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Has "Finding Freedom" improved the Sussexes' reputation?

 It's now been a full week since the official publication of "Finding Freedom," with a great deal of ink spilled about the book and the Sussexes new home in Montecito.

Has the Sussex reputation benefitted from the publicity, or are they worse off now in public opinion than they were a week ago?


Girl with a Hat said…
Sorry about the incorrect info about Meghan's Mirror. I read it on twitter but couldn't check because my computer's fan is acting up and I have very limited time before my computer over heats.
AnnaK said… They think they can swan back in and pick up where the left off??? Are they testing the waters to pave the way for a comeback? Surely they won’t be welcomed back by any charity after FF and all their other crazy behaviour?
Girl with a Hat said…
Can anyone tell me if the Sussexes get any moneys from Sussex?

I hear that San Francisco has the same problem with feces in the streets, and people are moving out because it is so bad.
Ugh. How can a first world country allow this to happen?


Somebody else is commenting using your name? I seem to recall that this happened to somebody here during the last big troll invasion.
Hikari said…

During all of 2019, Kate completed 56 events . . .Harry did 98 while William did 108 . .
I think H&M have done plenty wrong but if we are castigating them for lack of work, it seems W&K's record isn't all that stellar either.

Just counting the numbers of the engagements does not tell the whole story. I'd say there's a quality over quantity proposition in play. Not forgetting that Kate had three children 6 and under last year. Louis was one. Yes, she's got Nanny Maria and a host of other staff, but I believe she and William are as hands-on as they are able to be. Many of those 56 engagements Kate did were connected to her initiative of early childhood education, which entailed a lot of research and meetings on her part which would not have been counted among the official engagements. Kate did an internship at a maternity hospital as well--not sure if that was at the end of last year or the beginning of this one before COVID, but she logged a bunch of hours shadowing nurses and helping on the ward--was each and every day counted as an engagement? If a 4-6 hour shift at a hospital as a volunteer gets clocked as a single engagement the same as the Duchess of Sussex turning up for half an hour to get her picture taken outside of John Lewis--there is a disparity in the amount of effort put forth by the royal. Meghan got bored and cut her visit to the SmartWorks launch abruptly short, claiming 'Feed Time!', when she was supposed to stay longer, but she still got full credit for that 'engagement'--transparently commercial photo grab though it was. Likewise, when Harry blows off a military charity to appear on a urine colored carpet to shill for his wife, that is counted as an engagement, the same as when William spends a day handing out investitures or addresses military veterans or healthcare workers in a formal speech. William and Catherine's roles as the future of the British monarchy means that they are obliged to spend a lot more time in meetings with staff than would have been expected of Meg and Harry.

Hikari said…
Catherine has spent considerable time over many weeks for the last two years planning and helping to execute her gardens at the Chelsea Flower Show, and her garden in 2019 was the hit of the event. She may well have had 100+ hours of her time invested in that garden, from initial planning meetings to actually getting on her knees in the soil. None of this behind-the-scenes work is counted as an official engagement. I would like anyone to point to a comparable project which Meg has done which did not serve her own vanity. (cf. Vogue issue, when she was off the reservation and openly defied the Palace.)

Meg & Harry had little compunction against using their alleged status as 'new parents' for sliding out of work, particularly Meghan, when there is still considerable doubt the world over as to whether they actually had a baby last year. Catherine demonstrably had three children and has made motherhood a priority while her children are so young. For this she has received much flak. Her children's childhoods are precious and irreplaceable, and I say she's chosen the better course, even if she has to contend with being accused of not doing enough for the Firm in the short term. She has produced the heir and the spares for the Crown and raising them well IS her most important job. She and William have the blessing, which ER did not as a young mother, of not having to assume the burdens of state while their children are so young. They will have decades to work for the Crown and must approach it as a marathon, not a sprint.

Meg and Harry couldn't hack their secondary role for even 18 months, so their engagement ratio is definitely moot now. I do not find the relative commitments of the Cambridges and the Sussexes in any way comparable as to heft. And the two childish whingers really believed that *they* were the stars of the family who should rule in W.& C's stead. The self-delusion the Sussexes labor under is truly stunning.
Aquagirl said…
@AnnaK: To me, The Sun article is meaningless. It doesn’t say anything except that they want to be able to make trips to the UK after the travel restrictions are lifted. That means absolutely nothing, especially since it doesn’t appear that travel restrictions will be lifted anytime soon. It’s just Scoobie Doo trying to promote the book that isn’t selling.
@Maneki Neko

Real WBBM here - thanks for the suggestions.

To my eternal shame, I hadn't heard of Slap Bottom despite have worked about 6 miles east of there for nigh on 3 years. I may even have been there but didn't know the name.

The first morning in post, a colleague informed me,

`Of course, there are witches in the Forest but don't worry, they're all White Witches.'

I hadn't heard of Scratchy Bottom, nor Flash Bottom - my Staffordshire ancestors were from South Staffs, though I see there's a Wildboar Clough nearby. It must be a sign!

Which is the most appropriate do you think? She's got form with regard to both flashing and scratching but I but I suspect it's H that gets the slapping!
SirStinxAlot said…
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I saw numerous articles and complaints about Meghan showing up late to engagements and only stay 15-20 minutes. People who had waited in the heat/rain/cold hours to see her were pissed. Quality over quantity. Not to mention showing up unprepared looking like sloppy mess that just rolled out of bed. Wasn't there an article or rumor about how Meghan showed up to the Elephant voice over late, completely unprepared, and rude?
Hikari said…
Lucy asked whether Meg suffers from body dysmorphia owing to her compulsive plastic surgery.

I'm not a doctor, but I would say Yes. I am not versed enough as a layman to say whether this warped body image would be an offshoot of the narcissism or is a separate, concurrent mental condition. I do think an inability to see oneself realistically is a feature of NPD, though I'd expect such warpage to manifest as a belief that he/she is absolutely perfect as is. Donald Trump for example (another Narc) believes himself to be quite the stud muffin.

I am learning that Narcissism is a volatile mixture of supreme arrogance tempered by supreme insecurity. Meg is obviously completely self-absorbed, and has nothing but time on her hands now to stare into her mirror and find things to tweak about her person. She's bored . .and has the means. She gets plastic surgery with abandon now because she can. Harry will never tell her no for anything, so she will just continue to run through his money until it's gone. If she had a meaningful occupation she'd have something to think about other than her next Botox or wig fitting. I'd say her latest look is yet more proof that she's not actively engaged in mothering an active toddler. Nothing about her presentation says 'child friendly'. Arch would yank that wig right off her head.

It has been suggested that a significant feature of Narcissism is a lack of aesthetic judgement. In that elusive quality called 'taste' they struggle to assess with objectivity what 'looks good'. When Meg was being styled by other people, and was a rising starlet on a budget, she looked a lot better than she does now. It was shocking to me that someone with the resources of the Royal family behind her would look much worse than she did before she was even working regularly in TV. In Meg's mind, if something costs a lot of money, it must be 'the best'. Wonder how much that 20-pound Cher wig cost and how many Third World women had to sell their hair to make it. Some of Meg's appearances seem to suggest that she's visually impaired. I think her eyes work fine--it's the inner eye that is lacking.

Meg will keep going with the cosmetic surgery until she looks like Jocelyn Wildenstein, the 'Cat Lady'. If you look back at her school pictures, back when she used to be a homely little black girl, she was able, with Thomas's money, to achieve a stunning transformation. I don't think *anyone*, not even her doting dad, would have predicted, based on what she looked like at 10 years old, that she'd ever be up for any roles as 'the Hot Girl'. But now that Meg has access to anything she wants done, she's incapable of stopping. It's really sad.
The Harkles are so touchy against any perceived slight. In the book, MM says when she was at Northwestern, if somebody asked where she was from she took that as a racist comment. Unbelievable. Everybody in college (university) asks where you're from. It's the second question they ask. The first is "what is your name?"


I agree about the beard, but I think MM makes him keep that on purpose. If he shaved it off, he could easily walk down the street in sunglasses and a cap, and nobody would know it was him. MM wants him to be easily identifiable.


I hope that's just Scoobie trying to drum up book sales. People will storm the gates of the palace if they try to sneak their way back in.
@Maneki Neko and WBBM

I have cousins that once lived in Pratts Bottom, horrible name, lol but the place wasn’t! Lol

I agree with you narcissism and body dysmorphia. Also, I think she's trying to look like Kim Kardashian. They could be twins now.

I can't imagine them getting any specific money at all from Sussex, they're far more likely to end up as effigies for burning by the Lewes Bonfire Boys on November 5th.

see for example.

Sad to say, they usually burn a Pope, as well as unpopular politicians. It goes back only to the 19th Century, possibly at a time when the papacy was asserting its authority more strongly beyond the Alps(hence `Ultramontanism'). The memory in Sussex was of the local aristocracy (Catholic) taking part in the Marian burnings of their Protestant tenants over 300 yrs. before.
Girl with a Hat said…
@Hikari, the issue with Meghan was that she grew up looking like "not the hot girl". She must have spent hours in the mirror wishing that her nose, her teeth, her hair, her jaw were all different.

Everyone I know who had plastic surgery because they weren't attractive, as opposed to someone who wanted to tweak their look, turns out to have major narcissistic traits and objectifies other people, which is basically was narcissism is
Talking about her turning up as if she had just risen from her bed, I once saw a comment, possibly about the Engagement interview, which said that she looked as if -

`-she'd just rolled out from under a bloke called John.'

That's a corker of a comment.
JHanoi said…
Hikari - makes and excellent point about Kate raisning the future Monarch and siblings versus HM having the State responsibilties that took her away from some day to day raising of the kids .
also an excellent point about the behind the scenes work, non papped, that some in the BRF do.

even Charles has spent years working in the backgroung on the Duchy of Wales making it a prosperous duchy and promoting the rural areas, life, farming, industries associated with that. that doesn’t show on the ‘days worked Pap report that the press puts out.

i’ve read the older royals ( PC, HM maybe PAnne) take a real interest in the country way of life and try to promote that and give it attention because it doesnt have the glitz and glamour , paps of the city life that the younger Royals prefer .

i think of MM as a prime example of that, she maybe an old millenial, but she has the young selfie, narcissstic, world revolves around her, she is a victim that intreprets EVERYTHING as a microaggression, and is offended by everything except herself because she’s perfection. there are no paps in the country unless she arranges them to be there.
Hikari said…
I agree about (Harry's) beard, but I think MM makes him keep that on purpose. If he shaved it off, he could easily walk down the street in sunglasses and a cap, and nobody would know it was him. MM wants him to be easily identifiable.

It's on the record that the Queen hates the beard, and has asked Harry to shave it in the past and he refused. So she let the subject drop. I don't remember exactly when the beard appeared, but I do think it was at the tail end of his military service. Facial hair is against military regulations in HM's armed forces, but if Haz had that non-regulation beard before his enlistment was done, it was tacitly permitted owing to who he was. Any other soldier would have faced disciplinary action for violating dress code.

When Harry first joined up and though most of his service, I like most people I imagine, was laboring under the illusion that Harry had found his tribe and his calling and was thriving in the Army, and making truly meaningful friendships and a contribution there.

Turns out that 'Captain Wales' was actually NOT popular in his regiment, among his fellow squaddies nor his commanding officers. Acting like an entitled prat will do that. One associates the rank of Captain with some inherent leadership ability and outstanding qualities as a soldier but it seems that Harry's rank was simply a 'gimme' based on his Royal status.

If Harry made a dog's dinner of his time in the service, then we must sadly conclude that he's just really not good for anything useful. The Family tried to find him a berth but Haz has managed to be an abject failure at everything he's ever been a part of. Saying 'anything he's attempted' would give him credit for at least putting forth an effort and I'm not sure that's ever been the case.

When the beard first appeared, I sort of liked it (not aware at the time that it was against regulation). I thought it enhanced his resemblance to his grandfather, who had once sported a beard during his Navy days. Also made Haz look like more than a bit of a ringer for Henry VIII.

Not sure the continuance of the beard is Meg's idea. I lean toward it being just Haz's refusal to shave or give a toss about his appearance. He'd have to care to invest that much time in his grooming. I suppose in former days as a clean-shaven prince, he had a valet to perform that service for him and now he'd have to do it himself. If Harry ever turns up without the beard, maybe it will be a signal that he's turned the corner and is back on the upswing . .but it's been . . 6? . .years by now . .I really don't expect it. At least he seems to be keeping it trimmed.
Yes, that beard's awful. He should never have been allowed to keep it, certainly not when he was in uniform when he wasn't a Pioneer Sergeant (Queen's Regulations - doubtless Granny made an exception).
@Hikari - apologies to you and HM. We must have been writing at the same time.It says a lot about him not doing as he's `asked'.

I say that because the Queen technically does not ask or invite, she `commands' - when she expressed her views about his facial fungus he should have treated it as a lawful command, she is, after all, his most senior commander.
AnyaAmasova said…
@Girl with a Hat

You have made an excellent distinction between "tweaking" and major structural changes to someone's face. I also distinguish between major changes in youth and anti-aging procedures. For example some women's noses fro dramatically when they hit their 50s owing to cartilage weakening.

There is a great You Tube channel that analyzes celebrity plastics surgery. Check out Lorry Hill. Once on her channel take a look at the videos for Angelina Jolie and Bela Hadid.
Hikari said…
@Wild Boar

I had a good friend, before he moved away, who lived next door to me. E. was my gay guy friend. I distinctly remember a conversation we had, circa 2014, or just Pre-Beard, about Harry--I can't remember now how this came up . .maybe I was looking at a magazine?--anyway, my friend's assessment of Harry at that time was "He's hot". Hazza was very robust in his soldiering days and back then I thought Diana's youngest was cute as well. William has the more conventional handsomeness through his Spencer side, but Harry had his own fun, quirky look.

What a sad dispirited shell of that man we see before us now. The contrast between Harry, acting as best man at his brother's wedding and how he looked at his own wedding was stark--and he looks so much worse now. I seriously doubt very much that had I not been following Harry's decline over the last decade that I would even recognize him as the same bloke.

I can't help wondering how different his life would be now had The Best Man from William's wedding married the Maid of Honor. (Knowing what I now know about Harry, I would not wish to inflict him on any other woman besides Snarkle--but Harry and Pippa got on very well that day and I wasn't the only one fantasizing a match.) Imagine how great things might be now in Kensington Palace, with a Fab four comprised of the two Wales brothers married to the two beautiful Middleton sisters. Kate would not feel so isolated behind Palace walls to have her beloved sister as part of the Royal family too. If Harry had been a better man, perhaps it would have worked out this way. I'm sure Pippa is very happy with her husband James Mathews, and they've got their adorable son Arthur. Pip can be thankful she dodged a bullet there, if she was even temporarily interested in her brother-in-law's cheeky sibling.

It seems to me that among her myriad ever-changing looks, that Markle was decidedly channelling Pippa during the engagement photocall. Does anyone else think so as well?
Aquagirl said…
It always amazes me that the New York Yankees are required to wear a suit while traveling and they are not allowed to have facial hair (except mustaches). Their scalp hair may not grow below the collar.

Then you have a Prince who looks like a complete slob.
NeutralObserver said…
@Hikari, Your posts at 6:18 & 6:19 are very perceptive. It's short-sighted to just count the time royals are cutting ribbons & sampling cheese. Kate & Wills seem to spend a lot of time huddling with advisors over their carefully planned initiatives. I imagine the Harkles were offered a similar array of staff to help them plan initiatives appropriate to their place in the hierarchy, but that situation just didn't suit their inflated self importance. I just am dumbfounded at the laziness & the delusional vanity of the Harkles. I live in an area where really, really smart kids work their butts off get a lousy job at a place like Morgan Stanley, where they might get a few years of a salary that most Americans would deem more than ample, but they work 70+hours a week, & don't have the job security that Grim & Bare-it have just thrown away. I wonder what they feel about slovenly looking Harry lounging around in his monstrous house doing Zoom calls. It probably wouldn't be admiration, if they had the time to care.

We've discussed in-house royals at financial institutions on this blog, & in my experience royals on the payroll were viewed as little prestige baubles, like a really, really good wine cellar or chef for the executive dining room. They make the bank look prestigious & successful, but don't bring actual monetary value. A lot of those perks have been discarded because stockholders don't always like them.The big banks seem to have a lot of money these days to spend on being politically correct, so maybe they could give the Heggles untold riches. 'Wokeness' is just window dressing for these folks, all they really want is for their deals to get done, Harkle money is even less than a rounding error to them. It would be ironic if these banks have their own 'wokeness' turn around & bite them if Biden gets elected & enacts some of the tax policies he claims he supports.

@Wullie's Bucket, Sorry I didn't respond to your inquiry on the other thread, didn't have time to see it. No, Megs wasn't in the video. I actually like the tune of the song, but was amused by how the video seemed to reflect Megs' view of work place ethics.
lizzie said…
@CatEyes wrote,

"Just counting the numbers of the engagements does not tell the whole story. I'd say there's a quality over quantity proposition in play. Not forgetting that Kate had three children 6 and under last year. Louis was one. Yes, she's got Nanny Maria and a host of other staff, but I believe she and William are as hands-on as they are able to be...." 

Yes, we all know Kate prioritizes motherhood. If we somehow didn't know that, KP told us when Kate declined to attend the 2016 St. Pat's event  saying instead she wanted to spend time with her children before the India tour began 3+ weeks later. While I truly don't believe most people who dislike Meghan dislike her for racist reasons, if she'd been the one to break a 115-year tradition of a female royal presenting the shamrocks, an event that lasts a few hours at best, people would have gone ballistic.

Kate's choice to spend time as a hands-on mother is a choice she and Will have made as is their decision about the number of children to have. And that's fine. But 56 events in 2019 was barely 1 event per week. And the yr included the Pakistan trip that with multiple events per day.

Personally I find the whole "the Cambridges work behind the scenes so don't look at their numbers" argument to be a bit tiresome. I'm sure other royals work behind the scenes too. People may not like the kinds of work some royals (like H&M) choose to do and I think it's fair to question those choices. But I don't think it's fair to give "extra credit" for the invisible work of only some royals. (I'm not talking about meetings that are on the CC. Those count as events.)

The argument now seems to be that in 14 months (which was computed to be 420 days by @CatEyes) H&M should have gone to Sussex more than once. I'm still not quite sure why they would have been expected to focus on the geographical area of Sussex because of Harry's title. Regardless, I do think it brings up the question of why William did only 10 more events than Harry did in 2019. After all, Will is the heir. And if the argument for Kate not doing more is because she has had three pregnancies, then probably giving M a bit of a break during her first pregnancy is only fair. And it's probably fair to remember that for the first 2+years of their marriage W&K lived in Wales and did few royal events other than TOC, Christmas walks, events associated with the Diamond Jubilee, and some official tours. So they weren't full-time working royals.

The Sussex petition that people have mentioned was more of an anti-monarchy petition than a petition against H&M. It read in part:

Neither will Brighton Council invite or entertain these individuals nor afford them any hospitality or courtesies above and beyond that of an ordinary member of the public.

While the petition was not adopted by the Council, I'm not sure that lots more visits to Sussex would have been in the best interests of the monarchy.

I don't like plenty of things H&M have done. I hate their whining, their disrespect for the Queen, their poor prep for appearances (something Will used to be guilty of too as he would brag he didn't read his briefing notes), their preaching, their PDA that makes events about them rather than the charity or honoree....
And I do think W&K generally do a good job although I do think we could see more of them without disrupting their parenthood duties or scarring their children for life. But I think it's hypocritical to find excuses for W&K when they seem to have done many of the same things H&M have done (in terms of official work duties, NOT in terms of demeanor.)
Miggy said…
Now they want to be Hollywood royalty! Prince Harry and Meghan Markle 'are pitching a top secret project to network execs and intend to serve as joint producers'
Grisham said…
I don’t think pippa dodged a bullet with her husband, as there have been whispers he has already cheated on her a number of times...

Shame if it’s true....
Grisham said…
@Miggy as I suspected, the money is likely on the business end of things like joint producing...
Miggy said…
These latest articles are fast becoming farcical.
lucy said…
Grrrr I just typed out super long comment, hit preview, and next thing I saw was link to bracelet I want from Sundance catalog. Ugh. That just really sucked the life out of me. I will be back later on I guess. Thanks Hikari for comment :/
Rufus T said…

What about some suggestions for a place-name to be used by the Kilkeels were they to lose that minor title?

Say `Baron and Baroness Hardup of..(your suggestion)...Bottom?

While not a Bottom as such how about Baron and Baroness Devil's Arse. It's a real place honest.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Jen's Dad Ron Meyer out as vice chairman at NBCUniversal -- (hat tip LSA)

Wonder what this means for Megs? Didn't someone say not too long ago that M and J were on the outs? Maybe I read it wrong ...
D1 said…
"it's probably fair to remember that for the first 2+years of their marriage W&K lived in Wales and did few royal events"

Harry & Meghan were offered the same arrangement when they married.
Wondering why they decided to "Hit the ground running" instead.
abbyh said…

Married on Botswanna - I like the idea but marriage, to be legal, has certain requirements which include registering. It sounds like there is a common law marriage (meaning without looking into it) which sounds on the surface like what we have the States but is not.,the%20%E2%80%9Ccommon%20law%E2%80%9D).&text=Marriages%20under%20the%20Act%20are,National%20Registration%20(Omang)%20office.

Omid and the they are returning to charity - keeping them in the news and "promises to return to do the charity across the pond
Oh yeah, right. They have opportunities there. Even ones they have worked with already (meaning having an existing relationship) who they could revisit.
To me, personally, one shots which are really photo ops don't count as real charity. Showing up, week after week, that's real charity. In my opinion of watching people over the years.

Plastic surgery - I knew someone who did their eyes (Upper, lower) and neck. They were very happy with it but were willing to admit that there was some fix this now creep desire creep into their thoughts but have chosen to stop there as they were content with how they look.

Blithe Spirit said…

W&K were in it for the long haul. The Duo were not. And M wanted to merchandise the hell out of her short-term duchess act!
Miggy said…

Also, when W & K lived in Wales, Wills was working as a search and rescue helicopter pilot, so less time for royal events.
unknown said…
'But I think it's hypocritical to find excuses for W&K when they seem to have done many of the same things H&M have done (in terms of official work duties, NOT in terms of demeanor.)

Your post appears in my opinion defensive biased in favour of H&M .Whilst you are possibly trying to appear fair /balanced in your assesment in my opinion you appear more than critical of W&K perhaps even dislike W&K for whatever reason you appear defensive of the Harkles.
There is no simply no comparison in my opinion .
However it has been said before this blog not an echo chamber therefore you are entitled to your opinion of course
I'm just so dismayed that any poster could defend H&M after that ghastly book or after the whole fiasco of their time in the Royal family
D1 said…
@Blithe Spirit
W&K were in it for the long haul. The Duo were not. And M wanted to merchandise the hell out of her short-term duchess act!

Yep, Harry believed Meghan was going to be a good team player, what an idiot.

Also, when W & K lived in Wales, Wills was working as a search and rescue helicopter pilot, so less time for royal events.

Harry had the option of a desk job in the services but threw his toys out of the pram. He wanted to be in the "thick of the action"
He didn't care that his presence put others at risk. He's always been self centered.
@Rufus T,

Yes, the Devil's Arse - suitably subterranean!

Also, the Welsh name for the Devil's Kitchen (above Cwm Idwal) is Twll Du (Black Hole). I gather, the term is used, but not in polite company, for that particular part of the anatomy!

I liked `Grim and Bare It' above (@Neutral Observer?)

I've just discovered Sam Markle at

Such a shame her final post was on Christmas day last - she's got some splendid comments there.

`Meghaneezer Scrooge' for example.
Miggy said…
I've mentioned this before on here and have searched for the article to no avail but I distinctly remember reading that the Queen was sympathetic towards William and Kate for wanting to spend more time with their children before taking on the responsibilities that lay before him.
Miggy said…

Agree with you 100%. Hazza is a complete and utter prat!
NeutralObserver said…
Owing a mortgage to a Russian guy nicknamed Scarface isn't an indication of finances & careers on the upswing. I didn't answer Nutty's question in my 2 earlier comments. The book & the house have further damaged the Harkles' reputation, but if the mortgage rumor is true, & they've really resorted to dodgy, dead-horse's-head-in-the-bed lenders, they'd done a lot of damage to themselves before these 2 things were publicized.If they were in good standing with Charles, or had their own funds, they wouldn't have needed this infusion.

My little riff on pet royals kept by big financial institutions wasn't entirely clear, the 'baubles' I mentioned were a bank's way of saying,' Our books are balanced, we're more than solvent, we're profitable, & most importantly, we're respectable.' The in house royal helped say that. For a country it's the same thing. If a country is prosperous, peaceful and well-run, it can afford to have a purely decorative item like a royal family. What country is that in the last year? As Tanya Gold pointed out in her NYTimes article, most of the BRF understands perfectly well that their position is only secure at the people's pleasure. Philip's family was run out of Greece penniless, the Romanovs were slaughtered. The Queen & Charles probably know their history very well, hopefully William does too, but as some have hinted, he might not be entirely eager to take on the burden of the throne. Who knows?

The Harkles seem entirely clueless. They've antagonized both their source of funds & the population at whose pleasure they were supposed to have served. If Britain becomes a republic, it's entirely possible that a hostile regime might not only annex what is now considered 'the Crown's,' but also the RF's private wealth as well. It's happened in other countries. What would Megs complain about then?
Miggy said, I've mentioned this before on here and have searched for the article to no avail but I distinctly remember reading that the Queen was sympathetic towards William and Kate for wanting to spend more time with their children before taking on the responsibilities that lay before him.

Yes I’ve heard and read this too. If I remember correctly, I heard/read that she enjoyed the brief time she and Philip had in Gibraltar, but was cut short when she became Queen. She wanted the Cambridge’s to relish the time they had as a family before embarking on more royal duties.
Miggy said…
@Raspberry Ruffle,

Yes!! We must have read the same article. Thank you! :)

I read it too.

HM was only too aware that circumstances had robbed her of precious time with Charles and Anne, for which there could be no compensation.She'd had a brief taste of that life when she was in Malta with Philip but that life as young newly-wed, with first one then two tiny children, ended all too early.

Her father's illness and death forced her into public life much sooner than it should have done.
@RR -

Great minds think almost simultaneously!
Miggy said…

Thank you, that's quite correct.

I was seriously beginning to think I'd imagined it. :)
Girl with a Hat said…
About plastic surgery - I had some fillers done and also some Botox. The doctors seem to encourage you to do more, more, more! But a sane person will do the minimum posdible before deciding to do more the next time if necessay. I only had 1 doctor not push more on me and when it's not the doctor, it's the technicians telling you about the new procedures and how this procedure will do this or that. However, I and normal people realize this all costs a lot of money and wonder if the results are going to make one look plastic.

Start with one syringe split into half for each side of the face. Come back once the swelling comes down. And fillers only last 6 months maximum so it's a recurring expense. Botox only lasts 3 to 6 months
Grisham said…
Uugh, I just got slimed by my narc.

I’m sitting here and got a push notification from find my. Phone: “your narc” is now sharing her location with you. Would you like to share your location with her?”

Dammit, she found a new way in that I didn’t even know about, so I had to do into the app and double check and fix settings, etc.

This is after nearly a year of no contact.
Hikari said…

I have not finished all of your response about Will and Kate’s working hours, but just wanted to put my hand up as the poster you were responding to. I think you had Cat Eyes in the header.

You seem to be defending the Harkles’ work ethic on the grounds that Catherine cancelled a scheduled appearance with the Irish Guards once 7 years ago. I have heard this incident referred to multiple times As an example of Catherine shirking her duty and acting like a lazy entitled cow. Perhaps she wasn’t feeling well that day, or it was raining and she just couldn’t face smiling and going through it. Perhaps the mother of two was tired. I’m not disputing that she let down the Irish guard that day and there would’ve been many disappointed people, it’s just that this one incident is continually dredged up as Kate’s unwillingness to work. If that’s the only one in seven years then it’s the exception that proves the rule. Meg’s very brief tenure as a Royal is littered with anecdotes about how she arrived late and left early to nearly every engagement—I’m sure she was on time for Beyoncé and they had to pry her out of there when it was time to go home—But for patronage visits not involving Hollywood mega celebrities she was more often than not Dismissive, rude and left after at their minimum.

Meg likes to whine about how the expectations for her were so much higher than everyone else, when in fact the opposite is true and she was given an astounding amount of Leeway to do if she liked as the newbie Black American hope of the royal family. Kate’s still being roasted For one time she was a no-show at an event, or the time she had a wardrobe malfunction After not weighting her skirt hem. The expectations on her are extreme. She will be queen one day so maybe this is fair, but it seems like her limited number of gaffes are always brought up whenever Meg and Harry’s conduct is criticized. I mean in general, not just by you. The two are separate entities and should be evaluated as such.
lizzie said…
@D1 wrote in response to my comment about W&K's time in Wales while Will was in the RAF,

"Harry & Meghan were offered the same arrangement when they married. Wondering why they decided to "Hit the ground running" instead."

I don't think we really know the details of that offer (including whether it ever happened.) According to the Sun, the offer was no titles and Meghan could keep acting. That's not quite the same deal the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were given. And IF they had taken it, what was "Prince" Harry supposed to do? Keep trailing around after W&K? Sure, he could have stayed in the military if he'd had his act together, but he's been out since June 2015. That was a done deal long before he met Meghan.

I don't really have sympathy for M&H because I do think they blew it. But some of the ways they are now found wanting here don't make much sense to me. Failing to hang out in Sussex?

According to the Telegraph when speaking about the petition to strip the titles,

"Thomas Mace-Archer-Mills, founder of the British Monarchists Society, went as far as to claim the petition was indicative of a troubling rebel movement brewing in the region."

"This certainly highlights that Brighton and Hove is a hotbed of Republican dissidents and is now proven to be so."

Why expect them to go there more than once?

And on a related note

@Unknown wrote a post criticizing my previous post and ended with

"I'm just so dismayed that any poster could defend H&M after that ghastly book or after the whole fiasco of their time in the Royal family."

Well, I'm dismayed we are supposed to hate everything H&M did or didn't do (whether it's true or not.)

My "defense" of H&M all started when someone said they had never even visited Sussex. But that wasn't true. The photo on the cover of that "ghastly book" was taken in Sussex. Then people said they only went once. I said but they weren't working royals for long (and that was their fault, no argument there.) Then I was told 14 months is 420 days so they could have squeezed in several day visits to Sussex by private jet in 420 days. Then when I mention numbers of events carried out by various royals in 2019 and W&K's numbers were low (with Will doing only 10 more events in 2019 than Harry and M on mat leave for some months) that's suddenly unfair to W&K because they have 3 children and Harry only had one born in May 2019.

I don't agree with much Meghan's defenders say but I am starting to feel there sometimes is a very different standard for H&M than for W&K. Things W&K can do, H&M could not.

And speaking of double standards, I looked at CB for the first time after about a year. yesterday. Read Kaiser's strong critique of the outfit Amber Heard wore to a mosque in Turkey. Head scarf didn't cover all of her hair, her arms were covered but the neckline too low... But I'm sure she said M's short-sleeved, V-necked, hair everywhere mosque outfit was just fine. So it goes both ways.
Seabee666 said…
There's been lots of arm chair psychologists diagnosing Meghan with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. According to the Mayo Clinic, NPD sufferers:

Have an exaggerated sense of self-importance; Have a sense of entitlement and require constant, excessive admiration;Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it;Exaggerate achievements and talents;Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate; Believe they are superior and can only associate with equally special people; Monopolize conversations and belittle or look down on people they perceive as inferior;Expect special favors and unquestioning compliance with their expectations; Take advantage of others to get what they want; Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others;
Be envious of others and believe others envy them; Behave in an arrogant or haughty manner, coming across as conceited, boastful and pretentious; Insist on having the best of everything.

At the same time, people with narcissistic personality disorder have trouble handling anything they perceive as criticism, and they can:

Become impatient or angry when they don't receive special treatment; Have significant interpersonal problems and easily feel slighted; React with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person to make themselves appear superior; Have difficulty regulating emotions and behavior; Experience major problems dealing with stress and adapting to change
Feel depressed and moody because they fall short of perfection; Have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, vulnerability and humiliation.

After reading this, I'm convinced Meghan Markkle is a very sick woman who is incapable of understanding herself or her actions.
HappyDays said…
Miggy said…
Now they want to be Hollywood royalty! Prince Harry and Meghan Markle 'are pitching a top secret project to network execs and intend to serve as joint producers'

@Miggy: I am thinking part of this move is because Meghan’s acting skills are so limited that she didn’t have Hollywood bigshots lining up to beg her to take the lead role in dozens of projects, so now they’re trying to become producers.

I still think her bad professional reputation and her and Harry’s public antics, plus the arrogance and backstabbing of the royal family and the citizens of the UK will continue to follow them.

Their reputation will no doubt be considered by anyone in Hollywood with half a brain who is looking for business partners. If I was an investor I wouldn’t invest ten cents in any project associated with the Harkles as I think they can’t be trusted in a business deal. I also think that MWX might be the name of their production company.
Hikari said…
Sorry, if the Irish guards incident occurred in 2016 then it was only a few years ago not seven. I must be mixing it up with some thing else from 2013.
Grisham said…
@lizzie if you correct things that are obviously wrong, you can get labeled a sugar or a contrarian by some here. I try to shake it off, but sometimes I feel the need to get a word in about it.

Carry on.
Miggy said…

Quite! It's simply another one of her harebrained schemes.

Anyone with common sense will steer well clear of the pair of them, for all the reasons you cited above.

Can barely contain myself wondering what their next step will be......😄

CookieShark said…
I think they've had their worst week yet.

The book is a PR disaster and has bombed just like the lead up to the wedding, the birth announcement, Wimbledon (Part I &II) the SA tour, the Christmas card, Megxit, Archewell, and now the mansion debacle.

They have been lecturing us since 2016, demanding privacy and deeming nations racist. At the same time they are more than happy to cash in on the royal perks and they're not stopping now. If they were just greedy airheads it would be forgivable, but their relentless criticism of others is the height of hypocrisy.

A "young mother" concerned for her privacy would never have such a lavish and advertised baby shower (on another continent)! and then complain later she felt she had to "serve the baby on a platter." But isn't that exactly what happened with the Tutu visit?

He made some very offensive statements that were indeed racist. She is dragging the RF down into the gutter with her, but she's happy to let them foot the bill for their luxurious lifestyle. Shocking that they are just now getting called out on it.
Grisham said…
@portcitygirl I would say check daily mail? Not sure, offhand...
CookieShark said…
@ HappyDays I always enjoy your posts, particularly your recent Question/Answer. You hit the nail on the head.

According to Celt News on YouTube, there was a rumor that she was caught taking unauthorized pictures of the Palace (this was before they were engaged or married I think). Allegedly, PC was furious and immediately sent her back to CA, even arranging for pap shots at the airport to confirm that she was back there (who knows). I would 100% believe this and it wouldn't surprise me if this was one of the first slights she felt. So, in her mind, if she was punished for taking pictures, what better way to destroy them than with a tell-all book?

If this incident is true, the courtiers had every reason to be wary of her. And it gives PC's nickname for her (Tungsten) even more context.
Portcitygirl said…

I need more than that. I'm waiting.
@Flore said…
I would say worse but whatever the outcome she will always be the winner. She’s made it: global fame, royal title, and wealth beyond her wildest dreams. Now, sitting in her mansion that she must have been daydreaming about since she was a teenager, she has started her comeback story. Her narrative has been sooooo predictable and obvious from day one: coming back to CA as a real life duchess who had to flee the mean, vicious, sexist and racist British press and people. Of course, the BRF would have done nothing to protect her thus forcing her prince to quit everything for her. In theory, it’s a brilliant narrative: she comes across as this incredibly lovely woman who is adored by her husband who would stop at nothing to keep her happy and safe. Unfortunately for the hustler, she hasn’t been able to play the part! After all, her poor acting skills were always the reason why she never made it in Hollywood!
In its own tragic way, the BLM’s recent revival served her narrative because poor Meagain has been a victim of racism. She knows oh so well the agony of being discriminated against. For their first public appearance at the invictus games in Canada, she made sure that her California based mother was there.
Since the hustler has fair skin and thanks to plastic surgery has erased all features relating to her heritage, Doria - who is clearly an African American woman - had to be there to show the whole world that MM is of mixed race. She never had any interest in the UK or the BRF; its all a means to an end.
In a way, this book is all about her. She is described as someone who is too good to be true. Ridiculous of course but what’s more troubling is the way it describes Harry the hapless. She is laying the ground: he has some temperament and jealousy issues and SHE is his sounding and soothing board. He could snap at any time then. Although, I believe she will stay married for years to come as long as he’s serving a purpose, any purpose. I hate to say this but I suspect her of preferring a widow status over a divorcee one. She would be the Jackie of her generation. Narcissistic personality knows no moral boundaries and quite frankly she seems borderline and dangerous.
As for her going into politics, I don’t think she wants to. Her political opponents will dig every inch of dirt from her past. Plus, she will have to mingles with the masses to shake hands and hold babies. It’s beneath her. In my opinion, she wants to be the next Oprah. She wants a platform to lecture everyone around AND become a powerful billionaire. Delusional but what better way than becoming a host to another talk-show where she will have full control over the whole narrative and her public image??
Grisham said…
It’s possible I misunderstood something or it was chatted in Dm comments 🤷🏼‍♀️
Grisham said…
I’m in a car line at a pharmacy and running errands, so I can’t do a deep dive right now, running errands and on iPad
MB said…
Meghan loves to characterize everything she does as being "secret." Does she think this somehow makes her extra special? Thats a rhetorical question.

Anyway, nothing remains secret for long with her around. Harry can't be so obtuse as to not realize she was leaking information as early as fall 2016 can he? That is another rhetorical question.
If you google Finding Freedom on Amazon books, the title listed after Harry and Meghan’s hagiography is: When to Walk Away: Finding Freedom from Toxic People, by Gary Thomas.

Miggy said…
@Golden Retriever,

That's hilarious! 😆😂
WBBM said re Great minds think almost simultaneously!

Only you correctly remembered it was Malta and not Gibraltar! ;o) lol I’m pretty sure I heard about (rather than read) their short stay on a royal documentary, the trouble is that I watch so many documentaries that there’s a mishmash of info in my head! Lol
MB said…
@flore. I agree with what you said about Meghan and why she would not enter politics. Also agree about the "Oprah" type platform she would seek.
Grisham said…
Oh forget it now, that was a bit much.

I Stan the Middleton’s and think they are a wonderful family,
Dallas Alice said… This is where I first saw the Pippa info.
Dallas Alice said…
Is it a “receipt”? Nah, but it’s not a figment of Tatty’s imagination.
Grisham said…
@dallas Alice thank you! I knew I didn’t make it up. I felt bad for pippa if true and I saw it as a problem of the upper class. I hope it isn’t true, but innocent to believe because Pippa is the future queen’s sister that no man would cheat on her. Um, hello.... many rumors about PP!!
Dallas Alice said…
@Tatty-no prob. I was a daily CDAN reader back then and remembered it as soon as I saw your comment.
Dallas Alice said…
And, as someone of advancing age who can’t remember what she had for breakfast, that tells me I need to re-evaluate my life. LOL
Grisham said…
@dallas Alice you know how Enty is. He says shit about all the royals and the families. I must have seen the claim more than once since I only go here and used to go there (haven’t been there in a while and went today and enty is on about power grid failure lol, so I hopped off).

He is probably FOS about Pippa and I sure hope he is.
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Grisham said…
@alice, yeah, we are in a pandemic though so for me it’s gardening and Nutty. Lol. We might all need to re-evaluate our lives after this.
Dallas Alice said…
I am on dy two of “virtual learning” with my kid and I’m ready to self-immolate. These are some WEIRD times.
Grisham said…
@alice I’ll have a drink for you. Mine all left for university so I’m paying rent for them to stay in their respective cities whether they go online or not. I like my empty nest.
Grisham said…
Finding freedom is the #1 best seller in the UK
Hikari said…

After reading (about NPD), I'm convinced Meghan Markle is a very sick woman who is incapable of understanding herself or her actions.

The anecdotal support for this diagnosis for Meg is pretty overwhelming.

If you are interested in diving further into NPD, I can recommend the 'Narcsite' by HG Tudor. The creator is a self-identified Narcissist who has made it his mission to educate the non-narcissist about what to look out for in avoiding Narcs and how to deal with one in your life/successful strategies for extricating yourself from a toxic relationship with one. He claims that his blog began as some sort of court-ordered therapy and he found he enjoyed it. Perhaps. Though the author does take a rather superior/lecturing tone to his audience (as might be expected, if he deems himself superior to the lower life forms reading his blog . .ie, the 'Prey') he is very thorough at stripping away all the Narc's little tricks and secrets. It is this helpfulness and philanthropy that makes me question whether he is really and truly a Narcissist or if he is just a clinically-trained mental help professional or hobbyist having a bit of a jolly. Whatever his motives, his information is very helpful and insightful, and anyone dealing with a Narc in their lives should definitely read him. Since the engagement of Harry and Meghan, he has been periodically writing a series entitled 'A Very Royal Narcissist'. The last entry was #13.

He must have seen Meghan and thought he hit the jackpot.

For what it's worth, he classifies Meg as a Mid-Range Narcissist. He says this means that MM has no ability to recognize or moderate her behavior as stemming from a mental disorder. She lacks the requisite awareness and operates from a purely instinctual, reactive place. She is manipulative and vindictive, but these actions appear to her to be perfectly 'normal' reactions. There is no 'Master Plan' except in the very broadest terms--Get Rich, Get Famous, Take Kate Down. She does not have the ability to manage details in the long-range and this, as we see, is her downfall.

So this illuminates why all her plans fall to sh*te, why she seems to go half-cocked so often to her detriment, and why a person of such privilege and opportunity would consider herself an innocent victim, ill-used by a heartless bunch of racists. She believes that she's a good person, who is entitled to anything she wants because she's just that awesome and there is a total disconnect between her negative behavior and negative consequences.

There did seem to be some awareness of her penchant for scheming to get ahead in the past (cf. "I'm such a fraud . .hahahaha!" when discussing, on camera, how she posed as a SAG card holder when she wasn't.) So I'm not sure how far I can buy into this, "She doesn't know what she's doing" business. It would make the Harkles' breathtaking hypocrisy more understandable--can it be that they REALLY do not see how their actions appear to the onlookers?

HG identifies Harry as an Empath, and hence the perfect target as Narc fuel for Meghan. I believed that of him in the very beginning--Diana's wounded, suffering boy, just looking for someone to love him and fill the yawning void created by the loss of his mother. I don't doubt that Diana's violent and sudden demise messed Harry up more than he already was, but I don't buy the Empath stuff any more. I think he's always been a greedy, self-centered whiny little tosser. His family has covered for him for 30 years and it's just coming out now. In the Harkles' messed-up dynamic, Harry may be Meg's handmaiden owing to being the weaker personality, but as far as I'm concerned, he is a Beta version of her, and he's found his Alpha. He's the Loeb to her Leopold, not any misguided in-love angel of pain who has lost his way.
Dallas Alice said…
@Tatty, I’m jealous. I’ve still got a few years to go before he hits the bricks, God willing and the creek don’t rise.
Portcitygirl said…
Following you Wullie'sBucket and thanks to Tatty
Dallas Alice said…
I just can’t help but think how incredibly exhausting their lifestyle must be-unnecessarily. All the scheming, shadiness, procurement, disbursement. I can’t speak to the narc side since I have only had a couple of family members who exhibited this type of behavior (and I kept them at arm’s length), but they were also poly-substance drug addicts.
Unknown said…
Lizzie and Tatty,

I support your assessment of the Cambridges and Sussexes. I don’t like either couple. All of the ‘younger’ royals have failed to pull their weight. Will lied about his work at air-rescue to get out of royal duties and the EAAA called him on it. Kate floated the idea of her retiring from public life to raise her kids several times in the press. I believe we would see much less of her now if the Sussexes hadn’t screwed up so spectacularly. A large part of the reason the Cambridges are having such good press now is due to the comparison with the failing Sussexes. The Sussexes are, in some ways, a boon to the Cambridges. But I think all of their work numbers are shamefully low. I understand that many here like the Cambridges, and that is fine. This is a site devoted to Sussex criticism after all. But a few people here are also critical of other members of the RF, and that is fine too.
SirStinxAlot said…
I am not sure how reliable In Touch magazine sources are, but as I was checking out at the grocery line Meghan had a front page cover. It said "Meghan wants monarchy to end after queen dies." Also, Meghan is pregnant again and trying keep a low profile with no drama this time. The same monarchy that gave her the title she clings to, a gift and favor home renovated for $3million, furniture lowance, over $1million wardrobe, security, travel, offices at the palace, staff, etc.
I paid for my cat food and just shook my head.
Oh Floof said…
Darn, that previous comment about liking neither the Cambridges nor Sussexes was mine. I failed to login correctly.
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Grisham said…
I suspect William knows the Monarchy as TQ has known it won’t be around in that way for him. First off, when Charles is ordained, and they do the bit about God anoints him, people might lose their minds. Who believes that these days? Gid chose the German and Greek and Danish family to lead England and have riches beyond comprehension over the people who are struggling? I’m sincerely doubting it.

It might very well be why HAMS Is making a grab for what they can right now. Once Charles has his presumable rather shore reign, who knows what William will inherit. So in that regard, I support the Cambridges slowing down and raising their children.
Grisham said…
Wulie, the rumor that MM is pg again is all over the internet: I know that much.
Hikari said…
After the now-publicized incident in the fall of 2016 when, during a visit to KP, Meghan was caught out trying to sneak photographs of the Cambridge residence and child(ren) to ostensibly sell, (just out of curiosity, is *that* incident addressed in the book by Scoobie-Doo? I'm guessing not), I think Meg had queered her pitch in the RF for good and all. She may have turned up a year later engaged to Harry, but she'd already tanked her chances with the RF due to that stunt. I believe the order was handed down that MM was not to be admitted to any Crown properties at any time without an escort, Harry's wife or no.

Tiara-gate . . perhaps Angela Kelly, loyal courtier that she is, had to fall on the sword as the gate-keeper of the tiaras and ensure that MM never got her greedy mitts on any. I don't recall any recap of "What Meghan wants, Meghan gets!" in Scobie's book, but the Queen has been depicted as saying "Meghan gets what she is given by me.'

HM may very well have chosen to give Madam nothing. Meg wore something that resembled the Queen Mary bandeau. If TQ had declined to make any tiara available to Madam, including the one that was her late grandmother's favorite . . I couldn't blame her. Nothing to do with racist sentiment on the part of TQ and everything to do with stunning rudeness and lack of manners toward TQ by the grasping bride and Harry who of all people should have known better.

The bare, uncarpeted floor, the sad lopsided wedding cake, the wretched wedding ensembles on the little girls and boys, Markle's flat messy hair and corpse-like makeup, and all the little touches that were completely half-a$$ed about this wedding really make it seem like it was a semi-DIY thrown together affair. Because maybe it was never supposed to actually happen until the 11th hour. The Harkles' subsequent increasingly ramshackle appearance and the opaqueness over where they were actually living makes me think that the machinery of Palace support had been completely withdrawn and they were on their own. Despite reports of wild parties and fireworks every night in NottCott, I wonder if this is true. I don't think Markle would have been permitted to live there. Perhaps she's the reason Harry got the Cotswolds place, to have somewhere to stick her, or she was just down the road at Soho Farmhouse. The Royals wanted nothing to do with either of the Harkles at all.

On the event of her cookbook launch, it was held in a tent on the KP grounds. Markle had wanted to hold it in the kitchens at KP, which would have been a more conducive site, but she could not enter the Palace. She was only permitted on the grounds because Harry had been pressed into service as her babysitter. Haz was high as a kite that day and so did not want to be there--at least that's what he acted like.

She's clinging so hard to this title of Sussex because other than the televised wedding and the carriage ride, it's the only 'royal' part of her fantasy that she actually got. TQ ws thowing massive shade with the Sussex, the Dumbarton & Kilkeel titles, the Duchess of Windsor death car and Frogmore Cottage. I've got no explanation for the massive wardrobe spending and the phantom reno costs, nor why these two deadbeats would be entrusted with another international tour to South Africa after the debacle that Australia had been. The Oceania tour had been planned for Harry solo and Meg was an add-on to prevent cancelling the whole thing.

In this light, I think "Archie" was her revenge against the RF.

The public only sees the tip of the iceberg. It seems to us that Meg got everything and threw it back in the RF's faces, but she was toast before she was ever a fiancee. I wonder if we will ever know the full story. Probably not.
JHanoi said…
lizzie- amber heard,, i cant stand her, but both MM and KAte and even Diana wear loose fitting scarves like Amber when they’ve visited
mosques before. maybe they should have worm burga’s? and people would then be happy? the world seems hyper sensitive these days.

Harkles vs Camberidges work ethic. -before the HAakles came along the Cambridges/ waity Kaity was a fovorite punching bag and it went on for 10 years or more. Camelia and PC are other favorite punching bags for decades. and they’ve had their work ethics examind in the minitia.
the Harkles critism has barely scratched the surface to what Cam and Kate have put up with over the years. since the Harkles have come on the scene and caused themselves one PR disaster after another it’s the Harkles turn, and such a quick turn because they were LOVED!!!! hard to believe they are and continue to be so self absorbed they are tone deaf.

PH probably did some behind the scenes work with Invictus and MM probably practised calligraphy on bananas for 100 hours.

In addition to behind the scenes work the overseas tours the Cambridges, Harkles, PC & Cam and Sophie went on should be counted for more time. The prep work, packing with dryer sheets, travel time , sprinkling royal fairy dust and being ‘on’ all the time are quite draining and hard work.

there’s a big difference between a family of 5 with 3 youngsters and a family of 2 then a baby.
Nutty Flavor said…
OK, just got out of bed and turned on comment moderation because everyone is sniping at each other. No thanks. I'll put any relevant comments through in the morning. Please don't do this.
Nutty Flavor said…
Before I go back to bed, from Variety:

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Are Pitching a Top-Secret Project to Hollywood (EXCLUSIVE)

The comments are not complimentary to the Sussexes.
Miggy said…

You're welcome :)

Like you, I'm also not sure which posts are actually Magatha's... and which were made by her clone. I'm aware that it's happened on here before but I didn't realise it was the second time for Magatha. (I actually had another poster in mind.) When I click on Magatha's name, ALL her posts have the same avi and the same date she joined this blog... so whoever is doing this is very clever!

As for reading the blog backwards - I'm often guilty of that too! It all depends on how much time I have to spare. :)
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
JHanoi said…
damn- we’re now on moderation.

Ron Meyer , Jen’s meyers dad?, just got axed from NBC Universal. i thought due to the possible kerfluffle between the BRF MM and Jen, Jen would cancel MM via dad. But now her dad is out! and the HArkles supposedly pitched their production scheme to NBC universal.
maybe there’s an outside chance they get a bite from Hollyweird?

Ron apparently had an affair with an actress. thats’ Standard operation procedure out there, i’m guessing most of Hollywood has cheated.
the US is going thru another puritanical phase.
Ian's Girl said…
Haven't Cringe and Bare It ( y'all keep me in stitches!) mentioned Netflix before? I mean, even as they were leaving? It seems like they made noises about that right after the Obamas scored a deal with them.

I never gave any thought about them never going to Sussex, because I assumed it was more of a figural thing, than them literally having any real connection to Sussex. It's not like it's an inherited title per se, like the Duke of Northumberland where there's a huge castle or manor house the ... I mean, do the Cambridges spend any amount of time in Cambridge?

Could someone point me to the Octomom/Cher video? I can't even remember the name of the event to Google it. TIA!

abbyh said…

The secret pitch to NBC? I'm sure it went about as well as could be expected (remembering the Jennifer Meyer's jewelry kurful and that her father is there).

I have not read CDAN in a while but I'm wondering how quickly some of the particulars will be posted there. Just enough to let people know but not enough to pinpoint the source.
Rainy Day said…
The article below appeared on the CTV News website, a major and even-toned news source in Canada. I thought it was well-written.

Thanks for the link to the Variety article, Nutty!

The comments are scathing and hilarious.

“If Meghan was older this would be Sunset Blvd in color…. with Norma Desmond & ugly AF feet.“ Just one of many that had me laughing out loud.

In Touch magazine is pure trash. Zero credibility. Zero.
Miggy said…
Why Harry was a fool to pick a fight with 'this woman': It's claimed the Duke of Sussex used the phrase to refer to the Queen's most trusted confidante – with shocking double standards over snobbery, writes RICHARD KAY
Richard Kay in The Mail:

Why Harry was a fool to pick a fight with 'this woman': It's claimed the Duke of Sussex used the phrase to refer to the Queen's most trusted confidante – with shocking double standards over snobbery, writes RICHARD KAY
Martha said…
Finally, an article in the Washington Times dares to express what most papers do not: Meghan “defaults to self-promotion”. My initial response to today’s question, would have been a resounding No! until I read this article. I despair that so many are blind to her, but perhaps the tide is turning.
Martha said…
I misread Nuttys question in my prior response....I said no because I thought the book wouldn’t interfere with those in the US who cannot see her for what she is. However, after reading the Washington Times article, I’m thinking and hoping that the blinders are off!
SirStinxAlot said…
Second to last paragraph of the article says "Prior to giving up their titles"...ROFL
Magatha Mistie said…


That you can’t appreciate
My words are full of fun, not hate
In the words of the Iconic
The everlasting Dionne Warwick
“Walk on by...”
HappyDays said…
Nutty, Thank you for the link to the Variety article. The comments are not complimentary.

I got a chuckle out of this one:

Steve Crawford
August 18, 2020 at 4:51 pm
Stevie Wonder could have seen this coming. She had a plan and is executing it. Harry is blinded by love. This will end badly.
As for FF being a bestseller, On Amazon US, it is a bestseller under "Royal Biographies."

On Amazon UK, it is a bestseller in position #8, having dropped from #6 place. Bob Willis' (a former cricketeer) autobiography is a bigger seller.

At Waterstones, it is a bestseller, but has an overall review of one star.

It is on no New York Times bestseller list.

I can't access the UK Sunday Times bestseller list, so I don't know if it is on there.
The Washington Post has a review of FF - the reviewer describes it as a "a narrative clearly steered by MM and JH, a fantasy written to explain away the fact that the British public ultimately rejected MM because of her own Marie Antoinette like behaviour and the virtue-signalling hypocrisy of the pair of them".
At WH Smith, I read up to hardcover best seller list #32, and it was not listed. It is not listed in the Top 100 non-fiction book lists there, either.

Between Waterstones and WH Smith and Amazon UK, I cannot see how it could be a best seller. Maybe on The Sunday Times?
Mango said…
Re Harry and his neglected appearance: In his Zoom videos he looks more and more like the Harry depicted in the Kyle Dunnigan satire videos on YouTube. Hazza is portrayed as an idiot incapable of even making toast without Meghan’s help. If you haven’t seen them check out, “Meghan Markle explains why she left the monarchy“ and “Meghan Markle is miserable“.

I was just on CDaN for the first time in ages and didn’t have to click much to find a Harkles’ blind. I don’t know if this nickname for Megs was mentioned on this blog, but one of the commenters referred to her as, “SkidMarkle”.

Fifi LaRue said…
@ Miggy: Everything the Harkles do is a "secret." Everything.

I read somewhere that the Harkles have not moved into the 16 toilet house, but are staying at Oprah's guest house.
I think this is another idea floated by Markle. As Hikari advised, assume everything is a falsehood when it comes from Markle.

From reading other celebrity sites it seems the book FF has been picked over, and comments are focused on Meghan peeing in the woods, and striking a yoga pose. I think they've made themselves a laughing stock.
Natalier said…
I couldnt find what Lizzie wrote but the thing about Amber Heard was that she pulled some hair out to the front of the shawl (like Meghan when she visited the mosque). The hair was messy. More importantly, Amber wore a silk or satin negligee dress, braless. Cleavage and her nips could be seen. Amber tried to make it about her scarf but it was actually about the entire way of her dressing when she visited the mosque and the cemetary there.
Natalier said…
Anyway, I don't pay too much attention to the Amber Heard mosque fiasco. IMO, she did it on purpose to detract from the video that was released in its entirety that day - same video that they claim showed Depp drunk, breaking glasses, abusing her.... The unedited version was released 3 days ago and it clearly showed Amber smirking and grinning at the end of the video. He never touched her - he said Bye and left the kitchen, lol.
Aquagirl said…
@Hikari: Idk if you’ve seen my recent posts over the past day or two. I commented that Angela Kelly was most likely told to keep MM away from the tiaras. I’ve also been of the opinion, all along, that the tiara she actually wore was fake. Also, yes, the wedding was last minute because they had offered MM a payout to cancel it, which she accepted. She then changed her mind. That’s why there is no carpet, her dress didn’t fit properly, the children’s clothes are a disaster, etc. Also, the wedding invitations were sent out quite late. (Oprah actually confirmed this, saying that she had a difficult time finding a dress on such short notice.) And PW did not confirm that he’d be Best Man until right before the wedding. I believe that, not only did the BRF not help her with the wedding, but they also tried to block her (making sure that top caterers were not available, etc.) The crying make-up artist said that there was no ‘practice session’ and he didn’t even know what she wanted until the day of the wedding. I find that quite odd, especially for a Royal wedding. Meanwhile, Serge Normant, her hairdresser, has said that he ‘only found out about the tiara a day or two before the nuptials.’ Her Hairdresser (who supposedly flew in for a ‘practice session’) DIDN’T EVEN KNOW ABOUT THE TIARA UNTIL A FEW DAYS BEFORE THE WEDDING??? This one quote tells me all that I need to know about this BS Royal Wedding. It was never supposed to happen.

Princess Beatrice’s wedding was planned in a matter of weeks, and was so more polished than this one, which had supposedly been planned over the course of six months. Yes, I know that her wedding was much smaller and intimate, but it’s all in the details. That fabulous dress which fit her absolutely perfectly, that tiara, which went with the hairstyle and dress so well, those unbelievable flowers (especially the floral arch) which were absolutely breathtaking....Meghan had none of this, and she looked like crap. The only point during the wedding day when she actually looked good was in the Stella McCartney dress for the evening reception, which, IMO, she could’ve purchased for an entirely different occasion (a la the $90,000 caftan which she supposedly intended to wear to the Oscars.)
Aquagirl said…
Re: Privacy

I’ve posted here before about a friend of mine and her husband who live in LA and work in the ‘industry’. I believe that my post was several months ago, as they are an interracial couple and that was the tie-in to this blog. They are quite happily married with two young children and a great, close-knit circle of family and friends. They do participate in industry events, and they’re on IMDB, etc., but they mostly lead private lives. You probably would recognize him if you saw him, but may not know his name. She was more well-known during her modeling days, prior to her current career as a writer. In any case, they are not A-list, but are quite successful in their careers and are well-known in LA.

They got married in a castle in the South of France. There were only 25 guests present, and I was lucky to be one of them. An amazingly beautiful, intimate wedding. They chose France, because they didn’t want to deal with the LA scene. (There most likely would have been paps.)

All this to say, it’s coming up on their 20th anniversary. There won’t be a party due to COVID, but I received an invitation yesterday from one of the other wedding attendees, inviting me to join a Zoom call on their anniversary. Lovely invitation, with a photo of them from when they were dating and a photo of them now (accompanied by the song, ‘Our Love Is Here to Stay’.) But the best part was the details: Bring your hearts, your love, and your bubbly. Please do not forward or share this invitation with anyone and please do not invite anyone else to join unless they received their own invitation.

In other words, only those who attended the wedding are invited. And we’ll do the same now as we did then (albeit from separate locations)— sit around telling stories and toasting the couple.

This is how real friends behave. They actively help keep their friends’ lives private.

Re the best seller listings for the books. I always remember a story my mother told about going to a concert by Dean Martin. He was on stage bragging about his album that had just gone gold. He ended by joking that if anyone didnt belive that he had sold that many records come see him at his house. He would take them down to his basement and show them the records because HE had bought them all.
Maybe FF is racking up sales the same way.
Sandie said…
The Sussexes probably regard all the attention they are getting because of the two books as pure gold in the time of the virus, but the criticism must be driving them crazy!
I think FF has overall done them more harm than good in terms of their reputation: 1. Critics have had their opinions confirmed and solidified. 2. Rabid fans remain enthusiastic, and sometimes dangerous, cheerleaders. 3. Those who were indifferent are unlikely to be changed by a trashy Hallmark book. 4. Those who gave them the benefit of doubt and positive coverage have become more critical, as we see in opinion piece in media such as The Telegraph and The Guardian.
Can they still be 'royal'? Charles and Diane recovered from the most trashy coverage of a marriage breakdown and divorce, so I suppose the Sussexes think they can as well. However, Charles did not declare war on the monarchy. Both him and Diane understood and supported the monarchy. People still misinterpret what Diane said. She did not say Charles would not be a good King at all. She said that the man she knew would find the role very restrictive and that would frustrate him..
Sandie said…
Shades of Gray sold more copies, and more quickly, than FF. Trash can be very glamourous but it has no real power.
Maneki Neko said…
A DM article says

The Duchess of Sussex regularly says 'oh dahling' after picking up a number of British phrases during her two years in the UK, it has been claimed.

Sources working in the Duke and Duchess's £11million mansion in Santa Barbara, California, said Meghan regularly uses certain very British words.

One told The Sun: 'She has adopted certain phrases. She's often heard saying "oh dahling".'

The headline also mentions that MM'slips into English accent and uses Britishisms'.

😂😂 No one goes around saying 'oh dahling' except 'luvvies'. I can't imagine MM using any 'britishisms' or 'slipping' into an English accent unless trying to impress (?) somebody.
Maybe she thinks it makes her sound 'posh' and refined? You know the saying about putting lipstick on a pig.
Aquagirl said…
@Craving A Martini: Love the Dean Martin story! It’s always been thought that either Megsy or her team bought up many copies of FF to make it appear to be a top seller.
I had a bit of a brainwave last night, I've thought of the perfect place-name for the dubious duo (and residence if the worst ever happens and they end up returning to the UK).

His/Her Raging Hypocrites, the Duke and Duchess of Foula.

Not only is the "foul" sounding name apt for those two, for additional amusement the original derivation of the name is "fugley":

The name "Foula" derives from Old Norse Fugley, "bird island":

They'd also have plenty of peace and quiet if they lived there, as well as being as far from the rest of us as possible:

With a population of around 30, Foula is one of Britain's most remote inhabited islands

Perfect for privacy as it's difficult to get to so the probability of paps should be lower than most other places (I know, not MM's ideal scenario, but they do keep claiming they want privacy...):

To get here, you can either catch a small twice-weekly ferry, which in winter is more often than not stuck in what might generously - if not very truthfully - be termed Foula's harbour, or take a tiny eight-seat twin-prop Islander aeroplane that flies whenever the prevailing force eight is kind enough to blast straight up or down, as opposed to across, the homemade landing strip. This does not happen every day.
(the rest of this Guardian article is a great read)

I'd got my eye on this island for myself if I ever won the lottery (the remoteness and peace and quiet are right up my street, it's a beautiful place), but I'm willing to give up my claim and donate it to the cause if it ever becomes necessary.
Enbrethiliel said…

That's a lovely story about your friends. And good for you for helping them with their wish to remain private!
Aquagirl said…
Thanks @ Enbrethiliel! Yes, their wedding was lovely. There was a rehearsal dinner the night before and a lunch the day after, but the best part, after the marriage ceremony itself, was that all 25 of us sat around one huge table during dinner and told stories about them. She was my former roommate in NY before/during the time that she met him, so you can imagine the stories that I had to tell!!

Aquagirl said…
@Lurking: I’d be happy to accompany you. Sounds like a dream!
There's a report on Yahoo & CNN that someone in the Lake Tahoe area has contracted plague.

I realise that it's a big place but can't help thinking that's a little more gilt of the gingerbread.

Barbara from Montreal said...
The Washington Post has a review of FF - the reviewer describes it as a "a narrative clearly steered by MM and JH, a fantasy written to explain away the fact that the British public ultimately rejected MM because of her own Marie Antoinette like behaviour and the virtue-signalling hypocrisy of the pair of them".

An excellent summary!


This last comment is to forestall any criticism of us being `armchair shrinks', saying we think MM has NPD, on grounds that it's `unprofessional'.

Well, this is just a reminder that we are not professionals, therefore not bound by codes of medical or other professional ethics, but many of us have been screwed over people like MM in the past and we recognise the pattern. I regard it as a duty to speak out - it's from experience!
Nobody seems to have picked up on `Diana the Musical'

Needed like a hole in the head?
@Lurking with Spoon

Foula? It's nicely remote, certainly. I've seen it from the sea but not set foot there.

Not quite so sure about `quiet' - bird cliffs are very noisy as seabirds have to screech at the tops of their voices to make themselves heard above the sound of wind and waves. Still, the smell's appropriate! All that guano...

I don't know either how good communications are these days - broadband even in rural areas of mainland UK can be appalling. I suppose satellites help. Even so, we live a town but can't get a mobile signal.

My #1 husband had to phone Foula Post Office some 50+ years ago (Telephone no: Foula 1) and had great difficulty. In those days, one had to get long-distance calls set up by the operator. He had to explain that to the clueless person at the other end of the line that the call had to be routed via Aberdeen.

Poor communications would be an advantage!

On balance, therefore, a very good idea to banish them there
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
@Wild Boar Battle-maid -- re: Express article on Diana, the Musical --

I suppose it was inevitable, tho I hadn't heard of it till you posted on it. My initial reaction is "ugh," which makes me one of those "purists" some people in the article sniffed at. Oh, well!

Speaking of the Express, every so often I succumb to dumpster-diving at their site, knowing full well they publish mostly recycled fluff -- but as a journalist, I can't help but admire their clickbait heds and ledes for how effective they are (while laughing at the constant use of boilerplate words like "heartbreak," "fury," "outrage" and so on ;)

But in a story titled "Queen stunned [hahaha!] after Harry and Meghan's 'extraordinary' plot to meddle in royal protocol" -- I came across this:

Finding Freedom claims that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex set in motion plans for their departure from the Firm, dubbed "Megxit", during their time off in Canada and notified the Queen and Prince Charles by email. Royal commentators Katie Nicholl and Emily Andrews joined Channel 5 documentary, 'Meghan & Harry: The New Revelations', to speak about the insights offered.

[Andrews said] "Harry and Meghan didn't want to keep doing things the way they are done.

"The monarchy wasn't going to change things just for them.

"The monarchy's a supertanker, it just keeps on going and ploughing its own furrow."

Ha! And the Harkles are a dinghy (a dingy dinghy at that) ;)
LavenderLady said…
Well, this is just a reminder that we are not professionals, therefore not bound by codes of medical or other professional ethics, but many of us have been screwed over people like MM in the past and we recognise the pattern. I regard it as a duty to speak out - it's from experience!
THIS^^^^^ right here!

Years ago when I was younger and dumber, I was in an intense relationship with a man I loved fiercely. I was convinced he loved me just as much. Long story short, he jerked me around for years. The entire time he had another woman whom he had a child with. In time he married the woman all the while still smoozing me up and I had zero clue what he was up to. When it hit the fan, I outed him big time to a few key people. I can only imagine the reaction of the wife within the confines of that home... Yikes.

The biggest lesson?

He was a PhD Psychologist. I realize now who better to bend the H out of someone's mind than a professional shrink? They know all the tricks.

True story. So just because someone is a "professional" it doesn't make them ethical and trustworthy.

I feel it's very unfair to assume because we are not "professionals" that we can't know when someone like La Markle is a narc. Especially when she shows all of the classic signs.

There are so many great resources now online on how to identify NPD.
Thinking more about Foula -

The direct flight from Lerwick is about the same distance as Lands End to Scilly, a trip we did last September in an Islander - I felt we were being popped into a pea pod! Can you imagine Megsie allowing herself to be weighed before being assigned a seat according to what's necessary to trim the aircraft? Given that Oprah is reported to have done a `Don't you I am?' when she realised she couldn't choose her seat in St George's?

We flew from Lands End in the Islander, our Twin Otter flight from Exeter had had to end at Newquay the previous day, landing sideways, thanks to poor weather.

No power on earth would get me on the ferry, Scillonian III - not for nothing is that ship called the Big White Stomach Pump:

and for a poetic take on it.

Anyway, we had delightful flight as the weather had changed and it was a lovely day. Until then, the smallest plane I'd flown in was a DC3 - a Jumbo by comparison!

With any luck, the H$Ms be stranded on Foula for months at a time - no chance of being able to land a private jet there, the airstrip's less than 500m.

It doesn't hurt to dream.
@Wild Boar Battle-maid, I hadn't thought about the wildlife being considered as noise lol I was thinking more lack-of-people peace and quiet but you have a point. I don't think it'd bother me personally, but it would probably drive her guano loco - especially as you can't sue a wild bird for being a noise nuisance.

I'm assuming that weather poor enough to prevent small plane flights would also affect helicopters? Just had the horrible thought that they might just build a helipad for themselves to get around access...

Scanning through for typos before posting - realised I should have said "might just get a helipad built for them at someone else's expense", my bad! lol
@Pink Peony

Thanks for sharing your story - it must have been traumatic. I hope you've managed to find closure on it.

This blog has helped me - anything that confirms the reality of what these people are capable of is an aid to recovery.
They might do better with a helicopter but I don't know. If choppers can cope with air-sea rescue they probably would be an improvement on fixed-wing job. Did H really qualify to fly one or was that just PR?

Would MM tolerate being dive bombed by a bonxie (Great Skua) or Arctic Terns? Perhaps the `hair' would be adequate protection?
LavenderLady said…

You're very welcome :)

It was one of the hardest things I had ever been through. I was vulnerable at that time, of course which he knew and pounced on.

I did eventually find the much needed closure but for years I dealt with uncertainty, which I know now can really mess with a person's mind. I don't need a PhD to know this because I lived it dealing with him. Narcs thrive on creating uncertainty.

I agree that having a safe place to go to discuss many different things (in context of the blog's theme) is very therapeutic.

I appreciate your kind response :)
xxxxx said…
Wild Boar Battle-maid said...
They might do better with a helicopter but I don't know. If choppers can cope with air-sea rescue they probably would be an improvement on fixed-wing job. Did H really qualify to fly one or was that just PR?

Has Harry flown helicopters after the Army? I don't know. While in the army he qualified as secondary co-pilot. Ready to take over if the lead pilot gets injured in combat. From what I read he was never the primary pilot. He was not good enough, very few are for combat situations. You need nerves of steel and the training and the IQ
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Paparazzo says -- "There's a team of guys, multiple agencies, that are up there now and are patrolling.

"Now Meghan and Harry are there, I don't think they're leaving any time soon."
He added: "Everyone wants to get them now. That tight group of photographers who are up there, they'll get them at some point."
SwampWoman said…
BFF's son was a helicopter pilot in Afghanistan, now in charge of training people stateside. He is tentatively planning to be a search and rescue helicopter pilot when he retires. The hard part is planning where to retire TO. That island sounds like just his kind of place (grin) but NOT his wife's kind of place.
CatEyes said…
@Wild Boar Battle-maid

That occurrence of Bubonic plague ('Black Death') at Lake Tahoe is not unheard of although rare. Commonly in California it is found in infected fleas on ground squirrels in other parts of the state. But rats and other small mammals can be hosts.

It is a concern because of the abundance of rats in Los Angeles now associated with the homeless. The following gives a perspective of the extent of the homeless and the rise of disease associated with their waste and unsanitary living conditions:

"California, despite being one of the highest-taxed and biggest-spending states in the US, boasts homeless and poverty rates that are among the highest in the nation. According to new census figures, 1 in 6 residents live in poverty, and California’s Gini coefficient—a measure of inequality—is identical to that in the Republic of Congo.

According to a new HUD report, 53% of all recorded homeless people in the US live in California, which experienced an increase by 16.4% from 2018 to 2019 while the rates decreased in other states across the country. Among the estimated 151,000 homeless people in California, about 10,980 are veterans.

Given the unsanitary conditions homeless encampments foster—trash, used hypodermic needles, human waste, and explosion of rat and flea population—California is experiencing a resurgence of infectious disease some of which have not been seen since the Medieval ages—typhus, typhoid fever, hepatitis A, tuberculosis, staph, and the presence of Bubonic plague.

The rat population in downtown Los Angeles has grown so massive that it is overrunning office buildings. Last year, Los Angeles Police Department’s (LAPD) downtown station was plagued with rats and other vermin infestation with one employee contracting typhoid fever, while infestation in City Hall also led to an employee contracting typhus. But long before the rats began invading civic departments, Los Angeles was already dubbed the “City of Rats” and had 167 reported cases of typhus in 2018.

Bubonic plague in California is found in most parts of the state except the southeastern desert region and the Central Valley.

Wild rodents in rural areas are the principle source of plague in Los Angeles county, and since 1979 there have been three cases of human plague contracted within the county—two of which were through rodent fleas and the third from a pet cat infected with the plague. Currently public health authorities have detected evidence of plague in both feral and free-roaming domestic cats, which prey upon rodents infected with the plague or transport plague-infested fleas.

Article dated February 2020

Dallas Alice said…
LA just sounds absolutely delightful. 😬
CookieShark said…
Did FF confirm she ran the SR Instagram?
If so then it seems she was the one making posts to compete directly with other members of the RF
NormaD. said…

It did confirm via People (the Harkles alleged mouthpiece)
Meghan Markle Wrote Her Own Instagram Captions for @SussexRoyal During Pregnancy, Book Claims
Meghan Markle Wrote Her Own Instagram Captions for @SussexRoyal During

Pregnancy, Book Claims
One of Harry and Meghan's "core frustrations" as part of the royal family was the "inability to speak for themselves," according to Finding Freedom

By Stephanie Petit
August 18, 2020 11.57am
NormaD. said…

It did confirm via People (the Harkles alleged mouthpiece)
Meghan Markle Wrote Her Own Instagram Captions for @SussexRoyal During Pregnancy, Book Claims
Meghan Markle Wrote Her Own Instagram Captions for @SussexRoyal During

Pregnancy, Book Claims
One of Harry and Meghan's "core frustrations" as part of the royal family was the "inability to speak for themselves," according to Finding Freedom

By Stephanie Petit
August 18, 2020 11.57am
NormaD. said…

It did confirm via People (the Harkles alleged mouthpiece)
Meghan Markle Wrote Her Own Instagram Captions for @SussexRoyal During Pregnancy, Book Claims
Meghan Markle Wrote Her Own Instagram Captions for @SussexRoyal During

Pregnancy, Book Claims
One of Harry and Meghan's "core frustrations" as part of the royal family was the "inability to speak for themselves," according to Finding Freedom

By Stephanie Petit
August 18, 2020 11.57am
Ralph L said…
Trooping the Color 2015: No beard
2016: Beard
He left the Army in June 2015, sez Wikipedia.
gfbcpa said…
Girl with a Hat:

Re: Botox and fillers - I stopped getting them for that reason. Once you start, it never ends. I have two deep "11" lines between my eyebrows. I started Botox (or Dysport, same injectible made by a different company) and I noticed a difference, but the lines were still there $400.00 later. Doc convinced me to do Botox, wait 5 minutes, then a filler (Restalyne) over the Botox. Now we are up to $800.00. It lasts about 3 - 4 months, even though they tell you 4 - 6 months. They also tell you that the more often you get injected over time, the longer it lasts. (Sounds like a sales pitch to me.) And the earlier (in life) you start, the better you will look (ditto). So now we are up to $2,400 to $3,200 a year, which unfortunately is not in my budget. I'd rather go on a couple nice vacations. I found a better solution to my problem. I call it "bangs."
SwampWoman said…
With all those rodents in LA and SF, seems that they should be worried about hantavirus as well. (I lived in Arizona when the new hantavirus emerged and nobody knew what it was, but the indigenous nation where it was first found blamed it on witches and white people.)
NormaD. said…
@Wild Boar Battle-Msud
Does this qualification mean Harry can fly his own chopper?

Prince Harry has qualified as an Apache helicopter commander, the Ministry of Defence has announced. The qualification marks the culmination of three years of training, and means he can now take overall control of the helicopter on missions.5 Jul 2013
Maneki Neko said…
I don't know what to believe any more. Now Scobie claims H&M and will return to the UK to resume their charity work once lockdown travel restrictions ease. I don't know if this was in the book.

The co-author of bombshell biography Finding Freedom, currently the best-selling book in the UK, said the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will undertake trips to Britain in both a private and professional capacity.

Speaking to Royal Central, Scobie said the couple 'love to get out there and be active in the field'.

I thought they didn't want to go back to the UK shown, in any case, is a 'toxic' and 'racist' place. Things not working out in California? And what charities would want them? Anyway, I think it's a tad late...

On the face of it, yes.
Maneki Neko said…
* the UK *which*,
CatEyes said…
@Swamp Woman

When I lived in So. Calif. there was a human who contracted it, however experts said that doing so is a 1 in 13 million likelihood, so very difficult.

"Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS), which is caused by infection with Sin Nombre virus (SNV), was made nationally notifiable in the United States in 1995. Since then, 71 cases in California residents have been reported."

"And even though 15-20 percent of deer mice are infected with hantavirus, Cobb explains, it's a rare disease for humans to contract, mostly because the virus dies shortly after contact with sunlight, and it can't spread from one person to another."

"Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome is most common in rural areas of the western United States during the spring and summer months. Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome also occurs in South America and Canada. Other hantaviruses occur in Asia, where they cause kidney disorders rather than lung problems"
xxxxx said…

Commander yes, this is a very nice term. But no way was Harry the lead pilot flying into a combat mission. Ya think? Harry as secondary and co-pilot yes. And even this might be what Harry did exclusively outside combat situations. There is always plenty of non-combat training going on.

The lead pilot is captain of a ship, meaning 20 lives on board depend on him to survive while possibly being under enemy fire. This is an ultra-serious role for any man to take on. Only the best can be trusted to do this right. Harry? No way was he qualified to do this.

And asking again. Did Harry fly helicopter in civilian life after the Army? Wills did.
xxxxx said…
Maneki Neko said...
I don't know what to believe any more. Now Scobie claims H&M and will return to the UK to resume their charity work once lockdown travel restrictions ease. I don't know if this was in the book.

For England/UK it is one plague after another. First Covid Virus and soon the (triumphant? lol lol lol) return of the intermittent plague known as The Gruesome Duo. Hopefully not. How much must England endure? If they return for a visit I know that annoying Granny and (bank of) Charles will be high on their to do list.
A follow-up to my comment above, quoting columnist Autumn Brewington of the Washington Post about MM's "Marie Antoinette-like" behaviour: The book Royals at War by Dylan Howard and Andy Tillett says that the Queen was absolutely aghast at MM's spending sprees. The BRF is notorious for its frugality (Princess Anne still wears outfits she bought in the 70s) and although they are very, very rich, they are careful not to flaunt their wealth. There's a reason HM makes sure the press gets a photograph of her taking the train to Sandringham every Christmas - she wants to make sure the British public sees her taking the train to spend the holidays with her family, just like any other grandmother would. This is something MM never grasped.

MM was like a kid allowed to run free in a candy store, grabbing as much as she could. Haute couture clothes, jewelry, private jets and on and on - the over-the-to spending never stopped.
SwampWoman said…
"And even though 15-20 percent of deer mice are infected with hantavirus, Cobb explains, it's a rare disease for humans to contract, mostly because the virus dies shortly after contact with sunlight, and it can't spread from one person to another."

I was referring to the plague of rodents in occupied buildings occurring now due to the homeless infestation. Not much sunlight inside buildings, plus the main means of spread is disturbing rat feces/dried urine/anything that rats may have soiled and aerosolizing it.
lizzie said…
#xxxxx wrote:

"Did Harry fly helicopter in civilian life after the Army? Wills did."

William had to receive additional training before flying in a civilian role. I expect that's typical.

"Prince William will begin a five-month training period for his Air Transport Pilot’s license in September, the Palace said. The process consists of 14 exams and a flight test...

Prince William will start his position as a co-pilot but graduate to a helicopter commander role once he is qualified."
@Ralph L;

Fair enough but I think he should have considered choosing between beard and army uniform at Trooping the Colour/getting hitched. Or did the connection with the Marines give him a `get out jail free' card?

I gather that beards are OK when on active service in a hostile Islamic environment (form of camouflage) but looking like John Mills trying to cross the desert to that ice-cold beer in Alexandria, when he's been on parade, is a no-no to me.

Doubtless he'd be able to point to portraits/photos of Edward VII and George V in Army uniform, both neat & tidy; moreover George V had served in the navy. Had Harry been in the Navy, like his father, grandfather and his great grandfather, he'd would have had better justification for it.

Still, it goes better with today's scruffy polo-shirt and he may not be seen on parade any time soon. Please God they don't turn up to any funerals.
SwampWoman said…
xxxxx said...
And asking again. Did Harry fly helicopter in civilian life after the Army? Wills did.

Now THAT is a question that I was wondering about.
CatEyes said…
I guess I'm a bit jaded according to what the Harkles undertake and I can't help but think they put out the 'return to UK and help with charities' blah, blah, blah, ad nauseam is to counteract the poor reputation they have now due to revelations in FF (and their previous vile actions about 'toxic' and racist' UK/BRF). They need to continue to get approval from the Queen and they desperately need money from Bank of Dad. They are so stupidly transparent.

Also by doing UK charity work they may be attempting to secure their titles. No doubt they read what the public thinks of them and Meghan is not so stupid to not think they need to look better at this point. But will they do it...return? I highly doubt it, but it looks good for them to say it. I hope the charities ask the Queen for a new patron although that could be a very delicate thing to ask. Seeing how the Monarch and Charles seem to have a soft spot for the Harkles, I am not confident they will get the kick in the butt they need (really they deserve to be kicked to the curb).
SwampWoman said…
Perhaps a better question about Harry's helicopter piloting would be "Would YOU want to ride with him flying the helicopter?" ("Hello, welcome to Grand Canyon tours, your helicopter pilot today will be Harry Windsor.")

He seems to be a *very* poor decision maker, so my answer would be "Oh, HELL, no!"
NormaD. said…
This maybe nore telling

Military veterans have come to Prince Harry's defence following comments made by Labour MP Emma Dent Coad, who has called into question his military record. The politician made headlines this week when she alleged that Harry had failed his Army helicopter pilot exams, while speaking at a meeting called Reigning in the Monarchy. She was quoted as saying: "Harry can't actually fly a helicopter… He tried to pass the helicopter exam about four times and he couldn't get through it at all so he always goes for the co-pilot." Now Harry's former colleagues and injured veterans have come to his defence.
Blogger SwampWoman said...
xxxxx said...
And asking again. Did Harry fly helicopter in civilian life after the Army? Wills did.

Now THAT is a question that I was wondering about.


I don't know for sure but I can't recall a single report of it.
So I'd say the probability of him flying a chopper in civilian life lies between 0.01% and zero.

Patronages: perhaps they are linked to the titles if they retain the one, they keep the other.

Difficult to ask for them to be removed, I imagine

What happened to the mental health issues for young mothers at time of Covid?

To the children's books she was going to write?

Rewriting the curriculum?

And all their other non-initiatives?
NormaD. said…
Part 2
Former Army Major Dr Jen Warren, who is the vice-captain of the UK's team at the Invictus Games in Toronto, told the Mail: "There are 550 people out here plus all their family and friends who will tell you that is [rubbish]. Harry is a hero." She went on to praise the Prince for his ten years of military service and his decision to found the Invictus Games, saying; "He talks to the competitors, he talks to the crowd, he doesn't shut himself off or put himself on show
Anonymous said…

("Hello, welcome to Grand Canyon tours, your helicopter pilot today will be Harry Windsor.")

NormaD. said…
Harry is grounded: Prince to stay in Army... but he will never fly combat helicopters again
By Mark Nicol Defence Correspondent For The Mail On Sunday
23:16 21 Feb 2015, updated 14:28 22 Feb 2015
NormaD. said…
Nowhere can I find any reports of JH flying piloting helicopters o
olo after he left the army maybe the training was too much Not just for Army but training as a solo civilian piolot being beyond his capabilities perhaps?
But Prince Harry has now decided never to fly a combat helicopter again.

The Prince, who spent five months in the cockpit of a gunship in Afghanistan, has opted to hang up his flying goggles, even though the Army is short of pilots.

Prince Harry, 30, or Captain Wales as he is called in the Forces, was expected to return to the skies with the Army Air Corps after arranging the Invictus Games – the Olympic-style event for wounded service personnel held in London last year.

But The Mail on Sunday can reveal he has told military top brass he wants to continue working with injured troops before returning next year to his parent regiment, the Blues and Royals.

This summer Harry will join a team of injured soldiers as they walk across Britain in aid of the charity Walking With The Wounded.

A senior source said: ‘Prince Harry has plotted his career path and he’s not going back to flying Apaches.

'Even though he loved the job in Helmand province and excelled in combat operations against the Taliban, he has effectively grounded himself.

‘A major factor was the amount of training he would be required to do to command an Army Air Corps squadron – a post that includes flying Apaches.

'He would also have needed to do a couple of rather draining desk jobs to prepare himself for such a leadership role.

‘Harry weighed this up and reached a decision. He knew it was no longer viable for him to go back to the Corps and try to climb that ladder.

'The opportunity for more Apache action had passed.’

Prince Harry, who is fourth in line to the throne, was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Blues and Royals in April 2006.

For security reasons he was refused permission to deploy to Iraq in 2007
NormaD. said…

Prince William and Prince Harry - helicopter training update
Published 17 April 2009
Prince William and Prince Harry are to begin new phases of their helicopter training with the Royal Air Force (RAF) and Army Air Corps (AAC) respectively following the successful completion of their courses to date.

Prince William – known as Flight Lieutenant William Wales – completed the refresher phase of his course in March, during which he undertook Basic and Advanced flying training on Squirrel helicopters at the Defence Helicopter Flying School (DHFS) at RAF Shawbury, building on the experience he gained during his attachment to the RAF in 2008. Prince William’s flying training included night flying, emergencies, practice forced landing and instrument flying.

Prince William completed approximately 56 hours of flying training during the refresher phase, building on the hours of flying training he had previously gained on his attachment to the RAF last year.

Most of the rest of Prince William’s refresher phase was spent in ground-based tuition, including meteorology, principles of flight, aircraft technology and navigation.

The Prince has now embarked on the next phase of his training, which is the Multi Engine Advanced Rotary Wing (MEARW) course which lasts until the end of the year. This phase of training uses the Griffin helicopter, a more advanced aircraft type than the Squirrel, and includes some specialist Search and Rescue training on the Search and Rescue Training Unit (SARTU) at RAF Valley in Anglesey.

All being well with Prince William’s progress, in 2010 the Prince will continue his training with the Sea King Operational Conversion Unit which is also based at RAF Valley. The role of this Unit is to produce Sea King helicopter aircrew for Operational Search and Rescue Flights.

Prince Harry – known as Lieutenant Harry Wales – is about to finish the Fixed Wing Phase of the Army Pilots’ Course at RAF Barkston Heath, which he commenced on 28th January. The Prince undertook his first solo flight – along with other course members – on 2nd March following nine hours of instruction.

The Prince has completed the last of his solo flying on fixed-wing aircraft and is now learning more advanced flying techniques including instrument flying and low- and high-level navigation. Interspersed between his flying are regular periods of groundschool covering a range of subjects of direct relevance to the next stage of the student pilots’ training on helicopters. All the course members will continue to be assessed right up to graduating onto the Squirrel helicopter at DHFS at RAF Shawbury in early May.

By the end of April, when the students are due to finish Elementary Flying Training, Prince Harry and his fellow course members will have undertaken at least 47 hours of flying each, of which six will have been solo.

Following the successful completion in October of the elementary helicopter flying programme at RAF Shawbury, Prince Harry would progress onto the Operational Training Phase (OTP) at the School of Army Aviation at Middle Wallop which would run for a further six months. If the Prince successfully passes OTP he would be provisionally awarded his Army Flying Badge (known as “Wings”). Along with his fellow course members, Prince Harry would then be streamed onto a particular aircraft type for further training. His “Wings” would be confirmed at the end of this

A speech delivered by The Duke of Sussex at a HALO Trust respect for those who serve their country at home or abroad. Thank you for the inspiration, thank you for the laughs and thank you for the memories! I’m so proud of everything we’ve achieved together. Once served always serving!” - The Duke
Maneki Neko said…

Emma Dent Coad is a controversial figure. She:s a socialist and a labour MP so no surp here. She has been criticised for comments considered in poor taste on more than one occasion. I wouldn't trust Hello magazine.

"In September 2017, Dent Coad was the subject of press criticism for comments about Prince Harry and his role as a British Army Apache helicopter pilot which she then withdrew. She later said that her remarks had been "a joke" which had been "taken the wrong way"."
Maneki Neko said…
* so no surprise here
Miggy said…
Meghan Markle is unveiled as surprise guest at virtual summit to encourage voting participation weeks after announcing plans to cast her ballot in the US presidential election.
LavenderLady said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
LavenderLady said…
Deleted to edit:

@CatEyes said,
I guess I'm a bit jaded according to what the Harkles undertake and I can't help but think they put out the 'return to UK and help with charities' blah, blah, blah, ad nauseam is to counteract the poor reputation they have now due to revelations in FF (and their previous vile actions about 'toxic' and racist' UK/BRF). They need to continue to get approval from the Queen and they desperately need money from Bank of Dad. They are so stupidly transparent.

Also by doing UK charity work they may be attempting to secure their titles. No doubt they read what the public thinks of them and Meghan is not so stupid to not think they need to look better at this point. But will they do it...return? I highly doubt it, but it looks good for them to say it. I hope the charities ask the Queen for a new patron although that could be a very delicate thing to ask. Seeing how the Monarch and Charles seem to have a soft spot for the Harkles, I am not confident they will get the kick in the butt they need (really they deserve to be kicked to the curb).
I agree with you. It's maddening the endless controversial tidbits Harry and his Thing throw out of their gilded pram on a constant basis. I wholeheartedly believe they do this as one huge mind F#@k to the British people. They do it because they can...who is stopping them?

I think it boils down to what I shared earlier about narcs thriving on creating uncertainty. The Thing is prolific at doing this. She will continue until someone stops them (he's just her lackey so I don't even count him in the planning of it. He does what she says, when she says it).

The more hand wringing she can create by whatever latest "news" or "plans" she can sling, the better the satisfaction she gets knowing people are on the edge wondering what she will do next. Classic narc.

Since it's fun for us plebs to discuss them and use them to get our frustration out in hosing them on a regular basis, it's important for the RF to take the stand "just because we're silent doesn't mean we're stupid and don't know exactly what you are doing".

They know the power that is contained in the silent flint of the double edged sword.

Seriously, they bring it on themselves with their never ending circus show. It's rather pathetic really how some people get their lopsided sense of self stroked. Her whole con is simply put, a toxic petri dish...

Just wish the retribution would come soon! But then we'd have to find a new set of nitwits to pick on! Lol.
xxxxx said…
Aquagirl said...
@Craving A Martini: Love the Dean Martin story! It’s always been thought that either Megsy or her team bought up many copies of FF to make it appear to be a top seller.

I read a Dean Martin bio about 15 ago. He was such a great entertainer. An interesting guy who lived somewhat in the shadow of Frank Sinatra. Dean was all around. Singing, hosting his variety show he would fly in at the last minute after the show was rehearsing all week. He would pretty much wing it and still do a superior job. Dean was in many movies. Westerns and as secret agent Matt Helm. Dean lived a great and fun life and partly because he did not take himself seriously.
What he did take seriously was when Dean Jr crashed his military jet into a mountain. Dean started to decline after this. This blow was too great.

"Dean Paul Martin’s Body Found After Jet Crash. BARBARA METZLERMarch 26, 1987 GMT. MARCH AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. (AP) _ Dean Martin’s son and a fellow crewman died instantly when their fighter jet slammed into a remote mountainside in dense clouds six days ago, officials said after finding the fliers’ bodies. Searchers found the remains Wednesday of Air National Guard Capt. Dean Paul Martin, 35, and …"

42 Intoxicating Facts About Dean Martin, The King Of Cool
Hikari said…
Deconstructing Harry's Career Path:

A senior source said: ‘Prince Harry has plotted his career path and he’s not going back to flying Apaches. Even though he loved the job in Helmand province and excelled in combat operations against the Taliban, he has effectively grounded himself. A major factor was the amount of training he would be required to do to command an Army Air Corps squadron – a post that includes flying Apaches. He would also have needed to do a couple of rather draining desk jobs to prepare himself for such a leadership role. Harry weighed this up and reached a decision. He knew it was no longer viable for him to go back to the Corps and try to climb that ladder.

So . . .Reading between the lines: Harry loved being in the thick of the action in Helmand, firing bullets at the Taliban just like he was in a live-action video game. The Prince, an avid gamer, told fellow squaddies, "It's just like Tour of Duty but real! Dead brilliant! Of course, it was up to Captain Wales's senior pilot to ensure that the Royal arse was not blown out of the sky.

When informed that to advance his career in the Army any further, rigorous further training in combat ops along with some intellectual-type administrative work necessitating applying bum to seat and comporting himself as a grown-up in an office setting, all of which would help demonstrate his 'leadership quality' Hazza replied "Sod that."

no longer viable for him to go back to the Corps and try to climb that ladder means:

1. Harry was too dim to do the work, and
2. The Army brass and his fellow squadron mates did not want him back in the Corps.

Invictus was a good fit for Harry, but his involvement is just as the figurehead role. The Games only happen every two years and though there is ongoing detailed planning in the interim, it's nothing Harry was ever involved in. Perhaps if he'd been integrated into the planning team and made working for Invictus his major contribution as more of a full-time commitment he wouldn't have gone so badly off the rails. Too late now. He's still technically the patron, but I doubt very much that the organization wants him anymore.
CookieShark said…
It is interesting that they haven't clarified any of the stories about her being banned from that palace grounds without a chaperone. Perhaps she doesn't want certain things brought up?

I wondered why the Hubb cookbook launch was outside KP under a tent. If it's true she was banished then there's no way for them to spin that.
KC said…
Aquagirl asked: Does anyone else think it’s strange that during tiara gate, JH supposedly referred to MM as ‘my future wife’? I found that odd. Why not just refer to her as Meghan

I think that was Harry asserting his own status...I am the ROYAL, she is a servant and is bound to do what MY future wife wants because she is connected to ME. Not a good look, if you are not the direct heir.

Edward had a problem with tripping over his own self importance/status too. He got a job with Andrew Lloyd Webber's company and was assigned as the teaboy but felt it beneath him so quit. Not for him, start at the bottom and work your way up,learning all you can as you go.
Unknown said…
What I honestly and truly cannot get my head around is why someone who has progressed purely by hanging on to the coattails of several men and never by her own abilities is considered a role model.or spokesperson for anyone.....I am not young but weep if this is what the younger generation feels represents success
luxem said…

So they are now blaming the Queen because she didn't agree to the half-in/half-out plan?
Girl with a Hat said…
@gfpdca, what the plastic surgeons don't tell you is that if you do some facial exercises daily for even as little as 5 minutes a day, in 2 years, you will get rid of any wrinkles you may have had and improve your skin tone and colouring as well. And you save the thousands of dollars a year it takes to maintain your look.

It just requires a little discipline.
Dallas Alice said…
@Unknown: we now live in a society where being an “influencer” is a thing. So, start weeping.
Maneki Neko said…
@CookieShark siad

I wondered why the Hubb cookbook launch was outside KP under a tent. If it's true she was banished then there's no way for them to spin that.

If you look at the photos, the women from the community kitchen are cooking, so the event couldn't have been inside KP. Unfortunately, nothing to do with MM being (allegedly) banned from KP, much as we'd have liked to see her banned...
Aquagirl said…
@Miggy: I don’t want her involved in US politics AT ALL, even if it’s just to encourage people to vote. Doesn’t HM or PC realize what a conflict of interest this is? Remove their titles already or tell her to take a seat and shut up.
Hikari said…

Yes, there is a deafening silence around that topic. There has been a photo making the rounds (stage-papped by MM) of her approaching the gates of KP with a shopping bag. The narrative she was spinning was, "Look at Prince Harry's lady love, so comfortable in London she just breezed out for a bit of shopping and now she's 'coming home' to her Royal Palace. In the circle!'

The photos do not extend to her actually 'going through the gate' . .just approaching it. As I suppose any civilian on the street might be able to do, just prior to being sternly turned back by security.

Meghan has spun every 'slight' and bit of ostracism as racism for her benefit, but the fact is, she demonstrated up front that she could not be trusted. I don't know whether the visit to KP of the photo incident was the *first time* that Harry had brought her 'round to meet the family, but that seems pretty likely. If they met in May 2016, and this occurred about 5-6 months later, that would be a reasonable length of time to bring an SO to meet the family, particularly since the couple was living on two different continents at the time. So she's in William and Kate's apartment for very probably the very first time ever meeting them . . .and she attempts to sneak off to take pictures of their home and children . .?! She must have been worried that this was going to be her one and only chance.

I think Hazza was under instructions after that to end it, and it seems like he did so, because her appearance at the Inskip wedding 5 or so months later seemed to be a nasty surprise to everyone, Harry most of all. It's come out since that those damning photos were also arranged by Meg. I'm sorry but she looked like pure evil that day and she couldn't even hide the Narc rage even though she knew they were photographing her. How we got from there to St. George's Chapel only 13 months later is the big mystery of our time, along with "Where (Who) In the World is Archie Mountbatten-Windsor?'

It's possible that Harry suffered some kind of psychotic break and forgot that he never intended his Hollywood booty call to become his Duchess and the companion of his future life, but he's stuck with her now. Even if they divorce, he will always be stuck with her in some form.

If one takes the view that Meg and Harry's choices made them Palace outliers even before they were engaged, odd things begin to make more sense. Things like having their engagement photo call outside on a patio on what looked like a drizzly day in November. Perhaps because Meg was not allowed into one of the reception rooms for it? Note how the engagement photographs were taken outside on that same patio, as well as their couple wedding photograph. There seems to be a group wedding portrait in the Green drawing room at Windsor, if that one's not faked as well. I think that one's real but I would lay no such bets on the christening tableau taken in the same room the following year.

Meg surely expected the red drawing room at Buck House, site of Diana's & Kate's wedding pictures . . even though the her wedding was in Windsor, or at the very least wanted to meet the press as Harry's fiancee in front of a gleaming mantelpiece such as William and Kate did at their engagement. Nope, it was the cold flagstones at Frogmore for Meg, and the gardens looked dispirited that day. The gardens knew something we didn't, perhaps.

Frogmore House was surely what Meg had in mind for herself when the Queen said 'Frogmore'. Whoops, Meg.
Hikari said…
If you look at the photos, the women from the community kitchen are cooking, so the event couldn't have been inside KP. Unfortunately, nothing to do with MM being (allegedly) banned from KP, much as we'd have liked to see her banned...

If the women were actively cooking, I suppose that's why Meg wanted them inside where the kitchen was. Meg's (alleged) banned status aside, I can see that having a large number of the public in would have constituted a security threat at the Palace. Background checks would have had to be been run and the attendees searched, and that would have been just too invasive on all concerned. The White House would approach a similar event the same way since the kitchens are considered private spaces.

Miggy said…

I don’t want her involved in US politics AT ALL, even if it’s just to encourage people to vote. Doesn’t HM or PC realize what a conflict of interest this is? Remove their titles already or tell her to take a seat and shut up.

Judging by the comments - you are not alone!
Meddling with politics whilst using her Duchess title is not permitted.
I'm failing to understand why the BP is staying quiet on this.
It's a disgrace!
Jdubya said…
Don't have time to read all the posts right now but has this been brought up here? Got this off a Harry Markle post

The creator of a YouTube channel (Danja Zone) that is critical of the Susexes recently had their home burned down, and the nearby home of the mother was also burned later on. Arson has been suspected, and while at this point it’s unclear who the culprits are, I believe that they had been threatened in the past by Sussex cult fans. If those responsible for the fire and possible death of pets, are indeed cult fans of the Sussexes, then something needs to be done for these people are dangerous. Everyone has a right to express their opinions without being afraid, and if the cult fans have crossed a line, then they and the movement need to be held to account for their crimes.

Grisham said…
KC and Aquagrirl, I definitely think Harry is totally into that he is the son of the furure monarch. “My future wife” etc and the fact that he was even there to pick out the tiara, as I don’t think that is the usual custom.

In thinking about this more, I can’t say that I wouldn’t want all the perks and none of the work that comes with being entitled and the son/daughter of a monarch.

Earlier people asked why Bea, Eugenie, Zara, et al, don’t step up and take on more responsibility. Perhaps the answer is: they don’t want or and are desperately hoping to not be asked.

Also, in the recent past, several people both here and on the comments of DM, talk about the mystique of the royal family. Well, it goes both ways— “mystique” allows them to have people like Andrew do what he wants and sell royal land to non royal non citizens, and the whole Epstein island and everyone else’s associations with shady people. Even back to Profumo, etc...

Maybe the “mystique” is part of the problem, as one could say it is counter to transparency, which it seems like many in the UK are ultimately complaining about. For instance, how and why did HAMS buy a mansion in CA without paying off Frogmore first? Do you all want to know the answer to that and have more transparency and less mystique.

Is the whole idea of mystique some sham everyone bought along with the fairy tale that God chose and anointed Elizabeth as the queen bexause of some unknown God reason?

Things I think about while gardening in the 104d F heat index lol. I’m nearly done, thank God.
Miggy said…
Grisham said…
@jdubya I watched a small bit of the DZ video about the fires and here is what I took away from it:

1)she was home when it happened and it happened in a very short period of time of like 10 minutes.

2) it sounds like her mother lived in a trailer home and she lived in a (sorry but this is how it sounded to me) shanty, wooden outhouse type of building that may have had its electricity from the trailer home. (My inference from living in the country where people do this— like an illegally built not to code extra room).

3) really, only thin foil hatters know who she is and she isn’t really important.

4) I know several people here in th country who have houses that have burned down. I honestly didn’t think it happened much any more, but in the last 5 years, I have known 4 and know of 1 more (don’t know personally) whose house has burned down from lightening (friend was in tub when it happened) and electrical shorts etc.

Of course, I feel bad for anyone who loses a home. I would be surprised if it is anything but overextending the electrical output on a really hot day— no matter what she ends up saying. If she says arson, I would have to see the report and it doesn’t mean arson would have anything to do with HAMS or sugars. Maybe they are into drugs also and/or maybe they have enemies. Who knows. She is a person in the internet— it could be anything.

Grisham said…
Continuing my above drop DZ... we have a double axle, triple slide RV that weighs 16,000 pounds and is luxurious. When I use my revolt hair dryer brush, like $35 on Amazon, it trips the circuit and kills the power to the RV. The woman from DZ mentioned she was blow drying her hair IIRC. This also leads me to believe she melted the wires but putting too much load on the electrical system— especially if their room got its electricity from the main trailer and didn’t have its own electrician installed power system with kill switches etc.
HappyDays said…
There’s a story from Tatler attributed to Omid, saying Harry and Mayhem plan to visit the UK after the virus lockdown is over.

If this is true, I hope they are met with loud protests anywhere they go.

It reminds me of a behavior where arsonists frequently return to the fire to watch their destruction take place as the firefighters are trying to put it out.

I also wonder of this is an arrogant control move on the part of the Harkles (which is a typical narcissistic behavior) to in essence say “We are bigger than the Queen, RF, and the citizens of the UK. We, as superior beings, have no shame and can come and go as we like. We don’t care what anybody thinks.”
CookieShark said…
@ HappyDays

I believe it's arrogance, 100%.
They were told very nicely in a video by Lady C that they needed to hush up, and what did they do shortly after? Sign with a public speaking agency, I believe.
They know they are not supposed to be political, but they insist on being very publicly so.
She is now doing a video conference about voting.
In her last appearance she took a swipe at the RF stating she hadn't been able to use her voice. I wonder how her patronages in the UK feel about this. Do they not count?
They know what they're doing, and yet they continue to live off the RF.
It is why they are such unsavory, unlikable characters and why we don't buy the "wholesome" family act they try to push.
Bennie said…
@Aquagirl: I don’t want her involved in US politics AT ALL, even if it’s just to encourage people to vote. Doesn’t HM or PC realize what a conflict of interest this is? Remove their titles already or tell her to take a seat and shut up.

I feel the exact same way!!! It's like to me the RF doesn't care as long as they don't have to deal with them anymore in the U.K. Then they come to the US & cause all kinds of chaos!!!!! The RF are the ones that gave them the platform & titles! I'm beyond feed up with this!!! They have NO business getting involved in US politics!! I also agree their titles need to be removed & they need to shut up!!! I alway thought the Royals were NOT to get involved with politics?!? I just don't understand why the RF are allowing this?!?
Dallas Alice said…
@Bennie: I am likely being overly optimistic, but I would like to think the RF is getting a list of “wrongs” together before they cut them adrift, as that may make it easier from a PR POV. *fingers crossed*

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