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Meg (and possibly Harry) move to Los Angeles

Amid the avalanche of new Coronavirus developments in the media this morning - and images of people all around Britain applauding NHS employees for their devotion to Coronavirus patients - comes the news that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have moved "permanently" to Los Angeles.

According to PEOPLE magazine, they are "living in a secluded compound and haven't ventured out."

California was always the Sussexes' ultimate destination: nobody ever really believed that their move to Canada was permanent, probably not even the local women's charities Meg used for photo ops a month or two ago.

All that was in question was the timing. And even though Meg reportedly told her ubiquitous "friends" who then told the media that she wouldn't return to the US while Donald Trump was president, that promise (like so many other promises) has been left behind in the service of expediency and publicity.

Why now?

According to the Sun's Dan Wootton, who seems to have become one of Meg's preferred mouthpieces, the couple arrived in Los Angeles last week, "taking a private jet before the borders were shut."

Fleeing a safe and isolated island home to fly to one of the the USA's corona hotspots would seem to be a bit counter-intuitive, particularly as parents to a young and vulnerable baby.

According to Dan, the Sussexes made the move because "they have a big support network there. It's where their new team of Hollywood agents and PRs and business managers are based. Meghan has a lot of friends there and, of course, her mum Doria."

The real reasons

It seems more likely, however, that whomever really owned the Vancouver Island house probably wanted it for his own quarantine purposes (Coronavirus is becoming a problem in Russia) and hadn't expected the Sussex's 6-week "thinking period" beginning in November to last until late March.

The fact that the Sussexes' Royal credentials (and eligibility for Canadian security assistance) will be running out in four days was no doubt also a factor.

Their visa status in Canada is also unclear. 

Meg's movie promotion

Meghan, at least, has a project to promote in California: a voiceover on a new Disney documentary about elephants

In a Twitter announcement, Disney+ wrote "Disneynature's Elephant, an Original Movie narrated by Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex, starts streaming April 3, only on #DisneyPlus."

How much promotion she can actually do, however, is in question. Streaming movies generally don't get gala premieres, and even if they did, much of Hollywood is shut down at the moment. 

Meg could do interviews, but they would probably be done by telephone or Skype in these Coronavirus times, and she could have done that from anywhere. 

Harry, meanwhile, has absolutely nothing to do in California. 

Oprah, who appears to be his one business contact, is also in quarantine

Are they together?

Which raises the question - are the three (or two) Sussexes together?  The Sussexes' weak social media contribution to the NHS clapping campaign - a black background with yellow clapping emoji - raises questions.

All three Cambridge kids were shown clapping. Wouldn't this have been a great time to show off Archie?  

Not doing so raises the usual questions - do they not have custody of him? Does he have (what is to them) an embarrassing disability? Does he exist at all?

Charitably, one could assume that there is perhaps an exclusive contract to show Archie off on the cover of Vogue US or Vanity Fair. 

But then why not post a photo of Meghan and Harry clapping? There's nothing exclusive about them, and they clearly own a camera-enabled mobile phone. 

Maybe Meg didn't have access to a hairdresser, but then hey, wear a hat or use a filter, or accept that being a bit messy in this situation would make you look accessible or even likable. It's the thought that counts. 

Unless, of course, they couldn't be photographed together because they aren't together, and perhaps Harry (who would have no special visa status in the US) isn't in California at all.

What do you think?


Unknown said…
Another great post @Nutty :) I really don't think they are together. I think Harry is in the U.K. because at the end of the day, Harry is blood and whatever the issues they have, they would have wanted him near the family waiting out COVID-19. The future looks bleak and it's easier closing ranks during such turmoil.

Archie? I really don't know anymore. He is the biggest mystery. I hope I live long enough to find out the real story. What we are being fed now isn't it.
Nutty Flavor said…
I agree, Charade. As I mentioned a couple of posts ago, Harry's bizarre Invictus Game postponement video suggests he is someplace different than where he claims to be.

Why stand up against a white wall and a wooden door when you're supposedly in a place with so much gorgeous nature?

Fair enough that the Canadian house's owner doesn't want its interiors shown, but the exteriors have been widely publicized in the media, and are visible to everyone on Google Maps, and there are plenty of gorgeous public parks nearby. Sit on the deck of the house with the water in the background, or in front of some pines in the park.
Unknown said…
LOL @Nutty :)

Something that came to my mind about Archie was his passport situation. I am wondering if all the smoke-and-mirrors with him has to do with his citizenship status and subsequent travel restrictions on him.

Perhaps he was born outside the U.K. (not necessarily America or Canada) and because of that there are issues with his U.K. and U.S. citizenship. Maybe Italy? They may have stepped into a crazy residency-status quagmire if one or both of the Sussexes are not his biological parents.

H&M did so much travelling. Meg has a way with rules. I will never get over them abandoning Archie in Canada when England or even L.A. were rational options.
Nutty Flavor said…
Isn't that what Thomas Markle said about Meg? "She likes to bend the rules."

Speaking of which, we haven't heard from Thomas in a while. I hope he's healthy.
Can we read anything into the awful clapping emoji post? Such as she can't post a video of them both clapping, in the same space, together?

Somewhere, NZ Herald? DM?, I read she did the Disney voiceover as a `charitable act'. We all know the `charity' our Megs is most fond of, the one that allegedly got 3 million from Disney.

Hi Meghan, are you OK, locked up in a virus hot-spot? Might as well have gone into lockdown on a cruise ship.

How's Archie? Still blowing kisses? Not a good idea.

A `Royal Insider' - is that what we understand an `insider' to be or was it one of your sycophants?

`Is the nauseating obsequiousness to your liking', Megsy? (Source: a cartoon I once saw, of a grovelling lackey enquiring of a bloated plutocrat. My apologies to the copyright holder)
Unknown said…
@Nutty Yes Thomas Markle did say that. I hope he is okay too.

Now that hugs, touching, and handholding will be a no-go for a long time everywhere, I’m not sure Meg will be able to survive the new world order.
xxxxx said…
I like how the ever mooching Duplicitous Dumbartons leak that it is Los Angeles, when it is probably Malibu (nice and secluded) and probably is that Davis-Nonoo loaner house in their ultra posh, gated community. This house was bought by Davis for speculation, however with the current virus panic it won't be selling anytime soon. So The Galloping Grifting Gruesome Twosome are welcome to stay-cation there for a few years. The upside for billionaire oil heir Davis is that One day it will be a selling point that the two ex-royals lived there.

iirc Mr Davis owns a few houses in that gated community.
Nelo said…
@Nutty, please let me understand something. Does it mean all the leaks to DM about how she is walking for two hours with Archie and how she makes her staff wear gloves are lies? Or was the DM Making up the stories all along? I wish there is someone with Hollywood contacts on this blog so the person can tell us if this is how Hollywood does PR .

Or could it be that
Debra said…
Like others, I don't believe they are together. I believe she is in LA but I will only believe Harry is there if I see proof. No idea where "Archie" is but again I don't believe they have him. This whole COVID thing is really hurting Meg (boo hoo), I think she wanted to milk her last few weeks as a royal but now no one cares or is paying attention to her. In typical Markle fashion she keeps trying to stay relevant and each new story just makes her look more ridiculous. If she was smart she would gracefully exit the stage but she isn't so things are going to get bloody. Just my opinion though as I have no inside information to share.
CookieShark said…
So much for MM not living in the US while Trump is President. Archie has moved twice in less than 6 months.

Did Just Harry find where she's hidden his balls? Did he reclaim them?

Did he defy She Who Must be Obeyed and walk out on her?

Did she do a Violet Elizabeth Bott and `thcream and thcream' until she was sick?

What a happy thought.

Still wishful thinking though.
Sandie said…
There are rumours swirling online that the Harkles never returned to Canada after the Commonwealth service and that they are not still together. This cannot be true. Harry was not only seen travelling back to Canada (remember he stayed in the UK for a few days without Meghan) but was photographed arriving at the airport with his RPOs and from the smile that lit up his face, Meghan could have been sitting at the back of the car.

Meghan will want financial independence and an established presence in LA before she dumps Harry (in the meanwhile she does not mind taking as much as she can from the UK and the BRF as long as she does exactly as she please and has no obligation in any way to either). Coronavirus has messed up her plans, but she is good at hustling and ignoring all signs that she is in deep trouble.

If Harry had done the right thing and returned to the UK (even with the mysterious Archie), someone would have spilled the beans by now. My money is on him still being a captive of Meghan.

They have no furniture or household goods so getting on a private plane and heading to LA is something they could have done very quickly.

Someone in LA will talk and details will emerge about where they are staying and if they have bought or are couch surfing yet again. In the meanwhile, Meghan's PR will be stirring up the rumour mill about fabulous deals (talk her up into the hottest thing in town) and, of course, she has to keep the royal links for the royal status so we will get more stories abut reconciliation and so on (gosh, she must be hoping for a death so that she can go back for a funeral).

Meghan and Harry are at war with the tabloids (hate them but need them to stay relevant). So, on the other hand, I can see them planting a false story and then whine that the tabloids are always publishing lies about them.
Charlie said…
Let's assume Archie is real. If she took him with her, it would be a big fail for RF, because he's real and he's well royal by blood, letting her to use kid for manipulation is really a fail.

Moving to Cali right now is dumb even on her own. State is on quarantine, Hollywood is quarantining as well. What is she trying to reach, I have no idea. And there's no chance Disney would do any type of promo for a documentary on streaming platform besides instagram/twitter posts, never knew you need to move to LA for this. She's either so stupid that she doesn't understand situation in the world or created a big and complicated scheme in her head and nothing can stop her from implying it in life, even pandemic.
Sandie said…
If they are in LA: married less than 2 years - 4 houses, 2 continents, and 3 countries. What a mess!
lucy said…
Meg does not have Archie or she would have made some forced patty-cake video to 'combat' Cambridge kids clapping

just heard Boris Johnson tested positive for covid19
SwampWoman said…
Anybody moving to Los Angeles at this point has got no working brain matter whatsoever, but that seemingly includes most of Hollywood.
Superfly said…
I mus have missed the Trump isn't POTUS anymore memo....
Louise said…
I am not convinced that they are in California. Two days ago there were stories about them shopping for a house in the Cotswolds. They could be anywhere.

Himmy said…
I believe they are still together based on the conversation between dim wit and "Greta". Dim wit seems to be fully committed to the "vision" that MM has cooked up. It usually takes many years for the narcissist's victim to break free.

The problem with Harkles is that they are stupid, pretentious, boring and have no real talent. Most of the people will lose interest in them very soon. They are usually in the news for the embarrassing reason.

Harkles are surrounded by greedy users. I don't think they have any genuine friends or relatives left. They will always have a small number of crazy "fans" and media people like Scooby and Lainey who want to use their access to Harkles to boost their own pathetic careers.

abbyh said…

Many others promised they would leave if T won so if we criticize her, we also need to hold them accountable as well.

Personally, it says a lot about their idea of what was at the time a good sound bite that now, with no safe place with covid, not something I would rank up there with some of the other faux pas like the demand letter, the ** to C on the day of her speech, the idea that PW is stepping out on K.
CookieShark said…
What happened to the Sussex foundation? Where did the Disney money go?

Cookie Shark:

The 3 Million from Disney? That went into their foundation.

How it came out is another matter.

The Disney voiceover is said to have been a `charitable action' -

What do you think? What's Meghan's favourite charity?
Superfly said…
I too believe they are still together, but without Archie.
Harry is a moron, he's angry, combative, spoilt and ungrateful I am done making excuses for him. Will lost his mother too, and loo how he turned out.

Harry is an enabler and a collaborator, not a victim anymore, at least in my own humble opinion.

Had Archie been with them, no way would she have missed out on the chance to make a clapping video of the three of them. Babies look so cute and delightfully happy when they clap, and she knows it. It would have been great PR.

But the emoji thing .... Lol, pathetic.
Animal Lover said…
My jaw drops as I cannot believe their actions!

This is from the comments on the Mirror I can't improve it:

They're not moving to California in fear of contracting the Coronavirus, they're going there for Markle to pursue her acting.

If they truly did move to California because of the virus, then they're bigger idiots than I originally thought.

Lets put some perspective on this shall we?

~ Canada stretches across 3.8 million square miles (9.9 million square kilometres), which means the UK could fit into Canada over 40 times.

~ The population for all of Canada is 39.57 million people. The population for only the state California alone is 39.59 million people, with over 85 million people in total of all of the United States. That's a huge difference in population by 45.5 million.

~ Confirmed cases in California: 4018.
British Columbia: 725. Another huge difference.

~ Finally, as of 60 minutes ago according to the CBS news, the United States has now passed China in confirmed cases of the Coronavirus.

As you can clearly see, Canada is far safer from contracting the Coronavirus when compared to the United States.

So please Mr. & Mrs. Markle, don't use the virus as an excuse. You're putting Archie at a greater risk of contraction for the sake of Meghan's z-listing career.

Kate said…
I don’t think they are together. I think Meg is in LA and Harry is in the UK.
If Archie is real, I guess he is with Meg in LA.
I truly believe she is embarrassed about something with him, his looks or a disability. Otherwise we would have a lot of pictures or videos, especially with all the Cambridge children cuteness.
I think a divorce announcement will come late Spring.
Sandie said…
@Superfly: Had Archie been with them, no way would she have missed out on the chance to make a clapping video of the three of them. Babies look so cute and delightfully happy when they clap, and she knows it. It would have been great PR.

She is keeping Archie hidden for reasons other than privacy. She could have got a lot more likes and view if she had released a video with Archie for their IG, but I suspect that she has realised that that sort of attention is not going to bring in the billions she has dreamed about, she did not want to compete with the Cambridge kids, Harry was probably very resistant, and there might be something about the kid that she wants to hide.

The IG post just does not look like her work ... no royalsussex branding and none of her word salad. She has to drop the 'royal' so maybe she has already abandoned the account and is working on a new one.

One tarot reader has done a channelled reading on Archie but only briefly mentioned it. 1. Harry is hidden. These are the tarot reader's words: 'It’s like he’s scared or embarrassed to be a father to him or something.' 2. Meghan can't be bothered with the kid most of the time. 3. 'I’ve always seen in my visions that Archie was around them but not necessarily with them it seemed and I’ve always seen a more nurturing figure/i.e. a nanny for example around him watching him more.'

Different tarot readers 'read' different stuff about Archie and about Harry and Meghan as parents and some even say that Archie is hidden and it is difficult to get any information about him.

Much of what the Sussexes do does not make sense so why would their parenting of Archie make any sense whatsoever?
Ava C said…
I like this, in the Telegraph today, headlined "The new normal: all the things that do – and don't – matter in these coronavirus times"

and on the list of things that don't matter are ... you've guessed it ...

"Meghan and Harry
The most talked about couple in the world a few weeks ago, all set to join the billionaires’ club and take up their position among the Top Ten Most Amazing People To Have In A Room. And now? The world’s forgotten about them. We want to be in a room with Rishi Sunak [popular new Chancellor of the Exchequer] and Prof Chris Whitty [Chief Medical Adviser to the UK govt]. We are never going back."

I love that. "We are never going back."

Kim K is also looking ridiculous. That whole world looks ridiculous.
Animal Lover said…
From Page 6:

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have poached one of Bill and Melinda Gates’ top staffers to lead their new charity, Page Six has been told.

Hours after we confirmed they had fled their Canadian bolthole for a new full-time home in Los Angeles, it was revealed they have hired Catherine St-Laurent as chief of staff and executive director of their nonprofit enterprise.

St-Laurent, a mom of two, is currently director at Pivotal Ventures, Melinda Gates’ women and families foundation.

In an email seen by Page Six, St-Laurent wrote to friends and colleagues: “After nearly 9 years alongside Melinda and the Gates Foundation and Pivotal Ventures teams, I am moving on to begin a new chapter and wanted to make sure to share my contact info so we can stay in touch.

“Beginning next week I will be acting as Chief of Staff and Executive Director of the new non-profit enterprise for Meghan M and Harry. They are embarking on a new chapter themselves and I am thrilled to be able to play a supporting role in realizing their vision and enabling them to achieve impact on the issues that matter most to them.”

As we revealed, Harry and Meghan’s new venture is not a foundation, as a source said: “It’s not likely to be a traditional charity. Harry and Meghan want to find their own way of giving back and new ways to make change.”

On Thursday, sources confirmed the pair are setting up home in Hollywood, leaving Canada with baby son Archie just hours before the borders were closed over the coronavirus pandemic.

St-Laurent is a native of Montreal, so it’s believed she would have met Meghan and Harry through their Canada crowd, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, his wife Sophie, Meghan’s BFF Jessica Mulroney and Jessica’s TV anchor husband Ben Mulroney, the son of former Canada PM Brian Mulroney.

She has been the strategy lead for Melinda Gates, supporting her involvement in groundbreaking campaigns that are helping transform the lives of women around the world.

These include the Family Planning 20-20 plan, which Gates launched in London in summer 2012 alongside former Prime Minister David Cameron and other world leaders. The program aims to ensure contraception is available to 120 million women around the world who currently do not have access to birth control.

It had long been thought the Sussexes would look to the powerful Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as something they would want to emulate.

Intriguingly, Prince William and his wife, Kate Middleton, met with Bill Gates in October 2019 at Kensington Palace, shortly after Harry and Meghan left the Royal Foundation, which Harry set up with William and Kate.

The low-key meeting wasn’t announced beforehand, but was recorded in the Court Circular, the official daily record of royal engagements, ITV reported.

Sandie said…

Does this look like a Meghan post to you?

It is really weird.

Maybe Harry and Meghan are not together!
Sandie said…
Not this Catherine St-Laurent:

but this one?

Check out the twitter feed for photos that are more realistic.

St-Laurent (the one linked to Melinda Gates) is all abut women empowerment so this is a Meghan appointment (if the rumour is true) and Harry is not in the picture.
Dallas Alice said…
Their “Where’s Waldo?” act is getting tiresome.
MaLissa said…
Superfly said…

Had Archie been with them, no way would she have missed out on the chance to make a clapping video of the three of them. Babies look so cute and delightfully happy when they clap, and she knows it. It would have been great PR.

But the emoji thing .... Lol, pathetic.

If they had Archie, there would be no way that she would include him and Harry as a family making a clapping video. The comments on Insta would just be all about Archie and how cute he is and that would really make her mad because "she's the star" not him.
The New York times is sounding the alarm about Mexico, writing that nobody in that country is taking the virus seriously and that there are only a little over 2,000 ventilators for the entire population of 129 million people. Thomas Markle, Meghan`s dad, lives in Mexico, and he`s considered high-risk: he`s 75 and has several serious medical issues. I wonder whether the Harkles have contacted him in any way? If they don`t, and he passes away, this is not going to be a good look for them, PR-wise. I realize that he has acted badly in these past two years by constantly selling stories and photographs to the media, but in the end, he is still Meghan's father and was very much involved in bringing her up and supporting her.
CatEyes said…


I can't get the link to work no matter what. Could you please give some indication of what the link is about?
Dallas Alice said…
I had a more contentious and mostly estranged relationship with my father for 20+ years. He was a sociopath and very violent to my mother when they were married in the 70’s. We had no communication from the time I was 20 (when I saw him at a funeral and he didn’t know who I was, despite being his only child and looking very much like him) until he passed last July. Even my cold, dead heart melted a little bit when I was oddly compelled last summer to call the nursing home he was in. He never returned my call and died two weeks later. Despite all my complicated and negative feelings about him, I hope at least the front desk staff told him I called. If Meghan can’t muster the basic human decency to pick up a phone and at least call the man who raised her, she truly is a heartless, soulless, self-serving (duh) piece of poop-but we kinda already knew that.
Dallas Alice said…
Kind of funny (in a very morbid way): when he died his sister donated his body to science. “At least now he can contribute something positive to society.” BAZINGA!!
CookieShark said…
WOW she has had plastic surgery. Didn't really notice until today.
Fairy Crocodile said…
You are right. Harry is a moron. Damaged and mentally unstable, but moron nevertheless. I felt sympathy for him until he did four things:
Called all people of UK racists
Betrayed Roal Marines in favour of Disney
Begged for job for his wife from Disney
Put his grandmother under huge stress unnecessary

I am officially in anti Harry camp now.
HappyDays said…
From Animal Lover’s post of the Page Six article:

It had long been thought the Sussexes would look to the powerful Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as something they would want to emulate.

@Animal Lover:

Page Six failed to note that Bill and Melinda self-fund their foundation and other charitable works.

The Gates’s don’t have to go around with their hand held out begging for “donations” to fund their “charity work,” which for Meghan and Harry I think will include large salaries to themselves.

If the Harkles do not set up a foundation as the Page Six article seems to allude to, I am wondering what sort of vehicle they will set use to throw a little bit of money to charitable efforts as they mostly enrich themselves while creating and maintaining the facade that they are selfless world-changing humanitarians. I think Meghan wants to be able to hide the financials of what they are doing for charity, which I think will show how hypocritical she truly is because she would likely be a huge critic of Donald Trump not releasing his tax returns.
Hikari said…
Animal lover,

I hadn’t realized that Canada has the population of California spread out over such a vast land mass. When I was in the Vancouver airport on a Sunday, Which is the day that the cruise ships dock, it felt as though at least half 1 million people were in the airport that day. If Meg is gone to LA now with visions of stardom dancing in her head, she’s just flown into an epicenter of contagion, and this virus does not even respect gated compounds in Malibu. If she goes cruising around so that she can be seen, stopping for smoothies et al, Who knows what will happen? Also she may find That the city’s homeless problem Has mushroomed exponentially since she last lived there 10 years ago. Some of the homeless may have even infiltrated to the gates of her Malibu enclave.

Yesterday the US surpassed China’s death totals from Corona. According to 2018 statistics, the United States population is 327 million, as opposed to great Britain’s 66 million and the Canadian figure which is half that many. Even with all available precautions, America is looking at an astronomical total of critical patients and deaths. From a health standpoint, flying to California from Vancouver Island was a reckless move. But Meg only does reckless; that’s how she rolls. If H is with her in California, One of side of the current situation is that if he’s confined inside, at least he won’t be getting sunburnt.
CatEyes said…
@Barbara from Montreal said...

>>>I realize that he has acted badly in these past two years by constantly selling stories and photographs to the media, but in the end, he is still Meghan's father and was very much involved in bringing her up and supporting her.<<<

Thomas Markle has not "constantly" sold stories. There have been a few as far as I know. Having been treated the way he was by his daughter. whom he doted on and was spurned by, then I don't blame him. For him to have raised her while Doria was MIA and give her a private school education was tremendous. Then to give an adult child (I presume Meg was 18 upon entering college) a college education at Northwestern Unv. was extremely generous considering how expensive that school is (what maybe $20,000+/yr for 4 years).

The man is 75 and in bad health and his daughter (and Harry) treats him so terribly; I think his reaction is mild for the emotional abuse that has been heaped on him. I say he needs to be lauded for being so patient and benevolent in light of the circumstances. I hope he makes a lot of money off the daughter who stabbed him the back and abandoned him in his old age. Everyone wants to lament what Meghan did to the Queen and the BRF and the UK public, but it pales in comparison to what she did to her own flesh and blood, her very Father.
CatEyes said…
@Happy Days said...

>>>I think Meghan wants to be able to hide the financials of what they are doing for charity, which I think will show how hypocritical she truly is because she would likely be a huge critic of Donald Trump not releasing his tax returns.<<<

Your phrase "....she would likely be a huge critic of Donald Trump not releasing his tax returns", is an interesting political jap of the POTUS.

In that vein, I would say Meghan/Harry's wants to emulate the Clintons and their misadventures with their foundation. They have shown no transparency on what happened to the $3,000,000 dollars from Disney.
HappyDays said…
Cat Eyes said:
The man is 75 and in bad health and his daughter (and Harry) treats him so terribly; I think his reaction is mild for the emotional abuse that has been heaped on him.

@Cat Eyes: You’re absolutely right about the way Harry has treated Thomas, albeit under the heavy control and influence of Meghan, who, since the 3.5 years when she met Harry, is still apparently ashamed for Harry to meet Thomas in Mexico. I just can’t imagine that, especially when Meghan made sure Harry met Doria multiple times during the courtship and engagement. But then, Doria was and still is a useful object for Meghan, and Thomas never was.

She also likely realizes at some level that if Harry meets Thomas, he will learn that Thomas is a good guy and Harry just might realize how selfish Meghan has been if he actually got a look at the hovel Thomas lives in and the general circumstances of his life. After all, Thomas spent money he should have saved for his own retirement (many financial planners say to save for retirement instead of paying for college for your kids, who have a lifetime to pay back loans) on Meghan’s private school, private college and other items such as a full mouth of dental veneers for her while she was still in high school. According to a quote I read some time ago from someone who knew her then, Meghan didn’t want to go to college with bad teeth. Her natural teeth are not attractive.

At any rate, if Harry meets Thomas, he might realize Meghan has been just awful to her father, who never uttered a peep until a few weeks before the wedding that Meghan did not want him to attend in the first place. See the Harry Markle timeline piece about how Meghan likely manipulated Thomas into the pre-wedding photos to smear him out of the wedding. The photog was with the photo agency Meghan often hired herself while an actress.

MustySyphone said…
I have long thought that *if* there is a real Archie (I believe born of surrogacy and maybe Harry's DNA), MeMe is holding out for a huge PR push on his first birthday. Pull out all the stops and show him using the highest bidder. And he will be center stage of a high end ad campaign (H&M in SA was just a warm up and was yanked because they were still working royals) for baby clothes and products.

Just my 2 bits.
SirStinxAlot said…
Speaking of birthdays, the Queen's birthday Trooping the colours was cancelled. I guess M&H are going to miss another opportunity to weasel back into the limelight.
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
JHanoi said…
I think there is an Archie and keeping him out of the media/social media is the one and only thing JH is adamant about.
Of course MM is always looking for the best opportunity to take advantage of the money making possibilities from him, and keeps him out of the limelight to appease JH and build up more momentum for the very few times is controllingly photographed.

I also think JH is a a bit slow(an idiot) and is with MM in Cali. Not a smart move for JH. Doesn’t Cali have 50/50 property split laws for divorce cases? If he has anything left after the divorce i’ll be shocked. At least he can then live like the common person , at a minimum wage job, which is his dream.

I’m a bit surprised some bigwig that worked for the Gates’s is leaving their foundation for this nebulous scam. Either she’s not to bright (which seems strange if she worked for the gates) and doesn’t realize she got totally snowed by the Harkles or she’s not to bright, or maybe she was going to get canned by the gates, or maybe she sees this as a way to get a cut of the grifting action like MM? And the gates foundation didn’t allow for that?
I don’t get it, just look at the harkles history with the BRF and the Harkles former employees, something is very very strange.
SwampWoman said…
HappyDays, I'm puzzled as to where the money is coming from to hire staffers for their "charity". Good help doesn't come cheap. Bill and Melinda gates can afford the best.
Anonymous said…
@ Hikari: She is not crushing for smoothies should this rumor (of the 1 bazillion rumors we have been subjected to) be true. Narcs are chaos agents. She is LOVING this. Anyway, California is in mandatory lockdown. I mean LOCKDOWN. We’ve been locked down for over a week. Smoothie outlets are not open as not considered an essential service. What is open? Gas stations, grocery and drug stores. Some restaurants are doing take-out in a bid to survive. Given the travel restrictions, she has been there many months (which I believe). Only Canadians citizens and their legal partners are allowed across the border now. Of course, we are not naive. If Harry wanted to cross the Canadian border, I can’t imagine that U.S. Customs would deny him. But who moves in the middle of a pandemic????? Also, do not believe there is an “Archie.” There might be a surrogate “Archie,” who is probably had an American mother. It doesn’t matter anyway. Until the age of 18, children have the citizenship of their parents. After that, they are supposed to “choose,” but many people I know have two passports. I could get an Irish passport if I did the paperwork based on my mother being Irish.

Unfortunately, beach culture is very resistant to lockdown. As of now, I don’t believe the L.A. beaches are closed. In Northern California we have been pretty good about “sheltering in place” and our virus count is climbing but not catastrophic. L.A.? Not so much. It is feared that the general narcissistic L.A. culture has resisted the call to get your backside “inside.” They are bracing for an onslaught of cases. It is anticipated that we are a week behind New York in terms of an explosion in cases.

Regarding Markle: Every day that Archie doesn’t appear is a day that convinces me that he does not exist. That they rented babies for the necessary (or used dolls). The women I know who are narcs see their children as merely extensions of themselves. Why would Markle be any different? She would be marketing that child like there is no tomorrow. She would MERCH him. And she’s not. We can forget all that nonsense about not wanting him in the spotlight. She and Harry have been saying that all they want is privacy, and yet every day we get a PR push from these two sociopathic jerks. If he was real, they would be calling the paps, getting tons of photographs, copyrighting them, and THEN complaining about how they are furious that people won’t leave their lovely family alone.
Rut said…
Elle; In my phone the hands were yellow.
Sandie said…
Divorce in California: Apparently how much Meghan would get would depend on for how long they have been married and she could only claim from what he has earned since they got married (his income from Papa and the British taxpayer and his trust fund would not be available for her to grab). Up to now, he does not actually have earnings she can claim hence she may keep him around. If he has bought property in LA she could try to claim that, but for everything else it is going to get very messy and she is going to be shown up to be very greedy. Harry's family will dig deep into their pockets to make her go away.
Henrietta said…
I think they're probably together in LA simply because it's an abusive relationship -- for Harry -- and these things don't devolve easily or quickly. They're more complicated and sick.

In the disappearance of Archie, I really think this is about money: MM thinks withholding him increases the market value of his image. He might very well feature in one of their Vogue or Vanity Fair covers, but they wouldn't have had to contractually make sure MM keeps him hidden for a "big reveal"; MM does that as a matter of course.
Sandie said…

The post is featured in this article. I think it is posted as a story on their IG so you have to be a follower to access it. The visuals of the post, the lack of word salad in the text and that it is hidden from all but followers signed up to their account is bizarre. Either Megsy has lost her marbles completely or this was done by Harry (or staff he still has who does not really know what they are doing) ...?

I find it odd and although I believe and it makes all rational sense that the Sussexes are still together (Canada, LA, wherever), stuff like this makes me wonder ...
Sadie Sunshine said…
This has definitely been the plan since the beginning. As I mentioned in previous posts, my source said that he was told (and sworn to secrecy) last summer that they were planning to move to LA and the move to Canada was basically a way for them to try to make it look less like they were abandoning the U.K.

"The man is 75 and in bad health and his daughter (and Harry) treats him so terribly; I think his reaction is mild for the emotional abuse that has been heaped on him. I say he needs to be lauded for being so patient and benevolent in light of the circumstances. I hope he makes a lot of money off the daughter who stabbed him the back and abandoned him in his old age. Everyone wants to lament what Meghan did to the Queen and the BRF and the UK public, but it pales in comparison to what she did to her own flesh and blood, her very Father."

Absolutely unforgivable. She'll adopt another dog but won't even call her aging dad? I truly don't get it.

I am all over the place about where they might be. I suspect there is a baby, born of a surrogate, but the sleepy babies she treks around are dolls. That last one on the pap walk was a total joke as it clearly had no weight to it and its little doll-legs were flying around in the wind. Either she is hiding the real baby through some misguided fear of him being kidnapped, or because there is a little problem (for her) with his development. I fall slightly off the fence onto the "Harry is not with her" side as they are never pictured together and Harry looks like he is in some sort of institution when he does videos. The fluff pieces about Harry/Archie blowing kisses add to this belief.
Margery said…
I think she's definitely holding out for a big pay day for the child. She didn't dare do anything before the April 1 transition date, so I'm expecting a big birthday spread in whatever magazine she found that would pay her.
Sandie said…
I picked up this nugget of information on LSA:

Vanity Fair has confirmed that Meghan will be on their cover. The cover is "Meghan returns to Hollywood in the most Duchess style".
Adding to my last comment: What I don't understand is why do they have to appear to be together if they are not? Who is benefitting from that? Was there a contract that said "two years" or some other time period? I saw a pic on Getty Images that showed them in a car when dating. If you think Harry looks miserable now, he looks far more miserable in this image.
Anonymous said…
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Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Abraham Lincoln --

You may fool all the people some of the time; you can even fool some of the people all the time; but you can’t fool all of the people all the time.

Nutties know what is what. Have from the beginning.

The rest of the world knows as well, though they may not want to admit it.

Despicable pair. Shallow as a puddle. Any money they make will be from fellow puddle dwellers.
Anonymous said…
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Animal Lover said…

If the May VF cover was shot in January it's proof the plan to move to LA has been in the works for awhile I recall a year or so ago the DM was saying the Sussexes were looking at homes in Malibu.
Sandie said…
This is also something from sussexroyal IG that seems to be hidden if you are not a subscriber and also does not have Megsy's branding nor her word salad:

Hope the link works!
Jdubya said…
CDAN - Blind Item #3
The celebrity cult is trying to exploit the fact the former B listish actress turned A+ list celebrity took some of their classes over the years.

now we know why the rumors of a Tom Cruise connection.
CookieShark said…
I predict a VF cover will bomb. She was never Hollywood, how can she return? Jennifer Meyer was chastised in the media on MM's account. MM also is on tape admitting that she lied about being in the actor's union, and finding it funny.

Unfortunately the analogy of her "scurrying" like a cockroach when the lights are on fits her very well. Sorry to say this but I think she's a con artist. I think the move is another attempt to put actual distance between Harry and his family. I don't know what is up with Archie but they're definitely not acting like devoted parents.

Finally, I believe she avoids her father because he knows the truth about everything. And I would believe it was a "set-up" to smear him at the beginning. There had to be a reason to kick him to the curb.
Mizeet said…
@nutty I live on Vancouver Island about 5 minutes from where the Royals were staying. Their driveway was on a private road so I didn't even attempt to get a glimpse of them...also didn't want them to think they had 'fans'. You have commented a few times that nobody has seen the inside of the house, there is actually a website that gives the exact address and interior photos...might have been an old listing from a realtor, not sure. Anyway here it is
Shaggy said…
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Shaggy said…
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Jdubya said…
I could picture Megs going through a Scientology "audit". As they ask her questions about her life and watching the "needle" go crazy at her lies. Not surprised she may have looked in to it, got a few books etc. But she'd never survive there.
Anonymous said…
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Ralph L said…
"She likes to bend the rules."

My late step-monster was like that, always playing an angle, and it usually turned to crap. The worst was she ran up >$200k in credit cards behind my father's back after years of badmouthing her own sister for doing the same thing. We know she had Munchausen's, and I thought she had borderline personality (she pursued every therapeutic quackery you can think of), but NPD could be more accurate.

She'd be so pleased she can still wind me up 7 years after her death.
Fairy Crocodile said…
Harkles moving to California have a nice ring of finality to it.

They dropped all pretense now and ended up exactly where she always wanted to be. Harry will continue trying to sell his cowardly escape as a valiant attempt to protect his son and give him a normal life.

Public will continue losing interest unless they do something outrageous or scandal of public funds spent on them erupts again. If her elephant documentary flops because of her involvement I doubt there will be a queue of Hollywood admirers at her doors.

I want to remind what Markle said right after her engagement: I do not want to be a part of the royal family. I never wanted to be a part of the royal family.

I hope her wish comes true.
Glowworm said…
CookieShark: “ Finally, I believe she avoids her father because he knows the truth about everything. And I would believe it was a "set-up" to smear him at the beginning. There had to be a reason to kick him to the curb.”

Oh, I believe she totally sent those paps to him to set him up to be banished. He was never included in her wedding. God, the realization of that must hurt that poor guy. I don’t want to listen to anyone slam him after what she has done to hurt him. As for what ‘truths’ her dad knows, how about how many weddings she actually starred in?
A piece from Rebecca Taylor:

Heh! Heh! - as they used to say in the Dandy & Beano.
Ava C said…
New Camilla Tominey article from the Telegraph:

William, Harry, and coronavirus: A tale of two royal brothers and their reactions to a crisis

White the Sussexes head to LA, the Cambridges are bolstering under pressure staff during the coronavirus pandemic

The moment could not have been more emblematic of the divide between the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and the rest of the Royal family.

As Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis were being filmed joining in a national round of applause for NHS heroes, Harry and Meghan were more than 5,000-miles away, posting clapping emoji on Instagram from their new base in California.

“Thank you for all that you continue to do,” read the message on the Sussex Royal Instagram story. “Applauding you from across the pond.”

While obviously well meaning, the digital communiqué appeared a little hollow compared to the heartwarming sight of the three Cambridge children, aged six, four and one, taking part in the #ClapForOurCarers initiative just a day after their own grandfather, Prince Charles, announced he too had tested positive for Covid-19.

Having boarded one of the last flights into the US from Canada, where they have been staying on Vancouver Island since splitting from the Firm, the exiled couple are now in their own form of self-imposed royal isolation in Los Angeles.

Friends say they are staying at a secluded compound in the Hollywood area of Meghan’s home town, where she has a support system including her mother Doria, who was spotted walking her dogs on Thursday.

One source told the US magazine, People: “Harry is looking straight ahead at his future with his family. They will be spending time in California… he’s not looking back.”

The move has not only left their nearest and dearest “stunned and horrified”, having thought they might return with their 10-month-old son Archie to be with their relatives during the global pandemic, Canadians are also up in arms, accusing them of using the Commonwealth country as a “smokescreen” for their long-planned assault on America.

Some are now starting to question whether they ever had any intention of supporting Queen and Commonwealth, or always had their sights firmly fixed on Hollywood.

Yet with coronavirus dominating the airwaves both in the UK and the US – where more people are now infected than the 81,000 in China – the couple’s Stateside relaunch, which once promised fireworks, now appears in danger of turning into more of a damp squib, as the March 31 deadline signalling their formal royal exit fast approaches.

They undeniably have an impregnable and enthusiastic fan base in Meghan’s native country, but is anyone going to take much notice while the US is clocking up the most cases of coronavirus in the world under Donald Trump’s increasingly questionable leadership, and with an election just months away?

If their latest efforts are anything to go by, they stand little chance of winning the battle of the headlines in the UK either, not least with William, 37, and Kate, 38, regarded as “playing a blinder” in their absence.

And whether the couples like it or not, comparisons are certainly being made (which perhaps explains why so many of the Sussexes’ online updates are still coinciding with their brother and sister-in-law’s royal activities).

As Harry announced the postponement of the Invictus Games, the Cambridges were being lauded for making a “real” difference by making a morale-boosting visit to a 111 call centre. Dressed in a pink trouser suit from Marks and Spencer, the future queen told hard-pressed staff: “It’s amazing. You’re doing such a great job bringing everyone together and providing that, the support system for the whole public.”
Glowworm said…
Jdubya and Elle, can either of you tell me why you feel mm would not last in Scientology?
Ava C said…

William, himself a former air ambulance pilot who has worked on the front line, later praised the health service as representing “the very best of our country and society”, as he thanked staff on behalf of the Royal family. Although the couple faced some criticism from those who felt their presence was a distraction, the general consensus was that they were right to do their bit.

Sources close to the couple say they will continue to offer support and are liaising with the Government and their charities in a bid to decide when and where they would be most “useful”. With the Queen self-isolating at Windsor Castle and the heir to the throne in quarantine at Birkhall on the Balmoral estate in Scotland, the Cambridges are now at the top of the royal roll call.

But observers cannot fail to have noticed how depleted the Royal family now looks without the Sussexes on side. As a former Army captain who revels in rolling up his sleeves in a crisis, the outbreak would have provided Harry with the perfect opportunity to do what he does best – geeing up the public in the face of adversity.

Remember the flood relief efforts in 2014, when the royal brothers donned waterproofs and waders to help the Household Cavalry unload sandbags from military trucks?

Instead the 35-year-old royal, who twice fought for Queen and country in Afghanistan, has been reduced to sharing the World Health Organisation’s online advice and inviting fans to share their feelings via a rather trite: “Today I Feel…” Instagram post. They had hoped to create a “community” around coronavirus but instead appear to have sparked a controversy with what one critic described as meaningless “word salad”, rather than affirmative action.

Meanwhile, Meghan, 38, being signed up to narrate the new Disney documentary Elephant – after Harry touted her talents to executive chairman, Bob Iger – has only served to make their efforts to appear one of “us” rather than one of “them” seem even more cynical.

Summing up the mood among royal watchers, Joe Little, editor-in-chief of Majesty magazine, said: “From the time they said they were going to Canada, I always saw it as a stopgap for them hopping over the border – a softener because it was a Commonwealth country.

“While some are saying they’ve only gone to the US to escape coronavirus, it doesn’t make sense. Surely you would be much safer on Vancouver Island than in LA? This was always about Meghan being back on her patch and that master plan is now in place.”

Agreeing that Harry “would certainly have mucked in and done everything he could to help”, Little added: “But now he is in a different world. From Wednesday they will no longer be working members of the Royal family, so we have to start looking at them in a different way. They have got their own agenda, which is such a shame when you consider how useful they could have been to the British monarchy at this time of national emergency.”

“You have to give something back, you can’t just sit there,” Harry famously insisted in an echo of his mother, Diana, Princess of Wales when speaking about his Army training. Having passed out of Sandhurst with flying colours, he appeared the epitome of the military academy’s motto: “Serve to lead.”

Yet as he and Meghan embark on a new life in America, fans will be hoping that the newly rebranded Duke and Duchess of Sussex will not forget the royal roots that helped Harry to become one of the most effective campaigners of his generation.
Fairy Crocodile said…

Did you feel a sense of embarrassment when you looked at her clapping post? I did. I felt ashamed that a member of the royal family does something like that when addressing the NHS workers who literally risk their own lives every day. That line of clapping hands came across as sarcastic, impersonal and cheap.

If they ended their message with thumbs up emoji the picture would have been complete.
KC said…
JHanoi asked in passing "Doesn’t Cali have 50/50 property split laws for divorce cases? If he has anything left after the divorce i’ll be shocked."

I believe it is 50/50 for what is earned during the marriage, you keep what you came into the marriage with. A prenup might, *might* override the law.

"If he has anything left after the divorce i’ll be shocked. At least he can then live like the common person , at a minimum wage job, which is his dream."

I really laughed at this. He would be so 35!
MindYaBuidness said…
Longtime lurker, first time commenting.

Is Archie in sequestration so she can claim he died from the virus? Would solve her problems of never seeing him, and fall in line with the move to the most infected country. It might also provide an excuse for a div doorce, all while trying to paint her as a poor suffering creature.

Meg has never been one to let a PR chance escape unmolested.
Fifi LaRue said…
Thanks Animal Lover! Well, that proves it. The Trudeaus, Mulroneys, et al have proven their lack of discernment, and are fools to be friends with the Harkles. And, someone leaving the prestigous Gates Foundation for the Harkles? There will be a resignation within six months.

There is no Archie. Or there is severe abnormality. If he did exist, there would have been photos. Every time the Cambridge children were photographed, or Kate released photos of them, Markle would have released a photo of Archie.

Meghan's best bet might be getting a job from Mark Cuban or Ryan Seacrest. They both thought Markle was wonderful.
Sandie said…
Scientology: I can imagine Meghan showing some interest when she was very young. 1. She might have seen it as a path into power and wealth, and of ultimately being in control. She would be interested in the secrets that could give her that power. 2. She might have been interested because of the successful and famous celebrities associated with Scientology.

But Meghan would never have become involved in any significant way with the church. 1. No way would she have paid all their fees. Meghan gets other people to pay for her lifestyle. 2. Meghan is just not honest and would never trust an auditor with the truth in any way.

Sylvia said…
DesignDoctor said…
If Harry's family will dig deep into their pockets to make her go away, why haven't they done so already?
Or, do you think she was offered money NOT to marry Harry and refused since she ostensibly wanted to be a "royal?"

DesignDoctor said…
@Fairy Crocodile

So true. The clapping hand emojis are a slap in the face to all the brave people who are putting their lives on the line to save others.

True heros and heroines!
Sylvia said…
If there is an Archie and he was born earlier than May 6th via a surragate birth in early February perhaps ?
The VF pictures taken of Archie in February would be on his 1st birthday thus making his May birthdate more believable
pictures of a 15 month old baby shiwn in May would be far more revealing as JH stated baby change in 2 weeks
SwampWoman said…
Sorry, Harry and Meghan. The world has been sorted into essential and non-essential people. Guess which category you now belong in?
Unbeweaveable said…
Catherine St Laurent is not currently at the Gates Foundation. She is a director at Melissa Gates’ incubator/accelerator non-profit. Basically, Pivotal Ventures provides venture funding, guidance, etc to small socially progressive companies who are in the early stages of existence. It’s a different model than a charitable foundation and it hints at the “new way” of setting up a charity.

This woman is also noted by the DM as being the new Sussex chief of staff, which suggests she’s performing some kind of executive assistant function beyond directing the Sussex charity (and also that she’s not actually in charge). That cannot possibly end well, given what has happened with all the other staff who passed in and out of the Sussex offices.

And finally...Harry’s bad luck the invictus single dropped the same day Boris Johnson announced he tested positive for covid-19. Their timing for all of this is completely off.
Himmy said…
I don't think Mark Cuban or Ryan Seacrest really wants to work with Markle. Not many people in show biz want to criticize a biracial "princess" in public. Everyone thought Weinstein was wonderful not too long ago and he was praised by the real A listers.

I was wondering who is going to donate to their so-called foundation. Bill Gates has billions and he is a self-made billionaire. What Harkles have accomplished so far? They ghosted all their families except Doria and MM spent a million on her ill-fitting wardrobe. MM was Z list actress and dim Harry just got pranked by "Greta".

They probably could use their "foundation" to launder money for their Russian friends or some other shady connections. I guess they would not try to worm their way back into BRF anytime soon since they just moved to LA and they are “happier than ever”.
SwampWoman said…
Himmy said: I guess they would not try to worm their way back into BRF anytime soon since they just moved to LA and they are “happier than ever”.

I think they did try to worm their way back in and were told nope.
Jdubya said…
@Glowworm - if you read anything about Scientology, you'd understand. First it costs a lot of money. 2nd you have to sit with an auditor, holdings these devices that help determine if you are basically telling the truth. You have to spill your guts of all your secrets & life experiences and "clear" yourself from them. (they record all the sessions of the wealthy/celebrity clients). They keep extensive files of everything you tell them. You do what they tell you, when they tell you. They have handlers for the celebrities to go everywhere with them.

If you leave, they follow you, harass you, threaten you. If you ever speak badly of it, watch out. Both Katie Holmes & Nicole Kidman won't say a word about it.

Watch the Leah Remini specials and you'll understand. Scary organization
Jdubya said…
Just because they are now staying in CA, does not make Harry a legal resident. So the 50/50 CA divorce laws don't apply at this time. He is basically on a visa. He would have to apply for legal residency and it takes longer than 6 months.
Himmy said…
@SwampWoman - I am glad they said no to Harkles. Even Harry divorces MM and wants to come back, they should not allow him to be a working royal again. He has showed his true color.
Crumpet said…
Hello Nutties!

The one way the coronavirus will help MM is that it gives her more time to ensure privacy re Archiefaux. With the move to the LA area, it will be more and more difficult to hide the child away, although perhaps we are just sceptics, as Ellen has said she has seen the child!

I agree with the comments made that if she could have, she would have merched Archie as much as possible [yes, she wants to be the star, but Archie, just like her Markletarian ventures only exists because she is there]. I do not believe JH has any control over Archie or his use by MM, as he does not have any control over his own words and actions, even.

So, that begs the question. If there is an Archie, who has control over him, or why is he being hidden.

Other than the presentation of Archie with the Queen and Doria, why was he trotted out during the SA trip--to break the internet, to help boost viewing numbers of the Africa mockumentary? Why then and no other time?

Maybe MM and JH have the willpower to resist baby merching until the big spread on his 1st birthday--maybe not.

I am sure the pregnancy thing, started as a MM scheme to cement her fortune, but Harry has bought into whatever Archie is--fake baby, rent a baby, adopted...

It is the million dollar question. And one that certainly keeps the buzz going re the Harkles.

HappyDays said…
SwampWoman said…
HappyDays, I'm puzzled as to where the money is coming from to hire staffers for their "charity". Good help doesn't come cheap. Bill and Melinda gates can afford the best.

Swamp Woman: That same thought crossed my mind when I wrote that comment, but I didn’t want the comment to be too long. You’re exactly right, Ms. St. Laurent isn’t going to work for minimum wage and no benefits such as health insurance and a 401K retirement plan.

The caliber of people they need to hire in addition to the money they are already shelling out for the PR team and their managers, plus a personal assistant for each of them, accounting advisors, legal advisors, etc., which are costs many people don’t think about, will greatly add to the overhead of whatever type of charitable vehicle they plan to create.

I still believe that they will get into trouble for shady dealings with their alleged charitable efforts, which will, at their core, just be vehicles to line their own pockets and create a fraudulent public image that they are sincere, caring humanitarians, when benefitting others or the earth will be the last thing they care about, especially Meghan. I think Harry does/did care about others, but it has been overshadowed by Meghan’s narcissistic agenda of self-aggrandizment. Harry is just a useful tool for her. She’d be nothing had she not manipulated him into a marriage that I feel he will be stuck in for either decades or the rest of his life.

Diana would have sussed her out in a heartbeat and kicked her gold digging butt back to Toronto before the relationship ever became public and gave her the use of the race card, which I feel she used as a tacit threat against the RF to allow the marriage to happen so quickly. William and Andrew, and several of Harry’s friends, including Tim Inskip, were the only ones who had her sussed, and none of them were in a position to slow it down or put an outright end to the relationship.

Narcissists like Meghan often rush their targets into serious relationships such as moving in together, or better yet, marriage, to make it far more difficult for their often docile and often already isolated partner to extricate themselves.

Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Animal Lover said…
This story is featured on DListed gossip site and ALL the comments are negative. Apparently M is going to revive The Tig, write a cookbook and do some other stuff. Since there is so much daily information about her , not sure if this is true.

So I guess she'll be an influencer?
Louise said…
Catherine St Laurent seems to be a branding expert, which is exactly what the Smirkles need. If you look at her CV on Linked In, her expertise is branding and promotion, rather than charitable organizations.

I agree with others that I don't know how they will have the funds to pay her.

Perhaps she has signed on for a percentage of their profits.

I find the term "chief of staff" odd, as I have only seen this used in connection with politicians
Sandie said…
@Crumpet: why was he trotted out during the SA trip ...

So that she could get historic footage and photographs of Archie with Archbishop Tutu. She admitted as such in one of the interviews Tom did with her.
Anonymous said…
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Sandie said…
I think Meghan's 'plan' is to promote herself, probably to do with empowerment of women but she wants to be interviewed on high-profile shows, be in all the trendy expensive magazines, grab all the headlines ... She had to give St Laurent a fancy title to lure her. How she is going to fund it I do not know. She is probably counting on St Laurent giving her entry into the world of billionaires that have major money to donate.
Glowworm said…
Thank you dear Jdubya and Elle for the info on the CofS...I had no idea.x🐛
YankeeDoodle said…
M, unlike Sarah, Duchess of York, is not entitled to use Duchess of Sussex. Sarah is a British citizen. M is not, she is an American, and it was only because the Queen gave into Just H tantrums that the two were given Sussex and Dumbarton, two names that are sly ways of describing Just H and M.

I wonder if the private jet used to sneak into the USA was a medijet, or called medivac, since Just H and Mugsy probably have the corona virus, and thus checked into a private home set up with medical equipment one of their billionaire’s paid for and keep paying. If true, than they have exposed more people to the corona virus. The two will do more danger than an earthquake on the San Andreas fault line. And as to security, U.S. taxpayers cannot pay for security of any private citizen. Biden and Sanders just recently were given Secret Service protection. Chuck or the British people will pay out, and I sincerely hope the Queen or Chuck will realize the public relations disaster of giving multi-millionaires one penny more as of April 1. The two are nobodies. Plus the two will be given no rights of privacy if they are ever seen in public.

Another thing is how Just H, if the story is true, is allowed to stay in the USA. Homeland Security, Immigration, and the Internal Revenue Service are collecting information to use if Just H left Canada knowing he was Typhoid Mary. Everything about the two and their “child” seems to be one lie after the other.
Sandie said…
@DesignDoctor: What I meant is that Harry will not be able to afford the settlement that Meghan will try to get from him in a divorce. His family will step up to help him by giving her a huge settlement to get rid of her and get the divorce done because if they don't it will be drawn out and very messy and very bad for Harry.
Himmy said…
@Elle - I agree "Rach is already a cult of one".

I suspect MM dabbed into Scientology to gain access to Hollywood A listers like Tom Cruise, John Travolta, but she did not make much progress and gave it up or they kicked her out.
Henrietta said…
JDubya said,

"Just because they are now staying in CA, does not make Harry a legal resident. So the 50/50 CA divorce laws don't apply at this time. He is basically on a visa. He would have to apply for legal residency and it takes longer than 6 months."

A Californian on the DM comment boards said it takes 6 months of living in California to establish California residency. My guess is that Harry doesn't have a visa because of the U.S.-U.K. agreement allowing citizens to visit for 6 months for work or pleasure. If he wants to stay longer, then he'll need a visa. My lay knowledge is that he needs a visa to apply for a green card (permanent residency). (This is what trips up so many illegal aliens.) What I've heard is that, depending on where you live, it can take years to get a green card.

MM can also sponsor him for citizenship, but my guess is he won't go that route. Maybe it's problematic for Harry the way it was with MM and her application for British citizenship? (That is, she was required to renounce her U.S. citizenship to become a real HRH.)

I think Harry can establish residency in CA with just a regular visa which he shouldn't have a problem getting because he's a spouse of a U.S. citizen. Then, theoretically, he could file for divorce in CA after living there for six months. But the 50-50 property split doesn't come until after 10 years of marriage, formal or common law, unless CA has changed its divorce laws.

A criminal conviction or an arrest can stop a visa from being granted. Ditto for doing something dumb. If the RF wanted to throw a spanner in the works and somehow prevent Harry from getting a visa or permanent residency, they probably could. But I haven't read or seen any hint of that in the blinds.

In MM's second marriage to Trevor, she had a combo of common law marriage and a legal marriage to qualify for the 10 years. It looks to me like this is the scenario the BRF is assuming.

Does anyone know if Californian divorce law has changed recently?
Henrietta said…
Lay knowledge = lay understanding
Sandie said…
By the way, I am very doubtful that Meghan will succeed in any of her half-baked plans. She will end up with Tig 2.0, being an influencer and a mercher as she was before (perhaps with some appearances on TV shows) but will be about 10 times more successful than she was as Meghan Markle the unknown actress even though she hustled to get herself noticed anywhere and everywhere, anyhow and with anyone ...
Sandie said…

This does make sense and what people said when they moved to Canada, but the tax issue would apply if she lived anywhere other than the USA.

Gosh, British taxpayers have to pay for their protection (and who knows what other hidden costs) but they won't even be paying tax to the UK. Rude people!
YankeeDoodle said…

The HAMS are intensely disliked by the British people, and are increasingly unpopular elsewhere. They are not Diana, Princess of Wales. They do not have beauty, charisma, kindness, charm and her “It” factor. In the event of divorce, I bet the royals will hit back with everything that they have kept secret. M would be sued if she says or publishes anything negative about the royal family. Nobody likes Mugs. Not even dogs. She can scream racism all she wants, but nobody will care anymore, since it has been used to beat a dead horse enough already.
I doubt h will be given anything, either, since he has a huge trust fund, which in a twisted way, was paid for by the taxpayers during his parent’s divorce.
`Chief of Staff' - military usage originally.

I sussed out the `go back to California for Hollywood fame & a whopping Divorce settlement' game plan, even before the wedding and I bet most other Nutties did too.

Louis Theroux has tangled with Scientologists in his TV docs - scary people. Didn't L Ron Hubbard say something about the easiest way to make a fortune was to invent a religion?
Anonymous said…
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Bilge - she was probably doing a Violet Elizabeth Bott.

Surely someone with her profound wisdom of Yoga and its breathing disciplines should know how to ameliorate `panics' by breathing proper;y?
Fairy Crocodile said…

Harry burned his bridges when he said in that prank phone call "we are separate from most of my family". He cut himself off.

He is also firmly associated with moving penguins to the North Pole and fighting for the independence of Chunga Changa now. Anybody working with Harry will have to suppress a smirk.

Rehabilitating him after his swastika scandal and naked pictures took years. Rehabilitating him after this disaster will not be any shorter.

He is 35. Markle will chew him for a bit longer. Which courtier will take the project of rehabilitating a pile of a middle aged former royal with mental and drug issues? I would say good luck to that person.
Nahanni said…
They're going to LOVE L.A. in a couple of weeks. The CA National Guard is staged and ready to roll and they have been issued ammo. They generally are not deployed with ammo.


Because the state/local goverments expect a riot that'll make the Rodney King one look like a picnic. The drugs are cut off. The Cartels can't get the opioids, and chemicals to make meth from China because shipping is halted. The Cocaine isn't getting through from South America. Even if they had it all it's almost impossible to get it over the border. As a result both addicts and the gangs who supply them are getting more aggressive and violent. Combine that with an increasingly "on edge" general population and you have a powder keg just waiting for the strike of a match.

The problem for the Douchebag and Dumpster Fire of Sussex is they'll have no way out. Private helicopters will be grounded I'd suspect the airspace over L.A. will be closed. The horde will head out to the rich folks mansions because they'll roll over any defense put up this time around. I would expect the NG will be tasked with defending the hospitals and critical infrastructure leaving LAPD to concentrate on the riots. They won't be able to cope.
Henrietta said...
I think they're probably together in LA simply because it's an abusive relationship -- for Harry -- and these things don't devolve easily or quickly. They're more complicated and sick....In the disappearance of Archie, I really think this is about money.

As tempting as it is to believe Harry and MeMe have parted ways and Archie does not exist, I think the family is very much together. Greed and a kind of paranoia combined with narcissism is driving this train.
Este said…
Between the tone death hand clapping emojis and the flight to LA at a time when Prince Charles is sick and Coronavirus is a bigger threat in LA than Canada, this is a very bad look. I think Archie exists. He's Meghan's insurance policy and she's withholding him, I think, because that's the one thing Harry insist upon that his son stays out of limelight.
Coronavirus is making the Cambridges come up aces here and having Harry turn his back on his ill father just like his wife did to her ill father is going to leave a bad taste and bad association. This couple is grasping and obvious and their window of public interest is fading fast. Circumstances are just hastening it along. Like Nutty observed, Harry has nothing to do in LA. His value and his purpose was tied to his family and the Firm. Meghan isn't going to be the next Julia Roberts humanitarian either. I think they'll divorce within 5 years unless Harry does something desperate to himself. I don't think he's stable at all.
Shaggy said…
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Himmy said…
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xxxxx said…
That sounds like a zombie Apocalypse. I never watch these stupid Walking Dead series etc but maybe they have a point with the corona virus panic of 2020.

Amusing that LA is so close to Las Vegas. Harry had such a rollicking good time there with the ladies, professional and otherwise. His Royal Protection Officers who either mutely stood aside or semi-participated. Only problem for Hapless is that Las Vegas is shut down and locked down at present.
Mischief Girl said…
Of course they are in California. It's a community property state. MM isn't that stupid.

Having said that, I'm not sure they are together. JH's pathetic Invictus self-video is evidence of that. The guy had to turn on and turn off the recording device. His loving wife couldn't have set up the camera phone and pushed a button for the guy? He looked as though he was in someone's laundry room sneaking a call to an unpopular girlfriend.

I am more and more convinced there is no Archie with them. After all the artistic shots of feet and ears or whatever MM was peddling in slightly out-of-focus B&W shots earlier on, they could have made a video of Archie clapping his hands, with a tight shot of only his hands, should they so desire to sustain his "privacy".

But I think she simply doesn't give a flying you-know-what about England, Great Britian, or the BRF anymore.

As for the elephants movie, Disney will have to make millions from it without my contribution.

I can't believe I was so duped by her. I got up at 4:00a.m. to watch their wedding, and sleep has long been my most precious commodity.

I am disgusted by her. Goodness knows where JH is. I don't think he's in England, but what on earth is he going to do in California? She, of course, would LOVE it if he followed around behind her. I was going to add "for once", because technically she had to follow him when officially in the BRF, but she always made sure with the Claw on his shoulder that he stepped back and let her go first.

Long may MM quarantine!
CatEyes said…
Community Property in California;
"Community property consists of property, other than one spouse’s separate property, acquired during the marriage including: Real property: homes, land, vacation homes, etc.
Businesses and business interests, Cars, boats, and other vehicles, Retirement accounts and investment accounts including IRA’s, pensions, annuities, etc.Bank accounts
Generally speaking, anything acquired during the marriage that has value (other than the exceptions listed) is considered community property."

Separate Property; consists of all property acquired by a spouse before the date of the marriage. Additionally, property acquired during the marriage by gift, inheritance, or money received for personal injuries sustained by a spouse is also considered that spouse’s separate property.

Conclusion; Once the separate property has been “set aside” for the separate property owners, then the court must divide the community property from the marriage completely equally. However, the courts do not require the division of assets to be “in-kind.” Rather, the court must determine that the net value of all property awarded to one spouse is equal to the value of all the property awarded to the other spouse.

As a general rule, if each spouse has the same educational background, makes the same amount of money, has the same amount of personal property, and there are no children of the marriage, then typically the community property will be awarded to each spouse 50/50. However, if considering the above factors, there is a significant difference in the spouses’ financial situation, then the court will divide out the community property accordingly, keeping those factors in mind. The court will divide the estate in a manner it deems just and right, considering those factors and others.

Essentially, the court is given a wide array of discretion in determining the best way to divide community assets and property in a divorce."

My Comment; I did not see any mention about a 10 year rule establishing the criteria for community property (as one poster said upthread). I also noted that residency can be established immediately as long as the person intends to make California their permanent home. There are also different definitions for residency which might apply if you are seeking for example in-state tuition, immigration etc...but this is above and beyond the simple residency of someone like Meghan who is merely moving back to her home state IMO.
Animal Lover said…
This from Datalounge. Don't know if this is true but it squares with what I read in Royal Foibles that Harry has serious mental health issues:

"A little inside info—take it or leave it, I really don’t care. But I love DL, and I have a little to spill.

1–the decision to leave was both of their idea. They are very much in agreement on this. Meghan was very unhappy living abroad and being pummeled (her view) and Harry, well Harry has been unhappy for a long, long time.

2–Harry is indeed not taking medication for depression because he feels “empty” when he’s on it. Btw I can relate, but I won’t discontinue it because... depression. He is much more intense and angry off it.

3–if you think Meghan is calling the shots, you’re wrong. She was happy with the title and the perks, she didn’t like the scrutiny but she did not want to give up the title. That was all Harry.

That’s all I have.

MustySyphone said…
T-minus four days and counting until Megxit! Any theories on how taudry and tone deaf the official launch, on April 1 no less, will be?
Mischief Girl said…

Californian for 36 years here. I agree with you that MM is primarily moving back to her home state--this is where all her Hollowood peeps are located--but I'm also sure she's happy California is a community property state. I think the big question is if she stays with JH for 10 years. Personally, I think they'll be over long before that. Ten years is when you HAVE to split assets 50/50, I think. At least it was. I remember when Tom Cruise filed for divorce from Nicole Kidman. It happened so close to their 10th anniversary. It was almost as if he'd had the date marked in his calendar and wanted to be sure to get in under the wire. Something like that.

Anyway, I am in FULL SNARK mood tonight. I work in healthcare and I'm tired and burned out and I was burned out before Covid-19 hit.

So bottom line, I'm just glad it's Friday night and the weekend! I'm enjoying ragging on MM and JH.

Royalfan said…
Wow. Quite the DM article by Rebecca English. ... And so it begins.
HappyDays said…
Elle, Reine des Abeilles said...
As for the CA divorce, it looks like Rach's 6 month quickie divorce won't be a slam dunk.

First, "California law defines community property as any asset acquired or income earned by a married person while living with a spouse. Separate property is defined as anything acquired by a spouse before the marriage, during the marriage by gift, devise, or bequest, and after the parties separate."

Second, this will be complicated process, depending on who serves when/where/etc., and while Harry FKAP might not be on it quickly, my guess is that the BRF's legal team has a plan, just in case.

@ Elle, Reine des Abeilles:

Do you or anyone else remember hearing that even though Harry said before the wedding that there wouldn’t be a pre-nup agreement?
The reason I bring it up is that I read that HMTQ pulled a fast one when H&M went back during the service to sign the official marriage documents, that Fiona Shackleton, the famous UK divorce lawyer who represented Charles in his split with Diana and Paul McCartney in his split with Heather Mills, prepared a pre-nup that was dropped on Meghan as a prerequisite to signing the marriage documents when they were all in back of the altar. Does anyone remember hearing this rumor?

I understand that pre-nups are supposedly not enforceable in the UK, but I believe they are in California. Of course, if it is true that Mayhem was surprised with this document, she would claim she signed it under duress.

Even if they fo split up, I think the RF will play hardball with Meghan due to all the division and acrimony she has caused within the RF, dividing Harry and William, and the general con game that she ran on the UK public, who one way or another, were forced to pay for her lavish lifestyle when she never had any respect for thousand-year old institution and was only in it to enrich herself in terms of fame, wealth, power, and influence that is solely derived from her marriage to Harry.
CatEyes said…
@Mischief Girl said...

>>>. I think the big question is if she stays with JH for 10 years. Personally, I think they'll be over long before that. Ten years is when you HAVE to split assets 50/50, I think.<<<

I think the 10 years is with respect to the issue of spousal support (alimony). Such as the following;
"A general rule is that spousal support will last for half the length of a less than 10 years long marriage. However, in longer marriages, the court will not set alimony duration. The burden will be on the party who pays to prove that spousal support is not necessary at some future point in time."

Again, I do not see 10 years has anything to do with community property dyerminations.
KC said…
Henrietta said "MM can also sponsor him for citizenship, but my guess is he won't go that route."

My understanding is, if you the American citizen do sponsor a foreign national for citizenship, you are responsible for anything they do. This came up when a coworker described the steps her ex husband took to get his Kazakstanian wife into the US. I am not sure how far that goes, our understanding was if she broke the law, she could be deported (esp. for a felony) and he would face penalties too. This is coffee break law seminar talk though, if a real lawyer wants to add any clarifying details.

But I don't think MM would take responsibility for H. I just don't see that level of care in how she treats him.
CatEyes said…
@RebeccaB said...

>>>As tempting as it is to believe Harry and MeMe have parted ways and Archie does not exist, I think the family is very much together. Greed and a kind of paranoia combined with narcissism is driving this train. <<<

Agree wholeheartedly! I think Harry and Meg are two pathetic individuals who are feeding off each other's vainglory ambitions and megalomania. I think the Hollywood A-listers won't accept Meg as an equal (much like the look of Beyoncé and her husband at the Lion King Premier) and Harry will probably feel like a fish out of water in Calif. He might be enamored of being oohed and awed over by so-called laid back Californians but it is so superficial (having lived there 33 years some in LA and West Hollywood) in how people treat each other out there.

With COVID-19, California is one of the last places I would want to live. Heck, I was happy to move away in 1997 and vowed I would never move back.

I have a strange story to recount about my incident with Scientology. When I was 26 I ran into a former Hollywood boyfriend who invited me (after giving me a Dyanetics book authored by L. Ron Hubbard)to a play put on at Scientology's World Hdqs. in Hollywood. Ironically the play was 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest'. After the first Act I was beginning to feel uncomfortable but what clinched it was he took me at the intermission back into the kitchen area and I got spooked out. The people who lived there was wandering around and appeared like they were zombies. I got freaked and I told him I couldn't stand it and had to leave. luckily, I had come into the City so I had my own car and left...never to see him again!

Also while a senior at college in LA I met a guy (a brilliant guy) who had graduated from the US Coast Guard Academy etc.., and was recruited to serve on L.Ron Hubbard's yacht traveling with the Scientology founder around the world. He quit after a year because he came to the conclusion Hubbard and Scientology was very disturbing.
Henrietta said…

There was a rumor on the internet -- one of those cheap articles that's advertised after DM royal family articles -- that gave a similar account about a prenup, but didn't attribute it to the Queen at all and with no wedding day drama. It simply said that MM changed her mind at the last minute and decided to sign one. It did specify that Fiona Shackleton represented Harry and that if MM left Harry, she would get nothing. I personally believed the story because it was so detailed.

Also, I suspect it happened after the incident with Charlotte. I think MM really feared that if KM told the truth to PH about what MM had done to Charlotte, he'd call the wedding off. I think she offered to sign it after finally realizing she'd gone too far. If you watch her body language on her wedding day, other than all her faux, dramatic facial expressions, she really seems to be acting carefully and pretty meekly, not moving around a lot, like she'd just gotten her wings clipped. She also seems to be staying away from the children.

The Charlotte incident supposedly happened in a room with a lot of witnesses. (It wouldn't have been just Kate's word against Meghan's.) That's my theory.
Ian's Girl said…
Oh my lord, what Charlotte incident?!
lizzie said…
I really don't know anything about how CA divorces work. During the marriage up until now, officially they have been supported by Charles. Both from Duchy funds and from his personal funds. I don't know for a fact, but I'd think that money would count as a "gift" to Harry and wouldn't count as joint property.  (Plus that's spent presumably as soon as it's given.) I think most people agree Harry's inheritance from Diana (and any others that he may have gotten or may yet get) wouldn't be community property.

Of course M herself may have earned hidden merching income during the marriage (also hidden from Uncle Sam) and may have some residuals from Suits. I didn't watch it the first time around but maybe it's being rerun.

Maybe I'm naive but I don't see there would be much "community property" to divide.  They don't own a house (so far anyway) and I'm not sure they even own (instead of lease) cars. I'm not sure how clothes and jewelry are typically valued but I doubt anyone on the RF side would fight to keep her tacky jewelry and ill-fitting clothes.

I guess one stumbling block could be child support including a nanny salary. And maybe part of the plan is to get Harry to buy a CA house that would be community property. Still that's pretty small potatoes compared to the life she could have led as a royal. Maybe she'd try to get spousal support too...after all, she gave up everything to marry Harry. ;-)
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Rachel pinned her future on the cachet of royalty. She is learning that it is only a label in the hands of those who think it means something on its own, without the responsibility and service that has always accompanied it.

Fifi LaRue said…
Harry is currently 35, in September he'll be 36. He's stuck like glue to Meghan. He's hitched his wagon to her "star."

Life changing events happen at certain ages in most people's lives. People make commitments at 27/28. Things happen at 37, usually sudden events beyond one's control. Lots of experiences and changes from 38 to 42. 50/51 is another milestone.

We don't Meghan's real age. She lies about everything. If her mouth is moving, or her fingers are typing, she's lying.
She's probably around 39/40/41 age wise. Maybe even 42.

While Harry is glued to Meghan as his shining star, Meghan is busy looking around for her next big thing, her next mark. Harry is just a conduit to something bigger and better. He's a nobody to her. Harry is providing Meghan with money, the ability to travel private jet, etc. Harry gave Meghan high profile glamour as a Royal. That's all she needed. Just a huge boost to her name recognition. And access to money, huge amounts of money.

Meghan's actively looking around, and her plans do not include Harry. He doesn't know that. He's a step on the ladder, that's all.

I give this marriage 1.5 years before Meghan suddenly bolts, and leaves Harry in her dust. He's going to be deeply shocked. Harry will be at the crucial age of 37. If one doesn't learn life lessons on your own, of if you have disregarded life lessons, the Universe will kick a person in the ass. What Harry has done is put Meghan on a pedestal before all else, before God, before Country, before Family, before himself. He's going to learn a lesson the very hard way.
Royalfan said…
@Lt. Nyota Uhura
Perfectly summarized!
Unknown said…
@Henrietta Funny you bring up Meg’s facial expressions during the wedding. I never said this explicitly before but after the Engagement Interview, the faces Meg made at the wedding tipped me off that something was odd with their union.

I watched Suits. I am very familiar with Meg’s mannerisms and facial expressions. The smile she had at that wedding was so strange. I have never seen her make that kind of smile before or after the wedding.

The face she had was new to me. I can’t even attribute it to Botox or Surgery. She does look very different from her facial profile and she tweaks her nose a lot. Maybe a nose job?

Something strange was going on in her mind and I really don’t think it was nerves. The media keeps saying she is having a nervous breakdown since JH made plans with Oprah for that mental health project. How convenient!
Anonymous said…
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Ian's Girl said…
@Animal Lover said...

This from Datalounge. Don't know if this is true but it squares with what I read in Royal Foibles that Harry has serious mental health issues:

"A little inside info—take it or leave it, I really don’t care. But I love DL, and I have a little to spill.

1–the decision to leave was both of their idea. They are very much in agreement on this. Meghan was very unhappy living abroad and being pummeled (her view) and Harry, well Harry has been unhappy for a long, long time.

2–Harry is indeed not taking medication for depression because he feels “empty” when he’s on it. Btw I can relate, but I won’t discontinue it because... depression. He is much more intense and angry off it.

3–if you think Meghan is calling the shots, you’re wrong. She was happy with the title and the perks, she didn’t like the scrutiny but she did not want to give up the title. That was all Harry.

That’s all I have.


Really interesting take.
In addition to Rebecca English’s excellent commentary from DM posted earlier, here is another:

JAN MOIR: As the Duke and Duchess of Sussex reach the promised land of California – within kissing distance of Hollywood – Meghan’s got all she wanted and Harry’s given up so much

And with one bound, they were free.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have finally reached the promised land of California and they are within kissing distance of Hollywood, no doubt their intended destination all along.

That weird rental stay in Canada?

It now seems clear that it was nothing but a smokescreen – a nice, Commonwealth-friendly stopgap to give a sheen of royal respectability to their act of usurpation.

Or should that be her ambition? Now that the duchess has her duke exactly where she wants him, which is stuck fast in the amber of her Los Angeles hometown, will the power base in their relationship tilt even further her way?

Undoubtedly so. From now until forever, in America at least, it is Meghan who will be the guest of honour and Harry the lowly plus one at her side.

For she is the architect of their new world pageantry, the queen bee in their westerly Windsor hive.

He will just have to hold her handbag and do what he is told – and perhaps he will be more than happy to do so.

Surely, for a headstrong young pup like him, anything is better than his lowly post on the Windsor totem pole: being bossed around by Gan-Gan, Papa, big brother Wills and a battalion of chisel-faced courtiers insisting on protocol, protocol, protocol.

The couple say they still want to be busy, to support the Queen and carve out a progressive role within the Royal Family but that dream has already died, kids, that ship sailed long ago on the Megxit tide.

This week, in the middle of the biggest public health crisis this country has ever seen, the Sussexes already seem self-absorbed, detached and utterly irrelevant.

Perhaps it was bad timing but within hours of the nation coming together on Thursday to show its support of the NHS by taking to the streets and clapping, news emerged that the Sussexes had flown from Canada earlier this week – private jet, naturally – to settle in LA.

Just as Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis charmed the nation with that video footage of them earnestly clapping along, all rosy cheeks and sweet woolly jumpers, the Sussexes were nowhere to be seen.

Public comfort came there none. All they could offer was a lame post on their preposterous SussexRoyal Instagram account, one that sounded like a note left for the cleaner.

‘Thank you for all that you continue to do! Applauding you from across the pond,’ read the message, accompanied by two lines of clapping hands emojis.

Honestly, Harry and Meghan, if this is the best you can do, don’t bloody bother.

Those dashed off ho-hum words are an insult to everyone in this country, not least of all those NHS workers on the front line risking their lives every day to save others and try to control this pandemic.

At a time of national peril, the last thing anyone needs is another trite and meaningless gesture from this pair of do-gooding dopes, but sadly they seem unstoppable.

Earlier, the couple posted another gobbledegook quote to their 11.3million followers, harbouring under the fond delusion that it was somehow inspirational.

‘This moment is as true a testament there is to the human spirit,’ it read.

Is it really? Then why aren’t the pair of you doing something about it, instead of slipping from the public gaze entirely?

No one is expecting the Sussexes – or any other royals – to start touring wards and crocheting facemasks, but surely the very essence of being royal is to provide a visible and calming presence at a time of catastrophe?

Instead the Sussexes’ focus is, as ever, firmly on themselves.
Part 2, Jan Moir in DM:

This week Disney announced that Meghan has provided the voiceover for a new wildlife documentary called Elephant, which starts streaming next month.

That’s pretty fast work, considering it is just over six months since Prince Harry was caught on camera making that embarrassing red carpet pitch to Disney boss Bob Iger to get his wife some voiceover work.

Ker-ching! It worked.

That is the thing about the Sussexes. Harry and Meghan claim to be on the side of the little people and the disenfranchised.

But they will grind home every advantage and privilege of their own with ruthless efficiency.

We’re supposed to think this is all marvellous because Meghan is giving her Disney fee to charity, as if she is somehow doing the company a huge favour.

Last year Disney donated over £274million to charitable causes, the tip of a corporate benevolence that also funds many college placements and children’s hospitals.

Every little helps of course, but it is clear that the cause the Sussexes support most keenly is their own.

Still, one must wish them well.

The Sussexes have made it abundantly clear that, for them, royal life in Britain was not a sanctuary but a prison – one that they have decided to escape and now exploit abroad.

Increasingly it is impossible to ignore the irony of historical momentum here, or fail to see the similarities between their situation and that of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor.

Both couples chose exile over duty, but it remains to be seen if the Sussexes will dissolve into the mortifying bog of inconsequence that engulfed the latter.
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
And not that it matters, but my comment above should read: So, pre-nup or not
CatEyes said…

From a Calif, Atty's website;
"However, if considering the above factors, there is a significant difference in the spouses’ financial situation, then the court will divide out the community property accordingly, keeping those factors in mind. The court will divide the estate in a manner it deems just and right, considering those factors and others."

So Meghan being so financially insecure to Harry at this point could benefit thus of getting more than typically would be due. The judge has wide discretion to provide equity and fairness for justice's sake.

Everyone seems to be overlooking that Harry received a fat sum for the JP Morgan speech and Meghan received monies for an appearance allegedly while she was in SA. Those are considered community property and there is bound to be things we don't know about.
Jdubya said…
Oh my gosh - found this on Dlisted

A few quotes -
"Now that their active duties as royals have come to an end, I, for one, am looking forward to Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s tenure as The Baron and Baroness of Instagram, I mean private citizens. And it’s just around the corner (unless we’re all dead)! People reports that Meghan and Harry have left Canada (perhaps sneaking over the border under the cover of night like a couple of bootleggers dressed like Bonnie and Clyde), and have settled in a “secluded compound” in Los Angeles. I guess they’re just waiting out the clock for that April 1 deadline to officially release them from the shackles of royalty so that they can embrace their new identities as Hollywood Actress/Influencer/Lifestyle Blogger and valet."

". According to Us Weekly, Meghan is hoping to restart her lifestyle blog, The Tig. She also wants to write another cookbook. I, for one, can’t wait for Meghan’s recipe for One Single Solitary Bean for a Family of Eight."

Good for a laugh if you need one.
Anonymous said…
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abbyh said…

Ah, but in dividing the community property, won't the bills for Frog Cott become due? They do want to pay that still, don't they?

And their US tax situation is "complicated".

His best bet might be to take the Frog cott debt and deals with his family over it, some small of the cash so he isn't left only with that debt and she gets most of what they earned during the marriage plus the US taxes which would have been hers ... anyway.
Anonymous said…
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abbyh said…

In community property, one tends to focus on the money to come your way but the debts can as well.

abbyh said…

And they might make him really pay it. If for no other reason than to help him rebuild the trust to the people. Call it duty/service or what you like but it would be a step in that direction.
lizzie said…
Sounds like Archie really is the key to any future divorce settlement for M. And personally I do wonder if M has honestly reported her (ultimately) traceable earnings to the IRS. Just how ruthless are those palace lawyers anyway? Hope we find out.
Meowwww said…
I think no one will expect him to pay the Frog debt. He and Megs have washed their hands of it and it won’t be talked about again.
Harry is 100% complicit in this, a spoiled man child who never worked a day in his privileged life.
Megs is in her glory, being “important “ in LA. She couldn’t do it on her own, but the Hollywood celebrities will glom onto her for the pr kick alone.
I used to live in Marina del Rey. It’s a whole alternate reality there, an all about how you look and who you know. They will welcome Megs with open arms.
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
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lizzie said…
@Elle wrote:

"Archie is likely the key because they won't have the community property and there's no spousal support, so she needs that anchor baby."

Yes, I am sure you are right. But *if* there are issues of Archie's genetic parentage or the womb he inhabited, I wonder how that might play out *behind the scenes* especially if JH isn't that attached to Archie. I know JH talks a good game about "protecting his son" but his interactions with "Tutu Archie" in SA were quite odd. And I'm not fully convinced the "walking-on-water" Harry with Archie was genuine. And the Christmas card? Yikes. (Not normally a tin-hatter. I think the US did put a man on the moon, Oswald did shoot Kennedy, Diana was killed because of Dodi's speeding drunk chauffeur, not by a RF plot...)
Anonymous said…
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hunter said…
Hey guys, check out this article.

It seems to be the most direct yet with the turning of the tide against Meghan and is the most clear about how she has done this, it's the most informative, eye opening article (not for us) to see finally printed.
lizzie said…
All true @Elle. But if it gets nasty (assuming they divorce and I think they will eventually) who looks like the biggest liar re: Archie? JH or Meghan who engaged in extreme belly clutching and belly rubbing across (by my count) 4 continents?

Plus, I was wondering more about behind the scenes pressure, not open warfare re: child support where the "loser" would have to admit anything. And I was assuming we may not have seen the real birth certificate.
Anonymous said…
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lizzie said…

Got it. I guess I'm counting on M's desire to protect her "image" being pretty strong.
hunter said…
How does Meghan get "child support" if the BRF have custody of the child?

I'm personally in the BRF-Has-The-Baby camp and am not sure how she will squeeze blood from this turnip.

Also somebody should post the content from the article I linked but it's not going to be me (sorry).
Anonymous said…
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Nutty Flavor said…
Good morning!

It's been a rough night in the media for Meg. I can't decide if the timing is fortunate for her because everyone's focused on BoJo and his top team being infected with the coronavirus, or bad for her because everyone is sitting home reading Mailonline because they can't go out.

At any rate, my favorite piece was about how the Sussexes ran to Los Angeles to avoid double taxation on their "income". (Do they have any income? I thought Meg was giving her voiceover money to the elephants.)

It made me think of the cruise ship industry in the US asking for stimulus funds, when they register their ships in places like Barbados and Liberia in order to avoid US corporate taxes. In an unusual moment of unity, both Trump and the Democrats told them to f@@@ off.

Meg and Harry want the British and Canadian people to pay for their security, but they don't want to pay any taxes in those countries. No fair.
Anonymous said…
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Nutty Flavor said…

Yes, it was a good and comprehensive piece which did its best to appear balanced.

Rebecca English noted Meg's mistreatment of staff - ie "screaming at staff" - but doesn't give any details.

No need to post the text here, though, since there's no paywall at the DM. Posting here is most useful for stories in the Telegraph, Times UK, and Daily Beast - stuff not everyone can see.

My apologies for posting the DM story. I should have realized everyone here could have accessed it on their own. I promise not to do it again!
Nutty Flavor said…
Oh, no worries, Rebecca! We're happy to have you here. :)
Unknown said…
I wish they mentioned Meg literally turning her back on HMTQ.

The bits from the Rebecca English piece discussing Meg’s faux paux are interesting:

1) The Queen’s powerful personal assistant, Angela Kelly, sent a ­message that Her Majesty would be wearing a hat – polite Palace code for ‘you should be wearing one too’. The message came back that Meghan preferred to go bareheaded.
2)Harry accused his elder ‘bro’ of being ‘unsupportive’, while Meghan said Kate was ‘cold’ and ‘uninterested’ in her.
3) ‘To be fair, she didn’t really have any girlfriends to say to her ‘‘if you don’t wear a hat when you are with the Queen, you are going to mess this up’’. She didn’t understand how bad it was to get something as ­simple as that so wrong.

So Meg first she rejects the advice of the courtiers. Then she has no friends to tell her to follow royal protocol. Does Rebecca mean no friends in England or no girlfriends in general. Next we have Meg dissing Kate who follows Royal protocol and has 3 kids. I mean Meg is too busy for her one baby and she seems to think Kate is supposed to give her the time of day.

Nice we got her screaming at staff in the piece and their plotting which was both disrespectful to the BRF and Canada.
Unknown said…
I think for most reasonable people, you just don’t need “girlfriends” telling you to wear a hat when HMTQ asks. If she wants you to wear a hat, you wear the hat. It’s not rocket science!

That lack of manners and deference makes her look like she grew up with wolves.
xxxxx said…
Harry and Meghan could not be allowed to exploit their status commercially and their plans for a ‘half in, half out’ approach was unacceptable. Harry was devastated to lose his military and Commonwealth roles, but his biggest frustration was being ordered to walk away from their Sussex Royal brand.

‘They were obsessed that this was punitive and spiteful. They couldn’t see that the Queen had no choice,’ I am told.

******** Do these Dumped Dumbarton's have rocks in their heads? How stupid can you be to think the Queen/BRF is going to let you cash in on your Sussex titles? And blinded by dollar signs, nit-wit Megsy had the Sussex title for 14 months when she started plotting to monetize it. These two must get high on coke and pot to get such pipe dreams, straight from the marijuana pipe/ But bong is more their style. Plenty of legal marijuana in Canada where they figured out how to shirk their their royal duties while cashing in on their Sussex titles

I am off to see the brutalist DM comments on this tell all by Rebecca English. Who finally spills all the beans.
Unknown said…
If the Instagram account is public, you can view their stories for 24 hours on the following sites:

If the user gives special tags to the story, they can be viewed indefinitely. StoryInsta is pretty reliable. StoriesIG can have loading issues.
From today’s New York Post:

“California’s coronavirus crisis feared to be the next New York”:
Unknown said…
My post about Instagram Stories is in response to fonts mentioning they didn’t see a pic of Harry and JBJ on their Sussex Royal IG account. Nutty mentioned it was a Story that you can see if on Instagram and only for 24 hours.
Rut said…
I just think it is funny how the corona virus destroyed Meghans work. She had planned everything. The 'dramatic move' with prince Harry to LA, the premiere of the elephant film, being on the cover of glossy magazines, the Met gala. Im sure she already bought the dress for the gala, She and the crying make up artist have already decided make up and hair. This was supposed to be Meghans time, her big entrance in Hollywood. It should all have been about her. The duchess of Sussex. But then corona came and took it all away.
Everything the does now is going to be looked at as irrelevant. She cant even play the victim anymore because 'obuhu the british people hates me' vs 'the world is fighting a pandemic'. She is a master manipulator but she cant manipulate the virus. Corona is taking the headlines now.

Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Rut said...
I just think it is funny how the corona virus destroyed Meghans work. …..
Everything the does now is going to be looked at as irrelevant. She cant even play the victim anymore because 'obuhu the british people hates me' vs 'the world is fighting a pandemic'. She is a master manipulator but she cant manipulate the virus. Corona is taking the headlines now.


I am NOT sorry in the slightest for my schadenfreude. In fact, I am REVELING in it.

Apologies for caps- I can't recall who asked about this, so I've given it a screaming headline.

I read that Megwitch had SLAPPED Charlotte, a little girl who had only just had her 3rd birthday.

Then, of course, we were given the cr*p that Duchess Catherine was over-reacting on account of her post-partum hormones.
Sandie said…
Omid Scobie has confirmed that the move to LA is true.

Surely there are a number of ruthless journalists there who will hunt them down, find out where they are staying plus all other gossipy details? If I had a stash, I would break out a good bottle of chilled chardonnay for the reveal!

IMO any rumours abut major Hollywood deals for Megsy are PR trying to build her up as the hottest thing in town so that she will get offers. Imagine having her on a film set (or TV set ... whatever): a nightmare!
Ballubas said…
Morning all, any thoughts on what will happen on 1 April when they are officially stood down ? I don't believe the day will pass without some big PR piece, maybe even an interview ? I don't think it will be pics of A but am guessing there is something in the pipeline.
Sandie said…
@Rut: Yep, the universe has given Megsy a huge smack down. The things is, if they had not run off, and in such an appalling rude way, they could have been piling on the good PR in buckets in the UK ... suitably attired and adhering to the social distancing they could be delivering food parcels and care packets, arranging fundraising drives, posting encouraging IG posts featuring the adorable Archie plus reminders of how great granny and papa are. Being in the UK at this time was their best opportunity to become the most admired and beloved royals but they always shoot themselves in the foot through their own selfish and stupid behaviour. For this reason I do not think they are going to be the global success that their PR is trying to sell as a story.
xxxxx said…
Hollywood is dead with the virus around putting business at a standstill. So come on Splash! photographers. When will you have photos of the Duo's new mansion?

I would first start looking for them in Malibu.
Sandie said…
@Ballubas: Morning all, any thoughts on what will happen on 1 April when they are officially stood down ? I don't believe the day will pass without some big PR piece, maybe even an interview ? I don't think it will be pics of A but am guessing there is something in the pipeline.

The most obvious that comes to mind is the reveal of their new IG with new branding and lots of word salad from Megsy about their mission, values, future ... and perhaps a final retrospective of their time as royals (on old IG, new IG, website, which, by the way, they really do need to update?).

Since their latest IG posts are bizarre and makes one wonder if they are still working together or if Megsy has already abandoned their 'royal' IG but Harry is still using it, what I am interested in is if there will be any sign of 'togetherness' at the unveiling of their new life.

Can Megsy get around the virus lockdown and get some pap photos? Pics of her consorting with some Hollywood A-listers would be a huge win for her.
Nelo said…
I don't think they care about what the UK thinks about them. Their target is Hollywood and the US. How was the move of their US relocation received in the US?
Unknown said…
@Nelo As far as I can tell, H&M are not on anyone’s radar. NY is facing a crisis and most people think CA will be in the same situation in a week or so. Hollywood and TV productions are closed for business indefinitely. We are looking at COVID-19 situation in all locations and the rollout of the stimulus plan.

2020 is a very important year in the U.S. because it’s an Election Year and when counting for the Census rolls out. These two things are in the back burner because of COVID-19.
Fairy Crocodile said…
@Wild Boar Battle Maid

Oh My Goodness. Where did you hear she slapped Charlotte? If true no wonder Kate can't stand her. Kate's self control is superb, didn't she even appear with the witch afterwards and managed to smile in the process?
Portcitygirl said…
Went on YouTube to see the comments on the latest gossip about the big move, and the negative outweighed the positive. Many citing hypocrisy due to their use of a private jet and previously having moaned about privacy issues. A few luvvies
were touting racism, however, most responders pushed back on that, self included.

HAMS- sidelined by a pandemic. I hope they are seething. Better hit the floor running cause Malibu will be a hefty price tag.
I'm sure I read somewhere that Meghan recorded the voiceover in the UK last autumn (presumably before they left for Canada), did anyone else see this mentioned?

Unfortunately I can't remember where or when I read it, the last few weeks have been a bit of a cr@pstorm health-wise in our house so I've not really been paying too much attention to what these pair are getting up to. Apologies if it's been mentioned on a previous blog post, I haven't caught up with the ones I've missed yet.
CookieShark said…
I really believe H&M thought they could simply "step down" but keep titles and merch. Then they could say "well we stepped down so we can work on our own." They never thought they'd get called on it. It is about MONEY for her.

The DM story highlights the hat issue with the HMTQ. I thought she was whip smart 😂 Anyone would read that memo and say "ok I need a hat." Or ask Harry if she wasn't sure.
Superfly said…
I don't want to come across as mean , but at this point I am seriously side eyeing anyone who still defends these two. Side eyeing, as in: are you mentally slow? Why am I even talking to you?

The only 2 people I know who still heart Meghan and Just Harry, just happen to be narcissistic idiots themselves. Coincidence?
One of them can't even multiply properly!

You have to be thick as a plank to still find anything likeable or genuine about them.
Superfly said…
btw, the instagram post of clapping hand emojis has been removed

I don't know what's more pathetic: them posting that mundane crap on the first place or them only realising after they posted, how ridiculous it was

combined IQs of a rock
abbyh said…

I really believe H&M thought they could simply "step down" but keep titles and merch. Then they could say "well we stepped down so we can work on our own." They never thought they'd get called on it.

I agree with you. My dotted line thinking was that they saw the cousins working, did not take into account what had happened with his uncle/aunt with the tv (old history) and thought: we can do this too because they are being allowed to work outside the BRF. They didn't count on the difference between being the son of next in line and the cousins.

I also am thinking that if you come from a bubble where IG numbers/followers are a big deal, it might make sense that they would count for something important that would lead to something greater in this new life. Hence, we are more popular and we are being restrained from stepping into this.

Maybe K was a useful target to compare herself too. (the tune Any thing you can do, I can do better is running through my mind). Sadly, in the BRF, tradition about who is next in line or higher rank pancakes popularity. And K didn't buy in that she needed to play that game so eventually it is M jousting against an image which may make M look petty in time.

The DM story highlights the hat issue with the HMTQ. (snip) Anyone would read that memo and say "ok I need a hat." Or ask Harry if she wasn't sure.

In the most recent documentary, there are a long stream of complaints about how the BRF has all these rules (like when to curtsey and to whom, yadda). Julie did a nice rant of how the BRF is so particular and there are things like needing to know the fish fork or grape scissors and that there was all this etiquette M hadn't grown up and they expected her to learn it. (actually my grandmother and mother had grape scissors because they dislike seeing the bare ends of taken grapes). People pay good money to learn how to eat in public so they don't embarrass themselves in social settings for the high corporate life.

My comment is: Knowing things like which is the fish fork is necessary if you would like to attend dinners where you might get a chance to wear a tiara or some other fancy jewelry. It's all part of the what you need to know to be able to handle the situation.

As for asking Harry, I don't know that he would be the best source for information because he grew up within it so I think of it as more instinctual for him (forks, bowing) as well as he was not paying any attention ever to things like the women's hats, color choices at events and general dressing for each occasion.
@Fairy Crocodile:

I can't remember - saw -rather-than heard somewhere on line. I suppose it should be called an `allegation', but it's believable.

It would have been during the dress fitting when C may have become fractious.
Ava C said…
I've been enjoying the House and Garden website's archives as a shot of beauty and colour during this isolation, and came across this old article from the early months after the Harkles's wedding:

'Escape' has been their motif from the start hasn't it? Escape to the English countryside (supposedly). Escape to Canada. Escape to California. What a way to spend your life.

Meghan's gone back to running at speed across thin ice and she has Harry in a grip of steel. Prince Harry, who could have had a glorious country estate. He could have been putting his feet up now, in far safer isolation, looking out across peaceful acres. Belonging to him. Instead he has no home of his own and his wealth is going down the sink.
JHanoi said…
If the rumor of MM slapping Charlotte, a toddler she barely knew, is true, then I fear for Archie.
Who knows what physical abuse Megwitch will throw at him.
Fairy Crocodile said…
@Lurking with spoon

The timeline appears to be roughly this: Harry took Bob Iger hostage at the Lion King premiere, Bob gave in, shortly after she did the voice over, scandal blew in the British press, Bob was told to step down. If this sequence is correct then yes, she did the voiceover last autumn while still member of the royal family.
Ava C said…
More from House and Garden, for those pining for tiaras, here's a reminder of how beautiful Eugenie looked on her wedding day, with links to Meghan's tiara too ...
Fairy Crocodile said…

Not only that, somebody I know well suggested plus to all other reasons, Harkles ran out of drugs in Canada and couldn't get them easily.

If they are using drugs the child should be removed as soon as possible. May be it is already done. I wonder if the protection officers report things to their bosses, I suspect they must provide routine reports. If so, drug use will be recorded (dealers arriving will be noted, or subjects going to buy themselves, unless they forced staff to go and it).

If so, I believe there might have been moves to remove Archie under the threat of legal prosecution for drug offences.

I do not see why she is not using the baby to gain points.Three reasons:
- Harry forbids it absolutely. He is under her foot, so how likely is it?
- Child has mental or physical issues and they hide him
- They don't have the child with them.
CatEyes said…
@Elle said...

"Archie is likely the key because they won't have the community property and there's no spousal support, so she needs that anchor baby."<<<<

The Sussex's already have community property. Harry has at least a whopping amount (est. $500,000) from the JP Morgan speech and Meghan's SA fees ($250 K); Harry having earned twice as much. That's just for beginners...soon there will be much more! Interviews, Magazine Articles. etc... The Harkles are intent on earning money and they will do it in spades. Money, Money, Money and it will all be Community Property, every last cent to the tune of millions IMO.

Yes, Meghan can get and will get spousal support. There is NO prohibition in the California law against a wife from a relatively short marriage het spousal support but there is a LIMIT in a marriage under 10 years (from what I read) being 1/2 the number of years. Hence a 4 yr marriage will allow Meg to get 2 yrs of spousal support. What everyone never mentions is the WIDE discretion a judge to exact equity; this allows a judge to consider all factors of the parties and rule however he wants using the basic guidelines as a starting point. However an aggrieved party can always have their attorney argue in their clients favor before a judgement and always have the right yo appeal after a judgement.

>>>>And if he's been presenting himself as Fauxrchie's father and his name is on the birth certificate, kinda hard to do a "yeah, but" for the courts. Esp in California. of course, he may file first and file in UK court, too.<<<

Even if Archie is bot Harry's child he will be declared the father. One way is that Harry "held out to others that Archie is his child so the court will declare Harry the 'Putative Father' and hence has all the rights and obligations of fatherhood. Secondly. Harry may have secretly adopted a surrogate child )w/o DNA contribution) and hence he is the Father. Third, Harry may actually Harry's biological child.

@Kinter said...
>>>How does Meghan get "child support" if the BRF have custody of the child?<<<

The BRF does Not gave custody of Archie. Not now, There is an old law that gives the Monarch )QE) custody of grandchildren not great-grandchildren (Archie).

Elle said...
>>> I've read that CA calculations are much higher than other states, and that may be one more reason Rach wanted to be there to file, but who knows, Harry could surprise us all and do it first<<<

I know Calif. used to have higher amounts (having gone thru their Ct myself), One must file it their place (US county etc,,,) of residence. Harry would have to be a resident of UK if he wants to file there IMO.
Ava C said…
Could well be this Disney voiceover was the first and last job of any significance Meghan gets in her post-royal life, and she only got THAT when she was still royal.

Celebrities - for that is what she aspires to be, rather than royal - are struggling to have the impact they used to take for granted. Even those with talent. So where that leaves Meghan ... For Harry it's even worse!
Ava C said…
If I was Harry I'd break away as soon as allowed, come back and live in a remote little house I'm sure his father would provide, learn to be a beekeeper and eventually sell honey. Work up from there. Bees are good for the soul. Would do Harry good to observe the work ethic in action and to realise that there's only one queen.
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