Well, what do you think of the shot over the bow by Vanity Fair?
One doesn't expect them to be "wild" about this story. And it is from the locals who perhaps really want to send a message to the couple about how their neighbors are viewed in a not positive light. Apparently unsigned notes are not dropped in the mailbox in that neighborhood any more (maybe Ring is a fear). I have not read it yet (apparently I now need a subscription) but perhaps the library has it.
However, the DM has some parts of it. And they dish.
The DM has also had some prior articles clearly criticizing them in the showing up to hug and so on as the fires rage. Trauma Tourists and similar labels are being tossed in their directions. It wasn't like this (so public) at Uvalde that I remember. But I could be wrong.
What is interesting is that the articles are sticking more to them like oobleck. The articles start off with fresh news but now is starting to list all the other problematic history. This (trailing history as part of the print story) is becoming more and more of a trend.
So that's kind of new. Don't think it is "the" kraken but it comes off as a shift in the tide.
As a side note, think about what is a tourist (someone looking at something novel to their daily life, not at work, and possible on vacation or retired - not a steady job stopping their visit ... and transient - meaning not going to be there next week, next month or a year from now).
Hugs are nice but they do not put a roof over a family's head. Nor does it put food on their table. Or clothes on their back. Today. Tomorrow. Next week or even next month let alone a year from now. Make up is a nice thought but what if the kid hasn't eaten since yesterday? The sad me reads: the hotels and landlords are gouging families who are just trying to survive.
The cynical side notes that: the difference between real people trying to help and those who are cosplaying are that cosplayers show up with their camera. Apparently if there is not photo, there is no proof.
What is real help to these people in need?
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Her eyes lit with burning embers
Megiana made sure haz remembers
Things that didn’t happen
were never said
Spectral speculation
disturbing the dead
All this con-jecture
best left in the past
But possession by smegma
ensured Di was cast…
'Several people underwent "long term therapy" or took extended breaks from work after working with the Duchess of Sussex on her podcast, Vanity Fair has claimed. The magazine recounts a source alleging that the strain Meghan put on her colleagues when things went wrong was "really, really, really awful" and "very painful". The allegations are contained in a lengthy profile of the Duke and Duchess marking the fifth anniversary of their departure from the UK.'
This is on the front page and is developed on page 3. Apparently, H is 'conveyed as a naïve, lonely figure who has failed to make any friends and is desperate to reconnect with his family'. . . . 'The Duke is said to have said: "I have very bad childhood trauma. Obviously. My mother was essentially murdered. What is it about me that didn't make me one of these bad guys?" '. . . Still playing the victim and convinced his mother was murdered. It would be interesting to hear William 's take on this.
- mentions the paparazzi chase in 2023 - probably the NYC alleged chase in 3 mph traffic, but no mention of the city, or the circumstances and the author uses this incident to bolster Hairy's claim for security while in the UK
- includes Hairy's refusal to attend the wedding of the Duke of Westminster for reasons of security in the narrative. I'm not even sure that Hairy was invited and that if he were, that an awkward reunion with William, his brother, wasn't the real reason for the refusal
- mixes Hairy's accusation towards Camilla's and other courtiers of planting unfavourable stories about him with Hairy's suit against the Daily Mail for stories about him about pushing for adding security. I haven't really conveyed very well how the author uses both of these allegations to try to make Hairy's case more valid but it's more obvious when reading the VF article
This is just an analysis of approximately 5-10 paragraphs of the said article. I find this author very manipulative in trying to frame the entire situation differently than what we already know it is.
Lady C & Dan Wootton claim that Radar Online has effectively challenged the 'Orrible Couple to prove that the children are rightfully in line.
Will the supposed parents sue or say nothing?
Lady C and Danny Wooton video - Meghan and Harry's surrogacy scandal must be addressed
Binfire of the Vanities
The original tale of
Vanity Fair
Featured Becky Sharp
a gold digging mare
There’s nothing fair
about mevains vanity
A modern day version
Meggy Sharpie…
God save the King
Harsh words from Lady C
Regarding progeny
Poor old Archie
whoever he may be
Time to expose
Di-version and her clown
All that matters
protecting the Crown…
Hollywood has turned
Megs has been burned
Hopes for QVC
calls not returned
Here’s a tip
when you’re causing a scene
Never, Ever, disrespect
our late Queen…
"If he (Trump) kicks that piece of shit(Hairy) out of the country I will personally load up some pack mules with chisels and dynamite and add his face to Mount Rushmore."
He said he'd rather be `ordinary' , though I can't think that he'd really have liked that.
.Ady C sounds quite sure and she is normally very guarded in what she says. First I've heard about a 'post Harry divorce book'. Have I missed anything or does anyone know more about it?
Imagine you're married and find out that your spouse is shopping around for the best deal regarding a book on your divorce, which hasn't even happened yet
Re. The “post-divorce manifesto”.. it’s being trotted out as a “new” venture, when, according to Inside Edition on US TV, this proposal was floated “several years ago”, when someone representing MM contacted publishers re. Interest in such a project. Nothing came of it because there was no divorce. I think this would’ve been early on in their post-Megxit attempt to be moguls of all media. I believe the Duckarse still owes Penguin at least one book of their multi-volume deal. No doubt she used the threat of a tell-all following a divorce to torment Harry and bilk more money out of Charles. It would surprise absolutely nobody who knows the score with these couple of asshats that they would get divorced. Indeed, we here are befuddled that it’s. Taking so long to happen. I was sure she would split after 3 years.
The newly installed POTUS has a keen interest in the visa status of JCMHFKAP. He liked Her late Majesty very much; he probably regards KCIII less warmly but maybe out of respect for Chas’s mother, the visa matter can be dealt with in a private conversation instead of a public humiliation.
I have a feeling this is going to be an interesting year.
Sounds about right to me - but I hadn't realised he's got yet another case in the pipeline for next year. Added to which he's badgering the police (the Met) to investigate alleged criminal aspects of Press behaviour.
Will he never belt up and go away?
This is a `style' that has long turned mu stomach whenever I see it.
The dragon slayer
law court purveyor
Lives his life to pur-sue
If you don’t agree
with his hypocrisy
It’s easy money
to demand a fee
The Sun will still shine
despite the hue
Litigious lamebrain
sold his soul for a sou…
Apologies: Frank Sinatra
The Lady Is a Tramp
She’s too hungry
nothing will sate
She loves the drama
all full of hate
She never bothers with people
can’t relate
That’s why meh is a tramp
She likes the free cash
handed by spare
a life unaware
She’s broke and woke
Loves California
her old boat ramp
That’s why the laidly is a tramp…
@GWAH & @Maneki
Thank you X
Hairy was photographed beside some firefighters in San Diego, California. No ball and chain with him. Not much publicity either.
Is this a lesson learned or should he have not done this public appearance at all?
I'm leaning towards they have learned but they still want to keep their foot in the door to keep doing them, once the furore of this latest publicity crisis has passed.
A legal battle brought by Prince Harry, Baroness Lawrence and others against the Mail is costing a ‘manifestly excessive’ amount of money, two judges ruled yesterday.
They said the estimated £38.8 million case costs were ‘outside the range of reasonable’.
38.8 million !!
"Meghan Markle earned a not-so-sweet nickname during her time with Spotify."
"Ex-staff members have revealed they decided to christen her ‘Eva’ and this was used as a warning signal to let people know that she was either arriving or on the warpath,"
"The nickname came from the 1955 camp classic ‘Queen Bee’ starring – Joan Crawford… This is because, like the Joan character [Eva Phillips], she stung her victims to pieces. This is exactly how staff felt about working alongside [Meghan]."
"As well as describing working for Meghan and Harry as being like "working with teenagers" in a brutal three-word verdict, Cohen said that during the couple's first tour to Australia, Fiji, Tonga and New Zealand, she ended up being "screamed at".
- - - - - -
'Eva' - 'she stung her victims to pieces.' But apart from that, * is charming, warm, [em]pathetic, and a fabulous employer.
'I spent years representing clients in court (not trial advocacy though) and have seen how unpredictable trials can be. I’m pretty sure Harry’s barrister was worried that his client would undo himself under cross-examination. Justice Fancourt had already made some tart comments about Harry’s evidence in interim hearings. Of course Harry didn’t come away empty handed but to The Sun’s lawyers, settling for some damages/apologies is all in a day’s work and nothing personal, whereas Harry had an axe to grind. Even if you know the game, cross-examination is hugely stressful and a good barrister is masterful at trapping a witness. It’s actually fascinating to watch. Harry is not too bright and is used to deference. Just the kind who might lose the plot under pressure. People who think he won outright simply don’t understand litigation.'
A very good point and I think a good barrister would make mincemeat of H during cross examination.
La Barbecue’s markled
Their pork’s been pulled
Salad’s slawed
Insurance fraud
Spares ribs over sauced
therein lies the rub
Don’t photo the Corn
when scrounging for grub…
Very interesting look at the timing of her epidural story during the delivery of Archibucks.
I had not thought of it but read the part about how does your family resolve conflict and that then Prince Charles was not warm and welcoming when told of the upcoming autobiography.
I'm kind of hard pressed to think who would realistically think that having just trashed these people (BRF) that any of them would feel and act all warm and friendly towards the people who criticized them in print. And, knowing they cannot say anything in response to try to set the record straight.
Or the reasons why she was not allowed to join them while QE was about to pass. Just because you don't agree with them, doesn't make them wrong or unreasonable. It is only that you don't like them or want them changed to your liking.
Or the claim that there is/was no class for her to learn how to follow the protocols. There isn't a class like Royal British History 101, Silverware 202 or Curtsy 325 but they offered all kinds of people to try to help her adjust but she didn't take to them or use them for their knowledge. They tried to help both of them succeed.
A lot of families support their adult children financially.
I still think that his father was trying to gently remind him that sooner or later he would be king and at that point, the duo would lose the financial support from the Duchy as it would now all legally (entailed) to the new POW and his family. We will never know the words used or how far his father was able to speak this information when dropping this bad news but generally speaking, that's a tough conversation to give and to hear. No one wants to hear the money faucet is going to be dry but it needed to be said so expectations could be adjusted long before it actually happened.
Notice that this is about his family but yet he married into hers. Wonder how an article about how she would answer the questions would roll?
I was referring to a DM article a couple
of days ago, our fatuous foodies visited
a Texan restaurant, La Barbecue, last March
Owner/chef is accused of $350,000 fraud scheme 🔥
Vexatious Lil’cant
When the hand that was bitten
no longer fed you
You took to the courts
anything to sue
Still desperate for dollars
more hullabaloo
You’re life now exists in a
puddle of poo…
I thought the Archetypes podcast was finished and done for.
`King Charles Is Considering Giving Kate Middleton Royal Power Worth Billions That Hasn't Been Granted in 115 Years'
at https://uk.yahoo.com/news/king-charles-considering-giving-kate-132700534.html
It's from Cosmo - Royal Warrants stimulate trade and bring in money to the national economy - not to the pockets of Royals.
The Heritage Foundation has reopened its case to have the duke's immigration papers released.
The American think tank has raised questions about how he was able to gain entry to the US in 2020 with his wife Meghan having admitted in his 2023 book Spare to taking cocaine, marijuana and psychedelic mushrooms.
Heritage has made accusations Harry had either lied on his papers about his drug use or has been given special treatment by the Joe Biden administration in order to emigrate to the country.
Lawyers for the think tank and Harry have now been ordered by Judge Carl J Nichols to meet at a federal court in Washington DC next Wednesday, February 5, according to a ruling seen by Newsweek.
. . . . .
This could be interesting. If this goes against Harry, I wonder if he'll sue (if he can).
`This isn't GB where daddy controls the justices'.
Strange how some people still believe that the our Monarch has powers like POTUS. To paraphrase what we are frequently told from the western side of the Atlantic - we fought a war in the 17th century to put an end to this sort of thing.
Charles I lost his head; his sons provoked anger at their Interference in the in the judiciary :
`... in 1668 the system of appointments “during pleasure” was reintroduced, and in the last 11 years of his reign Charles II sacked 11 of his judges. The next king, Charles’s brother, James II, sacked 12 in just 3 years.
This was bound to affect the quality and independence of the judiciary; judges knew very well their jobs were at risk if the sovereign did not like their judgments...'
(at https://www.judiciary.uk/about-the-judiciary/history-of-the-judiciary-in-england-and-wales/history-of-the-judiciary/)
The Bill of Rights (1688) limited the power of the monarch but the complete separation took much longer:
`...Additionally, until 2006, the Lord Chancellor was part of the government, Parliament, and the judiciary. The Lord Chancellor’s role changed drastically on 3 April 2006 as a result of the Constitutional Reform Act 2005. This major change has been described as the most significant to affect the justice system since Magna Carta. The Act establishes the Lord Chief Justice as President of the Courts of England and Wales and Head of its Judiciary, a role that from 1873 had been performed by the Lord Chancellor. For the first time an express statutory duty was placed on the Lord Chancellor and other Ministers of the Crown to protect the independence of the judiciary. For the first time in its 1,000-year history, the judiciary is officially recognised as fully independent from the government and Parliament and a fully equal branch of the State'. (ibid.)
Meghan Markle has sparked speculation that she has redesigned elements of her engagement ring for the fourth time after the Duchess of Sussex's sparkler appeared to show slight alterations in trailers for her new Netflix series.
Is any one getting messages about personal data, log in with flag warning?
Yet one of Netflix's best-known collaborators, the Duchess of Sussex, was barely mentioned at the event - even though her lifestyle show, 'With Love, Meghan', is due to be released in March.
Worse, in another sign that America is falling out of love with the royal couple, a leading comedian at the event made Harry and Meghan's film-making record the butt of a dismissive joke.
Describing his own live talk show, which debuts on March 12, just a few days after Meghan's series is due to launch – John Mulaney said: 'This will be the one place where you [might] see Arnold Schwarzenegger sitting next to Nikki Glaser sitting next to a family therapist with music by Mannequin Pussy…
'This is a really fun experiment. Not since Harry and Meghan has Netflix given more money to someone without a specific plan.'
The Hollywood audience responded with 'snickering' and a few 'whoas', according to a source in the auditorium last night.' . . .
'someone without a specific plan.' That's definitely *. Ouch!
The long game’s lasted
a thousand years
She’ll need more than a Chit
and her cervical smears
To prove beyond doubt
they’re his and heirs…
He truly is an ArchMoron!
Apologies: Victoria Woods
The Ballad of Freda & Barry
The Ballad of the Absentia Mare
Mega and Harry
sat up one night
Their minds unclear
their eyes too bright
The mood was soft, something was up
as mega sniffed her cocoa cup
She curled her lip, like a soured lime
And switched off Harry’s on-line time
Harry cringed and played as dead
As mega grabbed his pipe and said
Let’s do it, we’ll do it
do it while the crowd is right
I’m feeling, revealing
a little bit of me not white
I’ve malice
your phallus
I can handle all the Bucks in Palace
I’ll do it, must do it tonight
He said
Can’t do it, won’t do it
Everyone will know I blew it
Your fiction for faction
Will only undermine megxit
Your decision to cause division
May help me beat Will’s television
Might do it, Will do it tonight…
Are H's chances of staying in the US even lower now, given that the war on both drugs and illegals seem to have been stepped up in the last couple of days? I'm thinking of the motivation given for recent decisions...
The German magazines are saying that they've separated and that he's living with his new squeeze. Scheidung von Meghan - Harry wohnt bei seiner Neuen.
What a gem! I love `Barry & Freda', especially `beat me on the bottom with the Woman's Weekly...' Of course, I immediately think of the old, small, pre-glossy version : `Famed for its knitting...)
How I miss Victoria Wood - I doubt if we'll ever see her like again.
She made this video in which she is bragging about finding some Billie Eilish swag for a young woman who lost everything in the LA fires. She didn't do anything except contact people who contacted Billie Eilish.
Will ILBW rise (or do I mean sink?) to the challenge posed by Mrs West claiming to be `the most googled woman'? As yet, she hasn't gone this far - is she about to tell H to hold her beer?
Meggie Eyewash
No work involved
just meggie begging
Passed on some stuff
usual over-egging
Voice note to oneself
when desperate and broke
Don’t Embroider the names
of your kids on your yoke
Taking the credit from others
sad scheming
You’ve given re-grifting
a second-hand meaning
The door Jam-b is sticky
not a-jar
As ever, Magatha…
There's a movie coming out about a woman who fakes a pregnancy (or should I say Megancy) by wearing a moonbump because she is jealous of a friend called Kate who is really pregnant.
It's in a comment over at CDAN, but the photo that was pasted in the comment is part of an article and it's not very big.
This is the photo of the invisikids that I was referring to earlier.
I fervently hope this is true.
Great work as always.
Nice to hear from you.
@Girl with a Hat
Then usual b&w artsy photo. I wonder if Charles was sent the same photo? We can be certain Thomas Markle wasn't. Will the Harkles now sue the friend who accidentally (?) shared the photo?
@Wild Boar
Re Neil Sean's video, wouldn't it be satisfying if this is true? Harry might regret insisting on security for his offsprings.
. . . . . . . . .
Incidentally, * 'recently showcased her maternal pride by donning a jumper embroidered with her children's names.' Is this to reinforce the idea that she is their mother? I'm very proud of my children but certainly wouldn't have worn a jumper with their names embroidered on it when they were small. Maybe this could be a new ARO venture, order a jumper with your children's names lovingly embroidered by *'s own fair hands...
I followed the your link, with the lying-in a-circle pic but also clicked on the block of small pictures beneath - a Temu ad with ?Harkle lookalikes, presumably...
Had she and Harry discovered a cure for cancer? Did Disney finally get in touch and offer her a voiceover role as Dawn the Prawn in Finding Nemo 3?
...'the show – titled With Love, Meghan – will be a ‘how-to’ guide to entertaining, offering inspiration and ideas for those who aspire to be the perfect hostess.'
...‘It’s a very magical and beautiful guide to hosting and entertaining rather than a how-to cookery show. It’s about inspiration – more like, “Why not try and make this kind of pasta or this kind of dessert”.
Perfectly relatable if you're a busy working mum. Who would take inspiration from *?
One comment:
'Thank you, Meghan. I can now have a dinner party in my bedsit. Pot noodles and bread for dipping and a big glass of Tizer, but some will have to use mugs. I only have one glass, but I'll be doing it in style.'
This is probably just the MM show. Emma Thynn, Marchioness of Bath, she ain't.
I remember family holiday photos where my father set the timer on the camera and ran from the camera to join the photo before the timer went off. Not fine art, but clearly real.
Tired of the photoshopped fiction.
Obviously, they are expected to fly 'from Santa Barbara airport in a private chartered jet'.
No wonder they were so eager to promote Joe Biden's policy of censoring people in social media.
Given they greet complete strangers with the phrase, “Alright, my luvver?”, perhaps it’s not too far-fetched to believe that Bristolians are the most romantic people in the UK.
A survey this week found those in the heart of the West Country show their other halves more love than any city in the country, with 40 per cent claiming they give “daily” signs of affection and many saying “I love you” about nine times a week.
A few weeks ago, I received an email from a well-known male celebrity – a household name – who, in recent years, has been exposed for partaking in some ‘bad behaviour’.
I would go into more detail but, for reasons that will become clear, I cannot.
This celebrity had been irked by a story I had written about his misdeeds. He has form for getting in touch directly with journalists and, after it was published, he emailed me telling me that my words had consequences – and that one day I would have to live with the knowledge that I had pushed someone over the edge.
Knowing of similar messages he has sent to fellow writers, I could only presume he was talking about his own mental health.
I am unable to share his identity: he labelled the letter with an instruction that it was ‘not for publication’. But I also know that this individual has a history of giving journalists negative stories about his colleagues and other celebrities in a bid to damage their reputations.
He is not alone in playing the mental health card.
Another British male star of equal prominence has been furious at how he has been portrayed in the media following claims that he has cheated on his partner (he is a generally deeply unpleasant individual). He instructed his lawyers to email me: ‘Every time Katie Hind writes about our client, it affects his mental health.’
Welcome to today’s new form of celebrity injunction, where male celebrities – and they are almost always men – will attempt to stop their misdemeanours being revealed by claiming that they are suffering from mental ill health, even in some cases threatening to take their own life.
That really sounds very strange behaviour, I say.
* 'has been spotted adoringly [as if] watching her husband Prince Harry as he opened the seventh edition of the Invictus Games.' Did she need to stand next to him? (Rhetorical question). * 'is said to be focused on supporting her husband and the games in the coming week.' . . . 'Her focus at the Games will be on uplifting her husband, the competitors, and sharing their stories.' I'd say she's focused on making sure the cameras are on her.
. . . 'The source said: 'Her attendance underscores her support for her husband
a £5,000 a night suite that comes with its own private elevator and rooftop patio.' This on top of the privately chartered flight. Who is paying for this?
I suppose the rest of the games will be in the same vein.
The President of the United States of America tells the whole world that "She Is Terrible!"
(And lets Harry stay in USA because of that)
Maybe she will not be so full of herself and leaves some visibility to the true heroes, the VETERANS!
The responses vary from `rubbish', or wtte, to `only too believable' . Wide scepticism about where and when it might have happened (if it did).
I do recall, though, there were stories from their early days at Frogmore that the police had more than once found her wandering around the Great Park and in the town centre of Windsor, at night, in a state of befuddlement, with the implication that she was under the influence of psychoactive substances, even if was just just good ol' alcohol.
Was their involuntary departure from Frog Cott precipitated by something like this imagined scenario?:
She goes out late in the evening, somewhat deshabillée and not to say plastered, with a coat slipped on over her nightie, and seeks out Wm giving the dog its final `comfort' walk of the day? I mean, what's a girl to do but take advantage?
I see it as completely within her character.
I do believe he should leave the patronage to Mike Tindall or some one with more enthusiasm.
Look at how people in the background are looking at her. It seems she started pushing someone's wheelchair without asking. Also, her bra seems to be poking through the opening of her top's armhole.
'The Duchess of Sussex, 43, packed on the PDA as she watched from the stands in Vancouver with her husband, snuggling into him before leaning in for a passionate kiss.' If you have a very strong constitution, there are also photos. I couldn't read beyond those few lines and just glanced at a few pix. That was enough. Was she trying to send a big FU to Trump after his putdown? I'm sure he laughed when he saw the pix (if he even looked!). Of course, the cameras must be on * at all times (eye roll).
Re *'s outfit, don't forget that Invictus allegedly paid for her wardrobe. I can't remember if it was $ but the figure was 30,000. If this is true, this is scandalous. If she must insist on attending, she can supply her own wardrobe. The trousers on the photo you mentioned are as usual too wide and too long, she can't ever get it right.
'UK royal correspondent Neil Sean claimed to Fox News the Duchess of Sussex, 43, was given the name 'Eva' while she was working on her podcast Archetypes.
He explained: 'This wasn't an engaging pet nickname. The nickname came from the 1955 camp classic 'Queen Bee' starring the ultimate diva herself – Joan Crawford…
The film is about a 'manipulative' socialite who 'sets out to destroy the lives of all those around her', according to Turner Classic Movies.
Mr Sean also explained that behind-the-scenes staff found it 'really difficult' to deal with Meghan because of her mood swings and that she was 'quite tough and bossy'.
'This is because, like the Joan character [Eva Phillips], she stung her victims to pieces. This is exactly how staff felt about working alongside [Meghan].'
From DT:
Prince Harry criticises ‘weak moral character in the world’
Albert Tait
Sat 8 February 2025 at 11:04 pm GMT·4-min read
Prince Harry has said there is too much ‘weak moral character in the world’ - Samir Hussein/WireImage
The Duke of Sussex criticised the “weak moral character in the world” in a speech just hours after Donald Trump called his wife “terrible”.
The Duke, 40, told a crowd of 40,000 at the BC Place stadium in Vancouver, Canada, during the Invictus Games opening ceremony on Saturday that there was “difficulty and division in many parts of the world”.
“At this moment, when there is no shortage of crises, no absence of uncertainty, no lack of weak moral character in the world, the values you embody, the way you carry yourselves – not only at the Invictus Games, but each and every day – your courage, your resilience, your humanity, illuminate a path forward for us all,” he said.
His speech came on the same day that Donald Trump ruled out deporting the Duke from the US over suggestions of historic drug-taking, claiming the royal has “enough problems with his wife”, Meghan, whom he said was “terrible”.
The Duke and Duchess, 43, appeared together at the opening ceremony of the Invictus Games, the sports competition for wounded service members and veterans which was founded by the Duke in 2014.
In a speech sandwiched between performances by musical stars Chris Martin and Katy Perry, the Duke paid tribute to the indigenous peoples in Canada. “I would like to begin by honouring the First Nations, who are hosting this year’s Games. Lílwat, Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh,” he said.
He addressed the crowd with a traditional greeting - “Hite-sap - coo-cwee-lum” - which is a message of welcoming used in large gatherings.
Addressing the hundreds of competitors, he said: “The Games were born more than a decade ago, from a promise I made to myself.
“A promise to uphold my obligation – a sacred obligation after my own decade and privilege of military service – to do whatever I could to help my fellow brothers and sisters heal, and to champion everything we stand for.
“Over the past decade I’ve lost count of the times we’ve heard you tell us that the Invictus Games saved you.
“Respectfully, I disagree. Invictus didn’t save you. You saved yourself.”
The Sussexes flew to Vancouver on Friday and arrived at the five-star Fairmont Pacific Rim, one of the city’s most expensive hotels, in a convoy of three large blacked-out SUVs.
At a behind-closed-doors welcome reception for competitors on Friday evening, the Duchess kissed her husband on stage and told the injured veterans: “You are his family.” She also said she felt “at home” in Canada.
DT article (cont)
They spent the first day of the competition meeting athletes from Team US and Team Canada. Both were seen hugging competitors in Instagram posts by the Duchess. She was also filmed laughing with a group of female US competitors while the Duke was seen dancing in front of Canadian athletes.
The games come at a strange time for the Sussexes and will likely provide a welcome distraction from questions over their professional futures.
Just last month, Prince Harry agreed to settle with Rupert Murdoch’s News Group Newspapers for an eight-figure sum. Some saw it as a climbdown in his battle against the tabloid press. He had previously described himself as a “dragon slayer” who wanted to “change the media landscape” forever.
His idea for a Spotify podcast has also been gently mocked. Dubbed a “sociopath podcast”, he reportedly wanted to interview powerful men with complicated stories such as Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump and Mark Zuckerberg, about how their experiences turned them into sociopaths.
His Netflix show about polo did not generate the buzz it might have expected, his best-selling memoir is long done and dusted, and his relations with the Royal family remain on a scale between strained and non-existent.
For the Duchess, her anticipated Netflix show has been postponed after the Los Angeles fires, while a blistering Vanity Fair cover story last month portrayed her as a ruthless boss.
In the face of all this, the nine days of the games, which run until Feb 16, offer a brief respite, where they are respected and adored by competitors and fans alike.
When the Sussexes appeared on the jumbotron during the opening ceremony, they were greeted with rapturous applause from the stadium - only the appearance of Team Ukraine produced a louder noise throughout the whole ceremony.
The Duchess, wearing a white Sentaler coat, rested her head on her husband’s shoulder as emotional videos of competitors, in which they detailed their struggles, played on the large screen.
Martin, who performed the Invictus Games anthem which he created in 2014, paid tribute to the Duke, saying: “Thank you, Harry, for being such an inspiring leader and kind and sweet man.”
After the ceremony, the Duke and Duchess watched an ice hockey match between the Vancouver Canucks and Toronto Maple Leafs at the Rogers Arena.
Another thing hanging around his neck is his wife who is trying to get people to believe that they are living a life of passionate love towards each other. I don't understand why. Harry has not that script in his papers and he is obviously not playing along.
His wife seems aim to the history books as the most loving and adoring mother who in the end had no children only beautiful romantic stories about them.
The Freak Show of The Duke of Duchess in Canada
See new posts
Lady C
I am hearing very interesting things about the state of the Sussex marriage and it's from regal not media sources. Things are a lot more convoluted than they appear to be on the surface. Sadly this forum doesn't offer enough space to address the complexities, but I think I will do so on my YouTube channel.
is right. Harry has more than enough problems on his hands. The majority of them begin with the letter M . M for Meghan. M for money. M for Machiavellianism. M for merching. M for mistake. M for megnancies. M for media. M for manipulation. I could go on and on, but this is neither the time nor the place. In the meantime, I would recommend that everyone who wants a ringside seat on the combination of Greek tragedy, Shakespearean drama, Feydeau farce, and Hollywood vulgarity that is taking place in Canada remember the words of the song: "It ain't over till the fat lady sings." All the posturing at the
, all the Ozempic in the world, all sixteen bathrooms in Montecito won't be able to flush the reality of what is really going on once the turds surface. Harry might not seem the ideal candidate for sympathy over the last few years, but my goodness, is he deserving of pity.
Catherine is an epitome of elegance, sophistication and right sort of humanity and the Brits have right to be very proud of her!!
The quality's not good but I see it as the one line-up where ILBW wouldn't look out of place dead centre.
. . . the success or failure of her products in the Netflix House superstores will 'make or break' Meghan's entrepreneurial ambitions.'
The first of the American Riviera Orchard stands will open in early March in two of America's biggest retail centers, the King of Prussia Mall in Philadelphia and the giant Dallas Galleria.'
Not really exclusive, then. Well, Philadelphia and Dallas Nutties, this is your chance to sample *'s wares.
Invictus Games Stands EMPTY Due To Meghan Markle Stealing Attention
Good question about no trademark for ARO. And is * trying to flog last year's jam and dog biscuits that didn't sell? (Past their sell by date?)
Thank you for the video of *'s spoof speech, that's * to a tee.
He has done a dirty trick to all those men and women who are competing in the games AND their families. He has no right to preach about honour to anyone for he has none!
I fear the undertone will become: why bother training for this if my efforts don't get noticed?
1. they had a big fight and she decided to leave
2. Invictus people asked her to leave
3. she got the pics she needed for her Netflix show
4. she's still in Vancouver but keeping a low profile
5. she got kidnapped by aliens.
Headline at the DM:
Windswept Meghan Markle arrives back in California on private jet after leaving Prince Harry behind at Invictus Games - as she reveals gifts for Archie and Lilibet and says she is 'cheering' her husband on from home
But as Omid Scobie digests Vanity Fair's profile of Prince Harry – 'lost, out of his depth, and naive' – and Meghan, working for whom is alleged to have caused some former members of staff to undergo 'long-term therapy', might he have difficulties of his own to contend with?
I ask because Scobie's company, MeYou, has been closed down after being on the receiving end of a compulsory strike-off notice in December.
Seemingly indifferent to that warning, Scobie, who recently moved to California – so that he's now, so it's said, approximately two hours' drive from Harry and Meghan – took no action.
In consequence, MeYou, which Scobie established in 2016, and of which he has always been the sole director, has been dissolved. This means that it ceases to have a legal owner, with the result that its bank account is frozen and any assets are passed to the Crown.
Did you see what * got them? If the goodies on display in the photo are what she bought then is not a mother. Chocolate with big nuts? The goodies are not suitable for young children if that's what she bought them.
Here is the photo for other Nutties.
Word on FB is that Hawwy was called into a meeting with top Invictus people and told in no uncertain terms that his wife had to leave AND that she had to take down all the videos she took there and posted on social media. Not sure what the leverage was, but apparently she did both.
Remind you of anyone?
Despite having not spoken in months, Harry was aware that the eyes of the world were watching his and Meghan's every move at that crucial moment.
As they turned past the gate of Windsor Castle, he appeared to strategically slow down his walk while subtly using his hand to guide her back into place.
But in a slowed-down clip of the moment, which was viewed widely after being posted on TikTok, royal watchers commented that Meghan seemed to be determined to break royal protocol.
One said: 'Meghan just does not want to accept hierarchy.'
Another posted that after six years with Harry: 'She should know protocol by now.'
A third commented: 'Harry knows what she's doing. She's trying to be the spotlight as always.'
Another asked: 'Why did she need constant reminding?', to which someone else replied: 'She knew but was determined to always try and be first.'
Other comments included 'Meghan wouldn’t accept not being the star', while someone else questioned: 'How does she not get this? It’s not that hard.'
If true, nicely played Prince of Wales.
I too was watching the TV (probably BBC) for ERII's funeral - I definitely heard the commentators saying that the Harkles had informed the Press of their intention to do that walkabout but someone then had tipped the wink to the RF/CRIII/Wm.
The follow up was that the Wales's, set about spiking the Harkles guns by asking them to accompany them... in response to the KIng's wishes.
Yes, it was handled with elegance and * further revealed her true nature some more. Doubtless she threw herself on the ground sobbing once they were out of public view.
What's kind of funny is that in the absolute solemness of the several days - that even if they had pulled off this photo op and thought it as bettering W&K, it still would have been stuck out like a sore thumb - not in fitting with the atmosphere of the people at that moment in time.
It would have have had a photoshop slickness to it, like them holding hands while walking about which was unauthentic to how people felt. Sure they could have planted a few fans and it might have passed off as good for the States but I suspect the backlash would have far surpassed that of one tear towards them than they had already received.
OTOH, the uproar towards Spare was yet to come so ... maybe karma has a way of making their voice known sooner or later. Served cold and all that?
Slush Fund
Wardrobe changes
and shunting a wheel chair
Milk floating past veterans
with a wave, no care
Look at me, look at me
I’m brave can’t you see
I’m the face of Inrictus
not you Harry
I slayed the snow run
in a rubber bun
And showed those not able
how to have fun
I’ll be back for the finale
it’s all about me
I’m no Whistler’s mother
nor MVP…
Welcome back@ Swampie and @Midge
@WildBoar: flat markles
sour grapes on top
Open with Meghan Markle, close with Justin Trudeau. Perfect bookends. Two attention seeking peas in a pod who use the vets for photo ops.
Contrast to the Prince and Princess of Denmark, who donned team uniforms and sat in the bleachers for two days in BC with everyone else.
TLDR; She wore 17 new items, which totaled $18,067
She wore 11 outfits over the five days.
Each outfit averaged $37,405.90
Her lowest-cost outfit was $30,670
Her highest-cost outfit was $49,555
What I found interesting in all of this is that Hansen mentioned that Hairy was just as much of a pain in the butt as his wife. The two of them were entitled prats. It just surprised me.
Deviled Megs
What’s up next
from madam most vexed
A curated pap walk
or divorce via text
Don’t hold your breath
the latter won’t happen
The capon’s been spatchcocked
slatterns pattern
We’ll be served cold dishes
from 1970
As she floats through her kitchen
wearing Pippa Dee…
And, that this led to claims that she was flirting with her future brother-in-law but the author states pretty conclusively in the DM article that it was not flirting.
I don't completely buy this (not that I ever have).
Not everyone walks up hugging people in the state. I've been there at different times and people did not do this to me when being introduced or we saw each other again - unless it was a close relationship, long term yada. It is not some requirement that one must hug people when you see them.
As for not flirting, I have my doubts on multiple levels.
I've had guys stand just a little too close, touch me just a little longer, hand lower than others and so on. I would place a bet that Prince William has had women approach him in a similar fashion. I'd say he's seen it and can recognize it at 50 yards. (even if only half the story is true that he would not allow himself to be alone), then says something about his ability to recognize friendly versus predatory trying to pass off as friendly aka as erring on the side of caution.
The other main reason is that if it is true that she started a hook up with JCMH while she was still technically with Cory, then ... that's form.
I'm not a hugger and when people try to hug me, I cross my arms, and say that I don't do the hugging thing. (Personally, I think it's ridiculous to hug people you barely know).
If you were wondering what 'as ever' means in this context, 'As Ever essentially means as it's always been, and if you've followed me since 2014 with The Tig,'...
This is still the same pretentious rubbish that will probably quietly peter out.
The child spreading the Valentine's bagels or whatever they were looked bigger and older. You can never believe * (as ever). Different name, same bilge.
Some commenters on the DM said her new logo bears a very strong similarity to a the coat of arms of a town in Majorca. Another coincidence??
The child in this photo appears to be wearing a wig - the volume of hair is prodigious. Is Our Little Princess running to get to to an Irish Dance contest?
Her panting does not make her announcements any more interesting, she is a middle aged woman for heavens sake.
She is just so vulgar, vulgar, vulgar.
As Ever, which makes clothing in New York and New Jersey, said they were 'not affiliated' to the Duchess of Sussex's project and thanked everyone for their concern about their 'namesake brand'.'
Once again, she didn't do due diligence before she changed her brand's name. Can she ever get anything right?
`AGAIN! Meghan BREAKDOWN Over Archie's Adoption Record Leak: The Shocking Truth Revealed by Tom Bower'
It rests on the premise that Aldi (and Lidl) were both adopted - it is asserted that this had been revealed by Tom Bower, yet gives no references/further evidence. Has anybody seen/read anything by Tom about `adoption'? I can't find it in `Revenge'.
Nor do I recall any statement by anyone that A was definitely adopted - it' has been pointed out that, under English law, the mother of a child is the woman who carried it. A surrogate child has to be adopted, even if it is genetically the offspring of the would-be parents.
My often-expressed view, is that the document presented as A's birth certificate suggests that it is an `interim' certificate, as issued to adopted children. I say this because I believe that were it issued for a conventionally carried child, I it would have an official stamp in the bottom right-hand corner.
Under ordinary circumstances, adoption wouldn't matter; in Royal cases it matters hugely. The law that the child is `born of its mother's body' the mother being the lawful wedded wife of the father, and that the birth is reliably `witnessed' , is intended to prevent a cuckoo being sneaked into the Succession nest.
In short, it looks as if A is an adopted child but so far I have not found that view expressed outside this forum, until this video appeared.
I'm sure that many other Nutties will also concur with these sentiments as well.
The video is an hour long, too long for me, and I just doubled the speed. At 14", the video states that if Lady had accessed the adoption records, 'either they'd been leaked by an insider with access to highly classified documents or had they been acquired through legal loopholes that allowed certain details to surface?'. Apparently, 'Lady C had been sitting on the information for quite some time'. If there is any truth in this, I think we'll have to wait and see. I know Lady C has mentioned, or rather, carefully alluded to a lot of information but according to the video, she had 'exposed secrets that often turned out to be strikingly accurate'. The rest is mainly a rehash of info we know.
Something came to my mind: * & H said Archie was born at the Portland. While I can understand they didn't want to reveal any medical details and wanted privacy, I cannot understand what stopped the medical team to sign the birth announcement, if birth there was.
February 6, 2025
Since the A+/A list actress was at a film festival not far from where the alliterate one "lives," the alliterate one invited her over. The actress said that wasn't ever going to happen.
Angelina Jolie/Santa Barbara Film Festival/Meghan Markle
Posted by ent lawyer at 12:30 PM 8 Comments
One comment: Angie's crazy, but not THAT crazy.
As an aside, if the photo of a table set for lunch is an example of her products, well, Pottery Barn does it better. Nothing luxurious.
Furthermore I maintain that the RF did signal to us that there was something suspect about `Archie' - the careful wording of the announcement posted on the gilt easel said it all. IYKYK. It's not as if they faked a doctors' evidence. The funny business only becomes relevant , however, if A, L or or one of their descendants, find themselves in the position of George I, if there are no more legitimate descendants of Charles III. It will not be forgotten, assuming we still have a monarchy. I can't think the the Accession Council would accept H as king, should the very worst happen and the Waleses were wiped out - he'd need the `consent of the people' - in whatever form that is deemed to take
I still remain to be convinced that the children we are shown are who H & * say they are