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Meghan and Harry: Still losing

 If you throw a coin up in the air 100 times, you would expect it to come up "heads" somewhere in the area of 50 times, based on the laws of probability. 

Life never goes as expected, of course, so in your real-life experiment, it's quite possible that heads would come up 40 times or 60 times. 

On an unusual day, it might come up 30 or 70 times. 

How, then, can it be that Meghan and Harry's coin comes up tails every single time?

It's statistically improbable, almost impossible, but they never seem to do anything right. 

Own goals

Having been away from the Sussex story for awhile due to a work-related focus on the US presidential election, I quickly skimmed developments from the past week or two and found myself shaking my head at fiasco after fiasco.

Harry's made the most prominent own goals - from popping up on a lowbrow reality show (Britain's "Strictly Come Dancing"), to a self-pitying PR campaign about how the Royals refused to leave a Remembrance Day memorial wreath on his behalf, to bringing a celebrity photographer to a graveyard on Veterans' Day to shoot him looking solemn and wearing all his (mostly) unearned but shiny decorations.

Meghan was, comparatively, less obnoxious, although one has to assume her advice was behind some of Harry's dumb initiatives.

Little hope for PR hires 

Meghan's media instincts are reliably bad, which means there's not much hope for her latest PR hire Christine Schirmer, a "top PR" woman with a cv that includes roles at Pinterest and Apple. 

Since Meg is known for being unwilling to listen to advice, why such a supposedly successful PR presence would want to work with the Sussexes - and how they will get the money to pay her - is an open question.

(There's also the possibility that this particular hire may be one of those empty suits that goes from corporation role to corporation role, interviewing well enough to land top jobs but failing to produce much. 

Schirmer has a remarkably empty LinkedIn profile for a woman working in the tech industry in San Francsico, and even her Pinterest page is meager, considering she worked there for 6 years. 

She did attend Meghan's university, and online databases describe her as 44 years old, the same age Meghan is rumored to be. Some reports say they were members of the same sorority; could they have known each other at university?)

Magic bullet

A few stories about the PR hire suggest that Meg knows the Sussexes are no longer a "golden couple" (if they ever were) and that they will have to work harder to attract attention. 

Yet strangely, they still seem reluctant to bring out their "magic bullet" which would guarantee them some immediate positive publicity - their son Archie Mountbatten-Windsor, supposedly around 18 months old right now, and entirely unseen for at least six months.

Why is that? And why are there never any signs of Archie in the Sussexes' multiple videos from home?

As many other media parents working from home have discovered, children do tend to turn up in work-from-home online appearances.

Not only does Archie never appear and is never heard in the background, but there are no stray toys, crayoned walls, or juice stains on the white furniture, the sort of things with which parents of "real" children are quite familiar. 

If the Sussexes want a publicity "win", or at least something resembling one, their best approach is probably to bring out Archie. 

If they can.


I’m here for comments! ;o)
I haven't dug into Schurmer, yet. She seems irrelevant.

The only reason Meghan's startup would hire corporate PR is for the status. She wants to be taken seriously. Otherwise, the role doesn't make sense and Schurmer isn't the best qualified for a 'turn-around'. She's used to promoting tech products, not reality TV esque stars.
Which actually explains a lot.

Meghan still doesn't believe her 'brand' with Harry needs to be turned around. She's ignoring the negativity and pretending it isn't real.

abbyh said…

They do seem to be consistent about picking what could be the worst choice possible. It's jaw dropping sometimes.

I know that some things no one could have predicted like covid but when you take that out, it's still a lot of just good at picking options which lead to dead ends options instead of out of the maze.
I don’t think even Archie can redeem or save them now. They really do go from one PR disaster to another. They lack empathy, sincerity and originality just to name three things which would have given them some platform to work on.
Unknown said…
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If Archie is real, I think the BRF has an agreement in place that she cannot have him in the public eye.
She really, really wanted to merch and parade Archie around (hiding pregnancy, being shady), and claimed it was for Privacy.
She also claimed she and Harry wanted privacy and look where we are at with that.
I think it's true that she wants $2MM for a people mag spread, or any other insane number+ outlet combination because breaching an agreement is expensive.
If she and Harry did not get up to all these crazy antics, walking Archie in Hyde Park wouldn't be a big deal at all.
She must have been so excited when the Paps showed up in Canada (look at her face in the photos lol), and then Harry freaked out so she had to sue them and say she was caught off guard.
Archie, is he real or isn't he. That is the question.
Fifi LaRue said…
For entertainment/relaxation/laughs I read some on-line celebrity gossip sites. The Harkles are routinely excoriated for all their attempts at publicity. Archie? They can't haul him out because they do not have custody of a child. Archie/Archewell is an anagram of Rachel, so yeah, her "baby" alright.
Duncan said…
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Fifi LaRue said…
The Cambridge children have been photographed often (we know what they look like); most notably playing at the children's park Kate designed for a botanical garden/exhibition. Being forbidden by the Queen to show Archie's face? No, even if the kid looked like Satan's spawn, the Queen would not block a photograph of him.
Magatha Mistie said…

Saving private Archie
for their Netflix doco?
Catlady1649 said…
Good one, Magatha. Perfect
Teasmade said…
The taping of the Frogmore exit must have taken a lot of imagination.

Personally, I'm imagining the theme music from "A Fistful of Dollars" (I think that's it) -- the forlorn, deserted Western town with bramblebushes blowing around. A Range Rover is seen driving away down the drive, viewed through the cobwebby window of the luxury en suite bathroom. A copper tub is reflected in the window. And scene.
Duncan said…
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Duncan said…
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Tossing coins and tossing spaghetti -

There's a difference in that each toss of the coin is independent of all the others. The coin has 2 faces so the chances of getting a particular side at any one throw are 1 in 2 = 50%.

Chance however has no memory, nor sense of justice.

With a small no. of tosses, the effects of randomness can be pronounced - no. of the heads/tails even up as the number of tosses increases. Think of all the families you now with a run of female children when they want a boy, or vice versa.

A larger number of throws/children tends to even things out but can't be relied upon.

( An aside - Very occasionally it happens:

Former president Jimmy Carter is descended from a Carter family in the village of King's Langley in Hertfordshire. In the village church is a brass memorial for one of his Elizabethan ancestors, who had 18 children by 2 wives, one family of 4 daughters and 5 sons the other of 5 daughter and 4 sons.)

Naturally, that is assuming that the coin is true and does not have a bias (eg an anomaly that favours one side rather than the other).

In the Harkles case though, `chance' does not apply.

There is bias built into the system which connects all their efforts - the `tossers' (in all senses!) have an inescapable bias themselves. She is utterly convinced that she knows best but her narcissistic conceptual framework does not not allow for this and Harry seems to have abandoned whatever capacity for independent thought that he might once have had.

They might as well be spinning a loaded coin, bowling a weighted ball or shaking dice that only ever land with the 6 underneath. Yet it is bias that they themselves have put into the system.

They don't ever step back and think `We screwed up there' or `That's a stupid idea - let's not do it'.

If anyone has ever said `If you go on doing what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got,' they didn't listen.
Magatha Mistie said…


Starring Woody Stump & Megyl Weep
Archie’s Mirror would cast no image...
Love your new avi

@Catlady- purrfect
Are they the human equivalent of tumbleweed?
AnT said…

In 2011, Schirmer was sending out a press release for Float by Scribd, an ebook and audio book and publishing platform subscription service. It is affiliated with a range of book publishing companies, and is referred to as “Netflix for books.”

In 2009, quoted in an ABCnews article over using mommy blogs to shop for her new baby, being surprised at discovering the bloggers were being compensated for their reviews, and ultimately deciding she would ask family and friends for baby product advice instead.

In 2017, she is is quoted in The Transformational Consumer, an ebook by Tara-Nicholle Nelson, explaining Pinterest’s rich pins (a markup for more info, an SEO aspect many people enable) approach for various categories, like food and recipes.

`Saving Private Archie' - that's priceless.

Is it a spaghetti western?
Fifi makes a good point, although the Cambridge children photos are always released in official capacity.

I could believe Magathas assertion that they are hiding him away for his big Netflix debut!!! Lol, but it's true. Possible.

That might be the only way Harry allows him to be a publicity boon, for that good Netflix money. Meghan, who Harry prevents from toting around growing Archie for merch money, convinced Harry that the documentary will frame them all in a good light as a know it all family of kindness. Harry, we have to, they are so mean to us!

I could see that.
SwampWoman said…
Wild Boar Battle-maid said: If anyone has ever said `If you go on doing what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got,' they didn't listen.

Yep. No matter where they go, there they are. People try to outrun their problems, never realizing that the problem is what is looking back at them in the mirror.
Based on those quotes Shirmer sounds like an idiot and a schemer.

Her old Twitter handle is something like SFgossipgirl until around 2013 or later.

A grown woman past 33, behaving this way.

I'm sure her and Meghan have a lot in common!! No surprises here!!!

Her comments about how tech cos make money are beyond rediculous. How does she think they pay her? Charity? Oh, wait.
Elsbeth1847 said…
Interesting points about the idea of filming just to have something with them - yep, I could see that. That green dress had a stiffness to it which wrinkled funny and showed edges in a way no one else's attire that day or before or after did.

If they are thinking of playing hard and fast with the truth for Netflix (as yet again a move to persuade us about their victim hood or something), I am hoping that the BRF has enough history in this trial year that they would have some iron fist in velvet clauses planned in the new contract which might give JH&M pause to rethink options after the alleged review. Tough ball here it is - sign it or else.

And I would wonder if the never complain/never explain rule might become a raised eyebrow, small smile if they did go ahead. Not that I think TQ would do something public (not her style) but I could see a lot of hidden before internet history got out.

Perhaps one of the reasons we don't hear anything (let alone see a footprint) about his development has to do with they did hear it enough times that the story line was not making sense combined with other "potentially lucrative projects" took the attention away. And then, it fell by the wayside.
SwampWoman said…
Wild Boar Battle-maid said: Blogger Wild Boar Battle-maid said...
`Saving Private Archie' - that's priceless.

Is it a spaghetti western?

SwampWoman said…
I just think that it is creepy to secretly film their egress from the royal family. I don't think I could watch it without becoming violently ill to the point that the carpet would resemble a Jackson Pollock painting. Somebody else will have to grab the sick bag and write about it, if they ever complete a project.
I don't think there is much of a market for these home videos to be released end of next year, when the world is moved on from Netflix and has better things to do.

I occasionally bring them up with family members, and they are always surprised I still follow it. 'wow, didn't that happen ages ago? They're still around??!' 'so they need more publicity....'

The writing is on the wall, and in the conversations. Nutty has covered this before. Who are their audience. Personally, I don't think bringing out an untitled baby who is no longer being raised in the UK will have any effect whatsoever in America. People in the US want to be entertained but their entertainment is sad and deranged especially IF a baby IS involved. No one wants to see that.
lizzie said…
I agree M&H make bone-headed decisions.

However, many things they've done seem to appeal to their "teenage fans." Whether these people are actual teenagers or are just emotional teenagers (like M) I do not know. I suspect the latter but I do not know. (Of course, some are non-human bots too.)

For example, some people thought it was incredibly generous when M pledged money to the dog charity in Archie's name for a year, something like $10 a month, less than she probably spent when stocking her rent-a-mansion's 16 bathrooms with luxury toilet paper for the year. Some people do think it's just fine and dandy if they use their fame to try to tilt
a game/reality show's scales on behalf of one contestant over another especially if the tilt is based on "important" variables like race, family background or given name. Some people really don't see a difference between writing on cafeteria bananas for young children and writing on the phallic fruit for sex workers.

Some people say "how dare she" and say the mean old Queen had "no right" not to give M the tiara of her choice. It was M's wedding, after all, and every bride has "a right" to have every whim satisfied even when it involves another's property.

Some people are attracted to M's meaningless word salad and stolen pithy quotes. And often they are too young or too uneducated to spot the plagiarism or believe it was "an accident" (much as they probably told teachers their own plagiarism was.) And some idiots do buy that the RF was a bunch of meanies not to allow Harry's already-made wreath to be laid at the Cenotaph on Remembrance Sunday on Harry's personal behalf. He is a veteran, after all, and must therefore be allowed to personally represent all veterans forever.

I realize some people will say they love whatever M&H do just as some will hate whatever they do. But I get the feeling there really are folks with an adolescent mentality who buy what they are doing. Problem is, those folks don't generally have money and typically don't have real influence over people who do. But with SM they do have big mouths.
Duncan said…
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Duncan said…
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Louise said…
I think that Arkie has some type of developmental problem that is embarrassing to Smirkle.

It is unlike any mother I know to not want to show off her baby.

It might just be his lazy eye and she is waiting until he is old enough to have it repaired. But whatever it is, she seems a bit repulsed by him.
Oh Floof said…
This reminds me of Rozencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead. The play is about two figures from Hamlet. Rozencrantz and Guildenstern are on the periphery of a royal family, who make money by betraying the Prince, and pay for their betrayal with their lives on their way to England. In the play, Rozencrantz keeps flipping a coin, and it always comes up heads, so Guildenstern concludes they must be living under the control of supernatural forces.

All this PR without substance is positively Shakespearean, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

What nobs.
Duncan said…
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Louise said…
Regarding Schirmer, she left (or was let go) from Pinterest just as their stock began to soar this year after years of being flat.

I read someone that she was offered a "lateral move" at Pinterest, which often is code for demotion.

Maybe they dumped her when they could afford someone better.
SwampWoman said…
Teasmade, I love it! I hope the soundtrack is made by the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain, but I think they do "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly". Perhaps that describes "Archie" and his alleged parents.

Pantsface said…
I'm British and hold my hands up, I have a morbid fascination with the pair :) My 25 year old daughter has no interest, her BF has no interest, my partner, same age as me, no interest. Family in Canada who are actually interested in the RF, have the mugs, tea towels etc have no interest in M & H anymore, although did have at time of the wedding. Work colleagues, no interest. I wondered just who their audience are, who are they appealing to? How can they make money from so little interest? Click baits on SM doesn't pay the bills
Wasn't there speculation that she wore a mic or recording device or something under that green dress & cape she wore? I think the cape blew out of place a little and it looked like there was a small box on her back? Am I misremembering?
Louise said…
The assumption seems to have been that if Smirkle is receiving money from foreign agents, that these agents are Russian.

However, photos have turned up this weekend of Smirkle walking arm in arm in 2016 with TV presenter James Chau.

James Chau was subsequently made a celebrity ambassador to the UN by the Chinese regime.

In June 2020, an international coalition of 100 non-governmental organizations from more than 30 countries today urged the World Health Organization to remove its celebrity ambassador James Chau, a news presenter with China Central Television, claiming that he abused his position to “whitewash” China’s response to the Coronavirus pandemic.

The organizations accuse Mr. Chau of “purveying propaganda for Beijing” as a television presenter of government-sanctioned news, noting his role in broadcasting the forced confession of Peter Humphrey, a British private investigator who was arrested in 2013 on charges of illegally obtaining and selling Chinese citizens’ data. Mr. Humphrey was drugged, chained to a chair, locked in a cage and forced to read a confession, “which was then presented to the world as legitimate news by Mr. Chau.”


Is Smirkle playing footsie with the Russians... or does she owe something to the Chinese regime?
Magatha Mistie said…

Tom Tanks - hahaha

Dodge Cito Slickers

Rachpunzel of Tumbleweed Towers
Has many rudimentary powers
But her mirrors now crack’d
Time for her to re-enact
Her role as Doria’s little flower

Louise said…
ConstantGardener33: You are not mis-remembering.

I also recall some discussion about a "box" on her back. As I posted in the previous thread, I thought at the time that this was tin foil hat talk, but now that I know that she was recording footage that she was then shopping around to Netflix, etc., I could very well believe that she was recording that day as well.
Magatha Mistie said…


Ukulele, nah, banjos at dawn? 🪕
SwampWoman said…
Blogger Pantsface said...
I'm British and hold my hands up, I have a morbid fascination with the pair :) My 25 year old daughter has no interest, her BF has no interest, my partner, same age as me, no interest. Family in Canada who are actually interested in the RF, have the mugs, tea towels etc have no interest in M & H anymore, although did have at time of the wedding. Work colleagues, no interest. I wondered just who their audience are, who are they appealing to? How can they make money from so little interest? Click baits on SM doesn't pay the bills

I'm not British but I also have a morbid fascination. My friends and acquaintances are unaware of who they are (grin). My husband scornfully exclaims "What a CUCK!" about Harry.

For me, it is like watching a horror/slasher show and watching the future murder victims do incredibly stupid things ("Aw, HELL, no, I know she ain't goin' in there!") while you throw popcorn at the screen and say "A firearm would come in real handy right about now, right, slick?"
Teasmade said…
@SwampWoman: Yes, you are absolutely right; I am (obviously) no expert on blockbuster Westerns, and I have to laugh at myself. Please, everyone who was baffled by my scenario, try this video instead:

The absurdity of the "orchestra" just adds to the unlikelihood of the driving away from Frogmore scenario. They must have had a lot of fun making this!
AnT said…
@Magatha Mistie,

“Archie’s mirror would cast no image”

......I bow my head in adoration of this. You are brilliant.
SwampWoman said…
Blogger Teasmade said...
@SwampWoman: Yes, you are absolutely right; I am (obviously) no expert on blockbuster Westerns, and I have to laugh at myself. Please, everyone who was baffled by my scenario, try this video instead:

Daughter was a HUGE spaghetti western fan, and had the soundtracks. (I may have exposed her to them, grin.)
Duncan said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ah ok makes sense.

There is the communications head of Pinterest.

A lot of times, these tech cos put forward a female face to boost their brand rep. Pinterest was struggling for a long time. And it's female oriented. They are doing well this year, so booted her and let the pro take over.

Twitter has the same situation going on with an 'anchor' female CMO that holds no power within the organization.

Very common. I wonder what Meghan expects from a do-nothing PR face. Probably daily word salad meetings between the two, and they think it's work. Lolololol.
AnT said…
Your Chinese citizen as backer is very, very interesting and worth further consideration, I think even a combination of partners from two or three nations could be considered.

also appreciate your thoughts on the coin toss odds...and the ever-present bias that they to any endeavor. No one stands a chance working for these two. Their marriage of stupidity and arrogance gives out such a strong stench. It is only going to get worse (even though that always seems impossible until a new day dawns).

Not Meghan Markle,
Agree! It all seems so bizarre - and great work on finding that old SFgossipgirl (!!!) Twitter handle. At this point to me she sounds like the sort of eager-to-be-near-celebs type. Maybe a nice run-of-the-mill staffer of the sort you find padding many tech marketing offices with impressive titles, basic minimal choppy experience, mediocre boxed ideas and no sense of their average skill set, luckily splitting tasks with ten others and sharing credit for directives that actually come from above. They are everywhere in SF; I dealt with some on a project about three years ago, four people working for a cloud firm who didn’t know how to access the cloud, yet could tell you all about Everlane and Kim K. But who knows. Maybe she is the secret genius who will right the sinking ship, but somehow I doubt it.

Remember, all these people could be 6 month contract workers, 10 hours a month, still with fancy titles. It happens.

AnT said…
Constant Gardener33,

Yes — speculation was her insect green dress with cape was designed to hide a pack and wires. I don’t know about that but you could definitely see the square recoding pack on Harry through the fabric of his suit in one of the outdoor images before they entered the building.

An identical green dress, same maker, marked as royal fashion was for sale about a month ago via an eBay resale shop based in Dallas, Texas. Only $9,999 used, because royal connection. Hers? Not hers? Who knows. Wonder if it has internal marks from a battery pack.
@AnT & Louise, Okay good, I'm not losing my marbles, thanks!
It'll be something if footage/voice from that event shows up in their Netflix show. No wonder she had that horrible smirk on her face inside the church. Anyone know what the recording privacy rules are in the UK?
Louise said…
"Blogger AnT said...

Constant Gardener33,

Yes — speculation was her insect green dress with cape was designed to hide a pack and wires. I don’t know about that but you could definitely see the square recoding pack on Harry through the fabric of his suit in one of the outdoor images before they entered the building."

Interesting that you mentioned Harry. I was not aware that he was thought to have also been wearing a recording device, but I did think about that earlier this evening when I recalled the green lining of his jacket. Obviously, a men's blue jacket would not normally have a bright green lining an I was thinking that it was put in "after market" in order to hide a device.

But the thing that I cannot reconcile is the square, largish pack. These days, you can record with something as small as a pen.
Jdubya said…
new CDAN blind - interesting

Blind Item #5
Considering the tens upon tens of millions of dollars he has given his son, which the daughter-in-law has also benefited from, you would think they could muster two words for a life event. Apparently not. The alliterate one is taking her husband down into a spiral from which he will have a hard time emerging.

Magatha Mistie said…

@AnT- Thank you, back atcha.

@Sally- Love Doria’s Ganja sticks!!
Magatha Mistie said…

Re- the recording device.
I’m surprised she didn’t dislodge her pack
Bulfrogging through the chairs
to get behind Will & Kate.
Magatha Mistie said…

Three Coins on a Mountain
Hosted by Toss and Loss
Magatha Mistie said…

The Conn’erys

“The Hunt for Red Octobebe”

Jdubya said…
Here's a good read for everyone - all the MM & H blind reveals put together.

Duncan said…
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Jdubya said…
One more to add in - have you seen this site??

Under "our portfolio", Meghan's Mirror is listed. No doubt in my mind Megsy is involved in this.
AnT knows what she's talking about ;) haha.

I do wonder why Meghan didn't retire away to the old money lifestyle of private clubs in London, hanging with the fabulous of society and making a great worldwide philanthropic name for herself and Harry. London is the center of that global world, NY /USA.

Why does Meghan want to parade around the non-elites merching her low level luxury shoes? I really do NOT get it. Fame is burdensome, which high society knows.

Is it because no one wanted to talk to her? Does she come across very common? Could she not intellectually keep up with talk of traveling to Vancouver just to try a new wine, or visiting a friend in Monaco for lunch?

She could travel and learn the lingo of the Uber wealthy. Hob nob with the best of them, become their philanthropy mouth piece (although they all prefer and use discretion as flaunting wealth is obscene and a social faux pax)?

You have to wonder what went wrong. Was she not paying attention?

It scares me that Harry and Meghan are so preachy and codependent with the causes they espouse. They cannot feel confident unless there is someone on the other end they are looking down on. Truly wealthy and high society rarely act this way, they don't need too. They've made their money legitimately and are extremely well educated.

Were Harry and Meghan the odd balls of society? You have to wonder...

It's surprisingly Meghan didn't cut ties with new money and tacky Soho House. She kept dragging Harry along to visit them. Did she not understand the dynamic?

What does she owe Marcus Anderson? Why is Omid her mouthpiece?

There is an end game here for this tacky club and I want to know what it is!
Jdubya said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jdubya said…
Wow - looking at the blinds from the above link and they go back to 2016 - i started at the bottom to see the progression and it is very very interesting.

reposting link - copy and paste
AnT said…

I would describe the shape in the back right hand belt level area of Harry’s jacket that day as appearing to be somewhat like three iPhone 10s stacked in terms of the shape and depth. Due to the position, it didn’t strike me as wallet or phone.I will try to find the image and a link.

There are belts that have a silver flask attachment, which is the only other thing I can think of. Which is more likely, flask or recording device?
Louise said…
AnT: I don't know.. modern recording devices can be much smaller. My gardener carries his phone in a leather case hooked to his belt that fits with what you describe. Just throwing that out there.. we won't know until we see that day in their docudrama on Netflix.
CookieShark said…
Bring him out they may, but they tried this with the Christmas card and the Duck, Rabbit book.

The Christmas card was a fiasco. It was released and people asked some legit questions about photoshop. Then a "Picture Kill" was issued with the ghoulish red X over poor Archie's face ( was weird. I have never gotten a Christmas card of someone's baby like that).

For HIS BIRTHDAY she insisted on reading a book he seemed not very interested in. And kids that age will look at their parents, or say "Ma! MA! MAma! MOMMY" if they drop something. He was heard saying something like "Can't get it" and didn't look at her once to help. He was dressed inappropriately.

He was very useful to her when she was in maternity outfits. Now he might take some of the attention from her.
AnT said…
Not Meghan Markle,

Okay — you are making such good points!

* were Harry an Meghan the oddballs of society? You have to wonder....
—-> This is actually something I hadn’t considered but my god, I think the answer is yes, don’t you? And that this is important. Think of her snarky rude odd self as the child dish soap crusader, her as school bully, the odd family tales, the childhood life on the set of her dad’s show where he was a good worker but not a star.....the missing Doria years? And the implications...

* does she not understand the dynamics (tacky Soho etc)
—-> She has been around and around and loved to spend, but has cheap odd taste, and the ability to make a 9000 pound dress look like a 50 pound knockoff. The worn-out soiled white Panama hat, messy hair, eyelash glue clumps and dirty shoes. That old sorority photo in which all are dressed for a Chicago night out in cute tops, but she wears a tacky, mall-type cheap Playboy tee...I think there was no arbiter of good taste around to teach her, and as a narcissist she sees what she thinks is real and absorbs nothing.

* what does she owe Markus Anderson? Why is Omid her mouthpiece?
—-> is MA the link to the backers or a masterful hotel pimp? Omid because he dared Markus, he owes Markus too, and he won’t say anything about the nonexistent baby, the 44 year old duchess, the backers, the dogs, Doria, where they really live, or the cage they keep H in?

* there is an endgame here for this tacky club and I want to know what it is!
—-> “this tacky club” — I am laughing ..oh, so perfectly put, NMM......imagine being out at a nicer exclusive restaurant with good friends, and hearing a big mouth laughing we turn and see a table of freakish tacky oddballs showing off for each other, talking over each other and not listening,their eyes darting around to see if they are noticed: Markus with his bad unkempt kitchen helper beard, zuzzed sweaty vibe and ever cocked two dollar evil eye, with sad wonky pilling outdated scarf and denim jacket game; plastic bobblehead Messica with her H&M year-end sale, and her blurgh useless oily husband; M swanning about in her massive hair yurt, ratlike laser eyes, three mobiles, in some tragic poo-hued tent dress; Omid’s smooth round kabuki head is floating over their two-top table hoping to spot a friend who will buy him a car; while sour David Foster surreptitiously pocket dials his cute new assistant while his wife smugs hoping someone there will remember her in her bump-wearing role in the movie comedy House Bunny, as she shoots boredom glances at M and speculative glances at Harry, who glowers in pale sweaty pink-eyed misery and rage at the DM comments on his iPhone, his twitchy stained fingers tearing napkins into tiny smithereens.

What a tacky club! They are not together to do a middle school performance of Oklahoma! So what IS it?? What joined this lot, what do they think they will get out of it, or are they just the only ones able to tolerate each other?
AnT said…

Yes, but you are considering this logically, and from a point of knowledge and experience, and offering sensible options,

I imagine these two ordering stupid equipment from some sketchy Amazon seller offering Super Spyware for only 49 dollars. I would laugh and laugh if they were wired and it didn’t work.

You are probably right, H was just wearing a phone holster, though his jacket must have pockets. Well, maybe M got it for him so she can keep tabs on his movements.
lucy said…
I have nothing of substance to add, I was just waiting for new post to get emails! I did not read entire last thread, what I miss? 🙃

One would think with announcement of "illustrious" new hires they would launch some sort of campaign or wow moment to showcase shiny new & improved manufactured styling. Or was that what the Remembrance cosplay was for? It has been full week. Surely onto something else, no?

Military influencer? (cackle) I am really behind. Surely has been discussed along with not wishing PC happy birthday. No way an Archie reveal can undo all this.

I hope you are all doing well! Nutty the video link you inserted in post with kid in news shot was really super cute!
Looking forward to reading everyone's comments. Stay safe

xxxxx said…
Not Meghan Markle said...
I do wonder why Meghan didn't retire away to the old money lifestyle of private clubs in London, hanging with the fabulous of society and making a great worldwide philanthropic name for herself and Harry. London is the center of that global world, NY /USA.

Because Megs got very paranoid that everyone in the BRF could see right through her. And they could except for Hapless. Dittos for British Aristos, word had gotten around that she was not to be trusted or mingled with. Summary is that she had the amazing drive to hook Harry, then proceeded to blow all to bits after the wedding, starting with Charles garden party they were escorted out of. Then bombing humble charities in her new expensive couture. Paid by Bank of Charles via Hapless' allowance.

So out of England and off to Canada and Los Angeles. Far away from any British staff that might have back channels to Charles and the Queen.
YankeeDoodle said…
An T, can you ghost write a book for me? You have a marvelous way of expression with the written word.

My first baby had a wandering eye - pupil would drift to corner of eye - which is called divergent strabismus. She needed to wait until age two to have both eyes (yes, looks like one eye, but both eye muscles are affected) operated upon, with the window of fixing the eyes between two and four and one half years. Two to 4 1/2. To the year, month, day and hour, operated in Children’s Hospital in DC, as my older brother’s same operation, by the same genius, the last hope father of pediatric ophthalmology, Dr. Marshall Parks.

Archie, as I have a 95 percent reason to know, was carried and born of a surrogate, with Meg and Harry’s embarrassment of showing a less than perfect child, with filers as in his Duck Rabbit filters that were worse than the Kardashians. Archie Bunker Battenberg was not bestowed a title, as a surrogate cannot give birth to a royal child.
Fifi LaRue said…
Prince Charles has come out with a wardrobe for men, and one for women. All the pieces are, I think, sustainably sourced, and meant to last for years. Charles advises to spend well on high quality items because they will last. His slogan, something like Buy Once, Buy Well. Charles has always been impeccably dressed, from head to toe.

With Charle's philosphy of sustainability, it's difficult to imagine how he has handed over a fortune to Harry's wife for clothing.
SwampWoman said…
Louise said: Yes — speculation was her insect green dress with cape was designed to hide a pack and wires. I don’t know about that but you could definitely see the square recoding pack on Harry through the fabric of his suit in one of the outdoor images before they entered the building."

Insect green? Yes but, to me, she looked more like a nasty bright green venomous African adder, ready to poison everybody in the room. Harry's undercover (or camouflage) green lining indicated that he was allied with the poison princess.
Natalier said…
Now that you mention it Nutty, we will definately see some proof of Archie in their next video. I can just imagine it: she picks up a toy from the floor and does her fake, pretentious overthetop laugh and says "Oh, this is our son's Archie's." Turns to Harry "He has grown so fast - running all over the place with his toys and books shrewn everywhere. Sometimes, I get so tired of chasing after him, you too. But when I tuck him into bed and he goes "You are the best mother in the world..." it is all worth it (pretending to gaze off to the right). Vomit!
SwampWoman said…
Natalier, something to look for in the next video! I'm really surprised that they haven't done it before now with a super expensive color-coordinated vegan bear or maybe some organic blocks lying artistically about. REALLY surprised. What has happened to all the bears and other toys that were presented to Archie by an adoring public?

Did I mention how surprised I was to see what was purported to be Archie taken by alleged paps being pushed around by Doria in an old PLASTIC toy vehicle? (How unsustainable! How unwoke!)

It is possible that the child, if there is one, is less than perfect* physically (strabismus, maybe a cleft palate or some other congenital anomaly) but I would expect them to be out collecting monies for a charity to help children with that particular affliction (with some taken out for 'administrative fees' of course). Plus, there would be the opportunity for giving lots of sad yet brave interviews about their sorrows and sacrifices for the sake of their child, how their child is struggling to deal with his affliction, bullying and racism from other toddlers, ad nauseum.

*She seems to me to be the type that would order an abortion if the child were less than perfect.
SwampWoman said…
Good night, y'all! Once again, such stimulating and wide-ranging conversations from everybody which have been extremely enjoyable. It is like riding a galloping horse down a single trail and suddenly where there was one trail, ten trails open up before us! I want to follow them all but, alas, I should probably rest up a bit before morning.
ConstantGardener said, Wasn't there speculation that she wore a mic or recording device or something under that green dress & cape she wore? I think the cape blew out of place a little and it looked like there was a small box on her back? Am I misremembering?

Probably not mis-remembering, but not seeing or reading the discussion on this blog too. ;o) It was a pleat in her coat. Her security that being her RPO’s at that time would have spotted such device (if she’d been that stupid and arrogant to wear such a thing under their watch).
Natalier said…
@SwampWoman, I was wondering what toy it could be and the obvious choice would be a rocking horse. She knows the press would then bring out old pics of Harry with his rocking horse. Remember Prince George was also gifted one by Obama - another reason to remind the public of their royal ties least it be forgotten.
So, Archie was born of surrogate.

Archie was not given a title and is not considered Royal.

Archie is not in line to the throne.

Meghan thought she got around the 'unable to reproduce, thing.'

Harry was shocked she ordered a baby . Hence his reactions just after.

Harry was more shocked she dressed up a fake belly.

Harry, in shock and embarrassment, goes along with FauxArchie pregnancy.

Surrogate or not, that child is now his.

Within 4 months of the birth, realizing Archie has no $$$$ incentive for Meghan as a non-royal, she gets the hell out of dodge.

Lands in LA and brings along her rent-a-prince who now owes her for her having to give up her illustrious acting career and a her suffering in the Royal family with bad press. As well as for not realizing their surrogate baby would be disallowed a title and inheritance.

They had no choice, they had too. They both have said.

I mean, I guess I could buy it. They do seem rather hapless and ruthlessly for sale.

This would explain the 'Meghan with the New Money' attitude we are seeing.

So. Many. Questions.l
I might be splitting hairs here, but in this profile they emphasize that the Duke of Sussex was present for the birth:

They don't say that Meghan was there, though.
She's been suspected of secret recording from the time she was caught nosing around KP. Covert recording and filming in UK are a no-no. Doesn't mean people don't do it - they just make sure they're not caught.

One is supposed to be told when recording is taking place - hence the notices that are ought to be displayed when householders install security cameras that might catch someone outside on public property, or those recorded messages that tell you your phone call is being recorded `for training purposes'.

On private property, even places such as churches, are allowed to forbid photography on the premises and I imagine that goes for recording as well - like cinemas & theatres.. Likewise for householders within their houses.


I love the Bristolian touch with the ukelele orchestra - `Orroight, moi Loverr?
Thanks, SwampWoman.

(in the cafe at Bristol Airport, I'm always tempted to get us `one expressol, one Americanol and a pain au chocolol'. I haven't the cheek to do it though.


Their only gameshow appearance I would might even watch, would be in `Celebrity Big Brother' and `I'm a Celebrity! Get me Out of Here'!

Not only might they be made to suffer but they would reveal their true selves very quickly, for all to see. I'd try and rig the voting too - keeping them there until almost the last minute to prolong their agony and raise false hope of winning.
Replying to Not Meghan Markle:

So many questions but what scenario looks very much like an answer to me. Small wonder she has no time for Archie, he has no value as far as she's cconcerned.

Assuming they are stuck with a child, might H might also fear `non-accidental injury' if he's not around? Yet she won't consent to Harry bringing him back to UK? I imagine that laws in the US are not dissimilar to those in UK which try to prevent non-UK parents from abducting the child out of the country?

That's the only honourable reason I can think of for H staying with her.
Interesting reasoning Wild Boar Battle-Maid! I do think Harry is uncomfortable around the 'child' with Meghan. Could explain Charles continued support, if it is happening. Also, as Harry says, she's always 'working'. Not, 'she's busy with the kids'.

As they are married either parent could bring Archie solo to or fro UK/USA. If they were divorced or separated without a custody agreement then 100% one can call their local police force, which in turn would contact Interpol.

I don't think Harry is traveling at all due to the slowed processing of Visa's during Covid, which would have delayed his expected return of a green card and thus unlimited travel.

I don't think Meghan wants 'Archie' on UK soil at all.

I read Nutty's old blogs on 'Archie'. The history of the name (old duke of sussex' wife's sidepiece) is absurd and ridiculous. I, in aghast, cannot believe the BRF/Archificial/MeghanMarkle is an acceptable storyline for the BRF! Applause to Nutty for having such a great index here of all things Meghan and Harry. The BRF have outdone themselves letting this sideshow continue! It's sad for Harry, really. With Diana as his mother, the guy really needed the quiet life and the countryside. All this wokey-jokey BS in LA needs to end for his sake.
Magatha Mistie said…


How about “The Regeneration Game”

Haz introducing Megs:
“Lets have a look at the whoreboard,
Didn’t she do well”
As Archie whizzes past on the conveyor belt
clutching ethically sourced, available on line,
stuffed south pole penguins.

Apologies to Brucie
Magatha Mistie said…

Blood Will Out

Poor little Misunderstood
Would sell her own Gran if she could
Instead she sold Harry’s
Whose name she now carries
Forgetting that Archie ain’t Royal blood

Maneki Neko said…
@Louise, Constant Gardener

Re the praying mantis dress and recording device, I do remember a photo show MM's back on the right and there seemed to be a box underneath, like a packet of cigarettes or smaller. I've looked and cannot find that photo. I've found other photos but they don't really show anything so I'm not sure anymore. - showing MM standing very inelegantly legs apart
Lacey is now quoted as making out C pursued Wm for years - even making out the going to Marlborough was was part of it.

Hello-o? - Wm was at Eton, just outside Windsor; Marlborough's in Wiltshire, `close' only to people used to American distances! I've been to Summer Schools there and would have loved to have had that opportunity myself when younger (Some hope!. It was `boys only’ in my era & no way could my parents afford independent education.)

As for her change of plan, to apply for St Andrews after a gap year, instead of going up to Edinburgh straight from school, I can think of a variety of reasons why she might have done it apart from `chasing’ William.

Fell out with her friends? Did she know someone else at, or going to, St Andrews? Didn’t fancy a busy city? Thought she would benefit from being a little more mature when she went up? Believed she’d have a better chance of fitting in there than in Edinburgh? Believed what Glaswegians say about Edinburgh people? Had she been reading Ian Rankin’s `Rebus’ novels? Perhaps there was a difference in the courses? A different approach to teaching? Was it to see more of Scotland or to be near the sea? Or did she find the red gowns appealing?

Without knowing the exact dates of who decided what, and when, we can’t analyse it. Students have any number of reasons for their choice of university or college – and why they reject offers. I’ve heard of someone who turned down the chance of a place at Cambridge, at the college of her choice, because the student study-bedroom room she was shown had too little wardrobe space for all her dresses.

It’s been on record for years that Catherine switched Uni’s once she heard William was going to St. Andrews. Lacey can’t own that one, but to say she pursued him since she was at school is truly stretching it. As you correctly state too, her changing Uni. choices really could have been any number of reasons and not the one noted.

I used to think Lacey was a good and honourable author. Sadly, no more since he’s started to try and re-write history.
Oh yes, it's old `news' and old allegations but, yet again, something that's grown whiskers has been wheeled to discredit the Cambridges.
Girl with a Hat said…
another one who really believes that Catherine pursued William at the behest of her super ambitious mother is Lainey Lui, Meghan's salad tosser and gossip monger.

Are you projecting much, Lainey of the hideous whitened and botoxed face? I thought geishas were Japanese, not Chinese.
AnT said…
Wild Boar Battle-maid,

By the logic of the bitter Cambridge pokers, we must then logically assume at least 50% of all other female undergrads went to St Andrews to pursue William, and possibly a number of men as well for potentially useful future business contacts.

I remember a HELLO article saying Catherine met him in her art course, but he wasn’t liking that subject of study and was thinking of leaving school altogether, but she suggested he switch to geography instead of quitting. So he did. And that was the field of study in which he ultimately graduated. She didn’t just bat her eyes and offer to do his art history revisions for him to keep him close and under her thumb.

And wasn’t she taking both art history and psychology when she started out there? My guess is that like other young students, she was trying to decide what she wanted to do, and maybe did a gap year to think about it, and even work at Party Pieces to assess that as a career. Maybe she wanted down time to mature or travel. It isn’t that unusual.

In any case, if Carole Middleton is this good at plotting and rolling out a high stakes mission impossible that can succeed so well, Charles needs to offer her the job of extracting Harry and returning him to the U.K. for deprogramming, divorce, a few tough years in the boomf marshmallow factory line, and eventual remarriage to a solid undazzled young woman.

Tidbit for a Monday: to go under the radar at uni when possible, William used the name “Steve” — !

AnT said…
Not Meghan Markle,

Excellent step by step theoretical rundown.

You know I have my own comfy chair in the No Baby club lounge, but I am open to your theory, with this as a (b) option to one step:

Once H got ensnared over a one or two night stand, complete with implicating photos, Markus and M get ready. Perhaps this was their long haul game aimed at any rich man, but amplified when H was clawed in. What if her frozen eggs were actually frozen fertilized eggs (embryo cryopreservation) thanks to donations from Markus, who is also up for a kid, and long term child support splits from a target.

So M the grasping bunt (roses for Hikari) rings Markus from her bubble bath one day and says, “find a surrogate now so we can lock this rich ginger down.” Markus does so, is later jubilant at the NYC baby shower, especially on one bumpless photographed night out during the private jet weekend. The deal however is this:

Markus and the surrogate come to have the baby in the UK for paperwork , then they fly back to Canada with the child which they will raise together and lend to M as needed for photos. (I know a photographer and an agency designer who each have a long-term similar arrangement with two female artist friends; each couple lives together with a child, raising it, but all parents have other partners, and the surrogates are pleased to get housing and health insurance etc while pursuing their work in art.)

Harry is mortified etc as you have described, feels he must go along with the scam. She refuses all royal medical attention of course. She can pay off someone at the American-owned Parkland Hospital. No title for Archie, plastic doll used as needed, Archie shipped in for photos, other babies used when notice is short because to narcissist M and ignorant H, all babies look alike and we the public are stupid and she (Charles) can pay the sugar bots to coo.

But they have to flee as someone will notice there is no child. No pram walks, family dinners with the children, no baby at holidays. Run!

Mostly they forget about the kid, as we have seen. William and Catherine know, of course, as does Sophie, so, the ice formed.

The BRF are so shocked they are like beetles upside down on the gravel waving their legs.

M frantically has the trial delayed because she had a spat with Markus and the surrogate over lack of payment and can’t get the baby to haul to the U.K. Still no check from Netflix. Reality show money is for the Botox jar.

They can hide with no eyes in Covid, but now the squeeze is on with pregnant McPhee honing in on the neighborhood and expecting play dates and adorable paired infant-toddler photos. So M decides she needs to move to DC fast.....

No way did the old shopped photo of Doria pushing a plastic car include an Archie. That was M in her late 70s childhood hair and hat, matching Doria’s gym shorts by style era, or another 80s child.

This is when i hope Carole Middleton and Uncle Gary are sitting, knowing, smirking, waiting for The Moment. They have the steely protective mother wherewithal (her) and snappy no-nonsense voice (him) to expose this once and for all.

M’s short term impulsive thinking completely blew it on this one. But to her, a baby and a beagle are equally easily switched, no one has ever called her out on any of her games before, backers have helped her float, and the newspapers have held their tongues. She is watching the clock tick down to midnight, grabbing all she can before the buzzer. A pre-trial reveal would be magic.

Ròn said…
For any ‘plan’ to have worked, William firstly had to notice Kate amongst the thousands of female students in his own year and the years above. Then he’d have had to think ‘she looks my type, I’ll ask her out. Then she would have had to be someone he felt comfortable with and who he found interesting enough to do it again. Next, he’d have to fancy her, then he’d have to decide if her motives were genuine given who he is ( I’m sure his radar was ever alert to a girl who wasn’t genuine) . Then he’d have to fall in love and Finally... that romantic love would have to turn into something deeper AND he’d have to be sure Kate was fully committed to life as a Royal before asking her to be his wife. Plan or no plan, nearly twenty years and 3 children later they’re still together and, looking fairly pleased about it.
Hikari said…
Do we suppose that this very sudden resurgence, via the Lacey book, of the stories that Catherine 'plotted to snare William' are placements from Smeagol's new PR team?

The absolute bedrock behavior of the Narcissist is to accuse people they dislike of doing the very self-same bad things they themselves do . . anything to discredit others or shift blame for something they have done. Who do we know who stalked a Prince around the globe for a period of years, honing in on her target like a heat-seeking missile, cultivating contacts (that she calls friends) for the express purpose of getting close to her target? Who cheated brazenly on every man she's ever been in a relationship with? *Here* is the source of all the toxic rumors about both halves of the Cambridge couple.

Taking a gap year between prep school and uni is a rite of passage in Britain. I don't have statistics, but it's so common, maybe 50% or more of students do it. The well-heeled travel; the less well-heeled take jobs to save up for tuition or maybe do an internship in their prospective field of study. Charles, William and Harry all took gap years, as would have most of the kids in their circle and most of the ones in Kate's. That arrow is blunt. If Kate had already planned to go to a Scottish university, maybe she evaluated the art history programs at both and found St. Andrews superior. If she and her mother hoped she might meet William and hit it off with him, there was no absolute guarantee of either, only hope. And if it was a strategy that worked in the short term and they dated, there was again no certainty whatsover that their relationship would last the course the way it has.

Tom Hiddleston, a Double First graduate of Cambridge in Classics has certainly done all right for himself in his field. He was in William's class at Eton and the two were friendly. Eton has its own merits irrespective of a member of the British royalty happens to be in residence and I expect the same is true of St. Andrews.

Smeagol's boundless envy is so transparent.
AnT said…
Ron, exactly! So glad you wrote that.

It shows the blinding number of secret doors and flaming hoops Catherine would have to pass through successfully to work her way through the massive labyrinth to achieve this, while getting her degree, too. All with William standing there like a totally passive compliant patsy, of course.

Conversely, Meghan just had to plead several people to introduce her to a very rich British man (documented), take a photo with kids in Africa on the way to a yacht client, and then ride a roasted chicken through the gates of Windsor, and quickly drug, salad-toss and photograph their dumbest prince.

Clearly, Catherine worked much too hard.
I agree with most of what you said. However, one thing sticks out:

Archie was not given a title and is not considered Royal.

Archie is not in line to the throne.

Archie is entitled to be Earl of something or Lord of something, I forget but it comes off of Handbag's lesser titles (those under Prince and also under Duke). Very much like Edwards children are titled (although I believe Edward and Sophie postponed the Prince Princess thing letting their children decide at 18, Anne's husband did not take a title so none to pass down and she also refused the Prince Princess thing to give her children a shot at a more "normal" life). This was thought to be unacceptable to at least MeGain (if not her husband) who truly believed their children should be given Prince or Princess titles, even though they were not qualified for them at the time. When PC becomes monarch then children of Handbag may take up the Prince or Princess title. If you check the line of succession, there are several without titles.

If you check the line of succession, Handbag and Archie are listed as 6th and 7th in line. A baby must exist but I am team surrogate and believe that it is easier to leave him 7th (with very little chance of hime ascending) then to expose the horrendous lie H & M subjected the world to. That would be very difficult for the BRF to justify.
AnT said…

Everything you said, yes, yes.

It does sound like the new kids were given Meghan’s burn books and the binder of Cambridge hate and told to start over at page one.

AnT said…

If my assigned task for the good of a firm was to build up a strong charge of fraud and treason against someone, I would probably accept and record all their lies quietly, including faked births, until the time came to prove serious broken faith and damages.
Yes, I'm sure that report was planted by, or at the behest of, the Grasping Bunt.
Hikari said…

Once H got ensnared over a one or two night stand, complete with implicating photos, Markus and M get ready. Perhaps this was their long haul game aimed at any rich man, but amplified when H was clawed in. What if her frozen eggs were actually frozen fertilized eggs (embryo cryopreservation) thanks to donations from Markus, who is also up for a kid, and long term child support splits from a target.

Do you remember, shortly after the 'birth', it was making the rounds that Markus Anderson had changed the status on his Instagram profile to "Father"? I don't know how long that lasted, but that was an 'A-ha!' moment. Markus is gay, a fact universally acknowledged, as is the fact that he used to date (or sub another four-letter word) Edward Enniful of Vogue. There are photographs of them canoodling. I think Scoobie Doo (aka The Plastic Fantastic) has also been linked with either or both of these guys. Very very hand in glove (or other body parts in elsewhere) in this shady little circle, innit.

That feels like a warning shot to MM, that public posting. Like, "You continue to pay me handsomely or I spill what I know." And Markus knows a lot . . more than just a surrogate pregnancy, like perhaps the grasping bunt's sideline as a floating prostitute and adult video star?

I can absolutely believe that Meg had her eggs harvested and fertilized by Markus after she ingratiated herself into that Toronto Soho House crowd. I think it pretty likely that Meg had her tubes tied earlier. Depending on the rumors about Smeg which one subscribes to, she: gave birth to a daughter in her late teens, possibly as a result of the first annulled marriage--maybe the reason for that hasty and cancelled union . . this child having been raised by Samantha as "Meg's niece". Giving nuances of subtext to Smeg's statement that she'd bought herself a Cartier watch 'to someday give to my daughter'. She stated that like she was certain she'd have a daughter to give it to--maybe she already does.

Rumor 2: That she and Trevor argued about having children and the actual death of the marriage came about after Meg terminated Trevor's baby and ran away to Toronto. Ninaki Priddy has intimated this. With the plot to snag Harry still a few years in the future, maybe Meg took this opportunity to ensure that she'd never be troubled by an inconvenient pregnancy again, seeing as she had zero interest in getting bloated and stretched out and certainly no interest in being a mother. The embryos on ice were insurance for exactly the kind of scenario with Harry, only, she never thought beyond the 'staging pregnancy' bit. She set her sights on Harry and didn't think through how difficult it would be to manage a scam of this magnitude when she was constantly photographed, scrutinized and followed around by courtiers.

Hikari said…
The fly in the ointment for me is the means by which the grasping bunt and her equally duplicitous conspirator, Markus, used to blackmail Harry into going through with the marriage. The BRF has certainly dealt with tons of implicating photos before where Harry (and Andrew) were concerned. Harry's reputation as a player was well-deserved. Dirty pictures of him doing the nasty with a bunt of easy virtue have been fairly thick on the ground, and the Firm made them all go away. Apparently they offered Smeg a generous settlement to Go Away and she refused, having her eye on a Duchess tiara, of course.

I'm sure the family has reasons to regret now that they just didn't let her release whatever dirt she had. She must be only one of literally dozens of women who have had one or two night stands with Harry. That's our Smeg--not an original bone in her body.

But if it was not *her* in the incriminating photos/video . . but, say Markus? Or Markus plus Enninful plus Scooby Doo for good measure? Maybe throw in Mischa Nonoo's new husband, Mikey Hess? Evidence of a gay orgy in Soho House Toronto may have been enough to push through the Corpse Bride wedding that nobody, even the groom, appeared to want.
CookieShark said…
Any chance they become ambassadors to the UK?
SwampWoman said…
Maneki Neko said
Re the praying mantis dress and recording device, I do remember a photo show MM's back on the right and there seemed to be a box underneath, like a packet of cigarettes or smaller. I've looked and cannot find that photo. I've found other photos but they don't really show anything so I'm not sure anymore.

It wasn't your imagination; I saw it, too.
Hikari said…
Any chance they become ambassadors to the UK?

Given the absolute bang-up job they have done so far to promote harmonious US-UK relations and bring lustre to both countries?

Not a snowflake's chance in the hot place.

Meg cannot and will not ever have so much as a job as a Congressional page so long as she clings to an undeserved title of British nobility. As a non-citizen, Harry cannot represent the United States in any capacity, and currently isn't representing Britain in any capacity either.

Presuming that the election is certified for Mr. Biden on December 14th, Meg is no use whatsover to his or any administration. They are liabilities. Biden would tank any relationship with Buckingham Palace and Downing Street as the new President if he shows *any* favoritism or notice of the toxic pair.

Over the weekend I watched a brain-tickling video by a conservative commentator (later aired by Sean Hannity, I believe) that asserts that 29-year-old rising Congressional star AOC was in actuality auditioned for the role of representative of Congress from her targeted district of Brooklyn and is taking her marching orders from her handlers, who script her every move. Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, who is still 6 years too young to run for President, was working as a bartender before rocketing out of nowhere to become the great Latina hope of the progressive Democrats. I only mention her in the context of the recurring theory that Meg potentially has backers, too. AOC, a very attractive, young minority woman is a made-to-spec candidate for the most socialist branch of the Democratic Party and in fact the two masterminds of the Bernie Sanders campaign are now her top aides.
Recruiters for the NWO are real, it seems. Unlike Meg, AOC appears to be malleable to direction, and she will no doubt go far.
KCM1212 said…
@Jdubya said…
Here's a good read for everyone - all the MM & H blind reveals put together.

Thanks for that link, Jdubya. It was fascinating (and chilling!) to see the timeline like that! Especially the payfoffs...

@Swampwoman said
Teasmade, I love it! I hope the soundtrack is made by the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain, but I think they do "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly". Perhaps that describes "Archie" and his alleged parents."


Thank you for this link. I hadn't heard of this group and I love them. What a treat!
FWIW...I saw the box too. It was all over the blogs the week after her "performance". That stupid grin! (shudders)
Sylvia said…
Catherine and William's interview talking about about their irst encounter meeting at University

Just a clip that says it all (William's face remembering ...)
Hikari said…

I saw that clip, too. How refreshing--an interview with an engaged Royal couple where there isn't any tension, no disagreement about when and how they actually met, no wild gesticulations or body-grabbing . . just--the truth, fondly remembered.

Haz and Mess want so badly to copy everything the Cambridges do, but they lack the one nonnegotiable element: authenticity. This is why their house of cards is falling down in a . . .mudslide of lies.
AnT said…
Wild Boar Battle-maid,
Doesn’t “grasping bunt” just flow beautifully out of the pen and keyboard? I delight in it. Hikari gave us such a gift!

Magatha Mistie,
You are on fire again! Stuffed penguins! If they market some, with a Chunga Changa storybook, I will chortle with glee.

Okay, here is my fly swatter set:
1. Many a reluctant weak man has been led to the altar. But I doubt this is enough.

2. Harry threw the tantrum of a lifetime, with threats, coached by M’s hissing in his drug addled ear after she finally wore him down. Remember his panic attack at the friend’s wedding and sweaty shock at Invictus when M, MA and D circled him like a vise. Maybe panic attacks and drugs render him pliable though reluctant, then his default rage at the BRF and jealousy at William’s lot was the fertile earth M and Markus needed to wheedle him into rage and envy-fueled defiance: “I will have mine, and she and I will be in movies and be rich!” A quick unfortunate engagement or marriage in Africa. Then the stick wobble of terror on the day after a night of William’s last attempts to offer options for escape. But once the grasping bunt locked him in her cult gaze, the brainless one went through it, even with grandma’s radiating look of hate from the front pew. Accusing the family of racism is the other card others often mention, but I don’t think that can be it. Her divorces and actress profession were the worries, I think, not race. Everyone cheered for her and it was another great romance until she exposed her greed, narcissism, rudeness to the Queen, and the tales began to come out.

3. Like you, I cannot think of anything the famously wild party boy Harry could do that might be worth this level of entrapment in 2016. So, maybe they convinced him he did something morally horrific Involving death. Say, drugs or drinking made him forget....but here is the doctored photo or tape; ———- or, they told him they would expose someone else, either Charles or Philip, for something dreadful, so the BRF let it happen and he figured he might as well marry a “movie star” with salad skills. I am not sure threats about Andrew would have mattered, whereas as something much closer to the throne would. And he was just the unnecessary spare in any case. They underestimated her grift, envy, and sociopathic brain.

So, the bizarre marriage happens, High on her success, she arranges immediately for project Archie to happen.

I don't know about university entrance in the States but here there is a definite procedure to be followed for a first degree. It's done through a body called called UCAS. (Certain distance learning course eg OU degrees are Open Entry and it's different for Mature Students)

1.Get the right number and type of preliminary qualifications to meet the minimal standards to be accepted for university entrance (called Matriculation requirements); in England, these are good-enough grades of GCSE.

2. Then there are forms to be filled & personal statements written.

(3.) Some universities call one for interview before committing themselves.

4. One then might be offered a place, conditional on getting certain specified grades at Advanced Level.

(Btw, Oxbridge have been considering re-introducing their own entrance exams. Once, it was case of, say, 4x 3hrs of written exams, sat under supervision at school as the first `filter'. Successful candidates then went `up' to the university for more exams (a 3 hr practical for each of one's subjects if one aimed at a science degree, oral tests for linguists and so on.) Plus at least 2 interviews. All that required staying on the premises for 2 nights, which also allowed the candidates to assess if the place was for them.)

It wasn't a matter of Daddy phoning up and paying a deposit there and then, nor is it now.)

I don't know about William but those are the sort of hoops Catherine would have had to get through.

If my assigned task for the good of a firm was to build up a strong charge of fraud and treason against someone, I would probably accept and record all their lies quietly, including faked births, until the time came to prove serious broken faith and damages.

Agreed. And I believe there is someone on staff who does just that. I also think that the BRF were caught off guard by the whole pretending to be pregnant/surrogacy thing. The Royal households are not so coordinated as people think. They very much run independent of each other in that outside of the royal schedule they really don't know (or care) what the others are doing. I don't believe they get together every Sunday night for a big family dinner. Its my belief that the bRF didn't know about the fake pregnancy / surrogate until after MeGain went public with the "Im pregnant!", possibly very late into the "pregnancy". Then what are you going to do? To out them would have been to throw Handbag (at the time still a beloved member of the family and quite the popular royal) to the wolves and subject the family to never ending jokes and criticism. Best to keep it quiet and let it go away (7th in line is pretty far down and as soon as G, C, & L have children 7th will become 13th or 14th or ....? Can you name who is currently 14th in line? )

The irony to me is that MeGain was offered a "generous" sum to walk away from Handbag. It is rumoured that she very seriously considered it but changed her mind at the last minute. One would assume she thought she could get much much more money if she married him and they split from the royal family and became world super stars.

After marrying in she was again offered the equivalent of a "generous" sum. Astronomical clothing budget, unlimited travel and access to the upper tiers of the world.....etc. All she had to do was commit to a life of public service and being the second banana to Kate (birth order matters in BRF). She couldn't do either as she is no charitable person nor one to accept being second.

She decided that she and her husband were owed a "generous" sum from the world based on who they are and not what they do so they left the family. I think she fully expected to be richly rewarded by the world based solely on whom she married.

And now they are not wanted back in the family in their previous capacity (or any thing close), not wanted in Canada, not wanted in Hollywood, .......and apparently no "generous" sums headed their way.

As that comedian says "You can't fix stupid".
Hikari said…

Visible panic attacks and flop sweat (in Jamaica & Invictus) would argue against this match being something Harry actually wanted to happen. If he met her in May 2016 and had some clandestine international booty-call fun for . .six months? . .circa autumn 2016 and the KP photo debacle . . a convenient excuse to end it with her since she'd already queered her pitch with his family . . Then she turns up 5 months later at Skippy's wedding with some kind of 'convincer' . . photos, video . . the 'proof of marriage' undertaken while drunk on an African jolly .. telling him he HAD to be with her 'or else' . . that would cause a panic attack. Nothing about those Jamaica photos suggests a long-separated couple overjoyed to be reconnecting. Haz probably hoped the Fury at the Wedding was just a bad dream and wasn't contacting her again as promised once he returned home--hence the ambush at Invictus 5 months after Skippy's wedding. If Harry was happy/expecting to see her there, why does he look like he's just soiled himself in the stands when he catches sight of her?

I have considered, seriously, in this space, that GB and her Mephistopheles, MA concocted some footage allegedly showing Harry responsible for a death by misadventure of one of his party playmates. Sex games gone wrong. It wouldn't even have to have actually occurred--just convince a suggestible Harry, who'd been out of his mind on drugs at the time that he is responsible. Not the sort of thing he'd want to show Granny or Dad.

However he got himself into this mess, Hazza is royally flucked. I almost felt sorry for him at the beginning of this, but now I do not. Bed, you lie on it, son. He's as morally bankrupt as she is.
AnT said…

Like M, AOC does seem made to order and her background has been scrubbed from the internet. When she (AOC) first appeared, a friend in NYC sent some links to articles about AOC’s well to do childhood and early teens in Florida, in a waterfront mansion with a maid, boats, nice cars, all provided by her entrepreneurial architect father. The stories described their life in detail. The beauty of the house, the freedom to drive nice new cars, etc.

The information was shared by her own brother, who was appalled by the stories of her struggles in poverty In NYC and called it a sham.

After the father’s death, perhaps a divorce too, can’t recall, the mother and now older children moved to NY and lived in a nice home in a nice leafy NY suburb. And so, her brother was furious at her campaign lies. He also asked how she got picked and who was running this show.

Within weeks the stories were scrubbed from the internet and wiki has her described as a poor Puerto Rican kid from the Bronx who somehow chose to get a nice international affairs and economics degree from Boston U, not a NYC school or even a community college offering immediately financially useful degrees in, say, nursing or teaching she could have used. . While she ran, some questioned her grasp of economics, pointing out holes her many errors in her comments. So another questionable student, like Meghan?

I think this has all been scrubbed.

Shades of Samantha and Tom Jr., eh? So, yes, another reason I can Imagine a backers web.
Maneki Neko said…
@Jdubya 3.44pm

Thank you for the link. I looked at Meg's biography and noticed that her "fan club" address is exactly the same as the same as the registered address of Loving Kindness, the care home company,whose CEO is Dorito.

I also noticed her shoe size is US/Can 7 but this would be a UK 5. She's more like a UK 7 (US 9).

As for the measurements, 24 waist?? So, smaller waist and feet and greater height (5"7')?? (rolls eyes)
AnT said…

Yes, I am agreeing — Harry has sweaty panic as he doesn’t want to be near her, she is his reminder of the one night stand gone horribly wrong, BUT he is weak and dumb, she is persistent and word-salads him, talks him into it via praise, threats, descriptions of horrific press. She is a practiced speaker of crap, we know she never shuts up. Maybe Markus helps. “Harry, there is no way out, we can help.” He runs, she follows, he can’t escape them, Wears him down psychologically (and perhaps physically too with drugs and sex) and like a victim he begins to rely on her and trust her, at which point she builds him into rage against the world of her behalf, using the Diana card and no family card and daddy abused her card. This is was what I am trying to say in point 2 above.

He did not fall deeply for her and choose her, she went for the kill, to make this happen. He is weak minded and perhaps mentally ill. She has advisors and a team, or simply bullies him to the dirt. No one has bullied him before, so he has no defense for this.
SwampWoman said…
KCM1212 said:
Thank you for this link. I hadn't heard of this group and I love them. What a treat!
FWIW...I saw the box too. It was all over the blogs the week after her "performance". That stupid grin! (shudders)

You are welcome for the find, as are all y'all that commented. I found them in my late night/early morning insomniac wanderings on the webs. I thought they were wonderful, creative musicians with a sense of humor. I can get so immersed in the different musics of the world that I am brought out of my trance only by the sun rising. I am a huge Bhangra and Bollywood fan. I love Polynesian music. I love Mongolian tonal singing. Sadly, I do not have a musical bone in my body and can't carry a tune, as the saying goes, in a bucket but I figure the world needs fans, too. (Gallan Goodiyaan is currently on the playlist.)
Hikari said…

You seem well-versed in the potential AOC story. Google 'AOC + Justice Democrats'. I had never heard of any of this, but I have avoided anything to do with Ms. AOC on principle. Not interested in what she is selling, particularly with such strong links to the Bernie Sanders campaign. The commentator did compile a number of illustrative video clips to bolster his thesis. Ms. O-C can be well-spoken when she is well-prepped and sticks to script. Many of her remarks sound canned exactly from identical remarks made by leading members of the Justic Democrats organizations--not just the sentiments but the identical sentences. Does that sound like anyone else we know? In more improvised moments, AOC fumbles and stumbles in a way that a well-read politician in charge of her own thinking and words shouldn't. She also betrays some Valley Girl tendencies of speech, like, you know, which are at odds with her well-groomed persona. She certainly looks appropriate to the role but she may be way in over her head if all she's doing is learning lines for a part she's playing.

The Justice Democrats are not hiding their agenda at all; it is their objective to replace the existing Democratic Congress with their own hand-selected (socialist) people. Insofar as this does not break Constitutional law, they can do so. She ran (or was run, perhaps we should say), she won. In the final analysis, we are all playing roles of one sort or another. But there may be more similarities to Meg's story than meets the eye.
AnT said…

That is fascinating. I didn’t know most if this. My friend’s ire was borne of her distaste for all fakes in politics, pointing out that it continues with the new political freshmen like AOC. (I have seen a couple of clips of her lapses, so I can only imagine what is behind the trained mask.) I somehow don’t think whoever runs MM is of the same political goal set, more like the greedy apolitical hedge fund guys I described the other day. But I can see MM being hugely jealous of AOC, and trying to mimic her in the usual unoriginal MM way.

Can you imagine? We will have to watch and see.

I was once invited to an evening event at the Residenz in Munich and many government figures were there. Fascinating conversations. One comes to mind now. An elegant man with a serious gov role said to me, with twinkling eyes and a smile, “Do you know how to spot a socialist at a party?” I said no. He said, “Observe: the socialists will be scowling, underdressed, then proceed to help themselves to all of the caviar, all of the salmon and lobster, wash it down with extra wine and Champagne, and slip the chocolates and cakes into their rucksacks and pockets before they insult a few people of means, and leave in a huff.” He told me to stand beside him and watch. I did, he was right, to every detail, and I learned a lot that night.

New from the DM and I don’t think its yet been posted, apologies if so....

Meghan Markle 'had help from Palace aides' to write letter she sent to her father Thomas at centre of privacy case with the Mail on Sunday, court documents claim...

I so wish the court case hearing hadn’t been is postponed. :o/
Duncan said…
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Maneki Neko said…
The DM claims "Meghan Markle 'had help from Palace aides' to write letter she sent to her father Thomas at centre of privacy case with the Mail on Sunday, court documents claim".
But lawyers forANL have claimed in documents filed at the High Court in London that the letter was not the 'intellectual creation' of the 39 year-old royal.

They argue that Kensington Palace communications team 'contributed to the writing' of an electronic draft, which the letter was later 'copied' from.

The documents state: 'It is for the claimant (Meghan) to prove she was the only only person who contributed to the writing of the electronic draft.

'Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the defendant (ANL) infers that Jason Knauf and/or others in the Kensington Palace communications team contributed to the writing of the electronic draft.

'Precisely which parts were the result of such contribution is uniquely known to the Claimant, Jason Knauf and others in the team.'
Interesting... Let's hold the argument holds water. And it would satisfying to know the 'private' (cough, cough) was concocted with Palace aides and to see MM like a swatted fly.
CookieShark said…
I can't imagine palace aides would advise her to write a letter at all. Besides, didn't OS say she wrote the letter knowing TM would leak it? And it was her attempt to set the record straight?

IFC the one in line for the throne removes him/herself at will. I think the palace or monarch can only do it if said person is declared unfit (mentally unstable, etc.) not too sure. Something in the back of my head tells me that the Queen can't just say "Harry, you're out of the line of succession"

Any experts in line of succession here?
Hikari said…

The video I mentioned turned up in my Facebook Watch feed, and I can't find the exact link at the moment, but I did a search on YouTube & this turned up at the top of the page. This organization's (Justice Democrats) is very upfront and open about their activities, and they outline it right here in a commercial for themselves. They aim to 'recruit community leaders to run for Congress' on their socialist Democrat agenda.

Even an unsuccessful bid for public office requires a lot of money. The sad fact of politics in America is that the best-funded candidate (usually) wins the day, because they can afford to saturate the market with advertising and just have the biggest organization on the ground to get the candidate's name and face in the public eye. And rich campaigns can afford to hire the tops in legal and political strategizing talent. Lots of people who might be great in public office will never get the opportunity because of not having access to these resources. Recruitment happens in most industries and all the really top jobs tend to be head-hunted. That's great--if the candidates being sought after are genuinely qualified to be awarded those jobs based on their skills and knowledge. I am very new to even the sound of Ms. O-C's voice, never mind her content, but she strikes me as quite tentative and very girlish in her demeanor for someone who is supposedly such a political firebrand. Almost like she doesn't have full ownership of what she is saying, but she's hitting her marks and she's photogenic. Her resemblance to Markle physically is notable.

The whole scenario is reminding me a lot of the movie Dave with Kevin Kline--seen it? Dave is a decent, regular guy who happens to be a dead ringer for the President, who behind the scenes is not very decent at all. When the Pres has a medical emergency, Dave is recruited as his stand-in for a photo opp, but then things take a really grim turn and Dave is stuck playing the President while White House aides figure out what to do. Dave is just an actor . . but in the course of playing the President, he becomes Presidential. The man becomes the facade and suddenly people are marveling at the turnaround of character exhibited by a formerly unpopular President. The First Lady (Sigourney Weaver) gets read in on the deception and ends up falling for her fake husband--she was estranged from the real one before events took over.

If Ms. O-C is a 'Dave' . . a photogenic and amenable plant-for-hire placed to serve an agenda . . .is it still a hoax if she grows into a true political leader? Unlike the case with 'Dave', she was duly elected by the people. It's just that maybe they didn't know exactly who they were voting for.

If Markle had been placed by handlers, she's proven that she couldn't take directions, so there's that.

You have such interesting anecdotes from your adventures. You could write a Le Carre-esque memoir. I would buy it!

AnT said…

Piers Morgan rails at the hypocritical Harry in his newest DM editorial. He bashes Harry for being on the Netflix payroll while The Crown series depicts his late mother and Charles as hateful, messed up, awful chumps.

Hikari said…

Forgot the link!
CookieShark said, I can't imagine palace aides would advise her to write a letter at all. Besides, didn't OS say she wrote the letter knowing TM would leak it? And it was her attempt to set the record straight?

This is what the MoS lawyers are claiming. It basically flies in the face of her saying she owns the intellectual rights to the words in the letter.
JHanoi said…
i love the new Daily Mail arguement that MM’s letter isnet her own ‘intellectual creation’ because the KP communications team assisted with it and she copied in handwriting hand from the comuter. makes perfect sense to me because she used her over the top flourishy dramatic handwriting, and it appeared to be staged writing versus a natural handwriting. and the DM says it’s up to her to prove otherwise.
interesting arguement and another way to drag out the case.
if she didnt create it the whole thing, it’s not her intellectual material, not a private letter and perhaps not her copyright, but maybe is the Crowns or KP’s since it was created on their work/ business time. I’m not familiar nough with UK law. but i do love this nenw arguement!
AnT said…
Well, we know Meghan copies everything anyway, so I can see this,

Also, she seems basically lazy unless cash or presents or celebs are attached, so I can also imagine her loftily ordering Knauf or another aide to write compose something for her while she works on merching some candles or dress with Messica.

Then she tells them the letter is no good, she will do it herself, adds eight more pages of cheap phrases pulled out of bad novels and online fan fiction, plus extra sighs and lies.

She then copies it out at her desk in her terribly funny awful faux calligraphy, has copies made as gifts for friends and FF authors, has the aides ship it off to her management team, which finally distributes the hard copies or pdf digital file to Thomas and for the “friends” to use.

Then she waits. And waits. And waits!

With this new information, oh, the mounting legal fees, the stupidity, the inevitable disastrous loss!
Duncan said…
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Hikari said…
@Maneki, Razzy & Cookie, et al.

They argue that Kensington Palace communications team 'contributed to the writing' of an electronic draft, which the letter was later 'copied' from.

The documents state: 'It is for the claimant (Meghan) to prove she was the only only person who contributed to the writing of the electronic draft.

'Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the defendant (ANL) infers that Jason Knauf and/or others in the Kensington Palace communications team contributed to the writing of the electronic draft.'Precisely which parts were the result of such contribution is uniquely known to the Claimant, Jason Knauf and others in the team.'

Okay, now I'm confused.

I realize how this legal strategy could be beneficial to the MoS's case. But would the judge really go for this? Lord knows I want the MoS to be vindicated and for the Grasping Bunt to be hung out to dry by her Size 91/2s . . but,

1. Is it either plausible or logical that Meg would require assistance from hired Palace courtiers to compose a personal letter to her own father? If the letter were some form of legal document, sure . . .but what we got was several handwritten pages of extremely emotional and attacking (bordering on abusive) word salad. What courtier, in a professional advisory capacity would advise her to use such provocative, overloaded language? "Daddy, you've broken my heart into a million pieces." The voice on that paper is 100% unfiltered, unadulterated Smeg.

2. It would be *entirely* out of character for Meg to seek advice from the courtiers, even when it was warranted. When has she ever followed instructions as to what she 'should' do? Even if she were of such a mind (ha!), why would it be the purview of the courtiers to butt in in a personal missive to her father? Why would she even think to ask for their involvment--assuming that she was the type to ask for guidance. Which she isn't, certainly not about matters involving protocol in the Royal family.

I could see her composing this missive on the computer before copying it out (several times) in her labored 'calligraphy'. I can't for the life of me telling Jason, "I need to write a letter to my dad. Sort that out, would you?" Given the personal content and tone . . she'd have to have known for certain that Thomas would release the letter for publication, if there was reason to be so worried about what it said.

I was taken aback that it was the MoS bringing this nugget at this late stage, frankly. Pretending that *she* didn't write the letter--the Palace staffers came up with the words and she just copied it out is all . . because she was a victim of Palace bullies who made her! She was not OK!!--sounds like a patented MM ploy to me to get out of this lawsuit.

If it helps them to win, I"m for it . .but only if it actually happened this way and her side's been covering it up. I have to say, such collaboration in her written work does not sound like Meg at all. If she were open to artistic collaboration, her Vogue issue wouldn't have sucked so bad.

SwampWoman said…
If the MoS is intimating that MM is too stupid to write a coherent letter, that is some major shade.
Maneki Neko said…

Perhaps she was trying to put out her side of the story to the Palace to get them on her side and show them what a 'poor victim' she is. Perhaps she was hoping for their support, who knows with her.
Duncan said…
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jessica said…

I’ve thought the veiled PR exposures (they knew about Archies birth too!) are setting the tone for Meghan to hide behind BP at court. The letter is mine, they made me write this, they knew about it, etc etc.

I think she’s already placing blame on BP so they cover the eventual bills from the loss.

We all know she snakes her way out of everything and refuses responsibility as it is ‘too negative’.

Interestingly, jdubya’s great list of blind reveals has a reveal that the same five friends from People, are the informants to Finding Freedom.

Daily Mail must know all of this hence their strategy.

Hikari said, They argue that Kensington Palace communications team 'contributed to the writing' of an electronic draft, which the letter was later 'copied' from.

The documents state: 'It is for the claimant (Meghan) to prove she was the only only person who contributed to the writing of the electronic draft......

I’m in agreement with you and I have to confess that when I read the article it made me feel a bit icky. It seems plausible, but the MoS could end up with egg on their faces rather than Megsy if the judge doesn’t buy it. I’m guessing they could have written confirmation that KP staff could/would give evidence to say they contributed. We have no idea what format this electronic draft was in. Electronically saved documents usually shows all the dated edits and by whom (if changes were made on their own personal account PC’s), so this could possibly be some of the proof they have.
jessica said…
Ah, just saw the headline regarding the letter.

Yeah Meghan is trying to self-deprecate her involvement possibly hoping the judge throws out the court case.

She also wants to take down the Palace publicly if she goes down too, and expose how much they hide.

I have my popcorn!

She’s certifiable and they must hate her!
jessica said…
Discrediting her copyright is a good angle for the DM, it’s also a good angle for her considering where this is heading.

AnT said…
Okay, how about this:

H: Jason, HRH Meegee is so upset about her dad! Destroy him! Slay him! Or I will hold my breath die then She’ll tell people William did it.

J: Sir, upon reflection, how about sending him a nice email like this, just explaining your feelings. I include a few points you might use.

M: Agh you &#%*! Brits and your *&#%$@! stiff upper lips! #**$%! you and Jason! I’ll fix this email up! I will fry that old man! But, on expensive paper in calligraphy, in case Vogue wants to run it. Go buy the most expensive paper, Jason, you &$#!*#! I will show you how my dish soap letter made headlines for thirty years!

jessica said…
Remind me to hire the legal team of the ANL when I run into trouble.

*Prove it’s your copyright, first*

Lmao. Fantastic. And good point. So many people handled the letter, a private courtier delivered it, who knows at this point (grin). She works extensively with PR. Why should we assume Meghan does anything on her own? And not just pick up the phone to tell of her mean old dad?
Duncan said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Agree Sally,

Prior to holiday leave the ANL is destroying the chance for Summary Judgment.

As an American, the summary judgment possibility is surprising. They've had to spend a massive sum defending themselves all for nothing?

Fairy Crocodile said…
Discussion about her letter is so interesting. The letter is too theatrical. Would you write "you broke my heart into a million pieces" to a parent you have a disagreement with? I wouldn't. I would try to talk, not write, or text in the worst case. And it would be a lot more to the point than her epic prose. The letter is fake as meg herself is fake and Scobie told the truth. It was planned for public consumption
Girl with a Hat said…
there exists software that can predict who wrote text based on previous writings by that person.

This is how they discovered who wrote the book about Clinton that was published as being the work of an anonymous author but experts had pinpointed a Newsweek journalist as the responsible person. He admitted to this when Clinton left office.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Duncan said…
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Duncan said…
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If she does try to shift the blame onto staff at KP, I doubt if it'll wash in court and I think she's she's stuffed either way.

I’ve had employment contracts that have specified that if I produced texts in the course of my teaching duties (eg revision notes for my students) I couldn't then publish them for my own gain as the copyright belonged to the Education Authority.

So if the letter was produced at her direction, as part of regular staff duties, the staff are blameless, as long as they weren't negligent.

She may then own the copyright but can't shift responsibility, unless, it's automatically Crown Copyright. That would be amusing.

If she claims copyright, she can't then make out it's their fault, even if they sub-edited/ghosted it for her. She must have approved the text - she copied it out after all.

I believe it's an echo of old legislation about a master being responsible for what his servants do under his orders.

That's my completely unqualified legal opinion.

It looks like typical narc reasoning.
Now GH has disinterred the report about Catherine having Diana's engagement ring.
I see the Mail is highly critical of Netflix and `The Crown' for telling blatant untruths. I like the bit about Harry stepping into a bear pit.

I don't think you actually have to reside in the UK to be in the line of succession--just be a UK citizen (?). I would assume there's wiggle room as to where you may live if you are very far down the line. To be that regent thing in case the heir is underage when the monarch passes I think requires you to live in the UK so its a mystery as to why Harry hasn't been replaced with Eugenie or Bea.

As to Archie being listed in line, that to me shows there is a child but I am totally team surrogate. he's far enough down he'll never be king so the whole 'of the body" thing is a huge problem as far as succession goes. But it is a huge problem in the LIE that the HAMS gave to the world. If the truth (as I believe it to be) ever comes out, those two will never, ever, be accepted anywhere. Not UK, US, any CW country, not even Hollywood. And that's saying something!

FWIW if Archie does live with them, he is going to be one messed up kid. Children need lots of social interaction as they grow and they need to be around kids their own age. Sequestering a child in a "play room" with only a nanny (or Doria?) for 24/7 company is going to produce massive problems in the future. And we thought his parents were bad.
jessica said…
Thanks for the insight.

If Meghan wrote it while employed for the BRF and intended for it to be published, then yes I could
see the Crown owning the letter. She doesn’t direct the staff as much as the staff and Meghan work for the Crown. Directing an employment staff to write personal correspondence is inappropriate and would still be considered on ‘work’ time using ‘work resources’.

ANL is making a good point here.

Just as Meghan always tries to separate the Institution from The Family, ANL is doing the same thing. If they are separate, and you are personally suing us- is this even your copyright?

Fascinating angle IMO.

I think proving a copyright is important as it will deter frivolous cases like these. I don’t think the judge can consider a summary judgment now. Especially if she hasn’t included evidence that it was her original writing to being with. Just saying so, doesn’t make it so.
Duncan said…
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jessica said…
And IMO, the ANL legal team sat on this expecting Meghan to ask for a summary judgment.
Duncan said…
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lizzie said…
@MustySyphone wrote:

"To be that regent thing in case the heir is underage when the monarch passes I think requires you to live in the UK so its a mystery as to why Harry hasn't been replaced with Eugenie or Bea."

I think the more immediate question concerns Harry being a counselor of state as a regent for an underage monarch may never be needed. While it could happen, George is 7 and the chances of QEII, PC, and PW all dying in the next 11 years is fortunately pretty remote. But counselor of state requires being "domiciled" in the UK. (Frogmore may count, I guess.) But if questions are raised about removing Harry as a counselor, then there will be questions about Andrew. If only one replacement was needed it would be Beatrice as there's not a choice between the sisters. Appointment of counselors follows the line of succession for those over 21, I believe.
Duncan said…
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Hikari said…

When I first read this strategy, it didn't make sense to me but it does now. I see what the ANL counsel is getting at. Meg's history of prevaricating with the truth is on trial here now, and their lawyers will have time stamps on all the work devices (having subpeonaed them), leaving the breadcrumbs that this was a collaborative effort. Even if Meg copied out the final draft exactly, if even so much as one word was changed from what she originally sent the staff, then it tanks *her* claim that the MoS substantially changed the meaning of the letter. The onus is on her to prove that her original intent wasn't changed before publication by other hands.

I forget now--was the letter Thomas received on Royal KP stationery? As such, it's a work product and belongs to the Queen because all of those materials--paper, envelope, work computers, staff time, postage . . all paid for by Her Majesty *for official business*. If this letter can be shown to have been a team project in no matter how small a detail, then it is no longer Meg's *entirely personal and therefore owned* work.

I knew the MoS would have the best lawyers. They are not giving in--the bit's in their teeth now. They KNOW the Grasping Bunt is toast on legal merits . . they must have uncovered so many, many lies. Wonder if Meg's turned over all her data like she was supposed to. If she continues to stall with the judge, he'll give a summary judgement all right--to ANL.
Maneki Neko said…
I must admit I didn't know/remember who Jason Knauf is but I looked it up and the Sun had this headline:

"Spin chief off Meghan Markle’s PR moves jobs to become fifth aide lost since she married Prince Harry
Jason Knauf, 37, is now a 'senior adviser' for the Cambridges' charities following a string of the couple's aides moving on including a PA and a bodyguard" (14 March 2019).

He jumped ship to work for William and Kate ;)

The Telegraph is also running the story about the letter.
Maneki Neko said…
@Sally 1975

I thought it was today and I checked. There are 2 different The DM says

"A document submitted to the court by the newspaper's lawyers reported that she had breached a court order for missing the October 21 deadline. She now has until November 13 to submit her re-amended reply.

The lawyers said: 'No or no good explanation has been given for this state of affairs.'

Meghan's lawyers have asked the High Court for disclosure of evidence, such as emails and texts between her and her friends to be delayed until next August."


We'll have to wait until August... I wonder if Megsy's complied and has re-submitted her 're-amended' reply and what will happen if she hasn't.
lizzie said…
Jason Knauf originally worked for W&K. He was a bit of a loose cannon back then. He's the one who claimed Will was required to "rest" per civil air rules when not working for the air ambulance co so he couldn't do royal work. That wasn't true and it became kind of a PR disaster. I think he was also involved in the letter to the press that said photographers taking pictures of George might be shot. Then he worked for H&M.
Maneki Neko said…

I can't find any photos of the letter showing the top, just the date and Dear daddy. I don't think the letter was described as having been written on KP headed paper, I can't find any mention of it.
Duncan said…
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@Lizzie. Thanks I couldn't remember Councilor of state and just inserted regent thingy. But that's the one I meant. Andrew is an embarrassment but he lives in the UK. If Harry is indeed applying for a green card he needs to be removed from his position as a green card shows intent to live in US. Heaven only knows what they are planning as far as citizenship and it all depends on what works best for taxes.

@Sally1975. Yes I remember bringing up that picture. Pap shot. And it was only on the internet for a day, maybe less. Something really wonky about that. There was also one (if my memory serves which is always a crap shoot) there was one of him pulling toys (riding toys?) out of the boot of the car. But I could never find that photo again so maybe I am misremembering.
Duncan said…
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Duncan said…
I never saw the photo with the toys - just the one with the child and the link was posted here I believe.
lizzie said…
The link to the photos of Joseph with the baby was provided here. I can't find it now though.

Doria's half-brother, Joseph Johnson, is married to a white woman. So he very well may have grandchildren who appear biracial. And the white woman photographed with him may have been his wife. I think that's probably more likely than it was a previously unseen nanny of Archie's.

Re: the plastic push car: It was the specific markings that led people to believe the model in the Doria photo was old, not the general style of the toy.
Duncan said…
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Magatha Mistie said…


The sound of one gum flapping
Is the noise made from Megs teeth clacking
Her verbose word salads
Monotonous, repeat ballads
Resulted from all mouth, and much fracking

An oral History...
SwampWoman said…
Off Topic: EVMS Critical Care COVID-19 Management Protocol

Since you probably do not want to read all 38 pages, prophylaxis is on page 6, symptomatic patients at home page 7, a chart for prophylaxis and symptomatic outpatients page 8, and page 9 mildly symptomatic patients on the ward.

Just for informational purposes, we (husband and I) had another COVID-19 test today. Rather than trying to stab a long swab into the brain through a nostril, the health department here is now swabbing the tonsils.
Midge said…
I believe this may be the picture you were referring to. I don't know how to shorten this link but I tried it and it does work!
Midge said…
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lizzie said…

Yes! Thanks. That's it. I had forgotten it was Joffrey, not Joseph. But still, Joseph has talked about Meghan being born into a "large biracial family" so he wasn't just talking about the Markles making it biracial. So I think the chances this pic is Archie related is kind of small. But anything's possible!
CookieShark said…
BP was told about the People article a few minutes before publication?

Hmmm, where have we heard this before?

This is a very cruel and callous way to act. It is not empowering to routinely ambush people who will be affected by your actions, but that appears to be her calling card.

When her brother(?) said she would tear the Royal Family apart, boy wasn't he right. That is a damning indictment from one's own family member. Not that she wouldn't fit in, or that she'd be homesick, but that she would tear them apart.

Why would he say that?

He also said she shouldn't be around small children. Why would he say that?

@Sally1975. I can't remember the picture distinctly so I could very well be wrong. I just remember thinking "baby toys"....
Why would Meghan (...or her friends) tell KP or BP about the People article?

It's Irrelevant to the issue at hand of KP or BP (or anyone for that matter including Harry and friends) helping Meghan with the content of the letter thus voiding her claim that she and she alone owns the copyright.

It's relevant to her other issues like privacy.
KC said…
Apologies to anyone who uploaded this already, this is from tbe Sun in a funny sort of "Meghan news" column. Emphasis added...
TODAY, 19:01


The Duchess of Sussex had help writing a “private” letter to her dad Thomas Markle from Palace aides, court documents claim.

The Duchess of Sussex is suing Associated Newspapers, the publisher of the Mail on Sunday, for releasing a letter she wrote to her estranged father.

She claims the publication of extracts from the “private and confidential” letter breached Data Protection Act and infringement of copyright.

Meghan is also seeking damages for alleged misuse of private information over the five articles published in February 2019.

But court documents say the letter was not Meghan's “own intellectual creation” in claims that could blow the case apart if proved to be true.

Lawyers for Associated Newspaper argue the letter was “copied” from an electronic draft.

And they say the Kensington Palace communications team “contributed to the writing” of the draft.
KC said…
Nutty, welcome back!

You suggest: "If the Sussexes want a publicity "win", or at least something resembling one, their best approach is probably to bring out Archie."

I am not sure anyone will be impressed so much now. Because he has been so long concealed people may assume there is "something wrong" with him apart from all of us who find his existence suspect.

The public haven't been able to form that kind of affection for him through seeing him as he grows and changes and is depicted with his parents, that you see with the Cambridge children, and with William and Harry as they grew.

If the Sussexes trot a baby out now, whoever the kid is, people will at this point figure they are just doing as another publicity stunt to counter recent bad PR.
KC said…
November 16, 2020 at 1:22 AM

 ConstantGardener33 said...

"Wasn't there speculation that she wore a mic or recording device or something under that green dress & cape she wore? I think the cape blew out of place a little and it looked like there was a small box on her back? Am I misremembering?"

November 16, 2020 at 1:31 AM

No, you are right, people talked about it here. Ah that green cape. It will never die!

Duncan said…
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lizzie said…

I think it's important to remember the letter from M to Thomas was sent in Aug and the PEOPLE article published in Feb. So what she did or didn't do re: palace staff in Feb doesn't really speak to what she did the summer before.

I may be wrong (and am too lazy to figure out how to look it up), but weren't there stories published in the summer of 2018 that the Queen wanted M's very public family issues resolved? If so, M might have involved palace staff as cover.
That green cape was so ugly. Cringeworthy.

Melania Trump is one of the best iconic dressers of our era IMO. Whether you like her personal life or not, the woman knows how to dress appropriately.

Meghan looks awful everyday. She needs a new short hairdo and impeccable tailoring. It's like she wants to be seen as a supermodel. That's not gonna work. Hasn't she learned this by now? Her makeup is always gross as well.

Sally, thanks for clarifying. There is a lot to unpack with Lettergate!

Meghan had US-based PR strategies, either of her own doing or with a team.

Meghan had palace-based PR, as apart of her employment with the Royal Family.

My opinion is that ANL is correct. Meghan worked with the palace on her electronic to then calligraphy letter she sent to Thomas, as a means to settle the 'bad princess' score. Perhaps, KP PR, not at all intending for it to be made public but 'just in case'.

Meghan wanted it public.

Dad didn't want it public.

Months and months later, Meghan works with five friends to expose flattering sections of the secret letter in People and garner good press in the USA (her target all along).

KP is notified that this article is going to press in minutes. Not enough time to respond, taken aback, and confused.

Dad finally relents and makes letter public in his self defence, but mistakenly uses ANL for a British audience. I guess no US outlets were interested and he had previous contacts at the DM.

At this point, notice how there was silence from KP.

There would be no legal case in USA, but bingo delusional Meghan finally got her dad to act and thinks she has a claim in the UK.

She leaves the UK in the dust and continues her dramatic 'whodunit' copyright PR battle case while earning money in the US, and using the British drama to her financial benefit in the USA with Netflix.

If this is all she's got to attempt to make money on. A letter. Then maybe she and Harry are worse off than we really know. It's such a stretch.
Jdubya said…
Have you read the new HarryMarkle? Oh my - an exerpt

The Los Angeles National Cemetery has borne the brunt of the complaints, and it appears that the two veterans (Australian and Canadian) that they were supposed to be paying their respects to, had been returned to their home countries.

only the headstones there.
lizzie said…
Re: Harry Markle blog

Sorry but it doesn't make sense those were empty graves with old headstones. That cemetery has been full for years (a columbarium for cremains opened last year) but
burial spaces are reassigned if there is a disinterment. It is possible I guess they left flowers on the graves of non-Commonwealth soldiers. But the notion the graves were empty...not buying it.
Duncan said…
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Duncan said…
OK, I found an article about the Queen and the Markle family issues. I had forgotten that Thomas had asked the Queen to get involved!!!

From December 2018
Meghan Markle in crisis talks at the palace after father Thomas 'enraged' royal staff by begging the Queen to settle family feud
-Thomas Markle spoke of ongoing rift with his daughter on Good Morning Britain
-He pleaded with Meghan to contact him and asked for the Queen to get involved
-Palace reportedly 'enraged and yet exhausted' with Duchess of Sussex's father
Fifi LaRue said…
There's a show on local televison where the designer paints and stages homes for sale. He'll paint a wall red and add purple curtains to catch potential buyer's attention. Some of the combinations are awful, but they do stand out. That's what Markle did with that green outfit. Absolutely horrible, but attention getting.

As for Melania, the I Don't Care, Do You? coat, and the military inspired outfit worn at the last debate made Melania a candidate for a name change to Melania Jong-un.
Sally, exactly.

Meghan has no idea the level of lawsuits she will be privy too. With her character and business delusion, I wouldn't be surprised if she is sued into bankruptcy.

She's playing a high stakes game in a high stakes industry that is beyond her capability. She might be having all the fun with her rediculous frivolous lawsuits in the UK and Canada, and privacy claims in super liberal California, but when it comes to USA as a whole she is ripe for attorney fee pickings.

Coming out and being so litigious is a poster board for 'sue me'.

I would not want that life, at all. Yikes. This is her Achilles heel. 'suits'
Because to every law firm paying attention during Covid downtime, this woman has money to burn and they'd be happy to burn hers for her...
Unelected Melania, throughout the years has had great fashion sense.

Unelected Meghan, who I'd argue has done far worse damage, but not going there tonight, has horrible fashion sense.

This is fact.

Do we need to bring out the photos of each? Really? :)
Dr Birx with her colorful scarves brought the heat during Covid. :)

Let's keep it to fashion.

And I hope Meghan burned her jimminy cricket outfit.
California Gov just shut it down again. How do we think it will affect Meghan's cemetery roaming plans?

No indoor activities...

Are we going to see her on Zoom everyday again? Sigh. Hope not.
Duncan said…
@Not MM
It's funny how that green outfit has so many nic-names!
I absolutely hated it and think it was the worst one Markle ever wore...mostly due to the color which just didn't seem like a good choice for a dress.
For the Riddler? Yes. For high-end fashion, no.
I couldn't believe how ridiculous she looked when I saw footage of her walking in that dress. Between her stick legs, upright claw arms piercing into Harry, and the flying cape turned wing, it will forever be the Praying Mantis dress for me. Even the hat added to the insect look by rounding out her head into a compact ball and she swivels it like a mantis when she looks for the camera lens. The female praying mantis assassinates the male after mating...just like Megalo! Markle and her green dress are nightmare material!

I agree Melania dresses very nicely. I liked all her outfits when they visited the Queen. She put thought into them and included British designers.
Sylvia said…
This might explain MM fashion choice more copycat Diana ..

Coincidentally Twinned with Princess Diana for Her Commonwealth Day Look

The duchess may or may not have taken a style nod from her mother-in-law.


 MAR 10 2020, 2:41 PM EDT

GETTY IMAGESCoincidentally Twinned with Princess Diana for Her Commonwealth Day Look

The duchess may or may not have taken a style nod from her

For her final public appearance as a working royal yesterday, Duchess Meghan wore a monochromatic green ensemble while attending Commonwealth Day Service at Westminster Abbey alongside Prince Harry.Meghan's look (an Emilia Wickstead cape dress and matching William Chambers hat) may have been a sartorial nod to her late mother-in-law, Princess Diana.Princess Diana wore a strikingly similar look for her appearance at the 1982 Trooping the Colour ceremony, while pregnant with her first child

Meghan Markle’s Commonwealth Day dress is similar to a look Princess Diana wore back in 1982.Princess Diana wore an all-green ensemble to Trooping the Colour while she was pregnant with Prince William
Oh yes, Meghan evoking Diana, part 342789. I showed a Tumblr thread to my husband of Meghan side-by-side with her Diana looks and he was absolutely gobsmacked. I think my own husband is scared of MM!!!

It's distasteful and insane. My husband, who humors me when it comes to MM and Harry, has concluded she is a stage 5 clinger, obsessive oddball who the RF could not stand after witnessing her lack of class, tact, and decorum in person.


Sally your description had me in stitches because it is On Point! Praying Mantis indeed. It is that awful bulb HAT. It is everything! The dress and the cape cut are awful. I've always liked a good double shoulder cape cut out similar to the one that Valentino is known for.

Definitely do not like her weird one shoulder draped look. It's as if she brought her curtains to the tailor and pleaded with them when they refused and invoked 'it's HRH to you! Do as I say!'

Did she not realize this photo/look was going to be printed over and over and over again. She cannot escape it. The media getting their jokes in. Lol.

I keep thinking about how to change the color, design, draping, and arrive at 'burn it'. It's awful.
PrettyPaws said…
Good morning, Nutties

Just this week I saw a short article/text that just stated that PW and DoC were having a meeting with Jason Knauf. I am furious that I just cannot remember where I saw it but I remembered thinking at the time why on earth this very short little titbit had appeared.

Now we have the DM bringing up the fact that MM's KP team may have had input into the letter and Jason Knauf may well have been involved.

Is it just coincidence regarding the meeting with JK and the Cambridges and the
DM's latest court submission?
lizzie said…
Re: the Harry Markle blog claim that the two LA veteran graves H&M visited were empty...

Both Australia

And Canada

seem to think their veteran is still buried in the LA National Cemetery.

The Australian died at age 22 in 1944 in California. Manner of death was an accident according to the Australia link above.

The Canadian died in 1946 at age 61 in California. (WWI vet)

Both their headstones can be found in The photo of the Australian's headstone was uploaded Dec 9, 2007. The chances he was buried in 1944 and returned to Australia more than 63 years later (sometime after 2007) are essentially zero in my opinion. And while the federal government can be sloppy, the chances his headstone has marked an empty grave for decades before 2007 would be pretty unbelievable too. (Often a headstone actually has to be moved to safely disinter a casket anyway.)

I can't find a date for upload of the Canadian's headstone photo although the stone looks pretty worn in the photo. But he was 61 and had been married to an American for 30+years and had two adult children when he died. What are the chances he was later moved to a grave in Canada? And Canada doesn't know it? Not great IMO.

I like reading the Harry Markle blog. While I don't always agree with the author's conclusions, I do think the info is usually well-researched. But repeating a story about empty graves as truth that the author simply heard from "an American friend" was irresponsible, I think. And not really respectful of the veterans' descendants.
jessica said…
Rereading Harry’s initial statement about Meghan back in 2016... a few months of dating’s obvious her world salad brainwashing started then-

There is so much drama and made up nonsense in that statement. It looks like Meghan planted the victim narrative from the beginning to avoid the UK. I wonder what she can really say now after the berating by the US media due to the cemetery pap walk.

I agree we need to be careful not to make false claims about veterans. It is a strictly serious subject and we shouldn’t lower ourselves to Meghan’s cheap standard.
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