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Is this Deja Vu or does it just Feel that Way?

 I know things take a while for deals to be finalized but it just feels like there has never a point in time where the talk is not of how they, or she/he, are/is ready to step into a spotlight, do something, may be paid for it and slay the opposition which doesn't appear to be exist in these articles.  The deals are always what others would drool over.  And oddly often very vague on details other than big money.  And endless opportunities in all directions.  These articles seem to be sprinkled everywhere like glitter.  It's always glory and money around the next corner.  The next deal.  That's the one which will pay out without mention of the last one.  Rinse.  Repeat.

It started with the same kind of talk when they left the royal family.  It was/is always how much money is possible and that the choices are wonderful for them.  Maybe that is why it feels like this is a lecture to us and not conversation with us.  At this point, I think we know the talking points pretty well.

The Royal Family does do publicity but it feels like it has a softer or quieter sound to it.  Existed but understated?  While the duo's always seems louder or more of it.  Perhaps it was because they were all new and shiny back then.  Or not.  

But, but, but ... by now, they have a track record of how the various opportunities have played out which never seemed to have the walk into the sunset moment it was projected to have.  So I'm still not certain on what basis all these huge number deals are calculated (new math?).  

And, I suspect, that for a lot of Hollywood, the people who want to meet them to say they have met or try to pitch something, have done so by now.  And if they haven't (by now), probably are not rushing to clear their calendar in hopes there is an opening which can be worked out mutually.  

This time it is where she can come back and influence the world and make rock star money for less than the time of a single band set.  He seems to not be part of the deal.  That's kind of new. It will be interesting to see how that plays out short and long term for both of them.

But the question becomes: Ok. So why is this push different than all the others in the past?  How will that change the profitability this time?  What is that number based on?  and how was that calculated?  Companies appear to be being more careful about how and what they back financially (post Bud Light).  They tend to be looking more for hard numbers to back up the ad people's projections.  

Once you get past that, the problems become what are the long and short term plans?  Who is driving those trains?  And how much is their cut?  Because sustaining something is an endless loop of "what to do next?" as well as "how do I retain freshness?" which needs an experienced eye and has feelers out to  the changing whims of the world.

The other problem is that all these influencers (existing) and the wanna-bes have you in their sights.  And they want your numbers and the money you are bringing in.  You have to be hungrier than they are.

So one needs to be relentless in being driven as each moment or a wrong step could drop you closer to the leading pack on your trail.  You have to be able to move past an oops and lead the public into the next "thing" you are pushing without missing a beat.  You have to handle it well publicly as well as privately with your team.  



abbyh said…
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It's been reported that both Andrew & Lady Hussey are being brought in from the cold in that they went to church with the other royals yesterday.

I rather think may provoke shrieks of outrage - may I respectfully suggest that non-Brits who feel this way should agitate for a change in their national law, so they can prosecute, in the US, Brits who commit what they perceive as an offence (according to their law)in another, third, jurisdiction, when it's not an offence in the UK, in the US court.

We have a law whereby British nationals who travel elsewhere (often Thailand) in order to sexually abuse much younger children can be prosecuted and gaoled when they come home. We would not, however, presume to prosecute US citizens for this.
Fifi LaRue said…
It's simply too late to turn the train wreck in the opposite direction. The Todgers should have left the RF with charm and smiles, and good will instead of blaming, accusations, etc. Rach should have love-bombed the public like she did to Hairball instead of sniveling and crying in public forums. Rach can't be an influencer and make millions per post because she's not positive, upbeat, in shape, always well dressed and well groomed like say, Jennifer Anniston or Jennifer Lopez. They are influencers. Rach does not have a work ethic. When she demanded something or threw a tantrum daddy was there to give it to her instantly. Real influencers work constantly and hard for their achievements, and they have teams supporting them. Rach simply can't get along with other people, hence no real support. More likely Rach would have people undermining her just to pay back her abuse.
Hikari said…

Andrew is a very flawed man with horrible taste in friends. Without defending his choice of companions or arguing for or against his sampling of any living party favors his host plied him with, I suggest that he has spent enough time in the naughty corner for it. I certainly don't condone illegal trafficking of young girls. Andrew has settled with his chief accuser who admits that she's conveniently mislaid the only proof she purports to have that HRH Andrew ever met her and also admitted that she was actively complicit in recruiting other younger girls to Jeffrey's stable. It's a sad sordid situation all around, but none of the other high-profile men who were also proveably associates of Jeffrey who availed themselves of his hospitality are suffering any consequences for it the way Andrew has.

Apart from the recent kerfluffle over his continued occupancy of Royal Lodge, he's kept his head down and abided by his punishment to stay out of the limelight. Since relations between KCIII and his younger brother have always been frosty, I greet the news that he might be letting A. out of Coventry with some surprise. Is there a rapprochement between the brothers, now that the Queen is gone and Charles has acceded to his destiny? Or is allowing Andrew public outings once again the price for his cooperation in vacating Royal Lodge to make way for the Waleses/abandoning the proposed idea for a tell-all book?

CR may have considered his options and decided that, despite past history, his troublesome little brother is still less trouble and more loyal to the Crown than his uber-troublesome kid in California. Considering what Hairball has done to the family, and continues to do, perhaps CR felt it looked churlish to continue to beat his brother with the hair shirt.

Charles was, when still PoW during the first Christmas of Andrew's disgrace, seen accompanying his brother to the early service at Sandringham, which I felt was sporting, even if Mummy asked him to do it.

I don't think Andrew will ever again have a public role in the Firm but if he's let out of disgrace to take his place at family events going forward, at least that's something. Maybe losing both of their parents in quick succession has made the brothers bury the hatchet. Rumor is that Andy has been very depressed of late, but that's natural. I can't imagine what he does all day, and he's still fairly young to be put out to pasture so firmly.
VetusSacculi said…
Charles does have a headache though in that the people of York and Sussex have expressed their displeasure at being associated, even if in name only, with Andrew and his errant nephew. WBBM will have superior knowledge of what, if anything, can be done to address that. I can’t see Andrew holding any public role again but at least he has kept his head down.
Maneki Neko said…
@Wild Boar

I totally agree with your post but the reference to Brits travelling to Thailand is not apposite. Paedophiles in Thailand like children/young teenagers. Andrew might be many things but a paedophile he isn't. Having sex with a [seemingly] willing 17 year old is not a crime. The age of consent is 16 in the UK and 17 in NY. But you are right to draw non Brits' attention to the issue.


Like you, I don't think Andrew will have an official role in the RF either and I don't see why the RF shouldn't invite him to private family functions. At least he hasn't attacked his family and made unproved accusations against them.

snarkyatherbest said…
horrors. Prince Andrew goes to church with the family. 😉. i guess many who criticize haven’t been in church in a while where the spirit of forgiveness and repentence runs strong. and it was a good signal for the other number two. you may be punished from public BRF works but you will be embraced if you seek forgiveness (true repentence not “i’m sorry if you were offended sorry”). and i agree andrew has taste in friends and a terrible track record but he lost his greatest champion a year ago and so he is a bit of a lost soul. going to church and hopefully the words seep in. then it’s is a good thing for anyone who lost their way.

on the flip side what kinda $hit show will September be. what will the mrs and the mr do to take attention away from the anniversary of the queen’s passing? away from the Wales going to Wales, PW in Nyc (bye i was almost going to be there for work but there are no hotel rooms to be had), away from the veterans and families at Invictus and away from the family ira helped by well child. and will Doria use her hrh 😉
@Maneki Neko
I tried not to imply that Andrew is a paedophile but didn't quite make it (I couldn't find the correct term at the time but it's ephebophile.) Andrew does seem an unpleasant person with some very dubious acquaintances - he upset a friend of mine at a civic line-up where they were ready to shake his hand but time ran out and he departed abruptly without a word. The `snub' still rankled 30 years later.

It's damning him with faint praise to say `At least he's not a traitor' but that counts for a lot these days, as does family forgiveness for a penitent sinner, for whom church is the right place.

Our former rector once had a parish with a very difficult but otherwise highly `respectable' flock. When asked how such awful people ended up in church he replied that it was the only club that wouldn't throw them out.

@Vetus Sacculi:
I understand it's up to the holder to renounce a title.'. As I've previously suggested, perhaps the good people of Sussex should show what they think of them by burning their ducal images on Bonfire Night in Lewes?

As for the York title, it's odd that people of York and Yorkshire have never, as far as I'm aware, complained about previous holders of the title, James II for example.
Magatha Mistie said…

I agree with you.
Andrew is a bumptious prat,
as for the rest, yeah, nah*
And yes, my felicitations were tongue
in cheek but well meant 😉

Does that make madam


Magatha Mistie said…


The Klash with the
Kar Krashion
Staged, hoping to Kashinonin
Kriss Kross
reality night mere
Klandestine, Kovert
Kovered in same dirt
Mere Krill Krap
Kiss my derrière…

Magatha Mistie said…

And Just Like That
She’s back to square peg
Tig, Tat, Ho…

Fifi LaRue said…
"Sources" er... Rach has put out that she fears Kate will meddle in the "peace summit" Hairball will have with KCIII coming up soon, this according to the New York Post.
OCGal said…
@Magatha Mistie,

I constantly marvel at your facility with language, and how you braid together well known phrases and songs with douchass-specific actions, in wonderfully contemptuous double-and-triple entendres.

I quote your latest work here, because it is literally (to me) genius level work:

"Tig, Tat, Ho…"

Mel said…
Mm has used that language before...fears that Catherine would meddle in the brothers' relationship.

As if Mm has 100% meddled. 🙄
Hikari said…
Funny, but there is no “peace summit” scheduled in CRIII’s diary for September. HM is going to have a few days free that coincide with Hairball’s travel to Düsseldorf.

I do not think HM wishes to see Hairball. The kind of “peace” the Sussexes ate agitating for is nothing less than a full groveling apology to Madam for fabricated grievances and a full restoration of all Royal privileges and appointments…and let’s have Windsor Castle this time round.

Ergo, there will be no meeting between Hairball and his father. The King will maintain his dignified silence and Hairball will twist in the wind.
Rebecca said…
Someone at WME must spend all their time planting stories on behalf of the shrew:

New York Post

Meghan Markle ‘worried’ Kate Middleton will ‘meddle’ in talks with Prince Harry: report

Meghan Markle is said to be “worried” that her sister-in-law Kate Middleton will “meddle” in alleged peace talks with Prince Harry next week, according to a report.

The Duke of Sussex, 38, is set to appear at the annual WellChild charity event — which he has attended for 15 years — in London on Sept. 7 before he jets off to Germany for the sixth iteration of his Invictus Games competition.

During his short stint on home soil, Harry is reportedly set to take part in a healing conversation with his father, King Charles.

Markle, 42, is not expected to join them for the so-called summit.

But Harry’s wife is said to be worried that Princess Kate will get involved in the talks, a source told Heat Magazine.

An insider told the outlet that Harry has a lot of respect for Kate, despite his relationship with brother Prince William being “at an impasse right now.”

“Meghan will not be happy if he goes ahead with this,” a source said of an alleged conversation taking place between Harry and Kate, adding how the “Suits” alum “hates the idea of not being there to defend herself.”

“[Meghan] can’t help but feel that Kate is meddling in their business,” the insider added.

The Post has reached out to Markle’s reps for comment.

The Duchess of Sussex, 42, is reportedly not joining her husband in the UK due to previous commitments with the pair’s children, Archie, 4, and Lilibet, 2, elsewhere.

For their part, the royal family will be commemorating the first anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II’s death just one day later.

But reports suggest that Harry has yet to receive any invitation to join the family at Balmoral Castle for an intimate event that night.

Insiders told the Sun earlier this month that there “hasn’t been any outreach to them” from the royals.

It’s no secret that tensions between Harry and his estranged family have been at an all-time high in recent years.

Things took a turn for the worse following the January release of his tell-all memoir, in which he alleged his father branded him the “spare” since birth.

The pair have only returned to the UK a handful of times since, with their last joint appearance on Harry’s home soil being at the late monarch’s funeral on Sept. 19, 2022.
Maneki Neko said…
Re the NYP article, I don't think it's been confirmed that H would meet Charles when he is in the UK. If there are any talks and Catherine is involved, then it might be a good thing if she's involved. I think she has the skills to act as a mediator and peacekeeper and she used to have a very good, warm relationship with H - pre *, obviously.

* 'is reportedly not joining her husband in the UK due to previous commitments with the pair’s children, Archie, 4, and Lilibet, 2, elsewhere.' No, she's not, she's not wanted by the RF and as for the 'previous commitments with the pair’s children', don't make me laugh, what previous commitments? Unless they're facing surgery, for instance, she can get away for a short while. She had no qualms before and she obviously doesn't have any commitments when it's about Invictus. In fact, her only commitments are to herself.
Sandie said…
Late here, but I have come across some ne articles that indicate what a busy bee she is and how she operates.

While she was still a girlfriend, the scriptwriter got a call from a director or her agents (he can't remember) asking for changes in the script so that she would not say words like 'poppycock'. This did not come from any royal household, office or family member ... it was her acting important and exerting control.

She is attacking Catherine again:

It is widely believed that Harry will sit down with his father for alleged "peace talks" so they can have a candid conversation about the growing tensions between them. The tensions, which began when Harry and Meghan stepped down as senior Royals and moved to the States, have been heightened by the release of Harry’s bombshell memoir Spare earlier this year and his and Meghan's Netflix series that came out last December.

And now it is claimed that the Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton, wants in on the talks and Harry is said to be open to the idea, although there is nothing set in concrete. An insider has told Heat Magazine that Prince Harry has a lot of respect for his sister-in-law Kate, despite his relationship with William being "at an impasse right now".

The source added that Harry feels "very fondly" towards the Princess, with it said that he would be "glad" to meet her while he tours Europe for Invictus and WellChild. Speaking to the magazine, the source added that there's one problem though. "Meghan will not be happy if he goes ahead with this," they confessed, adding how the former Suits actress "hates the idea of not being there to defend herself".

"[Meghan] can't help but feel that Kate is meddling in their business," the source then added.

Prince Harry has recently been enjoying some trips away from his home in Montecito, California, with him attending an event in Tokyo in August for a sports summit based around community and philanthropy. He then went to Singapore for Sentebale's ISPS Handa Polo Cup match.

Sandie said…
Sorry, but I repeat posted that story about TBW taking a dig at Catherine. The royal family are in Scotland. Unless hapless is planning to visit them there for the fictional peace talks before the WellChild awards, the story is a load of rubbish.

IMO she is desperately trying to get big brand endorsements and a guarantee that she can triumphantly get back on social media and make a million per post. Without the royal connection she is just not going to get anywhere near that so she stirs up false rumours about peace talks but sets up Catherine as the villain who sabotages them.
Both the Guardian and DM have reported the `poppycock' story as fact.

Not for one moment would I expect a royal Brit to know the 3rd definition of the word given in in - a guide to American usage as far as I can see. I call `Balderdash! Rubbish! Nonsense!'!

My parents were very careful about their language and about what my juvenile ears heard yet Dad had no hesitation in uttering the word in front of me.

Maneki Neko said…
Prince Harry's new Invictus Games Netflix series is RELEASED: All five episodes come out with pressure on documentary to be a ratings success for their £80million streaming deal

Prince Harry describes himself as a 'dad of two, owner of a couple of dogs, husband and founder of Invictus Games' in opening of new Netflix series released TODAY

* Heart Of Invictus launches on Netflix with all five episodes released at 8am

* Harry is executive producer and show forms part of Sussexes' Netflix deal
On Monday, Harry made a surprise appearance at the premiere at a cinema in Chula Vista, where two episodes were shown to an audience of veterans and their relatives.
I'm not exactly sure how H is an executive producer. I didn't realise he had experience in this area. JD and duties: "Ensure production meets competitive goals and projects the intended brand image. Supervise other producers and ensure they, and the production, work within union regulations. Oversee and approve the hiring of marquee talent. Maintain the budget and approve schedules." No comment.

8 am is UK time if anyone is interested.
Sandie said…

Hapless at a screening of Heart of Invictus, in Chuka Vista. I guess the event was not glamorous enough for her, and held in a place much too close to her father?

Rumours of separation and divorce true or stay married but live separate lives?
Sandie said…

DM has a long article about Heart of Invictus. Does not sound as if he is in reconciliation mode, but still feeling sorry for himself and blaming others. She does feature in the documentary and her appearances seem to focus on their 'love story'. The focus also seems to be on mental aspects rather than physical injuries. The latter are not insignificant. My sister had her leg amputated 6 months ago - the phantom pain, the many difficult steps in rehabilitation, the amount of work she has to do every day (to align her hips, to shape the stump for the prosthetic, to deal with the phantom pain), the ripping away of independence ... it is a long and difficult struggle to regain mobility and as much independence as possible, and it costs money, lots of money, for all of it.

Nowhere do I hear the whining idiot say that he was really lucky to return from two tours of Afghanistan not only alive but with all limbs intact, and no physical injuries. Invictus Games is for those who were not so lucky.
Sandie said…

Some intriguing posts:

It's true MM mulls return to social media. In a recent meeting with agent, exec and their assistant MM expressed frustration at "unfairness" she "has to" stay offline. She calls it stifling. Itching to defend herself online. Want to "take back" her narrative & show inside life.
How did this meeting play out?

I'm told good counsel advised she remain off social media should a potential political run materialize.

WME is insistent she allow them to offer 'more prestigious' soapboxes than social media in the interim.

(September Editorials?)
Her agents and representation at WME. There are 2 or 3 (unconfirmed) representatives at WME who are working almost full time on her profile
It is interesting that the thoughts and feelings and intents of the royal family are nowadays open to everybody to consume via different third rate rags. A new cultural phenomenon we did not have earlier. I wonder what has caused it. It has been going on about six years, maybe little more. Truly remarkable.
Sandie said…

I am looking forward to this: The Vintage Read Show is doing a video investigating if they met earlier than they said, and hints that she uncovered something. Shauna is really good and resists populist beliefs despite the abuse she gets. She is really level-headed.

IMO they totally lied about how they met. We have gone through the evidence many times here. My one theory is that their paths crossed in Turkey when she was there for the opening of Soho House (from photos looks like she was working as some kind of hostess) and he was there with his father for a Gallipoli remembrance, at the same time. He did not remember her, but she was dead set on him from that moment and so engineered the first meeting (maybe through Eugenie). The other time their paths could have crossed was when he was in Toronto for an IG event and her live-in boyfriend catered for a private dinner for the prince ... a dinner where her best friend was one of the guests. Their paths thus crossed and she ditched the boyfriend and went after the prince.

I am looking forward to what Shauna has to say in her video
Maneki Neko said…
Am I getting a feeling of déjà vu? H 'has claimed he did not have a support network after returning from serving in Afghanistan and his trauma dating back to his mother Princess Diana’s death was 'never discussed', in another apparent swipe at the Royal Family.' The Netflix documentary is about injured soldiers, not the trite mention of his mother's death.

As for the lack of support network when he came back from Afghanistan, first of all he wasn't on the front line and secondly, he had access to the best mental health care money can provide. He wasn't injured and had a roof over his head. Count your blessings, my lad, instead of telling us another woe is me story.
SMM had a link to a Hello! exclusive that CRIII and H will meet on 17th September etcetera, etcetera ad nauseam. Sadly I can't find it now as I'd have liked to post it here in its entirety.

Anyway, it made it seem that it was all fixed, the King would definitely be conferring with H & he would be welcomed back with open arms, possibly Meghan as well.

Palace giving an exclusive to Hello!? Laughable.
The problem with Harry seems to be that in his own mind he is so remarkable person that everybody around him ought to know automatically what he feels and thinks. There is no need him to TELL them. (well, maybe afterwards when he accuses them of neglect)

Everybody must understand without words and hurry immediately to help and therapize him and discuss his problems and give him lots of empathy and sympathy.

If they don't they are mean and horrible people and HURT HIM ON PURPOSE.
Sandie said…

However, Mr Korsch’s version of events was disputed by former aides, who suggested it was the Duchess’s agent, not the Palace, that demanded the change.
One former Palace aide said they had “no recollection” of scripts being vetted and suggested it was probably an “over zealous” agent.
Hikari said…

Re. The first meeting…However the first meeting happened,
1. It was at a Soho House location/event
2. * was on deck (in a manner of speaking) to provide “hospitality”.

It really doesn’t matter ‘where’ the encounter occurred, as it would have played out (or shall I say “paid out”) the same.
HRH as was is an infamous cheapskate so maybe he never actually paid her, but I think we all know how she got her hooks in. Harold’s other short-term pecuniary companions always went away after playtime, but not her, much to the very visible chagrin of Hairball and Justin Trudeau. She just kept turning up like a pernicious social disease.

Hairball might’ve thought he was pulling one over on his family when he brought her round and introduced her as his soulmate and future wife. But Prince Philip, homme du monde with some experience of “show business” types himself saw straight through her. “One steps out with actresses; one does not marry them.” He was being delicate. He knew he would be quoted and couldn’t very well say “Foolish boy, why have you brought a prostitute home to meet your grandmother? He couldn’t say it, but I’ll call that.

I think it’s very likely that * may have seen Hairball in Turkey, Since the schedules coincided, and he Certainly would’ve been on her radar if not the other way around. She may have chatted him up in the context of a party or a welcome event, and it definitely might’ve been where she launched her campaign, “Operation Bag a Ginger Dimwit”… But I think they didn’t actually connect for a “date” until later. I’m curious where * would have encountered Eugenie first though—Was E. In Toronto that much, and why? If she had business in New York, it wouldn’t be that far, but ostensibly Soho House Toronto is where are the infamous Halloween party took place, not in London. I don’t suppose will ever know all the sordid details, due to a massive conspiracy of lies. It’s not just * and Hairball lying— There’s a whole network of people in multiple countries that are covering for them. It’s amazing what money can buy.
Sandie said…
Tom Bower wrote this in Revenge, but his source is the Daily Mirror. The royal family and courtiers do not interfere in the lives of girlfriends, and probably have little interest. The narc was throwing her weight around and showing off how important she was, like when she got her agents to phone VF and threaten them with the Queen about the cover and article about her before she had the ring on her finger.

As reported by The Mirror, one of the most interesting revelations is how the the palace enforced a number of changes and restrictions to Meghan and the writers of Suits. Tom Bower wrote: "Fearing the worst, from bitter experience, the Palace stepped in to control Meghan’s life. Aaron Korsh was told to submit all future Suits scripts to Nick Collins, Meghan’s agent.

"Scripts were thereafter forwarded to Kensington Palace for approval. Orders for changes of words were sent back from London to Los Angeles.

"The most important demand concerned Meghan’s last scene at her ‘wedding’ to Mike. No photographs, the Palace ordered, were to be shot of Meghan wearing a wedding dress.

and this:

"Between filming, she was always to wear a jacket over the dress. The atmosphere in the studio changed.

"Some actors and staff discovered that Meghan’s attitude occasionally stiffened. Sometimes she arrived late and her empathy occasionally morphed into near-arrogance.

"Meghan had markedly shifted from the early days when she held a prayer meeting with the Suits cast before filming started.

Many people think Bower is the ultimate source of the truth, well researched ... most of Revenge came from stories in the tabloids, which he quotes as the sources. He Cobbled together tabloid stories, interviewed her family (no new info there) plus interviewed the crew for the Reitman campaign (they spilled the dirt) and the interviewer for the VF article (he was scathing about her and then retracted). No courtiers, none of her friends (other than childhood friend she ghosted many years ago), not her publicist that she quoted, and no one in the royal family gave Bower any information. Valentine Low has better information as he spoke to ex-palace staff, especially those who worked with the duo.
The new Invictus documentary seems to be full of Harry's buzzwords of family and community and friends and resilience and solidarity and service and god knows what. My question is: what in the hell has that anything to do with Harry's own life? He is living his life in a hedonistic self pitying misery where he wallows in his imaginary woes and has audacity to constantly tell the truly badly wounded soldiers that his hurts are as horrible as theirs. It is utterly ridiculous but I am not laughing because it is so disgusting and disrespectful towards the true veterans. And no, I don't see him as a true veteran, because all the world knows that he did not truly risk his life in Afghanistan with his bodyguards and his safe bunker.
OCGal said…

I am sorry to read of your sister's monumental health challenges with the recent amputation.

I send her, and you, my strongest possible good wishes for better times and better health ahead. It is so difficult to witness the struggles of a loved one, and be unable to do anything concrete to ease their pain and clear roadblocks in their journey.

Through the morphic field of our small but powerful and connected Nutties group, I hope she will feel and benefit from our goodwill and support.
OCGal said…
@alianor d'aquitaine, you recently wrote about Hasbeen and his Invictus cosplay of being an ex soldier:

"...He is living his life in a hedonistic self pitying misery where he wallows in his imaginary woes and has audacity to constantly tell the truly badly wounded soldiers that his hurts are as horrible as theirs. It is utterly ridiculous but I am not laughing because it is so disgusting and disrespectful towards the true veterans. And no, I don't see him as a true veteran, because all the world knows that he did not truly risk his life in Afghanistan with his bodyguards and his safe bunker." - end quote -

I agree 100% and I am so angry on behalf of real soldiers.
Maneki Neko said…

I can only echo OCGal's words regarding your sister. This must have been a traumatic time for all the family. Her case puts things in perspective when you read about H bleating on about his fate. I wish you and your sister much strength. Take care x
abbyh said…

The picture of him, in the office, look eerily familiar. I remember one of her at (I believe) that table, that background, that space between the fireplace and so on. And I seem to remember that copies of her book were stacked up on the table.

Does anyone else remember it?
Maneki Neko said…

Yes, that was my first thought when I saw H at his desk. Do they share the space? * had stacks of The Bench but H doesn't seem to have stacks of Spare. I'm not sure where they charge their respective laptops. It looks staged in both cases.
OCGal said…

Yes, I too, remember the douchass in the exact same room and set-up. The only thing missing in Haznoballs' photo is his douchass in the window juggling his balls, like he did in one of her boring videos. Oh so comical - not.
Girl with a Hat said…

My best wishes to your sister and all of your family at this difficult time. I hope she comes through this time with as little pain as possible. God bless you all.
Mel said…
Sandie...echoing the goodwill sent by the others above.
Sandie said…
Thanks to all for the good wishes fr and kind words about my sister. She is such a champion ... within 24 hours of having her leg amputated (above the knee), she got out of the hospital bed on her own and with the aid of a walker, went to the loo, on her own, and returned to the ward and got back into bed. I wept for a day and more when I got the news that they were amputating her leg; she accepted and got on with learning to live with one leg, and what a long daily struggle that is.

I checked out a review i6f the whole Invictus series. TBW makes brief appearances; he features a lot more. He claims now that he came up with the idea of IG when returning from Afghanistan; does not acknowledge the royal courtiers and others who actually did all the work to set them up; claims he got no help from anyone with his monumental health struggles (despite giving an interview in 2017 with William where they talk about William seeing he was not ok and urging him to get help and him then going to therapy, after a recommendation from a friend of Diana's). Interestingly, he says his therapist urges him to let things go (my words) but he seems unable to follow that advice.
Sandie said…
As for her ... if the tea from X is true, she wants to get back on social media (hence all the articles about making millions) but also has political ambitions. How many months has it been? And she has three people working in her account? But no deals yet. She is all over the place (Kardashian influencer, movie producer, romantic lead, politician, and so on ...) but seems to be allergic to actual consistent hard work in a clear direction.
Sandie said…
The Sun claps back:

Trash Harry
BITTER, deluded and addled by hatred, Prince Harry shamelessly rewrites history yet again. We won’t have it.

We could fill an entire paper with his fictions about himself, his Windsor family and us. But let us focus on one.

Not even a veteran whose service we admire will get away with claiming The Sun fell short in our coverage of the plight of our troops in Afghanistan.

Not only did we stand up at every turn for our brave men and women.

We launched a campaign backing Help For Heroes in 2007 — the year before Harry claims the media was ignoring them.

It has raised countless millions to improve the lives of 27,000 wounded veterans.

For years we staged our glittering Millies awards, honouring the very heroes the Prince now says were overlooked.

Harry should recall those. He was The Sun’s guest enough times.

In 2011 he gave the keynote speech and thanked “all those involved in laying on this marvellous evening”.

We are still the forces’ No 1 paper and for good reason.

Harry’s own Invictus Games remains his sole positive contribution since he abandoned Royal duties for venomous exile.

What a pity he will abuse even that platform to make bogus new barbs about his purportedly uncaring relatives.

And to concoct more nonsense to furnish his self-pitying narrative that the media is to blame for everything that ever went wrong for him.
Sandie said…
The true story:

Part 1
In the year 2006, Prince William, Prince Harry’s elder brother, was a troop commander in the Household Cavalry. His troop came up for their turn in Southern Iraq. The Ministry of Defence decided that the best way to get Prince William out to Southern Iraq was to keep it a secret — to keep the knowledge in the hands of a handful of people. They knew that if it leaked that he was going, he probably couldn’t go. Unfortunately, it leaked.

The prime minister and the secretary of state for defense made the decision that Prince William couldn’t go, not just because the Ministry of Defence didn’t want to endanger his life — he was in direct line to the throne — but more because of endangering the lives of people around him if he was targeted.

And Prince William was gutted about it. He understood intellectually why that decision was taken, but he was personally gutted. I mean, he’s a soldier to his core. He was really upset that, having trained for it, he couldn’t then go with his men, as their officer.

Roll forward a year and a bit, and Prince Harry and his troop are now coming up for their turn — in this case to go into Afghanistan. The Ministry of Defence looked at this and they said, “We can’t attempt to do what we did last time, so we need to find a different way of getting him into Afghanistan.”

The deal was that there would be no mention at all of his deployment to Afghanistan until he was safely back. And in exchange, Prince Harry would do interviews before deployment, during deployment and after deployment — but those interviews would be kept until he was safely back.

We get to week 10 of the deployment, and the Drudge Report spots this story on New Idea. And they knew what they had found. They realized this was big. They didn’t know there was an agreement in place, and it wouldn’t have mattered to them, I suspect, even if they did. That’s not how they operated.

And so they published it.
Sandie said…

Prince Harry returns

He was in a very remote base at the time in Afghanistan, so he had to be flown from that base back to the main British base where he was then put on an airplane coming back to Britain that night.

I was one of the people who greeted him when he arrived back.

He was very upset, actually. He was really down. I wouldn’t describe him as angry — he’s far more mature than that, and he understood why it had happened. He was just very sad about it. In that time, you develop such a close bond with your troop. And it’s a job that he evidently was very good at, and passionate about. To suddenly have to cut it short, in the middle of a day as well … His commanding officer literally tapped him on the shoulder and said, “I’m sorry, Prince Harry, but this has happened”…

It was very sudden for him. What was very sweet was that his father and his brother came to meet him at the airport as well. And that was the first time I met Prince William. I’d met Prince Harry in the run-up to his going to Afghanistan, part of the sitting in for the interviews he gave, but Prince William I hadn’t met before.

It was the first time I realized, that I saw with my own eyes, the closeness of the relationship between the two brothers. Think about the mixed emotions Prince William would have had, because he wasn’t allowed … he never got to go. So he would have known how Prince Harry felt, and he was very protective of him.

So Prince Harry comes off his aircraft, and he’s exhausted. He hasn’t washed for a day and a half. He’s still wearing what he was wearing in the desert in Afghanistan. He still has sand all over him. And so he’s really tired; he slept overnight on the plane. And he’s also just deeply upset. The interviewer and the producer start asking the pre-agreed questions that have been very carefully negotiated by all the broadcasters, who all have slightly different angles regarding what they want to ask Prince Harry about.

We get about two questions into this list of questions, and Prince William suddenly stands up. He’s at the back of the room — he stood kind of behind me. He stands up and does a cutting motion with his hand across his throat, saying, this is over.

It was simply a brother realizing that at that point nothing was more important than his welfare, and none of the other agreements mattered at that point. And it says something about the closeness of the two brothers and their authenticity, as well. They will not fake who they are simply to play a game or to go along with other people’s expectations. And they are perfectly courteous and loyal and they will abide by agreements up to a point. But there will come a point where they say, “Well, actually our humanity is more important.”
Sandie said…

An excellent post debunking some of his claims in the documentary (he himself said contradictory things in his memoir).
Sandie said…
The DM fact checking:

Another recollections may vary article with this nugget:

"Tonight several sources with knowledge of the situation over the years raised eyebrows at Harry’s claims. While stressing they would not belittle his personal experiences, one suggested he had an ‘ongoing selective memory’."

And Jan Moir says it well: he is very annoying!

Maneki Neko said…
New Harry Markle up

The Court Of Public Opinion On Invictus And WellChild

Interestingly, but not unsurprisingly, it says there are "18k downvotes for the trailer v 2.6k upvotes".
Maneki Neko said…
The DM has an article, 'As Harry and Meghan launch new documentary Heart of Invictus, it seems once again the Duke's litany of complaints aren't quite adding up', which debunks a few of his claims. Extraordinary is the claim that "the UK media ignored stories about British soldiers wounded in Afghanistan." Recollections must vary because I do remember how this was covered in the press and on television.
Plus ça change... (also Reddit and other sites)
Magatha Mistie said…

Quickie 🎤
Apologies: Cliff Richard
Living Doll

Chav* Valley** of the Moll

Got myself a whinin’, whingin’
creepin’, stalkin’, Livid Moll
Tried my best, appease her
Still my life’s a Livin’ Hell
Her rolling eye and hips
and lying lips, sucked dry my soul
Got the one and only farkin’***
Meghan Mole…

*common as muck
**Chad Valley-UK toy makers
***apart from the obvious-
a photoshop technique 😉

Magatha Mistie said…

Thank you,
very much appreciated.
Good to know I’m hitting
the right spot, as entendre’d😉

@ Sandie 🥰

Over on SMM a `Harkle Alphabet Game' has been set up:

It's suggestions for `B' today. If I could post on SMM, I'd offer:

`Beagle's Broken Bones'

and `Birds of Prey - protected ones - Believed to have been shot illegally by H)

to say nothing of `B*ggery, (but no evidence of B*stiality yet.)

Free free, anyone, to post them for me.
NeutralObserver said…
@Sandie, I want to add my best wishes for your sister. She's fortunate in having a devoted sister.
Sandie said…

Interesting ... her name is not in the schedule for the closing ceremony of IG. And, a comment from the thread ...

"The German Ministry of Defense was firm to decline Meghan's spokesperson's insistence that Meghan participate, with PH, at a September 9th live interview for the German ZDF media.

Meghan is not taking the "no" as it is, and her spokesperson is persisting. And they are making noises about what helicopter is needed for their transport."

Has anyone else come across credible gossip about this? We have heard about her supposed various demands, that she will be joining him in Germany and not be with him in the UK, and that she will be moderating the life stories part of the closing ceremony (but the official programme on the IG website says that this part of the ceremony will be moderated by Hadnet Tesfal).

Are they hiding her participation, and if so why, or has she been excluded, or has everything gone pear shaped and they are actually separated? I just cannot see her not being there and not getting on stage to try and steal the limelight and grab the headlines.
Sandie said…

It seems that she will not be participating in the IG closing ceremony, and that the statement that she would be was an error.

So, will she be there?
SwampWoman said…
Sandie, I am so sorry that somehow I missed the original post about your sister's leg. She is a very strong woman to just get on with her new reality instead of spending at least a little time grieving the loss. She is probably the kind of person that is strong for everybody else and bears her grief alone.

Re the question if Harry's First Wife will or won't be in Germany (I'm getting a feeling of deja vu here as though I've been through this before, how odd *grin*), what do the cards say?

I know, the limitations of cards are that she may *intend* to be there, but can't get her expenses covered, or is refused entry by Germany. I'm not sure if my understanding is accurate, though.
OCGal said…
Excellent tweet I just ran across...clever and true:


Invictus now has become Invictimus."
OCGal said…
Another good tweet:

"The Centerview@centerviewnews

Harry is addicted to his depression - ironically it appears to be his happy place…

Harry doesn’t want to move on from his childhood trauma, he doesn’t want to get better - he wants to wallow in misery and self pity for the rest of his life - for Harry childhood trauma is the perfect excuse for being a chronic underachiever

Everything Harry does is an act of self sabotage designed to keep him isolated, depressed and dejected

No therapist, friend or family member can save him

The only person who can save Harry is himself" - end quote -
Martha said…
It would be absolute perfection if she had been overruled. I can’t wait to hear reports of her absence! If this is true, it’s just desserts but she won’t take this lying down. Something is no doubt already at play…Then, it’s just insufferable h the veterans have to bear. sorry about your brave sister. It’s so hard.
There is always a risk that if the madame gives her normal buzzword speech she meets an audience that deny her any credit and applause. That would be very humiliating.

But it seems quite clear that the reaction to the Netflix series Heart of Invictus must be shock to Harry. He screwed it up. Maybe that scared lady Dumbarton.
It is interesting what Harry shows us when he talks, talks, talks about himself.

On the flight BACK from Afghanistan he sees three badly wounded soldiers and tells that:

"Now is the real trigger, for I'm now seeing the real cost of war"


With what right does he speak of his PTSD? He has not seen anything before his home flight.

Was the killed 25 afghans just sick boasting?

Jesus Christ, he is one sick individual!
VetusSacculi said…
There is an interview on YouTube from TalkTV I think including Colonel Richard Kemp who questions how H would suffer from what he experienced in Afghanistan. It’s clumsy and comes across as judging what should or shouldn’t trigger someone, but reading between the lines I think the good Colonel is saying that H did or was exposed to sweet FA in the time he was there.
Fifi LaRue said…
What we need is someone who was guarding Hairball in Afghanistan to leak anonymously, what really went on, like perhaps sitting in a tent all day focused on a Play Station, smoking weed (the good stuff found only in Afghanistan), etc. IMO if Hairball had really served his country his attitude would be much different. He's revealed himself to be a whiny-a$$ed b*tch.
Mel said…
It's beyond me how he managed to get so traumatized in his 8 week and 10 week tours of duty, when the normal tour of duty was 18 months.

Rumor has it that by the ninth week of his tour he had had enough of being on duty, and voila! suddenly his location was leaked. 🤔
In the Daily Mail:

Harry and Meghan's annus horribilis of karmic disaster: MAUREEN CALLAHAN's devastating analysis of how a string of crushing failures since the Queen's death 12 months ago have shattered their narcissistic dreams
Sandie said…
A card reader looked at the dynamic between Catherine and hapless through the years, and I thought it might be fun to share it here (4 different stages so I will have to split it up):

1. Before Catherine and William's marriage
Dynamic - 5 of Diamonds (lonely/poverty/illness/out of place)

They weren't super close before Catherine and William's marriage.
This card is about going through really rough times in your life such as financial loss, health issues, feeling abandoned, loneliness, etc. I'm not surprised if they never had the time to bond because they were struggling through their own shit.

Harry - 10 of Spades (backstab/betrayal/downfall)

He went through a lot of stuff at this time. I don't think he trusted a lot of people tbh. He's been betrayed too many times.

Catherine - 2 of Spades (indecisive/equal/ally/friendship)

Catherine didn't know how to think of him. I think she was conflicted about Harry (probably due to his controversies and how he acted).
Although, I don't see her hating him. She sees him as a friend still.

2. After Catherine and William's marriage
Dynamic - 10 of Hearts (family/happy ever after/fairytale), 6 of Diamonds

The cards I pulled indicate a big happy family as well as receiving help and support.

I think it was true when Harry said that Catherine felt like a sister he never had. But this was after Catherine had joined the Royal Family.

I think they both supported each other, especially Catherine when Harry had tough times.

Harry - King of Hearts (emotionally and intellectually balanced), 2 of Hearts (union/marriage/bond)

Harry prioritized himself a lot during this time. Not in a selfish way.
During this time, Harry finally achieved some balance in his life. He was able to control most of his emotions.

Catherine - Ace of Spades (new beginning/victory/success/mental clarity), 3 of Spades (heartbreak/breakup/separation)

I think she saw Harry in a better light because he was emotionally stable at this time.

I hear: "He finally fought his demons," in a proud voice and with a sigh of relief.

Catherine was really supportive of Harry in seeking help to overcome the trauma and heartbreak (e.g. therapy). She is one of the people in his life who can sympathize with him and understand why he is the way he is. It's very big sister energy.

Sandie said…
3. After Harry's marriage
Dynamic - 4 of Spades (fears/solitude/anxiety/stress)

After Harry's marriage, their bond started to disconnect.

There was a loootttt of stress and overwhelming emotions. They both needed time alone to recuperate.

Harry - 7 of Spades (lies/deception/secrets/cheating)

Either Harry was keeping secrets from her or he thought Catherine was keeping secrets from him. I'm not surprised if it was both. We, humans like to project.

But I really do think that Harry was keeping a lot to himself at this time.

Catherine - 7 of Hearts (wishful thinking/illusion/dreams/fantasy/options)

There were a lot of hopeful wishes from Catherine's end. Maybe she wished that Harry would come to her and open up? Maybe she thought things would be different?

4. Now
Dynamic - Ace of Clubs (new beginnings/new passion/challenge/taking action)

I think their relationship is...dead. It's non-existent. I did a previous reading and I remember seeing William in between them which wasn't surprising at all.

This card is about new beginnings and new passions. Clearly, they are both living very different lives at the moment.

Harry - 5 of Hearts (sorrow/sadness/grief)

I've been seeing this with Harry for a while. He's depressed and sad about losing everything he once had. This is pretty general.

Catherine - 9 of Hearts (getting what you want/success/happiness)

Catherine is getting everything she wants right now. She's gaining a lot of success and is very happy with how things are turning out for her.
Sandie said…

A lovely piece by Boris Johnson about the late Queen. Perhaps the tragedy of TBW's life is that she had the opportunity to learn at least ine little thing from this very wise and special woman, but she does not even have the capacity to have recognized the late Queen's greatness.

@Golden Retriever
Maureen Callahan is at her scathing best in her piece in the DM. I particularly like this line:

"Never will they allow reality to intrude upon their delusions of greatness."
SwampWoman said…
Thanks, Sandie! Always pleased to see you post your readings.
Girl with a Hat said…

A question, if you permit, about tarot.

How do you find that tarot readings you have done for yourself relate to your circumstances?

Do you find that it's accurate or even relevant?

I have had mixed results myself.
Hikari said…

I think the card reader got it wrong about Harry. He has always prioritized himself, but can we honestly say that he’s ever done that unselfishly? Selfishness seems to be his default setting. I can believe that he looked up to Catherine as an older sister figure. For 10 years as Williams girlfriend, her position was rather precarious. The couple was very much on again off again, So it makes sense that Catherine would’ve held hairy, the troublesome younger brother at a bit of arms length. After her marriage, I think she made a concentrated effort to make Harry feel included as part of their team as much as she could, She’s got a younger brother herself, so she knows how to relate to little brothers, notwithstanding that James Middleton is a very different personality from H. They both have mental health struggles in common. Perhaps James grew up feeling somewhat overshadowed by his two beautiful and accomplished elder sisters. I will always remember the remarkable poise of the entire Middleton family during that gargantuan televised wedding. James, at the time only 24 years old, gave a Bible reading that excelled that of all of the professional clergyman present. He was also very easy on the eyes.

I do not believe that Catherine came between the brothers, but her very existence became the means by which H would be supplanted by baby heirs and lose his position as #2 after his brother. According to legend, which I do not know whether to believe, H wholeheartedly gave William Diana’s engagement ring saying that it was right that the ring sit on the throne of England. Such a sentiment seems rather too high toned and poetical to have come out of H’s mouth. If it’s true that the ring was ever had to give away to begin with, I’m sure his wife has never stopped upbraiding him for it. Harry’s own recollection of the ring was that it hurt his hand whenever his mother had him in a tight grip, which seemed to be nearly always when she was out with him in public. Probably to keep him from running amok. If you look at footage of Diana with her boys, she usually has hands on H for containment purposes. If William had chosen the ring in the first place, it would’ve deprived Madam of that ammunition.

H had behavioral issues and emotional problems from very early childhood. After his mother’s death when he started acting out and self-medicating with drugs and alcohol, his fate was sealed. Whatever might have been seeds of goodness or nobleness in H are now lost. His brain is very damaged and his personality permanently stunted. I think what we are seeing now is how it’s going to be for the rest of his life. It’s really sad, and tragic, but the only way H ever amounted to anything was being kept very firmly in line by an army of handlers. Now he is completely untethered, and has spun out of control. There is no way he is going to have a happy ending, even if he can disentangle himself from the wife. He is going to be a thorn in the side of his father and brother for as long as he lives. He will be stealing their peace of mind for years to come.
Sandie said…
Accuracy in tarot readings depends on the complexity of the layout and my openness to exploring the cards as they present themselves (overcoming bias), but the readings I do for myself turn out to be very accurate over time. I don't interpret time or reversals in the way that most readers do ... time depends on the question and the emphasis on negative or positive aspects depends on surrounding cards. For example, a card from the wands suit (drive and creativity) is negatively affected if surrounded by cups (emotions and relationships) as water douses fire. But each tarot reader frames a reading within their own system and understanding of the cards. I might do some readings on the duo this weekend and see if any clear patterns emerge. I have so many questions to ask though, so I may have difficulty in getting a clear reading!

The DM has another superb article on the late Queen:

... The publication of Prince Harry’s autobiography, Spare — and the six-part Harry & Meghan Netflix television series that came before it — were definitely ‘events’ in the ongoing story of the House of Windsor.

Both appeared after the death of Elizabeth II — but she had known her grandson was writing a memoir, and there is no evidence that this caused her distress.

In fact, her attitude to royal memoirs had changed over the years and she ‘understood’ her grandson’s desire to tell his own story.

That doesn’t mean, however, that she would have been happy with the result. Quite the contrary.

... As for Prince William, he was infuriated by the stuff about tensions between him and his brother and, more so, about those between their respective wives, Catherine and Meghan.

Privately, William echoed his grandmother’s line following the notorious Oprah Winfrey interview: ‘Recollections may vary’ — adding: ‘In this instance, they most definitely do.’

... That said, visiting Windsor and Buckingham Palace and Clarence House in recent months, it has been clear to me that the Harry and Meghan saga, while causing irritation and frustration — and some sadness for the King — has not preoccupied the senior members of the Royal Family in anything like the way it appears to have gripped and fascinated the world’s media.
Magatha Mistie said…

The Circus of Strife

Once more into the fray
Tin foil tart and her Grey prey
Were hoping to Scar a Renaissance
Pimped and simped, awkward stance
St Vitus dance
Once more out of reach of

Magatha Mistie said…

Harry’s jacket at the concert?
he now identifies as
As for his face, arse and slapped
comes to mind!

Magatha Mistie said…

Middle class
I wonder…

Maneki Neko said…
The Harkles were at the first night of Beyoncé's Renaissance world tour in California. They were in a private box with Doria, wearing silver as requested by B. apparently letting their hair down - not that H has much hair to let down. In fact, he looked bored, maybe not too thrilled to have to MiL with him. I don't know if the Harkles just bought tickets or were invited. The News International describes H "with his "forced" appearance". Maybe * forced him to attend.
Sandie said…

The body language at the Beyonce concert is rather interesting. There is no interaction between them at all. He is looking at his phone, has arms crossed, has arms in pocket ...! Of course, they seem to be in a private box and grifter Doria is there (supposedly her birthday).

The large man with them reminds me of their appearance at the parade in Montecito. There was also a very large man in the group. I wonder if it is the same man.
Girl with a Hat said…

I don't think that Hairy is damaged for life. He seems to have some problems with attention and behaviour but a proper diet (suited to his needs, not just a diet that most people consider healthy), will do wonders. Also, he needs help from proper coaches for his issues, not just charlatans you find on the internet or people who are barely acquainted with the issues that ADHD cause.

As for learning, if he were inclined to better his skills, he could improve his cognitive skills as well, but I doubt that is the case.

For example, a diet high in Omega 3's, avoiding seed oils, phenols and high histamine foods will calm him and help rebuild the cells in his brain.

He should also do some exercise and meditate.

The most important thing he could do to improve himself is to get out of toxic relationships that cause him stress. Stress is the worst thing for a person who has ADHD and everything else he does will be negated by stress.
VetusSacculi said…
I agree @Hikari - I don’t see any hope of H responding to any sort of therapy, sadly. He doesn’t realise it but he needs to be within the institution of the RF for his own safety. As much as he has hurt them, I think his family know he can’t function independently and have not completely cut him loose.
Girl with a Hat said…
in the DM pictures of the twats at the Beyoncé concert, do you think the white woman is Doria's partner?
Harkle alphabet is on `D'. Nobody seems to have suggested `Dunce' yet.
Hikari said…
@Girl & Vetus

It is possible for a person to turn their lives around and overcome huge obstacles, but it’s the hardest thing there is, and the person has got to want it badly enough to say no, continually, to those things which are keeping him in a toxic self sabotaging state. Harry would have to exhibit a lot more fortitude than we have seen from him. His addictions were formed in early adolescence and those are legendarily pernicious to kick. In order for an addict to begin recovery, the first nonnegotiable step is acknowledging the extent of the problem, and that they are a servant to their addiction not vice versa. Harry has learned to enjoy getting attention for playing the victim of mental health crises, But he always attributes his victim hood to forces outside of himself like the cruel nasty media, his cruel nasty family and the tragic early death of his mother. I have never seen a single worth of accountability for his problems. He’s acknowledged being a long-term regular drug user, but he doesn’t say this with any sense of shame or self approbation— On the contrary, it’s quite nearly like he’s bragging about getting away so often and for so long with this bad behavior. Behavior that might even ultimately jeopardize his ability to remain in the United States. His visa is under review, and especially in the event of divorce from his American wife, with no job and zero diplomatic function on behalf of the United Kingdom, his ginger behind could be deported. Ultimately, being forced to return to the UK under the oversight of his family and perhaps into drug treatment and an enforced life out of the spotlight is the only way I see Harry having any sort of a future. He stays in California at his peril.

The subject that is only ever delicately broached and tiptoed around even now is the very strong likelihood that hairy suffers from some sort of congenital intellectual disability coupled with neurological issues like ADHD, dyslexia and possibly autism spectrum disorder. He seems a bit more than just a spoiled, entitled prat, a narcissist who was never told no until recently. When he was under the direction of the RF, they did it all in their power to try and make Harold seem on a par with William, following in his footsteps to Eton and Sandhurst, doing charitable works, serving in uniform et al. In truth, I think Harry was to put it bluntly, their village idiot and now the village idiot is out on his own recognizance. I see some decided similarities between Harry and his great great Uncle John, the tragic prince who died at 13 From epileptic seizures. Harold may not be that badly off as he does not seem to suffer from epilepsy, but he also has a history of being emotionally volatile, largely ungovernable, Seemingly with little awareness of consequences, poor self control and a general failure to thrive amid the rules and expectations of his Royal upbringing. Harry is not the full quid and never was, Even before the drug use and the binge drinking. We have a severely mentally compromised man at the mercy of every malicious influence out there, including the one he ostensibly lives with. His family had to know letting him run off to his version of Disneyland without minders looking out for his welfare was going to go very badly. But I think it’s safe to say they underestimated just how low their little idiot would go in slacking off his grandparents and the crown in general in the media

If Harold ever comes back into the fall, I can only think that some version of retreat at Wood Farm or similar is what awaits him. He’s really proven he cannot handle more. Just keeping him alive will be an achievement.
OCGal said…
The gray “silver” jacket Harry is wearing to the Beyoncé concert is astounding. I agree that the jacket is 100% a woman’s jacket - look at the feminine shawl collar, short perky length, and the puckering where a woman’s bustline should fill the jacket out.

This is the best thing I will see today.

Thank you to Maneki Neko for giving us the link. And thank you to Magatha Mistie for piquing my interest first by saying:

“Harry’s jacket at the concert? he now identifies as Harriet…”

And Magatha Mistie, The Circus of Strife is brilliant writing, as always.
OCGal said…
A redditor made good point by saying that Meghan just showed that she is capable of following clothing instructions by wearing the required silver to Beyoncé’s concert.

How is it then that she refused to follow the late Queen’s garb instructions (actual protocol) and UK’s cultural expectations by actively choosing to refuse to abide by expectations and good taste:
- no hat when with the Queen on their first solo outing together
- jeans and ratty hat at Wimbledon
- very dark nail polish
- appearing in royal occasions bare-legged when hosiery was explicitly required
- etc…

She is trash.

She is the poster child for oppositional defiance.

I’ve said it before, and I will say it again: she is actually dangerous.
VetusSacculi said…
Thank you @Hikari for your insight. From my own one experience with a toxic narc, I wonder if it is even possible for someone to learn the capacity for reflection. My sibling dismisses her years of hurting our family as "I was just being an idiot". So that's all right then - except it isn't. When you're "being an idiot" it hurts other people and that recognition of accountability is missing from my sibling, and I see the same in Harry.

Whilst they are a very very long way from Hapsburg-esque calamity, mental difference is not unknown in the RF with Prince John as Hikari mentioned and also Katherine and Nerissa Bowes-Lyon, first cousins of Elizabeth II. An oft-flung insult against the RF is the suggestion of inbreeding so, although it would be nice if we could all be grown up about whatever issues Harry may have, I can see why they would be anxious to present him as a well-rounded, dutiful sort.
I was genuinely flabbergasted at the sight of Harry in that very feminine, I’ll-fitting jacket at the Beyoncé concert. Couldn’t he have borrowed something appropriate from his pal Elton John’s closet??
OCGal said…
Haha! What fun: DailyMail also thinks Hazbeen was wearing a woman’s grey “silver” jacket to the Beyoncé concert:

“As most people know, the buttons on a woman's jacket are typically sewn on the left-hand side and the men's are attached on the right.
Photographs taken of Prince Harry clearly showed two dark buttons sewn onto the left side of his blazer.”

Hikari said…
The humiliation of Harold is now complete—his wife is forcing him to dress in women’s clothing at public events.

Is Harry going to come out as transgender next? It seems incomprehensible that he couldn’t found a men’s jacket in the suitable color for this event. His wife probably told him not to worry, she would be sure that he had an outfit and H went back to smoking his Doobies or however else he spends his time. Then an hour before the concert she gives him “his outfit“ and tells him this is what he’s wearing, and there was no time to get a replacement. Maybe that’s why Harold looks like he would just as soon be anywhere but there. He just looks so vacant all the time… Ben Affleck often looks as checked out, PO’d and miserable in the company of his Uber-controlling Narc wife. Both men are addicts, dulling the pain of their failed lives with substances. As his family back home in Blighty prepares to memorialize the Queen on the anniversary of her passing, Harry is doing…this. A wasted life by a wasted man.
Maneki Neko said…

Yes, it is possible for a person to turn their lives around etc. but the person needs a very strong support system in place: at home, with qualified therapists, at work. H moaned that he had no support when he came back from Afghanistan but we know that's not so. He, of all people, had access to the best medical care available. I believe that, had he not crossed paths with the witch, and had he met a good woman like Catherine, things could have been very different.
The sweet revenge of Meghan Markle's first husband: Trevor Engelson is now a father, a Hollywood hotshot and married to a multi-millionaire heiress worth $250 million… though friends still avoid mentioning the 'M' word'
Sandie said…

Watch the whole clip ... of her dancing. Where is hapless (in his women's jacket ...LOL)? Maybe he went home! Or did she leave the private box and head down to where there were empty seats to dance ... to the song diva!?

Once I stopped laughing, I thought there is something very sad about this clip. She kind of looks like a lonely middle-aged women pretending to be a teenager.

And where are the bodyguards?
Sandie said…

Looks like he was wearing a women's jacket because the image was flipped?

Gosh, he looks like he is in a very bad mood!
Sandie said…

Video of them in their private box before the show started.
Sandie said…
Neither the King nor the Prince of Wales will meet the Duke of Sussex when he visits Britain this week, The Mail on Sunday has learned.

Prince Harry will travel to the UK to attend the annual WellChild Awards, a charity of which he has been patron for 15 years.

But a palace insider said the King had ‘no time in the diary’ to see his son, while his brother Prince William is not thought to have been in touch with Harry for months.

It is understood that an invitation to the Royal Family's annual summer get-together at Balmoral was not extended to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex this year.
Drip by drip….


Meghan saves Sussex brand from huge embarrassment after Harry's new Netflix series 'flops'
Maneki Neko said…
Didn't * told us she was 'whip smart'? It's hard to believe when you read the following (not that we believed it but this will confirm it).

Andrew Morton, who penned Diana: Her True Story - In Her Own Words, made the remarks on Sky News on Sunday morning.

Asked if he expects the pair to ever return to Britain, Mr Morton replied: 'What, and have Meghan Markle curtsying to Kate Middleton? I don't think so, I don't see that as a runner.

'They've got their own lives in California, they've got their own set, they've got their own influence and they've got their own companies.'

Does she still not understand there is a hierarchy? Whether she likes it or not, Catherine is above her in the RF. Catherine too has to curtsey. She obviously didn't do her research before saying yes to H. If that's true, then it shows how stupid and petty she is. And I'm not sure about the last sentence, particularly 'they've got their own influence'. What influence?
Sandie said…
Affirming the post by @Maneki Neko (original source seems to be The Telegraph):

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are “done with their former lives”, an insider has claimed as the Duke’s relationship with the Royal Family is “over”.

With the Invictus Games approaching and the release of Harry’s new Netflix docuseries Heart of Invictus, it appears the couple are attempting to focus on projects unrelated to the Royal Family.

In addition, there have been rumours Meghan Markle will be relaunching her lifestyle blog The Tig following her reappearance on social media - the Duchess recently fired up her new Instagram account which already has more than half a million followers.

One insider claimed that their separation from the Royal Family is permanent for the Sussexes, adding that Harry’s relationship with his family is “over”.

“They are done with their former lives,” a source close to the couple told The Telegraph.

Speaking on a potential meet surrounding the upcoming Invictus Games, the insider added: “They’re not talking about family. There’s no expectation that the family’s going to show up or acknowledge it or that anybody wants to see him. It’s over.”

So they will be relinquishing all titles and places in line of succession then?
Fifi LaRue said…
Hairball and Rach were not given complimentary tickets to Beyonce's concert. While numerous celebrities were partying and having a good time in the front rows, H & R were up in the nosebleed section fighting. Or, maybe they couldn't afford the good tickets. Broke?
Sandie said…
Either of these two could be mostly true or both could be mostly true:

* She is behind the leaks that they are done with the royal family and royal life. This is her way of stopping him from leaving ... the narc move of isolating the victim to maintain complete control. As long as he is a resentful vindictive child, she can control him, so attacks on his family and country from him may not stop. She believes that the royal cow has been milked dry for her, but will cling to the titles in case she could exploit it in the future.

* He is miserable but does not have the agency or maturity to end a miserable marriage and life and thus will stay with her, unhappily ever after. He is weak and so is easily controlled by her, but he actually does want to see his friends and family and return home. He finds it almost impossible to act 'all in love' anymore, and if he finds a backbone that fits him, he may just bolt.
Maneki Neko said…
If the Harkles state their relationship with the RF is over, I think this could well be a face-saving exercise = they didn't want to cut ties, we did. They're not averse to twisting the truth, as we know.
As @Sandie said, 'So they will be relinquishing all titles and places in line of succession then?' I think we know the answer to that. Ungrateful hypocrites.
Fifi LaRue said…
What may be holding Hairball back from leaving Mrs. Todger may be the shame of admitting there are no children, that it was a game, a very sick game. But that would also be his freedom from the witch.
Sandie said…

Theresa Longo Fans
Some tea: The Wife is deeply embarassed about dancing photos.

Their PR team uses hundreds of misleading accounts representative of their "target audience"

You will notice their online infantry attempt to praise the dance moves.
Their online "support" network (which is entirely misleading) has been in overdrive, attempting to trend their self made hashtag "Good King H" and to compliment her dancing. They are also flooding the internet with clips of the pair looking happier than what hit the press.

I would say that she is furious, rather than embarrassed, that she did not create a global media storm as 'young, sexy, trendy, living her best life'. Instead, she looked like an awkward wannabe teen without friends who turned up in fancy dress when no one else was and who was filmed self-consciously trying to look cool while her removed husband checks his phone and looks glum.
Sandie said…

There is another clip of him smiling when he checks his phone and she comes up and looks at the phone and they have a comfortable interaction, plus the one above when they hug, and he is even doing some awkward dancing. Doria is sure enjoying herself!
Hikari said…
Gee, it was only a week or two ago when the pro-Harkle shills were awash with “reconciliation”— Murky was going to mediate “a peace summit”! What a neck-breakingly quick 180 to “Harry is DONE with his family FOREVER.”

I suspect that the Palace reached out to Harry all right—to say that under no circumstances including hell freezing over would His Majesty and the Prince of Wales be available for any such meeting, and in fact a cease and desist edict issued to stop this spurious reports AND any attempts by the Dook and Duckarse to contact the King and William directly. Ie, a “Don’t call us, we’ll call you” order.

I believe Harry has been affectively disowned. No idea what this means for the Dukedom or the LOS, but perhaps the Dook has been advised that those matters are proceeding forward as well. So the narrative du jour “We are DONE!!!!!!…. Take that, Pa!!” Is the latest toddler tantrum in response to being steadfastly ignored. As far as the RF is officially concerned, Haz and Mess do not exist. They are not getting their way, they are not getting a crumb of attention from the King and it’s driving them mad. That’s the view from here.

It'd certainly be intensely humiliating for him to admit that their production of real children, as opposed to borrowed ones, children was pure fantasy. Worse, it could cast doubt on his reproductive ability and sense of self as a man.

Fifi LaRue said…
Ah yes, that was a 180 on there will be a peace summit to we're done with the RF. Very telling.

From the balcony of Buckingham Palace to the nosebleed seats at the Beyonce concert. What golden lives the Dook and Duckarse are living. Living well is the best revenge.
Maneki Neko said…
Harry was spotted at a football match in LA, sans wifey, looking happy and animated. He always does when he's out of her clutches. They were both on the guest list, H as Prince Harry and * very simply as MM (I can't even write her full name). Not doucheass of S. Maybe that's why she didn't attend.
Maneki Neko said…
Ha ha!

Meghan Markle is 'preparing to launch a major new commercial venture' which is 'genuine to who she is', a source claims.

The Duchess of Sussex, 42, has been ramping up appearances in recent months, most recently attending a Beyonce concert with Prince Harry in LA on Sunday night.

And now sources have claimed she is about to announce a new project - insisting it is not a relaunch of her lifestyle blog The Tig. It comes after the Sussexes' lucrative Spotify project was dramatically pulled.

The plot thickens. Dear me, I can hardly contain my excitement. Absolutely spiffing! As for the new commercial venture being 'genuine to who she is', let's see: self-centred, 'authentic' (and 'organic'), money and fame grabbing, trampling over everybody.

From the DM but on several sites.
snarkyatherbest said…
Maneki. saw the video. he look very animated and maybe high? hmmm pivoting away from duke and duchass or is it getting ahead of the titles being stripped. here’s wishing !
SwampWoman said…
If Harry's first wife loses any more weight, I'm going to start calling her Smeagol. The tiara is MINE, my precioussss. We wants it, we does.
SwampWoman said…
Interesting to see that everything that is of interest of her has a miserable-looking Harry dragged along. At things that are of interest to Harry, she is MIA. That might be what a detective would call a clue about the state of their marriage. Instead of being sad, he looks elated by her absence. "Woohoo! Party time!" Is he a good enough actor to feign euphoria when she is absent? I'm voting no.

Off Topic: Went out after midnight to see the crew Dragon Endeavor's plasma trail across the night sky and, when it disappeared, to run inside to watch it splash down in the ocean live on YouTube. Dogs weren't real happy about the sonic booms, but they have an issue/PTSD with thunder and storms throwing huge branches on their (our) roof.
People with the narcissist personality disorder have this thing called future faking.

These endless "sources" who rattle on about the millions madame is going to earn. They are just herself and her PR people trying to keep her name every day in the news. That is how she understands fame is. Not hard work but endless amounts of wealth people want to send her because she is The Duchess Of Sussex. She is THE MM!!!!

Well, according to her (several times now) we have never seen or heard who she GENUINELY is so maybe this is it. At last.
Girl with a Hat said…
@Alianor d'acquitaine,

yes, you're absolutely spot on with the comment about future faking.

I think a lot of younger people who grew up around the time the book The Secret came out would say that she's also trying to manifest her future, but IMHO, when you try to envision your future, you don't tell the entire world your desires as fait accompli.
@Swamp Woman

I'm starting to see parallels between * and Smeagol/Gollum:

`Smeagol was originally a Stoorish Hobbit from the Gladden Fields. He lived by the river and was known for his gurgling throat noise that earned him his nickname Gollum. It's stated in The Lord of the Rings that he corrupted from the One Ring, which changed him from a sweet, loving character to an evil, power-hungry one,'
Rebecca said…
This is recommended reading from the Telegraph:

America deserves better celebrities than Harry and Meghan
Major League Soccer is finally attracting A-List spectators. Prince Harry is not one of them

By Dave Semarana

In the twenty-year history of American Major League Soccer (MLS), few scribes have described its contests as “star studded affairs.” But the arrival of the sporting legend Lionel Messi at the formerly-woeful Inter Miami CF club has vaulted the league to new heights – and celebrities have taken notice.

Sunday night’s Inter Miami CF match against LA Galaxy attracted a crowd of A-listers you’d normally expect to find at the Super bowl final. Notable names included Selena Gomez, Leonardo DiCaprio, Galaxy co-owner Will Ferrell, Liam Gallagher, Magic Johnson, LeBron James, Inter Miami co-owner David Beckham, not one but two Spiderman stars (Tobey Maguire and Tom Holland), and... the Duke of Sussex, unaccompanied by his LA-native wife.

Given the glittering list above, it seems remarkable that a host of US news outlets decided to use Prince Harry as their headline click-bait about the match, vaulting him ahead of every other celeb. For example, CNN’s headline reads, “Prince Harry among star-studded crowd watching Lionel Messi’s Inter Miami defeat LAFC”. Soccer originated in Britain, which might explain the link – but why give Harry prime place over fellow Brit (and actual soccer icon) David Beckham?

Harry looked like he was having a fine time at the match, hobnobbing with other celebrities. He wore an LA Galaxy scarf, but when someone asked him if he had any advice for Messi, he reportedly raised a thumb and said, “Message for Messi? Put it in the net!” It seems that the Prince’s disloyalty isn’t just reserved for the Royal family. The stadium was sold out, and the average ticket price set an MLS record at $690. I imagine that it’s unlikely that Prince Harry paid for his own ticket.

It’s worth noting that on the leaked alleged celebrity guest list for the match, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are the only two who have no occupation listed next to their names. Celebrities are often mocked for being shallow and narcissistic but all the other A-listers at the match are at least high achievers in their fields. They’ve made movies people want to see, they’ve created popular music, they’ve achieved glory in the world of sports and in other endeavors.
Rebecca said…
The Prince does some laudable charity work, and may still command some good-will across the pond for his military service, but has hardly made a splash stateside. The blank space next to Harry’s name makes sense, unless you count complaining about your famous family as an occupation.

It’s normal for this addle-brained, publicity-seeking duo to make headlines in the UK, but I find it astonishing that my fellow countrymen are now interested in their lives. I’d like to believe that they are not, and the media is forcing Harry news on us anyway, but I fear that Harry and Meghan are indeed popular here with a certain class of people I have little in common with.

Messi had two assists in a 3-1 win; his once dreadful side is undefeated in eleven matches since he moved to the Sunshine State. Ticket prices are up 1,700% since his arrival. People here who were only marginally interested in the sport we call soccer before Messi arrived are now very interested, but the “soccer is boring” crowd still doesn’t care. Perhaps this is why some American editors feel the only way to capture the interest of the royals-interested demographic is to link the sport with Harry.

The truth is that the Sussex family embody precisely the opposite values to hard-working sporting greats like Messi. They turned their backs on their duties when the going got tough, and opted instead to embrace a faux-celebrity “job”. That puts them closer to the Kardashians than the Beckhams.

We’ll finally get a break from the petulant Prince, if only for a short while, once he visits the UK for the first time since King Charles’s coronation. Hopefully he’ll mark the one-year anniversary of the Queen’s death in a dignified way, and finally take a break from flogging his book and moaning about what a victim he is. Soccer is a great sport, and I’m not the only American excited to see it make headlines and attract serious stars. I’m thrilled to have Messi here – but I’d quite happily trade spoiled pseudo-celeb Harry for a pair of cheap Inter Miami tickets.

That Telegraph piece is certainly telling it like it is. I hope Bryony Gordon is feeling appropriately ashamed of what she's written in the past.
Maneki Neko said…
* was at the third date of Beyoncé's concert, photographed with her black 'sisters' but strangely not Beyoncé herself. She seems very keen to be spotted (the photographer works for WireImage for Parkwood. 'Parkwood Entertainment is an American management, production, entertainment company and record label founded by Beyoncé').

The DM says 'Her appearance with Django Unchained star Washington and Beyoncé’s ex-Destiny's Child bandmate Rowland will no doubt help launch her back into the Hollywood fold.' Back into the Hollywood fold? She was never in it. Delusion or desperation? Or just plain PR?

In the photos, she looks like she did about 10 years ago. Weird.
VetusSacculi said…
Is it usual that you change your top during the evening? She had a white one on before.
Fifi LaRue said…
@Maneki: That's pretty much a rinse and repeat of Mrs. Todger's other "secret" ventures that's about to explode. It's all thunder and no rain. She's going to relaunch The Tig? Well why then doesn't she. We've heard about it endlessly, so what's the hold up? No one at WME will write it for her? Rach is too lazy to launch any venture, and to do any kind of work. She's good at reading about herself on blogs, etc. and just about covers it.

That's laughable about the Todgers being at the Beyonce concert. They were in the cheap seats, way up high away from the stage. They were taking photos of the big screen of the concert, not the concert itself.
OCGal said…
@VetusSacculi, at first I was confused too.

It turns out MM attended another Beyoncé concert last night, this time without her husband.

She wore the white top and silver skirt when attending the first concert with her husband and mother, but when she didn’t get enough positive press from flailing her arms and gyrating in the nosebleed box section, she returning sans husband last night so she could be photographed where the bigwigs are located. In this case, the VIP Champagne Bar is where she snagged photos.


1. She succeeded in glomming onto actress Kerry Washington and Beyoncé’s former Destiny’s Child song mate Kelly Rowland, who are accomplished lovely women. How I wish they hadn’t been suckered into photos with MM!

2. I haven’t seen any other photos from last night where anyone willingly and graciously let her be in the photo. Maybe I’m wrong but I hope she was rightly perceived as radioactive by all others so they declined photo ops with her. I don’t want her to benefit from other people being gracious and allowing her in close proximity. In my opinion, she instantly drags down other celebrities’ status by her needy grifting stank.

3. She was standing way too close to singer Kelly Rowland, like in her olden days when she would basically drape herself over any man of any age, and habitually entwine herself for all photos with willing SM co-conspirator Jessica Mulroney. Rhetorical question: why would MM invade Kelly Rowland’s personal space so annoyingly? Ugh.

4. I couldn’t tell from the couple of last night’s close-up photos if MM was wearing the same silver skirt from the previous concert. Probably yes, or she would’ve already been trying to merch it online.

MM is so predictable. In her first shenanigans connected to the Royal Family she was consistently coarse and awful, but we all gave her slack, thinking her simply too boisterous and immature but that she would learn. By now, we know that she knows how she should act, but that she makes the conscious decision to be coarse.

She conflates her coarseness with being social media worthy.

VetusSacculi said…
Harpers Bazaar is being vomit-inducing about her and merching the skirt she wore on the first night, suggesting that the latest one is not the same.
Mel said…
I think the invitation for the second concert must have been last minute.

The reason I think that is that PR puff piece came out earlier in the day saying that she had gone to dinner with a friend, as the excuse for why she couldn't be with H at the soccer game.

If she had known she was attending the second Beyoncé concert she would have canned that piece. Since the PR piece wasn't canned, it tells you she didn't know she was going to that second Beyoncé concert until late in the day.

Otherwise,the piece about dinner was deliberate misinformation, and we know the Harkles don't tolerate that. /s
Mel said…
OCGal.... I was also questioning why MM had her boobs shoved into that other Lady's chest.

Notice how MM is standing completely sideways, while the other women are standing more normally.

At first glance it looks like 2 black women on the left and some sort of overly tanned white woman on the right. She wasn't anywhere near that brown on her parking lot walks recently, or the car chase. Or even at the first Beyoncé concert.

Her face looks like that was her face from pre-H, when she was rich man hunting. Any man, as long as he had $.
Fifi LaRue said…
Mrs. Todger does flail her arms a lot. Wonder if that has to do with being effed d/t substance abuse. Like the time she pushed the Queen out of the way when she couldn't figure out how to get in the car. It was so awkward and unnecessary that she had to be high on something illegal.
Hikari said…
Basic Rachel strikes again. Basic, basic, basic.

For a brief and shining moment (before we got to know her) she had the unique opportunity to be the face of diversity in one of the most venerable monarchies in the world. She had the privilege of meeting personally with the Queen of the United Kingdom and having place that table. Just by marrying in to that family, she became a figure for the history books. What good she might have done in her position. And even if she'd stayed purely for never having again to hustle for 'demeaning' acting jobs and living in enviable wealth and privilege, she could at least have made an effort to *pretend* more convincingly to be about serving the monarch. She was given so much and had torched and ruined it within months.

Now she's back in L.A., calling papps on herself and hustling to elbow in on the periphery of star orbits like Beyonce's. She's been doing this $%&# her entire life. The couple of years she spent as a Royal are like a distant memory . . she's livin' life exactly like it's 2013. WTH. Only 2 people in living memory come to mind that have thrown away MORE than she . .Harry and, two generations ago, Uncle David. David at least did what he did under the illusion that love would trump what he was giving up. I don't think H has ever loved * like that. They made a business deal .. she wove him some song and dance about escaping from icky "Duty" and rules and being the new stars of Hollywood. * couldn't deliver and H's perpetually nonplussed face demonstrates it. Your bed, H. Lie on it. It must feel like nails . . which will definitely make * happy.
Talking of delusion, it's a wonder to me how she has avoided being sectioned, been taken into care, hospitalised or given medication, given that that's what usually happens to those who believe themselves to be the Messiah or Napoleon.

Of course, the medics intervene when somebody is distressed by their belief but she can happily rationalise it all away, explaining the reaction of others as evidence of their racism, jealousy or stupidity - and so far she has had enough facilitators to support her in her delusions – and the race card.

She has this unshakable belief that she is the Greatest of All Time and is therefore entitled to the British Throne, despite a thousand years of history to the contrary. In England at least, we thought we'd seen it all before, when related Royals have plotted and fought to seize power:

If anyone’s interested in the details…

Murder of King Edward the Martyr (978AD apparently instigated by his step-mother in favour
of his 9yr old step brother, Ethelred)

William I - distant cousin of Harold

Stephen v Matilda, first cousins. in 12thC

Wars of the Roses – 2 ducal houses descended from Edward III

Lady Jane Grey v. Mary I(16thC); gt granddaughter and granddaughter of Henry VII

Mary Queen of Scots v. Elizabeth I (also 16th C) again, a gt granddaughter and
granddaughter of Henry VII

Duke of Monmouth v James II : nephew and uncle (1685)

James II v. William (his nephew) and Mary (his daughter)

James FE Stuart (son of James II, aka James III) v George I : both gt-grandsons of James I
& VI (1715)

Charles E Stuart v. George II - both 2xGt grandsons of James I & VI (1745).

Sometimes the conflict took the form of assassination plots, at others pitched battle.
There have been unrelated, nobody, pretenders eg Messrs Warbeck & Simnel but none have rocked the ship of state for very long and all have come from backgrounds familiar with English law about the Succession. None have been clueless outsiders from beyond the bounds of Europe.

I’m now reflecting that, had this been another century and H a half way competent soldier, he could well have raised an army in hope of defeating William or, more likely , he’d have plotted to murder him and grab the throne that way. Instead, did he believe he'd `recruited’ *, so to speak, as his stooge to do the dirty work?

Thank heaven they’re both bone idle and nowhere near as bright as they think they are.
Hikari said…
@Wild Boar

Talking of delusion, it's a wonder to me how she has avoided being sectioned, been taken into care, hospitalised or given medication, given that that's what usually happens to those who believe themselves to be the Messiah or Napoleon.

Of course, the medics intervene when somebody is distressed by their belief but she can happily rationalise it all away, explaining the reaction of others as evidence of their racism, jealousy or stupidity - and so far she has had enough facilitators to support her in her delusions – and the race card.

I've entertained the possibility ? that Harry's wife may be afflicted with multiple personality disorder (disassociative personality disorder is the current term in favor) as well as dark triad personality disorder. It seems that any of her personalities would be narcissistic, but there seems to be such a wide gulf between the * that sits down for interviews with Oprah and for lunch meetings with WME and Netflix and Spotify execs and brokers these gargantuan deals . . . and the * that has these monstrous meltdowns that are often captured on camera. She is capable of being put together and articulate, but she can't sustain it for much length of time. She's purchased a lot of her favorable PR but it doesn't seem like any of these big companies and media outlets would be willing to work with a complete basket case if she turned up for pitch meetings acting crazy.

What do we think about this? H is H all the time, I'm pretty sure . .he hasn't got the mask down the way his wife does.

Does she have a 'competent' personality that takes over the con for any occasions where her mental health was being officially evaluated? Or meetings with realtors/potential business partners/celebs she's courting for friendship and favor? The yawning chasm between how she can present 'onstage' and anecdotal evidence of monstrous behavior between closed doors . ."Do you know who the **** I am?!" to the governor's wife in Australia . .this goes beyond regular narcissism, I think . .it's like the cheese totally slips off her cracker at intervals. I don't know what to make of her.
Fifi LaRue said…
Just look at the faces and the eyes of the two ladies with *. They look normal, pretty while *'s eyes look absolutely demented. WME got her back to the concert, and rubbing elbows with celebrities.
abbyh said…
I was reading one of the comments about her having her picture taken with others.

It was something about how she is the one going on and on about having her picture taken with so and so. So and so, however, is not apparently getting those photos out to everyone on the planet quite so asap. Higher status would therefore be accorded to them and not her.

Also that some picture taken somewhere does not equate that you have become the new IT girl everyone is now fighting to get on the cover of all the magazines. It only "proves" that someone was in this place at this time (but with photoshop, even that isn't proof any more).

Comments about the 180 on the tour of reconciliation - nice catch.
If Harry stays in the USA and slowly vanishes from the magazines and news he is going to need something flashy like the exit of George, duke of Clarence in 1478 in a cask of malmsey wine to get a note in history books. On the other hand madame is going to need something even more spectacular. She is not royal, not by birth and certainly not her behaviour. And when people stop reacting to her histrionics her sell by date is over.

I don't think future historians are going to be interested in these two. David and Bessiewallis Windsor, whatever one thinks of them, made true history.
Mel said…
I've entertained the possibility ? that Harry's wife may be afflicted with multiple personality disorder (disassociative personality disorder is the current term in favor)

I've often wondered about that, too. It would also explain how she looks vastly different from. One time to the next.

H is H all the time, I'm pretty sure

Agree. He just is who he is. Mean, petty, vindictive. Possibly violent...see the red mist he references in his book.
Hikari said…

The experts are agreed that disassociative personality disorder is only found in people who have suffered extreme trauma in early childhood. The mind splinters to literally disassociate itself from terrible things that are happening. It forms one or more “protector“ personalities to shield the core personality from Horrible experiences as a form of escape. We have enough anecdotal evidence from this community alone that narcissists are capable of being charming and winning in the situation as they choose to be, and people that know them only superficially think they are great. The truth is known only behind closed doors To their intimate partners and children who have been devalued as targets. But I think those types of narcissists are self-aware… They know all the rules they play, and when to deploy each. Harry’s wife, at least judging by her relentless PR about herself seems to actually believe her own cover. If her Behavior were her under her control, It doesn’t seem likely that she would have used profanity to the governor’s wife in Australia, to name one example. She was still a new bride, on her first international tour, one that had been Taylor to accommodate her even though it had been planned a year prior as a solo tour for H. She had just announced her pregnancy and was writing a favorable wave of public opinion. An intelligent and canny narcissist would have been ingratiating to her hosts and played her part better. Her impulse to self sabotage is such that It’s like another personality is driving the bus or else she’s so incredibly high all her inhibitions are down. Despite what seems like a privileged girl hood with a loving and indulgent father, I think there has been damage there we can only guess at. What drives her goes beyond entitlement and self absorption… It’s profoundly pathological. The difference between multiple personality disorder and being a regular narcissist is that the core personality has absolutely no memory of what her alters may have been up to while she was sleeping. If this is what’s going on, no wonder she yammer is on incessantly about being a victim of hateful people. If she’s conveniently forgotten what she has done to make enemies, it would feel like she was being unjustly persecuted when she’s actually a great person, a giving humanitarian, style icon and loving mother and wife. If she was on her best behavior with her competent alter in the early days with H, It makes more sense how he ended up marrying her. Maybe he didn’t see the monster until after the engagement, and then he felt it was too late.

I wonder what HG Tudor would say about this. Narcissism is certainly not healthy personality type to have, but there are certainly more benign types than we see with Rachel. Most will be irritating and very selfish, but is it common for their targets to fear bodily injury or worse? Rachel‘s eyes are so often crazed, I have no difficulty believing that she could be very violent when provoked. This is a very sick puppy that they made into a royal Duchess. Harry is a sick puppy too, But one imagines him living a very different life with a wife who is not a psycho. They do bring out the very worst in each other.
Fifi LaRue said…
I know someone with Dissociative Behavior Disorder. This person compartmentalizes her behavior, and is unaware of/denies the unacceptable aspects of her actions, i.e., sexually abusing young men who are gay. She has gotten a reputation, and was prohibited from certain jobs, school related in a small town, because of her behavior. She denies all. Has no recall. One friend, gay, froze her out for several years d/t sexual abuse. * having DBD is totally believable.
Rebecca said…
Reportedly it was Tyler Perry who got Meghan the invitation to the Beyonce celebrity mosh pit.
Rebecca said…
In the Telegraph:

A-list friendships help to keep Harry and Meghan in the limelight
Sussexes make starry return to the Los Angeles celebrity scene attending Beyoncé concerts

More PR from WME, no doubt. The final lines are at least somewhat objective:

With their Hollywood careers still growing, the Sussexes must strike a delicate balance, Galloway [Dean of Chapman University Film School] believes. He said: “No 1 you need money. There is a big question about how much they have.

“No 2, you need mystery. Well, when you’ve written a book like Harry’s memoir Spare, there’s no mystery left.

“And three, you need some kind of news. There’s not much news with them. So in the end, you become the moth fluttering around another light.”
Rebecca said…
Correction: the article referred to above is from the Times, not the Telegraph.
Sandie said…
Some interesting readings from

energy of meghan markle September to December 2023
oracle of energies: harry and meghan are linked, they cannot communicate about the status of a couple, she would like to talk about it to open doors, there is a lot of reflection on this subject between her and her team. Because she sees possibilities for herself but at the same time she needs money.

with the oracle of Greek mythology the question is Why is Meghan at Beyoncé's VIP concert:

She seeks protection because Meghan is determined to move forward but she moves forward in the dark. She feels very weakened because she was devoured by vultures (image game with the royal family) I explain:
Meghan is like Prometheus, she stole the sacred fire, she went to war with the royal family except that she came out with injuries that she is still paying for. She is looking for a rebirth, a transformation, a change of image in Beyoncé. His relationship is a real challenge, their problem returns with force.

There it becomes interesting: she comes as a Trojan horse, she comes with lies about her fortune, about her plans for abundance.

She is waiting for a victory on this new adventure which is Meghan her bloh her Instagram….

Her relationship is undergoing a transformation, she wants to use this as a gift, as a game changer. Like Athena, she wants to build an empire, a community.

She is seeking, with the help of Gaea's energy, a meeting, a real connection with Beyoncé.
Sandie said…
More from:

with the Akashic Tarot: the link between Meghan and Hollywood.

Hollywood observes his change of position. Meghan is surrounded by no one in the industry. Hollywood sees that she sold the love story and their children but Hollywood is also aware of the storm in the couple Meghan & Harry.

There is a desire to clear the way for Meghan, so it is not as simple it is rather in transition, it is more complex than imagined and it does not require a lot of work to get to the top of the mountain.

There is also a problem around the children Archie and Lilibeth we cannot write as much because there is protection or prohibitions around them.

There are significant difficulties between two parties (but I don't know who)

prediction between September - December 2023:

We start with the tower, a change, a movement in our plans, we are obliged to refine, to rework. We must admit that we are currently at an impasse. We cannot deploy our energy as we wish.
We have a King of Cups and a Queen of Wands. So it's a king of cups who is able to isolate Meghan, there's a transition here for Meghan, we're starting to find freedom but she's not as prolific.

Lots of difficulty and internal dialogue, despite everything we try to move forward even if it requires a lot of mental effort or ego problem. There will be losses later, we will make a decision because the past comes back, the lies come back. Will we expect clarifications from her?

her project is her baby, it's something she's always wanted (it could be around children) but it's a wish that comes true. She will soon announce her new project. There is a king of wands here who has worked and refined this project but with the 5 of cups he is losing something and he would like to make it known.

There is disappointment from a king of cups here he feels betrayed.

there are some half-truths here. For her it's a rebirth for her, something that will grow and increase over the years, she hopes in any case

the energy of beyoncé on meghan: we observe, we take the time, we think, we make measured decisions we hope for great success for her and her family (béyonce wishes the best for people) but she does not forget the past, beyoncé looks at things with her third eye
Sandie said…
I did not copy the reference but I saw something about her 'relaunch' and 'road to being a billionaire' is centred around motherhood and will be launched on IG. Perhaps it is taking so long because her agents are still working on signing the merching deals for her, but she is probably very difficult to work with and rumours are that this is what is causing delays.

How is she going to do this without violating the privacy of her children? And will she attempt to overshadow the WellChild awards, the anniversary of the Queen's death and the IG with her launch?
Sandie said…

This rumour has reached sinister proportions now. What is it? The late Queen offered her 10 million to walk away; her buyout figure was 100 million. Tall Paul is now being linked to it. I do not believe it at all, but think there may be a grain of truth in it.

The late Queen would not offer a bribe. She would be more subtle: call a contact and get her offered a major movie role or merching deals for a major fashion house ... Tall Paul would not be so indiscreet, not after spending his adult life serving the late Queen.

What was the grain of truth? Biographers have said that the Queen said she did not have to give up acting and the royal family could help her get roles (they do have those kind of connections).
Sandie said…
My opinion: Why are these celebrities welcoming the grifter and her mother? They worship material things (money) and attention. They are wealthy celebrities (Jeff Bizos included). They have utter contempt for the royal family and its traditions and its power, but secretly envy the royals. These are the people that TBW and her mother are aligning themselves with: Oprah, Gayle King, the Kardashians, Jeff Bizos and Lauren Sanchez, Netflix executives ... None of these people care about the betrayals, the millions she stole from the royal family and the British taxpayers, the hurt and destruction to family bonds, the lies ... none of it, because those are not their values.

The hapless prince is trying to still be royal (polo, WellChild, IG), which is about service to others, respect, tradition, honour, and stay in a marriage with a trashy 'want to be a billionaire' wife. I reckon he smokes a lot of weed to cope!
Magatha Mistie said…


Deranged, disturbed
Could explain her demented
Psycho wrath
Multi personalities
No reason
or rationalities
Her voices speak of the devil
Plain and simple
She’s pure bloody evil…

Magatha Mistie said…

Her mania
She’ll use to excuse her
She’s just a nasty, noxious
blatant bistard…

I don't know much about mental disorders beyond raging narcissism but I'm sure that had she been an `ordinary' British citizen she wouldn't have had the freedom to rampage as quite she does.

If she’d rejected her family/been rejected by them, she’d probably be living on the street, as someone with drug issues, with other homeless folk (who don’t necessarily have those issues.) Wealthy families may no longer have the option of confining a mad woman to the attic but might perhaps get her into a private facility. My paranoid cousin with other `rationality issues’ spent her final days, at public expense, in such a nursing home -a very nice place, with kind loving staff, as decided by Social Services.

The difference, of course, is that my cousin wasn’t a controversial public figure with influential supporters. Moreover, once * was in the US, she was beyond the reach of anyone in a position to take action.
Magatha Mistie said…

High, Ho, Silver…😉

Magatha Mistie said…

I doubt Tall Paul
would ever speak
Full Stop

Fifi LaRue said…
This morning the New York Post had a brief article about Hairball being upset KCIII took away his military titles, accompanied by a photo of Hairball in a tent in Afghanistan. Look closely. Not a spot of dust on his shoes, his clothes are perfectly clean, he grinning big time, he's perfectly groomed. Better dressed in a war zone than we have seen of him casually dressed in civvies.

It's the huge grin that's so telling. I'm not buying that Hairball suffered from being on duty.
Girl with a Hat said…

in that same pic of him in Afghanistan pretending to be a soldier, you can really see the stupidity and arrogance in his personality, I find.
OCGal said…
@Magatha Mistie, oh! You are a genuine marvel. There are so many layers of meaning and delightful snark in your three simple poetic words: “ High, Ho, Silver…”

Thank you for giving us the gift of your poetic genius - yes, I believe your work to be genius. When I see your posts I feel like an excited kid on Christmas morning, reaching into the depths of my Christmas stocking for the small but perfectly chosen little gifts.

Your words are perfectly chosen little gifts.

Speaking of poetry, and speaking of Christmas, here is our favorite family tradition: an annual Xmas Eve reading of “The Boy Who Laughed at Santa Claus” by Ogden Nash.

I hope you and all other Nutties will enjoy this as much as we enjoy our own Poet Laureate Magatha Mistie’s work:

Sandie said…

These are the titles of the first nine chapters in Endgame, as revealed by Omid Scobie on X today:

'The Queen and Her Piper: Elizabeth II's Final Days'
'Shaky Ground: The Queen is Dead, the Monarchy Faces Trouble'
''Oh God, I Hate This': King Charles's Premiere'
'Remembrance of Things Past: The Ongoing Campaign to Make the Royals Great Again'
'Baggage: The Lingering Trials of King Charles'
'The Fall of Prince Andrew: Scandal, Shame and Silencing Jane Doe'
'Race and the Royals: Institutional Bigotry and Denial'
'Gloves On: Prince William, Heir to the Throne'
'Gloves Off: Prince Harry, Man on a Mission'

Endgame has been described in its blurb as being a book that 'pulls back the curtain on the Palace, exposing the chaos, dysfunction, and distrust amongst the British royal family, and what needs to happen to preserve a monarchy in crisis'.

The description adds: 'On September 8, 2022, the world stood still as news broke of Queen Elizabeth II's passing. Her death dismantled the protective shield around the world's most famous family and saw a long-simmering crisis of confidence in the British monarchy begin to resurface.

'Now, with unique insight, deep access, and exclusive revelations, journalist Omid Scobie pulls back the curtain on an institution in turmoil - exposing the infighting, family deterioration, and outdated practices threatening its very future.
Sandie said…

She shared a bot more about the readings she has done:

"actually, I have to do another reading, I think there is a mixture of pity, Meghan is full of insecurity. Meghan really wants to succeed but she is not capable of doing the work unless she obeys and she is able to put her ego aside! But she has to accept that she won't have the life of Beyonce with 500 million dollars in her bank account but she can have a decent life.
She finally accepts that she won't be able to compete with Catherine and that's already a big step, which is why she wants to show the world that she is sexy...."


so I think that the BRF is going through real financial problems. it appears in reading Charles William and Catherine. There will be decisions to make. Meghan will use a royal event to launch her Instagram account. The royal family is watching their new account from afar or in case it is necessary to call a lawyer. Lots of anxiety issues for William and Catherine. I'm waiting for new recent photos to read. This end of the year is going to be eventful
Fifi LaRue said…
@GWAH: Yes, they pulled him off his Play Station for a photo op. Of course the commanding officer is going to say the proper thing, after all Hairball is the Queen's grandson. The article disappeared from the New York Post; WME or someone had it pulled, or paid to have it taken down, but the photo lives on in the internet. Hairball is wearing sparkling clean clothes, he's all cleaned up, and grinning like a Chesire cat.
Maneki Neko said…
In Reddit, 'Scobie Re: End Game and the pathetic lie of the car chase that never was'. I suppose the ar chase that never was is in his book?
Omid Scobie hardly has any information of anything. No sane person would ever tell him even to piss off let alone any royal family secrets. He should just vanish back to Madame Tussauds wax museum where he belongs, the creep.
Hikari said…
'Now, with unique insight, deep access, and exclusive revelations, journalist Omid Scobie pulls back the curtain on an institution in turmoil - exposing the infighting, family deterioration, and outdated practices threatening its very future.

Unique insight and deep access?? Give me a break. Omid Scabies' only deep 'source' is the Duckarse of Montecito. He resigned as Royal editor-at-large from Vanity Fair some time ago, in advance of his hatchet job on the RF being published. Perhaps to avoid being fired for libel. The Plastic Fantastic is a complete and utter joke, the lapdog of Harry's wife. A female version beginning with B.

It wouldn't take unique insight and deep access to point out that a period of instability and uncertainty was inevitable after the passing of She who was the bulwark of the monarchy for 70 years. Charles is very cognizant of the financial pressures which is why he's been talking for years about streamlining the ranks and making Royal properties open to the public. Even without the incessant Harkle PR war, there are plenty of causes for stress. I don't envy them their future, and begin to understand why the House of Windsor seems to age so precipitately--constantly being worried about how they are being received, and what the long term future holds would do that. I never realized until I started following the toxic Harkle saga that the bulk of what is published about the the members of the Royal family in the media is little more than lies and reheated gossip. That stories are completely manufactured for clicks and circulation. I always knew that the tabloids liked to embellish and stir up drama but for things to be printed and widely disseminated that are 100% complete LIES for the gullible public to swallow whole astounds me. Maybe print sources are held to a highter standard of truthfulness lest they be sued for libel but any buffoon with a smartphone can now have a YouTube channel where unadulterated tosh about the Royals gets posted 24/7. Then this manure gets spread around and accepted as fact. This is the only reason why the two Douches of Monte are still part of the conversation.

I imagine that all of these issues will be on the King's mind as he convenes the family summit at Balmoral about their future plans.
Fifi LaRue said…
I'm looking forward to Mrs. Todger's $1 Million/post on Instagram. What will she post that's worth $1 million? I can't wait to see!
There's a thriller on BBC TV at the moment called `The Following Events are Based on a Pack of Lies'

I'm rather surprised it's not about Nauseating Doll Man, just a common or garden con man.

Maneki Neko said…
Another game of will she, won't she.

Mystery over Meghan Markle's role at Invictus Games as the Duchess of Sussex disappears from the media schedule despite reports she would 'take to the stage' at the closing ceremony in Dusseldorf
The official guide to the games in Germany, which begin this weekend, suggested Meghan would ‘take to the stage’ for the closing ceremony to host a segment about the competitors.

But there is no mention of the duchess’s role in a separate listing on the website. The ‘detailed schedule’ suggests presenter Hadnet Tesfai will replace her.

The now-deleted passage said the duchess would ‘take to the stage to host the intimate and moving glimpse into the extraordinary journeys of the Invictus Games competitors’. Sources last night claimed the information was uploaded in error.
Is this another deliberate ploy to make sure people talk about her? Perhaps there's no one to lend a private jet or the organisers have decided her speech wasn't the best idea?

More stirring?

The `Charles' referred to at the end is Diana's brother Charles, not HM the King.
Hikari said…

Here’s an interesting article detailing how women with autism are often miss diagnosed with borderline personality disorder due to the overlapping of several key features. The behavior looks the same but the triggers are different. The core feature of BPD it is pathological fear of abandonment which makes sufferers emotionally volatile, liable to get fixated on people AKA Stalking behavior And a tendency to self sabotage in interpersonal relationships. Although they crave intimacy, connection and love, a deep feeling of inner unworthiness makes them alienate the very people they want to be close to. I think the general consensus is that Harry’s mother suffered from this due to the early trauma of her parents’ divorce. So we can add another card to the deck of probable mental pathologies in Harry’s wife. He really got himself a peach. He might suffer from the same BPD, but my impression is that he was always an entitled and lazy little shit long before his mothers death and even before his parents broke up. The emotional chaos and drama in the Wales household was largely down to Diana’s broken coping mechanisms. The brunt of the fallout was borne by William, Who by the age of eight or nine had become his mother’s Crying shoulder in a very age inappropriate role he was forced into. I think Harry was largely sheltered from most of this due to being the spoiled youngest. He was probably off playing or watching reruns of the lion King while William was Sitting outside the bathroom door passing tissues to his mother as she cried. The extent of Williams emotional suffering is hardly ever acknowledged due to his younger brother sucking up all the victim narrative for his own “trauma”. William grew up. I won’t say that he completely got past it because I don’t think you ever completely get over the early trauma loss of your mother. But he has managed to cope and develop into a fully integrated personality. Harriet times acts younger than the nearly 13 he was when Diana died. His emotional mentality is more akin to a seven or eight-year-old spoiled little brat who learned how to manipulate the adults into getting free passes for his bad behavior. If he were truly truly interested in healing he would withdraw from public spectacles And work on himself wholeheartedly with a therapeutic team. But he’s not interested in that. He will always remain Diana’s spoiled little monster. What we see from him is all we are ever going to get, and I suppose his family already knows this.

Dead sneaky...
Hikari said…
Wild Boar…

Wow, just wow. We’ve all heard for yonks about Charles’ reaction to Harry at his birth, But I had assumed that that was Diana’s anecdotal recollection to Andrew Morton. Now we find out that as early as 1984, she was making secret recordings without anyone’s knowledge or consent??

I ask you, who else does sound exactly like!?

Charles’ unguarded Verbal diarrhea at the birth of his second son was not his shining moment. It was cruel to both mother and baby and exceedingly immature, and left lasting scars. According to Diana, it was the death blow to the marriage. But she had orchestrated the situation herself by not only not telling him that it was a boy; for the length of the entire pregnancy she directly lied to him and said they were having a daughter. The lies continued because he was being nice to her and she didn’t want it to end, But if she had found the courage to be honest at the start, he would’ve had months and months to get over his disappointment and adjust. His remark was thoughtless and cruel but it was made in shock, and the reason he was in shock was down to her.

To add insult to injury about the deception over the pregnancy, his wife is secretly recording him in what should be a very private moment between a couple. It’s little wonder he left immediately to go to the polo. It was a terrible thing to say about his new baby, but she had been betraying his trust for months… And recording conversations he had every expectation were private.

I think it’s too simplistic to say that Charles and Diana would have gone on to have a healthy and enduring marriage if Harry had been a daughter. It might have helped a little in the short term, but Diana was still herself, which this episode proves to be manipulative and deceitful. Yes, she was wounded deeply in childhood and it broke her. She was never going to be happy in her role, not as a royal and not as second in her husband’s heart. Even if Harriet had been an adorable baby girl, Diana would’ve continued to sabotage herself within the family. She still would’ve been secretly making recordings. If she had recorded Charles gushing effusively over a daughter and proclaiming his love, I don’t suppose Andrew Morton would’ve been privy to that recording.

I guess Harry learned his victim blaming mentality from the maternal unit. The more we learn posthumously about Diana, the less saintly she appears. She was wronged, But she was very good at getting her own back and then some. And she has implanted her mental instability into the Royal family tree. Before Harry was even born to meet his wife, his mother was scheming to make the house of Windsor pay for perceived wrongs. I think we can see where Harry’s vindictiveness comes from. I hope Diana is resting in peace because she never got any when she was alive. And much of that was down to the demons in her own head irrespective of Charles cheating with Camilla or being disappointed in a second boy.

Out of her misery and Charles’s, We got William and his heirs. So much good from so much bad but not without incredible wear and tear.
Sandie said…
Christopher Anderson is the source of this story, and he is making it up, hinting that he has heard secret tapes. He has not. They won't, but I hope Charles or William sue him. Hapless would be more likely to sue, but this is a story he would want to believe.

Diana recorded tapes for Andrew Morton (talking to a friend who was recordung the conversation and then giving the tapes to Morton). Those remain private, but Morton used them to write his best-selling book about her.

Diana was taped in candid conversation with a voice coach, and these have been available on the Internet for years. It is in these tapes that she claims that Charles wanted a daughter and expressed disappointment that the child was a boy and had ginger hair (actually, Harry was almost blonde at birth and his hair darkened as he got older). She is also indiscreet about detailing their sex life (once every two weeks) and makes the claim that the relationship fell apart after the birth of Harry.

It is very cruel to do that to a child. I grew up with my mother telling me that I was unwanted, was a huge disappointment because I was not a boy, and my mother refused to look at me or hold me when I was born. That is hugely damaging. Diana is not alive to repair the damage (my mother did have that opportunity), but Charles should sit down with his son and have a long conversation and try to undo the damage Diana did. Instead, he seems to have distanced himself from a toxic son who is repeating the mistakes of his mother.

Diana was not secretly recording Charles. Not only did she not know how to use a recording device, but in those days they were rather bulky and not effective in recording from a distance.
Magatha Mistie said…

In remembrance of the Queen
Leo Marks
Violette Szabo

The Life That I Have

The life that I have
Is all that I have
And the life that I have
Is yours

The love that I have
Of the life that I have
Is yours and yours and yours

A sleep I shall have
A rest I shall have
Yet death will be but a pause

For the peace of my years
In the long green grass
Will be yours and yours and yours

Sandie said…

Actually, his hair was a dark ginger when he was born, lightened to almost blonde as a child and then became dark ginger from his teenage years.
Sandie said…

I don't know why people are so upset about this. It would have been much worse if he had not mentioned her at all.

Meanwhile, the royal family are sharing warm personal messages and photos of the late Queen. The difference is stark!
Girl with a Hat said…

I am so sorry your mother was cruel towards you. That was horrible emotional abuse towards you.
Sandie said…

Hapless was probably staying at Royal Lodge with Uncle Andy or maybe even at FC. I can't fault him for visiting his grandmother's resting place to pay his respectsbut I do wish he had worn a tie!
Hikari said…

Thanks for the clarification. That posted article certainly reads like Diana gave Andrea Morton a tape of Charles saying those words.
Decades before Meghan arrived on scene, Diana was blowing the lid off “Never complain, never explain.” Her collaborations with Andrew Morton and Martin Bashir were betrayals of the family, But she always felt justified due to what Charles did to her.

What Charles said about Harry at his birth was awful, But if Diana had cared more about her children than she did about making her husband look bad and making herself a martyr, she never would have repeated that remark, except to a therapist or a priest. Much less tape herself saying it and then having it published. Now it’s out there for all time. Did it never cross her blonde mind that Harry, At the time eight years old when Morton’s book was published was going to be able to read what his father had said about him? And certainly would hear about it from other people for the rest of his life?

Diana was aces at having fun with her children, and she did give them some valuable experiences when she took them to visit the sick and underprivileged. William at least absorbed these lessons. However, on a day-to-day basis of being a mother, one that did not involve photo ops or trips to amusement parks, Diana’s maternal skills were somewhat questionable. She loved her boys, but she loved herself and her glamorous suffering more IMO. The children were useful accessories to her image.

I would think that Charles has deeply regretted that Stupid and impulsive remark he made 39 years ago and tried to make it up to H. It appears that those efforts included being too indulgent out of guilt. Harry is the living embodiment of all of Charles’s failures as a parent and as a husband. H has made his father and ‘the institution’ the author of all his pain. Imagine if, in the next installment, Spare 2, Hairball lobs the grenade he’s been holding back— His belief That his father and grandfather conspired to have Diana killed. If he believes that, then the open hatred of his family is understandable, if deluded. That rumors been circulating since the day the crash happened, but would Penguin Random House really allow Hairball to put that in a book?

That would be Harry’s ultimate revenge for his family rejecting his wife and making him feel like he was an unwanted baby. Now that his father is the King, the scandal would be even bigger. I fear that Harry’s wife and the various sycophants surrounding him that he’s paying are pouring enough poison into his ears that he would do this. If the Dukedom goes away and the LOS… There will be nothing left to lose.
abbyh said…
This anniversary crept up on me. It feels like out of nowhere. I still miss HM. (and PP)

I don't track this but I can't think of any time when she used the HRH (Beatrice or Eugenie). So I think of it as a technical they can but not done in reality by them but is mentioned frequently by writers/others.

a nice article of what was happening behind the scenes while we were looking elsewhere

Hikari - very apt about Diana as offering a narrow range of mothering to the kids. She was also good at the set up for making him look bad for being disappointed at not a girl the second time around but that she casually was omitting that she had mislead him. Not just bad for trying to maintain a marriage in bad shape but also not what you need when you become King and have really complicated politics on the global scale. You need someone who can understand what is going on when you play 3D chess as well as being supportive when you come home from a bad day of playing it. No one needs that kind of spiteful game playing from a spouse.

Sandie, I'm sad to hear your mother was that way.

@Sandie - re H's `mourning apparel' - How bloody disrespectful to dress like that. He looks like a sweaty petty IT functionary in a call centre. (Tie off and collar unbuttoned - but cuffs still fastened). Not even military `short-sleeve order' and clearly not a `gentleman'.

He's in `scruff order'.
Stupid headline:

`Horses'? Was he really rehearsing `The Courier of St Petersburg'? That would have been a sight to behold... -

`She's looking down on me' - HGT's comment on H's speech.
OCGal said…
@Sandie, in reference to Prince Harry’s comment yesterday at Wellchild Awards about the late Queen you wrote “I don't know why people are so upset about this. It would have been much worse if he had not mentioned her at all.“ - end quote -

To partially answer that, I can report that people online yesterday were saying:
- they are contemptuous that Harry brings nothing personal of value to any of his endeavors
- as time progresses and the late QEII naturally fades away in our memories, Harry retains less and less status and prestige
- since Harry has aggressively cut his ties with his father the King, and brother and nephew the future kings, and the corresponding Queen and future queen, he can’t flog his close blood ties to them as peak royalty
- Harry thus has to constantly remind all of us that he is royal grandson to the beloved late QEII, so that he can remind all of us that he is royal by birth, and by implication to demand our respect and awe as his entitlements
- Harry’s mentioning of QEII wasn’t done from love, affection, sorrow and honor (since we all remember how coldly he treated her for years), but solely to make sure we always remember to respect and treat him as the celebrated untouchable HRH the Prince

I agree with those commenters. His entire speech rubbed me the wrong way.


@Sandie, I echo the sympathetic words of Girl with a Hat, and abbyh, and all others who have acknowledged the painful treatment and barbed words of your mother. Just know from thousands of miles away I send you my best vibes, and hope you can sweep her terribly wrong actions into the dustbin of your mind, then grind them into the metaphoric garbage disposal, never to be touched on again.

From your ongoing posts I have concluded you are a terrific person, and that anyone would be lucky to know you as a friend and loved one. We are lucky that you are a Nuttie.

Maneki Neko said…
'Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will stay in luxury £2,000-a-night Presidential Suite complete with yoga mat, rain shower and 65in TV at 5* hotel for Invictus Games in Germany this weekend
The expansive suite on the 17th floor of the Hyatt Regency hotel in Dusseldorf will be his base for the next eight days.'
A presidential suite, no less, for madam. Presumably, Invictus is paying. As for the flights, if you need a presidential suite, you need a private , I suppose.
And weren't we told her name wasn't on the list/programme?


You seem a kind, well balanced person in spite of your mother's appalling attitude. Take care.
Mel said…
H looked like he was a vagrant being chased out by security for peeing on the grave.
Or maybe stealing the candlesticks.
Mel said…'s hard. Glad you seem like you have risen above it and become a decent person. Way to own the ball.
So ERII is looking down on H? Perhaps he should try contacting her directly with a ouija board, without * interfering?

My parents had a story about trying the board with Dad's sister and her socially embarrassing husband, also called Harry. Our 'Arry, always one for the gee-gees, asked what was going to win the 3.30 the next day.

An answer was spelled out:

`Don't be so bloody stupid!'

Well, that's what they said...and perhaps Her Late Majesty would say the same.
Mel said…
Now that I think about it, remember when they were escorted out of the UN?
This photo has that same vibe.
Fifi LaRue said…
@Sandie: Sorry to learn of your mother's actions. I hope that you have healed from her abuse, and have lived a beautiful life in spite of it all. I also hope your mother was able to make amends to you.
Fifi LaRue said…
Basic Rach and Hairball attempting to "own" Diana and QEII remind me of immensely insecure people I've been acquainted with who have the need to "own" others to bolster themselves. It's how they convince themselves that they are not alone, that they are special.
Humor Me said…
@Sandie: our mothers could have been related. Sorry for what you have been subjected to. I understand, and that is all I will say on parents. I am glad you are here.
It's K' today on the SMM `Harkle alphabet'.

So far, nobody has suggested `kinky' - can anyone here add it for me?
Sandie said…

It is worse than I thought ... the slob was not even wearing a jacket! (According to The Telegraph he had to ask for permission to visit the Queen's resting place and it was given at the last minute with the inateuction to not draw attention to himself!)

Her being papped driving herself is just weird and creepy as it is so obviously copying Catherine fetching the children from school on the day of the Queen's death.

Thank you for all your kind words.
Maneki Neko said…
DM headly:
'Independent woman! Meghan Markle is seen driving her car for the first time since JANUARY 2020'

* was seen driving her $140,000 Range Rover.
Independent woman because she drives her own car? Big deal. In that case, I'm sure we're re all independent.
She looks ridiculous with her head barely sticking above the dashboard.
Sandie said…
The source is Paul Burrell:

The Queen was left hanging with a cake and candle that “was never lit” for her namesake grandchild's first birthday, according to former royal butler Paul Burrell.

Queen Elizabeth II had 12 great-grandchildren including her youngest, her namesake Lilibet.

The daughter of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle celebrated her first birthday on June 4 2022 - and her family returned to the UK for Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

But according to Burrell the Queen didn’t get to see her granddaughter on her birthday.

“Even on Lilibet's first birthday the Queen didn't see her,” Burrell told The Mirror.

“She saw her the day before. But on her birthday, the Queen had a birthday cake made with one candle in it. And they never turned up. That candle was never lit.”

Instead the family celebrated Lilibet’s birthday at Frogmore Cottage in Windsor with a backyard picnic.

That day, the Queen was set to attend the Epsom Derby in Surrey as part of the jubilee celebrations but was forced to cancel due to her ongoing mobility issues.

“The next day she asked if maybe they'd like to come up for tea again and was told they've gone,” Burrell remembers.

“‘What do you mean they've gone?’ she said. They’ve gone back to America. ‘Oh no, they never said goodbye’.”
Sandie said…
High probability that this supposed tea from an Anon is made up, but it is interesting nonetheless:

My dad knows Bezos, and as my mum is British he joked to Jeff recently about if he’d ever get with Meghan after she divorces and Jeff just laughed out loud and said that he has stories about Meghan that would shock even her biggest supporters and when my dad asked, Jeff basically said that she 1) got around 2) billionaires close ranks to what they call ‘repeat diggers’ 3) he knows that there is a tech bro currently running around with her and she has turned him away from Jeff & others
Fifi LaRue said…
@Sandie: Thanks for all your postings. I for one do not believe Paul Burrell one single bit. IMO he needs attention.
Girl with a Hat said…

that's really good tea. thank you for sharing!

I wonder if it's true.
Girl with a Hat said…

I thought the same thing about Paul Burrell. He hasn't been in touch with the BRF in ages. He may know some people who are still on staff, but I doubt they would share any info with someone is such a fame seeker.
Hikari said…

Re. Burrell's tea

The Queen was left hanging with a cake and candle that “was never lit” for her namesake grandchild's first birthday, according to former royal butler Paul Burrell.

. . .according to Burrell the Queen didn’t get to see her granddaughter on her birthday.

“Even on Lilibet's first birthday the Queen didn't see her,” Burrell told The Mirror.

“She saw her the day before. But on her birthday, the Queen had a birthday cake made with one candle in it. And they never turned up. That candle was never lit.”

“The next day she asked if maybe they'd like to come up for tea again and was told they've gone,” Burrell remembers.

“‘What do you mean they've gone?’ she said. They’ve gone back to America. ‘Oh no, they never said goodbye’.”

While Diana had a good relationship with her butler and considered him a close confidant, I do not think that regard is mutual for any other members of the RF. William and Harry never liked him and thought him a meddling and officious fart. Later on Paul faced criminal prosecution, didn't he, for flogging personal items of Diana's, including letters, which had been entrusted to him. Maybe the prosecution was dropped on the grounds of 'misunderstandings'. I doubt very much Diana would have wanted her private correspondence sold for cash, even if her former butler were in financial difficulties.

26 years on since he served Diana in a professional capacity, Burrell is an uncomfortable specter of the past, I find . . still hanging on the fringe of the Royal family, milking his once-close relationship to a princess who has been gone now a quarter-century. He's got no other irons in the fire or abilities to be relevant in the 21st century apart from raking over Diana's bones, just as her younger son is doing. (My opinion). Paul has been exploiting that past connection to the Princess of Wales and making bank on his name recognition. I still see him routinely as a talking head on various programs. But my question is, who in the current Royal family would be sharing confidences with Diana's former butler about the Queen's state of mind vis. her American grandkids, including verbatim quotes from her about the activities of the Sussex family on Jubilee weekend? Who would Burrell's source be? He certainly was not invited to be among the intimate family guests present with the Queen on that occasion. What members of staff would jeopardize their positions by sharing any private family business with Diana's verbally incontinent old servant just so he can get his face on the television again?

In short, I don't believe Paul Burrell has got that kind of access, though he wants everyone to believe that he's a still a cherished staff member in the heart of the family. I don't think any members of the family would greet him on the street except under duress. In fact it rather sounds like PB is in the employ of the Sussexes, to tell the truth, since his 'in the know' anecdote assures everyone multiple times that yes, Baby Lilibet is VERY REAL and the Queen met her. Just not on her birthday. Over-egging that pudding, methinks. Who do we know that does that and would also benefit from having their claims of having a red-haired princess introduced to her Great-Granny, hmm?
OCGal said…
Hey Nutties, genuine question: is there any proof from any reliable source that QEII ever actually met Lilibucks?

I do not believe that the ill, very elderly, and mind-blowingly busy Head of State QEII ever met any such child.

If QEII in fact did ever meet Lilibucks or a facsimile thereof:

- Hazbeen would write in a book about the meeting and say his Granny loved Lilibucks more than any other great-grandchild she had
- Hazbeen would tell the tale constantly when he is an honored guest speaker (á la at Wellchild)
- the Cockroach Wife would make sure we read and heard daily about the beautiful meeting of the only two Lilibets in the world

I do not believe QEII ever met her namesake.
OCGal said…
Via @HGTudorKTN (KnowingTheNarcissist) on X: Image of Hazbeen and Cockroach waving to their fans and comment is overlaid:

“Everything I know about these two…I have learned against my will”

I second this truism.
Sandie said…

Mike Tindall does a rugby podcast with a couple of friends. The latest is fascinating. He went to Windsor Castle with his two co-presenters and they sat down for a long chat with the Princess Royal and the Prince and Princess of Wales (Anne, William and Catherine).

I doubt that the Montecito duo have this kind of knowledge, memory or interest in anything they support. I would challenge them to sit down and have such a conversation about the IG! IMO the IG actually needs this kind of support from a royal patron, as a sporting event.
OCGal said…
Oh, a comment posted from Hikari while I drafted my question about the veracity of claim that QEII ever met Lilibucks. It looks like we agree that no such meeting ever happened.

I would like to hear what other Nutties think about whether or not they ever met.
abbyh said…
Paul Burrell

Yeah, he does seem to have lost the close connection quite some time ago. I'm inclined to agree with this.


what if we turn it on its side and look at from a different view point as perhaps there is some truth in there?

Like they did blow off the Queen for a planned tea or something similar? Or maybe it was just not calling to say good by. Maybe not the whole thing but what if the Palace wanted some part to drop publicly? Lady C tends to be a great source of things which have often suspected to have had Palace approval for release. We recently said IF Tall Paul really was a source of information, it was because he had Palace approval.

This could also be a release of disinformation as well (Palace approved). This is the country who created papers for a briefcase handcuffed to a dead man which gave false information to Hitler.

On a different topic, photos of her driving. Must be a slow, slow news day. The other thing is, why? why would she be driving? Usually it is the paid security who does the driving under the assumption that their reflexes are so much faster and they have had the training of how to respond if there is a sudden threat appearing out of nowhere. Given that any security training she had to join the family may not have covered this in depth - so why now after years because this kind of training has to be kept up. Not a one and done.

Besides, it dents the we need protection claim if one of them is out and about in the States doing daily stuff without the "necessary" security.

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