed, hug and walk.

Hopefully this member of staff is a really nice person who does love animals. Fingers crossed!
Unknown said…
That Daily Mail article actually made me feel sick....they are deranged and dangerous and please please don't associate MM with veganism....I am a vegan and I don't wear leather skirts or barbecue chicken (I don't have vegan paint on my walls fact I don't even know what vegan paint is) Please someone make them go away
lizzie said…
M did so well walking two dogs with Archie strapped on. Why not add a third dog?

If I were the owner of the mansion they are squatting in, I'd be getting concerned. I love dogs but they can be hard on a house....
MM FORBIDS Just Harry from seeing his father? What kind of a man is this? I agree that he should not go right now, but having a wife forbid her husband to not see his sick and elderly father is unconscionable. It should be his decision, and his only.

Hoping for the best outcome for PC. If the news reports are true, he has a mild case, and could pull through. I'm glad that the BRF has self-isolated.

The idea of MM doing a cookbook and selling cookware when people are scrounging for food and other necessities, out of jobs and can't afford food, is as deaf and blind as you can get. Now, her big donation of help to the COVID cause is just to shelter a dog? SMDH.
abbyh said…

She forbids Harry to go? Is he how old?

You know, we talked about the fallout if Harry were to pass away and what her behaviour would be like so I'm now wondering a lot of things about various wills and who gets what


Thinking about how this s***sh** could go from really bad to really worse> he doesn't get to say goodby or have a good resolution with his father. That would be really sad. No more sad than a lot of people over time who also didn't get to say goodby or have a good resolution after a bad separation.
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Miggy said…
Also from the DM today...

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are 'in a better space' with the rest of the royal family as they prepare to officially step down as senior royals next week, source tells ET.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are 'in a better space' with the rest of the royal family as they prepare to officially step down as senior royals next week, source tells ET
Miggy said…
@Fairy Crocodile,

If & when we see evidence of a 3rd dog, then I may believe it. ;-)
Fairy Crocodile said…
Of course. The whole family issued a sigh of relief and can now concentrate on doing their jobs.

Just don't let the Harkles back in or it will never end.
Portcitygirl said…
"Forbids jh to go"? JH, you are well and truly whipped. Give me PW any day! Lord help us all.
At least they kinda sorta provide some twisted comedic humor with their over the top nonsense while the world is up in flames.
lucy said…
interesting thought just came to me. what if it isn't true? just putting it up for discussion
YankeeDoodle said…
Camilla, speaking through a bullhorn, “Dearest Charles, but we forgot, in our haste to put you in isolation, that our checkbook (American talk and spelling), pens, computers, and passwords to all bank accounts, here and there, everywhere, are not allowed to be brought near you. Thus, all money to Just H has been quarantined, along with you. You know how long pesky germs last on money, whether or not the money is hand held, or persisting on credit cards, or in the i-cloud. Just H reassured me and William that the I-cloud is much too dangerous to be sent over to wherever he is hiding out. I am positive, without doubt and contact with simple telephones (Just H is reassured, by my simple explanation, that he and M are healthy and I will not send any germs via phone to H.) Just H reassured M, I am praying to be true, that 40 million pounds will get him through the next month. So sad. Just H told me he needs you to have a speedy recovery, stat. He sends his thoughts to you and the sooner the better you and your access to money are reunited, the better he will feel. Oh, feel about you. I asked about Archie, but the telephone line, drat, went dead.”

The above is not to be seen as an insult to all people who are suffering in this surreal pandemic atmosphere. However, I am too curious as to who is paying enormous amounts of money just for the articles in DM. Really, who is paying for the HAM’s proproganda campaign? Who is paying the astronomical costs of their lawsuits? Where are they today? They are still royals, and their location needs to be outed to the taxpayers. Why are they so special?,
Henrietta said…
I don't see much of an agenda for falsely telling the public that PC tested positive when he didn't (e.g., who would benefit from it). But what I was thinking was, what if Charles is worse off than they're saying? There the rationale might be they didn't want the public to panic, especially when they see a severely downsized royal funeral. The former scenario might only separate PH from MM for about a month.
Ava C said…
Many of us on here are worrying about the Cambridges and that the fragility of the succession is really registering as never before, and these lines in a Telegraph article this evening explain just why we feel this way:

"...the grim truth remains that in a constitutional monarchy, Charles is the next in line to the British throne.

"Indeed he and the Duke of Cambridge are currently the only two of the Queen’s four ‘Counsellors of State’ who could effectively stand in for her should she become ill or incapacitated (since the other two are recently-exiled Princes Andrew and Harry)."

That really spells it out. The thinning of the Royal Family at a senior level.
Sandie said…
@Miggy said...
EXCLUSIVE: Meghan lays down the law and forbids Harry from going back to UK to see coronavirus-infected Prince Charles as she makes plans to foster a black lab named Cole to help 'ease the strain on animal shelters'.

If this does come from Meghan, then it is very odd:

The last time the Sussexes met, the Cambridges almost completely ignored the Susexes. The Cambridges are well versed with being polite and friendly in public with a wide range of people (including the Sussexes in the past) and would be well aware that they were being filmed and photographed. I doubt very much that William and Harry are chatting on the phone, completely reconciled and good old buddies again.

Do you think Meghan likes collecting dogs because she can completely control them and discard them at will? I find it very odd that she has no fixed abode but is considering adopting/fostering a dog. Could the shelter refuse?

I doubt that Meghan spends much time with Archie, other than visits to the nursery when she coos over him until she has had enough and when she wants to use him for a prop for photos. As a mother, is she not concerned that he is isolated at the very age when he would be starting to engage with other kids and other people? At least royal babies, who were brought up much the same way, had siblings and cousins and the royals would bring in children from somewhere as playmates. Archie is so isolated not primarily because of the virus but because his parents ran away to another continent to live in a borrowed mansion where they are isolating themselves.

She must be going stir crazy not being able to do pap walks, and having to spend time in confinement with Harry without any respite in the terms of visitors, going out or both or either of them going on trips. Perhaps her bizarre focus on mental health is a shadow projection?

When Harry's mother died unexpectedly, she was in another country and that was accidental, but Harry may have internalised that as trauma in some twisted way. He must be freaking out internally that his family are in danger and he is on another continent, by choice, because of his wife. As for Meghan forbidding him to travel ... what more signs do we need that there is a toxic power imbalance in that relationship?
YankeeDoodle said…
Hikari, just a bit of gossip about Ronan Farrow and his pushing the idea that he is Frank Sinatra’s son. Ronan was born with brown eyes, not with ‘Ol Blue Eyes blue eyes. He wears blue contacts. He also has dark hair, with a tinge of red, but he dyes it blond. These are little lies, but it makes me wonder about everybody involved. Mia Farrow was a teenager when she hooked up with Sinatra, and 20 or 21 when she cut off all her hair and married Sinatra, the latter in his 50’s. Ava Gardner, one of Sinatra’s ex-wives, cracked “I didn’t know Frank liked little boys,”.
Sandie said…
This is the bizarre story about everyone playing happy families ...
DesignDoctor said…
@Yankee Doodle

Thanks for the info on Sinatra, Mia, and Ronan Farrow. I remember pictures of their wedding but I was very young.

@ Sandie

Great point on the internalized trauma about Diana being in another country from the two boys. No doubt, that was traumatizing to them both!
Teasmade said…
@Sandie; "Could the shelter refuse?" One thing shelters are very firm about is the existence of a stable home. Another is past history with animals. I had an applications once where I had to list veterinarians going way back, and I had to provide documentation years ago when I rented. Other animals in the "home" are considered, and, were this true, the presence of a toddler, especially a boy, is also. Apparently this phantom child is allegedly on the verge of walking.

To me, she is a very poor candidate.

I joke about this, but I have a top secret clearance, and the two agency adoptions that I went through seemed to be more strict and invasive. (All other cats arrived the usual way: appeared at the back door.)
CatEyes said…
About Meghan's idea to do a cookbook and design cookware. I have two suggestions for her in light of her personality and talents:

Recipe: 'Shit on a Shingle', Southern recipe using sausage or chipped beef with gravy over toast. This is in keeping with Meg's nickname "Meg gets Sh*t done'.

Cooking Utensil: 'Nutcracker', since she is an expert at squeezing Harry's Nuts. The design could have a ginger hair and bearded nutcracker in a red mess dress uniform of the royal Marines.
Jdubya said…
Blind Gossip has a new one that i'm sure is going to be Megs blind

no guesses posted yet.
Genia said…
Writing cookbooks is the domain of Real Housewives level of D-list celebs now. Sort of like that Teresa Giudice clown from Real Housewives of New Jersey fame who actually did sort of well with her Italian family cookbook in 2011 before she went to jail for financial fraud. With Meghan it's like she's flitting from one project and persona to the next. Humanitarian? Strike one. Superhero action hero? Strike two. Cookbook author? She's hoping that one would stick.
Piroska said…
Prince Charles: borrowed money from the Queen
12:05AM BST 25 Jul 2004
The Prince of Wales was "taken to the cleaners" and handed over his entire personal fortune to Diana, Princess of Wales, as part of their divorce settlement, his former personal financial adviser has revealed.

Geoffrey Bignell, who handled Prince Charles's financial affairs for more than a decade until 1996, disclosed that the heir to the throne was forced to sell his entire investment portfolio to meet the demands of the Princess.
He has of course had almost 30 years to build another private fortune but since he had to pay £400,000 a year for her private office and repay his mother just how much can he have built up? Charles will have made provision for Camilla from his private monies H has no entitlement to any of the Duchy of Cornwall assets - these will all pass to William so any inheritance from Charles could be very much smaller than HandM hope for
xxxxx said…
Genia - Don't put down those cookbook writers. A really nasty, lefty motor mouth (via twitter) has one with 2,741 ratings. Chrissy Teigan. She is making some real money there.

And the sequel cookbook has 950 Amazon reviews. I have no idea what is inside her cookbooks. It might be garbage or good stuff, but they are being bought.
xxxxx said…
Diana 'took Charles to cleaners' in divorce, says his ...
Jul 25, 2004 · Geoffrey Bignell, who handled Prince Charles's financial affairs for more than a decade until 1996, disclosed that the heir to the throne was forced to sell his entire investment portfolio to meet the demands of the Princess.

If this is true then Charles was being blackmailed by Diana. As in, "I will tell all, unless". In this way Megsy would like to be Diana 2.0
SirStinxAlot said…
Charles being diagnosed with Covid19 just makes Meghan and Harry hugs, hand shakes, fist bumps, arm rubbing, etc that much more scrutinized. How many people did they infect? Do they even care? They used Covid19 as the excuse for not bringing Archie but spread the virus around like a walking pee tree dish by disregarding protocol, hygeine, and basic personal boundaries. SMH Hope every picture of the incubators gets plastered across the media.
Planning to build in Cotswolds, lmao!! Just shows how ungrateful they are for the beautiful historical home they recieved at taxpayers expense.
If William becomes POW he may not feel like funding the ingrates out of Duchy funds any further. All Harry will get is his inheritance.
abbyh said…

the DM happy family article: notice towards the end, Omid says that they were looking for a place to go to (now having left England) where they would be safe, heard and respected.

One does not get respect by demanding it. One gets respect by earning it. the hard way, through working at problems. The problem may not be fixed but that one worked at it to try to solve it, not just once but multiple tries . that's what earns respect.

The BG

If it weren't for the year reference, I would have said Kind Hearts and Coronets.
Mischief Girl said…

Yes, it's a MM blind. The movie is called King Ralph.

I have to laugh at MM's increasingly desperate efforts to stay relevant and in the news. We don't even hear about Biden and Bernie anymore (well, barely).

I am looking forward to March 31st when they are officially no longer HRH and they can be fully ignored.
SirStinxAlot said…
Warning!! Morbid post...

Since Archie is still a baby, he is a high risk of complications or death from Covid19. If Charles passes, Grams, and Archie in a short period of time. Harry will have a complete mental breakdown himself. Burying his only child (if he exists), father, and loving grandparents would end the marriage and possibly send him into a self harm spiral himself or those around him. I don't think William would ever forgive Harry either.
Meghan would never be able to recover from the nightmare she has created. Trying to peddle herself in HOllywood and Instagram really makes them look 1000x worse each day. They need to stop and stop now!!

CookieShark said…
I would believe MM or her PR is the source for the DM article. The inclusion of the dog adoption is her calling card. Just like donating the flowers and food, writing a letter to the soap company, wanting to breastfeed in public....

Part of me believes she was way too influenced by the soap episode. Her need to be admired seems like a high she must chase, yet there are too many stories of her cruelty to be ignored. Could she not stay out of the headlines even during the pandemic?
Meowwww said…
Well, at least that dog and shelter will be lucky, as there will be 7754788 sugars wanting to adopt.
Megs with her touching, all Diana-wanna-be. She is probably hoping to catch it....then she can say she didn’t care about the risks as long as she showed kindness and love to people.
Sandie said…
If the speculation that Charles does not have a huge fortune to leave his sons (and the reasoning is pretty solid and backed up by verifiable quotes), he was probably never concerned because William would be Prince of Wales and then King; Harry would always be a full-time working royal; and William would always ensure that his brother was taken care of. I suspect that the latter two assumptions are no longer valid.
SirStinxAlot said…
I am going to be sick...🤮🤮🤮

The first comment I saw on DM about Charles being diagnosed was a sugar saying "Our next Queen. Isn't she beautiful ❤️"

Literally, people are dying and that's what loonatics are posting about Meghan and Harry being next King and Queen. Just...I can't even...
lizzie said…
If Charles and Diana hadn't been divorced when Diana died but only separated prior to the final settlement, W&H wouldn't have inherited nearly so much money from her. I know she had an aristocratic background but that doesn't come with money necessarily, especially for women.
JHanoi said…
It’s interesting, basically the money diana left her boys came from her settlement with PC. So really the money ended up staying in the royal, PC’s, family.

DM has an article on MM ‘forbidding’ JH from running to scotland to visit PC, also says they are still in the island mansion.
JH is a 1/2 a world away from home, but the BRF weren’t really brought up to run home and visit relatives when sick, it’s part of the keep calm and carry on. Did anyone visit PP in hospital?
Crumpet said…

Love your ideas for Megs cookbook. I think, in addition to Sh@t on a Shingle, the following could be added

Ginger Nuts [the cookie;biscuit from the UK] and Rocky Mountain Oysters [fried beef testicles].

Also love your nutcracker utensil. Although, we have all heard that MM loves to gift knives--so perhaps an entire chapter on how to use to back stab.

And YankeeDoodle, all I can say are your posts are SO, so funny.
Dermot girl said…
Have you seen the latest from Blind Gossip?

It mentions an actress who is feigning great concern over the health of her family. But then she relates that her favorite film is about a family that is wiped out by a freak accident. The main character then ascends to the head of the family.

Meowwww said…
@SirStinxAlot then stay away from Twitter. Soooo many calling her the next queen. It’s all racism, ya know.
CatEyes said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fifi LaRue said…
Chrissy Teigen is beautiful, was a successful model, appears regularly on television, is funny, witty, has a handsome, successful husband, two adorable children, and she is in good standing with her family and John's family.

Meghan doesn't have one of those attributes. Not a one. This is saying there is and never was an Archie. Rather, Archiefaux.
CatEyes said…

Your ideas are good! I know about 'Rocky Mt. Oysters'...have you tasted them? Do they have the consistency of chicken gizzards?

Yes a chapter on how to backstab...I thought there could be some interesting illustrations bit don't feel I should share my ideas as the graphics of who and how would be too realistic and disturbing. It would be funny tho to see a picture of Meghan dressed in a butcher jacket (almost like a straight jacket) holding a large knife help up high with that perpetual maniacal grin on her face

How about a special knife called the 'Duchess Dicer'.

And a large food grater (since she grates on everyone's nerves.)

Maybe a recipe of 'pigs in a blanket' but calling them 'Archie in a blanket'.

Also 'Tripe' which reminds me of her, nasty and you can't get the taste out of your mouth.

Personally, I collect cookbooks and have over 300, so I can not even fathom Meghan would have any success of actually creating a decent cookbook. If she paid someone to produce it, no doubt it would be a huge fail and get discounted within a very short time. I don't think any UK fans would like her recipes as they are probably as uncreative as 'avocado on toast'. Then US fans just wouldn't waste their money I think. Since it seems a lot of her US fan base are African American women they are probably wanting the kind of foods their Mommas and Grannies and Aunties cook (like I am used to in the south). Meghan is no soul food cook and her Calif. cooking style has been done by so many great big name chefs already.
SirStinxAlot said…
@Meowww... Thanks, I have no desire to be on Twitter anytime soon. Facebook gives me enough headaches. I frequently quarantine myself from the plague of idiots there.
hunter said…
@Sandie - disagree that Meghan is tougher than Kate, I believe she is full of false bravado - less tough than narcissistically delusional. Kate seems tough like silk.

Buckingham Palace scrapped a national televised address about coronavirus from the Queen 'for her own safety' and to keep the airways clear for politicians and medical professions

I do not believe this, that sounds like bull honkey to me. Wonder what's up, maybe she's stressed and doesn't feel like it, maybe she is ill.

Hello everybody, I've been MIA because life in NYC has been more immediate than the shenanigans of HAMS but came by when I saw about Charles. I hate the "she's forbidding him" from traveling to the UK, suggesting Harry has no agency.

As for Nutty's comments about William's grudge - I agree he may remain angry but I don't believe he would prevent Harry from any last plastic-wrapped death wishes if he needed to get to the UK in a hurry.

hunter said…
where "last plastic-wrapped death wishes" refer to seeing any sick members of the royal family before they pass, if possible
Crumpet said…

Rocky Mt Oysters similar texture to gizzards, but smoother, I think. It has been decades since I had either! Miss the collards and cornbread and Memphis style BBQ--pork dry rub (sorry, better than Texas, or the Carolinas, or KC bbq)!

Will never be able to get the image of MM in a straight jacket (with visible bra lines) with a Duchess Dicer in her hand with that crazy Markle stare! And the Archie blankets!

I just don't know what type of job she can do after the end of March. I am sure in her head the only job appropriate for her is one that involves wearing a tiara surrounded by adoring fans and paps.
DesignDoctor said…
Scamming Duchess on Instagram has a throwback pic of Harry and Chelsy.

He looks like Harry and Chelsy is happy and laughing.

Some comments:
When Harry looked happy.
He never looks like that with Meghan
When his clothes were ironed and he was good looking
Crumpet said…

I agree re Queen and lack of message. It is not like this is 1925 and there is only one channel for news and communication. Either she is ill, or PP is ill and she does not want to leave his side or maybe it is just to much effort to prep for such a thing. She is not Just Harry who will plop down in front of a webcam and start rambling. I am sure her public announcements take lots of preparation.
So you are in the Wuhan of the US. Damn. Would hate to be there now.

Hikari said…

Brief OT comment re. Ronan Farrow:

If he is falsely marketing himself as Frank Sinatra’s son, that idea was put into his head by his vengeful and manipulative mother. Ronan changed his name from his birth name of Satchel to repudiate his Acknowledged father, who named him after his favorite clarinet player… Woody’s own instrument. But it was quite a bit later that Mia started putting the rumor about that ronin might be Frank’s, conceived during an old lang syne weekend with her ex. The issue of Ronan’s paternity never came up at all, until it was rather conveniently timed with the nasty court battle with Woody over the sexual abuse allegations of Dylan. Ronan is absolutely in solidarity with his adopted sister, and what better way to hurt Woody then to take him self away as Woody’s child, in name and in genetics? But that idea had to first be planted by his mom. I find Mia’s coyness over the whole question Infuriating, because getting a paternity test would be a very simple matter. If I were Woody, I would want this question settled in my mind before I died. If Ronan has altered his appearance as you suggest, and they keep putting off that very simple paternity test, that would argue against it being true. I never saw a picture of satchel as a little boy to know. Though as Kate’s two boys demonstrate, it is entirely possible for two blue eyed parents to have a brown eyed child, if there’s a brown eyed grandparent in the family tree. The Sinatras are as Italian as they come, so someone besides Woody could have contributed the brown eyes.

If Rois dying his hair blond, that would be in imitation of his Farrow side; Frank had nearly black hair. Ro looks very like his mom, actually..But anyone with eyes can look at the kid and detect absolutely zero in the way of Konigsberg genes. Zilch. Were Ro 50% Woody, I’d really expect to see a touch of the Nebbish in there somewhere. I think Woody Allen is another narcissist with nonexistent boundaries; his new memoir is going to be skewed to his version of events, but I have heard from other sources about Mia’s rages, and her miss treatment of her adopted children. Sounds a lot like a Mommie Dearest. Quite a tragic household. I think Ronan got all of Mommie’s love as her only biological child, while the adopted kids were treated like servants. Most of them had health and psychological problems as a result of being street orphans in their home countries, and some of the older girls barely learned to speak English or received much in the way of education, including Soon-Yi, who has earned a masters degree since she’s been married to Woody.

I don’t think Woody Allen is a good person, but there are definitely two sides to every story. Anyway, Nancy Sinatra, speaking on behalf of Frank’s other kids seems to be quite open at the prospect of welcoming a little brother, even if only as an honorary Sinatra. Cosmetically enhanced or not, the resemblance is startling.
CatEyes said…
@Crumpet said...

>>>I just don't know what type of job she can do after the end of March. I am sure in her head the only job appropriate for her is one that involves wearing a tiara surrounded by adoring fans and paps.<<<

She could be one of those rent-a-princesses that go to kids birthday parties wearing the fake tiara she supposedly wore during the wedding (from the pictures many think it was fake). The only problem with this job is that children seem to recoil from her. But she could sit there among the kids and be like the little girl when she young and demand that she be the Queen. It might fool the children for a few hours.

Ps. Collards and cornbread, yummy. I learned from a Louisiana lady to put a smoked Turkey leg cooking in my collards. Although I'm in Texas I favor Kansas City BBQ.
CatEyes said…
@Hikari said...

>>>Though as Kate’s two boys demonstrate, it is entirely possible for two blue eyed parents to have a brown eyed child.<<<

If you are talking about Duchess Kate I have read several places that her eyes are hazel-green in color and they look so (although I read she has brown eyes). And thus it is entirely reasonable for George to have brown eyes and so does Louis while Charlotte has blue eyes.

It is very, very, unusual for two blue eyed parents to have a brown eyed child. This may be due to one of the genes of one parent being broken or some other even more rare reason.
CookieShark said…
Sending good vibes to you Hunter & charade, and everyone really. I have been reading this blog for about a year now and look forward to it every day.

“The Harkles do truly exist in my mind now as vultures. Like the wicked stepmother in Snow White. All jagged darkness and flashing fire. And jealousy.”

Spot on!

There are so many great comments on this blog. Thank you to all for the beautifully written insights and the laughs. The humor is greatly appreciated, as I am cooped up with a cancer-stricken golden retriever.

I can’t compete with Shit on a Shingle, but surely any cookbook bearing MeMe’s name should include a recipe for Markle Sparkle Brownies. Since her nephew is a budding weed entrepreneur in Oregon, she could do a solid for both the family business and potheads. Another idea would be an update of the classic children’s book, The Duchess Bakes a Cake; except the other members of the Royal Family would probably be more inclined to leave her to die atop the mountain of risen dough rather than stuff themselves to the point of bursting in an effort to bring her back down to earth.

@Elle Reine des Abeilles: Tom Cruise seems to be having a tough time finding a new wife, and MeMe would be a perfect candidate. After all, she has already metamorphosed from a Catholic to a Jew to an Anglican as she leapfrogs one husband after another. Scientology could be a great fit for her. One con deserves another.

hunter said…
@Crumpet - thanks yeah it's weird and quiet and sad but our daily briefings from Cuomo seem to have really strengthened spirits so that's our jam now.

"She is not Just Harry who will plop down in front of a webcam and start rambling." Love this, so true.

Frankly it's a LOT and the information is rapidly changing and the lady is under a lot of stress - you're gonna expose her to a CAMERA CREW of randos? It all seems highly unwise. Perhaps that's the issue.
hunter said…
@CookieShark - hey thanks!! :D

Was just reflecting how she COULD be ensconced in a bed of comfort and protection and luxury right now but instead MM is out chasing her tail in the cold because she's a dumb bint who couldn't stop.
Ozmanda said…
I am waiting to see how the debarkles work this to their own PR opportunity - my bet is they will release a press release that the travel bans mean they cannot do a "mercy dash" to the UK (even though they would have no intention of doing this, and pretty sure Her Maj has organised several agencies to make sure they don't get in:)

All those handwritten bespoke, organic, put together by Tibetan monks with sanctified material and threads masks don't distribute themselves you know!
Hikari said…

Kate’s eyes may be on the greener end of their blue spectrum, but I can’t say as Ive ever seen a photo where her eyes looked remotely brown. They are a darker shade than William’s pure blue. Michael Middleton and Pippa have the brown eyes, and James has blue. With lighter colored eyes, it’s very hard to tell exact shade except in person, since lighting and surrounding colors affect them so much in photos. A brown eyed child from two blue eyed parents is definitely rare, but I wouldn’t say impossible.

If Ronan is going to the lengths of wearing fake irises every day so he doesn’t have to see Woody’s eyes in the mirror, I’d say he’s got some head issues to work through. I wouldn’t want Woody Allen for my father either, but who knows what embellishments, out right lies and poison his mother has filled his head with over the years against the man who was presumed to be his father until he was 25 years old and may still be? It would’ve been well nigh impossible to grow up even keeled in such a bizarre family arrangement. Mia seems a little too close to her very good looking son, if you know what I mean, and his alleged father, not nearly close enough to deserve the name. Woody always kept his own apartment on the opposite side of the Park, and claims that For the entirety of his relationship with Mia ... Many years, including presumably the conception of Ronan, that he never once spent the night at her place. Of course he would say that, as he sticks stubbornly to the story he’s told since 1992: that he was never a father figure to any of Mia’s other kids; That he never spent any time there, and barely knew them... except of course, for the one, or possibly two, that he was having sex with. I think what is scam, but that doesn’t change the fact that his ex lover is also a dangerous loony fond of manipulating facts.
DesignDoctor said…
Thanks for the good vibes, Cookie Shark!

I, too, look forward to reading the blog every day.

Here's wishing all of you good health in this unusual time.

Hikari said…
“Woody is scum”. I wish this platform allowed edits. My phone loves to mess with me.
hunter said…
@Rebecca B - you're not wrong that MM would love a crack at Tom Cruise but the problem is she is not controllable via the Co$ and would not abide by their rules.
Fifi LaRue said…
CatEyes: LOL!!! You are so funny!

For others: Ronan Farrow has stated for the public record that the Sinatra family embraces him as one of their own.
To me, he looks like a chip off good ol' Frank.

Mia called Frank when Woody was threatening her with violence. Frank sent a car with a man who said, Just let us know when there's a problem, and it will be taken care of," or something to that effect. Frank had Mia's back even though they weren't together. Frank was a real stand-up guy for Mia.
Unknown said…
Nice to see you back @hunter :) Yeah, Cuomo’s briefings are helpful in giving us routine in this chaos.

I’m not so sure Meg would want to get with Tom. Maybe before Katie - or Kate like Tom *wanted* to call her - got a crack at him. Not anymore, I don’t think. Besides, Meg is not Tom’s type. He’s got a thing for women that are a foot taller than him when they wear heels. Meg wouldn’t make the cut. The two of them might get desperate though. Who knows at this rate?

Thanks @CookieShark and all Nutties for the kind wishes. May we all get through this soon and with good health!
Unknown said…
Meant to say: Kate like Tom *wanted* her called...
CatEyes said…

I agree that Kate does not appear to have brown eyes (I only read that once). I read alot on this as well as looking at some closeups of Kates eyes. Overwhelmingly it was reported she has green-hazel or green eyes. A good closeup shows greenish eyes with little brown intrusions next to the pupils. She is obviously carrying a recessive gene which resulted in Charlotte having blue eyes. And with her parents being brown-eyed, she carried a brown gene hence how her sons eyes are brown.

I have blue eyes and my husband had brown eyes and I ended up with 3 children; 1 with blue eyes, 1 brown-eyed and 1 hazel-eyed. My blue eyed daughter has yellow facets which make her eyes sometimes greenish looking.
CatEyes said…
@charade said...

>>> Besides, Meg is not Tom’s type<<<

Meg would have to 'Convert' again, this time to Scientology to get to first base with Tom.

OT Alert:
My brother came back last Saturday. Yeah!!! He is doing good. Thank you again for your prayers and concern.

Now my prayers is for all the people in CV-19 areas that they stay well, if sick then survive and their leaders make good decisions!

Unknown said…
@CatEyes Wonderful news! Thanks for sharing the news and the kind prayers. It’s so wonderful to get good news like that now. May the both of you have peace, happiness, and good health now and going forward.

re: Meg joining the Co$

She would definitely convert if she thought it was worthwhile. The Co$ has the power to get her places and inserted in Hollywood projects if necessary. The thing is though Tom has lost all his sparkle since he got with Katie Holmes and he did that crazy couch dance on Oprah. He’s been mired in so much controversy. There was a time when it seemed inevitable he’d get an Oscar. He hasn’t and he’s given up trying which highlights where his place is in Hollywood.

I don’t know about Tom’s first wife but his last two wives were model tall (5’9” and above) and Catholic. Other than the complications with their marriages to Tom, Nicole and Katie have always been well-liked and had successes as actresses. I don’t know their levels of religiosity but I remember regularly reading for both of them, their Catholicism strained their marriages to Tom. Look where they are now!

Meg would go for Tom if she saw benefit to it. I doubt she sees any because Tom has fallen from grace. Tom would be averse to marry Meg not so much her faith but that she’s an awful actress and has no footing in Hollywood herself. He clearly has a type but I think he cares the most about getting married to an acclaimed actress like say Elizabeth Moss so he can resurrect his career. Elizabeth Moss is acclaimed and a Scientologist who downplays her religion. Tom clearly wasn’t successful with her.

Stil, desperation is a huge motivator for bizarre bedfellows. Who knows what will happen next? The two might go where it makes no sense to go. Fact is crazier than fiction.
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
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CatEyes said…

Thank you for the genetics I learned but didn't dare post it lest people thought I was trying to lord my knowledge over them.

Yes the inclusion of other colors in ones eyes is not uncommon. I have it in my blue eyes and so do 2 of my daughters. Hence why some blue eye look greenish, some hazel eyes seem to change with lighting or the angle, and brown eyes which can vary widely even amber at times.
FrenchieLiv said…
Good morning nutties !
@CatEyes : I am glad your brother came back :-)

Is Eugenie pregnant? That could be good news !
Portcitygirl said…

Im so happy you have your brother back!

Charade and Hunter

My prayers are for Yall and all of New York.
Scandi Sanskrit said…
I just hope actors who played Prince Charles don't get Coronavirus.

I know actors are superstitious AF but truly, some of them end up becoming characters they've portrayed in the past. I've seen it happen.

*Praying. * 🙏🏼💜💜
lizzie said…
I never thought Kate's eyes were blue. While I didn't spend time pondering her exact eye color, they always appeared to be hazel to me. And I never realized anyone thought her eyes were blue. For example, while much was made of Diana's sapphire engagement ring matching her blue eyes, I never read the ring also matched Kate's "blue eyes." And alot was written about "Big Blue" being given to Kate.

Hazel eyes can range from a light brownish-grey color to almost but not quite pure green and I always thought Kate's eyes fell in the middle of those two two hazel extremes.

Looking at close-up pictures now, I do see some more recent pictures where one could maybe claim her eyes look blue or greenish-blue. But in older pictures that are much less likely to have been photoshopped (like those of a teenage Kate), her eyes most definitely are not blue.
The genetics of eye colour are complicated, more than the " `big B' & `little b'" model suggests.

Even with only those genes, 2 `deep brown' parents can have a blue-eyed child; the only certainty is that the blue-eyed child is homozygous for the recessive blue-eye gene (ie bb).
In such a case, one or both parents must be heterozygous Bb. If both are BB, the child will be too. The probabilities vary according to the genotypes of the parents.

There's are other genes though. There's something often called `little b dash' - b'. That's involved with light brown & hazel eyes but I can't remember the details of how the genotypes of Bb', b'b' & b'b are expressed.

As an example, my mother had blue eyes and my father light brown.

I have hazel - brown & green streaked, with black spots. I was once told by a physical anthropology researcher, looking into whether there was link between skin, hair and eye colour, that he'd `never seen such spotty eyes'. I was a singleton so no clues from siblings' eye colour, but it looks as if both b' and b are present.

Whether my eyes look dark or light depend on my hair colour. With my adult v. dark brown, just short of black, hair they looked light. With my current `blonde'/white, they're dark. When I was`auburn' they looked right.

I believe I'm a `hidden redhead' really - the skin's right and I've always had proper freckles, not the lumps, bumps and moles that MeMe is pleased to euphemise thus.

Hope this helps.

Should have added that when I was `auburn' my eyes looked golden-brown!
Regarding Charles's test:

He is in Scotland, not England, it's a different health authority - NHS Scotland, not NHS (which is for England & Wales, now that Scotland can do its own thing).

Getting tested in Scotland does not deprive a single member of NHS staff in England or Wales of a test.
Also virus situation may be different over the Border, also different rules, but critics choose to ignore inconvenient facts.
Nutty Flavor said…
Just to follow up on what some previous posters have said - if Meg and Harry do appear on the cover of Vanity Fair or Vogue in May, they will look quite ancien regime, out-of touch and overprivileged, just the sort of people to be first on the tumbrel carts and carried off to the guillotine.

A good PR person would be trying to get that cover pulled right about now.
Nutty Flavor said…
But of course they don't have a good PR person - they have Meg herself, pitching stories about how she's in a "better space" now and thinking about adopting her third large dog.

I wonder how long it will be before journalists stop taking her calls?
Hikari said…
Good morning Nuttiers,

It’s very early where I am, but on Day 5 of my Coronacation, I keep waking up at my designated workday time, Despite having been up till 1 AM scrolling through my phone. It’s my intention to use this unexpected time off to do a sorely need a deep clean on my house, But five days and I’ve made no progress on that front. I hate cleaning as much as I hate going to the dentist, and it’s really hard for me to get motivated. I have been doing more cooking lately then I have for a year; thought I would never finish the crockpot of chili I made last week.

The news out of Italy and Spain is getting grimmer by the day and here in the States, we are still on the cusp of that. I ventured out to the laundromat yesterday, because it was a beautiful sunny day near 60; as soon as I got home, I read that my county just got its first diagnosed case. Allegedly the patient doesn’t actually live here; my town is the county seat, and has two major hospital systems. People from the surrounding rural counties come here for major medical treatment. My home county where my family lives has over 20 cases and one death. I won’t be going out for the rest of the week; my Swedish death cleaning beckons.

The idea of Markle as the next Mrs. Cruise is droll. Maybe 10 years ago, a pre-Harry Meg might have caught Tom’s eye if her TV show had been filmed in L.A. Katie Holmes was also a minor TV actress and brunette. Nicole was very much the up and comer when he married her; I always thought Nicole’s cardinal sin was not so much and refusing to convert to Scientology As it was in eclipsing Tom in their shared profession after marrying him had raised her profile from little known Aussie starlet to Oscar winner in the space of 10 years. Marriage to tan and access to his money also transformed Nicole into a major red carpet style icon. Nicole has the body for couture, But more importantly than that she has legitimate chops as a triple threat talent. Aside from being crazier than he is, Megan isn’t attractive enough, and I think Tom would be keen to have another child for Scientology, seeing as he’s lost his grip on Suri. Unlike the royal family, Tom’s Scientology handlers would not look the other way at a fake baby. Personally, I’ve always believed that Suri was an IVF baby, but genetically Tom’s. Even after three wives, Tom does not appear to me to have ever been into girls, though he and Nic made a good show of it until the end. Nicole Kidman and Katie Holmes both made a deal with the devil to boost their careers. That’s right up Meg’s street, but he wouldn’t want her.
Nutty Flavor said…
What is "Swedish death cleaning," Hikari?

I have no personal knowledge of Tom Cruise's sexual preferences, but I think it is notable that several Scientology defectors (who otherwise had very little complimentary to say about Tom) have said he was straight.

I think his preference - like Alfred Hitchcock's - was for young, attractive women he could mold.
Scandi Sanskrit said…

It's when a person declutters like tehy think they're about to die.

I prefer "Swedish House Mafia" myself but death is inevitable
Unknown said…
Bingo @Nutty! Both Nicole and Katie seemed very docile, submissive, and on the verge of better things when they married Tom. I personally think Tom killed Katie’s career. Tom’s controlling nature peaked out when you could see a cold rage in him every time he insisted the media call her Kate not Katie. All her fans called her Katie for years.

I would definitely not say that Katie and Meg are on the same level. Katie was the main star of Dawson’s Creek. Her relationship with Joshua Jackson and Chris Klein made her a starlet in her generation. I wouldn’t call her a breathtaking actress like Nicole (who I adore btw), but she had more potential than Meg. Just a couple of years after Dawson’s Creek wrapped up, she rebounded from Chris Klein with a fading Tom Cruise. She got more attention but for what really: being the one who made Tom look like a loon and Svengali.

Two of the stars of Dawson’s Creek were able to mobilize their careers further after the show: Michelle Williams is now an Oscar winner. Joshua Jackson went onto do Fringe. James Van Der Beek was wooden and unpopular during the show’s run. Katie lost the most precious years of her career to Tom when she was young and relevant. Those qualities in her were clearly why Tom saw her and was interested.
Unknown said…
@Scadi Sanskrit LOL, I think I should get on with some of that Swedish Death Cleaning myself. (Morbid humor trigger warning) At least if they find my body, the apartment will be ready for guests.
abbyh said…

Swedish Death Mafia? I like that better. It's funny because it always seemed to me that the Scandinavian lifestyle always seems more simple, clean lines (Ikea), not a lot of stuff.
Hikari said…
In the wake of the Marie Kondo phenomenon, “Swedish death cleaning” is the new buzzword in decluttering. It refers to the kind of deep purge and saying goodbye to the past which is required when cleaning out the possessions of a loved one who has died. The name is morbid, but the Swedes think of it as a meditative practice to purge oneself of what weighs one down. It’s a take no prisoners mentality when it comes to your clutter. The same principle as “sparking joy“ but with a more bracing Scandinavian sensibility.

The Swedes and the Japanese are two cultural groups who are renowned for having a minimalist aesthetic, So when they set out to declutter, it’s going to be a considerably shorter job than what is facing me right now. But, I’ve made my mess… I’ve got to be the one to undo it, and over these next two weeks I keep telling myself I have an unprecedented opportunity to knock this Herculean task on the head. Or at least make a really good start on it. I can’t use the excuse of not having enough time to clean like I usually do.

Re. Tom Cruise’s sexuality, he’s built his career on being a ladies’ man onscreen. Tom at his best full wattage can be very charming. I’ve liked many of his films, but I’ve never been a fan girl. Even before I knew he was a Scientologist, there’s always been something vaguely unsettling about him. His Risky Business director Paul Brickman recalled being introduced to the toothy up and comer while he was auditioning for his “Joel”. He shook Tom’s hand, and recoiled inwardly, thinking “This guy is a psychopath.” Tom plays the all American hero on screen more often than not, but there’s always been a wired up dark edge to him. This may or may not have anything to do with his sexual orientation, but I’ve never felt that his love scenes with any of his female costars had authenticity; they are actually quite uncomfortable, because he seems uncomfortable. I’ve come around to the belief that he’s most likely not gay either; more like asexual, ur having a family is perceived as a benefit for his career and for his role in Scientology. Whatever his preferences, or the reality of his bizarre life, TC surrounds himself with NDAs the Royals would envy. Tom may basically have only one persona onscreen but he guards that persona at all costs. He and Meg have a lot in common as far as being narcissistic control freak facade managers with profound inner insecurities relating to their messed up childhoods. They both need partners they can control and manipulate to keep their facades intact. Tom’s fortune would be attractive to Meg, but she will have met her match for control freakery. Not that she ever get in addition to the times girlfriend in 1 million years, but I suppose she will be back in Hollywood scrounging for another show business husband once this corona thing is all over with.

I am delighted to see that the DM has published, at least on line, the pap walk photo that MeMe wants suppressed - the one of her grinning all over her chops whilst dangling Dead Frog Archie.

Are they daring her to sue?
fordgirl said…
MM is my age, so we both grew up having TC as the biggest Movie Star of the Time (I never really liked him, but he is a good actor and handsome) so maybe she is projecting some teen fantasy about him. And maybe she is trying to take advantage that he is not now as big as DiCaprio. Why the rumor was not with DiCaprio, Pitt or Wahlberg, or this new actors like Chris Pratt or Tom Hardy? Because she knows she has zero posibility with them, but maybe with TC she has an opportunity because he is in the decline of his carreer; and besides, she can fullfil her teen dream, and we have analyzed before that she got stuck in the 90s.
lizzie said…
@Wild Boar Battle-maid wrote:

>>>Regarding Charles's test:

He is in Scotland, not England, it's a different health authority<<<

I can understand why Charles and Camilla were tested (much more than I understand why some celebrities are!)

But even the Scotland NHS


"Generally, you'll only be tested for COVID-19 if you have a serious illness that requires admission to hospital."

Of course, using the word "generally" gives wiggle room.
YankeeDoodle said…
My two cents (maybe sense, as the longer I stay at home with my husband and dog, I feel brain cells quickly dying off) regarding the genetics of eye color, the more fascinating it becomes for me. My three siblings and I have various shades of brown eyes, and our parents have brown eyes. However, my maternal grandparents had green and blue eyes; paternal grandparents had aqua blue eyes and brown eyes. My husband has dark green eyes (green eyes are similar to brown eyes) and our children have blue eyes and green eyes. All blue-eyed people are related, as it was a result of a mutation 6,000 years ago. Two blue eyed parents have an over 99 percent chance of having a child with blue eyes; scientists used to say it was impossible for them to have a child with any other color, insinuating that the baby had a different father. DNA today has proven that in rare instances, it is possible. Interesting note: scientists conducted studies with men ages 25 to 40, with one third of the men having blue eyes, one third with green (green is the rarest eye color) or hazel eyes and one third brown eyes. They were shown photos of women, with the same eye color allocation, and asked to choose the ones they found most attractive. Men with green eyes or brown eyes picked women all sorts of women as attractive, and did not discriminate on eye color. Over 95 percent of blue-eyed men found blue eyed women the most attractive. Researchers think this was a hereditary trait, to help make sure that the father’s offspring had a greater chance of being his, and not any others.

Google how blue-eyes are different than all other eye colors, too. I like to take the tests. In a week or two, somebody close to me, with blue eyes and blonde hair, will give birth to a baby, whose father also has blue eyes and blonde hair. G-d willing.
Nutty Flavor said…
Fun typo from the New York Post article on the Sussexes:

The Sussexes are staying home with baby Archie at their waterfront mansion on Vancouver Island, Canada — where they have required staffers to follow a strict hygiene protocol and wear leather gloves.

I guess she wants them to have that chic look, like singer Sade had in the 1980s.
Nutty Flavor said…
Here's a link for anyone too young to get the singer Sade reference.

Sade sings "Smooth Operator" while wearing leather gloves

@Lizzie: Fair enough but it wouldn't have deprived NHS staff in E&W, even if they hadn't done it privately. What is known about the spread of covid 19 in the Highlands, or in Aberdeen? How hard pressed is the Scottish NHS outside the Central Belt? We don't hear about it down here.

It's the knee-jerk nature of the moans that gets me.

Btw, That Scottish NHS guidance looks much clearer than the English equivalent. I've copied it into my Covid 19 folder. Thanks for the link.

As for leather gloves - yet again, words fail. Kinky or what? Are they disposing of them after one use?
KCM1212 said…
I tend to think that MM would be packing for Harry if she thought PC was seriously ill. She wouldn't want to jeopardize any inheritance coming their way from Charles. And to be right on hand to complete any necessary paperwork.

The problem is getting him back into Canada (or wherever they are) afterwards, right? Aren't the borders closed? Not that Justin wouldn't step in.

And I hope it's a lie about the dog. I seem to remember one article mentioning "Cole" as the name of a dog a couple of weeks ago. I thought it was kind of clever for a black dog.
But I hope it's not true...remember how depressed the dogs looked on the infamous pap walk?

I feel really bad for the RPOs...separated from their own families to stare at this vapid pair has got to be horrible for them. Maybe they will get to go home soon once Canada stops paying. Which infuriates me. Why would the RF even ALLOW another country to pay for the protection? Especially Canada. Of all the countries discussed, the pair have the least claim on Canada. The RF needs to step up and pay for this themselves. It's very shabby to expect (or allow) anyone else to take on this massive responsibility.

If it were me, I would seriously limit the amount the Harkles get. None of this "3 people in 3 different countries" stuff.
I would set a reasonable budget and anything over that the Hackles pay for. Their sense of entitlement amazes me. I'm certain that MM loves to enter a gathering with a large entourage of protection officers. This is a huge area of concern for the British public. The RF needs to get this sorted out right now.

Hikari said…
Leather a nice S&M vibe that makes Meg feel right at home in her element. It must be incredibly hard to work wearing leather gloves around the house, but perhaps the minions only have to done the leather gloves when bringing Madame something directly on a tray.


Thanks for the interesting thing about the eyecolor study. I know green eyes are incredibly rare, which is why I always wanted them. Well, failing Liz Taylor’s even rarer amethyst colored eyes, I wanted green eyes and black hair like Scarlett O’Hara. I wanted to look like Scarlett, just with a nicer personality. I tend to crush on men who have these characteristics...Clive Owen can butter my biscuits any time. You said above “green eyes are similar to brown eyes”. I must gently disagree with the statement, Since I can assure you that Clive Owen’s eyes bear no resemblance at all to my own cow patty brown ones... which is why I covet them. I have seen darker green eyes that appear almost brown and some light, but I suppose green eyes that dark would have to be classed as Hazel
I was particularly fascinated by the statistic that 95% of blue eyed men prefer blue eyed women. Both of my grandfathers must’ve been in the 5% that willingly overcame their biological directives, because they were both blue-eyed guys who married brown eyed girls. On my paternal side, 2 kids got brown eyes and brown hair and two got blue eyes and blond hair. My mother’s two sisters and she take entirely after their mother in looks and personality. My meek sweet natured grandfather appears to have been a genetic non-entity in his marriage as well as a physical non-entity around his home… My grandmother was extremely domineering and wore the pants. My three sisters and I are the products of two brown eyed brunets and we all have the identical shades of eye and hair color. Mousy brown across the board. How disappointing.

Blue eyes may feel over represented in the general population owing to the fact that the great majority of film and television actors, and magazine models have blue or other light colored eyes. Light eyes are considered to film better, for the same reason that they usually choose light colored dogs rather than dark ones to appear on TV and movies...Toto being an exception. Elle MacPherson and Cindy Crawford have brown eyes but they are anomalies. Brown eyes may be the norm in the world population, but in show biz, blue eyes rule. Just another reason for men to have a grievance.

Hikari said…
PS… One thing the hereditary preference for blue-eyed women does not take into account is that as long as she cheated with other blue-eyed men, the eye test would be moot. There is a preponderance of blue-eyed men in certain populations.

Biracial children very often have striking bright blue or green eyes, which contribute to their beauty. I’m guessing Meg’s dad has brown eyes or else Meg’s eyes may have been as light as her complexion. When Harry first got engaged, I thought, how nice to finally introduce a brown eyed girl into the house of Windsor. Now how I wish Haz had chosen a nice blue eyed girl to make blue eyed babies with. I bet he wishes it too.
Genia said…
Actors both male and female, especially ones who are famous or bonafide celebrities, vast majority of them have grandiose and narcissist traits. If they didn't then they wouldn't have made it to that level. 9 out of 10 are like that and even the so-called nice ones are self-absorbed and have egos the size of galaxies. Only very rarely do you have an actor who is genuinely nice, humble, devoid of ego, and not falling into traps of materialism that comes with fame. Keanu Reeves is the only one that I could think of who's been praised by the union, 9-5 workers, people behind the scenes as being a genuinely good dude. He doesn't have an enterage and lives his life as normally as he could, interacts with people, fans outside of industry in daily life without putting on airs, just a decent man. My friend's sister-in-law signed up to work as an extra in a movie that KR was shooting in Oakland area here in California. She says he's everything his reputation says and more, super chill and nice and not the dim bulb reputation he had early in his career. They talked about Buddhist philosophy briefly for about 5 minutes when she caught him getting coffee on an off day wandering about locally by himself. He is the anti- Tom Cruise.

Which brings back the discussion to Meghan, Meghan was/ is the sort of actor who seeks fame, status, and money. She belongs more int he TC camp along with 99% of Hollywood actors. Everyone knows this about celebrities, if these people were normal, well-adjusted emotionally then they wouldn't be chasing fame or attaining fame and staying there. This is why if you're a senior member of the RF you don't deliberately choose an actor for a spouse as Harry did. More often than not you're going to end up with a self-absorbed narcissist. Harry hit the jackpot because he wound up with a sociopathic narcissist, he got a twofer as we say here. Two for the price of one.

No, the likes of TC or other A-list megalomaniacs won't be knocking on Meghan's door anytime soon. These people do not want anyone to take the spotlight or attention away from them, even if it's just a nobody who's attained fame by marrying a royal. Her next husband will be likely a rich producer or hedge fund guy, someone who is looking to be attached to some perceived glamour and status because he already has the wealth.
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
FrenchieLiv said…
Breaking news:
Disneynature’s Elephant, an Original Movie narrated by Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex, starts streaming April 3, only on Disney Plus ...
Animal Lover said…

Sade was beautiful and mysterious, not a publicity hound if I recall. She was the opposite of Meghan. By the way the Mirror has a "breaking " news story that M's first post royal job is narrating a Disney movie "Elephants". Comments are uniforming negative along the lines of why "is this news??"
makescakes said…
I am reading that Albert has tested positive! And wow, was he ever talking right into Fat Markle's face that day.
CatEyes said…
Sorry to hear about Meg doing the narration for the Disney movie. I hope the elephants don't get 'Markled' :(
Portcitygirl said…
So, I have to jump in here about Tom Cruise. We have and have had a lot of celebs in the area and I met him at a famous restaurant where he was eating. He was so nice and signed autographs for over an hour. Another really nice guy was Patrick Swazzee? Great down to earth guy. I never met Richard Gere but my friend who worked at a restaurant here said he was a real diva.

I bumped into Liz Taylor in DC with my parents and my dad made a complete fool of himself over her while she glared at him. She was stunning and very very tiny. I also met Donny Osmond and he was very nice. I think I already spoke of literally bumping into Melissa Gilbert in Trader Joe's she was so nice when my eyes flew open. I know she appreciated me not passing out. Haha. People were pretending to look at their phones while taking pictures. Does anybody on here remember the comedy "Alice"? Linda Lavin had a house here and I would bump into her everyday at the grocery store. She is so down to earth and nice, too. We also bumped into Hillary Swank grabbing yogurt and...I have seen and met a lot more.

Breaking news: MM has released her trailer on the elephant film
God I can't stand these two. And I love elephants.
That splendid Canadian, Chris Hadfield of ISS fame, was on BBC TV news yesterday, with words of wisdom about coping with close confinement in company of others:

To paraphase - `When everyone else seems to be behaving like a jerk, it may be you that is the jerk'.

I doubt if Meme would have heard him - even if she'd been listening.

Btw the UK equivalent of a twofer if a BOGOF, pron Bog off! ie Buy Two Get One Free.

I've heard men like blue-eyed blondes because these are juvenile characteristics, suggesting a child-like individual and all that means in a relationship, Babes.

The `paternity test' reason is a good one . I reminds me that towards the end of my time teaching these things, we were firmly instructed not to suggest children work it out for their own families - far too likely to cause mayhem which could rebound on the school. An early form of data protection?
Sandie said…
Her voice is not featured in the preview/trailer:

I find her voice very grating and annoying, but the photography looks amazing so if I do get an opportunity to watch it I would just turn off the sound!

She is called Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex in the titles. It seems everyone is going to stick to that even though it was previously only used for divorced wives of royalty, or would that be Meghan, Duchess of Sussex? (Wallis Simpson was always called The Duchess of Windsor.) Maybe that will change.

It seems that the royal connection is her only selling point. (An empowering thing to have done would have been to use her professional name, Meghan Markle, for such work, but she does so love being royal!) That is quite sad but she seems devoid of any real talent that is appealing and marketable. (If she had to be given an acting role tailor-made for her ... bet the folk here could come up with some suggestions! ... her 'special' demands would be a nightmare so I don't think there are many, if any, knocking n her door, other than for voice work ... for that annoying, grating voice without much character to it.)

Since she concluded the deal and the work before the negotiations for Megxit even started, I assume that she will not be taking a penny of the fee. Perhaps Disney were in a position to not be able to say no to Harry because since the deal was made and the release of the documentary, the value of the Sussexes has become questionable. Do you think Harry pushed the deal because he wanted to please her or because he saw it as a way to earn lots of money for personal use, or both?
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
It's definite article OR name, not both

So, `The Duchess of...' Or `Meghan, Duchess of...' (though am not sure if that comma should be there after the name).

If they are so keen on `British' accents, I and thousands of others would have done if for far less. Doesn't matter that we're not in Equity, does it?
Maci80 said…
For what it’s worth, my nephew is an editor and writer for Page Six, and he says that they all believe Tom Cruise to be asexual.
Cruise sued him directly for printing that he never saw his child. That was right after he divorce Katie Holmes, and as we can see, he still does not see Suri.
Sandie said…
Just had a thought ... because of coronavirus, there will be no premier (would there be anyway?) and no interviews on a stage in front of an audience screaming hysterically 'We love you Meghan'. The publicity that Meghan can get for this voice-over work is very limited. Will she do Skype interviews (or whatever technology is now used) and dominate the conversation with lots of hand gestures and word salad? If I was Disney, I would discourage interviews!
SDJ said…
I went to read comments at the DM re the elephant documentary and it says 225 comments, but when I go to comments, it shows zero - is that because they've turned them off? I'm not familiar with the DM protocol for comments, so do any Nuttiers know?

Have you made your settings so that you don't get those annoying pop up videos and side panels with the DM site? When I changed my settings to get rid of those things, I lost the ability to read the comments. There is still the notation about the number of comments at the end of articles, but no way to read them.

I love the comments, but I am willing to sacrifice them to get rid of all the detritus on the DM site.
Anonymous said…
Hi @SDJ I can usually read the comments, so this is weird, but I'll check. Thanks for the info!
Nutty,a friend with contacts at Police Scotland has reported that PP has died. Could this be true and accounting for how quiet they have all been?
xxxxx said…
Install the Brave Browser for dealing with The DM. Brave has a built in ad blocker that DM does not protest about. DM is impossible without an ad blocker. Brave works great for Windows. I have it on my android phone too and have used it with DM, but have not tested it out enough. But Brave probably works just as well for android.

Best of health to Prince Phillip! It is amazing how long Prince Philip and The Queen have lived and have been very active into their 90s.
CookieShark said…
Do we think MM is the source for DM articles? Would they blatantly just make stuff up?
Henrietta said…
The Express is reporting the "Prince Philip Has Died" rumors started last week and are false. (I'm not very good at copying links.)
Battle Maid. Nicola Sturgeon has been telling people not to self-isolate in the Highlands as rural clinics and hospitals don't have the facilities to cope. Guess Chuck didn't get that memo. Likewise the one about the testing kit. If he does need to go to hospital, I am sure all the other patients at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary will be happy to move out of their ward and give up their nurse/doctor so he can have the best care. He should have stayed in London and accessed a private hospital if required.

Regarding Prince Philip, we can only wait for news and pray for him & HM. It could explain a lot, especially the cancellation of her proposed broadcast.

We just don't know.
Vince said…
Ah, Nutty, you mentioned Sade.

I've said before that there are many gorgeous mixed-race women. Sade is a perfect example of that. Truly beautiful and classy. Meg could never hope to have the aura Sade does.
I believe PC & Duchess of C were at Balmoral before the clamp down.

Poor bloke - can't do a thing right. Anyone remember the fuss about his tonsils? There was also criticsm for him not having his ears pinned back - all that when he was a minor.

Presumably, reasons of state (knowing whether or not there was likely to be a constitutional crisis, should HM & PC depart this life in short order) was thought important.

In such circumstances, we might expect at least a PR challenge from the Harkles to William taking his place on the throne. Strange how they insist they want privacy, to be private citizens, but almost salivate (euphemism) at the thought of what being King & Queen could do for them.

It's important to be prepared for the worst whilst hoping for the best.
Fairy Crocodile said…
May I say something about Megs narrating the elephant documentary? I think this is good.

- Somebody here already mentioned her voice is better than her visage.
- It doesn't require acting skills the same as a full blown serious role
- Somebody knowledgeable with actual brain cells would write the narrative and she can't step away from it into her normal world of word salad
- This may be something she turns out to be good at, thus giving her a chance to make legitimate money (they do need to find something in the end!)
- The project is actually something I would approve for a (still) member of the royal family
- I love wildlife documentaries.
- The fact that she is (still) a member of the royal family will attract a bit more attention to the movie and thus will give more money to that elephant charity
- We do not need to watch her choice of wardrobe or plastic smile; focus is going to be on something else for a difference.
- I would not deny her a chance to do something genuinely good.
- This may help the Harkles to find a niche for themselves where they stop being an embarrassment for the UK and start earning respect points.

I hope the project (a good project!) is not going to be markled. Fingers crossed!
Fairy Crocodile said…
@Disgusted, Tunbridge Wells

Isn't Phillip in Windsor Castle with the Queen? Why would rumors of his death come from the police force in Scotland?

I hope this is just rumors. I like the old tough boot.
Fifi LaRue said…
Anyone, anywhere who works in a police department, and leaks information will get the boot, and a damning non-referral.

Not believable that the the police in Scotland are leaking royal news.
AnneE said…
I was chuckling to myself about MM getting together with Tom Cruise, then I felt a chill run through my body - what if he is after Archie? I would think the Scientologists would love to get their hands on the 7th in line to the throne!!! Am I just crazy, or does anyone else think this way?
Animal Lover said…
@ Vince
Agree with you about Sade who also is very talented unlike the other person.

Tatty are you okay?

Just read the CDC is dispatching a team to New Orleans as coronavirus cases are skyrocketing due to Mardi Gras exposure.
Dallas Alice said…
Are we seriously supposed to feel sorry for that trifling piece of coke trash for having to send out her “staff” to fetch her s**t? Jesus, Mary and Joseph-I can’t even imagine what a soul-crushing experience it must for poor Yachty McYachtface. Go fetch your own sandwich, you silly t**t. Most of us can’t even find basic necessities (milk, bread, eggs) but I’m supposed to feel Meghan’s pain? F**k off with that. *RANT OVER*
CatEyes said…
@Fairy Crocodile

After reading your list I changed my petty mind and now believe it is a good thing for most of the reasons you say, especially for the sake of bringing more attention/money to the elephants. However I say that while gripping my fingers forcing them to type this unexpected feeling. I guess though I still want Meghan to be held accountable for the awful things she has slandered the BRF and the UK public about.

Sadly however, I rather doubt success with this narration role will change her as a human being. OTOH maybe if she has some sense of accomplishment (and possible satisfaction/positive emotion) she will be a more pleasant person...good for Archie and hopefully Harry.
Dallas Alice said…
We have no meat, no poultry, no toilet paper, no cleaning supplies, no other paper goods, fresh veg—HA, as if. Poor Meg. She makes me wish I had more middle fingers.
lizzie said…

Meghan has also implemented stricter household precautions, as the friend explained: 'Any staff member who goes outdoors to run errands has to leave their shoes in a designated area outside, along with coats or jackets. 

'All produce must be washed with soap and water, and absolutely no boxes are to be brought inside the house. Whatever they order is opened outside, wiped down and then brought into the main quarters. 

'Also staff members who have been out and about running errands are to wear face masks at all times. '   
Henrietta said…
Sandie said,

"... she seems devoid of any real talent that is appealing and marketable. (If she had to be given an acting role tailor-made for her) ... her 'special' demands would be a nightmare so I don't think there are many, if any, knocking n her door, other than for voice work..."

For the last couple of MM articles, there was a DM poster called, buyingitnot, from Hollywood, California, who seemed to have some inside info on MM professionally.

One commenter was talking about how, at the Abbey, MM had found all the cameras and made sure she smiled right into them. Buyingitnot said they had the same problem with her on Suits; she would stare straight into the camera when it wasn't called for and she would try to upstage other characters. (Sound familiar?) They also said what ruined her rep in Hollywood was her "station 12 stunt" where she claimed on her first movie set that she was a SAG member when she wasn't. They also said she comes with too much baggage and she can't act. So how did she get role on Suits? They said her boyfriend was one of the producers and MM was willing to do simulated sex scenes. Buyingitnot thought she wouldn't get any offers at all, specifically saying there were younger, prettier actresses who could really act. (Ouch.)

One of the reasons I found this so interesting is because it sounds like none of her Suits co-workers would have been surprised at the problems she caused in the RF. I remember seeing the interview with the directors or producers of Suits before her wedding and thinking their positive remarks about her sounded too good to be true. I think her not-going- back-to-acting plans are because she really doesn't have anything to go back to.
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