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Are we nearing something big? The media's attitude towards the Sussexes is changing

 I've often asked myself why I first got interested in Sussex watching. 

I think it was because it was so obvious to me that Meghan was a fraud and a fake, and I couldn't figure out why it wasn't obvious to everybody

In particular, why did both the celebrity media and the legitimate press so loudly adore Meghan? Why did they applaud her shabby wedding with its ill-fitting gown and tumbledown cake? Why didn't they notice her changing bump sizes in their own photos?

Over time, the celebrity media's reason for cooperation became understandable - they were being either pressured or paid by Sunshine Sachs, although it's still not clear to me who is funding Sunshine Sachs or why. And the legit press wanted to avoid being too harsh on the "first Black princess."

Since the release of the "Lilibet Diana" name, however, things seem to be changing.

Left-wing outlet loses patience

"Meghan and Harry's baby name Lilibet, Queen Elizabeth's nickname, is at best tone deaf" wrote NBCNews' THINK feature section on Monday after the name was released. 

THINK is proudly left-wing: one of its previous articles was titled "Meghan and Harry experienced discriminatory gaslighting. Here's how you can tell."

But even its editors seem to have lost patience with Meghan. 

Palace speaks out

Today's scuffle with the BBC and Palace sources on one side and the Sussexes on the other is another sign of changing times. 

The BBC, citing palace sources, says the Queen was not consulted about the use of her childhood nickname "Lilibet"; the Sussexes and their expensive lawyers Schillings (and who is paying for them?) insist that she was.

Given the Sussexes' record, most people seem inclined to believe the BBC, the Martin Bashir story aside.

Does Baby Lilibet even exist?

As many readers of this blog have pointed out, there's not any evidence at this point that baby "Lilibet" even exists. 

No photos have been released; neither has a birth certificate. A California hospital has been named as tje site of the birth, but they cannot speak out because of medical privacy laws. (There's also a good chance it has some ties to Sunshine Sachs.)

@Torontopaper1, which has had some previous "scoops" about the Sussexes, suggests that this is a case of a surrogate baby who has not yet been born. A Tumblr blogger has posted images that suggest that photos of Meghan's various "bumps" in two different sizes were actually taken on the same day. 

How tempting it must be at Kensington Palace or even Clarence House to release some information (or give the media the green light to release it) that would expose the Sussexes for who they really are.


AnT said…


Dear Prince Harry and Mrs Prince Harry,

I cannot begin to tell you what I think of you, and everything you've done. Your acts of compassion alone have left me just speechless. Who else in this world today would define compassion as you do? I really think you should almost create your own trademarked, copyrighted word for the way you define compassion!

So here is my submission for your request for stories of compassion.

In spite of the distance, I have always felt connected to trends and family everywhere, with compassion burning in my soul. So when a close friend, who I have called Uncle for years, the kind of uncle who never flies into the city without a bottle of Champers and a bracelet from Berlin or similar! And then we have lobster salad. So this uncle happened to share a very moving story on a zoom call, and it was easy to know that I wanted to join him in actioning his compassion. He said he knows an elderly, sweet widow woman, who was lonely and wants for some fun in the evening of her life, after devoting decades to helping many other people. So I asked how I could help? He said he would give it some thought.

The next week, he emailed me a plan he worked out over there where he lives, and assigned me a small role, which I accepted with joy and the diamond earrings that arrived by courier that very day. There is really nothing like doing compassion and I think I will like doing more compassion every day. So all I had to compassion was to get onto a very nice small plane with a pilot in a very cute jumpsuit uniform who was called Raf, and we went to a place in Mexico, which is by the ocean, to pick up a nice sad fat man who seemed very happy to be on the plane with me and Raf. And we laughed and laughed and the fat man and I had the Champagne cocktails and shrimp as we flew. Then we got back to New York and jumped onto another plane that Raf has and this time Terrence and James flew us and we had such fun and talked and played "skip the scones" down the aisle with me trying on their jumpsuits for complete hours. So that was a lot of compassion too and the fat man said he didn't know when he had laughed so much and had such a good bottle of beer or three without paying. And then we get there and my uncle greeted us with his big car and his friend Der who drives the car and showed me how he puts the tiny flags on it, and so we drove to the biggest beautiful tall house which was made of rocks. More people met us and took the fat man, who by this time was smiling ear to ear to think of all the fun he was going to have! Because my uncle had explained to him in the car that they hoped he would be able to spend the summer cheering up the lonely old widow with his stories of his life, and his card tricks, and his drinking game, and taking some horse rides and making Mexican food on TV tray night! The fat man said he was probably born to do this unlike some people he could mention and so they said he could have a suite and new clothes and shoes and skin polishing and a big pinkie ring, which Raf and Der called a "right door knocker" -- and then they were going to go together to a big party in a few weeks where there was going to a new statue of a lady to look out and fairy cakes too. And he would represent America and walk the old lady into the party and get her a bowl of strawberries. He was so happy.

AnT said…


So we left the fat man laughing in his all-new summertime life. And then my Uncle, who I call Lord G when we are just having lobster puffs together in my suite as the two of us, drove me back to the plane where Raf and Terrence and James and were waiting for me in matching jumpsuits and Lord G told me I had given so much compassion to so many people that week and he was going to send some dresses and another plane for me at the end of June, which is almost here so I could come visit the fat man and the old lady again and see how jolly they are ,and go with him to the party and there would maybe be an announcement that the fat man was engaged to the old lady's house as her Chief Transatlantic Compassion Officer for Life, and there would be be photos sent around the world to show people in glass houses what compassion can really do. All because I was okay with doing some compassion when asked! It is really exciting.

So that is my compassion story so far! So you should really get off your bench and go back into the house and look in the DM for some photos already. Because Lord G in our nightly phone call yesterday tells me the way the fat man has been making the old lady giggle with all his compassion and stories and pictures about his family, and the way he makes her laugh when he stands around telling the press how to photograph and videotape her better and why pink is her color and how she should feel free to crack a joke even when she is stuck sitting around with the with stiffs at the Gee7 events because his old tv show was all about the jokes and people just lapped it up if you make a joke to play off a stiff or a grump. It is just delightful to see how they took to each other, is what uncle Lord G says. It will really make you think more about compassion and what it can do to you if you take a shot at solving even a big problem with some serious compassioning!

Thank you for allowing me to submit this tale entirely for your benefit!

NeutralObserver said…
Sorry to pop in, & interrupt the wonderful discussion of scones & other related baked goods, but I just checked the ranking on 6w's book on Amazon. With the Father's Day tie-in, & the announced birth, it is at only #!52, less than a week after it debuted. To me, this looks as if it's sinking like a stone. Nutties with publishing experience can tell us if this the usual pattern for a 'best-seller.' The book's ranking on the UK Amazon site is much lower. It seems to be doing well in some of the obscure children's sub-categories.

My suspicion is that 6w's powerful publisher, Random House, did its best to 'pump-pump' sales of this little gem.

Random House is the same publisher that gave tv writer/actor Lena Dunham a 7 figure advance several years ago, causing an outcry among other authors who felt the large advance would limit payments to lesser known 'midlist' writers. I don't know if Random House made back the money paid to Dunham, but notice that she doesn't seem to have written any books since publishing her first. I know that some authors have to return some of their advances if their book doesn't sell. Will 6w's celebrity protect her from this if the book doesn't turn a profit?

At this point I want to learn only 2 things about the Harkles, whether their offspring are legitimately 'of the body,' & that we will no longer be subjected to their relentless pr. I wish they would settle on some quiet little earner that doesn't need the constant oxygen of publicity. Harry's clueless & dimwitted attack on our 1st Amendment, & his disturbing & reckless venture into the 'mental health' field, unfortunately for the BRF, is as good an argument for a Republic as can be made. The RF should either muzzle him or disassociate themselves from him completely.

Hope that JennS & all other Nutties with ailments & challenges are ok.

Best Sellers Rank: #152 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
#1 in Children's Black & African American Story Books
#7 in Children's Emotions Books
#14 in Children's Family Life Books (Books)
AnT said…

Lena Dunham got a $3.5+ million advance and apparently her book reached #2 on the New York Times Bestseller list in October 2014

A couple of years later, Amy Schumer got an advance of $8 to $10 million. And her book reached the top of that bestseller list per articles. And she got a Grammy award for the audio version.

But their books were tell-all autobiographical reveals, with supposedly shocking or moving material and masses of press playing off their entertainment world fame at the time. Megs’ book is scant in comparison, and her payment reflects that, though it was still too much and unfair to the real authors of children’s books. Wonder what her Finding Freedom advance via Scobie was.

LavenderLady said…
Lena Dunham and Amy Schumer are very well connected through family and community which is a powerful thing in the publishing biz. IMO they both lack the talent and image to warrant such merit.

Mrs. Spare was on that climb up the ladder too by aquiring a Royal title, but blew every opportunity to make anything stick as we all know.

Her goose is well cooked at this stage.

Magatha, feel free to make the double entendre...;D

Compassion, like Charity, begins at home, doesn't it? Not that it should need gifts of champagne & diamonds.
LavenderLady said…

As is my regular routine-going forward, I'm not staying. Just popping in on occasion when a comment peaks my interest.

Good day all (and relax lol).
Miggy said…
GB news about to discuss if you are able to spot a narcissist.
Miggy said…
Well sorry if anyone clicked on the GB news link that I posted,as the conversation was very brief and a bit of a let down! They are expecting people to phone in with their experiences of narcissists... but I don't have time to sit and listen.

xxxxx said…
So sugary and well done Ant. You have the adolescent sugar lingo down pat with all the words "so" and "and" you put in there. All the run on sentences and the breathless run on paragraphs. I like Lord Geidt providing guidance!

Thomas ends up having a great summer 2021 with Queenie and the Royals. While the self exiled #6s fume at what they could have had. FILE these dunces UNDER--- Woulda Coulda Shoulda. Hopefully there are summer shooting parties for grouse etc. for Thomas. You know Thomas will like this. Of course in his spare time when he is not obligated, in a good way, to squire The Queen around. I have no idea what the shooting schedule is at Balmoral and Sandringham. What animals are out and about in season.

Thomas needs to be flown in and attired by Savile Row for the Diana unveiling. New shoes too, the kind Charles favors. The BRF tells the world that Thomas is here as M's stand in. That due to her recent vinyl birth she is indisposed. ______________ Lets the #6s go public to try to deny this. Will be an insta-FAIL. All England will be laughing at the Montecitos.
Lena D.

Was she ever that big? I'm aware she wrote Girls (which I've never seen) and was pushed forward by being in Swift's friendship club. Other than that, it's surprising she got a huge book advance. Who follows her? Amy Schumer is more commerical.

I realize the difference between them and Markle is mainstream, corporate gigs. Neither of them have bashed HBO or Netflix, from what I can recall.
Sylvia said…

#6 & TW Had to insert themselves into Fridays G7 summit ..

 The Queen made a secret nod to Meghan and Harry at the G7 summit in Cornwall & it was so subtle you probably missed it

Becky Pemberton

14:07, 13 Jun 2021

THE QUEEN made a secret nod to Meghan Markle and Prince Harry at the G7 summit in Cornwall with a very special brooch. 

Her Majesty, 95, was seen at the Eden Project in Cornwall wearing her Millet Brooch, which has a poignant tie to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. 

The Queen wore her Millet Brooch to the Eden Project in Cornwall on Friday

The Millet Brooch was given to the Queen in 2007 by the President of the Republic of Botswana at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Uganda.

The stunning gold accessory is shaped like a sorghum, also known as millet, which is the main crop of Botswana

Royal fans were quick to link the Sussexes to the brooch, as Botswana holds a special place in Meghan and Harry’s heart because they headed there on their third date. 

Prince Harry booked a stay at the £1,500-a-night bush camp Meno a Kwena in August 2017, buying two plane tickets from London to Johannesburg, before boarding a private two-hour flight to Maun International Airport.

The stunning gold accessory is shaped like a sorghum, also known as millet, which is the main crop of Botswana

Botswana holds a special place in Meghan and Harry’s heart as they headed there on their very third date

The couple had only been on two dates at London’s Soho House's Dean Street Townhouse but were smitten with one another, excerpts from Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand’s book, Finding Freedom, claim. 

Prince Harry spoke of the Botswana trip in his BBC interview, and revealed: “I managed to persuade her to come join me in Botswana, and we camped out with each other under the stars."

Prince Harry previously told Town & Country in 2017: “This is where I feel more like myself than anywhere else in the world."
SirStinxAlot said…
@Sylvia, that article is really stretching it.
AnT said…

If Queen hits back Harry and Meghan could end up irrelevant across world


THE Queen, were she so minded, could demolish the reputations of
Harry and Meghan so comprehensively that their business plan would
lie in ruins, their plans to change the world made irrelevant at a stroke.

The days of being feted worldwide, the global Oprah TV interviews and the gazillion dollar commercial opportunities would be over in the time it takes to write a three par Buckingham Palace press release.

Summarily dismissed by the Queen the self-obsessed pair would thenceforth be very lucky to be invited to the opening of a corner shop.

Many of us have wondered at the monarch's endless reservoirs of patience - one word from the Queen criticising super-privileged Harry's pity party or Meghan's seemingly unquenchable desire to harm the British Royal Family while simultaneously monetizing her membership of it and suddenly Brand Sussex has all the attractiveness of a down-the-tubes

Ironically, the privacy this desperately shy couple repeatedly tell us they want via the medium of global TV interviews would be theirs in a heartbeat as they became little more than a royal curiosity like, say, James Hewitt.

For younger readers James Hewitt became a tabloid staple in the Nineties after a fling with Princess Diana. His whereabouts today are largely unknown because, frankly, nobody much cares.

An identical fate awaits the Sussexes if they don't wind their necks in. And fast. ##

Because it now seems even the Queen has had enough of the Sussex's special brand of whinging and, if reports are accurate, will no longer remain silent when the Duke and Duchess allow mistruths about the Royal Family to circulate.

Good for Her Maj!

Control freaks drunk on their own celebrity this royal couple, privileged beyond comprehension to most other people sharing the planet with them, live in a gilded Sussex bubble where they have convinced themselves of their own victimhood.

They want absolute control over their narrative, absolute power over the message and woe betide anyone with the temerity to question them.

But no-one has that. And I mean no-one. Can you think of anyone in your workplace say who hasn't been gossiped about or rightly or wrongly commented on at some point? Quite.

And so the Palace's "never complain, never explain" policy - an iron-clad rule for the late Duke of Edinburgh - seems to be ready for a re-write.

Any half-truths or selective histories spun by either the Sussexes or their placemen will reportedly be quickly corrected by the Queen's courtiers.

It's hard not to see the couple's co-opting of the Queen's pet name Lilibet as being the last straw which might have triggered such a policy shift.

Perhaps we will never know if and how this really came about but even if, as the Sussex's Rottweiler lawyers pointed out in no uncertain terms last week, the couple really did ask the Queen, what grandma would say no... even if she inwardly felt affronted?

You might have seen the pictures this weekend of our Queen smiling and tapping her feet as the Household Cavalry struck up a military march at the Trooping of the Colour, or perhaps Her Majesty stealing the show from the G7 leaders on Friday.

That would be a 95-year-old lady not just getting on with royal duties uncomplainingly but actually enjoying them.

After 69 years on the throne she takes nothing for granted. The contrast with the whinging tawdriness of her grandson and his wife could not be more stark, nor her classiness more shining.

The England lads proudly belted out the National Anthem yesterday before beating Croatia in the first match of the Euros. The line "long to reign over us" has never sounded so good.
Elsbeth1847 said…
Really? really? Did she tell you that or are you stirring up something?

Here I thought it was because it mimicked the floral pattern of her dress.

As a side note, in terms of jewelry, I notice rarely HM wears florals or big patterns when meeting people set up. She seems to wear solids and then one big piece pinned to her jacket where it really stands out. (and a matching hat) Her look in the same way someone else had a turtleneck sweater (concept of wearing few specific pieces now known as the capsule wardrobe)

Contrast that 6w where she goes for small, delicate but doesn't seem to have/use statement jewelry as part of her look. Those earring, yeah, statement but that seemed to be more of one off.
Christine said…
Hello, hello!

I love the scone and prawn discussions and poetry!

A few things to share-

William is really getting thin. He's always been lean and muscular but in some of the shots of the summit, he looks quite thin. I wonder if he's strained? Poor Wills, jumping from one impending crisis to another. Now he's probably sweating thinking about what his dope of a brother will pull before Diana's statue unveiling. I hope his sweet kiddos keep him distracted from his dumbass brother and his wife. It's got to be very embarassing for Wills.

Lilibet- Here's how the discussion of 'asking' the Queen if they can use the name went. They called and told her they were naming the baby after her. They did NOT say they were using the name Lilibet. You'll never, ever, ever convince me they asked her if they could use Lilibet. The Queen thought the child would be named something similar to Charlotte (Charlotte Elizabeth Diana). The child is already named and the Queen has the most incredible resilence so she's moving forward. However there was a tiny glint of anger in the eyes of the normally affable Edward when discussing the baby. Kate kind of stammered and blushed when she was asked about Lilibet. The family is highly irritated.

In the DM there's kind of a dumb article about how a lip reader said that Kate greeted Charles by saying 'Hi Grandpa'. However the rest of article was interesting to me and actually funny. So Camilla had a white shawl that she went to give to the Queen saying "Here's your shawl" and the Queen said "You can have it" and Camilla said "Are you sure?!" and Charles said "She doesn't want it". I thought that was pretty funny actually. I think the Royal family is very close and I can imagine the banter between them is pretty humorous
Enbrethiliel said…
Re: the "secret nod" to Harry and his wife

Is that the best Montecito could do after the "Three Queens" appearance?

Then again, after the Palace declared that mistruths about the Queen will be directly contradicted from now on, perhaps it was the only thing Montecito dared to do.

In any case, I'm glad it was a quiet day for the BRF. It must be stressful knowing that a salvo will come on one of your big days. Let's hope that there will be fewer going forward.
Hikari said…

The child is already named and the Queen has the most incredible resilience so she's moving forward. However there was a tiny glint of anger in the eyes of the normally affable Edward when discussing the baby. Kate kind of stammered and blushed when she was asked about Lilibet. The family is highly irritated.

Anger and irritation would be especially understandable if this mystery baby called 'Lilibet Diana' isn't even real. Imagine being the RF and having to pretend to the media with jovial goodwill that you are perfectly fine with your brother and his wife appropriating yet another family nickname for (Yet another?) child that does not exist.

Here's a flashback for your Monday . . William and Kate responding to the 'birth of Archie' in May 2019. I wonder what Jesus the Body Language Guy would do with this. The couple, consummate professionals that they are appear to meet the media to express their joy with good humor and smiles. But . . . watch their faces carefully, particularly when the other spouse is speaking. Catherine smiles on cue but when her husband is talking about Harry's new fatherhood, C. looks very grave. Only when the mic turns to her and William glances over, does she smile, and it's a canned smile. Lots of tension in the mouth from both, like they are holding in something which they want badly to say but can't. William stares down at the ground for most of his remarks. They are *saying* the right things but there is a definite disconnect in their demeanor. Even considering that the two couples hadn't been getting on, a first baby for Harry would be a genuinely happy occasion. William nearly drags his wife away from the inquisition after a decent interval. They were not happy to have to go through their paces like that.

Even with a disagreement over the employment of the name, again--would that be enough to make Kate 'flustered' at what had to be a very expected question re. the birth of her new niece? William, her rock, was not by her side this time but it smells like Archie all over again.

My verdict: there are NOT two children in the House of Sussex . .and if there are, they have been purchased. Whether from a black baby market or remains to be seen.

Kate Kosior said…
"The kids today" have a lovely expression I like to use on my child when she's being a petulant pain in the butt.

'I said what I said.'

Her Majesty puts a few of those well placed out there, and Harry and Meghan are done for. There will be no back and forth, "yeah, well I asked" "He didn't ask" "I ASKED SHE SAID IT WAS COOL". "I said what I said." Done. Period.
Hikari said…

'I said what I said.'

Only a Narc like Meg would think that her word carries more veracity than the Queen of Great Britain. For a til-now small-time operator, Smeg may win the prize for the Queen of the Narcs in terms of her level of self-regard relative to her actual merits, of which there are none.

Her Majesty could issue a statement declaring to the world that "Our Truth (the royal we) is that We were not asked about any baby names for Harry and Meghan. (not in 2019 and not more recently). We did not give consent and that is the one and only truth."
Christine said…
Hi Hikari!

Well, you probably know that I completely but respectfully disagree with you on the existence of H&M's children. I find it to be, frankly, a bit silly to debate it so I never mention it. Moving moon bumps, child actors, etc, etc, while it's funny, frankly it is ridiculous to me and I believe it is partly the reason that H&M have received any sympathy and goodwill from the family because it is so outrageous.

Archie exists and so does his little sister. As I've said time and time again, Meghan was going to have Harry's children no matter what. She may have gotten some hormone shots and she may have had invitro, but she had those children. Sorry I just can't accept that the family is flustered because they have to fake acknowledgement over children that don't exist. Wayyyyyy to out there for me!
Hikari said…

Goodness me, that's a long link. Not for the first time I wish we could post photos.

On the righthand side of this page, the large picture, is what Americans call a scone.
On the left, the small round ones, the English scones, are 'biscuits' to us. The way they pull apart and everything. the large scone which usually has some form of dried fruit and/or chocolate bits in it tend to be fairly dry and crumbly, even when fresh. It's possible to slice them and put butter or some other topping on, but they are usually quite sweet already and tend to fall apart when attacked by utensils.

Do the British Nutties have another name for this pastry?

Thanks to all who participated in the scone discussion and provided verses! You are brilliant!
Henrietta said…

MONDAY, JUNE 14, 2021

Blind Item #3

One thing that must just burn the alliterate one is that she has no access to jewels worn by her mother-in-law. Her rival does and can pull them out and wear them whenever she wishes.

I guess I don't believe all of this comment, but I'll include it:

gail de scot jeremiahpancakes
an hour ago

"this was posted on Tumblr by an anonymous poster: I’ve heard from a few sources that Meghan isn’t living in Montecito. Her and Harry are living apart whilst renting out the mansion when they need it. He’s living with old friends from his pre Meghan days whilst she’s hooking up with a guy high up in one of their business deals. Harry isn’t taking it well and is self medicating but won’t admit he was duped or get a divorce. Meghan is her typical narc self. Archie isn’t with them and being raised by a group of specialist nannies, nurses and therapists because of how negative H&M have been on his early development. Doria isn’t involved at all and gets paid for appearances and has a dodgy care home now. Archie only appears when needed too, and they aren’t listed as parents but guardians. Meghan can’t stand the kid whilst Harry is slightly better."

Christine said…
Oh my gosh, I love scones. English or American ones!

Hikari said…

Over these last 2+ years, we have spoken often of the 'Kraken' being released.

Meg has committed many egregious sins in her time as a Duchess, but any irregularities with padding expenses for wardrobe, the mysteriousness surrounding Frogmore Cottage, alleged bullying of staff, working off the reservation for her own vanity projects, pocketing millions of dollars supposedly earmarked for charity, etc.--Even if it were to surface that without a doubt, Markle worked as a prostitute before her marriage, that Harry was her client and there are number of porn videos of her on the dark web . .all of this would pale in comparison to the discovery that she, with the collusion of her husband, the blood Royal, has subverted the succession of the British throne by faking 2 pregnancies and, even just one.

Considering how ostentatiously pregnant she appeared for about 10 months over 2018 - 2019, and, you say that that pregnancy was both natural and normal . . .if she so swiftly conceived another baby at nearly 40 years old so quickly--within about 6-8 weeks of her devastating second trimester miscarriage last summer--not yet one full year ago (according to her)--I find her utter secrecy over this latest adventure in pregnancy very suspicious. If Meg has been telling the truth about her reproductive history--then this baby, little Lilibet Diana is a *miracle* to be celebrated far and wide. What better way to heal rifts with Harry's family, and soften any hard hearts? Yet look what the Sussex behavior has turned a sweet little girl's birth into--another opportunity to get litigious, this time to the Queen indirectly through her approved aides and mouthpieces.

How does the Sussex behavior, in your view, support the narrative that the Duchess has had two healthy and remarkably swift pregnancies in her first three years of marriage?

Under normal circumstances I would agree with you--the swift production of heirs is what usually occurs in a royal marriage, and these two did not have any time to waste. But I don't think we can completely discount the possibility that either Meghan or Harry or both are sterile and natural kids were never going to happen. In a way that hormone shots and care from the best fertility specialists were not going to fix. Like, if their reproductive organs are defective, or have been removed. I don't have proof, of course. But if Meg and Harry cannot be trusted with small matters, such is if they asked permission to choose a baby name--why should we trust that they are being rigorously truthful about being parents?

The Kraken is learning once and for all what the truth about these children is, and I feel that perhaps this year we are finally going to get some clarity on that. I think there is no scenario that is too Out There for Meghan. She is seriously disturbed and will stop at nothing to get what she wants. These have to always be kept in front of mind with her. 'Normal' standards of behavior--what a normal woman would do in her circumstances--cannot be applied.

If Meg and Harry have really brought children into the world, then my heart bleeds for them and I am not being melodramatic. Their little lives are going to be destroyed. Simple as. Even with years of therapy. I would not wish either of the Sussexes as parents on any child . .or any dog or any living thing. So for me, to learn that Meg is the natural and custodial mother of a boy and a girl would be the worst possible news.

The truth, that's all I want. That's asking a lot with this couple and this family.
Christine said…
I just do not believe it Hikari. I know many of you do, but I just do not. I think that many of her evasive and defiant tendencies can explain many of what you view as irregularities. Whereas Wills and Kate say, we are pregnant and our baby was be born on x date and at this time, Meghan does not and will not be that black and white so therefore mass confusion reigns and that is what she wants. She wants everyone to be on edge wondering about when she'll deliver, wondering about sex the baby will be, wondering what the baby will look like, etc. She feels that generates world wide fervor and a feeding frenzy of the press.

Also Meghan does lie and exagerate for sympathy so if she's discussed her fertility issues, it was probably bullsh*t frankly. She's probably had a few abortions under her belt but otherwise, getting pregnant wasn't difficult for her. Wasn't she seen exiting some clinic in California? Again, so hard to follow with truthfulness what she does. I think frankly, she was a bit surprised to get pregnant so fast with Archie and I don't think she has any problems conceiving whatsoever. Likely another lie she probably told Harry too.

Even the fact that people believe that Meghan did not have the two children frankly speaks to her outrageous lies and evasive actions. It's so, so hard to go with anything she claims and her husband just does whatever she says, that people jump to these really 'out there' conclusions.

Sooo, if the Kraken comes out with concrete evidence of baby purchasing, I will be the first to admit it and shake my head, and serve all the Nutties champagne, but no, I do not believe it. I guess when I read comments about how the few pics of Archie are all a different kid, it's just...... how can I put this. It's ludicrous. Children grow, redheads frequently have different shades to their hair as it grows in. Mixed race children can frequently have different looks. This is not evidence of anything. Meghan's changing belly shape- evidence of nothing. In fact Meghan had the facial appearance of a pregnant woman during both of her pregnancies. To me, she appeared to be a pregnant woman. And the explanations for all of it, that she got fat to look more pregnant, it just doesn't wash. This woman is a level 10 narc, she's not going to get fat to pass off a pregnancy.

Christine said…
But I could and very well may be wrong and as I said, I will bake you all scones if so LOL!
DesignDoctor said…
Team Hikari

Agree with your comments/analysis.
AnT said…

I agree with you.
Henrietta said…
Hikari said:

So for me, to learn that Meg is the natural and custodial mother of a boy and a girl would be the worst possible news.

Of course it would be, Hikari, because you love kids. IIRC, you are a children's literature librarian; am I right? If so, you've built your life around children and spend most days thinking of them and probably what they would most enjoy. Could this be making it harder for you to accept that such a horrible scenario could be true?

I'm sorry to say that I also think Harry's wife has custody of two children, although I think she used surrogates for both. I try not to think of how horrible day-to-day life is and/or will be for those two children. But many other children in California and all across the world have it much worse.

Archie seems to have had some good nannies, and he still has Doria. Sometimes all you can do is pray for the children and turn the problem over to God.

The scone debate! 😁

I say scone in the way it rhymes with own. I actually prefer cheese scones preferably warm. We often have homemade scones in the summer. Last year during semi lockdown. us and our local neighbours took it in turns to have tea in our gardens, and we had scones (with jam and cream) and other homemade cakes. 😁

@ Hikari

The nearest thing (that I can think of) in texture to the American scone is a rock cake. I’ve only known them have sultanas in them and they tend to be dry and crumbly.
Grisham said…
As you all know, I believe there are two children who are the grandchildren of Prince Charles and are accepted members of the royal family. I do not believe soon to be King Charles (or whatever name he chooses) would directly lie about having 5 grandchildren.
Bookworm says in today's video that 6 and wife's Montecito house is for sale! It's been listed with a realtor for 134 days.

Here is the realtor's page:

And here is Bookworm's vlog:

SirStinxAlot said…
@JocelynB...that is the same furniture as previously but different artwork and throw pillows on the sofas. Same hideous kitchen. I distinctly remember the green chairs in the card table area too. They didn't show the stripper pole this time, so theres that.🤭
More from Bookworm:

There was an open house at Mudslide Manor for prospective buyers on June 5-6. The baby was said to be born on the 4th, and #6 and wife supposedly took the baby back to Mudslide Manor, but there was an open house going on the next day?????

JennS said…
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JennS said…
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SirStinxAlot said…
If M had complications for any reason she may have needed to stay longer at the birthing facility. In the US we do not release new moms after a few hours. After a normal natural birth, we stayed 3 days in the hospital. There were articles out the M was having complications shortly before the birth. If she had a c section she would have need to stay several days maybe even a week. She ain't no spring chicken, geriatric pregnancy is serous business.

Bookworm had a couple of ideas on what's going on with Mudslide Manor. One is that they rented the house to do their videos, and that would be a huge tax deduction. She believes that they are living elsewhere.

Are they making money or getting a realtor's fee (under another fee name as they aren't licensed realtors) if they sell the house? She'd push for a cut of the action, I'm sure.

So, the house is nothing but a money-making scam. Typical.
SirStinxAlot said…
One more thing, you can get a tummy tuck immediately following a c section. I know women who have done it whilst still on the table after greeting the new arrivals. Planned c section is a great way to ensure the child is born X date/time.
Blue Dragon said…
It's the 4th anniversary of the Grenfell Fire disaster and not a peep out of #6's wife. I suppose she is on maternity leave but given how she was forever promoting herself by visting the victims she could have put a small statement on the Archwell website.

For Scones see the genuine national treasure that is Delia Smith I never spread jam on a scone. Always cream first and then a random dollop of jam from a spoon on top.

Here's a blurb from Kneepads (People Mag) that says that The Harkles said they brought the baby home and were settling in at Mudslide Manor on Sunday- while the open house was going on.

"On Sunday, they shared in an official statement that "'mother and child are healthy and well, and settling in at home.'"

jessica said…
The problem here is that the theory holds weight that Meghan has duped Charles and the RF into believing she has kids (it doesn’t mean she does, at all). The RF has never spoken about these children. It would not be hard to borrow a baby for a day and take them to meet the Queen. Weird, sure, but look who we are dealing with.
JennS said…
This comment has been removed by the author.

I looked for other listings for the house, too, and couldn't find any, so I think you're right about that. Zillow shows no sale, except for their (or somebody) buying the property.

I'm intrigued, too, about the open house.

I hope that you're feeling better and are getting some rest.
xxxxx said…
The Queen looking very good at 95 at G7! It was a short video at DM. Taken outdoors at G7. The Queen had her hands clasped together in front of her. Indicating to me that her balance is good. That she is not worried (has no fear) about stumbling or falling. When you are worried, you let your arms hang down normally. So that they can be put out forward quickly to break a fall.
Natalier said…
I must admit I don't put any stock into stories of her having an affair with a rich man.

It is highly unlikely that any man would want an affair with a highly pregnant woman. If it happened before she was pregnant, I doubt any man would want to carey on with the affair esp since the baby would be highly publisized and no man would risk his reputation for a charlatan like her.

If she was using a surrogate, she would not risk any outsider learning of this secret.

So again Yes, I do not believe the stories of an affair. IMO, she released the story to increase her value and to make it seem like she is highly desirable. Hence, all those work on her face. No man with any kind of good reputation or high power would touch her with a 10ft pole.

JennS said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
SirStinxAlot said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
SirStinxAlot said…

If the listing on Woolners page is old, why new photos? You can Google the old ones on the internet or from saved articles. It looked darker and murky, IMO. The new photos are, white furniture in many rooms, and different more modern artwork. Some of the photos do appear to be virtually staged, IMO. Some of the black and white artwork over the fireplace looks similar to one of the zoom calls M did. No horse head picture on the wall in any of the photos that I saw.
abbyh said…
This has been mentioned above, so let me put it down bluntly:

Once I know someone have lied about something, why should I believe anything they say from this point on? Full stop. Game over. (and no regrets towards repentance about the lying - pff, feel free to explain where the line between acceptable amounts of lying is and exactly where it crosses into not ok? it is a statement of personal values towards people not close to you).

I get that she may have felt that being secretive may have been fun, drive interest and so on but is that is demonstrating the maturity of job/family/(even her age?) she married into and the expectations of not just the people of the UK but pretty much everyone else. You just don't see the members of the Royal Family doing silly stuff towards each other like sticking out their tongue during a speech by HM or something. Even the kids. They are serious about presenting a particular (serious) image.

So, perhaps, the thinking might have been that this would have made photos valuable if there was an opportunity for their sale. That wasn't an option with the first one and the uproar about the name has kind of tainted the second. Besides, big money for first baby pictures from celebs has come and gone. Publications don't have the numbers to justify that kind of outlay.

Bottom line: if unserious is the kind of family culture you are looking for, marry into
different family to fit in - one that is less invested in a certain public image. BRF - hard no.

AnT said…


Hi! Great to see you back and so glad you are home again and doing well! Take care of yourself!

JennS said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Enbrethiliel said…

That's what my mother, a very casual royal watcher, said, when she first learned that Harry and his wife were jumping ship because the latter was unhappy.

Mom: "Didn't she know what she was marrying into?"
Me: (resisting the urge to ape Harry's wife's voice from engagement interview) "She says she didn't know much about the BRF."
Mom: "And she didn't do research after she figured out who Harry was? Is she stupid?"
Me: "I prefer to think she's lying rather than stupid, but it could also be both."
DesignDoctor said…
Happy to see you back and hope you are on the mend! Sending get well soon wishes!
Grisham said…
Supposedly, the thing on Tuesday is details about Kate’s new project, possibly in association with Jill Biden? 🤷🏼‍♀️
Grisham said…
Santa Barbara MLS says the house is not listed:

“ The property that you are searching for is no longer active in our system.”
AnT said…

There are rumors about a couple of deals being withdrawn or a project cancelled, and “strict parameters” applied, yelling about it. And it is felt they may have something “strange” planned this week, to get sympathy or attract new $$ interest elsewhere — big sympathy bid, per a friend from LA. He is not my usual source. “Strange” is his word. Beyond this, I just feel if they do anything, it would probably be a Tuesday or Wednesday for the news cycle, and my gut said tomorrow.

That author swallowed every word that 6's wife said on the OW interview. She actually believes that 6's wife's passport was taken from her, and that she couldn't leave any time she wanted to, along with everything that's been listed above.

I completely discount this author's ability to assign cult behavior to anybody, including the BRF.

The author looks like she'd be a woke fangirl of 6's wife.
AnT said…

Lol! My mother was a royal watcher, and cheering them on until she saw her face during the wedding. She said firmly, “that is the face of a business deal, not a bride. Mark my words: she is laughing at them, she isn’t sincere!!” I saw the engagement clips about that time and had to agree, So we both went from casual fans, to appalled. Also, my mother was not happy that Megs used Grenfell for her own PR. She called it a stunt, and felt M was just using a tragedy.
JennS said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
JennS said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maneki Neko said…

Re the Montecito property, the very last line of text after the photos says :

'Listing last updated on 02/23/2020 14:39:25' so since February last year, therefore more than 134 days ago. This must be an old listing that has resurfaced.

Maneki Neko said…

Glad to see you back. Hope you're recovering well from the op.

Apologies for posting about the date of Mudslide Manor listing, you posted the same earlier. I was just too lazy to check all the posts.

Take care and keep up the good work once you're well enough.
Maneki Neko said…
From Duchess Moaning Markle

Lili's 'christening' (I refuse to cheapen and sully the Queen's nickname by using it for Markle's sprog)
Magatha Mistie said…

Good to see you back
Keep your pecker up 😊

Duchess Moaning Markle said
“Lili, pronounced Lie Lie”
Hahaha love it!!

Julie Birchill coined the phrase
“Grabdication” perfection 👌

Where’s WildBoar, having a snooze in??

I'm here!

I looked in earlier before 7am (BST) It's 9.08 now. I toddled down to the Co-op for when it was quiet and did a big shop which they'll deliver this afternoon. So I'm back now, about to start reading - everything seemed tranquil earlier.

Today I did have lie in, asleep until 5.40 - usually I'm awake at 4 or thereabouts which I hate! Not much fun when I've had less then 5 hrs.

Going to catch up now Has there been a bombshell?.
Magatha Mistie said…

The Awokening

Awfully quiet over there, I see
Wondering what’s up,
with Miss Uppity
Plotting revenge on the Queen,
For her cutting rejoinder,
doesn’t get much finer
Hope that Megs, and her dolt, Haree
Realise were awake to their
Woke Therapy

It's too quiet...

Even the Daily Mail is scratching around for stories - )just 2 new ones, under Femail).

Piers telling them to put a sock in it and this - here's the summary:

California author and daughter of ex-cult member compares the Royal Family to an extremist sect - claiming 'red flags' from Prince Harry and Meghan's bombshell Oprah interview demonstrate the Monarchy is 'culty'

• Amanda Montell, 29, authored the newly-released book Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism, having been inspired by her father's time in a violent cult

• Her dad joined extremist group Synanon at the age of 14; the group is widely seen as one of the US's most dangerous cults

• In a new piece for Bustle, Montell compared the Royal Family to extremist groups, using Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Oprah interview as 'evidence'

• She said the Sussexes' looked like 'survivors of a cult' during their bombshell sit-down with the TV mogul

• Montell pointed out more than half a dozen 'red flags' from the interview that she claimed 'prove that the Royal Family is a bit more cultish than some might think'

• The California-based author referenced 39-year-old Meghan's admission that she suffered suicidal thoughts and her claim that her passport was taken away

• According to Montell, both comments can be seen as 'red flags', as can the Royal Family's adherence to strict protocols, like curtsying to more senior members

• She did admit that the Monarchy isn't structured in the same way as a typical cult and cannot be directly compared to dangerous sects like NXIUM or Synanon

They're still drinking the Kool-Aid.

It's pretty hideous. Will BP act on this?

I suppose it could be argued that there is a cult here, led by MM...
Magatha, thet reminds me -have I ever reported the seance in which the medium claimed to have contacted, and be channelling, Queen Victoria?

A spooky voice intoned,

`I am Victoria Vagina...'

Did ~6's wife think she'd be `Meghan Vagina'.

Magatha Mistie said…


Argh, waking at 4am, doesn’t happen
often, but when it does it ruins my day!
5am not too bad, used to ferry my daughter
to rowing, 5.25am on the water!!
Luckily, we lived close by!

Montell said:
“Sussexes looked like survivors of a cult”
She’s been drinking more than Kool-Aid!
Reckon BP will ignore, madams bound to
drop bigger bilge, pick your arguments?

SirStinxAlot said…
@Magatha...good morning, welcome to my world.
Magatha Mistie said…

WildBoar I’m choking, hahahaha!
The Vaginations of Megs!!
She’s topped the ultimate Wag,
Victoria Beckham.

and her not so hidden pudenda 😉

Magatha Mistie said…

Morning @SirStinx

Are you an early riser?
SirStinxAlot said…
Re: titles

If the Queen decides to strip their titles and place them in abeyance, does anyone know the legal ramifications to that? M$H would no doubt persue litigation. They may have tried to trademark their titles for business use here in the USA. Does anyone know?
SirStinxAlot said…
Im up at 3:30-4am every morning.
Magatha Mistie said…


I feel for you X
Magatha Mistie said…


If it weren’t for Piers Morgan,
and his mighty mouth organ
Megs would have got away
with much more
Giving a slap to her snout
He caused many to doubt
And to realise she’s a whore,
to the core

*Google it 😉

I keel over in the afternoon and lose the best of the day - tho' I've had a excuse for the last few days. It's too darn' hot not to have a siesta. I couldn't cope with Australia.
Magatha Mistie said…

You could now, it’s bloody cold!!
SirStinxAlot, says If the Queen decides to strip their titles and place them in abeyance, does anyone know the legal ramifications to that?

According to Lady C if the titles are put into abeyance it’s written in law. 🤗
Opus said…
I am with Team Hikari: there is scant evidence of one or more children. This is not how a new Mother (say HRH The Duchess of Cambridge) carries on. If there were a child it would be obvious: it isn't.

The Kraken, however, never arrives. We will never be told the truth for to do so would be either to reveal the RF as incompetent or, in the alternative which would be worse, liars. The RF will continue to talk when questioned as if Archole and Lily Butt are relatives.

I do not care for scones but I would appreciate it if one of you good ladies would put on the kettle for a cup of tea - one lump. I shouldn't even have to ask.
Husband will be making a pot of tea for us soon - I'll ask him to put a bit extra in the pot for you.

I shall of course expect you to add hot water to your cup and adjust what is poured to suit your taste, plus the milk and sugar, or lemon, as I'm sure you're not at all Non-U/MIF.
lucy said…
Good morning!
I have been hearing that the Harkles are living in Jeff Bridges old home adjacent to Oprah that O purchased for around 6 million. Apparently the backyard is an exact match to backyard where M had her barefoot chat with Gloria S. There is picture gallery.

Good to see you Jenn:)
SirStinxAlot said…
#Rasbwrry, I don't think UK law is enforceable in the USA. H$M would continue to be defiant and use the titles same as they have done with HRH to the Democratic committee during the election. No telling how often they actually use them.
Elsbeth1847 said…
Nice pictures Lucy. Lovely courtyard patio and big old trees in a trimmed back yard.

There is still some tea in the pot here or we can go for a fresh pot. Assam (if you fancy).
Elsbeth1847 said…

How much control outside the UK does the Crown have over them using the titles?

I don't know but could a case be made for saying that things in print/internet/airwaves/streaming coming in however would be breaching that ring of UK law and so therefore a cease and desist to assorted entities?

Or maybe the soft touch letter on Palace letterhead that using their titles is about to be a real problem for 6/6w and that this business perhaps might not want to get wrapped up in it with them?
NeutralObserver said…
@Maneki Neko, The christening cartoon you linked to reminded me of how drawings of Markle, with her dark pulled back hair and chunks of hair projecting from her head, reminds me of a vertically challenged Olive Oyl, except this Olive Oyl has married a ginger Bluto, instead of Popeye.
JHanoi said…

I believe there is an Archie and Lili both produced via IVF, which makes the possibilty of many more JH kids possible in the future. I also think the Claw had at least Archie, I think it would have been much to hard for those bumblers to have faked a pregnancy while living in the UK. Imo, The Whip smart claw and her dingledong hubby are in capable of successfully planning and executing that.

The new baby,..... maybe they used a surrogate. Its much easier to hide that in CA, but even so their are too many loose lips and people involved for that large of a deception in the US. Maybe the surrogate was overseas and just the top hospital administration was involved in payoffs? But do the Harkles really have the amount if $$$$ needed for the huge payoffs to keep that amount of people quiet? i dont think so.

So assuming there are kiddies.... i feel hugely sorry for the tykes. Locked up in a house by paranoid narcisstic parents who wont let them become socialized with family or other kids for fear of a photo being taken?

Someday the kids will grow up and be able to read all the Harkles BS drama on the web...... they tykes need a a safe space NOW!
snarkyatherbest said…
Just catching up. Glad the mrs didnt release the photoshop of lilibet$ (changed the name to capitalized on online sports betting in the US) i would have missed the big reveal living my real life ;-)

BlueDragon - respectfully disagree - Julia Child's scone recipe is to die for. Well almost literally because it throws off so much butter when you cook them you better have a rimmed baking sheet because you will have smoky burnng butter all over your oven and the pleasant chore of cleaning your oven when all cools down - or so i heard hee hee hee

someone on tumblr has been posting that the house is for sale and they had an open house the weekend the baby was born. Have to look into this because open houses on a house listed for that high of a price is unusual, especially if you need privacy like the Mrs does.

Also look at the BRF site - they still have them listed (but below the sussexes) and no mention of either kid in the bios. if they have stepped back from royal duties why are then even on there.

SirStinxAlot said…
@snarkyatherbest said..
Also look at the BRF site - they still have them listed (but below the sussexes) and no mention of either kid in the bios. if they have stepped back from royal duties why are then even on there

I agree, the Sussexs are not working royals. I didn't see Eugenie or Beatrice on the website. They are bloid princesses but not workjng roysls. Why the heck is the Palace playing games?
AnT said…

Oh, dear me, pour the today's episode the Royal Poors of America seem to be scrabbling in the chicken dirt for small edible bugs, per today's DM:

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle want to hire brand guru who helped Nicole Scherzinger amass a £10million fortune with lucrative ad deals as they 'rapidly expand their business empire', source claims

•  Prince Harry, 36, and Meghan Markle, 39, hope to hire Nicole Scherzinger staff
•  Ollie Ayling, 30, has worked with the Pussycat Dolls singer for seven years
• Helped the X-factor judge land lucrative Müller Corner yoghurt endorsements
•. Ollie has now held talks with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex in California

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are 'planning to hire Nicole Scherzinger's consultant to land them lucrative deals', sources have claimed.

Prince Harry, 36, and Meghan Markle, 39, who are currently living in their $14 million mansion in celebrity enclave Montecito having stepped back from royal duties, have reportedly been trying to sign up Ollie Ayling, 30, as a full-time consultant.

Ollie, who has worked with Nicole, 42, for seven years, has helped the X-factor judge land lucrative deals including her Müller Corner yoghurt endorsements. It is thought they are worth a total of £10million.

[AnT Notes: a small 7-year gather figure of ten mills has Harkles panting? Sumpin's not right!]

A source told The Sun the couple want a 'fortune bigger than Nicole's', explaining: 'Harry and Meghan are rapidly expanding their business empire and want the best in the business to help.'

As well as endorsement contracts, Ollie helped Nicole land roles in Disney films Moana and Ralph Breaks the Internet.

The Duke said in his bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey that his family 'literally cut me off financially' after he and his wife Meghan Markle opted to move to the US.

But the couple last year signed lucrative deals with Netflix and Spotify, thought to be worth £71million and £18million respectively. And Harry and his brother William inherited £21million from their mother Diana. The money was held in trust until they turned 25.

Harry also received a smaller figure from the Queen Mother's will after she died in 2002, putting his total inheritance assets at around £23million, the Times previously estimated.

They also have clinched a deal with Spotify to make podcasts under the banner of their Archewell foundation. It is said to be worth £18million.

Harry and Meghan's Archewell foundation was set up last year with the expectation it would champion issues the couple have previously focused on, including racial justice, gender equity, climate change and mental health.

Their first Spotify podcast, which saw Archie make his broadcast debut, was published last December.

That same month, Meghan, 39, announced she had invested in firm Clevr Blends, which makes instant oat milk lattes.


AnT said…


Oh, dear, and the rest, per today's DM:

Meghan's overall net worth is said to be around £4million. When, as an actress, she starred in US drama Suits, she was paid £2million over six years.

The duchess also cashed in six-figure amounts for film roles and she owns a property in Toronto.

[AnT Notes: Ehm, what does she own in Toronto? A bicycle?]

He and Meghan were said to be seeking a contract worth £71million when they signed their deal to make series', films and TV shows with Netflix last year.

So when accounting for their assets and lucrative deals, Harry and Meghan's net worth is thought to be around £96 million.

He and Meghan are predicted to become the world’s highest-earning celebrity couple with a fortune potentially stretching to $1billion (£700million) within a decade. That compares to the Queen’s wealth which is estimated at £350million.

As superstars of the international circuit, the couple are expected to command fees of up to £1million for speeches and appearances.

Neighbours and locals in Prince Santa Barbara have speculated Harry and Meghan could become the next couple to join the ranks of other celebrities to open their own winery.

Insiders say the move would make a lot of sense if they were to add a winery to their $14million mansion.

The idea could especially pique the interest of Meghan, who is also known to be a huge wine fan and named her now-defunct lifestyle blog The Tig after her favorite red wine. #

Oh my god, they are so desperate they are willing to flog any old thing now! They are flogging their house for $17m, next it will be used cars. The trouble is their brand is so toxic they will be the kiss of death for any company or product linked with them. And what about 'leading by example' with 20 weeks maternity leave?! Maybe Harry has lost his mental health job due to being mentally unhealthy?
AnT said…

A little more about Ollie, the next Harkle guru of money.....

By the way, one wonders why the Harkles are seeking a non-American consultant, hmm?

• Ollie Ayling, London, England, United Kingdom, Consultant at Range Media Partners

• Ollie Ayling is a manager, and works at First Access Entertainment.

So, from the Express:

MEGHAN MARKLE and Prince Harry are looking to cash in on their next business idea, according to a source.

The Duke and Duchess are reportedly hoping to persuade business guru, Ollie Ayling, to work for the royals as a full-time consultant. Mr Ayling has previously helped the Pussycat Dolls former lead singer, Nicole Scherzinger, win big investments and endorsements.

A source told The Sun: “Harry and Meghan are rapidly expanding their business empire and want the best in the business to help.

“Ollie Ayling has been key in guiding Nicole’s career, making her money and keeping her relevant, so he was deemed a perfect fit.

“The Sussexes are already way more famous than the Pussycat Dolls.

[Ant Notes: ....."way more famous".... So, the "Source" is 13 years old? From the Squad?]

“Now they want a fortune bigger than Nicole’s.”

Harry and Meghan have already signed a £112 million deal with Netflix where the Duke will take on the role of executive producer for a documentary series about the Invictus Games.

In addition, the couple also signed a £30 million deal with Spotify to produce and host podcasts.

It has also been reported that Mrs Markle secured a £500,000 advance for her first children’s book ‘The Bench’ published on June 8.

It is believed that since stepping away from the Royal Family, the Duke and Duchess of Sussed have brought in more than £230 million.
AnT said…


For your blog files:

MEGHAN MARKLE and Prince Harry are looking to cash in
on their next business idea, according to a source

Two stories about this today, text for both pasted above, or simply click these:

So, they left a palace and the royals, with a goal of being...bigger than Nicole Scherzinger? Isn't that a rather low bar? Not "bigger than the Kardashians"?

Enbrethiliel said…

That article is killing me.

How do you get from "reportedly been trying to sign up" a consultant who, as you put it, helped a C-lister amass 10 million in 7 years, to "a fortune potentially stretching to 1 billion in ten years"?

And if it's the elusive Disney voice acting roles they're chasing, Nicole Scherzinger's bit parts in Moana and Ralph Breaks the Internet are a long way down from the voice roles Harry's wife hoped he could get for her at the Lion King premiere. The article does her no favors.

Now this reminds me of Beyonce's own supposed 100 million deal with Disney, of which we have heard nothing in a year. No news of new projects at all. And now that I review the articles about the deal, I see the same words from this Harkle article: "rumored," "reported," "potential," etc. I guess you win some, you lose some, even as a huge A-lister. But the tantalizing question here is how much blame Beyonce might put on the Harkles for that. Does she think their meddling at the premiere where she was supposed to be the biggest star of the night cost her one of the most lucrative deals of her career? And if so, is it the reason they're aiming at Nicole Scherzinger levels today?
AnT said…

Some numbers to ponder as you consider the one-year new wealth of the Harkles

Articles about the Harkles bandy a lot of numbers around, and chortle about their success. "They will be worth a billion someday" etc!

All this money!!!! Achieved in a mere year!!! Though they have produced only one podcast, one lame book, and are taking another 20 weeks off. Though they were just snarling to Oprah that Pa "cut them off".

With this in mind, I thought it would be useful to explore the net worths of other "young Hollywood" types, after a lifetime of work and investments

Even Ashton Kutcher and Ryan Reynolds are worth $150 to r$200 million from acting and business ventures.

Taylor Swift's net worth is $400 million.

Jennifer Aniston's net worth in 2021 is $300 million.

Drew Barrymore, actress, producer and director, is worth $125 million.

But in a year, for doing a lame holiday podcast and a kids' book, the Harkles are at $230 million?

Think about it.

AnT said…

Exactly! You raise so many good points.

Scherzinger is indeed C list now, maybe a charitable B-, after her Pussycat peak back when Megs was busy glueing herself into in her late 1990s-early 2000s lifetime mental culture zone.

And the whole Disney trajectory and Beyoncé component you describe. I forgot about that. Did the elephant charity ever get that 3 mill?

Do you think Megs obsession with her twenty-years-ago cultural era, and her seeming desire to look like Nicole or Kim K are feeding into this business story (and propelling her endless surgeries)? 😳

AnT said…

Read both the DM and Express articles about it that I posted above here.....two different takes, both smarmy.

You also asked about legal ramifications of the titles being used if they were put into abeyance? Unsure, possible legal action could be taken against them in the U.K. if they dared use them. 🥴 Also if they were pursue legal action, as far as I’m aware legal action can’t be taken against The Queen (perhaps another Nutty can elaborate here?). I can’t answer whether it’s enforceable in America, but irrespective and whether the US law recognises it or not, don’t you think they would look incredibly stupid (not to mention entitled and arrogant) if they they did, when it’s effectively been made illegal to do so? How would this look on the worlds stage? 😉They would surely lose all credibility and have zero argument when it came to we don’t want to use our titles for monetary gain etc

As far as I’m aware they were asked not to use their HRH styles, this wasn’t underscored in law. 🤗
SwampWoman said…
There is no way in hell that I believe that they have anywhere near $230 million. If they did, 6 wouldn't have been blubbering all over Oprah (hope she wears tear and snot-proof clothing) because bad dad cut their allowance and he had to pay for HIS OWN SECURITY at the age of 36. Why would he be throwing a giant temper tantrum over a few million if he has $230 million at hand?
Hikari said…

I'm surprised nobody's leapt on this little nugget:

It has also been reported that Mrs Markle secured a £500,000 advance for her first children’s book ‘The Bench’ published on June 8.

It is believed that since stepping away from the Royal Family, the Duke and Duchess of Sussed have brought in more than £230 million.

Hahaha! Harry has now been entirely removed from the picture and Markle has married herself, apparently. Or, is that some kind of veiled hint about an impending divorce?

Nah, not in this sugary article.

Here's what I can believe: that Hazard and Mess are more than £230 million in debt.

The article above this one is obviously more of Meg's 'manifest your wishes' tripe. The tip-off? (among many): the pointed reference to the Queen's wealth and how theirs is going to stack up.

Everything rosy printed about the Harkles' financial picture is tripe shoveled by Sunshine Sachs as devised by a couple of fantasists.
Enbrethiliel said…
The Express article is somehow worse. Again, the Harkles look laughable. How do you get from standing alongside the Queen on the balcony at Trooping to aiming for snack yoghurt and beauty vitamin endorsements?

And Nicole Scherzinger can't be too happy that her own post-PCD career is coming under scrutiny like that. If she can spin it to her advantage, though, then I hope she does!

If anyone comes out looking impressive, it's Olly Ayling, for having kept Scherzinger halfway relevant. She should have been all washed up after she failed to sell records as a recording artist. That she still has the few roles and endorsements she does is genuinely nothing to sneeze at. If I were another Suits alum, I'd consider hiring Ayling, too. <-- And that's probably the saddest sentence in this comment.
AnT said…

The DM article was poorly written and unedited, I think, and I simply copied and pasted leaving most errors in (I actually corrected two then thought, sod it).

Ha!! Great catch. I didn't even notice the "Mrs Markle" and I love it!

I also loved "the Duke and Duchess of Sussed" error at the end of the second article I posted about it, from the Express -- because aren't we all doing a fine job of sussing them out, really?

Your point about them actually being $230 in debt makes so much sense, since they have a habit of saying things that are the precise opposite of the truth.

And if they are going to be worth a billion and are the most famous creatures on earth, why are they "trying to persuade" a D-list guru to help them? You'd think he would be slobbering for the chance to move top from Nicole to the Universe's Favorite Darlings. Or, is Megs demanding he drop Nicole, because she can't bear the idea any deal scraps (um, Miller Yoghurt???? What?) might go to the woman she is trying to copy?

Is Ollie a pal of Omid or something? Pictures of him at his birthday party with D listers and Nicole are all I can find. One guest looks like Markus but I don't think it is him.

Enbrethiliel said…
The article above this one is obviously more of Meg's 'manifest your wishes' tripe.

It would be less embarrassing for her if she stuck to a "vision board" in the corner of her bedroom. Albeit less entertaining for the rest of us!

And was the "Mrs. Markle" a typo, a Freudian slip, or some insouciant shade?!
SwampWoman said…
AnT, Stephen King must be hitting his head against the wall if those two talentless twats amassed half of his lifetime earnings in a year. (I think that Stephen King's walls and head are safe, though.)
AnT said…
@Enbrethiliel wrote,

If I were another Suits alum, I'd consider hiring Ayling, too. <-- And that's probably the saddest sentence in this comment.

You just made me laugh out loud. So true!!!!!!

So, here is the list of Nicole's PR and management people.....and Ollie is near the bottom. He is in LA now. From her contact page (key details smudged if you aren't a logged-in member):

We have under Agents: Jbeau, Chris, Natasha, Benjamin, and Allison, from Bev Hills, LA, NYC

We have under Manager: Paige, and then, Ollie, both in LA

We have under Publicist: (smudge)
Enbrethiliel said…
The DM article is so unflattering that I actually wondered if someone from the BRF's camp planted it to make them look bad.

Which wouldn't necessarily mean it were full of . . . what's the word again . . . "mistruths" -- but the truth about the Harkles puts them in a worse light than any slander could.
AnT said…

or John Grisham -- books, movies, lawyer, properties -- $400 million

I assume at this point that nearly all of the Harkle wealth stories are geared for the teen sugars busy doing transfer text "H+M" onto their nails.
AnT said…

As I was telling @JennS yesterday, a friend in LA told me rumors are rife about deals being tossed or revised and Mrs Markle isn't happy (with companies or staff allegedly). And there were expectations she would go rogue and throw something "strange" into the news this week for some reason.

I hadn't had any other tips like this from that friend before, so took it with a grain of salt, but told Jenn I would guess if anything happened it would come out Tues (today) or Wed due to PR cycling.

So maybe this is it? It's certainly strange. But I don't know if this is what the rumor was about. I sent an email to my friend to ask.
Enbrethiliel said…
Does "going rogue" mean cutting off her nose to spite her face? If she indeed planted the article as some kind of "manifestation" ritual, she only made herself look really bad to investors.

Even with the baby name controversy, she had the usual period of goodwill that the world likes to give women who've just given birth. Yes, the birth and the book launch were interestingly timed, but we can all forgive a hustler to some extent. Even the stories of her donating copies to libraries made her look somewhat generous. I can imagine the PR team that put all of that together tearing their hair out at how she's shooting them in the foot with her antics.

Plus, after all the work they've done for her, she's now publicly courting someone else? She must be a real delight to work with!
HappyDays said…
From the Express article:

“It is believed that since stepping away from the Royal Family, the Duke and Duchess of Sussed have brought in more than £230 million.”

What a load of public relations tosh cultivated by Meghan via Sunshine Sachs.

The amount of £230 million is right up there with Meghan being 5 feet 7 inches (170 cm) tall, she knew little to nothing about Harry or the British Royal Family prior to meeting Harry, having a fortune of $5 million when she married Harry, that she married Harry for love, the titles mean nothing to her, and that her two children were natural conceptions she physically carried and gave birth to each, and Lilibet was named out of love and respect to honor the Queen.

This is someone adding up the amounts that have been floated by Sunshine Sachs through cultivated leaks to their mouthpieces and friendly media sources to promote an impression that the Sussexes have actually received this amount of cash into their grubby little hands.

The £230 million amount is likely highly inflated to make the Sussexes seem like they are high-value celebrities. They want foster a frenzy of companies throwing buckets of money at them to get their attention to agree to work with the businesses groveling at their feet. “Oh please, please, please, Harry and Meghan, take millions from us up front for projects that may or may not ever be usable. We just want to be associated with the two of you and your royalness.”

In reality, even if this number is somewhat accurate, the product they have actually produced is a drop in the bucket at this point.

They have been too busy tossing Molotov cocktails at the Queen, Charles, the Cambridges, the royal family in general, the non-sugar media, her father (indirectly via the DM lawsuit for the 2018 letter that was a thinly-veiled hatchet job on Thomas), and the citizens of the UK and The Commonwealth.

They have been so busy attacking others and whining about the terrible burden of being royals and casting themselves as helpless victims to do work worth £230 million.

Midge said…
Meghan and Harry see to think that hiring staff who have worked for successful people will make them successful too....never mind having a plan and working to achieve it.
LavenderLady said…
@Wild Boar said,
have I ever reported the seance in which the medium claimed to have contacted, and be channelling, Queen Victoria?

A spooky voice intoned,

`I am Victoria Vagina...'

Just dropping in to say Oh my Lord, this is the funniest thing I've heard in a very long time. I laughed so hard I pulled a muscle under my breast bone. But was worth the crack up (yank version).


Keep up the great posts.
Opus said…
Above, the question has arisen as to whether English Law (Scotland has its own legal system) may apply outside of its borders or at least outside its territorial waters. The answer is no it does not, however in recent years the Crown has seen fit to break that rule by prosecuting certain individuals who may or may not have broken the law in a foreign country but who had they behaved that way in England most certainly would have done so. I deprecate this new colonialism. It does, however, short of kidnap, or a successful application for extradition rely upon the offending citizen voluntarily returning to England. Putting pressure on the Harkles is one thing but otherwise prosecuting them other than as suggested is a non-starter: American courts will not enforce English law.

I regard those who pour milk before the water as socially beyond the pail and never make such a mistake for as with coffee I always drink Tea neat. I like Milk - cold milk and a chocolate biscuit - but have the same horror of mixing milk with anything else as I do a sandwich with a mixed filing of say Ham AND Cheese. No thankyou. One or the other. Mr WBBM must be just about ready with that brew.

So this amazingly-successful pair of plutocrats are whining that their relatively impoverished British family isn't giving them yet more dosh?

They need to be careful - much more hot air and they'll start getting bills from the RF, HMG and British Taxpayers for what was spent on the ingrates when they were here.
AnT said…
@Enbrethiliel wrote:

Does "going rogue" mean cutting off her nose to spite her face? If she indeed planted the article as some kind of "manifestation" ritual, she only made herself look really bad to investors.

Yes --- and that's an extremely good point about this being another of her manifestation "The Secret" rituals.

I agree as well with your assessment that this nonsense will make her look terrible to potential investors. From a business perspective, she looks jumpy, untrustworthy and highly reactionary to my eyes. You can be violently "hired!" "fired!" "refuse to produce unless petted and spoiled!" like this when you are an older billionaire ("hired!" "fired!"), or the trust fund baby of a billionaire ("refuse to produce!") -- but other than, they come off like they are making decisions at 3 a.m. after enjoying too many "appetizers and snacks". Not good.

If she still thinks she can throw cups at partner company junior execs because she is "famous woman" and wave her little 90s' vision board and "planning grid" at staff, and simply scream "Oprah!" for dollars or to arouse fear and respect, she is entering a world of pain and ridicule.

Lockdown lifts and real people will be out and scrambling especially since a lot of LA production work has been purchased up by Chinese business.

If Harry thought all this time that his wife was a Hollywood insider who makes huge deals and produces work and knows everyone, he is soon in for a surprise. My friends in LA who work in the industry say talk isn't positive, hasn't been for awhile now.
AnT said…

Everything you said!! The amount of £230 million is right up there with Meghan being 5 feet 7 inches (170 cm) tall, she knew little to nothing about Harry or the British Royal Family prior to meeting Harry, having a fortune of $5 million when she married Harry, that she married Harry for love....

Do you suppose the fed-up part of the press will use this latest very silly "We wanna be rich as a C-lister" press release flight to go into deep exploration about their funds at last?

Now that the Queen is all, "ehh, turn the spit, Egor!" -- I think even the Royal Foundation funds mystery will be up for a re-look, perhaps by new ballsy GBNews?
AnT said…
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AnT said…

You wrote:
They have been so busy attacking others and whining about the terrible burden of being royals and casting themselves as helpless victims to do work worth £230 million.

And I think that sums it all up, so perfectly!


I also had this thought when I heard the announcement about the "20 weeks leave, as allowed by the Archewell Foundation HR rules":

• I thought Harry worked for BetterUp?
• I thought they both worked for Netflix and Spotify?
• so what's this about using the "HR allowed leave" of their Foundation? What?

Can you imagine telling your employer, "Waaaall, actually I'll be out the next 5 months because my Shoes for Cats Foundation says I can."

She has never worked a real 9-5, results-driven job in her life. Neither has Harry.

They've both spent nearly 40 years living like Daddy's Baby, spoiled teens, fantasists, Pimp and Pimpette. Their blatant, out-of-touch stupidity, their thinking that 20 weeks off is normal, their p***ing on their country, their families and staff, their bullying, their excuses for not working or producing, their disgusting moaning victimhood in their mansion....immaturity.

Not the profile snap of any kind of successful striving entrepreneurs, or goal-directed billionaires, anywhere.

SwampWoman said…
Budding entrepreneurs are too busy working 7 days a week to have silly pissing contests with others all day every day. Every non-focused moment costs lots of $$$. Successful entrepreneurs are even more so.
Sorry, Opus, I thought he'd given it to you!

I make no claim to be an aristo - my mother's family first appeared in the parish records of St Andrew Holborn (London) in the 17C. Presumably you, as a legal person, know the area? My solicitor has a print of Staples Inn on his office wall which was a nice touch when I was there in connection with my late cousin's affairs.

He asked me what my mother's ancestors got up to in Holborn -

`No good, I'll be bound!' I replied.

As far as I can make out, my grandfather lived in the rookery that was Fulwood's Rents (I think on the site of that hideous terracotta building of the Prudential Assurance company). I daresay his son, my Gt.grandfather, lived the life of a street urchin of the type recruited by Fagin (the dates would be right!) - he got 3 months for `larceny' and later became a cabman, probably the sort of miserable drunkard that Dickens deplored - cirrhosis of the liver did for him.

An aunt remembered his wife as a `sweet fairy-like lady' who lasted until 1916 - but I see from the records of the Middlesex Quarter Sessions that she too got 3months for larceny, as a 15yr old. I don't know if she and her future husband were in cahoots but that's Victorian London for you! She was `London Irish' – who Dickens thought were `the lowest of the low'.

One line of enquiry as to my father's ancestors points towards a Norman-Irish baronial family, one of whom invited all his enemies to a banquet at his castle - and had them slaughtered at the table. By the time some of them returned to England in the late 16thC, they were reckoned to be the `impoverishedest of the impoverished’!

I'm neither proud nor ashamed of my ancestors - just endlessly intrigued.

Concerning tea - I once heard a tea-taster from Twinings state that the chemistry-in-the-cup between milk and hot tea depends on the order in which they meet. In his view, as a tea professional, MIF tasted better. I echo Osbert Lancaster's Maudie Littlehampton who once declared ,

`Never mind Nancy Mitford! I always say `If it's me, it's U!'
JennS said…
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SwampWoman said…
I definitely put my cream into my coffee first. It really does taste better to me. But no worries either way.

But, back to the far less interesting 6 and 6w. If they devoted a fraction of the time to producing content as they do to researching the royal calendar and planning to (unsuccessfully, IMO) overshadow the senior royals, they might actually have something to show for it.

Who has time for that silliness? Not me, and I'm mostly retired. Not successful entrepreneurial parents juggling small children, either.
jessica said…
Their still acting like they are Royal. That’s where the issue lies. ‘We can sit here and wave our wands and have a very nice lux life.’

Not working.

Ok. ‘We’ll sell our ‘brand’. Which they’ve horribly screwed up. What do they represent? My hubs says they could do deals in Asia and should focus on that....I mean, maybe. But they are still competing with exactly the likes of Nicole S. who has a simple non-personal brand built on music, fitness, and beauty. She focused on the U.K. market a lot and has a good reputation there. It’s not comparable.

What happened to Proctor and Gamble? Netflix? Spotify?...Oprah has gotten far more negative Press than positive in dealing with them. I wonder if she will continue with Harry?

If they are left getting bargain bin
JennS said…
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Fifi LaRue said…
It's impossible to earn as much as Jennifer Aniston, Taylor Swift, et al if you aren't doing a da*ned thing except put out PR, whine, and complain. That is not entertainment. And I don't need a whiner, and his grifter wh*re wife telling me to be compassionate.
jessica said…
It sounds like Meghan is trying to cover for the lack of book sales, and distract with a story about hiring someone else and being worth a trillion dollars. ‘Don’t look at that, look at this.’

The book must have tanked.
AnT said…

Something about Bookworm strikes me as "off" - so I listen once in a while but don't put much stock in her. If as you say she keeps repeating old mistakes and incorrect data, I'm definitely not going to bother with her. Rather have some fun from River if I have a moment while glancing through press articles.

Opus said…
@Jenn S

I always used to think that Demi Moore was uber-cute but now I am leaning toward the notion that Rob Lowe is even cuter (nohomo).

Should the Harkles decide to sue any blog they would have to be both desperate and willing to lose money. They would also have to prove that they had been defamed and I doubt that they could do that without opening themselves up to embarrassing cross-examination. The question of jurisdiction would presumably depend upon the country in which the blog was said to be published. At the risk of being proven wrong I do not think that either you or Nutty have anything to be worried about - I have never heard of a blog let alone those who comment being sued though many blogs are taken down by the company hosting the blog (e.g. the much missed at least by me Chateau Heartiste) and look at the endless Twitter banning - even your own President. Do not fret yourself.

I am indeed familiar with Holborn (this I assume is related to Tea) and indeed even the Pru building as my former and now deceased father-in-Law (an eighteen months disaster I would rather forget - 'it was a teenage wedding and the old folks wished them well' as Chuck Berry used to sing) was Chief Solicitor thereat and his father had been its CEO but otherwise none of my relatives hale from Holborn.
SirStinxAlot said…
I am willing to bet, if anyone working at Archwell tried to take 20 weeks off for maternity/paternity they would be sacked ASAP.
Karla said…
Jéssica. I agree. The book was a failure. But they need to be a successful brand. ( Illusion can sell)
MM and Just Harry repeating the same old stories. Update: Mar, 2020.
Actually, it would be pretty easy for Meghan Markle and Prince Harry to buld a billion-dollar brand. (...) Though Harry and Meghan are estimated to be worth about $30 million already, experts say the two could easily create a billion-dollar global brand.
Meghan's first official post-royal project will be narrating a movie called "Elephant" that is set to premiere on Disney+ on April 3.
JennS said…
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Suing individuals - she has defamed me and all British citizens by asserting that each and every one of us is a racist and we only disapprove of her for the colour of her skin.

I'd threaten a counter claim, even if I had to act as litigant in person. I'd do my utmost to ensure it costs her more than she'll get out of me - I hope!
AnT said…

Yes — I will stay on with Lady C as well.
Something big is breaking here:

BBC Lunchtime news featured a report on corruption in the Metropolitan Police. Initially, it focussed on how little had been done to investigate the murder of a Private Investigator in (PI) 1n 1987, going on to police not investigating themselves when one of their number is accused on wrongful behaviour, esp. sex crimes.

I've just overheard more, including the words `at the highest levels of society', `Ghislaine Maxwell', `Epstein' `Prince Andrew' `girls trafficked by', & `targeted'. Mugshot of Epstein briefly shown.

Watch this space.


Most up-to-date news on this site so far.
Elsbeth1847 said…

I look at someone like Keanu Reeves and he's worked a lot at not just one thing. He's done his motorcycles, was in a band, book, bought a little real estate and then you get into all the movies with him at $350 million and Tom Cruise at $600. These are people who spent a few years building themselves up to this level - not pulling it out on a grueling 12 month plan with no current salable product (let alone being in production for it).

Net Worth is calculated = Dollar amount of your assets totaled and then subtract your debts.

So although if they bought the house, they still owe quite a bit on it and that is debt. So numbers can be bandied about but with the house debt, before you get into car or paying the electric bill or the lawn guy, I'm not completely with warm and fuzzy about how much their net worth really is given that we aren't really seeing talk of regular amounts of money going into their coffers because one of them has a regular paycheck kind of job. And the erratic one offs are not going be enough to sustain them for long (especially if they are being asked to return some of it).
We've mentioned the possible Markle connection with Epstein before - is this what the Palace fears?

The murder of Daniel Morgan (PI) and its non-investigation is being taken to indicate a link between some in the Met & organised crime.

Ditto for Epstein & Maxwell.

Think about it.
This comment has been removed by the author.
It's Channel 4 that's been doing the digging.

Going to be bigger than Profumo in 1963, if anyone remembers that.

Didn't MM & Doria stay at Cliveden (now a Nat. Trust property but run as a hotel?) before the wedding?

Was that another hint that wasn't taken?
Then there’s this, if you search Epstein on NZ Herald:

`Friendship with Jeffrey Epstein allegedly broke Gates marriage

New Zealand Herald 10 May, 2021 01:41 AM

Where is everybody?

Am I the only Nutty who's awake?
JennS said…
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Midge said…
I'm awake- middle of the day here! Thanks for the leads. I just read the BBC page and am headed to New Zealand.
Henrietta said…

Paige Gawley‍ 8:15 AM PDT, June 15, 2021

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are keeping his family up-to-date on their newborn daughter, Lilibet. ET has learned that the couple, who welcomed baby Lili earlier this month, shared a photograph of baby Lili over text with family members shortly after her birth.

The pic, ET has learned, was shared on the royal family's What’s App group where extended family members often stay in touch. The Sussexes also share a 2-year-old son, Archie.

Maybe the big event that Harry's wife has up her sleeve is releasing a photo of Lili?

Please read my posts from 9.12pm.

This is a Kraken.
snarkyatherbest said…
Henrietta - yes i think she is priming the pump ahead of a pic or negotiating a pic trying to get maximum $. Then again, she needs to make it look like she is in touch with the family after Catherine said we havent met her yet; cant wait to meet her. Poor Mrs, she has to set everything straight and will keep trying to spin it to keep her connected to the royal family
Henrietta said…
Thanks for responding, Snarky.
This is a matter of police corruption and it involves alleged organised crime operating in areas which may be connected with our speculations on this blog.

For new readers: We have long wondered if there is anyone backing Markle and have looked at several possible candidates. There was discussion of Maxwell & Epstein, and other high -profile individuals connected with them, some time ago and it crossed our minds that a certain new member of the RF might possibly be linked - allegedly.

A Maxwell link to the RF has existed for over 30 years - Ghislaine was at Diana's funeral, remember.

Andrew & Harry were referred to as `long-hanging fruit' ie easily picked off.

Scotland Yard to review UK allegations against Ghislaine Maxwell
Six women have made allegations against Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein relating to incidents in the UK in the 1990s and 2000s

By Martin Evans, CRIME CORRESPONDENT15 June 2021 • 8:14pm

Scotland Yard has confirmed it will review any new evidence alleging wrongdoing in London

Scotland Yard has confirmed it is to review a dossier of allegations that Ghislaine Maxwell trafficked, groomed and sexually abused a string of girls and young women in London.

Six women have come forward accusing Maxwell and the late financier, Jeffrey Epstein of serious sexual assault in the UK in the 1990s and 2000s.

In 2016 the Metropolitan Police looked into claims by American, Virgina Giuffre, who alleged she had been trafficked to London and pressured by Epstein and Maxwell into having sexual relations with Prince Andrew.

The Duke of York has vehemently denied the allegations and the Met later announced it was not carrying out a full blown investigation into the claims.

But now Channel 4 News has presented a dossier of allegations involving five other women who claim they were also abused in London by Maxwell and Epstein.

Maxwell, 59, is currently on remand in the United States awaiting trial on charges of recruiting and grooming teenage girls from 1994-1997 to provide sexual massages to her one-time boyfriend Jeffrey Epstein.

Legal experts who have examined the allegations relating to the UK have said the Met has a legal duty to launch a full criminal inquiry.

Nazir Afzal OBE, the former Chief Crown Prosecutor for NW England, said: “From what I've seen, there is clearly enough evidence for the police to investigate more thoroughly than they have done up to now.

“It's concerning because we've got potentially victims here. And maybe other victims or alleged victims, who may if an investigation follows its course, be identified.”

In a statement the Metropolitan Police said it stood by its previous decision not to launch a criminal investigation into the allegations, but it would review any new information that was presented.

A spokesman for the force said: “The MPS always takes allegations of sexual offences and exploitation seriously.

"The MPS is clear that it will investigate allegations where there is sufficient evidence of an offence having taken place, where it is the appropriate authority to do so and where those against whom the allegations are made are alive.

"The MPS has continued to liaise and offer assistance with other law enforcement agencies who lead the investigation into matters related to Jeffrey Epstein but is unable to comment on individuals with whom they may or may not have interacted with regard any allegations of crime.

We will always consider any new information and will review the information sent to us from Channel 4.
Lady C will be on GB TV with Dan Wootton tonight- no idea when.
Got it! Lady C -10pm GBTV Channel 236, with Dan Wootton
Karla said…
WBBM Thanks for the explanation. I will read everything👏
As per WBBM, Got it! Lady C -10pm GBTV Channel 236, with Dan Wootton

Or if you have Sky it’s channel 515. 😁
TheGrangle said…
@WBBM - With you on this, too many co incidences. I’d need to read more, but there has been chatter about MM having met Prince Andrew on the Epstein yacht. This coupled with numerous political and corporate resignations/early retirements, the odd suicide (Steve Bing springs to mind) and the rumour that Melinda Gates is out for blood and sole control of the Gates Foundation, it does make you wonder.

As far as the Met is concerned, people are already asking questions about their handling of the McCann case, given the time and money spent.

By all accounts, the Epstein case is very much more serious and depraved than that which can be reported on at the moment, clearly it’s been a very long cover up at all levels. If the threads are allowed to be pulled together and police and judicial corruption exposed, this will be a real shocker.
Opus said…

Profumo was a nothing-burger. The notion that somehow as they were coitus interruptus Profumo was going to reveal to Christine Keeler some vital piece of information such as the location of one of our submarines that would somehow hand this country over to the Soviet Union strikes me as implausible. It was his lying to Parliament not his extra marital adventures that did for him. The prosecution of the two girls and the persecution of Stephen Ward was disgraceful. Lord Denning's report into the matter likewise. (I know: I saw the musical).

I feel the same about whatever is going on with Maxwell. You haven't a shred of evidence (as they always say to Poirot). The government will continue with a D notice to cover-up.

'He would say that wouldn't he' is I know what you will be saying.
@ The Grangle - I read reports about MM at sea and who she met there in JerseyDeanne, almost at the start of all this. Goodness knows how much is true but sadly it's believable.

I agree -it's going to be very nasty and I expect heads will roll.
Maneki Neko said…
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Maneki Neko said…
@NeutralObserver said

@Maneki Neko, The christening cartoon you linked to reminded me of how drawings of Markle, with her dark pulled back hair and chunks of hair projecting from her head, reminds me of a vertically challenged Olive Oyl, except this Olive Oyl has married a ginger Bluto, instead of Popeye.

Very good comparison! Except that Olive Oyl is prettier.


The pix of Jeff Bridges' house are lovely. A much simpler and more modern house. Much, much better than Mudslide Manor.
JHanoi said…
I think whe is higher now than c list or even B list.... maybe B+ list?
Shes a judge on that Masked Singer show and its quite popular now. Without that, she'd definitely be c or d list
DesignDoctor said…
Photos of Jeff Bridges old home in Montecito. 3 Bed 3 Bath

Lovely, but not quite the luxurious digs of Mudslide Manor...
Maneki Neko said…

You mentioned the Harkles and said "their thinking that 20 weeks off is normal". This got me thinking, although H said he was on paternity leave from Archewell,he didn't say whether it was paid leave - apologies if he did and I missed it. Is this a little hint to Charles to pay them because they mightn't have any income/have a much reduced income for the next 20 weeks? Now they're new parents, too,you know...
Kate Kosior said…

The word "sinister" is used here... Interesting article. Just thought I'd share. I don't fit into the author's profile of a typical Meghan anti-fan, nor do the people who introduced me to this world.
SwampWoman said…
@Wild Boar Battle-maid, it is certainly an interesting development. I am somewhat dubious about the veracity of any information that will be released to the public, however.
JHanoi said…
Blind gossip
The claw trying to hook up with i think bill gates
JHanoi said…

Or possibly bezos... the other link leads to bezos... but he not much of a philanthropist
SwampWoman said…
I join with the others that found Jeff Bridges' former house more attractive (but less ostentatious).
JHanoi said…
I do think blind gossip is more relaible than most or even cdan.

Poor JH. He's such a sucker....hahaha
Maneki Neko said…
@Kate Kosior

Thanks for the article re M's anti-fandom. Sinister is the word, and also either totally delusional or else incredibly thick. The writer's surname is African, so the tone of the article is hardly a surprise.
SwampWoman said…
JHanoi said...
Blind gossip
The claw trying to hook up with i think bill gates

Wonder how she plans to deal with Gates' autism? Well, we know it would be all about the money.

I think that Melissa Gates has depths of ruthlessness that she has yet to plumb but would be more than happy to oblige for 6w if she attempts in any way to interfere with her children.
NeutralObserver said…
I agree with @Design Doctor, Maneki Neko, @ Swamp Woman that Jeff Bridges' former home is lovely. Relaxed, unpretentious, & made for a family. The pictures of the large terrace made me want to throw a party. LOL.

@Kate Kosier, I read the refinery29 article you linked to. It was a prime example of 'factual' reporting in which the facts have been carefully selected to put across a certain point of view. I'm sure all the author's quotes were reported truthfully, but perhaps the writer needs more awareness of her own biases, & needs a more skeptical attitude toward #6w worshipers. Hilariously, she seems to view Scabies & the Canadian gossip woman as benign, disinterested & wholly truthful reporters. One person's 'truth' is another person's 'insane' conspiracy. Posters on this blog sometimes indulge in hyperbole, but I'm sure if any of us wanted to waste time on the effort, we could come up with a lot of horrible things the 'Squad' has said both about the RF, & Megs' detractors, & could likewise come up with a convincing list of untruths perpetrated by #6 & #6w. One problem both sides of the pregnancy issue have is that there is no absolute proof of either theory. I do wonder how many women who have given birth carried their babies above their rib cages like an enormous third breast. If you haven't given birth, carefully observe the next family member or friend who gets pregnant, & decide if the Birth Parent carries his/her/their child in the same way #6w did.
jessica said…
WOW! The Jeff bridges —> Oprah home at 1690 San Leandro Lane cannot not be where they are residing. It has the living room zoom background and everything. Same tree.

Great find Lucy!

Here’s another link
And great pics of the backyard/ garden if you go to the Zillow listing.

abbyh said…
I read the article as well and found it interesting too.

What really caught my eye was how all the pro6w fans felt a need for hiding their real name for fear of death threats.

I was stunned by this. I don't remember (and I have been wrong before) of hearing about threats made toward that group. Towards the anti-fans - yes but not the other way around.

I was also stunned by how many comments I would read from someone who was clearly a fan talking about how 6w was going to be queen (eventually) when I knew that the only way for that to happen would be if something really bad happened to Prince William and all three children. There was a part of me which wondered if some pro-6w fan might really try something.

I do know that any female who became part of the family had some bumpy times so it wasn't about her specifically. (although I will say that clearly mentioning that you did not do the research on "the job" is not some reason to be given a pass when you find out you don't like what it really is). Most had been around it for a while and had clearer eyes for what it was like. Katherine most recently but I am not convinced Diana had this smooth never any problems life either.
NeutralObserver said…
@Wild Boar Battle Maid, Stories about the police like the ones you mentioned are evidence of how much is swept under the carpet, only to resurface at some time long afterwards. It's understandable, as certain restrictions expire, people retire, or die, etc..

Like the queen (reportedly), I'm a big fan of Line of Duty, (Season 6 hasn't lived up to expectations, though.) That show makes you think crooked cops are everywhere! LOL.

Good to see you, JennS, don't let the blog prevent you from recuperating. Follow your doctor's orders. I'm sure he or she wants you to rest & relax.
HappyDays said…
Interesting bit if news:

I am just wrapping up work for the day at hone and Entertainment Tonight, a weekday American entertainment news program, is on.
They had a segment about a Fathers Day program by Oprah and as the reporter neared the end of the interview, they noted the buzz that some people think Oprah should be godmother to Lilibet. Oprah diplomatically said a godparent should be a younger person and that she was already an unofficial godmother.

Excellent way to take herself out of the discussion. Oprah can probably see the writing on the wall and has probably heard all the industry tea about the Sussexes and knows how nasty Meghan was prior to reeling in Harry and she doesn’t want to be associated with a train wreck/dumpster fire of that scale.

Yes, she helped light the fuses on the bombs in her March interview with H&M, but she always has the excuse that the Sussexes actually threw them at the Royal Family.

Magatha Mistie said…


“Groom of the Stool” hahaha 😝
Don’t give her ideas, she’ll be copying
Gwynnie, “smells like my vag” candles
“Kool Stools” by Poop for Skid Markle
Original, Organic, Handmaid…
DeerAngels said…
WOW Utube a man name of Stone reports "mad" is telling "sad" to shut up. Apparently mad is really worried about losing those precious titles. It's just now occurred to her the trash talk might not have the rewards she thought.
Hikari said…

Very interesting comment re Oprah. I think the writings on the wall all right. Perhaps Auntie-Oprah Yes way more than she’s letting on about the actual configuration of the Sussex family. It’s true that she is nearly 70 years old, but she’s in good health and has the best healthcare money can buy, She should certainly be around until Archie and Lili Come of age. Do we think it’s strange that she isn’t jumping at the chance To be godmother to Diana’s granddaughter, the first American born black princess?

Hell, yes/-That’s fishy.

Either Oprah, like the Fosters, it’s all too Aware that there is something bizarre about megs presentation as a mother. She saw Markle at very close range, after all. Based on the comment she made when Meg walked out for the interview, it seemed that she was extremely surprised that Meg actually appeared pregnant. Was that kind of a oblique hint of some kind, or it was a genuine surprise? Oprah has it gotten to where she is in the business by not knowing things. After the interview and the Apple series blew up in her face, she’s not going to entangle herself further in the Sussex doo doo. Even the most charitable spin I can put on it is that she rightfully is concerned that if she agreed to be a godmother, discuss success with constantly have their hand out expecting favors and money from godmother Oprah, and that would be a commitment for the next 18 or 20 years.

What sound does a Kraken make do you figure? Maybe it’s something as superficial seeming as Queen Oprah saying No.
Hikari said…
The Sussexes that should read—The duo who is the very opposite of “success”.
JennS said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Enbrethiliel said…
The claw trying to hook up with i think bill gates

When the Tristan Thompson cheating rumors started anew this year, people were joking that the sidechicks were actually helping Khloe Kardashian to be rid of the guy at last! If I were a single billionaire with a charitable heart (as Bill Gates likes to present himself), I'd go all out to help Harry. I'd dangle the bait in front of his wife, then, after she makes her move, reasonably tell her that I couldn't possibly be with a woman who is still committed to another man. When she dumps Harry for me, I hope he'll be able to read the loud, blinking, 8-foot-high neon sign on the wall. And hear the accompanying air raid siren.
Enbrethiliel said…
@HappyDays and @Hikari
Re: Oprah as godmother

How fascinating that Oprah so publicly took herself out of the running to be godmother! I personally think she would have been all for it, had the baby not been named for the Queen. If it raised eyebrows that Harry's part-time black wife named her baby after the supposedly racist head of a supposedly racist family, imagine the reaction if Oprah, who got to hear the racism accusations in person, agreed to be the godmother. I wonder if she feels played for a fool.
Enbrethiliel said…
Then they want to poach Nicole's Ollie, guess he now has to explain how unhappy he is with Nicole now Megs has told the world she wants him on staff.

If Ollie is smart, he'll stick with Nicole. She seems high-maintenance the way all B/C-list showbiz types are, but that's par for the course in the industry. Ollie and Nicole seem to have had a stable working relationship for a decade, which is better than what he can expect from the one-and-done Harkles. And we don't hear of anyone being Scherzinger-ed!

Most significantly, by leaking news of any negotiations they might be doing with Ollie, the Harkles have just proven that they lack impulse control and can't be discreet to save their lives. If Ollie asks around, his contacts in the industry can confirm all his misgivings.

Be smart, Ollie! Be smart!
Karla said…
Wow! Oprah following the guidelines of the Palace. Deny the lies! MM and Harry's sources must remain silent. ( May,20,2021) "The source told Heat World: "Meghan thinks Oprah would be the perfect godmother for her daughter. "She wants her girl to be surrounded by strong female role models, and Oprah certainly fits the bill. "She’s been a real support to both her and Harry"
Gosh. I would have bet money that Oprah would be a godparent. But there were good points made and it does appear she has gracefully sidestepped and removed herself from it. Wonder who now?

Is the timeline that the daughter was born on the 4th and Harry was seen by security furious and wandering on the 5th, baby comes home on the 6th?

I thought perhaps #6w named the baby (on birth certificate) Lilibet and Harry wasn't all pleased. My thought was he was under the impression it would be Elizabeth.


Can't fathom a reason to be that upset when you have a new baby. Tired, grumpy, etc but not off the handle peeved. Then I wondered if it is a surrogate, since we very rarely saw #6w in person during this "pregnancy" if perhaps she did push the delivery date (can you do that with a surrogate? request a c-section and pick the date???) to coincide with the book release.

I do enjoy that #6 had to essentially walk back what was said that he phoned the Queen first, then he said he texted Catherine. Finally we find out that he posted a picture on the family What's app group. Except Mike Tindall said The Harkles aren't on the family group (guessing a new family group was formed when Megxit occurred?).

I'm very confused at this point.
Mel said…
If the Harkles are truly set to be billionaires, why would they have to entice Nicole's guy to go with them? You think he'd be all over that with no enticement whatsoever.
Enbrethiliel said…
Is the timeline that the daughter was born on the 4th and Harry was seen by security furious and wandering on the 5th, baby comes home on the 6th?

I'm still convinced that Harry was originally against using the name Lilibet and that his wife led him to believe she would settle for Elizabeth. When he found out, he was as outraged as the rest of us. Probably more so, as she would have lied directly to him.

Finally we find out that he posted a picture on the family What's app group. Except Mike Tindall said The Harkles aren't on the family group (guessing a new family group was formed when Megxit occurred?).

The WhatsApp group story made me laugh the first time. I find it a little hard to believe that the BRF cousins have one . . . and very hard to believe that the Harkles would be welcome members! But since the story came out after the Palace announced it would start contradicting lies about the Queen (but no one else in the BRF?), perhaps there's some truth to it.
Fifi LaRue said…
@Hikari: You are quite the critical thinker! Oprah refusing to the the godmother of Princess Diana's (formerly of the British Royal Family) granddaughter says everything. You are right, it's the Quiet Kraken. Oprah has read the room, and she ain't having none of it. What Commoner wouldn't be Delighted to be the Godmother of someone Royal?

@Musty: Some people will lie about anything. I knew a narcissist who lied about her own birthday just to suit the conversation at the time. Narcissists lie about anything, anytime, whatever to suit their needs.

#6 just cannot get the narratives straight. He must be such a burden to #6w.
HappyDays said…
Hikari said:

What sound does a Kraken make do you figure? Maybe it’s something as superficial seeming as Queen Oprah saying No.

@Hikari, I used to work with someone who came from working for her in Chicago to the place where colleagues. This person said Oprah was a great boss, very, very a smart, and someone who was learned from her errors, so she, unlike the Harkles was self-aware.

I think Oprah will stay on friendly terms with the Sussexes, but at keep them reasonably at arm’s length and play her cards accordingly. She’s already aligned with them, so it’s not as if she’ll ever get another royal invitation, and at 67, she likely doesn’t care. She’s met her share of royals to last for the rest of her life.

Oprah would likely realize by now that if Harry and Meghan will treat his family and her family like dirt, if they the Sussexes thought it was necessary, they would treat her the same way. Leopards do not change their spots.

In addition, people like to gossip, especially in the entertainment business, and everyone has a good, bad, or in-the-middle reputation. So Meghan’s reputation has likely flowed to Oprah’s ears.

HappyDays said…

I need new reading glasses.
That first paragraph should read:

@Hikari, I used to work with someone who came from working for her in Chicago to the place where we were colleagues. This person said Oprah was a great boss, very, very smart, and someone who was learned from her errors, so she, unlike the Harkles, is self-aware.
Karla said…
"The WhatsApp group story made me laugh the first time" This is really funny.
1) Prince Harry and Meghan Markle introduced their newborn daughter, Lilibet, to her namesake great-grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, via a video call, shortly after the baby’s birth, People Magazine is reporting.
The palace denied this.
3) Now they claim they are in the family's whatsapp group. This is damage control.
In my opinion, this whatsapp group story is for throwing Duchess Catherine under the bus.
HappyDays said…
@Enbrethiliel: At first, I thought Oprah might want to be a godparent, but perhaps after watching the furor caused in the UK, she just doesn’t want to permanently insert herself into the endless drama that Meghan creates.

Choosing Lilibet was a totally narcissistic move by Meghan. It was assertion of power and control, character acquisition, grandiosity, lack of boundaries, and lack of self-awareness. It provided all sorts of narcissistic fuel for Meghan, and after being used by Meghan as a fuel source by appearing at the wedding and then doing the mental health tv project with Harry, and the March interview, perhaps Oprah is
at the age where she doesn’t want to establish a lifetime attachment of a more official nature to a person like Meghan.
Henrietta said…
Enbrethiliel said:

The WhatsApp group story made me laugh the first time. I find it a little hard to believe that the BRF cousins have one . . . and very hard to believe that the Harkles would be welcome members! But since the story came out after the Palace announced it would start contradicting lies about the Queen (but no one else in the BRF?), perhaps there's some truth to it.

I've never used this app before. Can you explain a little bit more why you find it hard to believe?

Not disputing your feelings at all. Just trying to get a better picture of why it's not believable.

Good replies.

Another thing I've been pondering is that they are taking the five month parental leave from Archwell. Hmmm. I'm guessing that Archwell is the only way they'll get paid for those five months. Thinking it will also drain the charity as it can't have much money and they wouldvpay themselves handsome salaries.

I just can't believe ButterUp would give #6 a five month time off as he just started. Unless he is strictly a figure head, used for publicity (which I feel is true).

And they haven't done anything for Spotify in six months and we have seen nothing from Netflix.

The book, Oprah, Apple would all have been planned months if not years ago.

Karla said…

Oprah tried distance from MM's allegations of racism. she said she stayed surprised that Meghan Markle went ‘all the way there’ with racism claims during interview. I had no idea that it would have the reverberating impact that it has had and continues to have,”
Meghan didn't have the worldwide support that Diana had with her interview with Bashir. I think MM, Harry and Oprah thought this interview would be a success and it wasn't.
Enbrethiliel said…
If one is concerned about privacy, WhatsApp isn't a great messaging app to use. It has access to your contacts (whether or not they are also WhatsApp users) and tracks your online behavior. My friends who are the most tech savvy no longer use it and have persuaded me to stop using it as well. So I find it hard to believe that the BRF's security team would allow it for all the royals. Maybe the non-working royals could get away with it, but not senior members like Prince William.

And it certainly strains my credulity that he would be happy being part of a group that includes his sister-in-law. Even if he did use the app, he wouldn't allow her to @ him on such a familiar level.
Helium said…
Maybe slightly OT - you decide.
Title: What If megalodon shark fought the kraken?
Henrietta said…
Thanks for explaining, Enbrethiliel.

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