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Are we nearing something big? The media's attitude towards the Sussexes is changing

 I've often asked myself why I first got interested in Sussex watching. 

I think it was because it was so obvious to me that Meghan was a fraud and a fake, and I couldn't figure out why it wasn't obvious to everybody

In particular, why did both the celebrity media and the legitimate press so loudly adore Meghan? Why did they applaud her shabby wedding with its ill-fitting gown and tumbledown cake? Why didn't they notice her changing bump sizes in their own photos?

Over time, the celebrity media's reason for cooperation became understandable - they were being either pressured or paid by Sunshine Sachs, although it's still not clear to me who is funding Sunshine Sachs or why. And the legit press wanted to avoid being too harsh on the "first Black princess."

Since the release of the "Lilibet Diana" name, however, things seem to be changing.

Left-wing outlet loses patience

"Meghan and Harry's baby name Lilibet, Queen Elizabeth's nickname, is at best tone deaf" wrote NBCNews' THINK feature section on Monday after the name was released. 

THINK is proudly left-wing: one of its previous articles was titled "Meghan and Harry experienced discriminatory gaslighting. Here's how you can tell."

But even its editors seem to have lost patience with Meghan. 

Palace speaks out

Today's scuffle with the BBC and Palace sources on one side and the Sussexes on the other is another sign of changing times. 

The BBC, citing palace sources, says the Queen was not consulted about the use of her childhood nickname "Lilibet"; the Sussexes and their expensive lawyers Schillings (and who is paying for them?) insist that she was.

Given the Sussexes' record, most people seem inclined to believe the BBC, the Martin Bashir story aside.

Does Baby Lilibet even exist?

As many readers of this blog have pointed out, there's not any evidence at this point that baby "Lilibet" even exists. 

No photos have been released; neither has a birth certificate. A California hospital has been named as tje site of the birth, but they cannot speak out because of medical privacy laws. (There's also a good chance it has some ties to Sunshine Sachs.)

@Torontopaper1, which has had some previous "scoops" about the Sussexes, suggests that this is a case of a surrogate baby who has not yet been born. A Tumblr blogger has posted images that suggest that photos of Meghan's various "bumps" in two different sizes were actually taken on the same day. 

How tempting it must be at Kensington Palace or even Clarence House to release some information (or give the media the green light to release it) that would expose the Sussexes for who they really are.


Hikari said…

Opus says he disagrees with everything you wrote in your post containing this bit. I find the analogy kind of fitting, actually:

It reminds me of a Roman Catholic friend explaining the `Sin Against the Holy Ghost' - the pride in our sins that says we are so awful that we we cannot possibly be forgiven even if we truly repent. Critical Race Theory has created a secular equivalent - we cannot possibly be forgiven, even though we had no more choice as to our skin colour than anyone else, black, white or anything else. Today's individuals have had little part in these matters but that seems to be irrelevant.

Agree about Critical Race Theory. I am a public librarian, now in my 22nd year, and the irony with libraries is, outside of major metro areas, the communities they are in tend to be conservative. But the leadership core that runs the ALA (American Library Association) and affiliated groups are relentlessly "progressive", aka woke. It's about impossible to rise to the position of Editor-in-Chief of the official publications of the ALA, Library Journal and School Library Journal unless one is a flag-waving member of the LGBTQ+ community. The ideal candidate will be a black/Latinx gender-queer vegan practictioner of Wicca. Do I jest? No. It's not enough by far just to be in a committed gay relationship any more. Lands, no, how suburban. Good luck getting published these days as a white heterosexual that only birth-gender pronouns. Once upon a time, my dears (to channel River a mo) Markle would have been howled out of publishing firms nationwide for her latest 'literary effort'.

These woke times we live in are unremittingly cynical and depressing. Anyhoo, I am feeling that the time has come for me to go as I am now expected to be sensitive to the gender-exploration of my 3-year-old patrons and I'm supposed to ask kids who are still learning to talk which pronouns they prefer. Other libraries in my region are offering drag storytimes for the youngest set and whole drag camps for the older ones. When registering for a recent professional seminar, I was sent the program agenda with all of the *preferred prononuns* for every speaker listed. It is going to be like that from now on.

Yes, the time has come to go. End of this year perhaps.

Hikari said…
Anyway, you wrote:

It reminds me of a Roman Catholic friend explaining the `Sin Against the Holy Ghost' - the pride in our sins that says we are so awful that we we cannot possibly be forgiven even if we truly repent. Critical Race Theory has created a secular equivalent - we cannot possibly be forgiven, even though we had no more choice as to our skin colour than anyone else, black, white or anything else. Today's individuals have had little part in these matters but that seems to be irrelevant.

I was raised Lutheran which is often mistakly attributed as 'Catholic Lite'. We were founded by a former Catholic priest, and he retained certain items he liked about the Catholic liturgy and worship calendar while doing away with a great number of the largest items of contention which which he vehemently disagreed. But he definitely kept in the Sin Against the Holy Ghost. I would tweak your explanation a bit:

The sin against the Holy Ghost is basically rejecting God Himself and making yourself your own God. That you have no need of 'forgiveness' because whatever you do in your own eyes is right and therefore you have no 'sin'. Refusing to recognize your own sinful condition in a word. Forever. If you die in this condition then there is no salvation for you and you go to Hell.

We believe that there is no sin so great so as to be 'unforgiveable', if one is genuinely contrite and comes to God. That is grace. The very nature of Jesus was that He came to make all sinners right with God--*so long as they recognize their need for repentance, through Him.* One cannot say "I believe in Jesus" and go through external rituals and have that be enough. The heart must change, and the very attitude toward sin. If one is a true believer, it's not that we will not sin--that's our human nature. But the true believer will feel guilt and will ask forgiveness and seek to not repeat the sin.

Neither Meg nor Harry give any indication whatsoever by their outward behavior that they have a saving relationship with God. They wouldn't be acting this way if they did.
SirStinxAlot said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
SirStinxAlot said…
@Kate Kosior...I need a new tent! I call dibs, unless its going to be used in their new home in the LA slums.
Karla said…
I don't believe there is a political cartel behind them, just an important segment that benefict
from them to serve their platforms. People Magazine is one of them.
For Americans Harry was the personification of Princess Diana. A myth for the people. A prince of the people. However, he is not. M must have thought that her interview with Oprah would have the same worldwide effect as Diana's interview with Bashir. H and M wanted support from the UK. Only the UK could put pressure on the royal family. That didn't happen and his supporters were frustrated. Harry is not Diana.
I also think the media is changing. It turns out that Harry is not Diana. Perhaps for the Democrats, a Prince Trump.
The Queen will remain stoic and be pleasant. But the fact that she had the palace correct Harry’s statement, says a Lot.
Note: Pardon my English, it is horrible.
xxxxx said…
AnT said...

Hi! I continue to hope you are feeling better day by day and receiving effective help — please let us know. I am wincing just thinking about what you’ve been enduring.

If you need a smile, I had an aunt, a tall, beautiful, dramatic woman from Prague, who was bedeviled by terrible back issues after having four children. She found relief by hanging upside down an hour a day in some sort of contraption her doctor got for her.

Those hanging inversion boots are not a joke. Many get back pain relief with them. You hang upside down and the spinal column gets stretched longer in beneficial ways.
Here they are at Amazon and not expensive.


You hook them onto a pull up bar and hang upside down.
Hikari said…

Thanks for providing the link to that article. Wonderful pictures of Philip, alone and one with Edward. That picture of him from 2017 visiting some schoolkids might be my favorite photo of the last era of PP's life. Such a zest for life can be seen in that face. That face which looks so like Harry. What a disappointment the kid was to the old man and continues to be.

I thought though that the Queen looked very sad in that photo of her recent engagement. She is beautifully turned out as always but there is no more smile.

Edward's tone was pretty jovial throughout the article but his sentiment, "We wish them luck" sounds pretty final, doesn't it?
Kate Kosior said…
@SirStinx: The tent is yours unless Madam needs it for her newest frock... :-D

@Hikari: Agreed! Edward and Sophie have been the peacemakers back to the Commonwealth kerfuffle. it's a pretty firm message that the family is done.

xxxxx said…
Agree about Critical Race Theory. I am a public librarian, now in my 22nd year, and the irony with libraries is, outside of major metro areas, the communities they are in tend to be conservative. (and lots more from H)

I detest all this wokeness. They are such intolerant people. They love doxxing and sabotaging the careers of the non-woke. Why? Because fundamentally the woke are misérables, envious people. It is like a cult. Unfortunately the young at universities (UK and USA) seem to be buying into this utter ahistorical crap. So woke is getting larger as the older generations die off. I hope not, but this is the current trajectory.
Elsbeth1847 said…
...During a conversation with the Queen, Harry "shared their hope of naming their daughter Lilibet in her honor," a spokesperson for the couple tells PEOPLE. "Had she not been supportive, they would not have used the name."

Eh, you mean the same people who posted what their demands were on the internet for Megxit to her which necessitated a sit down negotiation which did not give them everything on that listing? The same folk who were not thrilled about the loss of RS? Or the recipients of a not emerald tiara for the wedding? or the fait accompli Vogue cover? and so on?

Seriously though, I can't help but feel there is more to this in some way. A common theme in FF was that the Family was not supportive of them and kept them from being able to reach their full potential as well as they were not supported by stopping what they felt were obvious inaccuracies posted by the press.

It is that last one which I'm thinking about in regards to this where the Palace is not stepping in to support the 6's version of what was said. The Palace rarely comments at all and perhaps that is what 6/6w were counting on and were stunned that this idea (it was all good) was not universally swallowed whole. The delicate tiptoe wording may speak volumes should this go to court.

That bell rang. The more this gets talked about (even the subtle wording on a CNN), the more it may get noticed in the USA which may lead people away from the highly supportive US articles and to the UK

So, it will be interesting to see what they do next. Will they file a suit (and if so, are they expecting to drag that out in hopes that TQ might pass and therefore not be able to be a witness)? Would I trust some paperwork claiming to show an international call to supposedly to her? (not really) OTOH, such a phone bill might be quite of interest to show how often 6/6w have been in touch and for how long different members of the family. Perhaps something they might to suppress?

I have this mental image of them swishing swords about like in Pirates of the Caribbean on one of the ships. They have walked themselves out onto a plank (The Queen knew) and now have limited directions to go in.

Daily Beast
Bxt Brits Freak Out at ‘Senile’ Biden After He Wades Into Boris Johnson’s Sausage War

Thu, 10 June 2021, 2:16 pm

`Days after the U.S. election, an old clip of Joe Biden went viral in the United Kingdom as people pondered what the end of the Trump era would mean for relations between Britain and America. “Mr. Biden, a quick word for the BBC,” a plummy voiced reporter could be heard saying. “The BBC?” Biden asked, before responding with a cheeky smile: “I’m Irish.”

To most viewers in Britain, it was seen as what it was—Biden’s jokey way of brushing off a reporter that he couldn’t be bothered talking to. But to the pro-Brexit crowd, ..., it was seen as a grave national insult, and the words of an incoming president who had little intention of putting Britain above other allies.

On...the first day of the G7 summit... where Biden is making his first foreign trip as president, their worst fears were realized. The Times of London reported that Biden ordered his top diplomats to dress down British Prime Minister Boris Johnson for “inflaming” tensions in Northern Ireland over his post-B... trading demands.

According to the report, Yael Lempert, America’s most important diplomat in Britain, issued a formal diplomatic reprimand to one of Johnson’s ministers, in which she expressed Biden’s personal “great concern” over the prime minister’s trade threats. Notes from the meeting said Lempert “slowly and gravely read her instructions [from Biden] aloud.”

The disagreement is a technical one, but one that has dominated press coverage of run-up to the G7 summit in because of its effect on a key component of the artery-pummelling British breakfast: Sausages.

Britain and the EU are finding it impossible to agree on how to implement trade rules for goods crossing from the British mainland to Northern Ireland. If the stalemate continues to next month, it could become illegal for English sausages to enter Northern Ireland, where EU trading rules remain in force to prevent the creation of a hard Irish border.

EU food safety rules don’t allow chilled meat products to come into its market from non-members, like the U.K., but Johnson has threatened to ignore those rules and continue importing (them). That, the EU argues, could undermine the carefully balanced ... agreements designed to protect peace in Northern Ireland—and it appears that Biden has sided with Ireland and the EU against Johnson and Britain.

Biden’s apparent decision to wade into what has become known as The Sausage War has infuriated some Bxt-loving Brits.

An unnamed (MP)from Johnson’s Conservative party (repeated) Trumpist attacks on Biden on Thursday, telling Politico: “America should remember who their allies are... Unfortunately [Biden is] so senile that he probably won’t remember what we tell him anyway. Unless an aide is listening I'm not sure he’s going to remember for very long.”

Nigel Farage, the man who previously spearheaded the Bxt movement but is now largely reduced to hawking competitively priced Cameo videos to celebrate the birthdays of middle-aged white British men, wrote on Twitter: “We now have an anti-British U.S. President in the White House. I hope all those who condemned Trump see their stupidity.”

Johnson was one of the few world leaders who boasted a good relationship with Trump who admired the PM’s success in leading the Bxt campaign in 2016.

The White House tried to calm the row on Thursday hours ahead of an expected bilateral meeting between Johnson and Biden.

An unnamed senior Biden administration official reportedly said the private discussion about (N.I) reported by the Times “wasn’t directed by the President,” and denied that it was a “heightened” talk. “As with any ally we have diplomatic conversations about areas where we have concern at many levels,” the anonymous official told Politico.'
Ava C said…
@Hikari - how sad your words are about the time to go, because wokeness is making the workplace effectively a no-go area for the majority of people. As I said earlier, I'm wondering how I will get through my final 10 years or so of working life. The pandemic has given me a refuge for over a year but I can't stay in it for a decade. I just know I cannot sit in silence if I end up in the middle of it all.

This is why the Sussexes are symptomatic of the whole thing. Like that uber-privileged American at Magdalen College Oxford. Privileged people attacking ordinary people's lives and values, knowing they themselves have huge financial reserves while they hold dismissal over the heads of people living from paycheck to paycheck. The speed with which people are dismissed these days, condemned with language unheard of five years ago, is terrifying.

I watched Lady C's latest and still think she is giving M too much credit for being a genius at PR. It's not genius. It's that people and the media are worn down and just plain afraid. Of being sacked. Vilified. Ostracised. Of being sued and losing on a technicality. Not helped by that weird attraction older, white males of the British establishment seem to feel for M. She and her type may act as if they disdain them but they sure as hell know how to use them. Same pattern as M and the BRF in fact.
Would they have to bring the cases they threatened to Court in UK? Good luck with suing HM, in that case!

Thanks Karla, for the gem about repurposing the book! I'd gladly use bog-roll with her mug printed on it, as long as it was absorbent enough. By the way `bumf' for valueless paperwork is a contraction of `bum fodder'.
Maneki Neko said…


Sorry for the delay in replying, I was out. 'Biden called the Royal Air Force the 'RFA' while addressing US military personnel at RAF Mildenhall in Suffolk during his first-ever speech as US President on British soil last night.' (DM). A who POTUS cannot even say the name RAF, which is world famous! In other words, talk about what you know (and that doesn't include NI).

@Raspberry Ruffle

Thank you for your explanation to Magatha :-). My fault for not making things clear.
Ava C said…
@WBBM - I'd forgotten that. The Queen is immune from prosecution. No criminal or civil action is possible. No doubt the Sussexes would target a member of the royal household instead but all ultimately stems from the Queen, if that person was doing his or her job. It shows how rock-solid the Queen is that this situation raises few eyebrows. Imagine if H became the monarch through some catastrophe and M was controlling that monarch whom the law could not touch! It would be insupportable. The end of the monarchy for sure.

Karla said…
Wild Botar Battle-Maid. Lol This bookseller followed the advice of MM. "Don't give it five minutes if you're not going to give it five year" (MM)
Maneki Neko said…
ConstantGardener33 said

"Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have announced plans to distribute 2,000 copies of The Bench to libraries and schools across the US for 'no cost' - amid ongoing questions over whether the profits from the book will go to charity.

Copycats. I read yesterday that Kate was giving away copies of her book:
'Kate Middleton is leaving copies of her new photography book, Hold Still: A Portrait of Our Nation in 2020, scattered around the UK for people to find.' (The Independent)

Does M always have to be in competition with Kate? Does she have any original ideas?
SwampWoman said…
Maneki Neko said: Copycats. I read yesterday that Kate was giving away copies of her book:
'Kate Middleton is leaving copies of her new photography book, Hold Still: A Portrait of Our Nation in 2020, scattered around the UK for people to find.' (The Independent)

Does M always have to be in competition with Kate? Does she have any original ideas?

Might as well give them away. It isn't like anybody is going to be buying her book; it's been benched.
Enbrethiliel said…
You'd think the sugars would have at least bought one copy each.

Will the poor book sales be a sign to potential backers that Harry and his wife don't actually have any influence on buyers?
JennS said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Grisham said…
It’s #15 on the Amazon top books

And it’s #4 on Amazon’s top children’s books:

Don’t blame me. I don’t make the lists.
snarkyatherbest said…
Maneki Neko - there are a lot of things Biden cant do; even his wife posted on twitter at the commander in chief desk going through binders as she said prepping for the G7 - i know the wives do things and you need to know things about the other spouses at G7 but it sure gave the appearance that she was in charge. not sure the president even knows what ice cream he wants ;-)

Markle - the publisher has tons of printed books so its just a matter of donating them and where. everyone sees through that move. really pathetic and I love it. means she is still "winning" ha, not!
Grisham said…
It’s #48 top books for Amazon UK

It’s #13 Amazon Uk top children’s books

Again, don’t blame me for the lists
Grisham said…
It’s #12 Amazon Australia top books:

It’s #7 Amazon Australia children’s books

Grisham said…
It’s #27 Amazon France children’s books:

I don’t feel like looking up any other places.
Grisham said…
Puss, I definitely thought the queen looked fragile and aged, but she was wearing more comfy clothes, so maybe that added to the “elderly” look. Still, with a marriage that long, there is a high chance she will go within the year to join Phillip. *sad*
Karla said…
As far as I know this rise of The Bench came from the fact that it flopped on release. "Meghan Markle’s children’s book The Bench consigned to half-price bargain sale on release date. Meghan’s novel is already part of a ‘buy one get one half price’ deal at a WHSmith store in Newcastle city centre.
JennS said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hikari said…
the publisher has tons of printed books so its just a matter of donating them and where. everyone sees through that move. really pathetic and I love it. means she is still "winning" ha, not!

My library has zero interest in a 'donated' copy of the grifter's book. Hard pass. If it comes across my path, it is going to be quietly disappeared.

Here's a thought: Auntie Oprah can pick it for her book club. That would get rid of the excess.

The Harkles are bad investments. They both want to be feted as megastars and showered with millions of dollars and favors for just being themselves. They don't actually 'Do' anything. As brand ambassadors for any product or cause they are box office poison. Seems like woke corporate America may be getting wise.
jessica said…
Lady C is wrong here.

A genius at PR is Jason Knauf, someone providing a valuable service to others.

Meghan’s form of PR is self promotion and planned ‘gotchas’. That’s not PR. That’s a psychopath with a microphone.

A person that’s great at PR connects with people, is genuine, and tells an accurate story that resonates with all sides and moves objects forward. A person great at destruction and negativity lies to people/entities and manipulates.

Another thing Lady C is forgetting is that the previous head of PR for Pinterest is one of Meghan’s only hires.

This is someone with PR experience backing a nutcase. Nothing to do with genius at all.
jessica said…
My husband happens to be a prolific children’s book author and illustrator as his side career. He’s been ranked #1 in all the ‘lists’ from time to time.

I’ll tell you one thing about the lists. They are manipulated by the publishers.

That’s all.
jessica said…
There’s no way in hell Random House will let Meghan’s book fall before reaching #1 in several lists. Why on earth would they let that happen?The illustrator is well known in the industry and had a big success a few years ago.
JennS said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ava C said…
I'm watching old episodes of the BBC series about forensic pathologists called 'Silent Witness'. One of them, speaking in court, said:

"The opposite of truth is not just a lie. The opposite of truth is chaos."

Guess who that reninded me of? They seem to get into everything at the moment ...
JennS said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
snarkyatherbest said…
JennS - i am guessing with the G-7 summit, prince philips bday and the harkles being only family members and not even minor celebrities (take that mrs!) the palace doesnt want to clarify because it is of no importance - not even worth a clarification.
Hikari said…

Thank you for the well wishes. I should clarify that my library administration itself has not embraced the concept of Drag Queen Storytime and similar, nor have we had any specific requests for programs like that. Some of our teens are gender-fluid or still seeking, whatever. Goth, fairy wings, cross-dressing . .we embrace it all and everyone's welcome through our doors. We are here to affirm everyone's humanity and right to read what they want and use our computers. I have never felt it was our bailiwick to affirm any one creed, political view or lifestyle above all others and that is what I feel is happening today. For every transgendered kid that walks through our doors, there must be 500 more who want to read stories of a regular cis-gender childhood devoid of psycho-sexual trauma and identity crises. I have a responsibility too to the 90% of kids who are not gender-queer, gender-confused, non-binary, what have you. Dare I call them 'typical' children? Even the words typical or 'normal' are now pejorative. And Laura Ingalls Wilder has been canceled, because she was racist, you know. Dr. Seuss too.

Even though my own workplace remains more mainstream, if I can use that word, we are still daily saturated with the woke agenda through all our professional publications, professional development opportunities, etc. Our younger librarians, who have been through library school/indoctrination most recently call patrons 'customers' and are the most likely to swallow the prevailing social Kool-Aid. My boss and director are my age so we are pretty much on the same page. If I worked in a huge metropolitan system I think I would find the current climate intolerable. I once attended a day-long seminar run by a 300-pound lesbian with blue hair and a face full of piercings--and that was considered professional attire in her library system. There are now librarians (mostly Millennial age and younger) who make Annie Pott's character in Pretty in Pink look conservative. The comfort level of patrons or co-workers to have to engage with them is much less important than *their* right to express themselves. And they are now in positions of industry authority, too.

Pantsface said…
@WBBM - I too used to live near the runway at RAF Mildenhall, used to love the smell of jet fuel first thing in the morning - not!! Actually loved living there back in the day and prior to the first Iraq war, had easy access to the base with american friends, enjoyed the duty free and sunday champagne breakfasts. My last visit, I was attending my normal aerobic class, taught by an MC Hammer look alike, complete with gold pantaloons, such fun, was denied entrance and escorted off base by a soldier with a gun!
Fifi LaRue said…
So many gems today!

My late MIL used to prop an ironing board against the sofa, and lie on it with her head facing down. Said it did wonders for her body.

#6 wife wants to "nourish" children with her book?! What?! What a total a$$hole she is. The book is a piece of BORING TEDIOUS crap. It's the kind of thing that goes in the recycler straight away.

A true philanthropist who gives away millions of books, and not the ones she has written is Dolly Parton. Dolly Parton is an example of someone who nourishes children.

Wife#6 is the biggest phony and fraud of all time. She doesn't even nourish her own plastic doll.

#6 is gonna keep lying about consulting Granny about the name. That is disturbed behavior.

@Hikari: There was a private pre-school in the next big city over who had Drag Queen Storytime, and Drag Queen shows. A friend was teaching there, and another friend had a relative attending there. Why in the he77 should 3 and 4 years be subjected to confusing displays of sexuality? Now you have to ask 3 year olds what personal pronoun they want to be called by? It's too much!

I believe that #6 is a phony, fraud, and a lying liar.

Queen Elizabeth was never consulted by the lying liars for permission to use her personal nickname.

#6 and #6 wife are digging themselves a gigantic hole. Let them keep digging.

I do not for one instant believe that anyone in the BRF is wounded by the actions/words of the #6s.
Irritated, disgusted, horrified maybe. The actions of the #6s confirms what they assessed of #6wife from the get go.
Henrietta said…
Blind Item #9

Blind Item #9
The alliterate one and her stooge husband can huff and puff as much as they want, but they know they will lose if they pursue legal action. Of course they didn't ask permission of the person in charge about the name of their kid, just like they didn't ask her about trademarking the name either. Kind of ironic that they spent weeks trashing her parental abilities and then trademark her name to profit off it.

Did they trademark her name though? It’s delightful and juicy but I don’t think registering a web domain is the same as trademarking a name. Am I wrong? It’s bad enough they did the website names. Trademarking Lilibet would be so low
Sylvia said…
Lipstick Alley rumour Baby2$ picture will be released tomorrow to eclipse this event !
Another comment on LA
#6 'when you are on paternity leave and your brother is meeting with world leaders '

NewsUK News18 mins agoWilliam and Kate to attend first G7 events

By Press Association 2021

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge


The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are to take part in their first G7 events, another milestone in their progression as senior royals.

William and Kate will join the Queen, the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall at the G7 leaders reception at the Eden Project on Friday evening.

Afterwards, Charles, joined by his son the duke, will host a reception for the leaders and chief executive officers from some of the world’s largest companies to discuss how the private sector can work with governments to tackle the climate emergency.

Earlier in the day, Kate and First Lady Jill Biden will conduct a joint engagement
Maneki Neko said…

I've had a quick look at the b&a photos of H and his 'pregnant' wife. Thank you for undertaking this mammoth task of collating all this info.
I'll look at the pix more in detail on my pc. I've looked on my tablet but it seems in the photos where the wife is in a white dress and the one where she's in a printed dress carrying Archie that H is wearing the same shirt: the creases on his sleeve seem in the same place, yet the pix were supposedly taken a while apart.
Sylvia said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maneki Neko said…
A columnist has claimed that the “trouble with” Meghan Markle’s book, The Bench, is that it was not written for children but to instruct Harry about parenting.(my italics)

According to the Daily Mail columnist Bel Mooney, Meghan is the “bossy narrator” who instructs Harry about parenting and then watches from the window as he “obeys her instructions.”

“The Bench is not for children at all, but for husband, Harry,” Mooney comments in a review of Meghan’s book published in the Daily Mail.

Mooney wrote, “Throughout these pages, the rather bossy narrator is telling Dad (aka My Love) what to do (You’ll tell him ‘I love you’) – and watches with ‘tears of joy’ from the window as he obeys her instructions.”

Mooney suggested that Meghan acknowledged that her book was written for Harry and not for children when she said it was inspired by “a poem I wrote for my husband on Father’s Day, the month after Archie was born.”

According to the reviewer, the “full extent” of Meghan’s book is that she wanted to instruct Harry about parenting and make him obey her.

So it's taken the wife 2 years to find that hubby is perhaps not equal to the task when it comes to parenting. What does she know about the subject anyway? That she is bossy and makes sure he obeys her instructions has never been in doubt.
Fifi LaRue said…
@Sylvia: Thanks for the UK News. #6s could've been at the G7 Summit, greeting World Leaders! But no, #6s were going to be HUGE in Hollywood, and toasted everywhere!

Now, they are laughed at, derided, excoriated, ridiculed, and the object of horrified fascination.
jessica said…
Does anyone else think they will revert to naming the baby Lily? To be victims of the monarchy...again?

Was this all planned out? The lawsuit threats have me thinking not, but their whole biz is creating drama and storylines. ‘We tried to name our baby lilibet to honor the Queen, but the Queen said no and we decided to relent and the baby is now Lily’ ‘We are such victims and couldn’t name the baby lilibet because of the institution’.

I mean, it fits with their M/O and Meghan is a planner.
Henrietta said…

Blogger jessica said...

Does anyone else think they will revert to naming the baby Lily? To be victims of the monarchy...again?

I think it's possible it'll end up being Lily or Diana. But it may end up being part of their divorce settlement once Harry sees the extent to which he's hated by his fellow Brits for what he's done. He knew damn well he needed to get permission from the Queen for the name if only because the Cambridges have done it three times with Will's dropping hints in public about what the requested names could be (e.g., for Louis, "it'll be a strong name").

I don't think they asked permission for Archie either.

xxxxx said…
snarkyatherbest said...
Maneki Neko - there are a lot of things Biden cant do; even his wife posted on twitter at the commander in chief desk going through binders as she said prepping for the G7 - i know the wives do things and you need to know things about the other spouses at G7 but it sure gave the appearance that she was in charge. not sure the president even knows what ice cream he wants ;-)

Jill Biden is Joe's seeing eye dog. She has to be with him for all his public appearances. Making sure matters don't spin out of control. With Pres. Joe's semi-senility I was surprised he went to Europe for this string of appearances. His handlers must be confident that they can stash Joe away for rest often enough. So that he does not get tired, stressed out and incoherent.
No joke, I think when Pres Joe gets back here you will hear nothing from him for at least one week, as he recuperates and rests up. Having been such a good boy in Europe, they might even allow him extra scoops of strawberry ice-cream.
AnT said…


While it keeps this interesting to have our resident Nutties who defend the Harkles, and present another view,
I think it is also important to note this other side of the coin, with regard to the best-selling status of The Bench before this belief
system confuses anyone about the success of Markle's book.

Here is the amusing truth about Amazon bestseller status:

* over 500 tiny categories , so you can choose into one to be a sure bestseller, the more obscure the better
* minimum of 3 books sold, apply for Amazon approval, and you're a best-seller
* publishers who work to get this carried out on Amazon

I became a best-selling author on Amazon in five minutes with three dollars

By Brent Underwood

I would like to tell you about the biggest lie in book publishing. It appears in the biographies and social media profiles of almost every working “author” today. It’s the word “best seller.”

This isn’t about how The New York Times list is biased (though it is). This isn’t about how authors buy their way onto various national best-seller lists by buying their own books in bulk (though they do). No, this is about the far more insidious title of “Amazon Best Seller”—and how it’s complete and utter nonsense.

Here’s what happened in the book industry over the last few years: As Amazon has become the big dog in the book world, the “Amazon Best Seller” status has come to be synonymous with being an actual best seller. This is not true, and I can prove it.

Last week, I put up a fake book on Amazon. I took a photo of my foot, uploaded to Amazon, and in a matter of hours, had achieved “No. 1 Best Seller” status, complete with the orange banner and everything.

How many copies did I need to sell be able to call up my mother and celebrate my newfound authorial achievements? Three. Yes, a total of three copies to become a best-selling author. And I bought two of those copies myself!

The reason people aspire to call themselves “bestselling author” is because it dramatically increases your credibility and “personal brand.” It can establish you as a thought leader. You’re able to show that you not only wrote a book, but that the market has judged it to be better than other books out there. It’s a status symbol, one of that cashes in on the prestige of one of man’s oldest past-times. At last, I had acquired this coveted title for myself.

I’m a partner at a marketing company called Brass Check. Over the years, we’ve helped launch 30 legitimate New York Times best sellers (including several at the sought-after No. 1 spot). My company has helped sell over 5 million books and advised or managed book launches with every major publishing house, including Amazon.

.....but it’s begun to feel a bit like a losing battle. Because those authors are everywhere these days. The title of my fake book was “Putting My Foot Down” for a reason: I’ve become utterly exhausted with phony “authors” and the scam artists and charlatans who conspire with these folks–the cottage industry that has built up around them, selling courses, instructions and hacks.



It used to be a real mark of distinction to hit the best-seller lists–because there were fewer lists and fewer authors (and before ebooks, pricing across books was pretty universal as well). The New York Times list has been the most prestigious, published in one form or another since 1931. By 1942, a national list made its debut, compiled according to “reports from leading booksellers in 22 cities.” By the mid-2000s, over 4,000 bookstores were polled each week to determine who deserved to be on the list. The Wall Street Journal list, which has been around since 2009, is based on Nielsen Bookscan and tends to focus on a smaller number of categories. The USA Today list is also a prestigious but more of a catch-all list.

AnT said…

Any industry person can tell you these lists have their problems. There’s a barely concealed editorial bias. Bookscan, the database that tabulates book sales, inexplicably doesn’t include Amazon’s ebook sales. There’s even the possibility of manipulation, as outlined in a 2013 Wall Street Journal article called “The Mystery of the Book Sales Spike.” Still, they remain relatively hard to crack. In most cases, your book not only has to be good enough for a legitimate publisher to publish it, but you have to outsell all the other books out there, past and present, even if you’re paying for it out of your pocket. We’ve had clients sell close to 10,000 copies in a single week and miss landing on these charts.

Because of the high bar, the term “bestselling author” was a term with some meaning. It was seen as something that was earned through a lot of hard work. But today, that designation has changed—for the worse. It’s like when you see a food described as “natural.” The FDA doesn’t actually regulate that term, so it’s basically meaningless.

It’s about time that readers—and the media, which breathlessly repeats the best-selling claims of these authors—wised up. So let me show you exactly how I became a became a #1 Amazon bestseller for $2 and a photo of my foot in less than five minutes (with screenshots and proof). Hopefully, as my partner Ryan has put it, once you understand how the sausage is made, you won’t want to eat it any more.

Step 1: Writing my book (~2 seconds)

I didn’t feel like writing a book so I instead just took a photo of my foot. I called the book “Putting My Foot Down” and included one page with, you guessed it, a photo of my foot.

Step 2: Uploading and formatting on Amazon (~3 minutes)

They say picking a title is the hardest part of writing a book. Don’t I know it!

Verifying rights and choosing categories

Amazon has their own “bestseller” rankings for books, based upon categories. If you’re in the Top 100 in your Amazon category, you will see a “bestseller ranking” below the title. A book at the #1 spot in any given category will get a “#1 Best Seller” banner featured next to the title. This lets potential customers know the book is the top-selling item in that category. If a book holds the top spot in a category for months, that’s saying something. Hitting it for an hour (which is how often Amazon refreshes its rankings), screen-shotting it, and calling yourself a “bestselling author” for life? Well…

A few more things to know, in case you want to try this at home:

Amazon has over 500 categories for books, down to things as specific as transpersonal movements and freemasonry studies (as you’ll see below)

When you publish on Amazon, Amazon allows YOU to choose the category your book tracks in.
You can set the price of your book, down to $0.99.
I decided my foot was worthy of the “Transpersonal” category under psychology books and “Freemasonry & Secret Societies” category under social sciences books. I’ve always wanted to have an affiliation with the Freemasons.

Designing my cover

Amazon features a handy “Cover Creator” that will lay text over any image and create your cover in a matter of seconds. I chose my foot for the image.

Waiting for approval from Amazon

The waiting is the worst part of the process. What if Amazon rejected my foot?

Never mind, we’re approved!

Amazon page is live

Just a few short hours later, another book is added to Amazon’s extraordinary catalog. One small step for me…one giant leap for the digital world.

Step 3: Asking 3 friends to buy the book (~1 minute)

Aaron always has my back, no questions asked:

The time invested in this promotion could have been even shorter if Nick had not asked so many nettlesome questions.

AnT said…

Step 4: Sell some copies

Burst onto the scene with three copies sold in the first few hours. Look at that hockey stick growth!

Step 5: WE MADE IT! #1

Success! Just a reminder to the kids that if you work hard, own an iPhone with a working camera, and have no shame, you too can be a #1 best-selling author. What a thrill to see that #1 Bestseller banner! Time to put Drake on repeat and update my LinkedIn profile to include #1 Best Selling Author.

Not just one list either. The book was so popular it also hit #2 and #3 in the “Freemasonry” category.

Leading the pack. Sorry Monika and Ken.

Amazon is the largest book retailer in the world. They carry over 33 MILLION titles and ship them pretty much anywhere in the world. At the same time Amazon also allows authors to publish titles directly onto the platform, without the approval of traditional publishers, editors, or, as my foot book proves, really any barriers at all. In 2014, a new book was added to Amazon every five minutes.

Gone are the days of having to be selected to put out a book. Gone are the days of having to go to a bookstore to see what is available. Now you can check online, with real time reviews, AND, real time “bestseller” rankings. It’s unsurprising that as the barriers to entry for the book business went down, so did the quality of the books being produced. These days, over one million books are published each year, with at least half of these self-published. So it’s almost obvious that, given the volume, you could game your way to the top of a category with very few sales. And yet, in spite of the fact that it’s as easy as I’ve shown to become an Amazon best-seller, those same people get to cash in on the goodwill and prestige build up in the title “bestselling author.”


I didn’t write this to make my foot famous. I wrote this post because I’m tired of vanity titles and success without quality. I also wanted to show how simple it is to call yourself a best-selling author, in the hopes that people buying books become more discerning customers. Remember, if I can make my foot a “bestselling author” for under 3 dollars and a few minutes of work, you should take any person presenting themselves as such with a grain of salt.

For the authors: I hope my story illustrates that the best marketing tactic you can use for a book is to write a great book that actually sells over the long term. It’s easy to be seduced by best-seller lists, sales numbers, speaking fees, and all the ephemera

in this industry. Don’t let all of that make you lose sight of the importance of quality and authority in your work. Anyone can be a one-hit wonder; focus on crafting a book that will sell for decades.

As for me and my foot, I’m awaiting a movie studio’s call for the film rights and plugging away on the sequel. The working title is “Put the Right Foot Forward.” New York Times list, here we come.

Author’s update: I’ve written a revised and expanded version of Putting my Foot Down, which you can find here.

Brent Underwood is the No. 1 best-selling author of “Putting My Foot Down“ and a partner at Brass Check.

Magatha Mistie said…


Sorry, my apologies, was confused 🥴
DesignDoctor said…
@AvaC said:

""The opposite of truth is not just a lie. The opposite of truth is chaos.""


Narcs are habitual liars. They love to keep others off balance by spreading havoc and creating chaos wherever they go!
JennS said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
AnT said…

Have your buckets ready:

Inside Meghan Markle's Ultra-Private Birth Plan: 'They Could Enjoy the Birth in Peace,' Says Source
“Meghan and Harry are both very thankful for how smoothly things went,” a source tells PEOPLE

On June 4, Meghan Markle welcomed her baby girl, Lilibet Diana, at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital, a short drive from Meghan and Prince Harry's Montecito, California, home.

"They looked at several hospitals before they settled on the Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital," a source tells PEOPLE in this week's issue. "Meghan loves that it's female-founded."

Meghan's care was overseen by Dr. Melissa Drake, with remote support from Dr. Gowri Motha in the U.K., who helped oversee the care during the birth of Archie at London's Portland Hospital.

The facility's state-of-the-art childbirth center offers a family-centered, individualized approach to birth. (In addition to a menu to order room service and a comfy sofa for Harry!)

"Security and privacy were also priorities," the source adds. "They had a big security team that the hospital needed to accommodate."

In March, the couple spoke to Oprah Winfrey about the stress of introducing their son Archie to the world just days after his 2019 birth in the U.K.; this time Meghan was able to quietly deliver the baby two days before sharing the news, with no pressure for a public press conference.

"Meghan and Harry are both very thankful for how smoothly things went," the source adds. "They could enjoy the birth in peace."

In keeping with the 20-week paid parental leave policy of their Archewell Foundation, both Meghan and Harry plan to take several months off to spend time with their daughter, Lili.

Still, their ongoing projects remain in high gear, including an upcoming docuseries for Netflix on Harry's Invictus Games and the release of Meghan's first children's book, The Bench, which was inspired by a Father's Day poem she wrote for Harry after they welcomed Archie ("the man and the boy who make my heart go pump-pump," as she writes in the book's dedication).

But as they embrace their new status as a family of four, they plan to concentrate on life at home for a while.

"Meghan and Harry are taking time off to focus on their family," the source adds. "They want to have a long summer break together as a family."

AnT said…

I'll have to look up Samantha's tweets --- I haven't thought to do so for ages. Apologies though for the huge long post on the Amazon book thing. It is interesting, but I wanted to trash it when I saw how long it was but had a laptop freeze due to a huge pdf file I'm working with, then it was too late when I finally got everything moving again. Gah.

So, the above story from PEOPLE about the "peace" of their "birth plan":

1. They attack and attack the widowed Queen and RF, but scuttle off wanting "peace" for themselves? These evil freaks!

2. They needed massive security? Are you kidding me? No one cares about them. Have you seen any pap photos of the day?

3. Now we have the name of ANOTHER UK "birth" doctor, since the husband of the other OB/Gyn they used said it wasn't so.

4. NOTE THE LANGUAGE, as Lady C would tell us: with remote support from Dr. Gowri Motha in the U.K., who helped oversee the care during the birth of Archie at London's Portland Hospital. "The" care? Why not "her" or "Meghan's" care?
"The care" of who or what? I see this as another bit of "surrogate used" evidence, don't you?

5. "Plan to concentrate on life at home" to me equals: Harry's definitely not going to the UK.


Karla said…
AnT I loved the best seller foot 🤗
AnT said…

• great information archive of the "naming of Liibet" by day in your blog -- !!!!
* I looked again at the tree photos. I do think they were likely taken the same day. with different hair/wigs (head braided, hair in the usual heavy loose wig) and dresses....but the slight change in amount of leafiness between the two main branches to the right made me wonder. Just a slightly different angle do you think?

Hope tomorrow is a piece of cake, and you get some good rest after surgery and perfect care (even if you keep your large security team at home). Easiest of times, quickest recovery!!! Looking forward to your return.
AnT said…

Oh good! I loved it too, pretty funny stuff as well as interesting. But then I panicked when I realized how long those three posts looked and how they were almost a thread-killer. I felt so stupid and was just about to trash it all when my laptop froze, file or program overload, then I missed the delete window. Well, I am at least glad you enjoyed it too!
AnT said…

Whoops -- wait -- I am on another device --- I see the trash cans again?
Karla said…
AnT I loved! Hugs
Maisie said…
@Ant said...

Prince Mathew is quite lucky that he chose a benevolent ruler to disrespect, HMTQ, rather than unlucky Otto Warmbier's choice. Remember Otto was an American college student from Ohio who was imprisoned in North Korea in 2016 on a charge of subversion. He attempted to steal a propaganda poster. Otto was released to his parents with a severe neurological injury a year later, a shambling/vegetative shell of his former self, only to die shortly thereafter.
AnT said…
Thank you so much for making me feel better, lol, it is long but interesting piece 👍 🙂 🦶

What a great point — I remember seeing the story of Otto. It was so tragic, You’re right, lucky Prince Matthew! He chose for his fifteen minutes of cheap fame a tiny, gentler victim — a small, recently widowed 95 year old lady who responds to things gently — even his insulting, demeaning act. He can strut proudly through the rest of his creepy little life, knowing he took down an old lady right after her husband died and she didn’t retaliate. Rich DC Daddy must be so proud.

AnT said…

Note....on the PEOPLE magazine article I posted above with the Harkles’ “gentle birth” story...

Some of the brilliant ladies of LSA read the same article and have pointed out that the U.K. Ob/gyn Dr Gowry Motha,
said to have helped Meghan give birth to Archie, doesn’t work at the Portland Hospital.


AnT said…
Apologies for the typo above.......should be “Dr Gowri Motha”
Snarkyatherbest said…
JennS. good luck with surgery

yeah something is gonna break. we are on the road and tied up all weekend. and it will prob be something juicy. oh well will try to catch up in the car 😉
Hikari said…
This popped up in my Facebook feed just now. It is a month old so it does not discuss the latest Sussex drama. Hear the “body language guy” dismantles the engagement interview to show that signals were there from the beginning about the nature of this disaster.
Maneki Neko said…

Please, don't apologise, there's no need :-). I should have written more clearly.
Maneki Neko said…

Very interesting to know how to become a bestseller! (on Amazon at any rate). So the bestselling figures Tatty provided yesterday are meaningless - not that we thought M was a gifted author. I'm only surprised the book isn't printed in her trademark 'calligraphy'.

I looked up Dr Gowri Months before reading your post about her not working at the Portland. You're right, she has nothing to do with the Portland,she works in East London. Being the nosey girl I am I checked the address and it's just a house in an ordinary residential road. Does this doctor work from home? There's a range of merchandise if anyone is interested.
Ava C said…
Excellent DM reader comment this morning, mentioning James Corden's time with H and the double-standard of choosing the name Lilibet when it was the name Prince Philip used for the Queen. So I looked up an account of the Corden show to refresh my memory:

In one clip, Meghan appears on FaceTime to tell James Corden they won’t buy the Fresh Prince of Bel Air mansion because they have ‘done enough moving’, before asking: ‘Haz, how is the tour of LA going?’

James teased the royal over the nickname, saying: ‘Haz, oh Haz, I didn’t know we were calling you Haz now?’

Prince Harry responded: ‘Well you’re not my wife.’

This should be broadcast far and wide. As is usual for the Sussexes, their hypocrisy takes my breath away. I really shouldn't be surprised any more, but somehow I always am.
xxxxx said…
Matthew Katzman joins Megs. Two despicable Americans messing around with Queen and the BRF. Count me, an American, disgusted. We see how these useless people and others have latched onto the cause de jour of anti-colonialism, to stick this woke/left-wing charge to the BRF.

Are you all familiar with post-modernism in our universities? Anti-colonialism has replaced it. In fact I rarely hear anymore about post-modernism. It is passé. There are obvious reasons why. Take a guess if you like.


Thank you for the explanation about the Sin Against the Holy Ghost from a Lutheran perspective - my RC pal had prefaced her explanation by saying that nobody's really sure about it! I found an early 19thC (Nonconformist Protestant?) sermon from a about it here:

Sermons were tough in those days!

This preacher sees malice as an essential component (tick/check!) but insists it has to be `wilful'. That's the problem with narcs - we don't know if they do what they do consciously, or whether it just `happens' - if they believe their own lies, are they lying? Perhaps Megsy has a get-out here.

BTW, my scholarly friend who is deep into Classical Hebrew and NT Greek, says the original word for the `Holy Ghost/Spirit' was feminine - so it's correct to translate the pronouns as `she' and `her'...

There's a thought.

I've been to one Lutheran service, years ago, in a village church in the Faroe Islands. It's part of the Danish Lutheran Church so it's in communion with the Anglicans, as are the Lutheran Churches of Iceland, Norway and Sweden but not Finland.
Hjortron said…
@WBBM: I've been to one Lutheran service, years ago, in a village church in the Faroe Islands. It's part of the Danish Lutheran Church so it's in communion with the Anglicans, as are the Lutheran Churches of Iceland, Norway and Sweden but not Finland.

I must come out from my "lurkdom" to point out that all Nordic Lutheran churches are in communion with each other and the CoE. The agreement is known as the Porvoo Communion. Porvoo is a small town in Finland, where they celebrated the first joint Eucharist. The agreement was signed in 1992.

Thank you for the correction - my apologies.

We used to know someone at our church (CofE) whose wife was Finnish, IIRC she was from Turku. She never appeared at church but said she worshipped at a Lutheran Church when she was in London. That was before 1992, which might explain it. I couldn't recall the name of the Agreement to check it out - had I done so, I'd have known it was in Finland, even if only from the name.

I must have been looking at either a very out-of-date item or is there perhaps another type of church called `Lutheran' in Finland? Perhaps something like `Free Lutheran Church'? In the UK, for example, there is something called the `Free Church of England' which is not part of the CofE.

I have a very red face!

PS I've had cloudberry jam in Norway - delicious!
Opus, you're entitled to your viewpoint but I'm puzzled by your `disagreement'.

Swampwoman had asked about what was likely to happen in the UK - I said I didn't know. I briefly sketched in the main opposing views and mentioned a speculation I'd heard.

What's the problem?

On second thoughts, don't bother to answer that.

Magatha Mistie said…

Cheers @Hunter
Thanks @Raspberry
Henrietta said…
WBBM said:

...I keep thinking of when Basil was trying desperately not to upset some German guests (`Don't mention the War!) and making a complete mess of it. Strange that we can make peace with a nation that committed appalling atrocities within the life time of many still here but something we began to deal with in the late 18thC, and were done with almost 200 years ago, is still held against us.

WBBM, as long as we're discussing old posts, in this particular one, is the nation you're referring to Germany? And the "something," slavery?

abbyh said…
Hey, wait a minute:

Meghan's care was overseen by Dr. Melissa Drake, with,remote support from Dr. Gowri Motha in the U.K., who helped oversee the care during the birth of Archie at London's Portland Hospital.

Not legal. To practice medicine when you are licensed in a different country, you can't just walk in (or technically I bet) call in and direct US healthcare workers. You have to get licensing here first. That would be a real liability if something went south.
WBBM said to Hjortron, PS I've had cloudberry jam in Norway - delicious!

I love it too, if you can’t get it locally at any specialist shop in the U.K., IKEA sell it. ❤️😍

@Maneki Neko and Magatha

You’re both welcome. 🤗
Elsbeth1847 said…
amusing article in DM about the difficulty The Crown is having to find ginger haired actors as the story line progresses.

That could be a warning about the future if they are using actors, couldn't it?
Curiously said…
I was just having a look at the gentle birth method website. They sound to me more like a doula service than your main obgyn. They’ll come to the hospital or home when you go into labour and support the mum during labour. So it’s likely MM (the surrogate) had another Dr in London attending to the birth.
Girl with a Hat said…
apologies if this has already been posted:

A comment from Scottish Wildcat from CDAN:

Well, JudasHarry & his wife are lecturing us, all the time, but, "making millions"?? 😏 NOPE! rumour has it from an employee quite Senior in Netflix or Spotify that they're toast, contact conflicts (prob to do with AppleTV project). So they want the advance money back off them, HarrysWife is apoplectic hahahaha plus she's been seen in their office's NOT pregnant & with no moonbump, they all know she wasn't pregnant & a surrogate used. HarrysWife has also gotten pretty close with a man very high up in that Company & the Staffers are expecting a Sussex divorce soon.
luxem said…
Per google, Doulas are not medically-trained or licensed in CA. You can get certified, but not a requirement for the job.

If this doctor is an ob/gyn, maybe she was dispensing non-medical advice, like how to hold a newborn since neither parent appeared to learn that the first time.
The Cat's Meow said…

Regarding the article decrying the lack of ginger-haired actors....maybe this could be a new income stream for the Harkles?

Might Archie "the Wonder Boy" suddenly grow to be a youth and be amazingly the perfect age to act as H in The Crown?!?!
The Cat's Meow said…
Also @AnT

Another vote for "Silent Witness" here. Amazing it is still continuing!! 20+ is like a more intellectual version of Bones (show from here in the US).

And that quote from the series about how the opposite of Truth being Chaos...

One doesn't have to look further than our corrupt media to see the evidence of that!
@Henrietta -

I was thinking both of using slave labour, as happened on occupied Channel Island of Alderney, for example (which, along with Guernsey & Jersey, and Sark, opted to be loyal to what was by then the English Crown, rather than the French one - it's the last piece of Norman territory under the Duke of Normandy, ie the Queen) and, of course, on a staggering order of magnitude, the Holocaust.


@GWAH - Fingers crossed. Please God, let it be true!


Everyone else:

I hope American Nutties won’t mind me saying I was really shocked by some of the footage of President Biden in England and Cornwall – he seemed so frail , to judge from his posture, movement and how his wife seems to be taking care of him.

I can almost hear her saying, like a Care Assistant, `Come along dear, it’s toilet time’.

HM is 17 years older.
Ava C said…
A bit more from the JFK Jr book, showing the effect Diana's death had on his wife Carolyn Bessette:

Diana’s tragic death sent Carolyn into a tailspin. She obsessively watched every minute of television coverage, wondering if she would meet a similar fate. She identified with the young princess who was tormented by the media that literally chased her to her death. Whenever the subject of Diana came up, Carolyn would shake her head and mutter, “That poor woman.” John noticed the change in her behavior. “I’m not sure what I’m going to do about Carolyn,” he told Billy Noonan. “She’s really spooked now.”

It was downhill all the way after that, until their deaths. What damage Diana's failure to wear a seat belt has done. No one wants to think about the prosaic reason for her death. More tragic on a grand scale to see her being pursued to death by the media. I thought the record would be righted once everything settled down, but people cling to the earlier, confused version we received in the immediate aftermath. Her simple error that night has twisted everything and it's still going on.

However, H is such a flawed character and his faults were already visible when his mother was alive. I still think he could have fallen prey to an unscrupulous character like M. Simply because no worthwhile woman would marry him. It helps to know that, in an odd kind of way.
xxxxx said…
I just posted to DM---

"Princess Kate-- a great ambassador for the UK. And God save your Queen!____ Jill Biden I don't know about."
Girl with a Hat said…

slave labour is what many Chinese companies use and even the Chinese government, yet the outcry isn't very loud among the Woke crowd!

xxxxx said…
"Opposite of Truth being Chaos" is something Jordan Peterson would say. I know he believes this and "preaches" this, in so many words.
@WBBM, it's legit-he *is* that frail. I was up close within a few feet of him(and even closer at one point) for 45 minutes in 2019 and was gobsmacked when he shuffled out. Oldest 76 year old I'd ever seen. Papery, transparent skin, small red wounds on his face, and was displaying symptoms of dementia(likely sundowning, my FIL has late stage Alz). I couldn't believe it and was horrified. It felt like when the curtain had been pulled back in The Wizard of Oz. After that, his handlers started cutting way back on his appearances, moving them to earlier in the day, etc. It's been hard sitting here watching everything unfold, after seeing that.
@GwaH, that Scottish Wildcat comment-whoa!
Curiously said…
This is the full tumblr post that was summarised in the dm comment posted by @agwah

A little LA industry birdy here with

some tea

My mother works somewhat high up in a company connected to the Sussexes and the tea is that they are about to be dropped by this company for lack of content, basically working with the enemies, lack of professionalism and for their recent actions. They were never paid mega bucks and the money that was given to them they are now being asked to hand back as they haven't fulfilled their contractual obligations and commitments. Meghan is well known to be furious, turned up screaming at lower end staff and some in management but also that Harry is a petulant man child with anger issues of his own, having forced an intern into therapy after abusing her in a phone call. Nobody in the company wants anything to do with them. The Sussexes are
desperate to be kept on though but nobody is buying Meghan's fake sickly sweet bribes at all. According to my mother it's true that there was a surrogate as well because she saw Meghan visiting, without a mask on and she definitely wasn't pregnant and my mother has four children & was a surrogate for my aunt who couldn't carry herself, noticed that ASAP. So yeah expect in the next few months to hear of mon issues, abuse of staff in the company and the complete lack of professionalism to start coming out. Some of my mother's other higher ups are expecting a divorce announcement too, apparently Meghan has been getting very close with someone higher up.
Ava C said…
I just started to listen to a Guardian podcast about the new GB News which is taking a stand in the culture wars in the UK. It was infuriating so I had to turn it off when they referred to 'the mythical centre' of people who are unhappy with wokeism 'whatever that is on any given day'. Apparently they 'all love statues' and the female journalist on the podcast actually laughed briefly but jeeringly about people who are concerned about disrespecting the Queen. No comments allowed of course.I wouldn't mind if they admitted they are equally biased but no, they always assume they're impartial and objective. That's what drives me up the wall.

It's no different to the Sussexes insulting people and then immediately seeking to shut down their responses. I see at the moment there is a little flurry of articles about them desperately needing to cocoon themselves at home and focus on their family. They always do that when they've gone too far. All they'll be doing is planning the next outrage.
Sylvia said…
@ Raspberry Ruffle said...

WBBM said to Hjortron, PS I've had cloudberry jam in Norway - delicious!

I love it too, if you can’t get it locally at any specialist shop in the U.K., IKEA sell

Ocado too sell/deliverv wild cloudberry jam
Sylvia said…
Is this a good way to picture the wife
Taken from tumblr
Midge said…
Jan Moir has an article today in the DM: "Lilibet is not just a name...Harry has stolen the Queen's crown jewel"
The article ends with:
"What has been overlooked is the marvellous timing. Simply superb. Gotta hand it to them. The Sussexes announce the birth of their baby, manage to call her something that will cause a media sensation globally — and do it all in the very week Meghan’s children’s book, The Bench, is published. No wonder I’ve come over all poetic again . . .

Some say our treatment of the Queen

Is cruel and inhumane

But see how we honour and adore her

At the heart of our ad campaign"
Opus said…
I have just read that a blonde young looking matrimonial lawyer (female) has been suspended from her posh job whilst her employers conduct an internal review because she had tweeted as follows: No Doria? . Don't black names matter? She later apologised saying as you always have to that she had fought all her life against racism and said that she had children of colour. That won't save her. Markled lawyer.

Did not somebody here make a similar comment.

I can't keep up.
This comment has been removed by the author.
AnT said…


Great find. To add to that post, here is one a friend sent me that apparently
appeared originally as an anon on a "talking tarot" tumbler account a couple
of days ago, but has been reposted elsewhere. Obviously, who knows, but I
thought I'd post it here for discussion (entertainment only as they say):

Trust me on this... they don’t have the baby, it’s surrogate born and still living in Los Angeles with the mother. I know someone who has a close connection to one of their so called friends, and there is no sight whatsoever of the new baby nor of Archie and neither of Doria. It’s well known in the circle that she has never been pregnant and is completely the worst person to have around children of any age, she hates them. There have been constant fights between Harry and Meghan over everything with a lot of physicality and use of alcohol & some drug use. Harry is constantly stoned and Meghan is never home but goes out to high end places with Marcus, who my person identified from a photo I showed them. They are very nearly broke and Charles is apparently not paying anything else to them, which Meghan is furious with.


Family Law Cafe is a British firm; the complainant isin US - saw it as `attacking a 4-day old baby'.

A casualty of British irony?
Ah, it strikes me that our interpretation of the `review after a year' for Charles's support was the accurate one.

The H$Ms, however, saw it as offering the chance of a rise/raise but in any case there was no question of it not continuing.

`He can't possibly mean he'll cut us off after that? No, of course not!'

LavenderLady said…
@Wild Boar,

"I hope American Nutties won’t mind me saying I was really shocked by some of the footage of President Biden in England and Cornwall – he seemed so frail , to judge from his posture, movement and how his wife seems to be taking care of him".
Nah not tat tall my dear. Because I don't care. It doesn't matter whose in office-nothing gets done that creates more peacefullness for the citizenry; we're a wreck here... It's all one big battle of rinse and repeat.

I meant to ask if you saw the story on DM recently where the elder Chinese woman stated that the Critical Race Theory is exactly what she experienced during Mao's Cultural Revolution? We're starting to see comparisons on CRT, cancel culture, and wokeness, to regimes like East Germany, Maoist China CR era, etc. which is good!

I only hope there is a sector of the youth that take heed to what the elders remember.
Girl with a Hat said…

I don't understand why there is this fixation by the British with German behaviour in WW2.

Compared to most countries, the UK didn't suffer many civilian casualties.

The French, the Poles and the Russians amongst others suffered much more and are trying to put these things behind them.

I know one German who was a Waffen SS storm trooper during the war who became best friends and business partner with a Jewish guy who lost all his family in the camps.

Let's move on because the people alive today are not the perpetrators and let's concentrate on people like the Chinese companies using slave labour. Let's alleviate the pain people feel today, not dredge up past hurts, like Harry is wont to do. It's not like the Germans haven't tried to atone and express their feelings of guilt about what was done.
LavenderLady said…
@GWAH said,
It's not like the Germans haven't tried to atone and express their feelings of guilt about what was done.

This! Thank you!

As repulsive and evil Germany was at one time, they seem to have *at least* tried to transform their national pain and become better. My nation doesn't even begin to recognize the atrocities the USA has committed and are still committing in the name of Freedom.

Even the Catholic church is beginning to admit to their wrongs (albeit by being hit in the bank accounts).

Glad someone finally said it.
Girl with a Hat said…
@Lavender Lady,

and it's not like the British were lily white either. They are the ones who invented the concentration camps. What they did to some many countries, long before the Nazis came along, is just horrible.

I know many African people who ask me why the Nazis are so hated in the world, when the British did essentially the same thing to Africans, Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis, etc.
Is it because their victims were white, they always ask me?

So, unless we want to go back to the beginning of time with our recriminations, let's get back on topic.
I think you've missed my point.
I've deleted it, not worth trying to sort it out.
Ava C said…
@Girl with a Hat - I think it's not so much an obsession with German behaviour as an attachment to a time when we discovered what we could achieve despite all the odds. A small offshore island that survived when the continent was overrun with terrifying speed and suddenness. We all had to pitch in. Ordinary families have extraordinary tales to tell, as my family does. My grandfather smuggled Jewish children out of Europe and my grandmother cared for them while homes were found for them. My other grandfather protected public transport during air raids, continuing to work even when his brother and sister were killed in separate parts of the city on the same night.

My brother and I, born in the 1960s, have always thought of our families during the war when we ourselves were struggling with stress, illness or just plain tough times. We always joke that all we need is a cup of tea. It bolsters us. It reminds us how lucky we are but also stiffens our backs. Our blood relations discovered they were resourceful and brave and could endure without making a fuss. So that entire era is special. If I was Dutch or Polish it would be too traumatic a time to keep remembering. But in England it is an oddly comforting time. A unique combination of the best and the worst. It's part of who we are.
Grisham said…
Heart of Invictus, a documentary produced by the duo for Netflix was announced in April of this year, so I can’t see how it is Netflix who is supposedly giving them the boot. Is Spotify a competitor of Apple TV or Netflix?

Look, I don’t care if they lose their titles. I don’t care if they go to Harry and Meghan Mountbatten-Windsor. I’m simply trying to make sense of the rumors.

I think people make up rumors and post them, just the same as I think the rose rumor is a rumor. Etc.
Grisham said…
“ 06 April 2021
GlobalUnited States
Heart Of Invictus, A New Docu-series From Oscarⓡ-winning Documentarians Orlando Von Einsiedel And Joanna Natasegara, Will Reveal The Human Stories And Resilient Spirit Behind The Invictus Games

LOS ANGELES, Calif. (April 6, 2021) – Archewell Productions, in partnership with The Invictus Games Foundation, today announced its first Netflix series. Heart of Invictus, from the OscarⓇ-winning team of director Orlando von Einsiedel and producer Joanna Natasegara (The White Helmets, Virunga, Evelyn), will follow a group of extraordinary competitors from around the globe, all service members who have suffered life-changing injuries or illnesses on their road to the Invictus Games The Hague 2020, now set to take place in 2022.

The multi-episode series will join the competitors as they train, and along the way reveal powerful stories of resilience and hope. The series will also follow the organizers as they work to prepare for the Games, postponed until next Spring, and as they partner with each nation’s team to support their competitors over the coming year.

“Since the very first Invictus Games back in 2014, we knew that each competitor would contribute in their own exceptional way to a mosaic of resilience, determination, and resolve. This series will give communities around the world a window into the moving and uplifting stories of these competitors on their path to the Netherlands next year. As Archewell Productions’ first series with Netflix, in partnership with the Invictus Games Foundation, I couldn’t be more excited for the journey ahead or prouder of the Invictus community for continuously inspiring global healing, human potential and continued service,” said Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex, Co-Founder of Archewell Productions and Patron of The Invictus Games Foundation.

Dominic Reid, Chief Executive of the Invictus Games Foundation, said: “We’re very excited about the opportunity to shine the global spotlight of Netflix on the men and women that we work with, in order to ensure that even more people can be inspired by their determination and fortitude in working towards their recovery. This partnership will also bring in significant funding to the charity. We are extremely grateful to our Founding Patron for his continued efforts to support the military community, and for making this partnership happen.”

“The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and the Archewell Productions team are building an ambitious slate that reflects the values and causes they hold dear. From the moment I met them, it’s been clear that the Invictus Games hold a very special place in their hearts, and I couldn’t be happier that their first series for Netflix will showcase that for the world in a way never seen before,” said Ted Sarandos, Co-CEO and Chief Content Officer, Netflix.

This series is Archewell Productions’ first with Netflix and this partnership with the Invictus Games Foundation aligns with Archewell Productions’ aim to produce programming that informs, elevates, and inspires. The Duke of Sussex will appear on camera and serve as Executive Producer on the series.”

AnT said…

Let's be real: there's probably not a culture/country/nation/people in the world in history that hasn't done something bad to some other culture, people etc. Not one. When someone stands up to proclaim their purity and unsullied goodness, and there is some victim whose harm was overlooked, who could tell the true story. Especially if that pure person/group seems unusually good at bullying. THAT to me is the eye-roll inducer in all this. Maybe the world needs to set up a big worldwide singalong Mea Culpa and get it over with. But I don't think apologies/promises to be better are what is wanted. I wonder how many people like me have shifted from here to there, from "whatever" to "hey!!" by being disgusted with this very obvious game, this burying of facts, this twisting of "my truth" speeches. In a way, Harry and Meghan are offering us all a little free seminar in this game.


This funny (probably true enough) anon comment on Soap today:

Soap, this message isnt specifically for you but for the undercover journalists, spies and sugars visiting your site today... HELLO! 👋👋👋 (Feel free to insert an appropriate gif as your reply 😄)

LavenderLady said…

You missed my point as well.

Since we are on a site with British folks that I respect, I don't wish to discuss further.
Girl with a Hat said…

give it a rest. If that were the case, the Indians and Pakistanis who achieved independence over your empire which was the greatest in the world would be gloating still today. They don't. They also harbour deep resentment over the atrocities you inflicted on them, but they don't bring it up at the slightest opportunity.
AnT said…

well said. My family was split between four countries at that time due to work and marriages, some also helped hide and save Jewish artists and writers, one's wife and baby were killed for this. They were tough, determined, learned to survive and had very rich productive lives. They viewed it in stories I heard when young, and letters I later read, as simply dealing with life as it was.

The "cup of tea" thing resonates! My great-uncle, who became a very successful architect on an international scale, to his dying day re-used his tea-sachet three times. Just in case.
Grisham said…
Jessica, does your husband know of a real aggregate website where we can track sales of the book? Surely one must exist??


Also, no, the foot book thing wasn’t helpful because that person chose random and highly obscure categories to put his book in, I mean how many free masonry new books are there along with the other category which is so esoteric I can’t even remember it. His foot book did not make it to the all books best seller list.

The lists I posted are for 1) all books and 2) all children’s books. Not obscure.

But at any rate, I attended a funeral two days ago for a 23 year old young woman who overdosed accidentally with heroin laced with fentanyl, and and my “other mother” is in the dying process, in hospice, bed bound, talking about going places and has bad leg swelling. It looks like im going to another funeral soon.

Reply or don’t reply. Call me a sugar. Make it sound like I don’t belong here. Have the anon come on and say im looking for my precious and whatever else. I don’t really give a shit.

Jenn good luck with your surgery.

How many years are we all going to sit here waiting for something (what? We don’t know) to happen to these people we don’t know?
Girl with a Hat said…
@AnT, and I know South Africans whose families were in the concentration camps that the British created in South Africa during the Boer War.

I also know a Canadian soldier's family whose kin were sacrificed by the British during the failed raid at Dieppe which was only used to test the German defences and the Canadians were chosen as expendable.

Shall I go on or should we keep on talking about using tea bag 3 times?

the British were horrible to a lot of people. To hear them brag about how wonderful they are compared to the Germans is laughable to many people around the world.

There! happy?
@AnT said, Let's be real: there's probably not a culture/country/nation/people in the world in history that hasn't done something bad to some other culture, people etc. Not one......

You beat me to it and thank you for saying it so eloquently too! 🤗
abbyh said…
Please return to the direction of the topic (and away from history of atrocities plus sniping at others).

People bring all different talents to this blog. You may not agree with what someone says. Please be civil to them or ignore their post(s) if that is easier for you.

Thank you.

Hikari said…

OT Theological comment . . .

Thank you for the explanation about the Sin Against the Holy Ghost from a Lutheran perspective - my RC pal had prefaced her explanation by saying that nobody's really sure about it!

It has been many years since I consulted my Catechism but 2 years' worth of weekly study as I had to endure for all of 7th and 8th grade is not easily forgotten.

Nobody can be sure about what happens between an individual soul and his/her God, especially in those final moments. If God's grace covers all sins through Jesus' perfect life and atoning death and resurrection, then even someone such as Hitler *could* be forgiven and admitted into Heaven, theoretically. But he would have had to truly have been contrite for what he did to millions of people . . and part of true repentance is accepting the consequences of one's actions. Had Hitler not committed suicide, he would have surely been executed for war crimes. Due to the manner of his exit, I do not believe there was any repentance. In fact, I think it was the ultimate F-U. Even Judas Iscariot himself could have been forgiven and welcomed back into the fellowship of the Lord . . but he did not ask, and he removed himself through suicide. Peter on the other hand also rejected and betrayed his Lord at a crucial moment, but he stuck around for the resurrection day, repented to the One he had wronged, and was restored.

Though no one can see into another's heart and inner thoughts, the Bible does emphatically state, "By their fruits, you shall know them." No one who is truly sorry for injuring others would continue to do so over and over, for years, continuing to ramp up the pain and hurt which they cause. This is what Harry and Wife are doing. I am not their final judge, but based on what I can see from the rotten fruit they produce every day, I can only think that they are not saved, and are completely blind to their need to be so. They aren't doing anything wrong in their own eyes as they cling to the false narrative of being 'the wronged ones'--because they weren't given everything they selfishly demanded in terms of riches, deference and immunity from criticism or responsibilities.

People joke around all the time about going to Hell, but it's no joke. And I think it's what's waiting for Haz and Mess.
Karla said…
There was a story going around about a company that they had to deal with that was being canceled.Since Netflix is moving forward with the Invictus games, the only one left is Spotify.
Karla said…
Looks like they're on Hulu.
SirStinxAlot said…
Oh the shade....apparently Kate said " we haven't FaceTime Lilibet". Really makes you question the article that circulated recently about M reaching out to Kate regarding the Sussex titles being stripped. They are not chummy nor are the brothers. Wonder if Prince Charles got to FaceTime? Did the Queen or just another PR stunt from camp Sussex grasping at royal connection.
SirStinxAlot said…
Here is the link to the article...
Girl with a Hat said…
Wow, I was looking at the covers of the American gossip magazines.

US has "America's First Princess" as their headline.

No pictures of the supposed princess although the entire story is about her. Just pics of Harry and his twisted, insane half.

On the other hand, there is one magazine that has a cover story about Harry and his wife - about the fights, the alcohol and "Harry's secret battle with alcohol abuse". It's Life and Style Weekly.
SwampWoman said…
SirStinxAlot said...
Oh the shade....apparently Kate said " we haven't FaceTime Lilibet". Really makes you question the article that circulated recently about M reaching out to Kate regarding the Sussex titles being stripped. They are not chummy nor are the brothers. Wonder if Prince Charles got to FaceTime? Did the Queen or just another PR stunt from camp Sussex grasping at royal connection.

Goodness, what a minefield dotted with bullsh*t that the RF members have to maneuver through every single day with the press questions regarding 6's wife and the alleged birth. It must give them a nauseated feeling in the pit of their stomach to have to respond to questions without knowing what the other family has claimed publicly.
Hikari said…
Goodness, what a minefield dotted with bullsh*t that the RF members have to maneuver through every single day with the press questions regarding 6's wife and the alleged birth. It must give them a nauseated feeling in the pit of their stomach to have to respond to questions without knowing what the other family has claimed publicly.

Mustn't it just.

This is why they shouldn't even attempt an individual response to whatever Sussex-Slime-du-Jour is making the rounds. BP should develop a canned statement which each and every one of the family will deliver, with an indulgent smile whenever they are pressed for a Sussex comment:

"Our recollections may vary, but the Queen thinks often and warmly of Harry and Meghan and we wish the whole Sussex family luck in their new lives in America."

Rinse and repeat as needed.

1. "Recollections may vary"--a genteel way of reminding everyone that H&M are liars, which has already been pre-approved by the Queen.

2. Her Majesty stands for all of us, just as we represent and support her. We are in accord. We are Team Palace. Therefore, when we say 'she' thinks often and warmly of the Sussexes, that goes for all of us. "Warm" has multiple meanings, including incandescent anger, but being British of course, we understate our true feelings by a mile.

3. Echoing what Prince Edward expressed on what would have been his late father's 100th birthday, "We wish them luck" is a nice way of telling them to shove off, because they are Done in the UK. 'The Sussex family' is inclusive of any children, current or impending, should they actually exist in the flesh. If they do not, then the Sussex Family is just Harry and Meghan, and I think all the principals involved know which is which.

I think this statement really covers every contingency.
Henrietta said…
Blogger Curiously said...

This is the full tumblr post that was summarised in the dm comment posted by @agwah

A little LA industry birdy here with some tea...

My mother works somewhat high up in a company connected to the Sussexes and the tea is that they are about to be dropped by this company for lack of content, basically working with the enemies, lack of professionalism and for their recent actions. They were never paid mega bucks and the money that was given to them they are now being asked to hand back as they haven't fulfilled their contractual obligations and commitments. Meghan is well known to be furious, turned up screaming at lower end staff and some in management but also that Harry is a petulant man child with anger issues of his own, having forced an intern into therapy after abusing her in a phone call. Nobody in the company wants anything to do with them. The Sussexes are
desperate to be kept on though but nobody is buying Meghan's fake sickly sweet bribes at all. According to my mother it's true that there was a surrogate as well because she saw Meghan visiting, without a mask on and she definitely wasn't pregnant and my mother has four children & was a surrogate for my aunt who couldn't carry herself, noticed that ASAP. So yeah expect in the next few months to hear of mon issues, abuse of staff in the company and the complete lack of professionalism to start coming out. Some of my mother's other higher ups are expecting a divorce announcement too, apparently Meghan has been getting very close with someone higher up.

AnT said: is one a friend sent me that apparently
appeared originally as an anon on a "talking tarot" tumbler account a couple
of days ago, but has been reposted elsewhere. Obviously, who knows, but I
thought I'd post it here for discussion (entertainment only as they say):

Trust me on this...they don’t have the baby, it’s surrogate born and still living in Los Angeles with the mother. I know someone who has a close connection to one of their so called friends, and there is no sight whatsoever of the new baby nor of Archie and neither of Doria. It’s well known in the circle that she has never been pregnant and is completely the worst person to have around children of any age, she hates them. There have been constant fights between Harry and Meghan over everything with a lot of physicality and use of alcohol & some drug use. Harry is constantly stoned and Meghan is never home but goes out to high end places with Marcus, who my person identified from a photo I showed them. They are very nearly broke and Charles is apparently not paying anything else to them, which Meghan is furious with.

I hope and pray that everything in these posts is true! Thank you to Curiously and AnT for bringing them here!

The part about the media companies or a media company wanting their money back from the Sussexes -- IMO this will spill at some point, even if only in the courts. Big companies will litigate when big money is on the line, and the only asset the Sussexes seem to have is their house, like most American families.

I hope the Mountbatten-Windsors have heard the good news!
SirStinxAlot said…
I think William and Catherine are tired of being held back. William responded to the media after the Oprah interview saying- No, they are not a racist family. The Cambridges are done with the Sussexs. Any article suggesting they are chatting regularly, making amends, asking each other for advice or assistance is utter LIES from the Sussex camp trying to hold on to their royal connections. I suspect the same is true of the York Princesses as well. I don't blame the Cambridges at all, they are glowing with strength and grace compared to the gutter garbage in Mudslide Manor. I feel terrible for Archie and Lili. I do believe they exist somewhere.
hunter said…
Tatty – gosh – so that documentary covers prepping for the Invictus games which are now scheduled for next spring? With Harry taking five months off, I guess he will still have enough time to be involved in the winter months.

How about their Spotify deal? They did ONE podcast.


Just the one.

Aaaannnnnnddd….? We are supposed to believe that is a multi-million dollar deal? No.

I bet Spotify wants their money back. Maybe Netflix too if he has ducked out of his Invictus commitments which I am starting to suspect will happen.

Nutties – thanks for the (unconfirmed) gossip clips about how they are really doing, please keep ‘em coming!

When I was in India (twice) I was shocked at how quickly the Indian people would defend Brits every time I cracked a joke at the expense of British people (I’m American, I find it funny and harmless to talk a little trash). They defended the British people and meant it (!!) every time, I was really surprised. They seem to continue to hold them in reverence, unlike Americans, who see them as our cousin we like to dog on but love very much.

Like talking to a girl whose daddy didn’t love her.
SwampWoman said…
Off Topic sorta/kinda:

While getting the tires changed on my truck this morning, I was in a waiting room with lots of other bored people and, as bored people do, we had a nice talk session. One of the women revealed that her daughter had purchased a DNA kit and other family members had showed up on it, but *nothing* on her daughter's grandfather's side. No DNA present at all, and daughter knew that her cousins from her dad's second marriage had taken a DNA test and so they should have been there. There were some other relatives showing up, though. Daughter called her mother and sent pictures from profiles and Facebook pages. That is how the woman found that the man that she thought was her father, who she spent every summer with when her parents divorced and she loves dearly, was not her biological father. He still does not know. She hadn't told him yet and was wondering whether she even should since his second wife had recently died and he was in deep mourning.

I shared my DNA story about being contacted by a woman because she was puzzled about how we were related as second cousins. Since her mom came from the same small town as my biological dad's family did, we came to the conclusion that she may have hooked up with an old boyfriend while home for a visit. All of the people that she could have asked were long dead by that time.

The first woman in the tire waiting room said that her dad was a construction worker traveling to put up specialized towers. I said that my dad was in a band, and everybody started laughing. All we needed was somebody else's DNA story whose dad was in the Navy to make our stereotypes complete.

We talked about how, in the past, people didn't always get divorced but moved on to other relationships and started new families. Then there were the parents in the depression who couldn't afford to feed their children and gave them away to other families that could. There were women who died in childbirth and the babies were given to couples that wanted children but couldn't have them. In other words, everything that we may think we know about our heritage could be completely wrong.

Then we started wondering about what buckets of worms are going to be opened in the future when people that have been born of surrogates with donor eggs and/or sperm start looking for their DNA parents.

If there actually *IS* a Lili or an Archie, it would be shocking to them to find out that, although they were raised believing that they were royals, they actually had no royal blood at all and were instead related to the driver, gardener, or security guard.
hunter said…
KARLA - great find - here's what else is written on the production notes (ABC News Originals):

Watch "The American Royal Baby" - An ABC News Originals - Streaming Only on Hulu

By Jim Donnelly
Jun 7th, 2021

As Meghan Markle and Prince Harry celebrate the birth of their daughter, the first senior royal baby born in America, ABC News Originals premiere "The American Royal Baby," streaming only on Hulu in the U.S. ABC News senior national correspondent Deborah Roberts will anchor this hour-long special, bringing viewers the latest details on the newborn and her overjoyed parents, with reporting by ABC News correspondent Kaylee Hartung from Los Angeles and ABC News foreign correspondent Maggi Rulli from London, plus "GMA3: What You Need to Know" and "20/20" co-anchor Amy Robach, ABC News foreign correspondent James Longman and ABC News contributor Lama Hasan.

"The American Royal Baby" will provide a glimpse of the potentially glamorous California life ahead for the first American-born royal baby girl, spotlight how she will fit into the royal family and the line of succession and reflect on the legacy Princess Diana leaves for her grandchildren. The special will also explore when Harry and Meghan might have their daughter meet Uncle Will and Aunt Kate and who will be a part of her new "extended family," from godparent guesses to celebrity playdates, and examine how Harry and Meghan are fighting to provide their new daughter and Archie a stable life. Plus, Jo Frost, the original super nanny, will weigh in on the possibility of an American nanny.

"The American Royal Baby" is produced by ABC News. John R. Green, Katie den Daas and Catherine McKenzie serve as Executive Producers.

Thank you for your intervention, I appreciate it.

It is hurtful to be accused of `bragging' and having it implied that I am ignorant of the shameful episodes in British history, or choose to ignore them.

It is more than 60 years since I learned of the first use of the term `concentration camp' in the Boer War, together with the outcome of the policy, and the differences in the intentions and rationale between those of the British and that of the Nazis, some 40 years later, with which I was already acquainted.
hunter said…
@SwampWoman - not so off topic - as I've mentioned here before, I have eleven donor babies among seven families and in about ten years they will begin hitting the ages of 18-20.

I fully expect to hear from at least one, if not more, before I die as I have submitted my stuff to for my own research (everything came back as expected, ho hum).
Something about Wokery at Oxford:

Article on the very left–wing views of the Provost of Worcester College Oxford (ie the Principal, elsewhere known as a `Master') over the Rhodes statue affair:

Although Prof Tunstall made no secret of her Left-wing views, dons were nonetheless “shocked” to see she had signed up to boycott Oriel.

"It is extraordinary - there is no precedent for it ,” one said. “There is a very strong code among heads of houses at both Oxford and Cambridge that you act collegiately. It is a very basic principle.

“This means it is not the business of one college to tell another college how it should be conducting its affairs."

As we were saying.
AnT said…

.....American Royal Baby special.....I see this is real by your post, but wow, can hardly believe it. Great find.

But,,, Privacy, indeed. Title obsessed. Assuming that they had some involvement or sign-off on this project. Possible glamor life ahead? Yeeeesh.


I think Meghan may experience her own version of Hell even in this life - every time she is ignored, slapped down or fails to get her own way.

It must be a very intense form of suffering for a malignant narc and that's why she feels anything she interprets as slight so very deeply.

It's possibly the only real feeling she ever has.
Karla said…
@Hunter Thank you
@Ant Harry, The Prince Big foot ( Sasquatch)
Maisie said…
It is hard to discuss history without pointing fingers.

Our daughter moved back with us two weeks before the lockdown and was able to work from home for the past year. We spent A LOT of time watching Vikings and Highlander, amongst others.
Being Americans with most, if not all, DNA originating from these locales, it was an interesting look back into our history. Love the Scot and hate the English... no wait... we are English too. Love our Viking heritage... but they were savage to the English...

(She's is 25% Serbian, though looking at the birth locations of ancestors, she could be Croatian... but if they were Eastern Orthodox, they were Serbian, Catholic means Croatian.)

How does one keep score?

One thing we have learned throughout family life and relations,

If you keep score, you lose.
Maneki Neko said…

Once in a while, I watch Joseph Magi and his tarot card reading. I'm not into tarot and this is purely for entertainment. He did find that not only did M use a surrogate but that Lilibet does not share her DNA. Where I can't agree with him, though, is when he mentions that M is transgender or can't have children. I don't see M as a transgender. I think he also said, IIRC, and perhaps in another reading, that the baby was/would be darker than Archie/M.
In a previous reading a while back, he said that M already had H's replacement lined up.

We shall see.
xxxxx said…
Ava mentioned Carolyn Bessette. Her problem was cocaine. She got more and more skinny and paranoid. More blond (nearing platinum) each year too.
How the marriage of John F. Kennedy Jr. and Carolyn ...
People who knew Carolyn doubted she would ever let John go. Her insecurity fueled a need to control and manipulate; her frequent use of cocaine made her paranoid......
Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins
In life, they envied her. In death, they trashed her | The ...
She was a coke fiend. Klein describes John coming back to the apartment and finding Carolyn "sprawled on the floor, dishevelled and hollow-eyed, snorting cocaine with a gaggle of gay fashionistas".
Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins
Grisham said…
Pics, the blurb from April is on the Netflix website.

If any of it is true, I would assume it would be Spotify or Hulu. Spotify has a blurb on their website in December 2020 that this year archwell would have content. But it didn’t specify what part of the year.

Hunter, yes, Heart of invictus will follow the athletes as they train for the next competition, so a year or year and a half of filming.

I have no idea how much Spotify paid them. Whatever.

The two big ones are Apple TV and Netflix and they both seem to have working relationships with HAMS.
Grisham said…
Sorry, Puds, not pics
Pantsface said…
@WBBM - most of us understood your intentions and comments, don't be swayed by others, none of us whatever country we hail from have clean hands from from what our ancestors may have done, it's not our place to apologise, it is our place to learn from it,
Hikari said…

As Meghan Markle and Prince Harry celebrate the birth of their daughter, the first senior royal baby born in America, ABC News Originals premiere "The American Royal Baby," streaming only on Hulu in the U.S.

OMG, I almost spewed coffee on my keyboard at that. FIRST senior Royal baby?

Implying that there are ever going to be *more*? From her or anybody else? Presuming that she's had a baby just now obviously--which I will climb on the rooftops to shout, Hell NO she has not!

Also--the Harkles keep on pounding home their insistence that they are still 'senior Royals'. They aren't. They quit. Bailed. Did a runner. Harry is still in the line of succession at #6, which leads to confusion that someone with such a high birth order, a son of the next King, doesn't automatically retain all the rights and privileges to everything he and his wife walked away from. He'll always be Charles's son, but he is no longer a senior Royal. They've set that all on fire and no amount of pissing on it will put out that dumpster conflagration.

The RF have a pernicious problem on their hands . . like a malignant fungus that just won't go away. Maybe Harry actually believes that all of this will blow over and he will get everything they have always wanted. Granny will have to die first but he doesn't care about her. Didn't care about his granddad, is publicly crapping on his father and brother . . but he must think that somehow everything he's lost will be restored--on his terms.

There should be some emergency meetings of Parliament while there is still time to discuss them with the Queen vis. finding a way to remove Harry from the succession. He will NEVER voluntarily remove himself. Never. But as long as he retains his place, he can pretend that he's given two children to the Crown who are taking spots in line. William's children are still young and I think somewhere in M's dastardly mind is a plan to somehow do away with William's whole family. On paper if that tragedy happened, Harry would get to be next after Charles, and then the figment baby known as Archie. Confronted with the spectre of Mad King Harry and his plastic heirs, the current laissez faire over #6's continued Royal status is mystifying.

If Harry will not renounce of his own accord, then the only tack open to them is to prove that he is unfit due to mental disease or defect. His family tree through the ages is full of mental disease and defect and nothing was done about them . . .but the crazies tended to die off younger back then or, in the absence of 24/7 tabloid media, one's royal defectives could be shut away in a hermitage and people would forget about them. Harry and Meg are both crazy . . and as long as they remain in the structure of the constitutional succession--an irritant that is becoming dangerous. When a body is subjected to continual irritation and stress from outside factors, cancer very often develops at the source of the irritant. Chronic stress can also hasten demise. Of individuals and institutions too.

When the Harkles are completely out of money, there will be no limit at all on what they will willing to dish and lie about the RF to any media outlet that will pay.

I sincerely hope that the best crisis teams in the UK from the security services and the Palace are on this problem. It is not going to go away on its own. H and M may ultimately do themselves in but we could be in for *years* of this international drama.
Pantsface said…
@Hunter - the American Royal Baby? really, thought the US had done with royalty centuries ago :) Do Americans really care and if they do, why do they? Just curious
Grisham said…
Can anyone remember one of thing from tumblr that was true with proof? Thanks. I’m racking my brain and I can’t think of anything.
Karla said…
Talking about John Kennedy Jr, I was reminded Lady Di ( Vanity Fair JULY 2007 - By Tina Brown - Diana’s Final Heartbreak) Lady Di Said:
"All my hopes are on William now,” she told me. “I’m hoping he will grow up to be as smart about handling the media as John Kennedy Jr.”
Humor Me said…
and that is the problem with Harry. He belives he is a senior royal, when Charles has told him in front of the family that they were not senior royals. Harry leaving cemented the fact and the royal website now reflects the Harkles status: HMTQ, the heir, the heir presumptive, the Q's children, and then......Harry. That is clear and he should thank his lucky stars that he is included on that website.

For some reason, Harry is focused on something that was said before his wife entered the picture and it has to do with Harry's place in the family once Charles becomes monarch. What was said? what did Harry hear, or think he heard?

SwampWoman said…
Pantsface said...
@Hunter - the American Royal Baby? really, thought the US had done with royalty centuries ago :) Do Americans really care and if they do, why do they? Just curious

Some might out of curiosity, I suppose. There are always the people that slow down to look at the vehicular crashes, and this is a huge one.
hunter said…
Pantsface - no, nobody cares - just us weirdos following it online, my friends look at me like a spaz when I bring it up, nobody cares at all.

Imagine if Al Gore's wife was doing something significant.

That's about how much Americans care.
Pantsface said…
Well someone does hence the programme "The American Royal Baby"
When I mentioned on an earlier thread about the possibility of #6 having an Oedipus complex (loving his mother and wanting to kill his father) I think I said something about a Channel 4 programme I saw some years ago, examining the relationship between Queen Victoria (and her attitudes) and one of her grandsons.

The grandson had a birth injury which resulted in him being treated most cruelly by modern standards. As an adjunct to this, the child developed a very strange relationship with his mother. Today, we'd say he was disturbed and the relationship with his mama was dysfunctional. I wondered if it could throw any light on the present situation?

It's being repeated tomorrow on Channel 4 at 8pm (BST) ie 20.00 GMT. Those of you abroad may be able to find it online (All 4 ?)

It was a situation which had dire consequences. This is what the Radio Times says:

8.00 Queen Victoria and the Crippled Kaiser

`This Secret History, documentary reveals the childhood of Queen Victoria's eldest grandson, the future Kaiser Wilhelm through a cache of family letters. Wilhelm was born with a paralysed arm and was subjected to a series of bizarre and often cruel attempts to cure the condition. These experiences are believed to have helped create a dysfunctional connection between the boy and his mother, Victoria, Princess Royal.'
SirStinxAlot said…
The American Royal Baby is wildly exaggerated as expected. Here is an article listing all royals born in the USA.
SirStinxAlot said…

Let’s take a look at other blood American royals.


All but one of the children of Crown Prince Pavlos of Greece and Crown Princess Marie Chantal were all born in the United States – making them US citizens from birth, as well as members of the Greek Royal Family. Only Prince Odysseas Kimon was born in London in 2004.

The Crown Prince Couple’s children born in the US are:

Princess Maria Olympia, born in New York City in 1996.

Prince Constantine Alexios, born in New York City in 1998.

Prince Achileas Andreas, born in New York City in 2000.

Prince Aristides Stavros, born in Los Angeles in 2008.


After the Shah of Iran’s family went into exile, the Shah and Empress’s son, Crown Prince Reza has lived in the United States. He’s married to Yasmine Pahlavi, and they have three daughters – all of whom were born and raised in the US:

Princess Noor (b. 1992)

Princess Iman (b. 1993)

Princess Farah (b. 2004)


Princess Charlotte of Luxembourg, the daughter of Prince Charles of Luxembourg and Princess Joan, was born in New York City in 1967. By virtue of her birth on American soil, she was automatically a citizen of the United States.

Charlotte’s younger brother, Prince Robert, married Kentucky native Julie Elizabeth Houston Ongaro in Boston in 1994. They have three children together: Princess Charlotte of Nassau (who was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1995), Prince Alexandre of Nassau (b. 1997 in France), and Prince Frederik of Nassau (b. 2002 in France). All three of their children qualify for US citizenship as their mother is a US citizen, and there has been no record of her renouncing her American citizenship. Even if Julie renounced her US citizenship, her eldest child, Princess Charlotte would be an American due to her birth in Boston.


As their mother was American, all three of Princess Grace and Prince Rainier’s children were born with US citizenship through their mother. They each speak with American accents in English and spent a lot of time in the States (their mother’s home state of Pennsylvania was one location) with their maternal family. By United States Federal Government –, Public Domain
The Prince and Princess of Monaco’s first child, Princess Caroline was born on 23 January 1957. Before the birth of Caroline, the United States consul in Nice, France, requested that the U.S. State Department make a ruling on the citizenship status of Grace, who retained her American citizenship, and Rainer’s children. Reportedly, the consul was told that their children would be born dual citizens of both the United States and Monaco. Their second child, Prince Albert was born on 14 March 1958. Their third child, Princess Stéphanie was born on 1 February 1965. All three children were born in the Prince’s Palace of Monaco.

Only Prince Albert has been confirmed to have renounced his citizenship which occurred when he turned 21.

SirStinxAlot said…

Crown Prince Alexander of Serbia resided in the United States for a significant period while married to his first wife, the former Princess Maria da Glória of Orléans-Braganza. They lived in Chicago, Illinois and Fairfax, Virginia.

Together, they had three sons: Hereditary Prince Peter (b. 1980), Prince Philip and Prince Alexander – the latter two are twins born in 1982.

Peter, Philip and Alexander were all born in the United States. Peter was born in Chicago, and his twin brothers were born in Virginia. Therefore, all three princes were born (and still are unless they have renounced) US citizens. The family moved to the United Kingdom two years after Philip and Alexander were born, meaning the children spent a significant period in the UK where they were educated.


In March 2017, the Swedish Royal Court exclusively confirmed to Royal Central Her Royal Highness Princess Leonore’s citizenship status. Whether or not she was a dual, or triple, her citizenship had been the subject of much debate since her birth three years prior to the confirmation from the Court.

Their press secretary confirmed to me that she does, in fact, hold both Swedish and American citizenship. Until now, it was only assumed she held American citizenship based on her birth in New York City on 20 February 2014. However, it was possible that an agreement was made only to grant her Swedish citizenship. Furthermore, it was also possible and believed by some, that she was not granted American citizenship due to her mother, Princess Madeleine, residing in the United States at the time of her birth on a diplomatic passport. United States law says that children of diplomats born on US soil are “not subject to jurisdiction of United States law.”

After her birth in 2014, the Swedish Royal Court had said that her citizenship status was yet to be determined. Acting Communications Manager, Annika Sönnerberg explained then that Princess Leonore’s “citizenship is not yet clear.” No confirmation or clarification of her citizenship status ever came from the Court to the press until they responded to our inquiry yesterday.

This makes her the closest American in line to the Swedish throne.
SirStinxAlot said…

The only monarch to ever be born in the United States, the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej (or Rama IX) was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, while his father was studying at Harvard University. His US birth certificate presents his name as Baby Songkla as his parents had to confer with Bhumibol’s uncle on his name.

It is not believed his parents were in the United States on any type of diplomatic visa, so the future monarch was born with American citizenship. The US Constitution’s Title of Nobility Clause does not explicitly ban an American citizen from being royal or a king. It only states that the US government cannot grant any title of nobility. So, the US government would not have required he renounce his American citizenship; however, Thailand does not allow for dual nationality. If someone is born on foreign land to Thai parents, the child can retain their dual citizenship until they are 18. At that point, they must choose – meaning Bhumibol Adulyadej would have renounced his American citizenship at 18 if it was not done so before.

The King had three grandchildren (Khun Ploypailin Mahidol Jensen, Khun Sirikitiya Mai Jensen, and the late Khun Bhumi Jensen) who were born in the US through his daughter, Princess Ubolratana’s marriage to American Peter Jensen. However, their three children do not hold royal titles. Additionally, the Princess gave up her style of Royal Highness as a result of her marriage.

Note on Great Britain:

Some might mention that a member of the British Royal Family was already born as a US citizen. Lord and Lady Frederick Windsor’s daughter, Maud was born in Los Angeles, California, in 2013 where the family was living at the time due to Sophie Winkleman’s (the name she goes by on-screen) career as an actress. Lord Frederick Windsor is the son of The Queen’s cousin, Prince Michael of Kent. However, Maud does not hold a royal title.
BTW, I'm quite sure that should disaster befall the Cambridges (Heaven forfend!) Parliament would find a way to ensure that H doesn't accede to the throne.

He'd to be medically examined and declared unfit. At the rate he's going, that shouldn't be too difficult.

As for him being `the Senior Royal' over his brother, perhaps he misheard `a senior Royal as `The senior royal' or else they thought it was him being discussed when it was in fact William?

Nor need we fret about either of the `H$Ms' children getting the job- it's the `Out of the Body' Rule which would thwart that.
SirStinxAlot said…
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SirStinxAlot said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
SirStinxAlot said…

Can't wait for the Megmachine to start promoting this American Royal Baby nonsense so this article can plastered everywhere. An actual MONARCH was born in the USA. I was under the impression 'senior' royals were adults actively working on behalf of the monarchy. Bea and Eugenie were 5th and 6th? Ehen they were born but they weren't senior royals and still werent. Why would 7th and 8th be 'senior royals'? They aren't!!! PER USUAL, the media is spreading ignorance and misinformation. Didn't the Disastrous Duo say the wanted to combat misinformation and disinformation??? Im sure Sussex camp will be on it in less the 90 minutes like the nameing story came out.
Henrietta said…
In life, they envied her. In death, they trashed her | The ...

Does anyone have a subscription to The Independent? Can you post the second half of this article?

Many thanks.

AnT said…

I know what you mean....I felt like the lone freak watching this unspool. I only even paid a little attention in the first place because of two friends, and my mother and aunt, who were great royal watchers. My friends still fully supported the Harkles, after I had gone sour on them. Siberia —-except for a client I have in London, then finding this blog, then LSA. Oddly, though, I have had more and more friends and coworkers and popping up over the past year after randomly seeing some Harkle news. Sharing a story, with a “these two are crazy!” note. Guys I work with, in their 30s, apparently think Harry is a complete idiot loser. A pilot I know shares MM jokes he hears. Our oldest niece, in her early 20s, got interested due to jokes in her office and chats with her former university friends in LA and NYC (entertainment, publishing, design) are gossiping too now, maybe due to pandemic boredom. One of her managers went to NWU while Meghan was there and shared a few spare remarks, around the time they ran to Canada. My niece even told me about a Meghan and Harry cocktail at an event not long ago (based on cocktails with unflattering names). I asked her if she’s interested in the royal family or? —— no, the guys think His like a “rocket going down” and she will fleece him and it is funny. The girls think she is a gold digger, many don’t think there are real babies. And all think they have no talent so her industry friends are offended by the Netflix and Spotify deals. Guys and girls think H is an “embarrassing baby” and that she is creepy because she “pushes him around and talks over him, and he is the prince.” My niece says it is interesting to her because she liked studying psychology, and the Harkles are like “a live story” like the “background part of a thriller” and like (per her) the Theranos story or even Gone Girl.
Grisham said…
@puds, I gave the Netflix link with my post above. It’s absolutely on
AnT said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
AnT said…

thanks for the extensive information on other American-born royals. Did ABC willfully not bother with facts, to make their program subject matter seem like a bigger deal than it is? Probably. Or, like Oprah: bad research, and no follow-up seeking...all designed to support their "truth".
AnT said…
Royal expert, journalist, biographer Angela Levin has apparently, on twitter, retweeted one of Soap's followers comments. Soap is the-best-soap-opera-ever on tumbler. As follows, on Angela Levin1:

Impish Imp❤️
Jun 10
So only his privacy is important ?? Stupid manchild 😡
(From Tumblr- credit the-best-soap- opera-ever)
Maisie said…
Could Kate be getting a new title?

Perhaps this is the 'something big'?

Prince Regent Charles?
AnT said…

How Queen's 'favourite' Sophie Wessex became her 'rock' after Phil's death, phoning daily & ensuring she's looked after
Magatha Mistie said…

Late for our Friday night Singalong 🎤
Busy dining, and wining 😉
Apologies to Dolly Parton


Your beauty is beyond repair
With ratty locks of greasy hair
And mottled skin,
a rictus gurning grin

Your voice like gravel down a drain
We know you truly are insane
We talk about you everyday
In the most unflattering way
Meglene, Meglene, Meglene, Meglene

Please take your plan and f..k off
with your man
Meglene, Meglene…

lizzie said…

Thanks for the link to the Mirror article. But frankly it makes no sense to me. It also seems to conflate a variety of different events.

There have been rumors that at age 95 HMTQ would request Charles serve as her regent. I personally don't think that will happen, but even if it did, it's not clear why that would change Kate's official status or title (nor would a change in Kate's title be the most important aspect of a regency even if it happened.) While I'm not an expert (but neither is the writer of the Mirror article!) I don't believe serving as regent would mean Charles would vacate his position as Prince of Wales. Bring regent wouldn't make him king. As regent he would merely be acting for the monarch who would remain Elizabeth II. And even if Charles somehow did manage to give up the PoW title (?), that wouldn't mean it would pass automatically to William. Rather, it would merge with the Crown and then the monarch would decide when to bestow the title to his/her immediate heir.
AnT said…

The Queen looked so fit at her events today....lovely. Even putting out some humor, and getting a laugh out of that G7 group. Do you think this means a little longer before a Regency would occur? Or does she look good because she's finally decided to change her mind and allow Charles the Regent mantle?

In a way, I suspected she would firmly never step aside as commitment to her vow in her 20s -- or simply to show backbone (since Harry failed so miserably and publicly to stick on).

But the appearance of the article you linked now makes me wonder.

AnT said…

PS --


if you are reading this over the weekend, sending good recovery wishes your way!!

AnT said…
@Magatha Mistie,


I am stuffed with allergies after a spot of gardening, and you just made me cackle through it:

voice like gravel down a drain
We know you truly are insane

Thank you for being YOU, Magatha!!!!!
Magatha Mistie said…

Hope this clears your blocked ‘passage’😜

Safe ‘sailing’ 😘

Prequel to The Bench

The Deck

As I stood, on the swollen deck
Pondering on, who next to feck
I looked down upon Harry,
the gibbering wreck
I decided all media
should be hung, by the neck
And throw in the RF, for fun,
what the heck
This was my plan,
to keep all in check
‘Cos nothing, and no-one,
should stop my Star Trek

Hikari said…

Even a year supply of virtual lattes would not do justice to “Meglene”. If I give you a virtual Starbucks franchise for life, could you see your way clear to giving us a few more verses? I laughed so hard at the “voice like gravel down a drain”I almost choked on my gum.
Midge said…
You have a hit! I had to go back and listen to Dolly sing Jolene.
LavenderLady said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
LavenderLady said…
Just popping in to say I second Ant's sentiment:


(I can't do emoji's on my phone).

I'm not staying so carry on Nutties.
Magatha Mistie said…


You acted like a broody mare,
whilst straddling the reluctant spare
It’s time the surrogate came clean,
on the birth of Lili Darlene
Darlene, Darlene…

I’m hoping that they end up in the can
Meglene, Harlene..

jessica said…
I’m starting to agree that Harry is mad at Charles for something prior to
Meghan. The only thing I can think of is the talk of sliming down the Monarchy. Perhaps Harry was never going to be able to be a senior Royal. Perhaps his marriage to Meghan was a test to see if he and Meghan could uphold the duty and values (hence why he emphasized their excitement to join the firm as a family unit, during the engagement interview). The fact this has gone so wrong for Harry is due to his choice of wife, and I think he expected his father to support him no matter where a woman dragged him (financially, and within the firm). Charles is making it very very clear that there are boundaries afterall, and adult decisions come with adult consequences.

I don’t think Harry is mature enough to handle his father holding firm on boundaries. I do think Charles is guided by Camilla for support he needs in dealing with Harry like an adult. Harry can’t really see that he fell for someone that he shouldn’t have married, and that this woman perpetuates his delusional tendencies (aka doesn’t make him grow up because she doesn’t want to grow up herself)
AnT said…
@Magatha Mistie,

The Deck!

The Feck!

I third @Midge and @Hikari +++ for this gem, all possible sweet rewards in Hikari’s Starbuckian franchise.

And like Midge, I had to listen to Jolene again as well a few times for Meglene’s fun. These two are so good, I am pondering which band or singer needs to step in and show some respect to the verses! Thank you.

DesignDoctor said…

Your verses are brilliant, as always, but with Meglene you have hit the jackpot!
Karla said…
Jéssica - Many claim that the rift with Charles started at this event. Update: This vídeo ( PRINCE CHARLES SAYS "STAND BACK' & WILLIAM TELLS SUSSEX'S "SENIOR MEMBERS ONLY!' ???) This video Charles had a laugh with them but then made it clear that it didn’t involve them and kept telling them to stand back. Then the courtiers and guards come in to usher them in kept them off camera. She’s not happy! You can tell that it is a big drama in the background. The clip is also very telling of how Meghan plays dumb but knows very well what she’s doing and can imposes herself when she wants. Harry was willing to stand back and play along but dutifully follows her. Both know that they are breaking protocol.
Magatha Mistie said…

@AnT @DesignDoctor

Feckin’ on the Deck of the Bay..ou
Karla said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
jessica said…
Thanks Karla,

Has everyone seen Kate’s response to the reporters asking about lillibet in front of Jill Biden?! :O

Kate tells reporters: 'I can't wait to meet her because we haven't yet met her yet so hopefully that will be soon'

There’s video. Kate looks shocked and caught off guard at the question, nervous laughter and embarrassment, and more telling- as if it’s a topic they haven’t really discussed!!!!! And I guess they haven’t because NO ONE in the RF has had a call with the duo over lillibet!!!! I give Kate massive kudos for saying the right thing - honest and forthright. You can tell they really don’t know Meghan/Archie etc at all from her body language. It was as if the reporter was asking about strangers and Kate knew how awkward the answer was going to be!!!!


Ralph L said…
Re RAF Mildenhall. I live nearish now (over the county border - Norfolk),... I think it was referred to as USAF during his time there too

I missed the original comment, but in the 80's, I worked as a contractor for Pentagon USAF people connected to aircraft based there, and they always referred to it as RAF Mildenhall.
Magatha Mistie said…


Craig Brown- bard to verse 💗
Magatha Mistie said…

Base Players

They wish they’d been
at the G7 Summit
Hope their star keeps on falling,
set to plummet
As Haz strokes his bong
She’s left twanging her thong
Playing Heir on a G-string,
go Strum-it
Just put your lips together Megs and,
Hum-it… 👄

Ralph L said, I missed the original comment, but in the 80's, I worked as a contractor for Pentagon USAF people connected to aircraft based there, and they always referred to it as RAF Mildenhall.


It was me, I made the original comment. 😄Many thanks for confirming that, I just couldn’t be sure what it was referred to back then. I should have asked whether it was a shared base (with the U.K.) given it’s referred to as RAF or whether it was just an American base, as I’ve only known American’s who were based there. 🤗
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mildenhall - yes, it is RAF Mildenhall.

Built 1934, would have been one of many East Anglian RAF bases in the War.

Here's a bit of what Wiki says:

"Royal Air Force Mildenhall or RAF Mildenhall (IATA: MHZ, ICAO: EGUN) is a Royal Air Force (RAF) station located near Mildenhall in Suffolk, England.

Despite its status as a Royal Air Force station, it primarily supports United States Air Force (USAF) operations, and is currently the home of the 100th Air Refueling Wing (100 ARW).

On 8 January 2015, the United States Department of Defense announced that operations at RAF Mildenhall would end and be relocated to Germany (Spangdahlem Air Base) and elsewhere within the UK. After a period of uncertainty it was confirmed in July 2020 that the relocation of operations would no longer take place." etc.

It isn't like the former US base at Keflavik, Iceland, which was US from the start. I doubt that there was a preceding airstrip there. Until the late 1970s airport was within the base, not much more than a cluster of huts with the PX serving as the Duty Free Shop! Once aboard the shuttle bus to R'vik, one was driven out past the Guard House, and the tarmac gave way to dirt road until the outskirts of R'vik were reached. It was a US naval flying station.

It's so different now.
Magatha Mistie said…


Kate was put on the spot
About an unverified tot
She handled with grace
Held steady her place
Proved Incommunicado with
Harry and Thot
Today's DM Headline

'The destiny of Lili's birth!' Royal fans are amazed as Prince Harry welcomes daughter 25 years to the day Princess Diana visited Northwestern University where Meghan Markle studied

Is she saying `Diana's back!'? If she can't be Diana, the babe will be?
Maneki Neko said…

You've surpassed yourself with Meglene, I read your poem with the tune of Jolene in my head and The Deck is fabulous too 🤣. You're so talented.
Husband has just said something very wicked about how, if MM wants to be the new Diana, she needs to do something about being vertically challenged. He suggested a process favoured in earlier times.

He's just popped his head out of the bathroom door (no, he wasn't carrying it under his arm) and added:

`It'd get rid of the stretch marks she doesn't have!'

What a naughty boy! Don't blame me - I'm just the messenger.

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 There just hasn't been a lot from really either of them together or individually lately, has there? But why? Have they blown all their bridges, connections and are down to toss the proverbial kitchen sink for attention? I don't know.  We've heard that moving vans showed up at the house.  And nothing more like pictures from a neighbor happy to see the back of them. We've heard they bought a house on Portugal.   But the wording was kind of funny.  Multiple sources of the same thing - yes but that isn't a guarantee of proof as it could all be from the same source.  It was more along the lines of "We've been told that...".  It came off as a we really don't know if we believe this to be true or not so we are putting it out there but hedging our bets.  Or at least it did to me. And nothing more like exactly when, where or for how much or when they might visit it again.  Or pictures of the awesome inside.  Or outside.  Or requisite ...

As Time Passes and We Get Older

 I started thinking about how time passes when reading some of the articles about the birthday.  It was interesting to think about it from the different points of view.  Besides, it kind of fits as a follow up the last post (the whole saga of can the two brothers reunite). So there is the requisite article about how he will be getting all kinds of money willed to him from his great-grandmother.  There were stories about Princess Anne as trustee (and not allowing earliest access to it all).  Whether or not any or all of this is true (there was money for him and/or other kids) has been debated with claims she actually died owing money with the Queen paying the debts to avoid scandal.  Don't know but I seem to remember that royal estates are shrouded from the public so we may not (ever) know. However, strange things like assisting in a book after repeated denials have popped up in legal papers so nothing is ever really predicable.   We are also seein...

The Opening Act of New Adventures in Retail

 I keep thinking things will settle down to the lazy days of spring where the weather is gorgeous and there is a certain sense of peacefulness.  New flowers are coming out. increasing daylight so people can be outside/play and thinking gardening thoughts.  And life is quiet.  Calm. And then something happens like a comet shooting across the sky.  (Out of nowhere it arrives and then leaves almost as quickly.)   An update to a law suit.  Video of the website is released (but doesn't actually promote any specific product which can be purchased from the website).  A delay and then jam is given out (but to whom and possible more importantly - who did not make the list?).  Trophies almost fall (oops).  Information slips out like when the official date of beginning USA residency.  (now, isn't that interesting?) With them, it's always something in play or simmering just below the surface.  The diversity of the endeavors is really ...