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Meghan, Harry, and Community Property in California

This is what happens when I take too long to write a post. My original idea - that Meghan and Harry should consider purchasing one of the "cheap old houses" popular on Instagram and fix it up as part of a reality series - seems to have been overtaken by events.

Page Six is reporting today that Meghan and Harry already have a house in Santa Barbara, near Oprah and Ellen's pads, and in fact have been living there for at least six weeks. (This is not entirely unexpected; Harry's most recent hostage video had a different background than usual.)

"This is the first home either of them has ever owned," writes the couple's PR agent via Page 6. "It has been a very special time for them as a couple and as a family - to have complete privacy for six weeks since they moved in."

They could probably still be having complete privacy if the couple's PR team wasn't leveraging their real estate news in order to promote the new book "Finding Freedom" - which the Sussexes, of course, insist they had nothing to do with. 

Bad timing

Meg must be a little peeved that the timing of the house announcement conflicted with bigger news about another biracial Californian; it was announced late yesterday that Kamala Harris would be the Democratic nominee for US Vice President.

You can almost hear Meg's screams in her publicity team's hastily-concocted story headlined Meghan Markle reveals why she's voting in the 2020 election. (Spoiler: it's because she wants her "voice to be heard.") 

Roughly 130 million Americans voted in the last election, so I look forward to Page Six's in-depth accounts of why the other 129,999,999 will be voting this time. 

Paired with the fact that Megan Thee Stallion is rapidly becoming America's most famous Megan (with Meghan McCain probably in second place) and the news cycle just isn't being kind to the Duchess of Sussex.

Community property

Anyway, what interests me most about the Page Six story is the quote that "this is the first home either of them have owned." 

Could Harry - or Charles, who probably provided the downpayment if not the full purchase price - really have been dumb enough to put the house partly in Meghan's name? 

First of all, there would seem to be obvious tax benefits as well as privacy benefits to putting the house in the name of a corporation, and Meg seems to have registered several over the years through her business manager. By this time, there must be a corporation in which Meg and Harry are both directors - Archewell? 

Secondly, any good financial manager would plan carefully when a married couple purchases a significant asset - particularly a couple with two different citizenships and two different tax liabilities. Even moreso when the family strongly suspects the marriage might not last. 

Could Meg possibly have convinced Harry to make her an equal partner in a home that was financed by his family or his inheritance?

I'm no lawyer, but California is famous for its 50-50 community property settlements

While these aren't fully in force unless the marriage has lasted 10 years, it seems clear that Meg would be able to walk away with at least half of any house that had her name on it.

What do you think?


Sarah said…
If the RF has any sense or decent advisers, the property was not put in Harry or Meghan’s name. It should be in a trust ultimately owned by Charles or the crown.
Nutty Flavor said…
You would think so. If Harry was using a portion of his inheritance, however, then maybe not.
OKay said…
How reliable is Page Six? I tend to think of it like US Magazine or In Touch...IOW, if something comes from there it's almost definitely not true.
CookieShark said…
100% she is probably mad that Kamala has rightfully overshadowed any stories about MM voting. Kamala is also a speaker at the 19th virtual event this week where it seems MM may have been tacked on as an interviewer.
The house purchasing could not be more ill-timed. It appears they have trashed the RF in their book but are happy to let PC pay for a house. What independent, wealthy feminist humanitarian does that?
Nutty Flavor said…
The Sussexes PR teams seem to enjoy using Page Six as a conduit, so I think it's trustworthy to the extent that the PR teams are trustworthy.

It's very widely read by movers and shakers on both the East and West coasts.
Grisham said…
Re: new Harry Markle. If my memory is correct (ha!) the original Janina Christmas card was enhanced by sugars who like to glamorize pics of MM “their queen” , and the kill pic order was for THAT photoshopped pic done by sugars who made MM more clear on the card.

It’s aggravating when we go round and round on these things (not blaming anyone). I wish we had like a central database and timeline and links to concur or refute things said.
Grisham said…
As for the possible new house: I imagine it’s structured however Charles’s financial advisors instructed him in terms of low burdens and with a non USA buyer (which that part shouldn’t be too bad considering how many non us citizens own property in the US). Whether that is in a trust or whose name the trust is in etc, I would assume it was done carefully and with all considerations taken...
I am not proud of myself but in the view of the earthquake of ridicule and mocking caused by the book I am looking forward to reporters chasing the couple in their new humble abode. And they will have nowhere to run this time.

Every single act they take is so ill timed and just complicates their lives more.
xxxxx said…
When the exact address of this house is figured out, this is when anyone can go to the on-line county property records. Santa Barbara county will list the owner. My guess it will be a trust, to obscure who paid and how much. If the BRF knows how to do anything right, it is how to set up a proper trust. They have centuries of experience.

I know others here have also guessed that the house was bought by a trust.
abbyh said…

Houses are expensive to buy, to maintain, to fix up (what ever is there won't be right without the Tig Touch) and then not just the pay for a new roof but the insurance.

As pointed out (very nicely in the last post), it isn't just the $90 to 100K property tax but the insurance to put the house back together if something happens.

What many don't realize is that the insurance doesn't kick in until you have paid the deductible. So if the house burns or something, then they have to shell out a couple thousand to get the insurance to start. If you are not aware or don't pay attention, it would be easy to overlook or forget things which you either don't get reimbursed or you only get a fraction of money for.

Owning a house there is very expensive and this all before you add in food, health insurance, the car(s), car insurance, new clothes and all the people you hire to help you keep up the appearances.

Catlady1649 said…
I agree with other posters, I hope the house is in Charles name, or some other means that MM cant get her grubby hands on any money from this property.
I’m open minded to who owns or purchased the house. Even if the story is true. Regardless, it would have been a cash purchase, that is no mortgage, because Harry or Charles have the cash. As other Nutties have stated there’s other ongoing yearly costs for the house...will Megsy and Harry foot those bills?
HappyDays said…
In the DM today about Charles funding the house cost, a palace source said numpty Prince Charles gave them the money to purchase the house, so it was likely a cash deal courtesy of the First National Bank of Charles.

I can see Harry and Charles both being stupid enough to put the Meghan’s name on it in one fashion or another. She is devious enough that she might have talked Harry into putting her name only on the deed by using the excuse that it’s better if her name only is on it because she is a US citizen and Harry is not.

I would think that any money given to them by Charles would be subject to US income taxes, so they’ll still be on the hook for tax on money from Chuck.

A house in the $10 million price range will have a hefty property tax bill in California, plus expenses for upkeep and maintenance, which causes me to wonder if Charles is paying for that too.

Their tax returns must be quite a tangle.

jessica said…
I’ve been in touch with the PR company today for other reasons that have nothing to do with me personally but more about process I thought I’d share findings here

One is that anybody that engages PR needs to have a plan in place at the PR executes For them on behalf of some business goal.

Second is that General rule Is that for every three pieces of information you give a journalist or news outlet they will return the favor and publish one story more in depth basically I help you with more details than I’d give anyone else and then you take out one piece of that information and publish it. All about having relationships in that space with journalist.

So I think this is why we see such convoluted strange time stories coming from Megan‘s team because I think they just sit and tell everybody every single thing about themselves trying to get hits here and there. Once I read this PR companies brief Megan situation made a lot more sense to me as to why we see chaos within her stories

So just like finding freedom validated a lot of the things Megan had done, most of the stories we are reading are smaller tidbits of a larger story.

Reason it’s so direction less and aimless is because Megan and hairy have no real personal brand or business so she’s just paying PR a constant basis to put out every little fact in detail about her life

So for these reasons I do believe the royal inside our story that Charles paid for the house and Megan and Harry’s version of saying that they on the home as their first homeIt’s just creative spin so that they look more mature than they really are because they know how poorly the public receives all of their entitlement actions
Karla said…
If they were in the new house in July, ( ???) why did they sue the paps July?

Inside Prince Harry and Meghan’s New Paparazzi Lawsuit: “He Will Do Everything in His Power to Protect His Family”
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have taken legal action to prevent the sale of photos of their son, Archie, taken via drone from their rented Beverly Hills house.
jessica said…
Oh also public speaking is just another PR tool

It’s actually something they recommend in the brief but you have to be speaking on behalf of a goal you can’t just be speaking aimlessly as Megan and Harry do

Sorry for the typos and punctuation I just talked this into my phone while I was driving just to update you all LOL
Catlady1649 said,

I hope the house is in Charles name, or some other means that MM cant get her grubby hands on any money from this property.

It will be Harry and the Royal family’s fault (mostly Harry’s) if any money gets handed to Megsy under whatever circumstances. On that score I have little to no sympathy. Harry has made his bed let him go sleep in wherever mess he’s made of it. He might learn a lesson for once.
Sarah said…
Wealthy people generally don’t put property in their own name. Tax records are easily searched and anyone who wants to protect their privacy would use a shell company or trust. If I were Charles’s lawyers, I would put the house in a different name for privacy reasons, but ultimately to protect the asset. Frogmore was given to them, but they have no actual ownership of it.
SirStinxAlot said…
Curious how much money Chaz is giving them to furnish this new home. If furniture is sold it is on a separate bill of sale. If it is included with the home it will state it listing usually. Most people prefer to do their own decorating though, not hand me downs from the previous owners.
CookieShark said…
I believe someone here posted how narcs frequently move around and begin and abandon projects.
In the past 12 months, these 2 have moved out of Frogmore, to Canada, to TP's mansion, and now this.
They ambushed the RF with an announcement of their new "role" and website as if it were a hotel chain, then said they would dedicate themselves to COVID 19 education, then BLM, this disaster of a book, and now they bombard us with creepy Zoom calls and gate crash virtual events.
Why do they keep moving? They need new targets. Their peers and elders have them pegged. They are concentrating on young people who aren't paying attention to the utter destruction they leave everywhere they go. I am really curious why organizations continue to work with these two, as they seem to sue or badmouth everyone.
MusicDSPGuy said…
No definite fix yet but the local scuttlebutt is tending towards Ca' di Sopra a.k.a 1050 Cold Spring as the most likely house.

Now where the story starts getting bizarre, even by Montecitio standards, is the recent history and ownership of the house. For a start it has been almost permanently listed for sale since the summer of 2008. Even by the mega-mansion madness standards of the early / mid 2000's the original listing price was just silly, $35M, when the property tax assessed value was $15M. Which was kind of ball park for the top of that bubble. Although you could have got far nicer houses for $5M at the time.

The asking price in 2012 dropped to $18M when the market price was closer to maybe $10M. Over the next 6 years the asking price dropped to $13.5M then in the last two years it dropped to $12M. Which is what it was when it went pending sale in March. The final price was $8M. Which is a strangely high discounted final price given that the property tax assessed value was still $18M. Which is almost $200K a year property tax..

I've seen some oddly structured deals over the years but this is odd at so many levels.

Then there are the sellers. Bought the house in 1983, sold it in 1996, bought it again in 2002 spent a huge amount of money on it, the house was reassessed twice for an extra $8M in valuation in 2002 and 2006. Owners dont seem to have much of a traceable public record as to source of wealth but its not old money but somehow one of the family is worth $25M. Again, odd and mysterious people in Montecito is nothing unusual but this is starting to sound odd. Not Ty Warner odd, but still odd.

Not a terrible house, and not by a long shot one of the most hideous mega mansions that have been built in the last two decades. But still if someone wanted to move to Montecito and fit into its very low key atmosphere they could have found a much nicer house for a few million less. So the sort of house bough by someone who will not be sticking around too long.

Plus its a very strange place to live for someone who wanted so badly to be a mover and shaker in LA. Face time is everything in that back stabbing shark pool. Its a 90 min drive (on a good day) from the Olive Mill on-ramp to the Santa Monica Blvd off-ramp on the San Diego Freeway in LA. Where the real action is. You might be able to take a private helicopter from Hope Ranch but not from Montecito. You can fly by helicopter to the Valley / Westside LA in 25 / 30 mins. But it takes 20 min plus to drive to the airport in Santa Barbara..

Montecito is where you move when you made it big in The Biz' in LA and feel secure enough to withdraw a short distance. But not too far. Just in case.

So it seems nothing is very well though out here. Then there will be the annual running costs. The $80K p.a property tax will be one of the smaller annual bills.
Unknown said…
Assuming H&M bought the house, I wonder if it's just to flip it so they can get some cash. Housing market is doing well amidst Covid-19 because people want bigger homes and mortgage rates are low. Rache may think she's whip-smart enough to go into real-estate because of all the house-hunting she did makes her a connoisseur and smarter than all the real-estate agents she encountered.

My guess is we are going to hear about the Harkles privacy being violated and their need to sell it off for their safety. Rache will want a huge premium for all the *acting* she managed to make like it was their dream home.
Grisham said…
Yes, it says sold 8.8 million
Grisham said…

I would believe this is the house
brown-eyed said…
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jessica said…
Thanks for the extra info re:montecito. I don’t know about you guys but I find reading information here extremely informative on most topics surrounding Harry and Megan. Especially about LA I don’t know much about LA.

And LOL about whip smart Megan. Does anybody have the article or clip where she says this because every time I read it stated out loud I find myself literally laughing.
Lily Love said…
Neither of them have a job, so they cannot buy a house unless daddy Charles co-signed for them. Kamala was a terrible choice for a VP. She was an awful DA.
Unknown said…
OT warning...

Wow! Thanks everyone for the sweet comments. I'm overwhelmed by all the kindness from my fellow Nutties. This community really is wonderful. I'm glad I'm part of it. I also noticed a lot of new names.

@Pink Peony @Wild Boar Battle-Maid Get well soon! May you stay safe and healthy through all this.
CatEyes said…
@Lily Love

"Neither of them have a job, so they cannot buy a house unless daddy Charles co-signed for them."

Yes, they can buy a house without an income if they have cash or a substantial down and qualify for a mortgage using funds from sources other than wages. I did it in So. Calif. without a job and a modest yearly annuity but obviously my home was substantially less than theirs.
brown-eyed said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Miggy said…
Welcome to Wokeville: Right-on A-list neighbours, top no

The sense of privacy was also a massive draw for Meghan’s friend and confidante Oprah Winfrey, who until yesterday was its most famous resident.
Miggy said…
Sorry, copy & paste didn't work for some odd reason.

Above post should read:

Welcome to Wokeville: Right-on A-list neighbours, top notch vegan restaurants, and yoga classes in a pink salt cave. Harry and Meghan have bought new home in exclusive California enclave around the corner from Oprah... and Windsor it ain't!
Miggy said…
Hope Oprah's nose won't be put out of joint now that she's no longer the most famous resident. 😆😆😆
Unknown said…
Could JCMHFKAP be spiraling down and using up whatever trust money he had on this house and all the lawsuits? That possibility seems more and more reasonable to me.

JCMHFKAP hemorraging money probably indicates the BRF consider it the cheapest option dealing with Rache. Harry learning his lesson will drain away the puffed up trust money he has and any semblance of financial independence. If JCMHFKAP loses all his money and Rache, he'd be a lot easier for the BRF to control. I could see Wills and the men in gray being so savage.
Grisham said…
You know why I think it’s the 34 to 8.8 million dollar house?

Because it has a name. Everyone else in the family has a house with a name.

Just something I thought about. I think a named house would be very attractive to them.
Jdubya said…
Main Residence: Bedrooms: 7 Baths: 8
Gatehouse: Bedrooms: 2 Baths: 1
Recreation room: Detached Baths: 1

Also has a gate house - wonder if that's where Doria will live? (this is the Ca'Di Sopra place)

The colors and windows looks like it could be from the last video.

If Charles bought it for them - okay, fine. Whatever. I'm kind of past the point of caring right now. If they divorce and she gets it, don't care either. I don't think a divorce is coming soon unless she finds a better source of income. Harry will hang on as long as possible so no one can tell him, "we tried to warn you".
Jdubya said…
A bit more on that house
• Custom designed wrought-iron entry gate with
secondary service gate
• Security system
• Copper drains and downspouts
• Concrete driveway and motor court with stone detail
• Custom wood doors by Architectural Millwork
• Double hung windows by Architectural Millwork
• Custom iron doors by Couture Concept
• Window and door hardware by Sun Valley Bronze
• Custom cabinets by Architectural Millwork
• Antique terracotta tile floors by Exquisite Floors
• 12 Fireplaces - indoors and outdoors
• Game room
• Wine tasting room
• Wine cellar with antique stone floor and vaulted
brick ceiling
Amenities List
• Moon-shaped infinity pool framed by columns
• Tennis court with artificial surface
• Green house
• Home Theatre with Vantage light system and Sonos
music system
• Ocean view dining terrace with BBQ and Pizza Oven
• Central vacuum
• Mature Oak and Olive trees, Italian Cypress, fruit
trees and rose gardens
• Outdoor loggia with fireplace
• Funicular (not operable)
• Library with embossed leather walls and limestone
• Cold Spring School District
• Private well for landscaping use
• Unobstructed ocean and mountain views
Unknown said…
@jessica Not sure where it originated, but the first instance I saw Rache described as whip-smart was by Piers Morgan. Here's the link:
Miggy said…

I think the gatehouse, (if it's the right house) is where their security will be stationed.
Grisham said…
It’s beautiful and Serena can come play tennis 🎾 lol
Lily Love said…

But they still have to have money to pay for it. So it would either come from his trust fund or any other money source etc.
Jdubya said…
Just came across this while criusing LSA and i have NEVER heard this before

When Prince William was sent to the State of Montana

CatEyes said…
@Lily Love

Yes the home expenses everyone has estimated is just eye-watering. Then add on the legal expenses and living expenses what with flying here and there and security etc...the list goes on and on. I just don't see how they will afford it if their combined net worth is just $33 million. They surely can't depend on bank of Dad forever can they? Maybe Charles is giving away money knowing he is going to inherit tremendously when his parents pass on (sorry folks, I cringe even writing this). Maybe Charles just wants to shut them up and keep them in America away from the family as they could sure continue to cause trouble when he becomes King.
Shaggy said…
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jessica said…
Everyone that’s English/British has a big problem with the pittance repayment and the idea that Charles paid from the duchy. PR problem for him.

Thanks Charade for the whip smart link!

Just looks like a Rich family being, well, rich.

William though, after all the nasty things Meghan says about Kate. He’s not going to let this slide. I’m betting he has a long term plan I’m how to handle the them and the awful representations of British Royalty that they are.

‘Off with their heads’
Lily Love said…

For William, Kate and their children’s sake I hope Charles is indeed paying the duo off to keep them out of the UK and the commonwealth. He has to be giving money because otherwise I don’t know how they could afford to live.
Button said…
Isn't Santa Barbara where the winds and fires happen every year? Along with mudslides and general destruction? Perhaps Casa whatever its called will slide down the hill with the 2 useless ones inside. ( minus the wee babe, and his nanny of course )
staurolit said…
They might have bought the property planning for Meghan to keep it after the divorce as part of their settlement. They could be 'compensating' her with it.
CatEyes said…
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CatEyes said…

Here is historical facts concerning wildfires in Santa Barbara county:

Year Fire Name Acres Burned
1990 Painted 4,267
1993 Marre 43,201
1998 Ogilvy 4,000
2004 Cachuma 1,127
2004 Gaviota 7,443
2007 Zaca 240,207
2008 Tea 1,940
2008 Gap 9,443
2009 Jesusita 8,733
2013 White 1,984
2016 Sherpa 7,474
2016 Rey 32,606
2017 Whittier 18,416
2108 Thomas 281,893 (included partly Ventura Co) A staggering fire late 2017-early 2018
2019 Cave 4,300
August 13, 2020 at 2:48 AM
Grisham said…
Wildfire has been bad in all parts of California for the last numerous years.
Jules Bergman said…
Love reading everyone's thoughts & comments. I'm just happy they moved farther north. And also, I'm just over them. All of it. But I still come here for the witty & insightful repartee. :-)
CatEyes said…
@Wild Boar Battle-maid said...
"The last gasps of the A&C movement occurred around where I live - of those houses, I can think of at least 3 `Butterfly' plan ones, dating 1890 - 1930."

Earlier (Aug. 12, 12:43pm) you had a detailed discussion regarding historical architecture and garden design which I really enjoyed (having postgraduate studies in Landscape Architecture). You are such a Renaissance woman owing to the breadth of knowledge you have on history, architecture, garden design, art, songs, poetry etc... I hope you are feeling better and you get wonderful results from the 24 hr. heart monitoring. We need you to be in fine shape! :)

lucy said…
Getting in on this post without having finished the other. I am so behind now. What a mess. I missed what is going on with Charade but offer my best as well . Better health to peony and WBBM too :)

Welcome to DPSmusicGuy enjoying your insight

If there is an Archie at least he has his own home now but unfortunately I believe that even less now. Didn't Doria move in about 6 weeks ago too?? 🙄🙄🙄

What does this do for the divorce timeline? Maybe they are actually happy but Harry does not appear so. I must catch up on other post. Did Charles actually come out and say he purchased this for them? I have yet to look at pictures of supposed home but if not a gated community, pretty odd for our privacy pushers

If they did indeed move in 6 weeks ago they must have some furniture in it. Surely Meg would namedrop every brand they have. They wouldn't pay for it themselves would they?

This "young couple" is a joke. I am rapidly losing interest. Although I wish best for all I would be lying if I said I wasn't itching for the next big scandal for these two, beyond the book 🤞

Unknown said…
LOL @lucy, nothing is going on with me. I just got delayed responding to all the thanks from so many Nutties. I am just grateful for the messages.

Charles never admitted to purchasing the property. Even if he did with private funds, I don't expect him to. He and his reputation is in a precarious situation going on record subsidizing the Sussexes.

I'm more interested in this story about the Santa Barbara police stating Brits are paying for the security of H&M. Do we have any sources for that?
Unknown said…
@tatty I agree that there really needs to be some sort of organization of facts and a timeline of the Sussex saga. There is so much subterfuge it is maddening.
Jdubya said…
Charade - i've been trying to find a source but nothing so far. I've checked on their website for any interviews their Chief has given and nothing that I can find (yet)
Jdubya said…
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Jdubya said…
Online newspaper in Santa Barbara

Article about Harkles and read the comments.
Blithe Spirit said…
The grand Montecito house seems to be another Anmer Hall with a California touch. It occurred to me that if the duo did acquire this house then Charles paying for it would make sense. Harry must have been jealous of William's country home and so Charles wanted to make it up to him. Meg must have gone along with it because she thinks it can be claimed as part of her divorce in the future.
Midge said…
This really belongs on the other thread I think. Anyway we were discussing Penelope Law as possibly the doctor who delivered Archie. A poster on another blog found this DM article from that time period and I thought I would pass it on to you. She is not one of the doctors mentioned.
Midge said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
TMZ says this:

14.6 million
18,000 sqft

5 acres

16 bathrooms
Super secure

Shaggy said…
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MB said…
Its got to be Chateau at Riven Rock
jessica said…
Ok this is making more sense now

Scooter Braun is a neighbor

He runs with Noono, her hubs, the kushners, Bieber and Kanye, kardashians...

I imagine Meghan wants scooter to manager here. His group is pretty corrupt.
Artemisia19 said…
They really are turning into Wallis and Rdward.
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
@MB yes, those are the photos a twitter account was showing as their house. It didn’t give any more info, just photos
CatEyes said…
Well the Chateau at Riven Rock has a child's playground of the caliber you would see in a city park. It would serve Archie well for many years. Then the indoor game room is wild with all those arcade games, a poker table, and a sundry of video games that Harry would probably indulge in for hours, sure to Meghan's horror. The pool is huge and looks like it could be at some fancy resort. An extremely liveable home which will make the average Brit mad to think of their money is going to pay for these two louts to live in such luxury in a foreign land. I just can't fathom why Charles is rewarding their behavior it seems.

Meghan must be gloating as it sure does seem to be a grand place that outshine Frogmore most definitely; their UK home looks like a decrepit guest cottage by comparison (just comparing the palatial grounds of the Montecito home with the blandness of the Frogmore Cottage landscape design (or lack of) is truly stark.
Unknown said…
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Beachgal58 said…
Rarely post, but have followed this blog for awhile. I live in Santa Barbara, about three miles from Montecito. So now the Harkles are on my turf. Yes, we are known for our wildfires, and Montecito had a bad mud slide a few years ago. I’m surprised they would decide to settle away from LA. The celebrities who live here, aren’t looking for the paparazzi, they live here for peace and quiet. You’ll see them around town, shopping in the local stores, eating out, but there is a unwritten rule to let them be. As stated by another commentator, Montecito is where you move to when you made it big, want the privacy and avoid all the headaches of LA. I can see Harry thriving in this community, but I have trouble seeing Meghan with her constant need for attention living here. I’m leaning towards Riven Rock as where their house was purchased. I pray Charles didn’t put the deed in both their names. I have some realtor friends doing some digging and will let you all know what I found out. Expenses will be high. Santa Barbara is drought ridden and water is very expensive here. To keep things green and looking lush will run them around 5,000 to 10,000 or more. I live on a acre in the foothills and my water bill runs around 1,000 a month.
Water is a very precious commodity here in Southern California. Their tax bill will be 1% of their purchase price. Much as I have come to dislike these two, perhaps they will be happy living here. Sadly though I don’t see a Meghan as living here. Not enough excitement for her.

SwampWoman said…
lucy said: This "young couple" is a joke. I am rapidly losing interest. Although I wish best for all I would be lying if I said I wasn't itching for the next big scandal for these two, beyond the book 🤞

When I was her age, I had been married for 20 years.
Shaggy said…
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Shaggy said…
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SwampWoman said…
Well, I look at the possible property purchase in a couple of different ways: (A) If the Prince of Wales went against lawyerly legal advice and handed over the money with no controls, he was asking to be robbed or (B) maybe it is worth several million to him to make sure Medusa and Ron Weasley stay the hell out of England.

I do not suppose England would have any investments or business interests that would entail sending officials over that may need a comfy/secure place to stay.
Fifi LaRue said…
It seems that the very wealthy, people, institutions, preserve their wealth in many ways, i.e., investments, spending habits, being frugal in ways ordinary people would find curious, etc. To be sure, the house is in a trust, not in Markle's nor Harry's name. Markle will get some sort of payout when she finally decides to hoof it, but it won't be half of the Montecito house. And, Markle in no way shape or form is looking for a quiet life. She wants fame and adoration.
CatEyes said…
@Unkinown said...
"It seems to me that Harry is in for the long haul."

Yesssssss, There can be no mistake that Harry is attached to Meghan for the long haul. Its not just devotion but bondage to his master no matter what she does. The are co-conspirators in attempting to damage the Royal Family and Charles has used his money to make their life easier, to give them financial freedom in order to let them pursue their course of actions no matter how negative and ugly their message is. I have lost any respect for Charles now. He has set up the Harry/Meghan Mountbatten-Windsor court for them to continue their path of hate and retribution for imagined slights and petty incidents. I am sorry to say I hope Charles never ascends the throne. He does not have good enough judgement as evidenced by his actions with these two. A Nuttie (forgot name) likened the Harkles going on a path similar to Edward and Wallis, so true, so very true. But at least the earlier couple was far away and didn't have the ambition or means to spout the unseemly message Harry and Megs do. If Charles continues to support the duo with such abandon and wealth there surely will be no end to their actions; why would there be, especially if Charles becomes King.

These must be heady times for the couple; what with a palatial home given to them, a book they feel tell their story, the media churning out tons of articles on them, world attention and the adulation of the woke California populace. Now I would not be surprised if Meghan dips her toes into the political landscape now that it appears she is not clamoring for a Hollywood job (and they aren't calling her). With cash to spare (since Charles is picking up the tab for the big items, the couple can use their funds to splash around for political donations and curry favor in that small pond (democratic Santa Barbara County.) She is well positioned to lay the ground work this election year and think ahead to do something in the 2022 election year.
CatEyes said…
@Wullies Bucket

You are probably right, but it sure gives Harry an idea of how to decorate his 'man cave'.
Artemisia19 said…
@unknown Thank you for the insight!
MB said…
I am as liberal as they come, and there is no way I would vote for Meghan. I just don't see how she could be a successful politician. Perhaps I'm wrong.
CatEyes said…

I agree Meghan would be a joke as a politician but if the story is correct she aspired to be President one day. There is a multitude of reasons why she would not hack it but without self-awareness she might just forge ahead. Harry is her big cheerleader and she has a ton of money for PR which is what most campaigns need. They may easily fund a campaign at the local level, maybe county or state political races. I certainly think she would not win at the state or federal level but stranger things have happened and to refrain from getting political I won't say anything more.
Magatha Mistie said…

I’m sure Megs would love the Chateau at Riven Rock
but its worth $50 million!!!

No Man Cave for Harry, Megs needs her She Shed!
Ralph L said…
From the DM: Santa Barbara also has a bi-weekly Woke Men groups for people to get in touch with their feelings.
MB said…
It was originally at 50m but sold for about 15. Daily mail says it is that one.
Unknown said…
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Jdubya said…
If it's the place at Riven Rock - wow. Megs must feel like she is in heaven. that is way more house than they could ever need. All the expense to go along with it. Just the exterior maintenance will be horrendous. And all those rooms? I wonder if it comes furnished at that price.

I'm stunned if PC paid for it. To shell out that much money. He must carry an awful lot of guilt.

Magatha Mistie said…


I’m stunned, and sickened!!
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
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lizzie said…

I don't doubt someone in Santa Barbara was silly enough to suggest M run for school board. Someone who doesn't have a school-age child, someone whose child (when he is school age) will likely attend private school, someone who doesn't have professional training or experience in education, and someone who never attended a public school in her life sounds like the perfect candidate for school board!
CeeMoore said…
Here is a site with many interior (as well as exterior) photos. If someone has already posted photo site, please scroll on. My comp is acting goofy and I am tired.
Nutty Flavor said…
Just woke up and saw the confirmed images of the Rockbridge home.

That thing is a money pit.

You need a huge, ongoing income to pay for something like that. A bulky income, like a regular talk show, executive salary from a studio, or clients who generate a lot of cash (Scooter Braun).

The sellers may have cut the price way below what is reported - there is an exodus out of California at the moment, in part because of Trump's decision to no longer make state and local taxes deductible from federal ones - but as others have pointed out, the maintenance costs will be insane.

Just think of the staff required to keep the house and grounds in order! And Meg has never been very good with staff.
Nutty Flavor said…
Also, there's a slight contradiction about wanting to have Archie have a "normal upbringing" and purchasing an isolated mansion in an isolated location.

How is he going to ride his bike, take walks, go over to the neighbors' house, welcome the grocery delivery team, as Prince George reportedly (used to) to at Anmer Hall?

The Cambridges have come a lot closer to a normal life for their kids than the Sussexes with eighth-in-line Archie.

Magatha Mistie said…

Just checked photos for 765 Rockbridge Rd.
Is that a fireplace in the bathroom, or a wine rack?
Tig on Tap!
Why all the bathrooms when she’s happy to
squat outside!!
jessica said…
A few thoughts;

1) were we lied too by the palace? They told us they would give them a year to return. An $18MM token property is not gonna figure out your problems and perhaps come back to Frogmore.
2) can Bea and Euguiene stop working now?
3) is this the new ‘royal way’ the Queen was hoping to model other useless family members after?
4) why did Harry and Meghan bother finding work with Disney on the yellow carpet?
5) do the senior royals not actually do much work after all? Maybe none of them believe in ‘work’ and it’s more the family
6) where will they get an annual income of $4MM min? Charles? He plans to give them $100mm??
7) if money is no object, are the UK trying to meddle in us politics via the insane duo? Maybe we are all missing the point.
8) Harry’s always been spoilt and delusional, why would that stop now?
Magatha Mistie said…

FF mentions the Vladimir tiara according to
an excerpt I’ve just read on another site.
To paraphrase:
“The Vladimir tiara might have appealed to
Meg, as the colour green was incorporated
into several aspects of the wedding.”

Cheeky sod, she really expected to wear the Queens tiara!
Montecito is a curious place for would-be Social Justice Warriors like Meghan and Harry to choose to live. A quick study of the city’s 2020 demographics on Wikipedia shows the following:

Population: 10,000
94% White
0.5% African American
3,686 households: 25.7% with children under 18
16.6% ages 25-44
30% ages 45-64
21.5% 65 or older
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
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Yes, sedate is how I’d describe Montecito. The cynic in me thinks it would be a good hunting ground for Meghan to find her 4th husband.
I’m astounded that the RF would shell out that kind of dough on a dwelling for those two ingrates. I suppose it could be a pay-out, but why wouldn’t they just make a cash payment? That house is so over-the-top ostentatious—a real public relations blunder IMO.
Lady Boo said…
Princes Harry and Charles deserve whatever is coming their way in terms of Markle. So far as the book is concerned it's obvious to anyone who can read a headline that everything came straight from the horse's mouth, if it didn't then the book is a work of fiction as there's no chance on God's good earth that William and Catherine's friends and aides even took a phone call from the authors or anyone associated with them and if it's fiction why no law suits? Re voting in the 2020 election, her statement implies she didn't vote in the last one and here's me thinking she was some sort of influential political activist, clearly only in her head. I couldn't care less where they live so long as they don't come back here and expect everyone to fawn over them as if nothing has happened. The whole concept of 'working royals'needs to be abandoned after this debacle. How many 'seconds'(I was going to say number 2s but realised the other connotation!) need to 'f' up before they grasp that being irrelevant constitutionally does their heads in? All siblings after Prince George need to be fully educated and sent out into the world to make their own way. The concept of working/senior royals should only apply to the Monarch and immediate heirs
Nutty Flavor said…
@Golden Retriever

That house is so over-the-top ostentatious—a real public relations blunder IMO.

Agreed. They'd better send William out to do something modest-looking again soon. I think his budget airline has gone out of business, but perhaps he can go shopping in a discount store or something. Promote the high street?
A great comment on DM:

Verdunne, London, United Kingdom, 53 minutes ago

This is called turning the knife as they laugh at the taxpayers, and they still have Frogmore! Even Marie Antoinette would slap her

Nutty Flavor said…
One mistake Meg and her PRs made when planning the promotion of this book is not having a lot of new photos ready.

The media keeps running year-old photos of the South Africa trip or her in that green caterpillar dress at the Commonwealth service.

If they'd been smart they would have a "young black photographer take images for his portfolio" and share them on Instagram or something.

Or have one of their friends, if they still have any, take "candid" family photos and share them. Even one or two images would have been very useful.

A missed opportunity.
Nutty Flavor said…
@Golden Retriever

I was surprised by this statistic:

3,686 households: 25.7% with children under 18

Do these kids all live in big mansions? Or is there a more modest area of the town?

Maybe some of the locals who have commented recently can give us some insights.
Tea Cup said…
"The best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour." Why in Heaven's name would ANYBODY assume HM or Charles learned a damn thing from past disasters? QEII enables Andrew Charles is a sniveling weak-ass dork as obsessed with his own self-image as Markle hers. That Finding Freedom didn't target Charles with its poison pen explains away this ticky-tacky anti-eco warrior consumptive monstrosity he's given them in Santa Barbara. It's recompense to his darling boy and his practically-perfect-in-every-way wife who in typeset spared the thought that Chuckster became like a "second father" and "Pa" deeply sympathized with how put upon this underappreciated modernizing couple had been assailed by the palace machine and evil racist press.

Frankly I would love nothing better than for the Cambridges to give a robust finger (or two) to Charles and co. and tell the whole lot of them to suck it.
Unknown said…
Now I am absolutely convinced H&M are flipping this house!

If H&M don't have the means to pay off Frogmore Cottage in one-go but have the resources for this mansion, something is not kosher. If Prince Charles has paid for the mansion, I think he has done so as a personal loan. That may explain the conflicting accounts on whether he is the Sussex benefactor. I am guessing he is getting the money for the mansion back after they sell for a profit.

I am just not convinced they are settling down in that money pit. It just doesn't make sense. Paying back Frogmore Cottage would have saved them a whole lot of grief and would have been a huge PR win. Instead they are spending like there is no tomorrow. They are out of control!
So much to catch up on! I'm fine, thanks for your good wishes.

Data download to a new computer took hours - hence the silence!

Someone on previous thread mentioned about not being able to change Birth Certificates in the UK - that's because a birth certificate is a certificated copy of what was written in the Register when the parent (usually) toddled along to the Register Office shortly after the birth.

Historians might like to think of it almost as a `secondary source' rather than the `primary' source. The Register thus becomes a historical document, starting in 1837.

Of course, the evidence provided is to a greater or lesser extent taken on trust, one signs that the information is `to the best of one's knowledge and belief'. If `inaccurate' evidence is given, such as an illegitimate child in a family being registered, and subsequently brought up, as offspring of a family marriage, nobody is any the wiser. if you believe the `alternative account' about the late Queen Mother, this will be familiar to you!

Yet people cling to misinformation on the certificates. My grandfather was thought to be 48 when he died but both the Registrar General's Birth records, and also church baptismal ones, show he was 2 years older than everybody thought. He'd knocked 2 years off his age when he first met my grandmother, but my cousin refused point blank to believe me when I told her this.

A friend who discovered 2 previously-unsuspected bigamous marriages in the family tree told me `people lied all the time!' in these situations.

Btw, it has always been a register of live births - which is why still births are not recorded - something which grieves many people who have been thus bereaved. This also makes it difficult for transgender people, especially as we have to produce our bc's so often now to show we are entitled to work in the UK.
Unknown said…
@Wild Boar Battle-Maid I am so glad to see you back! Glad to hear you are okay. I second what @CatEyes said about you being a Renaissance woman. The wealth of information and anecdotes from you is a gift that keeps giving. I'm glad you give it here.
Unknown said…
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Nutty Flavor said…
Good point, @Unknown. Maybe Meg does need a fancy home as a prerequisite for joining the Real Housewives franchise.

Something I'm waiting to see is a photo composition setting the Montecito Monstrosity next to Anmer Hall, William and Kate's residence in Norfolk.

Guess who's got the bigger house now!
Rut said…
I don't understand why anyone would like to move to California with a child.
I understand it is sunny and nice and happy and everything but there are forest fires drought and earthquakes. And are they not waiting for "the big eartquake"?
There are so many trees around their new house, all I can think about is a coming forest fire.
If I were Harry I would take my helicopter with me from the UK. And place it just outside the front door, ready to take off.
No, if I were Harry I would have stayed Frogmore with my son.

Unknown said…
Thing is Teacup....the RF need to distance themselves PDQ from any hint PC financed this or Williamand Kate may find there is no crown to inherit......seriously think this is a very very dangerous moment for the future of the Monarchy....Nutties have long seemed to think the RF is playing a long game....doesn't look like that now....they look weak, feeble and so out of touch....a few video conferences a couple of times a week doesn't compensate for shovelling millions across the Atlantic to a couple who have made it abundantly clear what they think about the toxic racist British.......don't forget PC put up the rents of his Duchy tenants in a time of National crisis....and then banktolls this pair of vipers.....I am close to being done with the RF
Magatha Mistie said…

Huzzah @WildBoar!

I also watch Rhobh, prefer Rhony 😉
No way do I want to see those two on my telly.
If? She crawled onto BH we need LVP to
return and remind Megs of British snark,
banter vs. ranter.. I know who would win..
Unknown said…
Hi, have been reading this blog for many months now...but this is my first post. I always find this blog and associated comments very informative; so between this, Harry Markle and Blind Gossip I get my news on the two grifters.

I can't believe these two have been able to purchase this property. I don't understand why Prince Charles would financially support this purchase. Maybe Harry is in it for the long haul...which sounds scary. I hope Archie, if there is an Archie, is well looked after. I remember a couple of years ago reading Doria doing a child care course, which assumably was to look after her grandchild. It feels like these two are getting rewarded for bad behaviour, which doesn't make for good role models to others.

Apologies if I haven't followed proper protocols in referencing other contributers.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Magatha Mistie said…

Megs golden rain
Is all but plain
Out for the world to see
Her move to Montecito
Was all incognito
And is all about hey, look at me
She’s out to cause pain
All for her gain
Whilst crying “oh what about me”

Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
lizzie said…
@Unknown wrote:


All types of people run for school boards with many different agendas.
And they are unfortunately not required to have professional training or experience in education."

True. I'm aware not all school board members currently have school-age children. I'm aware not all school board members have professional training in education. I'm aware some school board members have adult children who are no longer in school and/or may have grandchildren in school. Finally, I'm aware younger people sometimes run with the hope of improving the schools for the future.

Personally I think diversity of thought and perspective can be quite useful. So I'm very glad board members are not required to be professional educators or be the parents of children currently in the system.

But I've been lucky enough in places I've lived the people have never elected persons who (as you put it) have a "personal vendetta against a school administrator or teacher" or have criminal aims. (I've also never seen a parent elected who chose to send all his/her children to private school. One for special needs, sure. But sending the message the schools aren't good enough for MY child, no.)

People run for various offices for all kinds of reasons. Some get elected, some don't. But I can't think of a person less qualified to serve on a public school board than Meghan (well, maybe Kayne West)-- neither she nor her spouse ever attended public schools, her child most certainly will not attend a public school, she seems to know nothing about child development, she doesn't seem capable of working collaboratively with others, her attention span seems fairly limited, and her understanding of complex topics seems dreadfully superficial....
Magatha Mistie said…

Giggy is better dressed than Megs!
I’m also sure he’s able to relieve himself,
outdoors, elegantly.

Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Re M's influence: did anybody see my post at 4.20pm?

I reported about an American ice-cream company (B&J's) sticking its oar into British affairs. Having the damned cheek to criticise the Home Secretary over illegals getting across the Channel?

It's got MM's sticky finger prints all over it and it is based on a completely false premise:

These migrants are NOT people who have no choice:

They can and should apply for asylum in France, under the terms of the Dublin Regulation at

Unless they have flown directly to UK from wherever, they should have applied for `asylum', if they are making out they are refugees, in the first safe country they set foot in. I doubt if they paddled or swam thousands of miles, without making landfall, before turning up on our doorstep. We collect them from the Channel only to save them from drowning.

If they fly in, on a direct flight to UK, we would meet our obligations.

They have, however, paid good money to criminals to get them here. They have been in France but the French don't want them and they want to come here as they can live here clandestinely. I was against ID cards but I've changed my mind now.

I'm almost sure B&J's virtue signalling is the result of a call from HAMs. I am very angry about it.
emeraldcity said…

In case anyone is wondering where the new house is, google maps 'El Fureidis' (the Scareface House) which is virtually at the bottom of their garden. The same Russian Billionare owned them both, allegedly Mark Cuban owns 'El Fureidis' now.
Magatha Mistie said…

Meghan is taking the piss
Going outside for a whizz
All that we know
About Haz and his Ho
Is all from their book,
and Soho!
emeraldcity said…


"The Duke and Duchess of Sussex’ names do not appear on grant deeds related to the property — records show the estate quietly sold in mid-June to a mysterious trust with a deliberately opaque name, though the trust happens to share a mailing address with the offices of Meghan Markle’s longtime Hollywood business manager.

Public documents also reveal the buyers secured a $9.5 million mortgage to acquire the 7.4-acre compound, which is securely tucked away on a private, gated street. Despite the unquestionably hefty pricetag, it could be argued Meghan and Harry scored the property at a discount of sorts — the seller, low-profile Russian businessman Sergey Grishin, acquired the estate in 2009 for $25.3 million and had attempted to sell it many times over the past decade before finally accepting a $10 million-plus financial loss".

-Source Variety via Dirt(their realestate section)
Magatha Mistie said…


I’ve tried googling B&J’s, not much?
I scream!
But, I’m on my phone.
As for Megs, B&J’s are part of her MO?

emeraldcity said…
Public documents also reveal the buyers secured a $9.5 million mortgage to acquire the 7.4-acre compound
-Source Variety via Dirt(their realestate section)

I'm a bit confused, from what's been discussed I didn't think either of them would be able to get a mortgage due to their lack of employment status and that the most likely way of funding the house would be full payment up front. Can the term mortgage used in general for a house purchase (even if it's bought for full cash payment) or does it mean an actual mortgage with all that entails? If they have managed to get an actual mortgage, could it be allowed if Charles was guarantor or something?

Sorry, lots of questions, but I'm a bit clueless on how the USA property system works, trying to get things straight in my head.


Unknown said…
Speaking of very large houses...I laugh when they film the ladies of the BH housewives show losing their husbands inside their homes. They are so big that at times they can't find each other and a shout doesn't go far enough in those monstrosities! Imagine having to use your cell phone to find your husband inside your home.

I'd never last in a mansion then, I'm capable of "losing" my husband in our poky 2-bed semi-detached with moderate garden haha
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Yay, @Wild Boar Battle-maid is feeling better! Let's put out good energy for @Pink Peony too :)

@Unknown August 13, 2020 at 5:34 AM (have to distinguish you from other Unknowns) --

I also can't help but think that Oprah is somehow behind a lot of this with her anti-racism messages. Can she really not recognize a narcissistic sociopath? Or perhaps it doesn't matter to her as long as she can turn MM into someone to front her causes?

It's my opinion Oprah is every bit as NPD as Markle, but with more sense and self-discipline. She knows how to carry through her plans and ambitions, unlike Markle, who flits and floats with each prevailing wind. Oprah is also much more ruthless, and a much better actress. Explains how she's been able to show "empathy" to others all these years, in furtherance to her private ambitions.

@Nutty, to your point about the Harkles' PR and your suggestion they simply hire a young Black photog to take some candid snaps and post them on IG --

Yes. Excellent idea. Which is why they won't do it. Too much sense, too much foresight. Neither one of them looks any further than the current moment. They probably don't even remember their own statement about "cutting off and ignoring" the 4 major tabloids, and "working with young, upcoming, independent journalists," not to mention their devotion to "inclusivity and diversity." I'll wager good money their PR doesn't have a single POC on their staff (well, perhaps a token).
JHanoi said…
Harkls new house - i haven’t read the book, but was very disappointed they described others homes, clooneys, anmer hall, queen jewel safe! area, etc.

but karma’s a b1t@ch, with luck, their new house will be plastered in living color all over the tabloids via zillow, trulia, etc hahah. so much for privacy!

that markle definitly took picures in private areas of the BRF living quarters, and others too!
JHanoi said…
i think they could also get a mortgage if they had the collateral or assets ( maybe in trusts, or not liquid) to back up their loan

they are normal folk, they are the rich folk . there are special rules for the 1 %’rs and the .1% rs.
JHanoi said…
aren’t normal folk.

sory for all of my tupos, fat fingers, dropped words, and blutooth keyboard issues!
JHanoi said…
sorry and typos!
JHanoi said…
dm had some basic layouts of the cambridges apartment. it was huge and many floors. they do have live in help, and have a few rooms for “public” entertaining where they’ve had dignataries or high profile people for tea/or whatever.
he is the future futre king.
JHanoi said…
one last comment for now on how they can afford it - i’ve read at least twice and once was in a book excerpt - MM says friends ask how they can afford a house or whatever, she says there’s money, alot so they can afford it.

and she’ll be around for a while until she fritters it all away.

so to me that means the trust has gained alot over the years, which is likely because diana’s been gone for years. and maybe he still gets it in installments because of the mortgage and he can’t pay off frogmore immediately.

also when some of hs elderly older relative pass, he’ll probably get some more large amounts.....hopefully in tied up tight trusts.
Unknown said…
Nice seeing you again @emeraldcity :) Thanks for reminding me about Dirt as a resource for celeb real estate.
JHanoi said…
and lastly before i get ready for work, harkles say they bought this all on their own.

they lie. but perhaps they did and either got a mortgage from dad , or a mortgage from a real bank using his trust as collateral.

PC stateed he will always help his kids when he can blah blah blah. so maybe he’s the mortgage holder, or more likely pays for theiir multi mllion $ annual security. after all, PH was born royal, if he wasn’t he wouldn’t need security.

and if harkles did buy this on their own without BRF help, MM isnt good with money, PH is a sucker. it’s an expensive house, high epenses, hight taxes, high upkeep,
just a keeping up with oprah/ellen type house. people that have made multi-millions on their own and have a career / talent to keep it rolling in. thats something very lacking in the harkle’s case.

it seems like monteceito is an area for the cream of the crop in celeb world, tthose who have made it very very big , and can pick and choose their future projects and fund them themselves. the harkles are wannabes to that ethos, they flushed their small prior accomplishments, and botched all their PR attempts, it will be interesting to see what happens.
xxxxx said…
Anton Kutcher and wife live in Montecito. He has done so well on investments he rarely acts anymore. Montecito is for those Hollywood people who are established, rooted into the Hollywood money making eco-system. Thus they cane live remotely from where all the action is, making deals, socializing....Hollywood. Hardly the case for the Harkles. The Gruesome Parasites, their eco-system is leaching off The Duchy and UK taxpayers.
SwampWoman said…
JHanoi said: and if harkles did buy this on their own without BRF help, MM isnt good with money, PH is a sucker. it’s an expensive house, high epenses, hight taxes, high upkeep,
just a keeping up with oprah/ellen type house. people that have made multi-millions on their own and have a career / talent to keep it rolling in. thats something very lacking in the harkle’s case.

it seems like monteceito is an area for the cream of the crop in celeb world, tthose who have made it very very big , and can pick and choose their future projects and fund them themselves. the harkles are wannabes to that ethos, they flushed their small prior accomplishments, and botched all their PR attempts, it will be interesting to see what happens.

Yep, it doesn't matter the price of the house, the taxes and maintenance and utilities are going to sink them unless they come up with some ongoing (high) income PDQ. And if they are making high payments for a mortgage in the meantime? Oy. That place is going to need a veritable army of servants to maintain with associated Federal tax payments. I'm not saying this in a malicious way but as a realist. (No, I do not see Harry scrubbing all the bathroom toilets or trimming the shrubberies or doing the pool maintenance even though he doesn't appear to be doing anything much.)

I'm not sure how an entitled rich couple living in such a house in such a place is going to be able to yammer on about sustainability, the environment, and minority rights since they will probably not be championing their (likely illegal) laborers and paying them woke wages. I doubt that the neighbors are going to want to hear about how they should give up their travel and houses and cars while the Sussexes are greedily snatching up every sign of excess that they can get their hands on.
Piroska said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
xxxxx said…
Exactly Swamp woman. The Gruesomes will go into shock when the bills for upkeep, taxes and everything start to roll in. Or at least Hapless will, because he's the sucker who will be paying out.
Aquagirl said…
Dirt refers to it as ‘their California Starter House.’

These two nauseate me.

It concerns me that the paperwork was sent to Megsy’s business manager. Couldn’t JH or Charles find someone else to handle it?
xxxxx said…

Deeds, obtained by The Sun, show the buyers for the property took out a £7.25m ($9.5m) mortgage to be paid back plus interest by the year 2050 - indicating they put down a deposit of £3.8m ($5m).

They will also have to pay a whopping yearly property tax of £220,000.

The records show the property was bought by a mysterious company called the Residential Real Estate Trust.

While there are no names listed for the mysterious trust, it matches that of a previous LLC set up by Meghan called Frim Fram Inc.

A source close to Meghan and Harry says the couple are calling the luxury mansion their "sanctuary".


Bank of Dad has kicked in at least five million---- My opinion.
Aquagirl said…
@xxxxx: I was wondering about the $3 million from Disney. Maybe that’s to furnish it!
JHanoi said…
yup, if Meghans manager, not the BRF, were involved in the transaction, thet are lookimg out for MM, not Haz. and if its in MM Flim Flam LLC then doesn’t that mean MM’s name instead for Hapaless? unless they changed the LLC/ trust around. bbut is Harry bright enough to do ithat with the BRF grey suits telling him? what an idiot

Wills must be torn between a zillion emotions at his Stupid, Hapless, Stokholm brother. Anger, frustration, idiocy, not wonder he said he’s done and can’t continue to put his arm around him, or whatever he said.
xxxxx said…
What? No need to furnish. This Russian oligarch hideaway comes fully furnished with the most gaudy and dated nouveau riche furniture and furnishings. Lots of gold themes all over. All Megs need do is push some aside to do her yoga and Pilates.
Aquagirl said…
‘They can rarely leave the house because of their fame....’ Oh, please!
Aquagirl said…
@xxxxx: I’m wondering if the gym still has the stripper pole for Megsy? She can practice her stripping and her juggling ;)
lucy said…
LOL! I just flipped through the photos of their house?

Saw the horse head portrait and thought that was the moment, subconsciously, that Harry was so drawn to house and had to have it 😆

For what it is worth I think they had to have help getting mortgage for house. I imagine Megs credit is sh*t and Harry doesn't count . As example I wanted to purchase home. Long story but I actually had funds to purchase ($20,000) long story.. but I had no credit, which I was told is worse than having bad credit. It is like you dont exist

Not sure if California is different but I am nearly certain they would have to have co-signer.

Thanks to comments above I am now picturing juggling stripper LOL what a schtick

Glad to hear all is well with you Charade :)
SwampWoman said…
The California people are having to deal with earthquake swarms, fires, and mass egress of businesses, some of which are being packed up along with equipment and trucked to their new state (often Texas and Florida) and rebuilt. I wouldn't want to invest in a pricey property in California hoping for a turn around and big appreciation of assets unless I had evidence that the state had hit bottom and stopped deepening the budget hole. I see no evidence that the state government has even identified the problem (except that business owners are bad and must be punished through more taxes).

*sigh* Most of my friends/relatives that were there have already packed up, sold out, and moved to more business-friendly locations. Some of them had enough house/property equity to afford early retirement and plan to happily putter around on their hobby farms that they purchased in far-away states. Some of them were financially ruined with loss of businesses in the COVID shutdowns.

Disclaimer: I'm just hearing this from business owners that have left. Perhaps everybody else is perfectly happy with the California situation.

Regardless of how Californians regards the future, those of us in less tax burdensome states can see horrible financial and unemployment problems coming. Even shutdown light states have had businesses closed forever. I do not foresee a lot of sympathetic eyes being cast toward people whining about racism while living in a multi-million mansion (paid for by the alleged racists).
SwampWoman said…
Aquagirl said: @xxxxx: I’m wondering if the gym still has the stripper pole for Megsy? She can practice her stripping and her juggling ;)

While I'm not at all interested in her nekkid body, I would be curious to see if she has the coordination to pull it off, so to speak.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
lucy said...
LOL! I just flipped through the photos of their house?

Saw the horse head portrait and thought that was the moment, subconsciously, that Harry was so drawn to house and had to have it

Well, the house WAS sold by a Russian oligarch with a dodgy past ... Russian Mafia? (Horse head from "The Godfather") -- either that, or, judging by the erm, "taste" displayed, a velvet portrait of Elvis will be the next purchase ;)
Miggy said…

Well there was an earthquake this morning that rocked the Sussex coast.

Perhaps that was their parting gift to the region.

Miggy said…
California wildfires blazing now...
SwampWoman said…
The Sussexes remind me of the people that used to ask me about horses back when I went with daughter to her horse shows.

"I want to get a horse!" they would say. "What is your price range?" I would ask. "Well, we were hoping for a free horse." I would tell them that there is no such thing as a free horse. "What do you mean? I see horses advertised free to good homes all the time!" *sigh* "How much property do you have?" "I'm looking to buy 10 acres." Looking to buy means no property and no good home. "Would this property be cleared with good fences and good pastures and a barn?" "Well, no, it's timberland. "So, no fences, pastures, or shelter. You could probably have two acres logged off if the timber is mature enough, have it root-raked, plant it in pasture, put up a shelter, and fence it with good field fencing for maybe $10,000 if you did the fencing and put up a shelter yourself. A lot more if you don't do the work yourself." "Wait, what?" "Then you need to budget for feed, hay, veterinarian visits for vaccines, wormer, teeth floating, and assorted injuries that horses get and the farrier coming by every 6 weeks." "Well, I just wanted an old horse for the kids to ride!" "Do they know how to ride?" "Well, no." "Riding lessons, plus the horse may need some professional training because free horses are usually free because they have problems that can severely injure you if you don't know how to deal with it."

Of course they would ignore me and go talk to people who would assure them that horses would do just great in planted pines with a barbed wire fence, no grass, no shelter from storms, no hay or feed, and no veterinary or hoof care.

The Sussexes may have been getting good advice but chose to ignore it.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
@SwampWoman said ...

Of course they would ignore me and go talk to people who would assure them that horses would do just great in planted pines with a barbed wire fence, no grass, no shelter from storms, no hay or feed, and no veterinary or hoof care.

The Sussexes may have been getting good advice but chose to ignore it.


Every time I hear about people mistreating horses, any livestock, any pet by not taking proper care of them, I want to FLIP OUT.

Come to think of it, I have the same reaction to the Sussexes.

Excellent post.
Aquagirl said…
@SwampWoman: LMAO at the horse story!
Jdubya said…

Good article -
“They realised they needed a big home with a lot of space for Archie because they can rarely leave the house due to their fame, they are still quite nervous about going out and about.

“They have been worried about Archie as he's been inside so much during lockdown and not interacting with other children, but everyone has reassured them that they’re doing a great job.

“Meghan wanted somewhere with a spectacular garden and the house has a giant pool and pond for them to enjoy.

"They say this new house is their 'sanctuary'.

“She has been speaking about getting an easel to sit outside and paint during quiet moments, she loves the California sunsets.

“Harry seems a lot more relaxed, he’s walking around the house in shorts and a t-shirt, unshaven and is friendly with the staff, they think he’s adorable.

“He is particularly relaxed now they have a full security team and he’s talked about how impressed he is by the team, who are former LAPD and ex-servicemen.

“They are still looking for a housekeeper and hope to find one when the pandemic eases up, but they do have staff who are sent out with a list for groceries.”
luxem said…
Wasn't the Canadian mansion also owned by a Russian Oligarch?

Do the other celebs here walk around with security while out doing errands? Clearing out stores/restaurants so MeMe can shop/eat "safely" due to her "high-profile" will quickly sour others on her as a neighbor.

MeMe would never lower herself to run for a position in a local election. She certainly thinks that her pal Oprah would pave the way for her to jump right into a national election. Obama was a first-term senator when he ran for president and was helped immensely by Oprah/Hollywood. He clearly had much more to offer than MeMe, but she lacks self-awareness to understand that.
Jdubya said…
Poor Archie - going to spend his life indoors as his parents are so paranoid about letting him go outside. I truly feel sorry for him. Now Megs will take up painting (like Charles) and become a famous artist. They already have staff to go grocery shopping for them.

When you read articles about the area, there are so many celebrities around and the people just leave them alone. that's where the REAL celebs go to just be "normal". But H&M are just such huge superstars that will never happen. It's like they are creating their own prison and then wanting your sympathy
Jdubya said…
Here is a video guide to the house i came across. Complete with music !!!

Starry said…
Where is their cash flow coming from??

Poking around on twitter, I learned about this site:

It's run by Effervescence Media - the same people that do Meghan's Mirror.

Merch Merch Merch!!!

Get ready for all of Meghan's favourite home decor now that they've found their so-called forever home.
I wonder what regulations apply to a mortgage in USA. Supposedly individual should be a citizen? And have a stable income? If the mortgage in in Markle's name how can she demonstrate a source of income?

I am just curious who is paying the mortgage. Financially it should be no probs, as Harry is in possession of a considerable amount of money, but can he be a mortgage holder in USA?
Miggy said…

Miggy, your first post made me laugh, Meghan stamping her foot... those Brits laughing at me...stomp,stomp...earthquake in Sussex, Omid you told the world I pee'd in a bush Why? stomp...tremors.

Thank you for that. I can't get that image of Meg's 'foot stomping' out of my head now!
Especially with her giant feet - I'm surprised only Sussex felt the quake! 😆

I've had the misfortune of experiencing wildfires and know how devastating they are to both human & wildlife and the environment. Terrifying!

Miggy said…
Artemisia19 said…

News this morning: Meghan and her handbag unveil their new, palatial home in the California hills.

News an hour ago from California: Wildfires have destroyed more than 73,000 acres across 3 states and are spreading fast
Artemisia19 said…
If anyone is interested, here is a good digital tool to see where the fires are burning out west.
@ Puds

Thank you for this clarification. I just want to hope that after they finally publicly poured faeces on the country and monarchy they can finally shut up and start living their life as a happy little family. May be Harry will get the help he needed and Megsy will dive into politics and be satisfied with living next to celebs she would have never reached on her own.

Everybody will be able to sigh with relief then. Tho something tells me it will never happen. Megsy is not the type to be grateful for what she's got.
Humor Me said…
Apologies if this has already been voiced...
This is a downpayment on the future divorce settlement. Charles realizes she/ they are not coming back to the UK for any reason (except a funeral, and maybe not even that).
I still say once Harry turns 40 and 6 months, and has full access to all of his inheritances, Meghan will sue for divorce, citing irreconcilable differences, and go for the 50/50 community property split. And custody will be 50/50 - she knows better not to fight that issue.
This may be smart on Charles part - shelling out now means no financial hit later on (he remembers his own divorce). Harry will take the hit financially.
Aquagirl said…
@Humor Me: The 50/50 split is for assets earned during the marriage. JH’s trust would be exempt from that.
CatEyes said…
We are astounded that Harry and Meghan has this palatial new estate which seems to be gifted to them. This is actually the second estate gifted to them, the first being Frogmore.. So the BRF sees fit to reward the dastardly duo with a second home way more ostentatious than the first. And it is a reward, because I do not see why it was earned. What have they done as loyal faithful hardworking servants of the Queen. Oops. they have done nothing? No worse, they have said the most vile things against the Royal family, has undermined the authority of TQ and the future king William. Yet Charles sits back and appears to condone their actions and rewards them. Is Charles so happy he did not take the brunt of criticism in 'Finding Freedom', he rewards his ingrate son and his equally despicable wife who has brought ill repute to the house of Windsor, fanning the flames of racism and upsetting the country.

So the Sussex couple have two palatial homes and if they play thier cards right maybe Charles will continue to bankroll the billionaire-like lifestyle. Yes they are in the league of the uberwealthy, top of the multimillionaire status of people because an average millionaire would not be able to owe and keep up such palatial estates, hire millions of dollars worth of security, bankroll millions of dollars worth of multiple lawsuits on two continents, fund staff to support such a grand estate, live a millionaire's lifestyle of the rich and famous (and I mean not just rich but multimillionaire rich) all the while Meghan and Harry are spending maybe a million on PR, and the inevitable taxman (federal. state, county and local) are owed their due. This is all before the trio (and Doria being the 4th) have to have money to meet their everyday needs what with polo ponies to house and feed and train, and Meghan's need for plastic surgery and regular facial/hair care and Doria must have wages and retirement money set aside, oh the list is endless even the food they eat is probably worth a kings ransom as they need to fill that wine cellar with the very best as Tig won't be good enough any longer (the daily food bill must be horrendous what with feeding everyone even staff). All the while the Queen must make do with tupperware and a few cucumber sandwiches as a snack. Nothing will be good enough for the Harkles and Charles has shown he will be only too happy to give and give, with nothing but the best for his little boy.

Maneki Neko said…

The Sun is 'pro' Megs so their sugary article is best ignored, although it was good for a laugh.


I don't know if they've found their 'forever' house - I read something this morning (on this blog, I think) about the house being a 'starter home'. I'm sure this is everybody's idea of a starter home.

OK for Oprah and Ellen who have worked for their house. The Harkles haven't. The whole thing is just obscene.
Grisham said…
I really have to believe that the queen gave them some money toward this ostentatious house, perhaps a forward on an inheritance? The queen is obviously super wealthy and it stands to reason that when she and PP are gone, all the children and grandchildren are going to get an influx of cash. Right? I’m just guessing.

Or Chas bought it as investment property. Or it was a buy out.

Truly, with HAMS in Santa Barbara, it might not be what Charles envsisioned, but it really does solve some problems concerning his idea of a smaller royal family. He may have come around to see this as a perfectly acceptable way. England doesn’t like Meg. Meg and Harry (seriously, Harry) don’t like England.

TQ, Charles and even William might have come to the idea this is better in the end. Everyone pony up some cash and keep them happy out there.

I have been consistently saying I don’t think this bothers the queen and Charles as much as everyone wants it to. TQ knows what it’s like to have no freedom of choice over your life. She knows her mother always resented David for his abdication and the burden it put on her father. I honestly think the queen enjoys her life and her devotion to her country and her career as monarch. I also think she understands clearly those who do not.
Himmy said…
It could to be the same situation as Harkles' manifesto.They did not consult anyone. They went ahead and bought the house they think they deserve. The bank is happy to lend them money because they know the bank of dad would not allow them to default on the loan.
brown-eyed said…
I’m not aware of any visa restrictions for non-citizens buying property here. People from all over the world own property and homes in the US. You only need to have the money or access to money. Harry has stature as the heir’s son, also.
If they fail to pay the mortgage, the lenders will eventually foreclose and own the house.
Grisham said…
My sibling lives in Ca. Wildfire has a season, yes, there are droughts. And winds. The winds sometimes knock down the power lines, which then cause the fires. So then they have rolling black outs to prevent that. I’ve visited all parts of Ca over 20 times and you just can’t beat the sun and the climate. I would move there by my sibling if the opportunity ever presented itself. California is wonderful. Yes, it has problems, but it’s also a lifestyle.
Beachgal58 said…
@nutty flavor. Montecito is a mix of old money, new money, and people who have just lived there for many years. Back in the 80’s and 90’s, Montecito was considered a bit out of town for people looking to purchase properties. We ourselves looked to purchase there but decided against it and moved into the foothills above Santa Barbara. Celebrities, directors, big business discovered the beauty of the area and started purchasing properties, which caused the price’s to skyrocket. If you drive through Montecito, you will see a mixture of modest homes purchased many years ago, worth now a fortune as well as large estates and mansions. As I stated yesterday, Montecito or other affluent areas in Santa Barbara, such as Hope Ranch, is where people come to live when they want to get away from the lime light of Hollywood. President Ronald Regan had his ranch up in the Santa Ynez valley and was often seen in town attending church services. Have we seen any photos of Harry or Meghan in their new home, walking around town. No, because again there is a unwritten rule to leave people be, paparazzi unless it’s the Santa Barbara film festival simply aren’t a part of the scene. Perhaps this will change with the Harkles moving in, but in my view the Harkles haven’t accomplished much in their lives, except that Harry is a royal. There are some great schools for Archie to attend, plus some private schools he can be sent to, but that too will cost them money. To live the lifestyle that Meghan and Harry desire, keep up that property, is going to take some serious money. I’ve lived here since the early 60’s, I love Santa Barbara. It’s quiet, I have my beaches for dog walks, my mountains for hiking, the Santa Ynez Valley for wine tasting, and yes the town closes down earlier then most at nights. This is why I have trouble seeing the Harkles living here. Meghan needs the bright lights.

I work in a high end retail store a couple days a week. Many of my customers live in the Montecito area. They talk. It will be interesting to see what they have to say about the new arrivals.
CookieShark said…
@ Fairy I wonder about this too. Have they finally had their say?

The irony is that they are insisting that they weren't consulted for the book. So why was she in a tizzy to push for an early publication? Why would she care if it wasn't her perspective?

Wasn't part of their exit agreement a pledge that they would not disparage other members of the RF? If so, doesn't this book violate that?

I think she is going after the monarchy with a baseball bat. If she can't be Queen, no one can.

What happens now?
Grisham said…
I keep looking at the house (love the playground, but really, who needs 16 bathrooms and 18k sqft??!!) and I really do love the grounds, so I can see what attracted them to the house. I’ll be interested to see if any royals go visit them in the next 3 years (think Eugenie and Jack), but maybe we will never know.

I keep looking at the roof. Lol. We have to replace my roof in the next 3-5 years and for about a 4,000 sqft roof, we have been generally quoted 25k for it. Maybe 30k and that is for plain shingles. Can you imagine how much it would cost to replace that roof??? 😮🤔😯

Puds, I get what you are saying and I have no idea about the zip codes.

nutty, I agree the book should have had at least one or two new unseen photos, but maybe that would be too much obvious cooperation.

I have said before, I don’t think there is a divorce anytime soon. I think Harry is happy with her and their child (and more if she is supposedly pregnant again as is the rumor) and their life. I think Harry is going to like California and the sunshine and the climate and his compound.

Animal Lover said…

I enjoy your posts. The last one about TQ understanding Royal life is not for everyone makes sense. However how does that explain the bitterness H&M, especially M have towards William and Kate?

FF also stated M did want to show her baby as he wasn't given a title by the TQ.

The impression left by FF is that Royal life would be fine if M was given special status and had worshipful press coverage.
Hikari said…
Charade said:

Now I am absolutely convinced H&M are flipping this house!

If H&M don't have the means to pay off Frogmore Cottage in one-go but have the resources for this mansion, something is not kosher. If Prince Charles has paid for the mansion, I think he has done so as a personal loan. That may explain the conflicting accounts on whether he is the Sussex benefactor. I am guessing he is getting the money for the mansion back after they sell for a profit.

I am just not convinced they are settling down in that money pit. It just doesn't make sense. Paying back Frogmore Cottage would have saved them a whole lot of grief and would have been a huge PR win. Instead they are spending like there is no tomorrow. They are out of control!

The Harkles have a knack of seeming to live well beyond their means, but it's all very short-term. A borrowed private jet here; a celebrity home-stay there . . .couch-surfing at the vacant mansions of billionaires with so much money they've got more houses than days in the week and can't possibly even visit them all in a calendar year.

I have a feeling, despite the headlines about Haz and Mess becoming homeowners of this Montecito mansion, that it's a lot of smoke and mirrors again. Meg gets bored so easily--bored or driven out--and has bounced from one begged/borrowed accommodation to another every few months/years. Even if they've put money down on this place, I'm confident that this is not going to be their permanent home. Maybe they've finagled some kind of deal where they pay a minimal amount to stay there in exchange for publicity for the property, just like their last two crashpads received. Huge white-elephant type places that aren't moving and would be sitting vacant anyway. Perhaps Oprah has arranged another temporary property through one of her myriad contacts. I really look to hear within a matter of months . . by Christmas, even, that the Montecito house is 'just not working out'. It's going to be 'too remote' or else 'not enough privacy' or Harry will 'be homesick' or some other tripe.

If they left Tyler Perry's because they were getting harassed by drones, but promptly publish the address of their 'new house', how does that garner them 'more privacy'? It's ludicrous. Meg's angling for some more paparazzi lawsuits, is what. I think she proposes to make this her main source of income. Getting a spot on RHWOBH would be problematic because wouldn't viewers expect to see Harry and (no longer Baby) Archie onscreen sometimes? I've never watched any of these shows, but if Meg were on, I'd have to, just to see how bad it could be. On the one hand, she'd love the status validation of being invited to be on that show. On the other hand though, that would be *way* too much scrutiny into their mode of life. If this couple won't even give the public so much as a new family photograph, the chances of inviting cameras in to document family life in their 'new home' ain't gonna happen. 'Member this time last year when 'she was planning a lavish video tour of Frogmore Cottage'? That was promoted online and everything. But the 'premiere date' came and went, and a few weeks later, the couple had allegedly fled to Canada.

This house tale is more bollocks from the Harkle PR, is my opinion. Apparently this property has sold to *someone* via an anonymous trust, but my gut tells me the Harkles are merely staying there for a while. And if Charles has given them a single sovereign toward this latest insanity, then he is well and truly demented. This kind of thing is not going to go on when William is in charge of the money, I'm pretty sure.

LavenderLady said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
xxxxx said…
Just want to say thanks to all the new contributors. Especially those who know Montecito and know the real estate market. First time I heard of Montecito was when Al Gore bought a house there. 2010
BellaDonna said…
Do you think this is why the book release date was pushed back to August? To make sure they were settled in their 'own home' before the s*** hit the fan so they could sip champagne by the pool of their 'own' chateau, laughing at the rest of us trying to prove all their lies.

They will revel in their glory until the neighbours get fed up with her attention seeking antics. I'm sure that won't be long.

Miggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
LavenderLady said…
That La Markle would put her family (Harry, Doria, Archie) and the BRF in danger by using her new home as PR, has to be one of the most evil acts I have every heard of. She claims to be an admirer of Diana. Has she learned anything? A woman who genuinely loves her man would never do this to him, their child, or his family. She is incapable of seeing with normalcy.

Who does this? Someone incredibly evil. I know parents like this exist. I've just finished watching the bio series of the Mexican singer Luis Miquel (Netflix which which he produced!). His dad was a Meghan Markle to the max. Unbelievably evil. It does happen.

Instead of keeping their digs on the down low, those two morons allowed it to be broadcast to the entire world. Any well trained tactical team could get into that place in no time. Ellen, Oprah are meh, who would bother? But the BRF, wow, I don't even want to say it.

Without the protection of the Royal Palaces, they are sitting ducks. That poor child. As much I as loathe the woman, I hope that family is safe for Archie's sake (and for your lovely Queen's emotional well being and her loyal family who remains next to her side in GB). What a travesty.

I understand the need for security, but with the loose cannon Doofus Harry married, it will go on forever, sad to say, with the British citizenry footing the bill. Even after the divorce...

Harry is beyond foolish to entangle himself with a traitor the magnitude of the thing he married. At least Wallis and Edward were pre-internet and lost their appeal much sooner than the Harkles. As we know, she died a dusty, old demented woman probably shuffling about that beautiful French home thinking she was still the fashion icon who married the King. Photos of her end days, looking out her window, were Mrs. Havisham-esque. Sad really... At least The Windsors never had children.
Grisham said…
@animal lover did you read the book? It sounds like you did, but I have a different take. (Assuming the book at face value, which I agree is a huge jump to make). I’ve been meaning to talk about this part, but I’ve been busy. I also have a doc appointment in a few hours, so I can’t devote as much time to this as I want.

The book states (without saying clearly if they really had a choice iirc) that Harry chose for Archie to not have a title because they want him to decide later one when he is old enough, if he wants the “burden” of a title and royal life.

They also tip toe around Catherine in the book, which I have found interesting. She comes across as aloof and disinterested in Meghan and Harry and the life they lived in England. Case in point: the polo match where they were together, but obviously not friendly or chatty. Two women who clearly don’t know each other well. They explain it off by saying Meghan doesn’t really care in the end because she has her own friends and that Catherine and Meghan came in at different points in their life and that Kate was busy with her children and often at Anmer Hall but that in the end, she made no effort to help Meghan adjust to royal life or how to handle the vicious press. This is IIRC, as it was a fast read and I probably need to read again to absorb more. So the book doesn’t really hold any judgement over Catherine in regards to Meghan, just more like an “it is what it is” vibe.

William is a different matter and I want to think on this more. He comes across as truly scarfing Meghan. I think that scarfing was exactly what it looked like, and I believe that is his attitude toward her. It seems to me from the book (as we have discussed) that it does seem at least having William like her is important to her, but I get that she mostly gets indifference.

It seems William and Catherine have basically no relationship with Archie, and I find that both odd and not odd because I have a crazy sibling with a large file of mental illness and I have no relationship with her nor her children because she uses them as pawns to get to me, and I just can’t get into that crazymaking behavior.

I do think as it comes across in the book, that Meghan would have stayed in royal life, but it was Harry who wanted out, and she goes where he goes.

More later.... I really have to go.

Has anyone else read the book? I would like to discuss the “fab Four” more.....
LavenderLady said…

Thank so much for all of your kind wishes. Hugs! :)
Hikari said…
jdubya wrote:

Poor Archie - going to spend his life indoors as his parents are so paranoid about letting him go outside. I truly feel sorry for him. Now Megs will take up painting (like Charles) and become a famous artist. They already have staff to go grocery shopping for them.

I have my own extensively published (here) theory as to why Master Archie is not permitted to see the light of day, ever, save through one really blurry photo of 'him' in the driveway with 'Granny Doria', which may or may not have been a photo-shopped picture of another child altogether. If the Harkles don't actually have a child living with them, that would certainly be a recipe for paranoia. I suppose in about 3, 4 years we are going to be hearing about Meg's plans to homeschool the mysterious Arch, the child no one has ever seen, in lieu of sending him to even a posh school with actual kids.

When you read articles about the area, there are so many celebrities around and the people just leave them alone. that's where the REAL celebs go to just be "normal". But H&M are just such huge superstars that will never happen. It's like they are creating their own prison and then wanting your sympathy

Being 'too famous' to be seen amongst regular humans, even other celebrities, is her go-to excuse to get out of being seen out and about, either alone or with Archie. There's always a random awkward papp walk every couple of months . .but I think Meg lives in terror of being caught out when she's not prepared for cameras. Remember a month or two ago when we were told that Harry had enjoyed a solo bike ride from the canyon to the ocean to look at the view? A ride which was determined to be a round trip of about 23 miles, on twisty roads with traffic, which he was not familiar with, being a foreign immigrant to the area of just a few months standing who is never allowed out of the house? Yeah, there were no verifying pictures of that outing, either.

Don't we imagine that if Meg's life was everything she wants us to believe it is, that she'd relish getting out and being photographed pushing Arch in a stroller, getting coffee, going to parks and other things other celebrities are doing despite the pandemic? Being seen around town accompanied by her security detail should be providing so much Narc fuel for her. Look how healthy, happy and free she is now! So glad to be back in the old stomping grounds! Where are the pics in People of her getting frozen yogurt with some of her many 'good friends' in the area, the ones she's always unburdening herself to? Sure, there's a pandemic on, but people are getting around outside. How about a few snaps of the happy (un)holy family at the beach, Meghan? A growing toddler needs sunlight to thrive, not to mention fresh air. If Archie never goes outside, he is going to develop anemia and possibly rickets.

Instead, they are hiding out behind closed doors, no doubt getting high and cooking up more grandiose ideas to insert themselves where they are not wanted. There is nothing wholesome going on here, and I would stake my retirement pension on there not being a baby there, either. The presence of Doria is hazy as well. She must be missing her own dogs, but it's not like she's got a demanding career or other family to get back to. If she's enjoying an all-expenses paid holiday in a series of swanky mansions for her taste of the Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous . .she's having a better summer than I am by far.
Hikari said…

Just want to say thanks to all the new contributors. Especially those who know Montecito and know the real estate market. First time I heard of Montecito was when Al Gore bought a house there. 2010

My awareness of Montecito is a lot more recent . . . When MM released her wish-balloon of 'spending her birthday in Montecito because she needed a change of scenery'--this was about 3- 4 weeks ago, I mistakenly thought it was Mendocino they were talking about. That's lovely, Northern CA, near the wine country, right? Now *that* would have been a change of scenery. It also would have been considerably more private, but of course MM doesn't really want that.
Miggy said…
Prince Harry follows in Meghan Markle's documentary footsteps to appear in a big budget Netflix film about the history of the Paralympic Games.
SwampWoman said…
I think that they drastically overestimate their fame.
LavenderLady said…

La Markle IMO wants only staged shots of her child so she can control the selling of them when she needs to sell. That child is a gravy train.

I mentioned the Luis Miguel bio series on Netflix (dubbed in English) because it boggles the mind what a sociopath, fame whore parent will do to their child for PR, fame and wealth. It's worth a watch for the comparison. He made my skin crawl. The actor who portrays him is a Goya (Spanish Oscar) winner in Spain and a really cool guy! What an actor to portray such evil.

Through out each episode, I couldn't help but think of Archie. I cried over what Luis Miguel went through in his childhood and still into his adulthood. Very sad.
AnyaAmasova said…
I have not and will not read FF. But, I take your word on what comes across on the pages regarding the BRF, both as a family and as individuals. But, I view this through the lens that Megs herself wrote this book and sent e-gallies to OS and Durand via a third party. Perhaps an attorney of someone like MA. Many of the passages quotes in various articles are in her inimitable puerile style.
AnyaAmasova said…

Apologies for not responding to you yesterday regarding the mental health issues of Megs. The passages you provided are very informative. I agree that there is probably a fine line between various diagnosis, and of course the DSM is updated and changed periodically, so things do change. With respect to Megs, I just find her more calculating and ruthless, basically vile, than the narcissists I have had the pleasure to know in my life. No, she is not a serial killer, but I do think she could and would bring "harm" to others if it provided an opportunity to get what she wants.

With respect to the invisible "Archie" have you considered the chid might not be attractive in Megs' eye. She did not want her father at her wedding owing to his lack of looks that meet her approval. Maybe the little tyke just isn't up to snuff to Megs.
SwampWoman said…
AnyaAmasova said...With respect to the invisible "Archie" have you considered the chid might not be attractive in Megs' eye. She did not want her father at her wedding owing to his lack of looks that meet her approval. Maybe the little tyke just isn't up to snuff to Megs.

If she wanted an attractive child, she should have stuck with her first husband or her chef.
@ Cookie Shark

I am with you on that. Despite the huge PR disaster of the book it is out now, so the boiling point has passed. We had our laugh at peeing in the woods, striking yoga poses, buying diamonds for six months and such rubbish and Omid had his five min of fame with all his glorious plastic face and lies about his true age.

However I don't think the lull will last. Unless Megsy drops the lawsuit against media the book and all it implies will resurface again. No way MoS lawyers will let go of such obvious piece of Markle personally leaked propaganda.
Jdubya said…
Fairy crocodile - anyone can buy a home in US. Where I live, Montana, we have Canadians buying property and vacation homes here all the time.
AnyaAmasova said…
So true. Haz is not all that.
lizzie said…
If Archie looks like anyone (& I'm not sure he does) it's Thomas Markle IMO.
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