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A Little Decorum?

This is not Game of Thrones now that Queen Elizabeth has passed.

I've been catching a lot of PBS lately.  Most of it was Lucy Worsley, LW Investigates or the three parter on the Boleyn family ("People come and go so quickly here.").  

There is an obvious point, especially in the Boleyn family and the Lost Princes, of the intrigue at court, power grabs for the throne/marriage and how people moved closer and farther to the center of highest power of that moment, your ally today but enemy tomorrow.  Something innocently said could get your head chopped off after a kangaroo court with witnesses tortured to give the prosecution the "truth".  And, the absolute power displayed traipsing about the dim corridors expecting every wish immediately filled without thought to what it meant to the recipient and their life/desires/dreams.  Pawns in the hands of family and enemies.  Treason was not just planning and doing but even thinking of benefiting from the King's death.  

Several centuries later, there is still some jockeying for positions but the main slots were known and inked (not penciled) in long before they are officially filled at the next opening.

But starting in 2011, GOT played out with fans avidly following each plot twist.  And now, I don't know, maybe with a real throne vacancy, people are expecting something out of the series to play out?  After all, for most people, they haven't really thought about Queen Elizabeth other than her name appeared in the paper/evening news once in a while, dressed up with a crown or with a horse/dog, vague ideas of succession but know that people like King Henry VIII had absolute power.

What we get now is are all these articles filling the time before her funeral.  It's nonstop!  Royal experts with a camera are found under every tree at Windsor.  We have almost a week more of this.  

Maybe there is a desperate need (or someone thinks there is a need) to tell the world any and every thing royal which is why the heavy increase (onslaught) of  any scrap of possible news, especially if it could have legs or had legs and they need something to keep a story going.  

And yet, the funeral plans laid down long ago are being followed.  Calmly.  Orderly.  With dignity.  Respect.  Understated but yet with full Pomp.  Traditional.  Comforting in such a time of grief and sorrow.

Just as Queen Elizabeth would have wanted.  


Anonymous said…
This article really lays out how desperate H$M are to get a photo with King Charles. They need to remind the public and potential investors of their proximity to the King.
Enbrethiliel said…
I agree that the "archaic" ceremonies and the full pomp are incredibly comforting. It feels that we are doing what we are supposed to do and somehow restoring order to the world.

It's too bad that the Dollars continue to think it's all about them. But as anyone who has ever been at a funeral for a patriarch or matriarch, there's at least one trashy grabber in every family.
I spotted Angela Rayner, Labour Deputy Leader, among the Accession Councillors yesterday - she was a signatory of that notorious letter to * from those female MPs. She's a Privy Councillor, hence her appearance at that event. I wonder whether she regrets putting her mark onton that letter yet? Pure dog-whistle stuff.

Ian Blackford, a heavy-weight SNP MP trod heavily on her foot. Oh dear.
Wow! Has Yahoo really changed its tune? Fired Scooby? Realised which side its bread is buttered?

I'm sick of all the toadying slime they've been churning but have stuck with them because it's what I was taught to use and know my way around it.

Thank you, GABikerGirl.
OCGal said…
Since apparently Meghan is staying on in UK to attend the funeral, and will of course have to be provided with proper funereal wear, I hope against hope that Angela Kelly or other staffers outfit her in outrageously ugly garb to highlight how ugly she is inside.

Icing on the cake would be if they gave her a hat just as hideous as the hats Beatrice and Eugenie wore to William and Katherine’s wedding. Those were gobsmackingly awful.


I know some Nutties will disapprove of my fervent hope that Meghan will be made to look like something the cat dragged in, which would certainly be cause for worldwide commentary, but her presence in the UK through this whole mourning time has already made so much of everything to focus on her rather than allow the focus where it rightfully should be. And she must be relishing all the column inches she gets. As others have noted, she doesn’t care if the column inches are good, or bad, as long as she is the focus she is happy as a clam at high tide. No matter how the world laughs or snarks at her or sees through her, she delusionally crowns herself a winner.
With regard to decorum, unity etc.,over the last few days, I think the royal family have done a sublime job. 🤗

I haven’t seen any plans nor know who’s attending The Queen’s State Funeral, but I do expect senior royal family members to walk behind the Queen’s gun carriage. Neither William or Charles were married at the time of The Queen Mother’s death, so I don’t know whether their spouses will be walking along side them, or whether they’ll travel in a car and be part of Queen’s cortège that way.

I suspect Mole will be walking with the family, but as I am unsure whether The Queen Consort and The Princess of Wales will be, I can’t be sure about Maggot. As she wasn’t invited nor welcome at Balmoral I’d prefer to think she’s not been invited, but I think that’s wishful thinking on my part! If the odious one is going, I hope she has the most minor role possible! 😖We’ll find out sooner rather than later. 😟😔

I feel so sad for King Charles, he’s 73, he’s just lost his Mother and he’s having to travel up and down the country. He must be both emotionally and physically exhausted! 😟😞
Hikari said…
I spotted Angela Rayner, Labour Deputy Leader, among the Accession Councillors yesterday - she was a signatory of that notorious letter to * from those female MPs. She's a Privy Councillor, hence her appearance at that event. I wonder whether she regrets putting her mark onton that letter yet? Pure dog-whistle stuff.

Ian Blackford, a heavy-weight SNP MP trod heavily on her foot. Oh dear.

I still need to watch the Accession meeting, and I wouldn't know any of the players apart from the new PM. Do we think MP Blackford 'accidentally' trod on the foot of a TBW supporter? Oopsie. Or maybe 'not' an accident, though easily deniable as one? Slapping a silly woman senseless would be hard to dismiss as an accident.

My knowledge of Parliamentary proceedings generally comes from TV and films like The Crown and The Darkest Hour, but the vociferous participation of the MPs with jeers and boos to the opposition (if accurate) takes me by surprise . . in the land that practically invented the concepts of sportsmanship and gentlemanly deportment, the enthusiastic vocal feedback came as a shock. To my knowledge, the U.S. Congress levies sanctions against members who display aggressive derogatory noises toward opponents and wave things around. Members have to confine their jibes to the podium in the guise of speechmaking.
Hikari said…
I spotted Angela Rayner, Labour Deputy Leader, among the Accession Councillors yesterday - she was a signatory of that notorious letter to * from those female MPs. She's a Privy Councillor, hence her appearance at that event. I wonder whether she regrets putting her mark onton that letter yet? Pure dog-whistle stuff.

Ian Blackford, a heavy-weight SNP MP trod heavily on her foot. Oh dear.

I still need to watch the Accession meeting, and I wouldn't know any of the players apart from the new PM. Do we think MP Blackford 'accidentally' trod on the foot of a TBW supporter? Oopsie. Or maybe 'not' an accident, though easily deniable as one? Slapping a silly woman senseless would be hard to dismiss as an accident.

My knowledge of Parliamentary proceedings generally comes from TV and films like The Crown and The Darkest Hour, but the vociferous participation of the MPs with jeers and boos to the opposition (if accurate) takes me by surprise . . in the land that practically invented the concepts of sportsmanship and gentlemanly deportment, the enthusiastic vocal feedback came as a shock. To my knowledge, the U.S. Congress levies sanctions against members who display aggressive derogatory noises toward opponents and wave things around. Members have to confine their jibes to the podium in the guise of speechmaking.
Humor Me said…
Thank you for the posting of the "rule" regarding uniforms / military. It helped.
Talk about GOT and the fill in the print/ social media regarding 6/5 - are they in or out, reconciliation yada, yada.
I have been slowly slogging my way through the Bower tome. The action filmed at the walkabout verified everything I have read to date in his book.

I still believe that KCIII is waiting on Harry's book and then will act.
* is a loose cannon - the only way to stifle her will be for 6/5 to leave her and disavow her actions. That simple act would nulify all her past/ present and future posting.
Este said…
the entirety of the inside is Oprah's echo chamber. Every page is full of Oprah's New Age Divine Goddess musings on how she things women should be living their lives--What to read, what to wear, what to think (Woke, of course.) "Oprah's Favorite Things", a listing of luxury goods far beyond the means of the average woman is in every issue. Kickbacks for plugging $200 casmere pajamas and $130 face creams. A lot of Oprah's core TV audience where struggling single moms on welfare benefits.

Hypocrite doesn't even begin to cover it. O's monstrous ego is as big as Lake Michigan. She is however the premium grade of Narcissist--HG Tudor could only acknowledge her as being in the Ultra class.

100 agree there.
Two good old drinking songs on the theme of the Loyal Toast:

`Here's health to the King and a lasting peace'

`the dead men' may mean the empty bottles under the table!

And `Here's a health unto His Majesty'

I love the line `Confusion to his enemies' - during the war, my father was in the section of the RAF dedicated to frustrating the German radio navigation system for their bombers - Their motto was `Confusion to Our Enemies'.

`Perdition to Faithless Princes!'- thank you, Conan Doyle.

God Save the King!
Mel said…
Bringing over from the last post:

At first I was bummed that the Harkles happened to be in Britain when the Queen died.

But now I think it was the Universe having one last laugh.
This could not have been a worse scenario for the Harkles.

If they had been in California they could have been shooting their mouths off and doing whatever they wanted over there.

But since they're in Britain, they are on a very short leash and being watched every second.
Girl with a Hat said…
the Express reports that Archibucks and Lilibucks not coming to the UK
Girl with a Hat said…
if what Lady C says about the Queen being treated so horribly by the deep 6's, forget it, it's over for them. Book or no book. They have caused enough pain and suffering to two dying grandparents. It's not going to happen again.
Ian's Girl said…
@gloriosasuperba, thank you so much for the explanation, it did help, and makes me feel better about the situation. I fully realize that Harry has behaved horribly with regards to his military patronages, etc, but I do feel strongly about honoring combat veterans.

I take it then that Prince Edward is considered a current member of the branch of the military whose uniform he wears? I didn't mean to slam him in anyway in my earlier comment, I am a big fan of him and Sophie both.

Many thanks for the poster of the Babylon Bee article about the Corgyn replacing H&M, it was hysterically funny!

Sandie said…
Tweeted by Emily Nash but it sounds as if it comes from the duo:

NEW: “Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex will wear a morning suit throughout events honouring his grandmother. His decade of military service is not determined by the uniform he wears and we respectfully ask that focus remain on the life and legacy of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Sandie said…
From the DM, this is interesting:

* The King will be joined by Camilla as he receives his mother's coffin at Buckingham Palace
* The Prince and Princess of Wales and Andrew's daughter Beatrice will also be at the Palace
The Queen’s coffin is about to leave Edinburgh and be flown to RAF Northolt. The Princess Royal has not left her Mother’s side, and has accompanied her on each of her journey’s over the last few days. 😔
DesignDoctor said…
Charles’ schedule has been grueling especially for someone of his age grieving the loss of his mother. I have to believe that the reaction of the public to him as King had to be very gratifying and gives him strength. Multiple Nutties have commented their happiness at his positive reception by the public. I agree.
I wonder if he ever thought he might not get his chance to be King?
Enbrethiliel said…

I agree that the Dollars have lost all control. The sweetest part is that * can't complain about it without revealing her true colors! They're including her in everything the rest of her age group gets to take part in, so she can't say she was left out for being American or mixed race. That none of it will be useable footage is something a little more elevated than a first world problem. Cry harder, *!
Parliamentary procedure - that's why the Government and Opposition benches are 2 swords' lengths apart!

Michael Heseltine was once reprimanded for waving the mace around. There are strict rules about the kind of language that is/is not to be used and lying to the House is a big No-no.

I could see just how relevant the procedure in the Accession Council still is, even if it is in `old-fashioned' language to emphasis the gravitas of the occasion. Presumably a monarch breaking those undertakings would be in deep trouble from Parliament.

It's s contract between Monarch and People.


I've just watched the departure from Edinburgh - I welled up yet again as the coffin was brought out of the Cathedral to the pipers playing `The Flowers of the Forest' if I'm not mistaken.

Scotland has done her proud and given her the highest honours.
Sandie said…

Oprah and Gayle defending the Harkles. Also, remember Gayle saying that the duo had receipts?

Those who think that Oprah is not trying to attack the royal family and was not delighted that the interview would get the royal family attacked on false ground are deluded.

Oprah is an entitled billionaire who has a huge grudge against the royal family. (She is also a narcissist.) She is also still supporting the duo, no matter what she says. Of the 20 or more people producing the podcasts for TBW, a few are current employees of Oprah.
Scotland has done Queen Elizabeth proud; they accoeded her the highest honours.
Ian's Girl said…
It was ridiculous to even think about flying the (possibly non-existent) young children to England. Whoever is watching them is probably their primary caregiver anyway, so it would be far more disruptive to the little ones to haul them back and forth across time zones and plop them down in unfamiliar surroundings while their alleged parents are flitting all over England. It's not like they were going to be allowed to take them to the funeral. You never see young children at these large services. Is that British thing, or something specific to these royal events, to assure there aren't any crying babies or unruly toddlers to distract from the event?
Hikari said…
Oprah and Gayle defending the Harkles. Also, remember Gayle saying that the duo had receipts?

If * has receipts, we can bet they are forgeries.
Mel said…
I wonder if he ever thought he might not get his chance to be King?

You do wonder.
I read some place that he was expecting not to ever be a popular king, and that he is drawing great comfort from the warm reception he is getting. Which pleases me immensely.
About 6m tried to log on to Flight Radar

The website `suffered disruption'. The plane is now close to Stoke on TRent - such a big aircraft it'll be easy to see it.
Sandie said…
The saga about the uniforms:

Can someone explain the controversy to me? Andrew and Harry both actually fought in a war. Both retired from military service. I think Harry got a medal that everyone got who served in Afghanistan, but the other medals he wears are nothing to do with military service? Andrew has lots of medals and at least one must be related to serving in the Falklands.

When the two used to wear uniforms for public events, were those uniforms a symbol of their actual service in The Falklands or Afghanistan or were they representative of the honarary positions they were given by the Queen? If the latter, then of course they cannot wear those uniforms because they have been stripped of their positions.
Hikari said…
My thoughts on Orchah, from the end of the last thread . . .

Just one more plug for the twitter url above. There's a priceless video embedded in the tweet that lays bare Oprah's rank hypocrisy. It's worth your time and is going viral.

I used to be a sometime watcher of Oprah's daytime talk show in the '80s and '90s. She was very skilled at portraying an empathetic compassionate listener. Real women all over the country could identify with her weight struggles. She *seemed* (keyword: SEEMED) to be a genuinely caring person who, having come from the humblest of circumstances, was using her resources to do genuine good.

Oprah curdled for me in the year 2000, which is the year she started her eponymous magazine, O. I have no idea if that's still operational, but in 20+ years, over 12 monthly issues, Oprah has made herself the cover girl. Conservatively, that's over 250 covers. So, yeah . .Oprah bought herself a magazine expressly to live out her fantasy of being a model. A handful of times, she permitted someone else to share the cover with her but she's never not been front and center on it--Despite having the platform and the influence to, I don't know--feature other inspirational women of color . . .Maybe?

That wasn't the worst of it. The entirety of the inside is Oprah's echo chamber. Every page is full of Oprah's New Age Divine Goddess musings on how she things women should be living their lives--What to read, what to wear, what to think (Woke, of course.) "Oprah's Favorite Things", a listing of luxury goods far beyond the means of the average woman is in every issue. Kickbacks for plugging $200 casmere pajamas and $130 face creams. A lot of Oprah's core TV audience where struggling single moms on welfare benefits.

Hypocrite doesn't even begin to cover it. O's monstrous ego is as big as Lake Michigan. She is however the premium grade of Narcissist--HG Tudor could only acknowledge her as being in the Ultra class. She's savvy and skilled at honing her presentation. Until she presided over the Harkle interview, maybe she still had legions of people fooled about her true nature. Not me. She's a giant Shelob spinning a giant web. I think she really does think of herself as a woke deity, for all that she pays lip service to growing up in the church singing Gospel. She's a fraud. Smeg and Ellen DeGeneres are amateurs compared to O especially Harry's wife. They let their masks slip; O does not. Until, maybe . .now and her ridiculous denials that she hadn't a clue what was coming in her own interview. O did not get where she is by leaving anything to chance. And by pretending that she didn't know what the Ducka$$ was going to say, she has given Harry's Wife the power in that encounter . .? Harry's Wife is so whip-smart that she completely ran roughshod over the Queen of All Media? Hardly. Harry's Wife is an exceptionally stupid and mentally disorganized woman.

Has the mighty Oprah Markled herself? She's 70 years old and it was a good run but she might've. She also can no longer abuse a devout elderly lady in cahoots with Harry's wife. Gonna be a lot of changes coming down the pike in the next few months.

Narcs are essentially cowards. I'd have respected O more if she'd held the line on her participation in that interview and not lied so blatantly about it. But when Narcs are caught out in unflattering truths, they lie. That is always their first impulse. Deny, deny, deny .. then blame the victim whilst playing the victim.
Este said…
Just listened to another excellent youtube video by Lady C. Not a lot of tea spilled but excellent commentary, per usual. This is what she did share:

1. She didn't say this but I think she's saying that Meghan will be at the funeral, which really does make sense. The royal family is "the family" and it's all about the optics of family coming together, even tho at this stage, it is sadly a farce.

2. Lady C says the walkabout was needed to calm temperatures and help the family get through this difficult few days. William is honoring the Queen by being magnanimous here and, like River, Lady C reminds people that the British are not heathens who will boo Harry & Meghan but be respectful out of respect for the Queen.

3. Lady C did not confirm the rumor that Meghan & Harry planned a competing walkabout and invited the US press. But, she did say that the US press was told that they would be doing a walkabout. They contacted the British press, who contacted the BRF. I think that sequence of events speaks for itself tho, non?

3. She did not confirm the flowers were the stunt she tried to pull but I think that's only because it was picked up by the press, who ran with it, thanks to the supporting video.

3. Lady C alleged at the beginning of this video that Meghan is trying to use push "a couple of narratives" that the BRF is very aware of and cutting her off at the pass. This has gotta be more of the same victim/racist narrative and probably another reason for the walkabout and why she will be at the funeral.

4. Lady C says that she has spoken with people who have known Meghan all her life and when she enters situations where she is unsure, she will fake a vulnerability she doesn't possess to try to manipulate the situation toward her self-interests. This is what she seems to suggest is the tactic Meghan was using at the walkabout. She did acknowledge that Meghan was cowed by her nemesis who defeats her just by being her natural self. And I agree with that assessment. Kate doesn't need to do anything to "get" Meghan than simply to be herself.

5. Lady C wastes too much time at the end putting the black academic of the worst woke twitter vitriol. I'm not giving that any energy.
Hikari said…

When the two used to wear uniforms for public events, were those uniforms a symbol of their actual service in The Falklands or Afghanistan or were they representative of the honorary positions they were given by the Queen? If the latter, then of course they cannot wear those uniforms because they have been stripped of their positions.

The sovereign is the head of the Armed Forces, and I think in the case of A and H, she revoked their privilege of wearing uniform at official events as a reflection of their punishment for bringing shame upon the Crown by their behavior. The titles like Captain General Royal Marines (H) or Andrew's various military appointments were likewise revoked. Someone presented the information that veterans who served for 20 years and attained the rank of Major or higher would ordinarily be entitled to wear uniform. If H and A were regular citizens who had been invited to this funeral, Andrew could have worn uniform as he met both conditions. Hazmat did not. He was, as someone so cogently put it, well-guarded in a bunker playing X-Box during his two truncated tours of Afghanistan. He perhaps squeaked out 10 years in uniform, but he never got beyond the rank of Captain. He refused to take the exam but let's be real and say that he only refused because he knew he couldn't pass. He also failed his officer evaluations under a new CO who was not disposed as his predecessor to give the Royal Twat a pass for non-performance and insubordination. Under the guidelines, as a civilian he would NOT have been eligible to wear uniform, and the fact that he had been allowed prior to 2020 was due to his honorary appointments by the Queen and also just for being her grandkid, which is the same qualification that got him into Sandhurst & Eton over actually deserving candidates.

(I'm not bitter)

Harry and Andrew's privileges were removed by HM due to their being sent to the naughty corner by Mummy. Much like taking a teenager's phone away for infractions as the one thing that would really hurt, since the uniforms and military appointments meant so much to them.
gloriosasuperba said…
@Sandie. Please go back to previous post and see my reply. Also PH did not retire, he resigned. PA retired as a Vice-Admiral in Royal Navy. The uniforms that are worn to ceremonial events are their honorary uniforms. KC is now Head of the Armed Forces, so entitled to wear Field Marshall uniform, highest rank.
abbyh said…
Got the message, thanks. Not a duplicate.

I think other normal news is just crowding out that positive stuff. Especially as now things are more on the move relentlessly towards the funeral. As we get closer and closer to that, I think there will more and more articles about the technical aspect of the funeral and fewer of the more fluffy, positive articles just because there will more substantial stuff to write about rather than trying to discern the motive of raising a hand a particular way at this moment during the walk or how they are raising the kids to be normal by making them polish their own shoes kind of fluff. I made that stuff up but it is about the level of some of it.

One of the comments about the walkabout I read was by someone who stated they were a PR person and they would have advised their client to gather the flowers and make a point of laying them down.

Sandie said…
Princess Anne releases moving tribute to her mother as they land at RAF Northolt
The Princess Royal, who accompanied the Queen's coffin on the journey from
Scotland to London, has issued a statement paying tribute to her late mother.

It says: 'I was fortunate to share the last 24 hours of my dearest Mother's life. It has been an honour and a privilege to accompany her on her final journeys. Witnessing the love and respect shown by so many on these journeys has been both humbling and uplifting.

'We will all share unique memories. I offer my thanks to each and every one who share our sense of loss.

'We may have been reminded how much of her presence and contribution to our national identity we took for granted. I am also so grateful for the support and understanding offered to my dear brother Charles as he accepts the added responsibilities of The Monarch.

'To my mother, The Queen, thank you.'

True or rumour…probably more true, Mole didn’t actually do very much whilst in Service (he was nanny sat and was protected), but Andrew actually did serve his country. Yet, Andrew has been denied the honour of wearing his military uniform. I’m saddened for him and I share the exact same sentiments about him as many other Nutties. 😔
Anonymous said…
Speaking of M the victim....
HG Tudor is on fire with his most recent videos!!! 🫣😘

Harrys Wife Part 101.1 The Nemesis is Princess of Wales(Meghan Markle)

Part 1 and they continue on….
xxxxx said…
Here is a useful account of Prince Andrew's service in the Falkland's war vs what Prince Hapless did in Afghanistan while in the military.
Este said…
This is another funny send up of Oprah's latest lie.
Rebecca said…

You sources may have been right:

Meghan Markle sparks theories she wore a microphone to Queen's memorial
Sandie said…

The duo are at Buckingham Palace awaiting the arrival of the Queen's coffin, alongside family.
Sandie said…
And they are being given a prominent role:

"When she arrives at the palace, a further guard of honour will be formed by the King's Guard as the coffin arrives at the Grand Entrance. There, she will be received by the King and Queen, the Prince and Princess of Wales and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex - who have reportedly called a truce in their feud - among other members of the Royal Family."
Rebecca said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Karla said…
Thank you everyone who replied to me. I always read and keep the answers given to me with kindness.
Mandei Neko❤️

Whether or not she is supporting H&M, time will tell. I believe her position will take her where the winds of financial interests
MM and the flowers

Yes, I also read that MM wanted to take the flowers herself to deposit in front of the CoW. Perhaps, wishing to get a solo photo (Uvalde) in front of a sea of ​​flowers to travel the world.
Twitter Victoria Arbiter
In England, Scotland and now Northern Ireland, King Charles has been greeted by huge crowds expressing warmth and support. He will likely see similar scenes in Wales. Twitter does not even come close to representing what is actually happening on the ground.
My thoughts
The incredible acceptance of XIII and Queen Consort Camilla is surprising much of the media and twitter.
Recent yougov polls still point to a (UK) preference for PoW, but even so, the people embraced and welcomed the new monarch.
Perhaps, the support of the queen, the popularity of PPoW, helped Charles down this path.
It is not the members of the Monarchy that are loved, it is the Monarchy that allows its members to be loved.
Given this, it seems that (a good) part of the media (H&M) is not reading the popular will or is more focused on convincing the people that their will is real (another case of subjective truths)
The State Hearse that is being used at Her Majesty The Queen’s funeral is new. It has been designed by The Royal Household and Jaguar Land Rover. Her Majesty was consulted on the plans.

As told here; I too hope that KCIII's marriage with the UK will last, be happy, and that when him time to rest forever, he will make him happy and complete!
God bless the King!
Eternal Love: Queen Elizabeth II
Observant One said…

I erased a comment I was attempting to create about Oprah that was very similar to yours. I was having difficulty coming up with how to say it. Yours is excellent. I will attempt to add my thoughts in a coherent fashion.

Oprah became a billionaire after spending years creating a facade of being wholesome, spiritual and tolerant. Her close friendships, with the cast of wicked Hollywood characters we used to read about on CDAN, paint a different picture. We should also understand that this group has a global political and social agenda and they are not fans of the love, unity and loyalty that is being shown in the UK and witnessed in millions of homes across the globe right now.

It’s apparent that the goal of the 2021 interview was an attempt to wound, if not destroy, the monarchy. Oprah and the Dumbartons knew the Duke of Edinburgh was in his final days, but they cruelly agreed to go forward with the show. O was completely unprofessional during that interview, with her phony shocked reactions. She deliberately refused to question any of the obvious lies, even though there were days of editing time built into their schedule. Now, barely 48 hours after the Queen’s death, she gives an interview to say she hopes that H&M can make peace with their family when “burying their dead.” She had to immediately “walk that back,” like her buddy Barack used to say. She knew exactly what she was doing using an unfamiliar and crude expression to gain attention. She is desperate for this couple to succeed. Why? Because she is investing her legacy, time and talent to ensure they do.
Girl with a Hat said…

apparently the rumours are true. Sunshine Sachs have dumped * because her reputation is irredeemable.
Girl with a Hat said…

also heard she couldn't pay bills on time.

Rebecca said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rebecca said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Cat's Meow said…
Just clicked on the head story on the DM. The smaller bullet points which summarize the story refer to HMTQ being received at BP by all Royals, including "KCIII, the Duke of Sussex, and the Prince of Wales."

While I do not blame the DM for monetizing the disgust at TBW, they really should know better and list the PoW prior to the DoS. I mean -- they know the hierarchy, after all!!!
Rebecca said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Here's a rally beautiful little film of what happened when a Cambridge Univ.Music specialist paused at the public organ at London Bridge Underground Station to play some pieces in tribute to Queen Elizabeth:

prepare to be surprised and if you have any tears left, prepare to she them now.
Here's another link to the piece that GABikerGirl posted (I couldn't get the other one to worK):

I spoke too soon - the people who snubbed TBW are deemed to be racists...

Thanks Biker Girl - a timely reminder not to think TBW will roll over and submit any time soon. The author is presumably AfroAmerican.
Portcitygirl said…
O is invested bc she made BO president and what greater achievement than to best the Monarchy by making * president. That is what she is after. We shall see who has more power. My bet is on O, not KC3.
Humor Me said…
Honestly - I cannot get upset at the 6/5s being at the Palace to receive the body of the late Queen when all the media has stated the entire family - children and grandchildren are there together.
My problem, is the stirring of the pot by said media by constantly referecinc the 6/5s as if it is special that they are in attendance.

As to the photo of the outline of a box at *'s hip below the waistline of her black dress at the walkabout....oh surely she cannot be that stupid as to mic up! If she did that and was caught, h*ll hath no fury. She would be out, and nothing that H could say or do would save her. H would be in his rights to yell betrayal - at Granny's funeral! a(oh the mind could run amok with that scenario,lol).
micmac said…
micmac said…
Fifi LaRue said…
@GWAH: I hope it's true that Sunshine Sachs dumped *. I think it's most likely she's getting behind on paying her bills. IIMO SS doesn't care about their clients' reputations, integrity, or whatever. They care about the bottom line, which is $$$. There have been so many ridiculous plants about * in social media that tells us SS would put forth anything, anything * asked them to get in print, as long as * was paying her monthly statement.

I don't think Oprah is backing the Suck-Its. She was asked for an opinion, and gave it. The Suck-Its don't have anything else to deliver. Oprah got her interview. Oprah did not get the Suck-Its invites to 60 X 44, nor did she get them invited to the Adele concert. The Suck-Its are leaches, and want, want, want. Oprah gave them what she had to give. She's washed her hands of them.
Remember, Oprah is the apex predator. If there was something there, she'd be all in.
Lady C states the reason why the despicable pair are being included is because the royal family want unity, decorum and decency. They don’t want drama particularly during the funeral. It also gives the duo rather less of an alternative narrative for them to spin. 🫤I for one absolutely understand this.

I believe once the funeral is over…things might be rather different, will the gloves come off? Surely the Duo know there’s no way back for them now? 🤨

HG Tudor explains Maggot’s behaviour and goes into great depth about her narcissistic behaviour. 🤨 🤥
Karla said…
The Royal Family websit -
P&P of Wales are fully up to date. Titles & reference to The King.
Harry & P. Edward‘s are out of date. They still say they support The Queen.
PE likely "waiting" for DoE announcement.

Walking behind the Queen's coffin tomorrow afternoon:

The King
The Duke of York
The Princess Royal
The Earl of Wessex
The Prince of Wales
The Duke of Sussex
Peter Phillips
Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence
The Duke of Gloucester
The Earl of Snowdon
The Queen Consort, the Princess of Wales, the Countess of Wessex and the Duchess of Sussex will travel to Westminster Hall by car.

The 20-minute service will be led by the Archbishop of Canterbury accompanied by the Dean of Westminster.

The lying-in-state begins at 5pm
DesignDoctor said…
What’s up with Morticia and 5 following KC down the stairs at Buckingham Palace. Pic in the Daily Mail.
Why aren’t William and Catherine following him?
Henrietta said…
Rebecca said...

You sources may have been right:

Meghan Markle sparks theories she wore a microphone to Queen's memorial

I think it's more likely thatMM is carrying her stash of illegal substances on her person.

Better than having the servants find it and "betraying" her to the King (as she used to accuse her staff members of doing).

Henrietta said…
Blogger Girl with a Hat said...

apparently the rumours are true. Sunshine Sachs have dumped * because her reputation is irredeemable.

Blogger Girl with a Hat said...

also heard she couldn't pay bills on time.

While the former is a delicious thought, I think the latter is a lot more likely to be true.

Karla said…
Because they wanted to take a picture with Charles or talk to him, because as soon as the coffin arrived, KCIII and the Queen Consort left.
And maybe the others left with KCIII
MM looks desperate. OMG! Did KCIII make H&M sign NDAs for the Queen's funeral? something tells me yes
DeerAngels said…
@DesignDoctor I saw that and first thought well, they got their money shot. I hope that's the last one.
Petunia said…
I often hate the ubiquity of cell phone cameras. But if not for them we would have missed that lovely moment in the Tube station. Who knew there was an organ there?
As for that ridiculous Yahoo article...the author is taking a pasting in the comments. Only fools take TBW's racism claims seriously.
SwampWoman said…
Rebecca said...
The timing of the release of this book is unfortunate but there you go:

'The Palace protected Prince Andrew!' New York prosecutor Geoffrey Berman reveals he got 'absolutely nowhere' with his efforts to bring the disgraced royal to justice over his links to pedophile financier Jeffrey Epstein

What was EXTREMELY interesting is that NY prosecutor Geoffrey Berman did not attempt to bring to 'justice' the Clintons, lots of other Democrat politicians that flew Lolita Airways, and none of the corporate heads/big Democrat donors. Nope, no bribery or conflict of interest going on there!

Has anybody ever investigated the 'guards' that were on duty when Epstein died? How about prison administration to find out how this happened?

Prince Andrew, since he committed no crimes either in the US or in England, needs to stay well away from this pile of merde. Andrew is a target and, through him, the entire royal family.
Girl with a Hat said…
Neil Sean says that * will leave the UK before the funeral.

Personally, I don't believe it, but he says that reliable sources have informed him of it.
Rebecca said…
What’s up with Morticia and 5 following KC down the stairs at Buckingham Palace. Pic in the Daily Mail.
Why aren’t William and Catherine following him?

So very predictable. You can bet that image will circulate widely and maybe be included in Hazbeen’s book. Unbelieveable.
Rebecca said…

I posted the link to the article because I thought the timing of the book’s publication was not ideal given the Queen’s death. I deleted the article almost immediately because i decided it didn’t belong on the blog. I did not post it because I am a fan of the prosecutor. I know the leadership of the US Justice Department, FBI, CIA, IRS are corrupt and prioritize the unwarranted persecution of Republicans/conservative Americans.
DesignDoctor said…
@ Cat’s Slave
I thought the same! Although not a very clear image. At least K.C had his head down.
Girl with a Hat said…

apparently, * wants to re-record her podcasts because she has disrespected the Queen and the BRF
I am sorry to say that I must be a mean-spirited and very ungenerous person. I just cannot believe that PH and The Thing are being treated as loyal Royals after all they have done and said about our Queen and Prince Philip. Having to look at their cruel faces while saying goodbye from overseas will be horribly difficult to overcome. They obviously don't love her or they would never have said the evil things that they did, or threaten her with books telling "the truth" as she mourned for her husband. Hate is a damaging emotion but I just can't get over it. Long Live the King and God bless our Queen in Heaven.
Birdie said…
What’s up with Morticia…

Exactly what I thought! How inappropriate — sexy dress and glossy lips for a memorial?!

Humor Me said…
Regarding morticia and gomez- it’s a photoshop according to comments on Twitter.
SwampWoman said…
Rebecca said: Rebecca said...

I posted the link to the article because I thought the timing of the book’s publication was not ideal given the Queen’s death. I deleted the article almost immediately because i decided it didn’t belong on the blog. I did not post it because I am a fan of the prosecutor. I know the leadership of the US Justice Department, FBI, CIA, IRS are corrupt and prioritize the unwarranted persecution of Republicans/conservative Americans.

Oh, no, sorry, I didn't mean to say that you approved of him! I was afraid that there are people in the UK that might think that he is legit.

Andrew staying in the UK was a wise thing, and I DO think that *somebody* or *somebodies* really are trying to smear the Royal Family through Andrew. It sounds as though Scobie or * wrote the press release.
Este said…
We should also understand that this group has a global political and social agenda and they are not fans of the love, unity and loyalty that is being shown in the UK and witnessed in millions of homes across the globe right now.
Observant One, I could not agree more with this point you are making. This is also why the attacks will not cease. The agenda you allude to here is not benign and the British Royal Family is an important symbol of the family and tradition that must be debased if not crushed.

It’s apparent that the goal of the 2021 interview was an attempt to wound, if not destroy, the monarchy. Oprah and the Dumbartons knew the Duke of Edinburgh was in his final days, but they cruelly agreed to go forward with the show.
Well observed here.

Now, barely 48 hours after the Queen’s death, she gives an interview to say she hopes that H&M can make peace with their family when “burying their dead.” She had to immediately “walk that back,” like her buddy Barack used to say. She knew exactly what she was doing using an unfamiliar and crude expression to gain attention.
Yes, it's exceedingly inappropriate and it was a cheap and vulgar shot meant to appease the woke crowd. We see Oprah's game here and we know what she did then and now. Her fingerprints are all over that crime. But the other Megan, McCain, is right: the tide is turning. If Oprah had any decency, she would have kept her mouth shut for shame but shamelessness is something she evidently shares with her good friend, Meghan Markle. Birds of a feather.

She is desperate for this couple to succeed. Why? Because she is investing her legacy, time and talent to ensure they do.
Meghan's too vapid to be a serious contender for anything but QVC and the Real Royal House Wives of Montecito.

Do check out Megan McCain excellent DM article on the professional troublemakers. She lays out the case why Charles and William will have to take action over Meghan and Harry's attacks on them cuz this won't stop until they drag the British Royal Family into the gutter completely. It's time to hold Oprah, Omid, Meghan, Harry and every player here accountable for their part in lying to us. It's gone too far and we need to stand up to the unchallenged woke agenda that absolutely permeates the media. Let's put these Mofos on the ropes of accountability for their words.
Martha said…
I continue to be disgusted, and it’s escalating. @swampwoman…agree with your post entirely: so many good old Americans could have been picked up. The list is long.
The duo should have no platform. None. They should be in the background, in the corner, like bad kids. Which they are. Only they’re very very dangerous.
*shouldn’t factor one iota. But that she can bring down Catherine (in her roles) to appease *, is stunningly mind boggling. When will they learn that appeasement does not work? Especially with these two.
Can’t take much more,
Martha said…
I do not understand why the RF doesn’t take a stand vs. The Harkles. To whom are they pandering?
The Harkles?
The public?
If it’s the former, that’s sheer insanity, and a bottomless pit.
But the public? What about the public who shares our views? What about those who despise the monarchy? In the scheme of things, it many care about the duo, and those who pay them heed probably share our views. Those who don’t know, or care, won’t amount to many.
And, again, they are such a distraction at such a momentous time. Truly disgusting. Of course the ,dis loves it! But why, oh why, does the RF play into their hands, both the media and the pair.
I actually find it interesting that the media eg the DM have started to report rumours about Maggot. Before now, such stories wouldn’t have seen the light of day…but today we have the ‘was Maggot wearing a recording device to The Queen’s memorial’ article.

Are the gloves starting to come off, and we will start to see some of the stories/rumours about Maggot…the ones before she and after she was married reported in the general media? 🥴

Meghan Markle sparks a wild theory she wore a microphone to the Queen's memorial - before it is shut down by a source close to the Netflix star…
(Oprah) gives an interview to say she hopes that H&M can make peace with their family when “burying their dead.”

To me, this sounds like a reference to this;`

And a certain scribe came and said to him: Master, I will follow thee whithersoever thou shalt go. And Jesus saith to him: The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air nests: but the son of man hath not where to lay his head. And another of his disciples said to him: Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father. But Jesus said to him: Follow me, and let the dead bury their dead (Matt. 8: 19-22).

How dare she! How bloody dare she!
snarkyatherbest said…
Bea having a more prominent role. but not eugenie. too much siding with the harkles? have to say Bea has done a good job with representing the queen and if the stories are correct she and the PRINCESS OF WALES (yes wifey that’s for you if you are reading here) visited eight the queen with their children when the queen was in windsor. perhaps it’s making shire york branch is represented by andrew only limited. i’m ok with that. and with andrew being around. it was his mother.

interesting H who is in windsor allegedly isn’t there to meet the coffin. slap slap once again

did i read another post correctly? scobie fired from yahoo? the mrs needs to be worried. their mouth piece maybe shut down. and wow richard eden is really going after him if late
This comment has been removed by the author.
🛑Typo correction!

The despicable pair aren’t being treated as loyal and trustworthy family members, even I don’t think the royal family are that stupid nor naive. 🫤 What do you suppose the royal family do? Shut them out of the funeral and give the pair even more narrative to lie about and spin? Give them a cause to potentially create even more drama over the coming days with the run up to the funeral? 🫣😞By involving the Duo they have a better chance of controlling the situation. Let the royal family get the Queen’s funeral out of the way before criticism is thrown their way. 😟

The royal family is an institution, The royals do unity, they do dignity, and by the lorry load. They rise above pettiness, cruelty as act of unity on such occasions This is not the first time we’ve seen it. 🥴 When Edward VIII died, they invited Wallis Simpson (who is said they couldn’t stand) to his funeral, they even allowed her to be buried by the side of him when she died.

At the time of Edward VIII’s abdication it caused a terrible constitutional crises, and The Queen Mother believed the stress of her husband having to become the next monarch bought about an early demise of George VI. 🫤Yet, they still were a family united in death, they were all present at Edward’s funeral despite what they felt about him and his wife, Wallis. 🫤
snarkyatherbest said…
so what is oprah up to? perhaps her own power has fallen and she needs the visibility to make her big again? have to say don’t hear much from her these days except with regards to the harkles. younger generations are like oprah who? she’s trying to stay relevant or as a narc herself she’s trying to justify it all. perhaps she is still slighted that princess diana chose bashar over her. whatever it is. she looks stupid chasing it.
My mind is still boggling -

A two-woman Regime Change?

Just who the F- do they think they are?
It seems the m-f-ers are aiming to get one particular element of the UK population on board with them. I mentioned earlier how this group is almost unrepresented in the mourning crowds. This suggests they may be having some effect - possibly those who are loyal to the Crown daren't show their support.

Am trying to recall what my Army-officer ex-husband said about civil disorder and insurrection - it was something like if 2% of the population are against established order, you've got problems. If it's 5% you're in dead trouble. Magatha might be able to recall the percentages.


Martha asks `But why, oh why, does the RF play into their hands, both the media and the pair.'

I'd say it's because narcissists are masters at presenting their victims with a `double bind' - victims are damned if they do, damned if they don't.
That photo - at

She seems to be staring straight ahead - right into the camera...
VetusSacculi said…
I can't bear to see any more articles focusing on the vile pair, even BBC News is going down the sugary rift-healing route. I will cut the RF some slack in not dealing with them once and for all before the funeral, but the longer they fail to address the elephant in the room/cuckoo in the nest (choose your own animal analogy) of the uncontrollable narcs, the worse things will get.
Girl with a Hat said…

her sugars want to expose the woman who refused to shake the twat's hand in the walk about

they want to get her name, etc to harass her.

I've reported her to twitter.
Martha asks `But why, oh why, does the RF play into their hands, both the media and the pair.'

WBBM replied, I'd say it's because narcissists are masters at presenting their victims with a `double bind' - victims are damned if they do, damned if they don't.

I would add, it’s not necessarily about playing into Maggot and Mole’s hands, but trying to control and contain the situation with what Maggot and Mole could bring. If the royal family did what most families would do, that’s to completely ostracise the Duo, they’d be in a real bind and it would be all played out on the world stage. The royal family isn’t like an ordinary family, they are a centuries old institution. They are very publicly displaying unity and dignity, and I don’t doubt it must feel absolutely horrible having to do so. 😞

I absolutely expect things to be different after the funeral. I think King Charles and William will take a rather different stance than that of The Queen, I think we’ve seen some evidence of that already. 🥴
abbyh said…

Matthew 10:16

Sandie said…

Sophie 'took one for the team' and shared a car with TBW.

It seems that TBW is perfectly capable of walking without holding onto husband.

I watched the procession and it was very moving.
Shimmerclaw said…
I cannot believe that * had to hold Harry hand in Westminster Hall
TheGrangle said…
I am appalled. They held hands as the service closed and they left Westminster Hall. Unbelievably crass.
Karla said…
There are rumors that claim...
1) The pic was Photoshopped
2) DM and Scobie has removed it.
3) The palace wants to find out who took the photo inside one of the palaces (which is a no-no from what I hear), they are going to interrogate the person and find out who set it up...Scobie posted the photographer's name on his twitter.
Fifi LaRue said…
@RaspberryRuffle: Thank you for your post. The Royal Family's actions for all the world to observe will shut down any negative narrative the Harkles will give once the funeral is over. And, they will try to make things negative. No one will believe anything the Harkles have to say. Morticia Sucks-It can wear a recording device, but will do her no good. Everyone knows not to say anything within listening distance of her.

I read somewhere else who has been assigned as Counsellors of State: Duke of York, Duke of Sussex, Princess Beatrice.
Sandie said…

Holding hands as they walk out in the procession. Pathetic and disrespectful. Social media is the exploding with angry and disgusted comments.
Anonymous said…
M rewore the same coat dress she wore her first Rememberance Day when she was pregnant with Archie. Perhaps she does want rumors of another pregnancy floating around. Narcissist want to be the bride at every wedding and the corpse at every funeral.
Mel said…
Probably afraid he'd get lost if she didn't hang onto him.

He's just looking around, wondering what's for supper.
The Cat's Meow said…
Telegraph article stating JH's book to be delayed and published some time next year.
Watching the television I was rather concerned at more than one point that King Charles was swaying so much, that he was going to fall backwards! 😳The camera went off him and I thought, oh God someone had to catch him…but I think he was fine.🫣

Of course we had to witness the juvenile hand (claw) holding, the smirk, it’s a face that needs a bloody good slap! Maggot is just unable to not make something about her! So utterly disrespectful, but of course she’s so self unaware she has zero idea how ghastly it makes her look as a human being . 😖😠
xxxxx said…
Thanks for what you are doing during this high volume time. After the Queen's funeral this will drop so that you can relax.

BTW Megs will stay in England/UK until the funeral is over and done. Reality is she should jet off to Montecito to be w the alleged offspring. But she knows that Haps might get un-brainwashed if she not in Frogmore and London and more as Haps overseer. As in Hapless talking (reasoning) to Wills and his discarded old friends. Haps Seeing and envying how his old buddies are living in their family situations. As in happy and not under the lash and the claw.

Her grabby claw for all their public appearances in this mourning time for the Queen. This is vastly irritating. I am sure the RF feels the same way. Anyways, may God save the new King Charles.
xxxxx said…
Shimmerclaw said...
I cannot believe that * had to hold Harry hand in Westminster Hall

So vastly stupid! I just went off on that. Hapless is so pathetic. The entire RF sees this and is embarrassed at this American bounder's behavior. (I am American) This always visible claw on his back and wrong situation hand holding (really hand possession and dominance) kinda flies in the flaky US but not in England. Not at their age.
Karla said…
Raspberry Ruffle said...
"Watching the television I was rather concerned at more than one point that King Charles was swaying so much, that he was going to fall backwards! 😳The camera went off him and I thought, oh God someone had to catch him…but I think he was fine.'
Yes. I saw and thought the same thing. So sad
Este said…
Secondhandcoke from reddit 1 hour ago:

I reached out to see what my boy in LA might know and it is this:
Podcast release dates ARE pushed back 6-8 weeks for courtesy only.

Whether Meghan wants to use that time to re-record for fear of throwing the RF under the bus... again, is unclear, but what IS clear is that there is no way in HELL that Spotify is redoing these episodes.

Other tea that supports her perhaps wanting to re-edit podcasts:

Meghan is said to be thoroughly shaking in her boots in theaftermath of her treatment post the death of Her GraciousMajesty Queen Elizabeth the II.

Meghan thought she'd have an easier time with Charles as king. She thought they still had a positive relationship like at the beginning. She thought she'd get children titled, get her half-in/half-out arrangement when the Queen died, but it turns out, Charles is Tungsten and William makes the right gestures in public, but he and Catherine are ICE PRINCE AND PRINCESS to Meghan behind closed doors.

Seriously, the woman is said to be so intimidated by Catherine, Princess of Wales, that she looks like she's going to throw up every time she ends up in the same room with her.

Meghan has absolutely been talking about how much and how soon they might inherit from the Queen. The Sussexes are in severe money trouble, allegedly, and their debtors are coming to call. Meghan is counting on some loot from QEII's private wealth and is scared of somehow getting "cheated out of her fair share" by rubbing Charles, William, and Kate the wrong way. Lots of people in Hollywood have heard the spreading news about HOW MONEY GRUBBING MEGHAN ALREADY IS and the Queen isn't even buried yet. People are horrified by what she has leaked which is why it's all gone back to the UK press/The Royal Family really quickly.

She was unable to break the news of the Queen's death, even though she tried because of the respect the US press had for the Queen.

She was unable to stage her own walkabout because of the respect the US press has for the Queen.

Bottom line, Meghan is SQUIRMING with all of the shit she know s she's put out ahead of her perceived world-tour that she said before she knew the QUeen's death would derail her plans.

Meghan is worried about the effect of this on her bottom line and as we see her in future funeral appearances, she will continue to look like she is scared and out of her element. She is constantly irritating TRF and she knows it'll cut her out of the will, what little bit of Will she things there is, because there really isn't a huge Will, and previous little of it is going to Meghan. If I were the Queen I would have left my middle finger to Meghan and that's it.

There's no way is shit that Spotify is going to reschedule, rerecord, re-edit, remarket, and rerelease the rest of that series after they lost so much money producing it in the first place.

If this is true, it will TAKE many lawyers to navigate this, but Meghan will lose.
Maneki Neko said…
@Wild Boar

@GABiker's link didn't work but I realised that it shouldn't have had .html at the end. Here it is without it, it works. Warning: nauseating. Why does there have to be racism everywhere where * is concerned?
Fifi LaRue said…
Morticia Sucks-It is probably wearing the same coat because it's what she left in the closet at Frogmore.
Mel said…
Raspberry....I saw that. My heart stopped, thinking no...please, no.
Este said…
Possible proof SS was behind planned competing walk about:

"Yes, of course they were an hour late, it was because Prince William was told by his father, the now King Charles, to extend the invitation because they found out Meghan Markle had her U.S. PR firm book an ‘alternate’ walkabout, which was headed off. So, it was a last-minute invitation to head that off, she was breaking protocol (yet again)," royal watcher Hilary Fordwich told Fox News Digital.

From this fox news article:
Maneki Neko said…
@Raspberry R

Thank you for saying the smirk, it’s a face that needs a bloody good slap! Exactly what I thought when I saw the photos in West Hall this afternoon but I was wondering if it was just me. The DM calls her 'demure' - demure, her!! - and 'sombre'. She's anything but. She never cared about the Queen, the monarchy, the BRF except as a stepping stone to her grandiose delusions. She insulted the country and the British people and it really grieves me to see her slappable face in the UK, never mind at the funeral.
Este said…
Secondhandcoke from reddit is leaning hard into the divorce narrative. I'll believe it when I see it. This is from about an hour ago as well:

The marriage is in dire straits from what I hear. The rumor is that divorce is imminent, and that right now, Harry has a bit more wherewithall and if it were to happen now, it would be because HE left HER.

I believe the kids are not in the UK for that very reason. Harry is strengthened by his home and his family and if he takes them and initiates the divorce procedings in the UK, because is at a huge disadvantage. Keeping Frogmore has much more value that tax value as it provides Harry with a domicile in Great Britain. To settle the CA property, the Olive Garden will have to be sold because Meghan cannot afford to buy out Harry's half. So courts would prefer for children to live with a parent who has a stable house and who is surrounded by supportive family. Neither of those would apply to Meghan . So I think the kids are staying out of the UK because she doesn't want to give him the opportunity to take them and go.

That said, it could just be that the children ARE too small for a funeral, but they're also too small to have spent this long without their parents.
Sandie said…
The hapless Prince as Counsellor of State: he will never be called upon to actually act as CoS and the 'position' has no benefits. Same with Andrew.

The Queen called on Anne rather than Andrew or his nephew, and I suspect that Charles will do the same and could even use the precedence to call in Edward.

Besides, Camilla and Beatrice have now joined the group that are Counsellors of State. Even if they are all out of the country at the same time, Eugenie gets bumped up, and then Edward, and then Anne and her children.
Hikari said…

You are going to need a puke bucket, a stiff drink and a sedative, in that order.

The walkabout was RACISM ON FULL DISPLAY because some mourners refused to shake *’s hand.

Hikari said…
Charles’ energy as Prince of Wales was legendary, but this week has been beyond the pale…and he’s been going nonstop for a whole week tomorrow. He is depleted, probably not eating or sleeping much. The last time a new sovereign had to bury their predecessor, she was 25 years old. I hope his doctors will insist he get some rest days before the funeral.
Ralph L said…
The Grip of DOOM!!!

The photo I saw looked like it was taken through the arch in the front wing of the palace from outside the gate. It looked like it was enhanced. I'm surprised they haven't put a film on that glass wall under the courtyard portico to prevent long range shots.

Something that occurred to me about how the normal Royals quickly pass flowers and gifts from the public to aides. It's likely a security precaution, not just to keep their hands free. I'm sure * would have been told that, but she has to assert control.

Here's a serious Saki story from before WWI, when anarchists terrorized VIPs. The Easter Egg
Blonde Gator said…
@ este ~ ...Charles is Tungsten and William makes the right gestures in public, but he and Catherine are ICE PRINCE AND PRINCESS to Meghan behind closed doors.

Seriously, the woman is said to be so intimidated by Catherine, Princess of Wales, that she looks like she's going to throw up every time she ends up in the same room with her.

As we sometimes say in the South (USA), the Princess of Wales has learned to stare in Southern. (Southern women are known for razor sharp "cuts" with sweet smiles or words).....for example, the last thing one would ever want to hear from a Southern Woman is "Well, Bless your heart". It makes me smile to think about * hearing that phrase. And knowing.
Henrietta said…
VetusSacculi said...

...I will cut the RF some slack in not dealing with them once and for all before the funeral, but the longer they fail to address the elephant in the room/cuckoo in the nest (choose your own animal analogy) of the uncontrollable narcs, the worse things will get.

I have to agree with this. I think including Liar and Friar in everything -- as if nothing had happened in the last two years -- is really going to create the expectation in Harry that he can have his half-in/half-out royal lifestyle and may actually worsen his rage when CRIII may or must correct that misconception. The only thing that could change that inevitable resumption of hostilities would be the break-up of the Sussex marriage.

I believe SecondhandCoke's assertion that their marriage is on the rocks, despite all the hand-holding, and I think this is factoring into the RF's accepting them back into the fold (that Friar only needs a little push to finally end the marriage).

Unless CRIII is going to give Harry his half-in/half-out lifestyle, he's setting up quite a conflagration when Friar finally learns that the welcome he and Liar received for the funeral isn't permanent.

I personally really have a problem seeing Liar standing behind Catherine again. I just don't think it's safe for Catherine.

Este said…
@Hikari, of course the wokies are gonna rally behind Saint Meghan Markle no matter what. Whose ever heard of "blavity" though? Looks like all their plans to smear have come to nought. They just can't compete with the global spectacle of the Queen's death.

I think we're seeing, not only that the British Royal Family played the professional trouble makers perfectly, but they really had no other choice here. What's deeply satisfying is to see the schemes so easily foiled and their bile contained. I also really hope Spotify refuses to edit the podcasts. Let Meghan's words haunt her. She didn't care then, why should she care now?
SwampWoman said…
Perhaps certain people have had a wakeup call that, even with certain bad actors controlling press stories, the citizens do not agree with them/buy into their bullsh*t.
Este said…
Piers is getting some sweet revenge here:
Ian's Girl said…
I don't doubt she wants to puke every time she sees our new Princess of Wales, but I suspect it's fury, not intimidation. I don't see Markle being intimidated.
I can see her being cagy at this moment and trying her best not upset the apple cart because of any inheritance, I can see her brown-nosing Charles and trying to brown nose William, I can see her being very uneasy about the icing behind the scenes, but intimidated by Catherine, no. I think she's trying very hard to clamp down on her rage, while also trying to look like she's grieving.

I note that this woman who attended Catholic school couldn't be bothered to bow her head during a prayer. Nope, eyes wide open, smirking at a camera. Unbelievable.
xxxxx said…
Top of DM in UK and USA editions online:
Curtsying Meghan stands behind Kate at Queen's lying in state service days after they reunited to meet mourners in Windsor ...(Photo proof included)

"Who Knows What Tomorrow May Bring" ---- Steve Winwood and Traffic --

The cynical will say, how Royal adjacent will the Duo try to insert themselves during this next week?
Hikari said…
I repost this article from verified Sugar outlet Elle, who had 'Hmmmm . . ' as a tagline underneath the headline about the TRF website not being yet updated to reflect titles for any Sussex children. Their 'hmmm' is not our 'hmmm', I'm sure. THEIR Hmmm means 'See--yet another PROOF the RF is RACIST.'

Our 'Hmmm' is more Kraken-shaped. I have not read the official palace statement on this matter but I highlight it as included here.

Following the death of Queen Elizabeth on Thursday, September 8, a great deal changed immediately for the royal family. Many of their titles switched, most notably with the succession of King Charles III. Prince William and Kate Middleton became the Prince and Princess of Wales, leaving behind being the Cambridges. While Prince Harry and Meghan remain the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, their children Archie and Lilibet have been elevated.

The children, aged three and one, are now technically a Prince and a Princess as well since their grandfather ascended the throne. According to Hello! Magazine, these rules were established by King George V in 1917 and they made it official that children of the son of a sovereign may use a his or her royal highness title “should they wish.”

The children are a bit too young to wish either way, but people have still been wondering why their titles have not been updated on the royal website though the Wales family had their names changed. William and Kate's children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis were also listed as “of Wales,” just like mom and dad. Archie and Lilibet are still considered “Master” and “Miss” on the site.
On Saturday, the King's spokesman said in a statement that their names will be updated “as and when we get information.”

The information that allowed Kate and William and their family to have updated titles came from the monarch himself, who announced in a speech that they would be the Prince and Princess of Wales. In the same speech, he expressed his love for Harry and Meghan, but did not mention titles.

The spokesperson continued, “While the website was updated for the Waleses, clearly updating love on a website doesn't quite work so we've not quite done that but clearly he does love them. We will be working through updating the website as and when we get information.”

He did not confirm or deny that Archie and Lilibet were entitled to their titles whatever language the King uses while addressing the nation, only adding, “At the moment, we're focused on the next 10 days and as and when we get information, we will update that website.”


Hmmm, indeed. The information about the Cambridge children's suitability to now be styled as HRH WALESES comes from the monarch himself. His decree is valid because he has himself verified them.

The Palace is saying obliquely that further information about the Sussex chillens must be verified prior to proceeding with any titles . . and IF/WHEN the Palace is satisfied about the information, the titles will be granted. They aren't rushing to do that though . .because . .when/if.

Is the beastie stirring? This is as close as we have come to an admission from the Palace that all is not in order regarding the Sussex children and the situation is being evaluated. Why should that be? Sounds pretty unprecedented to me, if the King himself does not have sufficient 'information' from his own son and wife about their children they claim to have. As the spokesman delicately put it . . 'We can't codify 'LOVE' dearies.'

The reckoning is nigh for Megalier and her Handbag methinks. The Queen has played one last brilliant blinder by slipping offstage and denying the traitors any more time to polish up their lies. I think they are basically being held under posh house arrest until after the funeral so they can't slither away back to Meganut's comfort zone and contacts.

Their days are numbered.
Maneki Neko said…

Bea having a more prominent role. but not eugenie. too much siding with the harkles?

I don't know but I don't think it's anything to do with the Harkles, simply Beatrice is older than Eugenie and therefore takes precedence.

@Maneki Neko,

I wish I could unsee that smirk though! 😖 Yes, I saw the demure headline…oh and somber ! I do wonder whether the DM is now actively trolling Maggot, or whether it was just….another sugary PR puff piece!? 🫤

@Fifi LaRue,

Ole Mole was already a Counsellor of State, only Beatrice is the replacement. Now Charles is King, there’s a vacancy, and William’s children are all under the age of 21, so ineligible. So, unless Mole’s domiciled state changes and thus no longer the UK, he’s still eligible. 😟🤨
AbbyH- Thank you, `sheep surrounded by wolves'- a very good image. Or, they `fell among thieves'.

I do hope they are have good guard dogs - we do our best but perhaps the Security Services do it better. Where is James Bond when you need him?

Joking apart, it is sad that neither * nor Orca understand how the British Constitution works, or why it is as it is. It's designed to prevent Monarch and Parliament ever taking up arms against each other again. In the ordinary way of things, the Forces execute Government policy but Forces' loyalty is focussed on the Crown. The monarch is the figurehead of the nation but with very limited powers. The arrangement is balanced and is believed to avoid the possibility of a military coup against either Crown or Parliament. The idea of us having all-powerful President is anathema to us.

* is sadly mistaken if she thinks we would ever let anyone, monarch or otherwise' do exactly as they like. I read her claim that she would `modernise the monarchy' as a gross impertinence - it has been recognised that while he monarchy is open to gradual change, it needs to happen slowly and with the consent of the people. Otherwise, it is likely to be destroyed.
Maneki Neko said…
I've come across this article by accident:

'Focus on the Queen': Lady C rips into Meghan and Harry's 'dog and pony show'
Sandie said…
I agree that TBW was not intimidated nor grieving. She put on what she believed was 'the appropriate expression for a funeral', but could not hide her dislike of Catherine when she was standing behind her. The holding hands when leaving was a major sign of disrespect.

I do wish the tabloids would stop stirring with the reconciliation story. There was no interaction between the duo and anyone else in the family ... neither Catherine nor William even glanced at them. Besides, the duo cannot be trusted. The appalling behaviour will continue because that is who they are and they are not going to change.
Este said…
This is what is silencing Harry and Meghan. This is the good will they've spurned the past 2 years. And this is what they will never be able to defeat:
Ian's Girl said…
I'm not getting overly excited about the waiting for information comment. While I know it would preclude the children from the line of succession, I'm not sure it need prevent them from being styled HRH or Prince/Princess.

Neither do I care; my opinion has always been that as long as their parents retain their titles, the children should be allowed their own. I would be ok with Charles not granting them strictly by reason of slimming down the Monarchy, mind you, but not to punish their parents.

I think the best way to handle the situation is under guise of slimming down the monarchy; his much loved son and dil have chosen to leave their country and position to build a new life overseas. They have agreed neither they nor their children, need titles in America, and are happy to relinquish, etc etc.

It also occurs to me that the "information" may be an ultimatum; "are you going to stay in the USA and be stripped of titles for you and your children, or come back to the UK, and tow the line. Titles for all dependent on coming back and not causing trouble on an ongoing basis. Think about it and let us know. We'll update the website when we hear back."

Or maybe even just the latter; all titles are dependent on no further muckraking. Until we get a promise in writing, the website won't need any updating. Once we get that promise in writing, we'll update the website, but it will be on a case-by-case basis going forward. One foot wrong and you're out for good. No more forgiveness. Your loving grandmother is dead; there's a new sheriff in town, Long Live the King.

SwampWoman said…
Henrietta said: I believe SecondhandCoke's assertion that their marriage is on the rocks, despite all the hand-holding, and I think this is factoring into the RF's accepting them back into the fold (that Friar only needs a little push to finally end the marriage).

I believe it because of all the hand holding. They are trying too hard to convince us of the vaporware love story that they are selling but we aren't buying.
Este said…
I really love and agree with what Russell Brand has to say about the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. Very respectful and deep reaction.
Rebecca said…
I thought some of you might be interested in this, from the Telegraph:

Why hand-holding Prince Harry and Meghan are keen not to upset the hierarchy ahead of Queen Elizabeth’s funeral

Reunited with the royals for the first time since the Duchess of Sussex’s controversial interview, couple are trying to keep a low profile

By Camilla Tominey

Reunited with the royals publicly for the first time since she suggested her mere existence had "upset the hierarchy", the Duchess of Sussex paid tribute to Queen Elizabeth II by wearing jewellery given to her by the late monarch.

Meghan, 41, wore the elegant pair of pearl and diamond drop earrings that had been given to her by her husband's late grandmother when they undertook their first joint solo engagement in June 2018, just a month after she married Prince Harry.

The pair travelled on the royal train to Cheshire, where they met with community leaders and watched a performance by local schoolchildren.

A lot has happened since then, and Wednesday’s participation in the royal procession that followed Queen Elizabeth’s casket into Westminster Hall is the first time the Sussexes have taken such a prominent role in a major royal event since they stepped down from public duties in Jan 2020.

Although they attended the Platinum Jubilee thanksgiving service for the Queen at St Paul's Cathedral in June as "non-working" members of the family, they were not invited to take part in the royal procession.

While Harry, 37, joined his brother, the Prince of Wales, to follow the casket on foot from Buckingham Palace, Meghan, 41, travelled by car with the Countess of Wessex. Her sister-in-law, the Princess of Wales travelled with the Queen Consort, who was wearing her own poignant piece of jewellery - a distinctive stick insect shaped silver brooch that she has worn to memorial services before.

Like Meghan, Kate was also wearing jewellery associated with Queen Elizabeth - a diamond and pearl leaf brooch given to her by the late monarch following her 2011 marriage to Prince William.

She also wore a pair of pearl drop earrings that belonged to Diana, Princess of Wales.

Staring straight ahead, there was little show of emotion from Harry and Meghan until they proceeded out of Westminster Hall at the end of the deeply poignant 30-minute service, holding hands in a break from protocol.

Much has been made of the ongoing rift between the royal brothers and their wives - although a truce appeared to have been called after the Prince of Wales invited Harry and Meghan to join him and Kate on a walkabout in Windsor on Saturday afternoon.

The quartet, once known as the fab four, spent 40 minutes inspecting the floral tributes and meeting well-wishers in a move some have interpreted as paving the road to reconciliation.

Rebecca said…
It came after Meghan gave a 6,500 interview to The Cut magazine last month in which she claimed that “just by existing” she and Harry “were upsetting the dynamic of the hierarchy”, as well as suggesting her husband had “lost” his father in the Megxit process.

She also spoke of her relief at being “able to tell [my] own story”, before issuing what some interpreted as a message to the royals - warning she is free to “say anything” and that it is taking “a lot of effort” to forgive them and her estranged family.

Yet bar a deleted tweet by their self-styled unofficial spokesman, the couple appear to be keeping a low profile while in the UK.

On Tuesday, Omid Scobie, who wrote the hagiography Finding Freedom, removed a photograph he had posted on the social media site “captured before the Queen’s coffin was received at the Grand Entrance” of Buckingham Palace giving a “glimpse” of “King Charles, Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex”. It was taken down following accusations of mawkish puffery on behalf of the couple.

In the face of yet more criticism that they are “cashing in” on their royal status, the Sussexes are understood to have delayed publication of Harry’s memoir until next year. Meanwhile, Meghan has put her Archetypes podcast on hold, as well as cancelling a planned appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, a prime time US chat show.

Earlier this week, Oprah Winfrey was criticised for saying she hopes that “burying the dead” will help the couple finally make “peace” with the royals - with many pointing out that their explosive interview with the chat show host 18 months ago was the catalyst for the family's falling out.
Hikari said…
Wild Boar,

(The British Constitution) is designed to prevent Monarch and Parliament ever taking up arms against each other again. In the ordinary way of things, the Forces execute Government policy but Forces' loyalty is focussed on the Crown. The monarch is the figurehead of the nation but with very limited powers. The arrangement is balanced and is believed to avoid the possibility of a military coup against either Crown or Parliament. The idea of us having all-powerful President is anathema to us.

I must interject here as an American student of our Constitution that the idea of an all-powerful President is also anathema to us, and that is not what we have. Recent years have seen some Presidents abuse the scope of the Office of the President for personal aggrandizement but the less said about them the better. When the form of the new American government was still in its infancy the very first item which was rejected was an 'All-Powerful' executive figure with unlimited powers. A small minority of the Congress suggested elevated imperial titles for the new nation's leader along the lines of 'Majesty', and that was immediately shot down as being too reminiscent of the monarchial rule we had only just flung off. We were fortunate as a fledgling nation that our first leader, who was appointed by unanimous vote of his peers, Gen. Washington was such a modest man. He was the first (and only one since) who did not seek the office, did not want the office, actually dreaded appointment to the office--but set aside all his own personal preferences to continue to serve his nation in its need. At that hour, he was the only man for the job, and he answered the call, even though he would have desired to retire to a quiet country life. In this, he is like her late Majesty ERII.

Hikari said…
Though the President does have the power of veto, his powers are greatly limited by our constitutional checks and balances system. The Executive Branch (POTUS) cannot do as he wishes; he must seek the accord of the Legislative Branch (the Congress) via votes in that body, and the Judicial Branch (the Supreme Court) adjudicates the decisions of the other two. A President can make proposals but to act he must seek the approval of Congress, and he only gets to sign bills into law which both houses of the Congress have passed. If the President exercises his power of veto, the matter gets kicked back to the Congress and it starts all over again. When the Congress is controlled by the opposition party to the President currently in office, legislative logjams are the norm. But as frustrating as that can be, it means the system is working. Otherwise a President could unilaterally force through his proposals upon an unwilling body of lawmakers, and that is not how it works. Both the President and the members of Congress are elected by the will of the people, so the American public technically run the ship and decide who may and who may not continue their employment based on votes . . and term limits. Even the most successful and beloved President may only serve two consecutive terms.

Besides signing laws, a President must seek the permission of the Congress to declare war, among other things.

Our American system of government is based upon the British system in many ways relating to its structure . . the salient difference being that our leader does not hold power for life and he (or she) doesn't have to be born into one specific and rarified family for that purpose. Anyone who is a natural born citizen of this country may serve as President, if they can get elected. We regard the Office of the Presidency as the UK regards its Crown--the office is meant to be eternal and larger than the individual who temporarily holds it. Our turnover of that office holder is much greater, by design. Besides the checks and the balances of our three branches of government, the term of the Presidency was purposely limited so that no one individual would get too complacent in it. 8 years is a drop in the bucket of what Elizabeth served in the UK. It was a great blessing that her late Majesty was such a dedicated and good ruler. Imagine if you'd gotten another George IV for 70 years. Short terms allow us to regularly scrub the decks if they need scrubbing . .and they usually do. Only a handful of the 46 men to hold the Office of the President have been exemplary, and 4 of those faces are carved on Mt. Rushmore. Most have been serviceable. A notable few have been wicked. But good, bad or just mediocre, a President knows from Day 1 that he will not be staying long in the People's House. Anybody given his walking papers after 8 years (or only 4 if particularly ineffective) does not possess absolute power. As has been demonstrated as recently as last year.
Hikari said…
@Ian's Girl

It's true that we do not know what exact 'information' the Palace currently has, or lacks, about the Sussex children. It's a purposely bland and vague statement to fob off that question from nosy reporters until the Palace is ready to deal with it.

But it is telling to me that such a statement had to be issued at all. As Harry, a blood prince and his wife have two children of record who are now the grandchildren of the reigning monarch--if we take the presented 'facts' at face value, that's what it is, and Meg and Haz retain the Sussex title and the HRH (in abeyance), then it should be a straightforward, undisputable matter that not only are the two kids eligible to be Prince and Princess but that they already are.

And yet . . not. At least that is what the King's spokesman just said. The King will decide based on 'information' which has not been made known to him as yet. (When/If).

What further information might he need in order to execute a formality already set out in the Letters Patent? It should be a no-brainer. But Charles has withheld doing so for reasons of insufficient information. The statement is in itself extraordinary because he has made comment where none should even be necessary about some good reason for delaying the titles. I don't think it's been an issue with any previous Royal children.

I await the announcement that the needed information has been obtained. And especially if it hasn't.

If these two tykes exist and were adopted or born via surrogates, I don't care if they are titled--as long as they are actually being raised by Meghan and Harry. If the children don't actually exist at all but have been elaborate fictions perpetrated by their alleged parents . . or if some babies born are being raised anonymously as non-Royal kids with their true biological parents then obviously they can't be granted titles to the United Kingdom or slots as heirs to its throne.

The Palace has a narrow window of opportunity to get this right (if belatedly) so I don't want them to rush public announcements for expediency. They've been doing that since 2018 and look where it's gotten them.
Sandie said…

Zara and Mike were also holding hands so maybe I should give the dastardly duo a break on this performance.
Enbrethiliel said…
I like Trevor Coult's attitude toward the service. He said he chose to focus on what made him happy about it instead of anything that might potentially annoy him. With this, he has reinvented the "wheel" of not giving a narcissist the attention he so greedily craves. One narc may be intruding into the spotlight again, but that doesn't mean we have to care very much.
*is, IM@ sure certifiable. May not be legally culpable if brain damaged at birth. A cosy little cell in Broadmoor might suit her,

Recording someone without their knowledge is an offence in UK; landowners are within their rights to ban photography on their premises.

Has the penny dropped, Haz?
gloriosasuperba said…
@Sandie. Zara and Mike Tindall do not hold Royal Title, and for a lot of people watching other than regular Royal Watcher probably have no idea who they are other than relatives, the others hold Royal Titles and very few do not know who they are, so yet again a tacky display and embarassment for the UK on a world wide stage.
Maneki Neko said…
Very apt comment on the DM:

Katoussa, Sousse, 4 hours ago

MESSAGE FOR MEGHAN: After being present these last few days, and participating in the ceremony today, I was wondering if you have begun to understand the relationship between the Monarch and the people. We loved the Queen, so when you hurt her, you also hurt us. When you hurt the Royal family, you also hurt us. A little awareness, consideration and respect would have gone a long way in avoiding all the distress you have caused to countless people. An attempt at doing things the British way would have shown some respect for your husband's family and the people of his country (and mine).

So,so true.
Girl with a Hat said…
although we have all heard of the act of declaring war, very few countries do it anymore.

The reason? because they don't want to have to deal with the repercussions of being found to be the aggressor in the conflict at the UN, International Criminal Court, even in civil courts in the USA
Of course, I should have said in my last post that what I was uttering was my opinion,not a statement of fact. Whether she is mentally sound or not is something that remains to be seen.
Observant One said…

It seems to me that the RF is following through with the late Queen’s PR plan for dealing with the CA Commoners - “recollections may vary” and they are “loved family members.” By including them in the walkabout, the formal family processions and all of the services, the Crown cannot be found guilty of treating * differently. The plan also allows the family to circumvent the stories that * pushes to her sugars in the media. Just last week, an interview with * was published in The Cut, a New York magazine. In that interview, she revealed new accusations against the RF and threatened them by stating that she “could talk, because she had not signed anything.” Most of us viewed these statements as threats to the RF and their courtiers.

During their unexpected interlude in Windsor, Harry has been civil and respectful, at least publicly. On the other hand, * has managed to show the world that she is pitifully common, smug and defiant in every photo taken of her. I will add that she is obviously jealous of the Princess of Wales and very fearful of being booed or heckled. The hand clutching is a result of immaturity and insecurity. She has made a few weak attempts to create her own narrative, but those have been masterfully shut down and her favorite media sycophant may have been fired from his new job at Yahoo. Her mentor/producer released a statement yesterday that included an inflammatory and distasteful sound bite, intended to ignite the woke citizens, as well as the loyal monarchists. A few hours later, she had to soften her statement to staunch the blow back she received from the public.

There are another 6 days to go, but so far the Crown’s strategy is winning. That strategy angered many of us initially, myself included, but now I feel like it was the only sane way to play this out, without risking the only chance they have to honor their beloved Sovereign, mother, grandmother and employer. I don’t want to jinx this, so I’ll just say well done - so far…
Apologies for not clarifying that I meant the many despots, tyrants, dictators and autocrats that blight the world. UK is not the only country with checks and balances - the US certainly has them. That's the trouble with being steeped in 17C English history - my modern political understanding of elsewhere is quite narrow.

I imagine that * would be such a despot, given the chance, as we have seen in so many small ways.

The Cat's Meow said…
UPDATE regarding titles...

Apparently, the sprogs will be called Prince/Princess, but will NOT be allowed to use HRH.

And of course, there are rumors of more anger and drama.
We don't know which way the cat will jump after the funeral - the Telegraph is exercising caution methinks, in case the Harkles are rehabilitated - yea, I know what we think...

Camilla Tominey at
snarkyatherbest said…
saw the pics from today. most of the family looked gutted and trying hard not to cry. sophie deservesntobe named duke of edinburgh or a princess royal for having to babysit the wife. could easily have had four in a limo but camilla and the princess of wales were not having it.

i say bring it on wifey. the more she does especially right. or the more ammo the brf will have for later. scoobie fo taking down the pic and the palace sources saying they are investigating. that is all good. there is some serious shut down going on now. this week is about the queen. let the brf and kc deal with the harkles later. the only risk as Rasberry Ruffle and others pointed out. this week is wearing on charles if he takes time off like he did after philips death well then the harkles will get away with things once again. he needs to deal with them behind the scenes and releases when he’s resting in scotland.

oh and the mrs looks dumpy so i wonder what she will do for the funeral. and the bs about being left pearl earrings by the queen. gonna call it as bs. the estate has t been settled. if she did well they would be taxed. doubt the queen woul do that. .
Este said…
@CatsMeow...that sounds like a great compromise. Archie and Lili get the pretty titles but the not HRH status, which entitles them to government funded security that Harry and Meghan are now responsible for providing to their children as private citizens. They chose this path before they even got married, agreed to the terms and now want to whine endlessly through their mouthpieces.

Bottom line: The people of the UK should not have to fund Harry and Meghan since they stepped down as working royals. And how they've treated Prince Philip and the Queen since not getting their way is disgraceful.
Henrietta said…
The Cat's Meow said..

UPDATE regarding titles...

Apparently, the sprogs will be called Prince/Princess, but will NOT be allowed to use HRH.

I hope this isn't true. The last thing the BRF should do is reward Liar's duplicity. They know damn well those children aren't "of the body."
Humor Me said…
The queen did give * a pair of pearl earring. It was on the occasion of her first event/ walkabout with the Queen.

I am seeing fewer articles on the 6/5s - so I agree, the Firm is winning this week. Glad to see the Scoobie Do does have a brain and took down the photo he posted. IF he has been canned from Yahoo royal news - he has to be profesional to the nth degree moving forward.
Fifi LaRue said…
@Snarky: The thing about the pearl earrings...The Queen gave them as an engagement/wedding gift. I saw them on * today.
Not so big. Had * been a good Duchess, there would have been more jewels.
I don’t believe the Sun article. There is no way the status of the Sussex children is under discussion at this time. The King has more important concerns. The Sun piece must be Sussex PR.
DesignDoctor said…
I heard the pearl earrings* wore were the earrings HMTQ gave her when they did that event together. * wore the beige dress without a hat and tried to get into the car before Her Majesty . So not left in the estate. Given while she was alive.
Karla said…
Golden Retriever said...
"I don’t believe the Sun article. There is no way the status of the Sussex children is under discussion at this time. The King has more important concerns. The Sun piece must be Sussex PR"
Me too
If the papers didn't know that the King would create William 'The Prince of Wales', they won't know what he intends to do about titles.
The King's team remain tight lipped.
The media continues to speculate.
Hikari said…
OO wrote,

It seems to me that the RF is following through with the late Queen’s PR plan for dealing with the CA Commoners - “recollections may vary” and they are “loved family members.” By including them in the walkabout, the formal family processions and all of the services, the Crown cannot be found guilty of treating * differently. The plan also allows the family to circumvent the stories that * pushes to her sugars in the media.

I think the RF is handling the Sussex situation with grace and dignity and in the circumstances, the best way possible. As a believer in the Almighty, I choose to think that He arranged to take Her Majesty to himself on the very same day the Sussexes were in London. One day more, and they would have flown home to CA. Had * been in California and had the opportunity to bow out of these proceedings and claim that she was shunned from the funeral due to race--even if she'd refused to come herself and lied about it . . whip up her own filmed 'tributes' Stateside and what have you, it would have been good for her, worse for the family. At present they have containment of their traitors, even though the sugary media is still spinning sh*te about the racist Queen.

As we approach the week marker a potential stumble for the new King though after a strong showing so far. News that over 100 of his loyal Clarence house retainers, some of whom have worked for him for decades have received letters from HM's private secretary advising them that 'unavoidably' their positions have been made redundant as the monarch now shifts his residence and operations to Buckingham Palace. Clarence House is to be closed down. Staff is understandably angry and gutted. Making this rather heartless announcement now (it was actually done on Monday) seems unfeeling in the extreme. Could the staff have not been allowed to grieve the Queen along with everyone else and this news have waited until after the service?

The former Prince of Wales's staff quite logically assumed that most if not all of them would be moving with him to Buck House as his loyal team. Whenever a new CEO takes over, there's always a shakeup of personnel, since the new guy wants his handpicked aides who will be loyal to him. Aides of his predecessor might be really good at their jobs but depending on the terms under which their boss left, they might hold grudges against the new guy. And even if they don't, the incomer doesn't have a working relationship with his predecessor's staff usually. Only--in this case, it's Charles's own experienced staff he is letting go. Is he content to move over and inherit all of Mummy's courtiers . many of whom he'd already know well but he hasn't always seen eye-to-eye with them (eg. Lord Geidt)

Are there not enough staff members at BP who are getting on in years having served the Queen, that could be coaxed into taking retirement with a nice sendoff in order to make room for Charles's staff? His long-time key aides will be going with him but most of the support staff are going to be on the block, it seems. Some might be reassigned to other Royal households. I'd expect that the new Prince of Wales is going to require more staff than he's had at Kensington Palace up to now.

Nobody will be out on the street for at least 3 months, but it seems like the bulk of Charles's CH staff will be facing the holidays without a job any longer. Let's hope the severance is damn good.
Fifi LaRue said…
@Golden Retriever: Gross! Just gross! Morticia Sucks-It is on the phone with her PR firm planting stories about her "children" and their coming titles? Unbelievable, but believable. She is trash, trash, trash.
abbyh said…

OOO not nice
Este said…
Barkjack is reporting that an estimated 4.1 BILLION PEOPLE will watch the Queen's funeral. I just googled it and there are an estimated 7.753 billion people total alive. That's staggering and will surely rival any other televised event in history. And that is real power.

So, tell me Nutties. Has the tide turned?

Are we there yet? Homer Simpson
Humor Me said…
Just read The Sun piece by Matt Wilkinson on the 6/5 children being "anointed" Prince/ princess without the HRH and that the duo was fuming.
I call this article pot stirring: pressure as in grandchildren of the reigning King and the 1917 letters patent are out there. KCIII does not need this - it could have the opposite effect that the one desired.
abbyh said…
Karla said…
Harry and Meghan ‘angry Archie and Lilibet will not get HRH titles when they are appointed Prince and Princess by Charles’

"Archie, three, and Lilibet, one, are expected to be officially made prince and princess in the near future as Charles has agreed to issue a Letters Patent to grant the titles"

But, but…!! It Wasn’t it supposed to be “AUTOMATIC
The first PR's to spin screamed that this was automatic. And that A&L were technically prince/princess. Now the PR spin says LP. We moved on from already have titles (automatic), to when they are appointed.
In a few days it will be ‘if’ they are appointed and finally the truth - they’re not getting them at all.
The attempts to bounce The King into it isn’t working. A managed climbdown will be required.
According to Tatler Magazine

"you need to be HRH in order to draw money from the Sovereign Grant, although not every HRH has the privilege, with the line drawn at the children of Prince Andrew, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, who are 10th and 12th in line to the throne. This money is a kind of salary for working Royal Family members, who cannot otherwise hold other jobs.

Losing HRH status also means that you are not entitled to private security funded by the monarchy, and that people no longer have to bow or curtsy in your presence"
If that's true, H&M's issue is money. Hypocrites!
Rebecca said…
OMG. The connection between TBW and Cut can not be dismissed. She may not work for them, but they served as her mouthpiece.

I watched the replay of the procession of the Queen’s coffin to Westminster, and the brief service there. It was very, very moving, but *’s presence was a sacrilege IMO. During the service William and Charles were blinking back tears. Everyone else looked appropriately solemn—except for HER. She didn’t seem to be present or appreciate the gravity of the occasion. I got the distinct feeling that she was behaving like a bad actress on the set of a soap opera, whose thoughts are dominated by how she appears to the cameras.

There were a number of shots taken at an angle from the side of the Royals standing before HM’s casket, where William and Catherine’s height actually completely blocked out Twit and Twat. I enjoyed that.
abbyh said…
Comment re: no HRH

What Meghan wants Meghan DOES NOT get.

The Cut - it has been a whole series of recent articles which raise an eyebrow
Observant One said…
@Hikari: I agree that divine intervention resulted in the Commoners being in the UK at the right time. Your speculation about what would have happened without the Almighty’s impeccable timing was likely correct.

I hate to hear that the Firm chose this week as the time to notify CH employees of their impending job loss. I agree with you Hikari, the optics are awful. I am really surprised they made the decision so quickly, before going over the list of duplicate positions to see who might be ready to retire and be thrilled to get a severance package. In the US, Employment Attorneys look over the final list to ensure that there aren’t too many women over 40, or more POC versus whites, etc. it’s just not smart to make these decisions too quickly.

I am not too sure about the story of the Queen giving * some pearl earrings is true. During her first trip with the Queen (when she looked and acted like a hot mess!) we had not yet caught her in her weird little lies. When the Queen gave pearl earrings to her other relatives, they were typically larger pearls with a small diamond above the pearl, like those the Queen wore most of the time. I’m not saying it didn’t happen, but we now know she lies - a lot.

I hope that the Sun article about bestowing Prince and Princess titles on the Commoner’s “children” is untrue. I believe that that announcement would come in the form of a press release in a few weeks, if it’s going to happen. I can’t believe she is using the media to throw a fit about it. It’s not like naming a Queen Consort or the P&P of Wales, which cause lots of changes in the day to day business. The nonsense about HRH and security is ridiculous. Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie are styled HRH, and they do not have taxpayer funded security. It has occurred to me, on more than one occasion, that if the CA Commoners would stop complaining, telling lies and act like normal people, they might not need security.

xxxxx said…
For those who don't know.... The Cut is a division of NY Magazine which has been around 50 or more years. So very liberal left. NY Mag is not all bad. They report on the glowing NY City life as if the pan-plan demic never happened. Reality is all over the US office space in large cities is going vacant, for the reasons we know here. So ye ol Manhattan is a dead and dangerous zone. BUT tourists still flock so go figger.

But NY was lovely once (I saw it) as in Autumn in NY by Johnny Mercer. See on YouTube.
Ralph L said…
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, a prime time US chat show.

For non-US Nutties, the show is on NBC at 11:35 pm, after local news shows in most markets, not prime time. Viewership numbers of the late night "comedy"/chat shows are a small fraction of what they were a few decades ago, and there are more of them.

I'm sure Charles decided what titles to award to whom some time ago. If they weren't being raised in a foreign country, the Sussex kids could be given the option of a place in the firm with appropriate titles when they're adults. Charles staying silent about it gives * more time to make a fool of herself. We may never find out what's actually happening behind the scenes. I don't trust any of these "sources" and "journalists."

All royal staff must have realized there would be a major reduction in force when the Queen died. Notifying them this soon is churlish, but it does give them a little more time to find a new position.
HappyDays said…
It is sad Charles is caving in and bestowing Prince and Princess on the Sussex children. These kids will be used as little moneymakers and Meghan will never stop her attacks using Harry as her delivery system.

As a reminder, I pulled this from Lady Colin Campbell’s book:

What a Hollywood producer who had worked with Meghan is quoted as saying in the Lady Colin Campbell book- Meghan and Harry, The Real Story:
"While her admirers commended her for her tenacity and toughness, one producer told me that he regarded her ‘an odiously pushy, voracious piece of work’. She was ‘greedy’, had ‘far too high an opinion of herself’, and was ‘a player who has a compulsion to always push for more. If you offered her California, she’d demand Arizona as well, and, if you didn’t give it to her, you were victimising her."
HappyDays said…
It is sad that Charles is caving in to what is probably Meghan’s demands. The attacks on the UK, the monarchy, Charles and Camilla, William and Kate will never end.

As a reminder, refresh your memory with this from Lady C’s book:

What a Hollywood producer who had worked with Meghan is quoted as saying in the Lady Colin Campbell book- Meghan and Harry, The Real Story:
"While her admirers commended her for her tenacity and toughness, one producer told me that he regarded her ‘an odiously pushy, voracious piece of work’. She was ‘greedy’, had ‘far too high an opinion of herself’, and was ‘a player who has a compulsion to always push for more. If you offered her California, she’d demand Arizona as well, and, if you didn’t give it to her, you were victimising her."
Martha said…
Girl with a Hat said…

a very funny story about the Queen
Ralph L said…
When Archie was born, or at the Sandringham summit, the Palace should have got something in writing from H saying he didn't want titles for him beyond the use of H's subsidiary Earl of Dumbarton as a courtesy title.
Mel said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mel said…
Zara and Mike were also holding hands so maybe I should give the dastardly duo a break on this performance
But they weren't part of the official state procession.

If one wants to be a part of the official state procession then they need to behave accordingly. Have some decorum et cetera. If holding hands is the highest priority for you, then you should bow out of being in the official state procession.

before going over the list of duplicate positions to see who might be ready to retire and be thrilled to get a severance package
Not to be disrespectful, but what makes you think these decisions were made in a hurry?
KC knew the Queen was dying. Most of the staffers would have known, too, or suspected it.
I would expect that these things have been in discussions for months, and those exact things looked at. The King isn't stupid.

The other thing that hasn't come up...their contract states that when a monarch dies their contract ends and they will receive severance pay as defined in the contract. So they had to know this was coming up.

Although I do take your point that the Clarence House people probably assumed they would be going with the monarch rather than being the ones to be laid off.

It's an unfortunate consequence of a branch office being closed down.

OTOH, if he kept all of them on, then he would be criticized for being wasteful. Having a fattened staff.

The timing...I don't know. No time time is good. He would be criticized no matter when he did it. Although this week does seem...something. Next week would have been better? But there was going to be an uproar whenever he did it. Might as well get it over with.

The media is waiting in the weeds for anyhing to whip up public hysteria, without knowing the facts, imo.
Petunia said…
My mom, who will be 93 on Saturday and who made many trips to England with my late father, is having a heck of a time keeping the line of succession straight. We watched the procession today and when I pointed out the uniformed personnel saluting The Cenotaph, and told her that it was one of Britain's main war memorials, she said, "And so they should. World War II was their finest hour." *sniff*
Hikari said…

I agree that the Royal staffers all should have been aware of the tenuousness of their status quo. Even if Elizabeth had not passed away now, The unavoidable fact that she was 96 years old and had battled Covid and lost her husband, and her passing could really only be a matter of a few years left at most high to be out everyone’s mind. Apparently there are legal ramifications which require staff to be notified at the earliest opportunity about their impending change in status. And that earliest opportunity was first thing Monday morning, leaving just enough time after the Queen’s death on Thursday to get that letter typed up and sent.

Via email if you please. Undeniably the most efficient delivery method— Also the most antiseptic and the easiest way out for the engineers of the bad news. I’m sure king Charles himself had delegated this duty, But I’m sure his private secretary kept him informed that it had gone out. So any staff Who had the weekend off returned to work on Monday and found the electronic pink slip in their email boxes. Surely the week of national mourning would have been a decent grace period to give Before lowering the boom on the inevitable bad news. A face to face meeting with staff would have been humane.

I suppose there will be another wave of redundancies at all the Royal palaces. William is going to need some experienced aides around him Who are familiar with running the Prince of Wales’s office. Probably he wants to bring his own top people with him into his new role but he’s going to need some of his fathers old staff as he learns the ropes. I don’t envy them this transitional time.
Hikari said…
Well, it’s Thursday in the UK and that means it’s Hawwy’s birthday. Do we think Sophie and Catherine will get together to bake him a cake?
abbyh said…

rethinking this no HRH

Is anyone giving any sources? I was reading it closer and not reading palace just a source so I'm wondering if it is an attempt to apply pressure into a desired decision.

So ... Tense talks after the death of HM?

IDK Maybe a few phone calls but gosh that would come off like asking multiple times about the will within an hour of the passing. Not likely to be warmly received.

And when it comes right down to it: when would KC have had time to have a chat let alone several? Think of the schedule - it is timed down to the minute for how long it was to take to do the walk the casket. Meals, the boxes, speeches, travel, sleep.

But the whole money thing linked to HRH for the kids doesn't do them good if the kids are not working because you have to be a working royal to get the Grant money. These kids are even younger than PoW's so even when they get older, those kids would be more likely to take that more active role so there would be less opportunity for A&L before factoring in that they aren't nearby.

So what would fighting for this really give them other than status on a business card and possible being more likely to be a target for a bully? Don't think it would help in the suit about protection because this circles back to not working royals don't get protection. Cui bono

If it is true that SS is no longer working with her/them, I wonder how the parting ended? Because if the stories of what they would do for a client have a grain of truth, this is not a company I would be wanting to part on unfriendly terms or leave a balance unpaid.

Mel said…
Interesting that KC doesn't stick around after events in London.

I know hes exceedingly busy but I feel like there's also a component of avoiding running into his 2nd son.

What's sad about that, is that Prince William is then also deprived of his dad's presence. And I feel like at the moment maybe Prince William could use some dad contact.
SwampWoman said…
Well, KCIII has been working with the staff of QEII for years and especially intensely this year. The personnel needs of a King versus the needs of a Prince would be different.

I expect that PW and perhaps PC will need to move some of them over to augment their staffs.

This is not a huge mystery. I think most of us have been in positions in the past where a merger or sale of a company has made our position within a department, or the entire department, redundant.

Furthermore, everybody knows this. Just more sh*t stirring.
Humor Me said…
I agree with @abbyh- until I see a decree from KCIII, I take this as pot stirring.
Martha said…
@abbyh….all good points.
Mel said…
Email does seem brusque. However, there must be a million things they need to accomplish in these few days....and there just isn't time for face to face meetings?

It's a tough situation all the way around. Sometimes ya just gotta bite the bullet and get 'er done.

Waiting till next week seems like it would have been nicer, but I could see someone causing havoc about that, too. Seems like it's pretty much a no win situation there. I could see that what was intended to be a kind gesture come back and bite him.
OCGal said…
If it is true that Archieficial and Lilibuck$ have been awarded the titles of Prince and Princess of the United Kingdom, I wonder if that concession to Harry and Meghan was given only if Harry agreed to drop publication of his vendetta book due out in November, and Meghan to cancel her already-in-the-can podcasts.

Charles has such massive wealth that in return for such an agreement, he could in my mind agree to pay off Penguin Random House and Spotify to shelve, or more accurately, destroy the projects, since it is my understanding that both Penguin Random House and Spotify foolishly paid in advance for these traitorous vanity projects, and so Harry and Meghan would pressure Charles to stump up all the massive cancellation penalties plus all the original money paid in advance to the two lying traitors.

Quid pro quo…

Anyone else suspicious about the shocking Prince and Princess news flying around? If it is true, I cannot possibly have more contempt for sniveling coward Charles than I did during the darkest Diana drama days, and I would again conclude that Meghan has mind-blowing stuff with which to blackmail the Royals…
SwampWoman said…
Mel said...
Interesting that KC doesn't stick around after events in London.

I know hes exceedingly busy but I feel like there's also a component of avoiding running into his 2nd son.

Just keeping up with European events has to be exhausting. I go to a doctor appointment, come home, and there have been several developments in Ukraine, for example. He has to look at troublesome developments worldwide and what it will be mean for the UK.

I expect that I am far happier not knowing about all of his concerns.
gloriosasuperba said…
@Nutties outside the UK. In terms of Employment Law, staff have to be given in writing 30 days notice of any changes in their employment contracts. Am beginning to wonder how some reporters ever managed to get jobs, the public in general seem to have better and more reliable knowledge.
@Mel and Hikari are right about the staff would/should have been aware that their contracts would be terminated by the death of their employer. Servants are employed personally by the monarch not by the Crown. The press made a lot of the situation when the Queen Mother died in 2002 and it was painful. Her death did not result in anyone moving up one place so there was little way to absorb redundant staff.

It's no different to what happened when we bought our modest dwelling in 2002.The previous owner (a retired gentleman, deceased) had employed a gardener. When the old gentleman died, all his bank accounts would have been frozen until his Will was confirmed as valid (the process called `getting Probate). This used to take months to sort out - now it's said to take a year, thanks to the pandemic . The only money that can be taken from the account is that needed to pay for the funeral and, possibly, any outstanding debts.

We were asked if we wanted to employ the chap previously employed as a gardener (probably without a formal contract) - we had no obligation to do so and we declined the opportunity as husband and I are keen gardeners (one of the attractions of the property was the garden. I'm still cussing the man - he'd disposed of grape-hyacinth seed heads (Muscari armeniacum) in the compost heap and I inadvertently spread the seeds around the garden and we're still haunted by the their offspring.

BTW Husband tells me the queue for Westminster Hall is already 2.6 miles long.
Maneki Neko said…

I do agree with you with the way the BRF has handled the situation. May it continue.

Re Charles and his staff, it's been reported that some will retire/design and that the Palace will try and redeploy the rest. Don't forget William is the new Prince of Wales and although he does have his own staff, he will need more. The staff who won't be able to stay will receive enhanced redundancy payment.


I'd stay Charles must be utterly exhausted and certainly needs a rest. If Highgrove is where he can best rest, away from the capital, then I don't think anyone would begrudge him 24 hours in his country residence. We need a king who is fit and healthy. I'm not sure this is to avoid seeing H, in any case H is at Frogmore, apparently. William can survive without seeing Charles for a day and can always phone him if need be.
snarkyatherbest said…
thanks all about the pearls. i forgot. i saw the close up. not that impressive by royal standards (have a similar pair smaller diamond though) and while i like them i know they are not specially made. they were bought at a department store. a nice department store but not designed and made for me. so queen chocked up another one against the mrs. prob had an aide run out to marks and spencer’s and pick up a pair 😉

i want some major queen brooch and earrings on Camilla,Catherine and Sophie and charles needs to give sophie something big for minding his problem in law. i hate they had to be in there same car. it’s hard enough to grieve than to deal with her too

Maneki Neko said…
I wish the press would stop speculating about a 'reconciliation' between William and Harry. Just because they've been photographed at events together does not mean anything. It's not that simple. Unavoidably, H and, unfortunately, wifey, have to attend the funeral and the attendant events. The walkabout was to preempt any manoeuvring by *. It would think it takes more than a few photo opportunities if they ever reconcile. The estrangement wasn't due to a little spat and the wound runs deep. This is also not the time, the BRF as a whole has to grieve first.
* struck me as wearing the same 'skelpt-arse' face she wore on the balcony when told of by H at TTC. Is that her one natural expression that we see?

I can't recall the US comedian who gave us the monologue about the Reading of the Will -

`..and to Louie, who asked that he be remembered in my Will - Hello Louie...'

Might it be `...Hello Meghan...'
Sandie said…
William and Catherine have gone to Sandringham.

The Wessexes and Andrew are at home on the Windsor estate but I doubt they will be visiting.
Angela Kelly was not there yesterday. I would assume that was her decision. Maybe she asked for private time, but she is probably also sorting out and packing up all the Queen's private belongings.

A Telegraph article, headlined:
BBC ‘politicising’ coverage of Queen Elizabeth’s death is ‘outrageous’

A Telegraph article about the Scots Nat tone of BBC's coverage of events in Scotland. As ever, when the Beeb has said something indefensible, they decline to comment.
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