Here's a fresh post to continue discussing Sussex news and developments.
There just hasn't been a lot from really either of them together or individually lately, has there? But why? Have they blown all their bridges, connections and are down to toss the proverbial kitchen sink for attention? I don't know. We've heard that moving vans showed up at the house. And nothing more like pictures from a neighbor happy to see the back of them. We've heard they bought a house on Portugal. But the wording was kind of funny. Multiple sources of the same thing - yes but that isn't a guarantee of proof as it could all be from the same source. It was more along the lines of "We've been told that...". It came off as a we really don't know if we believe this to be true or not so we are putting it out there but hedging our bets. Or at least it did to me. And nothing more like exactly when, where or for how much or when they might visit it again. Or pictures of the awesome inside. Or outside. Or requisite ...
Its too long too re-copy and paste, so you have to go to the last post or the blog to read. (move past the Holocaust Memorial Day information)
If anyone wants some fun tea, the Cat in the Emerald Tiara has some interesting tidbits regarding the Australia and S.A. tours. We've heard most of them before, but she rounds some of the details out.
Its long, so I'll do this in parts:
Part 1
"Anonymous asked:
AU anon (I prefer tea anon since I got info on SA and ones in the uk, I know some of the staff that worked for her)but anyways: so the rumors�� grab your popcorns because you are gonna be in for a wild ride(part 1)
I already talked about Harry and how he would shout at Meghan another reason why this was the case was because this tour was supposed to be for the invictus games that’s it, never supposed to be a tour for Meghan she was added last minute after a tantrum she had and convinced people that a tour to start things off would be good. - the actual reason she wanted this because she thought it would be a fun tour aka a vacation more info on that later. Side note: I forgot to mention the most IMPORTANT INFO regarding the govners wife: Meghan wanted the whole house not the wing and she also shouted at her and told her “fuck off,don’t you know who the fuck I am?!” - like seriously so rude there is a pic out there that showed his wife having a face of thunder, she was so done with her- btw this comment made it to the brf what happened after idk (my source won’t tell me����)but it most definitely made it to them tho.
1) banana bread - this one is true - she made the chefs go out late at night to get the ingredients for the bread, she made them bake seven different batches as she had tasted them and said “these are horrible, they don’t tast good make another one” so after 7 were done the next morning she took them and told the family that she made them and swiftly after her pr began to talk about how Harry loves her banana bread and how it’s the best�� To say the chefs were annoyed would be an understatement.
2) the market mishap - so with this the reason that was given to the public was said because of security - that’s a lie. What happened was that she really wanted to go out with Jessica, yep she got her BFF to accompany her�� the rumour was true, nothing to do with security, she just took the opportunity of the big crowds to her advantage - many of the people at the market were upset as they felt she could’ve stayed longer as it was planned she would visit all of them she just met like 2/3 people. If you look at pictures you can tell that her security is PISSED. Meghan saw this trip as a luxurious tour aka a vacation where she can enjoy the sun and not do that much. To Meghan it was a star studded trip, basically she was fulfilling her dream of going on tour as this mega star. Both her and Jessica constantly called the work “crap tour stuff”
Part 2
"I will say although I don’t like Harry I and many people in the know felt Sorry for him (TBF I still do to an extent because what you need to know is he is most definitely is in a narcissistic abusive relationship, for all his faults I will say that he would try and argue with her to follow protocol but she never did, it always ended up her being very aggressive and mean towards him hence why I think he just gave up and tried pleasing her). This is just my opinion but I truly believe she love bombed him and managed to hide her true self until after the marriage . The reason: he was an absolute MESS, whenever anyone looked at him he looked very confused as though he didn’t know who he married, they were constantly arguing and one of the fights were about the pregnancy - (and no not about anything of what you guys are thinking about) This fight was about the announcement of the pregnancy, he was HELLA annoyed and EMBARRASSED that she did this, he thought that it was too early for her to announce it and that it was rude that she announced it the way she did. I know people say that he was in on it but it was forced ,she told people at the wedding and he was forced to say they were pregnant because someone asked and congratulated him. If you look at one of the pictures. Also like a repeat of his history and a bit of sweet revenge (ngl one of the reason why I low-key still sorta tolerate him) on the day meghan have the banana cream and it was raining his comment about his wife will share the umbrella was because of his own feelings and also revenge in that she hates when she has to do things like that for him especially since he was the center of attention and she was umbrella lady - so that angered her but she couldn’t do anything about it since cameras - the chefs and everyone else loved him for this because they knew she hated it - I will also say like how Charles/Diana would make do certain things to embarrass each other - Harry would do similar tactics- this was one of them and another was when a man was going to put a pin on his blazer and Harry told him “it’s fine my wife would do it” she did not like that๐. The staff were thrilled when he did that, it was a taste of her own medicine.
Additionally whenever she acted out he was so SHOCKED and DISGUSTED by her behaviour like it was apparent he didn’t know she would behave like this to OTHER people. I guess he thought her acting out was due to stress or him doing something wrong etc but when she acted out during the early stage to other people when press was POSITIVE he was very confused. And CONSTANTLY apologised like all of the time hence why he would sometimes do small tactics to kind of seek revenge on behalf of them๐."
Part 3
"4) invictus - not a rumour but some info- reason why he didn’t do that much for invictus even though he planned it. Harry was stressed to the MAX because of Meghan - she wasn’t meant to come and the whole tour was all over the place and the constant flying meant he could just showing up and saying speeches. I probably repeated this quite a lot in this post but I want to make a point in the beginning Harry made an effort, but any time he tried to get her to follow protocol was like talking to a brick wall it ended in fights- ARGUEMENTS were a big them on this tour. I truly think he gave up afterwards and started to pick up on her behaviour too. He’s a grown adult so personally regardless how another acts you should always be respectful no excuses.
5) Hot tea - this one is TRUE - big bold truth, she got paid off but Jesus how sugars think Meghan is this nice and kind queen is beyond me. She was an absolute MONSTER. So what was the reason as to why she threw hot tea? Well it was because it “didn’t tast right!” Yep she threw hot tea because of the taste - didn’t know she was Gordon Ramsay also if she was to ever read in here maybe stop giving head to EVERY rich man you encounter semen, drugs and alcohol has an effect on tastebuds, you were in Australia not soho - social climbers are always found out about.
6) Now to the changing bellies -she was most definitely pregnant, during the AU tour she would just stick her tummy out further or eat before coming out to make her stomach protrude. Later on aka when she was in the uk she would have enhancers to make her belly bigger than what it was, the reason why her stomach was big at the photo all was just simply because she gains weight later than most women - she was her biggest when at the end of her pregnancy. However I will say this what was weird was that she did drink whilst at Australia - everyone was confused and the queen was worried when she heard this. I think she stopped after tho, but there most definitely was an occasion where she drank. BUT SHE WAS PREGNANT. I understand why people think she wasn’t but let’s be honest this is Meghan she thinks she’s this super women. Also one of her things was that she wanted to do the bridge climb with Harry and put up a big fuss which was weir considering she was pregnant and pregnant women don’t do that - now I know many of you will look at this and will be like I think she wasn’t pregnant but I can assure she was. I will say this her sugars say that she is oh so mature and kind but my source says that whenever people talk about her behaviour it’s like they were talking about a spoilt toddler constant tantrums and fuss, her immaturity speaks volumes in relation to this scenario because she REALLY wanted to do like a toddler having a tantrum because they want to do why adults do but it’s too dangerous for them."
Part 4
AU ANON( tea anon): part 2
7) refused to wear the Akubra hat - reason: made out of rabbit pelts, understandable if she wasn’t wearing her leather shoes whilst saying this ๐คฆ♀️๐คฆ♀️. Harry also refused. Reason: Meghan said so. She’s very manipulative in term of his lifestyle, his behaviour that’s him but changes in his lifestyle: Meghan.
Note: very icy with each other, Meghan deffo hides behind Harry’s hatred of the media, very obvious to staff, she would make her assistants cry Harry again embarrassed and confused never knew what she was going to do next like a father with a spoilt toddler that will blow any seconds if she doesn’t get her way.
I will say that those who met her say she has really weak handshakes and cold eyes and Harry was literally dazed by her - and this is the reasons I believe lady c’s book, because what she wrote about Harry being like a puppy is accurate. He was dazed by her but whenever she got angry he would be shocked - sad what love bombing does - this was apparent by everyone which is the reason why people felt bad for him and why people think he left. When meeting in person meghan seems VERY calculating when the cameras are off and I’m not just saying that, but I think everyone knows this because you just have to look at pictures of her when she doesn’t know the cameras are on her to see her behaviour also there’s a video out there pre-marriage in which she is going through his car. That video explains all you need to know about her. She gives a very sickly sweet act in front of everyone and would insist on making speeches and genuinely believed she was SAVING the monarchy. That engagement interview is literally how she acts in front of people to pull the wool over the eye, hence why many say this was the video that made them question her. Also extra info: remember the documentary : Queen of the world for her majesty, basically the production crew DID NOT like her, when talking about her dress if it seemed that Meghan was taking over she did."
Part 5
8) the drama that surrounds her - my source has a friend in her circle and she is literally UNHINGED by the drama so her crying and being upset is false she plays it up for Harry and anyone she wants to be a victim in front of- by the drama I mean her and her dad- also other drama such as media - SA crocodile tears was just her horrible acting. I’m n fact the person it effects the most is Harry not Meghan. He would be stressed one moment but then he would play honeymoon hence why the staff complained about picking things up for him in regards to invictus
This is all for Australian tea, I also have SA and Moroccan tea thanks to my wonderful friends I have met and talk to๐ฅฐ . Moroccan tour, two words absolutely appalling. Photographer was right when he said she was repugnant and yes that is exactly what he said, they just sounded it so people thought they misheard. Note: Harry drastically changed in attitude and temperament.
1)Both of them dissed Mokuan Hussein the crown prince by walking past him as though he didn’t exist and staff had to turn them around
2) Meghan breached protocol by introducing herself first and broke it again when she moved ahead in the introduction of the king. In a Muslim country that is a major breach and they were not happy, it was a mess but it did help from steering her away from the academy awards. That rumour was true.
SOUTH AFRICA: this one just proves my opinion that she is racist and Islamaphobic. And yes i do mean racist she talks about how she had to pick between white and black but when the option was there I.e. IMDb she ticked Caucasian- as a Muslim and person of colour who was victim of racism I can’t stand people like her who pick and choos their race to fit a narrative. Very pale when in America where the sun is always a daily occurrence but faked tanned and bronzed when she was in the uk, to fit the “I am a victim of racism narrative” get out of here with that bull๐๐. But anyways rant over the tour if you think AU and the Moroccan tour was bad then boy you ain’t ready for this. What this proves tho is that she most definitely ISN’T a sister or whatever she said. She HATED it there. Like hated it, girl couldn’t have hated it more even if she tried. She was untidy and dirty. This is genuinely who she is and how she acts. This classy business is just her thinking she’s the best thing that has ever been born into this world, she genuinely has zero manners and is very dirty. There has been info on here about when she looked presentable and one even said that she could dress well because of the farewell thing in March except what I’ll say is that that was thanks to her stylist, whenever she looked good you can guarantee Jessica Dan whatever stylist would dress her. Also the reason why I call her a racist is because she threw clothes on the floor for the BLACK staff to pick up for her. She also definitely uses her mother for the black card"
Part 6
"Also a little food for thought and what I always thought about is when she said she had to think if she should talk about something about George Floyd as she was worried what others may think and also how she had to look down on her paper because she forgot that she was disgusted by what has happened. What I mean by this if you go and look at her video she pauses and looks down almost as though she forgot what to say and she says that she was disgusted, regardless of who you are something like this should be a natural response like how can you forget to be disgusted?
Another thing during South Africa they stayed in private residences and didn’t leave their rooms, what I mean is that they stayed in separate bedrooms, fights constantly, drank and smoked. Now this is the sad part: Archie. Not did either one of them go into Archies room to see him๐. The only time they did was when they had to take him to desmond tutu. If you go back to the video it is obvious that Archie rarely spends time with them and really doesn’t give them the time of day. This is why Meghan looks so awkward around him. Poor thing i feel so bad, does not deserve this.
Also re Meghans behavior she was horrified she had to dance with the poor people. She also didn’t want stay behind whilst he went Botswana. So what do they do they had a fight. The reason is because she hated Johannesburg more than Cape Town and called it a “boring dump”. These are supposedly people she wanted to represent as a ‘women of colour’.
This just genuinely disgusted me and also made me realize that she definitely IS A NARCISSISTIC PARASITE that deserves all of the hate and karma. For women you have to wear a headscarf when entering a mosque. It is mandatory. So little miss “don’t you know who I am” had a fit because she didn’t want to cover her hair in the mosque. This is one of the reason why her scarf looks as though she just did it to get it over and done with. She just threw that thing on and called it a day. Didn’t even try the least to cover her hair or her breast region."
Part 7
"Also, remember when she made those women sit on the floor. Well that was the biggest mistake she could’ve done yes it gave great pictures but in the culture you only sit on the floor for funerals. I mean so much for a women who researches the culture๐. So imagine your wearing your best clothes and some women goes and tells you to sit on the floor. Not to mention she barely touched the food or ate anything. This was a big slap in the face as they were asked if they could do this.
Her sugars are basically an example on how easily it is to use the teenage generation to gain stans as they are know In media to be the easiest to manipulate. Media outlets do this all the time.
There is a lot in regards to Meghan and her ways to get what she wants. I would also say since many have wondered how she had gotten Harry since there was a rumored break up around July 2017. This is true as there are picture out there of Harry kissing a random girl. So basically when searching about Harry and Diana Meghan stumbles upon Diana’s favourite scent. It is the bluebell by penhaligon. She wore this on their first date. This is e well know tactic in terms of getting a guy to fall for you it is dubbed the scent bomb as it is supposed to entrance the guy from liking you. It is basic psychology certain scents can bring someone back to a known place obviously Harry has mommy issues therefore this scent would have done wonders in securing him. It would put anyone in a “trance”, interestingly finding freedom from the excerpts also in the book war of the royals. So it’s definite that Meghan uses Diana as a way to control him. Even through her clothing choices.
That is all the info, hope yall enjoyed ๐ฅฐ๐ฅฐ"
Thank you so much for this. Confirms most of my suspicions, sorry to hear the pregnancy was really.
If it is all true, or true but a bit exaggerated, do you think Harry has partly stuck with and bolted with her because he feels too ashamed to admit he made a huge mistake, or, because of the breakdown of his parent's marriage he believes fully that you keep your vows no matter what, or he is so manipulated by her and has been isolated from family, friends and everything else that he is actually a hostage to a toxic marriage?
By the way, the oft-repeated claim that woman in South Africa only sit in the floor for funerals is not true. There are many different cultures in South Africa (and 11 official languages although there are more language groups), so which group would that be referring to? In general, traditional women living in poor rural areas would sit on the ground and let men and the elders use the chairs, but this is a generalization. In the city, those young women would think 'why sit on the floor when chairs have been arranged for us?' and probably 'who is this white American woman pretending to be black and what does she want from us'?. She was in a group of urban women in a modern urban setting wearing modern urban clothes, in public and not in the informality of a home. Besides, they had probably not been briefed on trying to outshine Catherine with a photo op of Meghan playing on the floor with cute black children!
Thank you, and @Charade too, for copying the 'tidbits' in the Cat in the Emerald Tiara. How is the writer so sure that Megsy was pregnant? "she was most definitely pregnant". Especially as she drank during the tour, apparently, and also travelled to a Zika zone. More mysteries.
The minimum time to mix, bake and cool down a banana loaf is about 1.5 hours. Seven different batches would have taken at least 11 hours (and she supposedly sent staff out to get ingredients after hours). Was Meghan awake all night tasting and rejecting batch after batch?
I do think she manipulates H and her biggest move was getting him away from the family & friends. He is really isolated.
I am not making excuses for him as i feel he has now moved to the "dark side" of his nature. He is and always has been weak minded. He always had people doing everything for him. He saw himself as independent but he really wasn't. Always had others, since childhood, taking care of things for him.
I do think she now has a lot of dirt on both H and possibly the family. Definitely H. Alcohol & drug conversations where he spilled all his hurt feelings. the love bombing and then him realizing the truth but not being strong enough to run for the hills & admit he really screwed up.
Oh well - he is deep in it now. Right there beside her.
Maybe the kitchen had more than one oven? it is after all the governor's mansion. Hosting dinners and lunches for a lot of people is the norm. I doubt that quantity of cooking can be achieved with one oven. Maybe she had them cook multiple batches simultaneously.
And, I don’t believe for a minute the Part 3, section 6 that she was pregnant. Not at all. The absolute comments from a stranger about how she eats and sticks out her stomach....yeah,,you know that how? and especially the weird bitabout she gets larger later in her pregnancies like this is the third Megs pregnancy she has observed? Nope. Too personal, no way this writer would know that, and we have seen the jiggling jelly, falling, folding, disappearing stomach, the bump that disappeared for a night out with Markus, the stilletto bend-n-stand....nope. This whole paragraph was written by someone who eats too much sugar.
This is a classic disinformation drop. Write enough in that people may believe (she is mean and yelled about food) for trust, and write it in a sloppy breathless way to seem real...then slip in the main lie you want us to believe from this whole exercise: she was really pregnant.
"I used to be team surrogate but have changed to believe she was truly pregnant and just used the fake belly's to enhance the pregnancy for attention."
Fair enough.
But I'm curious-- do you think she gave birth on May 6? And even though she was an older mom (who may or may not have given birth before but certainly hadn't recently) and even though she was overdue and gave birth to a fairly small baby (small for being overdue, a child who is huge 20 months later) and even though her reported home was 25-30 miles from the hospital (nearly an hour's driving distance), she and the baby were released from the hospital in just a few hours? And managed to travel to and from Frogmore Cottage sight unseen?
Believing she gave birth doesn't mean believing the birth story H&M presented but I'm just curious.
First question is discussing the court case and asking could the RF step in to stop it.
She posted that a good source tells her a book has been ghost written for Harry, somehow a Markle project.
The book is being edited now in NY by the Obamas’ publishers.
Her tweet contains the following: “With expected shmaltz and the exhumation of Diana for sympathy, the book runs up to H’s claims that Diana’s death was a state-sanctioned murder. They want to destroy what they cannot have.”
When someone replies that they can’t believe H would do this, “surely he wouldn’t,” Artemis tweets back: “My source tells me he has.”
"@Jdubya wrote:
But I'm curious-- do you think she gave birth on May 6? And even though she was an older mom (who may or may not have given birth before but certainly hadn't recently) and even though she was overdue and gave birth to a fairly small baby (small for being overdue, a child who is huge 20 months later) and even though her reported home was 25-30 miles from the hospital (nearly an hour's driving distance), she and the baby were released from the hospital in just a few hours? And managed to travel to and from Frogmore Cottage sight unseen?"
I may have unanswerable questions and doubts about the pregnancy, but i absolutely believe Archie is older than his official stated age for the reasons you've laid out.
And even if all that is easily explained, let's not forget Harry's slip up during the official Archie unveiling press event where he mentioned a baby's changing features *over weeks* in response to a simple question about his thoughts on who Archie resembled.
And the other red flag surrounding travel vaccines to SA. Minimum age for baby travel vaccines is 6mths. Archie was supposedly 4mths when they travelled to SA!!!
Wow! Thank so much for posting this. This is why I check in on occasion-this right here.
Just read this morning how the Palace is in a fury over a leaked copy of the BBC 1969 documentary on the daily lives of the RF. It was posted on YT then removed. Apparently Her Maj hates it because "cheapens the family".
I can't even find words for the irony in that statement. In light of Mexit, the doc is a Church missal..
Amazing content @KCMC1212, Bravo!�� hand clap emoji
This is a classic disinformation drop. Write enough in that people may believe (she is mean and yelled about food) for trust, and write it in a sloppy breathless way to seem real...then slip in the main lie you want us to believe from this whole exercise: she was really pregnant.
Unfortunately, the burden of proof is on you.
There is a lot that was odd about the pregnancy, birth and reports about Archie since then. (In addition to the list given by Aquitaine ... secrecy about the birth team, odd printed birth certificate, press lied to about time of birth, Meghan seemingly confused about expected delivery date in various walkabout conversations ...).
I also find it odd that Meghan was a devastated victim because the palace stopped her from running to the press to defend herself all the time, at the smallest slight. Yet, she has had almost one-and-a-half years to be free to deny false rumours about it all and she keeps silent. Does she not mind that Archie will grow up and live with all these rumours and theories? Is it not maternal instinct to break rules to protect your child? Meghan and Harry release unauthorized/approved statements about poor abused Meghan, but nada about Archie and the reports/gossip swirling around him.
Just saying I disagree with your analysis and unfortunately it puts you in the position to prove what you are saying if you are ever questioned on it. That's all. Nothing more.
Sorry it was calculatingly misinterpreted.
Lavender Lady
Decided to do a search and who pops up as a cast member but Megs.
I have searched cast members names in the past and she has never once appeared in the list.
How did she manage that, was only a bit part in one episode as far I know.
"There are no compulsory vaccinations required to visit South Africa. They are all recommended."
Yellow Fever is mandatory.
Has anyone noted the following:
The National Theatre and The Association of Commonwealth Universities were the Queen's patronages that she handed over to Meghan. Both would offer so many opportunities during lockdown for a patron, and the former really needing some creative fund raising. No interest from Meghan since the Megxit announcement.
SmartWorks and Mayhew were patronages that Meghan chose herself (the two did not previously have a royal patron). Meghan has been using them for publicity. Is that why she holds onto them? Or does she feel that because she chose them, she will do what she wants with them?
The Queen's Commonwealth Trust is not a patronage, but the Harkles do have positions in the Trust.
The Grenfell Tower kitchen is not a patronage. Meghan chose it to get involved (may have been suggested to her).
If the Queen does act, directly or indirectly, it is only three of the six organizations that still connect Meghan to the UK that she can influence. The other three seem stuck with Meghan and glad of it.
And, I don’t believe for a minute the Part 3, section 6 that she was pregnant. Not at all. The absolute comments from a stranger about how she eats and sticks out her stomach....yeah,,you know that how? and especially the weird bitabout she gets larger later in her pregnancies like this is the third Megs pregnancy she has observed? Nope. Too personal, no way this writer would know that, and we have seen the jiggling jelly, falling, folding, disappearing stomach, the bump that disappeared for a night out with Markus, the stilletto bend-n-stand....nope. This whole paragraph was written by someone who eats too much sugar.
Lizzie wrote:
Jdubya wrote:
"I used to be team surrogate but have changed to believe she was truly pregnant and just used the fake belly's to enhance the pregnancy for attention."
Fair enough.
But I'm curious-- do you think she gave birth on May 6? And even though she was an older mom (who may or may not have given birth before but certainly hadn't recently) and even though she was overdue and gave birth to a fairly small baby (small for being overdue, a child who is huge 20 months later) and even though her reported home was 25-30 miles from the hospital (nearly an hour's driving distance), she and the baby were released from the hospital in just a few hours? And managed to travel to and from Frogmore Cottage sight unseen?
Believing she gave birth doesn't mean believing the birth story H&M presented but I'm just curious.
When Mugs turned up at Eugenie's wedding in her voluminous blue coat and proceeded to announce her pregnancy . . "We've already had the 12-week scan" . . it was of course way too early to need a custom-made maternity coat (which she never wore again when it would have been more appropriate. I knew then that she was an attention-wh*re who was going to milk this pregnancy for all it was worth in terms of photo coverage, but we couldn't know then just how bizarre it would get. The early pics from Australia showed either a perfectly flat stomach or what could have plausibly been a 15, 16 week bump under some of the looser skirts. I wasn't thinking 'faking!' just then.
Then at the state diner in Fiji, in the blue dress . . Hmm. Within a week or less, suddenly it's the size of a 5 month bump. Padding herself to look more pregnant (who in her right mind wants to look grossly LARGER than she is at any time, pregnant or no?--but then, Meg's not normal . . was weird, but there's a whole cottage industry of 'faux pregnancy' looks available, and for Meg the (Bad) Actress, it was just another form of costume. But that wouldn't explain the effortless ease with which she bounced up and down like a rubber ball with those giant bellies. Her real center of gravity should have been changing, just at a less rapid rate.
That eyewitness who says she was definitely pregnant says that Meg was her largest at the very end of the pregnancy--which has to be said is universal for every pregnant woman, isn't it? The baby gains in size with every passing week, especially in the last couple of months. Meg's extremities never swelled, and she never lost the ability to crouch down to the pavement and spring back up again. And if she were truly pregnant, surely her stomach wouldn't have been perfectly flat for one night out in Manhattan in February, barhopping with Markus . . a week or so later she was in Morocco, looking as big as a ship.
The NYC baby shower was a private visit unsanctioned by the Palace . . but to then send a by then 'heavily expectant' mother to North Africa just a brief time later seems like an unnecessary risk. Doctors really do not advise pregnant women in the later stages of pregnancy to do so much air travel. The Queen would have grounded Meghan if she were really pregnant and not let her fly for the Crown AMA.
It is my continuing belief that the Palace was fully aware that the Duchess of Sussex was not pregnant with an heir to the succession but were instead indulging her cosplay by remaining silent. Maybe in hopes that they could arrange psychiatric treatment for her quietly and then announce a regretful miscarriage.
If she had truly been nearly 4 months along at Euge's wedding, she would have had to conceive effortlessly within about 6 weeks of her wedding. At her age, not the most likely scenario. Even 20-year-old Diana took longer with William.
If you have travelled from or transitted through a yellow fever risk country.
Did Harry go to Angola? It is on the list. So is Kenya, but I don't think their flight did a stopover there (flights to South Africa from Europe often do).
The big mystery for me now is not 'Did Meg give birth?' but "Is there any legal authority who thinks that letting this pair have custody of a baby is a *good* idea?" Maybe baby Archie in SA didn't know them and they didn't drop by his nursery to visit because he was a child actor hired for a photo op and he had his mother/nanny with him.
I am hoping Tom Bower can get to the truth of this, or else something happens to blow her ruse sky-high. If there is an Archie, I do not want him to have these two selfish dips#*ts for parents.
Infants under 6 months old are allowed to travel to South Africa.
Just read this morning how the Palace is in a fury over a leaked copy of the BBC 1969 documentary on the daily lives of the RF. It was posted on YT then removed. Apparently Her Maj hates it because "cheapens the family".
According to The Crown, which is in disfavor with the Palace for the uncomfortable light it shines upon Charles and Diana's relationship . . but which usually gets its matters of fact right in the big picture . . the documentary 'Royal Family' was Philip's brainchild to convince the British public that the institution of monarchy was valuable and that they deserved a raise. Philip wholeheartedly embraced television as a propaganda tool, having been instrumental in getting the Queen's coronation televised in 1953.
As depicted by the series at any rate, the Queen was supportive of the idea, if only because it gave her restless and underoccupied consort 'something to do'. And then the project aired, and it no longer seemed like a good idea. The Queen insisted the BBC pull it and never show it again. Some stills survive to let us know it had ever happened.
Was the CSI episode you watched from CSI:Miami, 'Backfire', where she was Officer Leah Montoya? She was also in CSI:NY, Murder Sings the Blues, as Veronica Perez. She obviously didn't leave a lasting impression.
I did a search on Amazon UK for Sam's book and it came up with a book, I've not heard of before by Christopher Spivey - Meghan Markle exposed - reviews aren't great but it led me to his website - boy oh boy, it gave me brain freeze just reading it, in essence no one is who you think they are,I couldn't get my head round it tbh!
Was the CSI episode you watched from CSI:Miami, 'Backfire', where she was Officer Leah Montoya? She was also in CSI:NY, Murder Sings the Blues, as Veronica Perez. She obviously didn't leave a lasting impression
I never knew that, will now have to go back and check..
I saw a clip ages back of her being carried out of a house by H (Horatio) (Not Harry) wonder if that is why she calls Harry H.
According to The Crown, which is in disfavor with the Palace for the uncomfortable light it shines upon Charles and Diana's relationship . . but which usually gets its matters of fact right in the big picture . . the documentary 'Royal Family' was Philip's brainchild to convince the British public that the institution of monarchy was valuable and that they deserved a raise. Philip wholeheartedly embraced television as a propaganda tool, having been instrumental in getting the Queen's coronation televised in 1953.
That's what I thought also as I'm a fan of the Crown and binge on it at times.
Here's the link:
The article also states Phillip really wasn't the creator of the idea:
'The idea for the documentary came from the Palace’s new royal press secretary William Heseltine, rather than the Duke of Edinburgh, as the Netflix show claims'.
Whether or not it was indeed Phillip's idea, I don't have a clue. The result is HM hated it.
Not a fan of DailyMail but the piece really caught my attention.
I look forward to your thoughts on the article/subject.
The video of her belly swinging side to side was proof enough for me. No pregnant woman's belly swings side to side when they walk. Markle gained weight for sure. Her checks got fat, and she was splitting the seams of her dresses, but that was from over-eating.
Stella, Danny and Flack investigate the murder of Grant Jordan, a rich bachelor found dead in his "swim gym" by his "roommate," a young woman from a hired maid service who cleans in lingerie. A blue contact leads the CSIs to Veronica Perez, Grant's former maid, who had a fixation on Grant and was planning her wedding to him, unbeknownst to the playboy. When he found out about her plans, he fired her.
The murderer was actually someone else but it may be a possible source for some of her ideas, given that so much of her approach to life is taken from her film scripts - and not the other way round.
I still find it difficult to believe she was genuinely pregnant, though I do have a friend who said she could get down and up again like M when she was that far gone. Also, how did MM get to the Portland without being seen, (assuming of course that that they were at Toad Hall and not somewhere else in London handy for the Portland) - teleportation?
To my dying day, I shall believe that that copy birth certificate is saying something other than what it purports to do. The question is, what?
It buys her time for her court case and wouldn't a magazine publisher be much more interested in paying her top $ for a photo spread "world exclusive" announcing the "secret birth" of baby Sussex with photos? How could you verify the birth given our HIPAA laws?Think of all the baby things she could merch because of the girl baby, named Diana.
Even worse, given her miscarriage was in July, the earliest she could have gotten "pregnant" would be August. That means a May baby - just in time to upstage the Queen's birthday celebrations.
It's diabolical, but I wouldn't put it past her.
Narcs seek to destroy what they can't have. Is that how she plans to seize the Crown, and its wealth, when HM, Charles, William, George, Charlotte and Louis have been disposed of? Or at least sent packing?
So they imagine `Granny, Grandpa and Charles killed Mummy'?
I do not believe for one moment that they did; they would never have hurt their grandsons like that nor would they have risked the kingdom.
It was a horrible accident caused by a driver who lost control, for whatever reason.
Thank the Lord for the policy of encouraging HM Forces to focus their loyalty on the Monarch - this is part of what our Constitution is about. No one could have imagined a coup planned by a crazy, two-bit American actress-wh*re.
I do not believe for one moment that they did; they would never have hurt their grandsons like that nor would they have risked the kingdom.
It was a horrible accident caused by a driver who lost control, for whatever reason.
This poisonous rumor has circulated since that terrible day in August--I think it was a grief-stricken Mohammed al Fayed that first put this about, that the RF had Diana killed because they didn't want the mother of the future king to marry a Muslim and produce a half-Muslim sibling for William and Harry. I don't know if it was he who fingered Philip as the author of this dastardly plot.
Grief makes us do crazy things, but this absolutely doesn't hold water on any level.
Diana had been extremely reckless that last summer of her life. By the time she met her end in that tunnel in Paris, she had only known Dodi for a couple of months, and had only been 'dating' him for a month or 6 weeks. This showmance was concocted to make Dr. Hasnat Khan, who had ended things with Diana after two years, due to her crazy clingy behavior, jealous. The paparazzi did chase the car and contribute to Henri Paul's reckless rate of speed . . but anyone trying to pre-arrange Diana's demise on this night in this way would have had to have been remarkably prescient.
1. The couple dined in the hotel and had planned to stay there all night. Leaving the hotel to go back to Dodi's place was Diana's idea--last minute--because she wanted to be seen. Ostensibly there was some item at Dodi's flat they wanted to get, but nothing that wouldn't have waited until morning. Dodi's father begged them to not leave the hotel, but the couple insisted.
2. Henri Paul had been off-duty for some time and when called back on duty to drive the couple, had been drinking, and had taken anti-depressant medication. How could PP or shadowy forces know that an employee under the influence would drive them?
3. The Alma Tunnel was a route decided upon once they were underway; there were others that could have been taken. A plot to assassinate Diana in her car would have had to plan for a bunch of contingencies.
4. Diana was known not to wear seatbelts, but this crash also killed Dodi, Henri Paul and severely maimed the bodyguard riding shotgun in the front seat. He was wearing his seatbelt, which helped him survive but his injuries were extensive. No one else in the tunnel was injured, but this could have been an horrific pile up event with multiple casualties. It is a lot of carnage to create in order to dispatch one woman, and would make the RF no better than the terrorists who assassinated Philip's beloved Uncle Dickie.
It was a terrible stupid accident that was down to human error all the way through. Why wasn't the security guard, the only sober one in the vehicle, driving? If Diana had not dismissed her RPOs, this wouldn't have happened. If she'd worn her seatbelt, chances are very good that she'd have walked away with a broken arm as the extent of her injuries.
If Harry has swallowed this story and believes it, no wonder he has been so angry and incorrigible since losing his mother. But, as he has proven time and again, he seems to have no grasp of even the rudimentary protocols that governed his life as a Royal Prince. No idea of what the Commonwealth is? Harry was too young, too volatile and too intellectually thick to have been entrusted with anything resembling state secrets. I think he's as good at making things up from shreds of gossip as is Meg. This pathetic power hungry pantomime has got to end.
For me the whole question is why no Royal Physician signatures? That is the real red flag to me. (And I don't think she'd miss the Lindo steps photo call around the world for any reason).
Missing a world wide photo op and missing signatures, for the vanity she's displayed she wouldn't miss this.
The tea was fun, but I am still firmly Team Pillow. It was simply too bizarre, from start to finish, and remains insanely secretive even now.
@Charade, thank you for the copy and paste job!
@Lavender Lady..thank you!
I ran across this term in a book I was reading today:
Motivated Irrationality
"...persistently tolerating and maintaining behavior patterns that will destroy their lives..."
The Harkles relationship, being so new, scares the crap out of me.
Why would anyone tolerate that?
So whether Archie is real, artificial, by surrogate, or with other guardians the Harkles have presented themselves as unfit parents who are extremely public.
Absolutely! That was some tea... I enjoyed every sip!
I'm with you on team pillow. I fully believe surrogacy. Just offering up a possible with IVF
If the "my family killed my mum" book is true, Drip will have burned any way back and any more funding. The book won't sell enough to live on for the rest of their lives so I've got to think its just a rumour or its not a who killed my mum book.
Interesting pattern developing with Grip's distain for Royal duties. Im thinking starting with hissy fits over dress fittings, saying she's bored at Chuckles birthday party, CDAN blind about "she only wants to do the fun events", and etc.
Charles, not Chuckles. But maybe Chuckles is better
Must have been some sort of personal reason because ANL didn’t contest it when they learned of it.
from USO Tour 2014 - M with this gal - is she drunk or ?? And the gal's reaction when M pulls her in front of camera & is hugging her.
Let me know what all of you think.
I concur that the lack of titles in dictates surrogacy. A hissy fit over not being a "prince" is stupid when said child would have all other royal titles and Grip isn't a "princess" either. Also I think Archie can be styled "prince" once Charles ascends. Not sure.
I called them HAMS. Then I called them SHAMS. In honor of the largest species of dolphins, Orcas, unfortunately and stupidly referred to as “Killer Whales” I think I will honor the two Stupids with the name Shamu, or Shamus to include both of these con artists. Shamu, the killer whale. Orcas are led by a matrilineal line, from pods as small as five to over 100. The dolphins who do not follow the, say Queen, are kicked out of the pod. Most males are eventually gone at a certain age, but all females stay together. When the female leader gets older, her oldest daughter, trained to be the leader, starts to take over duties. Thus a smooth transition. Any female Orca who does not follow these rules are kicked out, literally to die by herself.
For the pregnancy to be real, how do we explain things like:
How the baby shifted left to right as she walked but yet we didn't see that repeated? why would it only happen once if it "real" or "normal for her"?
The whole birth story does not sound convincing.
You have to explain how not one car but two were able to slip away 20 some miles (undetected) to the hospital and back.
Or that it makes sense to have JH drive instead of the trained security guy for this.
What about the story within the announcement where the time was not accurate? Who benefits and how by this?
The lack of names signing the announcement.
The they change so much comment - how does that get explained?
The walk in the white dress - leaking in all directions still (if the birth was close to accurate) so that's rather risky. When asked to see the baby, JH almost tips the baby so it is actually less visible. Or that she touches the baby in ways which are not safe for the baby. It was exceptionally still for a living baby.
The photos of the christening raise a lot of questions.
The Mad woman at Polo. That carrying the baby that way was not a safe for baby look nor did the baby look or act like a living baby.
The total lack of recognition of the baby towards either.
The convenient walk in the woods carry the baby had a repeat vibe from polo.
And the list goes on but the main point is that there was a lot of this doesn't make sense from the get-go.
I looked at leaving the hospital. She left after 4 hours. Katherine was more like stayed overnight the first time, 10 hours the next and 7 hours the last. It (cough, cough) almost sounds like there was some competing going on about how who can fly the fasted/highest/quickest after birth ... which brings on the is it realistic to be able to be that together after 4 hours hours (and your doctors think it is perfectly fine at your age also)?
Please have a name as Unknown doesn't count.
First, make sure you have a gmail account. I recommend using a unique gmail to this blog for extra security and to avoid doxxing.
Second, search Google Accounts. You will land on the page where you can sign into and make updates to your account. If you don't have a gmail, you will be prompted to create one.
Third, go to the Personal Info tab. In the Profile section, you can click on "Name" and change to whatever you like.
Whenever you are logged into your Google Account, your name should post to the blog.
Hope this helps! Thanks
If Harry is really believing that his mother was assassinated by the RF, then he is delusional.
Marrying his occasional trick, and thinking it's true love is delusional.
Going along with a fake pregnancy and smiling about it is delusional.
Lots of people are delusional. It's just that Harry stands out because of his public persona.
Harry's going to need a good slap upside the head to bring him to his senses. What a mess to continue to take Markle's abuse. It's abuse because that's what narcissist do, they abuse. They can't stop themselves.
The Sussexes do not have the power to 'take away' those titles from Archie. He can be styled as Viscount Dumbarton. For the other title I am not sure (Sir Kilkeel?). If they had a daughter, she could be styled Lady, like Lady Louise.
The Wessex children are HRH but their parents chose not to use that styling for them and there was an official announcement from BP about that. When the children are 18, they can choose to use the HRH if they want to. (Archie is not an HRH as he is not a grandchild of the monarch.)
The Sussexes chose to control their communication with the press and put out a garbled and incorrect message. They do not have the power to confer or take away titles. Only the Queen can do that and she did not for Archie. Actually, to deprive Archie of his titles (like Meghan, courtesy of his father), the Queen would have to remove titles from Harry, and thus Meghan, or 'change the rules' about how titles are used.
After the divorce of Charles and Diane, the Queen changed the rules about a divorced woman using HRH. She did not change any rules to strip Archie of titles.
Are Meghan and Harry, and their staff who communicated with the press, too stupid to understand this? Or do they always have to do things their own way, disrespecting the Queen in the process, even when it is not necessary?
I did enjoy your post above (and it is very wise):
'Marrying his occasional trick and thinking it is true love is delusional.'
"She [Meghan] left after 4 hours. Katherine was more like stayed overnight the first time, 10 hours the next and 7 hours the last. It (cough, cough) almost sounds like there was some competing going on about how who can fly the fasted/highest/quickest after birth ... which brings on the is it realistic to be able to be that together after 4 hours hours (and your doctors think it is perfectly fine at your age also)?"
Yes. And according to Google maps, the distance between the Lindo Wing and Kensington Palace is 1.1 miles (or about a 5 minute drive.)
The distance between Portland Hospital and where they claimed to live, Frogmore Cottage, is 23-28 miles depending on route chosen and takes an average of 45 minutes.
Kate's medical team would have been quite familiar with her when she had Louis given that he was her 3rd baby in a bit less than 5 years. Meghan was an unknown to her team and may have been a first-time mom. Kate was 4 months past turning 36 when Louis was born, Meghan was 4 months from turning 38 when Archie was born. So far as we know, Louis was born close to his predicted due date whereas Archie was at least a week overdue, perhaps closer to 2 weeks.
It just doesn't add up.
Also--no pregnancy, no labor. She never had any signs of either and took no pains to convince the public, aside from the rubber inserts.
Just wanted to share a few tidbits I have seen elsewhere over this three year Sussex show, that I have not seen mentioned here and may contribute to the analysis.
There is a video of Meghan early on in her “royalling “ after the engagement or possibly very soon after the wedding. Meghan was on walk about and the video shows her walking away from the camera with her talking back over her left shoulder to someone else. She can be heard saying “we’re the most popular “. Does anyone else recall this footage?
Also, I recall on a tumblr account a male anon related how he had worked for Meghan on her digital media and then transferred over to working for her friend. He stated that Meghan was in daily contact with that friend. (Jessica?) The anon shared that her trip to Toronto after the wedding was for a cocaine fuelled weekend and how she had not been able to yet access her supplies as easily in the UK or party with friends. One further piece of information he shared was how during the Aussie trip she was not pregnant but was undergoing IVF treatment at that time. ( having done multiple cycles myself- these can take around six weeks depending on protocol used, longer if synchronised cycles for egg harvest is happening ).
I personally agree with @hikari and @Ant that there is no baby born of Meghan, possibly surrogate and please God not in their care.
Some time ago when Harry Markle the blogger was being discussed there were questions as to her / his background. From my recollection in the person’s early posts they worked around the location of the palace community, and had in the past been a model,
had studied English Literature and law at an English University but was not practising law. They currently worked in a charity organization. From the information above I had concluded that Harry Markle was most likely female.
@ant your Charles Angels on the previous thread was genius, made my day. Thanks.
"...banana bread is something that you make when you have let them go too long and the skins are turning black and they are well mushy. The bananas would need to be over a week old."
Yeah, I'm not too sure about that story either. As @Sandie said, baking loaves and letting M taste them, then baking new loaves because the others were unsatisfactory would have taken all night. And supposedly 7 batches were baked in serial fashion? That would take longer than all night.
That said, if you just have to have banana bread but your bananas aren't old enough, the bananas can be baked to age them..
Didn't M claim to have made her hosts banana bread in Ireland too? In that situation, she easily could have made the bread in London (or her chef could have) rather than toiling away herself during the visit as she claimed. (Like other quick breads, banana bread often tastes better after aging a day.)
Does anyone know what happened to the injured bodyguard ?
Trevor Rees-Jones was seriously injured the crash and had to have his face rebuilt. He resigned from his job the year after the crash. He moved to Shropshire and remarried. He also wrote a book, The Bodyguard's Story: Diana, the Crash, and the Sole Survivor.
This is what I've always thought, as an elderly primagravida and Prince - as he was then - Harry's wife she would have stayed in hospital until at least the evening. I think the Portland hospital had also been touted as a possible hospital for Megs to give birth (she probably mentioned it to support the pregnancy idea) and I'm sure some reporters would have been lurking in the area.
Just one thing I'd like to add, that I've never heard mention in this context (Perhaps it was regarded as insulting to our friends across the Channel). A a short while before the crash I came across a report about French drinking habits. At the time of the crash, I wondered if it had any bearing on the matter.
IIRC, back in '87, testing for alcohol revealed that many drivers in France had a such high tolerance of alcohol that they could drive without being visibly `under the influence' even though they were well over the British limit. So perhaps Henri Paul was less than stone-cold sober and in the absence of being `tired & emotional' was deemed fit to drive.
El Fayed was probably trying to displace his guilt about someone in his employ having at least some responsibility for what happened. In British Law, El F, as his employer would have borne some of the responsibility, I believe.
French law on drinking and driving was, and remains, stricter than than that in the UK.
I'd say that MM in that clip from 2014 was plastered.
Btw, I was listening to our astronaut Tim Peake on `Desert Island Discs' this morning (Radio 4 Extra). He spoke about arriving at Sandhurst as an Officer Cadet and mentioned the comic sight of parents unloading their youngsters and their gear, including the compulsory ironing board. How did H get around that?
I know someone who went up to Trinity at the same time as Prince Charles. He told me of overhearing a snippet of end-of-term conversation - another undergraduate asked Charles if he's done his packing yet -
Charles replied, `Oh, I have a man to do that for me'.
Would Harry been able to have a batman at Sandhurst, I wonder? Tim Peake passed out in 1992 and stated that Sandhurst `treated everyone the same - abysmally'. Has he ever been taught how to plug in an iron? There's little evidence for it.
Thanks so much for that tip about quick ripening bananas! So useful when you want to make banana bread today, but the bananas are not soft enough.
I'd say that MM in that clip from 2014 was plastered.
I agree she looks wasted. What an embarrassment. It certainly "cheapens the family" doesn't it?
BTW, I got a chuckle out of your use of the word plastered. I hadn't heard that phrase in years. Don't know why I found it so funny but I enjoyed the laugh. :D
Doria supposedly had some kind of childcare training, but she is not a midwife.
Meghan always has to be better than everyone else in everything so I can imagine her rushing out of the hospital to set a record - such a short labour (which stage ... surely not the entire labour?) out the hospital and home within 5 hours ... isn't she the most amazing creature to ever walk the planet! Definitely better than Catherine (7 hours from giving birth to walking out of the Lindo Wing looking fabulous for her third baby, and the media gave a lot of coverage about how wonderful she is). In my opinion, Meghan did not want to be photographed leaving the hospital because she had put on weight, and was bloated, and was afraid that she would not be worshipped for being so fabulous and so much better than Catherine. The way she was seen holding Archie as a baby seems to also indicate that she had no idea how to hold or bond with Archie.
(I can't find a reference for how long Meghan was in labour and at what stage she was taken to hospital because it was announced she had gone into labour after she had given birth and was already back home.)
In my opinion, the way those two operate is so juvenile and just feeds the buzz and they then claim to be victims. Privacy? Don't talk nonsense, not with their respective histories ... especially Meghan!
"@ Lizzie, they would have a catering kitchen in the AU Embassy, several ovens, several cooks...."
I'm sure that's true and I don't doubt the egg story that involved the Queen. But I don't see how either makes the banana bread story as reported by emerald tiara any more likely.
The story claims Meghan kept rejecting loaves and so new ones had to be made. And it happened 7 times. Baking a loaf from start to finish is going to take at least an hour (even if the bananas are ready.) The loaf is going to have to cool at least slightly before tasting.
It makes no sense to me to think that 7 different cooks (or multiple cooks, whatever number) were simultaneously baking different batches of banana bread for her approval. And if they did that, were they all using the same recipe but thinking it would turn out differently mixed by a different cook amd baked in a different oven? Did she ask for the baking of 7 different batches at the same time? If so, why? And if she didn't ask, why would the cooks do that?
"How long after birth can you go home? So many different guidelines ... but the shortest seems to be overnight (about 12 hours), although a 2016 article says that 5 to 6 hours is possible if there is a support system at home and all is well with mom and baby."
The guidance in UK for first time mothers is a recommended minimum of 36hrs after birth. If the birth is uncomplicated it can be shorter stay.
C -sections are recommended 3-4 days post birth.
Assuming they are straight forward and uncomplicated any subsequent births can return home soon after birth. There is no requirement to stay in hospital beyond the initial tests on the baby eg it's apgar scores and an initial post birth check on the mother by a midwife.
Any further tests can be carried out at home or GP's office.
You only stay in hospital if there are complications or reason for concern.
I know that I was glad to stay in (an NHS) hospital and have the guidance of midwives with breastfeeding, bathing baby etc. And was the delivery followed by a health visitor's visits? Megs wouldn't have allowed it.
Yep, the story about the banana bread just does not make sense. The following two versions may be the truth and the story has become ridiculously embellished as it gets passed on:
Meghan warned them in advance that she wanted banana bread made for her to take to that engagement, and she sent them the recipe. She insisted on seeing and tasting what they made, rejected it and made them make it again (hence they had to rush out to look for overripe bananas, not knowing the trick of putting them in the oven).
As above, except she sprung the order on them when she got to Australia, with short notice, so they had to rush around looking for overripe bananas from the start.
Meghan seems the type who would reject a first batch and make them make a second just to be bossy and in control. Remember the story of her in the Windsor kitchen tasting the dishes for the wedding (making just for her to taste and approve before the actual day) and insisting she could taste egg in the vegan egg dish and being reprimanded by the Queen? Absurd that the kitchen staff at Windsor can cook for the Queen and family without fuss but not good enough for Meghan!
Thank you for for the info on Trevor, the bodyguard X
That makes sense to me.
The institutional setup would allow 2 or more cooks to simultaneously bake, but what would they have been baking? Different recipes from the internet? Or Meghan's supposed own recipe? If M's why make simultaneous batches? If M thinks every loaf from a given recipe will taste different, she can't know what she's gifts because she can't gift the loaf she tastes. And if she's assigning different cooks different recipes to make at the same time in some sort House Guest Horror Bake Off, that's a better story than what was told.
So the first story is likely the truth. And it wasn't 7 batches but 2 with ripe banana searching thrown in. And she likely did try to claim she made it. Maybe that's one reason she threw a fit they didn't have a place to themselves? Or did that happen somewhere else?
At least Catherine had a short ride home and, overall, she had an 'appropriate upbringing' and years of enduring the paparazzi to prepare her to learn self control. Meghan rushed into everything, refused to listen to good advice and really made a mess of everything didn't she? I think when Meghan said she was modernizing the monarchy she meant turning it into Meghan's world where she could comfortably reign supreme.
How do two people reach the age they were and not know themselves and not recognize what they have to learn to take on a role? Or maybe I am being too kind and Meghan always planned to bolt as soon as she had the basics secured to have 'royalling' on her CV (wedding, baby, tours, patronages, Ascot, balcony ...).
This article is hilarious (Express, of course). Have George, Charlotte and Louis even met Archie?
I find it odd that Richard Palmer works for the Express, as they publish such drivel about the royal family, yet Richard comes across as level-headed and having integrity (and a huge dose of scepticism about the Sussexes) on his Twitter account.
Thanks for the Express link.
What a thoroughly stupid article. And to suggest that Eugenie and Zara might introduce their infants on the balcony at the TTC is one of the dumbest things I've ever read, even for the Express.
Thanks to you, I have a new nickname for Smeg: “Elderly Primagravida” or EP for short. Harry’s can be ED…guess why!
Re. The Unholy Family’ midnight flight to the Portland might have been arranged without being witnessed by the press camped out in front of Frogmore—If they were already in London staying at one of their favorite hotels. It has been suggested and a piece I read that the couple never lived in Frogmore Cottage, having rejected it, Or at least Meg did as not nearly grand enough—Leaving out for the purposes of this and act out with a very likely fact that the extensive renovations described could hardly have been completed in the period from roughly January to April, when they ostensibly moved in to await “the baby”. The same EP that rejected banana bread and phantom egg dishes had no intention of accepting a house that wasn’t Windsor Castle or Frogmore House as second choice. I think the couple had been living in hotels since being kicked out of KP. Giving birth at a private luxury suite at the Portland that goes for $15,000 per day is a far cry from a home birth with a doula, a midwife and Doria in attendance. A homebirth in an unfinished cottage by a member of the royal family who is an elderly primagravida was never a medically sound idea—But It played into legs on going fantasy promotion of herself as superwoman. For obvious reasons, a homebirth was never going to actually happen, but the next best thing would be to ‘come home to nest’ after her miraculous labor and delivery of just a few hours...Whereupon she immediately did I perfect warrior pose while whipping harry up some of her famous banana bread. Oh and nursing the baby at the same time while all of this was going on.
The press was understandably pissed over being played for fools...How many papers paid how many staff members to be a camped out in Windsor for what, two weeks on Baby Watch? On the one hand, serves them right...But even after the birth announcement debacle, the bulk of the press was still incredibly fawning over D&D EP/ED. Quite a merry dance Princess Primagravida led them all on.
Re. Richard Palmer
I get whiplash trying to figure out which side he is on. You say he is skeptical, And yet he is still employed by possibly the most process six sycophantic paper going—first among equals there. It was Richard who tweeted that the couple was absolutely positively ensconced in FC.
Because he had seen a black SUVs parked out front and a single open window. That was it; no other activity around the property, and certainly no Meg or H sightings. Black SUVs are pretty thick on the ground. Harry’s has been known to drive one, along with literally hundreds of other folks in Windsor and or palace employees. If Richard was telling the truth, it could just easily have been an estate manager Checking on the status of this vacant building.
The UK press was incredibly indulgent Of the Sussexes because they didn’t want to piss off the Queen and lose access to Royal stories. The US media publishes Pro Sussex drivel because they are paid to. Were HMTQ to publicly renounce Grip and Drip, the British media would be more emboldened to print the truth. It’s already happened a lot since Megxit, but there’s still so much tea left unspilt Due to the vagueness surrounding the couple’s status. Are they keeping the titles? Is Charles still giving them money? Will they be appearing at Royal events this summer? They are hedging their bets.
'Elderly primagravida': this,sadly, is the medical term for a first time mother over the age of 35...
I've a young friend who gave birth in hospital at about 9am - I rang her landline about noon to find she'd just come through her front door, with her baby, as the phone was ringing. That was from hospital 7 miles away (through narrow lanes!). The difference was it she was in her 20s & this was her second child.
Bread: I'm surprised MM didn't try to feed the entire crowd with only 5 loaves, but accompanied by 2 fishes.
Yes, this medical term is quite starkly harsh...Imagine how filled with rage Madam would have been to be confronted with herself described as “geriatric”. Just a very unwelcome reminder that she was not actually young any more and no matter how hard she pretended she was still 24, her body could not lie.
True or not, it sure makes for juicy reading.
(posted by Scobie so I presume this is recent)
Meanwhile, I have been thinking about Eugenie and if she is ready to deliver. I wish her well.
I don't know how things are organised if the parents use private medicine but the NHS has Health Visitors who are heavily involved with postnatal care and the well-being of the baby. Even if a baby is well-cared for but doesn't gain weight as quickly as it `ought' to, red flags are raised about inadequate parental care - one friend felt she was being suspected as a criminal because her baby was lagging a bit - `failure to thrive' is a damning diagnosis for the mother.
Did she have anybody who was properly qualified in pre-and post-natal care. (I don't count Doris) There was a mention of one of the Portland specialists being involved, possibly one with a Chinese sounding name. EP claimed to have had her 12 week scan, which, if true, somebody must have arranged. Were there really a subsequent birth, and the postnatal personnel witnessed the sort of maternal care she seems to practice, surely they would have intervened?
Any women with a new baby who keeps health personnel at bay is likely to find herself under suspicion. I don't know if you can get away without post-natal visits if you've gone down the private route. Please advise, anyone who has experience in this field?
OO-errr! I've just tried following this up and picked up on this:
complete with video `Watch -Meghan Reads to Baby Archie on First Birthday' There's also a breakfast recipe for `Organic Smashed Avocado on toast with poached Egg and Harissa.
The piece published in a commercial magazine, looks like an advertorial.
Whatever do you make of it?
I believe no one will ever truly get to the bottom of this mystery-did MehGoon really give birth or is it a doll?
Jaysus, someone could write a TV script with this storyline.
I for one can't say I have any inkling either way just that she's a moron who will try ANYTHING to further her agenda. At any cost, it appears.
I do believe the shenanigans with the birth details, the hospital etc. etc. is telling that SOMETHING is amiss!! It does make for interesting reading.
I'm on the fence as I think we won't know the truth in our lifetimes given how good the RF are at secrets. Not dissing the Fam just sayin it's in thier history timeline. As you well know.
The intrigue, cloak and dagger, is what keeps them interesting and the plebs talking about them.
Just my take on the subject. I always enjoy your posts.
That was a wall of words by "Harry" about Travlyst (which I can never spell correctly) I do think either he or MM wrote that because no PR person would write such a long missive. People won't read such a massive wall of text. A pro would have edited that by at least half, if not more.
Woke and Joke never released true information regarding the exact hour they left for Portland. All we know is that she delivered her baby and left after 4 hours. I am sure she had a nurse and a midwife on call back at home waiting for her.
I am sure she wanted to beat Kate and show the world that she was released so quickly after her delivery although it was her first! Just like when she went out of her way to stay fit and not gain any weight before her maternity leave began so she could be seen beating poor Kate who was so sick and gained weight. She did let herself go a bit while on maternity leave. Having given birth and breastfed my babies I will say this: she looked like someone who just had a baby or at least her first baby. The white dress was just her way of stirring the pot... Otherwise, it would have been all about the baby and/or how bad or good she looked. She thrives on all this: it’s like the belly rubbing and coat flipping. Look at ME ME ME. She is the only person that matters. Plus, she needed all this negative press so she could push forward her narrative about being bullied by racists. She is so obvious, it’s pathetic.
Megalo is a one dimensional person. She is not very complicated nor does she have any depth or outstanding intelligence. She is a malignant narcissist who is shallow and vain and very predictable. This is why she keeps engaging in all these shenanigans trying to be mysterious and secretive. She knows she is far from being mysterious or interesting and to her great disappointment she is so transparent that she keeps on doing things in a twisted manner to generate interest.
@Nuttie's, quote the well missed Lt. Uhuru...
A Disclaimer re the shenanigan's when ever I make a post:
I only have one pen name and it's Lavender Lady. Should I choose to change it, I will let you all know as I did when I changed my last pen name which was Pink Peony.
I'm Lol. Anyone know how to write a TV script? You could get rich...
As far as the pregnancy, please forgive me if I sound rude but I really wish the fake pregnancy/surrogacy pillow stuff would stop. It's high time to put those stories to bed.
Meghan had Archie. The controversary narrative around whether or not she had the child HELPS Harry and Meghan to manipulate the Royal Family. Frankly, it's probably the last remaining issue that makes them conjure up sympathy for H & M and their 'treatment' by the world. Meghan purposefully created hysteria, confusion and mystery surrounding Archie's birth ON PURPOSE to create fervor over HER child. Her son is not going to be King, but she wants everyone to be whipped up into a frenzy over him. She wants any sighting of him, any photo, his laugh to generate lots of clicks and therefore lots of money. I've said many times, you bet your bottom dollar that the second Meg got Harry into bed, she was starting the process of having a child. Maybe she needed IVF, treatments, who knows. But pregnancy was 1000% in the cards for her.
But I know many of you fine folks don't share the opinion and that's okay! That's what makes for interesting discussion.
Meghan has been rather quiet lately.
Another comment about bananas and not ripe.
Use baby food. It's in containers and is already premushed.
Appreciate your viewpoint. Here's the kicker on the IVF/surrogacy crowd. If not "of the body" then said child is not supposed to be in line of succession. And/Or. the birth must be witnessed (and signed off on) by Royal Physicians. It appears this one was not. Speculation and gossip yes but with a core of legal requirements
The controversary narrative around whether or not she had the child HELPS Harry and Meghan to manipulate the Royal Family. Frankly, it's probably the last remaining issue that makes them conjure up sympathy for H & M and their 'treatment' by the world. Meghan purposefully created hysteria, confusion and mystery surrounding Archie's birth ON PURPOSE to create fervor over HER child. Her son is not going to be King, but she wants everyone to be whipped up into a frenzy over him. She wants any sighting of him, any photo, his laugh to generate lots of clicks and therefore lots of money.
I do believe the RF uses these types of dramas to keep Joe and Jane on the streets talking about them, therefore keeping them viable. They are, after all, called The Firm for a reason. JMHO.
I scroll by the pillow talk. There's so much other great reading on this blog.
“ Meghan has been rather quiet lately.”
I agree with you. It’s not like her. I bet she is building suspense and trying to taunt the highest bidder for the big reveal: a pregnancy or a surprise birth announcement! She couldn’t sell Archie’s first photo but who is going to stop her from selling this one?
But I’m pretty sure whatever she and Harry are up to is due to the delayed trial request. What could it be?
abbyh- I never thought of that!!!
@Flore- Yeah, Harry's been out there but not much of Meghan. She's probably trying to re-group. Even though she's an level 10 narc, she must realize that nothing she's touching is working out. She's trying to think of what to do I bet.
I wondered why Charlatan Duchess had abandoned her blog. The blog is still up on Tumblr with no new posts since May and the School Madonna pose. Can you elaborate on what you meant by “fraudulent”? I also follow the Knockoff Duchess and Skippy and others that all share much of the identical content with each other. I thought maybe she’d been targeted by the doxxers. But her sister bloggers with the same stuff are still operating.
I'm sorry that I don't remember the particulars of the blog's downfall, but I think it had something to do with finances. I used to read it when I first started down the rabbit hole of MM & Harry's engagement/marriage. Suddenly they stopped updating and I noticed that other bloggers had mentioned that there was something bad going down on that blog.
I wish I could remember more, but with middle age comes diminished memory... LOL
I wondered why Charlatan Duchess had abandoned her blog. The blog is still up on Tumblr with no new posts since May and the School Madonna pose.
I posted awhile back the Charlatan Duchess' IG account was disabled. I understand that my tag has been sullied on this blog so Nutties just scroll by.
I had alerted the blog because it was said at the time, the Sussex's were taking people down from SM.
If that is on someone's emails from here it will be timestamped. I kept some early emails then unsubscribed because it was driving me nuts with the notifications. FYI only.
I like the idea of baby food for banana bread because sometimes the over ripe banana leaves yucky chunks in the bread.
I'll have to try that! ;)
I also like to add applesauce to my banana bread instead of fat. It's better for the cholesterol levels at the GP's and it come out moist ;)
I am not in a position to say whether any of the tea is true or not. OH to be a fly on the wall in those instances....
I'm not nearly as knowledgeable as most of the posters on here, so I try not to throw out my opinion very often. I really enjoy reading the comments and learning from those who are more informed.
Thank you all for that!
abby, maybe next time we can bake a bunch of cream pies... :D
Sorry OT.
Welcome here! :)
The Harkles could have brought any male baby of the right age/size to the photo shoot with the BRF and told them it was Archie. It didn't have to be MM's and Harry's. It could have been any male baby, and the BRF wouldn't know the difference. How could they, having never seen Archie before?
The Harkles couldn't get away with bringing a doll to the photo shoot, but they could have brought a real male baby "borrowed" from somebody else.
This is what I found and I now remember it. I've only pasted some of the text.
This will be my last post
Our MMTCD Facebook group, and this account by association, were conned.
The two (and most definitely more) individuals who started this group were frauds.
Why did they do it? What was it for?
Can’t say, we are still scratching the surface.
I will tell you that what we are finding is they scammed good people out of money posing it as a charity.
MANY of us has been victim of these frauds, so I get that current and former members are angry.
To the former members HERE and elsewhere who are doxxing my real name, showing pictures of my children and pointing everyone in my direction- SHAME ON YOU. Karma is real and I she acts swiftly.
Thanks for the link. I wish I remembered where I saw the CDs IG was disabled but as Jewelry Gal mentioned, at a certain age the memory is a bit lagging.
Thanks for the info about the Travalyst report. The entire report can be downloaded from the Travalyst website.
It looks like a corporate report for shareholders without any financials. However, it reads like a corporate workshop for senior management. So, I am not sure who the intended audience is. I think Travalyst is registered as a company so maybe a corporate report is a requirement but since it is not a public company it does not have to publish financials? (The editing is appalling and the writing full of errors in grammar and style.)
Basically, it seems like something in development that has been made public far too early.
I think it is that is developing an app to rate destinations against sustainability goals. (Many years ago I was involved in researching and writing accommodation guides that had a rating system. There were separate guides for camp sites and caravan parks, self-catering, bed & breakfast, guest houses and hotels. It sounds like a similar idea for travel destinations but with the rating system used for sustainability criteria.)
There is a lot of talk about communities but no concrete plan of how to involve them in developing new tourism models.(African countries has been dong this for decades, but I don't think anyone has ever tried this on a global scale under one umbrella and Travalyst seems to have no idea of how to achieve this.)
There is also talk of education, but once again, no concrete plans. A TV series? A magazine? A weekly TV programme? (All done successfully in South Africa.)
And there is a new aircraft being developed that can fly without fuel ...
He praises New Zealand as the only place in the world that does sustainable travel. Really! Whole of Africa, whole of North America, and so on - doesn't exist in any form there, according to Harry!
Does Harry have donors that he has to show evidence to that he is doing something useful with their money? Nope, that would be a charity producing an annual report (including financials). I just do not understand who the report is for and what it's purpose is.
I feel sorry for Harry actually. From what I understand of his environmental beliefs/philosophy, I am on the same page as him. But, he is not saying or doing anything new (just adding his name and adopting a lot of corporate/think tank language and approach). And, people are also going to want to visit cultural sites in places such as Europe, fun places like Disney Land, and so on, but he just ignores that aspect. What do you do with those destinations? Recycle plastic?
I know some of you don't sanction Netflix but there is a new film set in WWII England called The Dig. It's about a widow who hires an excavator to dig/investigate ancient mounds on her land. I'm watching it now and it seems well made. The nostalgia is nice too. :)
I know in the past I was very disgusted with certain members here due to some distasteful comments they made. I let my anger get away from me and used insults and foul language. I was gently remined that this blog is not Reddit. I will be the first to admit we Yanks can get pretty hot under the collar and don't keep the chin up. I have been guilty of that.
I even allowed myself to get hooked into continued dialogue with the offender. However, I have decided with the New year to do as I have been shown here and that's to scroll by and not allow the shenanigans to get to me.
I have grown and come a long way in this blog. I apologise for making things difficult in the past. I wish to move on.
When I first started reading here I was so impressed with how warm and articulate everyone was. I even enjoyed Cat Eyes and her antics but this stuff lately is just not funny at all. It's a full blown downer which we do not need more of in the time of Covid...
So, I give you my word, on my honor, I will continue to scroll, re-direct and ignore to the very best of my ability.
I do the same. I learned recently that I can keep bananas in the fridge, that it extends their freshness. It really works. Also the decay comes from the stems so I separate them and cover the stems in foil.
Who knew bananas were so interesting.
Makes me wonder why MehGoon chose them as her tell on IG that she was shagging Harry...
Of course this depends on COVID rules and nothing about Harry's trip is firmed up yet.
Now we can add "coward," to the list of MM's negative attributes. Archie, if he exists, needs to get to know his British family. How cruel of The Harkles to keep a child from his grandparents and cousins.
On the subject of what I do not believe (how long have you got) I do not believe that the Duchess of Sussex gave birth at the Portland or indeed anywhere else.
I too, enjoy reddit but it's definitely a different dynamic there. Lots of sharp knees and elbows.
For anyone wondering how MM could be pregnant and still drink alcohol or want to do challenging activities, we should remember that as a narcissist she would not care about the well-being of the fetus.
That said, I still think it was a fake pregnancy.
Remember when this Daily Mail article came our prior to the arrival of 'Archie'?
In Diana cosplay 2.0 this is exactly what she would do. Diana posed twice with infant in arms.
Everything about the arrival of Archie is pure Meghan created drama. When would Megs feel sorry for Kate? This is double speak for Meg knowing that she cannot compete with Kate, so don't expect her to.
Megs has to 'leave the stage' so nothing can be pegged to her. All behind the scenes. Facade management. Did she give birth? When? Where? Not a real functioning, normal person.
I had to stop reading Reddit. I was mortified, so when some kind Nutty gently reminded me of the ethos of this blog, it hit home.
I wish I can remember who it was. It may have been a mod. In any event it stayed in my mind
Glad you got a chuckle. We need more of those these hard days
Reconnecting 'Just Harry' with the Royal Family and his status will only increase Meghan's stateside earning power. They want invites and contracts and to be in the 'in crowd' again. That means raising Harry's Royal Profile.
They need this elevation of Harry in case the trial moves forward. Also, in case he plans to divorce Meghan. I've read rumors that the Palace is trying to rehab 'Harry's image. Maybe this is the first step.
"I'm not nearly as knowledgeable as most of the posters on here, so I try not to throw out my opinion very often. I really enjoy reading the comments and learning from those who are more informed. "
Which is exactly why we need you here! A fresh view point is wonderful.
@Jocelyn'sBellinis said...
"Now we can add "coward," to the list of MM's negative attributes. Archie, if he exists, needs to get to know his British family. How cruel of The Harkles to keep a child from his grandparents and cousins. "
Archie lives a couple hours drive (or short private jet ride) from his Grandfather Tom. Whom he has never met.
Either Harry can't handle the kid by himself (with nannies of course) or there is no Archie or Archie is being held hostage (Grip afraid Drip stays in UK with Archie and she is left gig-less in Hollywood.).
This is not Meghan snubbing the RF. This is the RF cutting her off. All those leaks about how she gave Kate bday gifts were just her way of buttering up to the Cambridges in preparation of her return to the UK.
If she had no intention to attend TTC, Scoobie wouldn't have been bleating about it. The fact that he said it repeatedly means she wanted an invitation but obviously, the RF is having none of that.
If Meghan is not in control of Harry then why is he going without her at the RF's request? Seems to me she wouldn't allow it.
But this leak is the RF shutting Meghan down. So it's not about whether she will allow Harry go or not. If the Queen invites Harry, who is Meghan to tell him not to attend? Meghan doesn't have the kind of influence people think she has over Harry. Anything Harry is doin is because he wants to do it. Period.
I'm not one of those that believe she's controlling him. He's doing what he has always wanted to do: pursuing fame and money so he can be bigger than his brother.
It's a huge blessing that she isn't going to darken the door of the royal family again, all the booing will take the attention from the momentous occasions that are taking place, Prince Philip only turns 100 once and she's sure to try to be the centre of attention.
If Harry had one single functioning cell in his brain that isn't controlled by Meghan, he'd bring Archie with him. Better yet, the RF would tell him to stay in the US and not bother returning to the UK until he was ready to apologize for turning his back on his country. But we all know no one - and I do mean no one - in the RF has the guts to do that.
We're talking the summer here...a million things could happen between now and then.
Its a fund raising trip for him and his actress Mrs He couldnt give a flying so and so about seeing his family or friends he needs the bank of Gran and Dad to open the cheque book I mean lets face it was does he actually do ?
They need to find and train an aristo honey pot to deprogram him while he is away from her. Or someone like Kate (I mean well raised but not aristo). So he remembers what it is like to enjoy life and have fun again.
Nothing to do with undermining major Royal Events but all to do with this so called actress being such a coward by not setting foot on British soil. No sad loss. Has done everything to try and bring the RF to its knees by her actions and vile words but now will not dare to front the Queen and other family members she has insulted.. As usual the hapless handbag will carry the can as he did when thrashing out their exit deal. And yet again Archie her meal ticket and bargaining chip in this sordid saga misses out on connecting with his royal family. especially his great grand parents who will not live forever Harry will live to regret this decision. Shows who holds the cards in the controlling hypocrite's family
Why is he coming back? Visa and tax. Forget anything else, it's predominantly these two reasons. He doesn't have a choice.
Basically, Travalyst is an organization that aims to make tourism sustainable. It is not a new idea at all and there are plenty of sustainable tourism venues all over the world.
The initiative (rate all destinations) will create a tool people can use to choose sustainable tourism destinations.
Other than that, it is not really offering anything concrete to 'force' tourist destinations to adopt sustainable practices or any kind of incentive for travellers to choose sustainable destinations or a vehicle he can use to educate people about sustainable tourism.
Maybe it is a lifelong project for him?
William, in comparison, does all the work before he goes public (Earthshot: got the funding and partners, set it all up, made a documentary and then announced).
I don't think MM would allow Harry to take Archie back to visit the BRF, and she's the one who rules the roost. Harry just does as she asks.
MM knows that she would be booed by almost everybody if she showed her face in Britain, and possibly some food thrown at her, too. This overbearing bully is too scared to face the people of Great Britain. Bullies are usually cowards underneath the bravado.
I think the BRF is going to try to break Harry free of MM's clutches while he is there, but I think he's too mesmerized by MM to break away at this point. Also, if they let MM go off by herself (without Harry), then they really have no control over her. I wonder how long it took before the BRF noticed that MM was taking in all the info she could about the family, looking for things she could use against them, and how much Harry has told her about the inner workings of the BRF.
The end of the article says he will be staying at Frog Cott. Not sure that I believe this. The whole article is giving me pause. Is this just another PR piece from The Harkles?
Yes, we can add Thomas to the list of direct relatives who haven't seen Archie.
@jewelry gal,
Welcome! I love the pearls and gorgeous clasp in your avatar. Just beautiful! I'm a jewelry gal, too.
Good to see you! You're right. A narc has no maternal feelings for their fetuses or their children.
The Harkles were just throwing a temper tantrum when they said they wouldn't work with the DM. They will use it to their advantage when they need it, using "friends' as sources, as usual.
Nothing the Harkles say can be taken as truth, especially without named sources. Anytime you see "friends' as sources of Harkle info, look at it with suspicion.
He calls himself The Duke of Sussex (no Prince Harry) on the website, but just Duke of Sussex in the report they have produced.
I too thought about Grip being booed and pelted with food !
I volunteer to supply the past due date eggs and decomposing vegetables!
I also seem to recall that there was a claim long ago that the ‘Queen and Prince Phillip admire baby Archie’ photo was actually photoshopped from a picture of the Queen and Prince Phillip admiring a horse at some racing event. If true, Doria may have either been complicit in staging the setup, or was herself a victim of Photoshop Meg.
I wasn’t surprised in the least that Meg preferred HER baby reveal to be a regal palace production, rather than standing on some concrete stairs surrounded by peasants. She’s just so extra special!
But I do want to say it's possible he can't set foot on UK soil for a certain amount of time due to a tax situation. I've thought this for awhile. So I take the DM article with a grain of salt as with most of what they "report". As we all know, it's money for them with clicks. I think they will pull stuff from their arses just to get clicks. It wouldn't surprise me at all if the trip does not materialize.
I agree with Sandie; why would she work with them if there's a lawsuit going on? To do so would jeopardize their case against news sources, wouldn't it? I'm not an attorney so I don't know for sure but it seems logical. If Thomas has to stay silent, why not them?
I'll supply the overripe bananas. Perfect for The Harkles.
What happened to "Just Call Me Harry?" He's sure holding onto every title that he can, especially with the pathetic suit, tie and medals at the cemetery. Didn't he know how foolish he looked, like a little dictator from some banana republic. Oops, bananas again.
I wonder if anybody would throw a tea pot- that would be justice.
Our post crossed.
I am interested in what you have to say about the tax situation and why he would have to return. I'm thinking he can't return because of a complicated tax issue.
Here's hoping she gets pelted with banana cream pie... :D
The problem I have with the christening photos is that Diana's sisters are completely underdressed for the occasion. They look more like they are in country clothes, and they definitely would know how to dress for such a regal function.
I could be wrong.
The Diana statue reveal alone is a compelling reason for him to return.
If he is releasing a book pointing a finger at RF for his mum's death, I can't image he'll get an invite to Balmoral. How awkward would the unveiling of the Diana statue be?
And if you want more money from Pa, you have to bring some sugar (Archie).
Non e of this is adding up
If Drip was invited to return then without a doubt Grip was also invited. Even if no-one in the RF can stand her, they never ever would slight Drip like that in front of the whole world.
I don't know. It could be veiled, as is a lot of things coming from the Palace. It's their go to MO in a situation like this one IMO.
I was speaking of the Queen, Prince Phillip, JH, MM, Doria, and Archie photo in a hallway of Windsor Palace, not the christening.
Agree, however that the christening group photo was very odd!
They even mention requesting comment from the Sussex’s. Whenever they do this, we know Meghan’s PR isn’t in charge as the ‘source’.
If this is a Royal family plant to gauge public opinion on Harry (without Megs)... it’s possible.
The Diana statue reveal alone is a compelling reason for him to return.
True. He would certainly be questioned if he did not return for that. The question remains What to do about Meghan? I say he check her in back of the plane as his therapy pet (no offence to pets, I have a loving cat meself).
If this is a Royal family plant to gauge public opinion on Harry (without Megs)... it’s possible.
Agree with this as we all know so well they use the media as Diana used them. And vice versa. It's an odd paring but the RF needs the press and they need the RF. Strange bedfellows there...
It would be like Kim K saying she hated E! News. Bonkers. Lol.
Ahhh, Puds, hahahaha, not
Post Modernist, prefer emails
as I’m going blind using me phone!!
Cubism/square peg Megism?
one word says all:
Liar or fake or repugnant....
News outlets almost always try to get a quote from the person named by a source in a news article. That's basic follow-up on a story, and they will always add that in at the end to show that they at least tried to get a comment.
I can't tell you how many thousands of times my news articles ended with "Blank was unavailable for comment." The person whom you've contacted hates that "unavailable for comment," because it looks like they are hiding something.
Another thing reporters do when trying to reach somebody in authority, the governor or the mayor, etc., is to tell them that you're on deadline, and if they can't get on the phone right now for a comment, I'll have to run with an "unavailable for comment, and you don't want that." They usually are on the phone within a minute.
I do agree with you that this looks like a planted story. By whom, we don't know, but it looks to me as if it's coming from the Harkles' side rather than the DM's. Maybe the Harkles are trying to find out what the public reaction will be if Harry returns to GB?
This does not make MM look good at all, though. Everybody knows what Harry has done, and as his wife, she should be there for support. She's leaving him to face the music alone, the coward.
AnT- still howling over
“Like a Vandal in the Bin” ๐ฅฐ
Jocelyn, may we have an
on the ground report from
Mrs Bucket outside Bucket Palace?
Pulp Friction
Will she or won’t she
we all want to know
Get on a plane, and
land in Heathrow
If neither of them visit,
not even H on his own
What a waste of tomatoes
the Queen could have thrown
Sorry, missed some out!!
Pulp Friction
Will she or won’t she
We all want to know
Get on a plane, and
land in Heathrow
I can’t see the RF being that happy
It’s all just a ruse,
using Harry’s Grandpappy
If neither of them visit,
not even H on his own
What a waste of tomatoes
the Queen could have thrown
All the pulps: tomato, banana, avocado...
You are a treasure!
This is Mrs. Hyacinth Bouquet, the lady of the house speaking. Sheridan and I are preparing the riparian delights for our stint as reporters for the upcoming return of darling Harry, who reminds me so much of my wonderful son, Sheridan. They could become such close friends that I will definitely need to introduce them.
I will be interviewing the members of the British Royal Family. I sent a lovely letter to the Queen several years ago, to which she kindly replied, so I'm sure she'll remember me when I climb up the front of Buckingham Palace to the balcony to interview her. We formed such a close and personal bond with just those two letters!
Every year, there seems to be more and more people on the balcony, but I don't think my dear friend, Lilibet, will mind when I rearrange them on the balcony with utmost precision. I know that she will appreciate my help.
My Sheridan has such wonderfully good taste in ladies fashion that he will be doing the fashion reporting. He just loves fabrics!
I'm having a very difficult time trying to find the perfect hat for the occasion, as I'm certain that the Queen will want photographs with me. I'll be wearing a bespoke military uniform and have planned to ride on horseback in front of the
Queen's carriage. Prince Charles be so surprised that my chapeau will feature three feathers in his honor.
I've got Richard posted at the gates so that he can push me up and over the fence to get to the palace. Or maybe I should just jump the fence on my horse? My darling Lilibet loves horses, so I know that she wouldn't mind.
I just hope that Onslow, Daisy and Rose don't show up. How mortifying! Maybe they can stay on the roof with Daddy?
I'll be reporting back soon! This is Mrs. Hyacinth Bucket signing off for now. Over and out.
"What a waste of tomatoes." Hahahaha!
I also don’t think we will be freely traveling by this summer.
Certa Cito (swift and sure)
In the hills above ‘cito
Can be heard Megsie growling
She’s finally gone mad,
and taken to howling
From what we hear,
there’ll be no respite
Until gopping Megsie
gets her royal invite
Not gonna happen,
don’t buy a new frock
Time to realise, she’s been
cut from the flock
Re: Travalyst
Under Harry’s photo on the site, it says, “Prince Harry (1st line) Duke of Sussex 2nd line)”
Otherwise, I aggree eith you, no crowns and no HRH that I could find.
I knew MM would not go back. think the BRF doesn’t want here there, but I think MM would be terrified to go. Harry should take Archie and stay in the UK. He won’t, of course.
Theory? She’s out of cash, out of ideas, PR is having internal disagreements on high stakes strategy discussions (trial/ review/Sam’s book/Harry’s rep), took PR advice and went away, PR experiment about time away.
Even if she is working for Netflix or doing a bunch of podcasts- her PR machine rarely gets turned off. The break happened during the inauguration week. Harry popped up with the lame confusing Wired interview, or was it Fast Company, and nada since.
There’s something going on. Wonder what it is.
Jocelyn, hahahaha, superb ๐
You’ve made my day.
I now have visions of Hyacinth
hitching up her dress as she scales the
palace walls, hat askew,
bent feathers!
Sheridan as fashion reporter, hahaha
Perfect, thank you ๐
Rose might get lucky with H,
an upgrade from Megs!!
just sayin’ - Rotten Rache-
Overripe, Over-used, and
thankfully Over there!
Jocelyn - Richard, Richard
I do hope you're standing to attention
whilst hoisting me over the wall.
Richard, Richard, do remember to
salute whilst manhandling me!
Meghans Mirror
Mirror, Mirror on the wall
Make me beaut, and very tall
Megsie please put down the glass
You are short, and very crass
Nothing here for us to see
Vampires cast no imagery
Talk to you all soon .
Just throwing that out, along with likely no TTC or Phil’s bday this year because of covid
Available seats for all three events will be spaced out to comply with social distancing
and the relevant Tier level for London. These will be bookable in groups of between 1-4 seats.
A public ballot for Trooping the Colour reviewed by HM The Queen in 2021 will not be held this year
due to prioritising winners from Trooping the Colour 2020 ballot who booked tickets but were unable to attend due to the event being cancelled.
Tickets for the reviews are now on sale from the official website which can be found at“
The Mrs. Bucket reporting, stunningly funny! I would be very pleased if you accepted my invitation to one of my candlelight suppers--you get all the tea, coffee, wine, sherry, and warm Onslow beer for that post.
Elmeg Dudd - Pluck a Duck
What is she up to,
our Megs, scaredy cat
Pull Duck Rabbit 2
from out of her hat?
She’ll need something big,
to make an impact
Hope it’s not more
from her urinary tract....
Supposedly Diana would order banana flan for William and Harry.
I don't know if that explains M's banana emphasis though. And I don't know that the Express is accurate :-)
Thanks for your sharp eyes.
Harry spent many years building his connections with wounded veterans, conservation/wildlife, and AIDS orphans - all pre-Meghan and all as Prince Harry.
I wonder why he uses Duke of Sussex now. Higher-ranking title (but not without the HRH)? Respect for the Queen, who gifted the title to him? Because Meghan would be called Princess Harry/Henry of Sussex?
By the way, Harry started Travalyst pre-Meghan. He did nothing really with the idea until Megxit.
It is possible to 'choose' gender (I think they call it sex selection in America) if you do IVF.
All just speculation on my part and she may be
just putting her head down and working on a real project with dedication and commitment (doing instead of talking for a change).