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What Oprah will ask the Sussexes - and what I would ask them

Supposedly Oprah's interview with the Sussexes is already recorded, which is too bad, because I have plenty of questions I would have suggested. 

Oprah will no doubt offer her standard questions - Are you living your best life? - plus some setups on the social justice theme she and the Sussexes are so fond of. 

Do you think your negative media coverage in the UK was motivated by racism?  

Tell us about your long-term commitment to environmentalism/Grenfell victims/menstrual health/COVID victims/Black History Month/Mayhew Dogs/Girls in South Africa/SmartWorks fashion/Indigenous Women in Canada. 

Also, I hear you really like Africa and have visited twice. Is that part of your anti-racism initiative, and how will you continue to propel your efforts in Africa while living in a big house in California?

Oprah has her own initiative in Africa, a school for girls near Johannesberg that has been plagued by abuse allegations, so she is comfortable with the idea of assisting Africa and Africans from the comfort of her own homes in California and Hawaii. 

A few abstract questions

I also expect a few big, abstract puffball questions from Oprah. 

What does privacy mean to you? What is the biggest misunderstanding about you? What type of mother do you want to be? What makes you sad? Whom do you trust?

Since Oprah has a rather mixed relationship with her own family - Oprah's mother spent so much money in one of Milwaukee's ritziest boutiques that Oprah actually instructed the proprietor to stop selling to her - we can also expect some sympathy about Meghan's strange family situation.

What I would do

A good interview generally starts on a comforting note. I'm here to hear your side of the story. 

A journalist who has time on her side (not someone interviewing a busy cop on the street, for example), generally wins over the trust of her subject by emphasizing what they agree on and what they have in common. It's wonderful to see you here. I'm so glad you've discovered this lovely area of Santa Monica. It's our little secret, but now you share our secret. 

If the subject is burning to say something, like "We can all live a life of service. Service is universal", it's a good idea to let them say it, because otherwise they won't be able to concentrate on anything else. Let them get it out, nod a lot to show you've listened to them. You can even go so far as to repeat it back to them. So, you feel that everyone can live a life of service. We all can. You're saying that it's universal.  

This makes the subject feel validated and much more comfortable. They've said what they've come here to say. 

At this point, you can start to turn up the temperature.

The difficult questions

Mid-interview is the time for difficult questions. I like to slowly slide into them, building on the rapport that I've built up in the interview so far, sometimes even using the subject's own language. You've said that service is universal, but you didn't want to serve on the Royal Family's terms, did you? Didn't you know what those terms were before you were married? 

You want to ask difficult questions, but not in a harsh manner that will cause your subject to stand up and walk out on you, or your audience to conclude that you are bullying the subject and turn agains you out of sympathy. 

If you have something negative to say, it's always useful to attribute to those thoughts to others, perhaps abstract figures like "some people" or "your critics".

Some people say that you seem to be dominating your husband, that you've taken him away from his friends, his family, his country, and his job - isolated him - and that he looks lost and unhappy. What would you say to those people?

The toughest question

The toughest question represents the high point of the interview, the point at which your subject is hopefully too committed to walk out, and the point at which you can answer the one question everyone really wants to know.

I'd ease into this if I were the one interviewing Meghan.

Privacy is important to you, isn't it? Especially when it concerns the people you love. (Give her a chance to nod or respond here, perhaps use up the paragraphs about privacy she has practiced in advance). 

Was it because of this need for privacy that there were so many unusual aspects to the birth of your first child? You concealed the due date, you concealed the place and time of birth, you kept the attending doctors secret, the name of the godparents are secret, and you were very slow to share images of the child. Why?

At this point, Meghan would probably stumble a bit, perhaps try to repeat her practiced paragraph about privacy, maybe smile and giggle in an attempt to be charming.

I would then go in for the kill.

Is the reason there's so much secrecy because your child was born to a surrogate, and you do not currently have custody of the child?

The long silence 

Not expecting this question, Meg would presumably not know what to say. Biting her lip, perhaps. 

This is when a good journalist uses silence as a tool. 

Just wait and sit until the subject comes up with some answer, any answer.

Back in journalism school, we used to study how Mike Wallace on 60 Minutes did this. The toughest question, silence, tight focus on the subject's face to catch any microexpressions. Blinking, touching nose, looking away.

Meg might say, "We just don't feel the public has a right to this child," but her tone and timbre will be revealing.

Following the tough question

The surest sign of a nonprofessional reporter is someone who doesn't use a juicy answer to a previous question to build the follow-up question. 

(Celebrity non-journalist interviewers are notorious for this: they have prewritten questions 1-5, and darned if prewritten question 4 isn't going to follow prewritten question 3, even if the answer to Question 3 is a murder confession).

In this case, I'd probably say, If the public doesn't have a right to this child, why is he in line for the British throne? Shouldn't you remove him from the line of succession? Part of being a British Royal is being visible to the British public."

"We don't want to make decisions for him," Meg might say. "We don't think it's up to us to renounce his heritage."

But how much British heritage will he have? I would ask.  He lives in the US. How can he possibly understand British culture and British values? How could he ever lead the British people if called upon? He will be, quite frankly, a foreigner.

More silence, until she comes up with some answer, any answer.

Cooling down

After a run of tense questions, it's a good idea to calm down a bit with some nice positive talk that will put your subject at ease. 

Tell me more about Archie. Is he more like you, or more like his father? Is he looking forward to being a big brother? What are your hopes and dreams for your children?

If you have a very long interview, you can go through several rounds of this, tense to relaxed, tense to relaxed. 

But you always want to be able to end on relaxed if you can, so you can at least have the fiction that you and your subject ended as friends. (You never know when you might need that subject's co-operation on something else in the future.)

In this case, Harry will come in for the final half hour, and we'll get a little more social justice chatter plus some softball questions like What do you love about each other?

It'll all be fascinating. 


Teasmade said…
I would like to ask, "Do you think we're stupid? And that you could fool the world of women who actually had experienced pregnancy with that insulting rubber ball charade?"
I'd thought of nice, cosy, questions such as `Does Archie most resemble one of you more than the other?' Something reassuring, lull her into a false sense of security, but you've thought of that.

If only you could take Oprah's place!
Ròn said…
“How did the rescue of the penguins of Chunga Changa go ?” Are they now thriving in their new home?

Do you know what differentiates the Commonwealth and Empire ?

Please define Duty - v -Philanthropy...

Do you think it would look better to attend A a cartoon premiere or B a memorial for fallen soldiers - please circle one answer.

How many times can you insult Elizabeth II by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Head of the Commonwealth and Defender of the Faith ? A never B once C twice ....
jessica said…
Plot twist: Nutty IS Oprah! She did say she was playing the long game 😏.

J/k, great post Nutty. I have zero interview skills personally, and the art of journalism is fascinating. Loved the tidbit on non-interviewers and their darn list. Now I understand why those interviews are so awkward! The lead questions and tough questions, I’m wondering if Oprah is aware of all these issues around Meghan, or will they just go ignored? I.e. Archie, the birth, privacy...I’m concerned nothing we discuss here will even be asked!

We need a live-chat for anyone who watches the Oprah interview. I’m on the fence, would rather not, but now Nutty has me very curious as to Megs reactions.
Miz Malaprop said…
How about ... "Have you ever asked your father, Thomas, if he's okay?"
I've just remembered what H's comments about killing in Afghanistan remindeed me of, and why it chilled me - a TV documentary about listening to the conversations of captured Luftwaffe pilots during the war.

For years, it has been asserted that British civilians who were strafed from the air, even killed, as they went about their daily business, were not being targeted - these were `stray bullets from the RAF planes chasing the raiders'. Far from it, some of the pilots said it was such fun but most entertaining of all was shooting up babies in prams and seeing them `explode'.

Having said that, the main reason for bugging everywhere in the houses and gardens (microphones hidden in trees for example) in which these men were treated with great respect, was to gather intelligence from the high-ranking officers held there - the insight into their mindsets was a by-product.
lizzie said…
Excellent questions Nutty! I doubt they'll be asked though.

One area you didn't seem to touch on..."Your critics say you and Harry are hypocritical when you ____ (talk about the need for kindness yet haven't spoken to members of your family for years and have been rude to his grandmother in public statements, talk the talk about the environment yet fly on private jets frequently and live in a huge house, whine you aren't ok in one of the most impoverished countries in the world, talk about feminism yet depend on men for your power) How would you answer your critics?

I realize Oprah wouldn't ask those kinds of questions as many could apply to her. But I'd like to see M explain why she's not a hypocrite.
Hikari said…

How I wish you were leading this interview!

It’s a given that this interview has been both heavily rehearsed and heavily edited, If reports are true that Oprah has spent the bulk of two days with the couple getting material. I doubt that any spontaneous confessions or Visibly uncomfortable making questions will be allowed to stand. 90 minutes is a lot of time to fill, and a lot of time to trip themselves up, though. If Oprah skillfully appeals to Meg’s Narc ego (I look for her to open this chat with a lengthy reminiscence the wedding and what a glorious Princess Bride Meg was), Big O Might be able to lure Mugsy into a Couch-Jumping moment despite herself. Then of course toward the end, the ginger halfwit will be permitted to join the conversation and God only knows what kind of oral incontinence he will provide. Oprah’s motivations are all here—Of course she want to Boffo ratings for the win. She is a savvy industry professional and must be able to read the tea leaves; after a recent events and statements from Buckingham Palace, this interview may represent the last and only time Oprah is going to be able to cash in On them as commodities. Particularly if PP Goes to his reward soon, and more scathing statements emanate from the Palace—Harry is finished as a viable commodity. If he is, then so is Meg. Who would want to align themselves professionally, and shell out millions of dollars to two slacker caustic whiners who put Harry’s globally beloved grandfather in his grave? PP entrusted This halfwit ingrate With his most cherished military patronages, And this is how he is repaid. For the rest of his life, Harry is not going to be able to dodge accusations that his behavior had a deletorious effect on his grandparents twilight years. Even after the inevitable day when Meg is no longer a part of his life, he’s going to have to carry that forever.

It will be indeed interesting to see if Oprah insisted On access to Archie as part of the agreement for this interview. My feeling is, if Oprah can’t entice Smeg To show off her son, the child does not exist, at least with her as the mother. So if Archie does not appear, and is only talked about “off stage”, I am taking that as a sign that the whole pregnancy was a fraud. It will be interesting also to see how Oprah address is the new Bump. I’m pretty sure Oprah knows a lot of truths—She has access to the best information gatherers in the business. To what degree she is going to share, or intimate, those truths, or challenge the accepted fictions Meg has set up About her pre-marriage career, family life, motherhood, and post Megxit goals remains to be seen. It’s hard for me to believe that Oprah would want to be maligned and reviled buy the royal family in perpetuity after this. The Harkles are of no professional use to her After this one shot. Frankly, she demeans herself by associating with these tarnished black sheep, and this pseudo Black woke princess want to be. Megxit self-proclaimed black experience is such blatant self-promotion— why wouldn’t someone like Oprah take offense at someone like Meg, able to pass for white, completely deny her African-American heritage all her life until it became a huge moneymaker? Point being, If Oprah sets fire to Meg and watches her burn with glee and films it all, She loses nothing. Her own unimpeachable black will credentials will insulate her from challenges of racism, since Oprah is way more black than Megan, the WOC pretender.

If Oprah sucks up to the Harkles and dishes up only Glowing soft soap, Rubberstamping all the lies, she will have admitted that she is finished, and she will be devaluing herself to something below Sparkle And her “star power”. Is the queen of daytime TV really going to play Stepinfetchit to Queen Meghan? What a come down that would be. Let’s hope that Oprah is playing a Slowly slowly catch trickee monkey gambit.

Crumpet said…
Hello All Nutties,

Brilliant posts all Nutties (thank you for article posters especially), I can't keep up. Lord Opus, loved your last post in the previous blog and @Ant the fairy godmother letter to the Queen (I wish you had a wand to waive) and Hikari well what can I say.

My simple question to ask the SMEGS, Do you want the titles?

If they say, then why the complaining, why even this interview. If they say, no, because they escaped the plantation and have found freedom, well, that makes it easy for HM to do her job.
Nutty Flavor said…
Good points all. I agree with Hikari that if Archie doesn't show up for this interview, there will be many questions raised. @TorontoPaper1 keeps talking about a child actor - who knows.

One thing we haven't brought up yet are the inevitable Diana comparisons in the interview. "What do you think you've learned from Diana's experience?" to Meghan, and perhaps "How often do you think of your mother?" to Harry.
Nutty Flavor said…
I agree with Lizzie that difficult questions will probably not be asked - it's common to "blacklist" topics before a big celebrity interview. (Paul McCartney, for example, will not speak about either Heather Mills or his teenage daughter with her, Beatrice.)

But yeah, if Archie is fake, Oprah knows that. Wasn't it supposedly Elton John that set Meghan and Harry up with his surrogate or surrogate agent? If Elton knows, I'm sure Oprah knows.
NeutralObserver said…
Great post Nuttie. We non-journalists aren't aware of the tricks of the trade which make a memorable interview. I'm kinda skeptical that Oprah is going to put Megs on the spot, judging by all the dots she's connected for them, Tyler Perry, lattes, etc.

Don't know if anyone's mentioned this story from the Mirror which says the Oprah interview was taped before the Queen yanked the patronages, & is now being re-edited.

“Neither the Sussexes nor the TV crew saw the fallout of their interview leading to this. Harry and Meghan thought they would retain their roles.“But things have significantly changed for them since they eagerly sat for Winfrey and poured their hearts out.”
Nutty Flavor said…
And @Jessica, I think a live chat would be great. Not sure I will be here - the show would be in the middle of the night for me - but it sounds fun.
Nutty Flavor said…
@Neutral Observer, thank you.

The way I understood it was that Harry was pushing for a decision on the roles so that they could schedule the Oprah interview, which the BRF did not know about.

The decision had been made, but not formally announced, when the BRF learned about the interview. Apparently the Oprah people asked ITV for permission to rerun the Tom Bradby interview in South Africa and that was how the news leaked out.

At any rate, that's how I understood it.
AnT said…
Great post, and great questions.

@Ron, hilarious 👏 would it look better to attend A a cartoon premiere or....

@jessica, oooh that would be a twist! Or maybe Nutty is the little-seen Doria: social worker, travel agent, and smooth CBS bureau reporter! Which I think makes.... charade Markus, and abbyh Gayle?

@Hikari, I hope Oprah reads what you wrote. She would need to lie down for an hour in soft jersey knitwear, but she would proceed.


Jdubya said…
Well, it isn't a live chat so the results will be heavily edited. Although there is only so much Oprah can do with them and their attitudes. The questions we would like answers to probably won't be asked.

will O bring up the Archie birth controversy? Did you use a surrogate? What day was Archie actually born? There are rumors you used a fake baby/doll in some of the appearances. Is that true (& show the photo's with the alleged fake baby)?

This would be a chance for M to address every so called lie the press has written about her. O can just go down the list and say -what's the truth? And it would be amazing if after wards someone came forward with the proof that she lied.

Oprah - she is cagey. If she was really asking the hard questions that M&H don't want to answer, M would end the interview and try to get it shelved. If O is unhappy with the interview, she could edit it to hang them out to dry.

should be interesting............

"If Oprah sucks up to the Harkles and dishes up only Glowing soft soap, Rubberstamping all the lies, she will have admitted that she is finished, and she will be devaluing herself to something below Sparkle And her “star power”. Is the queen of daytime TV really going to play Stepinfetchit to Queen Meghan? What a come down that would be. Let’s hope that Oprah is playing a Slowly slowly catch trickee monkey gambit."
That's exactly what Oprah will do. The questions have been in the works for far more than the two days that has been reported. Every article makes the point that Oprah worked on this from her house in Hawaii. These people have phones, and I'm sure that The Harkles and Oprah have been working on this for some time. Each question and answer will have been gone over in advance, and if they made a mistake, they will just re-record it.

Oprah has no interest in getting to the truth or getting some great tea. Her only interest is in herself and how to make money off of the Harkles. She is as big of a narc as MM. She is using them to keep herself relevant when she is far past her prime, and The Harkles are using her to get more press and to explain to the world just how horribly they've been treated by the BRF.

I have no questions to ask the Harkles. Why ask them anything when you know that their answers will not be truthful? Any answer that they will give will be to put themselves in the most favorable light.

The one thing I'd love to see is a call-in format in which the public can call in to ask the Harkles any question, no limits. That would be prime time gold.

NeutralObserver said…
@Nutty, The Mirror story, which has a time stamp of 18:34, 21 FEB 2021, seems to indicate that the Harkles seemed to think they were still half-in, half-out royals when they taped the interview, & your information seems to show that the Harkles just wanted to schedule the interview here in the US. Could it be that the Harkles were blindsided in this latest antic of theirs? The RF had already made its decision, but decided to speed up the process. I would love to know what the Big-O & the Harkles are planning now?
Jdubya said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mischief Girl said…
Daaaayum, Nutty!

You'd be brilliant for this interview!

I can absolutely hear Oprah parroting back what H&M just told her. Oprah is a great "repeater". She does it in almost every interview, on every show.

"Live your best life, people. Live. Your. Beeeeeest! Life!"

Guest: "I felt I didn't deserve anything better.
Oprah: "I felt I didn't deserve anything better." (another pause) "That's powerful stuff."

Harry: "I was the second son, but I'm not going to be second in my life."
Oprah: "I'm not going to be second in my life. Beautiful!"

Meghan: "Service is universal. Kindness is universal."
Oprah: "Kindness is universal. YES!! Kindness is universal. Take note of that everyone!"

Oprah: "I love oat milk lattes! I. LOOOOOVE! Oat milk lattes!"

I could go on for days with this.

I hope you're not Oprah, Nutty, because I think she's a big fake.
Jdubya said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jdubya said…

The news was broken in a Zoom call between just them.

Sources said although Meghan did not directly take part in talks “she was felt to be in the background in the room at the time.”

Harry was rebuffed after asking if he and Meghan could keep their treasured titles.

It is understood the Queen stuck to terms already agreed at the January 2020 Sandringham summit.

Her Majesty told Harry: “If you don’t want to continue royal life then I’m taking back the pat­ronages and titles.”

The Sun on Sunday can also reveal William and Harry had no one-to-one chat during the talks.

On Tuesday the Queen spoke to UK Ambassador to the US Dame Karen Pierce.

Buckingham Palace said the call was routine but insiders said it was unthinkable that Harry and Meghan would not have been mentioned.

Although the family talks were described as amicable there were tensions behind the scenes.

"The way I understood it was that Harry was pushing for a decision on the roles so that they could schedule the Oprah interview, which the BRF did not know about.

The decision had been made, but not formally announced, when the BRF learned about the interview. Apparently the Oprah people asked ITV for permission to rerun the Tom Bradby interview in South Africa and that was how the news leaked out."
Yes, that's the story that is going around right now, except that ITV called BP to confirm/get a comment, and that's when the BRF found out. Who knows if the story will change in the future, as so many of MM's stories do.
Jdubya said…
The Sussexes said the change had been dictated by the Palace. But the Palace said her name was removed by her own royal staff.

The row erupted as it was emerging Harry had not got his way.

Teams on both sides of the Atlantic knew the Megxit decision last week.

It was signed off around the time Meghan won her privacy case against The Mail on Sunday.

The couple signed the Oprah deal last weekend and the interview was in the can within five days.

The final Megxit deal was announced at midday on Friday.

But such were the disagreements, the two sides did not draw up joint statements as they did in January 2020.
NeutralObserver said…
@Jdubya, I agree with the Lipstick Alley poster, it will be an unwatchable Harkle infomercial. I'm not sure there's a lot of interest in a 'woke' version of Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous right now, though. The Harkles' pre Megxit, pre Covid stuff, when they were still senior royals, got anemic ratings here in the US. Nancy Pelosi got slammed when she accidentally showed her $20,000 refrigerators. Maybe the Harkles will stick to the wooden bench or lying on the ground outside their MacMansion.
Humor Me said…
So many questions.....

Why did you give up a platform that was already there, that with time, you could use to elevate your causes and important issues?

What exactly was the racism you experienced from the members of the royal family?

What is Harry's place in the royal family - it appears he thought one thing and then experienced another.

What is your relationship with your father now?

What is a life of service? Why couldn't you do that in England? why here in the U.S.?

Is Archie is line for the Throne? Yes or No. If no, why?

Will you return for future funerals? what do you expect your place to be - with the family or separate? will you be in the funeral march?


Soft knitwear for Oprah? Only cashmere will do, dahling!
AnT said…
My questions, following Nutty’s rules of successful engagement:

Q: You were a beautiful bride! We saw your sensitivity for fashion and design in the gown and stunning bespoke Commonwealth veil, a true regal Princess captivating the hearts little girls the world over! So, how it did compare to your first two American weddings? Did you really mask the smell of the cathedral by burning bowls of schwag ganja in honor of your second wedding, and is that why Harry’s family looked horrified? Or was it a special candle? And I have to ask, were you you really stupid enough to blow the bag by demanding the queen’s best tiara as your wedding hat? By the way I love your shoes! I think we wear the same size!

Q2: I think the entire planet was captivated by the grace and calm, regal demeanor of your mother Doria at both the cookbook launch and the royal wedding. Prince Charles certainly seemed taken with her as well! Did she enjoy her visits to London? What did she like best? The historic buildings? The shopping? The nine million dollars from your down low merching deals she is said to have slipped out of the country with? How do you explain this photo of her at an LA ATM checking her account balance? She works for the IRS, or was that Isis Yoga? What is it like to be so limber and sleek from yoga like your beautiful mother, as you are obviously a woman who spent much of her life bending over and contorting herself to succeed? You have quite a bikini body! Do you like yachts? Have you been on Geffen’s? I’ll introduce you!

Q3: Harry made the world take you into its arms when he said you finally had the family you never had. I know I cried a little when I heard that! You must feel so loved! Do you make the child actors playing Archie feel loved too, or do you just pay them? Some people say the child doesn’t seem to know you, or is that just genetics since you don’t seem to know your father anymore? If Marvel asked you to play Young Thor’s mom, would you do it? I hear they think you are a goddess! Those legs!

Q4: Favorite Things time! Favorite indulgence: handbags, perfume, organic vegetables, dentures, nose jobs, wigs, deluxe bumps, whips, audio bugs, or quinoa? You look like a handbag girl to me, I know I am! We will have to go after hours shopping in Paris someday!

AnT said…
@Mischief Girl,
That is exactly what O does! Ha, perfect reenactment as a reminder of her effusively nothing interview style. Nutty really needs to go takeover and reshoot the whole thing or it will be pointless.

True enough! I was thinking of her old orgasmic obsession with jersey bedding and robes. Scratch that, and make it 2-ply Mongolian.
abbyh said…

I would be asking a question along the lines of

Well, how do you see being able to talk about your "recent win for privacy" and then turn around to do this big photo reveal that you pregnant? Isn't in direct conflict?
AnT said…
@Neutral Observer,

That time stamp thing is fascinating— so you mean they called up to schedule the Zoom for their March review, and the Queen basically said what review, you’re done? Coooooooooool.

Lots of people noticed their patronages had prepared and even graphically designed farewells ready to post instantly within minutes of the announcement. This WAS a Queen Liz Ambush! Then she threw back a Buck’s Fizz and laughed! Wow. I like her even more.

Now I think the ice cold numbers guy that William just hired is definitely going to be slicing the Harkles to the bone, and sending Charles’ box of Harkle receipts to a lawyer and the revenue services. It’s war.
Starting out with softball questions is journalism 101. It lulls the subject into thinking they are safe. Then, when reporting a hard news story, you make the questions more difficult as you go through the interview. Unfortunately, most people who are constantly in the news know of this technique and don't fall for it. They know the tough questions are coming. It also keeps the viewers interested because they are waiting for the hard questions, which everybody knows come toward the end of an interview. Then you intersperse several hard questions in between many soft questions to keep them off balance and nervous. That's when mistakes are made and they release more info than they wanted.

The toughest interviews are when you are interviewing the family of a recently convicted murderer. You can't go in with the usual, "how do you feel about that?" Obviously, everybody knows how that must family feel. So, I'd always go into an interview with a murderer's family with the softball question, "What do you want the world to know about your son/daughter?" This gives them the opportunity to open up to you, and it never failed me as a reporter, especially when interviewing the mother.

The harder questions would come later, but by that time, I'd be sitting on their sofa, drinking their coffee and eating their cookies with the interviewee. I ask to see the family photo album to give me a rundown in the murderer's entire life. AND, I'd usually get a photo from them to print in the next day's newspaper. This really pi**off the competition because they could never figure out how I did it.

If you go in with too many hardball questions right off the bat, you've created a hostile situation for the interviewee, and that interview will be over within minutes. Reporting takes great people skills and psychology (I'm one class away from getting my BA in psych, but never finished because I'd learned what I needed to know), and that is a rarity among reporters.

Fifi LaRue said…
Brilliant questions, Nutty, but I think Oprah is going to play soft ball with The Harkles.

As for Archie, I will always believe that Amal and George Clooney were invited to the wedding because Meg assumed Amal had used a surrogate, and wanted a referral. I also believe the original surrogate refused to give up the baby after a few encounters with Markle d/t Markle's vile nature. So they got Elton John to find a surrogate for them and, voila, a baby.

I wonder if Elton John is providing a surrogate again for this baby?

So, some questions for Meghan: How close are you to Amal and George? Do you see them often?
To Harry: We know that your mother Diana had a special friendship with Elton John. How has that friendship continued for you?
madamelightfoot said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jdubya said…
Oops - i accidentally deleted my post with the LSA link that i found so interesting -

here it is again

Post #199803 by Strummergirl a t12:54

@Madam Lightfoot,

I was thinking the same thing last night. PP gets so riled up about things, that I'm sure that the extreme pressure from The Harkles helped to put him in the hospital. The poor man, almost 100, and he's being publicly attacked by his own grandson. It could go the same way with HMTQ, and that will be on the heads of the Harkles. The world will never forgive them. It is as close to elder abuse as you can get.

JennS said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pantsface said…
All valid questions from Nutty and other posters,none will be asked, it will be a snorefest vanity interview, slagging off the RF and the British people without them being held accountable for anything that has happened in the last few years. I hope I'm wrong but I doubt it.
Button said…
Oompa: So Megan how does it feel to know that you are one of the most disliked persons on the planet? That people refer to you as 1) A grifter 2) a raging narc 3) a yacht girl who specialises in salad tossing 4) Grip

Oompa: So Harry, what is it like knowing you had your bollocks chopped off and they are currently in Megans` handbag? Oh by the way, how do you like it when people refer to you as Handbag? Or when 99% of the world calls you Dimwit? When they say you have a brain the size of a peanut?

Oompa: So Handbag and Grip, last question. How does it feel knowing that you both are absolute pieces of shite for causing so much stress for Handbags` grandmother and grandfather? Are you honestly trying to kill them?

I think you're absolutely correct, and if there IS a hardball question, the Harkles have planned their answers in advance.

I really see no need for this interview at all. I hope that people don't watch it. I know that all of us are very curious, but if the Oprah interview gets good ratings, we're doomed. Then, all of the networks will want interviews, and we'll be listening to the Harkles ad nauseum.

Could we have one person here watch it and report back to all of us? That person could give a real time updates as they watch. I'd do it, but I cut the cable cord long ago.
@Jocelyn'sBellinis, I am curious about watching this evil trainwreck, but watching it would give those tossers what they want-ratings and attention. Tough decision. I don't have telly either, so it would have to be via streaming. I'm sure CBS will have it full-blast in every way.
madamelightfoot said…
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AnT said…
Thanks, that was an excellent LSA post.

Did you see the one two pages earlier, 6659, by tinuviel? She made a superb point that made sit up and say wow, like dawn had broken and sunlight revealed all.

Her words were, “....the thought occurred to me that Markle generally behaves as if the US cannot see into the UK and vice versa.” That she think the people in the US have no way to find out she was a shabby lazy slobby rude failure in the UK—— just as she seemed to think the UK had no way to find out she wasn’t an A list movie star from Hollywood, but instead, a Canadian cable tv part timer no one knew.

Think about works. She thought fleeing to the US would work, and be a fresh start because there is no internet? No communication between the two countries?

Jdubya said…
AnT - yes, I did see that one. I enjoy that site because, just like this site, there are so many differing opinions & view. A lot of the posts (on both) make me go - ohhhhhhh.
AnT said…
How did you really meet Harry, including date, place, first words.

What was the exact moment you said to yourself, “Yes, I should be a royal, a princess, I can do this, I am worthy”?

If you suddenly had to be King and Queen, how would you handle it? (I would be looking for a smile and rapid eye movement)

Why didn’t you get along with Catherine? Or Sophie, or Eugenie, or Angela Kelley, or the Queen? They are all working women, so?

If Covid hadn’t happened, what do you think you would have worked on in 2020?

Is Archewell a Foundation, a charity, or a business corporation?

What were your top five charity or humanitarian projects from 2014 to 2017?

How do you think the Queen feels when she hears you say all of these negative things since you left? How will she feel about this interview?

Say this sentence, but in French.

Say this sentence, but in Spanish.
Maneki Neko said…
This is what I would ask 😉:

- Now that you are in California, are you just surviving or thriving?
- How is this pregnancy progressing compared to when you were
expecting Archie? Does is feel any different?
- Do you have a birth plan? Will it be the same as the Portland one?
- Will Doria stay with you to help for a few weeks after the birth?
- Where was Doria when you were growing up?
- Has Thomas seen any photos of his grandson?
- Have you read Samantha's book?
- Once everything gets back to normal post-covid, do you think you will get any offers from Hollywood?
- Have you heard from the Clooneys recently?
- Your friend Michelle [Obama] is a powerful woman. Do you think you can be as, if not more, powerful?
- Michelle has written a memoir chronicling her life and experiences. Do you think you could write something similar? It would be absolutely fascinating!
- Have you started making plans for the next presidential campaign? What are your strategies?

luxem said…
My questions:

When you married into the BRF, you "acquired" a title - Duchess of Sussex. Now that you and Harry have stepped back and settled in the US, that title is incompatible with our way of life. So, what "titles" do you plan to earn here in the US? (President? Oscar-winning Producer? Richest Humanitarian? It certainly won't be "World's Greatest Mom"!)

What does "success" look like to you Meghan?

"What does "success" look like to you Meghan?"

THAT is an excellent question!
murphy said…
I agree that she seems to think the UK and US occupy different universes. That she thought she could get away with claiming the US doesn't have tabloids is evidence of this. People are waking up to the manner in which she has tried to 'stage manage' this whole shambles. Shame she didn't get her scripts mixed up and start biting her lower lip in the engagement interview. Wrong script Meg, that one comes later, you know, when you've satisfied yourself that you can kid people that you didn't realise how hard all this princess lark would be because you had no idea who the heck Harry was.
I do think Archie is real. There are legal barriers to any member of the Royal family using a child in a commercial situation and I think this is why we haven't seen him thus far. Of course, she doesn't give the milk away for free, so perhaps she's waiting until the Royal restrictions are fully lifted and then we might see more of him, although Harry might not be on board with her pimping him out. Archie, that is. Not Harry, although same applies. Lol.
Another legal point that someone here might be able to shed light on; now they are 'out' does that give the RF any leverage if they wanted to take action against them for anything said in the Oprah interview? H and M have relied on the RF not answering back but maybe the rules are different now; does anyone know?
And are they as 'out' as some claim or do they still benefit from PC's largesse? If so then surely that will temper their revelations?
@Constant Gardener,

I'm guessing that part of it will be on Youtube or other sites by the next day. I'm just not going to give them any attention with this travesty of an interview. As you said, what they want is attention, publicity and a massive audience, so I'm just not going to give it to them. I hope others follow.

NeutralObserver said…
@AnT, @Jdubya, The LSA site has a LOT of pushback on the idea that the Harkles didn't know that they had been cut loose from their patronages before giving the interview. (Gotta love those ladies, they're very shrewd.), but I'm too dumb to know how reports that the interview is being re-edited because of their changed status, & that they didn't know they were being cut loose when they talked to O helps them. The story just seems to make them look clueless & hypocritical, so why would they put it out? The story says the interview is being 're-edited,' not re-taped. If they're trying to say they're going to blast the RF in revenge, wouldn't they need to re-tape? You know Megs isn't going to say anything conciliatory after her angry 'service' bleat.

I think the Harkles, CBS, & Oprah are just desperate to get people to tune in. The idea that there are secrets that Megs can spill about the RF is just ridiculous. The RF's own national press has discussed whether or not the Windsors were all secret Nazis during WWII, for heaven's sake! Andrew has been called a pedophile, (he's a creep, but not a pedophile). As for racism, if Omarosa couldn't get anyone interested in Trump's alleged racist comments, (& you know he's probably said some stuff that's not PC), Megs isn't going to get any traction either. Her usual blather about 'kindness,' etc. is NOT going make an interesting interview. The only thing that would make me even watch the re-runs are a divorce announcement, or an admission of 'Archie's' bogusness. Com'on, O, let's have some sofa jumping! Make some memorable TV!
Lil raindrop said…
O:So M (that's what I call you now), The African backdrop where you yourself had to shine a spotlight on your suffering which had, at that point in your tour, been callously overlooked by reporters who choose to focus on the abject poverty of nobodies, rather than you. Now the backdrop is Covid. Again, your private personal agonies overlooked by reporters focused on the devastation caused by this deadly virus. Does it frustrate you when you have to constantly remind them of what's important?
Catlady1649 said…
I've loved reading all the Nutties questions for Oprah to ask. Thank you
SwampWoman said…
I'm with Jocelyn'sBellinis. I am not going to watch; I'll read the commentary. I certainly do not want to encourage the Harkles to set out a nationwide begging bowl or start a GoFundMe for their mortgage payment. If their allowance has been cut, they might have to go to work at Walmart and, frankly, I don't think that they are polite or professional enough. Maybe Dollar General is hiring near them. (I would happily contribute to a GoFundMe for them to move back to Canada, though, but I would require an iron-clad contract for the one-way airline ticket to contribute $5. Sorry, Canada.)
Anonymous said…
No one here needs to watch the Oprah interview. Harry Markle (and certainly Nutty) will take one for the team, thankfully.
AnT said…
SUCH good questions.

@Luxem, May I join Jocelyn’sBellinis in praising your question, What does ‘success’ look like to you, Meghan?

That, right there, is the million dollar psychological question. My guess is that it would cause her such an enormous internal struggle, or so much confusion (can’t blurt out world domination, can’t show rage at the implication she is not yet evincing success), it would be viewing gold.

Also — from reading the Mirror just now, it sounds like Oprah is doing more than editing. Producers sound peeved that this cut-off from royalty was unknown at the time of taping. And so Oprah has a few more questions for Missy and Hank. Oh, oh.
Jewelry gal said…
Meghan, you seem to be pretty chummy with some wealthy and connected Russians. Tell me, what are you giving them in return for the luxurious accommodations.... The Canadian mansion and mudslide manor? Nothing is free dearie....what's the quid pro quo?
AnT said…
@Lil raindrop,

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣❤️ Does it frustrate you when you have to remind them of what’s important?
AnT said…
@Jewelry Gal,

Ooooooooh. Yaaaas. Makes me think of those tv thriller whodunnits, when the frustrated detective takes a chance to catch the suspect by saying, “So, I understood you are quite friendly with a powerful man called Sergei......” just to get a reaction.

Which reminds me we will need to find body language comments after the program from that clever analyst. Bruce I think?
....Yes, checked, his YT is called Believing Bruce. His comments are legend.
Blonde Gator said…
I would like to see Oprah ask a stake-them-through-the-heart question, very sweetly....near the very end, when it's more-or-less Hasbeen's "turn". Address it specifically to Harry, but be sure to look from one to the other, as Oprah is asking, to make sure they understand that Smegs is included in the basic question:

"How do you think your Mother, Princess Diana, would view your current War with the Palace, in light of your news that you're expecting?

This, of course, will cause Meghan to bigfoot Harry. It ought to be a mess, with emotion splattering the walls!
Jewelry gal said…
Obviously I watch too many crime dramas!

I won't be watching the Oprah whinefest, but I can't wait for the post interview commentary! I'm sure it will be epic!
JennS said…
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SwampWoman said…
madamelightfoot said...
Additionally, I don't believe the People story about Eugenie's C-section came from Eugenie. That was an extremely personal matter but it may also be completely untrue. I don't believe for a second that a "friend" of Eugenie would speak to People magazine. As someone on this board said before she (MM) is escalating.

Well, we know who leaks to People magazine all the time and it isn't Eugenie and friends.
Mischief Girl said…
For those who can stomach it, there is a Harkle documentary up on YouTube as of this Saturday.

"Harry & Meghan: Two Troubled Years" It's on the British Documentary channel.
JennS said…
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I think the O interview was promised three years ago. Best collect now while you can. I also think they will basically recycle Finding Freebies but for the doesn't (or can't) read crowd.

I was under the impression that "service is universal" reply was three minutes after the announcement of patronages being regifted to other family members. That lends itself to speculation that Grip and Drip KNEW the patronages were gone (if it was a done deal in December) BEFORE the O interview.

DID THEY "MISLEAD" OPRAH? Did they neglect to tell her this was in the works? or did they really not know?

Inquiring minds want to know.....
NeutralObserver said…
The LSA link that Jdubya gave us has several posters speculating that the Harkles lied to both Oprah & the Royal Family. Not a good look.

For me, bottom line, if Oprah's interview is a compilation of the Harkles' greatest hits from their dreary little Zoom videos of the last year, plus some padding about their 'glamorous' life in a Cali millionaire/billionaire ghetto, it's going to be Zzzzzz all the way, & Oprah's career has just amped its rpms to deadsville. If she can can get one, or both of the Harkles to implode in an amusing & memorable way, she's live again. I don't think that will happen.

Nuttie's questions are great, worthy of 60 Minutes in the past, but I don't think they're going to be asked.
AnT said…
Another question:

Meghan, every woman has her childbirth story. Can you describe yours? What do you remember most? How did you know it was time to go to Portland? Was it a natural birth? How did you feel the first moment you saw your son— and how did you feel the next few days after? What was the strangest thing about being a new mom? How is this pregnancy different so far? This is such a girlfriends thing, so I thought it would be more fun to share your story today with my special friend, Beverly Hills ObGyn to the stars, Dr Wendy Chang.
Magatha Mistie said…

Loving all the great comments 😊

AnT - Magnifique 🥰

JennS - Arghhhh, your new avi
hahahaha 👌
Hippy Bong Woking ?
Sandie said…
I agree that the timeline is a bit odd.

The Harkles wanted the half in/half out deal and relentlessly pushed it in their manifesto and through their PR blitz in the media. It was clearly never an option for the Queen, and it seems she was most charitable in closing but not locking the door in case they (Harry) wanted to return.

Do the Harkles live in some kind of delusional alternate universe where they magically think they must always get their own way? Harry went on a military PR blitz to try and keep the honorary military positions even though it was not an option.

Did they lie to Oprah? Or did Harry push granny (because granny won't speak to Meghan, who lurks in the background) so that the drama of them losing it all and being victims would be part of the Oprah soap opera? Is Oprah a complete idiot who believes whatever the Harkles tell her without doing due diligence? Why does Oprah think she has the right to judge and pontificate about the BRF?

It is Harry and his royal downfall that Oprah actually wants. He is vulnerable and the best entertainment fodder of her career (and she really wants to humiliate those privileged white folk who have more status and power than she will ever have). Meghan is simply the means to get to Harry, through flattery. And if Oprah can get Meghan to diss the Queen and the BRF, she will regard the soap opera as a huge success.

I see that tabloids are still pushing the Harkles's narrative that Harry is self isolating in case he has to rush back to the UK if his grandfather dies. Oprah was at Mudslide Manor for two days, with her entire entourage. Did Harry walk round in a plastic bubble spraying disinfectant for two days?
JennS said…
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Magatha Mistie said…


I presume BP would have forewarned/sent them
a copy of their statement, and release time/date?
Hence HaMs forearmed, backhand serve two minutes later,
4.30 am Cali time?

@Magatha Mistie

I have no idea, that's why I asked. It seems they did know in advance but perhaps neglected to tell Oprah? Why else "re-edit"?

Everyone has done a nice job of inventing questions for Oprah.
May I add another suggestion (but not a question for Oprah to ask)?

What would you like to see/hear announced two hours BEFORE the interview? As in , no time to edit around?

For me "It is with great sadness The Queen announces that Prince Harry has chosen to relinquish his role as Counsellor of State. He will be missed in this Royal position but he will still be, privately, family."
JennS said…
Perhaps the only way to tolerate a megalo
is to remain permanently stoned?
AnT said…



Do you suppose they could have said “Archie” was staying with Doria because Doria was simply dying for grandma time?

...and so it was best to leave “Archie” and Doria in a Covid safety bubble elsewhere for stability while the Harkles decorated, “worked” and had a little second honeymoon in Oprah’s place?

Plus, they didn’t want to impose, with all their little one’s macrame project, guitar, encyclopedias and “feed time” essentials!

By the way, am starting to understand why people say Sam went crazy with qualifying quotes in her book writing about Meg! Yeeeesh.
JennS said…
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lizzie said…
JennS wrote:

"Whatever the circumstances I'm willing to bet they did indeed stay with her at some point.
And I don't know how they could hide an invisible child from Oprah as a guest on her property."

I agree with @AnT they could have said he was with Doria. Look how long the "Zanny the nanny" story worked for Casey Anthony. And she and her daughter lived with family in a fairly small house. And her mother was quite involved in Caylee's life.

I also think it's possible that Archie does exist and does live with them. But the Archies we've seen have been mainly fake. A doll for sure on the Canada walk, a friend's daughter in the New Year's Harry photo, and so forth.
AnT said…

Fabulous question! I know my answer!

“This just in: LA police responding to a highway call from a concerned motorist pulled over a late model SUV driving erratically on the Santa Monica Freeway. The car was driven by area resident Doris Ragland. Her daughter Rachel Meghan Markle Mountbattan-Windsor refused to exit the vehicle, then, when ordered out, began to argue with and batter the responding officers. When back-up arrived, officers found a male identified as Prince Henry Mountbatten-Windsor tied up and gagged in the rear of the vehicle, nearly unconscious under a blanket in the backseat. Prince Henry was able to tell officers the mother daughter duo drugged him, burned him with oat milk lattes, and planned to dispose of him with Russian killer friends, that his son was a battery-powered doll, that his wife Meghan was actually a man named “Lobo” and that he wanted to go home to England. The ponytailed Prince was released to the care of the concerned motorist who’d contact the highway police, actor Rob Lowe. More on CBS Breaking News at 11 after the Oprah Winfrey CBS Sunday Night Special: Meghan and Harry, A Universal Love.”

Blithe Spirit said…
Some great questions Nutty. But I fear this interview will mostly be a fawn-fest which will turn into a yawn-fest. O will praise Megs for her strength, her feminism, her letter to the detergent company, dealing with challenges of being a biracial Duchess etc etc as Megs simpers and in turn gushes about O being the best friend ever. H will come in to bleat about whatever Megs has told him to say. And we might be treated to a glimpse of Archie.
@AnT, that one is right up there with the Angry Cabbage post! So funny!
JennS said…
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AnT said…

I didn’t read Sam’s book. I should probably order it to support her side. But comments seem to indicate it is a little sparse on fresh information, and that it is written awkwardly with odd punctuation. A friend in Seattle says she is wading through it, and is a bit annoyed. But there are also very positive five-star reviews. Wonder if the Part 2 book might be a better bet down the road.

What do you think about the book at this point? Anything in it suggest additional questions for Oprah?

AnT said…
@Puds said,

JennS remember to never look her in the eye......set an alarm for ten minute intervals...

I am howling! 🤣

AnT said…

Thank you! Your brilliant question made me as excited as a schoolgirl!
JennS said…
LOVE your news alert! Laughed out loud at Lobo Markle and our hero HotRob!!!

I'm starting to think of this interview as Battle of the Narcs - who will come out on top?
Oprah may be a friend but she will want some BANG for her BUCK.

Oh dear, yes I better avoid her eyes - I'm actually afraid I may fall asleep during the show which is one of the reasons I plan to record it. There is no chance I will become a fan, however!🤣 I just might feel sorry for Harry though.
lizzie said…

I think any/all of the things you listed could explain using faux Archies. As to why, I agree it points to derangement. But they are looking more and more deranged to me.

Maybe it all started with there being a surrogate and the baby being a bit older than stated. Maybe M wanted to hold out for a paid photo a la Shiloh Jolie-Pitt. Maybe they just like playing games.

About all I'm sure of
1) Her baby bump behaved quite oddly.
2) No way that was a a child born in May 2019 (& weighing 7+ lbs) in their recent Christmas card.
JennS said…
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AnyaAmasova said…
Somewhere out in the ether is a comment Graydon Carter made a short time after Megxit. It is a great example of killing with a borrowed sword as I believe powerful Hollywood people picked him to spread the word. I can not find the actual comment so I will paraphrase: ----I (Carter) have a really good friend who is a revered and powerful director/producer. He told me that years ago he ran across Markle for some part and that he was aghast at how thirsty, delusional and greedy she was. Something about give her California and she will want Arizona too. And, no talent.---- Something like that.

As you will most likely remember, Carter, the former editor of Vanity Fair was sent packing the (day after?) the 2017 Grip Vanity Fair cover photo and article hit the newsstands. Then we all know what happened to Bob Iger. Then there is the entire Markle family, most likely the Ragland family, save for Dorito, Jessica, Trevor, Cory, Niki, various employees and on and on..... Where is Clare Waight Keller? Was she Markled as well?

So now she is going to whine and bitch about the entire BRF. I am wonderful, I am an angel, I did nothing wrong .... Kate did not give me a ride, William did not return my goo-goo eye looks, the Queen did not invite me for a sleep-over, whatever.

After the Oprah SS whine-fest, I think anyone with half a brain or any capacity to "hire" her is truly going to see how radioactive she is. (If there is anyone left who does not already know this.) Plus, the cherry on top, is that she loves to litigate. And, she has no talent. A trifecta of "stupid juice" (a term we use in finance.) The living embodiment of a career killing decision. The definition of toxicity. I would guess the US State Department has a full dossier on her (with the assistance of MI5 and MI6) and that most politicians, particularly Biden and Harris, have been forewarned. Between Carter and Iger, all of the entertainment complex HAS NOTICE. It should be full-on "Don't call us, we'll call you."

PaulaMP said…
Please don't give the show any clicks, I hope the ratings are low. As others have stated, we will get all the important parts from our various sources. I don't want to waste 90 minutes of my life on it either.
JennS said…
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lizzie said…

Don't forget your barf bag.
SwampWoman said…
@JennS @Puds

Blogger Puds said...
@ Jenns You will also need an emergency pack, 1 large bottle of wine, migraine tablets, headache tablets, energy drink, pop corn, good book, partner, dog, parrot, just someone there to reassure you you are not in the twilight zone.

Don't forget the anti-nausea meds and the sick bags for that uncontrollable retching!
SwampWoman said…
@lizzie I can see that we have the same reaction to those two!
AnT said…

Found a couple of your previous book posts. Your thoughts match those of my friend In WA, and a couple of other comments I have seen. But yes, I definitely saw your more in-depth commentary about the lack of careful editing now that I reread. I look forward to reading more if your thoughts about the book vs. Sam’s old tweets. I never really look at her twitter feed. Maybe she was warned by lawyers and cut things out? Or chose to save them for her second book.

Enjoyed reading your post. I hadn’t seen that Graydon Carter comment before. Amazing that she thought she was going to be a huge A list a Hollywood star after that. Did she never know? Reminds me of the photographer who, during her Suits days, described as arriving for some minor shoot in Canada with an enormous, ridiculous, Mariah Carey-level retinue. Yes, I think this woman is already Hollywood poison, and as you say, she will be radioactive after Oprah.
AnT said…

I just noticed Pippi Harry’s missing teeth and little flag. I am *dead* lol!! 🤣
HappyDays said…
AnyaAmasova said…
Somewhere out in the ether is a comment Graydon Carter made a short time after Megxit. It is a great example of killing with a borrowed sword as I believe powerful Hollywood people picked him to spread the word. I can not find the actual comment so I will paraphrase: ----I (Carter) have a really good friend who is a revered and powerful director/producer. He told me that years ago he ran across Markle for some part and that he was aghast at how thirsty, delusional and greedy she was. Something about give her California and she will want Arizona too. And, no talent.---- Something like that.

@AnyaAmasova: I save the quote you’re thinking about.
Here it is:

From a producer who worked with her:

Miggy said...
Snipped from the book-

"While her admirers commended her for her tenacity and toughness, one producer told me that he regarded her ‘an odiously pushy, voracious piece of work’. She was ‘greedy’, had ‘far too high an opinion of herself’, and was ‘a player who has a compulsion to always push for more. If you offered her California, she’d demand Arizona as well, and, if you didn’t give it to her, you were victimising her."

HappyDays said…
News Flash: Meghan’s go-to mouthpiece magazine People has a story saying Harry and Meghan are replacing the roof of a womens shelter in Texas, where unusual snow and ice has caused extensive damage throughout the state. Good for them, but do they have to trumpet every thing they do? Many famous people just do their charity work without press releases, but Meghan and Harry have to parade around in the public square to be sure everyone knows just how wonderful they are.

Matthew 6: 1, 5-6
Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.

But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
AnyaAmasova said…
@Happy Days

I am so happy you saved that quote. You know Carter got burned. Anna Wintour probably axed him.

Also, Jennifer Meyer got Markled and Jennifer has a solid circle of girlfriends.

It is amazing she thought she would waltz into LA and be the Belle of the Ball.

She is a nasty foul piece of tripe. She is like the poison arsenic lake superfund site outside of Butte, Montana. I wonder if the EPA has installed preemptive noise makers around Mudslide Manor to scare the birds away before they land on the lawn, just like they do at the lake.

Or, we have TP1 suggesting this evening she is not in Montecito, but perhaps at SOHO House WH? Is/was the Montecito mansion just a decoy rental?
jessica said…
I’m going to prepare some clips for Twitter share as Meghan rants on Oprah, specifically the one that comes to mind, “I can cry on demand, give me two seconds, ready! Go!’ When she starts crying.
jessica said…

That’s an odd thing for them to replace. Roofs are insured. The business has to pay their deductible (small, around $1000) and an entire roof will be replaced by the insurance company through a roofer. Texas law stipulates that the structure owner must pay the deductible themselves.

So what does that even mean for Harry and Meghan?

The roofing biz is big business. I have a brother who runs a roofing co in Texas. There is no need for anyone to replace one. Seems Harry and Meghan are getting a backend deal on this (happens frequently although against the law) or announced it an can’t and won’t follow through.
JennS said…
@Lizzie and SwampWoman

Never mind the sick bags I will have a large vomit bucket at my side.
I think I may add Advil and a Valium to my kit.
And a box of tissues in case I begin to weep in abject misery or potentially laugh until I cry.


Pippi Longstocking HillBilly Hippie Hookah Hazza lost his teeth when Lobo punched his lights out.
@JennS - I don't think we've ever said they're not deranged...
KnitWit said…
Oprah is an “ emotional” interviewer, not a traditional hard core journalist like Mike Wallace. She seems to try to get interviewees and the audience emotional. Happy, sad, nostalgic, angry. She makes interviewees feel safe and encourages them to share their feelings. Sometimes she catches a couch jumping moment. She is hood at manipulating the feelings of the audience and the interviewee. Frequently she steers the conversation to fit her agenda/point of view.

I bet a big talking point will be “ if the Sussexes are OK”. If she dares, she may allude to the Harkles actions consequences on their aging relatives, prince William picking up the slack, etc. She doesn’t have the rocks to ask Meg if she cares if the Queen is ok.

Second big point is privacy vs. publicity.

I hope she injects some reality into the woke manure the duo will be slinging. It would be amusing if PH starts in on travalyst and private jets while Oprah jetted over on her $50 million jet for the interview.

Archies birth and Megan’s exit strategy ( ie if CA was always the goal or she really tried to be royal... I think fortune, fame, a CA mansion and a title were her goal all along, unsure if PH was on board with that from the beginning or she manipulated him to that point).

Interesting that Oprah won’t interview PH alone ( maybe she is leaving the door open for a later interview/project)

Meghan doesn’t realize that Oprah and the viewers want to hear from Harry. We wonder how his life progressed from his mother’s son to the party prince to the military to marriage. Who is the real Harry?

There is a slight chance that M&H want to spill a secret.... surrogacy, exit, whatever... before the royal press or other source leaks it.

JennS said…
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JennS said…
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KnitWit said…
I am thinking of Oprah’s interview with Michael Jackson at Neverland. Most people turned in to see Neverland, not expecting any big revelations. Oprah asked politely about his friendships with children, but it seemed she was waking a fine line. I assume Jackson had preapproved talking points or approved final edit. If Oprah is too hard hitting, celebrities won’t want to talk with her.

I was appalled that Oprah was involved with the sketchy/salacious “ documentary” with two young men who accused Michael of sexual abuse years after his death. Oprah’s position seemed self serving - more interested in keeping in celebrities good graces than objective journalistic interviewing.

Celebrity access and ratings are Oprah’s values.

I am using Michael Jackson as an extremely biased Oprah interview. Never mind Neverland.

. I doubt the Sussex PRETAPED interview will be “ no holds barred”.
KnitWit said…
Pecking away on my little backup phone. Hard to edit if post gets too long and type gets too tiny.
I'd like to see it too, JennS, but could the papers get away with it without her suing again?

Would it count as being offensive? That's OK

Or invasion of privacy? Not OK.
WildKnitter said…
I’m old enough to remember Mike Wallace. HE should have been the one to interview these two. Either that, or Barbara Walters, who was famous for ignoring requests to “not ask...”
jessica said…
I’m definitely in the ‘we weren’t OK, look at us now!’ Theme for the Oprah interview. Meghan will want to mimic Oprah, allude to the thought that SHE is just like or superior than Oprah as a duchess and entertainment extraordinaire. It will be bizarre.

Meghan will also only speak to things that keep Harry sweet. Whatever narrative she has cooked up with Harry or For Harry, she will continue.

I don’t expect any revelations, or clearing the air over Archie. If anything the interview should accomplish two things: 1) raising even more questions for us here and 2) inviting new followers for her ‘woke-erati’ tour of Modern Mother Theresa/ Diana 2.0, how she miraculously overcame the great suppression of the UK to ‘find freedom’. I expect plugs for some brands, her ‘brands’, and possibly the book.

With Megs, the master manipulator, everything is foggy and will remain so. Oprah won’t be able to crack her and possibly even falls for
Meghan’s BS anyway. She knows an accepted Guru can make a fortune and I think Oprah is trying her best to make Meghan *happen*.

Afterall, what would this interview serve for Meghan to do an about-face and admit to all her coverups? Meghan is in this for Meghan.

Maneki Neko said…

Great 'news alert', thanks for the laugh!


I think all Nutties will agree you'll need to be awarded a 🎖️. The definition of this emoji is: 'A ribbon and medallion generally awarded to a person in the military for heroic acts.' Definitely heroic in this case. Plus copious amounts of 🍸🍸🍸 and 🍿.
TheGrangle said…
"Meghan, you've 'survived' a period of great change and adjustment over the last few years, which must have been very stressful for you. How are you coping with such a significant elevation of your public profile since your marriage to Prince Harry? I would imagine that under such pressure and in order to really 'thrive', the support of close friends,old friends like Marcus Anderson for example, someone who knows very well the 'real Meghan' from before your marriage, must be invaluable to you, both personally and perhaps as a couple. As a businessman and consultant for Soho House with its' very high profile client list, what kind of advice and support has Marcus been able to give you concerning discretion and privacy? And is he a good and attentive 'uncle' to Archie?"
jessica said…
For those that don’t know, Hot Rob has a podcast on Apple called ‘Literally!’

I’m listening to it now- who’s who of hollywood guests. But wow, Hot Rob is a **great** orator.

Now I’m understanding his bone to pick about Meghan a bit more. A bit competitive are we, Hot Rob :) (don’t worry, Apple is far beyond Spotify in the podcast wars). Meghan only got deals with dud companies in the world of entertainment.

Anyway check it out and listen to Hot Rob be a lot better than Meghan at the whole podcast shtick.
Following Diana's interview by Bashir, HM told Charles to divorce her. He complied.( I understand that, strictly speaking, the Monarch does ask or instruct anybody, she commands).

Were HM to command Harry to divorce the Harpy, would he obey?

I doubt it, unless he were offered a big carrot, accompanied by a very big stick. Removing their titles before divorce would only create more problems, such as her calling herself Meghan, Princess of Wales.

As it is, she seems about to move into full Fury mode. Any court case, whether a MoS appeal or a divorce would, with luck, reveal her to the world.

I've just been checking back to `The Eumenides' - what might Aeschylus have made of the present situation? Does our ginger Orestes stand any chance of survival and redemption?

I wonder if Rache's classical scholarship extends to the Oresteia? (Interesting that the play contains the theme of matricide - I do not understand how anyone can believe D's death was anything other than an accident when these two's sins are infinity greater.)

It's not quite a parallel - right now I've got a migraine so am not up to a detailed analysis - over to any other interested Nutties!
HappyDays said…
AnyaAmasova mentioned this tweet above from TorontoPaper1, but I don’t get it.
What does it mean?

Darling, how is life in your Soho-touched living "commune", now with less titles and title expectations?

Is it insinuating that Markus is living with them in Montecito or something else?

As for the patronage removals, I think Meghan doesn’t give a sh!t about losing the few patronages she had. She was just going through the motions by visiting them and pretending to be interested.

For the few months she pretended to be a working royal, Meghan was just biding her time as she quickly continued build up the victim narrative for herself and exploit the memory of Diana and Harry’s “poor me, my mother is dead” victim mentality to get him to move to California, which was always her ultimate goal. Remember that when they were dating, she had already portrayed herself as being next to an orphan, when in reality, she’d had lots of support from family and friends until she tossed them aside.

Narcissists are pros at targeting and exploiting the vulnerabilities and wounds of their prey. It is likely that on their first date, Meghan ripped reopened Harry’s wounds from the loss of his mother as a means of controlling and manipulating him. And it’s to Meghan’s advantage to make sure those wounds stay raw and open to prevent him from moving on.

Working within the royal family in the UK and The Commonwealth countries was beneath her. As is common in people with narcissistic personality disorder, they have overblown senses of entitlement, grandiosity, and superiority. Meghan likely views anything outside of the US as the bush leagues, which just won’t do for someone as grand as herself. Meghan also probably views herself as far superior to Harry, but she needs him for the titles. If The Queen removes them, she is a nobody again.

The royal family, possibly trying to avoid accusations of racism by Meghan, pulled out all the stops to give Harry’s sloppy seconds bride a grand wedding with all the bells and whistles, but yet she still complained she didn’t get the tiara she wanted and complained about the air in St. George’s Chapel.

As the quote from the producer who worked her said, “...he regarded her ‘an odiously pushy, voracious piece of work’. She was ‘greedy’, had ‘far too high an opinion of herself’, and was ‘a player who has a compulsion to always push for more. If you offered her California, she’d demand Arizona as well, and, if you didn’t give it to her, you were victimising her."

It would be surprising if Meghan ever returns to the UK for any visits other than court proceedings in lawsuits she files or a divorce. She doesn’t need its dreary weather, musty old buildings, and small number of A-listers. Once again, used somebody, in this case an entire nation, to get what she wanted. Now that she’s got Harry locked into a marriage, isolated him, and will now have two bargains chips and weapons, she’s pretty much tapped the UK for everything she wanted. Losing a few patronages that are piddle mean nothing to her.

TheGrangle said…
I may be wrong, but I couldn't shake the feeling that Anderson was present in the 'Duck, Rabbit' video.There is definitely 'Something of the night' about him.
Miggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Miggy said…
The Queen beats Harry and Meghan to broadcast: Monarch and senior royals will address the nation on March 7 in special Commonwealth Day TV address hours BEFORE Sussexes' Oprah Winfrey CBS chat.
Maneki Neko said…
While looking at something on Newzit, I spotted the Mirror mentioned the Harkles hoping to attend the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations. If it's true, how tone deaf can you get?

'Prince Harry is reportedly 'causing a headache' with a 'very awkward' wish for him and Meghan Markle to be included in the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations.'

In other news,'Judy Finnigan has branded Prince Harry 'silly and spoiled' in a withering attack on the California-based Royal.

Blasting the 36-year-old over his and pregnant wife Meghan's decision to give a tell-all interview to Oprah Winfrey days after winning a privacy case against a British newspaper, she said Harry had "totally rejected us".

Former morning telly host Judy wrote in The Express : "He’s just a silly, spoiled Prince who thinks he can have it all. You’re not a Prince without a country, just a rich playboy with a Netflix contract.'

Yes, that's him cut down to size.

jessica said…
That can’t be real! Lol. Wowwww. Loving BPs new media strategy. They are giving Meghan a taste of her own medicine! Stealing the spotlight back. They are ruining her PR career with sheer force, power, and money. Amazing!
Maneki Neko said…

There is an article in the DM that states that the Harkles already know the sex of their baby. This is a good comment (my italics):

'Rutledge, Charleston, United States, 45 minutes ago

You can chose the sex of your embryos in California during in vitro fertilization. It will be a girl named Diana "born" on the anniversary of her death or her birthday depending on how far along M is in her pregnancy. They will pick one of those days to induce or a planned c-section (sorry emergency c section for dramatic effect later). Everything is planned for the best PR with these two virtue signaling c list wannabe Hollywood personalities.'
TLT said…
You can choose the gender if you do PGS testing, but there’s no guarantee what you’ll get. My last embryo retrieval resulted in all boys. Of course, any normal mother to be would chose the highest graded embryo, but Megs doesn’t have a maternal bone in her body.
Sandie said…
How does a narcissist navigate the following dilemna (keeping in mind that rational processes do not apply for a narc):

Even if it happens while some kind of lockdown is in place, Prince Phillip's funeral is going to be a major event for history. He is not only the longest-serving consort, but has always been a dynamic and charasmatic character. Meghan the narc wants to order the bespoke designer wardrobe and have photographs of her not only as part of that event but stealing all the headlines and front pages (yep, I think she is that deluded). But, can she face Harry's family and all the courtiers? She did so at the Commonwealth Service, with flagrant arrogance, but can she do so again?

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations will be a major royal event. To be seen as royal, you have to be a part of it. Harry will feel it keenly if he is not there with his family; Meghan will be tone deaf to how inappropriate it would be for any of the Sussexes to be there after insulting the Queen and the monarchy over and over again. Especially as the time of the virus draws to a close as vaccinating wins key battles, people will want to celebrate. Once again, Meghan the coward will want to avoid any contact with the family, courtiers and British people, but the global coverage is pure nectar for a narc. She will be at least 6 month's pregnant by then and may think that will be her protective shield.

Unveiling of Diana's statue? Too close to delivery for Meghan to be there, and maybe even for Harry. Did they not work out these dates when they did the IVF? Of course not!

Archie? I would guess a 'no' for all three. He is her possession to be used for her self-aggrandizement. The BRF may not have any part of him. However, she may have become attached already to this second child in the hopes she will have the cute self-promoting connection she does not have with Archie, and thus let Archie 'be released' from her control and be used as a part of manipulating Harry's family by granting access to him.
abbyh said…
I saw the DM that they were donating to specifically replace the roof. I agree with you Happy Days about their ever so public display of Lady Bountiful.

I suspect it is designed to compliment the earlier one about service is universal.

Jessica, did not know that little tidbit about Texas law and insurance.

Charity Navigator only has them as a 2 star.
jessica said…

If true, then they are *donating* to the charity. Then the charity would be replacing their own roof. The charity could use the *donation* as incoming revenue, towards paying the deductible and fixing the roof, but this means Harry and Meghan have given them less than $2k. Which makes sense for the duo. Promoting it as replacing an entire roof (dependent on size, average between $20-30k for standard home to $140k for mansion size) is giving the appearance they are donating much more than they are. Vile pair!
jessica said…
Meghan probably had their roof replaced on Montecito Manor and realized what she could do to appear charitable without spending money. She doesn’t come up with original ideas anyway. Or Oprah told her. Either way, this is in line with their *effort* which = smallest output for MAX publicity. It’s all an investment in PR game for Megs. All do it.
jessica said…
Sandie, I don’t think Meghan will ever be seen with the BRF again. She is person non-grata.
NeutralObserver said…
If, as it seems, they didn't tell Oprah about the loss of their patronages, ie much of what royal status & ties they have, & they didn't tell Gran about the upcoming interview, THIS,THIS is why no believes anything they say or do, including 'births' & 'pregnancies.' No wonder the RF issued only a brief & cryptic statement basically just wishing them well when they announced the 'pregnancy,' which may in fact be real, & perhaps even conceived in the old-fashioned way. LOL. Who knows?

I feel that the Harkles probably taped a woke 'Lifestyles of the Bitch & Famous,' with Oprah in her best unctuous mode, while Megs plugs Archewell, their Netflix & Spotify stuff. It will be Oprah fawns while the nation yawns.

Is Oprah furious now because she was deceived? That's why I wished I knew what the trio of conspirators are thinking & saying now. Actually, only Megs & O would be interesting. Hairy is probably locked in the closet with the dolls.

If the RF influenced Warby in her privacy case, it is really going to turn around and bite them. If that was the case, you kind of sense Charles' bad judgement. He just doesn't have street smarts.
Elsbeth1847 said…
You know what's interesting about the Genesis roof problem?

The damage shown comes from broken pipes in the transitional house. I have a friend who had four pipes break during the recent freeze and the whole house will need gutting. Very serious damage. Apparently putting your water heater in the attic is the thing to do.

But, the pictures show the damage to ceilings although the roof is what keeps getting mentioned. And it is now reopened as of the 20th.

So I am left wondering ...

yeah, the roof might be compromised but I would expect to see more damage in the photos if so. And this level of damage doesn't look all that bad. Inconvenient on every level but not hugely expensive.

NeutralObserver said…
@Sandie, You're joking, right? Of course Megs can face the RF & courtiers. She will be gloating & wear outfits so colorful they blind the viewer. If, understandably, most normal humans try to ignore her & give her the cold shoulder, she'll grin & gloat even more. Then she'll scream at Hairy in the car, & go bleating back to the US complaining about how mean everyone is to her. Com'on, we've been watching this person for 2 years, we know the drill. If the RF hasn't come up with any ways so deal with her shenanigans, they really must be on their last legs. They don't know how to adapt any more. It happens to all of us.

You're projecting your own common sense & decency on Megs. When have we seen those traits from her?
Sandie said…
My view (and I am often wrong, thank goodness!), is that the Harkles pushed for an early decision on Megxit because they wanted it to be part of the Oprah special, and Oprah was fully part of that manipulation. They played up the possibility of getting their half-in-half-out deal they wanted, even though they were firmly and irrevocably told 'no' at the Sandringham Summit, because they are tone deaf and it makes for great drama, with them cast as victims who have triumphed over tyranny and unfair treatment and abuse.

Surely it was not a coincidence that Oprah was there filming at the time? Harry and Meghan already had the final word from the Queen, who was holding back from making a public announcement, until the news of the Oprah filming leaked.

Oprah and the Harkles wanted to 'own' the final Megxit announcement and control the narrative. The Queen had everything in place (except replacements for the Harkles' royal patronages and positions) and was able to press 'publish', thus depriving the Harkles and Oprah of their carefully planned control of the Megxit announcement.

The alternative is that the Harkles lied to Oprah and she is now trying to rescue something from the mess.

Does anyone have a better sense of timelines than I have? It is a pity the Harry Markle blogger has disappeared into an obsession about titles because she is very good at (or used to be) putting together timelines and getting an overall objective view of events.
Sandie said…

It defies all normal human logic and common sense and decency, but she is going to want to be there isn't she? Prince Phillip's funeral, the Silver Jubilee, unveiling of Diana's statue ... a Zoom call from Mudslide Manor is not going to get her the headlines and front page photographs across the world.

They will have to protect her because the British public are not above throwing breadrolls at her!

She could hijack the unveiling of Diana's statue by giving birth on that day, or releasing photographs of her and handbag with the new baby (a second grandson/first granddaughter for Diana, Princess of Wales) on that day.
NeutralObserver said…
@Sandie, your possible Oprah scenario does make sense. It would give a dramatic structure to what is probably a pretty boring interview. 'Her Majesty casts out Hegs & Megs!' giving a chance for Megs at least to do her phony emoting, maybe Hairy threw things. Oprah might love seeing him lose it, if what posters here have been saying about her is true. Its hard to say what the actual timeline was, as some leaks could be from unreliable sources, & both parties were somewhat in the dark as to the other's plans.
jessica said…

Great analysis. I’m thinking that they were going to announce the END of their Royal ties too (without giving up titles), and get in front of the patronage stripping. Part of their empowerment story to get away from the big bad RF. They knew they weren’t going to keep any of that stuff going into the interview, but the ‘narrative’ is what they cared about controlling. Oprah probably thought Megs was a mini-me and briiiiilliant, to play up to the suffering and mean cold hearted BRF! They also may have timed it to be a whine-fest and woah is me, so when the BRF took them after the fact, they’d get sympathy after all of Megs tears-on-demand. BRF has completely averted being any part of Oprah and the shenanigans. I imagine they have to re-edit LOADS of footage. It probably looks like an ‘old-news’ strange interview now. Especially if Meghan talks up being Royal (if she is deluded).

I can barely read Harry Markle anymore. I skim it, but we cover most of it here. She/he needs an editor. I don’t think they understand the American aspect to Meghan’s motivations, or the Oprah thing. I could be wrong.
Interesting that Genesis gets a truly awful 1* rating for `accountability and transparency' - a clear sign that something ain't right, methinks. Could the Harkles already be involved with them?


I imagine that the Platinum Jubilee (DV) will be declared a State Occasion; a family funeral is more borderline - would the Duke of Edinburgh qualify for a State Funeral, RHA gun carriage and all? The Queen Mother was a crowned Queen Consort, other Heads of State were present. Philip wasn't crowned, he was first to pledge allegiance. Aquitaine, what's the answer, please?

If it were a State Funeral, they'd be justified in keeping her out. She wouldn't think twice about upstaging a corpse if allowed anywhere near the obsequies. She'd certainly do a Caroline of Brunswick and try to force her way into the Abbey. There are quite a few parallels between Caroline and Rache as it is.
jessica said…
I love the fact the RF will be on TV in all their glory looking regal and mature as ever mere hours before cry-fest self-absorbed Meghan takes the stage. It’s going to make her look TERRIBLE and manipulative.

It can’t get much better than this. I’ll be bringing my popcorn.
@Sandie said: `They will have to protect her because the British public are not above throwing breadrolls at her!'

I like to think I'd have intervened, had I been there during the bread-roll pelting, and given the assailants a piece of my mind - after all, it's not the sort of conduct expected of Waitrose customers, other supermarkets perhaps.

In the case of La Markle? Well, that's different.
The report at

repeats the photo of their procession out of the Abbey last year. The expressions say it all - Mugsy is wide-eyed, all innocent and serene, gazing into the camera. Everyone else looks grim, lips firmly pressed together. True, Camilla's mouth does turn up at the corners but I thinks she may be enjoying satisfying thoughts of revenge.
Encouraging news about PP:
Mel said…
Here's why mm is interested in and why she even knew about, the Genesis charity.

First, you know she has her staff trolling the internet for events that she can crash. we go:

The CEO of Genesis, Jan Langbejn, announced in January that Octavia Spencer, well known black actress and highly coveted speaker since she won her Oscar, will be the keynote speaker for "Dallas' buzziest spring luncheon", sponsored by Genesis.

"One of Hollywood’s most in-demand actresses, Spencer is best known for her portrayal of Minny in the film The Help, for which she won the 2012 Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress."

The conference is a zoom conference being held on May 7th.

Of course Mm wants to replace their roof. Haha.
SwampWoman said…
JennS said One thing I found annoying is that she says NOTHING (yet) about MM's bullying of other children and girls in school and college. I would think that would be something Sam would know about.

There was a rather large gap in their ages. After I left home, I really knew nothing about my younger siblings' school friends or conflicts. They didn't dare tell me over the phone in the fear that the stepdad may be monitoring the conversation (and he would be). I just got the happy talk that everything was 'fine' even when it wasn't. I doubt her dad would have told her anything about his sainted Meghan that would be negative.
SwampWoman said…
Wild Boar Battle-maid said...
@Sandie said: `They will have to protect her because the British public are not above throwing breadrolls at her!'

I like to think I'd have intervened, had I been there during the bread-roll pelting, and given the assailants a piece of my mind - after all, it's not the sort of conduct expected of Waitrose customers, other supermarkets perhaps.

In the case of La Markle? Well, that's different.

Oh, you are a MUCH better person than I am. I would have scolded them, too, for wasting perfectly good bread and handed out the rotten eggs I'd brought for the occasion.
Mel said…
Typo above...should be Langbein.

Also, just mm hopping on the bandwagon. Again.

She can never just originate something on her own, like say, Earth Shot.

She's always just sliding into something someone else is already doing, and then acts like she's the star of it. Everyone should be in awe that she has deigned to grace them with her Royal presence.
jessica said…

Meghan trying to be apart of high society in the US? LOL. No chance. You need serious cash and serious friends vouching for you to join that club.
Fifi LaRue said…
I think it's absolutely remarkable, not in a good way, that Markle told the RF to hide behind their sofa. She's threatening the RF! I hope Markle makes a damn fool of herself, and I hope Oprah helps her do it in spectacular fashion.
AnT said…
@Maneki Neko,
Boom! Judy Finnigan just became my newest hero!! “A rich playboy with a Netflix contract”!
Between the lines, I am hearing “Eurotrasssssssssssh”!

bootsy said…
Oprah won't ask it but I'd like to see something along the lines of:

"It is certainly true that certain sections of the Press don't like you as a couple along with some people as well. Do you think that this is all down to racism and jealousy, or do you concede that some criticisms are valid? For instance, your championing of the environment and saying that people must do more, whilst at the same time you're flying across the world in private jets to go on holidays and business conferences, whilst you're also living a consumer lifestyle of clothes, cars, houses and things like that which most normal people don't come close to."
Sylvia said…
@Wild boar Battle -maid asked .

Would the Duke of Edinburgh qualify for a State Funeral, RHA gun carriage and all?

'Prince Philip - Forth Bridge

He has reportedly refused the offer of a state funeral, preferring instead a private service at St George's Chapel, in Windsor, in the style of a military funeral.'
28 Jan 202

Picture the RF family attending PP's funeral in the uniform of their patronages.
Harry wearing a suit! (or worse)
Miggy said…
This article says it all...

Prince Harry needs to stop being a simpering doormat and man-up - PAUL BALDWIN
Acquitaine said…
@SwampWoman said…
"Wild Boar Battle-maid said...
@Sandie said: `They will have to protect her because the British public are not above throwing breadrolls at her!'

I like to think I'd have intervened, had I been there during the bread-roll pelting, and given the assailants a piece of my mind - after all, it's not the sort of conduct expected of Waitrose customers, other supermarkets perhaps.

In the case of La Markle? Well, that's different.

Oh, you are a MUCH better person than I am. I would have scolded them, too, for wasting perfectly good bread and handed out the rotten eggs I'd brought for the occasion."

At the time of this episode in Camilla's life i was so shocked that it forced me to re-evaluate my negative feelings about Camilla and the entire affair de trois.

The only information i had was that Morton book which had painted a completely negative, one-sided picture that wouldn't be dismantled for several decades, but i still felt bad for Camilla.

Imagine being so hated that FOOD is chucked at you. That is more humiliating than a more fatal solution.

That said, i don't think i'd be quite so sympathetic to Harry or Markle because there is no doubt in my mind that they are the horrible adults that thry've revealed themselves to be.

They are literally rebels without a cause indulged to a ridiculous degree.

I'm with @Swampwoman on the choice of food to chuck at them. Rotten eggs are apt for these 2.
Jdubya said…
Came across this bit of info :)

The Queen is to make a Commonwealth TV address after her annual service was cancelled due to coronavirus.

The annual Commonwealth Day service due to take place on Monday, Mar 8, attended by the Queen and members of the royal family, will not go ahead due to the pandemic, Westminster Abbey has said.

To mark Commonwealth Day, the Queen will instead share her annual message in A Celebration For Commonwealth Day, which will be broadcast on Sunday, Mar 7 on BBC One.

The Prince of Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and the Countess of Wessex will also take part in the programme, the Abbey said.

Those not taking part will be the Duke and Duchess of Sussex after their confirmation last week they will not be returning as working members of the royal family.

Harry and Meghan quit as senior working royals in March 2020 to earn their own money in the US, where they have signed deals with Spotify and Netflix estimated to be worth more than £100 million.

Stepping down as working royals also means the couple will be stripped of their military, Commonwealth and some other patronages.

In a timetable coincidence, they will be appearing on screens across the world for their exclusive interview with US chat show host Oprah Winfrey.
AnT said…

CONGRATULATIONS! ✨ the Queen obviously read your fun comment question, and rubbed her gloved little hands together and told to her aides, get me a tv slot two hours before that manky string-legged flute player my grandson married has her tv show with Mrs Oprah! This is war, and One wishes to be, as they say, the firehose! And find out who this adorable Musty! One had a pony named Musty once! One should like Musty to have a medal, one of the ones with the ribbon One likes.”
Acquitaine said…
@Wild Boar Battle-maid said...

"I imagine that the Platinum Jubilee (DV) will be declared a State Occasion; a family funeral is more borderline - would the Duke of Edinburgh qualify for a State Funeral, RHA gun carriage and all? The Queen Mother was a crowned Queen Consort, other Heads of State were present. Philip wasn't crowned, he was first to pledge allegiance. Aquitaine, what's the answer, please?

If it were a State Funeral, they'd be justified in keeping her out. She wouldn't think twice about upstaging a corpse if allowed anywhere near the obsequies. She'd certainly do a Caroline of Brunswick and try to force her way into the Abbey. There are quite a few parallels between Caroline and Rache as it is."

I can't stop laughing at these comments.

How far has La Markle AND Harry fallen that we think this is a real posdibility and any security at this occasion will be used to keep them out.

If she is allowed to attend, you can just imagine a Norma Jean-ed Markle, all fake eyelashes and wig, dressed for an awards show, visibly simpering her misery to camera playing to the tv cameras instead of the tragedy unfolding. Bleuch!!!

...but on a serious note, this is PP's funeral plan - Operation Forth Bridge which will be a mix of private funeral and state funeral like Diana's funeral turned out to be. Philip has requested a private funeral, but i think that wish will be ignored.

Personally i think he'll get a version of the Queen Mother's funeral because though he isn't a crowned consort he's performed magnificently as one and that will push his funeral into a state funeral for a consort with all the trimmings.
HappyDays said…
Marie Claire magazine says a group of nearly 40 letters from Princess Diana to a personal friend she had known since her youth that has been kept in a cupboard since they were written in the 1990s as her marriage to Charles was falling apart, is set to go up for auction.

The letters discuss her relationship with Charles and anecdotes about her sons William and Harry.

Hmmmm. I wonder if Meghan will tell Harry to sue for them, claiming they are part of his late mother’s estate and private.

At this point, I put nothing past her.
Miggy said…
@ Mischief Girl, (2.57AM)

Thanks for the link to the video.

I stopped watching as soon as she was referred to as an "A List Hollywood Actress." 😅

Acquitaine said…
@Blogger Sandie said...
"My view (and I am often wrong, thank goodness!), is that the Harkles pushed for an early decision on Megxit because they wanted it to be part of the Oprah special, and Oprah was fully part of that manipulation. They played up the possibility of getting their half-in-half-out deal they wanted, even though they were firmly and irrevocably told 'no' at the Sandringham Summit, because they are tone deaf and it makes for great drama, with them cast as victims who have triumphed over tyranny and unfair treatment and abuse."

In autumn 2016, Meghan gave an interview to an influencer conference about her ability to never take no for an answer, to always look for and exploit any cracks in situations that hold the key to her desires and taking a mile when given an inch. And to be relentless in her pursuit of a goal. She's self-satisfied and bragging in this conference as the interview and audience were receptive to her message.

Knowing what we do now about her, i'll add to your observations about her by saying she's the kind of person who needs to be humiliatingly slapped down before she goes away.

The BRF keep miscalculating in how they deal with this aspect of her personality. She's as shameless as her plastercone buddie Omid. Being polite might work in the long term, but this woman heeds a good slap figuratively speaking.

And that's before you get to Harry who was raised knowing that he could get whatever he wanted regardless of his personal behaviour.
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hikari said…

I stopped watching as soon as she was referred to as an "A List Hollywood Actress." 😅

I know, right? I watched on, and will finish it, but that was a side splitter.

Meghan is not the only party guilty of thinking the U.S. and the UK are in sealed bubbles, never to communicate with each other. For a tabloid-style video created by 'top UK journalists', for them to have swallowed that bit of Meg's self-created mythology whole is frankly unforgiveable. She can pretend all she wants that she was a global humanitarian/A-list star on the level of Angelina Jolie, with her own business empire and that despite it, she barely understood that England had a Royal family--she lies to elevate herself constantly. But the *barest* 2-minute Google search of her actual resume will show how far off the A-list she was. She did have recurring roles on two TV series, one for 7 years, which is a moderate success that most aspiring actresses will not reach. She's got acting credits, but apart from Suits and mugging like a crazed mannequin in a slip for 'Deal or No Deal', her credits run to fare like 'Hot Girl on Plane' and a couple of epically bad Hallmark movies. Rachel was the gal they called for strictly bargain basement slut parts when there was no budget. She probably only ever got union scale for those movies, despite never being part of the actors' union. And that would be a decent question for Oprah to ask Mugsy, which of course, she won't.

When you got engaged, you marketed yourself to the Royal Family and the UK at large as an 'A-list Hollywood actress'. And yet, you are on the record as actually laughing over not having a union card, but saying you did in order to get work. Did the producers of Suits never once ask to see your union credentials, or did they film in Canada to get around American labor laws for the film industry? Does this mean you possessed a Canadian actors' union card? Were you ever legal to work in Canada? You proclaimed that you were giving up an A-list career to marry into the Royal family, but had you not in fact been released from your Suits contract some months prior, after the departure of your co-star, Patrick J. Adams?

No UK journalist should still be falling for this ridiculous lie that Meg was a star in America before she 'dated' Harry. She was on one mediocre basic cable show that most people had never watched or heard of. Meg's celebrity was about two steps up from a car show model. Not even the D-list. More like the Y-list.
jessica said…

She would be a nightmare and fired at any normal job.

Do you have a link to this conference tidbit? Gathering ammo for D-Day.
AnT said…
@Neutral Observer,

I think:
* Megs the control freak and narcissisti did 99% of the contact work with Oprah’s people, purposely blocking H so she could lie about the bad state of their royalness. She wanted 95% of screen time, eager to get the program out before being publicly kicked into Commoners Road.

* Someone new, smart, and tough at the Palace (or a new super-pumped William) found out what Oprah’s people thought, easy, because Oprah isn’t turning down a smooth regal baritone, her dream interview “get”, calling from the palace. Thus the royals were able to ambush H on his phone call, the one where the reports say “someone was in the background” hovering though Megs was not seen.

* I sensed a displeased tone in article discussing the surprise of the producers and the need to edit and shoot more tape.

* Oprah, another control freak narcissist, is going to beyond angry, and planning revenge, even if delayed. She has to save her own bum and the special first. But she will finish Megs in LA, and move on. Even if she was told to feature Megs as the future dream candidate, the rogue moves and lies and new squashing by the BRF means Megs is probably off the the new world list, if ever on it.

* I think the re-edited program will feature more time-eating wedding and appearance clips, more serious doom music, quick view of the story of Wallis and David’s exile, much more Harry and his childhood and Diana and feelings, no blurred longshot of Archie in a hedge, and a bit of Suits and a world salad chat with Megs about whatever the hell kindness crap she spews that makes her look like a lunatic. Oprah will switch to a “where is Diana’s youngest son today” approach. She now knows the show is a write-off, and will reduce it to 60 minutes if smart.

Nuked Duke said…
Nutty, excellent post, and it beautifully encapsulates the biggest issues with this HAMS mega drama. Thanks for the hilarious comments, everyone! Had a wonderful time scrolling through them.

I don’t know what the fallout of this interview will be, but I know one thing for sure: we will finally get to see their faces clearly and in high definition, after all those countless badly lit, blurry, pixelated, hazy Zoom appearances of theirs that annoyed so many of us. Oprah’s team will film with high quality video equipment, and we will finally see M’s face in all its post-Megxit, man-made glory. I’m surprised they’re willing to have the camera on them for 90 minutes, cos imagine all the memes that will be made of M and H’s micro expressions and reactions. This interview will certainly be “pure gold” for the meme makers and comedians! (Meggie Foster, hope you’re ready! A reminder of the possibilities:
xxxxx said…
The Queen beats Harry and Meghan to broadcast: Monarch and senior royals will address the nation on March 7 in special Commonwealth Day TV address hours BEFORE Sussexes' Oprah Winfrey CBS chat

Just posting what Nutties have been saying/ This looks like "never complain. never explain" mode is out for this Megs/H/Oprah pre-announced and pre-edited offensive launched from LA and Montecito.

Q's Grey men are have fun
With those basking in the sun
In far off MOntecitO
With their biggest O - Oprah

Megs has hung all her hopes on O
But all ill will Megs churns up
Will only burn up
Her fading comet
As it plummets from
The summits of the sun

As Icarus you almost go there
If not for the Covid sphere
Impinging on
What you could have done in LA
SirStinxAlot said…
Has it occurred to anyone that O interview may be being re-edited to include some unsavory comments from H$M? If H$M knew they were being cut off but manipulated O to do the interview without knowing, she may be unhappy. Without the protection of the RF H$M are free falling. Like Tom Cruise after his PR lady got fired/retired. M has a reputation for being unbearable, if O is fed up, she may consider including "jumping on the couch" material. I have no intention of watching but look forward to the comments.
AnT said…

Great comment.
You are now to be commended for coining “Y-list” for our wigged wonder. I salute you.
AnT said…

Good point. You may be right.
AnT said…
@Nuked Duke,

Wow, great point about the HD!

Meggie Foster is amazing, isn’t she? Her Meghan and Harry TikTok videos have been hilarious and spot on. Also love her Priti sketches. I think more than a few of us are dreaming of a Meggie Foster+Andrew Lawrence M’n’H sketch special.
Trooping the Colour 2021 is/was scheduled for Saturday 12th June; it's just been announced in Parliament that the restriction on large outdoor events in England will be lifted, all being well, on Monday, 21st June.

Nice one, Boris!

I'm sure it's a coincidence - let's just hope that TTC isn't postponed. (Scotland & Wales will be doing their own thing)

re Prince Philip's wishes - that's reassuring, thank you Sylvia. I daresay there could be several options planned with a final decision nearer the time.
LavenderLady said…
@HappyDays said,
AnyaAmasova mentioned this tweet above from TorontoPaper1, but I don’t get it.
What does it mean?

Darling, how is life in your Soho-touched living "commune", now with less titles and title expectations?

Is it insinuating that Markus is living with them in Montecito or something else?

As for the patronage removals, I think Meghan doesn’t give a sh!t about losing the few patronages she had. She was just going through the motions by visiting them and pretending to be interested.

For the few months she pretended to be a working royal, Meghan was just biding her time as she quickly continued build up the victim narrative for herself and exploit the memory of Diana and Harry’s “poor me, my mother is dead” victim mentality to get him to move to California, which was always her ultimate goal. Remember that when they were dating, she had already portrayed herself as being next to an orphan, when in reality, she’d had lots of support from family and friends until she tossed them aside.

Narcissists are pros at targeting and exploiting the vulnerabilities and wounds of their prey. It is likely that on their first date, Meghan ripped reopened Harry’s wounds from the loss of his mother as a means of controlling and manipulating him. And it’s to Meghan’s advantage to make sure those wounds stay raw and open to prevent him from moving on.

Working within the royal family in the UK and The Commonwealth countries was beneath her. As is common in people with narcissistic personality disorder, they have overblown senses of entitlement, grandiosity, and superiority. Meghan likely views anything outside of the US as the bush leagues, which just won’t do for someone as grand as herself. Meghan also probably views herself as far superior to Harry, but she needs him for the titles. If The Queen removes them, she is a nobody again.

The royal family, possibly trying to avoid accusations of racism by Meghan, pulled out all the stops to give Harry’s sloppy seconds bride a grand wedding with all the bells and whistles, but yet she still complained she didn’t get the tiara she wanted and complained about the air in St. George’s Chapel.

As the quote from the producer who worked her said, “...he regarded her ‘an odiously pushy, voracious piece of work’. She was ‘greedy’, had ‘far too high an opinion of herself’, and was ‘a player who has a compulsion to always push for more. If you offered her California, she’d demand Arizona as well, and, if you didn’t give it to her, you were victimising her."

It would be surprising if Meghan ever returns to the UK for any visits other than court proceedings in lawsuits she files or a divorce. She doesn’t need its dreary weather, musty old buildings, and small number of A-listers. Once again, used somebody, in this case an entire nation, to get what she wanted. Now that she’s got Harry locked into a marriage, isolated him, and will now have two bargains chips and weapons, she’s pretty much tapped the UK for everything she wanted. Losing a few patronages that are piddle mean nothing to her.


Wow this says everything a person needs to know about the whole affair in a nutshell. Very well said HD!! Thank you for this!
Sandie said…

This article by Brendan O'Neill, a Republican, describes the narcissism of the Harkles very well.
LavenderLady said…
@AnT said,
Meggie Foster is amazing, isn’t she? Her Meghan and Harry TikTok videos have been hilarious and spot on. Also love her Priti sketches. I think more than a few of us are dreaming of a Meggie Foster+Andrew Lawrence M’n’H sketch special.


I don't watch old school TV nor do I have cable for the national affiliates but I have seen some sketches of SNL and though not as good as the vintage crew, they were pretty funny. I would LOVE to see a full on SNL takedown of La Markle and DH.

I have seen other libs roasted to hell and back so it's a possibility once they get to the point where us Yanks find them so obnoxious, it begs to be parodied. We're not there yet but if the Blind Gossips keep going, it will happen and not even Oprah can save their hides.

That would be golden as far as their demise in the US. It's the equivalent of tossing rotten produce and use of the ole vaudeville hook. George Clooney can be part of the skit pissed off his gourd on Tequila and drunkenly starts to insult the Duke and wife. LOL!

AnT, we need your writing expertise to create a SNL skit :D :D :D yet more fanfiction to keep the spirits up!! Go AnT!!
LavenderLady said…
P.S. just watched Meggy Foster. LOL!!!
Miggy said…
@Hikari said:

I know, right? I watched on, and will finish it, but that was a side splitter.

Rightio, after reading your excellent reply to me, I shall now bite the bullet and go and watch the rest of the video! 👀
jessica said…
Meghan’s reaction to the news said a lot. It seemed it was all timed, though, no? A statement that fast?

Regardless it was a f*-you statement. So either she went all-in on bashing them in the interview or she is embarrassed because the interview still portrays them as Working Royals with Titles and Privileges.

@AnT at 5:04pm.

LOL! Yes 'lizabeth and I (I call her "Lizard Breath" privately, it is a term of endearment) had tea last week. We thought what fun as we hatched this little plan.

And the biscuit cake was maaaaarrrrrrrvelous.


You are a true hero for doing this. I think its called "taking one for the friends"? Much thanks and it looks like you will have all you need to get through.


While I do appreciate the "Y-list" I think it should be that she isn't a D-list actor, she is a "Why?-list" actor.
lizzie said…

Thanks for the Spiked link. It does describe M perfectly. (And my view of TQ)
jessica said…

Just read a comment that Meghan is going to drop a bombshell in the interview about promoting something along the lines of rich people giving via philanthropy.

Has Meghan started an App for this? To skim money off of every celeb that gives to commoners, while she is the Queen?
@jessica, "Here, rich people, give me your money and I'll make sure it gets "distributed" to worthy causes. You can trust me, I'm a duchess!"
jessica said…
Sounds like it’s going to be a bit like go-fund-me?

She requested people to write in to archewell back in December, right? What she’ll do is offer her PR company to celebs for a few, and aggregate celeb giving for self-promotion via the platform (taking a 2% management fee).

Like how Taylor Swift uses giving as positive PR. That model but on crack and for everyone. Measurable as a tech platform.

That’s what I’m guessing.
@jessica, exactly. She'll take her percentage. She wouldn't know an honest day's work if it punched her in the face. Grifters gotta grift.
MaLissa said…
Hello Nutties!! Been away for a bit, trying to catch up with work and life. I've been able to come in from time to time to see the lovely and wonderful comments from everyone :) I saw this posted on Tumblr, don't know if anyone's seen it yet but it's a good read.

And so Harry and his first wife have "divorced" the RF (thank goodness) I think they may still be pains in the rears. Just waiting for what comes next - after the Oprah interview of course - which I will definitely not watch. Anyway, enjoy the article and have a great day. I'm off to work :)
jessica said…
I’m wondering now if Gates is backing her.
Sylvia said…
@Wild Boar Battle-maid

'Personally i think he'll get a version of the Queen Mother's funeral because though he isn't a crowned consort he's performed magnificently as one and that will push his funeral into a state funeral for a consort

Agree with what you say about PP's funeral he will get a recognised honour

'Personally i think he'll get a version of the Queen Mother's funeral because though he isn't a crowned consort he's performed magnificently as one and that will push his funeral into a state funeral for a consort with all the trimmings'

A speech by The Queen on her Golden Wedding Anniversary

Prince Phillip

'He is someone who doesn't take easily to compliments but he has, quite simply, been my strength and stay all these years, and I, and his whole family, and this and many other countries, owe him a debt greater than he would ever claim, or we shall ever know'
jessica said…
Service is universal.

Maybe that’s why she said that...
@jessica, maybe that's her new org's tagline.
Mel said…
jessica said…

Meghan’s reaction to the news said a lot. It seemed it was all timed, though, no? A statement that fast?

That would have been around 4:30am their time.

And supposedly Oprah was with them in the hours leading up to the release of their statement.

So....they and Oprah just sittin' around, doin' nothin' 4:30am?
Uh huh.
Sandie said…
I hope this link works ...

The Harkles advertising Archewell Audio.
Sandie said…

Harry looks like a miserable captive reading a statement prepared for him.

She does not look pregnant. What happened to the large baby bump?

Gosh, she has an annoying voice for me!

Another new dress? Isn't it winter? Central heating?
Jdubya said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
xxxxx said…
Just posting. Read this as you like.

The Second Coming
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
Mel said…
Mm clearly didn't know that the Commonwealth Service plans had changed, imo.

She was planning on overshadowing with her infomercial. But, oops, no one told her that plans had changed. Whoever has all along been leaking palace info to her maybe doesn't have access anymore?

The decision to replace it with a programme on 7 March was said to have been made at the start of February, before the Harry and Meghan interview with Oprah was announced. A Westminster Abbey spokesperson said: “The decision was taken jointly by the abbey, the BBC and the royal household about three weeks ago.”
jessica said…
Crazy how much BP is explaining their actions. BP knew about Oprah too, but they don’t mention that ;)

Re the Spotify spot-according to the DM, she is wearing a $4,000 Oscar de la Renta dress. $4000 could change the lives of so many in the US right now, ffs. Couldn't be more tone deaf if they tried.
Acquitaine said…
@jessica said…

"Do you have a link to this conference tidbit? Gathering ammo for D-Day."

Here you go. This interview took place a few weeks before the relationship with Harry was revealed.
YankeeDoodle said…
Everyday it seems to me great movies and tv series are being “updated” (this does not include the sequels, although most sequels, except for “The Godfather Part Two” is as good as the first. Well, how many times can Oprah bore on. I used to watch her while nursing my babies, but she became very boring and trite, with three exceptions, all in poor taste - the giveaways especially the cars given to poor women, and the backlash when the poor, poor women found out it is taxable, and that Winfrey had not bought the autos herself - they were given by the car company for promotion; Cruise jumping on furniture; her tongue lashing at the author who wrote fiction, not non-fiction; and my personal favorite, when Oprah walked out on stage, very slim, in pants with a belt, and pulling a children’s wagon full of blubber fat, representing all the fat she had lost in a fad diet, down to the ounce. Ugh, ugh, but eye opening, too.

Well, Oprah wants to top herself at the finality of her career. She will appear on the stage, with Just H and M squeezed into a baby wagon. Winfrey, bellowing, will say “This is what the Royal family has lost!!! And unlike my fat, they will never go back to England! And how can they, after this stunt? Oh, and here comes Archie. Yes, audience, you each get a free Archie Doll! Identical to the original!!! Don’t you live me? And now, a free child-size prison, painted to look like a child’s playhouse.”
jessica said…
Joe Rogan. The most listened too podcast around. Signed to Spotify exclusively last year and the change came in December. Joe Rogan brought the growth to the Spotify platform.

The statement makes it seem that Archewell Audio boosted their 4th quarter earnings. As If!!!

She Markled Joe Rogan for Christ’s sake!
If this is Oprah's Swan Song, so be it. But IF she would like to be relevant again or respected world wide again, she best NOT insult the CW. If she plans on marketing her special world wide, to insult BRF and therefore CW she would be limiting her audience to just America.

Same with Netflix and Spotify. I don't believe either company can afford to alienate other English speaking countries and the CW at large. Too big a loss of market share
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