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Bye Jessica

Jessica Mulroney was one of the earliest players in the Meghan Markle fame drama.

She met Meghan sometime between 2011 and 2015, when Markle was in Mulroney's native Canada playing a role on Suits; by 2016, the two women were pictured vacationing together in Italy.

Jessica was right by Meghan's side during the romance with Prince Harry, even present during the couple's first public outing at the Invictus games in September 2017.

She was a visible presence at the Royal Wedding in May 2018, and even made a brief appearance during the Sussexes' Royal Tour of Australia, for reasons that have never been fully explained. There was also gossip about the Sussexes giving the Mulroneys an expensive Jaguar car - why is also unclear.

There was great speculation that Jessica might be chosen as one of Archie Windsor-Mountbatten's godmothers, although as a follower of the Jewish faith, she would not ordinarily be eligible.

And when the Sussexes returned to the UK for their last appearance as Their Royal Highnesses, they reportedly left Archie - such as he is - in the care of Jessica Mulroney, even though she was living in Toronto at the time and they were based in Western Canada.

From shoe sales to celebrity

Born to a Canadian family that had made its fortune in retail shoe sales, Jessica Brownstein was married in October 2008 the son of former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, whom she had known since her teenage years.

She and Mulroney started their family quickly - their twin boys were born in summer 2010, along with a daughter in 2013.

And they leveraged their family for publicity from the beginning, regularly sharing images on social media. Mulroney even served as a spokeswoman for Pampers diapers, along with a side business distributing high-end lingerie.

In November 2015, Jessica had her big breakthrough as a stylist, choosing a range of ensembles by Canadian designers for Justin Trudeau's wife Sophie to wear on the world stage.

After hitching her star to Meghan's, she won a regular spot on "Good Morning America" and her own reality show featuring re-dos for brides whose first wedding had been botched.

Jessica is cancelled

Now, at a time of heightened sensitivity about racial matters, Jessica has been "cancelled" after a feud with a Black Canadian influencer.

I don't have any special insight on their disagreement, which was explained in greater detail by Meghan's longtime supporter (and Jessica's friend, I thought) Lainy Liu.

But I do think it's a sign of the thinness of her celebrity that Jessica could be washed away so quickly and easily; she seems to have lost all of her gigs and sponsorships in a matter of days.

Is there anyone at all who stood up for Jessica? Anyone who was sorry to see her go?

Transactional friends

Celebrities with deep support are people who have been around for many years, people who fans can see themselves reflected in: Jennifer Lopez, Reese Witherspoon, even Harry Styles. 

Were one of those celebrities to make a serious misstep, they would probably be able to work their way back again. (Witherspoon did, actually; she was caught driving drunk in 2013 and told the arresting officer, "Don't you know who I am?")

Jessica, maybe, not so much. Did anyone ever really like Jessica?

Did Meghan? Or were they only transactional friends?

It will be interesting to see if the Duchess of Sussex, eternally polishing her woke credentials, says anything about her supposed good friend's sudden fall from grace. 


SDJ said…
what repercussions will JM's odious behaviour have on her relationship with MM?

Will MM break up with her either publicly or privately? Does she need to keep JM close because of shared secrets?

If MM ghosts her, will JM spill dirt? Will JM choose now to turn over a new leaf and perhaps admit to being one--or all-- of MM's 5 friends? Will this swirl of drama spill over into MM's court case? Will something surface that will have the BRF call an early end to the one year review?

I'm not proud to admit I'm here for the drama. Its just so cringey to watch the never-ending trainwreck that seems to be attached to MM.
Nutty Flavor said…
Very interesting, @SDJ. I hadn't thought of the "five friends" angle. Good point.
There is not enough popcorn on the face of the earth to make it through this drama! Love it!!

Anonymous said…
Yet another instance of arrogance going before a fall. All Jessica had to say was: “Hey, here’s some links (which she could steal off of numerous websites) that provide some background and ways to address these injustices. I’m here to listen and not whitesplain on current events.” And she could have even linked to the influencer who outed her arrogant self! But no. What does she do? She gets all huffy and starts to throwing her 5-kilo weight around and threatens to destroy this woman’s career and bankrupt her with a lawsuit. Nice. She deserves to lose all her gigs and endorsement deals. When people show you who they are, believe them.
ShadeeRrrowz said…
Megsy is a no-win situation here.

If she backs Jessica, she will never be able to get her Cause de Jour (BLM) off the ground. She’ll be shredded by the cancel culture. TP will probably kick her out of his house. She’ll never get The Tig 2.0 off the ground and she can kiss merching goodbye. If there was the slightest (which I doubt) chance that anyone in Hollyweird would hire her, that chance would be long gone.

If she condemns JM, skeletons will start busting out of the closet. JM will be exposed as being the top friend in the group of five. JM will probably spill on Megsy to get the heat off herself.

Poor Harry. Between this and Beyoncé’s Disney deal he must be in a living hell right now. This has to be more than he bargained for.

I’d also like to be a fly on the wall in the MoS/DM offices right now. You just know that journalists in that building know that JM is behind the People article. They’re probably drooling waiting for the dam to burst.
Shaggy said…
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Fairy Crocodile said…
The whole saga just really shows how shallow IG celebrity is. Created quickly and disposed of quickly.

What great social value did Mulroney really achieve apart from posting on IG, posing and pouting. She married well I suppose. Probably better than MM in fact.

Connection with Trudeaus is probably due to her husband's origins, not her own work and merit.

Personally I have no joy in watching people destroyed by their own stupidity.

just sayin' said…
What we’ve learned is that JM can be very spiteful and underhanded if she feels she’s been treated badly.

These are not qualities you want for the keeper of one’s secrets!
Blithe Spirit said…
Thoughtful post as usual Nutty. The trainwreck that is Meghan's life has added yet another dizzy twist. JM, her trusted confidante, maid of honor and procurer of merchable freebies is now exiled from her own media circus. You put your finger on the crux of the issue: Will Meghan sink or swim with her?
I want to say Meghan will try and spin a word salad and hope to move on. But given the current mood that may not be easy. it's a razor's edge decision though. Disowning JM to prove her woke credentials could prove costly if JM retaliates in kind and exposes all sorts of behind the scenes juicy secrets. But keeping quiet will expose Meghan to ridicule and unmasking of all her fakery. In the end I have only one word : karma.
The Cat's Meow said…
People who are "famous for being famous" really have no value other than celebrity, so it is easy for them to lose everything quickly. People who are famous for their talents have more staying power.

That being said, I totally disagree with and despise the "cancel culture." Though they are cancelling other (often nasty) people these days, one day they will come for you and me.
jessica said…
LOL great headline.
Aquagirl said…
I left a lengthy comment on the last thread @2:08 pm, so I’ll just summarize. MM is truly stuck between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand, we have her BFF who knows all the dirt and where all the bodies are buried. She and MA were in on the plotting and scheming from the beginning, so it would be risky to ghost either one of them (even though we currently don’t know the whereabouts of MA. Could he have ghosted her?) But JM is more of a problem, so to speak, because of potential actions that could have serious legal ramifications: 1) The merching/skimming of money as well as her assumed connection to Meghan’s Mirror. Add that we don’t know if she was also paid as MM’s ‘stylist’ (I use the term loosely), and her presence on the Oceania tour (was she paid?) I seem to remember that she left early. 2) The ‘Five Friends’ situation. If anyone would perjure herself for MM, it would be JM. If MM ghosts her, I would imagine that all bets are off. 3) She has supposedly been the primary caregiver of ‘Archie’ during MM’s incessant travels. Once again, she knows the truth about this situation, and, if there is no Archie, she’s aided and abetted MM in keeping up the pretense.

On the opposite side, we have MM’s BLM speech and her association with Oprah and Tyler Perry (in whose home she is supposedly residing.) I don’t think that Oprah or Tyler, or Gayle King for that matter, would be supportive if MM didn’t call out JM, given their heavy involvement in the Black Community. And MM would never be accepted by anyone (not that she is now) as someone who truly supports the BLM movement if she remains friends with a racist. Interestingly, I really don’t see the whole situation as being about White Privilege, it’s more about Wealth & Class Privilege, but since it involves a white woman and a black woman, it’s being presented as racist.

I think MM’s response will be determined by what her end-game is. If there’s a divorce on the horizon, she may make a statement about JM, but still keep her on the back-burner until after the divorce. If she thinks that she and JH will stay married, that complicates the situation. She’d almost have to permanently ghost JM due to the current climate. So will JM retaliate? Idk. But I sincerely hope that someone will ‘shine a light’ on the behavior of these two women, which would potentially lead to action from HM before the one-year review.

Remember, Meghan, ‘the worst thing is to say nothing at all.’
jessica said…
Off the cuff,

Meghan can’t ghost Jessica.

Jessica would retaliate and it would be mega. Look at what she tried to do with a tiny nothing influencer. Meghan knows she would be toast. Jessica just pretends to go along with the Meghan ride. Jessica could write a book, and maybe should. Why not? She will still have her fabulously rich social circles in Toronto. She’s not trying to world domination like MM.

Meghan has to stay quietly friends with Meghan. Meghan will privately lambast her, no public statement, complete deflection. They may agree together for her to pull a Serena for the time being and pretend they no longer associate publicly.

Thin ice.

Too many skeletons and bad actors. This is what happens when you lay with pigs.
Shaggy said…
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lizzie said…
Perhaps a "source" is speaking for M. I doubt that's good enough but it "splits the baby."
Shaggy said…
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Shaggy said…
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Nelo said…
A woman that can ghost her father, the man who raised her just because he staged pap pics, can ghost her friend.
ShadeeRrrowz said…
“Meghan is absolutely mortified that she's been dragged into this complete mess. She said Jessica is in no way a racist, but the way she handled the situation was tone-deaf and heartbreaking”

Oh, the irony…
Dallas Alice said…
Ooooooooh, ish is about to get real. Well done, BRF for letting this noxious pustule of a human into the family.
Fairy Crocodile said…
Ladies, am I the only one feeling like I just stepped into a pile of mud? The whole Mulroney affair and Markle's quick dropping of her supposedly best friend just feels..

I can't quite find the right words, it is shallow, ugly, sticky and tacky, devoid of any dignity and class.

Please God save us from "friendships" and "friends" like this.

Piroska said…
Latest Harry Markle Immaculate Heart onfirmed Meghan among others invited to make video for graduates.
Dallas Alice said…
JM better back up her hard drives and have the info on ready. I love to see folks shoot themselves in the foot.
Dallas Alice said…
@Piroska—SS must’ve laid down some serious “donation” promises to get the school to say that.
Aquagirl said…
@Wullies: It seems to me that they made an agreement. They’ve probably been on the phone non-stop. Notice that the article specifically says that they can’t be seen in public together.

@Fairy: You just perfectly described both women: shallow, ugly, sticky, tacky, and devoid of dignity and class.
Piroska said…
Sorry cat demanded attention - schools response to query on video was that the videos made were private and none of anyone elses business.

MMs comments on Jessica suggest that she is doing here best to convince Jess that she will not be ghosted but she's better be careful because at the lease hint that she is being thrown under the bus JM will talk
I imagine they have made a private agreement a la "we won't be public, just private. Everyone will think we've split up and so we're off the hook."
Sandie said…
Karma is on speed dial ... we are going to get whiplash watching the Harkle Debacle!

It is ironic that Jessica and Meghan who were big fish in the shallow pond of materialism and wokeness and popularity and materialism, merching and influencing their way through life, are now being threatened in swift action that has no depth (there goes due process, debate, tolerance, maturity, free speech, due process ...).

For a shallow, publicity-seeking wanna be a famous celebrity, Meghan found the most sheltered and pampered platform in the world - the BRF - and she ran away from it. How stupid is that?
Shaggy said…
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JHanoi said…
DM says MM has dumped her BFF. friends reflect on her and ince JM has been cancelled by the SJW, MM dumped her.
MM can’t have that many ‘good’ frineds left, can she?

While i’m opposed to the SJW cancelling people left and right ( figuratively and literally lol) , i sometimes get a kick out of the drama and am amazed at the stupdity of the celebs.

social media is a double edged sword. JM ( and all cancelled celebs) should have ignored the trolling of the media and SJW’s and stayed out of politics, responding to. comments and emails, when being trolled. JM is too stupid to know she was trolled, now she lost her sposnerships hahahaha
Belmont said…
What jessica did is exactly what everyone in Toronto already know about her. No one was surprised, perhaps with the exception that you would think she would be smarter to protect herself. MM cannot back her, if so, what happens to her sob stories about the UK being racist...catch 22
Princess Mrs. B said…
This evening's headline on the DM is that MM is mortified by Jessica's actions and will no longer be associated with her.
Jessica rode the MM coattails and got some great gigs but the instant she mentioned her "best friend" in her apology, MM cuts her off. Typical.
Shaggy said…
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Jenx said…
Well, I must admit, I think MM did the only thing she could do in this situation. Publicly. She responded in a timely fashion and, totally in narcissistic character, said she had to protect her reputation and not to taint it with unsavoury associations. JM is no longer of use to her anyway - cancelled and tarnished as she is.

I believe JM has been her arms-length merching enabler, to keep it under the BRF radar. Between the two of them they botched it entirely. Maybe there is a new reality show in all of this. Was your royal style botched? "Hit the Ground Running, Redo." On the hallmark channel.

It will be interesting to see how this impacts the court case and if JM can be bought to spill the beans. Poor woman has nothing to lose at this point.
Aquagirl said…
@Princess: Their relationship was based on mutual using. Were it not for JM, MM wouldn’t have gotten into the social circles that ultimately resulted in her meeting Harry. After the wedding, JM parlayed that relationship into getting some gigs. Neither of these women is better than the other. They are both despicable, soul-less beings.
Himmy said…
I am against the cancel culture, but I cannot help myself by saying "Karma is a bitch" in this case.
Unknown said…
Thanks @Nutty for the great post. LOL @Himmy :) Karma really is a female dog.

That being said, didn't Jessica buy Meg's tossed salad tape. There isn't enough popcorn for this Megxit saga...
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xxxxx said…

Here is his how. Examine the HTML that lies underneath and you will get it.


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Pantsface said…
Just a little light relief in the handbags at dawn saga:-

"Plus she should be fired for working on a news show and not being able to spell libel." As quoted in DM article. Lol and triple lol, sorry to detract from the proper news story but it made me laugh!

JHanoi said…
i also wonder if GMA used this as an excuse/opportunity to dump JM.

i thought i read a gossip item somewhere that GMA was pissed because when they hired JM, it was specifically to get access/ info on MM and supposedly JM refused to provide any of that. seems like a good way to dump her. that was back when abc and cbs were courting the still royal harkles for first access to interviews, etc.

gayle works for CBS , not abc.
xxxxx said…
Dallas Alice said...
Ooooooooh, this is about to get real. Well done, BRF for letting this noxious pustule of a human into the family.

Beyond noxious pustule! MM gets worse and worse as a Royal Embarrassment. But I don't blame the BRF. I blame idiot child Harry for being so insistent on marrying her. The BRF kind of had to go along with his low grade temper tantrum to bring Megs in. And was partly to not be called racist. I blame Charles too for being sucked in by Megs for a while.
Aquagirl said…
@JHanoi: Yes. I remember that. They hired her because of her connection to MM and they didn’t get any info on her. JM certainly wasn’t hired for her fashion choices!

@Charade: I never heard that JM bought the tossed salad video. Do tell!
Dallas Alice said…
@Charade: Whoa. Wait. WHAT??????
When Meghans articles come out with ‘Meghans friends say’ it’s Meghan. Full stop.

Beyond that, it looks like they cut a backend deal, perhaps the same way Serena handled it with Meghan. Publicly distance yourself. If Jessica writes a tell all, I’m sure it will be with a kick back to Meghan. Probably the only thing that will make Meghan money.

It’s so funny that Meghan is still front page DM news. Hopefully now her last public friend is gone, she will disappear.
Ziggy said…
Hilarious how the new Daily Mail article quotes Meghan's "close friend."

Girl, we know Jessica was your ONLY close friend. So now I think it's safe to assume that all these "close friend" leaks are MM herself. Though, that's what we've assumed all along.
Shaggy said…
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Mel said…
Dallas Alice said…

@Piroska—SS must’ve laid down some serious “donation” promises to get the school to say that.

I didn't think of that. I wonder if they bought their silence altogether once they realized her video was getting trashed.

If the videos were supposed to be private, why would mm think it was okay to release hers publicly anyway?

You can tell that mmm knew she was doing something wrong/sneaky/underhanded because she released her video through some public company not associated with the school. If the school had wanted the videos released publicly, the school would have released them themselves.

Bet the school is pretty unhappy with her right now. I wonder if the magazine is unhappy with being used also?

Unknown said…
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xxxxx said…

Scrutinize this HTML then Try test posting this in preview:

<a href=" actions.html">HOT off the presses</a>
Unknown said…
@Aquagirl @Dallas Alice LOL, I am probably the worst Nutty to be giving a rundown on Meg events. Meg's life is a nonstop rollercoaster ride and I have a hard time keeping up and managing all the dets. Maybe other @Nutties can chime in? I am pretty sure it was covered in one of Nutty's older posts. Apologies in advance but here's me giving it a try:

Shortly after H&M's wedding, a German newspaper (or was it a radio show?) reported the existence of Meg's salad tossing tape. They had watched and confirmed who and what was on the tape.

There was discussion about prospective buyers of Meg's tape and how distribution was impossible without her consent. However, that limitation would not stop private buyers. Rumor had it that the owner of said tape was a woman in Canada who bought it herself. Most guess it was Jessica. There was also discussion of the BRF being forced to buy the tape. I think I remember Harry had made a trip to Germany around the time and most guessed he went to buy Meg's tape. Per rumors, he was not successful.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Eh, I'm with other posters who say that this is the skeeziest, slimiest, tackiest, most disgusting behavior ever seen.

Makes me sick. I don't understand that this kind of stuff is actually the modus operandi of the new "glitterati."
Shaggy said…
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Shaggy said…
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Lytton Park said…
I must say something about Lainey Liu, the Canadian gossip blogger who has been one of Meghan's most ardent promoters. I used to really enjoy her funny and clever posts, until I noticed that there was a particular slant to her comments about the Royal Family. She was always criticizing the Duchess of Cambridge for her "assy" Middleton style (she throws Pippa in too, whenever possible), yet her posts about Meghan were always about how unfairly she was treated, etc. If the Duchess of Cambridge had worn a dress with sloppy chiffon, like Meghan did to the BP Garden Party and the Disney Premiere, Lainey would have been all over how "cheap-ass tacky" it looked...but not a word. Meanwhile, can anyone really dispute that both Catherine and Pippa knocked it out of the park with their wedding dresses, while Meghan's was a fail? It didn't take long to realize something was off about Lainey's viewpoint. Her narrative is always about how unfairly Meghan was treated by "viper" courtiers, how important M & H are, etc. etc.

I live in Toronto, and it's now well-known here that Lainey is part of the same group of ruthless social climbers as Meghan and Jessica. She started out writing her blog as a side gig when she lived in Vancouver, but she moved to Toronto and parlayed her way into a TV role. All of a sudden she was covering the red carpet at the Oscars and Cannes...with, lo and behold, her colleague Ben Mulroney! Her blog and TV gig now support her as well as her husband. It's very clear that through Ben she hooked up with Jessica, and was fed all sorts of inside information about Meghan and the Royal Family from the moment Meghan and Harry began dating. Meghan and Lainey both used Jessica to elevate themselves locally, and Jessica in turn benefitted from Meghan's royal connection. She went from being a bridal consultant at Kleinfeld's to stylist on GMA!! It's all been a big circle jerk, as they say. Lainey just published a vicious blog post about how racist the RF is. Nothing she says can be taken at face value. She is Meghan's mouthpiece now, nothing more. It will be interesting to see these cats all race to throw each other under the bus!
Dallas Alice said…
@Lytton Park—thank you for the insight. What a web they have woven. Untangling will be ugly.
xxxxx said…

You are welcome! HTML is easier on a laptop or legitimate computer than on a phone with their small screens and hunt and peck keyboards.
Imabug said…
I have to say I'm surprised by this move by Meghan - to drop Jess.

I don't think Meghan is a no-win situation here at all. The easy, obvious thing to do is to write Jessica off.

There is a much better play here though - especially if Meghan / Jessica and true friends.

Meghan can use this to advantage. Megs says that Jessica isn't a racist, but she doesn't understand how she uses the color of her skin. (Not even getting into the fact that it was a nasty way to do business/exchange for anyone) Then Meghan can spin this to her advantage. She can say this is exactly how her (and Harry) can influence the BLM movement. And that Archewell can help show white people, like Jessica, how they use their skin color to their advantage, sometimes without knowing they are doing it. It can help teach all people about fairness and an even playing field. They could use this opportunity to help support BLM and still maintain her friendship with Jessica.

But again, the easy Markle thing to do is just to cancel her.
Indy said…
I'm totally outraged. Do you mean to tell me that with everything going on now that Meghan made her statement by sending her "friends" to the media? FFS what a coward. Or else she feared we would see her insincerity ? Didnt Meghan say ( plagerize) "the worst thing you can do is say nothing"? I beg to differ , Meghan. The worst thing you can do is send your friends to the media to deliver an extremely important message. By the way, the DM flat out told the world that JM was believed to be the one behind the hit piece on Kate. And if Meghan and Jessica had planned for Jessica to lie under oath , I don't think she will now. "Sorry, Meghan, I'm in a heap of trouble now so I can't lie under oath.
Ziggy said…
@Lytton Park
I agree with you about Lainey.
I read her blog daily since 2006, but had to stop after her Markle coverage.

I noticed a slant beginning on her blog a few years ago, even prior to Meg's debut on the scene.

Lainey adopted a "give them what they need, not what they want" (pretty sure that's her own words) manifesto, and I noticed a more political/divisive spin on her articles.

I felt like she started picking at the scab of racism, sexism, homophobia in her posts.

I read gossip as an escape from the anxiety-inducing reality of the news.
I don't want to be preached to, or to have my nose rubbed in my "privilege."
abbyh said…

Wow. Just Wow to what the latest plot twist.

I do agree that I kind of wish Lady C's book was still in the pre-printing stage but, on the other hand, I am hoping she will be able to add more to the complete picture when it is published (meaning to add to what we have learned since this latest turn of the screw ). I am certain this is just the beginning salvo ... so get your favorites ready as this will be bumpy and you don't want to spill anything.

Soaps and Novellas cannot compete.

On a personal note, I have never thought that being an influencer was a realistic goal, especially as a long term play for money or fame. Please don't ask about family or where I came to that as a WHAT? life value you learned WHERE?.

lucy said…
@Dallas Alice I agree with you completely regarding a "donation" being made to the school regarding the video

I must admit I was surprised by the comments in the DM criticizing Meghan for 'publicly' dropping JM. I use quotes because surely they remain together behind the scenes.

Do you feel Meghan did the right thing? To the public now JM is another ghost.

Has Meghan ever been quoted directly ever for anything? This "friends" angle is beyond ridiculous now. Who exactly is left?

OT but when did Meghan drop her childhood friend? The one she went to Europe with?
Mel said…
Indy said…

I'm totally outraged. Do you mean to tell me that with everything going on now that Meghan made her statement by sending her "friends" to the media? FFS what a coward. 

Bingo. Like your entire post. Outrage is right.

Meghan needs to stop hiding behind her 'friends' and put her money where her mouth is. She needs to stand up and own what she says.

She's always got plenty to say about people behind their backs, but when it comes time to stand up and own it, all she does is give them that's stupid rictus smile and pretend like she's all nicey-nice with them.

Look how she was at the Commonwealth service with Will and Kate. Grinning at them like a Cheshire Cat when she knew she had said bad things about them and caused all kinds of a ruckus about the entrance.

And then got all pissed off when Kate wouldn't say two words to her.

And why should Kate say anything to her? After all the ugly things she'd had her 'friends' say to the media about Kate? She's lucky Kate didn't lean over and punch her in the face. (Like I think Camilla wanted to.)

She is nothing but a two faced traitor to the family. She never owns her words.
Henrietta said…
Lt. Nyota Uhura said...

Eh, I'm with other posters who say that this is the skeeziest, slimiest, tackiest, most disgusting behavior ever seen.

Are you talking about the salad tossing tape?
Sarah said…
I think this is the wrong move by MM. Jessica knows where the bodies are buried. Jessica also strikes me as the kind of person whose loyalty ends with her own self interest.
Pre wedding, MM seemed to have a certain level of savvy as she hustled her way up socially. I don’t know if all this blundering is new or only obvious because she’s under more scrutiny than she was as a non-entity who wrote a blog nobody read and had a role in a show nobody heard of before she met Harry.
xxxxx said…
DM comments:

Laffalot, Port Moody, Canada, 2 hours ago

I knew it! Chuck her overboard. No further use, certainly can't have best bff cast a shadow on Hollywood's leading actress. Loyalty ? Nah, that's so yesterday. Completely so predictable. I mean Kate offended her, so she swept her husband up into her carpet bag and landed in Hollywood? Jessica was a nasty piece of work and Archie's favourite babysitter, but that was then this is NOW!
Justadumbamerican, New England, United States, 1 hour ago

Megsy was in the process of dropping her anyway, she had gotten her as far up the social ladder as could and was of no use now. This was just the perfect excuse. If Megan was a true friend she'd stick by her making it clear that that as friends they'll open lines of communication over this sensitive topic. But of course she can' t resist the urge to to make some profound (in her mind) statement about intolerance.

Mrs Slocum, Durham, United Kingdom, 1 hour ago

Jessica joins Megs father, half-siblings, Kate, Wills and the rest of the Royal Family in the list of people thrown overboard by her.

frankie2112, Hawaii, United States, 53 minutes ago

That was megs very best friend. Some friend megs turned out to be. Usually you stand by your best friend and that doesn't mean you take sides but it doesn't mean you drop your longtime friend who's helped you many times. I am very disappointed in megs. She uses people and then throws them away. It's quite sad really.

Chattman2, Chattanooga, United States, 57 minutes ago

If this is how she treats her best friend no wonder no one wants anything to do with her. I think if this was your true friend you would stand by them and help them to learn what maybe was wrong with what they did. I would never want to see Megan for any reason. The Royal family is very lucky that Harry and Megan are gone and they will never have to deal with them again !
lucy said…
@xxxxx yes those are what I read ,among others .Basically sharing same sentiment. I was rather surprised by them to be honest
Hikari said…
This is OT of Jessica’s problems, but do we really care? Richly deserved, whatever bad stuff is coming hers and Meghan’s ways. I just don’t want the kids to suffer. The husbands will have to fend for themselves.

Camila, Duchess of Cornwall gave a speech to mark the 10th anniversary of her patronage, 500 Words, And annual children’s writing competition. The party that was planned at Buckingham Palace Had to of course be canceled. Camilla addresses all The aspiring authors From inside the Wendy House, A miniature scale Welsh cottage playhouse gifted to Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret by the people of Wales. The Playhouse is on the grounds of Birkhall, Where Charles and Camilla have been quarantining since Covid.

Note to Meg: This is how you do a video message when you are a Royal patron,

People magazine is carrying the story if the link does not open.

xxxxx said…

Here is the DM treatment on Ninaki Priddy, Meghan's childhood friend and friend until MM split with Trevor
lizzie said…
@Lucy wrote:

"I must admit I was surprised by the comments in the DM criticizing Meghan for 'publicly' dropping JM."

I'm not really surprised by the DM comments for a few reasons. First, as others here have said, it's the overused "anonymous source" ploy (a source obviously sent by M if not actually M.) Not only are people tired of that, it is so cowardly for an issue that she claims to think is so important. I mean 2 days ago according to "sources" M&H were reportedly devoting their lives to BLM. Plus there was that nauseating speech and video of prayerful poses sent around the world only a week or so ago.

And second, the comments attributed to the source speaking about JM essentially say "Hey, as Meghan, Soon to be Queen of the World, I cannot afford to have my plans for global domination ruined by this messy crap so good bye BFF." Not, "Wow. This is so painful. Even people I've known well just don't understand how privilege can lead us....blah blah blah." Not that I'd buy the second version, but at least it wouldn't make a societal issue all about M. Again.

And third, it's just one too many ghostings. No loyalty to her elderly father or to other family, no loyalty to her husband's family, no loyalty to the Queen, no loyalty to her "elderly" dog, and now no loyalty to her supposed best friend....
JHanoi said…
off topic -
the DM had something about the CEO of smart works saysing MM is still very involved and alsways brings great ideas to the table.

sophie wessex had an interview last week where she said when becoming a royal, one of the hardest things she had to learn was to take a step back and learn ‘how to listen’ instead of telling people / her (patronages?) what to do. which is what she did in her former woking life. because the people, she visits as a royal are the experts and know their business. she doesn’t.

do you think that was a small backhanded slam to meghan who always orders people around?
Starry said…
@Nutty - Were you surprised when you saw the news this morning?

Perfect headline and thanks for a great post.

MM's reaction? Pathetic. The whole "close friend" bit- so fake. The over-the-top "absolutely mortified".

Meghan blew it by reacting so swiftly. All this talk about taking time - except when her own "dignity and reputation" are on the line.

A true friend would have stood by and been patient and taken it as an opportunity to find common ground. Show unity by example. Have an actual dialogue. But not our narc!
Starry said…
Yes, Jessica was cancelled everywhere in record time, but I think she may be back. There are people who want to be like her - she did have a following. Other vain, vacuous, superficial women.

Indy said…
@Mel, glad you agree. It's true about her rictus smoke and I got to thinking if I ever saw Meghan break out into a natural smile and I don't think I have. In fact I don't think she has any sense of humor. And Meghan didn't really sound upset for Sasha at all. She was literally all about herself, her reputation, her dignity . What a sick joke she is. I'm interested in the reaction from everyone about the me me me statement.
Magatha Mistie said…

Oh dear what a catastrophe
Megs and Jess reveal their hypocrisy
No matter what each of them say
it all comes down to their their loss of pay

We’re well aware and really don’t care
This all stems from Megs and her spare
CatEyes said…
Mega and Jess can't both be best
and that is the reason we have this mess.
Oh lets be blest if they give it a rest.
Pretty as pie Megs says I
while Jess replies I need to express
unless we guess or one will confess
the real reason which seems like less and less
apparant in this sordid mess.
Yet Jess might beg from the sista Megs
who she has pegged is in the dregs
and really needs Miss Jess for she's in the weeds.
But each have their own misdeeds
for which they take no heed nor simple lead
back to meeting both their needs.
They can only blame because that's their game,
throw out a name and try to say they're the same
yet we see that Meghan will go begging
to use PR and go too far
and end up herself, terribly marred.
While Jess will have far less and puff up her chest
and say the Megs was not on par
with anyone so far and certainly not, with Jess the Best.
lucy said…
@xxxxx thank you for the link! Ninaki read so sincere and true. Very inciteful read. May be one of the most genuine articles I have ever read regarding Meg. No bullshit

@lizzie I think I was expecting people to want Meg to distance herself from JM

@JHanoi for sure reads like a slight from Camilla!

@Wullie still waiting on that pic 🤥 🤣 🤣
Margery said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sandie said…
The Harry Markle blogger has confirmed that the tape Meghan made was for the school:
CatEyes said…
Ode to Nutty U Commencement Speech

Posters proffer to offer the great Philip
Prince tho not proper, yet he has a lot to offer,
Yet as a right bristly Brit he is just the gift
with which to snitch, on the despised haughty bitch,
Another name in this gossip game
is a little lame, a bit too tame
but almost everything to gain
is Scobie but he's so mopey and definitely dopey.
A popular choice that I cant help but voice
is the mother Dear, who I shall foist
with heartfelt glee but look and see,
she knows all the deeds and can certainly feed
out incessant need with so many copious leads.
Not to forget, is our resident literary hack
is Lady C who would be certainly pleased
to have our back and fulfill our needs.
To the wee lass who Meghan threw a glass
we shall see if she really has any tea.
I suspect more sugar than sour
but at this late hour would hold some power
Harry is a lad who isn't nothing but a lazy cad
with sad and hopelessly bad and a questionable dad.
He can't talk because he will surely balk
at facing Meg who has is mad and mad.
She will rush and must
crush any bust because she has no trust.
So on we go toward a hopeless goal
of who and will speak at Nutty U
be friend or foe we all know, it won't be you, or you, or you.
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Leela said…
I don’t know if all this blundering is new or only obvious because she’s under more scrutiny than she was as a non-entity who wrote a blog nobody read and had a role in a show nobody heard of before she met Harry.

Possibly the disappearance of Marcus A has something to do with it? Obviously, just a guess. But some on here have been asking why he is so conspicuously invisible recently. Possibly he was her advisor and has been ghosted or he himself has ghosted MM.
Ziggy said…
Meghan: "The only wrong thing to say is nothing..."
Unless it's in defence of your best friend- in that case you say nothing, but throw her to the wolves using "sources."
lucy said…
@Wullie very interesting and nice subtle work. My sister got a nose job. She got smacked in the nose with a swing when young and resulted in I guess the "Russian nose". She couldn't get it done until around age 17. They did a great job. Not sure if still done that way but they packed her nose full of pharmaceutical grade cocaine and don't knock you out so I guess she was wired and talking whole time

Meg seems to have lots of different work on her nose, I would be nervous that it would collapse at some point and she had some wonky scarring near her eyes in some pics, no idea where they are it was a while ago, maybe since corrected.

@Ziggy very true. She definitely needed to speak out and not through "friends" she literally just made that video days ago. Forever contradictory all the time!
Blonde Gator said…
Sorry, but one NEVER buries their best friend, and NEVER pubicly.

What (better question...who?) is this Sasha person (to MM)? A nobody! But I just read an artice on the UKDM that Meggsy is tossing her BFF under the bus for someone whom she's never met!

Nuff said, peeps. Dispicable is dispicabe!

(Ps all, I've been lurking here for a while, commented once or twice, but don't know how to "sign up" my screen name...I apologize. But I do not wish to be "unknown". I am BG.

Also, I just wanted to add, (a thousand times) Silence is NOT violence. what our mothers taught us to use as a default....when you don't have anything to say, say NOTHING! Remember. And never apoogize.
Aquagirl said…
@Wullie’s Bucket, @Lucy: RE: Rhinoplasty: Emotional Maturity? I’d say that Megsy is not yet ready for her multiple surgeries!
lucy said…
@aquagirl what do you think happened to her? Do you feel she was born with a mental defect? Spoiled? That was bizarre the story of the birthday party at 9 or 10
I just read the DM article and I had to laugh when it described MM as a "lifelong racial equality activist". Please. She only acknowledged that she is biracial when she started dating JH and realized that she could weaponize her black heritage to her advantage by lobbing accusations of racism against anyone who tried to get in her way. She has spent her entire life as a white person and only in the last few days has publicly supported the BLM movement when she realized she could make hay out of it.

@Charade: So it appears that the person who bought the infamous sex tape might be JM? I wonder how much she paid for it. JM strikes me as a vindictive person (just like her now-former BFF, MM) so if she does own the tape, there are a number of ways she could use it.
lucy said…
This article mentions "a woman from Canads" but it is seller not buyer
MustySyphone said, There is not enough popcorn on the face of the earth to make it through this drama! Love it!!

Agree, agree, agree! I’m almost hopeful that the cracks in Megsy’s world are fast becoming craters! ;o)


In the DM by Amanda Platell....which I found soooo funny!

A dog’s life for Meghan 

From her borrowed £14 million LA mansion isolating with Harry and their child, Meghan messages that she is still supporting the UK animal welfare charity Mayhew and will continue with her largesse.

‘I renew my sponsorship of a dog kennel in the name of our son, Archie, to create an interim home for a pet in need.’

Magnanimous of you, Megs. Since you hooked up with Prince Harry — after living in Kensington Palace and then briefly Frogmore Cottage in Windsor — it is more than likely the only home you’ve actually paid for yourself.
Miz Malaprop said…

So true about NEVER throwing one's best friend aside, and my goodness, with such ruthless speed, too and at JM's darkest hour. However shallow their actual friendship is, Markle's brand is a long line of cold dismissals from her father, siblings, husband and now best friend.

That doesn't say philanthropist to me, but perhaps that's the "modern" approach to Finding Freedom from word salad STRATEGY that has made her famous around the world and kept her in the headlines.

In Hollywood, they say there's no such thing as bad publicity and that may be the only thing Markle is true to.
Unknown said…
A 'Different Unknown'

@CatEyes, like your poems :)
Aquagirl said…
@Lucy: Good question. I’ve always thought that she had NPD, but many Nutties on here who would know better have said that they don’t think she does. If it’s not a personality disorder, then maybe she’s just a Bad Seed? (Have you ever seen that old movie? Quite frightening.)
In either case, her parents encouraged her bad behavior, rather than intervening.
jessica said…
Just pointing out the main issue with Lainey, Meghan, and Jessica trying to social climb is that they are not attractive at ALL and they are aged.

If they were younger and hotter? Paris Hilton and that group.

They are just washed up people, who lack awareness which is what drives the viewership to the saga. ‘How do they not know?’
Superfly said…
Her toxicity rubs off hard, it's as if she's curses others; no matter whom she touches, turns into big fat turd, even a Prince
Lady A said…
Some excellent comments here. However I think those saying "ah MM has cut JM off in public, but will be continue being friends privately", misunderstand JM. Now imagine you said/did something stupid, and your BFF (who, frankly, owes you a massive debt after you gave her a social leg up into Royalty), publicly decried you, who wouldn't be petty AF and get all evil-eyed?

I'd be furious at the lack of loyalty, particularly after everything I'd "done" for her. For example, if I stuffed up, I would expect my friends to publicly defend me OR cut me off completely, not say "I can't associate with you in public, but will continue to support you privately". If if were JM, I'd be thinking 'you're either with me, or you're not', none of this half measure stuff. By MM leaking to the Daily Mail that she can no longer associate with JM, this closing the door on her, I think JM will be the one who locks it shut from the other side. But maybe that's just me...
Aquagirl said…
@Jessica—MM is quite a sight without the troweled on make-up and retouched photos. And I can’t even begin to describe Messica with the awful plastic surgery and injections and her sun-damaged skin. Both so gross. But what they have in common is that they’ve both tried so desperately to hide their heritage (MM being bi-racial and JM being Jewish.) Must be a sad way to live.
Aquagirl said…
@Lady A said: ‘But maybe that’s just me.’

Nah, it’s not just you. It’s all of us who value friendships. But these two clearly don’t think or feel as most of us do. Probably don’t feel anything at all, unless it’s anger at being called-out. They’re both just nasty social climbers who conspired to get MM to her wedding day.
Maneki Neko said…
Dear oh dear! MM's star seems to be on the wane.

'Meghan said friends reflect friends and because of what's at stake she can no longer be associated with Jessica,' a source tells

because of what's at stake??? I would have thought she had to remain associated with JM because of what's at stake, i.e. all her secrets. Or am I still not wide awake? (sorry, bad night).

There's a new Harry Markle up.
That's a great rap, Real CatEyes! Thank you.


`Cowardly, gutless, contemptible,' no, that's not aimed at MM though if it were, I couldn't have put it better myself.

It's actually John Cleese's view of TV executives who thought they'd better withdraw an episode of `Fawlty Towers' on grounds of racism, reported today. It was the one when German visitors turned up at the hotel - `Don't mention the War!'- but which I gather even Germans have found funny. Roughly, it was like `not thinking about white bears' - the more Basil tried not to do it, the bigger the gaffes he made.

Sense returned and the episode was reinstated.


re the rapid exit from the Garden Party - wasn't it attributed to her laughing inappropriately, something to do with a fly?

It could easily been about the abortion issue - not a topic for polite conversation, I'd have thought, but she could easily have been on a political kick.

Roll on Lady C's book...
Nutty Flavor said…
Good morning, all.

It seems odd that inappropriate laughter would get Meg thrown out of a Garden Party. Inappropriate laughter because you were high out of your mind...maybe. Showing up clearly smelling of herb...that might do it.

Just throwing out ideas.
Nutty Flavor said…
Good ideas overnight about how if Meg really was "whip-smart" as she so often claims to be, she could have used the Jessica incident as a teaching point to boost her own position in the "woke" movement.

Something along the lines of "We all have friends and relatives that perhaps don't understand the importance of Black Lives Matter....let's take the time to teach them and show them the true path...let's crowd out anger and hatred with love... as a biracial person who can see both sides I have a special role to play...Jessica and I have spoken and we both have learned so much...she and I are going on a listening tour... etc. etc.

Quickly cutting someone off is a one-day story. "Teaching" Jessica - Meg could have gotten several news cycles out of that.
Aquagirl said…
@Nutty: Well-phrased. You’d be a much better choice than Sunshine Sachs—not that anyone would ever want that job : )
Fairy Crocodile said…
I agree with everybody who said Markle should have done it differently. She should have stated something like I have known Jessica for many years and can categorically say she is not racist. We all make mistakes we later regret. Jessica made a mistake and she is very sorry. I will do my best to help her to correct the mistake and not repeat it in the future".

She could also do something nice to Sasha, send her a lovely gift, flowers or call her saying Look, I know how it feels. I was on the receiving end myself as biracial. Jessica is under a lot of stress because (insert) and she is sorry. She told me she is. Bla bla.

She could have emerged as hero and good friend and instead is looking like hypocrite again, plus coward and traitor.
At least there was no worry about MM gatecrashing Trooping the Colour today.

Have just watched it, beautifully done as ever with HM as only member of Royal family present. For all that the ceremony was reduced to the bare minimum (no horses) it had great dignity and was entirely appropriate for the place and situation.

Lots of close-ups of HM - she looked very healthy and good for her age. I hope I can do as well if I ever get that far.
I've never understood the praise heaped upon MM for her `flawless complexion' and as for `freckles', who are they kidding?

Without being covered in a thick layer of slap, or being photoshopped, her face is a mass of lumps, bumps and sun/smoke damage - I can also see clogged pores and more crepe-y bits than most people of her age have.

At least Oliver Cromwell was honest about his `warts and all' when he went for the natural look.

Gosh! Aren't I being catty! Miaow!!!
Jenx said…
MM being thoughtful, circumspect and compassionate are outside her scope. There is no way she could sustain a few news cycles supporting and educating her friend. She doesn't have the chops. It Would be hollow and inauthentic and dig her a deeper hole. I believe the "friendship" has been transactional and JM no longer serves a purpose. That is her authentic MO. Cut them loose when they are no longer useful.

JM has ceertainly been markled in record time - the news about her firing hit the media during the day, and a couple of hours later, MM's "friends" (i.e. Sunshine Sachs) ran to the DM to report that MM had cut her ties with JM to preserve her "dignity and reputation". I don't know how you can preserve something you lost a long time ago, but, whatever.

JM must be furious right now. as Lady A pointed out, she did a LOT for her bestie, far above and beyond what friends normally do. Having MM drop her so publicly and so brutally must be devastating for her, especially on a day when all the newspaper headlines are calling her out. I'd be worried if I were MM - after all, JM knows where the bodies are buried, and I believe she is vindictive enough to go after MM and exact revenge (look what she tried to do to Sacha Exeter because of a stupid little social media spat).
According to a blind on BG about a week ago, Oprah was pressuring MM to take part in a town hall discussion about BLM and MM told her she'd do it only if she could get questions and prepare her answers in advance. i believe the discussion was telecast last week; does anyone know whether MM finally took part or not?

Another question: we know that MM and JH were asked to leave a garden party for Prince Charles' birthday about 15 minutes after they arrived. Does anyone know why? There are video clips and pictures of the event: JH looking shocked at being thrown out, and in the car as they left, JH looking ahead stony-faced as MM hung her head and looked like she about to cry. There is a video of MM accepting a gift from a supporter (which is a huge no-no for the royal family) but was that the only reason? I understand that Lady Colin writes about this in her upcoming book (which I've pre-ordered) but I'm the impatient type.
Jenx said…
I think the JM fallout will happen around the lawsuit. If JM can bring receipts that prove MM was behind the People mag fiasco, bam. It might help to resuscitate her own reputation by coming clean, turning over a new leaf etc.

If MM had been involved in Oprah's town hall it would have been splashed everywhere. Nothing.

It will be interesting to watch things unfold. I find it hard to speculate on who might do what to whom because I am not a sociopath and have no idea how they think. :)
QueenWhitby said…
For those asking about the garden party, there was a poster on twitter yesterday who professed to be in the know about the garden party. It was either on Murky Meg or it was another twitterer that Murky Meg “liked”.

At any rate, this poster said Megan was overheard saying something at the garden party that “astonished” other guests. The poster would not elaborate when pressed as she said it will come out in the book. I wonder if she dropped an f-bomb like on the wedding carriage ride? The poster came across as credible so we’ll see.
CookieShark said…
Her response, through "friends" is very sloppy.

A direct response condemning JMs behavior is what Michelle Obama/Hillary Clinton would do.

Or she could stonewall but be sure to cut all ties to JM in a very visible way.

She can't downplay their history, as Archie was allegedly left with JM more than once. But it will be interesting to see if there is a flurry of "they were never that close" stories.

MM will not be able to spin this one like she did with her father, imo.
Indy said…
@Miz Malaprop,the "modern " way of Finding Freedom ....classic and spot in. Funny too. Meghan does find freedom by ghosting . #LadyA, I think Meghan may have thought she could disassociate herself from JM publicly and stay friends privately until the dust settles but I don't know if JM would go for it. But it's another example of a child wanting it both ways as she did with half in and half out royal. My guess would be she always got her way with her dad and can't adjust to the adult world . @Wild Boar Battle- maid, what's with gate crashing TOTC? I must've missed that? Don't worry about being catty because most of us have gone beyond that lol. I mean , this is a woman whose vagina brought a nation to it's knees.
I can't believe the blatant self centered tone of Meg's statement. SHE'S mortified. HER reputation and dignity . Whats at stake for HER. Not a word for Sasha . Zip. My biggest question is when are we going to see the media, especially the liberal media in US who have jumped in the R* bandwagon right from the beginning , start seeing her for who she is and say something? Surely they can't miss all the concern Meghan had for herself??
SwampWoman said…
Well, it looks as though MM has no friends, just transactional partners. It is both sad and telling.
CookieShark said…
@ Barbara re: the garden party

I have seen the footage. MM and Harry are talking to a group of people and MM accepts a small gift from one of the women. Almost instantly after it appears Harry is told something, and Charles and Cam see H&M off.

I don't know if it was the gift, which is clearly seen on camera, or if it is because MM was holding court at someone else's party.

Recently I rewatched their engagement interview, in light of the recent "they had planned to leave before the wedding" story. I noticed she spends a good amount of the interview throwing around their, privacy, tabloids, etc. It is a prelude to everything that unfolded in the next years.

In the interview she complains about the media attention and cites the privacy of the person who set them up, even though no one asks. She is rude to the host. If Charles heard her complaining or being rude in conversation, he may have wanted them to go.

Harry does not look very surprised when told to go. It makes me wonder if he knew MMs behavior would be a problem, but was hoping no one would notice.
lucy said…
@aquagirl interesting you mention Bad Seed as that is exactly what I thought of when viewing photos!!!!

do you see the way she shakes her butt when exiting the garden party? Awkward yet repulsive same time. It will be interesting to finally hear what got them tossed out. Amazing they took such quick and decisive action to get them out when seemingly so passive at later times

none said…
CookieShark ~ Yes it was almost instantly. Here's the garden party footage. 6:37 Markle receives the small gift. 6:39 a man lets Harry know Charles wishes to have a word with him. 6:40 Charles and Camilla say goodbye to the Harkles and at 7:18 as they are leaving Markle hands the small gift to a woman. It all happened very quickly.
Mel said…
She certainly was making the party all about her. You would have thought *she* was the guest of honor. Who comes to see that boring, old man and his wife anyway?
It's all about young people now.

Except that they're not young. They act like they're in their early twenties instead of close to 40.
JHanoi said…
i’ll be interested to see what the 70th Bday Garden party fuss was all about.

and i may have to side with Harkles on that one.

I’ve watched some videos on youtube and it all seem ordinary, no dramatic events or occurences. the lead up seemed typical, harry giving a nice speech to ‘Pa’, getting attacked by a bee and the family giggles.
Then alot of walking around the party, being led by courtiers, small talk chatting with people.

the only things i thought i heard were when a courtier gets harry to speak to PC, there’s a comment about ‘cameras around’ , so if he said that, whatever the issue was, he couldnt say, do anything or tell meghan if she said something inappropriate.

and i thought i may have heard her use the word bastard in convo with a group. it was interesting, MM did most of the talking to most groups, then all of the sudden PH turned on the charm with the last groups and MM was quiet lookng at him with googly eyes. but the people ,PH,and courtiers didnt seem shocked by anything.

I think it would have been ruder for MM to not take that thing the lady was handing her. the ladys hand was out and it could have looked bad for the cameras.
and if she said something inappropriate, it certainly can’t be anything worse than some of the things PP has said over the years. (unless she was dissing HM.) and the courtiers/ RF should have briefed her a little on small talk and decorum. she’s an young woke liberal american, and her small talk s going to be different than what they are used to.
TheTide said…
Obvs no Megs fan here, but if someone tried to hand her a gift at the garden party, what would the proper protocol be? Decline to accept which would embarrass the other person? Accept to avoid embarrassing them even though against royal protocol?
KCM1212 said…
I saw some footage of the garden party where Harry made a speech, introducing Charles perhaps, and a bee was bothering him. Megs finds this hilarious and laughs openly (high?). Then she sticks her stupid tongue out again. I don't understand why she thinks that is so cute. It's a ridiculous gesture for a grown woman. If that is what got her booted, hurrah.

And I hope JM brings it all. She has all the secrets and now is the time to spill them. I imagine Meg woke up this morning, realized what she has done and is trying to "take it back" claiming a friend had spoken for her.

Honestly, she is so childish.
Hikari said…

Her response, through "friends" is very sloppy.

A direct response condemning JMs behavior is what Michelle Obama/Hillary Clinton would do.

Or she could stonewall but be sure to cut all ties to JM in a very visible way.

She can't downplay their history, as Archie was allegedly left with JM more than once. But it will be interesting to see if there is a flurry of "they were never that close" stories.

MM will not be able to spin this one like she did with her father, imo.

Indeed. MM's acquaintance with JM can't be more than about 5 years, but those were the 'formative' years. Markle worked the Toronto social scene hard when she arrived and was introduced into the circles of the Mulroneys and Marcus Anderson. Harry Markle has an excellent timeline of "Project Bag-a-Prince" and how Soho House has its grubby fingers all over this plot. MM would have love-bombed Jess in those days, seeing as she was a two-bit California starlet trying to get established on a basic cable TV series and JM was married into the creme of Toronto society. Jess has been giving Markle freebies for their entire relationship--introductions, clothes, styling services. While have Smirkle to dress as a client was no testimonial at all for her skills as a stylist, she did work for Kleinfeld when they first met and consultant jobs there are very coveted. No doubt the transaction was made that once MM was a Royal Duchess, she could skyrocket Jess's career by association, and it worked, a little. Do we think Jess would have been selected for those television shows if she was not widely known as Meg's bestie?

Jessica should have exhibited more self-control at the baiting from the black blogger. The way she reacted was inappropriate, frankly scary and her penalties were justified. But if she thought her bestie Meg was going to offer her support, she's been schooled about that. Jess seems like a hothead, just like her ersatz 'friend' . . what she needs now is a game plan, keeping in mind the old Spanish adage, "Revenge is a dish best served cold." Revenge would have been a bit sweeter if Meg were still ensconced in the Royal family and we all hadn't just suffered through the last 6 months of Harkle drama, but Jess can still wound MM in a big way, and Meg knows what it is. She probably didn't consider that when she rushed to throw Jess under the bus with such alacrity instead of crafting a statement that might have left the door open on their association.

That thing is Archie. Jess wouldn't even have to disavow the existence of the baby, which could leave her open to legal retribution by Meg. All she needs to do is say, "Despite media reports to the contrary, I have never taken care of Archie. In fact, I have never met Archie. I tried many times to visit the family while they were in Canada, but Meghan always told me it wasn't a good time. I haven't seen Meg in person since her baby shower in New York last year." She won't have denied that Meg has a baby, only that she, her best friend and designated babysitter-on-call has never actually met the tyke.

I'd really like to see Meg try and wiggle out of that. I don't understand all the ins and outs of NDAs, but I thought they were designed to prevent the signatory of spilling things which are *true*, not refuting items which are made up. The burden would be on Meg to prove that she *did* drop Archie off at Jessica's house on numerous occasions, with travel itineraries, receipts for baby supplies she left with Jessica, seeing as her children are no longer babies, sworn affadavits from RPOs that they assisted in transporting Master Archie to his care situation, where presumably at least one of them would have had to remain with the infant . . .It's never going to get that far because, c'mon, Meg doesn't have any of that.

Hikari said…
If Meg's PR tries to rebut with "They were never really that close" stories, the legitimate question which would be raised is, "If you are not close with this woman and in fact are estranged, why would you have left your baby with her on two separate occasions for extended periods while you traveled abroad?"

Jessica won't get her jobs back. Someone of Mel Gibson's stature can rebound from racist/misogynist gaffes, but it took Mel a decade to do it and he's got an Academy Award. Jess's downfall won't hurt quite as much because she'd barely gotten started.

I do not like Jessica Mulroney, but I fully support her in any campaign of revenge she cares to mount against the erstwhile Duchess of Sussex, who wouldn't have that title without Jess's help. If she can engineer iron-clad legal protection for herself against Meghan, I hope she writes a book. Frankly, I don't think the two women had a very substantial friendship, which Meg is not capable of in any case. They had some fun together but their goals were always mutually aligned: to generate press for themselves as up-and-coming stars. They even styled themselves the same and got matching plastic surgery . .more than a bit creepy. Jessica might not have been read into all of Meg's schemes, but she certainly knows enough to really damage Meg's concocted narratives.

Meg may have finally ghosted the wrong person . . Jessica may very well turn out to be van Helsing to her Dracula. In which case I say, "Bring it on . .can't wait!"
lucy said…
@JHanoi I definitely heard camera around comment

When trying to find video before posted here several people on internet said Meghan got in row (row makes me chuckle, we don't say that here but didnt take long to figure out what it meant) anyhow, several were saying Meghan stuck her tongue out at Camilla but then
Camilla does walk up and kisses Meg cheek before they leave?

But I am kinda hoping it is something explosive we haven't heard before
lucy said…
I also will say there were plenty of people saying they weren't kicked out at all, that Meghan had morning sickness 🙄
Jenx said…
If MM had morning sickness in may 2018, then she was pregnant for a year. In the video, under the hat, she looked surprised they were told goodbye. Lady C shall enlighten us in due course.
Blithe Spirit said…
Over a decade ago stand up comic Michael Richards ( Kramer from Seinfeld) uttered angry, ugly racist remarks to two black men who were heckling him during an act. There was widespread media report about it and if I remember correctly, he was criticised unequivocally. Jerry Seinfeld put out a comment immediately acknowledging that the words were wrong but also supporting Richards insisting that he was not a racist and that it was more of an anger issue. Whether Seinfeld was right or wrong about issuing that statement, he was being a good, loyal friend who had a history with him and could defend Richards record so that it was not based on one incident. Genuine, thpughtful friends do that. Stick their necks out even when it's not the popular stance to take because they value the relationship more than public image. It's telling that Meghan's first instinct was to quickly state that she would not engage with JM in public even though she knew she was not a racist. If you know that why are you cutting all ties with her? Why not admit that what JM did was wrong but she was not a racist and then add but she will support her endeavours to learn from this? Meghan may have been worried about being attacked if she said that. So what? Have the guts to stand by your mate. Because that's what a good friend would do, isn't it?
Dallas Alice said…
JM needs to fly out to LA. Then she and MM can sit around Tyler Perry’s fire pit and sing “Friends In Low Places” instead of Kum Bah Yah. Totally fitting, especially for Megs.

“Blame it all on my roots
I showed up in boots
And ruined your black-tie affair.
The last one to know
The last one to show
I was the last one you thought you’d see there.”
Indy said…
The "we weren't that close" narrative is already beginning , sort of. Omid just tweeted "watching people make a white woman's racism controversy about her biracial friend is not what we should be doing . Do better" I don't know if I got the words exactly but it's close enough. So now the don't blame Meghan for being friends with Jessica spinning begins.
Seabee666 said…
I agree to some extent that cancel movement is questionable. However,the people who get cancelled for a debatable reason of racism, are all just bad people in general. Was JM really motivated by an anti-black bias? I don't know? But she took offence at a black woman asking for her white counterparts to use their platforms to help address a social catastrophe. Why was JM triggered? Her famous BFF was simultaneously trying to establish herself as Meghan Luther King. Why could she not restrain herself and at least ignore Exeter? McPhoney attacked and threatened for no reason except, full circle, she is just a bad person.

As far as the DEEP friendship between MM and JM... sorry, when one woman is a young mother with three kids and the other is working actress, "supermodel" (LOL), blogger, world traveler and man-eater, how much time and interests could they really share? And this is when they met. It's not like they were childhood or college friends. No, their mutual nastiness, greed, amorality and seriousness bonded these two divas.

Re Vanderpump Rules cancelees. Are they all racists? Don't know but Stassi Schroder is and always has been a hard core, self-entitled bitch who delights in "destroying people." The other three were amoral, promiscuous cheaters and dirtbags. Does the punishment fit the exact crime for them and Mulphoney? Maybe not. But none of them are innocent of being assholes.
Girl with a Hat said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Glowworm said…
I’ve watched that video many, many times. In my opinion, MM, and Harry, of course...but mainly MM, were indeed ‘holding court’. Her hands and mouth were flapping...maybe too much for PC and Camilla? MM was given a necklace, which she accepted gracefully. She was having a grand old time. Then immediately came the directive to leave. MM wobbles then struts to her assistant and more or less *throws* the gift into her hands...proving to me that SHE WAS RAGING!!!
She then struts her way across the lawn, glancing to the sides to see who was watching. That butt-swinging strut was a major effort to look anything BUT kicked out. But kicked out they most certainly were.
Aquagirl said…
@Hikari: Imagine if, at the end of the day, it was Jessica who took down MM re: Archie. That would be such a plot twist, and as you said, so easy to do. I can believe that they’ve not seen each other since the baby shower. Remember that strange story when JM took her daughter to London (supposedly to ‘meet’ Archie) and she posted photos of the two of them in a hotel room watching TV? That was so odd since MM was supposedly living at Frogmore at the time. No room at the cottage for your BFF and her daughter who was one of your bridesmaids?
Aquagirl said…
@Glowworm: Ah, yes, the Markle Sashay combined with putting her claw on Harry’s back.
xxxxx said…
The Harkle Debacle Timeline 2006-2019 --- Very well done, from the Harry Markle blog. Posted March 2019
Glowworm said…
@Aquagirl, perhaps MM ‘ghosted’ JM right after the wedding. After all, she got what she needed most from her, her help in trapping Harry. Besides, JM knew too much. MM has a habit of cutting people out of her life for precisely that reason.
just sayin' said…
MM is in a unique position to know if JM’s objectionable behavior was a one time only thing, or was an oft repeated pattern of behavior.

I speculate that Meghan knows JM frequently behaves this way, and that she has regularly used threats and aggression whilst advocating on behalf of Meghan.

Had it been a one time, aberrant incident, Meghan could have defended her friend. If there will be multiple examples of JM’s diva bitch behavior which involve Meghan, then MM had no choice but to play dumb, act surprised, and extricate herself ASAP. Before all the other JM shit hits the fan...
Piroska said…
@JHanoi Doubt that the acceptance of gift caused problem. There are official rules relating to gifts including: The fundamental principle governing the acceptance of gifts by Members of The Royal Family is that no gifts, including hospitality or services, should be accepted which would, or might appear to, place the Member of The Royal Family under any obligation tothe donor. In this regard, before accepting any gift, careful consideration should always be given, wherever practicable, to the donor, the reason for and occasion of the gift and the nature of the gift itself. Equally, before declining the offer of a gift, careful consideration should be given to any offence that might be caused by such action.

Gifts offered by private individuals living in the UK not personally known to the Member of The Royal Family should be refused where there are concerns about the propriety or motives of the donor or the gift itself. Gifts in this category may be accepted in the following categories: Flowers, foodstuff and other consumable items (within reasonable quantitiesCopies of books presented by the author, provided the subject matter is not controversial; and, Other items of small monetary value, i.e. items costing less than £150.If gifts outside these categories are given, consideration should be given to returning them to the donor if it is believed that the donor or another body or organisation might be able to make better use of them than the Member of The Royal Family. If they are not returned to the donor, e.g. on grounds of cost, the gifts should be treated as official gifts
and while she undoubtedly is American and may be woke and liberal she is not young and how do you know she did not simply ignore any advice given about small talk? She has demonstrated frequently the fact that she does not accept advice
Glowworm said…
In addition, @Aquagirl, while one might think JM’s presence on the Oceana tour was proof that MM was NOT starting soon after the wedding to cut JM out of her life. But consider this, perhaps JM was only invited to come along for one purpose: to secretly transport the set of moonbumps in her luggage...
Mischief Girl said…
@holly, Thanks for posting the link to the garden party.

To all the Nutties: I'm going to be in a minority, but I've rewatched the video and have seen it before. It has always been my opinion that the Harkles were not asked to leave early. I think it was always planned to give MM a trial run, a very short "break in" of 20 minutes or so to "meet and greet", and then have them move along.

Both the Charles, Camilla, and the Harkles had officials directing them to various groups, holding papers so the public could be introduced correctly and the Royal would know to whom they were speaking. I see nothing sinister in an official directing Harry or telling him that his father wanted to see him. It looked as though it was a planned good bye and that Charles and Camilla wanted to wish the newlyweds well before they took off for a (supposed) honeymoon. Camilla said "see you soon". If MM had blotted her copybook at the garden party, I very much doubt Camilla would even have acknowledged MM before they left.

For the first and last time, MM look uncertain of what to do, clearly following Harry's lead. She was well dressed and I loved her hat, but her sashay'ing walk away as they left was nauseating.

Also, this video may be the last time I saw MM to allow Harry to greet people before her, as protocol would dictate. I guess with less than 48 hours under her belt as an official Royal, she wasn't quite ready to push herself forward so forcefully.

Lady C has been known not to let the truth get in the way of a good story. (It's why she's such fun at dinner parties!) I don't believe FOR A SECOND that Diana wasn't a virgin on her wedding day. That claim is utter bollocks.

If Lady C suggests or righteously claims in her forthcoming book that the Harkles were asked to leave under a cloud of disapproval from that garden party, I won't believe it.

MM has many faults and she has done herself publicity harm more times than I can count. She is manipulative, self-centered, and a professional narc.

But at this garden party? She was a nervous newlywed who survived her first 20-minute trial by fire and was happy to leave the scene intact.

Just my opinion.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Glowworm said…
Could very well be, @MischiefGirl. you have put forth a logical explanation...though not as much
Ziggy said…
Maybe Meg was asking around the garden party for drugs?
Maybe the "gift" that was given to her was drugs disguised as a gift?
Aquagirl said…
@MischiefGirl: To me, the look on her face says everything. First, when Camilla is speaking to her, MM looks shocked. She had absolutely no idea she’d be leaving. And the look on her face in the car says it all. She was definitely kicked out.
Aquagirl said…
@Glowworm: The baby bumps had to get there somehow :). But I also heard that MM & JM were using the tour as a vacation, and got called out on it, which is why JM left early.
Belmont said…
Jessica would have gotten the shows though not GMA Bc of her in laws and how connected she is, for sure in Canada and maybe in the US as well (the Mulroneys havé ties in Palm Beach etc). She definitely would have aimed for it. I doubt MM was hurt by the events as there is nothing new here re JM. Is she racist? Maybe, probably to some level but she’s definitely the ‘Regina George’ of Toronto. People do not look up to her there and the rest of Canada doesn’t even know who she is, including Montreal, the town where she grew up
Sandie said…
@Mischief Girl:

I have also looked at a few videos of the garden party, at half speed, and can see nothing at all that would require them being told to leave.


* I cannot find a video that shows Charles giving the aide the instruction to 'fetch Harry'. I think that would perhaps add another piece to the puzzle. (By the way, it is hilarious to watch Harry try to stay by Meghan's side and go to his father at the same time! By this time already, the confident outgoing Prince had become a nervous wreck looking to his wife for guidance and permission.)

* The last time Camilla saw Harry and Meghan was an occasion when all cameras were on them but the Cambridges and Sophie Wessex quite obviously snubbed the Harkles. Camilla did not and pointedly stared directly at Meghan until Meghan returned her greeting. Camilla would be aware that greeting them in a warm way would be the right thing to do (we are polite and have manners and are warm even if others cross the line).

* Charles did not say goodbye to Meghan. He did not give her a smile and a wave. He completely ignored her. I found that odd. Perhaps I missed something?

* The royals get to briefly chat with a handful of chosen people and then move on to the tea tent (not the public one but a private one) for tea. It is odd that the Harkles left before this ritual. There would be very important people for Charles in the tent and part of the reason the Harkles are there is to entertain the guests - that is the point of a garden party: spend time with people and make them feel special. There were no other royals present to assist Charles and Camilla.

* Garden parties are planned to the last detail so a clash in a schedule does not give the answer.

Meghan was trying (the tights, the modest dress, the hat, the tidy hair ...) at this stage but by this time I think she realised that, for her, most royal appearances and duties are a complete bore and so she 'put up a protest' as a bashful, unsure newby and was thus given the concession to leave early. However, it was Charles who told them to leave and the timing was odd. Who knows how many people were still on that list that they missed because Charles and Camilla did some more one-on-one greet and meet with people in the crowd before moving on to the tea tent. People had been lined up to meet and greet the newly weds and missed out on that. It was a bit of a shambles for a ritual that has been done for decades and runs like clockwork with all protocols in place.

I suspect that one of the reasons Lady C is going to give is one that is already out there but we have all discussed and dismissed, and here I am hoping for some real tea from behind the scenes!

PS When Harry is giving the speech, Meghan touches her hair, leans over to talk to Camilla ... In my experience, this is watching a narc in action. They cannot bear a situation to not be about them. They are that crazy, that my experience of a narc is that they will turn their nose up to a job that allows them to work from a huge palace and go and end up in uncertain limbo in a small cottage because they cannot bear to not be in control, not dominate, not be the only one who counts, unless they allow another person to shine briefly to serve their own personal agenda. I can believe that Meghan had talked Harry into leaving before the wedding and that she cynically used the next couple of years to build global fame and connections and get whatever she could before bolting.

Hikari said…

@Hikari: Imagine if, at the end of the day, it was Jessica who took down MM re: Archie. That would be such a plot twist, and as you said, so easy to do.

I am imagining it and salivating at the delicious possibility. That's why I've christened Jessica "Van Helsing". Meghan has made a grievous error (she makes so many) by not being more supportive of 'her best friend'. Jessica will get her revenge . . I hope! She is similar to MM in many ways--I don't think for a minute that she's a nice person. What rapidly-approaching-middle-age mom of three spends so much time getting plastic surgery and taking endless selfies of herself making fish faces and wearing thong bikinis that show her entire a$$? The twins are preteens now . . should young boys have to see pictures of their mom looking like a prostitute in St. Tropez? I think not. Once one is a mother, I'd hope that priorities got re-alligned , but JM and MM share an endless self-absorption and obsession with appearing 'young, hot and available' despite the fact that they are both married women in their late 30s with children (okay, play along with me re. Meg's motherhood for the purposes of that sentence. Meg *wants* us to believe that she is a 'hot mama'. Jessica's three children, at least, are beyond dispute. That they exist and live fulltime with her, that is.

I can believe that they’ve not seen each other since the baby shower. Remember that strange story when JM took her daughter to London (supposedly to ‘meet’ Archie) and she posted photos of the two of them in a hotel room watching TV? That was so odd since MM was supposedly living at Frogmore at the time. No room at the cottage for your BFF and her daughter who was one of your bridesmaids?

I vaguely remember this photo . . which could have been taken anywhere and anytime from 2014 - 2019. Jess and MM traveled together frequently in The Tig days. Harry Markle gives pride of place to the photo of Jess and MM sunbathing on a beach somewhere and MM is blazing up as brazenly as you please in the middle of the day. She's got the white fedora on. She did not care one iota to be seen smoking illegal drugs publicly and that's one photo that's not going to get buried.

If Archie wasn't in the photo--and he was the whole point of the visit, n'est pas?--it's meaningless. A picture of Jessica holding Archie would be worth something. Despite all she's done for MM--being her merching partner, styling her, sending her free clothes, letting her children be in MM's wedding (and let's be real--the kids and the cellist were the best bits of that Corpse Bride Freak Show) . .she doesn't rate personal time with Archie? But *Ellen* and *Gayle King* have held and fed Archie???

What a load of codswallop.

Aquagirl said…
@Hikari: The photo that I was referring to is of JM & her daughter, Ivey, in a hotel room watching TV when they were supposedly in the UK to meet ‘Archie’. MM wouldn’t invite her BFF & her flower girl to stay at Frogmore? But we’ve heard how all of her friends stayed at Nott Cott and what a great hostess MM is!
xxxxx said…
Hikari said...
What rapidly-approaching-middle-age mom of three spends so much time getting plastic surgery and taking endless selfies of herself making fish faces and wearing thong bikinis that show her entire a$$? The twins are preteens now . . should young boys have to see pictures of their mom looking like a prostitute in St. Tropez? I think not.

I like the St. Tropez line! hahhahhahha
Dallas Alice said…
@Hikari yet again sums it up beautifully: “(and let's be real--the kids and the cellist were the best bits of that Corpse Bride Freak Show)”
Dallas Alice said…
Don’t forget the fly, though. The true hero of the day. Not all heroes wear capes.
abbyh said…

Well, there a just so many in a who's who way who have made the trip publically to see "the baby" and yet not a single with the baby shot is to be found (other than JH's family from the just happening to be walking down the corridor and the alleged Christening). That JM is in that group does not shock me. I still think they were thinking they might be able to make some money off the exclusive "first pictures" at that point in time.

Although it would have been some great placement of look at my friend - now sharing the bond of new motherhood! for JM. (my question is: could that have been a hotel room at Soho?).

The party ... I was thinking, thanks Cat's Eye, I could believe she would talk about abortion and consider it appropriate small talk (my guess is that if there was a list of things to not talk about, that would be on it - whether or not she would remember it is different). Don't know about the gift being drugs as that would involve a lot of timing and right people to be present to transfer it. Maybe she (or he) smelled of MJ? If it was him and she did not, that would account for her shock because she had been trying to get it all right this time.

Fairy Crocodile said…
@The Tide
Re royal protocol

I don't know the particulars but can refer to what I have seen with Andrew. He was addressed and welcomed by a representative of a huge state oil company, who then proceeded to offer Andrew a gift. Andrew listened, thanked and nodded to his assistant to take the gift. He didn't touch it himself.

I believe all gifts are then officially recorded and put into some sort of storage. Sometimes they are displayed during various events when royal properties are opened to the public.

Not sure what the protocol says about jewelry, because Queen, Diana and others were wearing lavish jewelry given to them by sultans and sheikhs and such. But I suspect like everything, royal gifts are divided into several categories, like wedding gifts, official visit gifts, birthday gifts. private gifts etc and treated differently.

I will be surprised if the reprimand to Megs has anything to do with the gift. Perhaps she should have allowed her assistant to take it, but it is hardly a crime.
just sayin' said…
I’ve always thought it was possible that H & M had to leave the garden party because someone there was recognized as someone who had either: 1. threatened H or M (security risk); or 2. had prior inappropriate relationship with M.

I think the instructions were to act as if nothing had happened, thus the nonchalant stroll on the way out, but the shocked looks on their faces.
CatEyes said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
I’m with you, @Mischief Girl. I’ve watched the garden party video and I don’t see any of the things other people do. On another blog I read, someone said they had an advance copy of Lady C’s book and that Lady C claims that about 15 minutes in, Meghan told Harry she was bored and wanted to leave, he told her they couldn’t but a palace staffer overhead and they were told to leave. If this is what she’s saying happened I have a hard time believing it because this was the period when Meghan was enjoying almost universal adulation and she was clearly LOVING it. Even though the party was for Charles, clearly a lot of people wanted to see the blushing bride and she loved being the center of attention so I just don’t believe she would be “bored” so early. After all the stories about how difficult she was behind the scenes, terrible with staff, etc, that’s when she got bored of all the attention, when it wasn’t universally glowing.
TheTide said…
A response on JM's Instagram "apology":


As a Black Single Mom ,waking up with no assistants in sight or a staff to delegate chores to I went to a job one morning where you were working. I woke up early, fed my kids, drove one daughter to school , turned around and made it downtown ( early) , parked my own car and did my own hair and makeup. .... then you approached the models booked for the morning ( there were 3 or us) . You then extended your hand to the other 2 nonblack models, introduced your self and even though I was standing right beside you your greetings stopped short of me. I will never forget that encounter 2 or 3 years ago. I’m sharing my experience I had with you. With your platform you should be doing much better. As a human being kindness goes a long way whether you give it or receive it. You can do better.
Humor Me said…
My two cents: on the surface, yesterday was "Let's throw Jessica under the bus"day. I wonder if JM and MM have a good solid friendship that MM told her that she would stay her friend (the "I know she is not a racist" phrase) but publically she must disavow her actions. And the usual word salad followed about friendship et al.
Jessy has too many secrets on Meghan and MM would be an idiot to dump her/ markle her.
TheTide said…
Her friend count is dropping like dead flies, I can't imagine Markling every single person sooner or later, what a lonely life. Harry (before he bolts), the two girls at Wimbledon plus the yoga friend that flew in to Canada. About four left. I would be Harry doesn't last much longer and then there will be three.
Madge said…
Wullie'sBucket said…
Gosh, I really dislike that picture of MM from her BLM video included in the DM article on JM...hands /arms crossed on chest, eyes looking upward with that phony facial expression of concern.
June 12, 2020 at 11:15 PM

Just wanted to give a different perspective on this cringe worthy pose that Wullie's Bucket mentioned yesterday (above).

Markle did this pose in a video to Catholic schoolgirls and it was intensely disrespectful. Anyone reading this who is Catholic will know exactly what I mean.

That pose is one of the classic Virgin Mary poses, seen in art work going back over 1500 years. It's the pose depicting Mary praying and grieving over her Son. (A couple of Old Masters examples below, URLs). The pose is still used on prayer cards today. It's also a pose echoed by many Saints, such Saint Mary Magdalene and Saint Catherine of Siena.

Markle using that pose is incredibly tone deaf, especially to Catholic girls, and especially as she is not and has never been a Catholic herself.

I am a Catholic however, and I showed that article to friends and family and without exception, they all winced.

Perhaps Markle should look to her own behaviour before lecturing others on theirs.
Yes Madge, I agree

Presenting herself as the Blessed Virgin Mary is tantamount to blasphemy. I wonder what the school made of it? Not that they'll say anything.
Mel said…
Mischief girl....possibly. I could buy that theory, except that mm would then have known the plan was for them only to be there a short time. She appeared to be surprised that they were leaving.

The trouble with this incident is that no one theory explains it all. The baby thing is the same way; no one theory explains all the things that we can see happened.

It appears that they were asked to leave rather than planning to leave early in that she seemed surprised that they were leaving. And H seemed to be expressing something to his father that would indicate this wasn't a planned leaving.

I had read someplace that he was told right then that they were to leave, but that she wasn't told anything until they were inside the house. That particular theory would explain her surprise at leaving and also the expression on her face in the car as they left, although it doesn't explain why they were asked to leave.

Abbyh... you might be onto something there. We're all assuming it's something that she did, when in reality it was something he did.

The gift thing was odd, though. If they're not to accept/touch gifts, surely they'd trained her on the etiquette of that (during the etiquette training that she had no use for) and she was clearly ignoring the protocol.

I can't fathom that taking the gift would warrant them being asked to leave the party in such a public way, but on the other hand their being asked to leave seem to fall within a minute or so of her taking the gift. It appears that the gift taking triggered something with the staff.

Maybe since she was so new the staff have been told to watch for any protocol violations, and alert Charles to them. And then Charles just said ask them to leave rather than making a scene in public. Or maybe the plan was if a violation was seen that they would be asked to leave. The staff would tell Charles, and he would tell them to be gone.

Who knows. It'll be interesting to know the truth someday.
lucy said…
How come I keep reading single mother like it is a badge of honor or something to be revered or is it for pity? Heading out now if anyone happens to reply, I will catch up later
Unknown said…
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Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Dallas Alice said...
Don’t forget the fly, though. The true hero of the day. Not all heroes wear capes.

Hahaha, to me the fly was the best part of the wedding ;)
Mel said…
Another thought...was this the last time that we saw her dressed nicely?
Hikari said…

Thanks for clarification on the picture. Frankly, a picture of JM and her youngest child alone in a hotel room in London is even more quizzical then one of Jessica by herself or with Meg in a generic hotel room. IIRC, Ivey is around Charlotte’s age, right? A year older? If the purpose of journeying to London was to meet Jessica’s best friend’s new baby, Why not make it a family trip? After all, all the children were in the wedding, and MM is supposedly good friends with Ben Mulroney also. Isn’t that a long flight to take with such a young girl, without her brothers? No fresh baked banana bread for Jess and her daughter, to welcome them to Archie’s home? Having Jess and Ivey photographed at Frogmore Cottage, holding the blessed babe would have given legitimacy to two of Meg’s claims which remain under dispute: Her custody of a baby and whether any of the Sussexes have ever lived at FC.

Ivey shared a hotel room with her mom at some time but it could easily have been any time. Why not from the family’s trip to London for the wedding? Daddy and the boys may have been out of the room, or they might have had their own connecting room for just the guys. Megan’s attempts to offer “proof” are pitiful, Especially when she drags innocent children into her fibs. She really insults our intelligence at every conceivable turn.
JHanoi said…
the other interesting thing abut the garden party is PC. he seemed to be having a hot flash, was redder in the face than usual, and had to break out a handkercheif. maybe he wasnt feeling his best after a long couple of days and that’s why he didn’t say goodbye to the harkles.

or maybe, for those who think MM caused a fuss, was he was holding in some anger.

MM wearing those 6 inch heels was ridiculous at a lawn party. i think that sashay is her normal ‘look at me’ walk
Cass said…
I think that exaggerated swagger had something to do with her walking carefully so as mot to leave one of her shoes imbedded in the grass! I have seen pictures of Sophie and other women get their heels stuck in the grass.!!😂
Madge said…
Unknown said…
Regarding the Markle "abortion comment" theory.

MM spoke about abortion and women's rights to obtain one during the Ireland tour. It was one of the first early political mistakes she made after the wedding.

June 13, 2020 at 10:48 PM


Following on from the Catholic theme I started, Markle's abortion remarks were highly offensive anywhere, but especially so in nominally Catholic country like Ireland.

Firstly, having spent years at a Catholic school, she should have known better ( if she has a ounce of common sense!).

Secondly, if she had done her homework the way the royals are supposed to before their engagements, she would have known how painful that referendum was. Poor Ireland (as country) tore her heart out trying to decide what to do, and neither side were dancing on the victory or the defeat.

Markle managed to insult the whole country when she did that.
Shaggy said…
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Shaggy said…
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Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Many thanks to all posters for all their insight and links -- I'm not good at either one, but I appreciate you all.

For some who are beginning to feel a bit of MM fatigue, here's the transformed Trooping the Colour -- well done to the Welsh Guards!! Nice background on how they've helped during the coronavirus!
Aquagirl said…
@Hikari: Coincidentally, Ivy turned 7 yesterday. I remember, at the time of the trip, seeing photos of JM & Ivy in the Toronto Airport. IIRC, there were also photos of Ben in front of the London Eye, then the photos of Jessica & daughter in hotel room. I think JM was covering for MM, in terms of meeting ‘Archie’, but to me the hotel photos were a dead giveaway. Because you’re right, banana bread and a picture of Jessica & Ivy with Archie at Frogmore would’ve put many rumors to bed. Quite frankly, JM WAS in the airport, but could’ve travelled with her daughter anywhere on that trip, and I think the pic of Ben in London was leaked to help support the ‘visiting MM and Archie’ story (i.e., Ben was already in London, and they were meeting up with him plus visiting the blessed babe.) It actually hurts to even type this, because I cannot imagine living life in such a lying, convoluted way.
xxxxx said…
JHanoi said...
,the other interesting thing abut the garden party is PC. he seemed to be having a hot flash, was redder in the face than usual, and had to break out a handkercheif. maybe he wasnt feeling his best after a long couple of days and that’s why he didn’t say goodbye to the harkles.

Prince Charles has to be more careful w his alcohol consumption. And I hope he is. My opinion - Part of the reason Charles fell for Meghan's shtick for a year+ was due to too much alcohol intake. Clouding his common sense. If Charles had been more grounded during certain crucial months he would have forbidden Harry from marrying Megs.

@Wullie I see you have the HTML right!
Mischief Girl said…
I'm not paying a lot of attention to Lady C's upcoming book because I don't think she is a reliable reporter of true facts.

Do we know if this book is supposed to be fair and balanced towards MM, or a hack job against MM, or in support of MM?

Lady C saying MM did something that "astonished" an attendee at the garden party sounds like click bait I've bitten on before. I go in expecting something negative, only to find out the (in this example) attendee was astonished at how kind MM was, or that she had a personal and considerate comment for everyone.


Re: Charles not acknowledging the Harkles, or at least MM, as they left the garden party, I don't read anything into it because he was WORKING.

Charles was officially on the job, having to greet and make small talk--(WORST job requirement in the history of the world, in my opinion, and I have a job where part of the time I wipe people's asses. You don't want me to describe the diarrhea blow out I had to help clean up yesterday, I assure you)--anyway, greet and make small talk with literally dozens if not hundreds of people in a relatively short amount of time. He had to charm them all, make them feel special and welcome, all within seconds, and then ensure they didn't feel neglected or abandoned when he had to move on to the person to their left inside of those same few seconds.

He didn't have time to say "see you soon" to his son and new DIL. I'd bet they had spoken before the party. I can see it now. Charles (to MM): "Do your best, have some fun, Harry will lead the way. It's a bore, but it's important. Enjoy your honeymoon, and we'll look forward to seeing you upon your return."

Then, it was off to work.

Re: my comment on the sashay'ing walk--those heels at a garden party are simply ridiculous. Maybe that is how people have to walk in sky-high stilettos, but I've only ever noticed that particular gait of putting each foot directly in front of the other from runway models on the catwalk. People walking down the street don't ambulate like that.

Who knows if she was showing off or what was going on. I just thought the hip movement was extreme and unnecessary.

Hey, GREAT CALL on all the Nutties noting MM's mimicking a famous pose of the Virgin Mary in her BLM video. I wouldn't have caught that myself, and I find it really interesting that Catholics notice it so quickly. Thanks for pointing it out! I can see how it sends an incredibly offensive non-verbal message.
Aquagirl said…
@Hikari: I found the article but couldn’t link it. It’s: Baby Archie Here We Come (Daily Mail, May 20th, 2019.) Article says they were departing for London, and shows the pic that Ben posted on Instagram.
Piroska said…
@Mel thengift thing was odd though

See my post at 7.51pm
lizzie said…
I don't know if they were asked to leave the party but I did think M seemed surprised and a bit pissed off, I did think there was some grumpiness afterwards in the car, and I did think they were in and out awfully quickly.

I don't really remember how it all unfolded at the time. Is it
possible H&M announced publicly they were going to the party to honor "dear Pa" and self-sacrificing types that they are, announced they were postponing their honeymoon to do it all without clearing it with Charles first? Certainly we saw crap like that from them later. Could it have started that early? If so, maybe all Charles could do was warn Harry they couldn't stay long.
Shaggy said…
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TheTide said…
What happened with former BFF Priyanka Chopra?
CookieShark said…
I also was reminded of the Virgin Mary with that pose.

I believe this was done on purpose, specifically for her audience. I'm not sure if it was meant to appeal to them or mock them. The double hands to the throat are really bizarre when you think about it. When have you ever paused in conversation like that, using that pose?

I also think she counted on that pose being used in a still for photos for stories, which it has been. Hence, in my opinion, the very obvious, expensive bracelet on display (rumor is it's the one Trevor gave her).
GreenTrees said…
The incestuousness of this is insane--got to Lainey if you need a primer She calls out Jessica, without holding back, which says something considering that Jess's husband Ben is Lainey's longtime co-host on eTalk. But Sasha Exeter's aunt co-hosts The Social with Lainey, and all these shows are on CTV--where Jessica herself ALSO has a show called I DO REDO.

The inside scoop is that everyone at CTV banded together and demanded that Jessica be fired from I DO REDO. According to a poster on Celebitchy (I know, I endure it for you guys), as soon as all of this started going down, the Mulroneys hired a crisis firm. Jessica's "apologies" are the firm's words, but they soon realized that she was past the point of saving and now they've pivoted to trying to make sure that Ben doesn't go down with her.

From the moment Meghan appeared on the scene w/ H, she has never seemed to have a genuine bone in her body. That it is not literally chiseled into her forehead for everyone to see boggles the mind. The shallowness, the lack of anchors, the constant reinvention, the perfunctory trips to Africa to use starving children as props, the studied poses of a dead woman to destroy her son's get my point.

And so the thing that I would be most fascinated to see her do and the thing that--if done right--I believe could be a total stroke of genius is for her to come out and defend Jessica. To do the unexpected, to show courage in public, which is so rarely seen that it almost always stops people in their tracks. Aside from the obvious self-interest (protecting whatever Jess has on her), I think Meghan, with some professional help that she actually listens to, could make some sort of WRITTEN statement (no more low budget hostage videos from Degrassi junior high sets) that:

acknowledges and names Sasha Exeter and her pain; explicitly calls Jessica out for her what she did in detail and says that the scourge of white privilege is that even those whose closest friends are black are not immune to the biases of institutional racism. But that friendship overcomes many things, and that she (Meghan) isn't interested in who is screaming whether or not she's woke enough--she's interested in doing the actual work of getting the movement to a better place. And she's going to start with Jess.

For nearly three years, she and Harry have been talking about making the world a better place, but it's just talk. Now, THE golden goose of an issue (race), the one she has exploited this entire time, has fallen right into her lap and oh so close to home.

What's a humanitarian to do?

Shaggy said…
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Aquagirl said…
@Wullie’s Bucket, @Hikari: Here’s the article on their return: The Vacation is Over (Daily Mail, May 27th, 2019). Yes, @Wullie’s Bucket, there are pictures of them supposedly taken in Windsor and the aforementioned hotel pic. Also pics at home with her in bed with Ben which make me wonder if she is a beard after all. (Another story for another day.) DM stories were published a week apart, but article says that they were there for a ‘long weekend.’ Who would take an 8-hour flight (each way) for a long weekend with a 5-year-old? Not to mention the time change. But JM does look pretty exhausted in the ‘return to Toronto’ pics.
GreenTrees said…
Follow up to my comment to emphasize that referring to race as a "golden goose of an issue" was not in ANY WAY meant to minimize the vitalness of conversations about race or what is happening in America now. I was referring specifically to the way that, in my opinion, Meghan has deployed accusations of racism as an unfair weapon against her critics when called to task.

And while I am at it, let me fix these typos:

--go to Lainey if you need a primer. She...
Aquagirl said…
@Wullie’sBucket: I don’t actually believe that they ever went on a honeymoon.
Hikari said…
There were so many early indicators that MM was not right in the head, before she had been married even a month. Regardless of the reason, benign or not, why their stay at Charles’ garden party was so brief, We’ve got a video evidence of her laughing up a riot at the sight of her new husband Getting dive bombed by a bee while trying to carry out an official duty. Wouldn’t concern that Harry might get stung have been a more appropriate reaction? She was already merging her rings and shaking her booty first time out of the gate, but just two or three weeks later, after the mysterious honeymoon which still yet to has to be confirmed, she was on the balcony for TOC, inappropriately dressed, and sniggering behind her hand when an elderly member of the guards fell off his horse due to the heat. Everyone around her looks horrified, and There’s Harry’s little island bride, which is what I call her in that off the shoulder number that reminds me of Edward Rochester’s crazy Jamaican wife in wide Sargasso Sea. The Carolina Herrera dress was a nice color and I might’ve liked it under other circumstances, but to bear her shoulders at a very formal event where skin is never allowed Was just breathtaking ballsy.

To me their faces in the car leaving the garden do indicate something negative occurred. Even if the intent was never to have them stay for the length of the party, it was Meg’s first engagement, and they had both put forth effort to look nice. If the idea was to let her dip her toe in with a more casual event for a short time Even so, 20 minutes is incredibly short time. Hardly worth the bother of getting dressed up. If they had left after an hour for a garden party slated to last at least two, that would’ve felt a little more natural. Meg is very subdued in the car And Harry looks like he wants to punch the windows out. If she had accepted a gift, It doesn’t seem like that in itself would have warranted banishment. Harry could’ve handed it off to an equerry With a reminder to his wife that accepting presents personally was not done. I think Charles had extended them favor by having a Sussexes be the only other royals present besides him and Camilla. As not only a birthday party, but as a celebration of the princess charities all year, It was a big deal for Charles. Were the Cambridge is invited and declined, Because of tensions between the force in that early, or had Charles specifically invited the Sussexes alone To give them a chance to shine without competing with William and Kate? In either scenario, it seems that a longer visit would have been desirable. I don’t buy the “rushing off to honeymoon“ story. If that were the case, they should’ve looked happier when leaving, in anticipation. And arranging a later flight shouldn’t have been an issue for the Royals. It’s not as if Harry and Meg we’re going to be flying economy coach anywhere.
Sandie said…
@Green Trees:

The children Meghan was photographed with in Africa were not starving.

I am African. I grew up running around without shoes on my feet not because we were too poor to buy shoes but because it is common for African children to do so. I was also not dressed in my best clothes for playing because, like elsewhere in the world, children play in the sand, climb trees, swim in the river, hide in bushes ... and no mother is going to let the kid ruin best clothes.

Yes, I agree that Meghan used African children as a prop to boost credentials as a humanitarian. Africans tend to be friendly and polite (although we have our hooligans just like other places), but you do not understand the languages and you don't really know what they are saying about you! And, it always amuses me when they are then outraged when Africans put out their hand and ask for payment.

Would you let your child and neighbourhood friends pose for photos for an unknown American actress who would then use them to publicise herself as a humanitarian?

As far as I know, Meghan has never met nor seen in real life a starving African. I doubt that Harry has either but he may have visited a clinic and not been photographed doing so (my view is that no way would Meghan not use such photographs for self promotion).

Starvation is not only not having food to eat (it is obvious that the children in the photographs with Meghan do have food to eat) but also about getting the right nutrients and enough of them, and about getting sufficient calories consistently. It is actually quite difficult to starve to death and, without any food/nutrients at all, takes 8 to 12 weeks, depending on if the person has water to drink or not and if there are underlying medical conditions. It takes longer if the person gets some nutrients/calories now and then.
Shaggy said…
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CatEyes said…
@Madge said...

>>>Anyone reading this who is Catholic will know exactly what I mean.<<<

When I first saw comments with a written description of how Meg emoted with the hands folded across her chest, looking upwards, I thought well thea sounds a little weird and didn't bother until today to actually look at the depiction and I about gagged when I just saw a single photo of Meghan striking the "virgin Mary' pose. How could she dare do that to the school girls. Even though it is not unusual to have non-Catholic children in a parochial school I am sure this profane posturing of the likes of magic-boob Meghan was not lost on any of the girls. Being a Catholic I find this beyond offensive and she now has sunk to a new low. It makes me think how Harry in a Nazi uniform must have been so utterly disgusting to those who lost their family at the hands of the Nazis (I for one). However I am not surprised as she was a bad guest when she went to the Islamic country of Morocco and repeatedly disobeyed protocol there.

I am going to write Immaculate Heart and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and express my outrage at Meghan being allowed to speak to these young impressionable young ladies. For anyone wanting to do the same, here is their Communications Dept. info:
Telephone: (323) 461-3651 ext. 236, Callie Webb

LA Archdiocese/Schools email:
Telephone: (213) 637-7300

Indy said…
I'm with the " she said or did something." Lady C only heard about it the next evening from a" highly placed person " who told her something. Probably something she said. The reason I think that is because if she said something to a very highly placed and very important person , especially to Charles, he would need to appease that person by sending them. The fact that they planned to leave early anyway probably made OC call it then and there. To appease someone who was shocked.
Shaggy said…
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"I remember H going to Africa alone and M took off solo to Canada!!"

Any chance that's when she started setting up IVF/surrogate???
just sayin' said…
I have a hunch that Madame expected to be given a fabulous honeymoon (on top of the outrageous wedding). It obviously didn’t happen. Maybe Harry was supposed to pay for his own honeymoon?? There’s a laugh. Cheapskate Harry. His idea of splashing out is a tent in Botswana!

I think Madame has been pissed off and wailing about ‘lack of support’ ever since!
Pantsface said…
I have no idea what happened at the garden party, but to get embroiled in a conversation about abortion in the whole 20 minutes they were supposedly there, seems a bit off to me. Don't get me wrong, I dislike her and everything she stands for, but this story doesn't ring true to me, Something happened, granted but I don't think it was this - Looking forward to LCC's book to put it staight. If at a later date, this subject was broached on the NI tour, then she is either totally ignorant or had bad advisors. Although part of the UK, the law regarding abortion is/was different at the time of her tour. I cannot believe tha she was not briefed as such or perhaps she chose to ignore it. But again, she was a new Royal, surely she towed the line for a short while at least, I don't know, I give up trying to second guess her motives
Aquagirl said…
I think that Harry was coerced into marrying her. IMO, that’s why there was no honeymoon. I don’t believe that she ever lived at Nottingham Cottage. I think she was staying at SOHO House. I also think that’s why ‘they’ never lived at Frogmore. There is no real ‘them’, just the public ‘them.’ And yes, I think that’s when she started setting up the surrogate and that’s why I don’t believe that JH is the father.
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