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How will the Sussexes respond to the Cambridges' PR coup?

The controversy over uber-environmentalist Meghan and Harry's private jet flights took another turn Thursday, when the Cambridge family was photographed emerging from a budget airliner on which they travelled to Scotland.

In what is being called a PR masterstroke, the Cambridges demolished the idea that the Sussexes were unable to travel commercial for security reasons.

(Although I'm guessing there was some additional security on that flight; I doubt the Royal Family would trust the lives of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th in line to the throne to some novice pilot who had just finished flight school. Military pilot in the cockpit?)

Vacationing at home

The Cambridge photo shoot also made clear that it is possible to take one's summer vacation in one's own Kingdom, instead of someone else's kingdom (or republic).

And drove the nail in a bit deeper that the Sussexes have apparently not been invited to visit the Queen and Prince Philip at Balmoral.

What do you think the Sussexes' response will be?

More testimonials from past-their-prime celebrities and no-name wedding guests, like Idras Elba's latest wife?

Showing another Archificial body part on Instagram?

Or something else entirely?


bootsy said…
If this is a PR release then it seems a bit too obvious and bitchy to me, being slightly more subtle would have been way more effective and is a bit classier. Wait a week or two, don't do it a day/few days after!
Now! said…
Meh. I think their target audience was not people like us, who follow the Meghan case closely; they needed something obvious enough to reach the general public.

The anger about Meg and Harry reached the general public, so the Cambridges had to capitalize on that before it was eclipsed by other news.

Also, they might have been planning their vacation anyway - it is late August, and I would assume school starts soon. A week later might have meant a week less in Scotland.
Trudy2 said…
The announcement that DuchAss Dumbass is having a new poly-baby 'sometime next Spring.'
A daughter, perhaps jointly named after Doris and Diana, but lovingly referred to as Dodi, for short.
bootsy said…
Hey Nutty, as I said i think a delay would have been a lot classier but fair point about school holidays.
My point is based on the belief that it's important for William and Kate to not be seen as as descending to Harry's and MM's level. They can be clever, do the PR stuff but need to avoid this tit for tat silliness. If William gets bogged down in this then he will also lose a lot of respect by being associated with all this.
Now! said…
Ha ha! I know there was a lot of talk that she is pregnant now, but she didn't appear to be in today's Instagram story - the one in which the SmartWorks ladies look absolutely over-the-moon to meet wondrous Meghan.

Of course, it's difficult to know when that video was shot.
Now! said…
I see your point.

There may have been a larger canvas too - bad news about Andrew, bad news about Meg and Harry, while the Queen and Charles seem to be passive and absent.

Perhaps it was important to have a "good" royal story out there.
Girl with a Hat said…
bootsy, I disagree. The timing was perfect.
Girl with a Hat said…
I think she was going through IVF to harvest eggs. The hormones are terrible for weight gain.
Girl with a Hat said…
I burst out laughing when I opened the DM site this morning. I think most of the UK did the same, except for Harry, Meghan and their vast PR team.
Lady Luvgood said…
Ha ha take that $u$$ex, not really any calculated slight though. As Kate and Wills have always flown unobtrusively with their children to Scotland for the Balmoral break.
The difference being Kate and Wills like Diana herself do everything they can for their children to have a normal upbringing and part of that includes queing for McDonalds and flying with the general public.
I have to say, I do love it as it shows how incredibly foolish the Celebrity Stan Club of the $u$$ex are, making statements that with only a quick Google search would have informed them, were entirely false.

bootsy said…
Hi again Nutty! Another good point about the timing considering the Prince Andrew press as well. They're not doing well at the moment that's for sure. Shows you how bad things have become that this PR release to make a member of the Royal Family look good is actually relying on making another member of the Family look bad. I wonder what Jameela Jamil will say about this commercial flight after her brainless tweeting a few days ago...
Lady Luvgood said…
Not a PR stunt. The Cambridge’s go every year in the same manner for the Balmoral break, it’s part and parcel of their normal Summer break spent with Family at HMTQ favorite retreat.
The better story is why haven’t the $u$$ex been invited to Balmoral as well.
Humor Me said…
I loved it! The Cambridges show Life is refreshingly normal (well, as normal as can be for the heir to be and his family). The comment that MM is "rising above" the private plane hooha is laughable; she is so far down in the hole all she can do is rise once she puts down the shovel.
Kat said…
I think MM is saving Baby #2 announcement for when Beatrice gets engaged and makes the official announcement. Unless they actually release video footage of Archie being taken care of by MM and PH, I don't think they can do much. And Archie would have to be moving around.
I do wonder if some of this whole Private Jet vacations out of the country are a F-U to the family for not making MM's birthday wishes come true, and for not inviting them. Like hey, we're going to take our plastic son out and make some waves to add to the stress.
Humor Me said…
The MM response is posted: according to the DM, she is validating herself with cupcakes, from a bakery she has "championed". I wonder if she will eat them.....
SwampWoman said…
And this after all the 'celebrity' tweetings about how the Sussexes HAVE to fly in private planes for security, you bullies! (Yeah, sell that bullying story to MM's unfortunate short-term employees.) Oh, my. I stood up and saluted the savagery of the very public "well, bless their hearts" moment when I saw the article this early a.m. The beauty of it all was that the Cambridges did nothing outside of their normal routine.
Girl with a Hat said…
CarlySue, I agree. I thought that as well. No invitation to Balmoral.
Now! said…
I see it now.....

The cupcakes say "You are enough" "You are loved" "You are strong" "You are worthy" and "Be Kind to Yourself."

Much like the famous bananas.
Now! said…
I really don't understand this kind of inspirational message, and I don't think it's necessarily helpful to someone suffering from anxiety or depression or going through a difficult time in life.

I am not a therapist, but I would imagine that it would be more helpful to show the person how they are part of a larger community and how they can help others (including animals) and regain their confidence and self-worth that way.

Much more effective than a cupcake that says "You are worthy."
Now! said…
Could be true about Beatrice, although Enty suggested the other day that her wedding will be toned down because of Andrew's troubles.

Poor Bea. She's supposedly already living with the guy and taking care of his baby while he works and the child's mother travels for work.
Humor Me said…
It works best in small children as a surprise in their lunch box.
I guess we are dealing with a woman who acts like a small child at that.....
Charlie said…
Her stans are loosing after this Cambridges move, they believe it's a proof Cambridges are behind media Sussexes "smearing campaign".

I think it was a "look at us, we are better than them, please love us" move from Cambridges, but if I were in their shoes, I would definitely do something like this. William is a future king, and while monarchy is still depends on UK budget, and huge crisis after leaving EU is coming, you need to prove your credibility. Nothing personal, Sussexes, you put yourselves in this position, well, by yourselves.
Bardsey said…
Here's where we see the pernicious side effects of Harry & Meghan's infusion of celebrity culture into the RF. The Cambridges take their usual trip in the same fashion that they have in the past (I can't confirm but read they used the same airline) and it's seen as a PR move.

What should be the normal and serene repetitions of RF life are perceived by many as "gotcha" attacks. People who sugar/stan for Meghan see this as a racist PR manipulation on the part of Prince William (just look at the comments on a site like Celebitchy, which has thousands of readers). Now I think those commenters are nuts, but they seep into the atmosphere and create a narrative which well-meaning people without the willingness to dive into this craziness can believe. Is Prince William really that petty? Sure, it's possible, but more likely the photographers getting their picture this morning is a natural result of the heightened interest in RF modes of travel due to the behavior of, guess who, H&M themselves.

So William is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. If this flight was booked for ages it looks crazy to cancel in order not to make the Sussexes look bad: "What, they canceled because they think Meghan needs their protection? They think she's that weak? Racists!" If they had arranged other means of transport, the Meghan fans would cry "but why is it okay when the Cambridges do it? Everyone's racist!" If they proceed with these plans which they likely had all along, it is perceived as thumbing their nose at the Sussexes. And what's the response going to be? "They're petty, manipulative, they hate Meghan and Harry and [big surprise] they're racist!" Meghan and Harry's choices to be celebrity-preachers have thus eliminated the possibility of flying under the radar (pun intended) for the Cambridges, and dragged everyone into the spotlight.

I still can't read Meghan. Maybe I don't really want to; it's more fun to like people, and while I don't like her and think she's slightly malicious and emotionally manipulative, I want to think she is this way because she feels an almost pathetic hunger for love and attention. That said, the possibilities I see as most likely are: 1) she's a sad dummy who believes her own hype, in which case I feel sorry for her 2) she's mentally ill and I continue to feel sorry for her 3) she has a personality disorder and she needs to get treatment or 4) she's deliberately working an angle to undermine the RF. Whatever the reason, the outcome is that of 4, whether or not 4 is intentional. She's celebrifying the monarchy innocently or intentionally and everyone's behavior is now seen through that lens. Once the monarchy is just another cringe-inducing celebrity carousel it'll be eliminated. If PW wants to ascend to the throne for his own sake (and I hope he wants to for more than his own sake), he has to convince his father and the Queen to help him gently and quietly usher the Sussexes to the sidelines.

Every day this situation continues, with headlines like this, is a day the monarchy is tarnished. Even the admiring comments about PW undermine the monarchy by dragging it into a tit-for-tat tabloid spectacle. Why can't they see this?!
Anonymous said…
Nutty, I'm with you. I find it shallow and minimizing. Platitudes are really insulting during difficult times, at least IMO, because it feels like someone is glossing over what they can't possibly understand unless they've faced the same situation, and most people who have had those times know better than to spew some insulting, superficial platitude.
Hikari said…
I'd be inclined to think that the Cambridges did not plan these photos as a bitchy PR offensive against the Duma$$es. Word got around to the press corps that a wholesome royal family photo op with the ever-adorable Cambridge kids was happening. Any negative shade toward the fossil-fuel hogging Duma$$es was strictly a delicious bonus owing to the timing.

William and Catherine are the future of the monarchy and can and should take the high road. Only Smeaghan lies awake lies concocting plots for ultimate b!tch factor. The Cambridges will do maximum damage to the Duma$$ duo by simply carrying on with their normal lives and duties with class and dignity and being their smiling and engaging selves. I'd be really disappointed if W. and C. felt the need to stoop to the Duma$$es' low and tacky level.

I am sure it has become imperative in the Lord G. war room that Something Has Got to Be Done and very soon, to neutralize the Gorgon that the Duma$$es have become. Every single outing and utterance from the DipsoDuo just gets worse and worse and more flagrantly greedy and disrespectful to the Queen and the entire institution.

With these rumors of Megs cooking up a second silicone baby already percolating--and Master Fauxchie only 3 months old, the crisis is at the tipping point and it's very real.

If, God forbid, she is either now or manages to soon be, pregnant with her own baby, or obtain another one somehow, what does she propose to do about 'Archie'? It's not like people are just going to entirely forget about that inconvenient little guy if she manages to get her clutches on a real infant she's able to keep.

Irish twins are possible, of course . . but if she presents the world with a new infant before Archie is near upon his first birthday, that timing is going to be hard to explain, unless she claims that the new baby was very, very 'premature'. People are then going to want to see 'both' of her children, so that solves nothing re. the Archie Dilemma.

This woman is never going to stop until she is stopped.

It occurs to me that actually the Duma$$es should be encouraged to take as many small private planes as they like. Cessnas and that class are notoriously prone to crashes which do not befall the larger and sturdier commercial aircraft. Perhaps if Meghan and Harry saw the sobering and very lengthy list of celebrities killed in small plane crashes, it would motivate them to change their mode of travel in a way their faux concern for the environment does not.
bootsy said…
Hi Bardsey,
You've made the same connection as I have but in a far more detailed and understandable fashion! Yes, William getting bogged down in this either by accident or design is definitely not good.

On a side note I was chatting to my fiance who isn't into this stuff and we both agreed that the most likely outcome of all this is that MM will live abroad/in the US with Harry. It's all being set up very nicely for it (oh the bullying) while it allows both him and her to monetise their royal celeb status in the US and elsewhere far more than they can here.
Anonymous said…
Of course, I'm a W&K fan, but I don't think it was intentional trolling. They went at this same time in 2017 and 2018, too. I didn't look past that. Funny that they are invited to Balmoral and apparently did not have to wait for the Dumbartons to get over themselves and get the hell out of Scotland because the Dumbartons weren't invited, I guess. I thought that was the case when I read things like "this would be TRWs first visit if she were invited" which sounded like a Southern GTFO to me - @AbbyH- do you concur?

I do think it is significant that for the second year in a row the Dumbarton's are not invited to Balmoral. I wonder why? ROFL.

I'll add this here as well: the reason that I admire Kate so much is because she was 19-ish when she started dating William. She has been in the media spotlight for all of this time, and of course, she has made some missteps, but I think she still handled it very well, much better than most of us could have at that age. I cannot imagine knowing that everything I said, every place I went, someone was watching. The fact that she has been able to handle it with such grace and learn and grow says much more to me than if she were just picture perfect all of the time. I wish I could behave so well now, and her ability to shrug off the criticism, learn from it, and remain gracious is actually inspiring to me.

When I see the criticism about her, it seems so wrong IMO. I think that there are several reasons the public has grown to appreciate her so much over the past couple of years, not just because of the markle's tawdriness. Kate has behaved with grace in some truly difficult situations. They have a lovely family. She stays out of the limelight and supports the BRF. She doesn't dress like a stripper. Her wardrobe malfunctions were unintentional (versus the markle's unbuttoned blouse and transparent skirt, etc.). Certainly, markle helped to shine a light on Kate's grace, but I think that the public would have grown to admire her anyway.

So, had to say that. I'm certainly not a stan and I never go to Twitter or even DM to comment, but I just wanted to respond with my thoughts after considering a conversation from another post. Now, off to tweak my Crack Baby recipe...

SwampWoman said…
Imagine my chagrin at not having fair trade coffee OR yucky avocado toast. But hey, my morning iced non-free-trade coffee latte was delish!
Anonymous said…
I admit it: more glee in seeing that the Cambridges are off to Balmoral because that almost certainly means the Dumbartons are not invited. As I said below, gosh I wonder why lolol.

It's not a PR stunt and what else would they have done? There are only a few non-magical ways to get to Balmoral (PJ, commercial flight, drive, maybe train?) so unless they canceled entirely, the Cambridges had to get to Balmoral using some mode of transportation. Obvi, Louis is just too young to travel via Floo Network and the children cannot travel by apparition at their ages, and even if they could, splicing concerns should override that choice. So, the Cambridges flew commercial and the Dumbarton fans are just going to have to stew in their own bitter and deluded juices.
Anonymous said…
HMTQ looked sad in the last photos I saw of her. This stress cannot be good for her, not that the markle would care (heartless ... what's that word I'm looking for??? heartless something that she is), but Harry, oh Harry, how can you not care?
Anonymous said…
Is it true Latham resigned?
Bardsey said…
Hi Elle! I've really enjoyed your comments over the past few months (only took the time to start switching to Safari to comment myself this past week). I really like Kate too. William left me lukewarm for a while, as he seemed unable to commit to Kate. But as time passed, and as an oldest child with a troubled younger sibling and parents with a dysfunctional marriage, I found myself relating to him. If there were some emotional problems on his side (understandable if there were), he really grew through them, and all under a horrific spotlight.

With almost a decade of married life under their belt, the fruit seems to have come through: they're exactly what future monarchs should be in a time dominated by rapid change. They're reliable, quiet, family-oriented, predictable, and homey. I mean this in the nicest way possible as she is absolutely stunning and has never, ever gotten her due. How on earth have people managed to find things to attack her for, considering how unbelievably ridiculous most of her in-laws are? Everyone in the world has projected their own issues on to her (I do it too!), and she continues to float on, carrying her kids about casually but with impeccable taste in clothing, loving her family, laughing gracefully, and offering us something nice and peaceful to read about on our lunch break. No, I don't want to live in a world with a pseudo-aristocracy dominated by Mark Zuckerberg wearing the same darn t-shirt everyday and monitoring every word I type online. William and Kate represent something important, and it would be more tragic to lose the monarchy than most people can imagine, no matter how much we're encouraged to be spiteful online.

It's a shame that, as you point out, it's taken Meghan's Stans to show people how bizarre the hatred of Kate has been, and it's taken Meghan's petty actions ("boastful" Vogue covers, anyone?) to remind us how much Kate has endured and had to keep silent about. She should be celebrated for who she is and not who we're glad she's not, but at least the heat has been taken off her to some degree. Those who hated her before, though, hate her more than ever.
marvelousmagda said…
I wonder if MM already has some fertilized eggs in the deep freeze from her venture last year. I can agree that this time around she is trying to get herself pregnant so that she can claim "of the body" status for this one.
Anonymous said…
Well, Bardsey, you will definitely be invited for Crack Babies and dish :)

You know, the fact that William didn't want to commit to her always made me roll my eyes, too. They were SO young! I know that works for some people, but for most of us, we need to have fun and mature a bit. I loved my long-term college boyfriend like crazy, but I still dated other guys (no, that did not go over well, but long story...) and when he pseudo-proposed I pseudo-pretended not to hear it because even though I worshiped him and he would have been the right person later, I was not mature enough to marry ANYONE. I don't think that made me a bad person and I don't think it made William one, either. Ultimately, he figured it out and I think they're exactly what you describe and I love them for the reasons you describe. In a world of chaos and tackiness, W&K&Fam represent stability, predictability, and yes, they're homey. Besides, Louis is so adorable they get bonus points just for him!
Mom Mobile said…
Hi Elle.

I just did an internet search to see if Latham resigned. Nothing came up. Wouldn't that be something if it were true?

Also, I think the Wills and Kate story of today was either a master move by LG or the press went ahead and fed the narrative. Maybe a little of each? Both could have occurred unbeknownst to the Cambridges.
marvelousmagda said…
Speaking of short term employees, The Charletan Duchess has screenshots of resignations from Kensington Palace, dated 22/08/19, of the the two women who are now on the board of Sucky Foundation, Sara Latham n Natalie Campbell. Is that bc working for both was a conflict of interest, or bc PC is no longer paying the salaries, or they just jumped off of the cra-cra train?
Anonymous said…
I did the same and found the same but at TCD there is a photo of the resignations. So again???? Also, there's a photo of markle looking absolute-sluttiest-crack-ho ever (and by crack, I mean both the drug and the anatomical one.)

I believe that the press was on alert anyway, but I would like to believe Lord G was the tipping point. I also *do not* believe the silence from BP bodes well for the Dumbartons. Now it's hard to tell who is pouring the poison into the brew - just the way I'd want it lol.
Anonymous said…

Did they resign or bounce to another Sussex Cash Suck?
MaLissa said…
@Elle I'm a William and Kate fan too. I've been a royal fan since I was a little girl. Anyway, Kate & I share the same birthday ;) As for the Balmoral trips, they've been going every year since 2013. I also know that Kate's been going to Balmoral when they were still dating and in uni so she's familiar with the place. So as far as a PR shot at H & M, this isn't. It's they're normal summer at Balmoral with HM and Prince Philip this year, and next year, and so on and so on.
Anonymous said…
So same weeks every year? I know it was same time 2017 and 2018. Funny that Kate's been so many times and *that* "Duchess" born on *that* day in 1981 (or thereabouts) has not lol.
Bardsey said…
You're absolutely right, bootsy. Ideally it will happen soon but it's imperative that the conditions are right. They have to leave of their own will and on a high note, being seen as going on to bigger things. Otherwise their fans will nurse a grudge (they're going to do this anyway but it has to be seen by everyone else as neurotic) and continue to undermine the RF at every turn. If the Sussexes leave in, say, six months and every week b/t now and then is like this one, it'll be said they were forced out. It'll have real, negative repercussions for the UK's image with regular people.

I really hope someone offers Meghan a huge role in some Avengers movie and Harry can be made a UN goodwill ambassador, the RF can celebrate their "accomplishments," strip them of their titles and holdings, and send them off to LA. It'd be irritating for those of us who think Meghan faked her pregnancy and don't like her sugars, but it's a toxic climate these days and the last thing anyone needs is more grist for the outrage mill.
Bardsey said…
Isn't it funny how much reading other people's opinions can influence yours? I was inclined to like William as a teenager (he's not much older than me), but reading the opinions on sites like Celebitchy made me think he might actually be a jerk. No one played devil's advocate for him. It took getting older and realizing how dumb I've been in my life to make me think that perhaps things were more complex than they looked from where us celebrity gossip fans sat. Plus they were so unremittingly hostile to Kate, who clearly didn't deserve the fanatical hatred, that it kinda gave the game away.

TOO funny that you "pseudo-pretended not to hear." It sounds like something out of a cute sitcom!
Lady Luvgood said…
Elle ha ha love the Floo Network!

The tide is turning and it pains me to see Harry learn so brutally that you reap what you sow, but it is a painful lesson we all must learn.

Stay tuned y’all because I think the Megdusa has just literally booked her PJ flight out of the House of Windsor.

Anonymous said…
And because apparently there wasn't enough blood in the water already, DM has photos of the inside of the PJ used by the Dumbartons and a side snark re the bottled water.
Lady BreakWind said…
No amount of word manure cupcakes is gonna help Megs, that is for sure:
Lady Luvgood said…
I must admit, that I laughed out loud, too!
MeliticusBee said…
OMG Nutty - I thought you were joking about the messages on the cupcakes. But no, they are real and seriously ugly. I would never, ever, ever pay for one of these stupid things.
Like Stuart Smalley "Gosh Darnit you are good enough" from SNL but with cupcakes.
Holy crap, how pathetic.
MeliticusBee said…
Personally - I see a tragic plane crash in the future. Only this time - they will have to off all "three" of them, maybe Doria too in order for it to be even remotely passable.
Lady Luvgood said…
Bardsey, Hate Kate is what CB is all about, it’s so tiresome and I have never quite understood the vitrol aimed at W & K there.

Kaiser always goes on and on about how lazy W & K are, forgetting that Charles is the Heir Apparent not William and it is by QEII express wishes that William and Kate focus on their children and Family life, instead of full time Royal Engagements.

HMTQ has often stated that her time in Malta with her young children, before she became Queen are some of her happiest memories and that she wanted that for as long as possible for the Cambridge’s.
Champagne said…
I hate that one of my favorite bakers from The Great British Baking show is associated with that bakery. But she was working there BEFORE Megs hijacked the damn place and made it all about her and her gag worthy messages. All the sads
abbyh said…
Oh my (stars). Where are my manners?

I hope I'm not late for the Southern GTFO party. Let me offer some sweet tea and a small parcel of cookies to help her on her way.

(there, there, left hand to throat. sigh. such excitement). walking away smiling while wearing my heels and pearls.

marvelousmagda said…
Today is my day to wonder/wander. I was wondering if MM was on the plane that did not go to Nice, but somewhere, I think, in France, if there was a sanitarium anywhere nearby?

That meme of Sally Field at the Oscars that was mentioned recently was spot on. Only, in MM's case most people really dis-like her. Someone like MM cannot handle the massive disapprobation she has received. She must believe that everybody loves her.

I am wondering if, in addition to the Narcissistic Personality Disorder, we may be seeing Multiple Personality Disorder, too? Perhaps she is creating/manifesting multiple personalities to protect her fragile psyche and handle the stress. That's how she is able to blow off the criticisms and move on to the next self aggrandizing project.

Consider the Personality disconnects we have witnessed: the Trollop/the Tempestuous Tantrum Thrower/the Tumultuous Toddler, who thinks nothing of gatecrashing and the childish behavior n inappropriate touching. Which was the latest savoir faire (not) dished up for the public re: the charity photo shoot. OMG! The uncomfortable looks on those women's faces! Couldn't wait to get away from those clingy hands!
bootsy said…
Hi Bardsey, thanks for the reply.

You're right, I think that the reaction of some of their fans attempting to absolve Harry/MM of the blatant hypocrisy of the private jet travel issue shows that they have enough useful idiots to really harm the Royal Family. Like you say, their move abroad is a matter of 'when' and not 'if'.

Question for you, if MM did take acting roles/paid roles would she have to relinquish her titles? And the same with Harry in any roving ambassador work if any part of it touched on a more partisan political viewpoint? I don't know what the rules/etiquette is for this. I can't imagine MM could keep a title if doing commercial work...
Bardsey said…
It's wild today, CurlySue. I've quit reading CB at least twice a year for the past ten years but Kaiser's insane obsessions fascinate me. Interesting that QE actually wants them to focus on their family more. It made sense intuitively but nice to hear confirmation of it. Of course, if you've read the site you know that not only will it go over like a lead balloon but would also probably lead to being banned from the site :)
Humor Me said…
I wonder who was behind that article? the sharks are circling.....
Anonymous said…
@Bardsey - it was like a romcom without the happily-ever-after, of course. The way we cute-met was even more classic, but I cannot tell it here.

@AbbyH - and I said ever-so-sweetly, "I do hope the "Duchess" knows how we feel about her, don't you?"
Bardsey said…
Ugh, you're so right, Nutty. This kind of messaging really undermines the stated goal. At the end of the day, when life doesn't change, all the "I'm awesome and worthy!" rhetoric is seen to be empty and then the knife just digs deeper into the wound. It would be better to try to commiserate and share a laugh with a cupcake that said something like "Well it's gonna be another tough one but at least this cupcake will be good" (yes that's not gonna fit on a cupcake but you get the gist). The truth is that talking about boosting self-esteem is sometimes counter-productive. Help people build community and find meaning, Meghan. This boring ra-ra rhetoric is easy and cheap and hollow.
punkinseed said…
Haaa haaa! William and Kate scored a touchdown on that PR. Love Janet Street Porter used one of my Irish grandma's favorite words, too. "Cack" means merde in Irish.
I wonder why the Sucx Foundation is taking such a long time to register as a non profit?
Watching this royal soap cack makes me no longer miss All My Children as much.
Hikari said…
Let's hope they were fertilized by Harry, eh, but who knows with this one?

Let's face it: Unless Smegs uses an embryo she and Haz had already put together last year while the 'love bombing' phase was still in operation, that's the only way she's going to have his baby. Flying together in a posh tin can to Elton John's house was the closest in proximity they've been while allegedly in private. I don't think he can bear the sight of her for one extraneous minute when cameras aren't snapping away. All indications are they they are living apart, and I'm d@mn sure he doesn't want to see that naked anymore. He's not doing any husbandly duties by the Toxic Trollop anymore, if he ever did. This might have been a business/beard arrangement from the off. I don't think Haz is gay, actually. But he looked well over her at the Inskip wedding and that was more than a year before the marriage. Maybe in the time honored aristocratic tradition it's been separate bedrooms from Day i.
Kat said…
@punkinseed now I'm going to be waiting for MM to come up with a story that she faced a bear like Erica Kane.
abbyh said…
I think the K & W & family was in the works in terms of planning that they would be there at this time just like the past.

Releasing the private plane stuff on M & H certainly helped with PA press but it kind took on a life of its own in terms of igniting anger towards them.

What do I think the response will be?

Um, napalm? And fairly soon. She understands the basics of a long game ... except when angry (exhibit A: Polo visit).

I'm also thinking that some of the mental health issue comments might be in play. There is a part of me which thinks that may be the ultimate showstopper for her.


we smile, glance over and catch each other's side eye

Southern charm slices thin cuts but with a smile and a sweet tea on tea on the side.
KayeC said…
@MeliticusBee, that was the perfect reference! I think of Stuart Smalley every time I see anyone post an inspirational quote or "daily affirmation!"

"I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!"
SwampWoman said…
I think there could be a business opportunity for a demotivational cupcake company with cupcake messages like "not worthy" and "sod off" and "fat and happy". Make mine the cardiac special double chocolate with cream cheese frosting, please.
Champagne said…
@Elle.. i always laugh when people called her waity katy and say that William didnt want to commit to her. First off William is a Cancer. I am too. When we lock in on you and decide your the one, you aren't going anywhere. We literally (forgive the crass analogy) pee all over our territory. We LOVE you, we are committed to you, we want all the babies with you, We burn hotter than a thousand suns for you and you alone. All of it though is completely private and all between you and I and visible to the very, very select chose few family and friends ( think back to Williams ducks furiously paddling beneath the surface comment during the engagement interview. That affair rumor is complete shit. trust that.) The downside of that is even though we are committed to you, we still move very, very slow. There are glaciers that move faster than cancers. we know we arent going anywhere and sometimes we forget that people dont live in our heads/automatically get what the plan is ( he wasnt dragging her own for years, he was already in this for life with her as far as he (cancer) was concerned, its hard to explain). But sometimes we need the drastic break up/dumping to shake us up. But its good that they got legally married. Wouldnt want Harry and Megan challenging George's right to the throne based on issues of legitimacy.
Hikari said…

If I ever need help in taking someone out, I'm gonna hire myself a Southern woman to do the job. The body will never be found. It will have been dissolved in a vat of sweet tea with lemon and that gumbo fed to the gators. All while impeccably accessorized and not a hair out of place. :p

I respect you Southern ladies a lot . . seems like in the South you adhere to time-honored traditions of court intrigue which we have dispensed with in the North since we are always in such a big fat hurry. The long slow drip of revenge, like molasses, is an art form down South.

Which is why I hope you'll forgive one disagreement with your above. Namely, Smeagan categorically does not understand the basics of a long game. She's too impulsive, too impatient, too immature. Like a greedy child, she requires instant gratification. She uses a bludgeon, not a stiletto. I suspect that at least half of the drivel pouring forth from her Sussex Royal account and various items she insists that her paid sugar outlets print about her and her activities are dreamt up while she's three sheets to the wind or high on something. They seem like really good ideas at 3AM while sipping the Tig out of Harry's skull, but in the cold light of day, they are shown for the nonsensical crap they are and are immediately contradicted by another PR release that says the opposite.

A need for incessant drama around oneself is a hallmark of the Narcissist. They do not feel alive unless they are creating confusion, chaos and a trail of wounded, bleeding, crying victims.

The whole Archie Experiment is, I'd say, proof positive that Meghan is incapable of thinking in terms of a long game. She is completely reactionary and makes these big splashy very public actions and statements without thinking the consequences through. She can't really think that far ahead--all she sees is the attention she's going to get immediately for whatever her latest prank is.

Hikari said…
October, 2018: Eugenie's much anticipated, long delayed wedding. Megs can't stand the idea of the spotlight being on another bride in 'her' wedding venue, and wearing a better dress and tiara, with the chapel packed with people she actually knows. Megs is green eyed with jealousy and she also hates the bride's father, because he knows all about her side hustle before she joined the family. So she gets herself a billowing navy coat and pretends that she can't do the buttons up because she's so pregnant. Bam! Smegs: 1 Yorks: 0

Harry sat through his cousin's wedding looking like a condemned man. He didn't want this. Megs ignored him entirely and carried on. But immediately afterwards, they're on a plane to Australia and Smegs realizes, belatedly that she's just announced to the whole world that she's into her second trimester of pregnancy and now she can't be seen ordering alcoholic drinks for the entire length of the tour. D@mn, she hadn't thought of that; it was hard enough passing up the champers at Gene's 'do, especially since she felt like validating herself so much with a little toast.

So the only alternative was to send Harry off to meet the native peoples by himself while she stayed behind in their luxury suite emptying the mini bar while claiming 'morning sickness'. He could always be blamed for the empty mini bar.

So confident was Smegs of her invincibility, she didn't even bother to make Bump look convincing most of the time. Did she ever give a moment's thought to what might possibly go wrong with her scheme? That the surrogate might miscarry? That she might decide to keep the baby? I don't think she could've. A more forward-thinking person would have considered these things and decided it was too risky.

She may be gearing up to do it again. Really, I don't see evidence that she's capable of learning from her mistakes. For that to happen, she'd have to have the capacity for acknowledging that she could be wrong, and that is not something her psyche can entertain.
The Wiz said…
I like my motivational cupcakes with a side order of Xanax.
Girl with a Hat said…
so women coming forward saying they were used as props for the pr stunt and that some women were not allowed to approach her.
Girl with a Hat said…
the women were called days beforehand for the photoshoot so it was no surprise. They were told not to look at Meghan, especially not in the eyes. She chose the people that she was going to hug and everyone else was just a prop.
Hikari said…
(Insert deity of your choice here) on a bike!!!! When is this crap ever going to stop?

That Moroccan reporter summed it up: She's repugnant.

As long as money talks and she can pay for media exposure, she's never going away.

I sometimes worry that Harry, complicit as he is right now, is going to crack one of these days and hurt himself in despondency. Or somebody goes postal on both of them. This is really getting bad.
Lilalee said…
I have to disagree that it was too soon. Because with all the uproar the last few days with the Sussexes if the Cambridge’s flew to Scotland in either a private jet or helicopter (which I think they usually use for local kingdom jumping) they would have been called out so fast and then credence would have been given to the Sussexes. This was perfect! Will and Kate have to set the tone. They are constantly called boring, but then you’d have to call the entire reign of QEII boring because I feel that William is truly doing what he can to emulate his grandmother. He will have different hurdles to overcome and he’s faced a few already. Media is much different then in Liz’s day. I think quick action is what is needed. But William now has to live by the precedence he sets. I do have one issue though with the flight today. I do not like that they fly as a family. They could have taken two separate flights even if it was a day apart and it would not have cost anything more but the trip to the airport.
Lilalee said…
And don’t forget the avocado’s were flown in from the States since there are none at her local market.
Girl with a Hat said…

no baby or infant items have ever been seen delivered to Frogmore Cottage by journalists who are watching it like hawks.
Girl with a Hat said…
the Spectator published this article about Harry and Meghan's behaviour undermining the monarchy
KayeC said…
@Hikari and all my fellow Southern ladies, MM's refusal to follow tradition was the main reason I disliked her in the beginning. We DO value traditions, whether family, cultural, religious, even when they are not ours. That's what I loved about the royals, their traditions, that I may not understand, but respect. She really is ruining the BRF and its getting so ridiculous, those traditions will be in tatters and then what will the BRF be needed for?
SDJ said…
Elle said it: "shallow and minimizing". MM seems to live her life for Instagram moments, as if it is more important to get the right photo than actually walking the walk. Her shallowness shines through.

I am so sorry that this whole mess is happening. Harry was great when he was the third wheel with the Cambridges, fun, contributing, hardworking royal. Now its just misstep after misstep with his wife. I really hope that he and William can mend fences because I dont like where this is heading....
JL said…
I recently convinced to relative to remove all inspirational messages from her walls. This T.J. Maxx approach decorating is vomit inducing. I gentle explained that I don’t want to be lectured by her walls. Don’t tell me “kindness matters” or “life as a designation”. Her walls take me for an idiot and I resent it
punkinseed said…
Not to mention that it was all a Me Me notice ME photo op "surprise" shoot. I've been super poor and in need of a place that would help me like that, but with being poor is also a sense of pride. I'd be very pissed off if some social climbing narcissist was there to take pictures of me at such a place. I'd be mortified and terrified that any prospective employer might see the photos and recognize me! Stigma! I'd feel so used and abused if someone did that to me.
abbyh said…
The reason I think of her as possible being able to understand the long game is only because of how long she kept up the idea that they were together until they were and the wedding was on.

Oh, and the other thing I forgot: my guess is that there will be some sort of announcement from her at the next wedding. Something which will flip a lot of focus, talk and cameras again towards her.
Lime_Smoothie said…
That's an absolute top drawer rinsing delivered by William and Kate. Never complain, never explain...
Teasmade said…
"Idris Elba's latest wife". Love it.
Lady Luvgood said…
Sarah Latham resigned, according to The Charltan Duchess
Anonymous said…
@Hikari, I love living on the WC because I'm not burdened by so many of the Southern rules I would have to follow which, of course, means that I follow many of them to the dismay of my friends, at time. For example, my friends here and in the Mountain States do not regularly change out their linens. I was as shocked that they didn't as they were that I did, but honestly, how does one not change linens for seasons and holidays? Ditto with the fashion sensibility. I *can* wear white shoes and linen before Memorial Day and after Labor Day. I *could*, I wouldn't melt. And sometimes I will wear a white linen blouse in April / May to shout my rebellion... but otherwise, well, really, I just can't. Hair/earrings/bracelets/perfume, also not big up here, but I deal. BUT I must warn you...

There is one really bad thing about having Southern manners when others don't know the rules. Best example I can give you: the lunch invitation. If I am talking to my friends, for example, and we're planning the fun lunch and someone we loathe walks up (Satan's Bride, we'll call her), we cannot say "You can't sit with us at lunch." Oh, no, we cannot say that. The Southerner in me feels the need to offer the invitation to Satan's Bride even though we'd all rather stab our own eyes out with plastic utensils rather than have lunch with Satan's Bride. All goes well in the South, because Satan's Bride knows that it is a fake invitation and her line is "you know how much I'd love to go, but I just can't, but thank you so much for asking!". What that really means is "I'd rather die than be seen with you bishes and you'd rather stab your own eyes out with plastic utensils rather than have lunch with me, but at least we all have nice manners, though I hope you all choke."

Just be warned, there is some unfortunate blowback of good Southern manners. Be careful what you wish for. But if you *do* need to do anyone in, we can probably come up with a pleasant option for you or at least help you decide how to accessorize :)

@KayeC, I am with you on that. I was appalled that she would behave that way. I could never behave myself well enough to marry into the BRF, but that is exactly why I would never do it. It's just so ticky-tacky-poor-breeding petty that she thought she was going to go in and "revolutionize" the BRF. That's like going to someone's house and rearranging the furniture, but on a much more offensive scale. Who made her the arbiter of good taste and behavior? That was so offensive to me and then Oprah getting all proud about it? Puh-lease-effing-puh-lease. I just could not and I just cannot.

Tradition is why we love some things. Markle isn't modern, she's just uncouth and there is a world of difference between the two. SMH.

Altogether different note: if you missed the video of Charlotte smoothing her hair a la Kate, you missed the best part of all of this mess.
SwampWoman said…
Cthulhu on a bike! That was a fast and deadly riposte. I thought those unappreciative little people that were deemed not good enough to hug looked to be unhappy to be cast as the undeserving poor or servants in her bountiful duchess play. I just didn't expect it to happen so quickly!
Humor Me said…
Well, well, well.................................
MaLissa said…
Supposedly, according to the HarryMarkle blog, Latham and Natalie Campbell resigned. And oh BTW, there's a new HarryMarkle article. It's a good one.
SwampWoman said…
Indeed, punkinseed. Those people that could not afford an appropriate interviewing outfit would not like to have it shouted through all the media outlets. I know I wouldn't. "Say, I saw you on television and you are so desperate that you had to get a free outfit to come here today. Since I know you have no other options, here's our lowest starting salary."
Ozmanda said…
I have been super stressed and tired from moving house this week so this was much needed amusement. While Wills and Kate normally travel to balmoral this way I absolutely think having the photos taken and released was a masterful PR move - both gave a positive RF story and sticking it up Sparkles and Haz at the same time:)
Fifi LaRue said…
Personally, I doubt that Sarah Latham resigned. She would have worked remotely, no need to be in direct contact with Meghan. Meghan most likely ran out of money; Latham's expert services must be very expensive. "Resigned" is Meghan's euphemism for "I'm broke, and Harry's too cheap to give me lots of money for my PR."
Girl with a Hat said…
maybe this is a fallout of Charles cutting them off? I just saw on the Spectator article that the spending for the Royal Family increased by 20 million in 2019. What percentage of that is due to Meghan and Harry?
Anonymous said…
$20 Million.

Let's see, $3M for Frogmore that's 15% right there.
Another $1M for the former(?) prostitute's clothes, that's 5%

So, 20% and that didn't even require me to do any research, so you know it's more than that.
Ozmanda said…
I have anxiety and I will tell you if I was to receive a stupid cupcake with a patronising and fake "motivational" message I would throw it back.
Girl with a Hat said…
a few people have said that she spent 600k on jewellery this year.
Fifi LaRue said…
Nutty, that was a very short "vacation" for Meghan and Harry to Elton John's place, one night, two days. I think it was another surrogate referral. EJ and DF have had two successful surrogate births, and Markle must have contacted them for help in getting a baby. Something happened. There is a dummy, but no baby.
Lurking said…
Smeg came of age in the 90's and probably thinks Stewart Smalley was a life coach.

".I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and dog gone it people like me."
Ozmanda said…
Can I be included as a southern lady? I live in Australia so that is pretty south..:)
Lilalee -- "local kingdom jumping" is a gem!
Anonymous said…
SO we can round up to 21% easily because some of the outfits couldn't be priced (vintage and bespoke).
Anonymous said…
I understand, @Champagne. I'm not a Cancer, but I've tortured a few :)

Anonymous said…
Maybe the same person / people who wanted the PJ photos held a week, to time it just perfectly with other events?
Anonymous said…
It's possible to love/hate someone and still have sex with them. Or so I've heard lol
Anonymous said…
Well, Ozmanda, I don't want to oversell my ladylike behavior lol, but you are invited to all Southern Soirées Chez Nutty!
Resigned or sacked, the fact remains that Sara is apparently out. They would never actually say she was fired, so resigned it it!

And quite rightfully so. Ever since she has been hired, the madness has only increased. We know that most of these PR nightmare ideas probably come from MM directly, but Sara had been hired for a purpose. And she seems to have failed at that. And after the week they have had, PR wise, some major overhauling had to happen.

Not that the sacking is going to change much in terms of public perception. The tide has turned, and unless they actually turn over a new leaf, hold a press conference, allow a photo of with the baby and somewhat explain why the past months have been a huge misunderstanding, their situation won't change much.
She MUST be going nuts. She released the instastory video thinking she could change the narrative, that people would move on from the private jet story and she could get them to talk about her charity, her hair, her weight loss, how appoarchabke and cute she appears etc etc etc. Didn't anticipate that the Cambridge's would be on the news! Didn't give them a second thought and so her PR move failed.

In my opinion, it seems like the Cambridge's already had their holiday plans made and just went ahead with it. Yes the optics of it all look good and maybe even a tad bit deliberate. But you can't blame them for it.

It's not like Will sits in mansion seething and scheming of ways to harm the Sussexes. It's like that someone from their team said you might be photographed at the airport today, and he said ok fine, doesn't matter. It didn't even have to be orchestrated, and that's the best part of it. They could have known, or not know, it doesn't matter either ways. The Cambridge's didn't have to go out of their way.

Also, after the numerous slander stories that apparently the Sussexes have put out against the Cambridge family, it's all fair game now. And all they are doing is showing the world how normal and down to earth they are, without dragging anyone else down.

A perfect Mic-drop , must say.

Lottie said…
#CupCakeCrisis Vs #BananaGate

MM sure does love her food messages, doesn't she!

d.c. said…
I really don’t think they could’ve bought out six seats (Cambridge’s plus Nanny) plus surrounding seats for their security on a moments notice. This was planned farther in advance than the Sussexes screw-ups, IMO. It’s near impossible to get any seats on commercial short flights with seats even remotely together, much less with that many empty seats at all (I speak from having scoured online for two flight tickets for this weekend, and it was insanity).
I don’t think this was a spur of the moment thing, so it’s not as petty as everyone seems to be assuming. Just really fortunate/unfortunate timing (depending on your view).
d.c. said…
I agree with you, Alice (and others). I was so satisfied with the entire scenario. There’s no way to easily purchase six tickets (Cambridge’s plus nanny’ and the surrounding seats for their security detail, on a commercial cheap flight on such short notice as to make this any way a response to the Sussexes. It was a stroke of genius on their PR team’s part, to likely give the heads up to some friendly photogs or whatever, but it wasn’t a deliberate move otherwise. And totally brilliant. Mic drop, indeed.
Ive always thought she is weirdly obsessed with food. The roast chicken, innovative pasta recipe, avocado blah blah, chicken tacos, banana gate and now these cupcakes.

I agree, the Luminery bakery and their products are good, but now there is just too much hype around it. They have always employeed these women, so the social angle of their story is known. It's a good cause. But then again, so many places, for years have done the same. And it's not like it's the best bakery in all of London, although their products and services are good, but not the bestestest.

Also, the message on the cupcakes.... That seems to be only for the purpose of this photoshoot. Because frankly, noone like their cupcakes with inspiration messages on them! Even if they are depressed, or down on their luck or facing the worst of humanity and luck... You would want to know and believe that you are awesome/beautiful/the times will change....but you don't what that written on your cupcake. That's condescending to say the least.

Also, at this point it's beginning to seem like she is promoting the charities/businesses that we're highlighted in Vogue. So just more publicity for the Vogue issue... She has a lot of other charities to support, even if she has been on a mat leave there are still other patronages which she seems to have forgotten about. There are Harry's causes and patronages which are not being highlighted on their Ig page. Now it just seems like all she cares about is giving people a fashion makeover (again, condescending) and eating cake. If this doesn't draw parallels to Marie Antoinette, then what else will.

gabes_human said…
No one else has posited so I just have to- could those have been banana cupcakes?
SwampWoman said…
I agree. The revenge of the editors.
Hikari said…
That's true . . . but Smegs has really lost her looks since she 'gave birth'. She's just so unappealing on every level. But then, I'm not a guy. Having sex with someone who inspires contempt and loathing is a compartmentalization I can't wrap my head around. Smegs does have special skills in that area, so she may have a hold over him still. But she makes my skin crawl and I haven't seen as much of her as Haz has. Yeesh.
Hikari said…
Latham's resignation appears to be from her position as 'Director' of the Suxxit Foundation, not from her day job as PR shill. July 1 - August 19th is all of 7 weeks. Shall we speculate that the Suxxit Foundation, like so many others of Meg's grandiose schemes is going the same way as the vegan painted nursery, the floating yoga floor, the Frogmore spread in Vogue, the Balmoral birthday party, et. al.?
Hahahhaaa.... Could very well be. ;)

Now all that remains is the next IG story showing her eating these said banana cupcakes/publishing the recipe/making them, squashing rip bananas herself.....and secrectly putting her hopefilled, buttercream slathered banana cupcakes cakes in a box of 6 suspecting client opening the box and the perfect tear roll caught on camera as MM jumps out from behind the counter with a Booooo!
(With her crazy hair, organic British Made linen shirt, 12 inch heels, flashing her bleached veneer manic smile)
SwampWoman said…
Ozmanda, I have to say that I have been the despair of both my blessed late mother and my dearly beloved mother in law (who never, ever said an ugly word in her life, but she did bless hearts a few times). It was very difficult to speak with Americans from other areas of the country without dispensing with politeness and coming right out and saying things like "Bless your heart, you are a special breed of idiot, aren't you?" instead of "Well, that certainly is an interesting idea. I'm sure that with unlimited time and effort, it would eventually bear fruit but we are on a rather tight budget and schedule here, dear." The latter only encourages them. (My mother asked for prayers for me every Sunday.) On a foray into church on Sunday, the pastor was sermonizing and asked me "SwampWoman, what would you call a person who never committed a sin, who was perfect in every way?" I was startled enough to be called on for an answer in church to blurt out what I really thought which was "Somebody with no friends whatsoever!"

So, if you ever get tired of pearls, pretty dresses and high heels on a daily basis, you can come join me attired tastelessly in blue jeans and muddy boots in the shade on the porch sipping my sweet tea which may or may not have a little (or a lot) of moonshine (home-brewed tax free unaged whiskey) added. My dear sweet husband would tell you that alcohol does not pass my lips but I have had an enormous amount of sweet tea.

Make no mistake, there are dresses and high heels in the closet for weddings and funerals, but my daughter has borrowed my pearls and never returned them. Hmmm. She's also borrowed all of my turquoise and never returned it, either. She said something about the emeralds, but I told her that I intended to be buried in those. She said that she'd be at that cemetery the next day with a shovel.
Hikari said…
There's some confusion over those resignations . . . they were from their positions as 'Directors' of the Suxxit Foundation, not from their PR jobs. Leastways that's what I took away from it. Length of tenure as 'Directors': 7 weeks (July 1 - August 19th). Sounds like there may be problems with the Suxxit Foundation and the women saw the writing on the wall. SuxxitHard Foundation has yet to be incorporated as a non-profit because of course, it's all-for-Meg's-profit. Sara Latham particularly should know better than to get involved in another dodgy 'Foundation'.

If the BRF can't discredit Smegs enough to pry her out of their midst, perhaps the Inland Revenue and the IRS will be more ruthless in doing so. That's how they got Capone.
punkinseed said…
So true Alice. The obsession with food is probably Meg's go to distraction, and as always, a copy cat move swiped from Michelle Obama and Cory Vitiello.
I love your next IG ideas about the Cac Cakes (Cac is gaelic word for crap/merde, pronounced Kack). "Let them eat cac!"
All this Southern Belle with Swampwoman and Elle and racial talk of late, including the new hire news today for the Suxxex PR has me thinking about the book, "The Help". Maybe we can encourage Megs to add sweet potato pie to her baking repertoire.
Jdubya said…
Harry Markle has a new post
punkinseed said…
Swampy, I know right?! It's probably already happened to those poor women, but what are they going to do about it? Stream the lowball starting salary offer results on Facebook rant?
It's like Meg's PR gave the poor women a shovel to dig a deeper hole for themselves as she hovers above it as they dig, while being offered bananas and inspirational cupcakes with phrases like, "Keep digging!"
MaLissa said…
@Champagne absolutely spot on. My mother was/is a Cancer and you've just described her to a T. I'm convinced that those affair rumours are just that - rumours and no substance.
Hikari said…
>>>I told her that I intended to be buried in those. She said that she'd be at that cemetery the next day with a shovel.

LOL . . too funny!

Maybe you could revise your statement to: "I intend to be laid out with my emeralds, so that everyone can see me appropriately accessorized for my meeting with my Maker. After everybody goes home, you can have the emeralds but you're going to have to pry them off my cold, dead body, so have at it."

I think it's a shame for beautiful jewelry to go into the ground. Worms have no use for emeralds. Although that doesn't explain Smeagan's pathological attachment to them . . get it, 'cause she's the wormiest see you en tea that ever came down the pike. She wears green all the time, probably because Kate looks so great in it. Smegs does not look good in green or anything else she wears, frankly.

I was born and raised in the Midwest and unlike the brash Northeast or the laid back WC with its hippie aesthetic, there are deep pockets of the Midwest that are quite Southern-like. Maybe not so much now, but anybody raised pre-1990 would have been trained to change the sheets weekly; change out the home decor for all major seasons/holidays, always wear pantihose to church and never wear white shoes after Labor Day. My mother was very proper and wouldn't say 'poo' if her mouth was full of it. Midwesterners are also known for our proclivity to apologize as a social lubricant.

I would be disqualified for membership in the Southern belles club owing to the fact that I hate sweet tea and pecan pie and am only marginally more fond of barbecue. Sorry! But I have read 'Gone With the Wind', which is a lot better than the movie. And I had a roommate freshman year at college from Baltimore (outer ring South) . . because she called every type of carbonated beverage Coke.

Scene: freshman dorm, 2nd day of freshman week at a small college in PA

T: I'm going to the vending machine. What kind of Coke do you want?
Me: . . Uh . . .Diet?

I think she called the water fountain a bubbler as well, if memory serves. Otherwise she dressed preppy and wore a lot of turtlenecks. With pearls and Ralph Lauren perfume. More a corduroys girl though, than dresses.
SwampWoman said…
I believe Latham was a temporary placeholder in the foundation because they needed a body to fill it until they could hire to fill the position, at least that is the impression I received.
Hikari said…
"They were told not to look at Meghan, especially not in the eyes."

That is the creepiest F-in thing I have ever read. Who does she think she is, the Emperor of Edo Japan? Back in the 17th and 18th centuries, peasants could be summarily beheaded for daring to look a nobleman in the eye. That's why the Japanese people to this day find direct eye contact with superiors nearly impossible to sustain.

Well, this is a Napoleon complex plain and simple. Also, she doesn't want people looking into her eyes and seeing the batshit merde within. Insofar as MM can be self-conscious, she's had it pointed out to her in the past that there's something wrong with her eyes . . that that are cold, dead, manic, what have you.

It's because in the word of Roman Castavet in Rosemary's Baby, she's got her Father's eyes, innit, and I'm not speaking of Thomas Markle. Her *real* Father.
Girl with a Hat said…
CDAN reporting that they have purchased a house in L.A.
SwampWoman said…
I may be overly cynical (naaaah, couldn't be!) but I suspect that the no looking in the eyes thing was so that nobody would notice her dilated pupils (if she had them). She certainly acted as though she was under the influence of something.
marvelousmagda said…
Hikari, I was also thinking that there was some confusion bc the first notice I saw was a termination from Kensington Palace. It said termination, not resignation. Then, there was the resignation screen shot from the Suck it Foundation. I tried to go back to where I might have seen the KP notice, but could not find it, only the SF.

It was also opined that, with the USA election season upcoming, SL would be back in the states. Although, I do not see why that might preclude her being on the SF board. Aren't CEO's of businesses on charity boards all the time without a conflict of interest. My best guess is a lack of funds and funny business are the real reasons for the resignations. Revolving door Megs; changes her staff as often as she changes her personalities.
SwampWoman said…
I will throw another item out for consideration considering her social awkwardness, her inability to catch a clue, tantrums, and apparent discomfort with eye contact (unless one does not look royalty in the eye and it is custom): Autism.
Now! said…
I saw that. With what money?

Harry must be dipping into his trust fund. I see no other way for them to afford a California-priced house.
marvelousmagda said…
Just me, but in that video of MM gripping all those women, it seemed like there was something pooch-y under the back of her shirt, not the front. I thought it bizarre, but couldn't get a good look since the video kept looping.

And yeah, once Harry got a good look at what was under the hood, I seriously doubt he is interested in taking that for another drive around the block. Even his body language at Skippy's wedding indicates he is being put upon and not liking it.

However, now that we know she was stalking rich Brits waaay before the Faux Fairy Tale story, if he had unprotected sex, samples could have been gathered as far back as before the breakup.

Chalk this up to a vivid imagination, but once a sample(s) was procured (in the truest sense of the word), not only could it be used for faux pregnancy, or IVF that was stored, but in terms of blackmail, one could be threatened that that sample would be used as (planted) evidence to implicate the subject in a heinous offense or perversion. Strictly hypothetical and does not apply to any person living or dead.
Now! said…
You're right that it is a short vacation, particularly if it was supposed to be "relaxing."

But if it was a surrogate referral, why would Harry and Meghan have to be there in person?

I just hope they're not trying to pick up a real baby to fill the role of "Archie".

Adopting a newborn is one thing, but taking an increasingly older baby away from whatever family he has known is disturbing.

Now! said…
Actually I find Nathalie Campbell's resignation more fascinating than Latham's, since Campbell was lured away from the Cambridges to help set up the Sussex Foundation.

Campbell may have realized along the way that the Sussex Foundation wasn't going to be a real charity, but a slush fund for Meg, and stepped back to protect her own career. She's a young woman who could have a big future ahead of her.

Slush funds wouldn't really bother Sara Latham, who was probably hired in part because of her experience at the Clinton Foundation.
JL said…
@champagne Been saying the same thing about William as Cancer for a long while (double Cancer, both Sun and Moon—born on an eclipse as Kings are, why I think he’ll make it there). Cancer men make wonderful husbands because they are all about the family. But you have to deal with their varying emotional life and insecurities because it is not easy being a sensitive emotional Cancer Man in this world. I give Kate all kudos for this. Also I don’t think enough credit has been given to the Middleton family, who embraced William and clearly are partly responsible for the man he has become. Compare to poor messed-up Harry.
Now! said…
Yeah, even if you believe Archificial is real, she certainly doesn't seem like the maternal type.

I have (fortunately) seen very few parents of newborns who are as disinterested as Harry and Meghan seem to be.

Harry's always going off on dumb trips, and she's using her "maternity leave" to do a lot of projects that have nothing to do with babies and a lot to do with the world of fashion and celebrities.
marvelousmagda said…
My mom was a little saltier than the usual 'fragile flower of the South.' If conversant with the character of an amoral person, she would have said something like, "If she had as many sticking out of her as was stuck in her, she would look like a porcupine."
Now! said…
That's a very good point about SmartWorks, and the women not wanting to be seen as clients.

Also, the Internet is forever. Many of us have had difficult moments and been able to work our way back into a better place.

Those women appear to be in their 30s and 40s - if they're in a managerial or public role a decade or so from now, do they really want it online that they were so poor they had to wear a charity suit to an interview?
marvelousmagda said…
JLo has that no eye contact thingie in her list of demands, along with all sorts of diva behavior. Looks like the Multiple Miss Markle is trying on all the tricks she has observed and wanted for herself. Wrong place, wrong time, wrong family, wrong, wrong, wrong.

She is speed crashing through all the money making spawns that she has observed that have made other celebrity women wealth: clothing lines, perfume, shoes, books, appearances for hire, charitable foundations, etc., all in one fell swoop bc she is greedy and she senses that time is short for her before she is kicked to the curb.
Fell is the operative word, as in dire, devious, false, poisonous, bc she does not have the star power nor the creative contacts to achieve what the other women did. Association with her is the death knell and final affirmation that one is a failure and a has been in their field of celebrity. She will go down in history as a small footnote delineating a never was and never will be.
Girl with a Hat said…
people are saying that Doria is worth a few million now. The money must come from the merching. When you don't pay taxes, your dollar goes further.
Hikari said…
I think a 'termination' from Smegs should be seen as a badge of honor for any future employee looking to hire one of Smegs' castoffs. Someone fired by Duchess of Duma$$ery must be by default, a sane, conscientious and reasonable person. When dealing with the Duma$$es, one must remember we are in a 1984 'double plus good' Bizarro world where everything they say is the exact opposite of what they mean or do. Eg. "We are eco-warriors, deeply committed to the environment.' 'I never read anything about myself online. I live as authentically as I can and the rest is just noise." "I am a teetotaling vegan who practices vinyasa yoga twice a day and only sends positive energy out to the universe." "I had tea with the Queen last week, after pushing Archie in the pram down to the Home Farm at Windsor", etc.

The first nanny was fired within a week for 'being unprofessional'. Let's just say 'unprofessional' is Meg-code for: "'So nosy she discovered the hiding place for my drugs while she was scrubbing the floor with her toothbrush." Or something like that.
Hikari said…
"Employer", above.
Anonymous said…
Wait, hold on, @Hikari -- you're telling me that not everything is a coke? LOLOL.

And as for this "laid-back WC with its hippie aesthetic".... hahahaha no, we're just more casual. Few of us are anything near hippie. I mean, the millenials are all flannel and drinking out of jars, but I mean normal people. I'd say it's more like "preppy and wore a lot of turtlenecks. With pearls and Ralph Lauren perfume. More a corduroys girl though, than dresses." And I actually do keep a tray of perfume in my fridge and yes, I do have a bottle of vintage Ralph.

Also, these are not disqualifiers: sweet tea, pecan pie, and barbecue. That's a lot of TX thrown in there. I do not drink sweet tea, do love pecan pie, and never on BBQ (vegetarian). So, see, you can still be invited to lunch.

I also lived in the Midwest right out of the South. It's a very different kind of rules and proper. Much more practical and sensible and down-to-earth. Also, unfriendly (sorry, nice, but not friendly like in the South). It's Lutheran vs. Episcopalian, and you would have to read "Being Dead is No Excuse" to appreciate that statement lol.

Of course, I think all of us are trained to change the sheets weekly. When I said "change the linens", I meant that I have full sets of seasonal linens. So, for example, the light summer linens will go away soon (Labor Day weekend) and Fall will come out, then at some point, I will get into the holiday spirit and change everything again (no, not red and green figural lol), then in January, I will do straight up winter because it will be cold up here, and then Spring! Late February / early March means the floral comes out! True, over a comforter, but floral all the same. That makes it thru spring, and then April-ish I change to heavy summer, and then July-ish, light summer. So, you can see why my friends' eyes rolled back in their heads. The same is true for kitchen and dining. I remember the first time my friends in the midwest saw me doing this and were shocked that a person had to change shower curtains for the season lol. Bit obsessive, and I'm the casual one in the fam. However, in the bathroom, though I might change some things, I pretty much use plain linen which is all seasons (gotta be practical lol).

marvelousmagda said…
Here's the thing. If SL and NC were terminated by KP and resigned from SF, who's signing the checks if SL is still onboard the MMMedia train somewhere?

Rumor on twitter is that SL is back onboard with HRC, bc HRC is expecting to enter the 2020 Dem race either for the POTUS or VP slot.
Anonymous said…
PS I agree about the jewelry. Emeralds should never be buried.
Hikari said…
Well, that certainly describes our Meghan. Chock-ful of quills, that one.
Now! said…
Really? What has Doria merched, except for a few outfits?

That said, unlike Meghan, Doria could probably get people to buy what she's wearing. She's been well-styled and looks graceful.

Actually, I'm surprised Oprah and Gayle haven't made more use of her. She seems like an obvious feature for Oprah's magazine - looking fabulous at 65, or however old she is.
Now! said…
Oh, dear. I certainly hope that rumor is no more than that.
Girl with a Hat said…
I was watching the coronation of Queen Elizabeth ii the other day. The real coronation. I was amazed by the tradition of it all. They hand her scepters of judgement and wisdom, swords of temperance, and you get a sense of the majesty of it all. That it was a tradition that is centuries old.

And now Markle is doing clothing lines and selling her underwear on Meghan's Mirror while yelling at the Governor General's wife to fuck off. Is this how low we've descended? To "modernize" the monarchy?
Anonymous said…
"They were told not to look at Meghan, especially not in the eyes."

Okay, that is the point where I would have to raise my hand and say,

"You know what honey, I won't look you in the eyes, but not because I'm following your rules and sure as hell not as a matter of respect. I won't look you in the eyes because then you'd see the contempt I feel for you. You are an uncouth former yacht whore. You are trashy, tacky, vainglorious, insipid, manipulative, unkind, and wholly unoriginal, and I'd go on, but I don't want to be rude.

You are in this position because of time you spent on your back, knees, and stomach with some truly unsavory men, and you've done nothing of consequence and you have a vacuous mind and toxic heart and no soul.

So, I'm happy not to cast my gaze upon you for the same reasons that HMTQ refused to look at you during the Investiture Celebration for Charles -- you are unworthy and I have nothing but contempt and disdain for your skankiness (I think that's the "modern" word for "cheap whore", right?).

And then, I would happily follow her rules (and hopefully, be thrown out of that farce altogether because I just could not, would not!).
Jen said…
IME her obsession with food is classical disordered eating behavior.
marvelousmagda said…
Could it be that billionaire Opie is helping the newlyweds out. Not the first time recruited newbies are housed when they could not afford it themselves. It's gotta be PH they are after bc MM has no real worth in the scheme of things.

History has a way of repeating itself, i.e.,Edward and Wallace. The PTB back in the day were recruiting them in an effort to propagandize to undermine the British way of life and demoralize the populous to gain their surrender.

This current scenario is beginning to appear to be a rinse/repeat of the prior generation. The solution for the Windsors in the 30's was demotion and isolation. What worked then will work now for the survival of the monarchy and the UK. However, time is of the essence.

If PH draws back from what is planned for him, there may still be salvation for him. The more firmly mired he becomes in the machinations, the more difficult that will be. I truly do hope he is staying at NottCott and may be coming back under his brother's influence bc of proximity alone...and, please God, let there be orders at the gate that she cannot set foot on the premises.
Anonymous said…
I'm pretty tapped into political twitter (the actual kind, not just the eyeroll kind) and I think that rumor is crazy and HRC cannot enter in the VP slot. That slot is chosen by the nominee, and it is unlikely that the nominee will choose HRC.

My guess would be that Markle wants to sign her own checks and can do. I hope that Lord G is onto that...
Hikari said…

She was definitely high. She acted just as hysterical and hunching over and manic as she did during the baseball game that she crashed. She's probably convinced of her own sublime acting skill in being able to hide the signs of her drug use, but impaired people always think they are not as obvious as they in fact are. I think it's just a super diva b!tch move on her part. Because she can, in short. Forbidding any but preselected people to touch you or even look you in the face is at odds with being a warm and caring humanitarian, innit.

I wonder how the women were preselected for the honor of getting a hug from Her Royal Ho-ness? What criteria were used? Another clusterf* compliments of the Duma$$ Diva.

Her ineptitude with social interactions and appropriate body language/boundaries/eye contact (though if you're a camera she has zero problem making contact with you) does sound like autism traits, but I'd rule out ASD for a few reasons. 1. ASD people have great difficulty in telling lies. Their impulse is always to tell the truth, because they lack the layers of awareness that other kids pick up on that deception can be used for personal gain or sport. 2. Related to #1, ASD people derive great comfort from a system of rules and procedures--it helps them navigate their often incomprehensible world. If they are taught something is a rule, they will cling to that rule like a life preserver and get very upset when rules are changed or broken. They need the stability of rules to function and wouldn't dream of purposely breaking them so cavalierly as Smegs does. 3. The things that motivate Smegs are not of interest to ASD people, generally . . Money, status, fame, designer fashions, constantly having her picture taken and being talked about and envied . . all of these things are funneled through the lens of being looked at by others. Smeg does not feel she exists unless she is the subject of all eyes and lips. This would be hell for an ASD person. In the main they are retiring by nature . . don't like crowds or noise or being put on the spot, giving speeches, etc. Their nervous systems can't take that kind of stress. They have active interior lives and what other people think of them or if they are dressed fashionably is if very little, if any concern. If they take pride in their style, it's going to be resolutely *theirs* and not some designer label worn in the fashion magazines. Their locus is internal, not external. They are not wired up to impress people with litanies of fake accomplishments. None of this is our Megsie.

Her narcissism would create many of the same behaviors that mimic ASD. I just don't think of ASD folks as materialistic, vain and self-promotional as a rule. All of those are seeking approval/status from others.
Anonymous said…
It's quite possible that it is an orphaned child with no parents. There are a lot of them. But it has to be one with tufts of red hair lol. Makes it a little harder.
Jen said…
I hope there is not a plane crash. Not only because of the tragic loss of life, of course, but can you imagine how the MM stans will act? They will demand a state funeral, that MM be posthumously crowned queen, statues, Oscar & BAFTA tributes to such a brilliant actress, memorial cookbooks and inspirational bananas & cupcakes. It will be Diana 2.0 but much, much worse.
Hikari said…
The problem for Smegs is that she's already shown us 'Archie' in the photos. Babies' looks do change (a fact she's counting on) but if Smeg suddenly starts posting pics of Archie everywhere and he's a *different baby*, does she really think no one will notice?

I really do think it's going to be the shenanigans around Archie that are going to bring her down, not the private jets or the jewelry or the merching or editing stupid magazines. If she tries the surrogate stunt again, she really is insane because the RF is onto her this time.
Hikari said…
I think the only way forward for Harry is to go on the record with a full confession and tell all. The outlet should be carefully chosen. Harry needs to be prepped by Lord G. just as if he is giving a deposition in court. He needs to show a truly contrite face to the British public. Then he should go to Africa for 6 months or a year, get his hands dirty in doing *real* charity work--let him dig wells with his bare hands--and get de-Meghan'd. Her exit from the RF, payouts, etc. can be dealt with once he is safely out of her clutches.

Upon his return to London, a public reconciliation with his brother. He needs regular appointments with a therapist, too, to get to the bottom of why he has these self-destructive tendencies.
abbyh said…
Hikari, I agree with you about not autism.

I have a family member who has an autistic young adult and I just spent most of 2 weeks with them (and have spent chunks of time with them in the past) with tight quarters.

Kid is fairly high functioning - meaning you can have conversations but certain topics go on for longer and are repeated multiple times a day. There is a tiny amount of residual flapping. Doesn't like crowds is true (I was kicked out of the living room and I was the only other person in there). Most meals are not at our table (more of breeze by or when there are fewer sitting there).
Hikari said…

I'm Lutheran. I suppose Episcopalian potlucks are super fancy with matching seasonal potholders and not so much reliance on cream of mushroom soup.

I've known lots of Midwestern women totally into seasonal decorating/linen changes and wall art, too. That's why the LTD catalog was invented. I purchased several seasonal shower curtains but can't actually muster the energy to get up on the step ladder and change that out. The one up now is probably 7, 8 years old and it's getting very gnarly by now.

With the current minimalist craze that much home decor is passe now . . but I suppose the South is resisting being Marie Kondo'ed? No tiny houses?

I do like iced tea, with mint or lemon. I just can't do sugar because it alters the taste into a flat tea soda. Make me a mint julep and I'll be your friend for life. But I look like hell in pastels, and hats. I do have a string of very nice faux pearls that I got as a high school graduation gift. And I adore pecans--just not in a pie. I prefer mine straight out of the bag or else in chocolate chip cookies.
SwampWoman said…
Indeed, Ms. Campbell's resignation was puzzling for me as well. She was recruited away from the Cambridge foundation, for heaven's sake! It could be that she (a) realized that somebody could be going to prison from what she observed, and her name was on the documents. (b) It could also be that she went to the royals when she was recruited, and they encouraged her to accept the job and keep them apprised as to whether it appeared to be legit. If the former, I expect her to distance herself as far as possible from the Sussex Foundation/magic money machine. If the latter, I expect that she will be rewarded with another position or promotion in a royal-owned enterprise or charity. Of course there is another possibility (c), that her paycheck bounced (grin) when KP cut the money spigot and she realized that she chose poorly. I certainly would not be forgiving of an employee that went to work for the competition unless I'd personally approved it. We may get some answers from what happens next for that young woman, if we ever find out.

As for Ms. Latham, the fact that she was able to work for Hillary Clinton tells me a lot of things about her character, and none of that is good. Let's just say that no morals and a lot of flexibility about legality (and lack thereof) would be required of an insider.

It would be very interesting if HRC were intended to run again. HRC's health was not up to the rigors of campaigning last time, and she's older now. Then there's the painting that Epstein had hanging in his house in New York of Bill dressed in Hillary's blue gown with the red eff me pumps on his feet lounging in a chair.
Hikari said…
If it's true that the Suxxits have bought an L.A. house, then the break is nearly complete. No way would HM allow working royals to be based in another country. Beatrice and maybe Eugenie too? lived in New York at one point, connected to their jobs. But Granny had not made them working royals and bestowed multiple patronages on them.

Interesting times. Smegs might be officially done before the end of the year.
Anonymous said…
I do not do most of those things, either. Mostly, I'm just joking about the MUST DO things. I know that my siblings who remain in the South overdo it IMO. I just do the basics, and I've never seen an LTD catalog till just now. You'll just have to trust me that the South and Midwest are quite different in that regard. Read "Being Dead..." because it's hysterically funny and explains Deep and Proper South really well.

I'm not explaining it very well, but I just googled LTD catalog and that's not what I mean. If you walked into my apt, you would never look at it and see a season - it's definitely understated - but I'm sorry, I'm not going to have aqua floral on my bed in January whereas many of my friends DGI. But it's nothing like that obvious stuff that screams HALLOWEEN, for example, though I do know some who do that. I am definitely not one of them.

I like my tea that same way. No sugar. And I even know how to make an emergency mint julep (college Derby Day), so now we are friends for life. And no worry re pastels. I don't wear them either and many prefer jewel tones. But let's not get into the pearls lol as that's an entire blog post by itself :)

Tiny houses are quite the thing here, and I'd love to have one personally. I am actually doing early Swedish death cleaning and sharing things with my young friends who are just starting out because really, I do not now and will never need three sets of crystal glasses. Ditto for china. And while the minimalist craze has happened, people still have to eat and drink and I like to remind them that they may as well eat and drink out of nice things that will last a lifetime and not require constant replacement for trendiness. I'm raising them up right lol.

Jen said…
@marvelousmagda....all of that is possible, but I don't think Harry can act. If you look at his face at the wedding, he was definitely in love (or thought he was) with MM. If he's faked this whole thing because she blackmailed him in to it, then he deserves an Academy Award.
Anonymous said…
I'm not going down the political path. Personally, I don't want to know about anyone's politics because there's a 50/50 chance it will sour my opinion of an otherwise likable and decent person. I only talk politics under two conditions: 1) during campaigns when it is required and 2) with those whom I know agree almost down to the monogram. Otherwise, it is pointless, offensive, and there are many venues where those with like minds can discuss it, so I do not bring it into situations where it is not necessary or desirable. I will just say that the painting was done by an art student who also did one of GWB. It was art and she did not know Epstein had purchased it.
Anonymous said…
Agreed, Hikari, and I think that the reason for the red tufts story is to close it in even more. I do think that there is a real baby, but from whence it came, where it goes, who cares for it, etc. -- those are all questions that need to be addressed and unlied about.
marvelousmagda said…
Not to quibble or overrun the boundaries of this blog, but RR was saddled with GHWB bc RR was an outlier and the RNC wanted a lifetime party member on the ticket. RR regretted allowing that to happen. DJT was put into an impossible position by the 'leaking' of a state newspaper that Pence was the final choice before the fact was officially announced. Even DJT said in public that he had not made an official decision, but it was pointed out to him that IL was necessary for the requisite electoral college votes and the fait accompli was allowed to stand. Reprehensible behavior that will some day come back to bite the perpetrator.
marvelousmagda said…
Hikari, from your lips to God's ear.

It may take more than a year for PH to heal his battered psyche, but I can envision a restoration/reconciliation in his future.
Girl with a Hat said…
@Nutty, the rumour is that all of Meghan's merching money is being placed in accounts in Doria's name. Her net worth apparently has mushroomed to several million in only 1 year.
marvelousmagda said…
Amen. The BRF will be relieved. The British people will be happy that justice was served and hopefully, peace will reign for the remainder of QEII's life.

Even if the plebs in horrorwood grinch about how MM was treated, nobody is listening. The US public is turning its back on the so called celebrities. They ruined themselves with getting into politics and hypocritical pontificating on life styles. Gee, does that sound familiar!

Besides, they will be scattering like hens from a swooping hawk from the impact of investigations into illegal/ immoral behavior a la the Epstein Files.
marvelousmagda said…
Wouldn't it be funny if mummy hocked off with the loot? Acorn n trees.
Anonymous said…
"but in that video of MM gripping all those women, it seemed like there was something pooch-y under the back of her shirt, not the front." -- maybe the mike hook-up stuff? some of the electronic attachments needed for "surprise" videos and sound require some of that.

@Hikari: "That's true . . . but Smegs has really lost her looks since she 'gave birth'. She's just so unappealing on every level.

People have sex every day with those whom haven't kept their looks. It's called marriage lol (not dissing marriage, just saying it isn't based on hotness, and lost of people having sex aren't particularly attractive)

"But then, I'm not a guy. Having sex with someone who inspires contempt and loathing is a compartmentalization I can't wrap my head around."

I'm not either. My point in this is that in LTRs and marriages, sometimes you love the person without liking them very much at times and you still have sex. Sometimes you like them and don't love them, and you still have sex. Sometimes you don't like and/or love them and you don't have sex. The point is that LTRs and marriages are cycles, most aren't even-keel feelings and most people still have sex in the marriage. Some do not. Some cheat for extra sex. Some are getting plenty of sex and still cheat. I personally cannot stay in relationships like that because contempt/loathing pretty much kill any desire I have to remain. That same is not true for everyone, and I have seen some really contemptuous/loathing/passionate relationships continue far past the healthy 'use by' date. People are different, and just because Mrs. Dumbarton isn't as attractive as pre-baby, this does not mean PH stopped having sex with her.
Anonymous said…
incorrect whom in there and I'm not fixing it lol.
Anonymous said…
And @Hikari, I feel like I should add, my commentary began as an answer to a question about why Appalachia isn't considered part of The True South. I actually spent many formative years in Texas, but I grew up with Southern Belles of the Highest Order and it was HELL. The rest of this convo is actually just me making fun of myself for trying to get away from most of it and then still falling in line subconsciously in some bizarre ways. It is not actual commentary on The Way Life Should Be lol. I'm a laid-back WCer at this point and I will never live in The True South again. Nothing wrong with it, some great things about it, but thanks, I'll take the WC any day.
Anonymous said…
that should say "my actual opinion on The Way Life Should Be..."
Girl with a Hat said…
magda, that would be hilarious.
Anonymous said…
Once people start sharing their personal political agendas, there are only two choices: 1) speak up and share or 2) push it down. One causes nothing but trouble, the other is frustrating. So, yes, we all have our opinions and since I do not want to discuss personal political beliefs here, I will just drop out of this post and catch everyone on the next one because I have a feeling that some will opt for Choice #1 and not Choice #2 and I'm not here for that.
Hikari said…

Your remarks above cover a wide range of scenarios in marriage . . . a wide range of the normal, that is. At the beginning of this sh*tshow, I was willing to accept that Harry was genuinely in love with this person known as Markle. I now must use the term 'person' rather loosely because she seems entirely lacking in any sort of basic humanity which is common to us here when we talk about relationships and motivations for relationships. I thought Harry sincere because he seemingly had very little to gain, status wise, from marrying her. The only thing she was offering was love and companionship, which he was hungry for . . .or at least, we had all been under that impression.

That he was sexually attracted to her at one time and she knew how to play that to her advantage is obvious. What's not so obvious any more is the level of true feeling which exists between them and if there was ever anything they shared besides tossed salads and getting high. They want us to believe that that share a baby and a fairy tale life together and anyone with eyes and the will to see can tell that that's BS. It seems Hazza can fake a smile just as well (better) than his creepy grasping wife when the cameras are on. But he's not a happy, fulfilled man. He's unraveling before our eyes. There's no love there. I doubt there ever was love there, certainly not on her side. He may have been infatuated for a while . . until it wore off, which was well before April of 2017, yet, here we all all, dissecting a marriage that never should have occurred.

It's really true what they they: there is no accounting for taste. Guess Haz really likes that tossed salad and is willing to put up with *ANYTHING* to get it. That's some salad.
SwampWoman said…
Well, my gracious, my feelings about Hillary Clinton have nothing whatsoever to do with her political party. It has everything to do with knowing some of the people that had to work with her that dished about her character much like we are doing with MM, albeit they dished in person at a dinner party citing examples of her behavior (and I have since read similar things about her from others that had the misfortune of working for her). FWIW, they thought that both former Presidents Bush and their families and Obama and his family were lovely people.
Now! said…
I wonder if Doria will pay the necessary taxes on the money.
SwampWoman said…
I don't think that the Markles will be able to accrue a $300,000,000 fortune a la Paris Hilton from showing up at parties and nightclubs and opening grocery stores and signing autographs and reality TV and such, but I believe that they could buy groceries and pay the mortgage. (Please, God, if you are listening, do not let their be a sex tape.) How long the gravy train would last, I couldn't say. I wouldn't want to pay to listen to a motivational speech by HRH MM, but I'm sure there are plenty of people that would.
Fifi LaRue said…
Did anyone else read somewhere that Meghan, before Harry, was looking to be on a British reality show? If they buy a house in LA, Meghan's dreams can come true! Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, or Real Housewives of Orange County. Harry is on his way to becoming Mr. Markle.
punkinseed said…
If Harry and Megs really do move to LA there will be no coming back to UK for them. The move would be final because I think the British public would take that as a betrayal of their loyalty to the monarchy and the nation as a whole. They'd feel that after all the queen et al have invested in the Sussex's as a whole, moving to the US would be a huge slap in the face and very humiliating to the queen. And, no amount of excuses by Harry or Megs and such a decision, ie. "It was just too hard on Meghan. Haters made it impossible for her to assimilate...." will be enough to gate the public's outrage.
Sure, people want HER to go back to LA or anywhere but UK post haste, but I doubt they want Harry to leave with her as much.
If they did make such a move, that would expedite the divorce as Harry would likely refuse to sign on to join Megs in her cheesy $ making schemes with say, reality shows. Harry thinks the press is an intrusion in his life now. Imagine how long he'd last in a reality show with cams and such following their every move all day?
SwanSong said…
Bardsey: I totally agree with everything you’ve do eloquently stated. I think Harry’s behavior is tearing William up inside. He has looked out for Harry his whole life. Harry has always spoken about how difficult it is to be a part of the RF, and I even think William’s decision to have a third child was based in part on his desire to give Harry total freedom to start this new chapter in his life with Meghan by pushing him further down the line (if that makes sense). Harry now has a kind of personal freedom that William will never have. Unfortunately, Harry has squandered that freedom on silly things— mixing with Hollywood celebs, pandering to silly, virtue-signaling causes that are not true to who he really is, giving his wife permission to run roughshod over all of the protocols that make the Monarchy so special. I think Harry is lost right now—-he’s trying to carve out an identity and is using Meghan as a crutch to do the heavy lifting for him. She’s setting the agenda and he’s following it, no questions asked. I don’t know what the solution is, but sooner or later Meghan and Harry need to realize that the Crown always wins.
abbyh said…
"...Harry would likely refuse to sign on to join Megs in her cheesy $ making schemes with say, reality shows. Harry thinks the press is an intrusion in his life now. Imagine how long he'd last in a reality show with cams and such following their every move all day? "

Looping back to his recent interview with Jane Goodall, considering MM had editorial control of what he said, do you think it is possible that she wrote what she wanted him to appear to say? She, being of course, a good puppet master or maybe that is what she thinks he should have said.

FWIW, I have written in the past that I thought that IF she did go reality show like RHW of something, it would be a financial disaster for her. In those shows, and others like them, you need all this money to maintain your lifestyle so there really isn't a for when I get kicked to the curb and replaced by the next person who looks like they would be a good replacement for me financial plan other than the bank of (dad, my ex, my current husband, someone I think might help me). (or at least that is my opinion of what I have read what this episode or that is about - overlooking the cat fight between A and B or was that C and D?) but then again, I was catching some tabloids*).

*still don't think I'm wrong here about this even if it is tabloids.
Girl with a Hat said…
if they do move, the floodgates will open and we will be hearing stories everywhere about her true character.
Girl with a Hat said…
they are now announcing a trip to Diana's grave. Pulling out the Diana card.
Lime_Smoothie said…
That's two attempts at the 'Goodbye England's Rose' joker in a week. Desperate.
punkinseed said…
abbyh, I think you're right. She is a martinet when it comes to scripting Harry whether he wants her to or not. It's not like he can publicly retract what she inserts for him. Well... he could, but then it would backfire. She'd throw a fit and a teapot at him, and the press would be all over it as well.
You're right about RHW, too, about the "actors" and how they struggle to stay relevant and survive the endless upkeep on their homes and lifestyle. It's a total money pit for everyone so far except maybe Betheny Frankel and Andy Cohen.
One has to have a very clean past, too, or truth will out. Look at what happened to Teresa Guidice. I don't think Meg's past would be kept hidden as she's burned so many bridges, plus, her financials with this "foundation" and the IRS would blow her out of the water. She'd be exposed faster than Martha Stewart. Imagine that! Megs, from palace to prison for fund raising fraud. Ouch!
abbyh said…
Oh (profanity - insert your fav word here). DM has an article about the need for MM to make an emotional pilgrimage to Althorpe.

That anniversary is coming up fast and furious. Didn't think of that emotional play while all the rest of the family is where? And when optics?

I feel I've been played.
SwampWoman said…
Gosh, Abbyh, you are probably right. I confess that I have never watched any of the 'reality' shows (that mostly aren't) because I don't like watching trashy people. From the pictures that I've seen plastered on tabloid covers at the grocery stores, it looks like most of their money goes for really bad plastic surgery and hoochie momma clothes.

I don't know how much trashy clothes, jewelry, hair, and plastic surgery costs, but it is probably a lot, and they probably aren't investing their reality earnings in index funds.
SwampWoman said…
Perhaps this means that they did pick up a baby on their visit to Nice since they are visiting with Archie.
SwampWoman said…
What Jen said. If she has to starve herself to stay Hollywood's version of thin and beautiful, I imagine all she would be able to think about would be food.
Fifi LaRue said…
Vanity Fair publishes a daily email on properties in Los Angeles, properties being bought and sold by celebrities. If the Markles had purchased a house Vanity Fair would have been very interested. So far the house buying rumor is just a rumor from CDAN.
Lurking said…
it gets worse...

"Emotional?" Shouldn't that read overly dramatic fake tears for the camera? Or will it be a "private" visit: Diane's grave, Smeg, and the photographer?
Humor Me said…
my goodness the Sussex PR team is working overtime to defuse the Cambridge Flybe pix....
Lurking said…
They also put out a story that an empty plane was flown to pick up the Cambridges, because the airline wanted a specific brand being recognized and not one of their smaller subsidiaries.
abbyh said…
I have seen only a couple shows once and, tbh, I would like my time refunded.

As for the LA house, wow, that would be a really expensive move on many levels if true. Not convinced it is a signed deal. Or even a realistic play.

I can't see all the furnishings in FC being allow to be shipped to LA (thinking out the English versus Metric debate). I had a lovely lamp (metric) which needed rewiring to English (expensive move) for a new lamp shade. Plumbing, electric. sofas, beds, tables, chairs, window treatments, washer/dryer, dishwasher, the special cook cook's stove - Aga? or is there something considered better now? and so on).

That would be a lot of stuff which might be cheaper to buy in the US from the get go. Bedding and towels are not so much a big deal ... otoh, they do add up.

IDK, I have seen "adults" "speak" ultimatums where were actually very thin threats of bullying (give me what I want or I won't let you X).

And then there is the practical: what would be suitable for her and her belief within herself? (the snarky side says wait, wasn't there a place recently with a helo pad which Bezos turned down, is it under contract).

I think it still might be a rumor which was a thought/possibility at one time or another.

If there were rumors of interest by certain reality shows, I suspect they would be leaked, er mentioned by someone, somewhere if for no other reason other than to think that it might somehow apply pressure for someone to respond in some other actually more beneficial way.

SwishyFishy said…
My specialized training is in dissociative disorders. No one uses the term "Multiple Personality Disorder" anymore except laymen. It's misrepresentational. There are not "multiple personalities". There is one core personalty, i.e. the identifying client and the dissociative states that they slip into when triggered. It's called Dissociative Identity Disorder. As it is typically caused by extreme trauma (horrific sexual abuse, cults, forced participation in animal torture, etc. ) it is highly unlikely that Meghan has DID. She was treated like a princess by her father and was the golden child while Samantha and her brother basically got shit. Meghan most likely has Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, possibly Bipolar I and I'm betting some addiction issues. She's very unstable, but then, so is Harry. They are a match made in hell.
SwampWoman said…
Well, that's just creepy. Perhaps it is just me, but I've never indulged in hysterics, fake or real, while I accompanied my husband to visit his relatives' that died before we were married final resting places. I have been accused of having the heart and soul of an accountant when the children were teens, so perhaps accountants don't get all emotional at cemetaries where strangers are interred. (I believe this was meant as an insult but, at the end of the day, the bills must be paid.)
QueenWhitby said…
And bingo, that’s how they have responded to the Cambridge PR coup. Totally lame, and I had to laugh at the response from the company rep when asked for a comment by the press.

The attack on Prince George on American national television however, is of another order. Lara Spencer mocking PG and every other male who does ballet on GMA was just vile. MM and her GMA ilk (Spencer, Gayle King, and Jessica Mulroney) have spectacularly sworn their hypocritical oath, either by their involvement, or by their conspicuous silence on this abhorrent gender attack. You would think JM, especially as a mother of small boys, would have something to say about a 6-year old being bullied on her show, and oh dear, where’s Uncle Elton in all this? He of the Billy Elliott musical score fame has done nothing to defend his dear friend Diana’s grandson. Their silence has cemented the Markle effect - squared.

There’s word that PP has put his foot down and decreed damn the torpedoes, get rid of Markle NOW. This could be why all of a sudden a pilgrimage to the grave is deemed necessary - reminding the RF that getting rid of poor little MM near the anniversary of Diana’s death is not a good idea. I say reveal what you must, nobody is coming out unscathed if a 6 year old boy can be fodder in this war. I hope the RF just gets it over with. Hopefully we can pick up the pieces and move on when it’s all done.
Jdubya said…

i'm scrolling thru the page and there are a bunch of Allegedly Anon posts that are really kind of blowing my mind. I've never seen them before and not sure what to make of them. Almost like a diary of clues.

Anyone else aware of these?
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