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Will She or Won't She?

 I am talking about Catherine and Trooping the Color.

It's barely over a week away and will she/won't she decision is leaning toward not in public media.

The ceremony is almost three and a half hours beginning really at 10, parade starting 10:30 and flyover at 1.  

That's a long time even if you are sitting.  Especially if you have not been out in public in a long time plus you have or feel you have to be the face of being the parent while your spouse is busy being officially second to His Majesty.  And He won't be on a horse this time (uproar over tradition).

Yeah but, but ... what if she showed up for just part of it, like the flyover?

OH, that would be heartwarming after worrying about her as she has been coping with her disease.  

But ... eh, my guess is not.  Just because if she showed up, it would become the Catherine's back show instead of the celebration of the King's birthday.  And Catherine is known for being able to  be in the background in public royal settings which are focused on someone else (ie not spotlighting themselves).  

She might be ready to come back but may well decide this is not the time or the place to do that.  Marrying into any royal family comes with lots of opportunities to be gracious to the public but also to the other family members.  

(even so, between us, I'd clap if I saw her)


The fundamental problem with Harry's wife is that no one can fix stupid. She is a person who repeats her faults and failures and never, ever learns anything. The most important word of child rearing (after "love") is NO and it is quite clear she did not hear that word often enough in her childhood and youth.

But I don't believe that is the Royal Family's worst difficulty with her.

Behind that stubborn stupidity of hers seems lurk very dark and serious mental disturbances and it is those that make the building a new trust between the family and the Sussexes a dead idea. Making an agreement with people who start with breaking the same agreement is useless.

All the stories that come out of California about His Majesty's need to meet his grandchildren and getting Harry back to royal work have only one source and one purpose: Keeping this-one's-wife's name and status in the papers.

If (or when) His Majesty wants Harry back it is not going to be released in People but in the Court Circular.
I learn something new every day -

Thank you, Maneki Neko, Swamp Woman and Hikari for info on the transatlantic spelling! I can understand how the Irish version dominated the US but surprised about Canada - I'd have thought the number of Scots there would influenced the spelling - or is it the later, irresistible, influence of the US?

Have you seen this, folks? Somene commented a few days ago that Sussex Squad = SS...

Right on cue, this pops up, loaded with Fascist overtones, stinking of the corrupted swastika.


There's a mention of good ol' Yankee Wally being back on Youtube so I'm off there now to find her. That lady deserves a knighthood/damehood!
Yankee Wally's here:
Sandie said…
New Idea is the source of this story, and it does not make sense. In short: hapless is trying to write a letter to Catherine, against his wife's wishes and because he cannot phone her ...

Do you think hapless might have confided in a friend, who then spoke to the tabloids? If so, she reads everything so she has found out and she will not be pleased.
Hikari said…
Wild Boar,

I’ve looked into the “whiskey” vs “whisky” matter a bit more.

You are probably aware that the Appalachian region of the southern United States was heavily settled by immigrants from the Celtic countries, especially Scotland. Perhaps the mountains reminded them of the Highlands of home. These mountain people retained much of their oral traditions for storied and songs, their dancing, their domestic arts including weaving & spinning, their instruments and their facility with the fermentational arts. A mountain still is a time honored tradition..along with eluding the law looking for illicit moonshine. I don’t know nowadays if home steals are permissible but during the prohibition era when the entire country was dry, people got very inventive making their own alcohol at home. Problem was a lot of it was bad and ended up killing people. Kentucky in particular is known for its spirit production. Our two most common homegrown labels are both called after gentlemen with ‘J’ names— Jack Daniels (Scotch) Jim Beam (bourbon)— Both produced in Kentucky and both called whiskey with an E. Bourbon might be a little smoother, but I think the difference has something to do with the mash or the kind of grain used. I’m not an expert; I just know what I like.

So I have to conclude that Whiskey with an E is the American spelling. All sorts of labels are available on this continent for sale in the US and Canada but generally speaking if it’s “W – H- I –S-K-Y” it’s a UK import or Canadian. My favorite tipple, Crown Royal, Produced in Canada, no E. I thought surely Jamison’s would be “whisky” But I’m seeing it with an E. It’s impossible to check all of the brands of course, and there is a possibility that some of the European brands are bottled and distributed for the American market with the American spelling and for the domestic market as ‘whisky’.

Any way it comes, I’ll drink it.

@Hikari - to continue the digression -

Jameson's is Irish, that's why it has an `e'.

re the Appalachians, I used to have a copy of this -

Eighty English folk songs...
Sharp, Cecil J. and Maud Karpeles
ISBN 10: 0571088503 / ISBN 13: 9780571088508
Published by London: Faber and Faber, 1968

... all collected in the Appalachians in the early 20thC

The `reverse' journey seems to have happened to the Shaker song/hymn `Simple gifts', as quoted by Copeland in Appalachian Spring:,

Even further O/T:
This might amuse you, the Kentucky Running Set at an English ball -

The dancers belong to a group which dances the social dances published in `The English Dancing Master' (umpteen editions 1651 - 1728) - KRS is included because it was collected by Cecil Sharp!
`A sociopath goes for a job interview' (Tracey Ullman Show):

This sketch contains much truth that Brits at least will recognise. !
Maneki Neko said…

Thanks for the explanation of whisky/whiskey. As I mentioned previously, whisky in Ireland is definitely spelt with an e (not in Scotland), for instance Bushmills, Tullamore Dew, Jameson. Apparently, Scotch whisky is distilled twice whereas Irish whiskey is triple distilled. I remember trying a whisky in Scotland once, a 'wee dram', and we couldn't finish it - it's a bit of an acquired taste.
Sandie said…
Traditionally ...

Whisky is made in Scotland, Canada or Japan. My country also uses this spelling for the tipple made here.

Whiskey is made in the United States or Ireland. Jamison, Glenmorangie and Tullamore Dew are probably the best-known Irish brands.

My brother-in-law is Irish and claims that special spring water is used to make whiskey in Ireland and thus it is different. That doesn't explain American whiskey but perhaps special spring water is also used to make the drink in America!

As @Hikari explains, there is something mythical and rebellious about the history of whiskey making in America. I certainly am prejudiced: if it is whiskey, it is distinctive and special and worth paying extra for it!

Change in topic ... Sophie wore the Lotus Flower Tiara, plus heaps and heaps of diamonds, for the Japanese state banquet. This surprised me as Catherine has worn the tiara twice: for a diplomatic reception and a Chinese state banquet. Is my sense of alarm unfounded and this is sumply re-assigning jewellery in the vault for the new reign?
Sandie said…
I had a thought late last night ... if the duo had stayed in the UK as working royals, what positive legacy could nutjob have built, within the protocols of royalty? What characteristic does she have that could have been positive?

I was not able to think of anything. Nothing!

Interests do overlap, so if I really stretch the imagination ... Work with Edward (theatre), Sophie and Camilla (dogs), Charles (foodie) and support, and in the future, and continue their legacy. No speeches or word salad or shoving everyone aside to take centre stage. See, it cannot be done!
Jamesons & Tullamore Dew are Irish, Sandie, but Glenmorangie is most certainly Scotch, from Rossshire. Scotch also is made from spring water and should be drunk with it too.

Scotland and Ireland have closely related native languages, named Gaelic. So far, so good. In Ireland, that's pronounced `Gaylic' and in Scotland `Ga-lic' - like Gallic meaning French!. The English tend to say `Gaylic' for both.
Just how thick is he???
Prince Harry 'to jet to the UK and face Royal Family' after 'refusing to be cast aside'
Matt Davies
Wed 26 June 2024 at 4:23 pm BST·3-min read

'Prince Harry is planning to jet back to the UK as part of a bold move to reconcile with the Royal Family, an insider has claimed.

The Duke of Sussex wasn't invited to this year's Trooping the Colour, missed an opportunity to see King Charles during his recent visit in May, and was left off the guest list for the Duke of Westminster's nuptials.

And, having watched from the US as sister-in-law Kate Middleton made her long-awaited royal return for the King's birthday, Harry is now reportedly planning to take action.

A source told Closer magazine: "He can't believe it's come to this, and he's now saying he's going to fly over and force them to face him. He's still a prince, after all; they're still his family, and whether they like it or not, he's refusing to just be cast aside.

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex attend the ANZAC Day Service of Commemoration and Thanksgiving at Westminster Abbey o
Harry is reportedly “proud" of Kate and "encouraged" that she "obviously has very good doctors" -
"He continues to be heartbroken and confused by the way he's being treated by the royals. It's as though he doesn't exist anymore."

The rift within the Royal Family was deepened after Harry and Meghan's bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey in March 2021, where they made allegations of racism and mistreatment.

In the controversial sit-down, Meghan claimed there had been a falling out with Princess Kate over Princess Charlotte's bridesmaid dress, which resulted in tears before the Sussexes' wedding in 2018.

Following the explosive Netflix series, Harry and Meghan, which aired the alleged frostiness from Kate towards Meghan, Prince Harry doubled down in his 2023 tell-all book, Spare, alleging that Kate was "grimacing" over lip gloss.

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex arrives for the Coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla at Westminster Abbey on May 6, 2023 in London, England.

In the latest scandal to rock the royals, Meghan found herself under fire last week for launching a new line of dog treats for her brand American Riviera Orchard on the same day Kate stepped back into the limelight.

Harry and Kate's relationship has also suffered, despite their famously similar sense of humour. That was underlined when Kate cheekily gifted Harry a "grow-your-own girlfriend" kit at Christmas?

The source spilled that Harry is heartbroken over his strained ties with his once "beloved" sister-in-law, finding it "incredibly difficult" to accept such a situation, to put it mildly.

The same insider shared: "He continues to be heartbroken and confused by the way he's being treated by the royals. He's not getting updates on his father or Kate's health, and even basic communications are pretty well non-existent."

It appears that Harry feels like he's become invisible to the family, with the source adding: "It's as though he doesn't exist anymore."

This is from OK, as published on Yahoo News. I have no idea about `Matt Davis'. If H does come, police and medical staff should be ready to board his plane in an instant after touchdown, and either arrest and/or section him, so he leaves the plane either in handcuffs or a straitjacket.
Then there's this:


it's reported that he believes that if he turns up at the gates of Buckingham Palace or Windsor, they'll not turn him away.

No H, they're far more likely to Turn out the Guard! / `Call out the Guard! (See what I dd there!)
SwampWoman said…
Sandie said: Change in topic ... Sophie wore the Lotus Flower Tiara, plus heaps and heaps of diamonds, for the Japanese state banquet. This surprised me as Catherine has worn the tiara twice: for a diplomatic reception and a Chinese state banquet. Is my sense of alarm unfounded and this is sumply re-assigning jewellery in the vault for the new reign? http

I looked at pictures of both the PoW and the DoE wearing it. It looked even more stunning on the DoE. Perhaps PsoW contacted her and urged the DoE to wear it because the PsoW thought it would suit her. "Hey, I can't go, but that doesn't mean the tiara can't!"

SwampWoman said…
Wild Boar Battle-maid asked "Just how thick is he???"

The source spilled that Harry is heartbroken over his strained ties with his once "beloved" sister-in-law, finding it "incredibly difficult" to accept such a situation, to put it mildly.

The same insider shared: "He continues to be heartbroken and confused by the way he's being treated by the royals. He's not getting updates on his father or Kate's health, and even basic communications are pretty well non-existent."

Well, there's thick, and then there's Harry. If true, he takes stupid to a deeper level.

Oh yes prince Harry, hysterical screaming tantrum is the right way to get your family to welcome you home. After all you have not done anything wrong, they have!!
Fifi LaRue said…
Well, one thing is for sure, Hairy does not know the word "grimace."
And, Scotland Yard will haul him away if he tries breaking into any of the family's quarters.
Perhaps the Tower of London has a place where he can spend a few nights thinking things over.
`Old Mucker' at

has posted a piece about how Meghan Duchess of Sussex (allegedly) manufactured `fake' situations which she could the use as ammunition against the Royals eg going knowingly to HR so she could say they didn't help her; faking her `suicide attempt' not just for attention but so she cols say they didn't help, when she damn' well knew that all sorts of help were available because Harry had been in that position; and that, according to Valentine Lowe, the staff figured out that she was creating it for a book or film, way before Netflix was even mentioned.

I'd say she has the Dark Triad.
Long piece about how the discourse on freedom of speech may play out in the UK soon, w ref to Tennant/Badenoch issue, also MM.

I think its important to read it but take care over commenting, party politics involved:
Magatha Mistie said…

*Beam me up, Scotty

Good Grief
he’s at it again
Time to let go
the spectral show
Give up the ghost

*Jim Beam
recommended as a digestif 😉

Magatha Mistie said…

Tracey Ullman - Perfick
Civil Service…
Burials undertaken hahaha
Love it

Maneki Neko said…
Harry has talked about the pain of losing his mother in a new video. We know it must have been extremely painful, especially if he he was mummy's favourite but it's time to turn off the grief tap. If he's had therapy, then it clearly is not working. Holding on to his grief is not healthy but I think * likes to keep the wound open as it's lucrative. I don't think Harry understands that it 'becomes easier if children can talk about it' is not the same as talking about it all the time as an adult. This shouldn't be what defines him and in his case, talking about it has not brought about a successful resolution. I feel he really is not best placed to talk about grief.

'Prince Harry has opened up on how he deals with grief in an emotional interview with the widow of a soldier who died in Afghanistan.

The Duke of Sussex embraced Nikki Scott, who runs a charity for bereaved military children called Scotty’s Little Soldiers, and told her how “things become easier” if children can talk about grief.'
Maneki Neko said…

Jim Beam

Purely for medicinal purposes 😉
Maneki Neko said…
@Wild Boar

Thanks for the Reddit link, I wasn't aware that Chris Bryant, MP, with Hugh Grant had been talking about free speech, albeit in 2022. I think Kemi Badenoch makes a lot of sensible comments and that David Tennant was very rude to tell her to shut up. I can't stand actors who want to inflict their opinions on us, e.g. Cumberbatch, Emma Thompson, now Tennant. Just say your lines, that's what you're paid for.

Maybe Chrys Bryant has a vested interest. You might well remember that about 20 years ago the MP for Rondda, Wales, was posing in his bathroom in his Y-fronts in a selfie for a gay website. I don't care that he's gay but it was hardly behaviour befitting an MP. He was then nicknamed Captain underpants.
@Maneki Neko

David Tennant hit rock bottom, in my view, with how he's behaved with regard to Kemi Badenoch in particular and women's rights in general. I used to like his work but now all I'll see is what a POS he is. Emma Thompson too says some really stupid things at times - Quentin Letts has pointed out that she says she `refutes' the Bible! She doesn't know the meaning of the word - probably assumes it's a more sophisticated way of saying `rejects' - she really should know better.

Yeah, stick to the script, you lot.
Girl with a Hat said…
I read over at CDAN that people expect charges soon in the case where someone hacked into Catherine's health records.

as for these show business types who get involved in politics, I don't think they realize that the population in almost every country in the West is split 50-50 between right and left wing. (Leftist parties or rightist parties may get larger percentages of the vote, but that's because of unhappiness with the candidates, the parties, certain policies, as is happening in the UK at the moment, for example. In real life, about 50% of people are conservative, and 50% are liberal.) There may be small differences between countries, but that's the average. So when they come out on the side of one party, they are alienating about 50% of their potential viewers. And, the more vociferous they are, the more people they are alienating.
Girl with a Hat said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sandie said…
He is pathetic ... Here is the Telegraph article:

Prince Harry ‘deliberately destroyed’ potential evidence relating to phone hacking claim, court hears

News Group Newspapers seeking release of emails, as well as texts and WhatsApps, sent and received by Duke of Sussex

The Duke of Sussex “deliberately destroyed” potential evidence relating to his High Court phone hacking claim against the publisher of The Sun, it has been claimed.

News Group Newspapers (NGN) is seeking the release of emails, as well as text messages and WhatsApp messages, sent and received by the Duke, and material held on two encrypted hard drives.

The publisher is also demanding to see records of communication between the Duke and Sir Clive Alderton, the King’s private secretary, as well as Sir Michael Stevens, the Keeper of the Privy Purse and treasurer to the King.

It wants access to the many texts sent between the Duke and JR Moehringer, the author who ghostwrote his memoir, Spare.

David Sherborne, for the Duke, said the pair communicated via Signal and their chat history was wiped before the book was published in January last year.

He said three Hotmail addresses used by Prince Harry prior to 2014 –; and – were no longer accessible.

However, the Duke’s legal team has searched other email accounts to which he has access – and, which span a period from January 2014 until April this year, for three keywords, and is now searching them for the 55 search terms sought by NGN.

Mr Sherborne described NGN’s disclosure application as a “fishing expedition”.

The Royal family’s solicitors, Harbottle and Lewis, have insisted they hold no documents that are “in the claimant’s control”.
Sandie said…

The Duke and more than 40 others are suing NGN over alleged unlawful information-gathering and invasion of privacy. A trial has been scheduled for January.

Anthony Hudson KC, for NGN, accused the Duke of “obfuscating” and said that if he wanted access to documents from his former solicitors, or from the Royal household, he would be given them.

He accused the Duke of “trying to create an obstacle course” to prevent the publisher obtaining potential evidence and said his legal team had been dragged “kicking and screaming” to search a cache of 36,000 potentially relevant emails.

“There ought to be proper evidence about this,” he told the court. “Those messages are clearly within his control, even if they have been deleted. That’s why we say the search for texts and WhatsApps is important.

“It is, I’m afraid we say, another example of the obfuscation in relation to the claimant’s case. We say it’s shocking and extraordinary that the claimant has deliberately destroyed…”

Mr Justice Fancourt interrupted the barrister to say: “Well we don’t know what has happened. It’s not at all clear.”

Mr Hudson replied: “It is of great concern. It needs to be clarified in very short order.”

The court heard that Prince Harry had received “two encrypted hard drives” comprising work documents from his staff’s shared drive, to which he originally claimed he no longer had access.

However, just hours before the High Court hearing on Thursday, it emerged that they had been found, one at his California home and the other at the office of his US lawyer.
Sandie said…

The Duke has insisted he is not aware of any other portable data storage devices, Cloud storage locations or back-up tapes in his control. According to court documents, he has conducted “extensive” searches, including a physical search of his home in California.

He claims he no longer has any laptops, mobile telephones, desktop PCs or backups of his data from before September 2013, and that his former Hotmail email addresses, used pre-2014, had been deactivated and were no longer accessible.

The Duke has also contacted Lord Christopher Geidt, Elizabeth II’s former private secretary, Sally Osman, a former director of royal communications, Sir David Manning, a former UK ambassador to the US and Nick Loughran, his former deputy communications secretary, who said they did not hold anything relevant from the time period.

NGN said a draft order would require the Royal Household, Sir Clive and Sir Michael to provide hard copy and electronic documents held by the Royal Household that record or contain communications “sent to or by, on behalf of, or relating to” the Duke.

Mr Sherborne said the suggestion that his client had “dragged his feet, had to be dragged kicking and screaming, had set up some kind of obstacle course” was incorrect.

He said it had taken 130 hours to search 35,000 emails and that only “a handful” were relevant, describing it as an “utterly disproportionate exercise”.

Mr Sherborne said NGN had had two years to make the disclosure application but had previously chosen not to, with “no explanation” for the delay.

The judge said: “There was the little matter of the application to strike the whole claim out.”

The hearing continues.
Sandie said…
I forgot to copy and share the link ... Nutjob was seen in a park near Beverley Hills (?) with two women. She was wearing a tracksuit - the baggy kind with stripes on the sleeves.

The video is in this post:
Sandie said…
Photoshoot ... and there are more than two people with her. I wonder what she is up to.
Sandie said…
Another award, for him:

Pat Tillman Foundation/ESPYs

The tea is that the people at the Foundation are in a tizzy because the news of this award was rushed through early ...

anon is suggesting that the Sussexes demanded the Pat Tillman Foundation/ESPYs announce the awards today to bury this news.

I would also theorize that the Sussexes demanded the award be announced today while William is meeting with Bill Gates and Earthshot so Harry looks equally important.

I have some exciting gossip! My friend is high up in marketing at ESPN and the news about the Pat Tillman award was NOT supposed to be released today. Apparently it was rushed out and the chairman (Jimmy something? She said) had to sign off on it directly. They are all in a tizzy. Is this to try and drown out the destruction of evidence news?!
Sandie said…
Harry destroys evidence. That is the story everywhere, and there is a list here:

By the way, the claim by him and the ghostwriter that they kept no notes or messages about the book nor any of the drafts. Odd. He is still a royal, son of the king ... any notes and messages would be valuable and should be archived. That couple will never hack it as real royals because they do not have a clue of how to do anything properly!
KnitWit said…
Imagine having to read 35,000 emails written to/from H. Do they include spam in the count?

I imagine H's email(then) and textd(now) to be mostly cuss words and eggplants.
KnitWit said…
I don't believe the ghost writer didn't keep any records - for self defense if firvno other reason.
Maneki Neko said…

I checked the weather in Beverley Hills (today) 24°C and 28°C in Santa Barbara. In a track suit with a long sleeve top underneath? We know she never dresses for the weather but perhaps was she filming some (self)promotion material?
Maneki Neko said…
Harry has now been ordered by a high court judge to explain why he destroyed his messages.

I don't know how he'll manage this. I think it would been infinitely wiser and cheaper not to start legal proceedings in the first place but Harry didn't foresee the consequences.
That tracksuit looks like a pretty standard Adidas one that's been around for decades. It's a bright summer's day & another character is wearing a solar helmet/topee, complete I think with a pugree:,

`Completing the ensemble was that unmistakable symbol of imperialism, the pith helmet or solar topee.'
—Nancy MacDonell, WSJ, 23 Jan. 2019

Is somebody taking the pith?

The other person seems to have emerged from `The Grapes of Wrath' - I'm blowed if I can find a common thread unless it's the 1930s.
Could she making a portmanteau film playing an `ordinary' person who, like `Pearl', goes back in time to shine a light on the oppression of sundry masses? Interviewing `those who were there'? Victims such as Oklahoma farmers during the dustbowl era and `oppressors' such as colonial administrators of, say, the Raj?

Or is she into LARPing, although I'd expect her to be the Gamemaster (GM), pushing everyone else around?

A Welsh artist (who to my eye should stick to landscapes) has produced new portraits of Harry & Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex. It's not been stated if they actually sat for him or not, though to judge by his portrait of ERII, it doesn't seem to make much difference.

His version of Harry reminds me of us trying to dress my husband in the `great plaid' in Inverness Museum, something about the way I plonked the bonnet on his head. NB Mr Wildboar doesn't look like this.

Are there any art critics among the ranks of Nutties who care to comment?
Sandie said…
@Maneki Neko said ... "I think it would been infinitely wiser and cheaper not to start legal proceedings in the first place but Harry didn't foresee the consequences."

Hapless has never been known for wisdom or deep thought! You can't keep attacking people and think you can not face significant resistance, and keep thinking that playing a mixture of victimhood and privilege will secure your victory. The revelations show just how messy they are ... and why is one of his hard drives with his lawyers?

Sandie said…
I find it very interesting that the portrait of Nutjob is called "Returning White Queen" and the name of the woman who inspired the portrait was called Elizabeth. And, of course, she was a disruptive outsider.

The portrait of hapless is inspired by a tragic figure, and is called "Spectre Of The Bonny Prince", the prince being named Charles. Exiled and a failed attempt to seize the throne!

This is his portrait of William:

And this is his portrait of Queen Elizabeth (I think he may have done a few):

Not my favourite artist!
Sandie said…
The iconic Adidas tracksuit! Not a brand I would associate with her. Maybe they are trying to get a sponsorship for IG and free products, that they had to wear to promote the brand, were part of the deal.
Girl with a Hat said…
Adidas track suits are notorious favourites of certain groups of people, besides professional athletes.

There's Russians. They seem to love the comfort of the apparel.

Maybe she's doing something related to the Olympics?

Maneki Neko said…
'When the Duke of Sussex put down roots in America, he no doubt wanted to capture the hearts of those in his new country.

But it is his older brother, the Prince of Wales, 42, that appears to be better connected with those across the pond.

William's popularity is so potent that he's polled much higher among Americans than the country's own heavyweight public figures, despite the country having their own British prince on home soil.'

That will hurt in Montecito. No one to blame but yourselves, Sussex.
OKay said…
@WBBM I don't know much about art, but I like to educate myself (i.e., I read up on the Monet before attending an exhibit of his work, that kind of thing). I immediately educated myself regarding the White Queen and the Bonny Prince and I must say, while the art work is not to my taste, the titles at least are very fitting.
SwampWoman said…

Blogger Girl with a Hat said...
Adidas track suits are notorious favourites of certain groups of people, besides professional athletes.

There's Russians. They seem to love the comfort of the apparel.

Maybe she's doing something related to the Olympics?

Indeed. Track suits aren't commonly seen in my neck of the woods but when they are, it is on vacationing Russians.
I think that the depiction of H makes him look more like James I & VI, or to be honest, it's a threatening `See you, Jimmy' (sounds more like `See yew, Jummy' when uttered on a Saturday night in Glasgow).

As we've remarked in the past, Harry has a good chance of ending up like Charles Edward, if he should live so long - a morose drunk. Apart from that, as the first son of the only son of a King (James II & VII) has was in the same position as young George is now, except for the fact that his grandpa was deposed, when we'd had enough of the Stuarts.

BTW, I'm about halfway through `Unruly' by comedian David Mitchell - a rundown on all the medieval kings of England from before Athelstan (he starts by debunking Arthur!). Mitchell, no monarchist, knows his history. His tone may be facetious but he demonstrates how fluid the Succession was for many centuries - and the sheer number of usurping younger brothers there were is astonishing. It's well worth a read
Sandie said…
LOL! Yes Theory went to Transnistria (a country that technically does not exist but is like the Soviet Union frozen in time). To blend in with the locals, they got haircuts and bought themselves Adidas tracksuits! (Yes Theory is a group of guys who travel to 'unknown' places and do challenging things. They are very inspirational as they are so open-minded and adventurous and non-judgmental and good-humoured.) So the Adidas tracksuits with the stripes is still very popular in Transnistria, a country with its own government currency, army ... but technically it does not exist. I highly recommend the videos of Thomas visiting Syria and Iraq as well. Amazing countries. Amazing people. Amazing food.

A disgusting slimy, mucous, boring and slow rant of Misan Harriman (doing this-one's-wife's dirty work for her) attacking Prince William who was in the Swift concert with his children and who did not one second think all the suffering children of the world as Saint Misan self does all the time, every day, every week, every moment of his life.

Youtuber Daniel Boland: "Harry and Meghan's Little Helper Returns!"
SwampWoman said…
It is sad that there are no more vacationing Russkis, and there are Ukrainians that have been forced out of their countries settling here. Are they good guys or bad guys? We don't know! They're being settled by NGOs contracted by the Federal government. That is the same Federal government that has been importing and releasing known terrorists, too.
Hikari said…

A virtual acquaintance of mine was a tour guide in St. Petersburg. After the war with Ukraine broke out, she and her husband who is Jewish emigrated to Israel with their young son, Leaving behind both sets of parents. Educated young urban professionals like them who have regular dealings with Westerners do not support Putin’s war. The older people with no access to anything other than state run media swallow the party line. The family settled in and she was studying to get licensed as a tour guide in Israel, learning Hebrew and making friends. Then came the current conflict. For the second time in two years they were displaced again, again fearing for their safety. They sheltered in Amsterdam for several weeks and I’m not sure where they ended up. Somewhere else in Europe receptive to Russian immigration…Budapest maybe. They are incredibly brave and despite what they must be going through, she comes across as upbeat and putting a positive face on everything. I have no idea what they were able to live on since their Russian accounts were frozen in the beginning, or what they are doing for work. Their son is eight or nine years old and has had his childhood and his education interrupted by this trauma, twice. Who knows what the future holds for these children that have been displaced by war? My friend and her husband are academics and I think they made pretty good money back in St. Petersburg. But their life now seems quite precarious. They are inspirations to me, and she will forever be for me the face of modern Russia. War hurts everyone regardless of one’s “side”.
Girl with a Hat said…

the comments are scathing about Hairold receiving that Pat Tillsman ESPN award.

it seems to be common knowledge that he mistreated sex workers in Afghanistan, hid to avoid drug testing, and a whole slew of other unseemly behaviour for a blood prince
Girl with a Hat said…

please stay out of politics, you have no idea what you're talking about. You are being manipulated by this person.

I know the virtual tour guide you are talking about and I happen to know she exaggerates everything to get greater contributions.

I have relatives on both sides of the conflict. People have this mistaken idea that everyone on one side of a border is Russian, and on the other, Ukrainian, as an example. That is not the case in most European countries.

The only thing that is true is that too many men are dying, too many children are losing their fathers and wives, their husbands. It's a complete tragedy and it's being sponsored by fat, prosperous people on the other side of the world.
Maneki Neko said…
'The mother of a US war hero killed in Afghanistan has criticised the decision to give Prince Harry an award honouring her dead son.

Harry will receive the memorial award set up in the name of Pat Tillman – an American football star who gave up a £3million contract to enlist in the US Army after 9/11 – in Hollywood next month.

But the soldier’s mother Mary said she was not consulted, adding: ‘I am shocked as to why they would select such a controversial and divisive individual to receive the award.

‘There are recipients that are far more fitting. There are individuals working in the veteran community that are doing tremendous things to assist veterans.
The ESPY Awards (Excellence in Sports Performance Yearly) is run by the sports TV network ESPN and the Pat Tillman Award has previously been given to unsung heroes.' ...

There must be far more deserving recipients and what has TO achieved to deserve it? A 'unsung heroe' he ain't. He could have turned it down and said it ought to go to someone else but apparently he didn't. He doesn't need it either. If he thinks this award will make him more popular then he's sadly mistaken and he has no shame.

Sandie said…
‘I am shocked as to why they would select such a controversial and divisive individual to receive the award.

‘There are recipients that are far more fitting. There are individuals working in the veteran community that are doing tremendous things to assist veterans.

‘These individuals do not have the money, resources, connections or privilege that Prince Harry has. I feel that those types of individuals should be recognised.’

Pat Tillman's mother speaks out. This is not good for him!
Sandie said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
abbyh said…
Let's wander back onto topic please.
Sandie said…

A blind from enty ... claims that she is trying to get Janet Jackson's billionaire ex to notice her
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