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The giant hand and the half-revealed baby: What a strange photo

The Instagram account @SussexRoyal, generally assumed to be run by Meghan Markle, posted a new photo of Baby Archie today to commemorate Father's Day. 

Although the photo is sepia-toned - a nod to Markle's beloved black-and-white - at least the baby's back isn't to the camera, as Meghan is so fond of posing in photos of her and her husbands. 

Strangely, the baby's face is half-obscured, covered by Harry's hand, which is shot from an angle that makes it appear larger than the baby's head.

The real centerpiece of the photo is Harry's wedding ring, which is right in the middle of the frame. 

A cold and loveless photo

Baby pictures with a parent are a classic that dates back to the Renaissance painters and before. Sometimes the mother and child (or, less often, father and child) both gaze out at the viewer; in other images, they look lovingly at each other. 

But unfailingly, they interact. Part of the visual story is the interaction between the parent and child. 

Not in the Baby Sussex photo. Harry's face isn't shown; we see only the hands of a man, presumably Harry, who could be said to be flaunting his wedding ring at the camera. 

(Had it been a female hand, it would have looked like an advertisement for jewellery).

Is the message here "my marriage, and my spouse, is more important than this child"?

The baby appears trapped

Archie appears trapped behind the man's hand, almost as if he is trying to climb out of a hole. His mouth is covered, as if he has no voice. 

The baby's eyes reach out to the viewer, but they don't radiate peace or joy; in fact, he seems unhappy and afraid.

What's more, he's not interacting with the man who is holding him. 

Is he interacting with the person taking the photo? If so, there appears to be very little affection between them. 

Odd little hand hairs

Oddly, the hairs on the man's hand cover part of the baby's nose in the photo. This would have been a good opportunity for Photoshop; it seems unlikely that his random body hair is really more important than seeing a new baby's face. 

What's going on in this photo? And what does it say about the person who took it and chose to post it? 


Chillax said…
The baby appears to be giving us the stink eye. 😂
Now! said…
Yeah, it looks like it's being held by someone it isn't familiar with.
abbyh said…
The ring. It looks very gold and gold tones. His ring is platinum. I am not sure it would show quite so gold.

And there is something odd about that baby's hand. Not quite right.
Now! said…
As with the man's hand, I think it's the angle. The hands are closer to the camera than the baby's face, making them look oversized. If you've ever had a photo taken while you are sitting down and were horrified to see yourself with giant knees and thighs, it's the same principle.

Hard to tell about the color of the ring with the sepia tone. The ladies over at Lipstick Alley think the sepia was chosen either a) to hide the fact that the baby has melanin or to b) hide the fact that the baby has very little melanin or c) hide the baby's hair and eye color so 'haters' cannot analyze them.

In my opinion, it's more likely just Meg trying to be arty.

Did anyone see William's Father's Day photo today? It's him with Louis on a swing, interacting, as loving parents and their children generally do.
Tea Cup said…
The queens over in Datalounge totally called Meghan on her ultra basic predictability. They mockingly anticipated a Father's Day picture set in black and white or sepia of baby's hand, and whaddya know? Funny to see her affect something that trended on greeting cards 15 years ago. Her try-hardness is glaringly obvious from outer space.
Now! said…
I think she just lacks imagination. One of the posters on the previous blog entry talked about how she generally copied Diana's and Kate's fashions directly.

It's not an attractive photo. Then again, neither are the ones she posts of herself and Harry together. They never seem to be interacting - one of them is always looking off into the distance or into the camera.
Maddie said…
Love your blog Nutty. I always look forward to a new post and all the comments that come with it. I check your site every day. Keep on doing what your doing.
Now! said…
Thank you! I'm lucky to receive such interesting comments from readers.

While I only post about once a week, they come up with insightful comments all the time!
Louise said…
The baby's forehead seems abnormally large and prominent, hair and eyebrows are absent, and the forehead has some prominent veins. I don't know what to make of this.
Nathalia said…
Is Harry giving the middle finger to us for criticizing his marriage/wife? That is what it looks to me.
Now! said…
In their defense, his eyebrows could just be very blond or red and difficult to see because of the sepia tone. Redheads in general have fewer hairs than, say, brunettes. (Blondes are in the middle).

Harry was also a strange-looking baby.

What I find strange is that he appears to be the same size or smaller than he was a month ago when he was first presented. Isn't one of the reasons you share baby pictures is to show how much baby has grown?
Now! said…
I also noticed that the middle finger was prominent!

That said, in the UK the "middle finger salute" is given in a V-shape, with the palm out. But I'm sure Meg knows the US version.

Kind of odd that the baby wouldn't grip the finger closest to him. Perhaps his hand was placed on this particular finger.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nathalia said…
I did not know in UK middle finger was different. Either way, the position of the hand seems so forced. As they wanted to be that way. It feels contrived. Also, when I first saw the baby I thought he was a newborn.
Now! said…
Hi Unknown - welcome!

Yes, the baby looks voiceless, or like someone is trying to control or cover up his voice.

The baby does look very different from the first photo. There was some talk of a surrogate who refused to give up the baby, or was convinced to keep the baby by the Royal Family. This would be much more plausible if the baby does not have Harry's DNA, or if Harry does not have Royal DNA.

Neither one of the Sussexes seems to be in a good place for parenting a baby right now.

Harry has struggled with drug and alcohol problems in the past and is looking tattered and sloppy at the moment, with wrinkled clothes, holes in his shoes, and poorly-groomed hair. This suggests he may again be having problems with addiction.

Meghan's swollen appearance suggests that something is up with her as well, whether it is a medical condition or the results of drinking and heavy crying.

What's more, they seem unable to keep staff, so even having a trusted nanny take on the responsibility of raising a baby seems unlikely.

If there indeed a surrogate, perhaps the baby would be better off with her, or with an adoptive family.

Whomever posted this strange, disconnected image appears to be suffering from psychological problems and is not the appropriate caretaker for an infant.
MLRoda said…
Harry's wedding band is platinum, same as mine and my husbands. It's not a gold toned ring. Don't know who that might be. I'm thinking it's not Harry.
Louise said…
I see your point about the hair, but I still think that the forehead is larger and more prominent than that of most babies.

As to Markle's reasons for not showing the usual sort of baby pictures, either there is something wrong with the baby or she is trying to drum up more intrigue, as they did with the birth announcement.

I also noticed that the caption said "And wishing a very special first Father's Day to the Duke of Sussex". In the past, when posting Instagram greetings , she has purposely avoided using titles, eg, not referring to Charlotte as Princess Charlotte on her birthday. Then why refer to your child's father and your husband as the Duke of Sussex rather than Harry?
iknowpeople said…
Who typically wears the bracelet that can be seen on the wrist of the person holding the baby?
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
Hi Nutty, love your blog!

Just to say, we do use the middle finger here in the UK. It means the same as it does in the US.

We do also use two fingers in a V sign. This has two meanings here.

Palm facing out is the traditional 'peace'/hippie sign.
Palm facing towards the signaller is seen as a slightly less rude version of the middle finger. It looks bizarre to us to see many Americans doing this in photographs. I understand it means 'peace' to them.

I think this was a clear cut message from Media Meg. The focus was the middle finger and the wedding ring. She was telling the UK "FU, we're married and we do so have a baby." because she wasn't welcomed back with open arms at TTC and the absolute roasting her marriage received from the 'turn around' footage.

This is becoming tiresome for a lot of people and many are calling her Megantionette. This middle finger picture just symbolises her distain for the country she chose to come live in, it's traditions, the family she chose to join and the people who fund her lifestyle. All while taking our money. She honestly thinks she is clever doing things like this, but then wants us all to love her! She's deranged.

Whew! Sorry, meant to start that as a quick explaination and rather went off on one! I just cannot believe it has gone on this long!
Unknown said…
Oh, and to add...

Why does Harry only get two sentences on his post and Meghan's mother's day post was a long blabberfest including a poem?

She really is disinterested in anything not focused on her!
Terrible picture. Again trying to be artsy-fartsy different. Just post a damn family pic! I do want to ask you Nutty and opinions: Its been said that PH actually tried to stop seeing MM in the first year yet she pursued him relentlessly. Why would he have changed his mind and married her especially if his brother tried to reason with him prior to marriage? I just think that he fell for her from the start. What do you think?
Miss_Christina said…
Hi Nutty! I'm enjoying your blog immensely.

And it might just be me, but it seems like Nutmeg is trying to get the same accolades for her photography as Kate gets for hers.
OzManda said…
What a horrible photo - I think part of what we are seeing here is Megs is trying so very hard to be "stylish" that it is the opposite of that. She has this weird jealousy of Kate and is trying one up her. Maybe it is just me but that baby doesnt look like the one of the first photo - of course the fact we are seeing only parts of the child isnt helping - and it certainly isn't helping the rumours.

One other thing - When megs, harry and baby made their appearance, it was *Harry* holding the child, with Megs being really awkward with her hand positions. In this photo again it is harry taking pole position (or what is meant to be his hand). There is no Megs in this photo.
BigFanUSA said…
Just read a report that there will be a christening next month but the queen will not attend.. is that normal? Also, I am beginning to think what we are witnessing is the end of their relationship. I do not believe they live together. I don't think they have for a long, long time. I think the way Rachel Meghan was treated at TotC was a clear sign that the family and harry are finished with trying to make things work with her. It will be interesting to see how long the current nanny will last (if there even is a current nanny). I do believe they all tried to make it work through the pregnancy and delivery (not necessarily Rachel's pregnancy, I just looked again at the pictures of her in the white dress presenting the baby, her hair in TATTERS and the pillow POKING OUT), and I think they called off all the royal perks around that time; hair, makeup, expensive clothing comped. Look how bewildered and messy she has been since the birth. Even if she DID give birth, she should have access to the best of the best hair, makeup, clothing, etc. It would make any of us look good. I believe harry is done with her, and behind closed doors I think arrangements are being made to cut ties. Yesterday I read that Rachel, archie, and frogmore would be featured in her vogue project. An hour later reports came out denying that. I bet the family is icing her out. As they should.
BigFanUSA said…
One more thing, I almost commented on their father's day insta pic of the baby that he did NOT look like a child that had gestated well past his due date. He looked incredibly small. I didn't comment anything of the sort because I didn't want to be called racist again by her rabid fans. (I was called racist on Gary Ganetti's page for questioning what she would with her hands during official engagements once her bump is gone.)
Fifi LaRue said…
When seeing that creepy photo of the baby, my first thought was "Rosemary's Baby!" Harry probably doesn't understand the reference to the middle finger; Markle's made a fool and a tool of her husband.
Henriette said…
These pics are so horrible compared to the ones Kate takes of her kids. Kate's pics are always fun and show the kids doing cute things, but poor Archie looks like he is scared of whoever is holding him and taking the pic.
Are they even living at Frogmore? I keep reading that no one sees any movement at their cottage, and it seems Sparkles is being hidden away. There is definitely something afoot.
R_O said…
This is classic Meghan. She seems to treat this like a launching of a brand or a tv show. The drip information-presenting Archie but not really showing his face during the press conference, Archie's feet on mother's day, now half of Archie's face on father's day.

I agree with your observation. Noticed how prominent Harry's ring and his middle finger is on the photo. Archie's eyes look scared.
Aus Unknown said…
She can't copyright what doesn't belong to her. Her title belongs to The Crown and is a title vested in public office. The copyright has no legal validity and can be reported as such ... it's not like that delusional fool on twitter. You also can't claim copyright on a platform not owned by you because that would stultify the owners' right to operate their business. The Sussex Royal copyright is allegedly owned by some unknown person in Malta. I don't have time to check the legal base correctly, but I believe they might be just copyrighting the text and photo - not the title. It seems that this Instagram is some kind of contract term for MM. The other thing is, she can't copyright what is funded by taxpayers, so there is something very strange about this.
Aus Unknown said…
I should add, a shout out to The Charlatan Duchess blog, where I obtained the information about the owner of the Sussex Royal copyright.
Aus Unknown said…
I didn't realise that Harry was so hairy, but otherwise, it could pass for his arm and hand, IMO. He used to have elegant hands, but maybe he's been doing so much housework, washing dishes, like normal plebs, that he's getting a "washer woman's" hands ... if you'd believe that, you'd believe almost anything ...
Aus Unknown said…
I noticed the large forehead too - I believe Meg's dearly beloved father has a prominent forehead? I don't feel comfortable dissecting babies and from my experience, babies change so much and "settle" into their often odd looking features from birth. We had one in our family recently, of some Italian descent, born with very dark hair, few weeks later, blonde hair and big blue eyes with very fair skin ... completely different to her at birth.
Now! said…
Or she just thought, "Hell, I'll give it a try and see if it works."
Now! said…
If she didn't want to show Archie's full face, showing Harry's face as he carried the child - perhaps over-the-shoulder in classic burp position - would have communicated the father-son bond a lot more effectively.
Now! said…
Yeah, they've used Markle's biracial heritage as a kind of Kryptonite that they believe disables anyone trying to criticize her or point out gaps in her story.

You do get the occasional flagrant racist that says totally inappropriate things about Markle, but those people seem to make up only a small percentage of those following the story.

Most of her superfans wouldn't be so interested if she were a white blonde girl from Texas named Debbie who had carried a suitcase on Deal or No Deal.

Now! said…
Yes, Meg likes to mimic, but she's rarely successful.
Aus Unknown said…
I'm not Nutty, but I'll take the liberty and chime in ... there were rumours that Harry was forced to end it by PC after MM was caught taking photos inside the KP compound. It's not just royals who reside there - it's dignitaries and such persons. If that is true, his rebellion may have surfaced and he went back to her for no other reason than to annoy his family. But I'm not sure I believe that. I think if it were true, he would never have been allowed to marry her, under any circumstance. Harry is not wealthy enough in his own right to rebel against his family to the extent of being threatened with disowning him. It must have been something else ... like emotional blackmail, IMO.
Aus Unknown said…

The Queen did not attend Louis' christening. I think it's her age. That, and she probably doesn't feel the need to attend the christening of a child who will never ascend the throne (that includes Louis, in reality).
Aus Unknown said…
Nutty - nailed it, 100%. "Disabled" is a good word.
Aus Unknown said…
Yeah, I just don't understand why she is allowed to do so ... any ideas, Nutty?
Now! said…
It's hard to enforce rules unless you have some kind of punishment system.

The RF has already punished her every way they know how - by giving her a crummy house and second-rate jewelry, by not giving her child a title or a 21-gun salute like other Royal babies, by cold-shouldering her in public.

And still she persists.

I don't think they have any other kind of enforcement mechanism in place because they've never needed it before.
Now! said…
Probably, although it's a brand new world and things happen.

Queen Victoria wasn't the the most obvious person in line for the throne, and neither was Queen Elizabeth herself at the time she was born.

As the religious justification behind the monarchy fades, we may get to a point where the child who wants the throne most will take it over, just like the children in an ordinary family might take over the family business.

Charlotte appears much more confident and outgoing than George - she might be more up for the job than he is. But who knows. They're only children now.
Now! said…
I think the oversize wedding ring represents her in the photo.
Now! said…
Thank you very much!

You make an interesting point, since Meg seems to like to compare and compete with the Cambridges. Yet Kate has the common touch with her photos - they are well-composed but also accessible and friendly.

Meg tries to go arty, and it doesn't really work. It closes people out. In general, Meg seems to have trouble connecting with other humans, and it shows in the photographs she chooses.
Now! said…
Or, as it's often been theorized, she convinced him to marry her in secret during a trip to Botswana, and then claimed she was pregnant, forcing the RF to push back Eugenie's wedding so Harry could have the May 2018 spot.

That would account for some of the sour faces among the Royals at her wedding, along with her assurances that she had "everything under control" when it came to her family, when she clearly did not.
Now! said…
You're correct that the Father's Day post has little text, but the three posts before it had Meg's usual word salad style.

I can't believe that anyone on staff would be clueless enough to post such an awful photo. I think this post is all Meg.
Aus Unknown said…
I hear you. However, the public might have a bigger 'enforcement mechanism' in place when the Queen dies and the fascination and loyalty to the monarchy with it. William and Kate are not getting any younger, they will lose their lustre (the world is very shallow). This will be a dangerous time for them. I can't see W&K exposing their kids before they are ready. William had too much latitude because of Diana's death. But he wasn't exposed to media scrutiny, quite notoriously, until he had finished uni. That has set a precedent in his mind, but the Queen can realistically only reign for another 10 years at most. George will be barely 16, so the BRF had better get their collective act together because public patience is wearing thin.
Aus Unknown said…
Someone offered that the baby is a photo of Meg as a baby and I must say, the baby bears a striking resemblance to a photo I saw ... also, the baby doesn't look like a baby boy.
Amzz Naylor said…
Glad to see this post. That picture feels unnatural and I was surprised at the size of the baby but the weird angle and filter make it hard to tell. I wonder if that's why she has tried to go all artsy with it to conceal things that the public will find as odd. Also did you see the day before a fake Sussex royal account released a photo supposedly of archie fooling some people into thinking it was real. It was pilfered from some poor woman in Germany who had given birth a couple of weeks before, rightly so she was horrified. I mentioned to a couple of people it felt like a practice run to gauge the reactions of folk. The timing was odd.
I still think they are trying to sell the rights to Archies full image to a glossy mag and that's why they are holding out on showing a normal pic of him. It reeks of desperation.
Jen said…
It's a horrible photo, yes...but let's not read so much in to it. The finger is just a finger; and the child doesn't look fearful, just weird because of the horrid sepia aspect of the photo. If this were a normal colored photo, we would likely see the child just looking at the camera like any other normal 1 month old. I agree with many that this is MM's way of being artsy, but she missed the mark big time. She always posts a lot of weird photos like this, so why would a pic of PH and Archie be any different? Especially if they want "privacy?" I tend to agree with the opinion that she's keeping the mystery to sell the real photos at a whopper of a price.....
Aus Unknown said…
That may be the case, Nutty, but I think that's kind of "out there" for me ... he barely knew her at all up to that holiday in Botswana. Now, maybe I'm giving Harry too much credit, but surely, even he knew that he needed the Queen's permission. I wouldn't put anything past her, but I'm also assuming that William and Harry have been warned about consequences for unplanned pregnancies. I doubt we'll ever know the truth, but it's fun speculating.
Aus Unknown said…
I have to advise that you are mistaken there, Nutty ... the royals don't get to pick and choose who ascends the throne, which is why Edward VIII's abdication caused a constitutional crisis. This is where we in the Commonwealth understand the British monarchy on those nuances. Anyway, apparently the Queen attended Zara's second daughter's christening, so that can't be it ... I think it's just her schedule and probably nothing personal.
Aus Unknown said…
Honestly, I think a LOT can be read into it.
Blackbird said…
Nutty, why did you delete my comment?
Now! said…
You're absolutely right that they don't get to pick and choose now. Forty years from now? Who knows.

Forty years ago Chuck married a much younger woman because he needed to marry a virgin - complete with medical virginity check. Fifty years ago marrying a divorced person was a no-go. Now we've got Markle in the family. Things change.

Now! said…
I'm not British and cannot answer as to public patience.

I do think that in an increasingly nationalist Europe, post-Brexit, a longstanding Royal Family has a role to play.
Now! said…
Because this is not a blog about Prince William's sex life.

I wish you Godspeed if you'd like to start that type of blog - Google Blogger is free and very easy to use - but that's not what we're here to do.
Now! said…
Could be that they are looking for a payoff - Meg is certainly never shy about wanting to get paid.

That said, Enty has said repeatedly that the big bucks for baby pictures era peaked with Shiloh Jolie-Pitt 13 years ago.

Print magazines just don't make enough money off of exclusive photos any more to justify a big payout, Enty says.

I believe both Beyoncé and the Kardashians debuted their children on Instagram. What about Serena Williams, does anybody know?
Unknown said…
The wee bairn looks a lot smaller than the baby preseted at Windsor....and this pic I would assume is since then...I was not suprised to see a pic of a partial face as she is playing peek-a-boo games with everyone thinking she is very clever and arty. In reality she is pising everyone off. I do wonder if the magical 42 days has something to do with showing more.
Jdubya said…
When I first saw the photo, I thought he looked like Harry. The eyes. And also receding hairline makes the forehead look big. that hairline runs in his family. Definitely looks smaller than 1st photo. Noticed that right off . Doesn't look scared or frightened to me. Just a normal squirming little one.
Hikari said…
The blond eyebrows are definitely suggestive of Harry. I'm not sure we can assert at this point that the baby has a receding hairline, since there's really no hair to be seen as yet. That trait certainly runs in the family . . but who among us could have predicted that both of Diana's boys would start to go bald before they were 30, given the sheer amount of hair both of them had as youths? Harry's was slower to leave, but he's aged precipitately since leaving active military service. William, poor lamb, was starting to thin by 25.

The maternal line is supposed to indicate for baldness, I thought . . but even the seriously ill Earl Spencer had more hair on Diana's wedding day than William does now. Heck, Charles, who had the glaring bald patch on his wedding day at 32 years of age has still got more hair than William. Andrew alone seems to have escaped the balding gene. The late King George VI was not bald by 56.
Charles, Earl Spencer is not bald, either.

Kate's father Michael Middleton looks to have a great head of hair . . perhaps there is hope for George and Louis.
Jdubya said…
I did a screen shot of pic and played with it on my phone. Changing settings, colors etc. Showed his features much better. Even simple black/white setting. That sepia look is just awful
Blackbird said…
Nutty, thank you for your response.

My sincerest apologies as I was not intending to derail the threat with my "allegedly* comment (of the now-deleted post); but upon reflection I can see that maybe you thought that might have been my intention.

I hope it's okay to re-post here the rest of my initial comment in that I think the adorable picture William chose to post of himself and Louis was merely a moment in a time - a very adorable one - not meant to deliberately exclude George and Charlotte; rather to celebrate something special. William might not have a picture of himself and the three children together anyway. But, sadly, some people are reading too much into the solo picture of himself and Louis, even going so far as to say that he's playing favourites with Louis because Louis is the public's favourite.

Again, I hope it's okay to post this here; I was originally responding to your comment about William posting the photo for Father's Day.

Blackbird said…
Nutty, over at Skippy's blog someone posted the exact same picture - although the face is different (has been photoshopped in) - of someone else! I think that person is saying it's Ben Mulroney holding a picture of one of their twins ... the ring is different to what Harry normally wears.

Just adding this here as a point for discussion, nothing else ... hope this is okay.

Lots of people have been drawing parallels with the types of photos Meghan posting mirroring those that Kylie Jenner does ... is Meghan fan-girling Kylie now?
Louise said…
What is the significance of 42 days?
Unknown said…
The suogacy waiting time in the UK
punkinseed said…
I would like to respectfully correct you about red heads. Reds have more hair per square inch than brown, black. The highest density is blond. Of course, this is in general.
OzManda said…
Re: Christening - I will bet a caffeinated beverage that one of the god parents will either be the clooneys or her "BFF" Serena or even Mulroney. Along with others, i also think she is lining up a huge media deal for "exclusive" pics of the baby.
LadyJaneJagger said…
Personally, I don’t put any credence in the Botswana/pregnancy theory.
MM is a stealth manipulator. She may be a sub-B level actress on the screen, but she’s Oscar worthy in real life. She didn’t need to fake a pregnancy in order to get PH to marry her, he was a willing victim. Let’s face it, Harry is not suave or sophisticated, or particularly bright for that matter. His “Girls Gone Wild,” hookers in Vegas antics is who he is. He has the emotional maturity of a sixteen year old boy.
I think a possible scenario is that despite warnings from his brother, PW and his father, PC, to slow things down with MM, Harry was determined to have his own way and marry her (sixteen year old, lacking impulse control). All the while, thinking it was his idea, when it was actually hers. I wouldn’t be surprised if Harry threw a tantrum in front of his father, making threats and shouting hollow ultimatums like: “If you don’t let me marry her, I will leave the family...”
The Firm probably had to relent in order to avoid a nasty PR situation. Harry thought he was victorious and got what he wanted. Eugenie had her wedding date hijacked and all the while, who is the Wizard behind the curtain? Meghan.

Now! said…
No worries.

It seems to be a tactic of the Meghan team to derail any discussion of her many missteps with rumors about Prince William's sex life, and since your user name is "Guest" and I hadn't seen you before, I assumed that was what you were up to.

We're good now!
Aus Unknown said…
The baby looks a dead ringer for Meg as a baby ...
Aus Unknown said…
Aus unknown: I'm calling myself this now so as to differentiate my posts, it gets confusing - that's my response above .... I love that LadyJaneJagger 'Oscar worthy in real life' - yes indeed! You got it, really articulated that better than I!

This is what I referred to as well by 'emotional blackmail'. I'll go one step further and proffer that he probably threatened self-harm (he admitted he needed professional help over the death of his mother). I also believe the evidence shows he is riven with jealousy over his brother's birthright to be King and lovely, settled family. Harry had everything in his favour to blackmail: the Queen knew what her younger sister endured being born "the spare".
Aus Unknown said…
Yes, she wants everyone reminded that she married the Prince and had his baby.
Aus Unknown said…
Nutty, I would almost bet my house that the monarchy will be abolished in 40 years ... well, it will be removed in Australia by then at least. My point is that if the monarchy was almost abolished over Edward VIII's abdication, there will be a weaker case for it to survive another such scandal today or in the future. The monarchy's power has literally been diluted at law outside the UK. See, the optics are, if they want to pick and choose who becomes head of state, then the whole notion and definition of constitutional monarchy collapses - it's birthright. That is the reason for the archaic law in relation to succession. Aus Unknown.
Aus Unknown said…
I'm not British, but Australian. I'm only going on the thousands of comments on the DM at every article. That is a very telling snapshot. As to Australia, that is a different submission altogether - they have no bearing. However, the idea of a very common monarchy is the strongest argument against it. They have erred. I realise this isn't popular, I'm just stating the argument for a republic.
Aus Unknown said…
IMO, and I could be wrong, William and Kate are playing "favourite" with Louis, because he is the second-born son and will suffer the same fate as Harry ... to me, it's getting very obvious. They weren't as "touchy-feely" with George in public. Charlotte will always get attention because she is a beautiful little girl who will no doubt grow up to be a lovely looking woman and she has personality. Plus, women always get more attention for their clothes, hair, makeup etc.
Scandi Sanskrit said…
It's like a big "f*ck you" to all of his exes, isn't It?
Aus Unknown said…
All Harry's exes had a lucky escape from an emotionally stunted, petulant, over-indulged, moody, immature loser.
LadyJaneJagger said…
Hi Aus, good points. I think Harry’s insecurity issues go way back, before he lost his mother. Diana was as good a mother as she could be, but she came from a seriously dysfunctional family. As much as she loved and adored her boys, Harry and William were also raised in a dysfunctional home, with parents who grew to loathe one another. That toxic environment, coupled with the loss of his mother at such a young age, no doubt damaged him. I believe that MM was very aware of Harry’s vulnerabilities and took advantage of them. He may have been envious of William’s happy marriage and family life, but the three of them, William, Kate, and Harry, appeared to be very close, until Meghan came on the scene. I think the envy of William and Kate became unhealthy jealousy, at the prompting of Meghan. She is the Yoko Ono of the Royal Family.
Now! said…
Yeah, I have to agree with Unknown here. I don't think Harry is good husband material. Additionally, he doesn't have as much money as you might expect, nor does he have the ability to earn much. Chelsey and Cressida will probably end up with someone who is richer and offers them a lot more freedom.
hardyboys said…
Thoroughly agree with lady Jane Jagger. MM pulled this off beautifully. She got royals to move wedding dates to marry her she has 16.1K dissidents in DM each post she has free clothes a baby security servants this is from a girl who confessed she ran out of gas on the way to auditions. I suspect the one thing that is driving her nuts is no freedom to parade her wealth in the public eye as she did in NYC for her shower. She looked soooo smug in those pics like I did it. She really did come along way for someone who had twobit parts in Hollywood for over a decade. Harry was vulnerable weak and stupid. If it wasn't her it would have been the weather girl from Belgium with big boobs. He was desperate and probably at an all time low. Keep up the posts nutty you have the BEST blog out there
hardyboys said…
Hes probably boring not funny and rely dumb. When he did that is it mine joke on that show I thought ffs your not witty at all dont try to be. He supposedly failed all his O levels and got Ds in what remained. People say hes thick as nails
LadyJaneJagger said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
LadyJaneJagger said…
Blogger LadyJaneJagger said...
PH- “The fact that I fell in love with Meghan so incredibly quickly was confirmation to me that all the stars were aligned,” he said. “This beautiful woman just tripped and fell into my life, I fell into her life. I know that she will be unbelievably good at the job part of it as well.”

“Just tripped and fell into my life” Hardly. Every step by MM was calculated.
What a gullible, dolt he is.
abbyh said…
As far as I know, that bracelet does not match anything he has worn previously in pictures.

Blackbird said…
In my view ... in relationships, Harry is emotionally immature. He has never grown up. He approaches all his relationships with full-steam but after the lust period has worn off his attention wanders elsewhere.

He's no doubt used to women throwing themselves at him; his perfect match would be someone who refused a date with him and made him work for her attention ... someone who is established on her own and is confident in herself. That might make him grow up a little.

As a person, however, Harry is warm and genuine. I think he's very much a gem; he just needs that special someone to make him feel complete. When he finds her - and I think he will, but a bit later in life - everything else will fall into place for him.

And no, he doesn't have as much money as people might think. The Royals in general don't seem to have a lot of cash in hand; most of their money is tied up in artworks and property.
hardyboys said…
How would u know that? They stole all of indias wealth and jewels and continue to do so with the BVI and all the other islands they continue to colonize
SwishyFishy said…
Really good point about competing with Kate regarding photography. It's been reported that Meghan is highly competitive with Kate and consistently needs to one-up her. There are some disturbing images out there of Meghan intensely eyeing Kate with malice and/or envy, especially the one on the Harry Markle blog from June 10th. Regarding the wedding ring, I completely agree that it represents Meghan. There was a youtuber who blew up the image of the ring (CeltNews?) and you can see a figure in the reflection with long dark hair. I'm betting that's just one more example of Meghan inserting herself into everything. It's all about her, a true narcissist to the core. I feel for that poor baby. I think she has no qualms about exploiting it for her gain. I don't see Harry putting a stop to any of these shenanigans. At this point, only the Queen can step in and put the kibosh on it as the monarch has legal custody, which goes back to George I.
SwishyFishy said…
I think we all know that divorce is inevitable. I'm curious if she will pull the race card on the royal family. Narcissists need to control the narrative and they often make themselves the victim in order to manipulate the emotional content of the story line. Will she lament how they were not as welcoming as they could have been and use race as a factor? I think the RF worries about this, as the UK has become incredibly politically correct over the past few years. Such a claim would definitely get her rabid followers up in arms. I think she is going to make this as messy as possible for them in order to maximize her financial rewards.
SwishyFishy said…
Not giving Archie a title is perplexing. Meghan does not seem like the type who would like her child to blend in with the common folk. She's definitely into tiaras and titles. However, the royal family has a fixation with their heirs being "born of the body" and if they are title. This is the strongest evidence to me that a surrogate was used. Add in the lack of signatures on the birth certificate and announcement (not to mention the PR mess about the actual birth), I think this birth was the straw that broke the camel's back for the family. Christopher Geidt is in control. Let's hope it stays that way.
SwishyFishy said…
Serena used Instagram.
SwishyFishy said…
I don't think Kate and William are playing favorites. It may simply be that the third time around, they are more relaxed and confident as parents. It may be that Louis has a different temperament than George and Charlotte. George looks rather serious in nature, much like how William comes across. Comments about baby Charlotte were downright cruel, with people saying she was ugly and looked like she had Down's Syndrome. From as early as his christening, you could see that Kate was absolutely besotted with Louis and that family picture with his quirky and fantastic eyebrows, he was always going to be a character.
SwishyFishy said…
All you ever wanted to know about androgenic alopecia! :)
SwishyFishy said…
I think it was reported that the Queen has accounts in the Cayman Islands that total $12 billion. I remember people in the UK were really shocked and wondering why their taxes still went to the royal family..
Anonymous said…
This is my first comment, but I've been a fan for weeks, Nutty! Fab blog, love your humor and insight, and I have to add: I feel less nutty since finding you all. It's reassuring to find other humans who recognize the markle sham.

So, backstory, first: I love Will & Kate, but I was a Harry fan, too. When PH got engaged to an American actress, I had to read about her. Here are my thoughts, and I apologize for the long first post. I will try (and probably fail miserably) to be better next time.

Okay. I'm an American. I binge my share of Amazon and Netflix, and my first response to the news that PH was marrying MM was "Meghan who?". And I had suffered thru an episode or so of SUITS, and she was so unremarkable that she was not able to rise to the heap of that mediocre pile.

But, okay, maybe I missed something, right?

Yeah, no.

My professional work has involved researching frauds, and I spotted her at the engagement interview, and kept on going. There is literally nothing about her that I read that is true enough to be even superficially convincing/compelling, and most of it is outright fabrication. She is what happens when grandiose delusions and trashy taste get drunk and breed in the alley behind a bowling alley.

And Harry fell for it.

But I get it, we've all been played.

So that brings us to the current baby/TOTC surreality. The envelope please: The winners are Pillow. And drugs. (Drugs causing the puffiness, maybe so she can breastfeed. Maybe because she's just merde of the bat crazy. Maybe both. Maybe neither. But drugs, definitely.)

I agree with those who believe the end is near for her with the BRF. And here's why: they've given up the pretense. There are no longer pleasantries. I think when PH was besotted (or slowly poisoned, who knows w/the Megster), the BRF had to go along b/c racism and pauvre bébé PH. I think that is why HMTQ had to be seen with her and be fond of her early on so that when the public finally recognized the fraud of it all and that PH was Meg's mark(le), all of the BRF could say "well, it's not like we didn't try...". They could not afford another Diana, so they embraced Markle early and often... until it was no longer necessary, and I believe we're there... (I'm going to run out of room, and again, I apologize, but my earlier attempts to post failed, so I have all of this stored up :) So, to the rest of it...
Anonymous said…
If you watch BBC's youtube on the balcony, you'll see that at 1:06, long before the fabulous "Turn TF Around" scene, MM turns to PH and asks a question. PH immediately turns to Jack to speak to him, completely disregarding MM, as if she weren't there, as if she hadn't spoken (and how we wish she weren't and she hadn't). It's a great dismissal. Also, his body language screams "turning away". He is literally standing at an angle away from her, feet to the door. Where feet go, body wants to follow.

The rest we've all seen. The scrum around HMTQ. Autumn and Peter standing feet away from MM & not speaking a word. Harry's contempt. And all of that and the silence about the baby.

I think that Lord G has found the awful on the markle, and finally, Harry has been humiliated with the truth, and it's so bad that he can no longer deny it. He's been played, he's put the BRF at risk, and he can't hide and pretend. I believe HMTQ thru Lord G will dictate the terms of mm's inevitable departure, and I do not think they will be generous. If there is a baby, and I believe there must be because I cannot imagine HMTQ fawning over a reborn doll, not even for a minute), then PH will get the baby he always wanted.

IMO, if mm were any threat to the BRF or if there were any hope for this marriage, the family would be chin-up-and-smile at the fraud and Harry might be angry, but not contemptuous. And what I saw in his face on the balcony was utter contempt, and there's no coming back from that. Now it's just time and the exit stage right.

Markle couldn't even fade into obscurity, she was already there, pre-PH, and PH came thru right on time. He got played. And I think he knows it finally. He might, as one said above, be "thick as nails", but he's got pride and an ego, and knowing that she'd tried to pass the markle around like she was prix fixe on a two-star menu to anyone who could pay up in cold hard, that's gotta sting. And if the DM is printing those stories without the BRF stopping it, I'd imagine that's the least of what's out there and Lord G holds the coupe de grace, and he'll play it, if needed. Pauvre bébé PH, indeed.
Blackbird said…
@Veena - they just don't "seem" wealthy to me, as in cash on hand.

I'm nobody in the scheme of things; I could be completely wrong. But if that is the case, why did the Queen need to go, cap in hand, to the UK Government for more money to fix her leaky palaces? All these staff must cost an absolute fortune to house and board (those who do board have their wages adjusted accordingly, but still ...). And then there is chatter of Charles selling a lot of land that he owns ... I don't know the ins and outs of that, but I do wonder why.

As I say, I could be wrong and am happy to be corrected by someone who really does know what they're talking about.

But it does seem very odd in this day and age for these people to be propped up by struggling citizens, especially when there is jewellery and property worth more than we could ever imagine, just sitting there doing nothing (most of the time).
Blackbird said…
Nutty, just to say I have been visiting and commenting over at CDaN since 2013 ... I used to comment a lot more but stopped doing so when a lot of the old gang left (to follow VIP to her Anarchy Gossip blog). I used to comment under a different profile name, but changed my name after a few people started coming after those who commented on Anarchy Gossip. So I'm not a 'Guest' as in just visiting; rather, a 'Guest' who likes to stay under the radar :-)
Now! said…
Hi Elle, and thanks for your insights!

I also think it’s relevant that The Times UK published a piece this week saying Prince Philip had told Harry not to marry Markle.

Why was this information being published precisely now, when the advice must have been given more than a year ago?
Bob said…
Elle, this would be first prize. I hold on hope that you are on the money. BRF must stand their ground and not allow this interloper to 'run the show' as it were.
Aus Unknown said…
I'm the Aus Unknown with whom Nutty agreed above. :)

I won't bore you all with the way the royals are funded, however, Nutty is right - Harry doesn't have much money. Yes, he does have trust funds from both his mother and the Queen Mother (who was able to trespass succession law by the use of strategic trusts, but I digress) ... the corpus of the trusts may be worth $100M pounds (remember that the Queen Mother had many grandchildren and great-grandchildren, she was consistently in debt too). I'm not sure when the trusts vested, if they have, and what income Harry derives - but by royal and aristocratic standards, Harry, in his own right, is poor. William is the one who will be very wealthy and independent, but Charles, at this time, comes first as Monarch.

The Monarch may only pass on assets (whatever form) to the next Monarch to avoid inheritance tax. Harry is not the next monarch and never will be, barring some catastrophe.

The reason why the Queen doesn't pay for BP repairs and refurbishment herself is that she does not own it. it is owned by the public as are most of the palaces and castles. It is a contentious issue, but whatever ... there is an percentage increase in the Sovereign Grant to cover the cost of that.

The upshot is: William will inherit the Duchy of Cornwall when he becomes Prince of Wales (soon after the Queen's passing) when Charles ascends. The Monarch may draw upon the Duchy of Lancaster, plus the Sovereign Grant (public money) pays for the office of Head of State (including any heirs and successors at the Monarch's choosing, according to LAW). This is how the offices of Andrew, Anne, et al are funded because they have no independent income for public office.

Harry will be reliant on his brother and father for life - unless he wants to seriously curtail his lavish lifestyle. But there is NO way he can live that lifestyle on his own private funds. With Meg, it would likely only last 1 year.

@Guest above: as you can see by my post, it's a scandal and why the monarchy will eventually be abolished. I should add that the Duchies don't belong to the royals. They are publicly owned, so one might submit (and many don't understand) that every single detail of their luxurious lives (holidays, private schools, best of everything) is funded by the public.

As a person with an upper tertiary education, and wanting to help people from all walks of life, I don't like to say that Harry is dumb, however true it might be. I certainly have called him far worse, so not pointing fingers. He's certainly not what one could call intelligent, but I also think he has massive insecurities, jealousy of his brother and serious mental issues that were never addressed. Also, being indulged from birth has only added to this calamity.
Aus Unknown said…
Aus Unknown here - divorce is imminent?
Aus Unknown said…
Bob, you needn't worry, she's not running the show. They were just letting her have her honeymoon period with the public. This institution hasn't survived for 1200 years by letting some foreign-born arriviste, dlist actress and grifter on the make, who pulled a fast one on their weakling, tear it down.

Even Diana, an aristocrat, one of "them" found the ruthlessness of "the firm" extreme and frightening ... and she gave birth to the future King.

Markle is nothing to the BRF, disposable at best. For all William and Harry's talk about being "in control" and modernising things, the core values of the monarchy can never change for it to survive. William gets it. He got to marry a commoner, but that is as far as it goes. He knew that when he was ordered back to KP to work full-time and not luxuriate in the country, like some jet-setting playboy using private funds.

That is, an archaic, ancient, traditional, hierarchical institution that does not adhere to modern values or even laws. The lines got blurred with Diana and that is what has caused all this mayhem.

Markle has been firmly put back in her place and when she returns from maternity leave, her profile will be diminished. This all started with Harry & Meg having to leave KP. Aus Unknown.
Anonymous said…
It's funny how we interpret the 'favoritism' thing. When I was watching William with George on the balcony, I thought the interaction between the two was quite touching and warm.
Anonymous said…
Nutty, exactly about Prince Philip! At first I thought maybe they just wanted us to all love Philip more lol, but then I thought it's probably the way for HMTQ to get this out there. She can't say it, but her husband can do.

Two avenues here:

When this happens, it has to look like it is Harry's idea so he can have some pride and show some strength of character, but he'll do so with the BRF's full support. If word comes from PC or (even better) Camilla, then even better on this front.


If/when something horrid does come out and PH doesn't de-meg himself, then at least the rest of the BRF are done and dusted and will have distanced themselves from her... and PH.

It's inevitable PH will have to make a choice. Hopefully, he will pass on seconds of mm's two-star-menu-prix-fixe derriere and go instead with humble pie and back to his family who will, inevitably, forgive him.
Anonymous said…
I agree, Aus Unknown. The Megster was not/will not run the show, but she could have stirred up a spectacle de merde if this had been done by the BRF a year ago. Instead, they waited and then unleashed Lord G.

That said, I do believe that strange things are afoot at the Palace K and BP, too. It would be one thing to try and control the Megster, but it's another entirely to be freezing her out so completely and with such obviousness so soon. They cannot allow the same blowback and sympathy re: Diana to happen again. Given that, I believe they feel safe to proceed in glaring fashion at this point.

I could be completely wrong, of course.
Anonymous said…
Aus Unknown, and wouldn't that be lovely. I think divorce is inevitable, and not because of the BRF but because of the contempt PH had for her. That wasn't anger. That was bilious contempt in the first degree for all the world to see. He could barely look at her.
Now! said…
I think the race factor is why the Royal Family has let Markle stumble all over herself for as long as she has and as publicly as she has.

They need large portions of the British populace - not just the people who closely follow the royals - to see how inappropriately she behaves.

I'm sure they follow the popularity polls very closely to see how the general public perceives her. She won't be pushed out until she is very, very unpopular.

In the meantime, the number of UK magazine covers with Markle's face on it can be seen as a rough indication of how many UK fans she has.

Magazine editors have a product to sell, and they will quickly adapt if issues featuring Meghan don't do well.
Aus Unknown said…
Exactly, Elle, we could all be wrong, it's all speculation. But what is not speculation is her freezing out and decisions made by the Queen to ensure she knows her place. The house, for one thing. It's not owned by the Queen, but the public. What I don't understand is how they allowed Harry to marry her knowing the IRS would come knocking ... the BRF is notoriously secretive about their private (and public) finances. This must have them shaking with rage.

In relation to your point, I always predicted that the Queen would make life so uncomfortable for her that she'd leave of her own volition. Of course, the Queen would do it all so delicately and with decorum that not many would understand the nuance of it.
Aus Unknown said…
Elle, you could be right ... either way, I think she would have left. She's not the "star" of this show and they are ensuring she understands her place, which isn't much, given that Harry is 6th in line and she only married-in. The lack of title for her son must have really rammed home the hierarchy of the monarchy.

I think Harry has been told that there will be no divorce so soon after marriage and baby - there would be a public outcry over the cost of the wedding. I'd say that adds to his anger. To be honest, with her controlling nature and unstable mind, I'd bet that their whole relationship has been characterised by huge fights, followed by co-dependent unity. Aus Unknown.
Aus Unknown said…
Elle, so do I ... I am Aus Unknown who made that comment above. I just feel that even the public are more affectionate toward Louis as overcompensating for his 2nd son status. The kid is cute, but he's not that special ... IMO.
Now! said…
Sure, if he had been Harry Smith, the local construction worker or office worker, circumstances would have forced him to grow up sooner or later.

Part of the problem is probably Diana's determination to treat both sons the same and not make William feel special because he was the heir.

That helped create Harry's resentment as he grew up and realized that William really WAS special and that the two of them were in no way equal.

William also reportedly took an extremely long time accepting his destiny as heir, hanging around in the countryside enjoying his role with the Air Ambulance, which is all well and good but doesn't pay anywhere near enough to support his lifestyle.

I see that William is not making the same mistake with George.

While William was just called "Wills" at school, George is called "PG" - Prince George. ("Tips" as a nickname, after the PG Tips brand of teabags.) The rationale seems to be that George should know that "Prince" will be part of his name for all of his life, at least until it is replaced with "King."
Now! said…
I do think Meghan has been an unintended gift for William and Kate, since it's made them look like the sensible, responsible family well-placed to take the RF into the future.
Now! said…
Actually, I think the Cambridges have a well-designed family: George is the oldest, Louis is the baby, and Charlotte, the middle child, is the only girl. Everyone has something special about them.

Not all second sons have to be troubled. For example, Prince Akishino in Japan actually seems more well-adjusted than his older brother, and his family life is certainly more successful.
Now! said…
I agree with you that the Commonwealth doesn't seem long for this world; the countries in the Commonwealth are just too different.

But I think that the British Royal Family will be around, as will the Scandinavian and Dutch Royal Families, which have done a good job of adapting to modern circumstances. Not sure about the Spaniards.

As I've said elsewhere, the Danes have already messed around with the line of succession - technically, Queen Margrethe should not be on the throne, since the line of succession pointed to a mentally-handicapped male cousin. The always practical Danes made the necessary adjustments.

In general, what's fading is the belief that God himself puts monarchs on the throne and gives them the power to lead. What's not fading is the love for a steady, reliable figure not subject to the whims of politics and fashion.

Aus Unknown said…
Of course, but it remains to be seen until he's older. I think it must be gut-wrenching to be born into such unearned wealth and privilege, yet the eldest son gets more spoils for life for no other reason that birthright. It's irritating for those who don't support monarchies, but if you are born into it, it must cause confusion.

Harry's growth was disrupted by Diana's early death, making that situation hard to assess. It was Diana who demanded that the boys be treated equally and that has caused many problems (as Queen Mother wisely predicted). But I think if Diana had lived until at least Harry's adulthood, she would have been there to assure him that he was valued and to guide him toward forging his own, unique path without undoing it all by getting tangled up with cheap opportunists. I think the boys would have been closer, because IMO, William wouldn't have been attached to the Middletons.

It's just my opinion anyway, but I do think their is unusual gushing over Lois. Everyone can see different things. Aus Unknown.
Aus Unknown said…
Ha, ha, typo, posted too quickly, meant to post 'THERE is unusual gushing ... '
Aus Unknown said…
YES! I had never known such fawning and gushing over Will & Kate, or maybe I just never noticed .... of course, I knew they had fans, but they were never considered stately, it was more just popularity. They had a lot of detractors also criticising their work ethic and privacy demands. Many lamented that Harry wasn't going to be King. Wow, have times changed!
Aus Unknown said…
LadyJane: totally agree, again. Yoko Ono is right. I'm not sure whether Harry's jealousy manifested because Will & Kate's family and profile was growing or whether MM was the catalyst. Perhaps both. To be honest, I think Harry was tiring of being the "third wheel" in the relationship between the 3. Yes, he seemed close with Kate too, but she wasn't going home with him ...

Veena: harsh as it sounds, I have to agree. Harry was desperate and there is a sadness to this.
Aus Unknown said…
Sorry, Aus Unknown again in reply to above.
Aus Unknown said…
Veena: I'd like to add that anyone who has been following royalty over the decades knows that "all that glitters is not gold". MM's narcissism would have missed that, particularly marrying the 6th in line ... the best member of the royal family to marry would be a lower profile one, like Peter Phillips, Lord Frederick Windsor et al. They have the wealth, but not nearly as many constraints. It wouldn't have suited Meg, but just making a point. Meg is learning a lesson: be careful what you manipulate to come true, it might just happen.
Aus Unknown said…
The Queen only has legal custody if the baby is going to remain in succession. I don't think it has ever been used. Meg cannot take the child out of the UK without Harry's consent. The baby was born in the UK and Harry is the father (so we are advised). The BRF have better lawyers and such political power than Meg's celeb pals could even fund together ... the US government would not side with Meg. This is no ordinary child with an ordinary family.
Aus Unknown said…
Thanks Nutty. I have to advise that the Commonwealth and the British Monarchy are not one and the same entity. The Commonwealth will survive because it is very active in ensuring cooperation between the nations by eminent persons who guide the law. Not so the monarchy.

The Monarchy does not control the Commonwealth of Nations, so one nation can remove the monarchy, but remain in the Commonwealth of Nations.

I can't speak for other monarchies in Scandinavia or elsewhere, but I can speak as a citizen of the Commonwealth and it is not consistent that all realms want the monarchy to remain. That is kind of a relic of older generations that younger ones don't relate to. It may hold true whilst the Queen lives, but when she dies, that notion will not be as potent.

I can see you're a monarchist and I won't change your view, so I respect that. It's your blog and thank you for allowing free opinions. I didn't know about the Danes - interesting. From what I can ascertain, it is the BRF that will be on very shaky ground once the Queen dies, with a very organised republican movement. Charles is not popular. I've read that Spain and Sweden want republics, but not sure.

Aus Unknown.
Aus Unknown said…
Sure, Nutty, I also touched on that below somewhere ...

re George, William also said (or reportedly said) that George would NOT know his birthright until much older as he had known since childhood. William apparently would have preferred not knowing. That probably explains why William was a brat as a young child - and he was ... I'd guess that the "PG" nickname is just convenience or sycophancy from the school. I doubt William wants his kids to go around with a supremacy attitude, he seems the polar opposite of that - at least in public.
Aus Unknown said…
Aus Unknown - Nutty, I'd just like to add that the reason why William wanted to work when he felt like it with the Air Ambulance was because he is inherently lazy (according to his father). He wanted to have it all - royal perks, unlimited money, secret holidays, complete privacy (Anmer is a no-fly zone) and occasionally trot out for royal duties. He was an heir in his 30s and it was reported that he was told that is not acceptable.

The public backlash was rightly palpable when he said he wanted a second "gap year". This is an indulged man who has staff to meet his every need and want. He's not working 40+ hours per week on minimum wage and having to help his wife with the chores. So, he was rightly called out on it. Soon after, they were directed back to London and KP as their permanent base. To their credit, both have stepped up their duties. So even William cannot get everything he demands.
Aus Unknown said…
It sounds like it was scripted by Rachel Meghan "personally, I love a great love story" Markle.
Aus Unknown said…
Hmmmm, since Australia was founded by Brits and colonised by English convicts and our political and legal systems are based on the Westminster and English common law, I think I have some handle on the UK. I also have relatives in the UK.

Most people in the UK and Australia, at least, and I'd guess other Commonwealth nations don't pay much attention to the British monarchy. That is how it survives. A common mistake amongst those outside the Commonwealth is the prevalence of the monarchy in the lives of everyday people. So, following, the BRF really only have to worry about monarchists. Of course, they don't want to upset others, as Nutty has mentioned, but most people view them as entitled toffs and not worthy of sentiment.

Diana was the one royal who turned around the ambivalence on the monarchy in Australia. But they still pushed her out without turning a hair. Markle will not be given the same reverence, which ultimately wasn't much.

See, not trying to be rude at all, but support in the US is not relevant to the British monarchy and that is her core supporter base from what I've gauged online. I think this is why she is being reined in too - they know they must focus on the British people and the rest of the Commonwealth who support the monarchy.

Swishy: you are right, IMO to state that she will make this 'messy'. That's just her nature, but IMO, not indicative of her stock value. She just lacks the cognitive awareness of her power.

Aus Unknown.
Aus Unknown said…
Swishy: if the Queen knew the child was born by surrogate, she has committed fraud against the citizens of the Commonwealth. The title is not relevant because the boy is still in the line of succession.

There is a far bigger issue if the Queen has committed fraud than worrying as to whether or not the kid would have a royal title. The Queen never provided for Harry's kids to be titled when she secured William's. Obviously, it was never in the cards or she would have done so, IMO.

The strange thing is, Archie will be HRH when Charles ascends ...
hardyboys said…
This was the best post ever. I thoroughly enjoyed reading these posts. From analysing the queens wealth or lack thereof to MM being iced out. I do think that the royals are wealthy. It may be relative though. I heard diana had 200M when she died which she bequeathed to the boys and Charles gave her 26M when they split. Where would an unemployed man get 25M from? Also all those diamonds and precious stones the queen stole from India and other countries they are worth in the hundreds of millions. I heard England raped India of 45 Trillion. They are so secret bc they have a deal with the devil. It's too too good to let go. Their positions are passed on by birthright as opposed to being earned. They never have to worry about mortgages bills utilities etc. But in exchange they can never ride the tube or just hangout and they have to starve like fiends as they are in the public eye
abbyh said…
The monarchy has taken custody of royal children. George I evicted his son (POW George Augustus later George II and DIL Caroline) from St. James' palace and kept their kids. December 1717.

Legal and has happened.

I'm reading The Courtiers and a couple other books by Lucy Worsley.
Aus Unknown said…
Aus Unknown - I meant to say under QEII. The world has evolved a great deal since the 18thC, people have more rights at law and they defend those rights and those of their children. The Queen has never used that prerogative. She might not like PG spending so much time with the Middletons, say, but she's not going to do anything about it.
Aus Unknown said…
The British monarchs are very wealthy by any standard. Other family members, still wealthy, but not by the richest people in the world. That's why they freeload a lot with wealthy friends. Diana didn't have a lot of her own money, since it was her brother, now The Earl Spencer, who inherited everything. She was well care for, of course, but she did not have anywhere near 200M pounds at death. Most of her money was from her divorce. The money has increased over time with investment and interest.
Hikari said…
I would have enjoyed seeing either a picture of William with all three of his children, or pictures of him individually with all three; it did strike me as a touch odd that they only posted the one of him and Louis. As we saw on the balcony, Louis is very attached to Daddy, but he's at that age, whereas the other two are old enough to be more independent.

William and Kate are enjoying their third-born, but I don't interpret that as favoritism, or an unusual level of gushing. We are just now getting to see photos of Louis and the development of his personality; apart from the three Kate released several weeks ago, and the family shots in the Back to Nature garden, we have not seen any pictures of Louis since his christening, and the one birthday shot for Charles last year. Let us recall just how many photos of George and Charlotte, both separately and together, that we've seen as they have been growing up. William and Kate gushed over all of their children in turn . . . and now, it's Louis's turn, that's all.

They could mitigate any charges of 'favoritism' or undue gushing if they'd include more family shots on the Instagram. I know it's preferable to be selective about what's posted to not dilute the impact of each, but I do think they could be a tad more generous with the postings. There's little point in having a social media account in order to reach out to people, and then post only once a week . .in a busy week.
Now! said…
I think it would be easy to argue that the 93-year-old queen and her 97-year-old husband did not know what was going on in a case of fraud. It could be believably stated that the people around her did not involve her in order to spare her from stress at her advanced age.

Which might be why the only family photo we have of Archie is with the Queen and Prince Philip.
Now! said…
Hi Unknown. Yes, I realize that the Commonwealth and the BRF are separate entities. I think it is possible that the Commonwealth will not exist as an organization 40 years from now, but that the BRF will rule over a smaller kingdom, perhaps only over England.

I wouldn't call myself a monarchist, but I do think that monarchs can be useful, particularly in a rapidly changing world.

Finally, polite disagreement is welcome on this blog. That's the only way I'll ever learn anything!
Now! said…
I think it's a delicate balance between sharing photos of the kids and overexposing them, particularly now that they are at school. (Baby photos are different - almost every parent overdoes it with the baby photos!)

The Cambridge kids are a very potent symbol and cute images are a very good distraction when things go wrong. I'm sure the RF doesn't want to dull that weapon by overusing it.
Hikari said…
Oh, I absolutely agree. Daily photos would be too much. Witness how very tedious it is to see 1000x renditions of Farkle in her most unflattering outfits every time we turn around.

I think the weapon would still be potent if they deployed it a wee bit more often . . maybe a few more posts per month. They could try featuring one child one month and alternating amongst them to diffuse any rumors of favoritism. I think Louis is actually in the sweet spot when it comes to birth order. Yes, he's a second son, but with Charlotte in the middle, *she* now takes the position that Harry had as a child, as the spare. Charlotte may struggle as she grows up with feelings of jealousy that plagued her uncle, and her great-great aunt Margaret, who was a royal adrift and in search of a role all her life. Fortunately for Charlotte, she is growing up in a time when a female has a lot more ways to contribute or find fulfillment than just make a good marriage and have kids. Charlotte will follow in the footsteps of her tireless great-aunt Anne, the Princess Royal, and could be a great help to her brother when it comes time for him to reign. Louis will occupy a place more like great-uncle Edward, who, along with his wife, doesn't grab headlines for himself but has carved out a niche and made himself indispensable to the monarch. I hope Edward will take Louis under his wing particularly because he knows what it is to be even further down the birth order chain.
Anonymous said…
In light of the financial discussions above, I found these quotes from the new Sun article particularly interesting:

--"Meghan and Harry aren’t going to be controlled by William. They are going to do it their way. (Duncan Larcombe)"

--"They added that Meghan "knows all the tricks" and is helping Harry to maxing their "standable brand" and "William's going to have to get used to it.” "

--"He said that the two dukes bring different coverage for organisations, adding: “William is the man if you want someone to come and open an estate." "

William may be the man to go to for opening an estate, but he is also the man PH will have to go to for handouts. That is, before William is King and PH is asking PG for money (smirk). If William is the person who will be controlling the BRF flow of funds to PH, the statements above will only cause more friction, and my-oh-my, "William is going to have to get used to it." I don't see that statement going over well at all. Hard to imagine that PW is the one who will need to adjust on grand scale.

Sometimes I wonder if it's not William's own team releasing these pieces to further inflame the public. If it's really PR from H&M side, they clearly need to read Aus Unknown's overview re the BRF cash flow and re-evaluate the options.
Avery said…
I'm confused as to why the baby would have fair hair to begin with. Dominant genes surely win out? It's science. I know there are flukes on occasion with recessive genes prevailing - but odd. And I'm totally team pillow also, but, considering the way things have panned out for Archie (whoever he is), don't understand the rouse. Would have had the same results if they'd just been open with surrogacy and could have done some good.
Avery said…
The post and these comments restore my faith in intelligent life on this planet. LOL! SO well written, thought out and discussed. Refreshing.
Hikari said…
Yes, those statements attributed to the Sussexes are inflammatory. This goes beyond regular sibling rivalries, though, because William is not only going to be Harry's cashpoint in future . . .but he will also be Harry's sovereign. I"m sure, as Elizabeth found out with Margaret, it's really hard to command the same respect from your siblings who shared a nursery with you and used to fight with you over toys as you get from other people who didn't grow up with you and know all your insecurities and embarrassing moments. That has to go a hundred-fold for kings and queens, because as children, even with a vague awareness that adulthood will bring different responsibilities, there's more equality, especially when the kids are very close in age, as Wills and Harry, or George and Charlotte are. Charles and Anne are very close, also, being less than two years apart. It has to be a bitter pill to swallow . . this increasing realization that things must change and become more inequitable in time.

Being the monarch has its privileges but is accompanied by great burdens, and it's a job he/she can never give up. I think William has aged a great deal since his marriage . .more in the way of acquiring a preternatural gravitas for his age. This is fitting for a king. His grandmother was called upon to assume that mantle of gravitas even sooner. He's got to have his moments of wishing that he could be more carefree like his younger brother, even with the reduction in wealth. A level of autonomy and personal freedom is priceless. Harry does not have full autonomy, whatever his wife may think, or wish to force into being . . and he never will, unless he's prepared to renounce all his titles and get a regular job and support himself totally. Even then he'd be a slave to his job, as all of us regular working stiffs are. But compared to the rigorous expectations for deportment which William has been expected to uphold since he was small, Harry has an enviable amount of leeway in how he lives his life.

I don't think Diana did wrong in trying to equalize the treatment of her boys at home; William always had the Queen and his father for instruction in the art of being king, and they did instruct him, from school age on. I think resentment on Harry's part would have been 10 times worse if it had been rubbed in his face continually at home that William got to go first or get more of everything because he would one day be king. My favorite pictures of the boys are the numerous ones where the two of them are together and Harry is looking up adoringly at his big brother. I don't know when that would have changed, but perhaps with adolescence, long before MM was on the scene. She may have just been able to exploit a tendency that was already inside him.

I read somewhere (here, maybe, even!) an anecdote of a car trip with Diana, the two boys, and her security detail . .they were going somewhere and Harry was acting up in the back seat. When his mother chastised him and told him to shape up, he retorted, "I'm not going to be King, so I get to do whatever I want!'

The adults looked at each other, like "Where did that come from?" I doubt Diana had ever explained the difference in her sons' futures thusly, but that's what Harry took away from it . . and he's basically been behaving like that ever since. Losing his mother did not contribute toward a better-balanced personality, but it seems like Harry had some issues and insecurities and behavior problems before his mother died.
d.c. said…

The original picture (and the one above):

At the first announcement:

And for 20 years, per:
based on these images (from that page)

d.c. said…
Harry has worn it for 20 years, per source & pics below...

The original picture (and the one above):

At the first announcement:

And for 20 years, per:
based on these images (from that page)

d.c. said…
Ok, so I saw over on skippy's blog/tumblr someone mentionning that the ring in the this father's day photo differed from the one in the earlier picture presentation (with the larger seeming infant). And I was all ready to wonder about that. But, when I looked at larger versions of the pics, I think they're the same, it's just the sepia tone and the lighting that makes the ring above look rounded vs. flat. Here, I've included some pics below (which also confirm the bracelet being from years ago...).

At least in my opinion, this pic is Harry's ring and bracelet.

The Father's Day picture (and the one above):

At the first announcement:

And for 20 years, per:

based on these images (from that page)

d.c. said…
Whoops, I mean, here's an article on Harry's wedding ring:

And the pic of it, from that page:

And a blurry one (I bet there are better ones out there), from the announcement:
punkinseed said…
Wow! Love this blog. Thank you Nutty for your insights along with others. I agree that the balcony scene was pure and utter contempt from Harry to Megs. And, the family wasn't just snubbing her as a minor punishment over some slight. Oh no. They are DONE with her and so done they don't care if the public sees their stings.
Jdubya said…
This blog is utterly fascinating . So glad I discovered it.

I'm trying to figure out - is Harry truly regretting his marriage or is he just "caught in the middle ". When the 2 of them are alone, is he "still in love" and supportive of MM? Or are they even living together ?

He has events he is required to attend & in some circumstances she is allowed to attend with him. When at these events, it is extremely awkward and his family seems to be intentionally pushing her aside. He seems angry/disillusioned during these public events. But is he upset with family or her? Afterwards is he apologizing to her for his family's treatment or? ??

Will certainly keep watching this train wreck.

PS- new post on Harry Markle blog
KayeC said…
I am a life-long lover of everything royalty (because I'm American and we don't have one), and British and French history. I am the nerd that loves looking at their family trees, jewels, rise and falls, and so on. Since I grew up in the Diana era (I am MM's age) I was in awe of her and pictures of her still pull me in today. She is one of those people that just had that "IT."

When Kate came on the scene, I thought, poor girl, she'll always be compared to Diana, but she doesn't have that quality, however she is a very lovely. (Her legs are amazing!) She was called all sorts of names, and judged on fashion (I always form opinions on fashion, she has hits and misses), Still I never heard anyone defend her or say anything bad about her personally, just something all royal women go through, (Camilla, Diana, Fergie...etc). She had her missteps, but has really come in to her own, especially since becoming a mother, which I feel is her most import job. (Still hate the Erdem dresses)

Then comes MM. I had never heard of her or her show. I read she was divorced and thought, oh no, American and divorced, she is in for it! Surely they must have known all the Wallis Simpson comparisons would be made. Then (as a CDAN reader) the yachting stories and other not so nice things started coming out about her past, I thought, well Harry probably knows and doesn't care, maybe they really love each other. Then the quick engagement, the engagement interview (cringe!! and FAKE!!), the interview with all four of them (could barely watch...painful), I was still trying to keep an open mind.

But for me the breaking point was the breaking and/or disregard of protocol. It is what make them the BRF. We don't want them to break traditions or be like everyone else....if the are then what's the point? And I kept asking myself, why are they making exceptions for her? Coming to Christmas and doing royal engagements while she was still just his fiance? What is going on?

I won't go into the fashion thing too much (I could), just to say she gets it wrong almost every single time. If she does find something appropriate that fits, her hair and styling are all wrong. I even love Bea and Eugenie for their fashion disasters, I look forward to them! But hers make nice things look cheap. I think the fit issue that bother me most.

Okay, now to wrap it up with the most bizarre pregnancy, birth, and baby I have ever seen. Been pregnant four times and I never gained weight in my butt, hips, legs, or ankles. So at first I thought she was pregnant. But then the bump started changing sizes and still by month 5-6, she had no visible weight gain. I did gain weight in my face, boobs and upper arms, especially in the last 4 months. Then the coat flicking, under-bump holding, and lest we forget the wobbly belly. The last straw was when she bent down, knees together, in heels and popped back up!! Fake, fake FAKE!!

So of course they would show a fake baby, or surrogate baby, or whatever. The biggest signs, to me at least, were the announcements on the BP easel (different than any other royal birth, and no signatures) and the birth certificate. (I don't think he signs his name Harry, does he?)

I cannot understand any of it. Why the BRF are allowing all this is the biggest mystery to me!!
abbyh said…
I don't think the bracelets are the same.

In the one linked to Diana, there is a silver diamond pattern over dark bottom, silver running on top and repeating.

In the picture, which does not state affirmatively that it is PH, you can see what appears to be the points of the diamond, dark between but then becomes solid silver/no dark bottom.

Avery said…
It's totally the same bracelet. Open both tabs at the same time - the Father's Day pic it's covered and shadowed, but definitely same pattern.
Avery said…
Yes!!!!! THIS! ALL of this! I wonder if the truth will EVER come out? Someone, someday down the line has to slip right?!?!? I need to know in my lifetime. I'm way too invested now. lol!
Anonymous said…
IMO here, which counts for little because even though I am Queen of Bees, I'm not actually hanging with the Fab Four lol, I don't think it is just anger. Anger means you still care. Awkward/angry is very different from contempt.

If you watch the video of "New Mom Meghan...", you'll see that when she asks him a question, he completely ignores her and turns to Jack. He's done with her.

At .16 on this one, you can see the lip sneer of disgust/contempt:

As you probably know, it's very difficult to turn the relationship around once it has hit that stage. I think that PH has seen evidence that they didn't just trip into each others lives fortuitously -- and I mean some really damning stuff -- and I think he's probably seen the worst of her on film or in some other manner (life first hand knowledge of her activities from someone he actually respects). I believe it took something substantial to move him from romance to revulsion in such short time.

Add to that the way that the family has frozen her out so quickly and completely - if she were sticking around, they could not do that so obviously. It's one thing for them to dislike her, but this seems much more than that. Again, just speculation.
Anonymous said…
It's quite possible that the BRF didn't know that the megster was sporting a faux belly. I'm assuming here that Philip, William, and Charles are on the (very) short list of men who've not seen her naked. And maybe PH & MM weren't honest about the surrogate until too late for the BRF to slow the train. It's not like Philip is going to roll up on Jerry Springer and call PH & MM out as posers. At a point, going along silently w/the surrogacy might have been the only choice... for awhile. Just a thought to explain why the BRF went along, at first.

And yes, on all of that re pregnancy. I've never been pregnant, but my friends sure have, and not a one of them was bouncing up and down in the last trimester. Also, I do not remember any jelly-like bellies.
Lurking said…
He signed his name Harry on the birth certificate?

As for pregnancies, I've had 2. I lost weight until mid way through the 2nd trimester. Every woman is different and she being a health nut, would likely stick to a strict diet, even during pregnancy. It is a great mystery though... engaged and married in less than a year. The royals don't do that. Something else was up.
Anonymous said…
Agreed! Inflammatory is right. I wish I could be there when Wills finds out that he's going to have to get used to megster knowing all of the tricks for the Sussex "standable brand" (WTF?). I can't even type that without loling.
Anonymous said…
No, the name was typed.
Anonymous said…
I read somewhere that prior to joining the BRF the megster had actually made some snide comments re Kate. Do you know if that's true, Nutty?
KayeC said…
And speaking of the Father's Day photo, I cannot stand people who over post pictures of their kids online, its kinda weird to me. However this is weird in a different way, in that it just fuels the conspiracy theories and make them seem more plausible. And I love a good conspiracy, but the out right flaunting of it is crazy! I also cannot believe that Harry, who has lost a parent, would condone her shunning of her father.

Lurking...I agree that women are different when pregnant, that is why when people point to her skinny ankles, it would make me laugh as my legs are thin like MM. But at some point you gain weight somewhere else besides the belly, and you absolutely cannot squat with legs together. LOL. I was actually amazed how she looked more pregnant after the birth and TTC. What if they used surrogate then she got pregnant the old fashion way, (the Lord works in mysterious ways). How would they explain two babies six months apart....LOL.....just a thought....
Anonymous said…
Excellent point.
Lurking said…
Weird. In the US that would not be a legal signature. Don't know about British law, but how can the first name typed by someone else ever be sufficient for a signature?
Fifi LaRue said…
I was unsure if Markle was pregnant, or using a pillow until there was a video showing the bump swaying side to side. That decided it for me. Markle was not pregnant.
Avery said…
I just have the hardest time believing that the BRF didn't know something was amiss from the get go. (As you pointed out KayeC they broke Royal protocol from the start.) She is the QUEEN. She's not a dotty old woman, she's still sharp as a tack. She is bound to have intel given to her. At the very least they're privy to the same gossip we see and you would think it would have been investigated.

So, let's assume they cottoned on later rather than sooner, why not step in and handle the 'birth' better instead of the shambles that only made the situation worse?

Meghan CLEARLY was not carrying a child. The last straw for me was also the closed leg squat. I have had children and while I didn't gain a lot of weight, there is no way in hell I would have been able to squat down, lean forward to interact without wobbling. Definitely wouldn't have been able to pop back up without help or having to balance myself and rise slowly.

Also odd that Harry didn't reach out instinctively to help the woman he loves so very much, and who is carrying his child.

And as for that birth certificate 'signature'. Oy vey. No. Just, no. Harry is not his legal name. And, why couldn't he sign it like William did?

I want to be wrong. I do. Because, I love the RF. I AM English (live in US now) and remember the excitement of seeing the Queen when I was little.

This circus is sad and putting more blights on the establishment.
Anonymous said…
Maybe because letting the megster's slow-acting poison that she administers to herself is the best way. If the BRF turns on her before the public is well and truly done, then that might evoke sympathy for MM. Even some people who see the fraud for what she is felt a little sorry for her on the balcony; natural empathy rises to the surface. The BRF cannot do anything to stir sympathy for the megster. They can't risk another Diana. And they're not going to share the dirty laundry publicly. They're not Kardashians (well, megster is, but she's also not royalty). What would they do? If the BRF is in danger now, think of how it would be if favor turned towards the fraud.

Harry has to make this decision based on awful stuff (which I believe they have) and then the public has to be done and dusted re her. I think this is well on its way, and I do question whether some of the more offensive stories (Harry & Meghan want to be global influencers, for ex) aren't the work of KP because they truly do work everyone into a froth. But now that they've allowed her into the fam, extricating her is not so simple although I don't think they'd be icing her if she weren't close to the done cycle. Still, her blog should've been called The Tick, not The Tig, and she will dig in hard as possible, until she can't IMO only.
Avery said…
Elle - that makes sense. It just boggles the mind though. Whole thing is bananas. I'm sure the entire family is FUMING at PH for putting them in such a position. Oh to be a fly on the wall ... I really hope the truth does come out one day, because this tea is excruciatingly delicious.
Anonymous said…
I'm just happy to have found the blog and intelligent like minds because this situation is crazy and must be processed with others. From the engagement interview and that ridiculous picture of her in the ice-skating outfit to abandoning her dog and killing the other one and the bee and the tongue and well, just everything, it's mind-boggling. They let her in, and now, it must be undone correctly. I believe HMTQ and PW and maybe even PC are smart enough to get it done and Lord G is there for his own special expertise.
Aus Unknown said…
Elle - thanks. It was reported that Diana said she was worried about Harry's future since she knew the Crown would take care of William financially ... @Hikari: good post, 'inflammatory' is a good word, but not just toward William but the UK taxpayers - these freeloaders can never be "independent" and "do things their way". They look ridiculous.

Even assuming that the Queen/Charles leave Harry money/assets through some trust to avoid inheritance tax, it won't be anywhere near what William will one day inherit. The assets I mentioned don't even include the private wealth of the royals. That aside, for William, it's literally millions on tap year after year, including the Sovereign Grant to run his office in the way he sees fit.
Aus Unknown said…
^Aus Unknown again above. Must dash for now. :)
Aus Unknown said…
@Avery - very kind, and agreed, so many wonderful posts, everyone contributes. Aus Unknown.
LadyJaneJagger said…
@unknown- I agree with you... it was most likely the combination of PH feeling like a third wheel to Wm and Kate and MM, manipulating the situation to her advantage.
Harry has spoken about the “stars being aligned” when he met and fell in love with MM. (fool)
More importantly, for the continuation of the British Monarchy, the stars were aligned when William was born first.
BTW, unknown, you may want to consider getting a blogger name. It’s so confusing with multiple “unknowns” and you have very insightful points that I would like to follow.
Anonymous said…
Fingers crossed, Punkinseed! Obv, I agree with you. I think Aus Unknown is right about the cost of the wedding. 34 million pounds. I don't think his next wedding will be the big splash.
Now! said…
There's been a lot of chatter about an actual pregnancy underway now, although it's all speculation since the only time Meghan has been seen since the birth of "Archificial" was at the ToC.

Were she actually pregnant, it could be the old-fashioned way, and or it could be an AI or IVF baby. Harry could have given a "sample" many months ago when the relationship was good, and it could have been used more recently.

Then again, Harry was supposedly infertile in the first place. What an odd story this is.
KayeC said…
Yes, Elle and Avery! Thanks to Nutty!! Love this blog, and to find people who are as fascinated with all this, but also sensible about!

I love all the BRF, not a "fan" of one member, or household. They are all special in that this life is not celebrity or an office they decided to run for, they (mostly) were born into it. I always thought that those who marry in have to be ready for what is coming, and thus why they tend to have long engagements (or in the past marry others in similar positions). And I also think something is going on behind the scene, as you said, this isn't some little old lady that can be taken advantage of, she is the Queen! And yes, I would LOVE to hear PP's, PA and Camilla's true thoughts on all this.
KayeC said…
Agreed, we've heard Harry's infertile, gay, bi, all types of stories. I really keep coming back to blackmail and MA, (Soho) connection. But then I can't see him going through all this, or the BRF putting up with it for that matter. Their relationship is so odd, especially after seeing him with someone like Chelsea, he seemed relaxed. Now it's like he's a different person, especially around Will and Kate. So many questions!!

The big things I look for to get some answers are how is this situation handled differently from all other royal births. So odd about wording on the easel, and no signatures. Big tell there. And no Lido Wing, because HM said No. Maybe that's their way out.....they know, and that is why this is being treated differently. I think you've pointed out, they will try to protect Harry in all this.
Hikari said…
In the wake of Diana and Charles's mutual tell-all books and TV interviews, and other scandals (Fergie & Toe-man, rumors of Diana's rampant affairs, etc.), I'm struggling to think of *any* reason for blackmail that MM might be holding over Harry's head that would hold enough weight to force this marriage against his own inclinations. We've come such a long way since Princess Margaret ignited a huge scandal for dating a divorced equerry. That Harry enjoyed heavy partying, with its attendant substance use and sexual companionship of women is well-known. Soliciting prostitutes wouldn't be that big a deal. Fathering a child out of wedlock (with prostitute or other unsuitable GF) would be inconvenient but in this day and age, financial support arrangements could have been made, and even acknowledged without going to the extreme of a lavish sham wedding and sham marriage. We are well used to Harry's bad behavior, the exposes and the apologies for it over the years.

What could have happened *this* time that was so unforgivable/potentially atomic that has led to this Farkle Fiasco? My searching mind has come up with . . .H. was involved in an accidental death by misadventure during autoerotic activities with a playmate, known to MM, who may have been a witness to it? But such a scenario . .or really any scenario involving sex, drugs and other illegalities that she may be privy to would blow back on her just as hard. She can't claim to have such damaging dirt on Harry without having been side by side with him swinging the shovel.

It is no secret that she was a good-time girl who skirted the boundaries of being a professional prostitute, if she didn't actually fall in headfirst (in a manner of speaking.) Also that she liked to party and has always been very elastic/inventive with the truth. Why would her word EVER be taken as gospel if she's claiming damaging knowledge about PH? This, I do not understand.
Avery said…
I missed the infertile rumor. How on earth could that be known? Unless the RF insists upon sperm counts for their heirs @ a certain age to be sure the lineage is carried on. Hmmmm.

I care about this fiasco more than I should lol!
Now! said…
Harry had an operation for a non-descended testicle when he was 7; this was public knowledge. It was discussed at the time that this would probably result in infertility.

One of the possible blackmail scenarios that I find most credible is this:

Because of his position, Harry is probably not searched when crossing borders. Who more suited to take a large amount of contraband, like a couple of kilos of cocaine, into the UK?

Being constantly short of money and probably a user himself, this might be something Harry would be willing to do, and possibly do repeatedly.

The Soho House team - Markus Anderson, Markle, etc. - could have easily set him up, dim bulb that he is. They might have text messages, voicemail messages, in-person recordings or even videos in which Harry confirms that he is willing to use his royal position to break UK law.

I have precisely zero evidence of this - it is made up out of whole cloth. But it is the sort of thing that might force the Royal family into some kind of compliance.

You don't want Her Majesty's grandson to go to Her Majesty's prison.
Avery said…
Thanks for clearing up the fertility question Nutty.

And, Oh my goodness!!! I hope that's not the case (your scenario) but, after reading CDAN for so long, I've come to terms that anything is possible.
Hikari said…
>>>Harry had an operation for a non-descended testicle when he was 7; this was public knowledge. It was discussed at the time that this would probably result in infertility.

Well, that's a kick in the head to a young man whose whole manner of life is predicated on the members' ability to breed healthy offspring. Though during his 'party prince' period (still ongoing, I guess, as recently as their departure from KP based on testimony from the French ambassador, who said M&H threw raucous parties late into the night, often, including fireworks. Do we believe this?) H. had reason to be glad that his vigorous recreational activities with the opposite sex wouldn't result in an 'oopsie!' Otherwise, Hazza might have been very prolific, indeed.

If he in fact, hasn't . . .this infertility is only a possibility, right? Especially since he still has one healthy testicle.

Re. Hazza's possible career as a drug runner . . . admittedly, such a scheme might have appealed to a reckless, pissed off and jonesing young prince with a huge chip on his shoulder and not the best in judgement . . and I'm sure he could have pulled it off, even numerous times. But the person(s) who would have gotten this (snow)ball rolling would indict themselves with their own evidence against Harry. His guilt would not render them innocent, when 1. they hatched the plan, and cajoled/pressured him into participating. Even if he was superficially willing, they still would have exploited his Royal position. 2. Their dossier of any 'evidence' against him blows right back on them. They broke U.K. law by recruiting him and retaining evidence of ongoing illegal activity without reporting it to authorities. When you get a guy to shoot your wife, you're as guilty of murder as he is; if Harry carried drugs for them, he is only one piece of a criminal enterprise . . .to make good on any blackmail threat to expose him, they would expose themselves. They'd be far, far more likely to be incarcerated in Her Majesty's prison than Harry. He's a Royal; they would have devised some loophole for him to avoid a prison sentence . . transportation to Australia, maybe (haha).

Hikari said…
Playing chicken with the Queen is a brash move . . . they may have some dirt on Hazza of exactly this kind . . but I don't see even that 'forcing compliance' from the BRF . . an institution that has withstood the cataclysm(s) that was two World Wars and the Abdication . . and the later revelations that that Edward VIII as was was a Nazi collaborator that advised Hitler to keep bombing London into rubble and the British would fold. Then there was the whole Diana mess. Given these, I think they could probably cope with the revelation that one of their junior members, a member known to be suffering from long-standing mental problems, imported some dope. It would be uncomfortable for a bit, but they'd weather that storm as they have all the others.

First rule of dealing with blackmailers is: NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER give into them. No negotiation, no payoffs. Tell them to do their worst and deal with the consequences . . because if you give into them once, on any point, they will just keep coming back to the trough, and they will continue to up their demands and hound and harass you and basically become like a succubating virus draining your life away.

Sounds like marriage to Farkle to me! Hazza may think that a (mostly) suspended sentence & a slap on the wrist for sneaking some coke into England in his luggage would sound like a vacation now that he's had a year's worth of his 'get out of jail (not so) free' card. It's not like he'd have to worry about finding future employment with a blot on his record. His family are obligated to love and provide for him no matter what, short of murder, perhaps . .but I bet even then, they'd cover for him. Witness how they've been handling his mess so far . . .circling the wagons.

If that's what's going on here . . .
jathomps said…
Nutty, LOVE your blog. I too do not believe there was/is a baby. I don't know if this has been addressed here before but why do you think Prince Charles agreed to walk MM down the aisle at the wedding with all of this drama afoot? That's such a loving, personal gesture for someone who doesn't deserve it. I just don't understand why he would have gone through with it had he known what a horrible person she was prior to the wedding. Or maybe I am naive???
TTucker said…
Great blog, Nutty, and intelligent people commenting here.

I have many things I wish to comment but let's begin with the baby in this picture. 1) Visual "contact" is something babies acquire, at 7 - 10 weeks' old approximately. Not before. They do not even see colours well
2) Even if they may fix their eyes on something or somebody, they are looking at light, shadows, shapes, forms... And the look on their eyes is pure, clean, innocent, devoid of hardness. This baby looks scared and has fixed glare! Is he an older baby? or has he had such a rude first month that he already knows what "fear" is? Weird 3) His nails are way too long for a months' old baby.

As for pregnancy, older mums tend to have shorter gestation periods - between 28 - 32 weeks; not longer. Here we are made to believe the baby was overdue. Very odd. I've never seen this pointed out anywhere.

As for squatting in high heels, this is not possible! I was a very "thin" mum, only gained 8 kilos bearing twins, and I could not even get in or out of my car (and my car was low down, so you had to "rise" to get out and lower yourself to get in).
Now! said…
Thanks Jathomps!

Charles seems to me like a highly insecure man desperate to improve his popularity. He knows he's not well-liked. Being the man who "stepped up" and was willing to walk the (biracial, non-British) princess down the aisle must have appealed to him as a chance to show his modern bona fides.

It made him look open and accepting, and like a good father to the son who lost his mother at a very early age.

Aus Unknown said…
^ Nutty got this in one. Charles cannot afford any bad publicity and, much as MM is repugnant to rational decent persons, she does have zealous fans who make a lot of noise.

On that note, just read that twitter account, which is a shrine to Meg and you'll understand my point. No Names out of respect for this blog. Aus Unknown.
Aus Unknown said…
The rational side of my brain is telling me that Harry is just a gullible, desperate, rebellious fool who was preyed upon by an apex predator and master manipulator for her own gain.
Aus Unknown said…
^Aus Unknown above and now - @Hikari: Harry would not be welcome in Australia for any length of time. It's been over 200 years since British convicts were sent to Australia to form a penal colony. We've evolved since then and he's not even the future King. You'd be surprised at how our politicians suddenly get very patriotic at the thought of any foreigner trying to invade our shores in public office.
Avery said…
TTucker - exactly. (Re: Squatting)
Aus Unknown said…
This blog is so addictive, even if we are rational and 'sensible' Kaye - I don't like tumblr or royal forums. I got booted from the DM, but that is a cesspit anyway. Nutty doesn't get any trolls - yet ...

@ Elle: Charles will only act if his public image is eroded in some way. That man is selfish to the core, proven. With the news that Harry & Meg are getting their own foundation, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for Lord G to show any magical powers, either, regrettably. We'll see, but Meg seems to be coming back with a vengeance. Harry hasn't had enough yet, but he will. Or maybe he just has to wait an acceptable amount of time before divorce (scandalous cost of the wedding).
Aus Unknown.
Now! said…
I have no answers, but I feel confident that if this were a standard baby, we would be getting standard baby photos, and lots of them. This hide and seek means something is up.
punkinseed said…
Please forgive me for not remembering which commenter said he/she professionally investigates fraudsters. My question is directed to him/her, and of course others who might shed light on this: If you put yourself in the grifter/narcissist's shoes and wanted to land a big fish like the dim prince, wouldn't you do all you could to create a false but believable past to set the hook, then love bomb to land him quickly into your net? Think like the grifter thinks. I think Harry was in love with being in love and now the fog is clearing and the gaslights are fading fast. What does it mean when Harry looks his happy go lucky self when he's away from Meg, but while with her he looks sour and depressed, scruffy and sad? Why?
Add that Harry must really, really miss his relationship with his brother and Kate in spite of Meg's undermining, blackmail and ultimatums to isolate him from his family.
Aus Unknown said…
True, Harry was 'in love with love', but he was also seething with jealousy of his brother, his role and destiny as King, his loving family. Harry is very messed up and this is not speculation. I sensed it with his terse answers about Will & Kate. To a certain extent, I can't blame him - he wanted to be universally adored for himself. He just chose the wrong woman or he was preyed upon, actually. Aus Unknown.
punkinseed said…
Great points Nutty! I've been watching shows about the royals on YouTube lately and yes, Charles is very insecure. He also likes to be the center of attention and resents anyone who steps on his thunder. When he was younger, he loved performing on stage and reveled in the accolades he got. He was very jealous of Diana, too. Watching the royal biography shows has given some great perspective on how the royals deal with, or don't deal with internal scandals. Meg's messes are like history repeating itself.
Hikari said…
Aus Unknown: My transportation comment was meant as a joke; more likely that they would activate the already-existing plan to send Harry off to Africa to do 'good works' there.

The so very strange behavior from everybody concerned does seem like some sort of blackmail/coercion was used. I'm just spinning my wheels to think of what could possibly be bad enough to force a global wedding to a woman he'd already dumped once. Even if he was attracted to her once . . and we know that Farkle is aces at the short game . . it's the long con that she sucks at, or none of her true self would have come out so soon . . . seems like he'd already ended things with her. Was there ever a more miserable face than the face he showed in Jamaica at the Inskip wedding? I knew nothing about her on the wedding day and figured that this love story was all legit. He looked very nervous and solemn in places, but I chalked it up to the solemnity of the occasion and being broadcast on TV to millions of people. All bridegrooms are entitled to be nervous; doesn't mean anything sinister . . never did I dream that he didn't want to be standing where he was, especially since they were so handsy with each other all the time. The wheels came off the bus for me in October, with the whole 'baby' announcement and the behavior on the Australia tour and it just got worse from there. But for about 5 months, I was willing to dismiss all the negative rumblings about her as simply growing pains, and perhaps some miscommunication owing to her American directness clashing with British reserve. The realization that she's a monomanical narcissist came later, but now that's not going away!
d.c. said…
Thank you, TTucker, for finally putting into words the issue I was having with this Father's Day photo - exactly right, the baby's interaction with the camera is so out of proportion with a 1 month old... I couldn't get over its facial expression (of fear) or `his' intense eye contact - no 1 month old baby I've interacted with (my own, and those of others) have photos of that depict this sort of eye-contact (the emotional tone is usually very dramatic, like Oh! I'm surprised! or I'm very unhappy/upset/tears. or just happiness - and the eye contact is always at something else, not the camera lens).

And yeah, squatting in high heels in one's 8th month, leaning forward, and popping right back up again, with no assistance eiher offered or required... doesn't seem within the realm of possible realities. (I was being helped off the couch from the 6th month onward, at latest).
Anonymous said…
Aus Unknown, you're probably right. I am new to the BRF drama and also American. Certainly they are doing as you said and locking her down and putting her in her rightful place. I smile every time I think of the shade that is Frogmore Cottage.

The one thing that gives me hope (and I must have hope!) is the way that the BRF are ignoring her completely for all the world to see. As for coming back with a vengeance, I do see that she is bombarding us with her PR, but I'm not convinced it is helping her. More of the megster is never a good thing.

I do think/hope PH is either on the verge of had enough or already there. There is no coming back from contempt. But what was it? A $43 million dollar wedding and then all the fashion? He might have to wait a bit before the D-I-V-O-R-C-E. My only hope for Lord G is that I'd read he is 707 badaxs -- is that not the case? I hoped he'd gotten the videos from the yacht or worse (it just has to be out there, right? The megster sandwich? Or is it salad? Or maybe it's sandwich with a half salad on the side lol, I'm not sure.)
Anonymous said…
I agree w/Aus Unk about this: "preyed upon by an apex predator and master manipulator for her own gain..." and I didn't even know that PH had used drugs (how did I miss that?) but falling in lust/love is like the brain on cocaine -- and if PH has that type of addictive personality already, love may be just another drug for him and MM brought in the love bombs, and every synapse in his brain said "give me more!". Of course, the good news is that the drug eventually wears off and the brain needs new stimulation. It might explain how she hooked him in so hard? IDK.
Aus Unknown said…
Hikari: oh, I know, but we Australians do suffer from insecurities, being descendants of British convicts ... there is always a suggestion from someone outside the Commonwealth that the royals can just fly into Aus anytime they like, as though the BRF rule over us - they don't. They have power under the constitution only and that is another whole story ...

I think Harry often looks miserable because of his singed ego, honestly - until lately - that is real. Harry thought Meg was Grace Kelly (not looks, but star power, actress becoming a princess). He's that dumb and desperate. Harry cannot handle the fact that she's disliked and that he was wrong. And, his popularity has plummeted and again William is the victor. How ironic given that Harry married Meg to spite his brother and family for treating him like "the spare".
Aus Unknown said…
Elle, Meg was very lucky that damaged, dim Harry was so vulnerable to her predatory moves ... it is rumoured that Harry is fickle and I think that is what has awoken him from his stupor. He's now got buyer's remorse and is miserable because he can't just get rid of her so easily. Too bad for him he didn't listen to his brother and father, who knew him and had her number, and slow it down. She would have been history in early 2017. Aus Unknown.
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