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Has "Finding Freedom" improved the Sussexes' reputation?

 It's now been a full week since the official publication of "Finding Freedom," with a great deal of ink spilled about the book and the Sussexes new home in Montecito.

Has the Sussex reputation benefitted from the publicity, or are they worse off now in public opinion than they were a week ago?


Shaggy said…
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LavenderLady said…

*sigh* Thanks, @LavenderLady. Go Harkles, eh?
Can't tolerate what they are doing to TQ. I understand the RF is allowing it for political reasons of all things. According to tea by Lady Colin Campbell anywho. Oh the irony...

Good night:)
@Magatha Mistie

She could have her own “Goop”
Megs “Poop”
Dipstickque Candles - smells like my Aromatic’arse

A candle called “Smells Like the Crown Jewels I Never Got to Wear Cos Granny’s Racist”
Hikari said…
NoNo is getting divorced already? It was only this time a year ago they got married. One of the many occasions which the Mother of the Year thought it was fine to leave Archie for the weekend, even tho he was three months old and she was “nursing

At this point, Markle seems to be an even bigger disaster for the Firm than Mrs. Simpson.
CatEyes said…
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CatEyes said…
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Joe Biden and Meghan Markle are birds of a feather. No wonder she loves him so much:

New York Post:
Joe Biden faces new plagiarism claim over DNC acceptance speech

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden reprised his penchant for borrowing lines from other people’s work this week — apparently relying a bit too heavily on the words of a deceased Canuck party leader during his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention, reports said.

Biden concluded his Thursday night speech by saying: “For love is more powerful than hate. Hope is more powerful than fear. Light is more powerful than dark.”

But Canadian media quickly noted that the former veep’s words were uncannily similar to those of Jack Layton, the leader of Canada’s left-wing New Democratic Party, who issued a poignant open letter to his fellow citizens as he lay dying in 2011.

“My friends,” Layton wrote, “Love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair”

Biden’s word play — delivered two days before the nine-year anniversary of Layton’s death — gave some in the Great White North a serious case of déjà vu.

“A number of Canadians are struck by the similar parting words of Biden’s speech to the final words of Jack Layton’s farewell letter before his death,” CBC’s Washington correspondent Alexander Panetta tweeted at the time.
Magatha Mistie said…


Megs buttanicals “smells like the title Archie never got,
cos Granny’s racist”
Magatha Mistie said…

Lump and Dump
And their dislike of Trump
Is clear and so transparent
It’s plain to see
To her Majesty
And to us, it’s all apparent
She must make a vow
To stop them now
They really are abhorrent
Magatha Mistie said…

To Pee, or not to Pee, that is the question?

I try to be au courant
Sticking it to our deviant
I make no apology
For my use of scatology
And find it quite fun, and still relevant

Nutty Flavor said…
For those of you thinking that your posts are being ignored, I know that I don't always have time to go back and read all the posts when there are over 1,000. Sometimes I can just scan the last few to see what is being talked about, maybe post a time or two, and then run.

It seems the bottleneck here is me.

Would you prefer I put up new "open posts" more frequently when I don't have the time or inspiration to write a full post, so we don't get so many comments in a row?
Shaggy said…
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Aquagirl said…
@Nutty: I would prefer more new posts, as these problems seem to always occur when the number of comments gets really high.
Sandie said…
@MagathaMistie: Scrolling through the latest spat, and there was your latest poem. Thank you😀!

Someone at LSA pointed out that their latest videos did not get many views, and they are not being covered by any heavyweight US media outlets (just a couple of tabloids that they use for PR).

Their pitch in HW (a TV show about racism and female empowerment basically) sounds like lots of word salad to execs and no takers. They took their own photographer along to that charity 'appearance' (did they get a share of the fees paid by tabloids for use of the pics?), which was kind of like muscling in on well established A-lister territory. The list goes on ...

I actually feel quite sorry for two privileged people who have every opportunity to do something useful and worthwhile with their lives and are messing up everything so much ... as a public spectacle.

Without the HRH, their titles are meaningless and that they keep using them, in the US of all countries, should be seen as the pathetic joke it is. But so many people lack that understanding, so maybe HM and/or Parliament should find a way to remove the title from Harry without looking petty and spiteful? Or perhaps just take away the HRH (as happened with Diane and Sarah)?

The Counsellor of State is a tricky one as both Andrew and Harry are still in the line of succession. Perhaps HM could persuade her son to request to have himself removed from the list and Harry could be removed because he does not reside in the UK?
Magatha Mistie said…


Oor Wullie’s Bucket
Just say “oooh f..k it
Ignore whatever they say
It’s not worth the hassle
To get in a tussle
Just smile, and wave it away

Yes, I think more frequent posts might help, even if you don't have anything to say. There has been plenty to talk about with The Harkles coming up with new stunts almost every day now, so a quick topic should be easy to write every few days. You wouldn't even have to write a blurb, just post a topic heading, maybe even in a simple question format.

It's rather unwieldy to respond to everybody when the posts reach 1,000 to 1,100 or more. The scrolling up and down to comment back to everybody is almost impossible, and then people begin to feel that they are being ignored.

The mischief-making and going off-topic seem to happen when the blog comments reach high numbers. There are just a few who comment every day, and once they answer your blog post, what else do they have to say, except to go off-topic? I think some original posters might come back, and the lurkers might come out of the woodwork and join the discussion if they weren't in fear of offending anybody or being pounced upon.

Some random thoughts on that house:


Meghan may use a tv show about the massive renovation to attempt to propel her and her appendage Harry to be the Chip and Joanna Gaines who branched out from fixing up houses... But Meghan would aim for the uber rich, or at least the wannabe uber rich...


I'm trying to decide which of the UK property shows would be the model for MM's attempts- these are the fixing up ones that come to mind:

-Love it or List it? (Deciding between altering what you've got or moving?)

-Houses Under the Hammer (houses in such bad condition they have to go to auction, bought by developers to make with min.effort/expenditure)

-Grand Designs - self-build your fantasy/folly.

GD would demand too much of them; they could take the easy way out with the first but perhaps no 2, as `Projects for Plutocrats', would appeal if the profit margin were large enough and nothing was mentioned to the taxman?

If Riven Rock does end up as a pile of rubble with a mortgage to be paid, thanks to Plate Tectonics, it would have to be Option 1. Megsy would see herself as Project Manager and H as the labourer. They'd have to do it under the watchful eye of some very unpleasant people, no doubt.

@dpbrown1953, I found a wicked comment from Janet Street Porter that where they live is like Sandbanks, a part of Poole in Dorset. This area is the most expensive, it is said, in the country. According to Wikipedia - `In 2005 Sandbanks was reported to have the fourth highest land value by area in the world'.

JSP points out tho' that it's residents are elderly. I'd add that the plebs have easy access, so perhaps we're safe.
OK, here's a topic for you, Nutty.

Which Harkle do you feel is causing the most trouble for the BRF?

A) Harry, because they love him and want the best for him, so that they are putting off taking drastic measures to rein him in?

B) Meghan, because she has no boundaries, controls Harry, and has inserted herself into topics such as politics, which are forbidden by members of the BRF?

C)Both are equally responsible, and why?
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
JocelynsBellinis said...
OK, here's a topic for you, Nutty.

Which Harkle do you feel is causing the most trouble for the BRF?

A) Harry, because they love him and want the best for him, so that they are putting off taking drastic measures to rein him in?

B) Meghan, because she has no boundaries, controls Harry, and has inserted herself into topics such as politics, which are forbidden by members of the BRF?

C)Both are equally responsible, and why?



I go with C), but would have to spend the next DAY explaining, LOL
Magatha Mistie said…


Great topic

A) Harry. Sort him out and madam will have to conform?

Anonymous said…
August 23, 2020 at 8:00 AM
Blogger Magatha Mistie said...


Megs buttanicals “smells like the title Archie never got,
cos Granny’s racist”

MM, I like yours better than mine! Lol
Magatha Mistie said…


Dinna ken what it meant but made me howl, hahaha!
Anonymous said…

Yes, more open posts would likely help, IMO.

Once I thought about it, open posts might just end up in a free-for-all, causing even more problems. It might be worth a try, but maybe a quick question format would give us some guidance as to topic and keep the comments from going way off-track? Just a thought.
Magatha Mistie said…


Theres a moose loose aboot Megs caboos,o!

Also, just read Angela Kelly is ex WRAC, driver.
Another Army lass, she must be good!

Aye, her bahoukie needs a guid skelping. Though she a had a face like a well-skelped arse after H told her to turn around on the balcony.
Sandie said…
An article in the DM (source is a supposed un-named friend,) that details how Camilla, Catherine and William went out of their way to support Meghan from the start. Interesting to speculate - a ghosted friend, or a Palace insider or former member of staff and DM is knowingly pretending it is a friend?

Scobie is bleating again (article in The Sun) that they were not supported and were sabotaged by leaks from the Palace ... the same old poor victim song.

Who to believe?
Sandie said…
The folk at LSA (hint, mostly black women) have been convinced from the start that Megsy uses wigs and weaves.

Whose hair grows that quickly and never is trimmed?
Shaggy said…
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Lady C was absolutely scathing about the 70's Cher wig!

Sandie said, An article in the DM (source is a supposed un-named friend,) that details how Camilla, Catherine and William went out of their way to support Meghan from the start. Interesting to speculate - a ghosted friend, or a Palace insider or former member of staff and DM is knowingly pretending it is a friend?

I read the article too and wondered the same thing. I think it’s ghosted friend, maybe one of the five friends who Megsy said supported her in the People mag article.
Shaggy said…
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Shaggy said…
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Shaggy said…
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Shaggy said…
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Shaggy said…
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Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
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Shaggy said…
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Shaggy said…
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lucy said…
H&M are fails because it isclear they are not passionate about anything (aside from litigation. .)

Archwell, if ever comes to fruition is sure to be doomed. They do not or have not yet even planned what cause their 'philanthropic' work will support. Surely it will be whatever hot topic of the week is, who wants to fund their latest whim?

It is also another glaring hypocrisy that they intend to name their charitable entity archewell, an admitted play on their son's name. Way to keep him private ��

Therefore, taking into consideration they have no substantive crusade I put it out there that H&M should launch their charity as crusade against human trafficking. Maybe with emphasis on children as their charity is named after child

It is apolitical, affects both genders ,global and is the world's worst dirty little secret. I can't even think of any big names attached to cause. If there is they fail as I can't think of any at the moment. Maybe Ashton Kutcher, Clooney dabbled?

It would also give them excuse to traverse the world. I find it rather amazing all these synchronized save the children marches going on and not much is written in MSM and if it is mentioned it is discounted as some giant Q conspiracy. As best I can see this was not even covered in DM

It is after noon in London where is *this* post?
Shaggy said…
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Shaggy said…
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Shaggy said…
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SwampWoman said…
Miggy said...
Chatting with Lady C - Living With & Surviving the Narcissist.

Thank you. It was an excellent suggestion and, after watching her speaking about the dynamics between her father and her mother (and her father, as she said, was a hooked fish that could only run out so far before being reeled back in), I understand that Harry is far too weak to ever leave MM. If there is a child, it will have a miserable life and probably spend years in therapy.

Medusa just can't resist stirring up controversy (in order to complain about how mean everybody is to her) wherever she goes. "Poor, poor, pitiful me!" (Linda Ronstadt version) could be her theme song while simultaneously claiming to be a strong, independent woman. Choose one, Medusa. You are either a strong, independent woman, or a victim that is an object of pity to all.
CatEyes said…
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Miggy said…

If there is a child, it will have a miserable life and probably spend years in therapy.

Or possibly like my two adult children, develop narcissistic tendencies themselves, much like their narc father before them. ☹️
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Something tells me that this kind of thing is RIGHT UP MARKLE'S ALLEY.

Obfuscation, "oh, I'm so wonderful", et cetera. Using word salad.

If that makes sense.
SwampWoman said…
lucy said...Archwell, if ever comes to fruition is sure to be doomed. They do not or have not yet even planned what cause their 'philanthropic' work will support. Surely it will be whatever hot topic of the week is, who wants to fund their latest whim?

It is also another glaring hypocrisy that they intend to name their charitable entity archewell, an admitted play on their son's name. Way to keep him private ��

Therefore, taking into consideration they have no substantive crusade I put it out there that H&M should launch their charity as crusade against human trafficking. Maybe with emphasis on children as their charity is named after child

It is apolitical, affects both genders ,global and is the world's worst dirty little secret. I can't even think of any big names attached to cause. If there is they fail as I can't think of any at the moment. Maybe Ashton Kutcher, Clooney dabbled?

It would also give them excuse to traverse the world. I find it rather amazing all these synchronized save the children marches going on and not much is written in MSM and if it is mentioned it is discounted as some giant Q conspiracy. As best I can see this was not even covered in DM

That would be too close to home for Hollywood, I believe. Plus, sadly, no money in it. A lot of people investigating child trafficking have ended up very, very dead. People wanting to whine about how their grandmother in Law is racist because she insists on proper dress, underwear and hosiery at official functions get publicity.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
@SwampWoman -- Plus, sadly, no money in it.

SwampWoman said…
@Lt. Nyota Uhura

Heh. I meant sadly FOR THEM no money in it.
Shaggy said…
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Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
@SwampWoman, it has always been about the money, with the Harkles, IMO
Shaggy said…
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CatEyes said…
All Megsy had to do,
was roast a yummy chicken.
and Harry would come licken.
Never did he think
after the generous Tig drink
he would be ripe for the picken.

Aquagirl said…
@JB: Wow! Talk about no boundaries! Sounds just like Megsy. I hope she didn’t describe to Scooby-Doo where you keep your jewelry!
Maneki Neko said…
I'm keeping well away from the infighting. Meanwhile, the DM says that

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are 'really grateful to Tyler Perry for his kindness' after he provided them with a 'safe haven during a complicated time', a source told People magazine.

'They're really grateful to Tyler Perry for his kindness,' said the source, who is reportedly close to the pair. 'They have endless gratitude to him for helping them during a complicated time.'

They added: 'With COVID and as they were stepping back from their royal duties, he provided them a safe haven.'

I wonder if the 'source' could be MM (rhetorical question). I don't know what they mean by a 'safe haven during a complicated time'. They had a very safe heaven in the UK. As for a 'complicated time', this applies to all of us and it has been far less complicated for them. Whingebags.
Maneki Neko said…
The Duchess of Sussex ignored advice from the Duchess of Cornwall on how to deal with bad headlines in the media, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

In an effort to help the 39-year-old adjust to Royal life, Camilla invited Meghan to a private lunch before her marriage to Prince Harry to describe how she had been treated by the press following the death of Princess Diana and how she had coped with the pressure.

It is understood she advised Meghan to focus on the positives of her new role in the Royal Family and 'ride out the storm' of any negative press. Prince Charles offered similar advice to his son Harry.

Yet Meghan later complained that she was not supported by the Windsors, famously telling an ITV documentary: 'Not many people have asked if I'm OK.'

A friend of Meghan's said: 'Meg was really grateful to Camilla who was very supportive and invited her out for private lunches, particularly around the time of her marriage.

'She listened to her and understood that it's really difficult joining the Royal Family from an otherwise 'normal' life.

Well, no, she didn't listen, did she? And then she had the gall to complain she had no support. But MM knows best, so why would she listen? If she'd listened to advice and kept her trap shut a lot more, she might not be in this mess.

CatEyes said…
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Jdubya said…
Now this is interesting - not so much the blind reveal but the comments people are making.... copy & paste if you dare, lol

Blind Items Revealed #4
August 15, 2020

This YouTube star has learned the hard way that shining a light onto the goings on of the family overseas and the breakaway couple here, can bring danger. Two homes, both set on fire via arson.

DanjA zonE/Prince William and Kate/Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Jdubya said…
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Anonymous said…
I’ve read the Express article with the quotes from Finding Freedom describing—in detail— the vault beneath Buckingham Palace where the Queen’s priceless jewelry collection is kept. What a stunning betrayal by the Sussexes.
Girl with a Hat said…
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SwampWoman said…
Blogger Maneki Neko said...
I'm keeping well away from the infighting. Meanwhile, the DM says that

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are 'really grateful to Tyler Perry for his kindness' after he provided them with a 'safe haven during a complicated time', a source told People magazine.

'They're really grateful to Tyler Perry for his kindness,' said the source, who is reportedly close to the pair. 'They have endless gratitude to him for helping them during a complicated time.'

They added: 'With COVID and as they were stepping back from their royal duties, he provided them a safe haven.'

I wonder if the 'source' could be MM (rhetorical question). I don't know what they mean by a 'safe haven during a complicated time'. They had a very safe heaven in the UK. As for a 'complicated time', this applies to all of us and it has been far less complicated for them. Whingebags.

Heh. "A safe haven during a complicated time" probably means "WHAT DO YOU MEAN I HAVE TO PAY FOR THIS MYSELF? I AM A FREAKIN' DUCHESS!"
AnyaAmasova said…
Apologies if this post is a bit late.

Yesterday someone wondered if Nonoo (now Mrs. Hess) and Mikey Hess were wanting to head to Montecito as part of a trend?

Montecito/Santa Barbara has always been a spot for wealthy people wanting a bit of separation from HW/LA. Many who live there have nothing to do with the entertainment industry. Their wealth is derived from other sources, industry, energy, real estate, etc. Further, in the early oughts many people from Silicon Valley (particularly on the VC side) moved their families to the area figuring they could just head north periodically for in person contact. We hear most about the celebrities owing to the tabloids. Many in Montecito/Santa Barbara would be much happier without the celebrity notoriety.

One reason is topographic/geographic, at least the RE brokers claim this. The coastline along Montecito/Santa Barbara (the 101 at that point) runs basically due east to west, as opposed to from south to north. People claim that because the coastline faces south certain less favorable weather patterns are mitigated, the most important one being "June Gloom." Up and down the California coastline you have a very cold Pacific Ocean. When inland temperatures start to heat up, the cold collides with the heat and produces fog. Those who have spent August in Carmel (Carmel by the Sea and Carmel Valley) will understand this and the difference one mile can make with respect to sunshine. The local exact position of the mountains plays a big role too.

Anyway, most celebs in Montecito are super wealthy and have boltholes (or mansions) for work in LA as well.

NoNoo has married into a very wealthy family. Not the wealthiest, but multiple billions for the entire family. Though she sometimes makes this unclear, her husband in not the only heir to the fortune. But, this family will no doubt have a Private Family Office where all things complicate, business and personal, will be handled for the family members. No doubt this includes security and investigations if need be. I have reservations saying that by now Mikey Hess has been briefed on all possible problems he potentially faces. Nonoo has brought Megs into their sphere, perhaps unwittingly. Mikey has been told to "Proceed with Caution", something along the lines of "unfortunately it "might" be the case that Harry and Meghan both suffer from various mental defects and we are not certain there is a child or not and if there is a child what the status of that child may or may not be." Lots of mights, maybes, etc. But enough to guide Mikey in making his social choices each day.

Jdubya said…
I just read a couple posts on LSA that really hit the mark for me -
Aunt Jane Post #153638

part 1
Just wanted to post about a couple of Harkle things that I can't tie together in my head but think are connected.

In an earlier discussion on this thread someone reported their relative thought both Harry and Meghan were personality disordered - Harry with whatever his is and Meghan with some kind of attachment disorder as well as malignant narcissism. This shows in their public output and is uncomfortable to watch.

Then there's the futility that has been their fame and money grab in the U.S. They're not perceived as marketable, are scattershot, unprofessional and want to get in at the top in the most grandiose way. They don't appear to have anything to offer nor do they appear to have the patience to hand themselves over to pros, shut up for awhile, and let someone who knows what they're doing develop a plausible persona and platform for them that can expand as it finds a footing.

The only consistency with them is the relentless pettiness, grabbiness and wannabe opportunism of their PR. That just never stops. Their attention span may not stick to any one message or cause or trend, but the existence of the nonstop PR is certainly predictable and consistent.
Jdubya said…
continuing Part 2 from Aunt Jane
So here's the part that is hard to articulate. It's often seemed to me that despite her world domination plans, M2 is somehow addicted to the hustle. It's a hamster wheel she's on and she is unable to get herself off. Maybe actually having a position, paying attention to consultants and executing a real strategy is incompatible with her nervous system or whatever problem she has. Her "strategy" has been the same since before the marriage. Hype. The hype is grandiose (change the world), it imitates (tries to grab onto something someone else high profile actually did or said) and it's zero sum - it always tried to drag someone else down while positioning her as the virtuous and courageous alternative. This has been her consistent theme. It never goes anywhere ever. Never leads to anything.

This Baby2Baby PR grab is part of the hustle, but a part of the hustle she herself seems addicted to. On the one hand it's pathetic since it's not getting her where she wants to go and isn't trending, getting traction or making inroads for them. But OTOH maybe the agenda behind it is only nominal and it's really these little PR stunts that she's after for their own sake. Not that she's got the self-awareness, but there's a problem here - it's not normal. She really just seems like someone who wants to hustle and create narratives, and do sneaky (she thinks) PR stunts.

Without maybe having any insight into her own psychology, she could already be where she wants to be. In a position to churn out neverending narrative spin and execute photo-ops as an end in itself. That's her addiction and fix, and she can't get unstuck. I know she and Harry are supposedly pitching shows but the concepts they're pitching are as static as the rest of her life seems to be.

Harry I see a little differently - he's the one who wants a substitute BRF to come along and put him in charge, fund it, make him important and recognize his authority and intelligence. He wants the same thing here as he had over there, only advancing from the sixth position to the top position on someone else's dime. In the meantime he's on M2's hamster wheel with her not perceiving that this long ago stopped being a means to an end and has become an end in itself. Doubt she realizes it either, but it's what her actions seem to reveal.
Jdubya said…
The response to Aunt Jane's post from Lilgreyrab post #153664

Both Harry and Meghan seem to have a 'zero sum' mentality, as you've called out. If someone else isn't down, then they're not up. I just think they manifest it slightly differently. Meghan, and her camera fixation, and cheap PR stunts--She's up because all others are there to view her, or her pictures-she's the focus, so she's up.

Harry, you've got bang to rights- If Will isn't down, then Harry isn't up. For all his sniping, he can't actually get Will down, so he's hitched his wagon to his star, Meghan, and expects to have his own little universe of fame and fortune where he's up. That's not going to work out in Hollywood, where there are many people much better at playing the 'zero sum' game than he.

Your hamster wheel analogy for Meghan is apt-she seems fixated on things that won't actually move her forward. I wonder if Harry is astute enough to figure out her methods will never put him in a place similar to Will's.

Can you imagine these two ever in couple's therapy?

AnyaAmasova said…

Sounds like Aunt Jane follows Joseph Magi on YouTube. Joseph has his own tarot method and cards. I am not a tarot person in the slightest but I watch his YT videos. They are extremely interesting even if you have not interest in the H$rkles or tarot.

Joseph uses the words scattershot and hamster wheel. The Hamster Wheel is actually one of his cards. Working the same thing over and over and over.

Scattershot is a very "unused" word these days, but perfectly describes the Megladon. It is the bi-polar energy we all see.
AnyaAmasova said…

Joseph Magi has for over two years+ described Megs as a manifester, just working furiously for herself trying to manifest her dreams of fame and fortune. Nothing for Harry, or Archie.

"If Meg wins, you lose." If you are winning, Megs is losing." That is her mentality in a nutshell. I think it was Harry's as well, when it came to William. Other things he did not care about.

So true too, that in HW there are much better "hustlers" than these two. The H$rkles will lose against these people every time. No one is interested in "funding" Harry to the top of anything, let alone his little pretend universe in his own mind.
Girl with a Hat said…

the info on their private jet trip to LA for the photoshoot
Girl with a Hat said…
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Platypus said…
There is a new Harry Markle up. Perhaps this will give us something to discuss?
Jdubya said…
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Jdubya said…
Thank you AnyaAmasova

I've never heard of Joseph Magi and am not really in to the Tarot readings but will check him out. The wording on that post really caught my eye. The explanation of her personality.
I always enjoy Murky's vlog, and I think Harry Markle always does a fantastic job. I also like Celt and 2Taz, too. i hope that 2taz is doing better. Her mother is very ill and 2taz says it's really taken a toll on her emotionally. All of us with mothers who have had very long and very serious illnesses know what she's going through. I wish her my best. My mother died five years ago, and I miss her every day.
Unknown said…

This is not going well! I haven't been able to reach Nutty yet about how she wants to approach certain problems. So, I am going to take certain things in my hands. Nutty may amend these protocols.

Please be respectful of each other and stop with the negative remarks and both direct and indirect personal attacks.

Inappropriate derogatory language will not be tolerated. The spirit of this blog will always be friendly and welcoming.

I ask again to please name yourself. Neither Nutty or I have access to your email and IP information. For extra precautions, use a unique name and email to this blog.

There is going to be stricter rules on OT posts going forward. Don't expect posts not about the Sussexes to stay up. Subscribe to posts if you want everything but the blog will be relatively cleaned of OT posts. Personal and political comments in particular are subject to removal.

Thank you!
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Meghan Markle has shat upon the world. I would like this to be her legacy.
RR & LL - What can I say?

I don't always get it right and know I interpret `on-topic' very loosely at times.

Thanks, anyway.

I like the Lt's last statement - it'd be a great epitaph:

`She Shat On the World'.

After a very long and healthy life, of many more `fruitful' marriages, naturally.
Shaggy said…
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LavenderLady said…
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Sandie said…
What is the situation in LA in terms of the virus and lockdown?

An economy cannot stay shut down forever. (Where I live everything seems to be functioning. We have to wear masks everywhere all the time. Large gatherings are prohibited. Socal distancing is supposed to still be functioning. Hand sanitizer is everywhere.)

What excuse do the Sussexes have for not getting going who earning a living and doing the good work that they keep talking about?

My recommendations for them: An influencer/merching website for Megsy (just own up to being shallow sweetie and go back to your authentic self before you set tyour eyes on a prince). For Harry, perhaps some informative ecotourism documentaries that are realistic about ecotourism not being a zero sum game, and some more adventures with the wounded warriors (that US organisation he teamed up with in the past). At least it would get him out the house and give him a break from that dominating, controlling wife of his!
Grisham said…
Santa Barbara airport code is SBA.

I’m not looking up flight info. I’m still doing storm prep.

This blog is whack right now anyway.
LavenderLady said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…

Putting this in bold face type to try and cut through all the noise. Thank you for the LSA posts that you copy-and-pasted. Interesting observations! I agree that MM is addicted to the hamster wheel of PR. But I think Harry is just plain dumb. And immature.
Grisham said…
About enty:

He only became popular because people thought hiiim was Robert Downy Jr. Nevertheless, this person did seem to have inside info. And then he died last year, and enty’s Blog is dying with Hiiimm.

Enty has never seemed to have correct insight into the RF, so I think he just makes it all up based on dm headlines. I don’t believe for a second that Pippa was a yacht girl who liked cocaine.

As for this blog, if I were nutty, I’d put it on moderated comments for a few days with any comment submitted trashed during this time and essentially shut it down for a few days. It’s not worth the trouble for her.
SwampWoman said…
Jdubya, Aunt Jane is quite perspicacious. I enjoy her insights.
Maneki Neko said…
I think we all could do with a laugh so read this:
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are 'trying to build bridges with the Queen' by gushing about the Commonwealth, a royal source told Sunday People.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are reportedly trying to make amends with the monarch after Harry, 35, appeared to take a swipe at the British Empire last month by saying the history of the Commonwealth 'must be acknowledged' even if it's 'uncomfortable'.

The claim comes after the pair heaped praise on Harry's grandmother this week, insisting it is an 'honour' to be continuing Her Majesty's legacy and that the Queen has succeeded in what she set out to do with the Commonwealth.

According to the insider, it's 'dawned' on Harry and Meghan, 39, that 'they need the Royal Family more than it needs them.

So it's 'dawned on them" that they need the Royal Family more than it needs them! Gosh, they're sharp, aren't they? They must be in need of fresh funds. I'm afraid making amends is a bit late in the day and grovelling to the BRF won't cut it. They're too thick to see it.
SwampWoman said…
tatty said...About enty:

He only became popular because people thought hiiim was Robert Downy Jr. Nevertheless, this person did seem to have inside info. And then he died last year, and enty’s Blog is dying with Hiiimm.

Enty has never seemed to have correct insight into the RF, so I think he just makes it all up based on dm headlines. I don’t believe for a second that Pippa was a yacht girl who liked cocaine.

As for this blog, if I were nutty, I’d put it on moderated comments for a few days with any comment submitted trashed during this time and essentially shut it down for a few days. It’s not worth the trouble for her.

Yeah, CDAN appears to be mostly bullsh*t to me, too (grin). I agree about poor Nutty. Too much grief, not enough reward. Are you getting some bands from hurricane Marco yet?
SwampWoman said…
@Maneki Neko

So it's 'dawned on them" that they need the Royal Family more than it needs them! Gosh, they're sharp, aren't they? They must be in need of fresh funds. I'm afraid making amends is a bit late in the day and grovelling to the BRF won't cut it. They're too thick to see it.

ROFL, they must be the two dullest people on the face of the earth if it has just now "dawned" on them that they have to make the payments themselves.

I wonder if the RF will say "That's nice, dear!" to H & M and turn away, speaking instead to the adults in the room.
Nutty Flavor said…
New post - Does Meghan's political involvement help or hurt the causes she supports?

It would be wonderful if we could keep the comments on the new post on topic. Thank you.
Nutty Flavor said…
Also - a last word before I close this post.

This is a blog about the Sussexes. It's a hobby for me; I get no income from it.

I do it because it's fun, and because I enjoy chatting about the Sussexes with other people who are interested in the topic.

I did not sign up to moderate endless squabbling among adults old enough to know better.

If you're insulted by person X or person Y, take your ball and go home. I mean it.

Nobody wants your drama - least of all me.
AnyaAmasova said…
@tatty & SwampWoman

I do not know much about CDAN/enty. I occasionally quick check Blind Gossip and CDAN, but have never posted and do not plan too. I do not have the time to play a guessing game.

That said, if entry tried to suggest Pippa was a coke addled yacht girl, I would call that pure BS. The Middletons, all five, are a close knit family. They have come to accept their positions and know that by remaining as dignified and loyal as possible they will win big time in the end.

Spanner said…
New poster but long time lurker here! Love all your views and comments...

I don't think this book has helped them at all - I've not read it but have read all the 'highlights' in the DM... 'pee-gate', 'tiara-gate', meanie Kate, Wills and 'that girl' etc etc, but where was the apparent racism that Meghan suffered? or is it just a case of because she didn't conform to protocol and therefore the public started to criticise her it was because of her colour and not because of her deeds?

This 'setting the record straight' book has just turned into a whingefest. Still trying to portray that they were victimised while being the 'Star Couple' and were pushed or forced out through nastiness and racism from the RF, the UK media and the British public.

I personally think that Meghan never intended to stay in the UK once married. She or they only wanted the half/half scenario so they could cling to Royal protection funding and the funding of their lifestyles while using the titles to milk it big time while back in America and worldwide. They needed the ridiculous overblown wedding to launch themselves worldwide so they were setting the stage for this with it being televised and inviting all the celebrity strangers.

Do I think they are damaging the Royal Family? well yes and no....
They continue to damage their own brand with their constant PR shenanigans, more and more people are coming to see that there is no depth to their attempts to brand themselves as humanitarian's. Bringing a photographer to a 10 minute charity gig where you try and charge the charity for using a private jet to get there, copyright the photos, and then control who can approach you before you zoom off again clearly isn't 'charity'. Will the costs for the private jet be claimed from Travalyst? Is the mortgage on the McMansion also being claimed from Travalyst or is Cashpoint Charlie being shaken down again?

The Queen is in a difficult position because if she tries to rein them in, they'll play the victim and the rascist card again... they've used it already with the RF and Scobie is still trying to use it. I think staying silent is actually playing to the Queens strength as it's giving H&M plenty of rope to hang themselves and aren't they doing a good job of that!

I think that most people see that it's the Duke and Duchess of Excess that are damaging themselves and are finding their daily outpourings of victimhood or woke word salad as either tedious or a joke... or both. It's laughable that Meghan is now dabbling in politics in trying to encourage women to vote - she really isn't a suffragette or a feminist but she really shouldn't be using her title when doing so but I think this just damages her not necessarily the RF.
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