I was reading some of the parts from the new book and and thinking about all the little flashing yellow lights released so far. Like the troubles of all the assistants written off as just Americans can just be direct so it is a style of behavior. Well, maybe? But humiliation towards someone is not the same as being direct. Direct can be a little abrupt without a please or thank you but it is more about getting to the heart of solving a problem. Humiliation is just mean. A polite way would be: I wonder if you tried reversing those two parts to see if that can get them to fit? A direct way would be: Reverse those two parts and they ought to fit. A humiliating way would be: I can't believe you are so stupid that you need me to tell you this. Reverse those two and it will work! It does, however, give some ammunition to the charges of bullying. Or "control the press or I am leaving you." Yeah good luck with that on...