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Has "Finding Freedom" improved the Sussexes' reputation?

 It's now been a full week since the official publication of "Finding Freedom," with a great deal of ink spilled about the book and the Sussexes new home in Montecito.

Has the Sussex reputation benefitted from the publicity, or are they worse off now in public opinion than they were a week ago?


Miggy said…
Definitely worse off! :)
Nutty Flavor said…
Just to repeat a couple of good comments from the last thread:

Speaking of MONARCHIES under threat, there a protesters demanding Thailand end their monarcby. Just saw it on CNN (I know its not the best source). I wouldn't be surprised if people in UK took to the streets to protest Charles becoming king. He's weak and an enabler of poor choices.

Tin-hat theory which someone else may have already brought up. Scooby Doo's book is doing so much damage to the Harkles, that I wonder if he's secretly a frenemy. Doesn't he write for Harpers Bazaar, which is owned by Hearst, which has been publishing a lot of Harkle goo?
Oh dear, Nutty you go right to the heart of the matter. I am sure Megs thinks it did improve her reputation.

From sickly sweet prose to minute private details to epic PR failures (peeing in the woods!!) this was a disaster of huge proportions.

The simply exposed themselves for what they are for the whole world to see.

If people blamed LCC for gossiping and dismissed her book as ill informed, this book is practically Megsy's selfie. Greatly photoshopped of course.
Nutty Flavor said…
Today's piece in the Daily Mail, suggesting that Harry said "I don't know what the hell is going on. This woman needs to make this work for my future wife," to his grandmother the Queen, is also not encouraging for the Sussexes.

("This woman" being Angela Kelly, who was expected to deliver a tiara on a moment's notice.)

The "hell" reference is a new version of the story from Scobie; the version in the book is more soft-pedalled.
Nutty Flavor said…
Oh dear, Nutty you go right to the heart of the matter. I am sure Megs thinks it did improve her reputation.

Well, she wanted to "clap back", and she did.

It won't improve her prospects in Hollywood, however. Meg has an amazing ability to turn gold into straw: given the times, now should be a great opportunity for a biracial woman to front a Hollywood project.

But people won't even return her calls because she's such a big PITA, and this book won't help.
Shaggy said…
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Nutty Flavor said…
At any rate, both the "hell" story (we may not care about this minor profanity, but people of the Queen's age do) and several passages in the book make Harry sound like a rage monster.

As the blogger Plant has pointed out, this may be Meg's divorce narrative in the making. "He was just so angry! I was afraid of him!"
Nutty Flavor said…
Agreed, @Wullie.

The elaborate house in California is terrible, because the average British citizen who just glances at the paper won't know it's mortgaged to the hilt.

They just see their royal family living large in a foreign country. Which is precisely what the Thai populace is angry about.

If I were the BRF, I'd get the younger members of the Royal Family out there doing as many charity appearances as they can handle. Bea and Eugenie should be everywhere that Corona will permit, showing themselves serving the British public, as William and Kate have done - although it would be nice if they were more visible at the moment.

Ian's Girl said…
Worse, by far. And so incredibly typical of Nutmeg to think that all the whining and shade throwing would make her a sympathetic figure. It beggars belief.

Ian's Girl said…
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Ian's Girl said…
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Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
These two can't possibly keep up the pretense forever.
lizzie said…
While I wish they were worse off, and I think they should be given what we've seen in FF, I don't know that they are. But they certainly aren't better off as M hoped they'd be either. People who believe their BS find supporting evidence in FF. I don't understand how that's possible but they do. ("How dare the Queen try to tell Meghan which tiara she could wear at her wedding!"--Seen on Quora) But those who see BS see truckloads of it in FF. Did we need to know about where she pees, how she packs a suitcase or all her stupid nicknames? (Remember a while back her PR folks tried to claim her nickname on Suits was "Meghan gets shit done." Yeah, right.) And the whole thing with Angela K was just awful. Also picking on the Cambridges...yuck. They look like surly teenagers. Those who were neutral before probably haven't paid much attention to FF.

Has anyone seen Durand speak since the book came out?
Nutty Flavor said…
Oh, I agree, Uhura.

The question is, how much damage can they do to the monarchy as a whole?

They're clearly gunning for William, who is the BRF's great hope at the moment.

I really think he needs more personnel. Both the York girls have had such tasteful weddings that it should be possible to separate them from their father's reputation and use them more publicly.

Zara Tindall is also quite popular - could she take a more public role?
If the reports of Harry's abusive manner of speaking to his Granny are true, it reveals him as an even nastier person than I previously imagined.

Were he a Victorian child, he would have been soundly whipped, then sent to bed without any supper. That's what he deserves now.

I think FF has given her an even bigger stage unwittingly to reveal herself in all her horror.

Btw, the report of M being told there was `no protocol' sounds like a deliberate trap.

It reminds me of my first encounter with a piece of ripe Brie. I was rising 20, the then boyfriend had just turned 21 and I was invited to join a family dinner to celebrate in a rather nice hotel. The family were distinctly well off, by comparison with my own background.

The cheeseboard arrived, with a beautiful wedge of ripe Brie, oozing what looked like deliciousness from its point.

I, brought up on, at best, NZ cheddar but mainly on Dairylea, hesitated. That `nose' was so tempting... but I was sufficiently aware to know that `posh food' conceals traps for the peasants.

Unsure what to do, I said to the kindly uncle to my right (Birthday Boy was at the head of the table) that I'd never had Brie before and didn't know how to cut it.

`Any way you wish, my dear,' was the reply. `Just as you like.'

Ah! A test!

So I took cut radially and took slice from the side, including a little bit of the nose but the appropriate amount of rind, praying I was doing the right thing.

Had I not, I'm sure I would have been dumped.

That's why I recommend the Brie test for selfishness/narcissism for assessing new acquaintances!
Ian's Girl said…
@Nutty At any rate, both the "hell" story (we may not care about this minor profanity, but people of the Queen's age do)


Exactly, I mean, who cusses in front of their 94 year old grandmother?!

And frankly, referring to a beloved friend and absolutely loyal-to-the-death employee ( not a good way to put it, but servant sounded worse!) as "this woman" was a grave mistake, IMHO.
Nutty Flavor said…

Carolyn Durand has been active on Twitter recently, mostly with unasked-for input on the US political scene.
Piroska said…
So many of you have such strange ideas of the reactions of British people. Most like me a few months ago -Thinks Oh look there's Princess Anne wonder what she is doing here that must be why photographers are outside library. She turns to go into library I turn in opposite direction to catch my bus. We do not sit around discussing Royal Family and apart from idiots like those taking part in BLM demos recently few would take to the streets since after all the monarch is a figurehead with no real powers.
lizzie said…

Thanks! I'm kind of hiding from politics so I hadn't paid attention. Seems odd only OS is doing the book talks.
AnyaAmasova said…
My vote is for WORSE OFF. They both come off as shrill and spoiled. In addition, Harry comes off as nasty, bitter and feeble. Most people, even those not paying attention, have figured out she basically wrote the book herself. They both are a joke, but perhaps a dangerous one.

There is a great movie, The Secret in Their Eyes. The original from Argentina, not the Julia Roberts HW remake, although it was not bad. The movie is about a long unsolved gruesome murder of a young newlywed woman. In the original there is a line my husband loves about MORONS and he actually refers to it as The Moron Quote. I will paraphrase; some morons are hapless, perhaps lovable oddities just going about their own lives not really bothering anyone, and then there are morons who really interfere with others and serious goings-on and can really screw up a things and negatively impact many people. Harry could be a later type moron.

Moreover, I would love to know the book deal. The dollars behind FF. Was there an advance? Did OS have to share it with Markle? Was Durance paid something other than a fee to clean up the galleys. What is OS earning on each sale and what is Markle earning?
Piroska said…
And for any who feel inclined to raise the matter of the number of comments in Daily Mail etc - it is fun
Nutty Flavor said…
Well, Piroska, everybody's different. Some are Royal watchers, some are BLM demonstrators, some are neither.

The BRF must closely monitor the sentiment of the British people who care about the monarchy, because Andrew has been neatly tucked away, not even publicly photographed at his daughter's wedding.

I'm guessing they are not pleased about events in Thailand, either. That type of thing can be contagious.
The book has shown the world (cough) their true colours. The book and the amount of personal details it went into, also shows us they collaborated and thus rules out any possibility they had zero input.

They will be the butt end of jokes for years, they’ve single handily ruined their own reputations.
Nutty Flavor said…
@AnyaAmasova, yes, it's a mystery why Durand had to be involved at all.

I believe some of the reviews said it was obvious who wrote what, but I can't remember what they were referring to.
AnyaAmasova said…

but I was sufficiently aware to know that `posh food' conceals traps for the peasants.

So true.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Nutty Flavor said ...

Oh, I agree, Uhura.

The question is, how much damage can they do to the monarchy as a whole?

They're clearly gunning for William, who is the BRF's great hope at the moment.

William will manage. He hasn't had to show his chops up till now, but they will come out.

I really think he needs more personnel. Both the York girls have had such tasteful weddings that it should be possible to separate them from their father's reputation and use them more publicly.

We are seeing the visual aspect. Behind the scenes, another story.

Zara Tindall is also quite popular - could she take a more public role?

I think she will, if asked. We hope it doesn't come to that.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
@Nutty Flavor ...

Don't forget that in the darkest days of Britain, when everyone thought the country would disintegrate ... it didn't. Remember your neighbor Doris, who picked up tins. Her girlfriend, who happened to find a piece of meat.

I have a strong hand, and I am grabbing YOURS.

AnyaAmasova said…

I agree. Give the York sisters a chance. They do not need HRHs. Just let them go be charitable. Ditto for Zara. Even pay them a salary and give them a clothing allowance. It would still be a small fraction of what was spent on the Megladon.

Charles wanted a slimmed down Monarchy, but his second son is in the waste bin and may never get out. Let others step in and help William. Do not punish B & E for the depravity of their parents.
Catlady1649 said…
I think they've shot themselves in the foot with this book.
Their reputations weren't up to much in the first place.
Birdie said…
IMHO - Charles should make Finding Freedom required reading for Harry before continuing Bank of Dad funding. I don’t think Harry has a clue all the truth/lies selling out his privacy. Or, does he? Harry: blissfully ignorant or malicious prick?
Piroska said, So many of you have such strange ideas of the reactions of British people. Most like me a few months ago -Thinks Oh look there's Princess Anne wonder what she is doing here that must be why photographers are outside library. She turns to go into library I turn in opposite direction to catch my bus. We do not sit around discussing Royal Family and apart from idiots like those taking part in BLM demos recently few would take to the streets since after all the monarch is a figurehead with no real powers.

I’m British and I understand where you’re coming from. It shouldn’t be forgotten that we the British tax payers pay for the monarch and her family. They are unelected public figures who represent us at home and abroad. We don’t have to have them represent us, The Queen etc are fully aware of that.

With my own family, we’ve only really discussed the royals at times of scandal and crises. People did openly voice their opinions about the royals when Diana died, the feeling was felt in all parts of the country. We now have the Duo and Andrew and you don’t have to wander far to hear the frustrations and anger about these royals. We really have no idea how bad things might or could get.
abbyh said…

I think they really thought the book would allow them to chance to show the world how badly they were treated (sniff, sniff while showing sad eyes with waterproof mascara), there would be a world wide upswell of support for them ... and not sure what the end game really was.

If it was getting William and family off the road to ruling the UK, them's treasonous thoughts.

Or maybe it was thinking that this would have a ground swell of support which she might have thought would salve her hurt feelings of rejections long and short ago (from her family, jobs she didn't get, people who ignored her, tiaras not worn, jewelry not given).

I noticed that in one interview, O said something about how people didn't beg them to stay or try to convince them to. I don't they realized how much the BRF does not do family drama publically (and limited private). The BRF does service to the country.

I do remember the PR pieces about how much they money they claim was brought in for the country. All part of the see how much you need us campaign.

Maybe one of the parallel goals was to point out how they needed to feel wanted and when that didn't take off, it became if the BRF wasn't going to respond the way JHAM wanted, they would pick up their marbles and go play somewhere else.

I also think that storyline of how they wanted to feel wanted would eventually translate to equal to W&K&Kids in status, money, support and their own little court. Royal and all that.

And, if the book was a bestseller, my guess is that another, with more details about the pain and misery suffered would be in the offing.

But the book did them no real favors.

Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
CHARLES is a no-good monarch. He is going to ruin the British monarchy for good and for all.
Sarah said…
I saw a quote from Chris Ship I believe, that summed the book as confirming all the negative stories they’d previously denied. This is Meghan in a good light and it isn’t pretty.
I absolutely believe she’s throwing Harry under a bus.
Diana cooperates on books and lived to regret it. Royalty with a light shined on it is privileged and slightly ridiculous. They need mystery to survive. Meghan thinks the world finds Meghan as fascinating as Meghan does.
I do feel sorry for Archie.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Tycoon sez, Mansion is a money pit
LavenderLady said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
SwampWoman said…
My granddaughter, when she was 5, would call and tell on every single member of her family, her parents, her brothers, AND her sister to me. Even the family cats were not exempt.

It is understandable for a 5-year-old girl to believe that everything in the world revolves around her, although I did gently point out that her siblings and parents actually have feelings, too, and everybody can't just drop their activities and play dollhouses with her just because she wants them to. (The cats are just a**holes.)

An almost 40-year-old woman whining about how mean everybody is, well, not a good look. Harry comes across (to me) as weak mentally (to be manipulated so easily) and given to tantrums. I have to admit that I am tempted to grab a clue x 4, whack them with it to get their attention, then yell at the top of my voice "WE DON'T CARE! NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIT!"

Lucky Dog said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
I don't think they came across as likable or relatable in this book. Just the opposite. Spoiled and entitled and very unself- aware.

But I also think in Harry's mind he is living his best life. Anything and everything taken care of for him. He can party all day and night, shoot a couple of videos a month and call it good "work". Far fewer boring obligations. He thinks this is "normal" and he's just a regular guy now. He never grasped being a trust fund baby is not a normal or regular life.

Would do him a world of good to have to work at a real, honest, hourly wage job for a while. Like construction or food service. Even just a delivery lorry. Something he has to be at all day, five days a week. A job that determines not only what he will eat but if he will eat. Then maybe he will appreciate what he had. But probably not.
LavenderLady said…
With the ridiculous "book" that was allowed to see the light of day, they have most definitely jumped from the frying pan into the fire; not that they had much credibility to begin with.

I agree whole hardheartedly with Monica Lewinsky's quote on "staying in control of your own narrative" but this was way over the top to the determent of the RF.

It is incredibly foolish of them to wager on thinking they could up their game by allowing such a cringe worthy piece to be published and thinking it would benefit them.

Now would be the perfect time for Samantha Markle to come out with her book. But unfortunately it appears she may have been bought off for an NDA.

I would be ecstatic to hear Sam's take on the joke her sister is calling her "story"...
NeutralObserver said…
Ok, I'm just going to say this before this thread gets too long. The BRF needs an alpha, male or female, & Charles ain't that. He's charming, but befuddled & self indulgent in many ways, and the RF needs someone with a firm & deft hand at this moment. Philip, at the height of his powers, wouldn't have put up with this mess. I think that the only hope is that Charles can grow in office the way his grandfather did. Is Charles too old to do that?

I actually think Charles is the one who should have a reality show. I think it would be a hoot to see him pottering about his various properties & projects meandering on in his plummy voice. I would enjoy that, & I've never watched a reality show, except for about 5 min. of Survivor when it first came out.

Thanks for the shout out @Nutty on my comment. So many good commenters on this blog, it's like getting a teacher's nod in a really hard class. LOL.
LavenderLady said…
@Neutral Observer
Ok, I'm just going to say this before this thread gets too long. The BRF needs an alpha, male or female
This would be Anne...
lizzie said…
I don't know if The Mail's list of expenses from the Sun article link above posted by @Lt. Nyota Uhura is realistic. Water bill seems low but maybe there's a well for some of the outdoor watering?

I found it amusing the list noted it didn't include expenses like business manager, personal trainers, or health insurance. And obviously they'll have those expenses but they aren't house expenses. But if the list isn't just house stuff, it also didn't include food, clothes, car expenses (purchase/lease/insurance/gas for car), travel, entertaining, homeowners insurance (maybe folded into loan payments/escrow), personal care like Botox, wigs, jewelry purchases, redecorating house, cell phones, home repairs.... Maybe Travalyst will be used for some of that but not all of it I wouldn't think.
Hikari said…
A couple of leftovers from the end of the last post:


Re. the MEGG donation

It has always been my understanding that the egg donation occurred shortly after the divorce from Trevor, circa 2013, when she would have met the age cut-off. She may have done it immediately upon moving to Toronto for Suits, which predated the divorce by quite a bit. If we accept Meg's published age as her true age, this would have put her at 32 years old. Her eggs are probably past their expiry now, especially with the way she parties. I gather that children were a sticking point with the couple--Trevor wanted a baby; she didn't, and drew up a document that he had to sign prior to marriage stipulating that if she got pregnant he would cover any and all expenses for personal trainers, plastic surgery, liposuction, etc. to get her body back in condition. This girl was always workin' it. Ninaki P. has intimated that MM terminated a pregnancy by Trevor and that was the catalyst for the divorce but that does contradict the narrative of her sending the rings back. Maybe she did--after he told her to get out, and that was her final FU.

Odd that she would then harvest her eggs for the future, but she must have realized that most men who she'd set her cap for would want a baby and that babies could be lucrative propositions in terms of financial settlements, support and jewelry. (I positively despise the turm 'push present', but anyone who is eager to share her al fresco bathroom habits with the world probably uses it. There was a story circulating, along with photos of MM at a red carpet event during the period that she may have been pregnant during the second or third season of Suits. She does look quite puffy in an accompanying photo. Apparently there had been a comment by the costume designer about having to let out "Rachel's" wardrobe. Then suddenly, the puffiness was gone. This might correspond to hormone shots taken to promote egg harvesting.

@ Golden,
I don’t know how the RF could exclude Meghan from the funeral of PP or HM without provoking more accusations of racism against them. And due to the fact that PC has been suckered into supporting M and Harry in their legal actions against the media, it seems all but a given that he would not have the guts or good sense to make Harry take a backseat at such an occasion.

They might invite her, I suppose. That does not mean she'd accept. She's a coward and knows what kind of reception she'd get.

This version of the BRF has twisted itself up in knots trying to avoid the epithet of racism . . .they have done everything possible to head this off, but you can see all the good it did--Markle still slung that mud anyway. They didn't dodge that bullet, which was the whole point of even allowing this marriage in the first place. If she and her sugars are going to continue to howl racism no matter what they do, they may as well take the hard line they were so afraid to when it could have saved them all this heartache.

Meg's a blackmailer and the BRF made the fatal error of giving in to her threats. Were they willing to stand firm and take it on the chin--Go ahead and call us racists, honey, because YOU ALREADY HAVE--they could deal with her according to color-blind standards. Currently we don't have anyone in the Family with the steel cojones of a Queen Mum or Elizabeth's former secretary Tommy Lascelles. The family is now full of equivocators. They need to revisit the appeasement strategies toward Hitler of the Chamberlain government and remember that appeasing a dictator never leads to peace--only to the dictator taking more of what he/she wants.

For the purposes of this analogy, Meghan is Hitler. If Charles really and truly wants the funerals of his parents to be turned into a grandstanding floor show for the ersatz Duchess of Sussex, then by all means, he should invite her. She'll trample all over the proceedings and then call him a racist on the way to the airport.
DesignDoctor said…
The book is disastrous for them as is buying that mega mansion. How tone deaf and dumb can two people be?
The book is not flattering to either one of them. They just come off as entitled, ungrateful, greedy prats.
What I see mostly on Carolyn Durand's Twitter is her hawking the book, praising MM, and throwing a few bones to the BRF to make herself look unbiased. There are a few posts about US politics.

I think it goes without question that the book and buying the mansion have caused a very negative uproar against The Harkles.

I just don't understand what Scoobie's game is. The more he talks or tweets, the worse he makes The Harkles look. Sometimes, as somebody else said on the last thread, it seems like he's a double agent, actively trying to make them look bad. Or is he just that stupid?
Miggy said…
Can someone with a sub to the Telegraph post this article please.

Oops! Sorry I said the same thing about Scoobie, that he looks like a double agent, like somebody brought up in the last thread, and that you just posted. I should have read the thread first.
Button said…
Whilst I agree that this ridiculous waste of paper does indeed make them look even worse, if that's possible,I think that Megladon is just getting started. I am sure she is now plotting her version of a " Panorama " interview, and that the little arrows that she slung from this so called book are a shot across the bow to the Royals. If the rumours about Charles being jealous of William are true, then that will be truly detrimental to the continuation of the Royal Family. I say that because if Charles does somehow manage to get his arse on the throne it would be brilliant to have William in the background advising.
As for Hazzard, he is done and dusted. I cannot see him being welcomed back. He really should book a one way ticket to Maun and just disappear into the Okavango.
I really do wonder if Megladon will herself ' shine a torch 'on the mystery that is Archie and somehow twist it into the Royal Family made me do this..
Hikari said…
P.S. to the above--I am confident when William is in charge of issuing the invitations to state occasions, Harry will be banned from appearing with the family. He will have to sneak into the cemetery to pay respects at the grave of his father. But do we even thing this Harry we have come to know would even condescend to come to England for any funerals? Indeed, reverse psychology is in order here. If the family wants to ensure that Haz and Mess stay far, far away, they should BEG them to come. And the petulant brats will refuse, thinking they really got one over on the family.

In answer to today's topic . . . If Finding Freedom has already been slashed to half price and it hasn't even been published a week yet, I think the answer must be . .No. All those unwanted copies will soon be joining all the bargain bin wedding souvenirs.

It feels good to be vindicated, though. The Dumbarkle Duo is even worse than we gave them credit for. Harry's outing himself as a right little tosser and probably NOT Granny's favorite if he talks to his grandmother and his Queen like he's ordering around an underperforming employee or a fellow squaddie he feels himself better than.

It has occurred to be that perhaps the sycophantic Scooby Doo, sensing the listing HMS Sussex about to take him and his career down with it has framed his putrid prose in such a way as to make the Harkles look even more venal, stupid and up their own arses than we thought them? Or he could be faithfully setting everything down just as Meg's dispatches told him to. Whatever its other demerits as a truthful document, it does provide a fascinating insight into the Narcissistic mind. Zero self-awareness in evidence. But the Harkles have painted themselves into a corner because they can't deny Scooby's rendition of events, like Harry cussing out his granny over tiaras, without revealing that they were the sources. Which we all knew anyway, but they are taking pains now to deny.

I keep thinking that we are at some point going to hit the bottom of Meg's self-delusion . . and then she puts herself forward as a replacement for Sen. Kamala Harris's Senate seat?

Sen. Harris, J.D., spent years as a prosecutor before being elected San Francisco D.A. and Attorney General of California on her way to her Senate win and Presidential campaign. Meg has a B.A. in communications, is fond of shoes and has as her claim to fame marrying a Prince who barely graduated from high school. She was appointed recruitment chair of her sorority at NW, so I'm sure she feels more than ready to represent California in the U.S. Senate. Hoo boy.
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
LavenderLady said…
Oops! Sorry I said the same thing about Scoobie, that he looks like a double agent, like somebody brought up in the last thread, and that you just posted. I should have read the thread first.
I caught that! A very interesting point. Maybe Jessica M put him up to it?
Midge said…
Smart move on the part of the papers to print so much of the book- put it right out there in front of a lot more people.
Midge said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hikari said…
At this point, maybe the very best thing that could happen for the BRF would be that Sussex Court West slides off the cliff and the Harkles are buried in the rubble. Providing of course that any staff or security guys be safely out of the house. And any baby, of course.

That would be an act of God, not racists.
Button said…
" the Harkles are buried in the rubble " How very Game of Thrones! I made a post awhile back re: Santa Barbara and county asking whether that was where all the mudslides and fires seem to rage. Many Nutties indeed confirmed that is indeed the case.
AnyaAmasova said…
About O and her guest house, who the heck knows? I just know the following:

-HMTQ never invited Dorito to Christmas
-Megs never got an invite to Balmoral
-HMTQ never baked a cake for Megs' XX birthday
Ian's Girl said…
Well, Sen. Harris, J.D. and Nutmeg do have sordid pasts in common. Rumors flew thick and heavy about certain parties in San Francisco when Willie Brown was, uh, mentoring Ms. Harris.

But Senator Harris is by far more intelligent and accomplished than Markle. It's not even close. Don't care much for her politics, but it takes nothing away from her service.
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
AnyaAmasova said…
@Ian's Girl,
Fair statement re KH, but she was really personally mentored by WB, a vicious partisan.
LavenderLady said…
@Ian's Girl,

I hate politics but glad you brought it up. I'm apolitical so the comments made about anything having to do with politics (UK or US) rolls right off of me. I think politicians are in it to line their pockets and it's not about We the People anymore.

La Markle certainly would be gunning for a political office because she knows it's a great way to make the boo coo bucks but she is incapable of considering her membership in the RF via her marriage to nincumpoop Windsor. Therein lies the rub...
Hikari said…
Ian's Girl,

It will be up to Gov. Gavin Newsom to appoint Harris's successor. Wonder if Megsy is inundating his office with calls, to the tune of 6 or so daily, also emails. I'd love it if she arranged a papp walk depicting herself marching up to the governor's mansion in Sacramento and *demanding* the job. Maybe she'd try the inducement of a special service underneath his desk.

In a way, I'd love to see her on a ballot of some kind. *She* thinks she is safe owing to the fact that HMTQ's security services have scrubbed Megsy's checkered past from off the Interwebs.

The Republicans will do what the Queen was afraid to and absolutely eviscerate her. They will find photos, video, sworn affadavits, who knows. She's dumb and arrogant enough to think that she can continue to hide all her dirt. Let's just see about that.
Grisham said…
Supposedly plant on tumblr (anonymous house plant fan??) lined up all the windows in the zoom meetings with windows in the new house from RE listings, but the moulding and wainscoting has been painted white. Even the mesh cabinet by Harry was found— also painted white now.

They are at least doing the zoom videos from the new house.

Hikari said…
Oh, whoops, I guess if Gov. Newsom is himself interested in the Senate seat there is going ot have to be a special election?
Margery said…
If anyone is interested, but doesn't want to wade through Scobie's bilge, this Twitter thread highlights all the shade thrown at the Cambridges.

The BRF wouldn't have to invite MM to HMTQ or PP's funeral. If it suited MM's agenda, she'd just show up.

@Wullie's Bucket,

The wanted to make "a couple" of adjustments before moving in? How any millions did that cost? This is just Frogmore 2.0.

The BRF will survive, and they have enough people like Anne, Eugenie, Beatrice, Sophie, etc., to take up the slack. However, exactly how much time did the Harkles actually spend doing duties for The BRF? Not much, so I doubt the burden is too great on the remaining members of the family.

Hopefully, HMTQ will live long enough that Charles will just want to sit back and be king, but will have William do the actual work. Then, the Harkles are finished. However, I still think there's a contract that they must wait until the year is up before the BRF can take any steps. Of course, The Harkles have broken that agreement, but that doesn't mean that the BRF will also break it. That wouldn't look good for them in the long run. MM would jump on that immediately, and say how unfair they are being to her. She has no boundaries or shame in what she says or does. The book is proof of that.

As for the book, if all Scoobie (MM) could come up with is how expertly MM packs a suitcase and pees/poops in the woods, he was really desperate to find something positive to say about her.

Hikari said…
Meg and Harry are truly stranger than fiction . . but their 'new' lives in America have all the makings of an espionage thriller. Think of the film 'The Bodyguard' . . only with a less happy ending for our protagonists. Also a certain scene in The Godfather II involving Fredo, a family retainer and a fishing boat on Lake Tahoe.

In all honesty, I have a really bad feeling for Harry. There will be tears, though whose exactly it is hard to say.

The link you provided goes to a private twitter account. If you have the time, could you post some of it? Sounds interesting!
AnyaAmasova said…
@Margery & JocelynsBellinis,

IIRC one review of the book (NY Post?) made reference to details given about the interior of W&K's Amner Hall and the layout of the vault where HMTQ's jewels are kept by Angela Kelly.

Is that accurate?
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
SirStinxAlot said…
If MM did go into politics wouldn't she have to give up the title? Pretty sure we have laws here in the US regarding foreign titles. Or are the Sussexs already anticipating having the stripped to appease the angered public? They certainly do not behave like royals. Even if H&M divorce, M isn't British, Im not sure she could keep the Duchess title. Idk the laws in UK, but numerous people have commented that she would loose the Duchess title since she's not British.FF definitely proves that the stories published in the media were all true though. Just not laced with M&H victim narrative. They are just one disaster after another. 2 Horrible people that deserve each other. Poor Archie, if he is trapped with them. Hope the Pro-Republic group finds out where the "charity" money went. Even if William gets burned, he will bounce back because he didn't know that M&H were scamming a way to fund their own extravagant lifestyle.
xxxxx said…
Here is something most people do not know. Kamala Harris spent her high school years in Montreal where her mother secured a teaching position at McGill university. Her parents were divorced by then.

"Harris and her mother lived in an anglophone enclave where the streets bear the names of English statesmen and military victories."

"Harris lived here in Quebec from 1976 to 1981"

#### Biden-Harris have to win before aspiring politician Megsy can apply for Harris' Senate seat. Gavin Newsom would love to run for President, he is biding his time.
Blithe Spirit said…
I didn't read the book. Had no plans to. But I read the reviews and got the gist. They were pretty consistent. The book was either written by Nutmeg narc or based on her voice. Everyone was mean to her, real mean I tell you, to a being of perfection who doesn't need to turn on lights to brighten a room. Harry is either swooning over her skills at peeing outdoors or gnashing his teeth and scaring her with his bugged out eyes. Apparently there is a sequel promised. Can't wait.

The book exposed them in all their petty, whiny, tantrum-throwing glory and that too in their own words. Scobie's faihtful rendering reminds me of that old saying: with friends like these who needs enemies?


Yes, that's accurate about the book telling about the vault, the layout of the Cambridge apartment, etc.

It's almost as if they are inviting trouble or intrusions isn't it?
lizzie said…

I don't believe M would lose her titles or have to give them up if she goes into politics. The Titles of Nobility Amendment was passed by Congress back in the 1800s but was not ratified by 2/3 of the states. That would have stripped citizenship for accepting a title without approval from Congress.

Article 1 of the Constitution says "No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State."

But Article 1 covers people who are in office when titles are offered. Not people who already have them. If she did run for office though I doubt she'd use the title except in certain settings.

Harry would lose his IF he became a naturalized citizen (because they would represent a foreign allegiance.) And it sounds like if his go, hers do too since hers are courtesy titles. But I really doubt Harry plans to acquire US citizenship.
Uh oh for the Harkles:

β„³π“Šπ“‡π“€π“Ž ℳ𝑒𝑔 ©
Aug 16
Oh my!!!!
Quote Tweet

Milo Boyd
· Aug 16
@freepeeper Hi, Milo here from Mirror Online. We are doing a story about your account posting abuse about Prince William. We are also covering abusive tweets by the @henryscousin account, which co-founded the InspiredByMeghan initiative. Would you like to comment?

The press is finally going after the Sussex Army!
Karla said…
Wow! Pee in Botswana. Where are the hungry lions when we need them? Sorry, but I just came to say that. I think the Sussex started to get upset.
LavenderLady said…
The press is finally going after the Sussex Army!

Thanks for the good news and info! Yay!!
Aquagirl said…
So Harry can refer to Angela Kelly as ‘this woman,’ but Prince William can’t refer to Meghan as ‘this girl’? Double standards much?

I think FF and the Montecito house make JH & MM look much worse. Spoiled, whiny, ungrateful brats. They definitely do not come across as sympathetic figures at all. And I do think that this is the nail in the coffin for Harry. Anyone who thought that maybe he was stuck in a bad marriage, hence his current behavior, can clearly see that this is who Harry has always been. It was just covered up by Edward Lane Fox & the BRF. I honestly don’t think he can ever redeem himself, so he may as well stay with Megsy.
JHanoi said…
i read if harry becomes US citizen he would have to give up his titles. i doubt he would do that unless MM says it’s the only way she could pursue a career in politics. he’s just sooo sooo whipped and submissive, he may actually do that. he gave up EVERYTHING else for her so what’s his citizenship really mean to him as a Stockholm Harry?

On the other hand, would MM ever giive up her titles? No way, she worked too hard (in her mnd) to get them. they are everything to her now and only way she has a chance at getting any more fame or fortune. and if her courtesy titles are dependent on JCMPH the idiot, then I don’t think she’d let him give them up. she’s a real Princess! by marriage woo hoo, just like Disney Princesses. and technically a sthat HRH and can use the Duchess title!

Also I think the constitiution can be read two ways. the way that if she alread has a title she can’t accept another, exept by act of congres. but the constituion doens’t specify a timeframe of when the titles are attained, so maybe she would have to give them up. if i were her opponent, i’d make it a huge issue and point out the divided loyalites, etc.
and then if she gave them up and didn’t win, then HAHAHAHA

Not to mention that "feminist" MM is so outwardly vicious toward Catherine. True feminists build up other women, not try to knock them down.

@Pink Peony,

Yes, That's great news, isn't it!
lizzie said…

I'm not a Constitutional scholar at all. But I don't see how Article 1 can be read to say M has to renounce her title to hold office. While a time frame isn't specified, it does say
" Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall accept ...." And those words certainly seem to suggest the title/foreign honor can't be accepted while in office without Congressional approval.

King George VI conferred Britain’s exclusive Order of Merit (a bigger deal than a knighthood) on Eisenhower. Eisenhower also received a Danish knighthood. Both were awarded before he became president. And he didn't give them up.
Miggy said…
Prince Harry 'did NOT shout ''what the hell'' at the Queen during Tiaragate row over Meghan's wedding headwear and respects his grandmother more than anyone', sources insist.

A source close to the Duke of Sussex, 35, has slammed claims that the royal asked the Queen 'what the hell is going on' during a phone call prior to his wedding day and called the allegations 'completely ridiculous'.

So - having just seen Omid's tweet - it's quite obvious that he is their source.
CatEyes said…
@Pinki Peony

I am sorry I am responding hours and hours after you wrote me on last thread but as soon as I posted poem had to go on long trip into Dallas and just got back. I appreciate you describing yourself, it is nice to know something about a poster. If you have a John Lennon vibe I bet you could try poetry. Maybe a sardonic one that doesn't rhyme.


Oh agreed about Harry not being 'regal and potent'; if ever their was a case of someone taking literary license' it was me and that phrase! lol I vacillate whether the apparent surrogate baby has any genetic material from Meg and it doesn't look like Harry's child to me. I think he was in on the ruse and they used 'Harrison' to throw people off the real facts of parentage.

Reformulated poem:

Oh if we could only discern
the true value of Harry's sperm.
would it be money well spent
or even make an ovum dent.
I for one, would not lay a cent
on his itty bitty swimmers
that look like beginners
and give me the shivers
and certainly aren't winners.

lucy said…
I feel this book is extremely damaging to them. Especially to those that weren't well aware of them, the headlines are fairly salacious and whiny. The title alone was insulting "finding freedom" and then in next article is picture of their new multimillion home.

Meghan in that last video was ridiculous. She way overacted. If anyone generates interest it may be PH but he comes off as hypocritical buffoon. It is obvious no one in Hollywood is reaching out to them.

I see zero future for Meg in politics. I do not even see her giving speech. She has posioned her reputation and Harry has no voice in pollitics, rightfully so.

I found this on the web. How ridiculous are these two?
Enbrethiliel said…
I think that Finding Freedom left them so much worse off!

The first excerpt I read was the part about when they blindsided everyone else by releasing their statement. I expected the narrative, at the very least, to pay lip service to concern that it would hurt the members of the Royal Family or throw the staff into a tailspin. (Wasn't Meghan the one who cared enough about some of the guards that she gave them handwarmers?) But it was absolutely tone deaf. That was such a glaring omission that I actually read the text twice, to make sure I wasn't the one who had made a mistake.

They couldn't even spin the main thing that gave them their present notoriety to make themselves look sympathetic.
Nukleopatra said…
So much to say, I want to take back my comments about the RF explaining these two over the book and the house. At the time I just finished FF and was a bit frustrated. After some thought, I do think waiting for the 12 month period is the way to handle this. While I’ve not had NPD close to me, (and my heart goes out to the Nutties that have πŸ€—) my casual interactions With them have shown me they thrive on people who defend themselves. So the BRF keeping silent may be the best way to keep MM at bay. As hard as it is to accept, it does seem to be working for the BRF. They do seem to be giving JKMH and MM enough rope to hang themselves.
I do agree that a bit of information regarding the money about security/mortgage would help help Prince Charles immensely, but also believe there are things behind the scenes that we aren’t aware of. (Although I think we’re smarter than the average bear!) But I don’t think we know everything, I think they’ve got MI5 and MI6. After all, it is the royal family.
As to the book helping or not~ If you don’t follow the them, or just casually, yeah, I think the reader will buy her story. Having said that, I think it’s a small market, and won’t make much of an impact.

@Miggy said: "

"Smart move on the part of the papers to print so much of the book- put it right out there in front of a lot more people."

Also smart because so many of us then felt no need to actually buy the book (so we didn't! Lost sales)

Grisham said…
I see zero % chance of MM In us politics and zero % change of Hazza becoming a us citizen— I have one caveat on this... if he ever did, it would be decades from now when charles is deceased and William is king... so probably will never happen.

As such, Harry (and presumably MM and Archie) are going to have to go back to England for some amount of time for his US visa to get redone. Idk all about that though because I think the US does have a lot of Brits who work in the arts and entertainment here and we don’t hear much about them going back. (But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen).

I can’t see MM letting him go back for say 6 months without her and Archie and this supposed new possible baby (presuming they are married)...
Ian's Girl said…

Oh I do believe he really was mentoring her! He is a political genius, very savvy, and she is smart enough to have learned a lot from him.

@PinkPeony, I agree with you completely about politicians in general being in it for the bucks. Almost all of them at the Federal level come out far richer than they went in! I think some go into it with honest intentions, but they seldom emerge with clean hands.
Ian's Girl said…
@Hikari, nothing a Republican said against her would matter one iota in California. Might even bolster her, ha!

That being said, I don't see her having any political future, either. Aspirations a-plenty, though.
Ian's Girl said…
@tatty, "and we don’t hear much about them going back"


Isn't that mainly because of the tax burden? We can't really know, of course, but that's what I normally hear them say.
Magatha Mistie said…

To Harrys delight
Megs took a great sh.te
Out on the wide open plain
No need to flush
When out in the bush
Just a sprinkle of Megs golden rain
Her excrement exit
Spawned his love for his Megsh.t

Just imagine Harry trying to pass the US citizenship test. Hahahahahahaha!
Oh, Magatha! You've done it again! Bravo!
Sooz said…
I echo the thoughts of @JocelynsBellinis re @Magatha's latest missive ... delightful!
Mango said…
Finding Freedom.

The title alone is so tone deaf I just can’t. Waxy faced Omid Scobie must be regretting slapping his name on a work of mostly fiction that Meghan Markle poison penned. He probably thought she viewed him as a friend. Hasn’t he seen how expendable her friends, family and lovers are? They’re all human stepping stones.

Magatha Mistie said…

It’s really quite absurd
That Megs and her turd
Are making headline news
Who would have thought
That the fame that she sought
Would be that she poohs without loos!!

@Pink Peony,

For your John Lennon vibe. I memorized this when I was a about 10 years old and completely in love with The Beatles. I can still recite it from memory:

“I Sat Belonely"

I sat belonely down a tree,
humbled fat and small.
A little lady sang to me
I couldn't see at all.

I'm looking up and at the sky,
to find such wondrous voice.
Puzzly puzzle, wonder why,
I hear, but have no choice.

'Speak up, come forth, you ravel me',
I potty menthol shout.
'I know you hiddy by this tree'.
But still she won't come out.

Such softly singing lulled me sleep,
an hour or two or so
I wakeny slow and took a peep
and still no lady show.

Then suddy on a little twig
I thought I see a sight,
A tiny little tiny pig,
that sing with all it's might.

'I thought you were a lady'.
I giggle, - well I may,
To my surprise the lady,
got up - and flew away.”

― John Lennon, In His Own Write

Grisham said…
@ian’s girl I’m not sure, but I do think tax status is one important reason he will have to go back.
LavenderLady said…

My John Lennon vibe comes out when I'm pissed off which I don't let happen so much anymore. I'm at the age where I have to watch my health. But yeah I bet I could write some zingers if I'm mad enough:) Thanks for your kind replies.

Great poems once again ladies! I always enjoy a good larf lol.

So tired. Good night Nutties!
LavenderLady said…

That is so JL. That dude was a trip. Thanks so much for that! I needed it :)

For the purposes of this analogy, Meghan is Hitler. If Charles really and truly wants the funerals of his parents to be turned into a grandstanding floor show for the ersatz Duchess of Sussex, then by all means, he should invite her. She'll trample all over the proceedings and then call him a racist on the way to the airport.

Well said.
JHanoi said…
Titles of Nobilty running for office — i went down a rabbit hole and I’m still not 100% clear if MM would have to give up her title.
almost at the bottom, says a title holder (nobility) are prohibited from holding public office.
gives more context - founders wanted to prevent a monarchy so prohibited title holders (nobilty) from holding public office. but says it’s based on herditary titles, that can be passed onto the next generation or that convey special priveldges. so someone that gets a title “Dame Judi Densch” that ends when they pass because it doesn’t transfer to next generation could hold office.

So MM, Duchess of Sussex, HRH is a courtesy title associated with her husband and while they rejected titles for Archie, he is eligible and i bet could get one from grat granny if he wanted it, and comes with priveledge, like 7th in line for the throne. so not directly thru MM but close enough.

her opponenet /opposite party would make a huge stink over the title. it would be entertaining! now i really hope she runs for public office :)

Grisham said…
Charles is preparing to be king:
@Ian’s Girl

Blogger Hikari said...
Ian's Girl,

It will be up to Gov. Gavin Newsom to appoint Harris's successor. Wonder if Megsy is inundating his office with calls, to the tune of 6 or so daily, also emails. Maybe she'd try the inducement of a special service underneath his desk.

Or perhaps invite Newsom for an afternoon of yachting on San Francisco Bay.
CatEyes said…

Your poem at 4:01am if pure gold. I so wish Meg and Harry would see them!
A few posters have referenced this article from the Telegraph, and one requested that it be copy-and-pasted, Here it is:

Prince Harry did not shout or swear at Queen in ‘tiaragate’ row, sources insist
A source close to the Sussexes says the claim Harry said ‘what the hell’ to his grandmother is ‘completely ridiculous’

By Hannah Furness

Part I

The Duke of Sussex did not shout at the Queen over a row about the Duchess’s wedding tiara, sources have insisted, calling the latest round of claims arising from their biography “completely ridiculous”.

A source close to the Duke said an allegation that he used coarse language to his grandmother, saying “what the hell” as he asked her to intervene in what has become known as “tiaragate”, was “totally untrue”.

In the first intervention since the publication of Finding Freedom, by authors Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand, the source close to the Sussexes said of Prince Harry: “The Queen is probably the person he respects and values most in the world.”

Until now, the Sussexes have not appeared to take issue with the contents of the biography, leading to speculation that they had cooperated and authorised their friends and staff to speak on their behalf.

But the latest claims are understood to have caused particular consternation for involving the Queen.

Mr Scobie has now appeared on True Royalty TV to further publicise the book, claiming brothers Prince William and Harry did not speak for two months following the Sandringham Summit, that briefings from within the royal institution fuelled "racially-insensitive stereotypes" about the Duchess, and that a PA who left their employment was “very unpopular with the couple” but supported by the palace.

Describing a dispute over the Duchess’s wedding tiara, in which he accused the Queen’s personal dresser Angela Kelly of failing to accommodate suitable trial fittings, Mr Scobie said: “Harry had to intervene.

“He called his grandmother and said, 'I don't know what the hell is going on. But this woman needs to make this work for my future wife'.”

Following a newspaper report which described the incident as an "astonishing outburst", a source close to Prince Harry has now said that “the suggestion the Duke 'yelled' at his grandmother is totally untrue, and completely ridiculous, as is the suggestion that he said 'what the hell'.”

Mr Scobie, speaking on The Royal Beat, also spoke of the Duke’s deteriorated relationship with his brother, saying it was the Sussexes’ decision to publish their statement about leaving the Royal Family in January as the moment it “really went wrong”.

"That's really what caused the most amount of hurt to William because he wears two hats," he said.

He's not just the brother. He's also a future king and he felt that that damaged the reputation of the family, that it put family business out in the public domain when it should have been discussed privately.

"And there was a lot of hurt there that continues to this day."

He added: "It's why we saw such an awkward moment at that Commonwealth service.

"The brothers had not spoken since around the time of the Sandringham summit. They hadn't seen each other. And, you know, that's really going to take some time to heal."

The Sussex source said: “The family are in contact with each other – a suggestion that they’re not talking is untrue.”
Part II

During a television interview, Mr Scobie also suggested that the Duke is preparing to speak about his own historic behaviour - including using a racial slur about an Army colleague and wearing a swastika as part of a fancy dress costume - as part of the couple’s recent public statements on institutional racism.

"He's on a journey at the moment and I do think that at some point we'll hear him talk about that journey and what he's learnt from that,” he said. “But I do think at the moment he himself is still educating himself. Maybe he feels he's not there yet.”

A spokesman for The Duke and Duchess of Sussex has previously said: “The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were not interviewed and did not contribute to ‘Finding Freedom’.”
SwampWoman said…
If I were the BRF, I'd be sending music to Harry. Every song would be Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons "Walk Like a Man".
HappyDays said…
@ Nutty: Good question.

Without doubt, the FF book damaged the Sussexes brand further. It was already in the toilet, especially for Meghan. The whining and tone deafness of Harry and Meghan that cane through a supposedly friendly book only served to reinforce and give credibility to all the negatives about these two.

I think one of the excerpts from Lady C’s book, where a producer who worked with Meghan is accurate and fair:

"While her admirers commended her for her tenacity and toughness, one producer told me that he regarded her ‘an odiously pushy, voracious piece of work’. She was ‘greedy’, had ‘far too high an opinion of herself’, and was ‘a player who has a compulsion to always push for more. If you offered her California, she’d demand Arizona as well, and, if you didn’t give it to her, you were victimising her."

This one observation from the producer to Lady C pretty much sums up Meghan.

I’ve also read blinds saying Meghan has been contacting Hollywood movers and shakers and approaching a variety of film and television production companies with no takers so far, and it will likely never cross her mind as to why.

QUESTION: Who wants to work with an aging C-list actress whose talent can best be described as limited, who would be a huge financial gamble for your project, who is so on the outs with the real royal family she wouldn’t ever even be able to get you a royal invite to grill burgers at Windsor, who is known as being a difficult diva who thinks because she manipulated and slept her way into a marriage to a dullard prince who will play the “I’m-a-royal” card, the race card, the sexism card, the victim card, and the “young mother” card, who used her friends to smear her own father, who has a lengthy track record of being a user of friends. family, colleagues and business associates before dumping them, who will sue at the drop of a hat and later possibly try to settle scores for perceived non-existent slights via publishing a book that might ruin you via using half-truths and outright lies created to fit her victim narrative?

ANSWER: Nobody in their right mind.
JHanoi said…
Charles - Duchy Originals
So charles is moving his organic farm to Sandringham. Wonder if he is selling the “Duchy” brand or taking it with him? wonder if he offered the 900 acre estate to PH before he left. it would have givien the Harkles a job managing an estate AND offered them the opprtunity to sell their Duchy produt and even expand the line to other Gracious Living Goop type stuff! and bring it into the 21st century with Instargram and TikTok and Twitter promos!
Magatha Mistie said…

Megs and her rear end views
And the crap that she constantly spews
Her latest bowel movement
Would be an improvement
Remind her that they’re Just Number Twos...

Grisham said…
Well, darn it. I went to the high grove website and attempted to buy the small batch gin since I’m a gin drinker, and I also added in some shortbread biscuits, crab apple jelly and prince of Wales tea bags. Welp. Can’t deliver the gin internationally. Ok bummer, but that was in the back of my mind. I tried to proceed with the biscuits, jelly and tea. $56.00 shipping for $20.00 of products.

I guess I’ll pass. DH said for me to see if our local spirits store can get an order of the gin (unlikely in my opinion).

Oh well, I tried.
Snippy said…
In the DM: A source close to Harry says he didn’t shout at/speak rudely to HMTQ, directly contradicting what Scooby Doo said in an interview?? Hahaha now they are throwing Scoob under the bus! Hilarious!

And as for Megsy wanting KH’s seat, no way in hell cause she would actually have to work. We know from her Tig days her “best life” is one of travel, food, shopping, yoga, shoes, weed, etc. She landed her golden parachute from her fading, obscure acting career when she hooked Hapless, and she did bugger all work in the hot minute she was a working member of the BRF. She’d love the renown that comes with political office, but her idea of hitting the ground running has been shown to be slower than a geriatric turtle.
Grisham said…
JHanoi, I wondered that as well. The few comments the article has said it’s going to William, but I don’t think so based on the documentary I watched (was it Charles at 70?) that William wants it. He has small children and is based at Anmer Hall.

I did wonder if maybe Bea and Edo want it. Or Jack and Eugenie. It might be William, but I will be surprised if it is. They seem to be very comfy at Anmer Hall and why uproot the children for Charles’s thing?

I also wonder if his letting the lease go in April has anything to do with the Harkel house. Setting everything and everyone up for the transition? Perhaps?
Snippy said…
And Magatha, you are on FIRE today, thanks for the laughs!
Lily Love said…
It has made their reputation worst. Both of them come across as entitled, whiney, petulant little brats.
HappyDays said…
Golden Retriever: Thank you for taking your time to copy and then post the article from The Telegraph so the rest of us can read it.
CatEyes said…
Harry may tell the Queen "What the Hell"
and his favored status soon fell
although most could not tell
but it was featured in the Daily Mail.

Finding Freedom left poor Scobie
pedaling back to save his fee
when a tantrum by the Me-gain
was a volcano for all to see
while stridently saying "it wasn't me."

Harry plainly was the dim-wit
who clearly threw the tawdry fit
and was going to take the royal hit
on the place where he sits.

The Queen will teach him a good lesson
before its over and completely done
which William might find some fun
to cast Harry out on his sorry bum.

There won't be anywhere he can run
as the home mortgage is not yet done
and Charles is holding the remaining funds
while money from his dear mum
has disappeared and the Russian won.+
HappyDays said…
Magatha Mistie said…

Megs and her rear end views
And the crap that she constantly spews
Her latest bowel movement
Would be an improvement
Remind her that they’re Just Number Twos...

@Magatha: Zowie! This is poet laureate material.
AnyaAmasova said…
@Happy Days

That sums up Megs' personality (the unnamed producer) and pretty much the high points of her life (your answer to the question.) HW people are different, but those who make the big decisions are not stupid. She is an aged out untalented wrecking ball. There are only two responses to her; Don't call us, we'll call you" or from the mouth of Johnny Carson to David Letterman, "Get away from the car" (as told by Letterman.)
HappyDays said…
@ Cat Eyes:

Fabulous! We will have to have at least TWO poet laureates on this blog.
Aquagirl said…
I’d like to know the real ‘tiara story’ and when it actually happened. Supposedly the BRF offered MM a pay-off to cancel the wedding and she accepted, only to change her mind at the last minute. I still think that the tiara she wore was a knock-off. Who would let this b**** near anything Royal? Seems to me that Angela Kelly was told, in no uncertain terms, to keep Megsy away from the tiaras.
Grisham said…
After reading the book, I’m starting to entertain the idea that they were married in Botswana.
@Pink Peony,

Glad you liked it. I always thought the title should be "When Pigs Fly."
HappyDays said…
abbyh said...
I also think that storyline of how they wanted to feel wanted would eventually translate to equal to W&K&Kids in status, money, support and their own little court. Royal and all that.

@abbyh: In a way, they are attempting to set up their own royal court at their palatial estate in Santa Barbara. Their titles need to be removed. They have sullied the titles gifted by HMTQ on the occasion of their marriage and are not worthy of the honors.

As I recall, they never even bothered to visit Sussex and it is likely they will never set foot there unless they drop by to pick up a big check from someone dumb enough to pay them. Sussex would just be incidental to the visit.
CatEyes said…
@Happy Days

Thank you but I am but a shadow in Magatha's glow. I once and awhile am inspired for fun since I lack usually making pithy comments on the Harkles.
HappyDays said…
abbyh said...
I also think that storyline of how they wanted to feel wanted would eventually translate to equal to W&K&Kids in status, money, support and their own little court. Royal and all that.

@abbyh: In a way, they are attempting to set up their own royal court at their palatial estate in Santa Barbara. Their titles need to be removed. They have sullied the titles gifted by HMTQ on the occasion of their marriage and are not worthy of the honors.

As I recall, they never even bothered to visit Sussex and it is likely they will never set foot there unless they drop by to pick up a big check from someone dumb enough to pay them. Sussex would just be incidental to the visit.
CatEyes said…

Yeah that sounds about right...immediately after Meghan peed in the bush, Harry was so overcome with emotion and knew he found the one and didn't want her to get away so he asked a tribal chief (throwing in a few cattle) to conduct the marriage ceremony. Because Harry just had to have Meghan peeing for him till death do they part. Being the good CoE that Harry is how did that work out, did he find a CoE preacher there?

I am not joking. Just why would Harry marry Meghan in Botswana? Or why do you think he did?
Grisham said…
Yeah, I think he got like a tribal chief to marry them. (Officially or unofficially) like Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall did.

You know, like for them with questionable legality. You have to read how the book tells it.

I’m not saying it happened. It’s my tin foil hat theory I’m considering....
Grisham said…
Heck, in Colorado two people can marry themselves with no officiant, and with one witness (I think about the witness).
Aquagirl said…
@HappyDays: They are not welcome in Sussex. The people who live in Sussex want their titles taken away.
lizzie said…
@HappyDays wrote:

"As I recall, they never even bothered to visit Sussex..."

No, they did visit. The cover photo of FF was taken in Sussex. Do note, that visit was 9 days before Eugenie's wedding. Note how flat M's stomach is in that green leather Hugo Boss pencil skirt. But 9 days later, she's in a close-to-maternity outfit for the wedding.
CatEyes said…
Colorado does require a marriage license though.

But why would Harry marry Meghan in Botswana and keep it secret...uh to waste 32 million dollars for their wedding. That would be obscene!
Grisham said…
3,7000 people in Sussex signed the petition, which was symbolic,

Of course, feelings may have changed now.
Grisham said…
@cateyes look at who we are talking about. They truly don’t know how to manage money, and they are entitled.

It is very much intimated that he at least proposed in Botswana.
Grisham said…
That pic of her in the green skirt is in the link I just posted about the petition
@Cat Eyes,

Well done! Take a bow!


I think it's a good possibility that they were married in Botswana, and I think that may be where they got the first Archie.

It could have been so simple. They marry in Botswana, go back to Britain, announce that they're married, and that they're off to live the life they've dreamed of. No freebies, no merching, no royal attachments. They wish everybody well. End of story. I think everybody would have been happy for them.

As for songs,I'd be playing Jethro Tull's "Thick as a Brick," about a man who won't listen. In the comments, the interpretations of the lyrics are as almost as great as the lyrics themselves:

CatEyes said…
Harry and Meghan don't give a damn about Sussex! If they did they would have at least visited a few times. Never heard them say anything about Sussex. Never raised money for the poor in Sussex. Never have given any good PR for Sussex. The Queen should rescind their Sussex titles for their lack of care or concern for the people of Sussex. The Harkles are frauds using the Sussex titles when they have nothing to do with the place or people. TQ had expectation they were going to perform full-time royal duties and visit Sussex I'm sure.
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
@Cat Eyes,

This is just a tin hat theory, but I wouldn't put it past MM and Harry to get married in Botswana (how woke of them!) and still want to have the huge royal wedding. MM wouldn't pass that up for anything. The world's eyes were on her that day, and that's what she craves. They may not have told the BRF that they were married there so that they could get the big ceremony with all of the trimmings. They obviously don't care about cost, but they do care about being the center of attention.

Just a thought.
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
lizzie said…
@CatEyes wrote:

"Harry and Meghan don't give a damn about Sussex! If they did they would have at least visited a few times...."

I understand what you are saying and agree they likely don't give a flip about Sussex. But with M's maternity leave and their 6-week "vacation" at the end of 2019, H&M were working royals for only about 14 months by my count. Not sure more than the one visit to Sussex in 14 months would have been expected even if things were going well. And after all, during those 14 months of "work" they did visit Australia (and nearby countries), Morocco, and Ireland.
@Wullies Bucket,

Scoobie just glosses over anything that's too difficult to explain away. The juiciest parts were printed in the paper. He didn't go into any detail about where Archie came from. He just ignored that completely. Of course, he played up MM as having the perfect pregnancy and as being the perfect mother. He did say that The Harkles knew in advance that she would not have a home birth.

Really, the book is a lot of nonsense with little substance. I wish I could give you more details, but Scoobie didn't give details beyond what was already released in the paper. I gave up reading it about 2/3rds of the way through because I kept falling asleep after reading just a few pages.

I did notice quite a few American terms, and the writing has MM's overly-flowery wording. There were also quite a few grammatical errors that point to MM writing it, too.

@Wullies Bucket,

I forgot to add that if you have read The Tig, that's exactly the style of writing in the book. It was painful to read and needed a lot of editing. A pro did not write this book.

xxxxx said…
lizzie said...
I understand what you are saying and agree they likely don't give a flip about Sussex. But with M's maternity leave and their 6-week "vacation" at the end of 2019, H&M were working royals for only about 14 months by my count.

It was more like 8 months that Megs/Hapless were working Royals. Megs took months off prior to birth. Was Harry still on his Royal duties then? I know 14 months is too high. As an aside, they screwed up both Royal tours abroad. Australia and South Africa. Glad handing the natives (Royal Duties) was a nuisance, it was beneath them. Beneath the Hollywood ($$$) bound babblers.

19 May 2018 - Marriage
May 6, 2019 - Archie born

Megsy - After Archies birth Meghan never performed any Royal duties except the South Africa tour. Though maybe a few quickie in person love bombings of a stray multicultural charity (for photo ops) here and there.
These days they love bomb remotely via Zoom. Much less hassle this way.
HappyDays said…
Aquagirl said...
@HappyDays: They are not welcome in Sussex. The people who live in Sussex want their titles taken away.

@Aquagirl: The people of Sussex are obviously a smart group! I wouldn’t want the Harkles around either.
HappyDays said…
In California, the state government and the electric utilities are announcing rolling blackouts of electricity. I suspect the Harkle’s new digs has at least partial electric generation capabilities. I wonder if the Harkles will put solar panels on it to help with the power supply there.
xxxxx said…
Cats eyes will go gaga over this one-
PRINCE Charles is set to quit his landmark “Duchy Originals” farm after 35 years.
He will not renew the lease on 900-acre Home Farm, which he turned organic in 1985.

Charles is instead set to convert Sandringham into the country’s biggest organic sheep farm. Home Farm, at Highgrove in Gloucestershire, launched the Duchy Originals food boxes now sold by Waitrose and Ocado.

Charles was mocked for using “biodynamic” methods in the 1980s, such as planting in lunar cycles and using homeopathic remedies.

But many techniques have since been copied.

It is understood the prince, 71, could not commit to a 20-year lease because he will be expected to become king at some point.

An insider said: “It will be a wrench to give up Home Farm but the prince will continue to farm organically at Sandringham.”

***** All sheep are raised organically. They only eat grass and hay. They are not fattened up, fed growth hormones on feedlots. It would be absurd to send a lamb meant for meat consumption to a feed lot. This is not done. As an aside, I have nothing against organic and Bio-Dynamic agriculture.
Magatha Mistie said…

Megs is a right little go’er
It’s time to ruddy well show’er
These games from big foot
The self proclaimed sl.t
Show she really should take things much slow’er

lizzie said…
@xxxxx wrote about H&M's time doing royal duties:

"It was more like 8 months that Megs/Hapless were working Royals. Megs took months off prior to birth. Was Harry still on his Royal duties then? I know 14 months is too high..."

Maybe. I don't think any of the younger royals including W&K work all that much though if a careful look is taken.

But for H&M, I counted from May 2018 to mid-March 2019 when M went on mat leave. Of course, that included summer which for all the royals means vacation. But I counted it for them because I would for anyone else. And the summer (July-Sept) did include polo, Wimbledon I with Kate,  opening the N. Mandela exhibit, Sussex visit, Ireland visit... So I'm ok with that period being 10 months. Then Archie was born. We had the weird presentation of the child/doll/whatever but that counts as work or at least it is on the court circular when W&K do it. As is christening their children.  Technically the Lion King was official in July albeit not an event representing the Queen...but money came into the Royal Foundation because of that... After the tour to southern Africa, there was the gender equality roundtable with the QCT (the one Harry "crashed" according to M) the purple dress big wig One Young World, the snorting Harry WellChild Awards, several Remembrance events with the RF in November. So I could see it being 14 months total. Certainly not 8 months. Anyway, not really enough time to expect more than one visit to Sussex.
Anonymous said…
Stupid question (neither the first nor the last from me):

Does Charles’ giving up Home Farm also mean his abandoning Highgrove?
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
HappyDays said...

In California, the state government and the electric utilities are announcing rolling blackouts of electricity. I suspect the Harkle’s new digs has at least partial electric generation capabilities. I wonder if the Harkles will put solar panels on it to help with the power supply there.

IIRC, California is the ONLY state in the union that has had "rolling blackouts." I seem to remember manipulated "rolling blackouts" in the 1980s/90s, tho the internet seems to have scrubbed that little tidbit of history.

One thing "rolling blackouts" tells me is this -- the amount of power Google, Facebook, Twitter etc. needs is MASSIVE. The only way to guarantee this kind of power is FOSSIL FUELS. None of them wants to admit this. "Green energy" my foot. Works for individual homes, and small communities. NOT the kind of megapower needed to keep the internet running.

The Harkles going green? Hahahaha. Not bloody likely. All hat and no cattle. What a pair of detestable beings.
Maneki Neko said…

I nearly spat my tea out reading your first poem! Due to the time difference, it’s good to start the day with a laugh. You know Megalo is such a rich source of inspiration!πŸ˜†
Miggy said…

@Miggy said: "Smart move on the part of the papers to print so much of the book- put it right out there in front of a lot more people."

You've attributed the above comment to me but it was actually @Midge who made it. :)
Miggy said…
@Golden Retriever,

Many thanks for posting the Telegraph article.
Magatha Mistie said…

Cheers @Maneki
I love to pull Megaloos chain... 😜
Miggy said…
Catching up...


Love your witty little rhymes. They always brighten my morning. πŸ˜†


Enjoyed yours too. πŸ˜†
Magatha Mistie said…

@CatEyes My fellow Rhymist

Through our rhyme and reason
It’s all open season
She makes it so easy pee-sy
Our way to do it
Is laugh and say screw it
And hope she’s exposed soon for treason!!
Magatha Mistie said…

@Lt Nyota

“Rolling blackouts” is what Harry experiences when
Megs decides on a new venture!!

Our fool, also known as Henry
Will soon be living in penury
It’s plain to see
He’s out of his tree
And Megs will be left in a quandary
Just read this in the comments section on a random article about Harry losing his military stuff:

Harry didn’t respect the marines as he chose to attend the Disney premier to pimp out his wife’s services and beg for a voiceover for her rather than attend the marine event (that was happening at the same time). It was the right decision to strip him of these representations. I think the queen didn’t go far enough. The queen and Charles were colluding with the vile creatures trying to lay foundations to enable them to have all the trimmings of senior RF members but doing no work, fornunatly for the U.K. the plot was revealed when the irrelevants jumped ship too soon, before the foundations had been completed. Megain most likely planned to reveal all before the foundations had been completed so she could cause as much disruption as possible and make Harry feel he had been betrayed by his family. If Harry is unhappy then his narcissist wife needs to stop with her behaviour.
(bolding mine)

Has anyone seen this particular rumour before? It's the first time I've come across it. My instincts are telling me it's just personal speculation by the commenter (surely if it was likely to be true then MM would have put some kind of PR spin on it to get it out into the public domain?), but lately I'm at the point where I just don't know what to believe any more.
ureallyannoyme said…
I think the book makes them look petty. The big revelations about how poorly they were treated? Yawn. Bottom line: The BRF didn’t revolve around them, and no one said they were the prettiest. They were butt hurt and took their ball and went home.
Magatha Mistie said…

I’m with you, confused? But, I am still of the opinion that
they were booted out.
After the Africa debacle they were told all in, or all out?
I do not believe that the Queen would ever sanction
their demands. They wanted to live in California, pop over
for TOTC etc, whilst making money from the family name.
No, Nyet!!

Miggy said…
You've got to love the Aussie sense of humour.

Thoroughly enjoyed reading this :)
LavenderLady said…

Indeed. You can't make this stuff up. When H&M pulled the rug out from under their own stupid selves. LOL...

Thanks for the link! I enjoyed reading it too :)
Magatha Mistie said…


I think the book, and Scobie, just verified that all the negative
gossip/rumours about H&M were true.

JHanoi said…
lurking- some or all of that looks lie my speculation.
i think i was saying rather dramatically, the Queen and PC were working to find a way for the Harkles to be part time Royals. For instance work abroad for 6 month of the year and then come home to Engalnd for a few ceremonies to placate the people for them getting paid as working royals.
but PC/ HM plan to work somehing out for them fell apart when the Harkles posted their pie in the sky terms on their website.
HM / BRF were taken somehwat by surprise that Harkles publicized it. then the HM PC presented their only terms and that was it take it or leave it.
The Harkles left and the UK was saved from their divisive intererence. I really do think as time goes on the Harkles will fade to the D list in the US. much like Sarah, Duchess of York.
SwampWoman said…
JHanoi said: The Harkles left and the UK was saved from their divisive interference. I really do think as time goes on the Harkles will fade to the D list in the US.

I believe they already are.
Magatha Mistie said…


Thanks, just read it.
The Aussie humour is akin to British humour.
But, Aussies are more laid back.
Brits are dry, droll in their humour.
Both very funny!!
SwampWoman said…
Blogger Lt. Nyota Uhura said...One thing "rolling blackouts" tells me is this -- the amount of power Google, Facebook, Twitter etc. needs is MASSIVE. The only way to guarantee this kind of power is FOSSIL FUELS. None of them wants to admit this. "Green energy" my foot. Works for individual homes, and small communities. NOT the kind of megapower needed to keep the internet running.

The Harkles going green? Hahahaha. Not bloody likely. All hat and no cattle. What a pair of detestable beings.

That A/C bill in the Medusa Mansion must be killer! Manufacturers need to have a reliable supply of energy at an affordable rate. More people that create jobs and the jobs themselves will be exiting. But, that's okay. It will force the newly unemployed homeless people that are left behind to be environmentally conscious by not having running water or building shelters or having eeeevil gas-fueled vehicles! I do hope they remember how they are environmental warriors as they are pooping on the sidewalks trodden upon by the rich and famous and politically connected.

Harry must be thrilled that he's been moved to a state that aspires to be Venezuela.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Magatha Mistie said...
@Lt Nyota

“Rolling blackouts” is what Harry experiences when
Megs decides on a new venture!!

Our fool, also known as Henry
Will soon be living in penury
It’s plain to see
He’s out of his tree
And Megs will be left in a quandary

Whee, got my own @Magatha Mistie poem! It's a gem, thanks! :)
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
@SwampWoman said ...

It will force the newly unemployed homeless people that are left behind to be environmentally conscious by not having running water or building shelters or having eeeevil gas-fueled vehicles! I do hope they remember how they are environmental warriors as they are pooping on the sidewalks trodden upon by the rich and famous and politically connected.

Harry must be thrilled that he's been moved to a state that aspires to be Venezuela.


I literally do NOT understand how those people ALLOW people to urinate/defecate wherever they want.

I wait for the day the Harkles come out against homelessness. There will be a tsunami of mockery, I've no doubt!
TheTide said…
Can anyone explain this book? It was supposed to make them look good. It does the exact opposite; they come across as horrid and Meghan especially worse than anyone ever imagined. Did they think this final outcome was actually flattering? Did Scobie pull a big get even? I'm honestly stumped.
Magatha Mistie said…

Where’s WildBoar?
As for Harry being soundly whipped,
I think he would like it....
No `Hungry Lions'?

- I was hoping someone would suggest a wildlife photo op to her - `Go hug a hippo'...


The denial about how H spoke to Gan-Gan - I hear narcissists applying their Crede:

`That didn't happen - and if if it did, she deserved it.)

Aquagirl said…
Does anyone else think it’s strange that during tiara gate, JH supposedly referred to MM as ‘my future wife’? I found that odd. Why not just refer to her as Meghan?
Should have said `Hi Folks! - We've had a technical problem re changing our ISP. One pulled the plug on us before the other's email about what time to change routers arrived!

Fingers crossed but all is well now.

So many comments to read before I checked in - so many brilliant posts. Thank you, especially Magatha & CatEyes - I've been ROFLMAO.


Yep, H sounds like a serious masochist to me.


Btw - a quick ovine aside - I had several jobs at agric.colls & a veterinary place.
Saw a cartoon of sheep talking among themselves - caption:

`Who's turn is it to drop dead without warning?'

I'm v. familiar with Icelandic sheep - their lambs grow v. quickly. On one September trip, someone asked `Why do Iceland sheep always go around in threes?'

Blindingly obvious to me - `Well, they're ewes with twin lambs'.

Got a very strange look from the questioner...
Magatha Mistie said…

I would like to issue a disclaimer:

No tarts, or turds, were harmed in the name
of my ditties.

In England, we have place names with the word `Bottom' in them, meaning a `valley', eg Six Mile Bottom in Cambridgeshire. They are particularly common in the north, eg Ramsbottom.

What about some suggestions for a place-name to be used by the Kilkeels were they to lose that minor title?

Say `Baron and Baroness Hardup of..(your suggestion)...Bottom?

Something to suggest a tup that failed in its duty perhaps?
Miggy said…
Omid's latest claims...
Girl with a Hat said…
Meghan's Mirror name changed to What Meghan Wore?

Isn't there a web site called What Kate Wore?
Miggy said…
@Magatha Mistie,

Re: Our similar sense of humour.

Yes, I agree and it's probably why us Brits and Aussie's rib each other so often. ;-)

@Pink Peony,

Glad you also enjoyed the read.
Fairy Crocodile said…
@ Aquagirl

I think it is obvious Harry took the tiaragate as insult to himself. He was always very insecure. The book confirmed he never accepted his rightful role as a second fiddle to Wills.

We can translate it thus: how dare you to treat the future Wife of My Royal Highness Prince Henry the way you do? You ought to show me much more respect.
CatEyes said…
@xxxxx said...

"Cats eyes will go gaga over this one-?

Thank you very was a good read. I immediately thought how many sheep could graze on a whopping 900 acres. Especially interested in the 2 breeds Charles raised, one of which I had already known about.

Thanks for the shout out. Your the best! I am just amazed how prolific and witty you are. Keep them rollin'. Soon you will have enough for a book, maybe 'Poetry for a Royal Laugh'

@Wild Boar Battle-maid

The sheep cartoon is sadly a cruel joke but true, as had happened to me a month ago, My healthy ewe was eating a cracker my brother likes to give as a treat and he turned around and she just dropped dead at his seat on the porch. Orphaned a lamb at 3 wks who would not take the bottle but miraculously he is thriving. Icelandic sheep...oooh I just love those beauties and once thought about getting some (but really hard to find in TX) until I read they can be quite independent and 'not docile'. Btw I looked up those breeds you mentioned and they are gorgeous, the wool is so curly cute and lustrous.

@Nutties who explained why HAMS DID NOT have time to visit Sussex:

Uh certainly 1 day trip couldn't be that hard to accomplish in 14 months (420 days) especially if they used their favored method of travel, private jet! I can't even imagine the utter gall to use Sussex and never say 'Hello' to its people. Of course that is why the residents don't like them after being deliberately ignored; they probably would have loved a visit early on. One poster many months ago, suggested the Meghan should have taken the time to get to Great Britain and its people by traveling a bit. Maternity is not a disease its a condition, so that excuse is out especially since she did two tours (Aus. & Morocco) and jetted across the Atlantic in the very end stage of pregnancy and party it up. Remember she had the wonder pregnancy, even she said words to that effect! Lol

lucy said…
Do you suppose MM has that disorder that makes her view herself differently? I speak in terms of looks (body dysmorphia?)
Whatever she is doing to her face is not good. It is not as though I look at her after weeks removed and think wow she looks "fresh"

She is repeatedly tweaking her face and not in the way a 40something with money would get peels or some botox. She is having some serious plastic surgery and it shows and her hair? It is beyond cringe. It is ridiculous. It actually ages her. It looks as though it weighs 20 pounds and I apologize I do not know the equivalent in "stones" but it is horribly heavy looking. Everything with her screams more!more! more! Even the color lacks sound judgment

I do not mean to be mean over it. I think I am bit more judgmental as all of it is choice but who is telling her she looks good? Omid? JM? Surgeons? Harry?

She really was a cute girl (lady?) on Suits. I wonder why she abandoned rollers and set the bronzer to "STUN"

If something happened to her scalp or she otherwise can't go natural with hair why the weight? Even Cher did not have that bulk. What is she doing? Well established she lacks originality so just who is she trying to emulate?
Magatha Mistie said…

I’m English, lived in Oz for years.
Normally go ‘home’ once, if not twice a year.

Miggy said…

Maternity is not a disease its a condition, so that excuse is out especially since she did two tours (Aus. & Morocco) and jetted across the Atlantic in the very end stage of pregnancy and party it up. Remember she had the wonder pregnancy, even she said words to that effect! Lol

Exactly... and that's why this claim in the press today and possibly also in the FF book, makes absolutely no sense.

Meanwhile it has been claimed tensions were inflamed because Meghan accused Kate of not supporting her in the “dark days” of her pregnancy.

What dark days would they be??
lizzie said…
@Girl with a Hat wrote:

"Meghan's Mirror name changed to What Meghan Wore?

Isn't there a web site called What Kate Wore?"

What Kate Wore (WKW) is published by Susan E. Kelley. It's been around for years. The site discusses Kate's fashion choices and events. Comments are allowed but are heavily moderated. The author also publishes Mad About Meghan and What Kate's Kids Wore. I believe the Mad About Meghan site was started because of issues arising in the comments between "Kate stans" and "Meghan stans."

There used to be three main Kate fashion/events sites that started long ago. WKW, From Berkshire to Buckingham (Jane Barr, still exists but not in same format), and Duchess Kate blogsot (author is Charlotte- her last name escapes me for the moment.)

I wasn't aware Meghan's Mirror changed its name.
lucy said…
P.s. I also think Harry should lose the beard. Ok I am done now:)
Miggy said…

I’m English, lived in Oz for years.

Yes, I recall you posting that.

You have a wicked sense of humour... the best of both countries! πŸ˜„

Aquagirl said…
Meghan’s Mirror is still active.
CatEyes said…

Need to thank you for that personal poem you created for us! πŸ‘πŸ˜‰

Your humorous creativity adds fun to this blog especially when the HAMS can be such a dour subject!

HAMS are so dour
and leave a taste quite sour
but what we write is ours.
Such creative powers
in hopes they may cower
in the London tower.
lizzie said…
@CatEyes wrote:

"@Nutties who explained why HAMS DID NOT have time to visit Sussex:....."

I can't speak for other Nutties but my reason for pointing out the Sussexes weren't doing royal work for very long re: making multiple visits to Sussex (after they were wrongly accused in a comment of never visiting Sussex) is because it seemed we were veering into hypocritical territory.

During all of 2019, Kate completed 56 events, Sophie did 81 as did Camilla while Anne did 195. Even Princess Alexandra (she's 83) did 43.

Harry did 98 while William did 108, Duke of Gloucester did 105 as did the Duke of Kent. Edward did 119 and even Andrew did 139 although he didn't work the full year.

I think H&M have done plenty wrong but if we are castigating them for lack of work, it seems W&K's record isn't all that stellar either.

I'm also not sure why H&M would have been expected to hang out in Sussex although I admit the link between Sussex and the dukedom is a bit unclear to me.
Maneki Neko said…

What about some suggestions for a place-name to be used by the Kilkeels were they to lose that minor title?

Say `Baron and Baroness Hardup of..(your suggestion)...Bottom?

Scratchy Bottom, Dorset
Slap Bottom, Hampshire
Flash Bottom, Staffordshire

Take your pick.

CatEyes said…
@Swamp Woman

Your remark comparing Calif. to Venezuela is great but even there they would not let the homeless defile the streets all over in the business district and nice neighborhoods with human waste. California allows it because the liberal court ordered that the homeless have "a right to exist", meaning living in any available public setting essentially (e.g. public sidewalks). My brother took a 2019 train trip from the bottom of the state to the north and he said there were homeless encampments all the way up. He said it was disgusting in my sister's somewhat wealthy city (near Monterey) whereupon you have to step around tents to get into stores.

Rolling blackouts is poor planning.. I read an article yesterday discussing this and the officials are blaming it on the heat, as transformers are melting (what??), Here in TX our electric grid doesn't melt and we have 100+ heat (just happened last week). We deregulated the electric grid and we can provide service to everyone without a single blackout and at competitive rates.
Magatha Mistie said…


You’re welcome, thanks for realising that
we need to laugh more than we need to argue.

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 I started thinking about how time passes when reading some of the articles about the birthday.  It was interesting to think about it from the different points of view.  Besides, it kind of fits as a follow up the last post (the whole saga of can the two brothers reunite). So there is the requisite article about how he will be getting all kinds of money willed to him from his great-grandmother.  There were stories about Princess Anne as trustee (and not allowing earliest access to it all).  Whether or not any or all of this is true (there was money for him and/or other kids) has been debated with claims she actually died owing money with the Queen paying the debts to avoid scandal.  Don't know but I seem to remember that royal estates are shrouded from the public so we may not (ever) know. However, strange things like assisting in a book after repeated denials have popped up in legal papers so nothing is ever really predicable.   We are also seein...

The Opening Act of New Adventures in Retail

 I keep thinking things will settle down to the lazy days of spring where the weather is gorgeous and there is a certain sense of peacefulness.  New flowers are coming out. increasing daylight so people can be outside/play and thinking gardening thoughts.  And life is quiet.  Calm. And then something happens like a comet shooting across the sky.  (Out of nowhere it arrives and then leaves almost as quickly.)   An update to a law suit.  Video of the website is released (but doesn't actually promote any specific product which can be purchased from the website).  A delay and then jam is given out (but to whom and possible more importantly - who did not make the list?).  Trophies almost fall (oops).  Information slips out like when the official date of beginning USA residency.  (now, isn't that interesting?) With them, it's always something in play or simmering just below the surface.  The diversity of the endeavors is really ...