This is a long awaited day - to celebrate the glorious Seventy years reign of Her Majesty.
There just hasn't been a lot from really either of them together or individually lately, has there? But why? Have they blown all their bridges, connections and are down to toss the proverbial kitchen sink for attention? I don't know. We've heard that moving vans showed up at the house. And nothing more like pictures from a neighbor happy to see the back of them. We've heard they bought a house on Portugal. But the wording was kind of funny. Multiple sources of the same thing - yes but that isn't a guarantee of proof as it could all be from the same source. It was more along the lines of "We've been told that...". It came off as a we really don't know if we believe this to be true or not so we are putting it out there but hedging our bets. Or at least it did to me. And nothing more like exactly when, where or for how much or when they might visit it again. Or pictures of the awesome inside. Or outside. Or requisite ...
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Meanwhile, the jury ruled in Johnny Depp's favour today. * take note, narcissistic liars don't always win.
Elizabeth The Great.
Long Live The Queen.
Rumor has it that they're going to stay holed up in Frogmore for the duration.
What a great way to hide that there are no children.
We called it.
She must be raging that the Depp verdict came in today and there's no point in her pulling a stunt today or tomorrow.
The PR about the birthday party that the Queen will attend is still doing the rounds (doubling down on what is clearly questionable), but I have had a look at the schedule for the weekend and it is busy. Even if the Queen is not attending an event, she will want to watch it on the telly. What has become clear from briefings from Palace officials is there is no scheduled meeting.
Anyway, count down to TTC...
Suffice to say, I don’t have much time for our royal family now…if when the pair go home and they start up their shenanigans again, the royals gave them their blessing to do so. 😖
🌟Yay for Johnny! 🌟😀 Amber down….the strutting 🔥ameba🔥 is next! ⚡️🔥
Doesn't everyone's Grandma tell each of their grandchildren that they are their favourite?
There was a nice picture of one of the Corgis in the back of the car when HMQ returned from Balmoral. I'm more interested in seeing pictures of the Corgis than the grandchildren.
To those across the Pond and to the North - please party safely and enjoy the Celebration.
I will be watching the replays as I am 6 hours behind.
“It was sporting of Archbishop Welby to contract Covid just before the Sussex visit allegedly to show off their elusive children. Would it be terrible of me to question the veracity of this diagnosis? It conveniently removes JW from having to deal with the Sussexes in any capacity and potentially compromise his (alleged) Christian faith by performing a spurious baptism or even having MM claim a 'secret' baptism in the garden or any such nonsense . . .it's been publicly proclaimed that Welby has Covid so that cut off one avenue of her 'reasons' for 'bringing the baby'. “ - end quote -
Hikari, you wrote that suspicion so much better than I could’ve, and I agree completely. Brava to you for your brave and your perhaps-unpopular point of view.
Thank you for your compliments;, I don’t know about “brave“, but it just struck me as quite convenient that Archbishop Welby is unavailable to perform any baptisms for the next while. I suppose the Sussex‘s could hang around until he recovers all the while putting forth PR that Lilibet’s christening is happening very soon. We know that Madame has been angling for that for the last year.
I wish Mr. Welby A speedy recovery without too many problems if he indeed is ill. I had Covid about three months ago and it was mostly inconvenient. I didn’t feel great and it got me off a week of work. It is very much still making the rounds so he could certainly have the virus. Perhaps, and this is only for speculation, it may have been suggested that if he were indisposed this week, that would take a lot of hot air out of someone’s sails. I’m sure Mr. Welby would very much have wanted to preside over the service of Thanksgiving for such an important occasion. In the annals of British history, this rate ever so much higher than the wedding of number six to a trashy American actress. And will be has to sit it out and watch on television like all of us. But depriving Harkles of this one source of attention has worked out well for the Royals. I think we are seeing the unraveling of all of their schemes. The way they conduct themselves over the weekend will probably go a large degree toward determining whether they will be invited to the future coronation of Harry’s father, or the somber event which must precede that.
I awake with batted breath to see just how badly they are going to behave.
PS: How much do you think she's going to be sweating copiously?
Enough so that we should all buy stock in Secret Antiperspirant and Deodorant?
I await the missteps and misbehavior too. And wardrobe choices.
I hate that they came in town to take even a scintilla of attention away from Her Majesty.
I understand why they were invited but I sat the spotlight to shine on the Queen!
Over on Neil Sean’s channel, He’s posing the question “is this the worst mistake that ER has made in her seventy year reign?!”
To which people are vigorously agreeing. As much as I hate, yes, hate both halves of this toxic duo, I can’t go that far. A grandmother of venerable age has invited an estranged family member and his roundly disliked wife to a family gathering and this same grandmother has to know, because she’s still a sharp as a tack, that despair of prodigal children is going to act up and overshadow her at her own party. This is the choice that Elizabeth is making. She has opted for magnanimity and Christian charity, but it will not be herself who will be trying to ride heard on the Harkles and making them behave according to the pre-arranged parameters. The pressure on the security detail and the other members of HM’s family it’s going to be extreme. But on some level she must not care. She will enjoy the Derby and other events either in person or from her TV lounge, leaving various courtiers minions and members of her family to cope with whatever devastation the Harkles decide to lay down. She’s old, she’s queen regnant, this is her last jubilee, she’s in the last few years of her life and she will do as she pleases. Her truly fatal mistake occurred seven 4 1/2 years ago when she gave her blessing for this malignant Union in the first place. Had she presented Henry with the same choice she offered to her own sister when Margaret had set her cap For an unsuitable and quite scandalous attachment to a problematic divorcee…we wouldn’t be here now. She wanted to give Harry what he wanted, even though she had to compromise her religious principles to do it. The specter of racism reared ugly head anyway Despite the Queen’s generosity. We can only guess what might have happened had she denied the marriage. If the Sussexes are now a loaded gun aimed at her Crown, ER herself chambered the ammo when she made them Duke and Duchess after a spectacle wedding. Whatever happens next, God save the Queen, but she’s asked for it.
Everyone get your popcorn buckets ready, because we all know that respectfully laying low is not in Twit and Twat’s wheelhouse. The worldwide media is going to lap it up with spoons.
Had she presented Henry with the same choice she offered to her own sister when Margaret had set her cap For an unsuitable and quite scandalous attachment to a problematic divorcee…we wouldn’t be here now.
@Hikari: I know HMTQ gave Margaret a choice, but I never have known what the choice was. Can you expand on what sort of choice Elizabeth gave to Margaret? Please fill me in on the details.
Thank you!
I plan to make it this coming Sunday and will provide a report. I am an ok but not an especially gifted cook, so hopefully it will come out well.
so trooping in 6 hours let’s guess she will be papped with a buggy with a blanket over it a starbucks in one hand (going for product placement) waving with the other royal fans being mobbed by “well wishers” who mysteriously look like lindsay roth and daniel the crying makeup man.
Nearly 100 years of photos taken and for some reason one of her favourites is the one with the child she barely met/knew with the treasonous snake parents? I don't think so- Harkle PR in overdrive.
I have just found this. In 1955 group captain Peter Townsend wrote a memoir of his doomed love affair with Princess Margaret which has just been re-issued this year. In this excerpt he explains in his own words the outcome of their tragic love story. Sort of a modern day Romeo and Juliet, except that this Romeo was a commoner and a divorced man. The stumbling block to their marriage was that as a divorced man, marrying Margaret would mean that she violated church teaching, and this was unacceptable since she was heir to the British throne and her sister was head of the church. As a sister, the queen was sympathetic to Margaret’s predicament, and initially thought that perhaps if the couple married in Scotland, they could get around the sore point. In the end, the queen sided with the privy council and the parliament and presented it to Margaret that the only way she could marry her captain would be to renounce Her place in the line of succession, along with all of her titles, any support from the royal purse and all the privileges of being a Princess. No church wedding of course. She would only have been able to have a civil ceremony and become Mrs. Peter Townsend, supported completely by his military pension and nothing else.
In the end, Margaret loved her title and all its trappings more than Captain Townsend, but he agreed that to make such a choice would destroy her and place too much of a burden on their love. Four years after this, he married a 19-year-old Belgian girl and Margaret married Lord Snowden. I think the queen has always felt really badly about how things played out for Margaret and never wanted to repeat that unhappiness on another person. Charles had to make do with the civil ceremony for his second wedding, but it was allowed to go ahead since his first wife was no longer living. I think the family was very keen to have Harry married off to anybody at his age, and in 2018, with both principals well over the age of 25, the Royal Marriages Act of 1772 was ignored, Along with any scruples about having an heir to the crown marry a woman with a husband still living. These things are Quaint these days. I’m pretty sure that Markle has done way more damage to the crown then Margaret would’ve done if she’s married Captain Townsend, but that ship has sailed… And is headed right for London Bridge to knock it down. Just a few hours to go now before that spectacle begins…
Happy Platinum Jubilee Your Majesty!
She added that this was 'a setback' for women 'to a time when a woman who spoke up and spoke out could be publicly shamed and humiliated.
Heard, 36, then blamed star attorney Camille Vasquez and Depp's other legal experts.
'I believe Johnny's attorneys succeeded in getting the jury to overlook the key issue of Freedom of Speech and ignore evidence that was so conclusive that we won in the UK.'
'I'm sad I lost this case. But I am sadder still that I seem to have lost a right I thought I had as an American - to speak freely and openly.'
Now it's the fault of her legal team! And she still has freedom of speech, silly mare.
Re Margaret.
It was Margaret who finally chose not to marry Townsend. The whole situation was down to Churchill not the Queen to decide what to offer Margaret. There’s been a few documentaries that have since said that she was given permission to marry Townsend (and keep her position within the royal family), and the so called choice between her having to give up her position etc to marry him was untrue . I wish I could add more info, alas I cannot. There might be another British Nutty who can remember more. 🥴
Of course, Wallis's divorce had been a useful reason for stopping a man who was too fond of Germany, married to another with Nazi sympathies, becoming king. Edward had with the same choice but gave up the throne.
Of course, had H been given the identical choice, it would have been R-ism...Still, times move on. I daresay HM could see the good that his marriage could do, even allowing for the previous marriages of TBW.
That was assuming TBW behaved herself. Such a tragedy that it turned out as it did and even if HM is still prepared to overlook what has happened, I doubt if the People will.
M is probably furious that she's now stuck in the UK
The Queen sent a van and a Range Rover to fetch them, with three RPOs. No police escort. I suppose the van was for all the luggage.
`Strategic 'flu/Covid' are only convincing if one can keep out of the way for a couple of weeks.
@Happy Days: I am not Hikari, but I believe that, contrary to myth, Margaret would have been allowed to marry GC Townsend but would have had to give up her princess-y privileges, place in line, public funding, etc, which she was not willing to do. I'm sure I'll be corrected and/or this will be elaborated upon.) So it was her choice and ER has been made out to be the baddie all this time. We can see what this life of privilege brought her . . .
As for the sweating, surely, at one of the many Botox sessions, * had a lethal amount injected into her underarms after they finished putting a quart into her face . . .
Events and celebrations for other people including birthdays, weddings, holidays, and yes, even funerals are often hijacked by narcissists. They just can’t resist having all the attention focused on someone or something other than themselves.
It will be extremely difficult for Meghan to get through the four-day Jubilee celebration and allow all the attention to be focused on the Queen without pulling some sort of stunt either in private to cause a drama within the royal family or in public at the Service of Thanksgiving or TOC.
We can only guess as to what Meghan will do herself or do using either Harry or the two kids, but it is highly likely she will not be able to keep from doing something to grab attention for herself.
The seventy-year reign of HMTQ is meaningless to Meghan. This four-day period is only about herself and advancing her personal agenda.
she's pretending to be nice to the BRF's children.
Yes, I think you’re both absolutely correct. 😃I had thought that Margaret was offered the choice of marriage along with retaining her position in the line of succession, but yes, it was marry but lose your position.😃 Churchill was fair given the era.😊
Glad there’s been zero sighting of the odious pair! 😛
so no pap pic of them heading to the palace?
Her dress is off the shoulders, contrary to protocol an she seems to have overdosed on self tanning spray. As well, I find that her make up has been done to create Black facial, with exaggerated lips ( i don't mean to create racist stereotypes.. it is my impression that Markle and her make up artist stereotype Black people)
Narcs can be very charming! Of course, playfully interacting with the children got her to the window to be photographed!
I find fault with the hat ... far too big for an occasion where she was not going to be outdoors.
I watched the entire ceremony and it was very impressive. The royals on the balcony made it all about the Queen and everything was so well co-ordinated, including colour codes (shades of light blue for the Queen, Charles and Camilla, and the Cambridges; pale peachy pink for the Wessexes; dark green for the Kents and Gloucesters).
The queen looked amazing, & it was a delight to see her. The Duke of Kent, who seems to be a lovely man, looks frail, but kudos to him for doing his duty to HM, & standing by her on the balcony.
The Windsor genes seem quite strong. Both grandchild Lady Louise, & great-grandchild Princess Charlotte, strongly favor HM in appearance.
William's horse looked alert enough, but it looks as though someone assigned him a horse that was a bit too small him, & Charles had a horse that was a bit too large for him.
All those gorgeous horses. Such a feat to keep them all in control for an event like this. Hope all those horses have long lovely lives with clean stables & grassy fields to graze in. Don't know what happens to military horses.
As the photographers expected, I'm sure, Ms. #6 managed to muscle her way to the window in her funereal navy blue outfit & enormous hat, stand next to a bevy of shorter, but blonde & photogenic royal children, & get her proof of life shot at the trooping. No sign of her own sprogs though. Do they exist?
She's been sighted.
the screen behind the door may also to hide the fact that the Queen needs to use a mobility scooter or wheel chair, and the Duke of Kent as well
I know…😳😵💫😖🥺 it was all too easy and obvious she was going to try a stunt like that. We knew it was coming! 😖😟
Thanks for posting the telegraph link. I’m five hours behind London and after giving it some thought, I didn’t think waking up at 5 AM to see Twat in the window was something I was willing to do. Not that I expected her to get that close to the balcony, but the conniving see you en tea managed to weasel into camera range. It is her top talent in a limited range. What about HazNowt? Any sign of him? He may only appear in civilian dress, and that will burn.
As for the Windsor genes, I have always thought that Edward looks most like the Queen out of all of her children. As a youth he had his father’s blond hair but he is totally Mummy around the eyes. Louise appears to favor her mother in the top part of her face and her father in the lower half. The overriding impression is that Louise looks like Edward, and I think her brother looks more like Sophie probably. Charles also resembles Mummy around the eyes. Charlotte is actually a doppelgänger of William; some of the pictures she takes, it’s really startling, like if you cut her hair and put her in a little pair of fatigues, she’d be a dead ringer for William at the same age. Even William himself had difficulty distinguishing his own baby picture from one of Charlotte. So even though the Spencer genes are so strong and William, the resemblance to the queen that people keep seeing in Charlotte is actually a resemblance to her father, so William is definitely a Windsor as well.
If anyone wonders about the green flag with white cross, displayed near the front of the crowd as they made their way up the Mall to BP - it's the county flag of Devon. The county flag thing started in response to the Cornish flag down here in Devon; Devonians got fed up with seeing the Cornish flag west of the Tamar. (I also suspect the Northumbrians and Cumbrians felt similarly about the Scottish Saltire, ditto the counties bordering Wales. We get sneered at if we fly the St George's flag so this is a way of expressing our identity at local level.
Drag queenish? or something else? I've been to parties with staid & moneyed types, & it was ok to be a ho, if one was discreet about it, but it was NOT ok to look like one. LOL. She just couldn't resist showing a bit too much skin.
Este -
... Maybe the Queen did right letting them slink back into town like this?
That might be a good point.
HM is showing her strong forgiveness streak, allowing them to technically appear in certain situations but strictly controlled and not in the higher echelon as the others.
So close and yet so far away.
Very limited options to attempt to show that they were snubbed in some manner. Someone I knew used to call that "killing with kindness". Perhaps the Queen might not call it killing but strategic chess play.
Interesting point.
Perhaps the children were the only ones who would talk to her - I wonder if they asked about their other cousins, Archie and Lilibet?
I see Twit joined Twat (or is it the other way round?) for the act at the window for the photo op.
Beatrice was wearing a pearl-encrusted band rather than a hat - much more suitable for those remaining indoors. The duchess of Montecito always gets it wrong - a huge hat and an off-the-shoulder dress.
I suspect everyone in the family was friendly to the duo but will heave a sigh of relief when they leave.
The duo did not get much press attention, but the Cambridge children seemed to have enchanted everyone and there are heaps of photos of them. The Sussex children? Who dat?!
Hope this link works ... a candid photo of TBW, seemingly on her own, but maybe she was making her way across the room
@WBBM, thank you for letting me know that some military horses find a home after their service.
The Telegraph video mentions that only a tiny percentage of the soldiers & horses on parade today have done this event before, due to the Covid cancellations, one of the reasons some of the horses seemed a bit antsy. It's very hard to control horses in front of large crowds. The commentary made me think the complainers about Prince William's rehearsal horse knew nothing about what they were talking about.
I wonder if BP were careful to keep the 6s out of sight because they were afraid of booing & other signs of crowd disapproval. They must have known about the 6s' 27% & 22% recent poll numbers. It would be hugely embarrassing for the BRF to be booed.
My, Covid-19,has been obliging at an opportune time for these festivities. Lest Andrew try to horn in and insist on escorting Mummy at church again…what a shame poor lamb will be indisposed. Maybe he and Welby can quarantine together.
My gaslighting detectors are going off big time, as it is just so extraordinary that two problematic individuals connected with Her Maj have been stricken just in the nick of time to sideline them entirely from events of this weekend. Andrew makes it a pattern.
Too bad Covid did not intervene and save us from the Sussex attendance.
Of course, it’s possible that both Archbishop Welby and the disgraced Duke of York come down with the worldwide bug within days/hours of one another just ahead of the Jubilee. In Andrew’s case particularly, one wonders who he’s been meeting to have been exposed since he has retreated so much from public life. Whether either of these gentlemen is actively sick with highly contagious virus, invoking it does provide a cast-iron face-saving measure for both of them and other members of the royal family which may have felt very strongly about having either of these individuals in anyway involved during this weekend, even in private capacities. Just saying.
Elle has used that photo that I mentioned in an article (scroll down).
That is not Catherine in white wearing what looks like a beret and multi strands of pearls. Who is it? The man in uniform is either Charles or William, but maybe not tall enough for William.
She has her arms crossed and looks sulky - probably because she expects to be the centre of attention, and in this photo she is being ignored and on her own. Is that a drinks trolley that she is standing next to?
The husband is probably catching up with family. She must have let go of him for a moment, and you know how children quickly disappear in a crowd! But maybe he just went to the loo.
Is this just a brief snapshot or an indication of what the event was really like for her?
I hope that's the last of the pix. What about the sprogs? Have they been sighted yet?
Very British, bless.
Can anyone explain why those fluffy-hat chain-straps hit at the lower lip? Looks terribly ineffective and uncomfortable.
I do think she looks good compared to her recent fashion failures. She is working at that sexy royal label.
It's so easy to forget that this woman used dead children to gain popularity. And this is my grouse. An internationally watched event where the vibe is so positive, so family oriented, this woman only gains, even from the shadows. It validates her. It powers her.
The more it goes right, even when she does so much wrong, the more intoxicated she gets on her ego.
Ugh, I am dreading what comes next. I'd rather see her angry, tripping up or left behind than with that evil smile.
Sorry, if I am being a killjoy.
On the brighter side of things - Princess Charlotte, wow, she's growing up to be really pretty. I loved her dress the most!!
And Prince Louis, ever the adorable. I loved the clips of him interacting with the Queen.
Re chain straps: these are worn under the bottom lip in case of attack, if a soldier was attacked by the enemy from behind by pulling his hat down.
Bearskin hats - the following might put things in perspective:
'Bearskin hats are made from the skin of American black bears, taken annually during the Black Bear Cull in Canada. The British Army takes 100 skins for itself, supposedly a mere fraction of the thousands of bears that are killed to keep numbers in check.
We asked an MoD spokesman why the army chooses real bear skin over synthetic materials. He told us: "We have examined various alternative materials in the past, but none has come remotely close to matching the natural properties of bear fur in terms of shape, weight and its ability to repel moisture in wet conditions." Perhaps we shouldn't expect to see an end to this questionable traditional anytime soon.'
I remember the controversy some years ago about using fake fur for bearskin hats but in the end it just wasn't as good as real fur.
National Park.
It's just odd that they want the security and then put themselves in a place of risk. That's all I'm saying.
I think the Queen flanked by Charles and William will be at the 'heirs only' second balcony.
I think the placing of Catherine by the Queen was strategic.
Only the witch had her window rolled down. This was to ensure maximum exposure. Obviously, the threat of attack couldn't be that great.
...perhaps words or other behavior from the pair had everyone initially off their mark? just a sense i had.
Both Liar and Friar have a lot of nerve sucking up to Anne's grandchildren after what they did to her (assuming she's the one who made the supposedly racist remark).
The Queen's counter move of appointing Anne ceremonial head of the British Marine Corps was brilliant.
If so, it made her look like an old-time dustman - sorry, refuse technician. Do she wear Gor'blimey trousers too?
(Reference - `My Old Man's a Dustman' sung by Lonnie Donegan, only I recall chanting slightly different words long before LD was on the scene.)
And I’m taking a break from the DM for the duration- every headline simply HAS to mention the 6’s and it’s too, too irritating. I see TBW has been caught cos-playing again - this time it’s Kate with the “shush” moment from Pippa’s wedding.
What could be the connection? Why do these entities help?
“Mummy, who was the scary lady who kept telling us to be quiet as we were watching gan-gan’s parade today? She was creepy and wouldn’t go away.”
Curious if she doesnt show i imagine the harkles will attend but will they be more bold like try to talk to charles and william or arrive late to enter with the working royals. I think they will be more bold. ugh
I will invest my time to watch all the coverage as I don't want to miss a thing.
My parting thoughts are:
- God Save the Queen!
- God grant Charles wisdom and foresight to do what the country needs and the love of the people he will eventually govern.
- God steady Camilla for her role that is to support Charles and may she always be by Charles side.
- God give William patience and good guidance for his decisions and the enduring love of his beloved wife..
- God grant Catherine a thick skin for handling the slings and arrows of a fickle media and the ability to keep her family special as for themselves..
God give the British prayers for that all the best happens to the Monarchy and their great country.
. God give dear George the ability to lead a nation as well as his Great Grandmother did.
- God grant us rest and perserverance to see it through until time immemorioral.
Disappointed on behalf of Her Majesty and her people that she doesn't feel up to it. I would have thought she'd have dragged herself there if need be for her last Jubilee service. No wonder Charles looked quite mournful on the balcony. Perhaps he was thinking that this might be the last time he stands with Mummy on that balcony and the next birthday gathering for the monarch might be for him.
Vivat Regina. Maybe she will rally by tomorrow and decide she's going after all. Is she trying to keep the Harkles wrong-footed? If so, brilliant strategy, Ma'am.
The Duo decide to camp out at Frogmore until the Queen is healthy enough to come over for LilyBuck$ birthday party. They will also wait it out, for the Archbishop of Canterbury to recover from Covid and christen her. -
"The Hi Step ladder for hedge cutting:
Henchman’s Hi Step ladder.... can even be extended further with the Adjustable Platform Step Ladder Extender... They’re available from 6ft to 10ft with extenders available, too."
I'm pretty sure that the freedom of photography on public roads (even if H-G Rd is public) doesn't extend to prying through windows into private property- it'd be a charter for Peeping Toms otherwise. As KB has copyright, he'll make a fortune from those photos - I wonder if action will be taken?
The photographer who snapped an embarrassing photo of Diana c1988 reckoned he lost a potential £3k from the one shot when he let her RPO expose the film. That'd be an Eye-watering number of zeros these days.
...Harkles used a private jet to reach the UK. 'The 2003 BOMBARDIER INC BD-700-1A10 is registered to SWS VENTURE CAPITAL SERVICES LLC of Los Angeles, California.' ...What could be the connection? Why do these entities help?
I can't imagine. You'd think even a modest due diligence would turn up info that the Sussexes' large Hollywood contracts are in big trouble and quite possibly headed for litigation. They really have nothing to offer a venture capital company. Maybe the company's been asked to do it by someone else as a favor? Another Russian autocrat perhaps?
A Pane in the Ass
The twat in the hat
Looked a right tawdry prat
“woman in a window”
How the flighty have fallen
Better suited to
Amsterdams De Wallen*
*Red light district
Thank you for your thoughtful prayers,
very meaningful.
God Save the Queen
The Queen is Amused
Kate’s position on the balcony
Flicking the V at mememe
The Queen resplendent, clearly happy
Louis got “the shot”
with Great Granny…
Brilliant! You are always so entertaining!
I think they used a private jet to hide the fact that the children aren't with them.
And agree!!! Louis got the shot of the day!
Cheers @ DesignDoc 😜
Two fingered V sign, reverse of
the Victory sign,
meaning Feck Off!!
Altar-ed Images
All downhill for Cain and Fable
Relegated to the kiddies table
Placed at the back
of the Royal processional
On entering and exiting
St Paul’s Cathedral…
What I really liked was that almost as many tickets were going to key workers as to the public.
If she wears that wide
side brimmed hat at St Paul’s
she can take the collection
as she’s trotting down the aisle.
The tossers collect!
Thank you for the info about the source of the bearskins. I figured it had to be relatively PC.
Thanks for the amazing video of the mama moose chasing the grizzly. Wow.
I just finished watching the entire Trooping the Colour courtesy of BBC iPlayer. There was no commentary, which was a mixed blessing—I would have liked to know what exactly I was witnessing, step by step. The music was stirring and the pageantry so impressive. Like most everyone, I loved seeing the Cambridge children riding in the carriage and watching the flyover—I wonder how much of this day they will remember? Little Louis has gone viral. What a character.
Did anyone see the BBC’s coverage of Trooping ? You couldn’t hear any background noise at all - it was like the RF were travelling through completely empty streets. Odd.
I noticed that too. And what cheering you could hear was very muted.
Catcher in the Sly
Careful all kiddies
Kid Catcher’s about
Long in the tooth
and broad in the snout
Known to lurk
by windows, church gates
It’s mainly royal children
that snatcher hates
Jealous especially of Will and Kate’s
Aunty-pathy Shocking Merde
Shush little kiddies
don’t say a word
Aunty’s gonna teach you
I won’t be deterred
When I barge in front of you
Just smile at me
and let me through…
Perhaps she was just having a bad day with her medical issues/ disappointed with the standard of the Guards' performance (cameras spot the errors that are less obvious to the naked eye & I saw quite a few `inaccuracies')/ shocked that the crowd failed to see her when she came out with the D of K to take the cavalry salute/ was finding the TBW situation extremely wearing.
TBW has scored 2 black marks so far that we can see, both window-related. How is she behaving behind the scenes?
The Ghoul brings nothing but grief and I fear for Her Majesty.
Beacon chains originated well before 1066, in the days of Danish/Viking raids and invasion - communication at the speed of light. Many hills have `beacon' as names/part of their names eg Ivinghoe Beacon, but strangely few of those yesterday were in tradition positions, I know of one on a quayside!
The Queen looked beautiful,
and happy.
Kate, superb, loved
her coat dress, hat,
and Diana’s earrings!
Louis stole the show 🥰
I also have not read the article, but the source is Scobie. Supposedly the lunch at Windsor was attended by all senior royals.
I do not believe it.
The ceremony at BP only ended at 1 pm. The lighting of the beacons was that evening, and both the Queen and William had changed clothing. The Queen looked exhausted at the latter ceremony. For what Scobie claims to be true, we would have to believe the following:
The Queen made her way back to Windsor, waited for the family to gather, sat down to lunch, had a brief rest, changed clothes, and then did the lighting of the tree and beacons ceremony.
The Cambridges all headed to Windsor after the TTC and then returned to London, with William changing clothes before heading to Windsor. Same for Charles and Camilla, but I do not know what private arrangements they had for the evening.
Besides, were not all senior royals at some event hosted by the Mayor of London after TTC? Did they ambush the Queen while she was alone when she returned to Windsor Castle and is that why she looked exhausted (LOL!)?
Supposedly the duo from Montecito arrived without any staff or security. Who is watching the children?
Bea and Eugenie, with their families, did not watch the fly past from BP but from St James Palace, so the duo must have been short of supporters at BP. Supposedly they were 15 minutes late for the ceremony at the parade grounds (that is where they were photographed at the window). They did go to BP because they were photographed standing with the Duke if Kent by an open doorway to the balcony. It must have hurt when senior royals left BP to continue with a busy schedule and they were left alone twiddling their thumbs.
'I think they used a private jet to hide the fact that the children aren't with them.'
That would explain a lot for me. If they had no entourage at all with them, who is watching the children?
They were picked up by a Range Rover and a van. Is that for security reasons? Same when they briefly visited en route to IG. Surely they did not have enough luggage and people to fill two large vehicles?
Catherine and William just arrived. Catherine wearing yellow.
Charles and Camila just arrived. Camilla wearing cream
Loved the color, fabric and look of Princess Anne. All those button. The seams - just so, tailored. Not so sure about the color of the hat. It seems not quite but it could just be a color of the lighting. My mother (who taught me to sew) always said that when you are in the store, take the color thread you are thinking of and stand next to the windows with the tail on the fabric to make your decision. The lighting in the store is often very different from the home.
They then asked were they happy to see them and they all replied “yes!” 🙄
Re: Now they are discussing a regency.
There’s a soft Regency taking place. It’s a slow handover. The Queen might be head of State, but Charles has been doing the daily Red Boxes for ages now, we are now seeing it visually with both Charles and William taking up more serious roles.
That’s nice.
There has been evil and treasonous characters in the history of the royal families through centuries.
The problem with these two is that they are so utterly, ghastly, hopelessly RIDICULOUS.
And with that they are destroying the dignity of the royal family.
Puss in Cahoots
An ill fitting coat
Big smirk on her face
Lest we forget
She blamed all on race
Give it up now
you shameless hussy
You got what you wanted
from that aimless pussy!!
Anne's outfit was in a `shot silk', waft & weft in diffent colours that catch the light differently, a sort of greeny-blue and a mauvey-pink. It's a traditional combination - I recall my mother making an evening dress in it in the 1950s.
As for the (`expletive deleteds') and the `procession of their own' it can be read both ways, not as a sign of their special wonderfulness but of their isolation, they're best kept at a distance, away from everyone else.
BBC subtitles came up with a new name for them- the word-recognition system heard the `Duke and Duchess of Six' - which I'm tempted to render as `Sicks'.
Catherine looked gorgeous. TBW was all face-lift and Pan-Stik.
She did not, however, know the best way of choosing thread so it was inconspicuous when a colour match was impossible - match the tone (US:value) not the colour. As long as it's not darker or lighter than the fabric, a colour mismatch, when it's not too great, doesn't show up. It took me years to learn that!
ok dress makes her looks boxy. collar too big. it’s like she’s trying to be duchess of cambridge with structured coat dresses and green in same color. or did she find out the color scheme and decided to dress like the senior royals
dickie arbiter is on fox. said he’s never heard boos against royals on home ground. he was shocked piers morgan was almost giddy.
You are in fine form as always. Thanks for the laughs.
If the commenters on the DM are to be believed, there are quite a few who write quite strongly that they would prefer to see the back of them. So there are swaths of people who would not agree.
And, it doesn't explain their recent low ranking compared to the others in terms of popularity. Any time there is a camera or reporter with notepad in your face, the questions asked could be sliced, diced, edited so that it appears wonderful for X but edited out was, say, the gushing enthusiasm for Louis or that this is another triumph for the Queen. People have agendas and the people within the media can as well for how they want something portrayed. Shocking, I know.
one of the fox reporters thinks them. it being included with the senior royals will embolden them to trash the family more.
i think someone is. ack at “frogmore cottage” furiously plotting revenge. my guess photoshopping queen and lilibuck$
also thinking about it. queen sends her RPO and a car. it was problems to make sure they weren’t setting up pap pics all over town. perhaps the rpo is keeping them on a short leash.
Thank you, that keeps me going,
cheers me muchly X
Did you seem my point about the stonework around that window showing it was at Horse Guards, not Buckingham Palace? The window in question, where TBW was photographed, is in the building with the arch that gives onto Whitehall, ie with the view over the parade ground, towards the park, the building on the RHS of this photo:
There, edges of the stone facing blocks are chamfered so there's a visual groove between them, casting a strong shadow.
Compare it with this:
Buckingham Palace east front - only the ground floor (Level 1. US) has this treatment. The facing on the `piano nobile' is smooth and the joints are inconspicuous, plus columns are `reeded' with vertical grooves)
I can see how someone on a high step-ladder could get on the right level, looking east from St.J's Park, to get a horizontal shot into the room. On the other hand, a photographer might have to use the ladder on a fire engine to get such a shot, although I daresay there are ways of doing it with an aerial.
BBC1 cut the broadcast pretty damn quick, few/no shots of departing guests. They may have been picked up by BBC News24 outside but I didn't switch over immediately so can't say.
Mail also happy to print without confirmed palace sources that apparantly, The Queen met Lilibucks yesterday. I'm calling total horsesh*t on that, no doubt scooped up from the Mall yesterday by Dimo Scobie and deposited in buckets to the Daily Mails HQ.
Camilla looked lovely I thought, as did Anne, Zara and Bea but I did think that Charles and Camilla, William and Kate all looked very stressed. Andrews' last minute Covid opt out is interesting.
Wise move by The Queen not to be seen publicly sharing the same airspace as the trashy element, This is her celebration as a truly remarkable woman and monarch and nothing should be allowed to detract from that. I do hope she's ok.
And then the pictures of some others don't exactly display the respect or gravity of the situation maybe.
As for the vox pop interviews, they probably selected a) youngster who have never knowingly encountered a narcissist (they gave the couple a higher rating than Oldies did) b)persons who look more likely to identify with her in other respects c) gormless-looking ones who probably don't exercise their critical faculties on the very rare occasions they engage with current affairs.
Interesting point about the strategic move of the Queen not be at the ceremony.
It wasn't just that she didn't share that airspace in the photos or on the telly (the happy family optics to the UK/world) but it also kept any attempt by them to approach her at a full stop (moving through the chairs and all). Nice catch.
Today I visited my mother and asked her whether she had watched Trooping the Color. She had, and her two thoughts were: 1) Prince Louis was absolutely adorable! 2) Why was it Catherine standing next to the Queen rather than Prince William?
I shared my guess that it was to drive * crazy. Mom really liked that.
I do think Meghan looks exceptional in her dress/coat and that this might be her best look yet. Still, these photo ops won't restore their brand. The Queen decided she wanted these 2 jokers back in the fold and I guess by emphasizing the pre-eminent importance of family, she's making a statement there. This is what true class looks like.
Kate looked even more exceptional in her lemon dress and outclasses Meghan in every step.
Ingredient List
3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (1 1/2 to 1 3/4 pounds)
Kosher salt
1 tablespoon black peppercorns
2 bay leaves
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 medium white onion, diced
1 tablespoon tomato paste
1 tablespoon curry powder
1/4 cup red wine
2 tablespoons mango chutney
Juice of 1/2 lemon (about 1 tablespoon)
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1/4 cup sour cream
1/4 cup chopped dried apricots (about the size of a raisin)
1/4 cup toasted sliced almonds
1/4 cup cilantro leaves, chopped
1)Begin by poaching the chicken. Season the chicken generously on both sides with salt, then place in a single layer in a large pot. Add the peppercorns and 1 of the bay leaves. Pour cool water over the chicken until it is covered by about 1 inch. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer. Cover and cook until the chicken reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees F on an instant-read thermometer, 8 to 10 minutes.
2)Remove the chicken from the poaching liquid and place on a plate to cool. Shred the chicken, by hand, into large pieces and set aside in a medium bowl.
3)Cool the poaching liquid completely, then refrigerate in an airtight container and reserve for another use (see Cook’s Note).
4)For the sauce, heat the olive oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Add the onion and sauté, stirring occasionally, until softened and translucent, about 5 minutes. Add the tomato paste and cook, stirring, until slightly darker in color, about 1 minute.
5)Add the curry powder and cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Pour in the red wine, 1/4 cup water, mango chutney, lemon juice and remaining bay leaf and cook until slightly reduced, about 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and allow to cool. Remove bay leaf.
6)Combine the mayonnaise and sour cream in a medium bowl using a rubber spatulate. Add the cooled curry mixture and 1/2 teaspoon salt and stir to combine.
7)To finish the salad, mix the shredded chicken with the dried apricots and sliced almonds. Pour the sauce over the chicken mixture and gently coat the chicken with the sauce using a rubber spatula. Finish the salad by gently mixing in the cilantro.
Meghan Markle, Prince Harry booed at Platinum Jubilee church service
By Francesca Bacardi -- June 3, 2022
Megxit remains polarizing.
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were greeted with both boos and cheers at the Platinum Jubilee church service Friday, with the former trying to outdo the excitement over their arrival.
The loud booing can be heard as the couple, who now live in Santa Barbara, Calif., following their dramatic exit from the royal family, exited St. Paul’s Cathedral.
During the service, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex noticeably sat on opposite sides as Prince William and Kate Middleton.
Harry, 37, and Meghan, 40, sat with Princess Eugenie, Princess Beatrice and their respective husbands, Jack Brooksbank and Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi.
The couple did not appear to interact with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
Palace insiders told Page Six Thursday that Prince Charles’ sons, who have been feuding since Harry’s marriage to Meghan, have no plans to interact while celebrating Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee festivities.
“At the moment, it does not look likely that Harry and Meghan and William and Kate will meet up separately during the Jubilee celebrations,” the source said. “There is certainly nothing in the diary at the moment.”
I saw, and realised it was H/G’s
Media playing games.
Indeed. The Queen has been magnanimous in extending an invitation to them. That is where it should stop and I hope that everyone who needs to be briefed has been briefed that on no account should Her Majesty be left vulnerable to forced or sneaked photo ops. I have no doubt that Madam would happily rugby tackle Mike Tindall if she thought she was within sniffing distance of a photo with The Queen. The woman has no scruples ,no dacorum and the significance of the Jubilee and The Queens’ achievements mean nothing to her.
Piers Morgan claims Harry and Meghan's reunion with Royals was 'frosty' and there is 'a lot of tension' behind the scenes at Platinum Jubilee
MMG, Formerly Chicago, United Kingdom, 9 minutes ago
Rolling down bulletproof window to be seen. Check. Positioning herself at window to be seen at Trooping. Check. Walking down the aisle at St Paul's Cathedral as a catwalk. Check. Forgetting she's there to celebrate the Queen's 70 years of service. Double check.
All I have are photos from the DM:
MM: "See and be seen". It is all about the pictures. An asteriod could not have knocked that smile off her face.
Harry: same old, same old: unhappy. It was that obvious to me.
Charles: very sad. He knows.
Loved looking at the audience as the Two were escorted in. People looking straight ahead as a rule - but the best one is a woman with her mout agape, eyes on the duo.
If BP issues the photo of HM with the baby known as Lili, I will believe she was here.
I do look forward to hearing what the BodyLanguage gentleman has to say on YouTube.
* They were seated in the second row, behind the Gloucesters.
* Rather than being seated in the aisle (usual practice), they had to shuffle past the Yorks, even though they entered the cathedral after them. Did they ignore the protocol they were given in terms of arrival?
* They were not seated anywhere near Charles, Camilla, Catherine and Camilla.
* There were boos, and some cheers, when they arrived, and more booing when they left.
When I first saw them arrive, I thought that she finally dressed appropriately. It was very much 'Catherine style', but the back detail was something Catherine wore once before the pandemic so maybe a bit dated. That woman has no waist. Sponge Bob figure indeed! Does the belted look give an illusion of a waist or emphasize the lack of waist? I think fashion folk would say the former and perhaps the resultant look is the best she can hope for. Full marks to her for neat hair (though why her and Catherine wore such large hats to a church service mystifies me).
Lady Louise unfortunately emulated Auntie Meghan with those weird tendrils hanging in front of her face, but her outfit was lovely.
Why was he bedecked with medals?
I've never see H.G parade ground in real life but was darned sure that they hadn't been given a minor balcony at BP.
Have just had to brush up my architectural understanding as I'm supposed to be writing an essay on the little church at Bradford on Avon, not TV watching, checking whether the walls are ashlared or not!
Catherine stood aside to make way for William next to the Queen but he chose to go to the other side of her with George. I wonder if this was not to help shy George be on the edge of the spotlight instead of the middle of it?
When the Wessexes came into the balcony, I g5it the impression that Sophie was expecting to stand by the Queen and there was a moment of annoyance that Catherine and the children already had that spot.
I get the sense that there isn't a plan of who will stand where, which results in jostling for position and a telling display of who everyone silently acknowledges as having seniority. Great entertainment!
Yep, the photo op at the window with the children was at the Horse Guards. The photo op in front of the open door with the Duke of Kent was at BP. It took me a while to get it all straight in my head! The TV coverage I watched was all about the magnificent military parade, but it did show the senior royals making their way from BP to the Horse Guards and then back again, so I should have been able to work it out. It was also at the Horse Guards that a few photos showed the same children in the photo op with TBW interacting with the Cambridge children at the window and royals forming a ring of protection around them (no sign of the duo). I can believe what Piers is reporting about the distancing at the reunion.
I got the days confused and the reception at Guildhall with the mayor of London was after the church service, not after TTC. I still find it difficult to believe that the Queen and senior royals gathered at Windsor Castle after TTC to meet the children and have lunch with the duo, as claimed by Scobie.
It’s not the celebration I was hoping for or expecting (so far), but let’s keep things in perspective.🥴They’ve had far too much media coverage which they simply aren’t worthy of, they aren’t welcome here by so many. Whether it’s a combination of click-bait and/or their PR going on overdrive I have no idea. The fact they were invited when so many already foresaw what tricks and stunts Maggot would pull.
Maybe I’ve fallen out of favour of The Queen for allowing such a facade, and I feel sorry for the family who obviously feel differently from her. 😕The Jubilee is a public spectacle as well as a private one, she could’ve just had them visit but not attend any public events. 😟😐
There’s more public events to come…as far as I’m aware they aren’t invited, perhaps they’ll be sloping off back to America post haste. 😛
WBBM here, here and the so called welcome of Maggot! 😃
Regency, as far as I am aware, has never been used when the monarch is physically impaired'
It has been used only if it's a case of mental incapacity, whether from age or disease (George III) or lack of years (monarch too young to have legal agency -eg boy kings such as Richard II & Edward VI)
Neither set of circumstances apply to HM at the moment.
Comment in the Mail that did made me giggle " She's so boxy that it looked as if someone had put a dress on a door"!
Blogger Wild Boar Battle-maid said...
I'm disgusted by the way that so many outlets are treating Meghan as welcome - she isn't. I'd like her to disappear off the face of the earth, preferably mounting her broomstick and heading off to somewhere beyond our galaxy.
Maybe Elon Musk will offer to make her Queen of Mars if she'll be the first colonist.
On the one hand, it's hilarious that Welby and possibly also the Queen are saying they are unwell in order to thwart the Dollars. After the last two years, it's the one excuse that * can't spin into a racist version of events.
On the other hand, it's also rather discouraging that they can't just say no. I don't know if it's a diplomatic thing or a more personal level of self-defense -- but I don't like the implication that the Dollars, despite their worldwide reputation for deceit, still have some power over other people's reputations.
As Mr and Mrs Depp get a reference early in this thread may I add that looking at the reporting thereof it appears everyone has forgotten that only four years ago and presumably on pretty much the same facts an English jury found in favour of News International and thus in favour of Mrs Heard. In the more recent action I thought her demeanour in the witness box calm and controlled which is more than I can say for the female Counsel who cross-examined her. America desperately needs a split profession. A lot of comments I have seen on the net seem to come from people who have little idea of the stresses and difficulties of court advocacy - but then why would they. I suspect that neither party to the action will benefit, in the long run, from this airing of dirty laundry, which is a pity as Heard is a versatile actor and Heard very attractive (imho).
I always thought that today's axe was symbolic - I saw an RHA one when the Kings Troop did their musical ride at our County Show - but that one yesterday looked the business and the farrier was easily identified by his black plume. Does the cavalry now always carry a functional one, out on the streets of London, following the park bombings of 1982?
Do you know, Magatha?
TL;DR -- They need a photo of an "Elderly Relative" with a "Child" (presumably Baby$2, as Fauxrchie already has his), and they initially schemed on having a "religious ceremony" that would force everyone to attend. But so far they've been thwarted when it comes to booking a suitable venue.
So I guess it's a combination of strategic illnesses and mysteriously booked up churches!
maybetrotter can record her thought for her podcast. actually if there is netflix footage i hope it shows her destroying the hat she was wearing and how insulted she is for being so shabbily received. again netflix should be thinking real housewives teen mom type of show.
also had a thought. if she can’t get more money out of the BRF and bring with harry isn’t giving her anything she maybe quick to start trouble in paradise rumors or leave him if she can score a settlement. she’s not going to stay long if she’s second row rachel. she will move on. ( we hope)
was it me but a sensed a little hesitation confusion on standing in places on the balcony. i would have expected William and George to be next to the queen and the kids and Catherine to then stand to the other side of william.
I had the same impression. In past years, the balcony appearance always seemed clearly "blocked" beforehand, with only * ever throwing things out of balance. And I agree that Catherine's standing next to the Queen, with Prince William and Prince George actually out of frame for the most part, was rather odd. Hence my "explanation" to my mother that maybe Catherine was given that spot just to aggravate her ugly sister-in-law.
When the Wessexes came into the balcony, I g5it the impression that Sophie was expecting to stand by the Queen and there was a moment of annoyance that Catherine and the children already had that spot.
I noticed that, too, and was a little surprised by Sophie. In the last few years, the Wessexes have shown themselves to be humble workers who don't jostle for the spotlight. Prince Edward had already gone all the way to the side; I would have thought the obvious position for her would be close to him. Perhaps the Queen said something beforehand, in private, about wanting Sophie to be next to her, but Catherine wasn't informed.
But I was also surprised that Catherine got to be closer to the Queen than Prince William. Surely the best optics for this Jubilee would have the Queen flanked by her heirs?
omg. looking at trotters hair. she’s doing a duchess of cambridge.
Exactly what I thought the first time I saw her pictures. The coat dress, the hat tilted to her right -- all just like Catherine. Creepy as hell.