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Are we nearing something big? The media's attitude towards the Sussexes is changing

 I've often asked myself why I first got interested in Sussex watching. 

I think it was because it was so obvious to me that Meghan was a fraud and a fake, and I couldn't figure out why it wasn't obvious to everybody

In particular, why did both the celebrity media and the legitimate press so loudly adore Meghan? Why did they applaud her shabby wedding with its ill-fitting gown and tumbledown cake? Why didn't they notice her changing bump sizes in their own photos?

Over time, the celebrity media's reason for cooperation became understandable - they were being either pressured or paid by Sunshine Sachs, although it's still not clear to me who is funding Sunshine Sachs or why. And the legit press wanted to avoid being too harsh on the "first Black princess."

Since the release of the "Lilibet Diana" name, however, things seem to be changing.

Left-wing outlet loses patience

"Meghan and Harry's baby name Lilibet, Queen Elizabeth's nickname, is at best tone deaf" wrote NBCNews' THINK feature section on Monday after the name was released. 

THINK is proudly left-wing: one of its previous articles was titled "Meghan and Harry experienced discriminatory gaslighting. Here's how you can tell."

But even its editors seem to have lost patience with Meghan. 

Palace speaks out

Today's scuffle with the BBC and Palace sources on one side and the Sussexes on the other is another sign of changing times. 

The BBC, citing palace sources, says the Queen was not consulted about the use of her childhood nickname "Lilibet"; the Sussexes and their expensive lawyers Schillings (and who is paying for them?) insist that she was.

Given the Sussexes' record, most people seem inclined to believe the BBC, the Martin Bashir story aside.

Does Baby Lilibet even exist?

As many readers of this blog have pointed out, there's not any evidence at this point that baby "Lilibet" even exists. 

No photos have been released; neither has a birth certificate. A California hospital has been named as tje site of the birth, but they cannot speak out because of medical privacy laws. (There's also a good chance it has some ties to Sunshine Sachs.)

@Torontopaper1, which has had some previous "scoops" about the Sussexes, suggests that this is a case of a surrogate baby who has not yet been born. A Tumblr blogger has posted images that suggest that photos of Meghan's various "bumps" in two different sizes were actually taken on the same day. 

How tempting it must be at Kensington Palace or even Clarence House to release some information (or give the media the green light to release it) that would expose the Sussexes for who they really are.


Magatha Mistie said…


You deleted Noel Coward, sacrilege!
My favourite quotes:

“It’s discouraging to think how many
people are shocked by honesty and
how few by deceit”

“Wouldn’t it be dreadful to live in a
country where they didn’t have tea”

Oh, I'm sorry.

Here it is again - this time it's staying:

Don't let's be beastly to the Germans
When our victory is ultimately won,
It was just those nasty Nazis who persuaded them to fight
And their Beethoven and Bach are really far worse than their bite
Let's be meek to them
And turn the other cheek to them
And try to bring out their latent sense of fun.
Let's give them full air parity
And treat the rats with charity,
But don't let's be beastly to the Hun.

It's at

Sometimes it feels as if Bad Times Just Around the Corner

I haven't yet found a video of Coward performing it but will this interpretation do?

There are several illustrated `videos' based on 78rpm recordings of Coward singing it.

Sadly, it's as relevant as ever.
Magatha Mistie said…


Thanks, it’s still in my head!!
I was rushing it this morning,
(here) forgot on Friday night!
I now realise that I may need
to name the songs, not just the
artist’s, I’m attempting
to plagiarise 😳

Magatha Mistie said…


Nothing changes “ the rats at the BBC”
“wait until we drop down dead”
very relevant!!
If you want a (cringeing) Yankee Wally laugh, have a look at this:

Diana sculpture outside a funeral director in Bloxwich (pron. Bloxidge) - Hilarious - how `classy'. it's debatable as to whether Bloxwich is in the Black Country or not -many of my ancestors are from thereabouts, since way-back-when.

Wally then discusses something that sound like an attempt at getting around immigration law- a deluded pensioner and her toy-boy. I didn't watch the rest of it.
Troops are mustering at Windsor for Trooping the Colour right now, BBC1.
Magatha Mistie said…

Laughter makes
my heart go pump-pump 😉

Not all get it
Our British wit
It’s often quite subtle
and very sarcastic
What most folk fail to see
Is it’s based on self deprecatory
Having a laugh at ourselves,
pure Irony…

Maneki Neko said…

Pump-pump? Yes , I know, it was in her book but maybe she meant to write about rumpy pumpy??
Wild Boar Battle-maid said… Troops are mustering at Windsor for Trooping the Colour right now, BBC1.

The look of delight on HMTQ's face at the Red Arrows fly past really touched me. I think that was my favourite part of the proceedings, to see the genuine happiness on her face.
Lurking With Spoon -

I agree. The smile was as bright as ever.

As long as she is compos mentis and is not bedridden, she's staying put.

God save the Queen!
Magatha Mistie said…

The Queen brandishing the sword
to cut the cake.
Reminder thar she’s still in charge..
Curiously said…
@Ava C said

Excellent DM reader comment this morning, mentioning James Corden's time with H and the double-standard of choosing the name Lilibet when it was the name Prince Philip used for the Queen. So I looked up an account of the Corden show to refresh my memory:

In one clip, Meghan appears on FaceTime to tell James Corden they won’t buy the Fresh Prince of Bel Air mansion because they have ‘done enough moving’, before asking: ‘Haz, how is the tour of LA going?’

James teased the royal over the nickname, saying: ‘Haz, oh Haz, I didn’t know we were calling you Haz now?’

Prince Harry responded: ‘Well you’re not my wife.’

This should be broadcast far and wide. As is usual for the Sussexes, their hypocrisy takes my breath away. I really shouldn't be surprised any more, but somehow I always am.


Here’s the video. Watch from approx 5:35

AnT said…
@Wild Boar Battle-maid,

Please thank Mr WBBM for my first chuckle of the day.....a ”vertically challenged” fix! Lol.

Girl with a Hat said…

actually, Yankee Wally made that point about Harry not wanting Corden to call him "Haz" in her video yesterday, and she claims that someone made that comment to her on a previous video.

Also, the German gossip magazine Die 2 has a headline "HAT ER EINE UNEHELICHE TOCHTER?" "Does he(Harry) have an illegitimate daughter?"

So, the gloves are coming off. The article is about a blogger called Akeisha Land who is an attractive AA woman and has a picture of her with her daughter. The girl is also AA but has blue eyes and black hair. A very pretty little girl and a pretty mother. This is supposedly the woman that Harry spent the night with after the naked game of pool in Las Vegas. The article also mentions the name of the hotel and the suite where the coupling took place.
Curiously said…

I haven't seen Yankee Wally's videos I just remembered reading the comment here so looked it up.

It's about time all this came out - past time actually.

I'm ready with my 🍿
Girl with a Hat said…
ok, I should have done more research.

Akeisha Land is a woman from Missouri who looks identical to Harry's wife.

when the story was printed originally in 2020, her daughter was 3 years old. the naked pool episode was in 2012. However, the woman does have an older son and a husband. Probably nothing to the story apart from click bait.
SwanSong said…
The normally pro-Sussex, NYT delivered a dismal review of The Bench and the comments noted that the book’s release was timed perfectly for the birth of their daughter:
hunter said…
I usually skip Magatha's poetry (because I don't care for poetry) but Maglene is a smash hit, no question. Great stuff, loved it.

AnT - thanks for your roundup of friends & family and how/why they have their opinions, I'd say that's pretty accurate for how her image is developing state-side.

The problem with these two jokers is they are so unpleasant to work with and so unreliable with their alliances, they've built no credibility.

Credibility takes time and relationships. You can only establish a truly excellent reputation through a looonnnggg history of being a solid, decent and reliable person. Like Lady C - plenty of people talk trash about her but I don't see defamation suits against her either.

Anyway, H&M suck.
hunter said…
SwanSong - yes the NYTimes review was scathing - really I don't understand the nature of MM's "poetry" as none of it seems to rhyme or have proper syllable count, it's quite confusing to me.

Even with my disinterest in poetry I can see Magatha EASILY drops verses far superior to Meghan in the 60 seconds she spends typing them up, it's ridiculous.

Also - I finally read some passages (per the NYTimes review) and the book is really instructions to Harry - like a baby book FOR THE FATHER so why would a parent read this to a child? That's the confusing part to me.

No offense to the illustrator but I was unimpressed with the images too.
Teasmade said…
I thought the NY Times was way too generous with her. Was disappointed.
SwampWoman said…
@hunter, I completely agree about alliances and relationships. In our businesses, we *never* advertised. All of our work was by referrals, and we were booked up months in advance.

While I have zero experience with anything Hollywood, it is still big business. I assume people talk with each other about who is professional to work with, who is going to cost them money through delays, and who is going to create a toxic work environment.

I *really* liked working with clients who are focused on getting the job done. Their directions and plans are clear, they have materials on hand, and I can send a crew in, do the job, and leave without having false starts and delays. I could tolerate the clients that came in and wanted frequent changes on the fly but I charged for that. Occasionally it would bite me in the butt because it took so much longer than I had scheduled. The people that created the toxic work environment were what I would absolutely not tolerate. I would refer them to other contractors (grin) that I did not like. I really didn't want one of my guys to kill them with a shovel because it is really hard to get good workmen.

I have a feeling that the Toxic Two are not easy to work with and there are a lot of employee complaints associated with them.
xxxxx said…
From Amazon:
The Bench
by Meghan The Duchess of Sussex and Christian Robinson | Jun 8, 2021
4.8 out of 5 stars | 506 Reviews
$11.94 marked down from $18.99

Best Sellers Rank: #45 in all Books (See Top 100 in Books)
#1 in Children's Black & African American Story Books
#3 in Children's Emotions Books
#5 in Children's Family Life Books (Books)
LavenderLady said…

Of course. Any time.
Shimmerclaw said…
I just had a look on Amazon UK, ranked
AnT said…

So, my loves, why buy the book when marvelous journalist Craig Brown has given us his own better version of The Bench?
With a curtsy to our poetry star, @Magatha Mistie, here we go, from the DM:

Master satirist CRAIG BROWN pens a mischievous re-write of Meghan Markle's The Bench

1. This is my desk

Where I think up verses

That I can never quite make scan

Oh, curses!

But at least they rhyme

Quite a bit of the time
And if you think they don’t

Well, that’s your opinion, not mine.

Or would that ‘mine’ be better as ‘grime’

To rhyme with ‘time’

Or ‘lime’, or ‘mime’, or ‘slime’?

Writing kids’ verse is so tricky, I’m

Tempted to call it a day

And devote all my energy

To saving our planet

Rather than just copying those Janet

And John books

I read as a kid

Don’t say I didn’t

’Cos my truth is I did.

1. This is my desk

Where I phone my friends Serena

Oprah, Amal, the Beckhams and Barack

‘Hey guys! Great idea! Let’s make our world greener!’

This is my desk

Where I take calls from the Queen

‘Hey! Meg! How’s it going?

What’s new, babe? Where yo’ been?’

2. We talk about everything, HM and me —

Kanye, lip gloss, sushi and fashion

Personal growth, box-sets, book deals and TV,

And how to spread love, peace, truth and compassion.

HM asks my advice

On how to be authentic

I tell her it means speaking

Almost like you meant it.

‘You must smile more, and wave,

Be true to your roots.

Act kind of sincere —

That’s a trick I learnt on Suits.

‘And when the love flows

It’ll be like heaven, you

Will be showered with awards

As well as boosting your revenue.’

And it’s around this time I tell her

I’ve taken a silly bet

That I’ll make out we’re besties,

By naming my girl Lilibet.

3. his is the hen house

Where we feed our pet chicks

They're all under contract

To look cute on Netflix.

4. This is your desk

Where the critics cannot hurt you

And you can spend all day

Signalling your virtue.

This is the desk

For papa and son, when he gets older

Though not MY papa —

No, I gave him the cold shoulder.

Nor will I speak to my sister,

That viper, shark, panther:

You may talk of compassion but

Don’t mention Samantha.

Right here on my desk,

The place you’ll call home

With daddy and son

Where you’ll never be ’lone

Oh jeez, I can’t make ’lone

Rhyme with home.

My kiddy verse has unfurled

But at least as a proud mother, wife, feminist, Duchess and activist I remain determined to uplift and unite communities, spread compassion, attend premieres, dress smart/casual and tell our truth

To the world.

AnT said…

PS: do click the link because the illustrations by Andy Ward, in the style of The Bench illustrations, make it perfection!

again, the link to Craig's parody:

jessica said…

Thanks for the laugh! Your husband is hilarious. Your bit about his head not in his arm had me rolling.

So, Meghan and Harry have no communication with the Royals. It’s super creepy they keep putting out this PR, and worse- the PR from the past year. As that becomes more known, since the Palace keeps having to hit back, what are M and H expecting exactly? They’ve been banished from the kingdom...what good is that?
Ziggy said…
Self-absorbed Harry and Meghan's questionable 'tribute' to the Queen:
Do you know Stanley Holloway's song about Anne Boleyn?

`With Her Head Tucked Underneath Her Arm'

My parents had it on the original 78rpm shellac disc but I wasn't allowed to listen to it because they objected to `Bloody'.

Nor was I permitted to listen to `Miss Otis Regrets' either.
AnT - Thanks for the link to the Craig Brown piece.

I do like it. Better still, this is one of the latest comments and it hasn't been taken down yet!

chocolate kiss, Alsip, United States, less than a minute ago

Trash of a book, she thinks shes above everyone. She has no talent, she can't act, can't write, couldnt even be a full time duchess in the UK. But, shes good at expoilting the RF, keeping a husband on a tight leach, lying, conniving, social climbing, narccistim, and bullying. She should write a book about that!
AnT said…
@Wild Boar Battle-maid,

Somehow totally forgot to look at the comments about Brown’s parody — that’s a good one!
Opus said…
Parents are odd with what they ban. I was never allowed to watch Corrie because my Mother feared I would acquire a working class (Mancunian?) accent yet apart from sending me to a working class school had no problem with my watching shows like Wagon Train and Whirly Birds where I might have picked up an American accent.



I was never allowed to play in the street, for much the same reason. I suppose they felt they had no option but to send me to the local school.
xxxxx said…
Here is updated version from last October. Of the Stanley Holloway version. With Her Head Tucked Underneath Her Arm-- Anne Boleyn
Henrietta said…


Blind Item #2

The alliterate one is set to launch a subscription service. It is going to be for babies/kids, including clothes and will be GOOP type prices. Hey, whatever floats your boat. What is nuts is that she is trying to convince suppliers that being a part of her brand will help them, so she wants them to give their products away for free.

I'm not 100 percent sure what a subscription service is. Is it like a cable channel?
HappyDays said…
A subscription service is a site where they get your sizes, likes, and dislikes for fashion and then usually every month, they put together an outfit for you and ship it to you. You have the right to return it if you don’t like it for some reason or it does not fit.

There are subscription services for all sorts of products, such as children’s toys and wine.

Stitch Fix in the US is one such service that serves women’s, men’s, and children’s fashion.

A site called Bambini Fashion is an upscale children’s clothing subscription site that specializes in designer wear for children by names such as Stella McCartney.

I recall that shortly after she married Harry, she tried to get a meeting with Gwyneth Paltrow, but the closest Meghan got was to briefly talk to one of GP’s employees, and that was the end of it.

Why should GP help Meghan become a competitor, even though Goop’s business model is not a subscription service? GP has been around long enough that she likely knows Meghan’s a shitty actress and on top of that was nasty to entertainment underlings while at the same time laying on endless sugar to exploit anyone like GP, who is already successful and might be able to help her.

I think Meghan is late to the game for this market segment. The market is flooded with children’s clothing sites at all price points, and I would think a subscription site would have a difficult time with curating outfits for kids because they are growing, but often at different rates, and kids these days develop their sense of preference earlier than kids used to in the past, even a decade ago. Returns are likely common and they hurt the bottom line.

I don’t know if there are that many moms and grandmothers who would be attracted to buying clothes that she has basically bought from big names and jacked up the price just because she is selling it. There will be some, but enough to make it financially successful. All you have to do is look at Victoria Beckham, whose fashion line reportedly is in financial trouble and reports say it is basically being kept afloat by cash from hubby David Beckham.

I think this will be another in what will be a lifetime of vanity projects for Meghan that will flop.

I used to date a guy who was a successful retailer in upper end women’s fashion. It is a tough business, no matter what market segment you are targeting, and difficult to just waltz into without years of experience.

Fashion is right up there on the risk/failure scale as going into the restaurant or nightclub business. Lots of throwing good money diwn tge drain.

SirStinxAlot said…
@Henrietta...Does she want the suppliers to give HER the products for free so she can resell at GOOP prices? That is what Im gathering from the post above. She merely lets them advertise that they collaborate with the Sussexs. So basically FREE advertising and promotion for her too.

Any business that would go for this has to be brain dead! The public would walk away from those companies so fast- countless people unsubscribed of Netflix, and Proctor & Gamble products after learning about their association with the Disastrous Duo. Not to mention, if the rumors are true, allegedly the Sussexs are about to be dropped from another deal and asked to return the $$due to no content and conflicting deals with competitors.

I do like that version! Let 'Enery IX beware - we already think that although M is as good as dead both socially and financially, she'll continue to haunt him and us.

Whoever fixed the wedding day for 19th May was trying to tell her something.
SirStinxAlot said…
@HappyDays, lets not forget M sucks at fashion. Not only for herself but the photos of Archie in loaded diaper, a beanie in summer, baggy pants, etc. H definitely has no sense of style, just rewears the same 3 outfits. In my experience, woman who love or are at least attracted to their significant other want them to look clean, tidy, and comfortable. Styles may very, but nobody wants to step out with a guy dressed in holey shoes, faded grey shirts, too small suit that he has probably had since high school, etc. I doubt she would take advice from actual designers and wardrobe consultants. Employee turn over rate is high with the Sussexs, the first project would never get out the door.
Miggy said…
Queen ditches 'never complain, never explain' policy: After the row over Harry and Meghan calling their daughter Lilibet, the Palace will no longer let 'mistruths' go unchallenged
Queen ditches 'never complain, never explain' policy: After the row over Harry and Meghan calling their daughter Lilibet, the Palace will no longer let 'mistruths' go unchallenged

• Buckingham Palace is ditching its policy of 'never complain, never explain'
• An insider said the briefing war in LA has pushed the Queen 'over the edge'
• Allies of Harry and Meghan have been giving the media continual updates
• Now the Queen wants any inaccurate statements to be corrected publicly


PUBLISHED: 22:01, 12 June 2021 | UPDATED: 22:07, 12 June 2021
Part 1

The Queen will no longer remain silent when the Duke and Duchess of Sussex allow ‘mistruths’ about the Royal Family to circulate in the public domain, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.
In a dramatic departure from her longstanding ‘never complain, never explain’ policy, Her Majesty has instructed courtiers to correct any statements which misrepresent her private conversations or those of other senior Royals.

The extraordinary move demonstrates the Queen’s exasperation at the relentless briefings that allies of the couple have been giving to the media and follows the bitter dispute over Harry and Meghan’s choice of name for their new daughter.
An insider said the latest bruising episode had sent the Queen ‘over the edge’.
The feud began when US-based journalists favoured by supporters of Harry and Meghan reported that the couple had ‘asked permission’ to name their daughter Lilibet, a deeply personal childhood nickname of the Queen that was used by very close relatives, including her late husband Prince Philip.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Part 2

But a Royal insider described the conversation between Harry and his grandmother as ‘a telling, not an asking’ – confirming a BBC report last week which said the Sussexes had not asked the Queen if she had any objection to their choice of name. Harry and Meghan reacted furiously, instructing their lawyers to contest the BBC story, which they described as ‘false and defamatory’.

Sources say the Queen’s more robust response to the tsunami of media briefings from allies of the Sussexes will go beyond the Lilibet story.

‘This is about whether or not what is being reported is an accurate version of what actually happened,’ said the insider.

The 95-year-old Monarch put aside the controversy yesterday as she smiled and even tapped her feet to the music during Trooping the Colour, her annual birthday parade.
After hosting a reception at the G7 summit on Friday – where she entertained world leaders by cutting a cake with a sword and joked as a team photograph was taken, ‘Are you supposed to look as if you’re enjoying yourself?’ – she will today welcome US President Joe Biden and his First Lady, Jill, to Windsor Castle.

Harry and Meghan, who are now based in California, announced the arrival of their daughter last Sunday, prompting warm messages of congratulations from the Queen, Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

The Mail on Sunday understands that Harry also sent a text message to Kate, cementing her role as a bridge between him and his brother that appeared to be forged at Prince Philip’s funeral in April.
But the mood began to sour with an article in the New York Post which said it had been ‘told’ by unnamed sources that ‘Harry called the Queen for permission to name his daughter Lilibet’.

The story was soon picked up by other media outlets, infuriating the Palace to the extent that a high-ranking, but unnamed, Palace source did not dispute claims by a BBC reporter that no such permission had been sought.

The impact was immediate and incendiary. The BBC story, effectively ‘killed’ the New York Post’s account and led, within hours, to the letter from Harry and Meghan’s lawyers.
A spokesman for the couple said: ‘The Duke spoke with his family in advance of the announcement. In fact, his grandmother was the first family member he called. During that conversation, he shared their hope of naming Lilibet in her honour. Had she not been supportive, they would not have used the name.’
(Baby birth announcement cut by me)

Part III

However, there was further irritation at the Palace when friends of Harry and Meghan suggested to US journalists that the Queen had been introduced to Lilibet over a video call.

The insider last night denied that, stating, ‘No video call has taken place’, adding: ‘Friends of the Sussexes appear to have given misleading briefings to journalists about what the Queen had said and that took the whole thing over the edge. The Palace couldn’t deny the story that this was a mistruth.’ Ironically, Harry has spoken out against the ‘barrage of mistruths’ on social media.

While the Palace has largely sought to mollify Harry and Meghan – even amid the grenades thrown during their interview with Oprah Winfrey in March and Harry’s subsequent TV series on mental health – the Queen and other senior Royals have shown there is a limit to their patience.

After Harry and Meghan claimed there was racism in the Royal Household, William snapped: ‘We’re very much not a racist family.’ And Buckingham Palace –which is investigating the claims – pointedly said ‘recollections may vary’.
SirStinxAlot said…
Oohhh... from the article:

The insider last night denied that, stating, ‘No video call has taken place’, adding: ‘Friends of the Sussexes appear to have given misleading briefings to journalists about what the Queen had said and that took the whole thing over the edge. The Palace couldn’t deny the story that this was a mistruth.’ Ironically, Harry has spoken out against the ‘barrage of mistruths’ on social media.

Lmao, I think we all knew they were LIARS! Finally, an appropriate response moving forward. Wonder if they will address the M called Catherine asking for help and support regarding the titles being stripped.
Sorry, missed the URL:

Daily Mail Updated 5 mins ago.
AnT said…

I can second every single thing you just wrote. Probably 75% of my clients/projects are related to fashion retail, mid to upper price points, six countries. She's out of her depth.

And there are already many, many companies like this out there that beat her to it. A friend (big retail marketing background) helped advise one a few years ago. They subscribe by age group, which is still tricky as kids vary in size, and so lots of toys and books and cleansers are thrown in.


31 Cool Subscription Boxes for Babies, Toddlers and Big Kids
Don’t have time to handpick baby toys and kids’ clothes?
Good news—these best-of subscription boxes will do it for you!

No one has to give her stuff for free unless THIS is part of her deal with P&G -- sample test packets of stuff, books no one wants,
those hats she bought cheaply to send out.... She's not inventive, has no taste, everything you said.

AND she's shown very little of Archie except to show that she barely knows him, chooses the wrong book for him, can't dress him... She probably hopes to copy Jessica Alba or something. But Jessica had a good focus concept, & did it years ago.

I guess all MM's other flailing games failed: royal, queen of Canada, Mrs Tyler Perry, major movie star, Netflix producer/director, major author, food guru, youth leader, and politics. And, in two years! Now instead of raising her two tiny children (yeah hum), she going to start a whole company.


BellaDonna said…
@Wild Boar Battle-Maid

I also remember my parents playing that record but they insisted that the word was 'bloomin' not bloody!
Karla said…
God save the Queen! Anne Boleyn was decapitated with a sword. And the Queen had one yesterday.
Coming soon on Netflix...
What Ever Happened to Baby Meghan?
Markle is an artist who, as a child, became famous and known as Baby Meghan after complain about a sexist TV commercial.
As an adult, after being cast out from the royal family, she fell into ostracism and lives locked up in the house in Montecito that she shares with Harry, Bilbo baggins. Destined to return to the stage, the actress will try to retake the character that made her famous - even if for that she has to go over some people very close to her.
Miggy said…
Apologies for a quick OT post.

@AnT, I really loved the story about your aunt... what a character! You painted such a great picture of her in my mind and yes it did cheer me up! �� It's funny that you should mention hanging from a bar though, as my son wanted to order me a *pull up bar* so that I could do just that. As it happens, I realised that I'm just the right height to hang from one of the sturdy doors in my home, so that's what I've been doing... and it seems to have helped a little. (not upside down, obviously!) :)

@xxxxx, Thanks for mentioning the *boots*. Don't think I'll need them now but always good to know they exist! :)
AnT said…

I can reiterate what I've said here before and my connected client has been telling me for a few months now, firmly from what he's been told: "rumor is" They do not zoom with the Queen, never have, etc.

AnT said…

Glad it gave you a smile. She was a character! And glad to hear the pull-up bar is helping you a bit. She DID have the boots thing that @xxxxx referred to, btw!!
Very nice timing - after meeting the G7 party, showing them what real royals are like.

Wait for the explosions & bombshells from Montecito - `Incoming!!!'
The Cat's Meow said…
Go QE II! Long Live Her Majesty!!!

Who knows, this might be the silver lining around the Harkles' Clouds of Doom...sounds like Her Maj is so pissed she "isn't going to take it anymore"!!

Maybe she is channeling PP and thinking, "what would he do?"

This mess might actually inspire her to get even feistier ;)
Grisham said…
So the queen herself is going to correct everything… when? Tomorrow? 🤷🏼‍♀️

I’m absolutely in favor of ditching never complain never explain.

FWIW, I was never under the impression they zoomed with the queen nor that the queen saw the baby over say FaceTime.

The story to me was that they called the queen (phone call) and…. Unclear here…. Either asked or told her about the baby’s name.,. Unclear about exact words used etc or if she was misled… but she never said the word “no”.

So daily mail is about to let us know at some point in the future that a named person is going to tell the story?

I look forward to it. It would be the first piece of real information from HM in the last 3 or so years.
Grisham said…
Maybe HM should fo out with a tell all book.
gfbcpa said…
This is the best news I have heard all year !!!!!! The Queen has come through !!!! God Save the Queen !!!!!!

To quote Howard Beale in the film "Network":

"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!!!!!!"

If you haven't seen the film, here is a link to Peter Finch's speech....

I think it is so appropriate.
Henrietta said…
HappyDays, thank you for explaining. I'd never heard of one before, and I used to do a lot of my clothes shopping via catalogue and my housewares online.

Sir Stinks A Lot, yes, that was my reading of the item as well. Suppliers provide their items for free, and she turns around and sells at GOOP prices. I can't imagine even trying to talk someone into that.

Grisham said…
I honestly can’t wait to read what she has to say about this. I applaud her for telling the true story of this. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Anonymous said…

Blogger SwanSong said...
The normally pro-Sussex, NYT delivered a dismal review of The Bench and the comments noted that the book’s release was timed perfectly for the birth of their daughter:

The NYT is behind a paywall but if anyone with access would be kind enough to copy and paste their review of The Bench I would be very grateful. Thank you.
SirStinxAlot said…
Shhhhh 🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫

Can you hear that?...

Its the sound of potential business partners running away...

... maybe a few new lawsuits on their way...

Wonder if ABC will shelf the American Royal Baby story? Especially, since there are so many other royal babies that have been born in the USA. I posted a list previously on this thread, its quite long. Who knows how many lies were included in that vanity project.
SwampWoman said…
Henrietta said...
HappyDays, thank you for explaining. I'd never heard of one before, and I used to do a lot of my clothes shopping via catalogue and my housewares online.

Sir Stinks A Lot, yes, that was my reading of the item as well. Suppliers provide their items for free, and she turns around and sells at GOOP prices. I can't imagine even trying to talk someone into that.

I was face palming and saying to myself "Why didn't *I* come up with the idea of telling manufacturers that they should give me their products for free, I shall sell them to the hoi polloi at inflated prices, and the manufacturers should be GRATEFUL for the opportunity!" Then I realized that it is because I'm not an psycho witch, so I might be okay with that.
Karla said…
However, there was further irritation at the Palace when friends of Harry and Meghan suggested to US journalists that the Queen had been introduced to Lilibet over a video call.
'The insider last night denied that, stating, ‘No video call has taken place’, adding: ‘Friends of the Sussexes appear to have given misleading briefings to journalists about what the Queen had said and that took the whole thing over the edge. The Palace couldn’t deny the story that this was a mistruth.’ Ironically, Harry has spoken out against the ‘barrage of mistruths’ on social media" #teamqueen
Maneki Neko said…
Great news about the Queen ditching her usual policy of never saying anything. I did write earlier in the week, I think, that I thought there was a shift in attitude at the Palace. I'm so glad the BRF has decided not to take the Harkles' 'untruths' lying down. They've got away with too much


On another note, I stumbled upon this by accident. I don't know if there is any truth in it. According to Ninaki Priddy, M Trevor divorced 'because Meghan found her ex-husband “embarrassing” for her image'. Apparently, this was to do with his sartorial appearance so what about Harry?
Teasmade said…
Here's the New York Times review. As I said this morning, I think it was far too kind.

First of all, there's a cutline "Picture Books", which I can't say I've seen often. Maybe I never read such reviews. The paragraphs are interrupted with 4 of the illustrations and I agree, they are cute. I hope the artist isn't tainted by this relationship.

By Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex
Illustrated by Christian Robinson

The duchess formerly known as Meghan Markle brings a boatload of baggage to “The Bench,” a picture book about fathers and sons (and benches), starting with her uneasy position as a sort-of royal living in exile. There is also her status as Public Enemy No. 1 in the British tabloids, some of which seemed thrilled at an opportunity to rain fresh criticism upon her. And she’s an actress, not a writer.

To its credit, “The Bench” is a sweet little tale. Dedicated to “the man and the boy who make my heart go pump-pump,” it began as a poem Meghan wrote on Father’s Day for her husband, Prince Harry, soon after the birth of their son, Archie. (They have just had a second child, a daughter named Lilibet Diana.) It explores the connection between fathers and their sons.

The bench — or benches; there are an array of them — plays a strong supporting role, as a seat, as a table, as a prop. It’s a slightly weird idea that a father would spend so much time on or near a bench, like a grandparent who never leaves his rocking chair, or an athlete stuck on the sidelines. But Meghan has envisioned the bench as a place for fathers to cradle their baby boys and maybe drift off to sleep, to put bandages on toddlers’ skinned knees, to provide comfort and encouragement.

The illustrations, in gentle watercolor, are by the talented and prolific Caldecott and Coretta Scott King honoree Christian Robinson, and they’re beautiful. Love pours out of them. Because Meghan wanted to be inclusive, according to the publisher, the book features a variety of fathers: Black fathers and white fathers, a father in a wheelchair, a Sikh father in a turban, a military father returning from a tour of duty (the mother observes the homecoming from a window, tears in her eyes). There’s even a father wearing a frilly pink tutu over a manly plaid shirt and brown pants, using the bench as a barre alongside his similarly tutu-ed son.

The benches throughout are likewise democratic, painted in a variety of colors and styles and appearing in suburban backyards, in public parks, on sidewalks, on the beach and, in two cases, indoors.

Teasmade said…
Review Part Two:

Meghan’s message is heartfelt: Life is happy and sad, and a father can be there for it all. But a heavier editing hand would have been a big help. There is no excuse, in a book of fewer than 200 words, for every syllable not to be just right. Even a tiny discordant note can throw the whole thing into disarray.

This is even more true with rhyming books. Force-feeding words into unlikely configurations just to eke out a tortured rhyme works about as well as stuffing a foot into a too-small glass slipper and passing it off as a perfect fit. “You’ll love him. / You’ll listen. / You’ll be his supporter. / When life feels in shambles / You’ll help him find order,” Meghan writes. Not terrible, but not terrific. What she does in the last line of the book, though — contracting “alone” into “’lone” in order to get it to rhyme with “home” — should be illegal.

Still, gentleness prevails, and alert readers will notice that several illustrations are cunning simulacra of a bearded Prince Harry himself, with his ginger hair and piercing blue eyes. Harry’s recent complaints about his own father’s emotionally distant parenting style lend poignancy to the exercise, as if the book were written specifically to help a lost prince heal his psychic wounds.

It’s heartening to think of Harry and Archie happily feeding their rescue chickens together in California, as they do at the end, while Meghan (she’s seen from the back, but I’m pretty sure it’s her) swaddles the baby and does a bit of gardening. But as the book suggests, a father’s love is universal, royal or not.

Sarah Lyall, a writer at large for The Times, previously worked as a correspondent in the London bureau.

There are 158 comments; there were far fewer when I read this review the morning. At the time, many of those that slanted negative made the point that actual authors couldn't get contracts yet this piece of junk (my words) did.

Not sure why it took a British correspondent to review this book, also?
Blue Dragon said…
There was a bit in a recent copy of PRIVATE EYE which said that the Queen had not been Zooming with the Harkles. There is more in the current edition about how their website is operating. The World of Royalties

One of the small pleasures in life after a day at work and feeding the family is to retreat to my bench in the garden and sit with my violas and hostas and if I'm lucky a cat will join me. However my relaxation has been disturbed ever since #6's wife published her book, The Bench. When I think about my bench you know who elbows into my oasis and I don't want her there. So I am now referring to my garden banco, which is the Portuguese translation. Portugal being England's oldest ally.
SirStinxAlot said…
@Maneki..thanks for the article. I can't believe it suggests Trevor was a slob and M was "immaculately turned out". She was seldom appropriate while in the UK and never immaculate. I guess thats to be expected from one of M mouthpieces. Why put this out now though??

“Trevor had always been laidback where she was controlled and controlling,” author Lady Colin Campbell wrote in the book Meghan and Harry: The Real Story. “He would arrive for appointments slightly late and dishevelled, his shirt out of his trousers and maybe a spot of food on his lapel, while the perfectly contained and self-possessed Meghan was always immaculately turned out.”
xxxxx said…
NY Times review of "The Bench"

The review is very short, not of much use.
Karla said…
Teasmade I loved reading the NYT review. The Irish times also did one.
Meghan Markle has written a children's book. It’s awful
The Bench apparently began as a message to Harry. It should have stayed between them.
HappyDays said…
AnT said:

Funny you mentioned Jessica Alba. Not to name drop, but for this one I will, I met her to do some photos several years ago. She’s a smart cookie, Very polite and was great to work with. She has a professional attitude toward her work and is gracious.

From what I know of the Honest product line for babies and children, she works with an equally professional, group of intelligent, experienced people leading that brand with her, so I was not one bit surprised it has been quite successful in that market segment.

Meghan seems to just want to be a famous face who can command buckets of money, and all of it is due to a numpty prince she conned into marriage and kids she likely has no interest in or love for beyond how she can use them all as objects to enhance a carefully-planned image campaign and to fill her wallet courtesy of the royal family she torches at any opportunity.

As I said earlier, Meghan’s life will likely be a never-ending stream of vanity projects where she serves as a thin veneer on the surface while other people do all the work.

But this is textbook typical behavior for narcissists.

@HappyDays said "Meghan’s life will likely be a never-ending stream of vanity projects"

SPOT ON! Probably the most true thing I've read in quite some time on any platform.
Humor Me said…
"Queen ditches 'never complain, never explain' policy: After the row over Harry and Meghan calling their daughter Lilibet, the Palace will no longer let 'mistruths' go unchallenged."

Hot damn - I think we have a kraken release! I have the cokes on ice and thepopcorn in waiting!!
JHanoi said…
Just read the sacchrine NYTimes review, they are obiviously team Harkles. The artist isnt part of the Harkle drama, but i personnally dont care for those simple grade school type watercolors.

The DM had a spoof poem this morning by a professional writer and even that wasnt very good... our very own Magatha does much better poems, the DM should have hired her instead!
Teasmade said…
@JHanoi: Honestly I think it's the one reviewer's opinion (Sarah Lyall), not a policy of the New York Times as a whole, but as I re-read it while posting it tonight I was just re-disgusted at it.

But I did go through all the comments to see if there were any gems I could copy for you all and there were even more that mentioned that this piece of garbage had only been printed because of who the author was than there had been when I first read them. And there were just a few along the lines of "no wonder they left" and "leave them alone" and I think only one that mentioned "racism."

I just can't explain it.

Going to check the Washington Post now. Their readers have been pretty sickening (that is, unaware and gullible) in their comments all along. Let's see if it's "reviewed" there.
AnT said…
@Happy Days,

It’s great to hear you met Alba and have such a positive experience of her — what she’s accomplished is so impressive to me.

And......Think of it: Alba is only 3 months older than Megs!

She has had much more success as actress than Megs. She co-founded Honest Company ten years ago, then a beauty company in 2015.
She did not grow up with the advantages MM enjoyed - her family moved around a lot because of the Air Force career of her father, a grandson of Mexican immigrants. And, she was sick a lot of the time as a child with asthma and pneumonia too, and talked about a lonely childhood as the new kid whenever they moved. At 11 she wanted to act and won a competition in Beverly Hills.

Her dad wasn’t an award winning lighting director. She didn’t have private school. She got her start with her talent.

And look what Alba has accomplished. She’s done much, much more with her life, with effort, than Megs ever will — without a title.

Sir Stinxalot:

Ever since you reported that the computer chats didn't happened, I've gone `Huh!' at any mention of them.

The only snippet that could conceivably have been true was Harry saying the DofE `hung up on him'!
jessica said…
Sounds like Meghan is going to be complaining and explaining sooooon! Hahahahaha. Such a brilliant move by The Queen. It’s time Meghan and Harry found another topic that can keep them in the news! Lillibet? Give me a break. Surely, they knew this was entirely too far, creepy, absurd, and ridiculous. Name the kid Doria Jr. and move on.

Will The Queen be writing a press release on Archificial? How far are they willing to go to destroy Meghan’s credibility? I, for one, believe there will be a contract suit filed soon. I think Megs and Harry had to sign something to leave the institution and have probably broken every clause of the contract. It makes sense.

I also watched the Body Language Guy recommended above (thanks!) and have to say it convinced me that Harry never wanted to leave the Royals, and does not want the life Meghan has him in therapy over. She hated Royal life and wanted money, now she wants Harry to be someone he is not. It was just never going to work.

My guess is The Queen lets all the ‘Meghan is crazy’ kraken out now, lilibet is probably not real, the truth of Archie comes to light, Meghan’s PR rep is so destroyed Harry has to start looking at his situation with reality goggles, and he will take himself and the plastic doll back to the U.K. and let a lawyer figure out the divorce. I imagine The Palace wants to ruin them financially, so Meghan never profits off of Harry now or later. They just want her gone and know she will leave.
Could the Queen's mood be partly accounted for by having made the decision that she had had enough? Weights on the shoulders seem so much lighter once one stops agonising about what to do, as I well know.

Once it's crystal clear that nothing is ever going to change, the only solution is to wield the metaphorical knife (sword?) and cut the connection.

The H$Ms probably thought PC could be relied on to extend the funding but did they miss an implicit statement that it was for one year only? They may have assumed also that the year would start when they left these shores but did Charles began counting at the Sandringham Summit? Or had they been given notice that it was about to stop and would not be renewed? They'd had enough time to load their weapons with verbal abuse before the Oprah interview.

They need to stop worrying about `unconscious bias' and pay attention to `unconscious incompetence'.
Opus said…
I am now past an age when it would be seemly to be a 'dedicated follower of fashion' but I have seen a fair number of segment's from Dragon's Den and it is always the would-be entrepreneur who has an idea for some item of clothing that gets the shortest shrift from the dragons. This surprises me as all you ladies have far too many clothes and usually so many shoes that even Imelda Marcos would think there were a few pairs more than necessary. I once permitted the wife of a friend when they were in the process of moving home to store all her long dresses (which could not have been worn more than once) on my spare bed (was their a Freudian implication there?) such that those dresses made the top of my spare bed come up to about my chest.

We of course wish the Duchess success in her latest venture with or without a mauling in the Den.

Now there's a thought - Meghan in the Dragon's Den, trying to get support for her latest venture.

I'd love to see it - not one would invest!
Miggy said…
Oh gosh! I just watched all the clips with Thomas posted by 60 mins Australia on Twitter.

My heart breaks for him. 😭
Miggy said…
Do they EVER listen???

Harry and Meghan want to 'keep the peace' with the Royal Family, but have 'no regrets' about doing their bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey, it has been reported.

Insiders say the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are 'trying their utmost to maintain a good relationship' with the Queen in order to 'keep the peace' within the family, according to Us Magazine.

It comes as today it was revealed by The Mail on Sunday that the Queen will no longer remain silent when Harry and Meghan allow 'mistruths' about the Royal Family to circulate in the public domain.

But, extending a rare olive branch in the Transatlantic briefing war between the two sides, sources in the US suggest the couple are trying to want move past the fallout from their interview with Oprah.

A source told Us Magazine: 'It's no secret that the last year Harry and Meghan have been at war with the royals.

'All is not forgiven, but after all the backlash regarding their interviews — which by the way, the pair have no regrets about — they're trying their utmost to maintain a good relationship with the queen in order to keep the peace.'

The source also said that the Sussexes want 'to avoid being demoted as a royal at all cost and that the 'worst-case scenario, losing their titles.'
Miggy said…
Thomas Markle's message for his daughter Meghan in exclusive interview | 60 Minutes Australia.
xxxxx said…
Blogger Miggy said...
Thomas Markle's message for his daughter Meghan in exclusive interview | 60 Minutes Australia.

I hope the old man made $10,000-$20,000 or more from this.
notimeforbs4 said…
Miggy--Not only do they not listen, they are incapable of keeping their mouths shut. Little Miss Cray-Cray has a pathologically need to have the last word.
Mel said…
What do you think was the last straw for the queen?

Naming the child Lilibet?
Or them implying that the head of state is so hard of hearing that she's incompetent?
CookieShark said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Perhaps this is a calculated move from the Palace. Things are opening up, and the mood from Covid has lightened. The Palace can take action now.
Poor Thomas - he can't see that he nursed a viper in his bosom. I agree with XXXX, I hope he got paid really well for that interview.

We should have guessed that `pump-pump' wasn't meant in the way William Harvey (1578- 1657) would have meant.


Mel asked: What do you think was the last straw for the queen?

I'll go for Lilibet, a name used only/permitted only to close intimates of the Queen. Margaret would have used it but when Townsend thus addressed her ...Oh my! He certainly incured regal displeasure it is said.

I do wonder how MM was expected to address the Queen?
SwampWoman said…
Blogger notimeforbs4 said...
Miggy--Not only do they not listen, they are incapable of keeping their mouths shut. Little Miss Cray-Cray has a pathologically need to have the last word.

Yep. Drinking my iced mocha latte and pondering on what the next silly pronunciation from them will be. Durn, should have ordered some tarot cards and a book on how to read them from Amazon.


I watched the Australian 60 minutes interview with Thomas Markle (while drinking the iced latte). I agree about Oprah being an opportunistic user, but I can also see that yak-haired 6wife (and 6) are using her in return, a synergistic partnership for $$$. I disagree about Yak Hair being a Hollywood star. She had a few *very* forgettable bit parts and then a role on an obscure program on an obscure network that hardly anybody watched or were aware of. And it wasn't Thomas Markle that leaked the letter to People; it was Yak Hair.

And, thank you Thomas Markle for saying it was stupid for 6 to say he "went to the royals for help" if 6wife was suicidal because he needed to call a doctor.

Other than that, I have to say that he seems to be quite deluded about his baby girl. The only way I see them getting back together is if she lands a reality show (and the stipulation is that Thomas Markle is part of it) or if he wins another big lottery and she wants to be THE ONLY beneficiary in the will. I can see her having a big emotional reunion, moving in, and feeding Daddy maple and bacon donuts and tequila for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Mr. Markle isn't the only family member that has been ghosted. Her mother's family as well as Markle uncles and her half siblings, her husband's family members, all ghosted. What is the common denominator? Oh, right, she is! When the inevitable divorce or widowhood strikes, I wonder whether she will attempt to blame it all on 6 and the RF because of racism or classism or any other ism that is currently de rigueur in Californistan.

Now, back to the TM interview: I'm going to take that whole interview with a 5 lb. box of salt. Where are the pictures of his other children/grandchildren? How active is he in their lives? It is quite possible that the first children resented being tossed aside in favor of little miss manipulative and so have a limited to no relationship with daddy, either. I'm rarely seen in public without at least one grandchild, so I have to wonder whether he is the fond grandfather/father he portrays himself as.
Elsbeth1847 said…
Well great that the Queen is now having inaccuracies corrected. Wonderful news.

Some olive branch they are extending (we don't regret our actions but we feel a need to be graciously nice to you?) - maybe that push back from LA will work today and in the US but now that the palace will be releasing their side, it will become harder and harder to make it sound believable that any action/statement was all done out of the love/respect and with kindness towards his family as the family no longer just steps away from them but steps and verbally points it out on the world stage.

This speak volumes and will continue to do so. I think of it as like a boa constrictor wrapped around and waiting for the exhale so the boa can up the constriction again. They are getting boxed in with their own words with fewer and fewer future options.

"We wish them well." how restrained. I expect to hear/read more of this kind of commenting.
SwampWoman said…
Elsbeth1847 said: "We wish them well." how restrained. I expect to hear/read more of this kind of commenting.

My translation reads "We wish they would eff off."
AnT said…
@Miggy, @WBBM,

Thanks for watching the Thomas Markle 60 Minutes interview, and sharing your thoughts with us.

My takeaway from the remarks: now we know exactly why Megamess thinks everything she does is fine & she should be praised always. Something mentally squidged, that was tended from a seed into a burning jungle by Thomas.

No more sympathy for Thomas Markle from me. He (and Doria) raised this viper, and still thinks she’s swell.
AnT said…

I agree with your translation, lol.

And, I’m so pleased that the Queen finally raised a little gloved hand to release the tigers. She seems jolly to finally be able to let rip, too!

Perhaps she decided keeping the future-king grandson well and focused and less stressed, is worth the sacrifice of the useless hopeless grandson, And she cannily knew Charles is too weak a man to do it.

I sense Lord Geidt has been somewhere around her lately, hm? Perhaps he even suggested the timing was now, so if Harry even thinks of slithering back in for the statue unveiling with his recorder-packing mother-wife, he would know that teeth are bared and swords raised.

Second thoughts about TM - I was assuming he too was deluded but wonder how far to blame him?
SwampWoman said…
AnT, my opinions may not be the same as others. I have to say that my own husband is quite deluded about his daughter and granddaughters and does not believe that they can do any wrong (heh).
AnT said…

1) parents who being deluded about their kids in everyday life -- we all see that around us.

2) a parent also watching his daughter vilify her half-siblings and all relatives.

3) Then, a parent also watching his daughter harm girls in college, and treating her husband like dirt

4) then a parent also watching the daughter vilify and deny him on the world stage, create massive million dollar lawsuits around his letter, and make him out to be a lying, shady abuser

5) THEN, a parent ALSO watching the daughter attack a 1000-year old monarchy and recently widowed 95 year old queen, while turning the husband into an enemy of state.

That's a parent with one big blind spot, or some complict action in the game.
I'm getting less kind to him by the minute.

It's sad to see a grandfather deprived of his grandchildren - but he can't see that, ultimately, it's all his own doing.
SwampWoman said…
AnT said...

1) parents who being deluded about their kids in everyday life -- we all see that around us.

2) a parent also watching his daughter vilify her half-siblings and all relatives.

3) Then, a parent also watching his daughter harm girls in college, and treating her husband like dirt

4) then a parent also watching the daughter vilify and deny him on the world stage, create massive million dollar lawsuits around his letter, and make him out to be a lying, shady abuser

5) THEN, a parent ALSO watching the daughter attack a 1000-year old monarchy and recently widowed 95 year old queen, while turning the husband into an enemy of state.

That's a parent with one big blind spot, or some complicit action in the game.

I have known people raising a grandchild (of either sex) who are in denial about the character of the child regardless of how much trouble he/she gets in with other relatives, other people in the neighborhood, even the law. Everybody has it in for their little precious and it is never the fault of their little precious or their refusal to hold little precious accountable for his/her actions. I wonder how much better the child's life would have turned out had he/she ever been held accountable for their actions in their childhood instead of in a court.

Sadly for a lot of people, the juvenile and even the adult courts are increasingly a catch and release program and the predators are free to prey among us.

Humor Me said…
@Miggy - 2:12 pm.
and the final statement of your post shows that the Couple and their minions do not have a clue. The MoS article featuring spokespeople for the Couple is laughable.
Opus said…
Then you also have the offspring who no matter what they do are never good enough for their parents. I am more familiar with that.

Point of order AnT: Whether one regards William the Bastard as an usurper or the rightful claimant, the English Monarchy surely dates back to Alfred the Great - I stand ready for precise correction from WBBM - but of course everyone always says thousand year.
Humor Me said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Just watched the Bidens arrive at Windsor - they were taken to the Castle from their chopper in a Royal Range Rover - complete with dog-guard.

It wasn't Jill's finest moment - she forgot to take of her mask until the last minute when they got out of the car to meet the Queen - she
had quite a job to stuff into the pocket of her jacket which must have been designed only for the daintiest of hankies at the most.

May I suggest she carry a handbag in future? Also, get someone to check her over - they could have pointed out to her that her jacket was a tad tight? It was pulling badly on the single button. (There speaks the Court Dressmaker's daughter!) Do First Ladies have lessons in how to do these things?)

Joe did pretty well overall though he did seem to lose focus when inspecting the guard.
He is HM's `Fourteenth President'.

Still, HM is never less than charming and diplomatic on these occasions so I'm sure she didn't notice. She would never embarrass a guest.
abbyh said…
RE: how 6/6w want peace but no regrets

comment: Lol if this is peace, imagine their version of war.(sic) I feel like what they are really saying is "we don't regret what we've done but we are holding back, however if you take away our titles, there will be war"

Well then ... I reckon those battle lines are kinda drawn at the moment.

Another commenter talked of how this must mean that the Queen was shaking in her boots. I don't think so but if the temperature goes up on the PR, then it sounds like someone else is trying everything they can to either come up with more ideas of what to do or are testing the now stated boundary - sort of like the dinosaurs did to the fencing in Jurassic Park.
xxxxx said…
Joe Biden meets the Queen for afternoon tea: President and First Lady get a Guard of Honor at Windsor Castle after flying from G7.

The Queen is today welcoming President Joe Biden to Windsor with a Guard of Honour and tea at the castle. The President and First Lady are visiting the royal residence this evening, after attending the G7 summit in Cornwall. The couple met the Queen on Friday when she attended a reception for G7 leaders at the Eden Project. Their latest meeting comes the day after the Queen received her official birthday gift from the nation's armed forces - a ceremony of pomp and pageantry in her honour - which was held at the castle.

The traditional Trooping the Colour ceremony, which is normally staged in London, was ruled out for the second successive year because of the threat of coronavirus. The carefully-choreographed arrangements to welcome Mr Biden echo the welcome given to Donald Trump in 2018, when the controversial then-US president travelled to Windsor to meet the monarch. Mr Trump and the Queen had afternoon tea together in the castle's Oak Room, with the meeting lasting longer than expected. Pictured left: The Queen awaiting the arrival of the Bidens. Centre: The Queen meeting President Biden and Jill Biden. Right: Windsor Castle today.


^^^^^^^The Queen and the Royal Family bring so much honor to Great Britain/UK. Harry and Megs could have had this and participated. But they chose to self-exile to useless Hollywood and Montecito. What fools they look like now. From the DM reports it seems that UK weather has been cooperating with the Pres Biden/G7 visits and ceremonies.

Me in jest >>> Is Joe Biden thinking that while Trump/Melania got a State Dinner. That all Jill and I got is a lousy tea, with raspberry n cream scones, cucumber sandwiches with The Queen and Charles, who was wearing one of his very vintage double breasted suits from the 1960s. 78 year old Joe Biden's mouth was agape with envy. He still has his Corvette from the 1960s. Can see him driving it with Jay Leno on youtube. >>>

The Right Way to Eat a Scone, According to Queen Elizabeth II

For the British, scones are serious business. While Americans might just grab one on the go from Starbucks, in the UK, they’re an essential part of the much more classy meal known as cream tea. Yet cream tea is a contentious topic, filled with controversial questions like, “Does the jam come before the clotted cream, or after?” According to The Independent, no less an authority than the Queen herself has now weighed in on the answer.

Cream tea served with jam and clotted cream dates back to the 11th century in the UK, according to The Guardian, though the scone itself didn’t become part of the tradition until later. Though individual habits may differ, the common wisdom is that in Cornwall, the jam comes first, then the cream on top of that, while its next-door neighbors in Devonshire put the cream first, then the jam.

Queen Elizabeth II appears to be in the Cornish camp, former royal chef Darren McGrady recently said on Twitter. An 11-year veteran of Buckingham Palace, the chef reported that palace garden parties always involved jam-first, cream-second scones, no doubt horrifying a significant subset of her subjects while vindicating others.

The Queen always had home-made Balmoral jam first ( @tiptree little scarlet when we ran out) with clotted cream on top at Buckingham Palace garden parties in the Royal tea tent and all Royal tea parties.

— The Royal Chef (@DarrenMcGrady) March 15, 2018
Sorry, Opus, Alfred was King of Wessex. (Land of the West Saxons, for our overseas readers).

Athelstan was the first king of a united England, reigning from c927 to 939 AD.(Alfred reigned 871-99) and he achieved this by taking over Cornwall, which is still resented today. How this was done is very much a `contested issue'.

Anyway, that means the English Monarchy is more than 1000 yrs old - in 18 yrs time it'll be 1100 yrs, DV. I wonder if we'll celebrate that or ignore out of deference to Wales etc or fear of trouble?

Alfred's remains are hardly honoured at the moment; they're in a cardboard box in a museum store. He was another `King in a Car Park'. Bones of 3 individuals were found in an excavation - impossible to tell which were Alfred's. Given that the remains of a number of early kings were dug up in Tudor times, muddled up, then popped into mortuary chests without much care as to who went in which box, it probably doesn't matter. He should join the rest of them in the Cathedral, perched on the screens around the Choir. I kid you not.

Just google `mortuary chests winchester' - lots of pictures there.

The City Council was all for going back to use his original burial place as a car park, they were so afraid of the Far Right but they were eventually persuaded to have a garden laid out over it - so much more seemly. There is a wreath-laying on the anniversary of the king's death now by one group of re-enactors, all peaceful as far as I know

BTW The founder of Westminster Abbey, Edward the Confessor, was crowned at Winchester in 1043:

As the Anglo Saxon Chronicles have it:
1043, Her wæs Eadward gehalgod to cinge on Wincestre ...*

He was `hallowed', or consecrated.

Furthermore, the bishop `instructed' him as to how he should act as king, for the sake of his people.

The fuller record of the Coronation Oath sworn by Ethelred in 978 contained the king's 3 promises to his people, made before God.

* copied from my textbook!
Ah yes, the Clotted Cream Conflict!

I just can't imagine trying to put jam onto a dollop of cream. A farming friend east of the Tamar used home-made clotted cream instead of butter so that's probably how that started.

Now, I've had `Thunder and Lightning' in a Falmouth tearoom. That's a scone with a large dollop of cream with black treacle, like molasses, dropped onto it. Delicious! But then you can't do anything else with treacle.

I expect the Cornish always had more cream than in Devon so could be extravagant with it.

Don't start me on what the manufacturers and the EU between them did to pasties either.
PS Alfred was of course buried in Winchester - I should also have said Winchester Cathedral in my previous post.
PS to Opus - Yes, I know very well what you mean about never being good enough. It made no difference to my mother whether she was talking about my looks or my academic performance.
JHanoi said…
The new palace policy to correct misstatements or 'speak their truth'

I'll be interested to see the result of the drama.... will it turn the BRF into a 'Dynasty/Young&Restless' soap, going ever back and forth with 'truths'?

Seriously, how long the MonteceitoMansion dwellers go without sniping back at HM/ BRF when the palace corrects a 'SucksUp friend' statement?
Past history has shown the former HRH's are incapable of restraining themselves.... they lash out and issue ill thought out statements attacking HM, run to lawyers to file lawsuits and call in favors to get people fired and cancelled.
The Harkles are deluded, desperate, impulsive and have no self restraint.

Should be interesting
SwampWoman said…
Off Topic: I was just reading comments about Biden's photo op with the Queen. Most commented that she looks to be in much better physical as well as mental shape than he is.

/I concur.
AnT said…

lol - point taken! I should share that I personally enjoy counting forward from Queen Boudica. So, I count it as nearly 2000 years, when not grudgingly flogging the more accepted "1000 years" line in public.
Mel said…
I'm actually a little surprised that the Harkles haven't spat out one of their instantaneous, ill-bred, ill-thought out clap backs.
AnT said…
@JHanoi said,

Harkles are deluded, desperate, impulsive and have no self restraint.

Yes, and I think that will see them tumbling quickly, over and over, into the Queen's new social traps.
SirStinxAlot said…
I can't help but wonder if the Palace lawyers sent over a cease and desist letter to Suseex camp? Im sure every royal can use the same privacy law that H$M used in their lawsuits, merely stating the conversations were private (if they occured at all). If I could be a fly on the wall during that briefing....😳😳🤯🤯😵😵
xxxxx said…
JHanoi said...
The new palace policy to correct misstatements or 'speak their truth'
I'll be interested to see the result of the drama.... will it turn the BRF into a 'Dynasty/Young&Restless' soap, going ever back and forth with 'truths'?
Seriously, how long the MonteceitoMansion dwellers go without sniping back at HM/ BRF when the palace corrects a 'SucksUp friend' statement?

What Lord Geidt and I will be advising is to answer back to the #6's lies very selectively. And when done, answer with such good proof and details, that makes M/H sniping back credibly impossible to very difficult. (M/H sniping usually done via alleged surrogates and fake "friends") (Placed from Megs trusty ol' Hotmail account? Is this how Megs reaches People magazine and Vanity Fair?)

After the H/M snipe back, The Palace will rarely respond. But in egregious cases it will.

It will interesting if appropriating (stealing) Lilibet from The Queen turns out to be the last straw.
AnT said…

Maybe the Sussexes are prepping some "oh we are sweet, what does that old queen mean?" obnoxious photo drop for Tuesday morning.

1. The Queen is laughing and hearty and great, in these recent G7 photos
2. Andy gave her a new corgi puppy
3. William and Kate are knocking it out of the park

So, now that the Queen and Palace have basically flicked them off like gnats -- a "We have installed a right royal bug slapper in the courtyard, and feel comfident in its ability to keep us comfortable" announcement basically -- don't you kind of expect to see a few photos of Harry reading The Bench to a small infant-size doll on their dusty old yard bench, with an Archie child model in a disguising motorcycle helmet nearby? I do.

AnT said…

“In stature she was very tall, in appearance most terrifying, in the glance of her eye most fierce, and her voice was harsh; a great mass of the tawniest hair fell to her hips; around her neck was a large golden necklace; and she wore a tunic of divers colours over which a thick mantle was fastened with a brooch."

Yes, my good Boudica would have chased stick insect whiners like Megs and Harry into the sea.
AnT said…

there is always The File, if needed. That might end the war.
Mel said…
 don't you kind of expect to see a few photos of Harry reading The Bench to a small infant-size doll on their dusty old yard bench, with an Archie child model in a disguising motorcycle helmet nearby? 

Haha. Let's not give them ideas.

But you're right, they're going to need to do something particularly saccharine to prove that that doddering, hard of hearing, meanie queen isn't nice to them.
Mel said…
The queen looks extremely splendid today!

Hardly any question of her being doddering, decrepit, or hard of hearing. I love that she looks so happy. She's practically glowing. I love the pink on her, and her great big smile. She looks so happy to be out doing her duties again.

She certainly doesn't look like a declining, incompetent, feeble, old woman who is only a puppet to her aides, who can't remember which conversations she had with who.

She looks alert and happy. Good job palace! Slap those Harkles right down.
Opus said…
As founder and President for Life of the ASLF (The Anglo-Saxon Liberation Front) by my calculation 2027 is just six years away and thus we will be an eleven hundred year monarchy when 2027 arrives.

What a pity the Iceni failed to beat The Romans but with commanders of the ability of Vespasian and he with a professional army losing was no disgrace. Personally, I like to count from 409 A.D. - the original Brexit.

What a pity we lost at the Battle of Mons Gropius in 500 A.D. - was that the once and future King Arthur, or am I again becoming confused. I thought that was Tacitus but that can't be right.
abbyh said…
Let's not get too far into the politics of this or that side for USA please. People have strong feelings on both sides and this is not the blog where that is the topic.

So avoiding labeling this person or that person with a more personal opinion of them, meaning it should be something which is along the factual side (ex: they have a receding hairline and not: they are a lying baboon whose mother should have aborted them).

thank you

Pantsface said…
HMTQ looks far better than she has in recent times, almost happy despite the loss of PP, almost as if a huge weight has been lifted off her shoulders and I don't mean PP! anyway, it's jam first on the scones imho, you can't spread jam on clotted cream :)
SwampWoman said…
Dang it! I'm always late to the party and I have no idea who the lying baboon is, so I don't know whether it is fact or opinion. ( I am against baboon infanticide, though.)
jessica said…
I’m gonna give Thomas the benefit of the doubt here with Meghan.

He should have parented her better, YES 100% agree. But, honestly, he thought it was sorted out. She married off to Trevor, successful in his own right, small group of friends and professionals around them. Small town life. She has all her flaws, but it wouldn’t affect much other than the typical local family and friend drama. Thomas moved on and was in retirement. Meghan, from this very small life, stalked and snared gullible Harry. Meghan’s behavior has to now be addressed by dad, humiliating her and him all at once. Perhaps Thomas should have dealt with all these issues before they were able to be put on mass display, but like I started here- he thought it was ‘good enough’ at the time and moved on. Many parents do exactly what he did, but their family issues never take the world wide media stage. And he probably hoped she’d grow out of her entitlement issue as she experienced the real world, as most do.

I’m glad the palace is finally hitting back. The duo need a reality check in more ways than one.
jessica said…
I also think the palace and Harry’s relatives are very creeped out by Meghan’s perspective. They aren’t her family. She has a family and should stop obsessing over Harry’s family. I’m sure that’s their view. She barely knows them, as admitted in Oprah’s interview. Harry talks to them.
AnT said…

1. Jam first! Then cream! Mmm mmm mmm!

2. The Queen looked so pretty today! Pretty in Pink! and just again somehow glowing and happy and take charge. So happy to see it. She looked on top of her world really. Pink & in charge! And basically telegraphing: “Yah, now, skip off, hun!” to a certain ginger.

3. Hi @JennS, if you are reading here today or Monday! Hope all is well. ps: I predict a newsy Tuesday! 🌻
SwampWoman said…
Pantsface said...
HMTQ looks far better than she has in recent times, almost happy despite the loss of PP, almost as if a huge weight has been lifted off her shoulders and I don't mean PP! anyway, it's jam first on the scones imho, you can't spread jam on clotted cream :)

I think that the weight of his sickness and decline has been removed from her shoulders, along with the constant fear of his coming death. I was just talking to my husband about that. His mother was quite ill last night, and he told me that he knew that it was coming (her death) but he was nearly sick worrying and was up all night with her. He didn't know how he would be able to cope. I told him that, oddly enough, the actual death comes as a relief because the fear and dread of doing something wrong and causing more distress and illness will be gone.
Opus: I think I was counting from Athelstan's death, to be on the safe side.

Tacitus was considerably earlier.


Apologies to any Welsh, Cornish, Scots, Irish or Bretons if I've stepped on their toes.
Blue Dragon said…
don't you kind of expect to see a few photos of Harry reading The Bench to a small infant-size doll on their dusty old yard bench, with an Archie child model in a disguising motorcycle helmet nearby?

Maybe she will dress them up like Daft Punk?
With the new unbiased news channel GB News launching tonight, I’m wondering if we’ll get a different kind of reporting on Maggot and Mole? 😁
Blue Dragon said…
JHanoi said...
The new palace policy to correct misstatements or 'speak their truth'
I'll be interested to see the result of the drama.... will it turn the BRF into a 'Dynasty/Young&Restless' soap, going ever back and forth with 'truths'?
Seriously, how long the MonteceitoMansion dwellers go without sniping back at HM/ BRF when the palace corrects a 'SucksUp friend' statement?

I think the palace have missed a trick here. They should have followed the lead of High Court Judge James Pickles who claimed he'd never heard of The Beatles.
Press: Duke and Duchess of Sussex?
Palace: We've never heard of them.
Then watch them fail clapping back to that.
Apparently, The Mail got this from US sources:

``Harry and Meghan want to 'keep the peace' with the Royal Family, but have 'no regrets' about doing their bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey,it has been reported.

Insiders say the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are 'trying their utmost to maintain a good relationship' with the Queen in order to 'keep the peace' within the family, according to Us Magazine.’

Ah, their weak point has been exposed:

`The source also said that the Sussexes want 'to avoid being demoted as a royal at all cost and that the 'worst-case scenario, losing their titles.'’

Unconsciously incompetent,
DM 13/06/2021
gfbcpa said…
Swamp Woman:

I am so sorry that your husband is facing his mother's illness and possible death.

My son was diagnosed with 2 brain tumors in 2010. I won't go into it too deeply because I want to stay on topic. It was a 10 year long struggle filled with surgeries/chemo/radiation and hospitalizations. One of the tumors was upgraded from an astrocytoma to a glioblastoma. He was on in-home hospice for the final two months. My husband and I were with him when he passed. He was 30 years old.

I will not go so far as to say that I was relieved, but I just felt like I could finally exhale. I felt that an elephant had been sitting on my chest and it finally moved. Now I don't jump whenever the phone rings. There is such a thing as a good death. I believe this now.
SirStinxAlot said…
With all of the articles coming out lately regarding titles possibly being stripped, I wonder if the Disastrous Duo have already been warned? Or are they trying to 'poke the bear' so they can bask in pity and victimhood? Its like a trick, if the Dukedom is stripped, M would be Princess Henry, Princess of Wales-adding to desperate Diana 2.0 narrative. Of course Americans would change it to Meghan, Princess of Wales. IMO stripping the titles and having Princess Meghan is worse.
jessica said…
I’m sure they could have kept the titles of they ceased talking and associating with the RF publicly. They didn’t. Titles have got to go. Then all headlines from here on out will be ‘Meghan says xyz.’ :)
notimeforbs4 said…
What I don't understand is how she is eligible for any sort of title seeing that she is not a British citizen? Maybe I'm dense and if this has been covered before, please bear with me. I didn't think marriage alone conferred a title that somehow citizenship had to enter the equation at some point. Sort of like---What the Queen gives, the Queen can take away.
Magatha Mistie said…

Dummy Mummy 😬

@Hunter @JHanoi 😊
AnT said…
Quote from Thomas Markle in the DM from his 60 Minutes intervew::

'I have things to say. Oprah Winfrey, for one, I think is playing Harry and Meghan,' he said.

'I think she is using them to build her network and build her new shows and I think she’s taken advantage of a very weakened man and has got him to say things that you just shouldn’t be saying on television. 'She will disagree of course, and she may even sue me, I don’t care. But the bottom line is she is working Harry.'

So if you accept his idea that Harry is "a very weakened man" what does this say about his daughter's rush to push the somehow "weakened" prince for chance to cover their insane spending? Isn't Megs "working" Harry too, Thomas?

Oh -- a spiky comment on this DM article from a "Canadian Night Owl" of Alberta Canada:

@Lucky Shoes -- Much has magically been erased or has disappeared altogether -- this tidbit (or bombshell) is algdly (sic) still available to be searched. Makes sense as to why or how records indicate no date/year of graduation from NWstrn College -- algdly (sic!) could not re-enroll until the vctm/s had graduated. It's thought that this is why there's so much discrepancy between actual age (45 this Aug algdly!) & her ("truth") version that is 39 algdly! Have a great day -- or night I guess. Hugs from Canada.

Also they - Canadian Night Owl -- wrote this comment in the same section:

Milena -- Maggot's father DID pay for her schooling with his winnings -- and for her college fees. Remember how it's been a mystery about her time at the college -- and there's no record showing her name in a graduating class algdly (sic)? Much has vanished or been wiped clean -- while memories have not. It's been said that algdly (sic) a large sum of the won money was used to cover the costs of the student as she was removed from the school for bullying female students & for gluing thair (sic) eyelids together in the allegations algdly (sic). Sorry for the mess of a message! Hugs from Canada to all.
Magatha Mistie said…

Sword in the Stoned

The Queen is not Amused
Her name being nicked, and abused
She’s brought down her sword
On Haz, and his broad
Their truth bombs, deftly defused

jessica said…

Yeaaah. Thomas doesn’t look so good saying Oprah did this and that. He should have said Oprah, with the help of my daughter, ....

But then again, I think he’s also saying his daughter is stupid and gullible and being played by the bigger fish Oprah (orca lol).

hunter said…
Well Thomas isn't wrong about Oprah.

I’m with Abby – despite us being in agreement on the Harkles, we do have divergent opinions on US politics and it would be my preference to avoid such commentary as well.

Criticizing apparel or protocol gaffes? Fine. Baboon infanticide? Ideally off the table.

The scone thing has me mystified – as an American it seems clear to me that if a scone was still warm, the clotted cream should OBVIOUSLY be applied first to take advantage of any melting properties and then yummy jam on top. I’m astonished the queen doesn’t do it this way, humph.

Yes the Queen looked quite spry and cheery in all pics I saw, I was also impressed by this so that’s nice.

@notimeforbs4 – I don’t think Meghan has any titles herself, they are all Harry’s titles which she is extended as his wife, though I suppose if they divorce she would remain a duchess? Some UK Nutty will have to clear this up.
SwampWoman said…
gfbpca, yes. I think that the death of QE2s beloved husband has also removed some of the weight and worry from her shoulders, as strange as that may sound. She will be grief stricken yet simultaneously relieved that he is not in any more pain. She was mourning him long before he died, I believe.

I am so sorry for the death of your son. My own mother, before she passed from her cancer, was always so sad to the see the number of young people being treated with proton therapy for brain cancer, as was I. It was emotionally overwhelming.
SwampWoman said…
jessica said...

Yeaaah. Thomas doesn’t look so good saying Oprah did this and that. He should have said Oprah, with the help of my daughter, ....

But then again, I think he’s also saying his daughter is stupid and gullible and being played by the bigger fish Oprah (orca lol).

I don't think he would say that out loud. I'm not even sure he would admit it to himself.
xxxxx said…
Luv them DM comments AnT! If we ever run out of witty comments here I will repost 20 from the DM skeptics. They can be brutal! Sour Brits at DM, must be all the clouds and rain upon their Sceptred Isles. (I have lived there three months)

Lets admit that Megan's real hatred for the UK press is the DM comments section. She could not say so because DM comments are pretty much no-holds barred, democracy in action. As in, the British hoi polloi (do not use "the" before hoi polloi) have spoken. They are giving both #6s a piece of their mind and it ain't pretty.

The British journalists put out M/H articles that stick to the M/H facts. M/H must blame themselves for creating the multiple tumults that lead to these factual (aka evidence based) articles being published.
xxxxx said…
Thomas---- I don't care what he said. I just want that he got $10,000 USD for the interview. The Covid free Aussies are swimming in spare cash these days. What with Hollywood filming down under. And lots more. Aussies are living charmed lives. The only thing New Zealand has over them is lots more sheep and lots more bowling greens. BTW all cattle in Australia are grass fed.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Blogger xxxxx said...
Luv them DM comments AnT! If we ever run out of witty comments here I will repost 20 from the DM skeptics. They can be brutal! Sour Brits at DM, must be all the clouds and rain upon their Sceptred Isles. (I have lived there three months)

Lets admit that Megan's real hatred for the UK press is the DM comments section.

To repeat, in all caps:


And always has been. Let's face it, the headlines were always at least pseudo-complimentary. Once the comments were opened up, it was unremitting ridicule, derision and yes, hatred. But NOT from the publication. From the masses. Can't control them, can you?
HappyDays said…
Hunter said to notimeforbs4:

@notimeforbs4 – I don’t think Meghan has any titles herself, they are all Harry’s titles which she is extended as his wife, though I suppose if they divorce she would remain a duchess? Some UK Nutty will have to clear this up.

@ Hunter and notime: I‘m an American, so this is just a thoughtful guess.

I am guessing that because Meghan never even started the process to become a British citizen, because she obviously never planned to live there as a working royal. She pulled up stakes as quickly as possible to move back to the US to milk the titles for her own self-serving purposes. There is no solid reason why she has any sort of right to keep any royal titles in the event of a divorce from Harry.

The RF could hopefully use the reasoning that she can’t keep those titles and the rights and privileges that come with them because they were given with the assumption she would become a British citizen and earn her keep as a working royal, neither of which she has done.

Never obtaining citizenship, plus not staying in the UK as a working royal, plus all the discord and the numerous attacks directly by her or by using her obedient puppet Harry to attack the institution itself and attacks on the royal family and specifically the 95 year-old monarch herself, does not do Meghan any favors with anyone in the UK.

Diana and Sarah Ferguson were allowed to keep their titles, but both lost the HRH style. But more important is that both women are British citizens who both during their marriages carried out the duties of working royals.


lucy said…
Hi! I haven't been around. Bouncing around web trying to catch up. Loving the new directive HM has put in place regarding Harkles. Did they have anything to say today? Is that why dad is talking? Always with the chatter. On a positive it was GREAT to see HM so lively . She really seemed to be in high spirits. Jovial even. Welcomed contrast to rose presentation :(
She is strong resilient woman. Hope she is feeling as great as she has appeared.

I read yankee wally got twitter account suspended. I watched her most recent video, she did not mention it. What happened? Related to refinery article? Not going to get into state of our leader or politics of G7. YW made mention of Jill Biden having bandaid on her leg (wha?) search was on. She sure as heck does!

And no pantyhose! ( as yanks call your tights). Remove the fact she is first lady I personally feel its not the norm to wear heels without hose, never mind aesthetic or protocol. Seems straight up painful. Is that her norm? The bandaid though. The bandaid boggles mind. It made me look into bandaid symbolism , if she was sending some sort of message (yes, to me it was that odd) this came up. No idea what mag this is but this article is beyond disturbing and just a hint of what is taking place in our US schools (incidentally I read vote to remove HM portrait at Oxford was made by group of 10 out of 200+ students) so wrong. Whole other can of worms.

But this article is disgusting and led me to seek out what else was on site. Seems to be geared toward the tween (M's crowd) they did have nice write up of HM cutting cake with sword (all while holding her purse lol. awesome) it was refreshing too as zero mention of Harkles . Never happens. But there were links..
Anyhow, check out this article. Look at what is being fed to our children. For what it's worth I ran a store that carried black bandages 50% of my customers were non white. They got clearanced out. They did not sell. Maybe argument is farce merely to push privilege narrative. I don't know. Whole scene is all kinds of wrong. I felt need to share. Awareness is important.
Hikari said…

It seems the Cornish method for scones is coming out ahead. Never having had clotted cream, I can’t settle on a superior method until I actually try it. I always thought the most diplomatic way would be to do 1/2 of each. Or, as a foreign visitor to an English tea, I would watch my hosts carefully and adopt their favorite method. Surely it all tastes the same in the end! It all comes down to how thick the cream is. If it has the weight and consistency of butter, then I suppose I would put it on first. In our American equivalent of scones, I do butter first—Then jam or honey. However if the cream is more runny, more like whipping cream, then it seems more sensible to put the jam on first Since it is heavier and would tend to slide off. Such are my ignorant American thoughts on the subject.

Vis Markle’s age Relative to her graduation from Northwestern, I suppose it’s possible that she could be fudging her age by 4 years. That would certainly be in her wheelhouse. I’m not sure I am prepared to disbelieve the California Bureau of Records, Unless Marco has somehow purchased herself a new and altered birth certificate to put on file. It seems like if she would’ve done such a thing just prior to snagging H That she would have altered her age further to make herself even younger, since the alleged three year age difference between them already raised eyebrows. Meg has that rode hard and put away wet look to her despite all of her plastic surgeries. As Indy Jones what said, “it’s not the years; it’s the mileage.” Look how much mileage hair he has put on himself since 2015.

I do not have receipts for this at the current time, but I recollect reading at the time the alleged hazing incident came to light that part of the dispensation for Markle’s case Was that she Was banned from the main northwestern campus and from coming within 100 feet of her victims until they graduated from the University. She was allowed to continue her degree studies but only remotely-Northwestern has a satellite campus in downtown Chicago where classes were available, and if we recall, it was in her junior year when she suddenly developed and I have an interest in studying abroad and did the Argentinian internship through her uncle and also the semester in Spain. So she may have been able to graduate on time with her class, but for the last 2+ years of her degree she was not at Northwestern as such. I cannot now remember the source for this article but Those were the details I remember.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Blogger Hikari said...
Vis Markle’s age Relative to her graduation from Northwestern, I suppose it’s possible that she could be fudging her age by 4 years.

Possible indeed.

The question that still remains to be answered is, why wasn't Uncle who went to bat for her not invited to the wedding? He who secured her "internship" which led to her "UN" fame?

"I'm such a fraud!" M declared in that interview with whomever (Craig Ferguson?), regarding her disregarding getting a Screen Actors Guild membership in order to secure roles.
Hikari said…

It wasn’t Craig Ferguson show, but some other entertainment panel show she was on where she laughed at her own fraudulent self over lying about the SAG card. That was a typically brassy move on her part because she would have been laying every production that had hired her open to litigation from the screen actors Guild If that had been followed up on, not to mention herself For misrepresentation. There are heavy penalties for hiring nonunion actors unless there are ways around it, like paying her significantly below scale. But that’s kind of a kin to a legitimate business hiring illegal aliens so they can pay them less. Seems like any production would be in big trouble for that, and how did she get around it? Did she not have to present her SAG credentials before signing any contracts? Or did she just blow the right people to look the other way? To be eligible for an SAG card, One has to be cast in and SAG approved production, For as little as three days before a background actor. The one time initiation fee is $3000, and the first payment of semi annual dues, currently $222 and some change must be paid. For a struggling or otherwise Brand new actor, $3200 is in large chunk of money. But Meg knows how to get money, and it’s odd that even after some success being cast on a national game show, And then a recurring cast role on a successful series that she never scrounged up a few thousand dollars for her career. I’m guessing she still doesn’t have that SAG card, because she no doubt thought that she had no intentions of laying out that money if she could just lie and say she had. It would be tempting to pad ones resume in order to get auditions, if possessing SAG card would make one more attractive for the job, but… Did no one ever check? This is how Meg has slid through with her shit all her life… She claims something is true and nobody ever follows up on her. That looks to be changing now, but the only reason she’s gotten as far as she has Is through relentlessly snowing people that never called her out. She is long long overdue, and if the queen keeps going the way she has been, Markle’s day of Reckoning is going to be a doozy.
Magatha Mistie said…


Adding to the Scone dilemma,
how to pronounce it
Sc’on’ or Sc’own’

‘Real’ clotted cream is very thick,
you can splodge it first, followed
by jam. Otherwise, jam first for me.

Hikari said…

Apologies, I have forgotten your nationality, but all Americans can disregard this comment as it is more for our British friends to explain that a scone is still a fairly exotic item for most Yanks. It’s not so rare that most Americans haven’t had one or at least seen them, but they are not widely available in every bakery or restaurant… Only some, and they are not in the repertoire of most home bakers. It would be a regional thing, and I’m sure they are very popular in certain areas… Probably New England or places with strong ties to Britain. Here in the semi rural Midwest, they are harder to come by and almost universally called scones as in cones. Downton Abbey has made more Americans aware of “scone to rhyme with gone” And that one puts cream and jam on them.

Before I became an Anglophile, I would’ve been a Philistine and said “Skown Rhymes with cone’”. But I now know that the highborn say “scon” Rhymes with gone. However, if I am ordering this item on the rare occasions in America it is on A menu, I must frhyme it’s with cone or no one will know what I’m talking about. A scone such as served at afternoon tea most closely resembles what Americans would call a
biscuit. However biscuits are most often breakfast food, though they are Eaten throughout the south at any time of the day. Breakfast lunch or dinner. If the latter, most often in combination with chicken and or some kind of gravy. What we call a scone is usually sold in specialty shops, and has the general shape of it lopsided triangle or football, and is quite large. In the summertime, round biscuits are often made with Sweeter dough and fresh or accompanied by strawberries and whipped cream for strawberry shortcake. Clotted cream is pretty well on noon here unless one goes to an Establishment that has it imported in for English teas specifically, and I have never had the pleasure.

Magatha, how about doing us a scone ditty For a wholesome palate cleanser From our steady diet of Montecito garbage?
Natalier said…
@ gfbcpa and swampwoman

I am so sorry for your losses.

When my mum passed away after many years in a nursing home, yes, there was sadness and also this weight that was lifted off my chest. Like you have mentioned, there was no more fear of calls at strange hours, urgent visits due to emergencies, lots of tough decisions to be made etc. It was over and my mum was in a better place. There was sadness and also peace.

Her Majesty could possibly feel the same. Hence, the bigger smiles recently.
Elsbeth1847 said…
New River

I like his jewelry. And the backgrounds in his videos.

Henrietta said…

I found the below linked article a day or so ago, right before the DM reported how BP is changing its media strategy from "never complain, never explain" and will now refute any probable Sussex-originated "mis-truths." (Americans would say, "untruths.")

My first reaction to the article was that when lies about a particular group or institution go unchallenged and are allowed to pile up, individuals cannot always interpret or understand their experiences of them or the media reports about them. I'm glad for the BP change of policy. Hopefully it will undercut written accounts of the BRF like this one that is based wholly on Harry and his wife's allegations and doesn't really seem to have anything to do with language, as implied by the author.

lucy said…
@ gfbcpa @swampwoman
I am sorry for your loss. I lost my grandfather to cancer. He was a mountain of a man who never went to the doctor . We were very close and was elated when he crowned me his euchre partner, so young and proud . He collapsed one night. Following day we found out he had prostate cancer that had spread into his bones, eventually his brain. It was a relief when he finally passed. Feels wrong for me to type that today but at the time it was, to all of us, and him. He lived months beyond what one would consider humane. We grieved but same time knew how horribly he had suffered. My heart goes out to you both. We will all reunite with our loved ones. Until then, angels among us ❤
Curiously said…


Although us Aussies always joke about the Kiwis (New Zealanders) and their relationship with their sheep. There are actually more sheep here in Oz. Per person NZ has more but by numbers we have them beat. Also our pavlova’s are better. Just saying 😂

And it’s always jam then cream on the scones,
lucy said…
I used to work next to pastry shop. I have had fresh baked scone but Americanized version. It was on dry side, more crumbly like shortbread. I just did some reading and does not seem appropriate texture. Now I want a good one with jam 😭

I *just* saw site that had big write up on Northwestern and I cannot find now. I will keep eye out. I did find this 🤣🤣

@Hiraki this made me think to you 😁🙁
Band Aid/Elastoplast: The predominance of `flesh-toned' (ie unpleasantly pinkish) self-adhesive dressings has been hailed as racist here in UK too, also the range of hosiery colours (Who remembers `American Tan'?)


Cults and false promises (Bustle aticle from Henrietta - yes, but they came from MM.


Re HRH: Meghan was supposed to have been applying for British citizenship as soon as she could. Perhaps HM thought it would be petty to withhold the HRH until such time as she did. It is/was possible for there to be more than one non-royal duchess at a time, excluding dowagers. A Duke may be a much-married man with several exes called `Duchess ', in distinction to the current wife whois `The Duchess'.

You may have come across `The case of the headless man' in The Crown but if not, just google the phrase for a laugh.


Finally, John Betjeman wrote a humorous verse on the topic of `How to Get On in Society'. I forget how many blunders he managed to include but to give you a taste of it, here 's the end (from memory)in which I can see at least 10 `errors' that reveal that the speaker is below the salt in origin:

`Tea and just as it comes, Dear?
I'm afraid the preserve's full of stones.
Beg pardon, I'm soiling the doilies
With afternoon tea-cake and scones.'

It's a matter of vocabulary, euphemism, apology and actual teatime practice.

Icidentally, if you come across a reference to Scone Palace in Perthshire, it's pronounced `Skoon' - to rhyme with `spoon'!
PS In need of light-heartedness?

Do look at

Not only is Betjeman's full verse there but 2 delicious modern parodies as well!
lucy said…
This is interesting metamorphosis I stumbled upon which led me to pretty great blog. This pic is making argument Archie is son of CNN lady by superimposing A's face over his. I recommend clicking on link and scrolling whole blog. There is a post quite a ways down that categorizes M's plagiarism. Pretty impressive, from blogging standpoint. Hope it is ok to share. I read nothing to state otherwise.
Plethora of tea! Perfect for our scones 😉
lucy said…
^^^EDIT: once you scroll blog and it says "see rest of blog" it is not necessary to download app just click "posts" in upper left corner
Crockery will be smashed again in Montecito -

Heh! Heh! Heh! (nod to The Beano!)
Magatha Mistie said…

Afternoon Delight

If your cream is clotted
It should be allotted
To the bottom of your scone
If it’s thin and runny
Resembling honey
Jam on first,
before dolloping cream on
Magatha Mistie said…


Love it, hahahaha
especially :
“And switched on the logs in the grate”
“I’ve origamied the Andrex” 😂

Pass the port…
Never say Cock.. say Co.. 😉
xxxxx said…
@Curiously and very OT

"New Zealand, where the men are men and the sheep are worried" What a knee slapper! That one is old as the hills. Here in the US we substitute Wyoming.

You lucky you in Oz with your low population. Your fisheries are more intact than ours. I like fish of all kinds but have to buy frozen now. Fresh is far too expensive. A luxury food now. In UK it is even worse with French and English boats almost coming to blows. With the UK having to send a Navy ship.


Your fisheries look like this:

Australia 'world leader' in fishing management
Late last year, the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences released its fishery status report showing that no Commonwealth-managed fisheries were subject to overfishing.

Professor Pauly said Australia stood as a world leader in its fisheries management — but warned the nation was at a crossroads.

"There is a crisis in fisheries globally — we fish too much, the stocks are going down, and this is gloom and doom," he said.

"But Australia is different in that it has not let big boats, big foreign boats exploit the so-called surplus."

The Federal Government has banned super trawlers — boats larger than 130 metres.

On the negative side the Chinese are currently banning/boycotting your coal which is a major export and income earner. Seems Aussies put their noses out of joint last year via some political statements.

"China has intensified punishment against Australia because of the Morrison government leading calls for an inquiry into the origins of the coronavirus pandemic as well as criticism of China's human rights record and militarisation of the South China Sea and banning of Chinese tech company Huawei."

^^^^^^^ Right on Oz! Keep Chinese 5G out with its built in backdoors. Koreans can do 5G perfectly well for you and the USA. I hope Boris is still keeping Chinese 5G out.
Curiously said…
I’m not a fish/seafood eater but I know fellow Aussies were loving the $20 lobsters at Christmas due to the Chinese boycotts. I think usually they’re around $50.

The Chinese boycott is laughable. We don’t care. Perhaps people in government and business are concerned but the general population are fine with it. 😂
@Magatha - Yep!

It happens in place names too:

Coburnspath has had me puzzled for years until I looked at Wikipedia:

`Cockburnspath (/ˈkoʊbərnzpɑːθ, -pæθ/, Scots: Cockburnspaith)

`Cockenzie'? It's Cockennie [koˈkɪni]; rather like `Menzies (pron. `Ming-ies) the `z'is really the old letter `yogh' which looked like `g' but pronounced as `y', though I'm open to correction from our linguists)

All these oddities retained to confuse Johnny Foreigner!

Oh, those ads of yesteryear! So memorable!

What about the ones for wool? A selection at

or all those Guinness ones?
Magatha Mistie said…

@Curiously @XXXXX

Yet the price of prawns remains?


A few weeks back we were much entertained watching `live ship movements' at

It was gratifying to watch the digital symbol for HMS Tyne chasing off a French fishing boat, accompanied by one of their patrol boats, which had been chancing their luck just inside our exclusive zone.

I recall talking with some Icelanders about their EU membership bid and said `They only want your catch' - as they found out. They withdrew their application but they still pay a high price in fish for the deal they've got.
Magatha Mistie said…


Daniela Elser
“Every time Kate succeeds,
Megs dies a little”. Ooohhhh!!
@Magatha -

King Prawns are farmed - under appalling conditions, apparently. Yes they're juicy and flavourful but goodness knows what contaminants they contain. Give me Atlantic ones any day.

I returned some farmed River Cobbler to Tesco because it tasted as if it had been reared in diesel-contaminated water. Had a job to get my money back but I insisted.
xxxxx said…
Reading all this about scones, I now know I have been eating fake ones. Poor dry things that tasted good. But dollops of cream deprived. Clotted or not.

I fear that I shall never see
A Queenie level scone for me
In the scant of scones USA
We broke from British monarchy
Now punished with mere scone anarchy
Let loose upon our lands
Can we let this stand?

The center cannot hold
As we are left out in the cold
Not even Pavlovas to get a grip on
We are so poorly equipped
Resorting to shortbreads and Sara Lee
As if issued by decree

We must bring in Bakers to the Crown
To bring our scones to normal
Like Queenie's baked in Balmoral
She eats with shooting party grouse
Washed down with Famous Grouse
Or is it fine wines and gin?
Against Queenie you will never win.
Tell this to Megs, Harry and more.
That they will never score

They must stay in Montecito
Trying to cheat those
Those American no-gooders
To hustle dollars into their bank
Charles, they no longer thank
He cut them off!
Now they gobble down Zolofts.

Spotty and Flix - No more payments
The cash is drying up
No matter who she Shtups
On yachts or on land
Their end near at hand
Their Russkie landlord catches on-
They'll be out on their bums
Of this there is no dispute
Frittered away, all their loot
Magatha Mistie said…

My last swipe at the Bench 🧻

Skid Prose

Her book of nonsense
She’s no Edward Lear
And her audio version
made it quite clear
A vain *vinaigrette of
verbal diarrhoea


Opus said…
Cornwall being so in the news this week and its assertions to be of the same type of polity as Wales, Scotland, N. Ireland, I wonder why the County of Kent also does not assert independence, Kent being Cantium which means unconquered. That is more than a mere jest, for as every law student used to know the rules of succession on death especially with regard to the fair sex were in the county quite different from the rest of England involving what is known as gavelkind. Technically although presumably hardly still in practice and despite the Law of Property Act 1926 you may still with unregistered land need to understand gavelkind. I used to but have forgotten.
Magatha Mistie said…


Sconed Love

It’s really easy, as you’ll see
If you follow my recipe
Simple ingredients, Just three
Knock ‘em up quick,
in time for tea…

3 cups self raising flour
1 cup heavy cream
1 cup soda water or fizzy lemonade

Preheat oven 180 (fan)
Combine flour, cream and liquid
in a bowl, don’t over mix
Turn onto floured surface, pat down
to around 2.5cm thickness
Use cutter, 6cm, normally get around
6 from the first batch, pat down offcuts
to make another 4
Place on lined or greased tray, slightly
Whack ‘em in the oven for around 12 minutes

Slather on butter/cream/jam…
I like lemon curd on mine
Enjoy 😊

Curiously said…
@ magatha mistie

Not certain about the price of prawns. I don't buy them, much to hubby's annoyance. I think they did drop in price some. I just remember the lobsters because there was so much media reporting on it and the supermarkets were even limiting how many people could buy.


I just saw this article in The Sun.

Archewell is now asking people to post their stories of compassion which can then later be used by Archewell in whatever capacity they like ie $$$$.
xxxxx said…
Magatha Mistie said...
@Curiously @XXXXX
Yet the price of prawns remains?

Prawns and shrimp are mostly a fish farmed commodity these days. My guess is that worldwide, 75% of them eaten are not wild caught. They freeze fairly well without much deterioration, so can be shipped all over the world. I have seen the standard five pound frozen blocks of them, that are shipped here from nations south of here, Panama, Ecuador, Asia too. Stores near me sell them these 5lb frozen shrimp if you like.

You and Europe must get these 5 pounder shrimp/prawn blocks too. Shrimp farming is always expanding. This keeps the shrimp/prawn price stable and on the low side. Next time you eat kung-pao prawns you can meditate on this.
Magatha Mistie said…


I remember Coles flogging $20 lobsters.
I prefer my seafood from
the fish markets.

Harkles taking plagiarism
to whole new level, Archewell Conpassion!

xxxxx said…
Thanks Magatha. I will try your simple and direct scones recipe sometime. I have saved it on my hard drive and the drafts section of my Gmail which is impossible to misplace. What you do is put memorable keywords in the subject line. Example: I put SCONES in the subject line. Then to retrieve your recipe I do a Gmail search that is exclusively a search of Gmail subject lines. This subject line search might sound exotic but is simple as your recipe.

Gmail-A very good way to write/file memos to yourself and more. Because Gmail is forever along with all their spying and selling your info to advertisers. Half said in jest.
Still O/T?

The traditional dough-based support for cream & jam isn't the scone but a small yeast bun which was split and stuffed with the `topping'. These are called Cornish/Devonshire splits according to location. They are sometimes called `Chudleighs', presumably after the Devon town of Chudleigh.

I haven't got the hang of making them yet (partly I suspect because I haven't the option of switching off the fan in my oven - it dries the surface too quickly, inhibiting the final rise in the oven) but the flavour is distinctive and works very well.

This recipe seems typical with milk and cream - there are others on line.

The photo shows how it solves the jam-on-top problem.

Gosh, I'm drooling at the thought.
Archewell Compassion? That's an oxymoron if ever I heard one!
I had my first real scone at high tea at the Empress Hotel in Victoria, BC. My parents took my sister and I there for a week as an introduction to learn about high teas, British customs and to continue our lessons in proper table manners. I believe that I was about five, and I remember it very well.

It came in handy when I took my first trip to London five years later. My parents were great believers in getting their children used to foreign countries' customs and manners. Also, our nanny was British, so we had many British meals from her.
Magatha Mistie said…


Devonshire split, delish
Even better, a Harkle split,
no salad, or dressing required,
dish best served cold, but soon…
jessica said…
Meghan fishing for show and documentary storylines. People cannot be this stupid to submit their ideas to Meghan, can they? This is not how the world works. Pay your talent Meghan!

Magatha Mistie said…


They’re getting rather blatant
with their plagiarising
Using other’s stories
for their latest Sting
Open your hearts,
and your souls to this pair
They’ll make much money
out of your despair
You won’t earn a bloody thing,
those two will, they’re so Disgusting

Magatha Mistie said…

Sorry, @Hikari, meant to say “Afternoon Delight”
was for you.
I’m British, living in Oz.
Best of both worlds 😊
@jessica -

Every book about writing professionally I've ever read warns, almost in bold caps, about signing away you rights to your work. Only ever do it for a specific purpose, for a specific time, in a specific place.

You never know, it might be good enough for someone to make a blockbuster - and you won't get a penny if you've signed away your rights.

Anyone who demands total control of your rights is up to no good.

Just shows what a lowdown skunk she is (allegedly).
SirStinxAlot said…
Doubt anyone following Archwell would write more than one line like "I paid for yhe car behind mes food at McDonald's ". Most people just don't put the effort in.
SirStinxAlot said…
Random, I had no idea that Papryanka Chopra had a 75 foot long veil at her wedding. She married Nick Jonas December 1, 2018. H$M were married earlier that year in May 19, 2018.
Opus said…
A Composer friend of mine did a fair amount of commercial work. The deal was always 'we will pay you x but if you assign us the copyright to us we will pay you x plus a third x. He always accepted the latter deal. Usually that will have been the right decision but he did a number of the 'Classic Rock' arrangements indeed effectively recompositions and I always wonder whether that would still have been providing him with a nice little income had he not assigned copyright. How I recall our conversations as to how he should do Clapton's Layla, which he thought intractable and which he ultimately turned down. I always thought (as I told him) the full Horn section should do the famous bit - eight Horns of the LSO casmpana in aria (bell in air) - yes!
Girl with a Hat said…
Not only do they want to acquire your stories for free and gather the royalties from producing them, they also assign any legal costs to you from using the stories.

gfbcpa said…
Prawns/Shrimp !!!!!

My Dad used to live in the Florida Keys and he would buy bags of shrimp from the boats on the docks. Being a somewhat sheltered child (!!!) I had never seen shrimp with their little heads still attached. I had only seen them breaded and deep fried or sitting on a bed of lettuce next to a bowl of cocktail sauce.
gfbcpa said…

I am going to make your scones recipe this week. I will let you know how they turn out!

I am going to make half of the recipe. And for anyone who doesn't have self-rising flour, you can make it at home. For every cup of flour needed, add 1 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder and 1/4 teaspoon of salt. Mix together in a bowl before adding the rest of the ingredients.

SwampWoman said…
Hikari said: A scone such as served at afternoon tea most closely resembles what Americans would call a biscuit. However biscuits are most often breakfast food, though they are Eaten throughout the south at any time of the day. Breakfast lunch or dinner. If the latter, most often in combination with chicken and or some kind of gravy.

A scone is basically a biscuit? Well, that makes sense then about them being so prevalent in the south because of the Irish and Scots that settled in this area. They're an all purpose sandwich meal! Bacon and egg biscuit, sausage biscuit, sausage and egg biscuit, sausage and gravy biscuit, ham biscuit, ham and cheese biscuit, ham, egg and cheese biscuit, steak biscuit, spicy chicken biscuit, steak and 'mater biscuit, steak and egg biscuit, bacon and 'mater biscuit, bacon and egg biscuit, biscuits and chocolate gravy, butter and honey biscuit, butter and sorghum syrup biscuit, butter and cane syrup biscuit (being a flower of the south, I do prefer cane and sorghum syrup to maple syrup).

Sadly, wheat and I can no longer peacefully coexist, so I make biscuits for my family and just quietly cry inside.
Ralph L said…
You forgot the Spam, eggs, and Spam biscuit.

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