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Has "Finding Freedom" improved the Sussexes' reputation?

 It's now been a full week since the official publication of "Finding Freedom," with a great deal of ink spilled about the book and the Sussexes new home in Montecito.

Has the Sussex reputation benefitted from the publicity, or are they worse off now in public opinion than they were a week ago?


LavenderLady said…
For the record, this is the anorexic ghoul who deemed Pippa as 'struggling with her looks'. Mr. Lagerfeld resembled one of the Undead for decades while he was still with us.
What nerve, he looked like a cadaver. He was an odious creature.
LavenderLady said…
I don't have emojis on my laptop or right here would be a thumbs up. I will until I have no breath left in me :)

Makes sense if Markus is just a well-paid matchmaker.

SoHo house is considered pretty lowly amongst the group of 'paid' clubs. Admissions is cheap, and attendees are 20 somethings with spare change.

I'm constantly surprised at the SoHo connection to the BRF, and not at all surprised about Meghan. It's not high class. Very nuevo rich, pretentious, and non-discreet.

In fact, it's very 2010-2011, which is right up her alley for all her behavior online and offline.

If you look at Harry when Meghan says the quotes about the commonwealth, it's obvious he even knows she is lying/ full of shit. He does the typical 'Harry's head held in shame' move. She picks up on it, looks at him and says 'continue your grandmother's legacy'(heartstring emotional manipulation which is why she doesn't say Queen, he looks at her for 'teammate approval' of their antics, feels reassured that 'it's the plan, and ok' and moves on. Lots of emotional abuse continuing here to keep up the pretense of Meghan's plan.

It's clear Harry doesn't agree with her. He just trusts her implicitly.

Doesn't take a body language expert to read how these two get on with it.
Early night for me. See you tomorrow folks.
xxxxx said…
@Dallas Alice

Coincidence or synchronicity? Who knows, but I have my suspicions.
I agree that Harry is stunted....

but he seems to be aware of it? Always blathering on about his mental issues??

You'd think he'd work on emotional maturity, IN THERAPY. Since, that's how it works.

I just don't accept someone like Harry, who is aware he has problems, does not address and heal from those problems, with all the resources he has. It's a poor excuse. He just didn't do the work. What's new with him.
LavenderLady said…
I have said it more than once on this forum and others: Harry’s emotional development stopped, and stopped 100%, when his mother died.
I saw this phenomena when I did a college internship in Belfast of all places at the Maze-Long Kesh-the prison where the political prisoners of the "troubles" were sent. I worked for a re-integration center. It was well noted that the men in their 40's and 50's who were released after decades of being in the Maze (since they were teens) were stuck emotionally at the age they started their time. It was weird to see. I was in my early 40's at the time and that amazed me.

I believe Harry does show signs. LCC says he was in a trance like state around Meg like a love/lust struck teen not a 30 something adult man.
Dallas Alice said…
@xxxxx-the planets are all aligned. It’s synchronicity, no doubt. Thanks again for posting that link.
Dallas Alice said…
@unknown-I think his blathering is all a front. His own “doth protest too much” moment.
Dallas Alice said…
Or a “poor me, I’m just like the unwashed masses, having problems and such”.
Dallas Alice said…
Meanwhile, we’re all trying not to die from COVID or an acute lack of toilet paper and he’s rambling on about how social media is a poison and we all need to go to some far flung country to herd goats for vacation.
Hikari said…
jdubya & unknown on 'How Harry Met Meghan'

"Whose available tonight for some company, Markus, my man?" "Here's who is in town right now, Mr Bigwig." And a half dozen or so files are laid on table. That's how Harry met her, that's the set up blind date. Markus is agent to who knows how many wannabe rich and famous actors and actresses. SoHo House in Toronto had Harry blow into town and arranged the company of his choice based on photos, some video, some written info. He and NoNo were not exactly matchmakers, more like marketers.

Makes sense if Markus is just a well-paid matchmaker.

You guys are being admirably diplomatic and Meg and Markus's joint business venture.

Matchmaker: a person who arranges relationships and marriages between others, either informally or, in certain cultural communities, as a formal occupation.

Or in other words, introducing two people who the matchmaker thinks would be compatible as potential marriage partners. They do bring out photographs and written or video samples so that the prospective halves of the couple can 'see' each other first. if this is the matchmaker's profession, a commission is provided by one or both halves of the couple, or their parents.

Markus arranged short-term companionship for the evening for guests of his hotel based on the taste preferences of the gentleman from a photo array of available 'talent', in exchange for a financial consideration. His service was arranging 'relations' between prospective bed partners. There's another word for what he does, and 'agent' sounds better than the more honest term that is actually a felony.

So here's where we are: The BRF had to allow Harry's good time girl entrance into the family and gift her a wedding show, title, staff and house and let her play Duchess because otherwise this lady-for-hire who had a real knack with salad was going to 'out' them as racists? What about outing her as a bedtime bunny by the hour?

Soliciting prostitution is a crime, as is being one. MM didn't appear too worried the BRF was going to call her bluff, and they didn't. But could that really be *it*? Anyone who has followed Hazza since he left Eton at the age of 18 wouldn't bat an eye that Harry consorted with this type of female. It's a non-event. Now, William at a party with yacht girls would raise some eyebrows, but the damage Markle has done is ever so much worse than being called racist or admitting to engaging in pay-for-play. Harry was never on track to enter a monastery. Revealing how they met would have only damaged him, and not terribly much. By allowing themselves to be blackmailed by such a tawdry and delusional person, the RF has damaged themselves as a whole for years to come. And she ain't done yet.

CookieShark said…
They appear to be using Zoom calls to yet again control the narrative. They seem like they have real problems. Normal people accept that you cannot control everyone and everything and go from there. Her line about training people sounds like a cult leader. Very manipulative.
Dallas Alice said…
Megs bamboozled the BRF with her ballsiness and then pulled out the race card. Sadly, I feel like many people think this is an inherently American trait. No, being a self-starter, owning your s**t (and that may even mean speaking openly about it) and moving forward is. She is a grifter, a user, a poser, and a manipulator. Oh my lawd, PLEASE run for office Megs.
Dallas Alice said…
She must have some video of him hoovering up Tony Montana-size mountains of coke or him getting boned up the backside to take their relationship from “why the hell are you here?” to “let’s roast a chicken and get hitched”. Hey, what folks do in their private life is their business. Just don’t be stupid enough to be taped doing it.
Hikari said…

It was well noted that the men in their 40's and 50's who were released after decades of being in the Maze (since they were teens) were stuck emotionally at the age they started their time. It was weird to see. I was in my early 40's at the time and that amazed me.

What an interesting experience that must have been. I think being in the Royal family is very similar to be incarcerated in gaol, actually. Much more comfortable, of course, with better food, soft beds and a lot more solicitude toward one by the staff. But they do call it a 'gilded cage', don't they? For all the creature conforts, the inmates are not wholly free to do as they like or go where they want. There are rigid protocols governing their time, their whereabouts and what they may do, wear and say, how they conduct themselves with various members of the internal hierarchy, and it's pounded into them constantly where they are on that strata. There is no moving out of one's strata, not even for good behavior, until someone dies and leaves a vacancy . .and then you get to move to a more spacious cell and get more agreeable jobs. But there are always jobs. And dress code. And bed checks. One does not have to worry about what time or by what means one's meals will arrive or one's clothing will be laundered . . they are taken care of. And when not working, there is an awful lot of leisure time to get bored and restless. Both are sheltered from what others outside know as 'Reality'. The power of decision-making has been removed. All decisions are made for one. There is no real drive toward excellence or self-improvement because no matter what you do the institution does not reward ambition. It rewards staying put. Or rather, squashing any fantasies of escape makes one better off in the long run because one learns that accepting captivity is more peaceful than fighting it.

Personal growth comes through challenge and adversity and making one's own way. I suppose there's a bit more physical adversity in prison, but incarcerated youths and Royal children don't get tested to grow the same way that people on the outside do. So they stay the same as when they went in because there aren't any seasons in prison, no ceremonies to mark another successful stage, no new stimulation for the mind. It's all same-old, same-old day in and out. A very insular and insulated environment.

Kyle Dunnigan has that hilarious video that depicts Haz as too stupid to know how to make toast. I really don't think that is far off the mark. When would Harry ever have had to work small appliances? Having everything provided for you and done for you by staff would stunt anyone's growth, if that's all they've ever known. Unlike the teens in prison who grew to manhood, Harry has NEVER known anything different to his birth family, until Meg. If he's got regrets, it's too late now, but I imagine in the beginning, he was intoxicated by the thought of throwing off Granny's shackles of duty and decorum and 'being just a regular bloke'.

A regular bloke couch surfing in an 18 million dollar mansion with a fully armed security deal and a wife who won't stop injecting plastic into her face. But hey, he did go to Subway that time and *picked up sandwiches all by himself*. Carried his own bag and all. So of course he is now qualified to run a company and lecture humanity on reducing its carbon footprint.

I believe Harry does show signs. LCC says he was in a trance like state around Meg like a love/lust struck teen not a 30 something adult man.

Anonymous said…
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LavenderLady said…
They appear to be using Zoom calls to yet again control the narrative. They seem like they have real problems. Normal people accept that you cannot control everyone and everything and go from there. Her line about training people sounds like a cult leader. Very manipulative.
So true. I personally feel sometimes a person needs to step in to gain control of their own narrative when gossip gets so out of hand that it effects their reputation. I'm referring to everyday people not celebrities.

But, I find it really creepy that she thinks she can control *everything* the whole world is saying about her. She wants to scrub all the disdain she has created. What's so pathetic is she can't fathom that she created it with her own inexcusable behavior, her disrespect and her self absorption. But that's a narc for you. She simply cannot see her own downfall...

I would not be surprised one iota if she fancies herself some Guru or leader and even start her own movement. Those Virgin Mary poses she uses are so staged and stupid, yet there are people that would follow her and kiss her gargoyle feet. I understand she is eyeing Scientology. If so, what a perfect place for an evil, conniving, lying, sack of ____. She can pony up to Tom Cruise! I read recently that she uses her word salads to subliminally effect others.

The possibility of this happening is a frightening thought. A female Jim Jones in the making.
Hikari said…
I believe Harry does show signs. LCC says he was in a trance like state around Meg like a love/lust struck teen not a 30 something adult man.

Sorry, this is a carryover from your last post.

Even after all this time, I confess, I do not understand the true nature of Harry's feelings toward Meg and the apparent hold she's got on him. A trance-like state is evident all too often, but he could easily just be high. During those times he is alert and appears to be sober, I often detect a myriad of emotions which are not love or lust. Anger, irritability, disgust, maybe? Sometimes he looks to me like he hates her. His face during the wedding never once said to me "Enraptured love slave marrying woman of his dreams". To me, Harry looked . . . frightened, like he knew he was making the mistake of his life but was powerless to stop it--or felt he was so. Have Markus's cohorts threatened to kill him or members of his family if he doesn't go along with this? I mean, 'terrified/about to be sick' isn't a good look on anyone's wedding day, but the whole world saw this. Watch the weird hand movements during the ceremony as she battles to grasp his hand. He totally looks repulsed to be touching her. Watch him give her the ring--he pushes it down to her knuckle and just leaves it hanging. She herself has to push it all the way down on her finger.

If that's not equivocation, I don't know what.

Whatever he feels, Harry looks like a man in absolute hell and has done for two years now.
LavenderLady said…

Yes it was surreal. The facility was in Lisburne, a suburb of Belfast but my office was in a very notorious and tumultuous inner city part of Belfast that will be left unnamed. Very interesting times for me.

I have posted before that like a prison, the RF is an institutional environment. Someone said as an American she could have trouble following Royal protocol. I made the comment that many Americans follow institutional protocol; prisons, the military, churches, schools etc. No problemo...

As you noted many similarities!
LavenderLady said…

Drugs! Ding ding ding. Yup. I've thought that she looked cooked on her wedding day. She was entirely too calm and "serene". Gag.

After that the wheels fall off the bus and she makes a bozo of of herself every time she stepped out of the car? I think not.

Something was not natural about that day in front of all those people, on tv etc. She had to have had pharmaceutical assistance.

Harry always looks dazed and confused :D
Miggy said…
Meghan Markle makes a political stand as she slams 'voter suppression' while urging women to vote for 'the change we deserve' - telling virtual summit: 'If you are complacent, you're complicit'
LavenderLady said…

I need to go back and watch Harry on his wedding day so I can see what you are describing.

I was so focused on that Thing and saying mantras that she would fall on her face. I know low vibration of me but hey I'm no saint!

I just detested her from day one because I was piking up all kinds of bad energies from her. That's why I call her that Thing- like a demon. It had nothing to do with her heritage. I actually was happy that he had the balls to go against the status quo but then it began to speak during the engagement interview and the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I was smudging so much sage I needed my inhaler lol...

Oh where is David Icke when ya need him? :D :D
Dallas Alice said…
Not even going to go there.

To your previous comment: I too, got some weird vibes when I saw the engagement photo op. There is something about her that is just “off” and I feel (allegedly, personal opinion, yadda, yadda) it’s all in her head. Has nothing to do with her ethnicity. Bad folks are bad folks. They all bleed red.
Girl with a Hat said…
this article questions Meghan Markle's age
LavenderLady said…
La Markle has just been granted the title of The Omen.

and I said earlier today she's starting to look a bit orange :O

Scroll on by...
Dallas Alice said…
And by photo op, I mean the photo call they did in the sunken garden when Megs debuted her finest bathrobe.
Snippy said…
Interesting scandal with the Charlotte Kirk casting couch takedown of the Hollywood bigwigs, including Brett Ratner. Weren’t he and Steve Mnuchin rumoured couchees of our own dear Megsy?
LavenderLady said…
Bad folks are bad folks. They all bleed red.
Good one!

My mention of the heritage is just my disclaimer. It's like saying IMO. Gotta cover the butts with the sue happy chick married to a Royal.
Dallas Alice said…
I’d heard the rumors about Mnuchin, but not Ratner (though not much surprises me anymore). And this is the environment she wanted to move back to. Lay down with dogs, get up with fleas (or crabs, or herpes).
LavenderLady said…
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LavenderLady said…
@Girl With A Hat,

I've wondered about that. You would think her school friends would out her. I'm sure there are some that wouldn't give a rat's to tell her real age.
Nukleopatra said…
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LavenderLady said…

Sorry I dissed Karl. I'm a bit of a Neanderthal when it comes to fashion icons. I'm an old hippie at heart. I'll have to read up on Karl-isms. He was just so snarky and rude :)

Great comparison of KL to PP! I am a fan of Price Phillip too. Says what he means and means what he says. He always had his foot in it lol.
Lily Love said…

I am getting so tired of these celebrities and main stream media people talking about voter suppression. To be able to get a job or sign up for any type of services. We all need a drivers license or an official ID. To do that you grab your Social Security card and your birth certificate And then you go to the DMV and when you got to the DMV you can register to vote right then and their. Once your registered then you get a mail in ballot or you go to a polling place. I personally prefer polling places and I would love if every state made it mandatory that you have to prove that you are who you say you are before you vote.
Lily Love said…
@Girl with a hat

I actually think that Meghan is 39 like she says she is. However their is no way that she was pregnant. A pregnant belly does not change in sizes the way that hers did, nor does it move side to side like it did in that one video, and it does not matter how much yoga she does. There is no way that a woman who is 8 months pregnant can bend down in stilettos and pop back up without any help.
Rumour has it that the "special project" they are shopping around is actually a compilation of footage of their time as Senior Royals. That is film of the few times they actually performed Royal duties. Not thinking this is going to be a big seller.

Reminds me of the "never before seen" wedding pictures that were trotted out for the anniversary, first year's Christmas card, etc. Just hanging on to stuff to use again, and again, and again....because THEY HAVE NOTHING NEW TO SHOW!
Dallas Alice said…
@CeeMoore-I’m so jealous. How awesome that must have been.

I was a late bloomer into the motherhood world. My IVF only was born exactly one week after my 39th birthday. I looked like a bloated toad most of the time, between IVF hormones and actual pregnancy weight gain. Having said that, I am strongly in the surrogate camp. Regardless, I hope someone responsible is caring for that child.
Hikari said…

I know Lagerfeld is considered an icon, and although I could instantly recognize him as a person, if you put a bunch of Hoch tour in front of me and asked me to name who designed what, I’d have a hard time. I had my Sex in the City period, so I recognize Jimmy Choos and Doce and Gabbana. To my knowledge Carrie never wore Lagerfeld. I had a subscription to a few High Fashion magazines that I got cheap. I live in the Midwest And work a 9-to-5 job in an industry that is definitely not fashion conscious. I ask my clothes to be comfortable, Wash and wear and have pockets. I read Harpers Bazaar but call it Harpers Bizarre, and laugh my ascot off at the Halloween rave garb that the NYC fashion crowd thinks is aspirational style for actual women living on Planet Earth.

I seem to be in a definite minority as someone who believes that people who consider themselves artistes should not be given a pass to be a**holes on the grounds that they are Creatives. Or just rich. Treating people with kindness and decency costs nothing. If Lagerfeld wants to criticize a woman who is wearing one of his designs and he’s not happy with the way it looks on her, that’s one thing. But to out of the blue attack The appearance or mental acuity of women he’s never met or only exchanged five words with at most, is just cruel. Like Meg he seemed to need to insert himself and comment on matters that didn’t concern him in the least. His opinions on Diana or pepper Middleton we’re completely irrelevant. He might have offered to design something for Miss Middleton if she was such a hot mess he couldn’t bear to look at her. I guess he Must have fancied himself as the German Truman Capote of the fashion world...Another Creative queen to turn the bitchiness into high art form. I’m not really sure what we are agreeing to disagree about...That it’s OK to bully complete strangers if you’re famous? That is certainly some thing Meg subscribes to. We are are we agreeing to disagree that Pippa Middleton Needs to keep a bag over her head and walk backwards at all times? If KL spoke this way about women he saw on TV, I shutter to think how he spoke to his friends or the women he dressed.
Shaggy said…
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Miggy said…
@Lily Love,

I tend to post articles about MeAgain, so you that you can all discuss the absurdity of her actions. (I love all your intelligent responses)

I'm done with both her and Just Harry but love to hear all your views. :)

Difficult for me to type at times during to severe hand arthritis, so I like to keep my posts brief.

Hope that's OK with you all?

CookieShark said…
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Hikari said…
Haute couture. My phone can’t spell.
SwampWoman said…
Blogger Rebecca said...
From DM:

'It's an honour to continue your grandmother's legacy': Meghan Markle admits she 'didn't know' about the Commonwealth until she joined 'The Family' as she and Prince Harry speak to young leaders

The sucking up/damage control continues.

Yeah, they're crashing and burning. I don't think the BRF wants them back.
Shaggy said…
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Unknown said…
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LavenderLady said…

I had a gorgeous DVF wrap dress back in the day when I was seventeen; a dancing disco queen lol. I still have one but it's more age appropriate, It's styled for an older woman. I'm amazed at how that style of dress has stood the passing of time and still looks fresh.

Yesterday I was watching a current show on Hulu. A very young girl was wearing a smashing D&G lime green jump suit with the logo belt in huge letters. It looked amazing on her. For just a moment I wish I was 17 again. Such iconic clothes.

I see your point and I agree. Just because designers are talented and iconic they shouldn't be given a pass to insult others.
LavenderLady said…
*D&C lime green jump suit. The belt was in the matching color and the letters were huge. Sublime...
Fifi LaRue said…

Hikari, Lagerfeld apologized profusely to Adele after being informed of who she was, and her talent.
Lagerfeld sent Adele every Chanel bag at the Atelier as his gift to Adele.
SwampWoman said…
Unknown said...
@Pink Peony

Just wondering what you thought of this comment?

SwampWoman said...
With all those rodents in LA and SF, seems that they should be worried about hantavirus as well. (I lived in Arizona when the new hantavirus emerged and nobody knew what it was, but the indigenous nation where it was first found blamed it on witches and white people.)

Well, actually, they blamed it on skinwalkers and/or white people. Most people do not know what a skinwalker is, though.
LavenderLady said…
Sorry it was Gucci not D&C.


Glad to hear that!
HappyDays said…
Hikari, In an earlier part of this thread I see you ate familiar with H.G. Tudor’s A Very Royal Narcissist series.

You have some catching up to do.

When the Harkles left the UK for Canada in Megxit, H.G. altered the title of the series to reflect the loss of their HRH designations to A Not So Royal Narcissist Part 14 which was published in about February or March and A Not So Royal Narcissist Part 15, which was posted in May with a promise of updates, so I would think enough has happened that there will be a A Not So Royal Narcissist Part 16 coming sometime soon.

His observations are spot on. I keep wondering if he’s a psychologist or psychiatrist.
Magatha Mistie said…

@Pink Peony

I was posted to Lisburn, twice. I remember going to a disco at the Maze!!
To dance with the military guards, not the inmates 😉
I love Diane Von Furstenberg wrap dresses, have several, perfect.

Grisham said…
Sorry, @hIkari but this is a man who is besotted on his wedding day: vows

This is a man who wants to be there:

No offense, but I think you have substituted your own feelings about her for his.
Grisham said…
Unknown said, “Many of us come here and spend the time posting content in an effort to make a difference in this whole Harkle/RF crisis. I'd love to see a concerted endeavor to take things a step further.”

Ok. I’m curious if you realize they are very much still the president and Vice President of the Queen’s commonwealth trust, to which HM appointed them, and they are still involved, per the zoom meeting today.

What makes you think HM wants your input on this? I’m really quite curious, because it seems to me that HM is perfectly fine with them owning a mansion in Santa Barbara and continuing to support her from there.
Aquagirl said…
@Hikari: As someone who spent the first part of my career working in fashion (starting while I was still in college), I have dealt with many Prima Donnas. I can unequivocally say that there are only 2 words to describe KL. Nasty C***. (To use a word that is a Briticism.) I hope that he’s not at that Big Fashion Show in the Sky. He belongs in the underworld. A truly nasty man.
LavenderLady said…
@Miggy said,

@Lily Love,

I tend to post articles about MeAgain, so you that you can all discuss the absurdity of her actions. (I love all your intelligent responses)

I'm done with both her and Just Harry but love to hear all your views. :)

Difficult for me to type at times during to severe hand arthritis, so I like to keep my posts brief.

Hope that's OK with you all?
Thank you for posting articles for us to read and discuss. The Nutties try to post as much discussion and links etc. as is possible, in my new experience here.

Sometimes it all gets a little heavy so we tend to engage in a bit of levity. It's all good. Keep the postings coming. There is plenty of room here for all of us here! Hugs:)
Hikari said…
Here is the most recent photograph of the Harkles on their latest virtue signaling Zoom call from Sussex Court West.

Ask yourself if Harry’s face reflects that of a man in love and living his best life. He looks like a hostage.


I’m glad to hear that Mr. Lagerfeld made a generous apology to Adele for calling her fat and sent her so many nice clothes. Maybe she will have donated them to charity since she can’t fit into them anymore. I think Adele is very talented and even at her heaviest always had great style, And I think she was always beautiful and put her self together really well. A woman who is demonstratively overweight by at least 100 pounds is fat. So in criticizing her weight, that was at least a legitimate criticism of her size, though neither kind nor solicited. It would’ve been really great had Carl also apologized to Pippa Middleton and sent her a whole mess of clothes, Because by saying that she was too unattractive to be seen except from the back, I’m struggling over being so unattractive, He was besides being unkind and unsolicited, also speaking untruths. Making up with Adele does not erase the bitchy unfounded insult to Kate’s sister. But Adele was a powerful and very wealthy celebrity in her own right, and had the media clout push back. Pippa was only known to the world by association with Kate. She didn’t have her own money or the same celebrity standing in Hollywood for it to be a fair fight. By pursuing relentlessly a career and show business, Adele accepted inevitable criticism about her person thatt goes with the territory. Pippa got dragged into the media glare On account of who her sister was dating...Quite different. That’s why Lagwrfeld’s snark about her looks was especially inappropriate.

Yes, Karl Lagerfeld was a jerk to say that about Pippa. I tossed his comments into the mix because a number of people here were discussing her and I remembered the brouhaha caused by KL’s remarks when he made them.

Lagerfeld sat next to Diana at a dinner, which is how he came to believe she is not very intelligent. Say what you want about KL, but he was said to possess a brilliant intellect, and was highly educated and cultured.
Aquagirl said…
@DallasAlice @12:29: A perfect summary of how JH probably got into this situation. I’ve always thought that it was drugs and/or sexual proclivities that were filmed that got him into this mess in the first place.
Aquagirl said…
@Tatty: I have to disagree with you. Not at all besotted. More like terrified as in WTF did I do?
Enbrethiliel said…
caught a shore bird with a broken leg with a large soup pot and lid. I looked like a mad woman running around the beach with a huge soup pot, trying to chase the bird, which would quickly hop away on one leg. It could not fly, either. Finally, I was able to scoop it up into the pot, placed it in my shower, and ended up calling a wildlife rescue organization. They picked up the bird and rehabbed it, then sent it out back into nature.

Forgive me, but if I had been at the same beach and saw you without knowing the context, I would have thought: "There must be an easier way for that lady to catch her dinner . . ."

Thanks for the funny visual! I'm glad it was a successful rescue of the bird.
AnyaAmasova said…
Regarding South Africa Archie was already 10 months old in October, 2019.....

He sured looked like it. I would bet that Amal Clooney advised Megs to use a US based surrogate and the bun was out of the oven by the time the NYC baby shower rolled around.
Aquagirl said…
@Unknown: I too hope that it gets sorted, as I really enjoy the (mostly) intelligent and well-thought-out comments here. Since you’ve been reading my posts, I’m sure you know that I’m never afraid to speak out ;) Enjoy your break! Perhaps the BRF and/or the press will take some action in the interim. If they don’t, I probably will cease to care. I honestly don’t follow or research many people who are in the public eye. What draws me to a person/situation is the feeling that justice must be served. So I’m still waiting for Angelina to be permanently called out on her parental alienation, I’m glad that Amber Heard is finally being exposed for her lies, and I can’t wait for Jussie Smollett to go to jail. But the BRF and the press are bigger than all of that, and if they choose to remain silent, that’s on them.
Enbrethiliel said…
@Dallas Alice

I have said it more than once on this forum and others: Harry’s emotional development stopped, and stopped 100%, when his mother died.

I agree with you, but over these last few years, I have come to question whether that one tragic event was the *sole* cause of it.


It was Shallon Lester who was my gateway drug into what we might call Meghanalysis, and two things she likes to repeat come to mind here: 1) Trauma freezes you at the age when you experience the trauma. 2) We're attracted to people who remind us of our most difficult parent, because they represent a chance to fix the relationship.

I think everyone here implicitly agrees that Diana was Harry's more difficult parent. And I think Hikari is right that we need to start any analysis of Harry far earlier than 1997.

The "thick as two short planks" comment is a great starting point. Diana may have said it defensively, using humor to cover up a deficiency and winning through charm what she might not earn through intelligence. But what it boils down to is that she was calling herself and her younger son stupid -- in contrast to her intelligent husband and older son. If it hadn't been an isolated remark and Diana had actually said and done many other things that made Harry feel inferior to William, then what he really lost at her death was a chance to prove to her that he, too, could be smart.

People say, "If Diana were still alive, none of this would have happened." I wonder if this is true.

When I try to picture Diana interacting with any of her sons' girlfriends, I remember Jane Fonda in the movie Monster-in-Law. I think she would have seen the young women as competition for her sons' love, just as she once saw their nanny. William might still have ended up with someone stable like Catherine, if not Catherine herself. But I wonder if Diana would have pushed Harry to marry not someone like Chelsey or Cressida, but a young woman who'd raise as many eyebrows as Dodi Al Fayed did when she started dating him. Then she could really say that Harry was the one who took after her.
JHanoi said…
i agree with tatty on this one. i think Haz is besotted or as PC supposedly said c$#@ struck. i’d never heard that term before and thought it must be a Britism because then i read Dame Helen Mirren use the term weeks later. MM and or HAz may have baggage, video tapes, pictures, movies out there, but i still think Haz is mostly taken in by her and Stockholm Haz is a good description. Little Haz is doing all thinking. it helps that MM is a master hypnotist/ manipulator and JCMLittleH is deaf and blinded by her machinations.
JHanoi said…
the bigger question is will Haz ever see her for who she really is, or who most of the world see her? a devisive, grifter, ripping him /archie from his family possibly bankrupting him. and using himuntil he’s a husk of a what he was? she’s a succubus.

she reminds me of Angelina that took Brad 10- 15 years to finally make a permenant break from her succubus claws. You can see that Brad is very maleable and easliy influenced. his appearance mirrored every girlfriend he had over the years. it’s kinda sad / weird. so when he got involved with wackadoodle Succubus Angie and then adopt

lizzie said…
@Enbrethiliel wrote:

"The "thick as two short planks" comment is a great starting point. Diana may have said it defensively, using humor to cover up a deficiency and winning through charm what she might not earn through intelligence. But what it boils down to is that she was calling herself and her younger son stupid -- in contrast to her intelligent husband and older son. If it hadn't been an isolated remark and Diana had actually said and done many other things that made Harry feel inferior to William, then what he really lost at her death was a chance to prove to her that he, too, could be smart."

Maybe. But Diana also said at one point Harry would make a better king. And there's the "Good King Harry" stuff.
JHanoi said…
and then had kids with her he got stuck. she’s vicous, still fighting over custody 4 years later. kids haven’t seen their grandparents in 4 years. angie hates them and wont let them visit. its all very strange. but brad brought it on himself like Haz did
Aquagirl said…
@Anya: I agree that the SA child looked as if he were 10 months old. The dirty socks alone showed that he was most likely standing/trying to walk. But if she actually had custody of this child, why not take photos early on and release them along the supposed timeline since she reportedly ‘gave birth’? Why take the ‘Christening’ photos on the same day as the ‘Archie presentation’ photos if she actually had custody of a baby? And, most importantly, why did this child not recognize nor show any connection to JH/MM?
Mel said…
Re the comments about H getting stuck at a low emotional age....I think two things caused him to get stuck. His mother's death, and then the drug/alcohol stuff at an early age.

Another observation...Mm seems to be also stuck at an early emotional age. For a person with a college degree, a fair amount of travel under her belt, an international internship, she doesn't read as an educated, intellectual, mature person.

I think of her as about age 14, due to her behavior.

The way she and H behave together feels like two middle schoolers, age 13.

One of the dads driving them to their date at the movies, as they awkwardly sit in the back seat together.
LavenderLady said…
i agree with tatty on this one. i think Haz is besotted or as PC supposedly said c$#@ struck. i’d never heard that term before and thought it must be a Britism because then i read Dame Helen Mirren use the term weeks later. MM and or HAz may have baggage, video tapes, pictures, movies out there, but i still think Haz is mostly taken in by her and Stockholm Haz is a good description. Little Haz is doing all thinking. it helps that MM is a master hypnotist/ manipulator and JCMLittleH is deaf and blinded by her machinations.
I agree also. She has him trained like a dog. All she has to do is tap him on the back or shoulder and she's in full control of his movements. That's so tragic! How in the hell does this happen to a senior member of the BRF? The Omen (my new name for her) wasted her time on a book about her bat shit crazy antics in the UK. She should have written it on how to completely clitmatize a rich, famous and powerful man. She'd make a fortune. But I better not give her ideas. I think she's on here. Oy.
Enbrethiliel said…
After all we've learned about Diana since her death, I'm afraid her opinion that Harry would make "the better king" hardly seems like an incisive character assessment from a wise woman. I think she said those things to balance the scales a little, because William would be getting so much and she saw Harry, her own appointed mini-me, getting the short end.
Mel said…
the fact that MM’s hairdresser didn’t even know that there WAS a tiara until a few days before the wedding

I thought that interesting also. The hairdresser seemed remarkably lackadaisical about the whole thing. Not really into it, didn't seem to grasp that this was a Royal Wedding.

He didn't seem very concerned about her hair at all. They were going to tie it back loosely and call it good. He didn't seem to take styling her hair very seriously in the least.

You'd think *he* would have been asking about a plastic tiara to practice with.

Also, if he was unaware of a tiara until just a few days before the wedding, just who was Mm with at the vault the day they got into it with Angela Kelly?

Did Mm think she could just sign out a tiara weeks before the wedding, and play with it until the day of? Did she really think that she could have unlimited, unsupervised days to practice with it?

Did she really think she would have unsupervised access to a valuable tiara? For days?

And if she really was with him at the vault just a few days before, wouldn't the courtiers have been questioning before then why mm hadn't made a decision yet? These things aren't done on a spur of the moment basis.

Wasn't there also some complaint that Mm had, that AK didn't use gloves when handling the tiara?

I saw later that people were interpreting that as a hint that the tiara mm used was actually a fake one, but she didn't know it.

Also something about it didn't sparkle the way it should have if it was real diamonds.

Things once again don't add up.
Shaggy said…
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Mel said…
All she has to do is tap him on the back or shoulder and she's in full control of his movements. 

That always floored me. A simple tap and he instantaneously moved out of her way.

A senior royal. Cowed by a commoner. Who was completely in the wrong.

Makes you wonder what kind of 'training' went on at home for her to have such power.
That's the kind of behavior you'd see from a dog who had been trained with a shock collar, set on high.

Hmmm....maybe things are a little kinky?
Aquagirl said…
@Mel: I think like most things that Markle has said, the AK story was probably fabricated. If they were really going to loan her a tiara, why would her hairdresser not know about it until a few days before the wedding? Serge Normant is a very well-known, quite respected hairdresser. He wouldn’t just ‘wing it’, so to speak. So something is missing in this story. It reminds me of the engagement photographer, who she supposedly pulled out of thin air. So many holes in her stories!
LavenderLady said…
Eee gads, great point! It was always said about Wallis that she was a dominatrix that's how she cowed a King. No wonder Megs is called Wallis 2.0.
Aquagirl said…
@Wullie’sBucket: I think my original comment was on this thread, but I’m not positive. What I have heard from the beginning is that she was offered a pay-off to cancel the wedding. She agreed to it but then changed her mind. That’s why everything looked so thrown together & so last minute.

I did see your comment RE: Fast Times. I’ve actually never seen the original, but thought that I might watch the new one trow night. If, in fact, the Harkles are in it (and yes, the portraits do resemble them), I will immediately stop watching and not donate to the cause. They’d be idiots to involve these 2, but it would go a long way in explaining why MM supposedly invited Jennifer A. to her ‘birthday party’ if there is any substance to that story. I’m not big into cancel culture, but, in this case, anyone who has anything to do with Markle will be crossed off my list permanently.
lizzie said…
@Enbrethiliel wrote about Diana saying Good King Harry, etc:

"I think she said those things to balance the scales a little, because William would be getting so much and she saw Harry, her own appointed mini-me, getting the short end."

Maybe. Supposedly she threw fits insisting the RF (and especially the Queen Mum)  treat William and Harry as equals. While I totally get it from an ordinary mother's perspective,  that probably did Harry no favors. And probably increased his later resentment because no matter what, the second born in a hereditary monarchy or aristocracy  is not equal to the first born.  Just like it wouldn't help Charlotte and Louis if Kate did the same in terms of George being treated differently. Imagine if Kate had refused to allow those  "Christmas pudding"  photos to be taken without Charlotte and Louis!

Honestly, I think if Harry had been raised as #2 by a mom who wanted him to find HIS way, he'd be better off. For all Diana's press about helping her sons  have a healthy start and normal life, she didn't. I cried when she died but even then I thought she wasn't terribly healthy.  She made Will her emotional support, her protector, and her tissue supplier and taught Harry he was getting screwed and would be screwed worse without her. And she taught them both their father shouldn't be king. The hand that rocks the cradle may not rule the world but certainly has a very long lasting impact.
Portcitygirl said…
Nutty should be getting up soon and maybe Charade had an early night.

Regarding the HAMS, I'm finding them a little tedious like when a soap drags because the plot is so predictable. Most of us knew when HRC started buzzing around Frogmore where things were headed.

Someone on DM mentioned her looking pregnant on her umpteenth zoom conference due to her fleshy collar bone. I also read somewhere that Brad and Jennifer A were colluding with them. Maybe they will produce the movie "Finding Freedom ".

I agree that Harry is c#!tstruck especially since his own father admitted it. However, I would not think HM would be too pleased with these two numpties and their PR fiascos. My guess is she's waiting it out until the year is up, hopefully for the Monarchy's sake.

Although I'm not thrilled about the Harkles new political platform in the US, my guess is their involvement won't help the dems gain any headway.

And, as much as I admire HMTQ, as well as the Cambridges, if this saga is allowed to continue after HAMS' year end review, well then, I would vote for a Republic.
Shaggy said…
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Aquagirl said…
@Portcitygirl: I was under the impression that the year review wouldn’t be until the end of March since that’s when they officially stepped down. That is 7 months from now which is a loooong time given their current behavior. Is that not the case?
Portcitygirl said…

Unfortunately, yes, and I agree. It is way too long. However, with all the racial tension, I don't see how HM would be able to stop their blatant shenanigans. They are begging for her to intervene for a reason. I think she is too smart to take the bait.
Shaggy said…
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Portcitygirl said…

I may have read about Pitt and Aniston up thread when you or Aquagirl mentioned it earlier. I read so much on these two I can't remember where I read it sometimes. lol. Brad did give them a shout out at the BafTAS. My AC is demon from he#!.
Shaggy said…
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Portcitygirl said…

Thank you and I agree about the Republic. Also, Aquagirl made me lol. You two are moderating tonight I guess.☺🙏
Shaggy said…
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Aquagirl said…
@Portcitygirl: I doubt that Jen & Brad would produce anything together, given that Brad got sole ownership and control of Plan B in the divorce. I have never met Jen, but she’s always seemed like a smart cookie to me. Given that she’s close friends with Jennifer Meyer, who MM publicly humiliated, it’s doubtful that Jen A. would go anywhere near MM. She’s nothing if not loyal. I have met Brad, and he’s a kind, albeit not the smartest, person. (Hence how he wound up with Angie Ho.) That being said, his taste in movies is absolutely impeccable, so I don’t see him suddenly deciding to produce some Meghan Markle crap. What would be great, IMO, is if Brad befriended Just Harry. He could let him know first-hand what’s coming from the of abuse, a long, drawn out divorce, etc. I’m actually serious about this. If Brad could overcome Angie Narc, Harry can certainly rise from the ashes of his relationship with Narkle. And at least there are not 6 kids in the mix.
Portcitygirl said…
Wullie'sBucket said...
"What about HM allowing for the release of the Kraken? If the reporters were to start publishing the info they've been holding back on it would certainly shake things up."

I think HAMS want that so they can cry victim and say I told you so to their base. There are only two scenarios here. 1) HM is waiting them out or 2) she supports this craziness. There is a third, unfortunately, and that is the very real possibility that she is being shielded from a lot of their chicanery and woke PC shares in their world view thus supporting them in this. This may also account for their obvious boldness. I can't imagine PW is happy if three is the case though.
Portcitygirl said…

lol. No, my damn satanic auto correct. haha
Meowwww said…
I think Diana wasn’t smart. I get the whole tragic heroine thing, but I feel she wasn’t smart. I think Harry, who also isn’t smart, has taken her comments about how he would be a better king to heart, wrongly.
He hitched himself to MM, with her overblown lips and horse hair. She won, getting them back in California. They are raging against society. MM talking about suppressed women voters is so out of touch, so 1950. While she sits in the mansion she thinks she deserves and would never had, without Harry.
Aquagirl said…
@Portcitygirl: Sorry our comments overlapped. So the Fast Times ‘table-read’ which is on FB trow (Friday) night, is a fundraiser whose cast includes Jen & Brad. Happy to co-moderate :)
Shaggy said…
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Fahlina Speaks said…
@hikari I am actually of the opinion too that no tiara was ever offered, and this is what stuck in Markle's craw. I mean, why would the queen offer one? She knew Markle was divorced and certainly not royalty or aristocracy, so she would realize more than anyone how inappropriate it would be for Meghan to be seen wearing a tiara, especially one that didn't come from her own family. In fact I would go so far as to suggest Markle surprised them all with the tiara (not real but a replica) the white dress and the obnoxious cocoon-like veil, mimicking HM's own wedding veil.
I believe Meghan pulled all these hijinks as a big FU to the family, and that is why none of them would look at her walking down the aisle. They were stunned at her audacity. We know that she has a pathological need for revenge. That would stem from "narcissistic injury" resulting in a grossly disrespectful and way over proportionate revenge response.
Portcitygirl said…

You are way more up on this drama than I am. My guess is you are right on all counts. And true, if Brad can rise again, so can Harry. Although, Harry has truly, imo, burned his last few bridges with his family.
Portcitygirl said…
I agree that Harry has some deep seated issues. When they were exciting the Commonwealth? service his face spoke volumes. I still believe he wants to be bigger than King William and Markle has convinced him that he can be in Hollyywood/ US. Bad news for us over here in the US. 😭
unknown said…
brad had a career tho
Aquagirl said…
@Portcitygirl: if I were HM, which, thankfully, I’m not, I would publish MM’s acting resume, in which she declares herself to be Caucasian. And I would tell the truth about ‘Archie’. At this point, the evidence of yachting, blackmailing, etc., is not even needed because MM was dumb enough to lie about her ‘pregnancy’ and to involve herself in the BLM movement. Checkmate.
Aquagirl said…
@Fahlina: I agree with you 100%!
Shaggy said…
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Portcitygirl said…

I haven't read Lady C's book. I have read lots of excerpts here and there online. I agree that the RF have the goods on her, but probably worry about how sharing them publically might affect Harry and Archie possibly? I don't know. It really boggles the mind as to how the RF found themselves in this situation in the first place. I guess they had no way of knowing exactly how awful things would become. I think for me the moment I knew something was amiss was when she said she was going to hit the floor running.
Portcitygirl said…

I wish HM would do as you suggest. Her subjects and a huge chunk of the rest of us would be so glad!
Mel said…
In fact I would go so far as to suggest Markle surprised them all with the tiara (not real but a replica)

Well, that's a theory I hadn't considered.

Would explain the queen's dirty look, no one from brf looking at her, the tiara not sparkling right to be diamonds, H's immense discomfort during the ceremony.

Actually, this theory explains a lot things. Not seeing anything to discount it.
Aquagirl said…
@Mel: Agree. And that would also explain why she made up the Angela Kelly story for FF. Always the victim. She’s certifiable.
Shaggy said…
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Traditionally, a tiara signifies a married woman - handy at grand balls so prowling bachelors can see who is not `available'. Brides, as `novices' should wear `entry level' ones apparently. It's a kind of crown or diadem.

Diana wore one belonging to her family - did her sisters wear it to their weddings I wonder?

That's a good point about MM's headdress not being convincingly real - was it paste? When I did the blushing bride bit donkey's years ago, I covered a plastic Alice band with a piece of my dress material and sowed `seed pearls' onto it. I thought it looked pretty/creative, `pretty cheap' maybe- appropriate for my `station' in life.

Narc SiL turned up in a white mini-dress and an orange-blossom'n'pearl doodah on her bonce, to remind everyone that she, too, had got married that week...


Megsie's age- I put her at a good 40 right from the start. based on the teeny-weeny tiny lines at the inner corners of her eyes, just under the lashes. I've never seen them on a woman under 40.
Have we had Ginge and Minge?

Perhaps Ginge and Unhinged?
Shaggy said…
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Aquagirl said…
@Wullie: Are you going to watch Fast Times? I don’t know how to watch it, do you? Is there a special page set up for it? (I never use FB, just Messenger to communicate with my family in Europe.)
Magatha Mistie said…

Whine and Swine
Merch and Lurch
Snort and Short
Bad and Cad
Kneels and Feels
Shaggy said…
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Given the shower that occupies benches on both sides in Parliament, does anyone seriously believe UK'd be better off with a republic?

I can't think of a single credible candidate for president. Those who'd want the job are the last ones we need.
Magatha Mistie said…

I agree @WildBoar

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

Weeps and Wales
Howls and Scowls
Dread and Ginger Dodgers


Kneels and Feels! It's midnight here, and I'm laughing so hard, I think I'm going to wake up the neighbors!

CeeMoore said…
New Harry Markle ~
Shaggy said…
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Maneki Neko said…
I can't read all the comments now so apologies if this has been mentioned but the DM said MM told the virtual summit: 'If you are complacent, you're complicit'.

I thought that was too slick for MM and that she'd found the phrase somewhere. It is quoted in a very similar manner in Vickilicious (scroll down, bullet point 4).,on%20the%20side%20of%20oppression.

Recognize that complacency is complicity, and that if you don’t stand up for what’s right, you are standing on the side of oppression.
Magatha Mistie said…

I have no answers.
I’m just praying the RF have a plan.
I can’t, in this day and age, see the RF happily marrying off
Harry to a totally unsuitable woman just to promote
the colour aspect.
I feel they were faced with a fait accompli,
and have tried to make the best of it.
It sickens me. I have faith in the Queen.

God Save the Queen
Unknown said…
While I appreciate all the Nutties here, I would be grateful if the direct and indirect negative remarks about each other stopped. Differences of opinions will always be welcome here.

Please stay on topic which is the Sussexes and the BRF. This keeps the blog from getting unwieldy. I am guilty of OT posts myself so understand the temptation. Occasional detours are fine.

Please name yourself. As a moderator, I can attest to the fact that I have zero access to email or IP information of all Nutties. If you want to be extra cautious, use a handle and gmail account you don't use elsewhere.

Sincere thanks for all the positives Nutties bring into the blog.
Miggy said…
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I suppose had they been asked/required to wait, the accusations of `racism' would have started then, along with H going ballistic.

Not that it's made much difference to the outcome. Things might have been marginally better were it not for Geo.Floyd and BLM, but there's no knowing whether they might have latched onto another case. She was very quick to poke her nose into university affairs without knowing a thing about the situation. She seemed to think that there were umpteen candidates of colour applying for places as undergraduates or academic staff who were turned down on grounds of race - the way working class candidates allegedly are. People can't be accepted if they don't apply.

She needed to learn about UK schools and pupil attitudes first.
@Maniki Neko;

Oh yes, the old `he who is not with me is against me' Matthew 12,v30. A phrase used and abused by totalitarians down the ages.
Magatha Mistie said…


I had another look at “The Gondoliers”
I did post a ‘ditty’ a while back?
This is all I could come up with...

The Con-do-liars

Whilst making a run to LA
Still screaming, demanding more pay
Their blather of words oh so shallow
Proved their motives crass, and just hollow
The Unbecoming
All Consuming
Ever Moving
The Duke of Beg and Borrow
The Duchess Megs of Sorrow

Shaggy said…
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Magatha Mistie said…


I watched Ethel and Ernest, beautiful.
Was sad at the end when they died.
Maybe I shouldn’t have sent it to my mum!
Apologies, Magatha, I must have missed it!

I love your take on `In enterprise of martial kind...'

I can't help thinking there may be some mileage in both Sir Joseph Porter (HMS Pinafore) & Major General Stanley (Pirates of Penzance) too.

"William Henry Smith, FRS (24 June 1825 – 6 October 1891) was an English bookseller and newsagent of the family firm W H Smith, who expanded the firm and introduced the practice of selling books and newspapers at railway stations. He was elected a Member of Parliament in 1868 and rose to the position of First Lord of the Admiralty less than ten years thereafter. Because of his lack of naval experience, he was perceived as a model for the character Sir Joseph Porter in H.M.S. Pinafore. "


Maj.General Stanley was getting at high-ranking officers who knew b-all about soldiering.

(I am the very model of a perfect piece of wokery,
I know the ins-and-outs of jiggery and pokery...'?)

H may be trying to impress us with reference to `what he learnt' during his training but he must have been `away from school' on the day when they stressed the importance of `appreciating the situation' instead of `situating one's appreciation'.

He and and his awful wedded wife impose their own interpretation rather than asking what's really going on - but - hey! - projection is a great narc feature.
Wullie's Bucket - I think that `male, pale and stale' did come up then, at least by implication.

Now where did I read that getting educated was regarded , in some quarters at least, as `acting white'? I don't think I imagined it.
Oh Goodness, the Caterpillar dress by Cynthia!

The beret is an improvement. MM's titfer fits the larva look too well - it's just like a head capsule!

She's a Very Hungry Caterpillar - pity she's not content with cabbage.
Shaggy said…
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Weekittylass said…
The Harkles are creating a big problem for themselves by dipping their toes into the political waters. That is a big no-no with the IRS if you have a 201C-3.
Shaggy said…
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abbyh said…

What if?

What if we begin with the SA trip baby was 10 months old and she picked it up at the shower (prior mentions - thank you Anya and others).

... then she hid the baby say with Amal and got it back so that they could spend the two weekes with it before it was "announced".
would explain
why it always looked big for the alleged size
why the things change so much in two weeks
why the announcement was we have heard that the baby has arrived

Did JH know? maybe? maybe not really? there have been some cases where women (with some strong personalities) have done some physical distancing from the husband, control "because I'm pregnant" so he might have been hit up with a fait accompli baby. Think of all those babies who were cut out of their mother so someone who had been faking the pregnancy could produce a child. I don't know but sometimes people also don't want to know.

Mel - two middle schoolers with the dad driving - that was good and very descriptive. Also explains the type of jewelry she picks to show off.

Tiara - ooh, some good thoughts for discussion
If she produced her own tiara, that would explain a lot (as was pointed out - the faces, the color glints in the photos, the hairdresser).

And the AK story, she'll take what I pick (and then the loving comments of happy with what was offered) - that whole drama takes on a whole new light and the never explain/complain so no one can contradict my version. impressive if true (or even if only parts are true, still a work).

Special project - if as yet unreleased any photos, documentation?
That would be a hard pitch of there is enthusiasm out there for this based on the numbers of the recent documentaries on them.

Virtual Summit
She also said something about how if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. So wish someone would ask her how then she explains why then she didn't stay to try to "fix" the problems like the racism within the Palace. Be the good example of how to and all that.

Katherine McCormick was also a big funder for getting the Pill created and sold. She believed (correctly) that the schizophrenia her husband suffered from had a genetic base (his sister also had "some mental health issue". I was quite impressed by her.

Snarking and not getting along, arguing - you lose some of what I respect about you when I read you going on like that.

Fairy Crocodile said…
@ Wullie'sBucket

I heartily agree with your post about the royal family failing to take control. I used to respect the Queen and warmed up to Charles but not any more. Yes, the Queen lived her life in service to her country and has an impeccable reputation. This is another reason to guard what her father and herself managed to build.

I can not respect the institution that allows itself to be taken advantage of by an individual like Markle. I also lost a huge amount of deference because of Andrew and Harry.

What is the point in all that diamonds, tiaras and castles and pomposity if they are just the same as dirty politicians involved into the same dirty scandals?
@ Wullie's Bucket - yes, I had seen your post but had missed the bit about feathered hats in labs! The possibilities offire don't bear thinking about - a friend had an 18th C ancestor who died when her powdered wig was caught in a candle flame. Trying to get students (M &F!) to tie their hair was hard work.

In my student days, it was still OK to smoke in the lab - if we were trying to examine fast-moving ciliate protista eg Paramoecium, under the microscope we'd get a smoker to light up then breathe on the sample before we put a cover slip on it.

The nicotine slowed the little blighters up, demonstrating how cilia are affected by smoking - it happens in the human windpipe as well.

I saw about the reaping machine - was the family anything to do with McCormick spices?
Girl with a Hat said…
I think that a lot of people are fascinated by Markle because they want to see justice - legal or moral - prevail.

The reason she is hated is because people see her getting away with so much, when they would have been called out by society, their families, their bosses, for pulling such stunts.

And we all know that seeing that life is fair is an issue, even in animals. Remember that lab monkey who started throwing pieces of cucumber around when his pal was getting grapes? It enfuriates us. It's also a big issue in BLM and the backlash against BLM by whites. People on all sides want the system to be fair and they are getting worked up by the unfairness they perceive.
Girl with a Hat said…
To continue my thoughts about unfairness - the BRF is going to be seen as abetting this unfairness if this continues. They already have issues with Andrew hiding from the American authorities, avoiding his comeuppance. Allowing themselves to be seen as abetting Meghan's is going to be too much.

Unfairness is behind a lot of the revolutions the world has seen, and although I don't see the British taking up pitchforks, their sense of the BRF's specialness will be changed and not for the better.
Girl with a Hat said…
this is the unfairness experiment in monkeys
Fairy Crocodile said…
@ Girl with a Hat
Well said.
Girl with a Hat said…
@fairy = > thank you

Can you imagine if someone in your family announces their pregnancy at a family wedding? How many invitations to Christmas will they be getting? Why should Meghan be any different to the rest of us?
Enbrethiliel said…
@Girl with a Hat
The question of when Meghan is going to get her comeuppance is definitely what keeps me watching, even though I sometimes feel all Harkled out.

But then I remember this quote from Oscar Wilde: "The good ended happily and the bad unhappily. That is what fiction means" (emphasis mine).

I think we all have a general idea of what would satisfy us as an "ending" to Meghan's saga with the British Royal Family. What would be a satisfying ending for Harry? On a scale of total earned redemption to resentment and regret for the rest of his days, where would he fall?
Girl with a Hat said…
@Enbrthiliel, not sure about what would satisfy us. Some are more forgiving than others. Some would just be happy to never see or hear from them again.

I just know that it's often said by people in the legal and political systems that "justice must be seen to be done". The reason for this is as I said before, people don't tolerate unfairness.
Girl with a Hat said…
I should say - people don't tolerate unfairness forever.
Girl with a Hat said…
new story up at DM about them participating in a campaign giving back to school items in L.A

not everyone is a POC for a change.
Sandie said…
Gosh, the Markles never miss an opportunity for a photo op or platform to make a speech. Handing out donations at a drive through, all organised and arranged by other people. Grabbing a platform to make a speech about voting while the people who are doing the real work are identifying who needs assistance/transport to register and vote ...
Girl with a Hat said..

`Can you imagine if someone in your family announces their pregnancy at a family wedding? How many invitations to Christmas will they be getting? Why should Meghan be any different to the rest of us'

This is what happened to me:

Future SiL came to my wedding to her brother, wearing the white dress, tights, shoes and scarf she wore to your own Register Office wedding 4 days earlier, accessorised with the fancy, and very clearly, bridal headdress she planned to wear at her `Blessing' the next day.

My new FiL gloated to his son and me that it's very economical to hire 1 morning suit for 2 weddings? Oh, and I wasn't invited to their civil wedding on the grounds that I `wasn't family'?

Husband and his family thought it was all perfectly normal.

A good friend had tried to talk me out of it during the morning but I was afraid of what my parents would say - the reception had been paid for. That was only part of the horror of that day, thanks to the other narc SiL, but I'll spare you the rest.

Many's the time I wished I'd stopped the car on the way to church and got a bus to somewhere, anywhere, else instead, Never mind how I was dressed.

MM's behaviour at Eugenie's wedding was the final straw for me.
xxxxx said…
Girl with a Hat said...
new story up at DM about them participating in a campaign giving back to school items in L.A

not everyone is a POC for a change.

Charles had/has loads of plans/desires for his sons such as being agriculture men like he is. In a good way and no sarcasm. Wills was offered the Herefordshire estate that Ch had lovingly renovated. Wills turned it down but will agri-Redeem himself when he takes over the Cornwall Duchy. William likes this, to administer this Duchy with all its tenant farmers and so does the sporty (like this cliche?) and outdoorsy Catherine. They are making all the right moves.
Of course Harry and Megs were then offered the Herefordshire estate. They were too snotty to go for this.

So circling back to how M/H are going to support themselves in LA. "Giving back to school items in L.A" is all well and good but it does not bring in any money to pay for their Marvelous Montecito Mansion, which must be in a at least 95% white enclave. Thus far away from LA schools and LA turmoil and LA Covid.

I suppose their charitable works earn them more virtue signalling Pokemon points. Helpful, but so far not translating into cash flow and their White Russian Elephant is a cash flow money pit. Where money goes to die.
Girl with a Hat said…
@Wild Boar, so sorry this happened to you. It was a horrible thing to do and also not being supported by your in-laws was horrible.

can we all be nice to each other? A squaw is a female genital part so do not call anyone that

Enbrethiliel said…
@Wild Boar Battle-maid

The way your in-laws behaved at your wedding was terrible. I'm so sorry that happened to you.

Years later, did you ever tell your parents your side of things? If so, did they say they would have supported your decision to call the wedding off?
Dallas Alice said…
@xxxxx-“ virtue signalling Pokemon points”. HAHAHAHAHAHA
Sandie said…
How can the BRF take control? They cannot take away the titles. Only Parliament can do that and it has only been done for treason. Besides, they are empty titles without the HRH (and even then, there is no property or position that goes with such a title, other than what is given by the Queen). It is a joke that they keep using the titles and actually makes them look quite silly. Their public funding, palace privileges (premises and all the perks that go with it), free royal home, free royal holidays, free royal tours ... all gone. They do not represent the BRF or British government in any way, and they have lost most of their patronages. They are actually worse off than the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, who had an income from the Crown, official security in some way, and even official roles for the UK at first. The Queen seems able to distinguish between family (very loving and tolerant and on good terms within reason) and her state function (she actually acted swiftly to remove Andrew and the Harkles from any official role and removed any support from the palace).

I even wonder about the one-year review story as there is nothing in official palace statements that talks about this. The Queen said they would always be welcomed back to the UK as family. I think the one-year review story was put out by the Harkles in their typical fashion of putting out there what they want in the hope they will get it. Harry being suspended from military ceremonies roles for a year was perhaps giving those organisations the autonomy to decide for themselves after a suitable period to see where Harry ended up living and what he ended up doing with his life. The Harkles could have used a year to really do something honourable and decent and good with their freedom outside of the BRF, but they haven't and I doubt that they can. In the UK alone there is so much they could have done, but the Harkles headed for LA where they promote themselves (as what?) in Zoom speeches and appearances for charity (not invited as special guests but elbowing in for a photo op) ... and the grandiose property (supposedly only Meghan is listed as owner)!
Maneki Neko said…

I hope your mum likes the book. I'm sure she'll enjoy the story and will feel nostalgic for a long gone England.
Enbrethiliel said…

Their choice of a back-to-school charity event raised my eyebrows because my cousins in LA are adamantly against reopening schools for face-to-face classes. They're just a tiny sample of the LA population, of course, but they've given me the sense that someone who really wants to help LA communities should focus on the families who are taking the homeschool/online option. No opportunities for photo ops and merching there, however! Or perhaps Meghan did try to crash one such group's Zoom meeting and was denied.
Hikari said…
@Wild Boar

I have to commend you for this gem:

(I am the very model of a perfect piece of wokery,
I know the ins-and-outs of jiggery and pokery...'?)

If Mssrs. Gilbert & Sullivan were around to have seen Megsy, they might have come up with that themselves.

That definitely rates a latte today . . cheers! You and Magatha have so many bons mots. I admire poets a lot but my mind does not run so effortlessly in that track. I should try my hand at limericks suitable for our Woke-n-Joke.

MM's behaviour at Eugenie's wedding was the final straw for me.

Me, too. That was 5 months into their marriage and during that first summer, I had chalked up any awkwardness with her as 'she's still learning the ropes', and reports of run-ins with staff, or misunderstandings during the wedding planning as 'differences in communication styles'. An American from California was always going to have a rocky adjustment to centuries of Royal protocol no matter how sincere her intentions. I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt at first because I have firsthand experience of trying to adapt to a vastly different, socially rigid culture with arcane rules of hierarchy and etiquette. Japan, in my case. I could write a thesis on the similarities I find between the two ancient island cultures in the way they approach social dynamics. Americans do have a more direct style of communicating, which is seen as a positive trait in our culture, but can come off as too abrupt or pushy in more courtly settings. Meg had a lot to learn, but I thought in the early days that she was up for it. For someone who'd never amounted to much in her acting career, being a Royal Duchess was the role of a lifetime, I thought. I supposed that with seven years on a television series that her comfort level with cameras and public speaking/performance could be a real asset to the Firm.

What we didn't know then about what Meg was really like behind the scenes was a lot. I was irritated by all the sophomoric PDA displayed. Even for newlyweds, it was over the top. However, I accepted it at face value as a genuine, if immature, symbol of their legitimate relationship.

When she arrived at Euge's wedding and popped out of the car in her oversized, open maternity coat, I went, "Uh, oh." Because hadn't we just seen her in the green leather skirt number in Sussex a couple of weeks previously? No sign of a bump then, and one does not suddenly need a maternity coat in the space of two weeks. The dynamics between Haz and M in the church while waiting for the bride seemed fraught. Harry obviously had something he was trying to get her attention about and she pointedly ignored him and talked to Zara in the row ahead, laughing and acting like he wasn't even there. Then she released the bomb.

Her attire and conduct during the subsequent Oceania tour was decidedly not a credit to her, or to the Royal family. I did really like the blue dress at the Fiji dinner, and think it's the most flattering thing she's ever worn. She also appeared to be 5 months pregnant based on the bump. All the staff anecdotes about her behavior would leak out later.

Still--I only *suspected* that she was faking at this point. When she turned up at the actors' home in December packed into the black and white sausage number with a squared-off 7-month belly, that was the moment for me. It's been all downhill from there, and based on Harry's appearance and demeanor, I think that was the turning point for him as well into the real downward spiral.
Anonymous said…
@Fairy Crocodile

What is the point in all that diamonds, tiaras and castles and pomposity if they are just the same as dirty politicians involved into the same dirty scandals?

Well said!

I have come to the conclusion that nothing will be done to stop or change the behavior of the Sussexes. The status quo seems acceptable to TQ and PC. Good riddance to them.
SwampWoman said…
Girl with a Hat said...
I should say - people don't tolerate unfairness forever.

They will tolerate it long past the time that they should have put an end to it.

My opinion is that the BRF doesn't give a damn about MM and her inept machinations; they are worried about Harry being under her malign influence and wish to perform a rescue. If Archie is publicly revealed to be a sham and a tool to blackmail the BRF, Harry could NEVER come back even if he was a dolt that was tricked.
Snippy said…
@xxxxx totally agree, they must have been chauffeured 3 hours each way so she could merch her Victoria Beckham shirt. Still wearing Trevity Trev’s Cartier bangle looks like? And why the hell is Hapless DROOLING all down his face mask?? Chin and neck wet stains clearly visible!!
Enbrethiliel said…
To add to what @SwampWoman has said, I think it's obvious that the BRF's long objective here is to be able to welcome Harry back someday. Any protection that the Sussexes are still getting in the media is for the sake of preserving what they can of his reputation.

I kind of get it. They're a family before they're a firm, after all. But at this point, I have to wonder what good the firm would get out of having him back. We've tossed around a "rehab" scenario in which he lives in Africa for several years, working with charities there, until such time that the UK public would be willing to welcome him back. And even then, it might only be on special occasions (Trooping, the Christmas walk, etc.). Have we really reached the point at which even this would be unfeasible?
Hikari said…

How can the BRF take control? They cannot take away the titles. Only Parliament can do that and it has only been done for treason.

This practice of "the Queen giveth but only Parliament can taketh away" perplexes me. The Queen does not have to beg the Parliament's permission to bestow titles. These dukedoms she passes out are wedding presents to her children and grandchildren. At least in the case of the Sussex duchy, there are no ancestral estates or grand castles for Harry to take over as the Duke of the fiefdom. There is no standing armed forces in Sussex with which to mount an insurrection against the Crown like in the old days. It was basically for show. That HM must go tiara in hand to get permission from the government to take back a wedding present to her grandson mystifies this American. Her Majesty has no governmental power; only ornament and ceremonial. What is more ornamental or ceremonial than a noble title with nothing attached to it but prestige? As you said, Besides, they are empty titles without the HRH (and even then, there is no property or position that goes with such a title, other than what is given by the Queen). Exactly. So why would Parliament even have an oar in this issue?

I think HM *could* push for the removal of the titles, were she so inclined. There is the matter of Archie to contend with if grounds for treason are being sought. Fraudulently interfering in the line of succession is treason, and that's what Meg has done, with Harry's complicity, unless there is irrefutable proof that he's their biological child and Meghan gave birth to him in the Portland hospital. If that had been the case, there'd be physicians' signatures on that Palace announcement like for all the other Royal children. That was not up to Meg's 'choice' f because a legitimate Royal heir to the succession is a matter of state. There aren't any signatures because there were no doctors willing to put their names on a fake document.

The whole aura around Archie is very messy. It is my contention that the Queen has chosen to acknowledge Archie publicly in order to save the family from the massive scandal of admitting that Meg's pregnancy was not legit. The awkward, but germane questions of "How much did the Royal family know and when did they know it?" were already being faced over Andrew's activities, and they didn't want another. So they are complicit, too. Pursuing the treason angle isn't in their interest, even if there are grounds, and really the one guilty of treason is Harry, as the British subject of the Queen and blood Royal. Meg is neither, and England was never in any way her country.

SwampWoman said…
I'm going to go ahead and block the professional grievance monger. I don't need to read 2 pages of "My feelings are hurt so you should care and that is my truth!" I've seen this pattern before from other sock puppets.
Rut said…
Snippy: But didn't we agree Harry gave her that bracelet? ( a few pages ago )
SwampWoman said…
Hikari said:
The whole aura around Archie is very messy. It is my contention that the Queen has chosen to acknowledge Archie publicly in order to save the family from the massive scandal of admitting that Meg's pregnancy was not legit. The awkward, but germane questions of "How much did the Royal family know and when did they know it?" were already being faced over Andrew's activities, and they didn't want another. So they are complicit, too. Pursuing the treason angle isn't in their interest, even if there are grounds, and really the one guilty of treason is Harry, as the British subject of the Queen and blood Royal. Meg is neither, and England was never in any way her country.

I am of the opinion that what Andrew was involved in that is being covered up is financial crimes.
Fairy Crocodile said…
@ Hikari

I think we share that thing really went downhill very quickly after Archie appeared in the scene. There is something really off with the whole story.

They practically rocketed away from the BRF and the country after his "birth".
SwampWoman said…
Snippy said: And why the hell is Hapless DROOLING all down his face mask?? Chin and neck wet stains clearly visible!! I suppose it could be from sweat, but my sweat usually evaporates in that dry heat, plus his clothes would be saturated. Maybe he dumped water on himself to cool off. Maybe he tried to drink with the mask pulled up and spilled it.
SwampWoman said…
Snippy, I forgot to add that maybe he has to be under heavy sedation to stand being in Medusa's presence (apologies if I offended anybody with snake hair). (Not really.)


Might this lighten the general mood?

With apologies to Cole Porter:

"Who wants to be a billionaire? Meg does
Have flashy flunkies everywhere? Meg does
Who wants the bother of a country estate?
A country estate is something she'd hate

Who wants to wallow in cocaine*? Meg does
Who wants the finest private plane? Meg does
Who wants to journey on a gigantic yacht?
A gigantic yacht would give her top spot

Who wants to be a billionaire? Meg does
And go to every swell affair? Meg does
Who wants to ride behind a liveried chauffeur?
A liveried chauffeur would be just right for her

Who wants to spill the apple cart? Meg does
Who wants to blow the Net apart? Meg does
She targets the Throne
To call it her own…


Please feel free, folks, to add more verses...
Hikari said…
It is a joke that they keep using the titles and actually makes them look quite silly. Their public funding, palace privileges (premises and all the perks that go with it), free royal home, free royal holidays, free royal tours ... all gone. They do not represent the BRF or British government in any way, and they have lost most of their patronages.

*We* can see they are jokes, but speaking from an American perspective, it is not evident to the average American at all that they have been cut off from representing the Royal family. Harry will always be a born Prince. Meg is still married to him, AND they continue to market themselves as 'The Duke and Duchess of Sussex', against the explicit terms of Megxit. It's the only reason they have been given the platforms they've had since they left the UK. It is absolutely imperative to Meg's plans that she continue to be 'The Duchess of Sussex' as her brand. Her sugars call her Princess Meghan, which she must eat up with a spoon. For us here in the States, with no hereditary system of nobility, there is little inherent understanding of the pecking order of peerage. We know Downton Abbey and Disney princesses. A 'Prince' seems to us to be more than a 'Duke', since Harry will be the son of the King. 'Duke' means very little to Americans, other than as a nickname for cowboy actor John Wayne. Even without the 'Duchess' title, as long as Meg is affiliated with Harry, she gets to be a Princess by association in the common mind.

Americans would also not understand, in general, the distinction between 'HRH The Duchess' and just 'Duchess Meghan'. Those appear to be identical to non-scholars of Royal protocol.

Hikari said…
The Queen seems able to distinguish between family (very loving and tolerant and on good terms within reason) and her state function (she actually acted swiftly to remove Andrew and the Harkles from any official role and removed any support from the palace).

The Harkles have been removed from their share of the sovereign grant & no longer have Palace offices. BP has issued a statement that it no longer speaks for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. But H & M are still using their titles, they still retain most of their high-profile patronages (principally, still representing the Queen's Commonwealth Trust as its President and Vice-President) and are speaking publicly as patrons of those charities. They are still being funded by the Duchy of Cornwall via Charles and other withdrawals from Bank of Dad, who is funding their security & have just purchased a lavish mansion from those monies. (So the story goes.) It is not immediately evident to the onlooker that the duo have been cut off from Palace support, since their enviable lifestyle despite not actually performing work continues, and they are exploiting those royal titles. They are using those with impunity as well as speaking out on American and Commonwealth political matters with impunity. In accord with ER's directive, there are only the sounds of crickets emanating from BP, officially. If H & M are truly cut off and scrambling to pay these bills on their own, the general public sure doesn't know anything about it. They act like they have the tacit approval of the Queen for all their activities and expenditures.

I even wonder about the one-year review story as there is nothing in official palace statements that talks about this. The Queen said they would always be welcomed back to the UK as family. I think the one-year review story was put out by the Harkles in their typical fashion of putting out there what they want in the hope they will get it.

By its continued silence, BP makes it impossible to tell either way. If there is no review period at the end of the year, then that means that the Harkles will continue on unchecked as they have been doing and more than likely ramping it up to even more egregious levels. They are not really acting as though they have been 'punished' in any way, since getting out of the Royal drudgery and going to California was what they both wanted. They are no doubt in serious financial trouble with the way Meg spends, but with no review structure in place, I suppose this means Charles will continue to quietly bail them out and nothing will ever be said about it.

Imagine being William and having to stand by and watch this all going on. Bratty little traitor Harry gets to run off to Disneyland and be subsidized by Daddy while he & Catherine have to buck up and Carry On, with no complaints tolerated. I believe William is formulating payback time for when he takes over as Prince of Wales. Maybe once Charles ascends, he will hand over the whole Harkle mess to Wills and let him deal with it as he sees fit. Until then, it appears the Harkles will be allowed to run rampant. Especially if the Democrats win in November, Megsy is going to really become even more intolerable.

Hikari said…
It is past time for HM to reassign the Sussex patronages to more deserving members. Make Anne Captain General Royal Marines already. Give the rest of the Sussex patronages to the Wessexes. Sophie is already active in the Commonwealth on behalf of vulnerable women's initiatives. Her quiet solo visits to Africa have gone completely overlooked amidst the Sussex drama. She can take the Association of University Women & Edward, the National Theatre. It should have been his from the start. Perhaps the York girls could be pressed into service for Mayhew and SmartWorks for a small stipend. Lady Louise is 17 and still at school, but perhaps she could be introduced to the animal charity as a sometime volunteer. That would be a good fit for a young girl who likes animals, and she could visit during school holidays. Those are not major royal charities anyway and were more busywork for Meg. It will be up to Invictus and Sentabale to decide whether having Harry as he is now still affiliated with them is worth their trouble.

If the Palace thought that interest in the Sussexes would die away once they had left the Palace machinery behind, it has to be obvious by now that that's not the case. So I do think some sort of structured review/press release is in order just to clarify exactly where they stand. "Welcome as a family" sounds like, 'Free to visit anytime', not as in "Formerly received at court." Which is fine but they should not be staging public visits to charities or speaking on their behalf or attending anything high profile as 'The Duke and Duchess.' HM has to go further in making it crystal clear to them as well as everyone else that in terms of the 'Firm', they do not exist.
@Pink Peony said, How do I get emails sent to me? This scrolling looking for posts is for the birds.

Underneath the comment box there’s an option which says, Follow-up comments will be sent to (which will show your email address), select that option and once you’ve commented on a blog post all subsequent comments will be emailed to you. You’ll need to do this for every new blog post.

It’s so much easier to read comments this way and easier on ones eyes I find. ;o)
Snippy said…
aSwampWoman I was wondering whether substances were involved, couldn’t think of any that cause excessive drooling. However, maybe he was high/wasted, forgot he was wearing a mask and tried to drink through it, thereby spilling all down his chin! That, I could see.
LavenderLady said…

Well dur!! lol... Thanks a bunch:) I hadn't seen that because my eyes are not good anymore. You're the best!

I hope I haven't missed anyone re: your support, kind words, helpful thoughts. Thank you from the deepest place in my heart...Hugs:)

I hope nobody minds me posting a a link to a recent BBC report - I hope this is seen as non-confrontational, especially as I am an outsider. if you think I shouldn't have done so, please scroll past.

When I visited Arizona a decade ago, on a geology field trip, I saw a little of how the Navajo live their lives, out in the desert, and I thought how hard it must be for them, at the best of times.

Then came the virus-

I was moved by the mention of the Choctaw people sending money to help the starving Irish in the 1840s.
SwampWoman said…
Snippy said...
aSwampWoman I was wondering whether substances were involved, couldn’t think of any that cause excessive drooling. However, maybe he was high/wasted, forgot he was wearing a mask and tried to drink through it, thereby spilling all down his chin! That, I could see.

I think you've solved it! That does seem the most likely. I wonder how many people in restaurants where they're supposed to keep their masks on if they aren't actually eating or drinking have been distracted by their phone, reached for their drink while reading a text, and done that?
Dallas Alice said…
Or, it could be due to the fact it’s hot as hades and he has a beard.
I tend to agree with you @SwampWoman re Andrew. He may or may not have played "mattress pole-vault" with underaged girls but if he did I'm not sure he knew (may have suspected but didn't know for sure) their ages. It was said JE had them wearing college sweatshirts etc to imply older. I strongly feel Andrew in no way shape or form contributed to the recruiting. But I could definitely see him (and Fergie) in some unsavory business dealings for financial gain. He doesn't have a job except professional schmoozer so ... gotta have income somehow.

Whatever the reasons, it is very apparent the Palace is covering for the HAMS and MeMe knows it and knows how to exploit it. She figured out early on there are no consequences for her actions from the BRF so she does exactly what she pleases and sends the bill to the Palace. I think Harry actually enjoys giving both fingers to his family. What a nice guy. NOT.
Dallas Alice said…
@WBBM-the monument in Ireland to the Native Americans is beautiful. I hope to see it in person soon, but had to settle for pics my cousin took.
Sandie said, I even wonder about the one-year review story as there is nothing in official palace statements that talks about this.

It was said after the Sandringham summit or showdown. To my recollection it was put into writing and in a form of a statement at the time.
NeutralObserver said…
Hi, everyone. Don't know if anyone has mentioned that there's a new Harry Markle Blog up. Harry Markle seems less outraged than she sometimes does, & she's just laughing at them now. It's a funny read. She pointed out that the QCT video seems to have been shot in a non-airconditioned room. (Why, to be more relatable to the young people they're speaking to, many of whom live in hot countries? Did they not pay their electric bill?). In any case warmth seems to have gotten to the Harkles. Wow, Megs' raccoon eyes. Is she going for the middle school girl trying out her mom's make up look? Harry's shirt isn't grey, but it looks like it's pretty damp, & not from rain, which California rarely gets.

Harry Markle points out Hazzah's hand waving. I noticed in the Ramshaw video that Megs' big hands were waving like windshield wipers as well. If she's putting out feelers for a gig as a talking head, she needs to get some coaching. American tv standards have fallen since Diane Sawyer's heyday, but even today, a talk show bod needs to listen to the interviewee, & to stay still, in order to look at least somewhat in control. Megs is failing on both those fronts. She also is looking a bit spooked, unlike her condescending blue dress speech, in which she encouraged her audience to think whatever half baked ideas they come up with should be taken seriously by CEOs & other bigwigs.
IEschew said…
@Girl With a Hat and others re: the school supplies PHOTO OP:

Did you notice the copyright on all of the photos? “Christian Monterrosa for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex”

How embarrassing to bring one’s own photographer - and an invasive one at that - judging from the nearly-inside-the-families’-cars shots he snagged. How much better for this to have been an anonymous charitable act.

Give me a break. Let’s call this “service” what it is. Virtue signalling PR.

AnyaAmasova said…

I agree with you 100%. Everything about Megs is repugnant and messy. How she met Harry, how she played Harry how she entrapped Harry. And everything else in between. (I actually believe that she attempted a run on a married Prince William prior to her settling for #2. I read somewhere along the way that Meg and Jessica used to "kvetch" together back in Toronto that Kate was not good enough for Wills. Both of these girls need some sort of electro-shock therapy to mitigate the level of self wonderment each has.)

Unfortunately, Harry is as dumb as a sack of rocks. But he reached the proverbial point of "believing his own press" because his ego has been wildly stroked for so long by courtiers, requisitioned and paid for by Dad.

"Archie" is the key to everything. Meg was kicked out of the family for many reasons, but the biggest storm is about a child or lack thereof. If a child exists he/she/it is not of the body. NOTE TO BRF: WE ALL KNOW THIS. Worse yet, the DNA is in question. Correctly, Harry is the one on the legal hook, though I would imagine the RF has something on Megs, as well.

HMTQ has publicly acknowledgeabled in speech an 8th great-grandchild. But the RF apparatus acknowledges on its website a child named Archie, seventh in the line of succession????? Is this because HMTQ told her son, PC, I refuse to deal with the mess of your son during my lifetime and I do not have to because for the time being "Archie" does not fall within the close scrutiny of the laws of succession? Perhaps. Maybe she is leaving this mess to HM King Charles? Or the plan is to eventually strip the H$rkles of all titles and claim to the throne?"

"Always kill with a borrowed sword.", either The Art of War or the Thirty-Six Stratagems.
AnyaAmasova said…
Regarding the QCT video.

I can not watch the drivel. It is too ridiculous to let it enter my brain in its farcical entirety. I like to preserve my brain cells.

But I did notice in a still shot that while the Mrs. was waddling on, the nit-wit was turned in her direction but staring at something else. Probably the wall.

This is not a happy, healthy marriage. This is a scam gone bad and for now the perpetrators have to stay in lock step for the public.
Thank you Dallas Alice,

I didn't know about the Choctaw helping the Irish until this afternoon. As I type this, tears are misting my eyes. It is a beautiful sculpture.

My most recent Irish ancestors left before the worst of the famines as the records show children who were born in London c.1823 - perhaps it was the famine of 1817 that gave them the push.

We were in Arizona in early November '09 - the heat was intense, even so, and I almost passed out as we looked for halite crystals at an old salt mine. Fortunately, the reptiles were in hiding - snakes give me the hab-dabs. Goodness knows what it's like in summer.
AnyaAmasova said…
@Neutral Observer,

"She also is looking a bit spooked...". Can you elaborate.

Do you think she (and Haz) knows FF has ended up to be a big CF? Is she going to go after OS soon?

What I find fascinating (because I believe she wrote the book herself, at least the first draft) is that even though she placated HMTQ and PC in the book, she thought she go after PW & DC. I believe that HMTQ (ultimately) will not abide her unfounded attack on the future Monarch and his wife.
Girl with a Hat said…
CDAN blind item implying that the Harkles had the charity in LA pay for a private jet for them to get to the event.

Blithe Spirit said…
Adam Grant, a Wharton pyscology professor and best-selling author, recently rweeted about the difference between ambition and aspirations :
"Ambition is when our aspirations exceed our achievements. Narcissism is when our ego exceeds our achievements."

And that's one of the most succinct descriptions I've come across of the Megalo duchess.
Girl with a Hat said…
there's another blind about some alliterate former actress at CDAN today but I think it's Linday Lohan
Miggy said…
I'm aware that Wikipedia is not 100% accurate but regarding the Sandringham summit, this is what it says:

Main details
The couple will no longer represent the Queen. This was in contrast to the couple's earlier statement on their website that they would carry out future duties for the Queen.
They will retain the Royal Highness style but will not use it, and will be called Harry, Duke of Sussex, and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex.
They will be financially independent of the British taxpayer/exchequer (and will repay the £2.4 million renovation costs of Frogmore Cottage);
Prince Harry would formally resign all British military appointments (including Captain General Royal Marines), and would no longer officially represent the royal family at military ceremonies.

Other details
The couple will spend most of their time in North America.
Frogmore Cottage would continue to function as their British home, but they would pay a "commercial rent" for it.
The couple would retain their private patronages and associations (e.g. Invictus Games), but not royal ones (e.g. Commonwealth Youth Ambassador).
Prince Charles would continue to provide financial support.

Items not included
The couple's security arrangements were unclear, with the Queen's statement commenting only that "There are well established independent processes to determine the need for publicly-funded security."
It was not clear whether the "Sussex Royal" brand could be used.

If the 'bolded' part is correct, have they not broken the agreement?
Yes, `8th great grandchild but 7th in line' is OK - one of the gt grandchildren would be one of Anne's grandchildren. Can remember which.

Anne's husband Mark Phillips was a commoner and women traditionally have the status of their husbands so their children would not automatically be noble or in line. I think a title was offered but not accepted, IIRC.
D1 said…
Apologies in advance if this has already been answered.

With regards to removing the titles from Harry & his wife.
The Queen does not need parliament to approve as far as I can find out.
Harry could be demoted to Earl, unless she removes all titles she gave him on marriage.

He was born a prince so stays a Prince.

Will now update myself on all that has been written.
luxem said…
Baby2Baby event - Notice that the real volunteers are wearing the B2B charity T-shirts/masks and the virtue signaler is merching a shirt/mask? This charity has a BOD/Angels that include many big-name female celebrities, yet they agree to let MeMe distract from the event with her photo-op-merching-spot behavior. I just don't get it....
I know the royals are on holiday at the moment and with another week of lockdown in that part of Scotland, their opportunities for appearing at events and gatherings are somewhat restricted, but it really looks as if the Harkles are in the driving seat this week. Are they taking advantage of this situation or is this media saturation being endorsed by the Fam?

A propos the Archie mystery, an acquaintance of mine knows the Jonas brothers' father quite well and therefore Priyanka. Hoping to pick my moment to ask my friend some pertinent questions!
"Ambition is when our aspirations exceed our achievements. Narcissism is when our ego exceeds our achievements."

Thanks @BlitheSpirit

Back to Sharon in `Kath and Kim': `I coulda been anything if only I'd had the talent!'
As I read FF, I noticed how many times that Harry and/or Meghan flew back and forth from Toronto to the UK (and elsewhere) on dates. Did they fly private, and who paid for this, even if they flew public? Who paid for their security?
NeutralObserver said…
@AnyaAmasova, I think she looks very nervous in the most two most recent videos. The hand waving, the glazed eyes, the gritted teeth at times, the eagerness to get her nonsense in without paying attention to what the other person is saying. A really skilled interviewer lures their subject into saying something the interviewer is interested in, or at least is interesting to their producers. In the earlier video, in the blue dress, (I don't recall what group she was speaking to), she was much cockier, very pleased with herself. Maybe she's worrying about paying her mortgage to Scarface.

Megs' middle school experiment with makeup look might make sense, as her buddy Omid seems to be going for the same look. Maybe it's a winning look in their circles.It could be a sign of insecurity as well. If she doesn't put makeup on with a shovel, no one will notice her,

Anyone who doesn't want to watch the QCT video should go to the Harry Markle
Blog. She covers all of the highlights, & sums up the gist of the thing very nicely.
@Girl With A Hat,

I wondered how they got from Santa Barbara to LA for their latest venture. I hope the charity didn't pay for their private flight, taking away monies from the charity. Besides, handing out a few bags for their own PR purposes does not cover the cost of a private or public flight. Did they stay overnight, and if so, did they stay in a hotel for free, too?

Somebody should contact the charity and ask if they paid for a private or public flight and lodging, as this could get really out of hand if they decide to just hop a private flight anytime they decide to barge into an event at their own discretion.

What a sneaky way of getting free trips. If they wanted to be "do-gooders" in LA, they should have stayed there. Also what about the extra security for this event, and did they rent a car or two?

All of these costs add up, and we know that The Harkles probably didn't pay a cent.

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