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Open post: The Death of Prince Philip

 I'm very sorry to hear about the passing of Prince Philip, just a few months before his 100th birthday.

He was an outspoken man who was always one of my favorite Royals.

Here's a space to discuss his passing, as well as any implications it will have for other ongoing Royal events, such as the Sussex saga. 


Nutty Flavor said…
Just to kick it off with my own thoughts, Philip lived a remarkable life - the stuff of opera, really, with his dramatic birth and departure from Greece, through his marriage, the modernization of the Royal family and their communications in the 20th century, and punctuated with the drama surrounding Princess Diana.

He also had the good fortune to be part of a lifelong love story.
I wonder how Harry and Meghan will use this news to serve them or keep their own names in the news cycle. Will they say that Archie is doing zoom calls with the Queen?
BellaDonna said…
By chance we are just driving past Windsor Castle. Paying our respects, my husband saluted the Prince. Such sad news.
The Cat's Meow said…
Wow @BellaDonna, what a moment. Thank you for sharing.

RIP and prayers for the Queen as she now "soldiers on."
Magatha Mistie said…

A remarkable man, a remarkable life.
God Bless Prince Philip
God Save the Queen
abbyh said…
This is now the passing of an era. Very sad to see him leave. May The Queen be comforted by her children.

And some grand/great grandchildren.
There won’t be another like Philip; the current world won’t allow it. He did so much with his life and for Britain, and was probably very much the soul of the Royal Family.

Philip is to be buried at Windsor (probably Frogmore with other notable senior royals).

I said on the previous thread that neither Harry nor Megsy are welcome back to Blighty. They, but particularly Harry should be utterly ashamed of himself, especially filming and airing that ghastly rotten interview, knowing full well his Grandfather was in his demise. I duly hope he doesn’t come back for the funeral, better still, he isn’t invited. The royal family deserve to send off Philip in peace, they don’t need a wastrel like Harry in attendance.
I'm so sad about his passing. They don't make 'em like him anymore, and I fear what will happen with the RF now that he is gone. He was the steel spine. I am really hoping William is cut from the same cloth. He had a truly epic life, and I'm glad he got to see his great grandchildren, that he could be there for most of his grandchildren's weddings, and that him and The Queen were able to be together for so long. I can't imagine what pain she is in. I send her and the family my sincere condolences.

BellaDonna, what a wonderful gesture.

JCMH and MM had best not attempt to upstage this(horrible for it to even be worried about, isn't it?), and I sure hope neither of them go back for the funeral. They don't deserve it, as it sure seemed they were trying to kill him not many weeks ago with the Oprah interview while he was in hospital. They can lay a memorial wreath somewhere and drag along a photographer instead. /eyeroll
Grumpy Kat said…
Absolutely gutted. The best royal of them all, after and together with her Majesty. G-d be with Her.
Curiously said…
They've already started:

"A source close to the family told today: 'Harry will absolutely do his utmost to get back to the UK and be with his family. 

'He will want nothing more than to be there for his family, and particularly his grandmother, during this awful time.

'Meghan is obviously pregnant so she will need to take advice from her doctors about whether it is safe for her to travel, but I think Harry will definitely go."

Will Harry and Meghan go back to the UK after Prince Philip's death?

Ava C said…
Harry always acted as if he had all the time in the world for a rapprochement with his family. Now this. It's like a gigantic leaden arm sweeping down out of nowhere, cutting off everything that went before.

I can't really take it in yet. Just like my grandfather who we expected to die several times in the last years of his life. When he did die, it was more of a shock to the family than the unexpected deaths we have experienced.

Prince Philip was certainly a character! We need such people in life. The constant retrospectives now on TV remind everyone what a life of real service looks like. A difficult, lonely, dispossessed, childhood. A world war. Not once did he complain or express self-pity. Perhaps his death will teach people better values, as he tried to do in life.

My father taught young people outdoor activities as part of the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. I think that was one of Prince Philip's finest legacies. Like The Prince's Trust there have been decades of steady achievement, actually changing people's lives and futures. Not just talking about it and taking credit for the hard work of others.
Acquitaine said…

Harry can eff right off with that PR statement.

RIP Philip.

KCM1212 said…

From the DM article

"He will want nothing more than to be there for his family, and particularly his grandmother, during this awful time."

Ugh. What a narc statement. As if he didnt do everything in his power to destroy her. To see him swanning about in his "great grief" is going to be nauseating.

He will show to grab some booty.
Girl with a Hat said…

Harry and the thing's interview was aired even though his 99 year old grandfather was in hospital. That's all that needs to be said.
Catlady1649 said…
R.I.P Prince Philip.
A life well lived.
KCM1212 said…
Philip was such a unique part of Great Britains history, and Elizabeth's partner in the pas de deux that was their love story.

The world feels diminished today.

God Bless Philip and God Save the Queen.

@KCM1212 & Acquitaine, you are so right about that. It's all about him, and completely ignores his napalming of her and the rest of the family-as if it never happened and everything's fine. He hasn't been there for her, did all he could to hurt her(and Philip), and walked away.
MeliticusBee said…
Harry will go, Meghan will plan some cheesy Instagram distraction completely unrelated to the Royals but with a written dig. Some kind of fake charity nonsense.
JerseyGirl said…
I know this won't be a popular opinion but I think Harry should go to his grandfathers funeral. This is only the second greatest loss in his life and he should bare witness to it.

I know he won't be welcome by the public, but I believe his grandmother will appreciate seeing him. It is really too bad Harry married the wrong woman and he's paying the price for that, but at the end of the day it is his grandfather.
Peppa said…
I have posted here only a few times, but I have to share my thoughts on Prince Philip's passing. If I could be granted two wishes, they would be: that Prince Philip never had knowledge of the Oprah interview & its aftermath. Second wish: this is very petty (but I won't lose sleep over it) I wish that Harry feels extreme guilt for the rest of his sorry life for never going to see his Grandfather before he died. Maybe he knew, subconsciously, that Grandpa didn't want to see his pansy arse. My condolences to the British Nutties for your great loss. He was an admirable and formidable man. He was certainly stronger than Tungsten! God bless the Queen & family during this difficult time. RIP Prince Philip. You were one of a kind.
PP passing. Inevitable but still sad.

My first thought was "MM is rubbing her hands together anticipating the inheritance". Ugly but true, that really was my first thought.
lizzie said…

You could be right but it's not Harry's loss to bear any more than anyone else's in the family and it's less his loss than for some others in the family. I don't know if TQ will appreciate seeing him. If I were her, I wouldn't want him there. But she may feel differently. Still, simply by being there he will introduce a great amount of extra tension into any family gathering.

If H goes, maybe M will be "papped" with Archie while he's gone and she'll look 8 1/2 months pregnant. Or there will be a security threat at the Manor.
I never say Rest In Peace, but Live it Up. So LIU, Prince Philip. The Duke of Edinburgh was an icon as well as a supportive husband and true head of the family. Her Majesty must be devastated. What a truly remarkable life he led and what great influence to his family. His naughty sense of humour will remain legendary. Thank you Prince Philip for all the good you have done in this world.
JerseyGirl said…

I agree with your comment. I hope Philip didn't have to live the last month knowing what his grandson did to his family. What a truly selfish human being he is.

Although I do stand by my own comment that he should attend his grandfathers funeral so he can experience the full pain of this loss.
Girl with a Hat said…
Harry will be whining about how his grandfather's death has affected him for the next 30 years.
@Jersey Girl,

Unsure how or why you believe Harry should go to Philip’s funeral (if he’s asked). He hasn’t given any public sign he cares especially whilst Philip was living and/or ill recently. Not sure I’d assume The Queen’s would appreciate him there either. We simply don’t know. Will we know? Only if we see Harry anywhere near Windsor (if his family allow it). If he attends he might be made to stay out of public sight. As a Brit, Harry totally offends me. :o(
Girl with a Hat said…
@JerseyGirl, of course Harry should attend the funeral. Funerals aren't for the Dead, they're for the Living. And he needs to see his grandmother to try to comfort Her in Her hour of need. I doubt he has the cojones to do so.
Remember that H&M said that PP's hospital stay was a tactic to delay their interview. Disgusting couple.

Snip: "But a friend of the Sussexes tells exclusively, 'Even if Meghan had the choice to postpone the Oprah special she said she wouldn't because it has absolutely nothing to do with Prince Philip and that this is just an excuse by the palace to keep her muzzled.'"

JHanoi said…
MM wont go, she’ll claim pregnancy and Covid risk , the Dr’s said not to go, And she shouldn’t....she would be nothing but disruptive ( but thats also an increased reason she would WANT to go, she loves Drama!!)

She will encorage PH TO go. He also will be a source for disprution, and media attention, but.... MM will want to know what JPH is getting from the will. She’ll want him at the will reading, or hounding the exceutors....not sure how it’s done in the UK.

But JPH, may skip it with the Covid travel excuse, does he really want to go spend time with the family he just trashed? isn’t he almost persona non gratia there?

JPH seems very weak willed to me and I dont think he can manage it without the claw grabbing his arm holding him up.

JHanoi said…
and PP will be greatly missed. what a wonderful full life he had.

Oh Floof said…
Whatever happens, if Harry attends the funeral or not, I don’t want him or Meghan to get any news coverage. This isn’t about them. Please, powers that be in the media, don’t talk about them this time. Keep the focus where it should be.

I’m worried about the Queen, alone at Windsor. I know she and Phillip lived separately these last few years, but I hope her children are there, or nearby.
Maneki Neko said…
At least, Philip's funeral won't be a state funeral so if Harry does fly over we'll be spared the sight of him behind the coffin. This might serve as a wake up call to him to what family means, how much he'll miss his grandfather and the enormity of that Oprah interview (one can hope).

As for that wife of his, she shouldn't be allowed on British soil but there is nothing to stop her legally. I would think she wouldn't have the nerve to show her face, or rather, both her faces, but you never know. She might argue that her (alleged) pregnancy is now too advanced, on the other hand it wasn't too advanced for a baby shower in NYC (at the same stage of 'pregnancy') so we'll see.

It is very sad that Prince Philip and the Queen's last month together had to be marred by that despicable interview. I hope the Queen can draw on her reserves of strength and the support of her family.

God save the Queen.

JerseyGirl said…
@Raspberry Ruffle

I think he should attend because at the end of the day, it was his grandfather. I don't know what's right or wrong in any other families situation, I just know this is a time when a family should pull together regardless of outside noise.

MM should never step foot in England never mind a family affair, she's not a family person but up until he met MM, Harry was a family man.
MaLissa said…
HRH The Prince Philip was one of a kind. I really liked him and loved that he looked after Her Majesty The Queen. He will be missed greatly by HM The Queen who she said was her rock and her strength. He will be missed by his children and grandchildren and his great-grandchildren who had the pleasure of knowing him.

RIP and may you walk with the angels.

Condolences the our British & Commonwealth Nutties and to all those who admired him.
DesignDoctor said…
So sorry to hear the news of Prince Phillip"s passing. He was a true icon. One of a kind.
I cannot imagine Her Majesty's heartbreak over the loss of her gallant, handsome partner.
God Bless you, Phillip. RIP. You lived a full life with grace and gusto!
God save the Queen. I hope she finds comfort in her memories of her extraordinary partner.
jessica said…
I think if Harry attends they will keep him out of sight.
Humor Me said…
RIP Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh. A life well lived. Condolences to the British/ commonweath posters on the blog on the loss of Phillip. As for the Prodigal Grandson, I wish this one blog post would/ could be free of his name and the name of his wife. I cannot fathom the pain that person(s) must have caused Phillip in his final years. As to the DM post from the place souce about the Prodigal - a better comment would have been...."who?"
Jules Bergman said…
As a California girl - who has lived in both England and Scotland and cherishes her Highlander roots of Clan MacLean - I'm just so sad to hear of this. Prince Phillip was a pistol and a supremely worthy consort to the Queen. Talk about sacrifice and determination and love. That's as good as it gets. God bless the Queen.
Curiously said…
If anyone is interested in numerology I saw this comment on insta

Prince Philip passed on the 9th of the month, 99th day of the year at age 99. Also 9/4/2021=18=9

A quick google search said this about the #9

Number 9 is the number of Universal love, eternity, faith, Universal Spiritual Laws, the concept of karma, spiritual enlightenment, spiritual awakening, service to humanity, humanitarianism and the humanitarian, lightworking and lightworkers, leading by positive example, philanthropy and the philanthropist, charity, self-sacrifice, selflessness, destiny, life purpose and soul mission, generosity, a a higher perspective, romance, inner-strength, public relations, responsibility, intuition, strength of character.
QueenWhitby said…
RIP Prince Philip, you were a constant in my life, thank you for your service to Queen, Country, and Commonwealth. My sincerest thoughts are with the Queen and the family at this time.

I’m thinking about the Cambridge kiddies, how their parents would give them the news, will they make a card like they did for the last wedding anniversary? I’m thinking of wee August and Lucas, their parents honoring Philip by giving his name to their boys, juxtaposed against poor Archie out in Siberia, being indoctrinated against his great-grandparents and all they stood for.

It would be incredibly hypocritical for Harry to come to the funeral after lobbing that grenade of an interview to blow up everything The Queen and Philip stood for, but he’ll show up so he can highlight, milk, and monetize his royal connection yet again.

I really hope this makes more people understand just how low Oprah and the Harkles went, attacking Elizabeth while she was dealing with a terminally ill husband. Shame, shame, shame on them.
Girl with a Hat said…
@Curiously, I saw a strange horoscope for Gemini for today

Today Mars in your sign is at odds with fuzzy Neptune, which is like throwing water on fire. You might question yourself and what you're doing. You might even want to give up. Even if you stay in bed, don't give up. Things will change.

AnT said…
RIP, Prince Philip. Your loyalty, strength and service were beyond invaluable.Rest well.

Like everyone here, my heart is broken for the Queen.

A small Philip story: a former colleague’s sister was in the service office. On one occasion they were assigned to a visit made by Philip to Jamaica. He was Philip: dutiful, a bit outspoken about a UK politico as they traveled privately about by air touring, and he had an eye at one event for a stunning young Jamaican woman who was either a doctor or in medical school, a relation of his dinner host. With a few cocktails in him, he admired the beauty and grace and intelligence of this woman and sought her conversation like a besotted puppy (at which point my colleague’s sister would eventually glide him away to other guests at the party). He was enchanted by this woman, her knowledge of art and painting and I think conservation issues too.

But the main thing my colleague’s sister took away from this Jamaican week was the way he spoke of the Queen. He was “absolutely, absolutely in love with her” as she put it. I remember that double “absolutely” because his praise of and devotion to Elizabeth was apparently so clear even to people working with him on this trip (who certainly did not know him well personally), that his calm, deep devotion however it was expressed actually made my colleague’s sister decide to end her own engagement and wait a bit longer to find a love like Philip’s for the Queen.

The Queen is strong, and has weathered much, especially lately, but I worry about her losing, essentially, half her heart today. Even if anticipated, the reality is so gutting. I am glad her family is there but, still.

I also think this may be when her quiet toughness becomes visibly stronger actually, as she will perhaps do what some women do....slightly absorb and emulate parts of the role of their late husband took on as the family enforcer (I am thinking of two women, clients, who suddenly became like the roaring lions their late spouses were in their respective organizations). She may in this next phase of her life view things differently, as a new lion, and snap certain people off like dead twigs, especially if she suspects their antics impacted her husband’s health. Early days though. Some have speculated William is the new Philip in that way, and we may see him rise as such.

Finally: Harry. Because he is ignorant and self-absorbed and living by choice with a psychopath, I am afraid I expect only the very worst from him over the next few days. In any case, the misery he caused the Queen and Philip during their final years together cannot be undone.

But I think we could quickly raise a tidy sum to book Conor McGregor to meet Harry at the airport, and take him out back. That, Netflix could make nice money with.

RIP, Philip. You lived.

Maneki Neko said…

Philip had a wonderful life, he had a good innings, as we say.

@Oh Floof

Too right, the gruesome twosome shouldn't have any news coverage, if only out of respect for Prince Philip.

jessica said…
Soho House has filed for their IPO at a valuation of $3bb.

AnT said…
That “99” connection you have worked out is amazing. Wow. I am not versed in numerology, but that has to mean something.

@Girl with a Hat,
That Gemini horoscope is really impactful as well. A friend just texted, “I think Prince Harry should fear ghost Philip more than grandpa Phil” and maybe she has a point, based on that horoscope.
Girl with a Hat said…
@AnT, it was Chief Seattle, who said, in his parting address: " Let him be just and deal kindly with my people, for the dead are not powerless. Dead, did I say? There is no death, only a change of worlds."
Girl with a Hat said…
my father was a little under 2 months younger than Philip. They were both born in 1921, the Year of the Rooster. He was also very devoted and besotted by my mother, much like Philip was to his wife.
Hikari said…
I was going to abstain from commenting today out of respect for Philip, but I am glad to see Nutty made a special space. Today marks a day which I have been dreading for at least a decade. It can not be so very long now before Philip's beloved Philibet follows him and with them goes a century's worth of history. My thoughts and prayers are with her and her children especially. Particularly Charles, who must feel his destiny drawing closer and who had such a fraught history with his father. The emotion on Charles' face after his hospital visit was plain to see. Whatever was said, I hope it was of love and forgiveness, not anything to do with the Ginger Whinger in California. Charles may have been the only child to get to see his father in person in the last days, but I will hope against probability that somehow the others were allowed to visit him at the end.

If I can give thanks for Coronavirus in one measure, it's that it propelled Elizabeth and Philip to live together once again, and gave her more free time to enjoy this past year in his company. When he lived at Wood Farm for most of the time, I thought she'd regret it to the end of her days if she wasn't there when he left the world. They were together at the end, and that gives me a little comfort. The loss to Britain and the world is deep, but the Queen's loss as a wife of 73 years is incalculable. I'm sure she will lean on her faith as hard as she ever has to soldier through her loss. As a believer myself, I am confident that Philip's singular and charismatic spirit has not been lost, only transported to a better place with no more infirmity, and his Lilibet will see him again.

I can't do better than KCM's tribute.

Philip was such a unique part of Great Britains history, and Elizabeth's partner in the pas de deux that was their love story.

The world feels diminished today.

God Bless Philip and God Save the Queen.

Ròn said…
I hope there’s someone at Windsor who can give the Queen a hug. I’d hate to think of her there all by herself.
Curiously said…
@Girl with a hat

Yikes, Hazza better be watching his back.


I am not really into it either. I am aware of it but that's pretty much it. I was pretty skeptical when I read the comment and even had to check it was correct. Lol. Then when I saw what 9 means I was shocked.
AnT said…

...I just looked it up a bit more too! Lol. But yes—eerily shocking. I mean, the chances....
xxxxx said…
Rest in Peace Prince Philip. You lived a long and worthy life.
God save The Queen!
But with all my respect, after a decent interval, HM should step aside to let Charles become King sometime in June-July-August.

Harry will be there in the UK. Megsy will stay in Montecito. She knows she dare not show her face in England.
It may be a very quiet, private, funeral given present circumstances in addition to Prince Philip's wishes.

The maximum congregation size is 30 and it's be very easy to find both Windsors and Mountbattens to fill all the places, without having You-Know-Who there.

Of course, She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed might not be prepared to let him out of her sight, lest he be detained in the UK. Should he encounter force majeure, would he be able to break free and return to a set-up that suits him?

There could be a grand Memorial Service later, in London when circumstances allow, to allow those excluded by the regulations to pay their respects.
XXXX - Our Monarchs don't step aside - if role becomes too much for them, the law is that the Heir becomes Regent - all the work and powers(such as they are) but they don't become monarch until the incumbent dies.
AnT said…
@Girl with a Hat,
Thank you for posting that quote from Chief Seattle. Profound. And I do believe what he says there.

I share that hope with you.

Oh Floof said…
I read on Reddit that the DoE title is now Charles’, since it follows the traditional practice of being inherited by the eldest male child. Thus, it is Charles’ title until Charles becomes King, at which point the DoE title would merge with the crown and be available to be given to someone else, hopefully Edward. But the title is locked until Charles becomes King, or William, should Charles predecease the Queen.

This makes sense. Does anyone know otherwise?
Hikari said…
I watched the BBC announcement of PP's passing and the female presenter, while remarkably stoic and professional, wavered slightly at some points and looked on the verge of tears. I cried myself while viewing some clips of the Royal wedding and the 'Lion of Windsor's' earlier years. Easy to see what instantly captivated the young Elizabeth and why after 73 years of marriage she still looked at her consort with all the girlish devotion of a bride. Prince Philip was more than one in a million--he was unique, and placed by God, mayhap, aided by Lord Mountbatten, to be the man tapped to be in such a singular and singularly difficult position--consort to such a Queen, for so long. Anyone with less fortitude would have buckled under the pressures. Philp was to this Queen what dear Albert had been to his, and he got to be her rock for much, much longer. Indefatigable.

That is the effect that the passing of a good person and a life well-lived has on people, even complete strangers who never knew him except by reputation and in pictures.

Harry's legacy is going to be quite different. And it's what he has chosen.

Ava said:

Harry always acted as if he had all the time in the world for a rapprochement with his family. Now this. It's like a gigantic leaden arm sweeping down out of nowhere, cutting off everything that went before.

I think we are all pretty much agreed that Harry is too far gone for rehabilitation and restoration . . what has happened today seals it. He's already released a trademark self-absorbed, tone-deaf statement and I fully expect more to follow. Will his wife urge him to attend the funeral in the hopes of getting something at the will reading, like carrion vultures? If Harry went to London and prostrated himself in front of the Queen and begged her forgiveness, she might grant it--depends to what degree she blames the Sussex drama for making Philip more ill. This really is Uncle David all over again in so many respects.

After much negotiation and conditions, the Duke of Windsor was permitted to return home, without his Duchess, for the funerals of his brother, and in due course, his mother. He was given no official role in the ceremonies and no reception of any kind and was hustled in and out of the country as swiftly as possible after the events were over. He was given no opportunity to mount any sort of 'good-will old home tour', and the sovereign dictated exactly how long he was allowed to remain on English soil. The Queen could certainly deploy her power to keep Harry away, and it goes without saying that Meghan would not be receiving an invitation after her behavior at the Commonwealth service last year. I'm sure there are very real concerns that Harry would turn up with a Netflix film crew if he is permitted to attend.

It will be interesting indeed to see how the warring PR plays out this week.

Knowing Harry as he has shown himself to be, he will not take the opportunity to be a better man. I have no pity for him at all.

My prayers are with all the rest of the family.
Here are some possible answers to the funeral question;

Note the quarantine requirements.
Girl with a Hat said…
@OhFloof, no, it is Edward who will now be known as the Duke of Edinburgh.
@Girl with a Hat, OhFloof is correct. He'll eventually become DoE, but it won't be until Charles becomes King.
Christine said…
Hello Nutty Friends,

I haven't been in too often, although I do read from time to time. The truth is, once I saw Harry get hired by some hippy dippy company for some type of figure head job, I was so annoyed, so mad...just done. WHAT qualifications does this dimwit have for such a position?!!! Do these two d'bags just do and get and say whatever they want?! I just can't do it any more with those two. I don't think I have spared much passing time or energy on them at all. I hope Meghan has a healthy babe and if there is a pic of the little girl posted, I'd like to see it, but other than that... fini.

Hearing about Prince Philip's death this morning and I knew I had to stop in. It isn't kind or Christian to say that I hope Harry feels bad but maybe somewhere in his bleak, dumb p*ssy whipped brain some real thoughts will arise. It is not Harry or Meghan's fault that Prince Philip passed away but it certainly was a disgusting insult for the two of them to go on TV as Meghan "wasn't going to let anything muzzle her anymore" even as Philip took a turn that would lead him to pass away.

Anyways, removing those two wonderful people, I love reading all the funny none P.C. things Philip has said over the years. Just priceless and funny. In New Guinea he said to a camper who was touring the country "So you managed not to get eaten then? (by the natives)

He also said a few things that took a lot of courage. In Thailand he said "Your country is one of the most notorious centers of trading in endagered species"

God rest him! And the poor Queen!
Hikari said…
@Girl and Floof:

Technically, Floof is correct. But it is also correct that Edward will become the next Duke of Edinburgh.

Upon the death of his father, Charles now 'holds' the title. Since he already has a Dukedom along with all his other titles, he won't actually use it. After he ascends to the throne, his younger brother will be created Duke of Edinburgh, as all parties agreed upon at Edward's marriage in 1999. That's why he was given the lesser title of Earl of Wessex at the time. Should Charles predecease the Queen, not an impossible outcome, the Edinburgh title would merge with the Crown and be held in abeyance until her death. At which time, King William V would create his uncle Duke of Edinburgh. Edward can't be Duke of Edinburgh while his mother lives because she herself holds the title Duchess of Edinburgh. That will go to Sophie--under the next monarch, whether Charles or William.

Edward has been for many years quietly and without fanfare assuming a lot of his father's charities and God willing, will have many years left of good health in which to enjoy his new title. It's fitting that he should have it, but he must wait a bit longer still.
Girl with a Hat said…
"Fury as Fox news host links Philip's death to Meghan's Oprah interview"
Ava C said…
@Hikari - I watched the BBC announcement of PP's passing and the female presenter, while remarkably stoic and professional, wavered slightly at some points and looked on the verge of tears. I cried myself while viewing some clips of the Royal wedding and the 'Lion of Windsor's' earlier years.

Yes I was struck by the BBC presenter who broke the news. She did seem to feel the news personally and like you Hikari, I shed a tear myself. I couldn't have borne a presenter like Naga Munchetty at such a moment. One of those cynical, trendy BBC people who mock such things. People like that ruined Miss Marple and Poirot for a while because traditional entertainment like that could surely only be delivered as a parody. Just like those who say the traditional English village never existed, when I grew up going to horticultural shows, entering my cakes for competition, listening to gardeners comparing their prize marrows and roses and tut-tutting at the village one-woman-social-issue, called Molly, who just hung around waiting for the pub to open. We had a church and a dovecot, green fields, medieval and Tudor houses. The works. Makes me so cross to hear it dismissed so airily.

I'm also remembering something @Maneki Neko said in our last post, about how lucky we are to have the continuity of the royal family. My mother and I discussed that this morning, before the news about Prince Philip. About the 60th anniversary of VE-Day when the Queen Mother, Princess Margaret and the Queen stood on the Buckingham Palace balcony and watched Lancasters fly past. The only person missing, who had stood there with them 60 years earlier, was George VI. Such a close, precious link with our past. A president would never embody that for our nation. Not in the same way.
Christine said…
Why should there be fury? Although I don't think Philip died as a result of the interview, it certainly did not help him whatsoever. I feel that the family probably didn't discuss it with him, but he definitely knew, or could guess it's content. I'm sure Philip read papers, watched the news so he knew about it. Harry should feel some shame over it.

If any of us had a remotely similar comparable situation where there was deep family trouble while the beloved grandfather was gravely ill and elderly and you refused to stop the bickering, fighting and squabbling and the grandfather passes away during that time? Well, put two and two together. It definitely contributed to, at the very least, unhappiness in his last days.
Snarkyatherbest said…
Such sad news and everyone here are making statements that sum up better than what I can say. Sad because of covid. He deserves a Star funeral. Ironically one could say he was a feminist and modern before his time. Listening to bbc world on the net and it’s been fascinating.

As for our favorite couple. I imagine he will really want to be out there because he has to know he f-ed up. He could try to sneak out privately and arrange to be there especially if it’s a family only funeral. The family would want it that way if he we’re there. But she can’t risk him going because she can’t control him. Also I guarantee there would be a surprise pap pic at LAX in particular.

In perspective my narc sister decided not to be there in my dad’s last days. we did let her know what was going on along the way and the plans for the funeral. We were all happy she never showed and we give her a lot of credit for not showing up so the rest of us who were there in the last years of his life could grieve together and not deal with her drama. Word and maybe a few slaps may have flown if she had showed. There is a bond that cannot be recreated later on.
Hikari said…
Reading up on Operation Forth Bridge . . . current coronavirus restrictions limit congregational size to 30 people . . so there will be a lot of cousins and lesser members of the family who won't make the cut. Just the kids, spouses and grandchildren/spouses are going to strain the numbers. The great-grands are probably too little to be included.

Hundreds of thousands will line the streets but I guess since they are outside they can pack in like sardines and no officialdom will care. The service will be at St. George's Chapel with burial to follow at the family plot in Frogmore, alongside Victoria and Albert (and the Duke and Duchess of Windsor). This means that the remains of the Queen and PP will not rest together, as she will be interred at Westminster Abbey . . unless, would she buck tradition and insist on being laid to rest beside the man who was by her earthly side for 73 years?

I don't think the Grey Men would go for that, as such . . not for a Queen with the tenure of ERII. Victoria and Albert have that grand mausoleum dedicated to them, but Victoria bucked tradition by not being interred at the Abbey. Probably because Albert could not be buried there. I think this Queen will hew to tradition and rest in the Abbey with all the other sovereigns. She knows the earthy vessel means nothing after we're done with it but would keep the continuity going. She'd wish to be close to her dear Papa and not anywhere near Wallis Simpson's grave.

PP did not want 'a big fuss' of lying in state, and he will not. He will be laid to rest in 8 days, at the end of the official period of mourning. Currently coronavirus rules stipulate that incoming travelers to the UK have to quarantine for 10 days. So even if Harry had left for Blighty the moment he heard the news, 8 hours behind in CA, and landed in London tonight, he'd still be too late. He'd have had to have been in town for 2 days already.

Problem solved for Her Majesty and the family. One more thank you to coronavirus for that.
Grumpy Kat said…
No matter what Harry does, he is forever a P O S. And everyone knows it. He'd better hide himself really, really well if he actually dares to go to the funeral.
D1 said…
Just a few of his funny gaffes...

Prince Philip was known for his energy and unfailing sense of duty, but perhaps what gained him most attention over the years were his unashamedly non-PC comments.

The Duke realised his own capacity for making gaffes, and even had a word for it, ‘Dontopedalogy'.

This he described as, 'The science of opening your mouth and putting your foot in it, a science which I have practised for a good many years . . .’

State visit to China in 1986

In one of his most infamous outbursts, the Duke of Edinburgh's advised youngsters in China during a state visit in 1986 that 'if you stay here much longer you will all be be slitty-eyed'. In a BBC documentary to mark his 90th birthday, he remarked: 'I'd forgotten about it. But for one particular reporter who overheard it, it wouldn't have come out.

State visit to Australia in 2002

During the visit in March 2002, the Prince asked an Aboriginal cultural park owner called William Brim: 'Do you still throw spears at each other?' Mr Brim replied: 'No, we don't do that any more'

Trip to Bromley in south London, 2012

When Prince Philip spotted Hannah Jackson, 25, in the crowd during a trip to Bromley in 2012, the elderly royal turned to the policeman standing next to her and gestured towards her eye-catching peplum-style red dress which had a zip running the length of its front, saying: 'I would get arrested if I unzipped that dress!'

Chadwell Heath Community Centre in Dagenham, east London, for its opening in 2015

While visiting a London community centre group in July 2015, Philip asked a group of women 'who do you sponge off?' Ms Zamir, who founded the Chadwell Heath Asian Women's Network which meets at the centre, said: 'The Duke said to us "who do you sponge off?" We're all married so it's our husbands. He was just teasing and it's similar to what I call my husband - the wallet

Maneki Neko said…

I'm also remembering something @Maneki Neko said in our last post, about how lucky we are to have the continuity of the royal family.

Thank you but I don't remember writing that! I certainly agree but I think it was somebody else who wrote it.
Christine said…
D1- I love these! Prince Philip was utterly hilarious and a true one of a kind. Such a fast wit too! So not politically correct. I imagine he was so much fun to be around.
AnT said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
@Hikari, according to the DM, he'd only have to quarantine for 5 days after entering.

"It is thought he will be tested for Covid-19 before departure from the US and upon arrival in the UK, instead of being subject to the normal 10-day quarantine, though travellers are allowed to leave quarantine if they test negative after five days."

The funeral arrangements are in accordance with Philip’s own wishes, he wasn’t one for pomp and circumstance, so no State funeral regardless of COVID. The only thing that certainly would have happened without the onset of COVID, was him laying in State so members of the Public could pay their due respects.

He named his funeral plans as Operation Forth Bridge. ;o)
AnT said…


Another very odd numerological connection: April 9 was also the day of the Queen Mother’s funeral —— 19 years ago today.

Hmm. Now you really have my hair standing up.

Ava C said…
I can't imagine the Queen being buried away from Prince Philip. I've been taking comfort in the idea of Elizabeth and Philip lying at Frogmore just like Victoria and Albert, complete with effigies side by side. If Victoria can lie at Frogmore, hopefully the Queen can.
Hikari said…
No matter what Harry does, he is forever a P O S. And everyone knows it. He'd better hide himself really, really well if he actually dares to go to the funeral.

Interesting that the Operation Forth committee has announced the service for 8 days from now, at the end of the traditional 8-days of official mourning. It is said the Queen will likely be in seclusion/mourning for 30 days before resuming official duties.

This plan was set down before Corona, but rather telling that they haven't altered it by delaying the funeral longer so Harry will be able to meet the quarantine restrictions. He'd had to have left California on Wednesday to make the 10-day quarantine. And considering the squawking that ensued after the Royals were seen to be 'too close' to one another at a couple of entirely outdoor outings in recent months, I don't think the RF would bend the Quarantine rules for Harry. That would look super bad.

"Alan Ladd, son--yer idea to be all the way out there in LaLaland wiv dem plastic birds, innit? You've made your born and bred and you can just lie on it. Now p!ss orf."

Ava C said…
@Maneki Neko - oops. This blog is full of such riches it's hard to keep track! Many thanks to whoever made that point about the royal family and continuity. :-)
Snarkyatherbest said…
AnT and Charles and Camilla's wedding anniversary
gabes_human said…
My deepest and most sincere condolences to The Queen, her children and their families. Prince Phillip was an example of gentlemen that we now have one fewer of. The world will sorely miss him and his ilk. RIP Phillip
Hikari said…

"It is thought he will be tested for Covid-19 before departure from the US and upon arrival in the UK, instead of being subject to the normal 10-day quarantine, though travellers are allowed to leave quarantine if they test negative after five days."

Well, crap. The article I read hadn't had anything about the 5 days.

They don't have any time to dither, then. I'm assuming 8 days means a week Saturday. Given the distance he's coming, Hazza would have to be in the air by Sunday at the latest. Doesn't leave a whole lot of time to get PR out, but that garbage churns away whether he's there or not.

Hopefully Prince William and Lord Geidt have joined forces and are in a conference call with JH right now, 'persuading' him to send his regrets--or he will regret it, all right.
Acquitaine said…
@ Hikari: The Queen is now the Dowager Duchess of Edinburgh. She held The Duchess of Edinburgh as courtesy title by dint of her marriage to the titleholder and not in her own right.

As Philip's widow, she acquires "Dowager" infront of the title aka The Dowager Duchess of Edinburgh. Dowager tells everyone she's the widow of the deceased titleholder.

There is no rule that says a title is withheld because the dowager and the new duchess have the same title. The system grants two duchesses to hold the same title with the distinction made by which one has definitive THE in their title (the wife) and which one has 'dowager' in their title ( widow) - see the current titles of widow and wife of the 11th and 12th Dukes of Marlborough.

Right now, The Duchess of Edinburgh is Camilla as Charles is the new Duke of Edinburgh because the eldest son inherits the titles.

His new ducal title is Duke of Cornwall and Edinburgh + plus all his other titles.

Once Charles ascends to the throne, the title will return to the Crown and it can be created anew for Edward as per their parents' wishes.

That is the only reason Edward isn't the new Duke of Edinburgh nor will he be unless The Queen (with Charles agreement) decides to grant it sooner than existing protocols.

Christine said…
I would be VERY surprised if Harry doesn't attend.
The Queen Mother never forgave Wallis for her involvement in the chain of events which led eventually to the early death of George VI.

Might HM have a similar attitude to the other femme fatale we know so well? H might be seen as a `lost soul' but perhaps her heart will now harden. I suppose he'd be allowed back to Windsor eventually, but perhaps only for his own funeral, like the Duke of Windsor. Wallis is there too -

Might MM eventually be interred at Frogmore? That would be ironic but perhaps poetic justice.
Curiously said…

OMG ��. I wondered what Philips number was based on his birthdate. That was a 2. I would have died if that was also a 9. Lol
AnT said…

So many coincidences! TheIr anniversary day too?! I just looked, it is their 16th....stranger and stranger.
Museumstop said…
If it interests anybody, condolences can sent to the RF via

It would best if the couple thought with love, respect and dignity now, but it is best to steel oneself of what may come from their psychopathic household of vanity and greed.
AnT said…
....this is all absolutely peculiar! Philip is having a last go to send us a message: “I am still watching.”
@Aquitaine - are you certain that HM, Charles and Camilla hold the Edinburgh titles now, at this very moment?

I understand that in aristocratic circles, as opposed to Royal ones, the deceased aristo holds the title until his body is buried. Then the new Earl, or whatever, assumes the title.
Hikari said…

Today is extra bittersweet for Prince Charles as he loses his father on his 16th wedding anniversary. Clarence House released a portrait of the Duke of Edinburgh on their page today in lieu of any anniversary mention, as was fitting. Charles and Camilla recently returned from their tour of Greece, Philip's birthplace, though he left as a baby and never grew up there. Charles was also the only child who was able to visit his father in hospital, and I assume none of the others were actually able to see their father before he passed.

There is a very nice photo of Philip and Charles together in this story. The two famously butted heads for decades but maybe things were much better in later years.
Snarkyatherbest said…
so what are the covid rules in the UK for quarantine after int'l travel. Given the queen's age and even though she has been jabbed i woudlnt want her exposed to Harry's germs Ok I cant resist, QE may contract a desire for midi sun dresses and oat slave lattes. Wouldnt want to see that happen ;-)
Snarkyatherbest said…
WBBM, they will bury MM at frogmore next to Wallis> The headstone will have an anchor on it the RFs way of throwing tribute to her yacht years

Snarkyatherbest said…
I thought Edward was to assume the Duke of Edinburgh title
Hikari said…
Tenor Bell at Westminster Abbey to toll 99 times for PP starting at 6pm tonight.
Maneki Neko said…
The funeral will be on Saturday 17th April.
Ian's Girl said…
I am absolutely gutted; my own father died on this day 20 years ago, so I am extra weepy, I guess, but it is such sad news.

Prince Philip was one of a kind, and there will never be another like him. I have adored him from across the pond my entire life. He was what we used to call a man's man. My heart is breaking for Her Majesty. And Anne. All of them, of course, but I feel like Anne, of all his children, must be especially brokenhearted.

May flights of angels sing him to his rest.
Hikari said…

I thought Edward was to assume the Duke of Edinburgh title

Such was agreed upon at the time of Edward's marriage in 1999, which is why he accepted a lesser title then. Apparently this will not happen while the current Queen lives, unless there is a provision for her to make an exception. The vacated title 'returns' to the Crown and the new recipient will have to be 'created' the new Duke of E. by the next monarch to succeed the Queen, whether Charles or William.

Acquitaine is our resident omnibus expert on all things British and toff and can usually find the flaw in any published sources quoted here. I'd say her word is probably more reliable than whatever we can find on the Internet, so I refer you back to her.
Anonymous said…
May Prince Philip rest in eternal peace. My heart aches for the Queen, and I pray that her family will surround her with love and buoy her up as she navigates a world without her captain by her side.
Maneki Neko said…
According to a Royal author, Prince Philip allegedly thought Meghan Markle was as ‘destructive’ as Wallis Simpson. When Prince Harry and Meghan were planning on stepping down from their Royal duties, certain Royal members were made aware of this before it even hit social media. Upon learning of it, Philip’s reaction was apparently, “What the hell are they playing?”

“Philip’s way is that he says his bit, and then steps back from the situation because he doesn’t like to interfere,” says royal commentator and author Ingrid Seward. “Philip has always been very protective of the queen so if anyone upsets her, they upset him too. His mantra is the monarchy comes first, second, and third.”

YankeeDoodle said…
RIP, Prince Philip. May your duty to mankind, and your early recognization of protecting large African wildlife may continue through many generations. It is an outrage that all the years spent protecting African big game, and elephants are now on the endangered list, due to the Chinese slaughter and the murder and rape of the rich continent of Africa, with its animals, and the destruction of wide swaths of many African countries destroyed for mineral rights, shows how important PP was to our entire world. Forget about his gaffes and funny, non Pc comments.

On another note, much more gossipy - I guess Just H will return for the funeral. If he doesn’t show, it is because of the wish of Price Philip to not have his traitor grandson appear, just for the cameras clicks..
Christine said…
I want to bring up something about Prince Philip that has really bugged me regarding Harry and to a lesser degree, William. Personally I think it was very kind, loving and noble that Philip told the boys, "I'll walk if you walk" behind Diana's funeral cortage. I know in later years they had said they should never have had to do that and Harry feels his mental illness was greatly damaged by doing that.

I feel that Philip was showing strength and great love. Frankly Diana caused his family quite a few problems but Philip's concern was to be a piller of strength for his son and his grandsons. The sight of the Duke of Edinburgh walking with Charles, Charles Spencer and the grandsons was very moving. I really hope both of them can look at that act of Philips in a new light since his passing. Sometimes one's deeds are looked on in a new light after your passing. Sadly.
Snarkyatherbest said…
I bow to Acquitaine's expertise!
AnT said…
I think Harry will be released by M to fly over. 100% probability, for they will want the additional film footage for their future documentary.

The hypocrisy of racing backing to the family they said were vile suicide-inducing hateful racists just a month ago will be lost on these two scheming selfish grifters, of course. They want money and press.

Megs probably thinks this means Harry moved up a slot, too.
Acquitaine said…
Harry and Meghan leaking to Deuxmoi. We are going to see alot more PR statements and leaks.
D1 said…
Christine said...
D1- I love these! Prince Philip was utterly hilarious and a true one of a kind. Such a fast wit too! So not politically correct. I imagine he was so much fun to be around.

I loved the fact that he wasn't politically correct, I'm not either.
Shine a light he was funny and down to earth, reminded me of my dad, different generation.
Is it too much to hope that Oprah, Gayle, and CBS will be banned (or banished to outside) of any broadcast funeral segments? Their presence there would curdle milk.
Hikari said…

Might MM eventually be interred at Frogmore? That would be ironic but perhaps poetic justice.

I'd be all for that if it could happen soon, you know? The passing of such an 'impactful' personage on the history of the Royal family in the 21st century is one that I definitely hope to be around to see. I'm older than MM, especially if we re-add the years she may have shaved off her age, and considering her lifestyle. It's not the years, it's the mileage, and she's got well over 300,000 miles on 'er in automotive terms. If I keep myself in good nick, if God's willing and the creek don't rise, I hope to be here to see how that all shakes out.

I'd throw a party, I would.

All depends, I suppose, if the Sussexes stay married that long. Harry will certainly wind up out there, with a view across the lane to the home he and his bint rejected. It shocked me to the core when I learned that Wallis Simpson is interred on Royal ground. Considering all the bad blood she caused, that did take me by surprise. I had thought she and David were in some dusty, little visited corner of Pere Lachase in Paris.

She stayed married to David, so that was her reward. If the Sussexes get divorced, as seems inevitable, she will have to make her own arrangements. When you're Out, you're Out . . otherwise I'd suppose the RF would have laid Diana to rest in Frogmore, too, as the mother of the future King. Begs the question what will happen to Fergie when the time comes. The Firm takes care of Royal widows but not ex-wives who disgraced the family. Those, they dump back to their birth families.

Shall we take a pool now on whether Andrew and Sarah will quietly re-tie the knot now that Sarah's chief antagonist is no longer here? They couldn't make a big fuss, seeing as Andrew is still in the doghouse. I think the Yorks have always more or less regarded their divorce decree as a paper technicality, and something they never actually wanted. It really doesn't seem to have stuck.
Acquitaine said…
@ Wild Boar Battle-maid said...
"@Aquitaine - are you certain that HM, Charles and Camilla hold the Edinburgh titles now, at this very moment?"

Title is inherited the minute the previous title holder dies. No grace period so to speak.

The Edinburgh title is confusing because the new title holder already holds many other dukedoms, and the deceased title holder expressed a wish for his youngest son to inherit the title which is an outlier of the title inheriting protocols of the peerage.

The only person who can break this convention is the monarch ie Charles may be content not to be the 2nd Duke of Edinburgh of this creation and so gives it up to the Crown which allows The Queen to make a new creation of the title for Edward while she still lives.
AnT said…
Excellent comment. Sadly, all too true.

I agree with your comment about Philip and walking with the sons.

Hikari said…

I want to bring up something about Prince Philip that has really bugged me regarding Harry and to a lesser degree, William. Personally I think it was very kind, loving and noble that Philip told the boys, "I'll walk if you walk" behind Diana's funeral cortage. I know in later years they had said they should never have had to do that and Harry feels his mental illness was greatly damaged by doing that.

I feel that Philip was showing strength and great love. Frankly Diana caused his family quite a few problems but Philip's concern was to be a piller of strength for his son and his grandsons. The sight of the Duke of Edinburgh walking with Charles, Charles Spencer and the grandsons was very moving. I really hope both of them can look at that act of Philips in a new light since his passing. Sometimes one's deeds are looked on in a new light after your passing. Sadly.

Harry is partaking in revisionist history to suit his ongoing Mental Health Victim narrative.

The cortege walk was in fact the idea of Charles Spencer's, who was adamant that he would do it solo if no one would do it with him. I think he would have preferred to do it solo, actually, to highlight how Di's brutal marriage family had abandoned her completely, unlike him, 'her blood family' (who had, incidentally denied his sister refuge at Althorp because he didn't want her drama following her there. Legitimate security concerns, too.) If Harry wants to accuse anyone of 'bullying' him into walking behind his mother's coffin, he needs to look at Charles Spencer, not any of his Royal relatives. It was neither Charles, nor Philip's decision, nor the Queen's. It would have been very inappropriate to let Spencer walk alone behind a Royal cortege, so he basically forced the others to do it. No one set out to 'make' the boys do this sad duty--their uncle forced the issue.

William was very reluctant to do the walk and said he wouldn't. 12 year old Harry was all for it, though it doesn't seem too likely that they would have let him walk with his uncle alone. Philip talked William 'round by saying he'd be right beside him. Once William agreed, there wasn't any way Harry wanted to be excluded. It doesn't sound like he was in any way pressured into it but insisted on his own accord of walking with the big boys.

Charles said later that he feared every moment of that walk that he'd be shot. Typically self-absorbed maybe, but also not an entirely baseless fear given his status as villain in this drama.
Museumstop said…
So they are using Archwell site as their notice board. Pithy two lines, for a grandfather and stalwart, must be her job.
Christine said…
Very Interesting Hikari- thanks for the details and context. Reading what you wrote, I do still feel as if Philip showed strength and acted the 'bigger person' in the walking debacle.

That's sort of funny that Charles thought he'd be shot.

@MuseumStop, it sure sounds like her. Just disgusted with both of them.
D1 said…
If anyone is interested there is an online book of condolence
@D1 : Yes I've had a look at it but need time to work out what to say.

I scrolled down the `comments - one from Winchester Cather and not far below it was this:

Omid Scobie
In a new statement from Buckingham Palace, the
have asked that (for safety reasons): members of the public a charity donation instead of leaving floral tributes in memory of Prince Philip.

An online book of condolence has been opened via

WTF???? Just who the H does Bongo Herbert think he is?

I feel nauseous.
Christine said…
Ah... reading the Daily Mail and seeing the beautiful tributes, all the flowers, is making me misty eyed.

I hope and pray that Philip gets his due tribute. I also hope and pray Meghan Markle stays away from the funeral and England.
Grumpy Kat said…
I left a not so nice statement at the Archewell Foundation website.

I am not sorry.
Maneki Neko said…

I was about to post the link. Here are the first few lines of the article:

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle today paid a short tribute to Prince Philip following news of the Duke of Edinburgh's death.

In a post on their Archwell website, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex paid tribute to his grandfather with the two line message: 'Thank you for your services... You will be greatly missed.'

On their Archewell website? And the message! "'Thank you for your services..." The sentence is very impersonal, very cold. It sounds like what you would say to a burger joint member of staff leaving their job after a couple of weeks, not a universally estimeed and loved grandfather. There is no emotion in the message. Did MM write it? She'll probably pen a letter to the Queen in her best 'calligraphy'.

Apparently, the funeral's on Saturday:

Britain today enters eight days of mourning before Prince Philip's funeral is due to be held next Saturday after The Queen announced with 'deep sorrow' the death of her husband Prince Philip at the age of 99.

Lots of details om Daily Mail front page.

Banner headline;

JennS said…
🌹RIP Prince Philip🌹
Waking up to the news today about Prince Philip was so very sad...and surprising despite his age and recent health issues. He always appeared to be so resilient I thought for sure we would have him around for a while yet and am saddened that he did not quite make it to his 100th birthday.

My mother told me about how she once saw Prince Philip standing outside Gordonstoun sometime in the 1950's. She got a good look at him and said he was quite a handsome man.
My heart breaks for the Queen who has spent most of her life with this man at her side. I hope she has the strength to work past this loss. I would love to see her reach that 100th milestone and beyond.

I wonder what and how Harry is feeling right now.
The old Harry seemed close to his Grandfather and there are many photos of them enjoying each other's company. Philip was the one that offered to walk with Harry and William behind their mother's casket to help them get through that event.
The new Harry that has evolved and emerged since meeting Megalo appears to have been robbed of any empathy and has been re-programmed to hate his family.

Whatever happens now with the funeral arrangements I pray that the Megalomaniac stays quiet and out of the way.
We don't want her at the funeral or anywhere near the RF right now.
Snarkyatherbest said…
So Diana funeral was impressed that Charles went to paris to collect the body and had the coffin draped in the royal standard. Now i wonder was it charles doing the right thing of philip telling him do the right thing. always liked that phillip walked too. It wasnt just grandfather to help the boys but a direct representative of the queen and likely quelled a lot of the initial fury at the queen for not saying something earlier.

Archewell post - thank you for your service is what we say to our vets but usually to ones that we dont know (like when vets are acknowledge in an audience and the speaker says this) but to not have something more personal is disgusting and WHAT DO THEY KNOW ABOUT SERVICE per their statement of lost patronages: "We can all live a life of service. Service is universal." so their statement on phillip is particularly disgusting slap, at least to me
@Hikari - `The cortege walk was in fact the idea of Charles Spencer's'

Not exactly. It wasn't his original idea - it's what the Royal menfolk do. Checkout footage of earlier funerals on You Tube.

`Thank you for your service'. Yes, as if thanking a servant from a superior position.
Humor Me said…
@WBBM - Philip served in WWII. We Americans are grateful for anyone who serves in the armed forces, especially during a time of war. The phrase is not meant to be derogatory.
My husband just walked in and his reaction to Meghan's statement was shock and horror, 'How patronizing. Who does she think she is?!'

I can't even believe she wrote that. What a disrespectful opportunistic witch. Of course she had to make it about her agenda. She serves nothing but herself. How she doesn't get this yet....
Humor Me,

As the only statement on the matter of his death as a blood relative, thanking HRH for his military service is highly inappropriate. Regardless, that's not what she means.
Ian's Girl said…
Philip walked behind King George VI's coffin, as did one of the King's nephews. Duke of Kent or Gloucester or one of the others. It's what they do. He walked behind one of his sisters' coffins, surrounded by nazi banners, iircwas.

You could argue that W and H were too young, but I dont think Philip was very old when he braved nazis to honor his sister.

What a man he was.
I agree they should not be using for-profit Archewell to announce private family notices. They are hell-bent on associating Archewell as a Royal charity, of which it's neither.
Girl with a Hat said…
I always found the "thank you for your service" pithy and facile.

If you really value "service", then you would sign up for it yourself.

If you really value people who served, then you would owe them more than a quick "thank you".

But that's just me. Others may feel differently.

As with everything with those two repugnant people, they have to first, but they are always inappropriate. The statement was meant to be demeaning as much as it was impersonal. :o(
Yes, I know he did - and he had a distinguished record.

It just comes over as very offhand. I assume M wrote it.

It must be different usage. Could it be that in the US, it's automatically understood to mean service in the Armed Forces? Here, for a British audience, it needs to be put into context.

A Brit might say something like `Thank you for all you have done - your wartime service in the Navy, the unswerving support you've given to your wife and for all you have contributed to the life of the nation over the decades'. Even so, that's what an ordinary person would have written.

A loving grandson might had started with something like `I'm so proud to be your grandson. You were a hero... You meant so much to us...'
Snarkyatherbest said…
Oh shade. Fox News had someone on, didn’t catch his name, but an elderly royal watcher and he said they are limited to 30 at the funeral and since the immediate relatives and cousins make 30 Meghan couldn’t be there because she would be 31. Ouch. But true. Blunt just like prince Phillip. I like it!
Ralph L said…
60th anniversary of VE-Day

I hope you mean 50th in 1995. QM and PM died in 2002.
No, the statement was not about the armed forces. That's taking Meghan out of context. You say that informally, mostly to people you learn were in the forces but do not personally know. It's a polite respectful response to someone when you learn they served.

Meghan's statement is clear. She is a cold, nasty person. Harry should be absolutely ashamed.

Besides, the Queen hasn't even spoken yet.
Midge said…
So many genuine tributes written here. Phillip has always been here as far back as I can remember - it doesn't seem possible that he no longer is. I feel for Her Majesty as she works through this. He was always here for her- always had her back.

As for Harry- he is the exact opposite of Phillip and all that he represented.
Ralph L said…
I wonder if Philip kept up with any of his German nieces and nephews and if any are still alive. Is Pamela Hicks still alive?
@Not Meghan Markle, MM always has to push out in front. Doesn't matter the occasion. I'm so disgusted with what she posted. So flippant and shallow.
Este said…
RIP Philip. Heart's out to Queen Elizabeth, Charles, William and Kate.

There's no way Meghan will show her face at the funeral. Let's not forget that she fled the UK and left Harry to deal with the fall out of her drama. She can't face the people or the public she burned because she's a lying, manipulative coward. It must rankle to see all the world's leaders, including Obama, send condolences and show homage to the Royal Family. Only in her dreams did she cancel them and only in her dreams will she ever be that powerful.

Regarding their PR statement tipped off by Scoobie Scoobie Doo, they had to do something and that was about as meager as it gets. Who cares tho. Their actions to release that god awful interview while Philip was dying in the hospital said more than some phony baloney instagram statement ever could.

Harry will have to live with what he's done to his family. I can't imagine how hard it will be for William to be in the same room with him after what they did to him, his wife and their family.
Hikari said…
Philip walked behind King George VI's coffin, as did one of the King's nephews. Duke of Kent or Gloucester or one of the others. It's what they do. He walked behind one of his sisters' coffins, surrounded by nazi banners, iircwas.

You could argue that W and H were too young, but I dont think Philip was very old when he braved nazis to honor his sister.

Philip was 16 in 1937, so he was nearly William's age while doing the same sad duty.

I remember some drama surrounding Charles Spencer and the cortege walk--maybe that he'd 'insisted' on doing it rather than wait to be invited to do s It was his sister, but he wasn't a Royal himself, so would that have been considered a breach of the usual protocol? Diana's sendoff had basically turned into a quasi-state affair against the wishes of the Queen. Was it pushy of Spencer to insert himself into the the ranks of 'the Royal men' like that? He was by all accounts pretty pushy about his profile in the event--just look at the haranguing rebuke disguised as a eulogy he gave. Very showboating and not appropriate--in church.

William definitely was publicised as being the more upset of the two boys about doing the walk. Maybe Philip had intended to sit it out, seeing as Diana was not technically Royal any more, but did so to support William. I'm sure there might have been discussion about excluding Harry at 12 as too young. His card to 'Mummy' on top of the carriage in his childish printing still haunts me. I don't think he was 'forced' into it. I think rather he was offered the opportunity to walk with the older ones. Either that or he pitched a fit and said if William was going, HE was going. This has become warped in the retelling as "They forced me to do it and irreparably damaged my mental health." Had he been prevented from walking out of concerns of just that thing, given his age, he'd be whining now about how he was forbidden to honor his late mother because he was disrespected by the bullies.

The RF can't win with these two at this point. The best that can be hoped for is some sort of containment.

Having read a great many tributes to Philip today, I am going to be taking at least an 8 day sabbatical from checking any news sites because I don't want to see any of the SHAMs and their toxic crap. I will still check in here, though, to keep up with developments. I just have to avoid seeing their pictures because it is not good for my blood pressure.

It might have been Providence which had me watching two Philip-centric episodes from Seasn 2 of The Crown last night. "In the Company of Men" and "Lisbon".

There is definitely a hole in the world today.
@Hikari said "Shall we take a pool now on whether Andrew and Sarah will quietly re-tie the knot now that Sarah's chief antagonist is no longer here? They couldn't make a big fuss, seeing as Andrew is still in the doghouse. I think the Yorks have always more or less regarded their divorce decree as a paper technicality, and something they never actually wanted. It really doesn't seem to have stuck."

I think they quietly will. I've always thought that. I've always thought Charles and Diana were a marriage of "convenience" as in heir and a spare and that's it. I've always thought that Andrew and Fergie were a love match--made for each other. The fact she still lives in his house (and has all these years) pretty much sums it up for me.

And good on them for staying together (at least as friends, perhaps more). I hope they do quietly remarry now that Phillip is gone. I choose to believe they waited out of respect for him.
Duke of Windsor walked behind the coffin of George VI - his brother.
Ralph L said, Is Pamela Hicks still alive?

No Lady Pamela Hicks is still alive (I thought she died). She’s not German though.
FWIW I found the Harkles' two line message to be about as cold and impersonal as you can get. Much like the message given about someone you've never met but feel obligated to acknowledge their passing.
Opus said…
We really are turning into the Soviet Union: Radio 3 has cleared its schedules and has been eulogising the life and legacy of the late Duke since midday and it goes on and presumably with wall-to-wall Tchaikovsky until 7 am tomorrow. Is this normal? Yes it's very sad but it is not as if he was the reigning monarch and neither did I ever meet the man nor am I in any way related. The Duke is dead: long live the Duke, is what I say.

Today is an excellent day to slag-off the deceased Duke because by tomorrow no one will be interested but as it happens I cannot think of anything about him that especially irks me.

How I recall my Mother often retelling how she heard of the death of George VI, she being a housewife and she only learning of the death on my father returning from work and announcing that we had a new Queen. My Father never forgave the uncrowned predecessor. It remains to be seen how futurity will view Prince Harry.
Ava C said…
What a heartless, empty statement on Archewell. The kind of thing you'd say to someone you barely know or indeed don't know at all. Still, if they had written something heartfelt they would be condemned as hypocrites. That's what comes of being, deservedly, beyond the pale.

The Queen will wish Harry to return so we have to accept that. Whatever comforts her. However the stage we have reached now reminds me of that scene in The Godfather, when the ageing Don Corleone seeks peace between the five families after the death of his oldest son.

After such enormities, as with the depth of Harry's treachery, everyone complies with a superficial peace to satisfy the elderly head of the family. I hope Prince William will then take decisive action when his time comes, like Michael Corleone but in a good way(!).
That funeral walk -Harry was less than 3 weeks away from his 13th birthday when he was given the opportunity `to be a man' and not treated as a child.

Compare him with this chap:

`Reginald Earnshaw was 14 years and 152 days old when he died. He had lied about his age to join the merchant navy as a cabin boy shortly after his birthday, claiming to be 15 so he could go to fight at sea.

Five months later, in July 1941, he was killed with five other seamen when the SS North Devon was attacked off the Norfolk coast by German aircraft'
Grumpy Kat said…
Harkles :

"Thank you for your service."
Barbara B. said…
American here. Prince Phillip’s history is monumental and he will be greatly missed by the Queen and the Nation. I want to mention someone who is not been and that is his daughter, Princess Anne. I know she’s had time to expect this but nevertheless it’s very difficult. I lost my father this past year and it was pretty devastating to me so I can imagine it is going to be equally difficult for her. I pray for the repose of his soul and prayers for the entire family and Nation.
Snarkyatherbest said…
Ava C. Will have to sweep the chapel for recording devices instead of weapons 😉. That baptism scene from The Godfather still gets to me.
D1 said…
@ Wild Boar Battle-maid said...
@D1 : Yes I've had a look at it but need time to work out what to say.

I scrolled down the `comments - one from Winchester Cather and not far below it was this:

Omid Scobie
In a new statement from Buckingham Palace, the
have asked that (for safety reasons): members of the public a charity donation instead of leaving floral tributes in memory of Prince Philip.

An online book of condolence has been opened via

WTF???? Just who the H does Bongo Herbert think he is?

I feel nauseous.


I'm the same, need to think what I want to say. What a start in life he had and never once felt sorry for himself.

As for Omid, I don't have any polite words to say... I'm sure Prince Philip could have helped us out there.
fordgirl said…
I was thinking about all this, and I arrived to one conclusion: if MM goes to the Uk she is pregnant with a pillow; if she stays in the US she is indeed pregnant.
What do you girls think of my point of view?
D1 said…
@ Grumpy Kat said...
I left a not so nice statement at the Archewell Foundation website.

I am not sorry.

Do please tell for those of us who refuse to visit that site :))
JennS said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christine said…
Meghan and Harry would have been better off releasing absolutely no statement whatsoever. How can she always and consistently get it wrong? The answer is because she does not care to get it right.

There looks to be so much love and support coming the Queen and the Royal Family's way. I think everyone is lifting them up right now. Meghan and Harry can keep their "Thanks for your service" comment and frankly shove it. Also as an aside, it shows me that clearly Meghan did not like Philip. Something must have occurred. Otherwise she would have posted some gushing thing about how much he loved her to court the press.
@Opus. When George VI died, the BBC cancelled all programmes following the announcement at 11 am on 6th February 1952 - apart from the news, but including schools programmes (couldn't have children enjoying themselves and pretending to be trees in response to `Music and Movement').

I imagine the daily service may have gone on but as I'd already asked Mum to turn off the wireless because I couldn't bear the solemn music, I can't swear to it.
Christine said…
AvaC- Excellent comparison to the Godfather. Brilliant.

I hope William can remain calm and just mourn his grandfather without becoming too distracted and angry at his idiot brother.

Hey....maybe some good will come out of all of this. I hope so, for the Queen's sake. The problem is still living in California however. Harry may get some bonding time while he's in England but as soon as he gets back to the US, he'll have to get back into the Conversion Chamber.
Este said…
And so it begins...
JHanoi said…
The DM had a picture of HM’s last public appearance/photo, looks like she had lost weight and her clothes weren’t fitted as well as usual.
probably the stress of these last few months. i sincerely hopes she eats well and takes care of herself.
Long Live the Queen
Christine said…
Puds- YES

Note to Royal Family. Please do not suggest Harry walks behind his grandfathers cortege who knows what trauma his wife will tell him he will suffer, needing to reveal all to some American bankers years later, just as he didn't know he was trapped until Megs told him, he thought he was a rich playboy with his own Polo ponies and Vegas trips. The fool. Get him some grief was counselling now before Megs points a finger saying I accuse. Or, better still suggest he honours his grandpa quietly where he is and pay his private respects in the UK later.

We'll be subject to some other film about his mental anguish once again
D1 said - As for Omid, I don't have any polite words to say... I'm sure Prince Philip could have helped us out there.

He most certainly could have done! The story about HM visiting a factory and hearing an apprentice swear loudly and obscenely bears re telling:

Poor lad was overcome by embarrassment when he realised HM had heard every word.

She turned to him with smile `Don't worry' she said. `I've been married to a sailor for years and I've heard it all before!'
MeliticusBee said…
@fordgirl said...
I was thinking about all this, and I arrived to one conclusion: if MM goes to the Uk she is pregnant with a pillow; if she stays in the US she is indeed pregnant.
What do you girls think of my point of view?

No. She is not pregnant and she will not go.
The only question is will she allow Harry to go...and will he come back.
Christine said…
Este- Yes it seemed apparent after Charles's teary public visit and William's comments that Philip was 'Okay' and that 'The doctors were looking after him', the family near Philip was nearing his end and he would not recover.

Even hearing this, it's still too hard to accept. I could not accept it all those years ago when I was told my husband wouldn't recover from his illness.

Anyways, it's also clear that Harry is the relative who did not come. I will say though that we know that Harry knew his grandfather was gravely ill and still did the interview, but if Harry knew his grandfather was set to pass away and STILL did the interview, well it's beyond comprehension.
Hikari said…
Prior to my self-imposed one week press blackout, I had to go to and see the travesty for myself.

What gets me even more than the glib 'Thank you for your service' is the 'IN LOVING MEMORY OF THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH' with his dates, and then 'Blah blah blah you will be greatly missed.

I mean, the sheer HYPOCRISY of it. Harry hasn't been 'loving' toward his granddad since he married the actress and pissed all over the Royal Marines in favor of a Disney premiere. It was not 'loving' to ditch all of his family and slag off his duty by couch surfing with corrupt foreign millionaires in their playpens of decadence . . while Britons were dying by the thousands and his own father and grandfather were ill. To participate in that treacherous interview while his grandfather was fighting for his life. Harry now is everything that Philip would have shunned and repudiated.

Oh, wait . . he did.

Slap up a flat black background with some insincere canned words and think he'll get credit for being a distressed, grieving grandson?

I don't have any words to describe how low I think Harry is. "Worm" might do.

Este said…
So the interview was released March 7th and Harry was told Philip was dying. So Harry can't make it out to see his dying grandfather because he's too busy giving an interview atop of bus. And they released that god awful interview knowing he was dying? Can it possibly get any worse than that?

Most gossips sites aren't reliable. This one is.
xxxxx said…
Wild Boar Battle-maid said...
- Our Monarchs don't step aside - if role becomes too much for them, the law is that the Heir becomes Regent - all the work and powers(such as they are) but they don't become monarch until the incumbent dies.

At this rate Charles will be waiting forever to be King. William will not be put in the same position. I think
Christine said…
Well, all I can say is that we've all been correct all along about H&M.

Yes they are worms Hikari
D1 said…
@ Wild Boar Battle-maid said...
D1 said - As for Omid, I don't have any polite words to say... I'm sure Prince Philip could have helped us out there.

He most certainly could have done! The story about HM visiting a factory and hearing an apprentice swear loudly and obscenely bears re telling:

Poor lad was overcome by embarrassment when he realised HM had heard every word.

She turned to him with smile `Don't worry' she said. `I've been married to a sailor for years and I've heard it all before!'


I still laugh at the stuff he came out with..
He really didn't give a damn about political correctness.
He will be sadly missed.

In case people forget he had Danish roots as well...

The Danish Royal House said today: “Her Majesty The Queen has today sent personal condolences to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in connection with the death of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh

“Prince Philip was born in 1921 as Prince of Greece and Denmark and was a great-grandchild of Christian the 9th.

“A portrait of Prince Philip was painted by the Australian-born artist Ralph Heimans in 2017. In the painting, Prince Philip wears the Danish Order of the Elephant.”

The Duke was a cousin of Queen Margrethe as they shared a common ancestor in King Christian IX. Queen Margrethe and Queen Elizabeth are known to be very close friends, as well.

As the message from Margrethe was personal, the details of the correspondence has been kept private.

@JHanoi, I had noticed her weight loss as well from that photo. Am concerned.
Ian's Girl said…
"Thank you for your services"

My God, if that isn't The Bint of Sussex to a T, faulty grammar included.

"Thank you for your service" is something you ask the waitress to say when you anonymously pay the check of lads ( and lasses) in military fatigues seated near you in a restaurant, or write in a comment section when someone might mention they served. It may seem to be trite and overdone now, but is better by far than the days when many were spat on as they returned from Vietnam. It is, I think, done partly to make up for that, as if anything could.

It isn't the type of thing any decent human being would leave by itself as a tribute to their beloved grandfather, let alone a man of the Duke of Edinburgh's stature.

I doubt anything they said would have pleased us, but this is truly awful.

JennS said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hikari said…

Note to Royal Family. Please do not suggest Harry walks behind his grandfathers cortege who knows what trauma his wife will tell him he will suffer, needing to reveal all to some American bankers years later . ..

I think if Philip were able to direct events according to his wishes, he would categorically not want the ginger traitor there. There's just no way to include him without upsetting other family members, and the press will get hold of it and make the day all about Harry and Meg's drama. If he does not attend, the media will spin that into "Harry's cruel and racist family are snubbing them because Meghan's black!"

Someone has suggested that the Queen WILL want Harry present. I am not so sure that HM would be that definite, given the circumstances. I feel we might be able to go so far as 'She MAY want him to attend'. I don't think any good can come out of it, except for Harry. An event which should be entirely about the honored late one and a celebration of his life will turn into a commoditizing event for Harry and Archewell. And Meg by extension. His attendance will garner them more media attention, especially if Harry tries to bring his own film crew. We can guarantee that the press would not ignore him in favor of the solemn occasion, though they should. It's going to degenerate to "How did William and Kate look at Harry? Did they snub him? How close were they sitting? Is Harry going to give a speech? When did he arrive? When did he leave? Who did he talk to? Was there visible tension? On and on. H will overshadow the ceremony, just like the Sussexes did the Commonwealth Day service with their sour faces and their fit over the procession. Things have only gotten worse since then.

Then we'd have more drama about where he's staying. Have Jack and Eugenie welcomed him back to 'his' home that he's only 'lending' them? Is he in a hotel? Who paid? Does he get Royal security whilst he's in the country? What do British taxpayers feel about that? Will he have tea with the Queen? Will he stay in the Castle after passing his quarantine? Will he Zoom with Meghan? Will she attend the ceremony via videolink? How soon will H leave? Will he see 'old friends' (what old friends) while there? And on and on. Philip and the family's and nation's grief will be overshadowed with clown antics.

I feel that Harry has declared himself severed from his family and all its events and now is waging open war on them in the global media. It's open season on Granny as head of a racist, heartless unkind rigid Institution. Harry is now the enemy. Sorry to say it but it's true.
Christine said…
It's certainly not meant to be a kind or heartfelt statement. Yes Meghan likely had some ulterior motive in mind.
JennS said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ava C said…
@Ian's Girl and @Barbara B - I'm ashamed to say I hadn't thought of Princess Anne until you mentioned her. She was always known to be so close and so similar to her father. I only hope her new grandchild will be a comfort. She always comes across as a hands-on grandmother, thoroughly enjoying her times with them when seen at polo matches etc. (unlike a certain someone who showed no connection or familiarity with a baby at all).

At least the Queen has a deep Christian faith to sustain her. I hope her chaplain is more supportive than the Archbishop of Canterbury has been recently. I see it is less than a year since the Queen appointed a new chaplain:
Christine said…
Hikari- I really, really hope against all hope and all odds that the press at least try to keep the focus on the life of Prince Philip and mourning his death and not keep cameras trained on the Ginger Dimwit.

Thank you for your service... you will be greatly missed

My heavens. Its what you'd say about your favorite Waitrose cashier. The third one from the left as you knew her.
Christine said…
I hope you guys can copy and paste this. I have always loved this painting of Philip in the hallway with his hands behind his back. I know others didn't like it, but I love it. It gives me the chills a bit.
Ian's Girl said…
@WBBM, I completely forgot about poor David and it was two Dukes, Kent and Gloucester...his brothers, not nephews.

And thank you to those who have pointed out that knowledge of the Oprah interview might have been withheld from Prince Philip. One can only hope that he was spared that betrayal.

I would like to think Harry would be denied an invitation, but I doubt that will happen. If HM or PC needs to see him for their own comfort, so be it.

In terms of protocol, too, I think he must be invited. But surely not the demon he married?!
Christine said…
As far as Princess Anne, I love when Philip said "Unless it farts or eats hay, she's not interested" when the press was asking about suitors! hahahah!
SwampWoman said…
Those of you in the UK, please accept my condolences. A real man has passed. Sadly, they seem to be nearly extinct in the younger generation.
Museumstop said…

If the blind is true, then the couple must have devised their reaction to Prince Philip's death much ahead - certainly she would have, she's strategic and organised that way. That tribute on the site is the first indication of their calibre in being independent royals and the tenor of their 'royaling' during moments that matter.

Brace for what more will come - she may just turn up, dragging some child or maybe not. She's been licking her wounds in a corner for the past few days, she knows now is when she can insert herself into a moment in history that everyone will be watching. All other royal events are lost to her. She has a history of gatecrashing, turning up to 'surprise'. I am probably wrong, but who knows with her.

She may claim it was Philip who made racist remarks. Open season will start soon

Nothing is beyond these two. They are hungry or is it thirsty.
Ava C said…
@ Puds - My favourite photo is of the Queen in middle age walking past a fully uniformed Philip in his bear skin (Grenadiers or Guards Red and black uniform), with Elizabeth trying to hold in her laughter as he apparently wolf whistled her or said Corrrr! to his wife.

My favourite too! The Queen's expression was priceless.
KCM1212 said…

I don't know about the rest of you people but I'm buying a lottery ticket. With all nines.

All kidding aside, that was fascinating and a bit eerie.

And @Girl With a Hat

I love that Chief Seattle quote! Thank you for sharing that.
@Puds & Ava C, my favourite photo, too! Nothing else comes close.
Este said…
@Museum Stop...

"Brace for what more will come - she may just turn up, dragging some child or maybe not. She's been licking her wounds in a corner for the past few days, she knows now is when she can insert herself into a moment in history that everyone will be watching. All other royal events are lost to her. She has a history of gatecrashing, turning up to 'surprise'. I am probably wrong, but who knows with her."
I agree that she'd love the attention but I also think she's a stone cold coward and couldn't face the heckling from the public and having to face the family she torched.

"She may claim it was Philip who made racist remarks. Open season will start soon."
I thought of this too but it would contradict what they told Oprah (it wasn't the Queen or Philip) but then they obviously have no love for the truth. Pinning it on a man who can't defend themselves is right up her alley and they lack so much self-awareness, they can't imagine how horrid it would (and still does) make them look.

The fact they chose to torch the family on Harry's grandfather's deathbed and didn't give a fig that he might well watch it, regardless of how his family would try to protect him, just tells you how vile these two are. I don't think there's any coming back for Harry out of this.
Girl with a Hat said…
This comment has been removed by the author.

Worms ,yes, but not even decent free-living earthworms.

They're revolting parasitic ones- roundworms, tapeworms, flukes and leeches. Take you pick
Grisham said…
Christine, I don’t think there is going to be a funeral cortège and there may not be cameras allowed. Just my guess.
Ian's Girl said…
"don't have any words to describe how low I think Harry is. "Worm" might do."

@Hikari, that's an insult to worms.
Maybe maggots? They feast on both the living and the dead.
Ian's Girl said…
@WBBM, the parasitic worms have no choice in what they do, or how they behave.

The Harkles, on the other hand....

Well beneath even parasitic worms, in my opinion. The knowingly and gleefully consume their hosts.
Ian's Girl said…
@ConstantGardener33, maggots hold a quite necessary role in keeping the planet in good shape, they perform a much needed service.

They come off much better than the Harkles in direct comparison, again, in my opinion.
Hikari said…
The more I think about it the more I am convinced that Harry will be a no-show.

He will probably be extended a pro-forma invitation, but he will be presented with a number of reasons to decline to attend:

The 5-day quarantine plus the service itself, the travelling back and forth. He'd be gone for a week, minimum and that's if he leaves the day after the funeral itself. He's gotta fly out out Sunday at the latest to meet the 5-day quarantine.

Who is going to put him up for that amount of time? E. and J. have a new baby. Surely he will not stay at Windsor with Gran. Nyet. I don't think Highgrove House is on offer. I suppose he could crash at NottCott, if nobody else is there presently. Or Ivy Cott, if J. and E. have REALLY decamped for Frogmore Cottage. (I am skeptical about this). As an HRH, I assume Haz would be entitled to RPO protection while he's in the country.

Harry is persona non grata too, having thrown lots in with his wife. The family wouldn't be under any obligation to make any arrangements for his stay. Lodging, flights, transport, security for overseas travel . .all in his dime, or certainly should be. Haz won't want to lay out the funds. Then there is the very real prospect of him getting audibly booed by the public. His ego won't stand for it.

I suspect the Diana unveiling trip will be off as well. Meghan conveniently timed her home birth delivery to coincide with that same week surrounding July 1 that Harry would be gone. He will cite Meg's impending delivery as the reason William will have to unveil the statue alone.

I really don't expect to see Harry in Blighty again, not for the Queen's funeral either. There will always be some form of excuse for why he can't face his family. In the surprising event that he *should* attend PP's funeral, he needs to be taken by MI6 to a secure location for deprogramming as a foreign threat. What might be achieved if JH would undergo counterterrorism de-Markleing?

He's a coward who's got no intention of building bridges or apologizing. It's an impasse.

They will look ungracious to 'ban' him outright or refuse to invite him. It will be made known that 'the Duke has declined to attend' citing various reasons. Everyone can save face then.
Humor Me said…
My fear is that the wife of the prodigal grandson will make the trip (you do remember that she was able to fly to NYC for her important baby shower)and insert herself as a grieving, bereaved "granddaughter" attending the funeral and give interviews as to what Phillip meant to her and her Husband.
I refuse to mention their names on this sad day.
@Ian's Girl, you are totally right about that, and it did enter my mind. The Harkles have a choice about how they survive, and they don't perform any needed services. Quite the opposite. All they do is take.
Hikari said…
@Wild Boar,

Leeches, I like the sound of for the Shams.


Dermatophytes (ie, the parasite that causes toenail fungus)?

I meant no disrespect to earthworms, which are vital to the ecosystem. the Shams certainly are not vital to the ecosystem. Maggots is good. They feast on dead stuff.

Lysteria? Salmonella? Like those, the Shams sicken mankind.

Smallpox. That's what they are.
@Hikari, hahaha they are the Lamisil diggers?


Even though HRH, I don't. believe Harry is entitled to RPO any more. He is not a working Royal. B & J are HRH and they are not afforded RPO
KCM1212 said…
I feel certain that the Archewell "tribute" is MMs revenge for

"One steps out with actresses. One does not marry them".

Grisham said…
Wont the RF enter a period of mourning (aside from the 8 days) where the unveiling of Diana’s statue and the Windsor TOC would be delayed to a more appropriate time?
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