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Public life, private conversations, and the Sussexes

If you fear that anything you say privately may be revealed publicly, you cannot express yourself freely. You can't play with ideas, you can't think aloud, you cannot debate and discuss. You can only repeat concepts that have been approved by the authorities. Your mind is in prison. 

When there is no distinction between public and private conversation, you can trust no one. Not even your family.

Which brings us to the Sussexes. 

Taking a private conversation public

During Harry and Meghan's notorious broadcast last week, the couple gave contradictory statements about an unnamed family member who had - in a private conversation - expressed "concern" about the Sussex child's skin color. 

Putting aside the fact that most families speculate about what an unborn child might look like, the revelation that someone had been "concerned" took what had been a private family conversation into the public sphere, where it was never intended to be.

Was it (supposedly) wrong that the speaker had felt concern or wrong that the speaker had expressed concern about the baby's looks?  

(My guess is that we are probably talking about a throwaway remark like "Maybe we'll call him the Dark Prince" or some other dry humor blown out of proportion by the Sussexes.)

Anyway, if the speaker had simply wondered about the unborn baby's physical characteristics, was the "right" thing to do to keep it to himself or herself, even in front of close family?

If we cannot speak freely to our family, to whom can we speak freely?

A chat with William and Charles

On Tuesday, CBS anchor Gayle King revealed that she had been in touch with Harry, who said he had spoken to his father and brother after the interview.

Harry told her that the conversations were "not productive", said King, who added that what the Sussexes really wanted was for the Royal family to condemn the (supposedly) racist press coverage of the pair.

Once again, the Sussexes had dragged private conversations with the family into the public sphere, spitting on the family's attempts at de-escalation and reconciliation. 

If I were William or Charles, I would be reluctant to ever again speak directly to Harry. The chance that he would repeat - if not record and release - whatever was said to him is simply too high.

Two ironies

There are two great ironies in the Sussexes' public release of private information.

First of all, Meghan recently (unexpectedly) won a court case confirming her right to privacy concerning a letter to her father. (There were rumors at the time that the Royal Family leaned on the judge in order to avoid a precedent that would affect their own privacy.)

Apparently Meghan believes the right to privacy applies to her but not to others.

Secondly, the Sussexes are trying to make it in Hollywood, where the ability to keep a secret is highly valued. (How many romantic leading men are secretly gay? Which goody-two-shoes celebrities have a drug habit? Who is funnelling money to left-wing terrorists or right-wing terrorists?)

Information is currency in Hollywood. How can potential business partners trust the Sussexes with any type of information? Will they run and tattle to their media contacts any time a business deal goes wrong?

It's hard to know what the Sussexes want at this point, but it seems unlikely they're going to get it. 


JennS said…
JennS said...
I found this just now on Gayle Kings Instagram. It's four days old but shows how much she has been promoting continued discussion of the interview!:

gayle king
"Many people I know are STILL talking about THEEE @oprah intvu w/ Harry & Meghan ..want to hear your thoughts on radio today."

The good news is most of the comments I was able to see were negative.
abbyh said…
Perhaps the reason the conversation was termed as "unproductive" had more to do with the fact that PC&PW did not back down and give JHAMS everything they wanted.
Pantsface said…
Lol @ SirStinxAlot :)

I for one am confused as to what the end game is - when they left/stood down it was explained as privacy and the right to be financially independent,as per their words on the SR website earning their own money blah blah. Now it's a pity party story of being cut off financially, having to use his own money for security, racism and bullying, what are they trying to achieve here? I just don't get it
Acquitaine said…
@JennS said…
Thanks for that very interesting rundown of the IPSO complaints!
Do you have a link to that info...did anonymous houseplant have a list of the IPSO complaints? I'd like to go through it if it exists.

I remember that story about the 'neighbor behavior list' being oddly debated in the media. If I remember correctly it was supposedly disproved. I think someone else was blamed for it (groundskeeper/manager) and the Harkles said they knew nothing about it. Do you know if they did indeed expose the source as the Sussexes? Now that we know more about their MO I'm sure they would be capable of telling staff to issue the list and then blame them for it.

What do you make of Oprah's false/misleading use of the headlines from various British newspapers in her show? I'm hoping ANL brings some sort of legal action against CBS/Oprah."

The IPSO website has a page that lists all the complaints they receive and the results. It's listed by date and requires searching.

They tend to be more discreet with royal complaints, but by the end they didn't care about the Harkles and published them publicly on the list.

The companion legal threat to 'leave Meghan alone' sent to them in November 2016 was partially leaked to this website:

Read the "Battle Royale part iii" article.

Anonymous Houseplant is working on an item by item timeline of how the 'Everybody is classy' PR campaign was ran. She's posted parts of it with a call out for her readers to send her any PR articles / news items that they think she's missed.

She's very thorough in her PR analysis when she puts together entirety of campaigns.

I agree with her in awe at how effective the "Everybody loves Classy" PR was.

The story about Meghan asking her neighbours not to talk came from the estate workers themselves. The order was sent to one of their community meetings. No need for special sources. It was very publicly done. IPSO judged the story to be true despite the Sun pre-emptively offering to delete the story from their archives on the assumption that royal privilege would trump the truth of the story. Harry and Meghan denied the story ever happened and when they lost they ignored the entire thing as if the story and the ruling didn't exist.

I'm hoping ANL sues CBS / Oprah / Harry and Meghan. And i hope they win and get the type of award the Covington Kid got out of CNN - rumoured to be $250M. The Covington Kid is rumoured to have ended up with close to $1B in libel damages ftom all the networks. Good job for an boy who only turned 18yrs old last year.
Acquitaine said…
@Pantsface said...

"I for one am confused as to what the end game is - when they left/stood down it was explained as privacy and the right to be financially independent,as per their words on the SR website earning their own money blah blah. Now it's a pity party story of being cut off financially, having to use his own money for security, racism and bullying, what are they trying to achieve here? I just don't get it"

Apart from getting money and security reinstated, it was clear that the interview was supposed to be Diana's panorama2.0 which sealed Diana's global celebrity regardless of the fallout from it.

They've tried every thing else to global derision. This interview was always going to happen as they told us last year in the days after Megxit. Then the threat was that they'd do a tell-all calling the family racist if they didn't get their demands.

Family still said no.

They've carried out that threat.

It might have worked if they'd carried it out immediately after Megxit because only royalwatchers and tumblr paid attention to their game.

A year later plus Covid, they've been exposed for the frauds they are and the interview has sealed them in as such.

Only Americans ie media and Democrats plus their sjw brigade believe them OR just love the drama and are egging them on.
Acquitaine said…
@abbyh said...
"Perhaps the reason the conversation was termed as "unproductive" had more to do with the fact that PC&PW did not back down and give JHAMS everything they wanted."

ShadeeRrrowz said…

“Perhaps the reason the conversation was termed as "unproductive" had more to do with the fact that PC&PW did not back down and give JHAMS everything they wanted.”

I think the Harkles think if they push hard enough, and dangle the idea of “receipts” enough, that PC&PW will give in. I also think that the Mugs firmly believe that there won’t be a real response from the palace. It’s a very dangerous game for them to play.

We already know that PC wanted to issue a point-by-point rebuttal but was overruled by the Queen. PW has already gone off script and answered a question while on an appearance with the DoC last week. We have pics of PW looking furious today. I think if they push hard enough, PW might push back with a public comment.

At this point, Harkles and Sparkles are just baiting the RF. They should be worried that someone might finally take it.
Acquitaine said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Acquitaine said…
@Ralph L said…
"Long list of ways RF supported MM beyond the call of doody:

Thank you.

@Hikari and @JennS: the link above contains another Document Anonymous houseplant put together to disprove Meghan's assertion in the interview that the Palace did nothing for her or simply told her to shut up and put up.
SarcasticBimbo said…
I resent the implication that just because I'm a Democrat and what most posters on here derisively call 'woke', I can't or don't see through what MM is actually doing. I equally resent my 'woke' friends who refuse to listen when I tell them what she's and Harry have done. They're so fixated on how wronged Diana was that they excuse away everything Harry does. It's extremely frustrating.
KnitWit said…
Everyone has so much to say that I can’t keep up!

I stumbled on a Twitter account that is a riot. Prince Hazza. It is a parody account of the dumbest dumbarton. I needed a laugh and got a few.

It may have been mentioned here before, just in case it wasn’t.. x
SirStinxAlot said…
The sooner PC cuts them off permanently, the sooner H will run out of $$$ and M will find a new mark. Considering there were articles published stating M was keeping a notebook and sending documents back to Canada for safe keeping shortly after we r marriage, the RF had to have know she was putting together her "insurance policy". My concern is the national security side. How much classified or confidential information did she collect before leaving? Who is she sharing it with? Russians, Canadians, USA. Either they still have their diplomatic immunity or the FBI/CIA/MI5/MI6 has already hacked their computers and got what they wanted. They are publicly threatening to blackmail and extort the RF for $$$. They are terrorists. H is an active co-conspirator and participant in this fiasco. I don't think M was recruited or trained by any Government, but they are both willing and useful tools for nefarious people. M is so blinded by her narcissism and delusions of grandeur, she thinks she can win.
SirStinxAlot said…
To all the Brits still feeling sorry for Harry, just remember that people cried in the streets when Hitler died too. Harry is a villian, like it or not.
Elsbeth1847 said…
In FF, the author writes that the reason M would not call Sam was that M feared that Sam would tape and reveal what was said (p. 177)

Looking back, it sounds like an odd bit of information to insert in here - why or what would M would be worried about being released publicly. It also tosses all the this is the kind of person this half sister really is to the reader without allowing her any chance to comment or refute it. It would, however, be in line with the idea of controlling the letter narrative and other narratives so that nothing negative is released.

There is something slightly amusing timing wise in that the very next paragraph is: "Meanwhile, Harry couldn't believe how badly Meghan's family was behaving. It was hard for him to watch the effects on his fiancee."

Going back to the something said (time unclear, number of conversations unclear) which were deemed racial in a negative way - why was it withheld from the book? It would have made a bigger splash.

And why wouldn't the book (which was supposed to be the great setting the record straight) didn't get the tears before the wedding correct? They checked all their facts several different ways and times for each piece.

lucy said…
Honest to goodness my first thought when I read Prince Philip was going home was I hope Harry gets on a plane and rushes back to make peace with his grandparents. Three seconds later? Oh wait..

To focus solely on business? They do not strike me as having anything to offer but smut, royalty, and racism. Someone will partner up to make money off them, most likely at the expense of RF. As for longterm success? I think they are both too personally unstable to come together as cohesive and successful team. Too into feeding off of eachother's delusions and incredibly immature.

Obviously they spend too much time seething in past so I doubt they have any ideas lined up to pitch for their future.

I am conflicted as to Hollywood's opinion of them. We know they are hot mess, do They? I was surfing internet to grab some points to make on last post and had to go through SIX pages until I got to an article that called them out on their bullshit. Internet is rife with not only the horrors of racism they endured but how evil the British press is. All these days later! Probably 35 articles until I saw the fact check on headlines. Was using google so I switched to other browser and same (scary)

If nothing major gets exposed to knock them down? I predict Meg being scooped up and thrust into some sort of "systemic racism" role (prime pickings with upcoming George Floyd trial) and Harry aligning with the Netflix new hire to exploit his family.

Logic dictates they are poison and not to be trusted and frankly pain in the ass to deal with but they will get that one shot as there is money to be made off them. Someone will bite, if only once

Humor Me said…
This is at least the second time that GK has made the statement - "they have the receipts/ emails. That statement can only be perceived as a threat to expose, as in blackmail.
I am furious that an American "journalist" or whatever she calls herself has stooped that low to fall into the aiding and abetting category of a duo who is blackmailing their immediate family.
I am angry that GK airs what is meant to be private conversations bewtween the brothers; doing so does not help anyting, especially your own reputation as a journalist.
Finally - my mind is blown that JCMH is disappointed at his talks with his immediate family. Gee - did you apologize for dropping a nuclear bomb first?
ShadeeRrrowz said…
@Humor Me

“I am furious that an American "journalist" or whatever she calls herself has stooped that low to fall into the aiding and abetting category of a duo who is blackmailing their immediate family.”

I couldn’t agree more. GK is actually working as their middleman. I wonder if she’ll be the one to go out in the dark of night to pick up the suitcase full of cash after PC makes the drop under a tree somewhere?
SirStinxAlot said…
Under a tree? Tsk, Tsk, it will be more elegant than that...perhaps a suit case swap in an upscale diner after having tea and cucumber sandwiches. Maybe, a fancy discreet hotel bar like Goring hotel.
jessica said…
They want power over others via public opinion. They basically are running their operation in Montecito like a poor-mans Mob. They’ll gain some traction, but the powers that be in HW are much more than Meghan is expecting. See: Michelle O.

Maybe Meghan is looking for a Hollywood power-player as her next husband or victim. There are some seedy people there. She’ll fit right in.
jessica said…
Who’s to watch right now is Oprah. She hasn’t said a thing except to walk back Harry’s claims last week when they all realized they went a bit too far. She’s been quiet since.
Midge said…
Thanks for the "Prince Hazza" mention. We could all use a laugh right now.
ShadeeRrrowz said…

“Who’s to watch right now is Oprah. She hasn’t said a thing except to walk back Harry’s claims last week when they all realized they went a bit too far. She’s been quiet since.”

I hadn’t noticed that. Maybe it was all of Gayle’s loud cheerleading that distracted me.

Your comment gave me a thought. There is supposedly about 3 hours of total footage for this interview. Now that Oprah and CBS have gotten this level of reaction, what if they air everything? Or, if CBS doesn’t have exclusive rights, Oprah airs the entire three hours on her network.
Magatha Mistie said…

So they want to make public,
others private conversations.
Whilst they live a public life,
in private.

Ava C said…
@SirStinxAlot The sooner PC cuts them off permanently, the sooner H will run out of $$$ and M will find a new mark.

Money is the heart of all this and it is the only weapon that will work. The Windsors are nearing the stage parents of a drug addict reach, when they have to lock their doors and windows and refuse all help to the homeless, broke, addicted person they still love, standing outside.

Harry is a millionaire, though surely he can't have much left with a wife like Meghan. The Netflix and Spotify millions must be dependent upon delivery of content. The only content worth paying for is currently flooding the market, becoming more debased by the day. Apparently given away to Oprah and Gayle for free, while denied to Netflix and Spotify. They can't be happy about that.

Make no mistake. Harry will run out of money. He is also unequipped to deal with the outside world as an adult. Meghan, on the other hand, is a piranha, but her habitual tendency to overreach herself is now playing out before the world. I also don't think it's possible for Oprah and Gayle to spend much more time hand-in-glove with extortionists. It's not a good look.

Add to this the formidable sight of William at the end of his rope. The Queen's way of managing these things isn't working because, let's face it, the Queen was never equipped to deal with someone like Meghan. No, William and Charles will take over by necessity, eventually, when all else has failed.

@Hikari - I'm always on your wavelength. It would be best to starve Meghan of attention and it would certainly make our lives more bearable in the age of Covid. However I agree with you that for once this would not be wise. Meghan has made huge inroads with people who should know better and 21st century social movements are worryingly providing her with the perfect habitat. Complete and utter naivety, parading themselves every day. So frustrating. I'm in my recurring nightmare of waking up in 1630's Boston. So, yes, we can't look away and we mustn't be silent.
jessica said…
Lucy, I think they got all they are going to get. I don’t think any large brand will align with them. By doing so, they alienate a lot of people and most brands aren’t in that business.
Fifi LaRue said…
If I was a producer, person of power in Hollywood, no way in Hell would I hire either of the Harkles. Markle with her incessant claims of racism, suing people, making demands of the RF, has a reputation as a bully with genteel people, she reeks of radioactivity. Harry is routinely labeled "Handbag Harry;" he gave up some vital body parts to Markle. Actually, both of them are radioactive.

Running to Gayle to report what his father and brother said is again, the man child sniveling in public.
AnT said…
@MagathaMistie said,



Sigh. Perfect.
Maneki Neko said…

Thanks for Prince Hazza, I'll look at it tomorrow. It's more like the Duke of Hazzard.
AnT said…
@Humor Me,

It’s blackmail, it’s treason, it’s bullying and emotional abuse, it’s prevarication, it’s foul trickery. It’s even financial shenanigans.

Time for the royal hammer, in my opinion.
JHanoi said…
I only read GK statement on the DM, but it sounded to me like she spoke to MM, not necessarily JH or maybe them together? She didnt attribute the statements to JH, just the sussexes.

And GK's statement was unintendedly interesting. She said ask any who has worked with MM (how wonderful she is). Uuhh duh, if you asked O or her top team, they would sing her praises. If we ask the people whorked FOR her, scullery maids or assistant to the assistant to the assistant, or others MM deems unuseful to get ahead, their opinion may be different.

Maneki Neko said…

Re Oxymeghan: toxic moron
Animal Lover said…
@Sarcastic Bimbo

I use to be a Democrat but am now an Independent but still agree with many of the Democrat's positions. Not all of us are SJWs or believe MM.

I also read the MM told Gail she was upset because while members of the BRF spoke to Harry no-one spoke to her.

As others have said here, I can't figure out MM's end game. Race is a hot topic now, with it mostly focusing on grievances of Black people. At some point this will change and then what will MM's PR focus on? Is she going to claim she's a Trans person?
Miggy said…
STEPHEN GLOVER: How on earth will lobbing yet more grenades help heal the Royal family rift?
Jdubya said…
I've kind of presumed that H&M record phone conversations. if they are in CA, then oh oh. Be nice if they slipped up and proof was revealed.

When it comes to recording telephone calls and other private conversations, California is a "two-party consent" state. Under the California Invasion of Privacy Act and in particular Penal Code section 632, all parties to the conversation (even if there are more than two) must give their permission or else recording it will be illegal.
Magatha Mistie said…

@AnT @Maneki 😉

The World According to Carp

With their latest crud spills
They’ve peed off our Wills
All to defame, and to blacken
Enough of their game
It’s now time to shame
Let loose the stonking great Kraken

Maneki Neko said…

About time the Kraken was released 🐙. This is what we've all been waiting for.
lucy said…
GK, Oprah and CBS are reprehensible.

Did you know CBS shut down production of The Talk while they investigate Sharon Osbourne's "racism" (for defending Piers)

GK wants them ratings and Oprah is rapidly becoming devil incarnate in my mind. She does not want resolution and healing. She wants to keep us divided as she pushes through her(their) agenda. Check out her series on Apple . Speaking of whiteness and anyone who is white is racist but they just don't realize it yet. Again too I will refer you to her 1619

As of yesterday 45% of those ages 18-24 US believe the RF is racist. More than likely on interview alone. It is chilling to form such a strong and damaging opinion on something so vague.

Those young people do not know Oprah,no hey that's Oprah loyalty, how many of them even watched it on tv? They get their information from social media, internet and (school?) Older adults who rushed to buy any magic elixir she deemed favorite hovered around 16% racist. Way too high given lack of corroborating evidence. Zero critical thinking automatic belief. For heavens sakes she said she didn't know who RF was and they hid her car keys in the castle. She is nearly 40 years old!! 16%??

Not to be alarmist or get political but clearly this is way more than Oprah. There are people in power who want us divided and distracted. Anyone in US notice the wonky shit that is getting slipped into law lately? And yes the border is out of control!!! Last check 700 malnourished children in holding tanks, no concern of them and coronavirus? Where are they going to go? And their parents! Middle of pandemic and Target must remove all their gender signing in toy department?

Gender reassignment for minors without parental permission? Fully funded sex change operations for those serving in military. No I am not homophobic but it is completely life altering and hugely psychological and maybe it better idea to handle at home. Cartoons being cancelled. Talk of reducing voting age to 16. "Racist" products renamed. It is just madness to me. All of these issues come with strong opinions and I feel like we are just being slammed into distraction and shamed into compliance.

The racism though, it is being pushed hard. Yes it exists but minorities combined make up 30% of population, around 15% black . We are not a nation of klansmen. Media exacerbates. If the United States of America was full of a bunch of intolerant assholes Oprah Winfrey would not be a billionaire today

Sorry for language but that interview was straight up race baiting and fact she hasn't removed those damning make believe headlines is frankly evil.

Oprah good friends with Weinstein 30+ years . Promoting and friends with that new age weirdo found guilty of 300 rapes. Her school in Africa marred in sexual assaults. She needs to handle her own demons. Chicago, the town that made her, could easily be declared warzone . If she really cared for the health of our country she could make difference there. Instead she wants to preach and shame white people for their whiteness,rewrite history and let the entire world bash the 'racist' royal family.

One article picked at random from my newsfeed. Truth commission. No facts required

Ava C said…
Michelle O with Meghan reminds me a bit of President Carter who took a call from Elvis near the end of his life, drugged, rambling and paranoid.* Carter reportedly responded with kindness and tried to help. However, the next time Elvis rang the White House, Carter didn't take the call.

* I'm not intending to be unkind about Elvis. When I visited Tupelo, Mississippi, I met Elvis' schoolfriend and distant cousin, by then an old man, and he remembered Elvis would give you the shirt off his back. A kind and loving child and, later, a good man leading an impossible life. The only thing he had in common with Harry is the inexorable downward spiral.

Following that train of thought, I feel we have reached the stage in this saga when we really see what people are made of. Meghan is a female Iago, manipulative, dripping poison and spreading grief and hate wherever she goes. While Harry is a simple, selfish, heartless clod who would never have aroused the slightest interest if he hadn't been born royal. He really can't see that can he? He's the original boy in a bubble, polluting the only source of air he has to live on.

This is a very mixed-up post. Mixed up sources. Mixed up centuries. But my mind keeps trying to make sense of this chaos. William is increasingly in my head as the young Henry Tudor on the eve of the Battle of Bosworth, a scarlet Welsh dragon fluttering on the flag by his side. Representing the future, weapons drawn. Very mixed up since I am Team Richard III. I blame it on Laurence Olivier.

This is definitely a post for older nutties!
HappyDays said…
Who in the world is going to want to cut a business deal with a pair like the Sussexes, who have stabbed or disrespected and used both sides of their families on a world stage?

The Sussexes have quickly poisoned all the wells they have had available to drink from. Nobody in their right mind in the corporate world or Hollywood should ever seriously consider working with them unless they want to be stabbed in the back.
jessica said…
Trump says he’s more inclined to run again if Meghan enters the ‘24 race. Hilarious.
LavenderToast said…
Smut Alert!

@lucy said...
"To focus solely on business? They do not strike me as having anything to offer but smut, royalty, and racism."

I think smat is the answer because Meghan isn't a decent actress and Harry is an inept speaker and obviously the more they talk the more their popularity plummets (after the O interviews). Their only hope is a sex tape to save her face or arse (maybe that is interchangeable in many people's eyes).

Howvever there might be a few problems, one is the Duke doesn't look like he wants to touch MM with a 19 ft. pole and she looks more like a witch from a c-rated Horror movie. First there is the issue of the yak hair wig just falling off while 'inflagrante delicto' leaving baldy looking pretty unroyal. Then who wants to look at a woman whose feet are 2 feet long with gnarls the size of California Redwood stumps. Harry isn't a pretty boy, wait boy yes pretty no. He has practiced the boy part well what with all his recent wimpering and simpering. Maybe it could be one of those domination/submissive type actions because they got that down pat. She already dresses in black goth and hands out orders like she is a Gestapo and Harry likely wears a shock collar at home. Or even a dark necrophilic take with Harry playing dead like he does most of the time. Some titles could be 'Meghan's Bush & Harry Looks' (give her points for her African experience) and possibly 'Barely Harry' or "Meghan does the Commonwealth". Some of the extras she probably already knows from her 'yachting days'. However it couldn't exactly be low budget since the they would be forced to pay higher than union wage for the ciniemintoghers involved in such a yucky project. At this rate there only hope is porn since Daddy cut off the cash and Megsy doesn't have an original bone in her body.

*Sorry folks if you have to unsee images this may have conjured up.
Svetlana said…
Oprah is not a journalist. I’m not sure what I would call her, but a journalist would be the last thing. She should be ashamed of herself, not as a journalist, but as a human being.
Ava C said…
It begs belief that Meghan is apparently complaining that no one in the Royal Family has called HER since the interview. What does she expect?!?

Nutties unfortunate enough to be narc veterans may be able to answer this. Does she truly not understand what she's done or is she pretending not to realise? Do narcs come to believe their own lies?

I suppose it all comes down to not being able to see beyond herself. Those who refuse to unconditionally bend the knee must be destroyed. She obviously has no understanding of democracy and a free press. She must have skipped those classes at Northwestern.
jessica said…
After assessing this week, it looks like Meghan overplayed her hand and has put *all* her cards on the table. Where can she go from here?
lucy said…
While I am in rant mode. Where is the Archbishop? How come so elusive? Can I fault him for claiming whatever went on in garden as a private matter? RF chose same and I accepted.

Sure is odd though to confuse a marriage with a conversation, but then Meg has zero credibility with me.

What I will question is the Christening. I am beginning to wonder if it ever even happened, more secrecy and weirdness. No record listed in day's events (Charlotte was listed on her Christening day)
He is also recorded as giving sermon the very next day in York, 300 miles away. Incidentally I started reading some of sermon and it was regarding protection, ironic.

Doesn't prove it didn't happen but the photo is bizarre, raises questions. I forget specifics but digital date was off , evidence of photoshopping, time on clock in picture didn't align with family seen arriving to church (in different outfits)

But I will not cry foul. Too many unknowns.

I was going to bitch some more but best Ijust relax with beer instead. For now 🙂
jessica said…
@Lucy, the Archbishop’s boss is the Queen. He doesn’t want to come out and publicly call her family member a liar.
SirStinxAlot said…
I think she has more cards to play. But she put down her Trump card and it didn't work as well as she thought it would. H$M are desperate. H can't provide the accommodations she demands, she cannot see her own short comings a woman, actress, wife, human being. Hope the RF takes a stand against being abused and taken advantage of by the pair. This charade will only continue as long as the RF allows it.
Ava C said…
@Lucy - I have been SO disappointed in this Archbishop of Canterbury. How was he taken in? Well, there are indications in that wedding photo (you know, the wedding for the grateful masses, not the Secret Garden one). I had hoped for a little more subtlety and originality from a man in his position. Bring on the first female Archbishop of Canterbury! I can't see a no-nonsense Church of England woman going down the Oprah route, even with a dreaded touch of woke.
Teasmade said…
@Knit Wit, Thanks for the Prince Hazza recommendation!
AnT said…

About Oprah.

yes.,. It’s divide and conquer, and Oprah keeps the sort of company that could make her a part of it. She attends the Sun Valley billionaires five-day conference in Sun Valley each year (Idaho) with people ranging from Buffett to Gates to Musk to Zuckerberg. It is for the Western world’s richest and most powerful, as they say. Talking “secret plans, long term strategies, forced resignations and mergers.” It is run by Fifth Avenue’s secretive Allen and Co., a purported mergers and acquisitions company —— And costs each attendee one billion dollars to attend each year. Oh, a very old billionaire I will call GS has a mansion there in nearby Ketchum.

Now, what sort of power do you get for handing over one billion dollars?

The company Oprah keeps. And Gayle is clinging tight.
Blithe Spirit said…
Only in Megalo's misguided worldview would she expect that the family she trashed publicly would want to talk to her. If a member of
the RF had given an interview exposing her exploits would she want to pick up the phone and talk to them? No. She would have run screeching to her mouthpiece of the moment and screamed and sobbed her guts out.

Michele Obama's subtle, pointed remarks 'service is about others' and 'keep family private' must have made MM blink in confusion. What was
the point of being part of a family if one couldn't air imaginary griveances to self-service one's bank account?
WildKnitter said…
It’s amazing how some people on this side of the pond are buying this stuff hook, line, and sinker. No matter how much I talked myself BLUE in the face, I could not convince one of my knitting group friends that Archie isn’t due to be a Prince until Prince Charles becomes king—she was convinced the little lad was robbed of his Prince title. Also, I thought Oprah was way over the top in her reaction to the “skin color” thing. I felt the whole thing was a giant infomercial for “Archiewell” or whatever their “charity/foundation” is called. Also, when Prince Harry went on and on about how he was hurting for’s an idea...DOWNSIZE, like a GROWNUP would. Sheesh!
luxem said…
I wouldn't be surprised to see M diss MO by saying she "doesn't understand" the situation because serving as FLOTUS is different than serving in the Royal Family. She already ignored MO's advice once, so why would she listen this time?

I noticed that CBS now has two shows stirring the pot with regard to racial issues (The Talk, Gayle). That does make me wonder if Gayle is being told to keep this going for ratings. Oprah probably never imagined being the star of so many memes making fun of her facial expressions, so I can understand why she is laying low.
AnT said…

“Senior figures at Buckingham Palace we’re astonished at the candor showed by Ms King especially so soon after Oprah Winfrey’s tell-all interview with the couple.”

And “Prince Harry ad Meghan have blown apart any hopes for peace” after telling the tv host that the talks were not productive.

And this could “have huge implications for trust between the camps”

.....from the Mirror.

Now, excuse me, what in the world? Why does the palace want to pursue talks with lunatic grifters?

Someone above called for the royals to go full grey rock, and I agree. The palace is apparently too weak to cope.
abbyh said…
Do you think it is possible that this is part of their posturing before a sitdown conversation about the one year review?

If it was supposed to be before the end of March, March isn't quite over yet. People have had a lot of other things which have occupied their time in ways not foreseen a year ago (I'm thinking about you Prince Philip and how covid is still in play as can be quarantine).

Or, maybe it has happened already?

Like maybe the terms were set up as if then so in such a way that they knew it would be a hard cut off and this is the response to still try to renegotiate to what they think of to more favorable terms? Oprah happened to be convenient and would send the message for them + gather visibility since 2020 was a real dud for them in that way.
I think Michelle Obama had to answer with her own daughters in mind. Imagine if they behaved as Markle. They have a good chance of marrying aristocrats. Imagine if those daughters decided to bash their husbands family publicly, the fallout would go directly to Mr and Mrs Obama.

What I do not understand is why the one year review happened anyway? Harry admitted that they had been in discussions about half-in for more than two years. Why all the time? Why not just have the conversation around what will be allowed and not be allowed upon quitting? Dragging this on and on is the fault of the BRF.
@AnT, Edward IV and the other strong kings are spinning in their graves. I'm not saying that tosser should be drowned in a butt of malmsey wine, but William and Kate have to keep them away from their family. There's no going back after this, no fixing it. Ever. H cannot be trusted with literally anything. His character has been exposed. He must be cut out completely and for good. No money, no titles, no privileges, nothing.
AnT said…

🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Alert

A LSA commenter posted a screenshot of a new tabloid news article, which she saw posted on Talking Tarot.

I went to TT to look.

The article screenshot is there. It says that a video was shot by a “member of security” on his or her phone,
and shows Megsy having a “full-blown screaming hissy fit at a wedding dress fitting.”

The video footage has now resurfaced in Canada, and people have seen it.

The article ends “buckle up, it’s just a matter of time.”

AnT said…

Henry VIII was also fond of neutralizing his enemies with secret teams of enforcers. He was the ruthlessly extreme one who ordered people to be “taken care of” but did so secretly, saying “such business is not meet for kings.” I am sure @Wild Boar Battle-maid will be able to add to this.

But my point is, I agree, past strong kings will be spinning in their graves at the way way the current flustered royals are weakly handling these duplicitous, treasonous Harkles. I absolutely think only William and Anne understand what needs to happen: total cut off, and kraken release.
Magatha Mistie said…

Mire Straits

Hillary and Michelle should stop
Aiding Megs, and her ill mannered strop
Fuelling, stoking the fire
The Queen hosted both, with much grace
Their response, a swift kick in the face
As they’ve involved themselves
in Murkys Mire

JennS said…
The Michelle Obama interview was updated and given a different spin since I read it earlier today!

I still stand by my opinion I think MO should have stayed silent on the matter since some of her commentary is being interpreted as a sign of support for Meghan despite the service snark.
So many lies were told in that interview that I feel anyone who speaks about it tarnishes their own reputation - unless they are calling out the falsehoods of course!

I went back to take a look at the article again after reading other Nutties’ opinions on it and to my surprise, the current headline reads as the following:

Public service is not about us... it's about the people we serve': Michelle Obama takes thinly veiled swipe at Meghan's Oprah interview but adds she was 'NOT surprised' by claims of Royal Family racism

And the first part of the article stated in part the following...

Michelle Obama reacted to Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's Oprah interview on Tuesday morning by saying that she personally chose to focus on the people she 'serves' rather than herself while in public service in what appeared to be a thinly veiled swipe at the couple.
'Public service it's a bright, sharp, hot spotlight and most people don't understand it nor should they. The thing that I always keep in mind is that none of this is about us, in public service, it's about the people that we serve.
'I always try to push the light back out and focus it on the folks that we're actually here to serve.'

I knew it didn't read that way this afternoon. When I read it the article was presented as if it was another point for the Sussex side despite the service snark.
Even the Times article I posted about Gayle King early this afternoon regarded the Obama interview as a pro-Markle one stating MO was sympathetic to the duchess etc.

Since I had made a comment on the article when I originally read it, I was able to find the first version of it in my comment log on the DM website.

Here is how the headline originally looked:

Michelle Obama says it 'wasn't a complete surprise' to hear Meghan Markle's claims of 'racism' within Royal Family: Hopes for 'forgiveness and healing' for the whole family

The article opens with:

'Race isn't a new construct in this world, for people of color,' said Obama. 'So it wasn't a complete surprise to, sort of, hear her feelings.'
Obama said that she hoped the family rift could be healed.
'The thing I hope for, and I think about: this first and foremost is a family, and I pray for forgiveness and healing for them,' she said.
'So they can use this as a teachable moment for us all.'

And although they do mention the part about service it's in a different sequence and this additional commentary is included while NOT in the later version:

And while Obama did not openly offer her support to one side or the other, in an interview with Access Hollywood - to promote her new Netflix show - she seemed to side with Meghan and Harry when she urged the couple to 'forgive' the royal family in the wake of the bombshell interview.

So if both the DM AND the Times initially wrote her interview up as more sympathetic to Markle, I wonder if MO reached out to correct the tone? I didn't listen to her interview so I don't know if it may have been a matter of interpretation on the reporters' parts but I think it's odd that the article slant was changed.
JennS said…
Ooooo AnT!

That video news is very exciting! I can't wait for it to come out!
We knew there must be some footage out there somewhere with the number of times she probably had temper tantrums. You would think she would have worried about having them before the wedding! Maybe the fact that she wasn't leery of letting it all hang out means they did indeed get hitched earlier than the day of the expensive extravaganza!
But not in the backyard 3 days before like she claimed!🤣🤪🤣
AnT said…

Piers Morgan, on Twitter, 5 hrs ago:

“There’s a very deliberate & malicious campaign being perpetrated
by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to smear, defame, and trash Britain,
our Monarchy & the Royal Family as a bunch of heartless racists.
It’s disgusting.
Time to stand up for our Queen.

JennS said…
Love Mire Straights!

Thanks for the info on the IPSO and the location so I can snoop around a bit!
I've been reading anon/houseplant for years now so I'm familiar with her clever record of the Everyone Loves Classy PR campaign. I posted her proof the royals backed MM list here the other day. She has done a lot of those types of posts throughout the last couple of years.

I have another question for you...why aren't any of the tabloids who accepted her fictitious PR articles admitting to doing so now that she is public enemy #1? They would not have to admit that they knew at the time they were publishing fake news - but say they had been misled by MM. That would go a long way to helping clear this whole mess up since many believe all those fake stories.
AnT said…
Hey @JennS!

Right? There had to be footage somewhere! I truly hope this is a hint the accusers have something too.
You can see the article on Talking Tarot #QueenTT.

I saw both versions of articles about the MO comment as well, and I am am thinking about what
the meaning of the change could be. Maybe MO called the press to tell them they’d skewed her actual
meaning. She is a attorney and won’t like her meaning or words twisted, particularly if she wishes to
avoid giving offense to the royals. However, I do view GK’s and OW’s roles in this continued interview
saga as part of color revolution tactics, until I find something else to which to attribute their games.
AnT said…
@Magatha Mistie,

Echoing JennS: love your Mire Straights verse! Now I want to dub Megs the stroppy strumpet!
JHanoi said…
MM - end game
she has restarted lobbing gernades again, she did this last year during the Megexit dramas, remember the endless media drops of how the Harkles could make $100 million or more their first year if they went out on their own? and there were threats of interviews, and juicy gossip coming out? the gossip sites said MM was really asking the BRF for $100 million to leave JH.

then things calmed a bit as the Harkles resettled in CA, Covid shutdown most things, the 1 year ‘review’ and PC coughed up their yearly large payment, and they bought a house?

I think MM is still looking for a huge payout from the BRF/PC. it usually all comes back to money. any deals they’ve gotten so far are probably not large enough for her.
Elsbeth1847 said…
Not just that the deals aren't large enough but that they all have strings.

Glad others also saw the earlier headlines of the MO article and also walked away with a different impression than it had later.
JHanoi said…
just had a crazy thought. Sharon Osburne is now under cancel review, and CBS seems o be MM’s new BFF/ mmouthpiece, Maybe the Talk will have a new co-host shortly named MM!
lucy said…
I have tremendous sympathy for my sisters and brothers across the pond. Especially so for the diehard royal watchers. I live in the states so not as invested but I grew up with Queen Elizabeth , she is icon from my youth and still here! I have tremendous respect. Her dedication is unsurpassed. Never much followed monarchy but she is endearing. I loved seeing her riding horses and driving car is super cute! I remember too when she did that parachute stunt during Superbowl, I got greatest kick out of that! She was probably holding handbag too 😆

But through spending time here I really began to learn and appreciate the history of RF. The stories and anecdotes of times past shared by all of you has made time spent here intimate and special. Thank you for that :)

This whole situation is tragic. I watched wedding but only really started following when I caught sight of her belly and was like omg she is faking baby belly for whole world! had to watch it play out. My emotions are intense and just after couple+ years. I cannot imagine watching the evolution and regalness of Monarchy whole life and then watch this disrespectful trash enter scene and create absolute chaos.

In looking back it was obvious she was never committed, worse than that she was a terror to entire family . I saw somewhere a photo of her next appearance after Eugenie's wedding and she was wearing sleek white dress with no bump what a b*tch. All the rumors, PR, merching, awful clothes, messy appearancs, secrecy and DRAMA

Going through blogs and revisiting days leading to birth (the tours🤮) so disrespectful. And that bump

I was surprised too realizing that reporters knew and how blatant it was. Photos coming out with no bump and tweet "where'd it go?" Actual stories ran in papers as speculation but I also read too that they couldn't out her without word. Then when she finally has baby she doubles down on secrecy "privacy" and sends out pictures of foot. So rude. You are funding entire fiasco and first time Meg treats you and world to Archie, it is in Africa with Desmond Tutu. Obnoxious!!!!

I am not going to speak to anything else. I just hope after all the damage there can be some resolution, if not satisfaction. Will will handle it but that is years out and it is just not fair. I caught a post too that before baby was born Obama or Clinton was following Scobie on Twitter. Really does lend itself to some Soros backed conspiracy. How long did it take Sussexsquad to get on scene?

This is long and I am sorry. But I think to Harry now and how he was in video. Talking of being trapped and Meg showed him way. Borderline mind control vibe (if genders reversed I feel I would be extremely concerned for wife wellbeing and safety!)
Yes he is brat and defiant but without Meg I do not feel he would betray them as he has and actually could have made nice life for himself with loving wife and family in Africa doing good things and out of brother's shadow. Not excusing anything as he is responsible for himself but obviously he is bit deficient and unfortunate he didn't receive adequate mental care and therapy he needed to be empowered and confident as to not be enthralled by some two bit hustler cosplaying his mom.

Meg will never be content. He will be discarded and one day he will recover his soul only to realize his grandparents are gone and his brother King.

Maybe even that what color is Archie line was concocted between Meg and Oprah. He did seem to be blindsided. Perhaps thought was tossed around for dramatics, never fully agreed upon . His lines seem scripted though so he probably knew. I will shut up now. Tomorrow I will more than likely be all fired up and pissed off again but tonight I felt need to express my solidarity in sorrow and frustration and hope for better days ahead. Goodnight :)

Martha said…
@lucy..thank you for expressing my feelings, opinions, and views so well! You said everything I wanted to say, but couldn’t.
And I could feel your frustration, outrage at the absolute absurdity of the world right now. Complete madness.
AND NOONE is talking about it!
I’m going back to reread your post. It made me feel less alone.
Ian's Girl said…
With Apologies to Magatha Christie!

One wonders a lot,
(though one knows one should not)
If Charles, in deepest despair,
Cried out with great might,
"Can't we find just one Knight,
who could rid me of this turbulent pair?!"

Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
Harry is clearly lost to the RF for the foreseeable future. His primary allegiance at present is to his dominatrix, not to his blood family or the country of his birth. Someone (William and Charles presumably) needs to make the Queen understand that it is time to cut ties to the Sussexes, permanently and irrevocably.
Snarkyatherbest said…
On Michelle Obama. Didn’t I read somewhere last year that her oldest daughter was dating a Brit (a white one at that). Maybe for her family’s sake too she’s stepping lightly on the BRF and the mm thing.
hunter said…
@Elizabeth1847 - "In FF, the author writes that the reason M would not call Sam was that M feared that Sam would tape and reveal what was said (p. 177)"

It's always the cheater who accuses their partner of infidelity.
JennS said…
Well, I've just come back from LSA where I went to look for the tantrum news (found it/saved it😁) and I see the ladies there were also talking about the change in tone for the Obama article.

And I see @Elsbeth1847 also saw the earlier version and got a different impression as well.

Here is what a font said on LSA...

"The entire media is taking Michelle's words out of context
The headline says Michelle Obama: Markles racism accusations not 'a surprise'. That's the angle Sky News, BBC, NBC and many TV stations are taking and it's twisting her words. This is wrong.
Michelle should clear this up or she will never get to hang with the Queen or any royals except for that brass-plated pair in LA again."

I do think Michelle O must have said something because the version that favored MM that the stans were applauding was apparently reported through tv as well as print. And now we have a different "updated" article. It's too late though - the damage has been done, the stans on LSA are crowing with glee that MO sided with their queen Markle.

We see updated stories all the time but they usually only have more info added - not a different viewpoint and conclusion on the content of an interview!

I expected MO to stay out of it completely and IMO this mix-up is proof that she should have stayed silent. Everyone in the media and political sphere seems to be so very anxious to side with the Sussexes.
It's almost like a mass hysteria event. Could we compare it to Orson Wells' War of the Worlds broadcast and the folks who ran in fear of aliens?👽👽👽
Is it like a power of suggestion kind of thing with the Harkles? I just don't know how anyone could look at that smirking face and not read "lying evil psychopath". We thought it was easy and clear as day.🤣

Tonight I watched ITV's Good Morning Britain show - the one taped the day after the big Piers fight. I came across it on BritBox. (They did not have the blow-out episode available.)
I was really surprised to find out that US news commentators are not the only ones siding with the Harkles!!! The British ones are doing it too! With the exception of Piers of course but he was greatly subdued on this day after his rage-a-thon. The woman he works with and the weatherman he fought with plus everyone they interviewed all believed the Harkles claims or at least said that they did. If they didn't they might have been taken outside to be drawn and quartered.

Then the Thomas Markle interview began...OMG I thought he was drunk, he was so out of it. Perhaps he was on medication? I even wondered if he had a stroke since we last saw him. The poor guy does not look or sound good at all. He spoke very slowly, was very lethargic and really added very few new thoughts in this interview. And he doesn't seem to get that his daughter is so horrid! He shows no shame for her.
Ian's Girl said…
The Obamas are the ultimate multi racial family. President Obama is obviously biracial, he has a half sister who is also biracial, several Kenyan half siblings one of whom at least married a white guy, Mrs Obama's brother is married to a white woman and has four (?) kids.... she probably has a few stories of her own to share, but has the decency not to.

Magatha Mistie said…

@Ian’s Girl Love it 😊

The turbulent pair
being Prancelot, and his Cunningmare

Fifi LaRue said…
@NotMeghanMarkle: Yes, the Obamas know how to keep it classy. No trashing the family, or the in-laws. It's all about service to others, not oneself. Take a note Harkles.

About the one-year review: Perhaps the RF hoped against hope that Harry would come around. No such luck. Now, we have the one year review, plus a few days until March 31, and then it's all done.

Good Luck Henry and Meghan! Make your marks! Get Rich! Get Famous! Get Powerfu!

Yeah, right.
Magatha Mistie said…


The damage is done, just heard on local
“Michelle Obama understands Megs
heartbreak, and is not so surprised by
her claims”
Doesn’t matter if she’s now back pedalling,
it’s too late, her original message is still
being relayed around the world.
Very disappointing, I expected more from her,

lizzie said…
@Lucy wrote:

"What I will question is the Christening. I am beginning to wonder if it ever even happened, more secrecy and weirdness. No record listed in day's events (Charlotte was listed on her Christening day) He is also recorded as giving sermon the very next day in York, 300 miles away. Incidentally I started reading some of sermon and it was regarding protection, ironic.

Doesn't prove it didn't happen but the photo is bizarre, raises questions. I forget specifics but digital date was off , evidence of photoshopping, time on clock in picture didn't align with family seen arriving to church (in different outfits)"

I agree with you there are questions especially now re: what Welby will and won't do. But Archie's christening is listed in the Court Circular. The form of the announcement is exactly the same as Charlotte's except that Charlotte's lists supporters/godparents.
Michelle Obama will only distance or continue to distance herself from Meghan. The person interviewing her was Jenna Bush. The bushes and Obama’s are friends. They are powerful. They are from the upper class of power and wealth and social connection.

Meghan is not trading on her smarts and achievements. She is trading on private family gossip. That family happens to be an ally of The Biden’s, The Obama’s, and The Bushes. Not sure what happened to Hillary and why she so audaciously spoke out against the BRF- she seems to have lost the plot since she lost to Trump.

Meghan has been kicked out of the upper class and is not invited back until she fixes her character problem.

In the interview, Meghan claimed they with Archie were never invited to an event for photos, which insulted her. I think the Christianing photo is fake.
lizzie said…
@Not Meghan Markle wrote:

"Michelle Obama will only distance or continue to distance herself from Meghan. The person interviewing her was Jenna Bush. The bushes and Obama’s are friends. They are powerful. They are from the upper class of power and wealth and social connection."

I'm not sure the Bush family and the Obama family are "friends" although they are all grownups and can easily be civilized when together. I don't know anything much about Jenna Bush Hager's personal politics but her husband's family is staunchly Republican as is hers. The Obamas, Democrats. Obama succeeded Bush and often raised his name in unflattering ways especially during his first term.

I'm not sure why Michelle Obama said what she said. It may have been an attempt to be balanced but it's not being used that way.

@Not Meghan Markle also wrote:

"In the interview, Meghan claimed they with Archie were never invited to an event for photos, which insulted her. I think the Christianing photo is fake."

You may be right. But I can't say I believe anything Meghan said in the interview. So I can't make judgments about the christening based on that (& I didn't hear her comment quite that way anyway.) They left the UK when Archie was about 6 months old. Just where could they have been invited before that? The balcony at the Trooping with a 1-month old? And do we really think W&K were "invited by the palace" to appear outside the Lindo Wing with their new babies? I think the comment was just an attempt to revise history and stop questions about Archie's birth. (Like the line from FF about not serving up her child on a silver platter.)

They are *really* close friends. Here’s just one article:

The upper class plays like they all hate each other, but really they are one big happy group. It’s a small portion of society, after all.
Magatha Mistie said…


I am just shocked that Michelle, a powerful woman
of position, would choose to comment
on such a contentious issue. Why did she?
Which ever way her quotes are taken,
she appears to be disrespecting the Queen,
and her family.
The upper classes know to keep their traps shut.
Magatha Mistie said…


I’m sure the new baby, Doriana, will be served
on a golden platter to the highest bidder.
Held aloft by Gayle & Oprah
© GO Winking! 😉
lizzie said…
That may be @Not MM but I don't buy it.

Grownups don't run around publicly feuding with people with whom they have differences of opinion unless they are running for office. They act like adults and all get along. They are pleasant in public. They don't throw fits even IF they are angry at each other. That doesn't mean they are truly personal friends simply because USA Today says so. (And I wouldn't say the comments in the USA Today article suggested they were truly friends...rather it suggested they share certain interests and often attend the same official functions and get along quite well. It suggested a certain amount of respect. That didn't used to be remarkable...maybe it is today!)

Of course GB and BO are in a select group-- there aren't many living former presidents hanging about! And yes, they are all wealthy. But there are lots of wealthy people in the US and they certainly aren't all personal friends.

I can't really say more without getting too political for the blog. But be that as it may, I'm not sure why Michelle Obama potentially being friends with George and Laura Bush would affect what she'd say on TV to Jenna Bush Hager (or anyone else) about Meghan.

@Magatha Mistie-- Yes. Absolutely!
Michelle talks about their friendship often? Why would it be an issue for them to be friends? The upper class that also holds power (not just wealth) is a small group. Ellen is also friends with the Bushes? The Bushes are friends with a lot of surprising people. Anyway, not sure why that is a touchy subject. As we’ve seen here, Meghan and Harry’s entire public persona is made-up, so who’s to say most celebs we read about are the furthest from the truth. We don’t see Meghan and Harry hob-nobbing around with anyone of relevance. Not a single important person has stepped up to back them up. I guess except Hillary, but she was so heavy handed in her support I didn’t understand her approach.

The point I was making is that you have two well connected families, moreso than Meghan and Harry, talking about them publicly and NOT approving of their behavior. In fact, Michelle pointed out the ethical flaws in Meghan’s interview.

I don’t know what Michelle is promoting right now. Maybe another upcoming book tour? Another book? She has a gig with Netflix, too right? I read she’s also a sunshine Sachs client. I agree it would have been safer to stay quiet, but her comments still positioned her as an authoritative figure on race and family. I guess she’s figured out that Meghan *wants* to be close to her, so she is unlikely to publicly bash her considering the immense support MO has. Never know with MM, though. I’m sure she’s enraged at the family comments.
Magatha Mistie said…


My point being,
Michelle should not have commented.
No reason for her to comment.
It’s caused more confusion, and anger,
unnecessary and uncalled for.

JennS said…
@Mot Meghan Markle
Good points - but Michelle's comments were misinterpreted and did even more damage to a terrible situation. Her pointing out of MM's flaws was not picked up on at first and the media ran with a different slant while covering her interview.
I thought it was important that the Obamas either remained totally neutral or stayed quiet altogether. Her comments were NOT wisely chosen as they were easily distorted apparently by all media everywhere. As Magatha said despite some newspapers trying to rewrite the story, it's too late now the damage is done. The Obamas have contributed to hurting the royal family/monarchy during this crisis.
Also, there have been a lot of people speaking up for the Harkles - even the White House made a statement.🤮
lizzie said…
@NMM, It wouldn't be a problem for the Bushes and the Obamas to be personal friends. I just don't think there's evidence they really are. In the olden days before cancel culture, adults could get along in service of mutual goals. Whether at the national, state, local or even the civic club/church level, people of different opinions could work together on mutual goals without being personal friends. That doesn't appear to be the case today. You either have to be agree on everything and be a friend, or you are an enemy. I think both the Bushes and the Obamas predate that kind of thinking.

I didn't think MO's statement was all that helpful myself. I didn't read it as pointing out "ethical flaws in the interview." I thought she tried to be somewhat balanced and call out both sides a bit and if that was the plan, it sermed to backfire. I'm also not sure that in her TV role Jenna speaks for the Bush family. I have not seen George or Laura Bush comment and would be surprised if they did. If George could refrain from commenting on US politics for several years after leaving office, it will take more than an Oprah interview to get him to start blabbering about the RF.
Magatha Mistie said…


Sorry, our posts crossed.
Nah, MM will be ecstatic that MO
came out to bat for her, she’ll ignore
any negative connotations.
MOMM’s the word!
Opus said…
@Ava C

I once in talking with my client learnt in passing that her daughter was named Lisa Marie. 'So, you are an Elvis fan' I said, keeping my fingers crossed that I was not making a fool of myself. We then had a long conversation about Elvis whom she had seen perform. In response to a letter from me that I sent to Elvis, he replied with a postcard. Wasn't that kind of him. I have also only ever heard good things about Liberace, who outside of performing appears to have been a thoughtful and kindly man.
Magatha Mistie said…


Yes, that passage popped up
on the news bulletin here mid afternoon,
no more, no less!
Seething, I almost rear ended the car
in front! I’d earlier changed my Yoga
class to deep water, not feeling very
Zen like 🤬 I’m thinking of taking up
boxing, or fencing 🤣

I just wanted to pop in and say I’m way beyond gobsmacked with the latest poisoning shenanigans of Harry and Megsy. I don’t have enough words or time to express how I feel. So many excellent comments but particularly from Ava C (great to see you back by the way!) who sees it all from a British perspective.

Stay safe Nutties! Back to lurking. ;o)
JennS said…
Now I found the Gayle King Times article I posted on the last thread has been re-written too! I'll post the new version tomorrow as I'm off to bed.

Stay away from sharp pokey objects and get out your PD James books!
Magatha Mistie said…

On a lighter note

No Justice for Justin/Judge Justy

Welby and Warby appear cut from
the same cloth
Both overcome, by a scant piece of froth
Hoping the truth will soon surface
They’ve let us all down
The wig, and the gown
And Welby’s all surplice, no purpose

Catlady1649 said…
I didn't realise there was a new post. I've had a lot of catching up to do.
Very interesting points raised.
Magatha Mistie said…


I’m moving onto Dante, Divine Comedy
Dorothy L Sayers translation 🔥

G’night, hopefully no megmares 😉
Magatha Mistie said…

Bedrock Blitz

It feels like old Blighty
is now under fire
What’s to be gained
by adding fuel to the pyre
Nothing to do with those over the pond
What the hell happened to our allies,
once fond
Easy to divert, blame it all upon race
I’m thinking now, power and money’s
the case

I’m referring to those in power, not our
Nutty cousins on here 😉

A little warmth for us and a Happy St Patrick's Day for Irish people everywhere:

(Strange, I don't recall hearing about the Cambridges going to Ireland last year?)
Another one:
Este said…
Excellent point about the double standards about privacy. Meghan is really showing herself to be a nasty piece of work. She's proving, without the need of a private firm, that she's a first class bully. Attacking those who can't defend themselves is the very definition of a bully. And the monarchy won't directly defend themselves, which gives them unassailable class. That Meghan thinks this is going to help her image is laughable. I have more of a shot of being President one day than she does.

Again, I love Michelle Obama's comment on "nothing being more important than family." Meghan has torched her family and alienated her husband from his family, his friends and his home. The Obamas see thru her scheming. Orpah just sees dollar signs and another way to make her relevant. It's sad that she doesn't have enough of either that she would participate in this but not surprising. If super ambitious people at her level could ever be satisfied with "enough," they wouldn't be billionaires, I guess.

Also, to the Wokies, the monarchy is the symbol of colonial oppression so it makes sense that they would come for them. I think this smear is actually good for the monarchy and the people. Why? Well, this is making the Monarchy more relevant and sympathetic by being viciously smeared. And people are good and sick if ID politics and stirring the pot. And its showing just how irrelevant the talking heads are, the way they line up to show fake support for Meghan.

Meghan has played all her cards. A year from now, she'll be struggling for relevancy, not dominating the world as she imagines in her delusional mind. And the monarchy will still be around and likely have more supporters. Who wins most out of this? The Queen, of course, but also classy Kate.
lizzie said…

I expect we were all pretty distracted in early March 2020. Here's a link showing W&K's first visit to Ireland.
Este said…
One silver lining here, in the aftermath of this interview, I've stopped reading Meghan's one sided mouth piece, Lainey Gossip. I don't need to read what she has to stay about this and she's an active player in the Wokie BS. Her site way way back in the day, used to be fun. Now, it's predictable Woke garbage and I won't need to give her my clicks. Boycott the Wokies. That's the moral of the story here.
Este said…
@Not Meghan Markle: "Meghan is not trading on her smarts and achievements. She is trading on private family gossip. That family happens to be an ally of The Biden’s, The Obama’s, and The Bushes. Not sure what happened to Hillary and why she so audaciously spoke out against the BRF- she seems to have lost the plot since she lost to Trump.

Meghan has been kicked out of the upper class and is not invited back until she fixes her character problem."

100% agree here. Meghan won't be invited back. There's no coming back from this.
JLC said…
@Este: "Meghan is really showing herself to be a nasty piece of work. She's proving, without the need of a private firm, that she's a first class bully."

Indeed. Saw this clip the other day of Megs elbowing a man out her way so she can stride ahead of Harry to shakes peoples hands first. Says is all really.
Este said…
Oh that's good JLC. I also love the clips of all the times she whips her coat away to show her bulging pregnancy bump. It just shows the calculation and relentless self-promotion at the heart of her character.
From what I have read, FDR was initially reluctant to support us in WW2 because he regarded us a imperialists. After the war, the financial deal with the US (best that the JM Keynes could achieve) weighed heavily upon us (my mother's constant refrain was - `Everything goes for export!') - the debt to US paid was finally paid off at the end of 2006.

Many/most of our overseas `colonies' are now independent - the others which do retain HM as Head of State do so voluntarily - it depends on what their people want. Nobody forces them to stay. If they wish for independence, they may have it.

The Commonwealth is a free association of nations, some were not even in the Empire.

Has it been forgotten that other European countries had empires as well? France still regards her overseas territories as part of Metropolitan France - do the SJWs beat them up about it? Or the Spanish, Dutch, Germans and the Belgians?

The Harkles and many others are still living in the early 1940s.
Magatha Mistie said…

Great post @Este

Megs shot at Presidency, another pipe
dream, like having mile long legs!
Her feet are almost as long as her legs.
As for MO’s comment on families,
not sure, Harry did say he did it all for
his family?
Oprah, urgh, $$$ and, any dig at pale

Este said…
Thanks @Magatha Mistie. Jenn S and others have a different take on Michelle's interview. Oprah isn't relevant except to the older crowd that doesn't support this nonsense. The young don't care either way either. The media itself isn't relevant and hardly impartial. Mudslinger Meghan is delusional if she thinks this train wreck is going to be good for her image. The think about mudslinging, it's always the person who does the slinging who looks bad.
NeutralObserver said…
I think CBS & Oprah made a little bit of money & got a few more viewers with the Harkle story, & they're trying to see if they can get more. A quick look at the New York Times & the Wall Street Journal this morning didn't produce one reference to Megs when I typed her name into my browser search box. The word 'royal' only produced two small headlines, one on pop music, & one on the RF of Monaco. So American media outlets which pretend to be aimed at grownups aren't very interested in this story.

I felt before Gayle King big footed the RF on CBS, interest was dying pretty rapidly. As I said in an earlier post, Megs & Princess Hairy don't arouse much interest or affection in & of themselves in the USA. Racism & conflict is big in our media these days, so naturally that angle is being pushed. I think it's hilarious that Megs, having played the race card, is furious that everyone is focused on that, & no one is paying any attention to her! LOL. We have lots of people in the USA who are pounding that drum. Megs will have to play with them after the Royal Family very sensibly ditches her. We'll see how she likes that.

I'm as disgusted with the way tv & other media have played this story as others, but it's par for the course these days. 'News' these days is much more about clicks & ad revenue than actual information. News outlets have always needed advertisers as well as readers, & the big corporations which own them will do anything to get them. Blame it on Craig's List. Supposedly, the loss of classified ad business started then downfall of many independent newspapers, just as streaming services have contributed to the decline of network & cable news. Radio in the USA is controlled by a few big corporations, & have killed all the little radio stations which used to play everything from classical to blue grass to jazz, etc. That's one reason Taylor Swift & Beyonce are much bigger than their talent seems to warrant. They're all anyone hears on the radio. Sad, but true. I tell my kids that music (of all types) was so much better in 'my day.'
Este said…
Piers Morgan is leading the resistance and his book Wake Up is No 1 on Amazon. That tells you the support for the Monarchy and for free speech.
Maneki Neko said…

Re boxing or fencing, I think you'd make a formidable opponent 🤺🥊. Still, the pen is mightier than the sword ⚔️
Este said…
NeutralObserver, you have great observations but Taylor Swift sold the most albums last year with Folklore, an album distinctly not pop. I love that album but its commercial success was anything but a sure bet. And really, who listens to the radio any more? I'm a fan of Taylor's. She writes her own songs, plays piano and guitar and has a strong voice. But I will say she's releasing too much stuff these days and needs to pace herself. And yeah, she's too thin skinned.

Megs and Princess Hairy is priceless! I think you're spot on about their relevancy and the media in the US.
Maneki Neko said…
@Raspberry Ruffle

So nice to hear from you! I was wondering where you were (and also Fairy Crocodile). I always enjoyed your posts and felt we were on the same wavelength.
Take care.
Magatha Mistie said…


But the 🗡 is swifter
and easier to handle than the
pen sometimes!
Maneki Neko said…

True! And the sword would give a final and long lasting result 😁
Magatha Mistie said…

Hahaha @Maneki

So naughty, but right 😉
Elsbeth1847 said…
Omid is stepping now.

Still not understanding what kind of a conversation they think they are having when it is pointedly a threat of Give us what we want or else (and we will protect you from ourselves).
Maneki Neko said…
@WBBM and lizzie

I think the reason we don't remember W&K's trip to Ireland is probably because it passed without incident/controversy, unlike the Harkles' trip to Ireland when Mega opened her mega-mouth to talk about the abortion referendum result, a clear breach of protocol.
Magatha Mistie said…


Wow!! Didn’t know that, that’s bad!!
Kicking you whilst you’re down.
They knew, still caused suffering.
What a crock!!

AnT said…

Glad you found the article for your master file! I wonder if it is just the step of a security member who is utterly fed up with the Harkles, or a warning shot from the palace? As in, “we have the receipts too, darling, including camera footage and phone records.”

Funny you mentioned that about Thomas Senior’s interview — a friend emailed the same reaction to me. Saying that he seemed a little impaired (she thought it might be high blood pressure medication). Or he might be experiencing long Covid symptoms of exhaustion and lethargy, which can occur even after the mildest case of Covid apparently.

She also said, as you did, that he seemed rather oblivious about the damage caused by his little perfect princess girl, and her defects. Can’t bear to admit he had a hand in creating it all? His award-winning lighting work in tv was a nice little legacy, and it has been eclipsed by letting loose a hand-raised demon upon the world, and thus having helped to harm the royal family and create a terrible human divide. He poured his lifelong financial security into thus demon (and her mother), and, just look. Ultimate tragedy.

Even when Baby Edith is delivered to the Harkles, he won’t get to see her or “Archie” and, he probably knows it. Maybe he is reaching that state of utterly feeling hopeless which can result in a temporary lassitude.

NeutralObserver said…
Apologies to Nutties for ratcheting up the wild conspiracy theories, but Megs' increasing irrationality has me a little bit worried. Could Megs' bleatings about 'security' mean she's plotting to do Hairy or 'Archie' some harm? I know @Hikari & others have speculated that Harry will have an early demise because of his known drug & alcohol abuse, & others have joked that Megs might do something to one or both of the 'pale males' in her little family, but we know that Megs would love, love, love to be the grieving widow or mom. Hard to explain why 'racism' killed two people as apparently Caucasian as Hegs & 'Archie,' but she could play the 'evil royal family' card until she died. She could probably get away with it in California. In the 90s OJ Simpson was acquitted of criminal charges of murdering his very blonde wife, Nicole, by a California court. If she got a jury of sympathetic WOC who have their own stories of slights received from whites, she probably would walk.

Pure speculation from an over active imagination, of course.
AnT said…
@Wild Boar Battle-maid,

The beatings by SJW are quite selective, aren’t they? To listen to them, the Harkles, or their friends, one would assume issues of racism are confined entirely to the US and UK, and that the climate change and green warriors need not worry about China or India who have cleared the gates to a fresh air paradise. It is interesting.

I left a note earlier about how Henry VIII might have handled the Harkles, versus the handkerchief-twisting modern BRF.....thoughts? Would he give them more rope to catch them in writing, or throw them to the gallows at this point?
AnT said…
@Neutral Observer,

I kind of know what you mean, and this is why I worry about “Archie” to the point I sincerely hope he is a rental, and lives elsewhere, or is real but was immediately given to discreet royal connections to raise safely after the quitting nannies reported something amiss.

(It seems possible to me that the publicity around the staff bullying reports might have encouraged at least one of the three (purported) Harkle nannies to contact Palace HR as well with their own complaint or concerns.

I think little vulnerable Archie would be in the most danger, as he is a child who is kept hidden from the world, no friends, no family, and his father seems beyond useless, depressed, silenced and incapable. Although of course there is still the mystery over the death of the male family member who was found with head wounds on a sidewalk, leading to Doria’s sudden acquisition of the Windsor Hills house in LA, valued at about $1 million, so maybe Harry needs a helmet and a lock on his door too.
This comment has been removed by the author.

My first thought was William Tyndale:
xxxxx said…
The Duo thought is was clever to leak to the ever thirsty looking Gayle King. But how can anyone do a business negotiation with them now? The toxic twins have screwed themselves.
Acquitaine said…
@AnT: Henry 8 would never let the situation deteriorate to the point it currently stands.

The minute they showed any displeasure, nevermind voicing it, and they would be sent to the tower.

And that would be long before they had been separated from KP.

We are in armed rebellion to usurp the throne at this point.

Btw, there have been openly rebellious princes who hated their Kingly fathers eg Frederick, Prince of Wales, but none worked against the monarchy to destabilise it.

One could see clearly that the disagreement was specifically a family one as opposed to an institutional one and that's the difference.

Frederick Prince of Wales made sure to support the nation even if he disagreed with his father.

The Harkles are attacking the family, the institution and the country.

Treason in the modern age.
AnT said…
@Wild Boar Battle-maid,

Ah....and so, do you look at that from the point of his escape abroad and eventual extradition, or do you also think there may be a betrayer like Henry Phillips in their midsts, as well, informing the BRF of their moves?

Did you read the latest — now “a friend” says they would not have allowed the Oprah show to air had Prince Philip passed if that is true, and as if they had any power to tell CBS or Oprah what to do.

1.They remain drunk on an inflated sense of importance.


2. They are scrambling to lie yet again to avoid the money spigot being turned off after their ill behavior. Even though Charles only said he would help for their first year, and time’s up. Middle-aged mansion millionaires with $200 million in deals still needing that allowance from the people they keep abusing. Truly pathetic.
AnT said…

Thank you for that interesting story. I agree— this is a multi-pronged attack on family, individuals, monarchy, institution.

It is treason, isn’t it? A poster on LSA yesterday even included the latest version of the laws of tress from the UK, and it would seem to implicate the Harkles quite soundly on several points.

I wonder how such a thing would be handled today. Stripping titles and Harry’s passport (and Archie’s?) would be a start? (Apart from the fact
that I doubt the Queen or Charles would take a single step. I can only think of the current case of that British teen runaway who became a Jihadi bride who is now trying to return home from a Syrian camp after her plans went amiss.)
Este said…
@Aquitaine, Henry VIII lived in a far different world than we do today and we can't apply then to now. Back in his day, the British crown ruled and now they are figureheads who could be abolished by the people if they decided they really wanted to end their biggest tourist attraction.

The Family will survive and I think they'll survive better by saying nothing in public and not stripping them of their titles. Correct me if I'm wrong but if they took away duke/duchess, then Meghan then becomes Princess Meghan and how is that really a demotion in the court of public opinion? Also, doesn't she have to renounce her title before making herself a laughingstock by running for President? If that's the case, make her renounce them. Given the crappy hand they've been dealt, I think The Family is handling things the best way they can. This is already in the process of blowing over.
Este said…
When it comes to the Presidency, Americans are still fairly conservative. So Mudslinger Meghan torching her family and then her husband's family, arguably the world's most famous family, isn't going to play well here. Plus, people don't like mudslingers. Mudslinger Meghan is one delusional duchess.
Mom Mobile said…

Do you have a link to any information about a MM video of her losing her cool at the dress fitting? I thought I saw something about it on LSA but I don't have an account on there and can't inspect the thumbnails up close.

Thanks in advance!
Mel said…
Interesting how people perceive this.

Amongst my friends most say who? What?

Of the others:
The young ones don't know or care who she is.
The old ones think it's terrible how they're treating their family.

The right leaning informed ones think it's wrong to be so disrespectful to the Queen.
The left leaning informed ones see her as a gold-digger and him as a loser. She'll lie about anything to get her name in the paper. They were really disgusted with the miscarriage story.

The informed among my friends are really unhappy with the public figures who have spoken out. Amanda Gorman was a huge disappointment, as was Michelle Obama. They think Hilary also should have been quiet. They weren't happy with Stacey Abrams being part of the podcast, either. They don't like Piers Morgan but on this issue they're go! Piers.

They feel that those speaking out are uninformed of the whole story. Which causes them to side eye what else they're running their mouths about that they're uninformed about.

The only ones of my uninformed friends buying the racism! ain't it terrible how the royal family is treating her! are white women in their mid 30's. They don't want to hear it if I try to say anything explaining why that's not true. They're just buying the headlines. They're busy with their kids and jobs and don't really have time to look into things much, but have certainly bought into the poor Meghan story.
Miggy said…
Tweets fro Richard Palmer.

*That briefing war between the two camps in the Sussexes v Royal Family dispute continues. Former aides and the Sussexes are furious. In the middle stands the Royal Household, which wants to shut down the debate and take the heat off the “institution” by making this about family.

*Most journalists naturally don’t want to see it shut down. They want to get to the bottom of it, especially after Harry and Meghan made such disparaging and unsubstantiated comments about the UK public, the monarchy, and the media. It’s hard to see how this can be forgotten.

*So Gayle King and any other friends blathering on is manna from heaven, let’s be honest. Likewise briefings from those who had the misfortune to work for the Sussexes and want to see their narrative challenged.

*Make no mistake, there is real anger out there among staff and former staff who believe the claims made by Harry and Meghan are outrageous. One former senior aide speaking to the Daily Express said of Meghan: “It’s despicable that she’s played the race card.”


My mind's been running on a quotation from a letter JFE Stuart wrote to son CE Stuart when he was on the run in the Highlands minds, telling him to keep is head down and nor do anything stupid.(I'll give ref if you wish - it's in Royal Archives. ) Princess H looks as if he'll go the same way - drunk, dissolute & in exile.)

I wonder if there's anyone who might abandon the Markle ship? I can't even see us being able to extradite H since a former PM signed a one-sided extradition treaty - I don't want to speculate further on that thought, in case they take warning.

Who might betray them? Are the predisposing factors the same as the ones for committing treason in the first place? Money, blackmail - can't think what the 3rd one was at the moment. Scobie or Markus might if they see it could offer them bigger rewards (or fewer penalties) than they might get if they stayed with her.

If Scobie is arrested, might he turn Queen's Evidence? At least he appears in the UK from time to time?
@Maneki Neko,

That’s so very kind. ;o) I still regularly lurk, but I might just add a comment so I can get the emailed comments.

I’ve not seen Fairy Crocodile either, she left the same time I did. :o/

Take care of you and yours! :o)
Hikari said…

Meghan has played all her cards. A year from now, she'll be struggling for relevancy, not dominating the world as she imagines in her delusional mind. And the monarchy will still be around and likely have more supporters. Who wins most out of this? The Queen, of course, but also classy Kate.

The racist victim card was her trump card, yeah. She's also trotted out the simpering ingenue persona, the little lost American orphan who couldn't be expected to know anything about Royal protocol and the vulnerable young mother whom nobody cared enough about to ask if she was OK. She ramped that up with 'survivor of miscarriage'. None of these got the traction she wanted so she lobbed The Big One . . but we always knew it was coming. In the very first public statement about his girlfriend which absolutely zero persons outside of the Toronto party circuit knew existed, Harry primed that well with demands that 'racial attacks' on his girlfriend cease.

The world collectively went, "Huh? Racial attacks? How can this be, Harry when this is the first we are hearing that you're seeing someone." A new yacht girl for Haz was always a pretty commonplace event . . lots of transitory relationships for him ranging from one night to a couple of months at most . . who had noticed?

Harry had never jumped to the forefront of mind as a color-blind, inclusive individual, so for him to pop up with a mixed race girlfriend was a novelty. I think he tapped that, enjoyed some parties in Toronto, got bored and tried to dump her, but she was relentless and pursued him 'round the globe for 9 months to talk him back around to this master plan to exploit his family for maximum benefit to themselves. It remains unclear whether Harry was prepared for the situation to get this out of hand, though. Did he suppose, even during this past year that he could wheedle all their demands out of his granny and dad without going completely nuclear on them? Meg was certainly prepared to go scorched earth--was probably counting on it.

Hikari said…
This was the ace in her hand. A more skillful Narc would have waited to throw that down, after establishing a decent record in her marriage family for several years. Meg is far too volatile, childish and messy to have coped with that persona for that long. She couldn't even make it to the wedding without causing massive rifts. There is just too much tea on her and she knows the BRF can spill it all. That's why she's in full-blown panic revenge mode now. You may be right about the expiration date of anyone giving AF about her a year from now--but I predict it's going to be a rocky-a$$ year til then. Oprah could keep her in the news for a very long while yet. Then of course, she comes out with 'this new baby' story--conveniently *right* as the March 31st review period approaches. So that's going to be the next ploy: Harry's heartless racist family is prepared to let their two mixed race grandchildren starve because they are ashamed that they are not white enough.

Give it another year after THAT and Meg will turn up on some Real Housewives type program. Maybe Oprah will create one for her entitled "I'm a Royal Duchess--Get the Hell Out of Here."

Re. the titles: With or without the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan is Princess Henry of Wales until the divorce. 'The Princess of Wales' as a standalone title belongs by right to the wife of the Crown Heir alone, so I think Parliament could rightly squawk about a misappropriation of that title. That wouldn't deter Meghan of course, but I suppose there's little the family could do if she started referring to herself as Princess. The bone of contention was the HRHs. It's custom to use one's highest title of nobility, which is Duchess, but as previously observed here by me and others--to Americans raised on Disney movies from birth, the title (or is it 'style'?) of Princess connotes to us the highest station in the land, second only to the Queen. Because in all these tales, the commoner girl who is plucked from obscurity by (Crown) Prince Charming to be his bride WILL be Queen one day. None of the Disney Princesses marry the bad-tempered second son who is only #6 in line to the throne, you see. Each of them is supposed to live happily ever after as the wife of the dashing prince who will one day be the King, and that's what passes for reality in Meg's delusional mind. To Americans unfamiliar with the peerage, Duchesses are a dime a dozen and the title connotes a matronly personage. Princesses are eternally youthful, slim and beautiful, so you bet your booties that Murkela would prefer to be called Princess Meghan. Stripping the Duchess title will only hasten that. Letting her keep that title grifted by deception will only make her inevitable fall more delicious. Taking it away only gives her more fodder for her victim narrative.
Jdubya said…

a movie Meg made in 2011 was going to be re-released but then disappeared. She played a party girl snorting cocaine and sex scene. Wonder why it disappeared? Gee...........
AnT said…
@Mom Mobile,

As I mentioned to JennS, you can also see and read the “screaming fit” article screenshot easily on the Talking Tarot tumblr page. You don’t need a tumblr account to see it. Google “Talking Tarot Queen TT” and you’ll get the link.
AnT said…
@Wild Boar Battle-maid,

Scobie lives with his parents in or near London, so access to hm for account would be easy, I expect.

I think Markus is hiding with or managing the Harkles and thus, the betrayal could be via Messica at best, or some security team member perhaps.

Will look for that quote later today, thank you!
From IMDB:

The Boys and Girls Guide to Getting Down (2011 TV Movie)
User Reviews

Fun and Even Educational Flick!
sarine_voltage18 June 2019
Presented in a fun and unique manner, this "guide to sex, drugs, and bad behavior' actually does contain some solid educational tips. Cool cast and club scenes. Way better than I expected, especially for a TV movie.

(Do note that although Meghan Markle was top listed as the character "Dana" here on IMDB--which was one of the reasons I decided to see this, I thought it'd be funny--neither I nor anyone I was watching this with could spot her. We finally decided she might be the narrator, but as the end credits rolled, her name wasn't listed there either. Whatever that means. )

All in all, this is a pretty cool movie, one to easily watch with your boyfriend or girlfriend. Or alone. Together just might be more fun.
2 out of 3 found this helpful. Was this review helpful? Sign in to vote.

Comedy? Certainly! However, wish I could see more done with it.
lazarchikjacob5 April 2020

To begin, there are great moments in this movie. The comical elements are well placed, and the movie is entertaining. As with any movie, it has its downfalls. First, its script must have been over-edited, as it felt too choppy, inconsistent, and the plot was not clear. As a comedy, it would take a title, but in a performance atmosphere, it lacks. Certainly the comedy was delightful, but the story line was so inconsistent it often felt as the movie had no pattern. Indeed, it was somewhat of a educational sort (with comedy elements), but I think if the plot and characters were incorporated better, the movie would be more linear and sit better in the mind of the viewer. It seemed as that was not the target of the editing however, and with a mix of plot and what felt as shorts, it didn't come across nicely.
0 out of 0 found this helpful. Was this review helpful? Sign in to vote.

A cult classic if it finds an audience
fopfopfop27 February 2020

This movie is delightful. It is low production, but still has some great moments. There are so many funny bits in this movie, I can't for the life of me understand why it never caught on. There are scenes involving different drugs and the responsible way to use them, wink wink. Personal favorite bits, the lab mice on cocaine, the darwinian aspects of bouncers at clubs, and how to smoke a joint, you know etiquette wise. If you are a fan of drugs and/or original comedy, you will be in love with movie, I promise!

Are you surprised that recent reviewers couldn't recognise her? I'm not
Similar on Rotten Tomatoes

Here's the ref:

RA SP/MAIN/175 James to Charles, Albano 6th June 1746 NS

Quoted in Riding,J: Jacobites Bloomsbury Paperbacks, London 2015, Chap 52 p253.

Apologies - I can't get Harvard reference correct - we did set such things out differently in my day!
Miggy said…
Meghan's Markle's broadcaster friend Gayle King today claimed that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex had a deal with CBS and ITV to postpone their bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey if Prince Philip had died.

How thoughtful of them! 😒
Mom Mobile said…
@AnT Thank you so much! Sorry, I missed your previous comment.
Hikari said…
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge join world leaders in wishing everyone a Happy St. Patrick's Day and are completely adorable while doing it. They are sandwiched between a brief remark by Joe Biden and a windier one (in English and French) by Justin Trudeau.

Wonder if an Irish Eyes Are Smiling Message will be forthcoming from 'Mudslide Manor' (aka Orcah's Pool House) . .
Sandie said…
The rumour about the video ...

I am trying to track the source, which is proving difficult to do.

Basically (and there really is no more to the story), a security person used their phone to video Meghan behaving like a big bully at a dress fitting before her wedding, and the video confirms that Meghan did not cry but Catherine did.

I doubt that this rumour/story is true (if such a video exists, it would have been released) but the thing is that with the Harkles, the most outrageous and ridiculous rumours have proved to be true. It's crazy!

Then there is someone called Alexandra ? (never heard of her but she is supposedly well known and active on social media and is very connected) who knows the people who made Meghan's wedding dress and were there for that flower girl fitting. She has posted that people present have confirmed that Meghan did behave like a big bully, Meghan did not cry, Catherine did cry.

I do not understand the pathology behind someone like Meghan telling complete lies as 'her truth' and neither Harry, nor Oprah, nor so much of the media, nor celebrities jumping on the bandwagon, nor stans, recognising the lies and acknowledging that there is something seriously wrong with Meghan. I think Harry's family picked up that there was something seriously wrong and thus were against the marriage but the Queen, as a supremely tolerant person, gave the go-ahead, believing that with support, things would work out.
Jdubya said…
Cruising around on different sites and went by Theresa Longo @barkjack you can copy & paste if you don't have twitter (I do not)

She has some very interesting posts and possible inside info/rumors/gossip from the palace on recent commmunications between H/PW/PC

From our Palace source: A conversation considered “unproductive” by Harry and Megan is courteous, diplomatic and firm in reality. No one associated with the BRF is giving in to their demands

#Megxit more spiteful & lost than ever. BRF door is closing rather than opening for them post Oprah.
Diplomatic olive branch discarded: H argumentative & hostile. W calm, concerned w mental health, spoke w/ public assumption.
H&M want + acknowledgement/ inclusion: not happening
Jdubya said…
A bit more on @barkjack

Yes. Under the assumption of it being recorded, and even under the assumption of public distribution. The BRF is assuming all correspondence will go public.
Museumstop said…
@ Not Meghan Markle

In the interview, Meghan claimed they with Archie were never invited to an event for photos, which insulted her. I think the Christening photo is fake.


I think she said it to cover for Archie's absence. In fact that whole interview is filled with either cover-ups for rumours going around, pre-emptive shots against news that is to emerge, or laying of foundations for her future plans like when she finally does turn on Harry. Or to say her mental health issues were misinterpreted as her bullying etc etc etc... Nothing is authentic or organic when she speaks.
Hikari said…

It wouldn't surprise me that there is video footage of Meg which bolsters the claims by others of her bullying behavior. I would expect it all to be in the possession of the security services, though--the same agencies that confiscated all cell phones from attendees at Harry's infamous naked Las Vegas pool bash, grilled all those present and made them sign NDAs. If it's being released now in a stealthy 'release the Kraken, slowly' move that's good, however it gets released, though the term 'security guy' is a bit vague. If this person was an RPO and he surreptitiously hid this from the Palace, to release it later off his own bat, then he likely violated terms of his Royal employment, where discretion above all is prized. To have it trickling out of Canada is a bit suspect. Why Canada, when the event was filmed in London by an ostensibly British person? I'm thinking, if such a video exists, then now is the precise best time for the Duke of Cambridge to slip that, via an intermediary, to someone like, oh, Piers Morgan . . or someone at the Palace Telegraph. Let's get it out there, wide, to the international audience and that will shut her Royal Duck Lips right down. The Palace does not gain any advantage from sitting on this stuff. They will have plausible deniability that they know anything about it but everyone will know they have given their blessing for Meg's bad behavior to see the light of day. Keep her wondering what else they are going to let loose.

It's Kraken time, Your Majesty. Let that Beastie loose!
Este said…

Yes she played the hell out of the race card and few people outside of Hollywood & the media cotton to that, which is also why people no longer care about celebrities and no longer trust the media like we did with Walter Cronkite. For me that's the biggest issue with the ID politics. It doesn't actually widen your base of support. It sows animosity and allows people to make outrageous and unsubstantiated claims, like there was one/multiple/at the beginning/during pregnancy claims of discussion about how dark Archie would be. And they're allowed to get away with it but at what price? Meghan is already becoming yesterday's news so her nasty little game here is unravelling. God, I can't imagine what Harry is thinking? I'm really starting to wonder if he is suffering from Stockholm syndrome. It's frightening how quickly she alienated him from his brother, his brother's wife and his father. Meghan is diabolical but this will come back to haunt her.

Thanks for the clarification on the titles. As much as I'd love them to take away HRH from them, cutting the purse strings is sufficient and evidently is hitting them where it hurts.

"A more skillful Narc would have waited to throw that down, after establishing a decent record in her marriage family for several years. Meg is far too volatile, childish and messy to have coped with that persona for that long. She couldn't even make it to the wedding without causing massive rifts."

My sentiments exactly!

I'm dying to know what comes out in the wash on the bullying case. The family can't talk about it but the agency they hired can.
I can't imagine JCMH's mental health special is going to be taken seriously after what him and MM have done recently. They will both look like massive hypocrites.

Info from Companies House can be helpful I've gone down some of the breadcrumb trails here but have not reached any firm conclusions.

Info from Companies House;


led to :

MEYOU LTD (10212069)
The Tack Room, Worton Park, Cassington, Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, OX29 4SU

Is this where you got? It's barely 11 miles from Soho Farmhouse.

I haven't followed the trail any further - I know American ideas of what's `near' are v. different from those in Britain. our spatial concepts are on a smaller scale!
NeutralObserver said…
@Este, I'm certainly not saying either Taylor Swift or Beyonce are not talented. It's just that when I was a big music consumer, there was so much variety, the Stones, the Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Cream, The Supremes, The Ojays, Marvin Gaye, Carol King, Aretha, the list goes on & on. All of those artists borrowed freely from one another, & other genres. Just about every state had tiny little stations which would play cutting edge, hard to get music of all types. There were many thriving classical music stations. There was so much cross fertilization.

@AnT, hopefully the Harkle story will peter out into a prosaic story of ordinary people who left once royal lives. Even if it does, you should either write the Hot Rob sitcom screenplay, or the Megs as O. J. Simpson 2.0 screenplay.
Isn't it supposed that an aide to a another despot we've mentioned before said something about making a lie big enough, supposedly in German?

She's used the Goebbels' method before.
Acquitaine said…
@Este said…
"@Aquitaine, Henry VIII lived in a far different world than we do today and we can't apply then to now. Back in his day, the British crown ruled and now they are figureheads who could be abolished by the people if they decided they really wanted to end their biggest tourist attraction."


However, my comment was in response to a hypothetical question posted by someone musing about Henry's reaction to the interview and the discussion going on right now.

Acquitaine said…
@Wild Boar Battle-maid said…
"Isn't it supposed that an aide to a another despot we've mentioned before said something about making a lie big enough, supposedly in German?

She's used the Goebbels' method before."

As Lady C would put it, she does have a ministry of propaganda!
Sandie said…
How to spot fake news:

Most people would read this and accept it as fact and then pass it on.

The source is not named.

Royal reporters do genuinely speak to staff at KP, CH and BP but note that this article simply says a 'source'. Royal reporters do not remain anonymous.

Why on earth would any of the royals or any of the staff speak to ET through an unnamed source? They wouldn't.
Elsbeth1847 said…
Another, Sandie, is the claim that JHAMS want the discussions to bring healing to the different families.

Everything historically has been to bring chaos and not smoothing out problems in a quiet and calm manner.

Or that JHAMS are the agents of healing the divide? With the like the Madonna poses, who knows?
Este said…
@Neutral Observer

"It's just that when I was a big music consumer, there was so much variety, the Stones, the Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Cream, The Supremes, The Ojays, Marvin Gaye, Carol King, Aretha, the list goes on & on. All of those artists borrowed freely from one another, & other genres. Just about every state had tiny little stations which would play cutting edge, hard to get music of all types. There were many thriving classical music stations. There was so much cross fertilization."

Great point about cross fertilization in the music making it so good. The 60s and the 70s was a veritable renaissance for pop music and I don't know when we'll see that variety and talent again, probably not in our lifetime. Pop music today is a wasteland of sordid and smelly trash. The fact that a god awful song with a pornographic video "WAP" is being promoted as women's empowerment just makes me nauseous. This is the pollution and corruption being piped into young people's ears these days. I realize Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and the like weren't choir boy music but they had more going on musically than "WAP." Meanwhile, heavy metal and rock and roll have been "cancelled" for being too white and too male. These are crazy times and Western civilization is swirling down the drain.
AnT said…

Este, as Acquitaine noted, she was answering a hypothetical I posed earlier, above. Not that she thinks 16th century solutions would apply today. See Wild Boar Battle-maid’s comments as well. Just a “what would X or Y have done in their time about this” conversation.

I posed the question because to me, it feels like we have left the parties, polos and courtesans eras behind. And I was trying to think of a time when treasonous acts were seen as deadly serious and handled as such.
Acquitaine said…
@WBBM: A thought.

I wish the family would borrow from the parliamentarians of 2019 in achieving the public's desires to remove all titles and styles as well as the line of succession.

Granted the parliamentarians were trying to thwart Brexit and failed in the end, but it was supremely entertaining to see them go back in time to the 17th century to borrow and or revive John Pym's laws and tactics to attempt to thwart Boris who was recast as Charles 1.

There can be no doubt that if it were an option, the Harkles would be in France (or America) right now trying to raise an army for an armed attempt to usurp the throne. They are just doing it with modern tools.

The family needs to recognise this fact and use all the tactics, rules, precedents already in place to stop them because the Harkles will never back down unless they are completely disarmed and radio silence/ grey rock tactics are not going to do it.

We do not execute / imprison traitors any more, but we can carry out the consequences of that treason which is to strip them of all titles, styles and line of succession.

And the equivalent of a Titus Regulus made public so there can be no doubt about how or why this is the punishement meted out.

Hopefully read in a full session of Parliament by Boris so idiots like Gayle and Oprah can understand the dangerous game they've become ensnared in.
Christine said…
Hello Nutties- Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I for one was surprised at the even tone of Michelle Obama's comments. They were nothing like Hilary Clinton's angry comments. I have a feeling that Michelle's mild tone greatly offended our Mistress Markle. Why everyone and their dog has to chime in their opinion on the matter is beyond me though.

I think Meghan's Narcissism reached it's breaking point/peak shortly before the interview. I know many of you do not believe in Meghan's pregnancies, but I do. I think she is highly emotional and her narcissism goes off the charts while pregnant. She was the same way while pregnant with Archie. Her decision making is so incredibly rash. She decided to take on the RF directly. She thinks she's weaponized with her emails and texts. She wants money, titles for her children and she wants the Queen, Charles and William to speak nicely about her in the open so that she may continue her projects and make money. They signed up for Netflix, made the one podcast and it wasn't widely viewed and no one cared. No money is pouring in the door, so it was time. I stand by that the interview was a massive mistake and she will pay for it.

One thing that isn't talked about but is hilarious is that the RF suggested that Meghan go back to acting to make some money. Hahaha!!! Can you imagine her utter horror at that? I am sure Harry got a severe flogging after she heard that!
Sandie said…

Gayle, is this what your friend Meghan told you? Do you know she is a liar?

CBS stated that the broadcasting of the interview would go ahead, even if Prince Phillip died. Of course it would. Americans would not be affected by his death.

ITV stated that the broadcasting of the interview would not go ahead if PP died. Of course it wouldn't. ITV has a British audience.

Why is Gayle parroting whatever Meghan tells her when there are records that these are lies? And why isn't American media recognizing and speaking up about these lies?
Christine said…
Gayle King is ridiculous. Honestly she needs to shut her mouth. Certain people, like Scobie, Gayle, HARRY are like Narc Prey.
Acquitaine said…
@AnT: A thought.

Harry showed that he is deeply bitter and resentful because his money and security were stopped because his entire lifestyle has also stopped.

Putting aside the issue of having to pay bills for the first time in his life, he has been locked out of the polo, the hunting, shooting, fishing, spending summers in Africa playing pretend colonials at conservation.

Covid aside, he can't afford those pursuits and no one will host him. The condition for him being received amongst his set is sans Meghan and even then they might be grateful not to receive him again because when Megxit happened, one of his friend's fathers revealed that friendship with Harry was a very one-sided affair where he expected them all to dance to his tune, always carrying the burden of the friendship and never allowing them to be sure that they were truly friends. He also never called or returned calls, but expected them to call him.

And if you add the fact that he also expected them to pick up his bills when he graced them with his presence, there are probably many relieved friends that he is no longer part of the set.
Sandie said…
To reinforce my point ...

Gayle states that the interview was filmed before PP went into hospital. Any deal was struck before the interview was filmed. No way do the Harkles have the power to dictate TV programming. The only time they have any power is when negotiating a deal, and even then, they are the ones chasing deals, and then not delivering.

Gayle, hitching your wagon to the Harkle train wreck, driven by Meghan, is a sure way to lose any ability to reason, think rationally, speak the truth ...
Acquitaine said…
@Christine said...

"One thing that isn't talked about but is hilarious is that the RF suggested that Meghan go back to acting to make some money. Hahaha!!! Can you imagine her utter horror at that? I am sure Harry got a severe flogging after she heard that!"

Quelle Horror!! A duchess does not work!!

It was so funny how he told the story to elicit sympathy or as the framework for racism at the suggestion that she should work.

If the family tells you there is no money to cover her, where is your pride as a man to use your personal funds to do so?

And as we saw, once she got hold of that Amex, she proceeded to spend like a lottery winner.

No wonder he is stressed out about money.
Christine said…
While I do see some support for H&M in the US, there seems to be a growing annoyance towards them. People articles have a LOT of negative comments. In the US, people can get highly irritated with having things shoved down their throats and in their faces daily. Kind of like if the Kardashians have some news story out for days on end, people tend to get pissed off. We are now into weeks with this interview and I think it's starting to grate on people.
lizzie said…
@Christine wrote:

"One thing that isn't talked about but is hilarious is that the RF suggested that Meghan go back to acting to make some money. Hahaha!!! Can you imagine her utter horror at that? I am sure Harry got a severe flogging after she heard that!"

That was funny as well as odd. If it's true, I wonder when it happened? I didn't watch the interview but have read "transcripts." Wasn't it said in the context of the RF claiming it didn't have the money for security for her? If so, that doesn't really make sense. Of course, they have the money, but they don't pay for security for the working royals anyway. So I wonder if

1. It was said when Harry said M was moving to the UK before the engagement. Not sure the taxpayer-funded Metro Police protect "girlfriends."

2. It was said in the context of "hey, you two don't have to be working royals or at least she doesn't. Maybe she'd be happier acting." But M wanted to hit the ground running. We have seen that reported. And now she's turned it into something else.
Christine said…
Acquitaine- So funny! When Harry was talking about that, the red feathers on his head were raised. Hahaha! I wonder if that was the Queen or Charles. Whomever said it, honestly kudos to you. Yeah, I mean, Eugenie, Beatrice, Zara, Peter, they all work. I don't think Eugenie does anymore and probably won't since her hubs is rich and she's a momma. Now granted their work is probably fluff more or less and they don't do a lot of it, but they earn paychecks.

Este said…
@Aquitaine & Ant, sorry about that. Didn't realize it was hypothetical question. I failed to notice the prior thread. These climb up in numbers fast!
AnT said…
@Wild Boar Battle-maid,

Thank you for the links!

Will look into the companies house link and report back.
AnT said…

No worries! Agreed, number of comments rolls up so quickly it is very hard to keep track. Sometimes I even try to add a note like “per my comment to so and so above” as a sort of mile marker, because it can be so tough to catch up and read everything or find a reference.

And by the way, am enjoying reading your comments!

Darting in and out as I work this week.
xxxxx said…
Acquitaine said...
@AnT: A thought.

Harry showed that he is deeply bitter and resentful because his money and security were stopped because his entire lifestyle has also stopped.

Putting aside the issue of having to pay bills for the first time in his life, he has been locked out of the polo, the hunting, shooting, fishing, spending summers in Africa playing pretend colonials at conservation.

Covid aside, he can't afford those pursuits and no one will host him. The condition for him being received amongst his set is sans Meghan and even then they might be grateful not to receive him again because when Megxit happened, one of his friend's fathers revealed that friendship with Harry was a very one-sided affair where he expected them all to dance to his tune, always carrying the burden of the friendship and never allowing them to be sure that they were truly friends. He also never called or returned calls, but expected them to call him.

And if you add the fact that he also expected them to pick up his bills when he graced them with his presence, there are probably many relieved friends that he is no longer part of the set.

March 17, 2021 at 7:49 PM


Says it all!
The truth as far as I can tell from the distant United States of America but still on the East Coast and 3000 miles away from Montecito, Hollywood, Californicated, whatever.

spending summers in Africa playing pretend colonials at conservation. You get it! The phoniness. As no one here has posted
AnT said…

Very interesting thought above (@ 7:49 pm) about Haz being financially locked out of his old world and playful occupations. I’ve read a few references to his cheapness, too, and can well believe many old mates are sighing with relief at being freed of a temperamental, arrogant skinflint! I think even the father of one supposedly close friend commented that Harry wasn’t the buddy who’s there for you, but rather the guy who doesn’t call or take your calls for weeks until he needs something.

I also recall that he demanded to use some total stranger’s lovely yacht from a marina (down under? On some royalexcursion anyway) and his people finally got the uneasy owner to agree to let Harry and his friends take it out for a fee of consideration. But Harry was livid and bitchy that the owner agreed with the caveat the he (owner) would be on board for the day as well, in the captain’s area, to ensure his property wasn’t damaged and no one was hurt. Harry ignored him rudely the entire day trip! The fact alone told me that Harry was a creep under the jolly nice guy facade.

So I hope he enjoys some banishment from those he has offended for years. A friend in London on the far outskirts of his old circle of mates said he was famous for his short arms.
Sandie said…
Meghan moved in with Harry at NC about 6 months before the announcement of the engagement. Shortly after the latter, she did a trip back to the USA to renew her 6-month visa.

I agree that I think Harry's family offered to pull strings/call in favours to get her an acting job during that time. It would give her an income and solve her visa problems while she was living in the UK with Harry, and the marriage would not have to be rushed.

I agree that Harry tried to access SG fund for Meghan during those 6 months (security, transport, an assistant, whatever). See above. If Harry would not pay for it himself, she could get an acting job would have been the response from the family.

SG funds are budgeted for and allocated at the beginning of the financial year and they are not used to support girlfriends. Same with Duchy of Cornwall funds. When the Harkles got engaged, I suspect that Charles personally picked up the bills for Meghan and money had to be moved around in the SG allocation. Did the Queen help out?

The story they told in the interview is not the truth. (Although Charles might have fretted that Meghan would cost money and the BRF was already scrutinized and criticised about the SG. Surely though his son knows him well enough to not have misunderstood and get all offended and victmized?)
NeutralObserver said…
@Este, I agree with everything you wrote, & certainly agree that trying to get attention with exhibitionist behavior doesn't make a song any better. If it makes anyone feel any better, the Grammy awards had record low ratings & were down 53% from the previous year. So, maybe we're seeing a paradigm shift in what people find entertaining.

@WBBM, I'm hesitant to think that Roosevelt would feel that Britain was too 'imperialistic.' He was trying to pull the US out of the great depression, & had to deal with an outspoken isolationist movement at home as well. The Roosevelts were the nearest thing the US has to an aristocracy. They came to America in the 1600s & became very wealthy & powerful soon thereafter. FDR's upbringing, with private tutors before boarding school, learning to shoot, ride, & play polo, annual trips to Europe during childhood, Harvard, was not unlike that of English aristocracy. People of his class were unlikely not feel sympathetic toward Britain. Some historian may have interpreted his actions & words in a way that isn't completely true, as sometimes happens. His ancestors made some of their wealth selling opium to China, (The horror, the Democrats will have to cancel one of their greatest icons, just as Abraham Lincoln has been cancelled as well!), so he could hardly claim the moral high ground, & moral culpability for one's ancestors deeds hadn't been invented yet.
Maneki Neko said…
@Raspberry Ruffle

Thank you :) I hope we'll see you (and Fairy Crocodile) soon on the blog.
AnT said…

Exactly! The phoniness!!!

Did you notice his standoffish prissy pompous demeanor in much of the Corden interview? You agreed to this, buddy, and you are riding on top of a freaking bus, so chill, and drop the little prince act, Mr Just So Normal. Like he was in too close quarters with a mere UK commoner.

This from a guy who rudely barges into a stranger’s bathroom like an idiot to relieve himself during a pandemic, too!

Somewhere his former handler Edward Lane Fox is laughing knowingly at t all this ugly mess. To me at least, ELF now seems like the genius makeover artist of our century.
I'm sure I read that if Rache wanted to continue acting after getting married, the RF would have no problem with it.

Just as there would be no problem if the pair decided to cut free completely, abandoned all titles and had regular paid jobs like ordinary people, paying PAYE tax and National Insurance contributions.

So what did they do?

Insisted they would carry on as full Royals who would `hit the ground running' and declaring their 100% support for the Queen while apparently messing up their duties deliberately (and running a nice-little-earner racket on the side).

Then demand a half-&-half arrangement, finally twisting the account of what was offered and using it as ammunition.

At least , that's what it looked like to me.

Typical narcs.
Maneki Neko said…
@Hikari 5.39 pm & 5.40 pm

👏👏 Very good summary of the situation.

@Neutral Observer,

That's an interesting point of view - I can understand a certain isolationist mood then, given the Depression - Britain had suffered that too. I gather that an isolationist policy had been practised in the early years of WW1 until, I've heard, US Atlantic shipping was targeted by German U-boats.

I do wish certain individuals would continue to think that way.

NeutralObserver said…
@WBBM, & other Nutties from the UK. Our countries have been, & still are, the firmest of friends. As for FDR's feelings about Britain, he seems to at least have had great fondness & respect for Winston Churchill. The establishment & the RF was much better at handling lesser royals, like Princess Margaret, so a couple like the Harkles would most likely have never even been a topic of conversation for either FDR, or Winnie. Poor Eleanor might have cottoned on to Megs because she was a POC, but Eleanor was a pretty prudish bluestocking, so maybe not.

After Churchill returned home from his
first stay at the White House over Christmas
of 1941, FDR wrote him a long missive on war
matters, closing it with the warm remark,
“It is fun to be in the same decade with
you.” Not long after FDR’s death, Churchill
would say that meeting him had been “like
uncorking your first bottle of champagne.”
Este said…
@Neutral Observer:

"the Grammy awards had record low ratings & were down 53% from the previous year. So, maybe we're seeing a paradigm shift in what people find entertaining."

Hey thanks. Didn't know the ratings were so low. I think the Oscars & Golden Globes are way down too. No surprise for any of this. Public entertainment is hardcore pushing this extreme (and extremely unpopular) far left agenda. For the short term, the media has the power here and they are wielding it heavily, as we've seen with the extremely lopsided coverage of the Muslinger interview and the target placed on the back of any media players & outlets that question their narrative. What's happening to Piers Morgan and Sharon Osbourne is some scary dystopian garbage. I don't know why Sharon is grovelling but I like that she's putting up a fight and making them fire her. I have to admit to being scared of the power they wield sometimes but I believe (want to believe) this will backfire on them. For one thing, the ratings equal revenue and how much money can networks and the entertainment industry afford to lose pushing this?

@Ant..thanks for the kind words! It's nice coming here and talk to people who see what's going on and are expressing themselves. I've been a lurker for awhile tho not so much until the recent interview. At that point, I realized just how far the Establishment is willing to go to silence all dissent in pushing their own scary agenda. This is much bigger than Megs and the Hairy Princess.

`Short arms and deep pockets' - someone described my no1 husband thus.

I ended up feeling I came a very poor third in his hierarchy of values - the Army first, then his bank account - finally me.
It's Hot Rob's birthday today, guys. He is 57.
Thanks for your reassurance Neutral Observer - let's hope the friendship continues far into the future and isn't damaged by the way the Sussexes carry on.

After all, BoJo became British only in 2017!
The BAFTA award ceremony 2021 will now take place on Sunday 11th April; I haven't looked at the list of nominees yet so have no idea who might try to parade their Woke credentials.

Last year was bad enough, painful in fact; I can't imagine the Cambridges are much looking forward to it.
LavenderToast said…
Sorry if this has been posted already:

"While Prince William has spoken out about Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's bombshell Oprah interview, Kate Middleton has remained silent thus far. But according to royal reporter Katie Nicholl, the duchess is "mortified" that Meghan revealed the truth about what went down during bridesmaids fittings before the royal wedding.
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