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The new September issue of Vogue UK - without Meghan

Could it have been only a year ago that Meghan guest-edited the vaunted September issue of Vogue UK?

Yup - it was the September 2019 issue of Vogue, Meg's "Forces for Change" issue. She was so pleased with the issue that she handed out notebooks embossed with the Forces for Change message, accompanied by handwritten notes in her trademark dreadful calligraphy.

Fast forward twelve months - past a messy departure from the UK and a festival of lawsuits against the media. 

Today the September 2020 issue of Vogue UK hit the stands. It focuses on Black activism, with a fold-out cover featuring 18 faces of influential Black celebrities.

Meghan, apparently, is not among them.

Ed Enninful used to love Meg

Has Meg fallen out with Vogue UK editor Edward Enninful? This time last year, Enninful was calling his co-operation with the Duchess "a special time in his editorship."

In a video clip that accompanied the 2019 issue, Ghana-born Enninful emotes, "I remember walking into Kensington Palace and I was so excited. And I was like, 'Lovely to meet you, duchess." And you were like "Call me Meghan."

Enninful doesn't seem so star-struck any more. In fact, he was recently quoted busting up Meghan's favorite narrative by saying that he doesn't feel that criticism of her was due to racism

"She did get a very unfair treatment, I thought," Enninful told SkyNews last week. "It was harsh, it was harsh. But I wouldn't just blame it on racism."

That's rather unhelpful, at least from Meg's point of view, because the idea that Britain rejected her solely because she is (a little bit) Black flavors all of Meghan's multiple lawsuits and much of her publicity.

Portraying herself as a victim of racism is also Meg's best hope for US-based celebrity in a time when racial tensions have proven very profitable for the media. 

Not really an activist

Anyway, Meg's apparent absence from the new September Vogue does make sense, because she isn't really a Black activist. 

Arguably, she's not an activist at all, just a follower of the cause of the week. (Speaking of which, there have still been no arrests in the Althea Bernstein case, and apparently no new information over the past three weeks either.)

But it raises a bigger question - now that Enninful appears to have moved on, precisely who is still in Meghan's corner?

Bad news for celebrities who back Meghan

A year ago, Meg still had the support of celebrities like Ellen DeGeneres and Jessica Mulroney, both of whom have had their own falls from grace since then. 

Serena Williams, who is currently preparing for the US Open tournament beginning August 24, wasn't pleased with Meg's stoned-looking appearance at the 2019 Open, which included an incident in which Meg apparently showed her panties to Serena's husband. 

It's a good bet that Meg won't be welcome in Serena's box at this year's open.

Even Oprah, who has been in the news recently talking about racism, doesn't seem to be in Meghan's corner any more. The last statement Oprah made about the Sussexes - defending their decision to leave the Royal Family - was in January. 

Are there any powerful people still backing the Duchess of Sussex?


Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Great to have you back Nutty. I think it will be a fair estimate that without access to and support from the royal machine Meg's voice is downgraded to a mosquito buzz.

Anything she has to say and do somebody else already said and done better.

Markle is just a middle aged second grade cable actress with just one show. I suppose she could run some support scheme for struggling actresses, because she knows this subject, but she is lacking consistency and compassion to be good at it.

I am beginning to suffer a severe case of Markle fatigue and just want to see the end of this nonsense.
Unknown said…
Welcome back Nutty :)
Aquagirl said…
I don’t see any celebrities outright supporting MM at this point; however, I do see the US press continuously gushing about her. (I do use the term ‘press’ loosely.) Ellen and Jessica are dealing with their own issues, supposedly Oprah is vacationing on Geffen’s yacht, (but hers is not the only magazine that writes supportive articles), Serena seems to have walked, and likewise, Amal and George disappeared long ago. I’d imagine that the ‘5 Friends’ are also keeping their distance. Meghan is a liar who uses people, to me it’s clear as day. Who would want to be associated with her? I’m waiting to see what Tyler Perry does. I assume that they are living in his house rent free, yet all she’s done is complain, erect ugly ‘privacy fences,’ and filed more lawsuits since she’s been there. Talk about the houseguest from hell.
CookieShark said…
Welcome back Nutty!

She said something to the effect recently that she, Harry, and Archie would be "cheering on" all of the young women mobilizing for change. Not that she would be with them, or amongst them.

It is really clear, if you look at her behavior, that she is about luxury travel, (dreams of) A list events, gourmet food and quoting (?) famous people. She's not an activist.

I will go a step further and say I don't think a true humanitarian would have ever married Harry. It would have clashed too fundamentally with their convictions.
CeeMoore said…
Hope you had a great vacation, Nutty! The moderator you chose did a great job, so ty to them! Ty for this blog, Nutty! Sure looks like "It's a hard rain's gonna fall ..." ~ Bob Dylan
Unknown said…
The media is definitely cashing in on Black Activism but I wonder as a society where all this identity politics is leading. Black Activism is certainly getting very precarious in Hollywood. Rache will have an even harder time navigating it. Now, we have Zoe Saldana apologizing for being the wrong type of Black woman to play Nina Simone. If Zoe is having such issues, where does that put Rache?
Hi Nutty. Trust you had a good break - we've missed you but Charade did an excellent job in you stead,
Nutty Flavor said…
Interesting point, @Unknown. I see that Oprah has just wound down the print version of O Magazine. Back in the day, it was the biggest thing in town - I subscribed myself! It got very repetitive after a while, though; how many happiness makeovers can you do? Then it got super, super woke, which I suppose is where it is now.

@Aquagirl, didn't one of the lawsuits confirm that Meg and Harry were actually paying rent in Tyler Perry's mansion? That would make them tenants, not houseguests. I suspect that the mansion was an investment property, since Tyler Perry seems to be based in Georgia. At the moment, it seems to be a bit of a white elephant - is that term still OK? - a giant property that he has no use for and is hard to sell.

Perry, interestingly, has been swimming against the tide when it comes to calls for defunding the police. He was quoted last week as saying "We need more police" - properly trained cops, of course, but cops all the same.
Nutty Flavor said…
And thanks for the kind comments welcoming me back from my vacation! I did a train-based vacation in Central Europe, which was fun because there were very few tourists.

Interesting how different the mask rules were, as well: masks everywhere in Germany, for example, and almost no masks at all in the Czech Republic next door.
Nutty Flavor said…

Yes, Charade did an excellent job while I was gone. Many thanks to her!
Christine said…
Hello! I hope you had a great vacay Nutty.

Can I just point out how amazing Magatha's poetry is?! "I call Scoobie many things,
but young mother is stretching it!!" I choked on my water

Wouldn't you be so pissed to be one of those 5 friends? You'd have to hire an attorney for yourself without a doubt. Spending money and time to basically defend yourself. I can assert with 100% confidence that the friendship of most, if not all, of those friends is completely gone. They probably keep contact with Meghan so their lives don't get totally destroyed. The crazy thing is Meghan has no problem with that. It's 'worth it' to her. Meghan is probably sending them daily missives about how much they each mean to her to keep them from spilling the beans. I wonder if Meghan has patched up the situation with Jessica yet. She should. Jessica could sing like a canary.

Almost done with Lady C's book. I put it down last Sunday and haven't had the time to pick it up since. It's a worthwhile read if you wade through lots of paragraphs about the psychology of Meghan and comparisons to Diana.

I read the article about how William and Kate went to the amusement park to promote local tourism around the UK. I know it's annoying when people constantly compare their work with H&M but it's so glaringly obvious. H&M would have NEVER gone to an arcade and played games and chatted with park workers yet William is the future King. Unless there were throngs of screaming fans that would give Meghan flowers, then she may go, for about 15 mns. Yes, I know I am a William fan but I just wonder if the general public absorbs the difference between these two men. I am always hopeful that people see the difference between celebrity and substance.

Glad to hear Meg enjoyed her 39th (ahem) birthday. Seemed like she basically wrote the article in US Weekly. Well, she's busy I guess! Someone has to write her own press articles!
Nutty Flavor said…
@Christine, I think Willam has done a very good job during the Corona times. He seems accessible but not common. Did you read the piece about how they won't let him access the Kensington Palace Twitter any more because he kept trying to write about football results?

Just read the US Weekly story. Harry cooked Meghan a 3-course birthday dinner? Sure, right. Also not buying the giant chocolate cake. Meg doesn't seem like a cake fan, or rather, she's someone who'd get more enjoyment out of posting a picture of a cake than she would in eating it.
Rory Gman said…
Well, the duchess wanted her Hollywood life back. I believe there is no such thing as a "friend" in LaLa land....only business associates possibly disguised as friends. That being said, it has become apparent that Meg is very bad for business with no one wanting to be associated with her. Just deserts.
Nutty Flavor said…
@Rory, agreed. The bad ratings on the TV specials about the Sussexes was really a death blow, in my opinion. If Meghan was bringing in lots of viewers, they would have put up with her difficult personality.

Now that Sussex Royal is officially dead and she isn't getting any offers from Hollywood, Meg should consider a little YouTube series.

Speak to camera for a couple of minutes every day about whatever is going on in her life and upload. People might watch, and if YouTube is monetized correctly it can be very profitable.
Christine said…
Yes I did read that Nutty and thought William was so funny. He honestly reminds me of my beloved brother, even the receding hairline and all. He has an internal sense of normalcy. Whether it's just him, or whether it's been largely influenced by the Middletons and having his own kids, is a matter of debate. I once saw an interview where Wills said his father and grandmother just let him enjoy his life as much as possible. I always hope that the Queen and Charles realize some of the mistakes of the past with future heirs and things they wish had been different about their own pasts, and want to change those things.

Yeah.........Harry cooked a 3 course dinner. Well, maybe he did. Maybe he studied a cookbook for weeks getting ready to desparately try to please his missus!!
Catlady1649 said…
Welcome back Nutty. Glad you had a fab holiday.
Charade did a marvellous job keeping the show on the road
Nutty Flavor said…
3 course dinner:

Iceberg lettuce salad with bottled dressing
Vegan spaghetti with warmed tomato sauce from jar + shredded parmesan from plastic bag
Purchased cake with scoop of ice cream

I ate several dinners along those lines back in my dating days, prepared by gentlemen hoping to impress a lady. If prepared with sincere affection it can be fine.
Christine said…
Yep you got it Nutty!! Maybe Harry and Doria roasted a few slices of eggplant and threw that on the pasta too.

Maybe she and Harry shared a bottle of the Tig later and discussed how much more money they could get off Charles before Autumn. Then and only then could Harry give her some birthday sex LOL.
Aquagirl said…
@Nutty: Sounds like a fantastic trip! Welcome back!

I hadn’t heard that they were paying rent. Who would actually pay to live in that monstrosity? Maybe they got a huge discount? And I would think that the hiking path would’ve been a red flag to their security.
Aquagirl said…
@Christine: I think the sexual aspect of their relationship ended a long time ago.
Nutty Flavor said…
@Aquagirl, I believe rent was mentioned in one of the filings for their lawsuits. Can't remember the precise context, however.

I wonder how much security they have these days.
Christine said…
Aquagirl- You are probably right!! Imagine how ripped off old Harry feels. I think we can all agree Harry was, as Americans call it, very p*ssy whipped. Even when she was standing at the altar and my sister and I were watching the wedding, his face was like, red and constrained with lust. We wondered if he had a hard on right there.

Sorry for my language!!!

I too wonder if Tyler Perry has them pay something.
Aquagirl said…
@Nutty: I wonder the same about security. That’s why I mentioned it. It somehow seems that this house was their only choice. Ot maybe being transported by Tyler’s Private Jet persuaded them.
Unknown said…
Thanks @Nutty @WBBM @CeeMoore @CatLady1649 @abbyh @Starry @OKay and all the other Nutties for their kind words about moderating. This community really is wonderful and I am glad I was able to help.
lucy said…
I feel perhaps H&M are falling away as certainly 3-course homecooked meal is insult to her..for sure a beloved woman of her mentality would definately demand birth WEEK. 7 days of gifts each "secretly" leaked and immediately available for purchase on Meg's Mirror 😉

LOL now I was just thinking 6 months from now we will all be treated to Harry's recipes.

Did anyone aside from the RF publicly extend birthday greetings? I almost can't wait to see Meg's next acting gig ..err..zoom call. I want to see necklace she chose for Harry to gift her. As a sidenote I think I misspoke the other day when I said Meg was cosplaying Catherine in her Immaculate Heart speech. I meant the speech where she was in maroon sweater

I too see a shift in Vogue Editor, certainly not the cheerleader of yesteryear

lucy said…
I offer my thanks too @Charade! I think you only deleted 8 of my comments 😜
Cass said…
Lucy, I extended birthday greetimgs to her and even sent her a plant, a Venus Fly Trap, it reminded me of her. I have not received a thank you note yet! 😈
CeeMoore said…
So, MM "reaches out" to the 19th Represents Virtual Summit ~ hark, now she is an interviewer ~
Cass said…
Cat Eyes, I am jealous! I only got ONE comment (to you) deleted!
Unknown said…
Thank you @lucy @Cass 👻
Cass said…
Sorry Cat Eyes, got you confuses with lucy!
I’m here to read the comments!

Who’s in Megsy’s corner?! No-one.

I wonder what her family really think of her?

Yes, very well done Charade!! You did a rather wonderful job as moderator!! Three cheers for you! :oD
Girl with a Hat said…
@charade, you did a great job!

I have to also say that almost everyone behaved, and those that didn't got shooed out of here quickly.

I heard she's trying to brand herself as a talk show host now.

Lady Colin Campbell in yesterday's video read a letter from a British aristocrat, a descendant of a British politician. The name escapes me now. Anyhow, this person resides in the USA and told Lady C about how there is an enormous effort on the part of Sunshine Sachs to brand Meghan as a celebrity that people should be following, but that the American people weren't having any of it. They then discussed if Meghan might have a very influential supporter in the person of Rupert Murdoch who, I was surprised to hear, is a republican. Lady C doesn't think Meghan is getting any support from Murdoch.

I don't think Harry prepared any meal for her because he's given up trying to please her. He knows he's always wrong so he doesn't bother anymore.
lucy said…
@Cass I imagine it to look something like this

Cass said…
lucy, can’t access any links people put up so I have missed a lot of good stuff!

Agree with all. you did an awesome job!

Still wondering if anyone else caught the bit about Doria watching Archie so HAMS could have some "couple time" why is Doria there if not to be the nanny? Is she on a staycation????
LavenderLady said…
Nutty, it's nice to be a poster here and not just a reader. It took me awhile! :)

I'm happy you had some time off and enjoyed your trains through Central Europe. It sound very lovely and relaxing. And yes, I am impressed with Charade's moderating and how well things went while you were on vacay. Welcome back.

I can't think of any celebrities outwardly promoting the Harkles right now. Everyone seems to have headed for the hills. Tyler Perry of course has not kicked them out yet but he's not exactly singing their praises either. Time will tell.

I myself try not to give La Markle too much of what she wants which is narcissistic supply. The endless prattling on about her, her style, her looks etc, has a place but as we know with narcs, they crave any form of attention. Her knowing I'm waiting on the edge of my seat for news about her moronic escapades will never happen (I strongly suspect she reads here). I simply refuse to give her what she craves the most. I do try to make logical assessments of their situation but I will also get goofy at times.! And sometimes snarky!

Sticking with the facts IMO is the best approach to not give her more free PR than she deserves. I have greatly appreciated your thoughts on that mess because you always call her out in a very precise way and make no bones that you are not applauding her.

I cannot think of a better way to diss La Markle than by not including her in the new Vogue issue. I would love to be a fly on Enninful's wall...
abbyh said…

I just thinking where will she be at her birthday - the big 40?

I was thinking about the comment of chasing the next cause of the week and with the she's not considered a black activist or really an activist at all.

I think of that as for several reasons:

She's not been very, um, focused on emphasizing that aspect of her racial heritage. Others seem more gaga about how wonderful it is that she has this (thinking of the one special I watched) but she, herself hasn't really talked about it unless you get into the whole people are against me (or so it seems to me)

Sometime (last month) JH&M made a statement about how they were going to study this (about the time her friend blew up at the other influencer) - I thought missed opportunity and now you will be left behind on it. If this had really been a strong resonance within her, she would already know a lot about it, had built up connections with the movers and shakers of it and, we all would have been hearing about her plus it long before this.

LavenderLady said…
She's not been very, um, focused on emphasizing that aspect of her racial heritage.

I agree! Unless it benefits her and her social climbing, wokefulness BS that leads to money and fame.
Otherwise, she has always identified as Caucasion...

I can't remember where I read a good while ago that she heard Harry had a crush on her and he had one on Halle Berry as well so taa daa! she promotes her AA blood to go hunting for a Prince.

Maneki Neko said…
The Queen has been declared one of the most influential women in Britain today in Vogue:

Despite spending five months in lockdown at Windsor Castle, the Queen has still had a high-profile year, twice addressing the nation – over the coronavirus crisis and to commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE Day. She is the only royal to feature in this year’s Vogue 25, replacing the Duchess of Sussex.

Markle is not on the list but the 94 year old Queen is!

Also nominated:

Also in the Vogue 25 is Dr Jenny Harries, the deputy chief medical officer, who has frequently appeared on our TV screens during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Others to feature include singer Rihanna, 32, who overtook Sir Elton John and Sir Mick Jagger on the Sunday Times Music Rich List with an estimated £468million fortune; actresses Florence Pugh, 24, nominated for an Oscar this year for Little Women, and Michaela Coel, 32, who wrote and starred in the BBC drama I May Destroy You; England women’s football captain Steph Houghton; and chef Asma Khan. Also named in the 25 is journalist Pippa Crerar, who revealed that the Prime Minister’s chief adviser Dominic Cummings had broken lockdown rules to travel to Durham.

The full list is published in the September 2020 issue of British Vogue, out today.

Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
bootsy said…
Welcome back Nutty, hope you had a relaxing holiday:)
So in the end MM had a quiet, private birthday at home instead of the 200-people bash in Montecito we heard she was supposed to have? Actually, I am detecting a pattern - every so often, there is a news leak about some fabulous event MM will be attending but in the end, nothing happens. Remember how she was supposed to present the Best Movie award at the 2020 Oscars? That she was supposed to attend the Met Gala but changed her mind? That the Queen was going to throw her a big birthday party at Balmoral last year but she couldn't go because Archie was too young to fly?

There were other, similar stories, but they all have this in common: she didn't attend any of these events because she wasn't invited. I don't know whether she had her PR people issue these false stories in the hope that an invitation would be forthcoming (a giant hint, hint) or just to make herself sound important and sought-after. In either case, it's actually quite pathetic.
Cass said…
Cass...a bit off vey favorite nickname for Meghan is LA CUCARACHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The COCKROACH!!!!!!!!!!
Jdubya said…
CASS - do you highlight, copy and paste the link in to a new page? That is the way i access all links posted here and it always works.

So Megs gets to be a narrator for this new summit. I went to their page and wow. I was surprised at some of the rhetoric. Not my taste.
Cass said…
I am technologically impaired but will attempt it or have my 5 year old granddaughter do it for me! 😂
Oh Floof said…
I’m not sure there are any other celebrities backing the Sussexes. We know they’ve lost Serena and Priyanka. Jessica may be ghosted for the time being, but I can see the two “reconciling” publicly in a few months, in order to boost both of their flagging reputations. Oprah is the big unknown, but even her influence is on the decline. The few who publicly supported her have stayed silent ever since, and we suspect many of those celebrities released statements of support because they shared the same PR firm as the Sussexes.

The Sussexes NEED to get their foundation up and running, with social media accounts promoting/supporting it. I’ve heard they are trying to roll over their Sussex Royal Instagram followers, but Instagram doesn’t let people do that. The assumption is that the Sussexes paid for many bots on that account, in order to appear more popular than the Cambridges, and they don’t want to lose that money and have to start over. A foundation with stated goals and targeted charities would give them focus and direction. Ever since they left the UK they’ve been rudderless, and their charitable visits have been all over the place. Despite their hopes, ‘global humanitarians’ is too vague a job description to succeed. The sweet irony of all of this is that the Sussexes had the best platform for charitable works as working members of the royal family. They had the visibility, the staff, the funding, the PR, the security, and all the rest...but it wasn’t good enough. If I’ve learned one lesson from years of royal watching it’s this: when you leave the royal family, there is only one place to go....down.
LavenderLady said…
@Barbara from Montreal,

I agree 100%. Everything they do is one big fat Nothing Burger. Pathetic for sure!

How embarrassing for the RF.
Lily Love said…
Well once Ed realized that she was a user he was probably embarrassed that he got taken in by her. However he should have come out and said that her not being like had nothing to do with racism. Because it didn’t, she was not liked because she did not respect a 1000 year old institution, nor was she willing to change.
KCM1212 said…
Welcome back, Nutty!

And thank you Charade! You did a great job!

Its kind of odd that Enninful is downplaying the racism Meghan "faced" (read: made up).

Didnt he recently get a temporary doorman sacked for "racial profiling"? Seems the guy didnt recognize him (during Covid when he wasnt in the office much and the doorman was filling in) and asked him to use the tradesmans entrance. Seems a bit harsh.
Aquagirl said…
Rihanna is on the list? MM must be throwing pottery right now. JH wanted to date her. Also, remember when she and JH publicly took HIV tests together to promote getting tested? I’m sure MM is fuming.
@Wullie's Bucket

Looks like you and I are on Doria watch. Its interesting as she is reported to own the house outright (inherited from Father and somehow half brother quick claimed his half to her although he doesn't remember ever owning half the house.....)and she has a roommate/partner. Now why would you leave the privacy of your own home and the partner (?) to live 15 km down the road? Yea nice house but.....something smells like Archie's nappies
Aquagirl said…
I wonder who initially came up with the idea of playing the race card. I’d say it was part of MM’s initial strategy to bag a prince. Assuming the architects of ‘the plan’ were MM, DR, JM, and MA, I’d guess it was Doria ‘Don’t Ever Do Anything For Someone Unless You Get Something In Return’ Ragland.
Aquagirl said…
@Musty, @Wullie’s Bucket: I don’t believe for a minute that Doria has moved in with them, and I’m surprised that the paps and or the press are not following up on this story.
lucy said…
@Cass no worries as you didn't miss much. I spent 20 minutes trying to activate calligraphy generator to make my note and another 10 processing it into link and at the end it was nothing like I wanted and frankly looked like sh*t :)

OT I know and sorry but I have to note how I appreciated pink peony's sentiments regarding Native Americans as my mom was 100% Choctaw born in Oklahoma. The Indian Archives are awesome resource I was able to view census' and learn alot about my grandparents/heritage and even specific plots of land/reservation they lived on

Not to stir the pot but where is it written Trail of Tears is named for the white man's cries? I don't doubt some were sympathetic but that was 1,000+ mile trek of death, disease, famine and utter devastation
lucy said…
I too wonder about the whole Doria living with them. It makes no sense given the proximity in homes. Is it to deflect from fact that Meghan has no "nanny Maria"? I know a nanny is personal and private but never heard anything of any nanny after Meg fired them all, or they quit. The more I ponder Archie the more I believe he is rent-a-baby. Sounds horrible but beats believing they have actual child within their care
Aquagirl said…
@KCM1212: I agree about Enninful and the temporary doorman. In one of my prior jobs, where I worked for 5 years, there was one security guard who always asked me for ID (the others just let me through because they recognized me.) So I would show him ID. He was just doing his job. In this case, I think Mr. Enninful could’ve responded, ‘Hi, I’m Edward Enninful, I’m the Editor of Vogue.’ Is that so hard? I don’t see anywhere in his story that he was racially profiled. Sounds as if he got a man fired, during a pandemic, due to his ego.
Enbrethiliel said…
I'm trying to think of the last celebrities who were linked with H&M . . . Katherine McPhee and David Foster? He supposedly had a father-son dynamic going with Harry. But that was reported last May and we've heard nothing since.

Adele? We also first heard about that new connection in May; but soon the stories became about Harry reverting to his party-loving ways and Meghan being unhappy about that.
Aquagirl said…
@Lucy, yes, it makes no sense because there is no baby. Hence there is no need for a nanny.
Aquagirl said…
@Enbrethiliel: I don’t necessarily believe the David Foster/Adele stories. It was also reported that they were close to Liza Minnelli, which she swiftly denied, saying she didn’t know them.
punkinseed said…
Lucy, Although Ive read of the trail of tears in historical refeences, my first knowlegde of the whites tears was from my friends gramma, who was Chocktaw and she taught us about it. She was from Oklahoma.
Enbrethiliel said…
Re: Enninful's comment
"It was harsh, it was harsh. But I wouldn't just blame it on racism."

I'm surprised that that's all we got. A good interviewer would have asked the obvious follow-up question: "What else would you blame it on?" And perhaps that's what happened, only for the answer to have been deleted. In which case, the question becomes: Why start to put a crack in the racism narrative and then stop before you go the whole way?
LavenderLady said…
Not to stir the pot but where is it written Trail of Tears is named for the white man's cries? I don't doubt some were sympathetic but that was 1,000+ mile trek of death, disease, famine and utter devastation

@Pink Peony here, I'm happy you liked my post on the Cherokees. I did leave this comment for punkinseed on our last thread before Nutty's new article:

@ punkinseed,
Pink Peony, Thank you for explaining the Cherokee Nation details. A lot of people don't understand what you explained and I'm very glad you spoke up. There are a lot of misconceptions, too, such as the Trail of Tears. People think the Native Americans were crying as they walked the trail, but no, it was the white people who were crying and very sad with deep empathy and respect for them.

You're so welcome. Yes, as was the case during abolition days, pre civil war, there were many non Natives who wholeheartedly supported the Native causes with their time, funding, influence, etc. Those were deeply dark days for many tribes. Thanks for your kind words.

I picked up the gist of punkinseed's vibe. Thanks for your comment :)
Enbrethiliel said…
Well, that leaves nobody then!

Except maybe Tyler Perry, though he has never done anything to show himself as a friend rather than just their landlord. Also maybe Oprah, but as others have pointed out upthread, if she's still backing them, she's doing it as silently as possible.

@Oh Floof
The few who publicly supported her have stayed silent ever since, and we suspect many of those celebrities released statements of support because they shared the same PR firm as the Sussexes.

Hmmmm. Would this be because Meghan is with a new PR firm that doesn't have any high-profile clients (or none with a profile high enough for Madame)? Or is she such PR napalm that even her original firm doesn't want its other clients associated with her any longer?

HappyDays said…
Now that Sussex Royal is officially dead and she isn't getting any offers from Hollywood, Meg should consider a little YouTube series.

Welcome back from what sounds like a wonderful vacation, Nutty
Regarding your suggestion that Meghan consider a YouTube series:
“ Now that Sussex Royal is officially dead and she isn't getting any offers from Hollywood, Meg should consider a little YouTube series.”

It’s my guess that a YouTube series is, at this point in her life, far beneath Meghan’s grandiosity and elitist ambitions. I think she is likely telling herself and Harry the reason why Hollywood and corporations in America and around the world aren’t throwing obscenely lucrative projects toward her and Harry is the pandemic lockdown.

But Meghan HAS to be aware that during the shutdown, Beyonce has inked a big production deal with Disney and Yara Shahidi, the young star from Black-ish and her successful spinoff Grown-ish just signed a deal with ABC to produce snd develop projects for cable visa her new 7th Sun production company. So Hollywood IS doing deals despite a shutdown.

Harpers Bazaar wrote:
“Twenty-year-old Shahidi, a vocal activist and champion for racial justice, aims to focus on stories from underrepresented communities and "projects that touch upon themes of history, heritage, culture, and joy," 7th Sun said in a statement.”

Gee, this paragraph sounds a lot like Meghan’s vision of herself, but she is being passed by.

The difference between Meghan and Beyonce and Yara Shahidi is that both Beyonce and Yara have demonstrated bankable talent, and at only 20 years old, Shahidi is in a prime demographic and has may years of career ahead of her.

At nearly 40, Meghan is beginning to age out of the desirable demographic age groups that appear to marketers and she doesn’t have a hundredth of the talent of Beyonce or Yara.

Add to that her diva behavior, the public disrespect for a Queen who is loved and respected worldwide and her penchant to whine, blame, and litigate, it’s no wonder the deals aren’t raining down.

What or who will Meghan blame (besides herself) for the scarcity of projects and deals once the pandemic runs its course?
Fifi LaRue said…
Oh Nutty, you are so polite and circumspect about relaying the obvious. That was a Basic Instinct move that Meghan made on Alex O'Hanian; no panties involved.
abbyh said…

It was harsh of him to say that. Maybe his comment about how the rules for being royal only take a minute to understand is actually a slap back on his part? Anytime she breaks one, then he's saying it is a willful response of by her to break that rule.

We know better that the rules are actually quite extensive and that was why she was given (just like Catherine and Diana) people to help guide her through the thicket.


"is she such PR napalm"

You win the internet today with that one!
Blithe Spirit said…
Welcome back Nutty! Sounds like you had a lovely holiday!
Thank you Charade for being an impressive moderator, you managed it all smoothly with minimum fuss.
The usual suspects who came out in support of them last year are dealing with their own troubles. Even the ones who are trouble-free like Jane Goodall had to deny being friends with them. And no birthday greetings either, apart from members of the RF. I think the woke couple are done.
Enbrethiliel said…
Thanks! Who knew one could win the Internet from stating the obvious? ;-D
Aquagirl said…
@Enbrethiliel: Very good point about whether MM is potentially no longer a Sunshine Sachs client.
Aquagirl said…
@HappyDays: Great post!
Girl with a Hat said…
It's a pretty well known fact that Alex Ohanian is gay, so the Basic Instinct move on Meghan's part was wasted.
Cass said…
Is it official? Are they now the “EX’s” of Sussex.?
Although I have nothing new or insightful to add, I just wanted to say that I find it entirely credible that Doria is living with Harry and Meghan. The house is so damn big that they’d never have to see one another if they didn’t feel like it, but I suspect D is playing surrogate mom to the kid—who I believe is real and born to a “gestational carrier”. And why is it so hard to believe that Harry cooked a basic meal for M’s birthday? Doria could have helped him with that, and for all we know the cake could have come from a Betty Crocker mix.

I hate the Sussexes (a strong word, I know, but I’m afraid I’ve gone to the dark side), but I suspect they are doing just fine in their little bubble on the hilltop in Beverly Hills.
LavenderLady said…
@ HappyDays,
Slam dunk with that post! Yes!
Cass said…
I find it hard to believe that they are doing fine in their little bubble on the hilltops of Beverly Hills. With all the crap The Cucaracha is involved in I am thinking she is getting ready to blow a gasket!!! !
Barbara said…
I think she will end up doing reality television = the Real Housewives franchise, for instance. Yes, right now she thinks it's beneath her, but I predict that once money gets tight and those offers she was expecting do not materialize that she will change her mind.
Aquagirl said…
@BlitheSpirit: Maybe everyone who supported them in the past knows that the proverbial shit is going to hit the fan. Think of all the lies that were told; the people who supposedly visited Frogmore, held Archie (who according to Ellen had ‘tufts of red hair.) If it comes out that they never lived at Frogmore (which I don’t think they did) and they don’t have custody of ‘Archie’ (which I don’t think they do), all of these people are going to be exposed as liars, or, at the very least, people who went along with the fake narrative. I never thought I’d be saying anything positive about Priyanka, but when it was reported that she visited Archie and brought him gifts from Tiffany’s, she issued a denial.
jessica said…
I’m reading Harry’s anti-social media tirade LOL

So they can’t move their followers and do business the way they used to, so now they are also VICTIMS of google and Facebook.

Lmao. Give it a rest. No one likes you.

Clearly they are auditioning for a charity speaking gig.

Good riddance.
Oh Floof said…
“Enbrethiliel, Hmmmm. Would this be because Meghan is with a new PR firm that doesn't have any high-profile clients (or none with a profile high enough for Madame)? Or is she such PR napalm that even her original firm doesn't want its other clients associated with her any longer?”

It was her longtime PR firm, Sunshine Sachs. Ellen, Pink (so random), Katharine McPhee (random again), Elton John...they are all SS clients and issued statements of support for the Sussexes, although Elton’s seemed genuine to me. It is common for PR firms to boost one client by cross promoting with another. And you are correct, they are PR napalm. They are beyond hope. I think they are still with SS. I say this only because they still have lots of stories appearing in the media. Some/most of them have to be paid stories.
lucy said…
@aquagirl GREAT point I hadn't thought of that. I was always just thinking of fallout for RF

@punkin @peony thank you for your replies
Rory Gman said…
@ Theonethatgotaway

I’m reading Harry’s anti-social media tirade LOL

Our daily dose of wokeness from the Sussex's left me laughing as well. It is pretty nervy saying we should not weaponize words when he is married to the queen of weaponizing words. Just another dose of hypocrisy. I was kind of bummed that there was not a comments section in the DM piece....that usually is the best part!

Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
@Theonethatgotaway -- If you mean this article -- --

Harry never says specifically what kind of "hate speech" he wants to eliminate. Basically, he wants to eliminate anything negative about him and his strumpet. In other words, censorship.

And as for "$7 billion in ad revenue pulled from the platforms" -- yeah, right, Sure, Jan.

Harry, go to your room. The grown-ups are talking.
Aquagirl said…
@OhFloof: I totally forgot about Pink. That was so random! At least Katharine went to the same school as MM and they had been in a few plays together. And with Elton, there’s the Diana connection.
just sayin' said…
I began to read Harry’s anti-social media statement (lecture). It just went on and on and on and on. Big words and dense sentence structure. Mind numbing!

If this is the pedantic, boring content the HAMs have to offer, they will not succeed on the lecture circuit. Sure, groups may listen politely if forced to, but HAMs will not be sought after speakers.
Enbrethiliel said…
@Golden Retriever
And why is it so hard to believe that Harry cooked a basic meal for M’s birthday?

It's just that she has lied so much, even when she tells the truth, it seems suspicious!

Also, as @lucy has said, a homecooked meal, however sincere, doesn't sound up to Meghan's grandiose standards. Which makes me wonder now . . . Is this Harry PR rather than Meghan PR? We've been getting a bit of the former lately, though, like the ghost emoji story, they seem to have stings in their tails.
Aquagirl said…
@Enbrethiliel: Yes, the US article points out that Doria helped him with the prep. Zing!

BTW, why would you need ‘a huge chocolate cake’ for 3 adults and a baby?
jessica said…
Where is our love able PR prince Harry. Ffs. This Harry sucks!!!

Like he’s just a mind numbingly dull troll now.

It’s almost astonishing how much Meghan has brainwashed this person.

If I were the RF I’d be seriously worried.

What’s to stop him from joining really truly evil entities??
jessica said…
I don’t think Meghan realizes that the lecture circuit pays ok, it won’t provide a $3MM plus annual income.

What’s up with her?
jessica said…
My hubs

“It’s painstakingly clear, Meghan wants money and a divorce”...and it’s becoming obvious that Harry knows this, as he has now become a mini Megs thinking she will stick around if he deletes himself for her.

Enbrethiliel said…
@just sayin'
Sure, groups may listen politely if forced to . . .

This reminded me of the mothers whom Meghan forced to sit on the floor in South Africa!

BTW, why would you need ‘a huge chocolate cake’ for 3 adults and a baby?

Maybe the huge part was a nod to Meghan's grandiosity? My inept husband needed help cooking a simple dinner, but boy, the cake was HUGE!

The reason I think they’re doing fine is because they are living in their own bubble of delusion and fantasy.
Meghan may have taken one for the team by at least feigning appreciation for H’s home cooked bday meal. He is still her meal ticket, after all.


I agree with you—I wouldn’t be at all surprised if M ends up on RHOBH one day. Although if there is a divorce, surely there would be some kind of non-disclosure agreement preventing her from spilling her guts about the RF or exploiting Archie. Maybe by then she’ll have snagged unsuspecting hubby #4, perhaps an aging moneybags with dementia.
Cass said…
It would take some with severe dementia to want to hook up with the cucaracha!
Cass said…
I don’t care how many NDA’s Meghan ever agreed to sign in case of a divorce, she is a wicked, vile, detestable creature for who there are NO RULES!!!!!!!
Cass said…
She has spat on the Queen! The Royal Family! Everyone! Rules are not for her!!!!!!!!!!! As she has proven from the very beginning.
HappyDays said…
Thank you Charade for taking the reins while Nutty was on vacation.

I suspect running a blog like this is akin to herding cats.

It reminds me of a television commercial from some years ago. It features cowboys and zillions of cats. It’s one of the most clever commercials ever. If you want a good chuckle, it’s on youtube at:

Cass said…
G’night folks, had my quota of white zin so it’s off to bed with me!😂
Magatha Mistie said…

Megs and her upcoming zoom call
Will hopefully add to her downfall
Her long winded ballad
Will be dressed with more salad
Whilst confirming she knows
Sweet F... All
Cass said…
Magatha, you’ve got a gift there! 🤗
HappyDays said…
jessica said...
I don’t think Meghan realizes that the lecture circuit pays ok, it won’t provide a $3MM plus annual income.

@jessica: You certainly right. Even if Meghan is able to get someone as dim as Harry to fork over let’s say $250,000 for some crappy word salad speech and hand wringing, she’s not going to net the full $250K.

Their speakers agency will take their percentage (at least 10 percent? What’s the agent commission for something like that?), and she also gets to pay state and federal income taxes, so she might be left with half the original fee.

To echo your thinking, Meghan wants to live the lifestyle of the uber wealthy. I could be wrong, but I doubt they will make the hundreds of millions of dollars it will take to live like that on an international basis for the rest of their lives. The expiration date on their celebrity will likely come along to thwart such a lifestyle.
Enbrethiliel said…
@Golden Retriever
It's just hard for me, in the light of what we know about Meghan in particular and narcissists in general, to see the scenario in a positive light. Given all the ways she has belittled Harry in public and the grandiosity of her past demands, I can't see her faking appreciation in private for such a simple gesture, however heartfelt on his part.

But I do see your point, because if it were a story about William and Catherine -- or for a change, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and her husband Prince Daniel -- I would think it was sweet of the husband. And I'd imagine an appreciative (if still indulgent!) wife.
jessica said…
Besides the lack of big quick money, everyone I know that was in the circuit quit. It becomes a full time job away from your kids.
@Golden Retriever

Its just hard for me to believe Harry would make that kind of sacrifice/gesture. I've always thought his attraction to MeMe is that she took care of everything and he could just indulge in his "hobbies" all day, every day. I think CDAN (if you believe in him at all) alleged something like a certain very important person (but phrased so you knew or suspected it was MeMe) always gets the best "hobby materials" when in NYC etc. They have that in common.

I honestly don't think there's a whole lot of love there right now. LA and HW lifestyle is not what she lead him to believe I think. True C-19 changed everything but I don't think they'd have been enormously successful if it didn't happen. Both have no talent. Once the novelty of "Rent a Prince" wears off, jobs will be harder to come by. Moderate income (by HW standards) but not uber weallthy like she dreams.

I just find it incredibly odd that there are no pictures for these manganous occasions. Archie birthday, anniversary, Mother's Day, Father's Day, MeMe birthday. All are excellent times and excuses to release pictures showing how happy, etc, you all are as a family. By extension, how wonderful you would be for a speech or movie or ..... All we've seen is "pap" shots of the two of them wearing face coverings. The fuzzy videos are dreadful. Its hard to claim no photos because of privacy if you're calling the paps for pictures of food deliveries.

Oh, and Doria with Archie outside being papped by a drone.

Maybe H&M are banned from merching/papping Archie per the Megxit accord but Doria wouldn't be. An infusion of much needed cash?????
CatEyes said…
@Happy Days said...

"...Meghan wants to live the lifestyle of the uber wealthy. I could be wrong, but I doubt they will make the hundreds of millions of dollars it will take to live like that on an international basis for the rest of their lives."

Besides the expensive housing tastes they have to support, they are paying staggering legal fees! If the first legal bill for Meghan's loss in court cost +$105,000 for only the defendants fees then her own costs were similar then the 2nd round that just ended probably cost a similar amount so it would appear that might total over $300,000. And that is only one lawsuit not even counting the other 2 and none of them are near finished. I can easily see her spending 3-5 million and probably losing all of the suits or withdrawing by next spring. Then the Harkles have to pay for their living expenses (and Doria's) and pay back for Frogmore. To add to their financial strain, the Bank of Dad (Charles) might curtail his financial support. It has been said they are currently using private security but whose paying is unclear.

As some other poster also pointed out, they will be having to pay the taxman both federal and state taxes and I think gifts (from Charles) over a certain amount may be subject to taxes. All this points to an expensive lifestyle they have to support. If it is a financial strain, that can lead to marital discord as frequently happens when monetary insecurity arises in a marriage. I suspect Meghan won't like having to budget as she bought into the concept of a rich Prince where money is free flowing and plentiful.

Magatha Mistie said…

Thanks Cass et al.
Thanks Charade, well done 👍

Only time will tell
Is Megs still ringing Harry’s bell
Its clear to us
That Harry should
Return to those of his own blood
To betray his kith and kin like this
Is seen by us as downright dis
Wake up you fool! You don’t look well
You’ve ended up in a living hell!
CatEyes said…
Sorry forgot to add link for the citation of the $105,000 legal bill.
Fifi LaRue said…
Meghan won't be done with Harry until all the major procedures she has now and is planning for her face are completed. Then she'll just need a billionaire for the touch ups.

Maybe H&M are banned from merching/papping Archie per the Megxit accord but Doria wouldn't be. An infusion of much needed cash?????

That thought crossed my mind as well. The Doria loophole!
Magatha Mistie said…


That was no drone
‘Twas old Megsies phone!
Mango said…
The birthday dinner:
Roasted chicken (reminiscent of their romantic dinner at Nott Cott the night Harry got down on one knee and proposed; also how hard is it to roast a freaking chicken?)
Reheated store-bought frozen rolls (a little scorched on the bottom, oops!)
Plain boiled potatoes

The birthday gift:
All the Botox and fillers Meghan has gotten recently (that stuff ain’t cheap on a budget!)
A token piece of jewelry that she can claim is her actual gift

The rent:
If they are paying Tyler Perry anything to live in his mansion, it’s very probably a peppercorn rent so that Perry and The Harkles aren’t actually lying when they claim that they are paying their own way. I doubt token amount even covers the electric bill.
Magatha Mistie said…


Another for our list (WWII)
Lili Marlene - Lili of the lamplight

Meggie Marklene - Meggie of the gaslight

Underneath the boardwalk
By your rear end gate
Meggie I remember
What was your going rate
‘Twas there that you whispered tenderly
Ten bob more and I’ll take the knee
Our Meggie of the gaslight
Well known Meggie Marklene...

Nutty Flavor said…
Good morning, all.

Just read the Harry social media piece - although I doubt Harry actually wrote it.

"A little over four weeks ago, my wife and I started calling business leaders, heads of major corporations, and chief marketing officers at brands and organisations we all use in our daily lives.

Our message was clear: The digital landscape is unwell and companies like yours have the chance to reconsider your role in funding and supporting online platforms that have contributed to, stoked, and created the conditions for a crisis of hate, a crisis of health, and a crisis of truth."

Do you think any of these bigwigs were eager to take a call from the largely forgotten Sussexes? They're getting similar input from people who actually do have power, including Trump, who just banned business deals with a major Chinese social media company yesterday.

My guess is that the Sussexes were fobbed off on some middle-manager.

Fun, though, how Meg was smart enough to use British spelling this time ("organisation") in order to better attribute her word salad to Harry.
Nutty Flavor said…

It’s my guess that a YouTube series is, at this point in her life, far beneath Meghan’s grandiosity and elitist ambitions. I think she is likely telling herself and Harry the reason why Hollywood and corporations in America and around the world aren’t throwing obscenely lucrative projects toward her and Harry is the pandemic lockdown.

You're probably right about this. More proof, however, that Meg isn't as smart as she thinks she is. Social media stars have lot of cachet these days, particularly with the under-30s.

Granted, I'm at a distance, but I've never heard the young people in my circle mention Yara Shahidi.

They all know social media stars like The Try Guys, PewDiePie, What's Up Moms, etc. What's Up Moms even got the opportunity to interview Joe Biden this week. (
Magatha Mistie said…


Just checked out The Try Guys
They remind me of the Wiggles, adult version!
They’ve made millions.
Still hope for Megs, 101 ways with an avo?
lucy said…
Good Morning! I watched this earlier. Full disclosure I didn't start following H&M saga until the wedding. I had not seen the engagement interview. I watched maybe 10 minutes of it long ago and after the fact, but it made me really uncomfortable so I switched it off. After seeing it discussed here I had planned on watching in it's entirety but by then I no longer even wanted to hear her voice

Then I stumbled upon this. It is by same gal who did plastic surgery review. I am glad I watched it. I think it is pretty well done and with enough pauses that it is watchable, to me. Something too about Meghan she is obviously coo coo but her voice seems much easier on the ears, she seems real loud and overbearing these days. It is really telling. What a scam she pulled.

Warning! There is some vulgar language but definitely worth the watch
lucy said…
I feel that internet crowd is Meg's target audience but surely she would feel it beneath her. Silly though because it could possibly make her alot of money and that agegroup has lots of disposable income, at least they used to
Magatha Mistie said…

Megs is morally corrupt
Her manner is terse and abrupt
Harry has said
He can’t get out of bed
To me they sound totally f....ed
Frankly, I thought that Harry's social media piece was too well written for either of them - not that that's saying very much.

Unless, of course, Megsie has been using lockdown time to study rhetoric.


@Magatha :

I looked up the Try Guys and found a reference to them trying anything for the sake of entertainment and it reminded me of the sad/extraordinary story of the Rector of Stiffkey (pron. `Stookey' - many place names on Norfolk are not pronounced as spelled!)

See - a very detailed account.

Might M end up on show, naked in a barrel, as a theme-park entertainment? H entered the lion's den 2 years ago.


`Our Meggie of the gaslight' - inspired!
`obviously coo coo' - thanks for the reminder, Lucy -

I meant to say that, reading between the lines of what Lady C said about Archie's non-title, she was hinting that the poor little chap, assuming he exists, is a `cuckoo in the nest'. Whether he was `conceived of their gonads' or not, she is insinuating that he was deposited in their snug little hideaway by some other `bird'.

Unfortunately for them, that little construction of waste paper and mud has been built on a bough that they themselves have weakened, and, like that cradle of old, the bough will break and down will come Archie, Meghan and all.

Now I'll watch the video from the analyser of the plastic surgery...
Magatha Mistie said…


Rector of Stiffkey was born with an unfortunate name.

Harry is over the barrel
And Megs with her loss of apparel
Will make them appear
That they’re somewhat queer
Whilst we still question the birth of their Darrel/n

lucy said…
Video was insightful and followed by nice tribute to fallen Marines .

@WBBM if Lady C said that, that is exactly what she was implying! Another video to check out I can't keep up

This just randomly showed up in my feed and weren't we all just talking about orgin of knife story? It came from same woman who called Meghan "five clicks up from trailer trash"

Umfortunate this was on MSNBC I would have liked to hear her keep talking

^bad audio
lucy said…
Ok one more sorry!

I will say Meghan looked pretty in engagement video

But this is horrible lol

Have a great day everyone !!
@lucy re Lady C:

I was thinking of what she said in her book, almost at the end.

The video part 1- Wow! Did I hear correctly when Fame Vixen mentioned MM's speciality? That she does `*n*l'?

Astonishing what one can see when one knows what to look for! I did immediately say BC was lying when we got the `I did not have...' video' but all I can claim when I saw this for the first time was `she hasn't a clue but perhaps she'll learn.'

Some hope.

The tribute for the Marines was beautifully done, profoundly sad. It brought to mind the tragedies that occurred in WW2 during the D-Day training by the US in Devon - heavily laden men jumping off landing craft on a steeply-shelving beach, amphibious Sherman tanks sinking, and the attack during Operation Tiger.

To say nothing of the IRA attack on the RM School of Music at Deal, whose memory H insulted by pimping for M with Disney.
The Jaws video - horrible! My last narc did that a lot...

The Sheba catfood ad that preceded it was very appropriate - narcissism in a British Blue.
Magatha Mistie said…


Exercise Tiger was horrific.
I learned of it from “ Foyles War “

Anthony Horowitz, writer of Foyles War
based his series on true scenarios.
At last, an article from the Independent that I don't have a problem with :

Royal biographer for Prince Harry says he is a 'shadow of his former self'

Chelsea Ritschel
The Independent6 August 2020

A royal biographer has claimed that Prince Harry has become a “shadow of his former self” and lost some of his “charismatic, mischievous charm” over the past few years as a result of only focusing on negativity.

Angela Levin, the author of Harry: Conversations with the Prince, made the claims during an appearance on ITV’s Royal Rota.

“Harry’s changed enormously since I met him,” Levin said. “I found that he was charismatic, he had royal stardust about him.

“He was brilliant with people, especially if they were physically, emotionally or psychologically damaged, he’s got a mischievous side.”

However, in the years since she wrote her 2018 biography of the Duke of Sussex, Levin said he has become a “shadow of his former self”.

According to the author, the change is especially noticeable when reading excerpts from Finding Freedom: Harry and Meghan and the Making of A Modern Family, the upcoming biography written about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex by royal reporters Carolyn Durrand and Omid Scobie.

“When you read even just the extracts, you realise that actually the pile of grievance they hold going back a few years now is absolutely extraordinary,” Levin said of the duke and duchess, adding that most of the grievances are “incredibly petty”.

“But when you add them up it’s like a great big sand castle of tiny little bits and pieces that you feel is not right,” she continued. “They ignore all of the wonderful things they have had, the prerogatives and chances to meet great people and do charity work they want to do. And they’re focused, it seems to me, entirely on the negative.”

The London-based author also suggested Prince Harry may be struggling to adapt to his new, more-private life in the United States with Meghan, as he previously “loved” being part of a team from his military experience.

“The Queen is the captain, isn’t she?” Levin said, adding that Prince Harry had said being part of a team was “very important to him and he loved it”.

“He felt you couldn’t really achieve anything without being a team,” she said.

Levin’s remarks follow excerpts released from the upcoming biography in which the authors claim there were numerous instances when the royal couple felt frustrated with their treatment as members of the royal family.

In addition to reports of tension between Prince William and Prince Harry, the book also alleges that the couple grew frustrated that they “often took a back seat to other family members”.

“While they both respected the hierarchy of the institution, it was difficult when they wanted to focus on a project and were told that a more senior ranking family member, be it Prince William or Prince Charles, had an initiative or tour being announced at the same time - so they would just have to wait,” the book reads.

Finding Freedom will be released on 11 August.
@ Magatha

A salvaged Sherman tank makes a fitting memorial at Torcross:
lizzie said…
Re: Angela Levin saying Harry loved the military and being part of a team...

I've read that but as we've discussed here before, there were instances of questionable behavior while in the military. Those behaviors displayed by a non-royal service member might have been viewed as insubordination.

I do agree with Levin though Harry certainly seems different-- more spoiled, more resentful, more petulant, less charming, and certainly less healthy. Surely doesn't seem to be living his best life.
Magatha Mistie said…


Lest we forget, on all sides.
JHanoi said…
harry’s latest- calling business leaders to harangue them

can you imagine being being preisdent / ceo of some large corporation (someone that met harry in miami?) and you get a call from JCMH?

hi CEO, it’s. JCMPH, i’m calling about your business model of advertising on social media. i think you need to stop because social media is a negative/ bad place. even though It’s where i’ve benefitted and advertised myself / family/ chartiies and gotten 1/2 my celebrity from via the bots my wife bought me for xmas, it’s bad very bad for the publics mental heath.

Hi JCMH, thatnks for calling, we’ll take it under consideration., bye now.

to sceretary/ phone -BLOCK their numbers!

social media can definetely be vile, but harry pestering CEO’s and telling them what to do/ how to run their companines without him giving them something in return, isnt going to get him more speaking gigs or donations to his charities imo. you dont bite / critize the hand that feeds you.
Fairy Crocodile said…
Dear Harry simply projecting his own unhappiness to the world. See, when his PR was handled by the real professionals and journalists on royal rota he was much happier.

Now when it was his own decision to drop all and switch to social media he is not getting the coverage he wanted.

Therefore it is not him who should change but everything else - to fit his idea of a fair coverage. Social media can be vile.

I don't have a Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Nobody makes me go there if I don't want to.
Sandie said…
Surely Meghan and Harry must be bored? Doria there to do the parenting; no large home or garden to manage; no big projects; no official engagements ... just an endless search for places they can insert themselves and use as a platform for self-promotion and pointless legal battles. Her relentless hyperbolic PR has not worked; all the goodwill he has acquired in his life has been squandered. Unfortunately, they never seem to learn so the show will go on.
Humor Me said…
Maybe that plot in Hertfordshire (the one Charles offered Harry) is looking better and better, but Harry knows that when he says he is going back and building on home on it, Megs will not return with him.
Girl with a Hat said…
I just saw the latest issue of British Vogue. For September. They are doing the social change issue again. But without Meghan this time.

It's no longer a fashion magazine. I think only a small segment of the population will be interested.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
@lucy -- Thanks for the link to the FameVixen video --

Remembering back to when I first heard about the Harkles' engagement. Was very happy that Harry had found such a woman, bi-racial was cool and exciting, to love him. Hadn't heard of nor seen Markle before, just photos, thought she was very pretty. I thought that her being in the spotlight as an actress would help her in coping with the Royal goldfish bowl.

Then watched the engagement video. I only lasted about 10 minutes before feeling so nauseated that I had to close out the tab. Fake, fake, FAKE. Then, of course, in due time, came all the stories about Markle's past, plus her horrible behavior as a "Royal," and to this day I have been totally unable to listen to a single word she says, and looking at the photos isn't much easier.

But I made it through the FameVixen video -- mostly because she presents Markle in small snippets, coupled with very keen insight. Strips the Harkles bare, as it were ;) ... Excellent.

And, FameVixen's tribute to the Marines made me cry. God bless them, and their families and loved ones. Semper Fi, brothers.

Thanks again, @lucy :)


Wild Boar Battle-maid said...
@ Magatha

A salvaged Sherman tank makes a fitting memorial at Torcross:


Magatha Mistie said...


Lest we forget, on all sides.


Thanks, you two.

Makes me teeter very close to the edge of hatred for Harry disrespecting his own Marines (especially as Captain General) to pimp out Markle to Disney. The two of them, absolutely devoid of human decency.

I don't want to hate anyone. Prayer helps. But oh, it would be so easy.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
@charade, I'm a bit late, but wanted to thank you for doing such a stellar job moderating -- so well that I forgot the blog was being moderated at all! Nice job, a lot of work, but you made it worthwhile for all of us while Nutty was on vacation :)
HappyDays said…
Aquagirl said…
I wonder who initially came up with the idea of playing the race card. I’d say it was part of MM’s initial strategy to bag a prince.

@Aquagirl: We all know it was likely Meghan who originated playing the race card.

People like Meghan, who check off all the behavioral boxes for a case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, learn to weaponize various aspects of their life to use as offensive and defensive tools.

They do it for multiple reasons.

Weaponization helps them move their agenda forward, deflect criticism of their toxic behaviors, and promote the victim narrative to themself, their victim (such as Harry), and the public at large, such as family, friends, business associates, and, in Harry and Meghan’s case, the general public on a worldwide basis.

Like all narcissists, they are eventually unmasked. It’s a given that their carefully-cultivated facade will fall away to reveal their true nature to most people, with the exception of their victims, and flying monkeys, who often steadfastly refuse to admit to themselves they are enabling a social cancer.

In addition to weaponizing race, Meghan has added some new arrows to her quiver in the form of Archie, being a ‘young mother,’ being a victim of the meanies in the RF and their staff and courtiers who are jealous of their global “popularity,” the media, and the “awful” citizens of the UK. Oh yes, don’t forget Meghan’s a “young mother” who has been forced to flee the UK with her family like refugees from a war zone to Canada and eventually Los Angeles.

I can just picture Meghan, Archie in her arms, dogs carrying her cheesy jewelry in little saddle packs, her hand on Harry’s back to guide him along, carrying the few possessions she was able to save such as her Givenchy wedding dress, her eco-friendly tennis shoes, and a Black Lives Matter yard sign as she struggles to board a private jet to Canada.

Of course, this tripe isn’t being bought by most people.

But until Harry, who unknowingly holds the true power in their relationship comes to the ugly realization that he is basically living in a cult (it’s a cult with just two members), it’s likely not much will happen, besides more drama, as the Harkles dig themselves a hole deeper than the Mariana Trench.

The likeliest outside forces to end this debacle would be HMTQ and PC ending all monetary support and perhaps removing the millstones of the royal titles hung around their necks by the Queen on their wedding day.

Oh, the humanity of it all!!!!
Lottie said…
Re Ellen and Archie. Not long after this story appeared, I found a clip on youtube of Ellen interviewing Wanda Sykes who made a cooment about Ellen going up in the world now that she was one of the few to have seennand held the baby. Ellen’s face dropped and she looked straight into the camera with a panicked expression, before swiftly changing the subject. I’m not sure the clip is still available.

On a different note, I would like to see Markle in a discussion or interview with Ben Shapiro simply to witness her word salad ideas being logically dissected by him.
CookieShark said…
Wow for people living in a mansion who get to stay home with their son.....they are always seeing the negative in everything.
@Lt. Nyota Uhura,

Have you not seen that awful engagement video before now? ;o) I watched it at the time and I had it all confirmed before my eyes what Megsy was like. Too bad Harry was too sucked in by then to see it too.
@Magatha Mistie-

-and anyone else who might be interested, I recommend Leslie Thomas's novel about the D Day preparations in Devon - it's truthful.

For the record, Little Madame should read the accounts of the time the US Army was in the UK, before heading for Normandy.

We were profoundly shocked by the treatment of black GIs by US law and despite His Majesty's Government, in theory. insisting that Jim Crow laws had no place here, and that everything done had to be according to British law, there is a lingering suspicion that black GIs were executed on charges that did not attract the death penalty here. Presumably, it was felt to be unwise to insist that segregation ceased for the duration.

Nevertheless, many Brits found the black GIs far more agreeable and polite than their white counterparts, also less complaining about the wartime privations visited on the natives, such as having to put with warm beer.

Reports from the time reveal that many Brits felt that they were now in an occupied country, for all that the Germans had not yet invaded.

So much for us being nasty racists at heart.
Maneki Neko said…
@lucy 11.59am

I've just watched the YouTube video . Unfortunately, some things cannot be unseen 🤪. You should have posted a warning for those of us delicate souls...
Teasmade said…
This Lydia Hawken article from The Sun: "MARKED OFF Meghan Markle fails to make Vogue’s Top 25 list of influential women – but The Queen makes the cut", sorry if it's been discussed upthread but I have a deadline today and should be working.

Why on earth would she have made the list???? (Do you see the number of question marks reflects my level of perplexity?) Influential as WHAT? Thought? Fashion? Social justice/work/equality? The environment? Intellectual life? The arts? Animal rescue?

Besides all her failings, delusions, and scams, which we do a good job of journaling here, none of them are worthy of influencing anyone, were they even admirable or worthy of copying. Which--I'm getting tangled up in my words here. Better get back to my deadline.

Bottom line: who ever expected her to make the list of influencers? She's done nothing.
Fairy Crocodile said…
@ charade

I want to join Lt. Uhura in my belated thanks for your moderation. Until this thread I wasn't even aware you were doing this.

Excellent job and much appreciated.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
@Lottie -- Ben Shapiro ROCKS :)

@Raspberry Ruffle -- Nope, I only made it through the first 10 minutes. That was the turning point for me -- others have their own, I'm sure! And yes, you're right, Harry being controlled was plain to be seen, even then. Someone in the DM comments called Markle "the Succubus," which is quite apt, if you ask me!
abbyh said…

Kind of typical of them in some ways: left hand right hand working on their own without coordination.

On one side, they (or at least JH) is putting down social media and on the other, that's how she was able to supplement her lifestyle. I don't see her giving that one up easily after so many years and when she sees so many others being "successful" at it (although I seriously doubt it could really fund the megarich lifestyle to which she aspires - but I could be wrong) ... and that so many other avenues they thought would lead to money coming in have not been the wellsprings at all (speeches, acting jobs to name two).

Granted it could be a developing fissure between them but I don't think so. I think of it more like very confused planning and just the throwing things at the wall to see what sticks rather than a thought out long term plan. That long term plan idea reminds me of the story that went round about how when JH talked of how he wanted to leave, the response from PC/HM was put your plan in writing.
Anonymous said…

Thank you for sharing this. I’d never heard this story before. Just ordered The Forgotten Dead on Amazon.
LavenderLady said…

You're on a roll today girl! Ha!

Loving the latest :D but Oh please God no, not the hauntingly beautiful Lili Marlene (the Delores Keane version). That song gets my heart every time. Sigh...oh the memories...

Thanks for the laughs today. I always need a pick me up these days.

@ magatha

Operation Tiger & other American deaths in South Hams - there have long been rumours of secret burials at night, even mass graves, but these remain unsubstantiated. The civilian population had been moved out lock,stock and barrel before the Americans came so there were no independent witnesses.

Prior to that, there had been incidents of local residents being shot, and killed, from enemy aircraft - old people and women, but these had proper burials.

There's a good crop of videos online - and reports of brawls between white and black GIs.
O/T Btw, the mature trees in the ares are useless as timber - too much shrapnel embedded in them.
Maneki Neko said…


Thank you for sharing this. I’d never heard this story before. Just ordered The Forgotten Dead on Amazon.

Same here, I didn't know so thank you. I might well order the book too.

Thanks, Magatha, for keeping our spirits up with your irreverent poems. The more irreverent, the better 😉. Keep it up!
LavenderLady said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
HappyDays said…
Teasmade said...
Bottom line: who ever expected her to make the list of influencers?

@Teasmade... I chuckled as I thought, “Well, I bet Meghan expected to make this list and must be a bit more than miffed she’s not on it.”
I hope she’s not taking it out on Harry.

This list, combined with Edward Enninful’s remarks in the media earlier this week, seems like Vogue is throwing a major dis her way.
Maneki Neko: Thank you so much for this.

Sadly,we do have our share of nasty people who think only of themselves.

In MM's case, her treatment of the Queen, royal family and the rest of the Brits, stems from having no respect for anybody - she alone is worthy. This makes it easy to treat other people and nations like dirt.

It's rather like anyone who has been in a position of trust who is subsequently unmasked as a murderer. We've had Dr. Harold Shipman and , more recently, Benjamin Field (churchwarden) committing murder and the immediate reaction is `How could they?'

I believe they are greedy, warped people, obsessed with death, to start with. Their chosen way of life is one that offers them the opportunity to act out their obsessions with money and the power of life or death.

Both induced their victims to change their wills in their favour, then killed them.

It was reported that, in Shipman's case, police questioning only succeeded when a young female officer interrogated him. It seems that he was so angry, insulted, by this that he slipped up and incriminated himself.

It's very easy to see this as narcissistic rage - being questioned by a young female officer, not of senior rank, was not giving him the respect he believed was due to him.

Meghan began from a position of not giving a toss about anyone else, she alone was important - the rest follows from that. I hope she stops short before tragedy strikes ...
Mrs Trestle said…
WBBM re: your comment on black GIs based here in the UK during the war. My mother was a young woman (early 20s) during the war and was based in Liverpool in munitions. She told me this story when I was young and I have never forgotten.

One night she was waiting in the queue at the Pier Head for her bus home. She noticed a young black GI at the top of the queue. She knew he must be going to the military base at Burtonwood, but she wondered why whenever his bus arrived,he never got on. When she reached the top of the queue, she asked him. He told her he was not allowed to get on a bus before white people. She replied that he wasn't in America now, but Britain and we didn't do that here. (As my mother said to me, at that rate he'd never get back to his base.) When his bus came along she put him on, but some white GIs further down the queue called him the n word and told him to get off. The brits all told the whites to shut up and they did. My mother told the chippie (female conductoress) to look after him. She said she would as she was constantly having to do it for the black chaps.

Sorry to bore on but thought people might be interested. And yes, as you said, so much for us racist Brits.
Mrs Trestle said…
Sorry, should read: the Brits all told the white GIs to shut up.
LavenderLady said…

We were profoundly shocked by the treatment of black GIs by US law and despite His Majesty's Government, in theory. insisting that Jim Crow laws had no place here, and that everything done had to be according to British law, there is a lingering suspicion that black GIs were executed on charges that did not attract the death penalty here. Presumably, it was felt to be unwise to insist that segregation ceased for the duration.

Nevertheless, many Brits found the black GIs far more agreeable and polite than their white counterparts, also less complaining about the wartime privations visited on the natives, such as having to put with warm beer.

Reports from the time reveal that many Brits felt that they were now in an occupied country, for all that the Germans had not yet invaded.

So much for us being nasty racists at heart.
Thank you so much for this. I am ashamed of how my country treated our soldiers of color. Such brave young men who left their homes and families to serve their country and they were deemed inferior. I am thinking of ALL the young men who ran straight into the arms of death during D day.

I have loved the British people for their kindness and humanity towards the US during the darkest days of the war and post war recovery. Now during Covid, I was so touched (to tears really) when a whole neighborhood were out side at a certain time of the day singing together We'll Meet Again, encouraged by their beloved Queen, who as a National Treasure is to be honored and respected for her duty and tenacity. I wept like a baby because I realized my country people are shooting and brawling with each other. Spitting in people's faces because they are told to wear a mask. I don't see such unity here in America now and it breaks my heart. I know Britain is not perfect but I think the older folks have managed to keep the essence of the war unity spirit alive in their younger citizens. Bravo! Amazing country! Be proud...

This is why I want to say I detest Meghan Markle for what she has spit on and thumbed her nose at such a beautiful country with their many beautiful traditions.

Who does such a horrid thing to people who just want to embrace her? I honestly feel what she has done has to be some form of treason. I'm no conspiracy theorist but in all reality how can she be exonerated for her acts of disloyalty to a country who embraced her?

She with the two fingers up to the British citizens and the Commonwealth and her ball-less wonder of a mate turning his back on his own family, Karma is a Bitch...
Christine said…
Charade, jumping on the bandwagon to tell you that you really did a great job as moderator! I did notice it! Smooth as butter.

Magatha, you are my queen. You need a minstrel outfit!

I'll read Harry's latest diatribe in a few minutes here at lunch. But can you imagine being at one of those companies and getting a call from H or M telling you how to make your business much more WOKE. I think I would probably laugh into the phone.

I'll check back later after reading Harry's b.s.
Teasmade said…
I always feel that if I participate in these off-topic posts that mine will be the final straw and I will be chastised, but here goes.

Then, as now, but more so then: American GIs (oh yeah, and another disclaimer: I'll probably insult someone on here) are drawn from a wide variety of the population yet recruitment favors small towns and the South--areas of little opportunity. At that time, there was little doubt that you were going to war. These days, it's all volunteer and it's a good job opportunity for those who are not college material or are given the choice of "the Army or jail." This is distinct from officers who are college educated and more likely to have a desirable skill (dentistry, law, etc.) Not to say that there is no bigotry among officers, just speaking broadly and I can back it up.

So those yahoos on busses were not our finest, and I am so sorry to read about them. Obviously this timeframe was concurrent with the lynchings that were a topic on here a couple of days ago--these were the same folks. Please don't think that all Americans are like that.

M and that ridiculous race card that she plays after denying her 30% heritage or whatever it is has us all on the defensive. I think I've watered this down enough . . .
CatEyes said…
@Teasmade said...
"Then, as now, but more so then: American GIs (oh yeah, and another disclaimer: I'll probably insult someone on here) are drawn from a wide variety of the population yet recruitment favors small towns and the South--areas of little opportunity."

I respect your opinion but I would like to add that the main reason I have seen for Southern people joining the military is not because they don't have opportunities here but rather we have a very strong patriotic spirit here and it is this that motivates our young people to join; in addition there is a multigenerational aspect where family members join the branch of service their father did or their grandfather did (eg. my daughter joined the Army just like her grandfather did in WWII.)

When I drive down the roads trough many Texas towns I see houses one after another flying the flag, even next to the farm gates fronting the farm/ranch that is how strong our patriotism is.
LavenderLady said…
I always feel that if I participate in these off-topic posts that mine will be the final straw and I will be chastised, but here goes.

I agree with you Teasmade. This is why I chose not to participate in the lynchings posts. I have a lot to say about the subject but not here on this blog. It's a very polarizing subject right now in USA and I'm not going there...

Also when I do go "off topic" it's always started by something on the Harkles or I end it with the Harkles that way the readers know my thoughts are focused here but are sometimes sparked by something another poster brought up here.

Hope that makes sense. Have a wonderful day and thanks for your thought provoking posts! :)

You beat me to it! I can't imagine the gall to cold call CEOs and tell them how to run their businesses. OMG did they really think that would get them deals/gigs/speaking engagements?

Stupid is as stupid does.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Teasmade said ...
I always feel that if I participate in these off-topic posts that mine will be the final straw and I will be chastised, but here goes.
I'm taking the chance as well :) --

When I first arrived in Blighty (beginning former husband's 3-year-tour there with the Navy), I ventured into the Waitrose to do a bit of shopping. Was standing in line at the checkout. Suddenly I feel this bump, bump, bump against my ankles. I look at the elderly lady behind me in astonishment, but she was looking away. So I shuffle forward a few inches. Here comes her buggy against my ankles again -- bump, bump, bump. Walked home in befuddlement. What had I done? Then it hit me -- she knew I was American, and probably harbored a grudge against the "overpaid, oversexed and over here" Yank soldiers from the war. Who knows but maybe one of them got her "in the family way." Long story short, I made a LOT of good friends in England and Wales (never got to Scotland or Northern Ireland, sadly), tho there were the types that decided I was no good just because I was American. Oh, well!


Pink Peony said ...
I have loved the British people for their kindness and humanity towards the US during the darkest days of the war and post war recovery. Now during Covid, I was so touched (to tears really) when a whole neighborhood were out side at a certain time of the day singing together We'll Meet Again, encouraged by their beloved Queen, who as a National Treasure is to be honored and respected for her duty and tenacity. I wept like a baby because I realized my country people are shooting and brawling with each other. Spitting in people's faces because they are told to wear a mask. I don't see such unity here in America now and it breaks my heart. I know Britain is not perfect but I think the older folks have managed to keep the essence of the war unity spirit alive in their younger citizens. Bravo! Amazing country! Be proud...

I second this with all my heart.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Meant to add that Markle is just plain evil to take the British excitement and admiration of her, and their wonderful long history, and throw it back in their faces. Not to mention how she has treated the Queen and the Royal Family!

Can't remember where I saw the quote from her, "Why do I have to do that?" "I'm not going to do that" regarding some point of protocol or other.

Selfish, evil piece of @#$%.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
YouGov poll (hat tip LSA) -- The Most Popular Royalty in the U.K.

Markle comes 9th, AFTER Zara Tindall, LOL

Harry is 4th, not sure why at this point, but give it time ...

The Queen is the Most Popular, but it says she's "the second most famous royalty" -- what royal, pray tell, is more famous than she is?!

Greek Mom said…
I would also like to thank Charade for her great job managing the blog in Nuttie's absence.

Nuttie, hope you enjoyed your vacation, it sounds like it was wonderful!

I also don't want to get too far off topic, but wanted to add a bit to what seems to be veering into a bit of US bashing. It's important to remember that the US is huge compared to most European countries. You can fit 40 UK's into the size of the US. 76 Englands. That's a lot of people spread out across a lot of land to paint with the same brush.
Yes, I imagine there were a lot of racists in the US Army in WWII.
Then again, my dad fought in WWII. He drove a tank in Germany on the march to liberate Berlin. He was not a racist and I would hate that he be branded as part of a collective group of racists.

Remember, there were many White Americans who helped slaves escape in the Underground Railroad. They were every bit as brave and kind as the UK folks who let the Black soldier ride on the bus.

Back to Nutmeg. I finished Lady C's book a couple of days ago. She was very measured and seemed mostly (overly)kind when describing Meg. She did shade her numerous times,which I loved. But she seems to think that Meg can make it big in the US. I just can't see that happening. Meg comes across as the worst kind of condescending hypocrite.

I'm actually enjoying Lady C's interviews and videos more than the actual book.

Christine said…

"Hello, hello this is Harry, you know, the Duke of Sussex... Prince Harry, but you can just call me Harry"

"Yeah...hi Harry, what can I do for you?"

"Well the Duchess of Sussex wants me to tell you, err, I mean we want to tell you to explain how your company works to save the environment"

"Excuse me??"

"Well, do you fly commercially? I can send you a brochure on my new company, I mean charity Travelyst"

"Don't you fly on private plans all the time Harry???"

"Well, yes, I mean no, I mean, yes sometimes I have to protect my family so that's why we take million dollar private planes. We are very important and our voices must be heard. The point is that YOU must change, not us. We have a brochure where Meghan, I mean we, list our beliefs for bettering your company so you can thrive and not just survive. The pamphlet is called 'Where the Hide Tide Raises All Ships' or something like that I think errr, I've got it right here somewhere.." (shuffles papers around)

"Email it to my secretary Mrs. Wiggins at Gotta go, gotta go count my millions then meet with George Soros. See ya"

"Oh okay then, well, Meghan wanted to talk to you but I guess that's okay. Hopefully she won't be mad at me now. Maybe she can call you next week??? Hello? Hello?"

Dial tone

Starry said…

Thanks for the link to the article about the 19th Represents Virtual Summit where Megsy has been added as an interviewer.

Sponsored by GOLDMAN SACHS!!

Lots of heavy-hitters involved in this summit, including Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Meryl Streep, and...Melinda Gates among many others.

Here's the schedule:
Mel said…
MustySyphone said…
I can't imagine the gall to cold call CEOs and tell them how to run their businesses. 

That takes balls!

Although I really wonder if those conversations even happened. I can't fathom the executive assistant letting that call thru.

Some random dude calling up, saying 'yah, I wanna tell CEO he needs to boycott Twitter coz those peeps being mean to me.'

H needs to remember that he is just a random dude. He's nobody. Same as some guy off the street who works at McDonalds. He doesn't have a title anymore, remember?

He has no hard or soft power. Best he can do is he's Meghan Markle's husband.

And then while he's got them on the phone, pimps his wife for work. So not smooth.

No wonder they're radioactive.
Mel said…
Me, too....thanks to Charade. Didn't even realize it was you...good job!

"Email to my secretary Mrs. Wiggins..."

ROFLMAO. I remember Mrs Wiggins from the old Carol Burnett show!
Christine said…
Haha oh Lord, you can totally tell it's Friday. My brain is fried.
Blithe Spirit said…
@Christine, that was too good! 'Where the High Tide Raises all Ships!' I can just see that pamphlet, lol.
Nutty Flavor said…
Good evening, all! I was a little surprised to stop by dinner to a discussion of sensitive racial matters, such as disputes between White and Black GIs in Britain during World War II.

We seem to have moved away from the topic, but for those with an interest I can recommend the movie A Soldier's Story, a 1980s drama featuring a handsome Howard E Rollins before his unfortunate decline and death. It is also includes one of Denzel Washington's first major roles.

@Girl with a Hat

I just saw the latest issue of British Vogue. For September. They are doing the social change issue again. But without Meghan this time. It's no longer a fashion magazine. I think only a small segment of the population will be interested.

I really don't know who their market is any more. Young people generally get their fashion tips from Instagram, not print magazines.
Nutty Flavor said…
@Starry and CeeMore

Interesting about "The 19th".

I notice that on the about page you list, (, the central figure is an attractive Black woman with a fun outfit made of newspaper and eye-catching earrings.

Reading the text below, however, this woman is listed as "editor-at-large." Not really a powerful position; she writes, but does she assign? The blonde lady to her right is the founder and CEO.

I read a few of their stories. They're fine but unexceptional.

Anyway, I'm not confident about Meg as a journalist, but I suppose The 19th needs whatever publicity the Duchess can bring with her.
Greek Mom said…
To add to the list of names for the dastardly duo, I just saw this one on LSA

Lay-Z and Free-oncey
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
@Greek Mom -- Hahahahaha! Nice one ;)
Bennie said…
Hello Nutties! I would also like to Thank @Charade for their excellent job managing the blog while Nutty was gone on vacation!

Glad you're back @Nutty & I hope you had a wonderful & relaxing vacation!!!

As always I love reading everyone's post!

@Mrs Trestle-

That's a splendid story about the bus. My mother was a clippie (so called in the days of stiff tickets which were `clipped' with a punch when issued.) She volunteered rather than be conscripted into munitions .I believe she was probably the only person to get bayonet wound from a Tommy (just a nick on the chin because the the fool had got on the bus with a fixed bayonet as she came down the stairs) and to be strafed by a German plane outside De Havilland's aircraft factory (same family as Olivia & Joan Fontaine), all on a London Country bus!

We need more of these stories to balance those about little twerps who assumed they've been profiled when it's a fair bet an unknown white person would have been challenged as well.

I love the `script' from H's phone calls - thanks Christine.

@Teas made
@ Greek Mom

- I didn't mean this to sound as if it criticises all Americans - we have lots of unpleasant people as well - possibly a higher proportion than ever.

I just wanted to show how Brits of the time reacted when faced with the reality of the `Colour Bar' as it was known then.


Sorry about your experience in Waitrose, Lt.Nyota.

I'm tempted to say that Waitrose customers should be better behaved than that! Yet it may not have been anything to do with your nationality - there are so people who are so damned impatient they they chivvy the person ahead of them to get a move on. I had one before lockdown, in Tesco, who was nudging to get me so close to the person ahead, who was paying, that I could have got her credit card details.

People often have a go at me for my accent, or because I've opened a window on a bus when they'd rather be like frogs being boiled alive!


Back to the Markles:

May I suggest a parody of the words often sung to `Colonel Bogey':

Harry has only got one ball
maybe two but very small
He may be sim'lar to evil Himmler
Or like old Goebbels has no balls at all!

A quick chorus of that the n back to the GS virtual event -
Seabee666 said…
Maybe Meghan's push to make Harry and herself icons of the BLM movement was enough for black celebrities to finally say, WTF? To curry favor with BLM they trashed the Commonwealth. For people of color around the world who know that the Commonwealth recognizes past abuses of power, that speech was confusing at best, offensive at worst. American blacks who don't know much about the Commonwealth and took them on their word, must wonder what does this passer and her pasty husband from a black abusing family know about the struggle? it truly encapsulates her epic failure. Meghan's acting career was over. Life as a blogger wasn't going to get her where she wanted to go. She went after Harry for the massive exposure she would get as a princess and a platform to spout on about woke issues. Except, American politicians can't be royalty of foreign nations and British law demands complete neutrality on politics from the Royals. She really didn't think it through.
lucy said…

Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
@Wild Boar Battle-maid, thanks for the perspective -- yes, Britons can be eccentric at times, part of why I love them :) Glad to know Britons themselves get the *treatment* sometimes, Lol

Tho how everyone knew I was American, without my even opening my mouth, is quite beyond me, even in London, where no one knew me!

Now Markle, on the other hand -- there is no doubt in anyone's mind how *American* she is, and not in the best way.
SwampWoman said…
Teasmade said:
Then, as now, but more so then: American GIs (oh yeah, and another disclaimer: I'll probably insult someone on here) are drawn from a wide variety of the population yet recruitment favors small towns and the South--areas of little opportunity. At that time, there was little doubt that you were going to war. These days, it's all volunteer and it's a good job opportunity for those who are not college material or are given the choice of "the Army or jail." This is distinct from officers who are college educated and more likely to have a desirable skill (dentistry, law, etc.) Not to say that there is no bigotry among officers, just speaking broadly and I can back it up.

Even when I was in the military, enlisted and NCOs were encouraged to get a degree. Most of the military is quite technical now. As for "jail or the Army", that wasn't applicable when I was in (although I understand that they're letting in MS13 gangbangers because of "diversity"). There is no place for Forrest Gump. I do not understand why people look down on the NCOs. They are the people that run the military.

I can't say having a "degree" is a sign of intelligence; often it is a sign of financial illiteracy. Daughter has a friend that went $100,000 into debt for a Master's degree in English (she teaches at a public school).
jessica said…
The only thing Meghan and Harry stand for is any opportunity to be contrarian because they don’t stand for anything.

Being contrarian is to get attention. Unfortunately it’s negative attention. If we look at their pattern, it’s never an original idea. They piggyback. For these reasons they won’t make it ‘big’. Being ‘activists’ from their gilded cage as they do not ‘walk the tall’.

If they weren’t in a privileged position, or shunned it. Ok sure, we can talk. But the key thing is they haven’t. And it’s obvious to everyone

SwampWoman said…
Lt. Nyota Uhura said...
@Wild Boar Battle-maid, thanks for the perspective -- yes, Britons can be eccentric at times, part of why I love them :) Glad to know Britons themselves get the *treatment* sometimes, Lol

Tho how everyone knew I was American, without my even opening my mouth, is quite beyond me, even in London, where no one knew me!

Probably how you dress and walk. Husband and I can spot Europeans immediately at trade shows here.
LavenderLady said…
From the Town and Country article @CeeCee M recommended:

"In the department of the surreal: The Duchess reached out to us; she said [the 19th's] vision of building a diverse and representative newsroom that covers women and other underserved people with nuance + empathy spoke to her immediately," Ramshaw shared on Twitter.

"She asked if she could interview me on 'storytelling that lifts up those who are too often underrepresented in the media,' and 'what it means to build a media outlet with gender equity, diversity and community at its core.'"
The article begins with puke worthy suck ups given to La Markle by the author, then graduates to how it went down that she, La Markle, actually injected herself into the program.

This reminded me of a Sunday School scripture that was read to the children when I was very young. From Luke 14:10 "But when you are invited, go and sit in the last place, so that your host will come and tell you, 'Friend, move up to a better place.' Then you will be honored in front of everyone at the table with you."

Is it just me or is it cringe worthy for this woman to continually promote herself by chasing down these gigs? Doesn't it seem like if she were a hot topic and worthy of people coming to her with offers, that she wouldn't have to come across so desperate looking? And yes, her husband also making cold calls to business leaders pressuring them to re-invent the social media wheel. I mean the chutzpah of those two...

If someone has to go selling door to door, and hounding people to hire them, how good can they really be at their job? Wouldn't their CV speak for itself?

Sometimes initiative is admirable but this is way over the top and very unnecessary for supposedly "Royal" individuals. With their status it should be others offering for them to move up to the table and be honored rather than them honoring themselves.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said, So I shuffle forward a few inches. Here comes her buggy against my ankles again....

I have to ask...what do you mean by a buggy? I can’t work out what it is. It can’t be a wheelchair or perhaps something like that? A buggy overhere was a type of pushchair for a baby/toddler, maybe she was pushing that and you meant just that? Sorry to be inquisitive and nosey! Lol ;o)

It was totally wrong to treat a total stranger like that.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
SwampWoman said...
Lt. Nyota Uhura said...
@Wild Boar Battle-maid, thanks for the perspective -- yes, Britons can be eccentric at times, part of why I love them :) Glad to know Britons themselves get the *treatment* sometimes, Lol

Tho how everyone knew I was American, without my even opening my mouth, is quite beyond me, even in London, where no one knew me!

Probably how you dress and walk. Husband and I can spot Europeans immediately at trade shows here.

Yikes. Well, I never lost any sleep over it, just chalked it up to some kind of unique British clairvoyance of some kind :)

Raspberry Ruffle said...
Lt. Nyota Uhura said, So I shuffle forward a few inches. Here comes her buggy against my ankles again....

I have to ask...what do you mean by a buggy?

Oh, dear, I'm using a regionalism (southern Virginia, where I lived for a few years) and expecting *everyone* to know what it means! In this context, it's the shopping cart, or trolley :)

I still use a few *Britishisms* such as the phrase "Mind you, ..." and "Well, Markle is a grifter, isn't she.

But thank heavens I never went around trying to sound British when I lived there, UNLIKE La Markle (and Madonna)!
SwampWoman said, Tho how everyone knew I was American, without my even opening my mouth, is quite beyond me, even in London, where no one knew me!

Probably how you dress and walk. Husband and I can spot Europeans immediately at trade shows here.

This is something I’ve never thought about before. Brits and other Europeans abroad how our clothes give us away. I can spot an American male by their clothes (I’ll be looking for the American walk next time lol ;o) ) not so sure I’d spot an American female so well . ;o)
Maneki Neko said…
@Pink Peony 7.10pm

Thank you for your kind words, very much appreciated.
Birdie said…
@Oh Floof said - “It is common for PR firms to boost one client by cross promoting with another. And you [referring to @Enbrethiliel] are correct, they are PR napalm.”

Prominent individuals and celebrities constantly have people claiming to know or to have connections to them. People are always trying to profit from their names. They don’t like it — at all. I cannot even begin to list all the instances of Meghan using her title to abuse a connection: tacos with Michelle Obama, Meghan merching jewelry at Serena Williams’ match, friendship with Liza Minnelli ... Who wants to be used and lied about?

Megain is beginning a new stage of having to hustle her own gigs and rely on her own talent now that the evil men in grey are gone from her life.
CeeMoore said…
Ty @Starry for further info re: schedule and Goldman Sachs, how surprising. Can only imagine her interviewing audition: you know she can't keep her mouth shut long enough for her victim to answer and before she begins espousing word salad.

@Magatha your poems are slaying today!!!

@ MustySyphone, exactly what I was thinking!!!

Ty to all for contributing to Nutty's blog. There is a new Harry Markle up if no one has posted it.
Girl with a Hat said…

blind item over at blind gossip about them. It seems that:

1 Meghan is trying to replace Ellen as a talk show host
2 She wants to be a speaker at the Democratic National Convention
3 They want to attend a public sporting event to get the publicity

Remember, Obama came to public attention after being a speaker at the DNC.
lizzie said…
Fat chance (IMO) the DNC will ask M to speak. But things are pretty crazy these days in politics!

When Obama gave his first speech at the DNC he had already been elected as a state senator in Illinois. So he was hardly a total unknown to the party or to politics.
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