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The unphotographable Archie Harrison: Why do we have so few images of Archie?

In today's People Magazine, we learn that Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor is a "happy baby."

This comes from an unnamed royal source; anonymity is of course required when communicating such sensitive, high-level national security information.

In addition, the secret source reveals, Archie has "lovely, puffy little legs and tufts of reddish hair. He's really adorable."

But there aren't any photos to confirm this. In fact, there are no new photos of Archie at all.

More than a month with no photos

My first thought: this is more of Meg's PR drivel, perhaps an extension of the contract she reportedly had with People to print five positive stories per month.

The lack of pictures gives me pause, however. Why didn't People insist on a new photo of Archie before running the story?

The public hasn't seen Archie since July 10 - and that's if you believe that whoever or whatever Meghan was carrying during her surprise polo match appearance was indeed Archie. It appeared to be much larger than an 8-week-old child, and was surprisingly immobile for nearly 30 minutes.

If you don't count the polo match, Archie hasn't been seen since his Christening photos released July 6, one of which carried metadata saying it had been taken in May. Since Archie was supposedly born May 6, that would suggest that Archie is not the baby in the photo.

The other photo released that day, a black and white shot, may have been of a different child, with a different head shape and bone structure.

(And both images showed a child holding his head up independently while sitting, which is ambitious for a baby only two months old. This is usually a four-month milestone.)

Before the Christening photos, the only images released of Archie have been the odd, partially-concealed face in the Instagram post for Father's Day, and the photos and video from Archie's presentation to the public shortly after his birth. He was surprisingly immobile during that event, as well.

Is there really an Archie?

The Southern Africa trip

Today's People story could point in one of two directions.

Maybe there really is an Archie, a lovely red-haired moppet who has been growing up in blissful privacy with his parents in Frogmore Cottage, a child we'll all get to meet when his parents tour Southern Africa beginning with Cape Town next month.

Or maybe there isn't an Archie, and what we've been seeing so far is a combination of props and babies borrowed for photo opportunities.

In that case, who are the Sussexes going to take to Africa?

Casting a baby actor

It's one thing to find a baby actor whose parents will hover in the background as Meg is photographed with their child.

It's another thing to find parents willing to bring their child to Africa to pose. (Or to source a baby of the right age locally - Cape Town's population is 16% white.)

And it's yet another level of difficulty to find a baby of the correct age with compliant parents, local presence/an interest in inter-continental travel AND "tufts of reddish hair".

If I were as smart as Lord Geidt is said to be, this is the exact sort of thing I'd come up with to back the Sussexes into a corner.

It's tempting to wonder if they'd settled upon a dark-haired baby actor for the trip and the People story suddenly sent them back to square one.

What do you think?

Why do you think there are so few photos of Archie, aka Archificial?

And did the "tufts of reddish hair" story come from the Sussexes, or Lord Geidt, or maybe even Christian Jones and the Cambridge team?


Girl with a Hat said…
tufts? he sounds like Smeagol.
Avery said…
I find the fact that they traveled to Ibiza with baby in tow and not one, not ONE paparazzi was tipped off or able to snap a pic? Come on! With their long range lenses etc. they were more than capable of even a grainy photo.

The Africa trip will be very telling as everyone knows they're going. There are BOUND to be photogs who will be successful. As to whom they're actually photographing - who knows. Farchie.
Avery said…
*I find the fact odd* Is what I meant to say.
MaLissa said…
Yeah that's S'meagol alright. /rolls eyes "tufts"

Honestly, I don't what to believe anymore. My "conspiracy theory" is, the surrogate gave birth early, held on to the baby and just now released him to his "adoptive" but biological parents. Hence the no pictures of Archie and the claims of privacy and no title and the possible use of a doll until the real thing showed up.

If he was born of the body then S'Meagol had him early and not when she said her due date was. And his legal title is Earl of Dumbarton. There's no "not taking a title" tripe because we want him to grow up normal and private. He may not be HRH at this time but he is Archie, Earl of Dumbarton. He'll get to be an HRH when his grandfather, Prince Charles ascends the throne.

I don't know why there aren't any pictures. The way Harry talked about having kids when he was single, you'd think he'd be all over Archie just showing him off and having fun with him. Sadly that hasn't materialized. I'm not sure what to think and to be honest, I've practically written them off as non entities.
MaLissa said…
It's possible that the media, royal reporters, paparazzi have taken their "privacy please" and LITERALLY decided not to bother with them. So we're just hearing from little known local papers about them cause the rest of the media can't be bothered after they stiffed them. I could be wrong.
Avery said…
I would think that would incite the more relentless ones. They read what we read. A photo of the baby would be up there in terms of $$$$ wouldn't it? And the prestige of having got the shot.
Charlie said…
I believe that there is a real baby, even this baby was born by Meghan, because it's much easier to have a real baby than casting actors and having dolls, can you imagine a fallout if the lie would be discovered.
Timeline is shady, and I think she just padded like crazy to have all of the cute photos with a bump, that's why there are all situations with bump size and etc.
I think she's doing all these shenanigans with kid because she is mad at press. They criticize her, make fun of her, overanalyze every her step and her dress. She wants to be adored and loved, but she doesn't get it, so, like any other rebeling teen, she, well, rebels, avenges, and plays "look what you made me do" victim. She just uses kid for that, and that's all. It proves one thing - she cares only about me myself and I, and she will weaponize anything and anyone in her little "game".
Girl with a Hat said…
Actually, no, Archie will not get a title when Charles becomes King. The Queen has many grandchildren without a title, like Edward's two children and all of Anne's children> It is claimed that it was Anne that refused the titles for her children. That doesn't explain Edward's two, however.

So, this theory that the reigning monarch's grandchildren get to be princes isn't true.
Girl with a Hat said…
I don't think she ever was pregnant with a child before the Second Coming. She might be now to give two fingers to the Queen for upending her little scheme for a bread ticket for life.
Charlie said…
I read the last post on harrymarkle blog, it was about certain bump changes in New York, so maybe there was a surrogate, but I believe that baby is real and has DNA from both of them. Because, just like I said, if it was a doll and an actor, a fallout would be like tsunami for entire BRF.
Now! said…
Mischi, Edward's son James does have a title, but is the title the son of an Earl (Earl of Wessex) as opposed to the title of a son of a Prince. That's why he's known as James, Viscount Severn.
Now! said…
A photo of the baby would be quite valuable, I agree. Even more valuable are the merching opportunities available with a baby. That's the main reason I doubt Archificial really exists; if he did, Meg would be using him to sell baby clothes, carriages, diapers, toys, baby jewelry...on and on.
Humor Me said…
I have to believe there is a baby. Like Charlie said - a fake baby/ child would be a tsunami of bad press that the RF cannot afford at this time (Andrew, and all his problems, and MM and all that THAT entails). I look back at the Cambridge children - Not that many pix either. It is that fact that WHEN there were pix - they were not (necessarily) staged, but candids, and plenty of them. Especially at the Christening. No doubt.
Now! said…
Charlie, I doubt the BRF knew about the fake until it was too late - in other words, until after Markle had announced it to the world and launched a hundred magazine covers (which otherwise might have gone to Eugenie after her wedding.)

I don't think even Harry knew what was going on at the time the announcement was made.

Markle has been known to lie in the past - if you haven't seen her video where she exclaims "I am such a fraud!", it's on YouTube.
Lottie said…
The dodgy duo
What is the truth and what is a lie
I would say she faked that pregnancy
All of the coat flicking was enough proof for me
Also if you look at the link below, you will see an interesting post
on the 6th May from the Cambridges
There is no Archie
No tuft of fuzzy red hair#
No fat little legs
It's a hoax

If there is an Archie, then he is sitting on a shelf at Fraudmore cottage gathering dust while his human mommy and daddy are having a well deserved holiday from all of the stress & British riff raff who indirectly pay for the private jets
The Sussex' have hoodwinked everybody with the claim to privacy, when in fact they want secrecy

Privacy Vs Secrecy
check it out at 4.36 min
Lottie said…
The silence around Archie is deafening
Girl with a Hat said…
he isn't a prince, though and neither is Lady Louise, so this theory that if you're the grandchild of a reigning monarch, you get to be a prince or a princess isn't true. Archie will not become a prince when Chuckie boy steps into his mother's very large shoes.
Now! said…
Could be. But once Markle had made the announcement on her own, who in the family would have been quick enough and bold enough to say "Wait - not so fast. She's not really pregnant."

Neither the Queen nor Charles have proactive personalities, and they'd never dealt with anything like this before.

I think this is why Lord Geidt was brought back - to handle Meghan.
Girl with a Hat said…
who are you going to believe - Meghan Markle or your lying eyes?
Girl with a Hat said…
If everything had gone according to plan and the Firm had allowed the dodgy birth to pass as normal, we would be getting Archie everything - magazine covers, videos, twitter, instagram, you name it.
Lottie said…
Poor little bloke would be exhausted from all of mommy's merching
ColleenS said…
There are so many ways this could play out, and none of them would surprise me, except one (that she had their baby the ordinary way). My gut feeling is that Archie is real, the product of Ginge and the surrogate's egg. I think that there was an issue with the birth (early? late? physical issues for the baby?). Meg had to go into hiding and get a game plan together, which was a total and complete cluster****, hence the ridiculous Three's Company episode that was the child's birth announcement. I also thought she may have gotten pregnant on her own near the end, because she is not looking good. Talk about puffy and tuffs. The pictures are cropped, doll-like, few and far between, perhaps, because if the surrogate feels the child should stay with her for whatever reason, they don't want too many comparisons made should they have to replace it. This way any differences can be chalked up to "babies change so much" line. I would love for Camilla to pop in to visit as a complete surprise and get to the bottom of this. I imagine Camilla, Anne and Kate like the princesses in Shrek the Third, fired up and going for the kill with Meghan's lies. I hope that's true, because I would LOVE to see that!!! With Lord Geidt directing from the wings, taking notes and reporting to the world. You know, "Palace Insider" and all. Sorry, that post got away from me :)
KayeC said…
@Mischi, it is not a theory, it is letters patent issued in 1917, and still in force, assign a princely status and the style of Royal Highness to all children of a monarch's sons. Before PE and Sophie married, HMQEII decided that he would inherit his father's title, Duke of Edinburgh, and that he would be given the title Earl of Wessex. They also announced that their children would be styled as the children of an earl, rather than as prince or princess. So I guess the monarch has the last say.

That said, it would have to be the Queen that decided not to give Archie a title, and therefore Charles could also change that when he becomes King.
Hikari said…
I watched that video when Celt News first posted it and again just now. It's from the genuine @KensingtonRoyal account, or appears to be, but there is a glaring typo in it (failure to capitalize ''We', and the time of posting, (3AM), coupled with the typo, the brusque and choppy construction & the speed with which it disappeared point to some staffer shenanigans, perhaps. I'm sure Wills and Kate leave the postings on KR to their staff and are not as hands-on with their account as MM is (koff). They may have badly wanted to leak the truth . .and they may have been up at 3AM, tossing and turning, unable to sleep over this debacle . . .having been shanghai'd earlier into gushing over how glad they were to be an uncle and auntie. I do not believe the message was either composed or condoned by the Cambridges, even though it spoke truth. It's a truth they are not allowed to tell, apparently.

Though perhaps one day, when William is in charge, there may be more transparency about what goes on behind Palace walls. Until then, the heir presumptive to the heir apparent has to zip it and fall on his sword like a good boy. After W. and K. said their strained and nervous-laughing faux remarks to the media, it's hilarious how quickly they vamoose. William is practically dragging his wife by the arm in his haste to run to the privacy of the car.

People of integrity are made very uncomfortable by lying, especially systematic lies, filmed for posterity.
Hikari said…

The Princesses of Windsor storm the gates of Fraudmore to find out the truth about Archie once and for all. Megsie, they're comin' for you, b***h! Fun gets going at 1:05.
KayeC said…
You cannot squat legs together like she did (dog shelter, embassy visit, Vogue shoot) while you are pregnant. Not possible. I have been pregnant four times, so I know from experience. Any good prenatal yoga instructor would be shocked because the first thing they teach you is how to squat correctly.
Girl with a Hat said…
as I understand it, Harry will not be king so Archie will never be a prince. And, the hereditary titles are decided at birth. I don't see any case of that being changed anytime recently.
Charlie said…
I just said that I believed that baby was born and is their kid. And it's not a doll and they don't hire an actor baby. That's all.
Hikari said…
My first reaction to the christening photos was "Those are totally two different babies!"

But studying them in side-by-side comparisons, it is apparent they are the same baby. His nose and distinctive mouth are the same, as is the cleft between his upper lip and nose (the philtrum--thank you, Google.) The baby in the indoor color shot appears ginger and with a smaller head, but I think it's a trick of the lighting and the distance. In the extreme close-up B&W shot, 'Archie''s 'tufty' hair and eyebrows are so pale as to be nearly invisible.

The baby at the presentation was oddly, disturbingly still for the entire length of the photo call, but the distinctive nose and lips are visible . . it's the same baby. The photo call was only 3 minutes long and he was tightly swaddled. Even so his complete lack of even miniscule movements is strange. Still, I'm satisfied that we have seen a real baby three times. As for the polo . . the gigantic '2-month old' that remained inert for a full half hour despite being outside in a noisy environment with sun and bugs and people . . I'm leaning 99.9998% to 'doll' . . unless she drugged him. No baby sleeps that hard to never stir at all in that length of time while being held in such a precarious position.

Megsie crashed the polo and didn't have access to the same baby at the last minute; hence the need in her deranged mind for a prop to signal to Harry, lest he be getting any ideas of breaking cover whilst with his brother of the pact with the Devil he has made. The Archie Fiction must be maintained at all costs.

Harry completely ignored the 'baby' that day. One would have thought that he'd relieve Megs of her burden and take the 'baby' since she was very obviously struggling to hold him properly. Had 'he' been a real baby on that occasion, it'd have been negligent in the extreme to let a high, deranged attention-seeker to hold him that long without support or chair or pram. She looked like she was going to drop 'him' on his large melon head at any moment.

I believe the laws of physics and the testimony of my own eyes that scream that Meg was never pregnant. If she had delivered this baby, we wouldn't be dealing with this FUBAR situation and there wouldn't be such confusion about where and when Archie was born, or how old he was when we saw him.

Argument for surrogacy is compelling, since the baby seems to resemble both his alleged parents . . Meghan most, but there's a bit of Harry in there too. I think the baby's eyes are brown, but he's got Harry's coloring.

Harry was a very homely infant, but he turned into a very cute toddler:


Hikari said…
If Archie is the full genetic child of Harry and Meghan, it's indeed odd that the Family have failed to acknowledge him despite the unorthodox method of his arrival. Whatever went down, the RF and the Queen were NOT ready to enthusiastically embrace this intrusion of 21st century reproductive technology into their established practices. I think Lord Geidt and other PTB paid off the surrogate mother to keep the baby and M. and H. do not have custody and will never have custody. Hence the desperate theatrical tricks and insistence on raising Archie 'as a private citizen'. Meg is being penalized for going behind the Queen's back and thinking she could pull the wool over everyone's eyes. Harry's genetic son or not, it probably has been deemed best for the child's health and welfare that the two selfish, drug-abusing mental cases who sired him not be responsible for raising him as they are not capable.

They can't come clean about the charade and the true whereabouts of Archie, though, because can you imagine the public outrage that would arise from finding out that Harry and the blessed Markle Mother were being kept from their own child?

It's FUBAR all right. Is everyone going to carry on this hoax forever? Because people *are* going to be asking with increasing frequency after MM gets back from her 'maternity leave' (like she really ever disappeared) . . "Where's Archie?" and "How's the little blighter?" Every birthday and occasion where the Cambridge children are present but Archie is notable by his absence is going to raise fresh questions.

Over on Charlatan Duchess, she's got a mocked up Spanish Vogue cover featuring Meg's face pasted on the cover model's face, riding a scooter. On the back of the scooter . . a red headed Cabbage Patch Kid doll. It's worth looking for the best laugh you'll have all week.
KayeC said…
@Charlie, no worries, I just saw your second post about the bump changing. I will disagree about the babies though, I wouldn't put it past them to borrow a baby for the day (example polo outing). But not in a sinister way, such as hiring one, just taking a friends baby out for the day with the intent of passing it off as her own. Oh wait, that is kinda sinister.....
Avery said…
ALL of this! I'm also certain that Meghan's eggs were used. She's too much of a narcissist to allow another woman to mingle with Harry's sperm and then have to spend time pretending to be it's mother. She would also need to be the biological mother to hold any sort of cards. She did NOT carry the child though. I would be SHOCKED if something proved otherwise.
marvelousmagda said…
Skippy on her tumbler blog says that PH is always in Africa in August, and one can assume that this is another pr lie. Could be that "princess privy" is in Ibiza on her own, or not at all. Gotta cover the "not at Balmoral" angle somehow and save face.
Girl with a Hat said…
I keep searching for Charlatan Duchess - is that on Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram?
Now! said…
Yeah, it'll be interesting to see how they handle it all going forward. By age 3, the Royal children generally start nursery school, and it will pretty obvious if "Archie" does not.

Furthermore, once kids get to the age where they can talk, it makes role play more difficult. They're not going to call someone Mum who isn't their mum.

Before then, the Sussexes might be able to share still photos, but in videos it would be obvious that a borrowed child has little connection with them.

If I were the Cambridges/Geidt/Prince Andrew's team, I'd get some obscure but vaguely credible foreign publication to spill all the beans, preferably one not domiciled in the Commonwealth. A French or German magazine, for example.

Spill the beans with lots of detail that's difficult to dispute.

Then the palace can vigorously deny the story, just like they denied the Chuck and Di divorce rumors, before eventually admitting the story is true.
Now! said…
Yeah, I think it's actually less sinister to hire one. Then the nature of the deal is on the table. There are acting agencies that deal with children. They could get one with Archificial's coloring - although apparently not one with his exact birthdate. Anyway, as the baby gets older, a month or two here or there won't matter much. It's most obvious when the baby is very young.
marvelousmagda said…
Mostly a surrogate believer, here. Do I think MM is low enough to "borrow" sperm without PH's knowledge or consent and doing an IVF that may or may not have taken the first time? Resoundingly, YES!! If you look at the engagement photo of her in the white coat with sash/belt, she looks very broad across the beam there. I assumed that was the supposed reason for the slam-bam wedding. Knowing what we know now about MM's veracity issues, even then she could have been padding to get the Queen's permission for him to marry her, and then claimed a miscarriage.
Now! said…
Yes, it's odd how the Ibiza story came out. Local media. But whomever leaked the story - chauffeur, housekeeper, local security - could have just been told that all three Sussexes were coming, without ever seeing them in person.

Otherwise I agree with Avery - some paparazzi would have snapped a picture, with a long lens from a boat if nothing else.
Hikari said…
TCD is on Tumblr.

Vastly entertaining reading and updated daily while we are between Nutty postings.

She really, really has it in for Smeaghan and has compiled such damning evidence. That motorcycle photo with the Cabbage Patch Kid is pretty far down the page.
Now! said…
Funny about the "private plane" story that's been leaked, however. Not sure if that's just Netjets promoting itself.

Or perhaps Geidt or Christian Jones knew that a story about a private plane trip was a sure way to get the public annoyed (given Harry's environmental stance) and take a bit of attention away from Andrew's troubles.
Now! said…
Could be, Magda. Remember that Eugenie's wedding had to be postponed so Meg and Harry could get married right away. Perhaps that was because Meg said she was pregnant.

I don't think "borrowing" sperm would be too difficult once she and Harry were physically involved. Particularly if she had technical support (transport, freezing) from her Soho House team.
marvelousmagda said…
Isn't it crazy to expect crazy people to do normal things? Outrageous megalomaniacs always believe they are the smartest people in the room and that they have fooled everyone. They are like the kid walking around in the poopy diaper, thinking no one knows. ROFLAS.
marvelousmagda said…
My theory is that. after the wedding, the trip to the Clooneys in Switzerland was the meeting place, and for future favors AC helped MM do several IVF samples with people who helped AC pull off her ambush of GC. Future favors having to do with the 'sudden' baby shower and AC's plane.

I am very sad that Princess Eugenie was overshadowed and pushed aside for this gluttonous grifter. if you really meant what you said about the magazine covers being taken away from her, too, I am doubly saddened. It was a beautiful, joyous wedding. That, MM cannot take away from her.
marvelousmagda said…
I agree that the hate tsunami by MM supporters who believed the lies would have been astounding. In the past year, more people have woken up to who MM really is. Definitely, a waiting game. God bless Lord Geidt.

Also, have a theory that once MM got close to PH, she was taken up by monsters of the deep for their own purposes. Always the BRF have symbolized the normalcy and stability of British life. Potentially, a plan was devised to wreck the BRF and demoralize the British people to undermine Brexit. Never let a crisis go to waste.

Now that PH has been recruited on his own merits, lets see how long MM is allowed to remain on the stage.
Miss_Christina said…
I believe there is an Archie......or there was.

I don't believe for one minute our gal Megs was pregnant, whether earlier or later than she claimed. For one, the timing. While it wasn't impossible that she got pregnant immediately after marrying Harry, for a woman of her age, kinda unlikely. For another, the ever-changing, ever-flexible bump. It wasn't just the New York baby shower miraculous bump pictures on Harry Markle, it was all nine months of big bumps, little bumps, square bumps, missing bumps. I believe there was a surrogate, or possibly a baby they were adopting, and that something went wrong, as in the birth mother or even Meghan herself changed her mind, or asked for a trial period before finalizing the deal. I think this is why we haven't seen Archie since the polo. Telling the world she was pregnant at Eugenie's wedding was just a mean little attention getting move.

I don't believe there was any Archie doll, as amusing as the speculation is, because I don't think the Queen, who has built a lifetime reputation for integrity, would for one minute pose for or allow to be released a photo of her smiling over a doll. I do think that there was no real christening, that Meg borrowed that baby for photos. That's why the Queen was not in the photos, why Will and Kate look so tense and angry at being forced to go along with it, and why it looks oddly photoshopped. As for her subsequent weight gain that makes her look postpartum, she's either taking hormone shots to try and have a natural baby because she still hasn't Archie, or she's given up whatever it is she used to use to stay so thin, and we're seeing her natural form returning.

Because believe me, dear readers, if she had full legal and physical custody of that baby, we'd never be able to go a day without seeing Archie in designer babywear, his designer nursery and accessories, or hearing about Meg's thoughts and tips on woke, Goop-style parenting. Merching to Meg's us like breathing.

Hikari said…

I think most of us are by now familiar with the pregnant Lady in Brown that ambushed Meghan outside of the church on Commonwealth Day. Meghan initially smiles at her . . it probably didn't compute instantly that she, Smegs, was busted. Shortly after this day, Meghan would disappear from public view for nearly 8 weeks 'to prepare for the impending birth & draw up her home birthing plan', as we were told. Perhaps at this time the family was still trying to hash out the best way forward with this mess Meg had gotten them embroiled in? Showing off the surrogate publicly was so Meg knew that *they* knew of her scheme . . .but perhaps it hadn't yet been decided what was going to be done about the baby. If H. and M.'s drug abuse is as regular as we think it is, based on their behavior, that would be reason enough to deny them custody. I'm sure the Queen has sought top legal advice for this unprecedented situation. It would be symptomatic of MM's narcissism if she pursued an unsanctioned surrogacy arrangement without studying up on the ramifications of having a British surrogate. In the United States, the genetic donor(s) are the acknowledged legal parents of a child that is theirs by DNA, but not so in Britain, where the 'of the body' rule takes precedence even for non-Royals. The birth mother IS his mother and H. and M. would have to formally adopt their own genetic issue. Any number of worms in this can for the RF to cope with.

Maybe it's not the surrogacy itself, but rather the systematic deceit, not just to the immediate family but to the entire world watching Meghan's Pregnancy Show. Also, as with the Vogue issue, MM probably lied and lied and lied about her intentions until it was too late to do anything about it . . Meg's MO: when denied permission, or likely to be denied permission, just do it anyway and then lie about it until discovered and say, "Well, too late now, nyah, nyah (tongue out, of course.) Had the Harkles approached the family with a serious discussion of their intentions to try for a surrogacy and behaved appropriately and with decorum in public while the surrogate was expecting, perhaps everything would be different now. Meg's greed got the better of her, and we will never know what might have been.

But if the current state of affairs is the 'solution' the Lord G. pow-wow came up with . . .ie., 'We allow Meg and Harry to pretend that they had a baby, and will allow them access enough to pose with pictures with him and accept gifts on his behalf, and spin complete fictions in print about how he's growing up . . "? How is this a solution? They probably realized though, to make an announcement in March or April that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex had conceived via surrogate but would NOT be raising the child themselves . . . the hew and cry from the public would have been extreme. But now they have the unsavory and extreme task of fudging a baby for the near and distant future. I just don't see how this is going to be tenable in the long term. Especially if Megs and Hairy get divorced . . as they most certainly will.
marvelousmagda said…
The lies are mind boggling, and sometimes, very difficult to parse from the truth. If someone hadn't figured out the time codes, or whatever they are called, on the christening picture, would we have known that it was faked? Whose to say the queen was in the supposed photo with the DE and Doria? Literally, we cannot believe our eyes with this woman. Is the Queen going to get into a slanging match of she said/she said with MM and her insidious pr machine? OMG! Nope, waiting and letting the lies be exposed by others seems to be the best gambit the BRF can make. MM trips herself up and destroys her own credibility. Even her sugars are falling away from the deceitful wretch.
Lex said…
Just for the record - Lady Louise is technically HRH Princess Louise of Wessex and her brother is HRH Prince James of Wessex. They're just styled as the children of an earl. Just like Camilla is technically Princess of Wales, but doesn't use the title.

Anne's children have no titles because titles typically follows the male line. HM could have given Mark Phillips a title or issued a letter patent, but as we've heard Anne didn't want that.

I think it's weird that Archie is styled just plain Mr. And Penny Junor said he'll never get a title - which means Charles intends to write a new letter patent to change the current rule.

Meghan loves being "the Duchess" and I'm not seeing Harry rushing to call himself Captain Wales. Or Captain Windsor. Or Captain Markle (ho hum). So why not style their child something other than plain mister?
Fifi LaRue said…
Meghan's got a little corner of the cover of US magazine. The title is something like, "Nothing wrong with gaining weight," with her fat face featured. I don't how the British people financially support the RF considering the actions of Charles, Andrew, Fergie, Prince Harry whom I shall refer to as Prince Jacka$$, for lecturing the rest of us, the Trollope, and the dolly she carries around once in a while. I'm going to predict that Archie the doll will meet with some misfortune, and "die," as much as a doll can die. Maybe it will happen during Bea's wedding, or just prior.
JenS said…
Definitely a fake pregnancy; there's too much photo and video evidence. IMO she launched it out of desperation to trap Harry and as a revenge move to ruin Eugenie's wedding, didn't think it through, and then had to make it all up as she went along.

Megs thought she could get away with it b/c of her great acting skills. Anyone who's ever had children knows she was telling porkies about not having a due date and so many other things. She knew the Queen wouldn't have her physically carted off for an exam with the royal physicians against her will, and what other way would she have been caught out? It's possible Harry went along because there would be a huge scandal if he admitted they weren't living together (and besides, he's said for years that he wants children).

Something went wrong with the surrogate, probably shortly before the baby was supposed to arrive. That's why we saw all the craziness around the "birth." I bet a box of biscuits some of the royal reporters know much more than they're letting on.

The lack of pics to go with the dribble of Meg-crafted, paid PR should make us all suspicious. If they had the baby, we'd be seeing it. Megs would've sold rights to the first images for a load of money and then Insta-merched the hell out of every baby item she could get her paws on. The bit about "tufts of red hair" is a load of tosh, by the way. Red hair is recessive; both parents must have the gene for it to be expressed. That's why it's said red hair "skips" a generation. Biracial Megs doesn't have it, Thomas and Doria don't, and from the photos online, it looks like none of the grandparents did either. The odds are vanishingly slim that M and H's genetic offspring would be a ginger.

Going forward, I predict we'll hear less and less about Farchie, with few/no images. The news cycle goes fast, and people will forget quickly. We won't have to worry about it for too long, though, because the divorce will happen well before he starts pre-school. M will go back to the US and live a very secluded, glam life that includes witness-protection levels of secrecy for him. It will be said that he's attending Swiss boarding school or some such nonsense, until he fades from public memory and M becomes completely irrelevant (should take about 3-5 years, tops). Hopefully the actual child (if there is one) gets to live a lovely life with his birth mum, free of any contact with the barking madwoman who pretended to carry him.
Mary said…
There is no way any biological child of the SMegwhore and Prince wHorry could have read hair. SMeg has very nappy black hair, those genes would be very dominant. Red haired children require both parents to have red hair or at least to have had red hair as a child as my father did, though it turned auburn then brown during his teens and early 20s. Nor are baby’s legs “puffy”, rag dolls limbs are puffy, human babies have chubby legs. The article in the Daily Mail today about a Pennsylvania couple faking a pregnancy and birth using a life like doll to get donations shows it’s not incredulous. If SMegwhore has a living baby she wouldn’t have denied anyone else holding it and she’d have the baby’s face plastered on as many magazines who’d pay her for pix
marvelousmagda said…
I saw pix of Princess Diana as a tween and she had very coppery hair before she had it highlighted with blond. The pix are on Skippy20 on tumblr. MM's brother had very coppery hair as a youth and her father seems to have had reddish highlights in young adulthood. I do not begin to understand how the genetic selection is done, but there seem to be precedents on both sides of Farchie's gene pool. Of course, the red coloring could be an excuse to claim that the 'child' belongs to PH, which he has cast doubt on with his comments.

If PH is as much like his grandfather, the DE, as I think he is, the contempt he feels will rise up, and one day, he will throw caution to the wind and say what he really thinks about this farce.
Girl with a Hat said…
Boris Becker's children have a variety of hair colours. He is ginger and his wives/girlfriends are black and Latino.
Girl with a Hat said…
I agree. This is her plan to make us like her. We will feel sorry for her because she "lost a child".
Fifi LaRue said…
Exactly! She would have her face plastered on the cover of People with the baby. But, there's no baby. Meghan had some kind of scheme going with the fake pregnancy, but isn't smart enough to pull it off; she is unable to plan her strategies 10 steps in advance. Meghan is impulsive, and so is Harry. Impulsive people are often stuck in adolescence forever, and are prone to drug and alcohol abuse. I'd say both Meghan and Harry are 13 emotionally, and probably a good match for each other. Meghan grew up with constant pot smoking, and Harry has his issues with alcohol, and previous random hook ups.
Anonymous said…
Nutty, I believe you've revealed Lord G's best move to date. Only 2% of the world's population have red hair. Here, I'm quoting:

"Red hair is associated with the gene MC1R, a recessive and somewhat rare gene that occurs in only about 2 percent of the world's population, according to the National Institutes of Health. That means both parents must carry a copy of the gene to produce a red-haired child and often the trait skips generations."

Specifically to @Mary above and others who may think that both parents must have red hair to produce a red-headed child:

It is not true that both parents need to be gingers. It is true that both parents must carry the recessive gene. In PHs case, it means that he got a ginger from his mom and his dad. That is the only way he could have red hair. Red hair is even recessive to blond hair. SO, PH has two reds, and markle would then have to also have the red that met up with PHs red. It is possible she could have a dark hair gene and a red hair gene and the dark hair would be the one to prevail in her case, and she still could have given little Fauxrchie a gene for red hair.

While it is *possible* Fauxrchie has tufts of red hair from the recessive genes he received from his proud papa and merde-of-the-bat-bonkers earthmother markle, it's only a little likely. Like 2%ish. And 98%ish unlikely.

If I were playing the odds, I'd not play the red-haired-gene odds.

I believe that it was a Lord G move to back the Dumbartons into an even smaller corner. Eventually, there will be no more corners, and the BRF can publicly be as shocked and appalled as the rest of us. After all, markle refused royal doctors, and that story just ran again the other day. How would the BRF officially know that Fauxrchie was a faux bébé? They wouldn't. And even for those who suspected the BRF did know, the BRF have plausible deniability and that is everything.

Unless PH put in writing that he and the markle was scamming the fam, how would they know?

I think it is entirely possible that markle lied about Fauxrchie and even PH didn't know at the beginning. First, she's a liar. She tells whoppers with aplomb. Remember the standing ovation and not knowing anything about the BRF and her poor dog was too old to fly and ... well, you know the lies she's told and continues to tell. She's a liar, and the only thing we know to be true about liars is that they lie. Markle could easily have lied about this. By the time PH knew, he had to go along or out his wife and end his marriage. So, he went along (fool).

As for the rest of the BRF, Andrew is likely the only one who has had her knees and bottoms up, and I do believe that either he or Skippy got to bounce markle's yacht. Still, that bounce was some time ago. Without physical examination or a confession from the Dumbartons, the BRF would not know. And unless there is incontrovertible proof that the BRF knew that Archie wasn't of markle's body, the BRF have plausible deniability, and they can drag this spectacle de merde out until they force the truth out of markle and that fool of a man-child. And that is why they would wait, and remain silent, and that is why Fauxrchie now has little tufts of red hair.

Lord G, brilliant move.
Anonymous said…
Definition from US Legal re plausible deniability: Plausable deniability refers to circumstances where a denial of responsibilty or knowledge of wrongdoing can not be proved as true or untrue due to a lack of evidence proving the allegation. This term is often used in reference to situations where high ranking officials deny responsibilty for or knowledge of wrongdoing by lower ranking officials. In those situations officials can "plausibly deny" an allegation even though it may be true.
Girl with a Hat said…
what does "she is styled as"? I don't think she does have the title.

from wikipedia: She is styled as "Lady Louise Windsor",[24] although letters patent issued in 1917, and still in force, assign a princely status and the style of Royal Highness to all children of a monarch's sons.[25] Consequently Lady Louise would have been entitled to be styled as "Her Royal Highness Princess Louise of Wessex". However, when her parents married, the Queen, via a Buckingham Palace press release, announced that their children would be styled as the children of an earl, rather than as prince or princess.[26] Thus, court communications refer to her as Lady Louise Windsor.[27]

By the way, Archie's title is Esquire. Which is what landed gentry used to be called.
Girl with a Hat said…
and Archie is not called "Mister", he is called "Master", also landed gentry
Rainy Day said…
Long time lurker from CDAN, first time poster!

When I read the story, I had a mental image of Sparkles up at midnight, snipping red hairs from Harry's face or head while he was sleeping, and desperately gluing the little tufts of hair onto a little plastic doll's head.
fairylights said…
We had a redhaired child (more of a red brown now) even though both my husband and I have brown hair. The thing is, there is red hair in the family on both sides...she just hit the genetic jackpot. Genes can be funny things. I suppose Smirkles might have a red haired child if her father had red hair in his background? Either way, I come down on the surrogate side, and my guess is that they don't have the original child, and may never have him.
gabes_human said…
I’m on the record as believing that there is no Archie. I saw the ever-changing bump. All the hinky birth announcement and birth certificate are just too obviously fake. I smarted off to another commenter at the first mention of a moonbump and “Darren” doll up until May 6. Hell, I even defended her right to have a safe home birth at her age. I just couldn’t believe that the whole RF would be complicit in such a deception. And it would have taken in the entire family. That was until I looked at the Reborn site and saw just how life-like they really are. It’s just that after having three of my children at home and delivering countless others at home and in hospital it’s just not conceivable that a woman gives birth in hospital and is back home by lunchtime. The baby is footprinted, weighed and measured, a PKU test ( heel jab) is done, mothers are given a vitamin K jab to prevent hemorrhage and both are generally watched closely for a day. I was tickled with Harry’s impromptu announcement. However, during the press call to introduce Archie there wasn’t even a twitch of an eyelid. MeGain had almost as much bump as she had for the preceding months and didn’t hold her own newborn. It has been said that the bump was crooked but on further inspection you can see that it just looks like that due to a shadow of Harry’s arm falling on her bump. The christening photos have been verified as being photoshopped right down to the clothing of everyone in the family photo and where they were originally worn. The looks on the faces of Harry’s friends at the polo speak for themselves. They were aghast. Has anyone ever seen the supposed child move?

My big question now is; if the birth mother has her child, how is she handling being a parent to a child she didn’t want? If she agreed to act as a surrogate for these two she did it out of generosity or for the money. Having to raise a child wasn’t part of the deal.
Suzanne Wilson said…
The Sussexes faked a baby but they can't fake a trip to Balmoral?
gabes_human said…
I have thought all along that Andrew had her first or at very least saw he in action. The glares he gave her at TTC we’re arctic. The photos of him on the yacht surrounded by topless women of which she was one make that an easy assumption. I’m guessing there may be pics to go along with it and that was her leverage (blackmail) to force the marriage to Harry. She had a fling with Skippy too and when he tried to tell Harry, Harry iced him out as per M’s demand.
gabes_human said…
Lol. While she may be smart enough not to apply Miss Clairol to a babes tender head she might use a temporary rinse. I just don’t think there is a baby.
Anonymous said…
Well, fairylights, what that means is that both you and your husband carry the recessive red-hair gene. You have brown hair because you have two genes and brown is the dominant gene, so that is what we see. But that doesn't mean it's the only one that is there. The recessive one only shows up when there are two of them, but for you to have had a red-headed child, you'd have to both have contributed your recessive red-hair genes.

Although the whole DNA thing is quite complicated, esp when one wanders into the mitochondrial DNA, etc., the overall breakdown is pretty easy. Every one of us gets 23 chromosomes from each parent, 46 total. The genes are packed into the chromosomes (the number of genes per chromosome varies greatly). Again, this is very simplistic explanation of a complicated subject, but very generally speaking, the dominant gene wins. So both parents give you a hair color gene. If one gives a dominant gene and one a recessive, then the child will have the hair color of the dominant gene but the recessive gene will still be there and that child can pass on the recessive gene. If both parents gave a dominant gene, then that child would only have dominant genes. If both parents gave a recessive gene, then the recessive coloring would be what we'd see. Recessive genes only manifest when they're the only ones.

While it *is* possible that markle had a red-haired gene, we know PH only has red-haired genes (most recessive, so he has to have two of them for it to show up), so PH can only give red. Markle can give black or, if she had a recessive gene, then she could give that one (blond or red, for ex.), and in theory, their child could have red hair if she gave the red recessive. But since that gene only occurs in about 2% of the world's population and markle never had a real family anyway, hard to imagine that red-hair gene showing up.

On my mother's side, one grandparent had dark hair, the other blonde. They had four children, three brunettes, one blond (my mother). My parents both had blond hair as do my sibs and I. However, one parent had blue eyes and one green. I am their only green-eyed child. Both hair and eye color genes are now thought to be more complicated than science once thought (from what I've read, I'm not a scientist), but the basics still apply. I have had my DNA tests done and I can trace my family back approximately 36 generations, so it is an area of interest for me.
Anonymous said…
No. Because the BRF would have to go along with that because they could not claim plausible deniability (The BRF is there, they'd have to invite and see the Dumbartons). The BRF does have plausible deniability re Fauxrchie most likely.
Anonymous said…
LOL. Not be seem picky, but I'd imagine Fauxrchie is highest grade of silicone. No base plastic for the royal bébé.
Anonymous said…
Do you have a link to those photos of Andrew on the yacht w/Markle? I'd love to see those.

I can't see how PA having sex with a trollop would be enough to blackmail PH into marriage, however. I mean, Andy is single and markle sure wouldn't be the worst thing he'd done. I do believe she probably felt the motion of the ocean with both PA and Skippy, however.
Ok, I enjoy this blog as well as HarryMarkle,Thecrownsofbritain and CDAN. but I need to go on record that a fake baby is nuts! I wholeheartedly agree with @Charlie on this. There is NO WAY the BRF would be supporting this nonsense. You all do bring up many points but what an absolutely sordid mess to keep the charade going. I agree there has been so much weirdness. I think MM used a surrogate but that too is a stretch being part of the BRF. I think in the end it all comes down to MM trying to control everything and playing cat and mouse. Probably planning a big mag spread when Archie is bigger. It does seem PH slip of tongue about " babies changing so much in 2 weeks" was huge red flag that something was amiss. But I still can not fathom how so many would be silent about a surrogacy and think it wouldn t come out. It would be just one huge charade to maintain. Seems impossible. That's my two cents! Thanks Nutty for the blog!
Lex said…
Is styled as = is the title he/she wishes to be called by. The default is to use the highest title they're entitled to use, but occasionally not and then they're styled as [title]

Master is the child version of mister. It's pretty old fashioned, so hardly in use anymore but any young male child can by called master, it's not an exclusive title.
Anonymous said…
A fake baby is nuts. So is Markle. I personally believe it was surrogate-born and there were complications. But here's what I don't get re the certainty that the BRF would be supporting "this nonsense". How would they know for sure? I'm seriously trying to figure that part out. How would the BRF know for certain that Markle was physically pregnant and had a baby?
Now! said…
Here’s one of the photos that have been circulating, Elle.
Anonymous said…
I don't think it's Macklin:

The lines of the shoulders are off. This looks more like markle than macklin but it could also be
You ask a good question - how does anybody know - do we think MM is actually that good an actress? haha I had 3 kids...I can not imagine pretending to be pregnant especially for your first time! People hug, touch, etc. How could people close to someone not know? (granted there are teens/women who don t know their pregnant) but maybe this why The Cambridges have no relationship with them anymore and her mother just is not in her life much. All very strange. Really hope MM is exposed and PH can try again finding a true partner. She is so wrong for the BRF!
Anonymous said…
ShouldaWouldaCoulda, I totally agree that markle sucks as an actress and of course the BRF figured it out. I am talking about knowing as in having the facts before them that they cannot deny and then must act upon. Two different things.

Of course, I'm sure that the BRF had their suspicions and had those suspicions investigated from the likes of Lord G. and the results of the investigation known only to a few senior royals. But unless they turned markle upside down and had-at or had the doctors' examine her or had written physical proof, they can't know for fact and that is what will protect the BRF when the merde hits the fan.

The BRF can use the information to their benefit and still have plausible deniability, and that is a beautiful thing to have. They can trap markle in a corner and not have to do any dastardly public outing. They can let markle do the harikari instead of the pauvre bebe act. That's my point, and that is what I would do if I were in this situation. Act from behind the scenes. Let markle destroy herself. Revenge is a dish best served cold and knowledge is power. So that is what I meant. But of course they knew, just like we know that something is way, way funkadelic on this spectacle de merde.
Anonymous said…
Also, I have to add, I do not think it's a fake baby. I think it is a surrogate and something went wrong. I would not be surprised if the surrogate was paid off, further trapping markle and her harry horcrux. It would be a stellar way to make them squirm and they could do nothing except scramble to fake it. Cat/mouse.
Anonymous said…
Way OTT, but because I love reading about the markle's big fat lies, I was delighted to come across this one:

Oh, the way her stories change. She is just such a skeezy, sleazy and very bad liar. Lots of info in there.
Anonymous said…
Bad news. Although I agree with much of what you've written, red hair is a recessive gene, so both Thomas and Doria could have it and you wouldn't know because you would only see the dominant gene hair color. You only "see" recessive genes when a person has two of them for that characteristic.
Now! said…
The problem with this scenario, other than the fact that it is reprehensible and deeply offensive to anyone who has lost a child, is that Archificial, if he exists, is a US citizen via his mother.

The US authorities would presumably have to investigate the death of any US citizen who expired abroad, particularly if there was an accidental death scenario.

I also think her citizenship will help protect Markle from a Diana-type situation. Nobody wants the FBI looking into whatever the Royals might cook up to get rid of her.
Now! said…
One aspect we haven't explored, although I have briefly mentioned it above, is that Archificial (if he exists) would be a US citizen via his mother - if Meghan indeed gave birth to him.

If the Sussexes used a surrogate, the rules are less clear:

Apparently the American citizen must either be the biological parent (donor egg or sperm) or the gestational parent.

"Even if local law recognizes a surrogacy agreement and finds that U.S. parents are the legal parents of a child conceived and born abroad through ART, if the child does not have a biological connection to a U.S. citizen parent, the child will not be a U.S. citizen at birth."

I would assume Meg would want Archificial (if he exists) to have US citizenship as part of her eventual escape plan.

Confirming citizenship, however, requires the baby to be taken in person to a US consulate (in the Sussexes' case, the consular officer would probably do a house call) and a legal birth certificate to be produced.

Bottom line: whether or not Archie has gone through the US citizenship process would be an interesting clue to whether or not he exists, and if he does exist, whether or not he is the Sussexes' biological child.
gabes_human said…
Bon jour Reine. It just so happens that one of the pics is in today’s (Sat.Aug. 17) DM. The event was in Thailand back in ‘01. I saw them on tumblr but when I just now googled Prince Andrew, yacht 2001 that popped up immediately. I’ll make a note of them when I spot them again.
gabes_human said…
The Queen and Phillip-heck, W&K too, try their best to avoid situations where they might have to comment on the Archie situation. They don’t want to have to tell a fib so they stay away. I wonder how they feel about their likenesses being used in created photos?
gabes_human said…
I thought a fake pregnancy and babe was nuts too but I believe that MM acts before she thinks of the end game. She was pissed at Eugenie ergo she spoils her wedding day. She is so convinced at her intellectual superiority that she really believes she can pull it off. “I’m insanely smart”. Just think how much good she could do if she used that scheming mind for The betterment of others rather than lining her own Birkin! There are just too many things that don’t add up for there to be a real child. I wish I knew how this would play out as were all rather sick of her posturing and lying but I have to believe that HM and LG have a plan. And part of me hope I’m totally wrong and that she is happily caring for a real baby.
gabes_human said…
Shoulda, so you too see how many mistakes M has made in her role as expectant mother. She didn’t even read up on it enough or pay any attention to other soon-to-be mommy’s. She isn’t as accomplished an actress as she thinks. You had three and I had four. We KNOW.
gabes_human said…
If M is indeed in as deep merde as some would have us believe, I have wondered if she is even in possession of her passport. I don’t believe they slipped in and out of Abiza unseen. I think she spent a lonely birthday alone and that story was her PR story to make us think that the happy fam of three is blissfully happy. Remember when she was supposed to be at Balmoral for a special celebration? A nanny, staff member of security member would have family or friends to comment on any holiday if it really happened. Absolutely no one can attest to anything she says.
Mom Mobile said…
I watched this video too. Would it be that difficult to create an image that looked like a screen shot of the @KensingtonRoyal account image Celt News used? I just don't see this happening with any sort of legitimacy without the media pouncing on it.

I would be surprised if W and K had staff who were careless enough to post something so potentially scandalous. Did they have any staff quit shortly after that post? If so, maybe there is some validity?

With that said, it would be oh SO JUICY if it were a legit tweet and the account had not been hacked.
Mom Mobile said…

Do you have a link to the video of the pregnant lady in brown that ambushed MM? I'd love to see it. Thanks!
Now! said…
I think it's been said elsewhere that one reason Markle's clothing fit so poorly was that she didn't dare have a tailor measure her non-pregnant middle section.

I suppose the BRF could have insisted that she be fitted for some formal outfit or uniform and sent in an undercover M15 lady disguised as a tailor or dressmaker.

That type of person also wouldn't be subject to medical privacy laws, the way a doctor, nurse, or midwife would be.

What I find interesting is the Gucci dress she wore to the Fashion Awards in December 2018. That fit perfectly, so someone at Givenchy must have measured her for that. Maybe they brought in one of her Soho house chums to do it.
Now! said…
It is odd that there's no evidence of any Ibiza trip.

As I recall, there was a similar trip to Lake Como to visit the Clooneys - also with no on-the-scene photos.

Like Ibiza, the information was also released through the local media, plus a local hairdresser.

Yes, someone was willing to take credit for doing Meghan's hair.

Now! said…
I miss anonymoushouseplant! I enjoyed her blog, and I hope she resumes it soon.
Now! said…
I agree, gabes_human, and it's not just the Queen, Philip, and the Cambridges - it's also Prince Charles and Camilla.

Prince Charles is supposed to be Meg's big supporter in the family. So where are the shots of Archificial with "Grandpa Wales"?
Eowyn said…
Suggestion to Nutty Flavor for a post: Meghan Markle hasn't been seen for more than a month. Her last public appearance was on July 14, at the Lion's King premier. Where is she?
Girl with a Hat said…
Nutty, you should be called Naughty. LOL
Emily said…
Does anyone remember Meghan, without Harry, going to Canada, on a commercial, yep a commercial flight supposedly for an appointment at a fertility clinic regarding IVF? Think it was before the wedding. IMO, I dont think she can get pregnant and it was a surrogate that carried their baby. That's where all the problems are coming from
SwampWoman said…
I have never seen that much of Markle (nor do I want to!) but, to me, it looks as though topless woman has fuller calves than Markle does. I googled MM in a bathing suit and she just has little teeny under-developed calves.

Anonymous said…
Nutty, quite true re Archie. Although I doubt Donald would lose any sleep investigating it, this whole scenario would be too awful, and a faux funeral and mourning for Fauxrchie would just be too, too much.

As for something untoward happening to markle, I would imagine that there are ways so say goodbye that would not cause too much stress. This is just me and too many movies typing, however, as I've never actually offed an international nuisance.
Girl with a Hat said…
good thinking, Nutty, but her clothes also fit poorly before she was pregnant. The oversized coat at the engagement announcement, the wedding dress, etc. Maybe she was pretending to be pregnant.
Anonymous said…
Ditto, Nutty!
Anonymous said…
I thought the same thing @Swampwoman, but it *could* be the angle and because the grab rails on the boat are also distorting the size. Still, I lean towards the other woman (Escat) in that photo. I still have to check out DM's latest, however. Thanks @Gabeshuman!
Anonymous said…
Side note: isn't it interesting that she could go to Lake Como and Ibiza and the hospital to deliver a bebe, but she couldn't get to NY for a baby shower without getting papped every waking second? I swear she stayed up late and got up early just to walk in and out of the door to have more photos taken of herself.
SwampWoman said…
Yeah, those grab rails could be deceiving, @ Elle. I'll have to check out everything later because my dear husband is out in the workshop waiting for me to demonstrate that I have done my coding homework (I haven't).
Anonymous said…
I think of it this way:

Let's say someone you know is doing something truly deceitful and heinous (a soon-to-be ex SO or an employee or a financial client or a suspect, a "new" bride pretending to be pregnant but using a surrogate and lying her ass off about it, etc.)
Also, that person has the integrity of Bernie Madoff and the heart and soul of a hyena (they rip their own siblings apart at birth). They cannot be trusted and they have access to things you care about (a child, a family member, a business, etc.)

Let's also say that the risks are very high and that person can make a lot of trouble if the situation isn't handled correctly. Either because of their high profile or access to funds or ability to lie and create sympathy and destroy your case, you cannot act publicly or prematurely. You also have to maintain a shiny public profile and cannot be seen to be in league with this person, but you also cannot attack them directly. You must wait in relative silence.

It is imperative that the person be caught full on, no chance for escape, no chance to explain it away -- you need them completely culpable for despicable actions.

What do you do?

Well, you do a lot of things to document the situation, block potential escape routes (financial, physical, and otherwise), and all the while move to corner them without letting them know your plan. They may suspect that you have an inkling, but they cannot know you know. You do not confront them. You remain as silent as possible and wait.

You set the trap.

You do not then warn them away from the trap. You want them to be well and truly done, so public confrontation or legal ramifications about what they're doing or you think they might be doing will only spoil your case and give them a chance to refrain from or "explain".

You need them red-handed and full-on guilty.

So, you let them cheat or steal or contact the witness or use a surrogate and pretend to have a baby. If you stop them before they do it, you got nothing, and you will be called suspicious or mean or crazy or whatever the hell else they could fling your way. So, you must let them do it.

Then, once they've done it, you can start to set up the endgame and box them in so that they are caught publicly. And there is no proof that you knew, so you have plausible deniability and there is plenty of proof that the person did what they did, and what they did - the actual doing it and then lying about it to all the world - there is no redemption for them.

Go about it any other way and that person will slip from the trap.

I honestly don't see any other way that the BRF can proceed if markle did use a surrogate and lie and fake the whole thing. She has to be caught in the public lie through her own actions and, in the interim, everyone else has to stay clear of the blowback merde that would otherwise splatter all over. If the BRF had tried to force a physical exam on markle, think of the outrage. If the BRF had announced at the birth that Fauxrchie was a surrogate and outed markle, then they'd be mom-shaming-racists denying a couple the baby they so badly wanted. I have thought about this from all of the angles I can, but I don't see any other ways the BRF could have safely proceeded IF they want the markle gone for good and they want her to be vilified by the public for her actions. Any other way, it splashes back on them and while they may be trying to shield PH a bit, they are certainly going to protect C&C, W&K, and the monarchy.

How else do they do it?
Girl with a Hat said…
yes, but I thought that was after the wedding.
Now! said…
Mischi's right - it was after the wedding.

Strap on your barf bag to read this glowing account of how Meghan flew to Toronto on August 21 while enjoying "a single glass of champagne" and sipping peppermint tea while watching the all-female drama The Book Club, staring Jane Fonda.

It reads like one of Lindsay Roth's chick fic novels. As a matter of fact, perhaps Roth wrote it.
Anonymous said…
Side note:

Don't miss the photo of Chelsy petting the elephant.
Now! said…
I wonder how the elephants feel about having to be stroked by all of Harry's women.

No wonder they go on rampages.
Anonymous said…
It reminds me of that old movie where Rock Hudson sings the same song to all of his women. Fast forward to The Beibs taking Serena and Hailey on the same exact vacation.
Hikari said…
I read a headline in passing yesterday . .online, can't remember exact context now, that said "Meghan Markle will not become a British citizen anytime soon."

Quel surprise! I know there's some residency requirement/waiting period for the naturalization process to be complete . . in the U.S. I believe someone has to be a legal resident for 7 years and pass the citizenship test, but I'm not sure if the residency requirement is expedited if one is the spouse of a national. My impression was that the waiting period in the UK was 2-3 years . . but I would have assumed they'd put a rush on the spouse of a Royal family member who has just borne an heir in the line of succession.

(C'mon, pull my finger!! Bwa haha.)

Really it doesn't even make sense for Her Majesty to bestow a Duchess title on a non-subject, even if she is the spouse of her grandson. The Duchess title should only go to British citizens and could be retroactively applied once the Smeagol fulfills her citizenship requirements. That would seem fair to me. Since she's already a Duchess and seems to have unlimited access to the Duchy of Cornwall's money AND since HMTQ is withholding a title for Fauxchie . . . there seems to be no incentive remaining for MM to become a legitimate Briton.

As if anything about her is legitimate, so I for one am not surprised. Her desire to become a British subject is as genuine as her newly-discovered faith in the Anglican church . . .and her dedication to motherhood.

In considering whether the American authorities would concern themselves with the decease of an infant American abroad who may or may not exist . . it is my understanding that his American mother would have to present him in the living flesh to a representative of the United States consulate and his birth abroad to an American citizen be duly registered with a legally witnessed birth certificate. If Megs cannot present a live baby or his official birth certificate to the American officials, I suppose the American government can rest easy that we have not in fact lost one of our youngest citizens abroad.

That at least is a relief.

I hope Megs has considered that if she tries the heinous tack of claiming that Archie has succumbed to SIDS so she can play the glamorous Mourner in Chief ala Jackie Kennedy that while she has succeeded (sort of) in faking a 'pregnancy' a 'birth', a 'christening' and a 'family outing at the polo', faking an infant's death in her high profile situation is not going to fly. The Royal family and any number of governmental agencies are not going to allow her to hold a funeral for a dolly baby. If she thinks faking a birth certificate is hard, wait til she tries to fake a death certificate for an infant and releases that online.

That may be what it takes, in the end, to get her committed for mental illness. If she tries that on, she'd better hope she's committed to a nice cozy sanitarium, because if she showed herself after a stunt like that, she might be shot in the street like a rabid dog.
Hikari said…
Dare we hope that Lord G. and the Queen have succeeded in getting her sectioned for a mental evaluation? I would have said that was LONG overdue. When she started turning up in public with square fake bellies (ie, December 2018) . . 9 long months ago . .would have been the opportune time. She's been spectacularly unraveling since then. Perhaps an outside party has stumbled upon damning evidence that Archie is not real, when they dropped by Fraudmore for a visit and found Meg passed out on the floor and 'Archie' being used as a pillow?
Hikari said…
This is @MomMobile who asked me for links to 'The Lady in the Brown Dress'. Certain vloggers who have posted this footage of the Commonwealth Day service make a compelling argument that this young pregnant woman may well be Meghan's surrogate. She is loitering outside the church and the royal family all walk right past her as they exit. Her placement is highly suggestive of her being placed there in Meghan's sight line purposely, since other members of the general public are not permitted to stand so close to the building. Other persons in the shot are presumably part of the Royal entourage.

Celt News, a British subject and anti-Meghan vlogger has two vids. I can't seem to find a Part 1. (Part 2) (Part 3)

Rainy Day said…
And in connection with that suggestion, how is her mat leave hurting her game plan? I am not from the UK and I realize the DM is unreliable at times, but I wonder if Carrie Symonds might be starting to steal a little of Meg’s press coverage in terms of Carrie’s dresses selling out and her speeches for her conservationist work. It must be incredibly frustrating for someone like Meg, who feeds off attention and publicity, to be shut away and reduced to communicating with the outside world by keyboard.
Hikari said…
This is going to be a completely catty comment, but I've been holding it in since the Wimbledon debacle last month.

After hearing about Lindsay Roth Jordan for so many months as Meg's Bestie and presumably an influencer and well-connected, talented person, or why else would Smegs be associating with her? . . I was surprised to see that both of Meg's college pals were so . . . not the type of women that I'd have thought Meg thought good enough to associate with Herself. They are both heavy-set and average in looks . .not the glamor pusses I would have thought Meg would cultivate.
SwampWoman said…
One thing that I do not recall seeing is her waddling while allegedly very pregnant. (Y'all that have had children know what I mean.) Perhaps I've missed it? With the way the hips widen, the ligaments relax, and the belly drops, I do not think it is possible for a very pregnant lady to ambulate without the waddle.
KayeC said…
@Hikari, lol....but they are well connect.....I believe Ross works in TV (Larry King) and is also married to a Brit. Also she probably wants to be "pretty one" in the group.
Anonymous said…
Oh def! Markle can't be friends with anyone who she might think is prettier, thinner, smarter, or more of a humanitarian feminist who possesses a more focused lens or a bigger thumbprint.
Now! said…
“Pillow Talk”! Great movie.
Anonymous said…
Yes! That's it! I'm not feeling perky. Maybe I'll watch it today.

Also, OT but Red Alert: @RoyalReporter says there's a bad news story on Andrew coming tomorrow and there is a link to a video of Andrew opening the door at Epstein's house to let young girls enter. Go figure he'd be that damned dumb.

If there is an Andrew/markle video or photo out there, we will definitely see it now.

Now! said…
So I see the Sussexes have a new private secretary, since all the rest of their staff seem to have quit.

Fiona somebody. I hope she owns a suit of armour.
Now! said…
It’s in the DM now.
Now! said…
The door opener, I mean.
Anonymous said…
I just saw it! So does that mean tomorrow's story is worse?

punkinseed said…
Ha! Well said Nutty, Hikari and KayC. Your comments remind me of my dad and uncle telling my cousin and I that we were both not allowed to have friends who were considered lacking in good looks or smarts compared to us because they didn't want people to think we would do that to make ourselves look prettier compared to them. We were gob smacked because we both would never have considered such a thing, or thought of using anyone in such a cruel way. And we told our dads exactly that so they realized we were good kids so our dads lifted that restriction.
Now! said…
It’s almost Sunday in the UK. Sunday papers are generally released late Saturday. I think this is the story.
346NYC said…
I don't know what's going on, BUT
why so many lies? Why is there so much deception?
Why so much obfuscation?

The BRF are clearly in on the scam too.
They continue to endorse everything from the
photoshopped Christening photo
to the unsigned birth certificate.

They lied about "NOT KNOWING" about Meghan's baby shower.
How did they know? Someone on MM's staff had to make arrangements
with not only the US State Department but British Security Services.
The real 'coup de gras' was learning that Buckingham Palace
denied financial transparency about the NY Baby Shower Security Costs
because it was an issue of "NATIONAL SECURITY."
Meghan is so important to the British Government,
that her $500K Baby Shower Security Costs,
funded by British and American Taxpayers,
must be protected due to National Security.

They are all in for Meghan while they've made it known the public,
whose consent and taxes fund the Monarchy, can go F themselves.
William and Kate, while lovely, are just as much into the celebrity
nonsense as Meghan and Harry. They just hide it better.
After the Queen passes, it's time to abolish the entire scam.
Anonymous said…
Nutty, I saw this on TCD and followed to twitter (@byEmilyAndrews). "It’s interesting that H&M have hired a woman from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO).A government civil servant is a very traditional appointment as Private Sec & it’s a tried & tested route.Viz Sir Christopher Geidt (HMQ) Clive Alderton (PC) Miguel Head & Simon Case (PW)."

Seems important?
Now! said…
New Archie photos! Face obscured again.

Looks like the same size as at the polo match. Too big for 2 months then, too big for 3.5 months now.
Now! said…
If Meg is really 5’5”, that baby is roughly 2.5 feet, or 30 inches. I say 6 or 7 months old, if it is a live baby. It twists oddly around the waist.

What do you ladies think?

At least she’s learned how to hold him now.
Lime_Smoothie said…
Off topic, but tomorrow's UK papers looking bad for Andrew, front page of the Daily Mail:
Girl with a Hat said…
so they fly to Ibiza for a five day holiday on a private jet, people complain, and what do they do? fly to Nice for a short stay on a private jet! That's it. They have to go.
Girl with a Hat said…
Yes, Nutty, you're right. That baby is huge for his age. I think at least 7 months.
Miss_Christina said…
Hmmm. Still hairless. Still huge. Biggest three month old I ever saw. And can she give it a rest with that damn hat already? If she's trying to make that Panama her signature look it's a horrible idea.
Girl with a Hat said…
I think the British are too busy with Brexit and with the machinations of various politicians to stop it or to force it through to really care. The Americans, on the other hand...
Anonymous said…
I was just around two children, one was 2 months, the other 13 months. The 2 mo is actually large for her age, and she's still pretty tiny looking. The 13 mo spent most of his time in my lap because I'm fun and children adore me and I'd say he's only got about Fauxrchie's size, maybe a little longer. I know babies come in all shapes and sizes, but no way in Hades Fauxchie is only 3.5 months old. Also, Fauxrchie has on a sweater and his hips look much smaller than his upper body. Wouldn't a 3.5 mo be wearing a diaper so wouldn't hip area be just as wide? IDK, this is just what I think might be true but my baby/diaper experience is zip.

I looked it up (because, of course, I did) and average 3 mo size:

Weight 11.8 - 14.0 pounds
Length 23.0 - 24.1 inches

And South of France? I guess that's what you do when you're really never getting invited to Balmoral?
Anonymous said…
And @Miss_Christina, bonus points for you re that bloody hat. She just can't seem to let go of her (2 years ago) yachting days.

Anonymous said…
Make that double merde now that the Dumbartons have hit The Sun.

I swear, poor QEII. This kind of stress isn't good at any age, but at 93? I hope that Chas & Wills & Lord G have another Plan B.
Lime_Smoothie said…
The papers are dragging the Royals tomorrow - the press must scent blood:

Brexit or no Brexit, if Andrew is implicated in this in a serious way, it will all kick off. The British press are brutal.

If old Megz thinks she's had it tough, she's kidding herself. Diana and Fergie were absolutely rubbished by the tabloids back in the day. Diana was getting hell in the press right up to her death for dating Dodi Fayed.

The Times is normally a bit more hands off than this.
Anonymous said…
And another question: are we sure that is the Earl of Dumbarton? I compared that to a photo of the Earl from the baseball game, and this Earl sure has a lot more hair from behind.
Girl with a Hat said…
The Times is leading with a story about how Lord Mountbatten liked young men. The Telegraph with Brexit.
Lime_Smoothie said…
The Telegraph (or The Torygraph as we call it) is the newspaper of the right wing of the Tory party, and is obsessed with a hard Brexit. Sad decline of a once very serious and respected newspaper.
Girl with a Hat said…
Actually, Brexit is a very important issue so I don't blame them for that. As for hard Brexit, the EU is leaving them very little choice. Hopefully, everyone will come to their senses at the last minute, but the offer they gave May was laughable. It's like the Mafia - they won't let you go.
Unknown said…
I am not trying to sound weird however if you go back, and look at the topless photos of Meggy that was released with her two friends while on vacation before PH.. Then you will understand what I mean about Meggy's nipples being very easy to pick out in a picture..I Googled the yacht pics and her nipples have been pixelated so it is impossible to tell just by looking at this set of pictures..I would not be surprised if she had in fact hooked -up with Andrew because we all know she is nothing but a yacht hussy that was trolling the waters for a wealthy men before she met PH..

Anonymous said…
Although I'm sure that Lord Mountbatten lust is supposed to shock and somehow be linked to Prince Andrew's own bad behavior, it does seem that of all the stories they could go with, this one is less important given the fact that Lord Mountbatten is dead, and not just a little dead, but years dead. Am I missing an important point here (quite likely)?

And now I have to go find out how the Sussex Dumbartons were going to live at Windsor.
Lime_Smoothie said…
Parliament should never have voted to trigger Article 50 without a plan for entering negotiations. Now right wing lunatics like Rees Mogg are trying to play poker with the Good Friday Agreement, and would willingly take us out with no deal, ruining ordinary people's businesses and lives.

The Telegraph are the main cheerleaders for this, and their 'journalism' on this topic is utterly laughable.
Ask and you shall receive!
I'm white inclined to now think that the People mag titbit about Archie and his red hair and puffy feet was most likely a PR plant to rile up some interest in them as a family again. We all wanted with baited breath to see what would happen after the Cambridge's regatta, and the lovely coverage that family got. And nothing happened, apart from the Diana quote on insta.

Well, looks it was busy behind the scenes, planning this! They likely planted the ibizastoryI to get the public talking about them holidaying as a family, Archie's first trip abroad etc. And with no pucs or other info there was so much being said about this so called birthday trip. Queue in the Archie's had red hair article, and people are discussing like mad. And now..... Two days later, these pics are released by Sun.

Mind you, there are just these 4/5 pics of them, so likely a single photographer managed to take these long shot and subsequently sold them. Could be quite likely that he was tippedocft and this was a deliberate plant. 1. We get to see them as a family. 2. We get to see Archie. 3. She is holding him properly. 4. She send to have lost a little weight. 5. This finally puts to rest the Balmoral family holiday speculation,as now they can say they were in Nice.

Clever PR move, keep the interest in the baby, appear infazed by the rumors, and very soon we'll know what brand the baby clothes were!
Anonymous said…
Well, that was fast. Times requires a subscription.
Girl with a Hat said…
this is the Times article about Harry and Markle wanting to live in Windsor castle. I have a subscription.

A generation of young adults has moved back to live with their parents. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex tried to go a step further — they wanted to move in with the grandparents.

While Harry and Meghan have settled into family life at Frogmore Cottage with baby Archie, they initially had higher hopes. The couple are understood to have set their hearts at first on Windsor Castle, and are believed to have asked the Queen if living quarters could be made available after their marriage.

The Queen politely but firmly suggested Frogmore Cottage on the Windsor estate, which is said to be her favourite home. The cottage, which has five bedrooms, was then given a £2.4m makeover.

The Queen spends most weekends at Windsor and is in official residence there over Easter and in June. With about 1,000 rooms, including private and state apartments, it is the largest inhabited palace in the world.

Hugo Vickers, a royal author and a deputy lord lieutenant of Berkshire, said: “There are empty bedrooms and suites in the private apartments which the Sussexes may have had their eye on, or perhaps some former living quarters in the castle grounds converted into other things. But I can see how it might not be entirely appropriate to have a young family living there.”

Royal aides say Windsor is “a special place” for Harry and Meghan. They held a christening at the castle for Archie and were married in St George’s Chapel last year.

Queen Victoria allowed her youngest daughter, Beatrice, to remain with her after her marriage on condition she continued her duties as the Queen’s unofficial secretary.

Buckingham Palace declined to comment.
Anonymous said…
Thank you!

"The Queen spends most weekends at Windsor and is in official residence there over Easter and in June. With about 1,000 rooms, including private and state apartments, it is the largest inhabited palace in the world."

Unshaded version: The Queen doesn't want the Dumbartons near Windsor, regardless of size. The servants' quarters will do nicely for them.

And "The Queen politely but firmly suggested Frogmore Cottage on the Windsor estate, which is said to be her favourite home."

Unshaded version: Frogmore House may be her favorite home. Frogmore Cottage would be her favorite servants' quarters, if she actually had a favorite.
Girl with a Hat said…
@Lime, what people don't seem to understand is that there would never be an agreement with the EU. Ever. Because the EU doesn't want there to be an agreement. So what choice does the UK have? None but to proceed with the will of the people.

I happened to work for the EU, not as an employee but as a consultant. I can tell you that it is the most corrupt institution I have ever had the misfortune of working at. People just don't care. I happen to have several EU passports so the idea of the free migration of people helps me in my career prospects, and I still think it's a terrible thing, mostly because of how it is run.

You should be glad you are getting out.
Anonymous said…
Hi @Unknown,

I only saw her topless from behind, sitting on the walls. I've never seen the nip pics. OTOH, I don't want to see them. OTOH, this sounds like a good clue to why andy had contempt for her from the beginning. Do you have links?
punkinseed said…
When I carry a baby that age down steep stairs like that I wouldn't be holding him like that. I'd want a free hand to grab the handrail to avoid falling with baby.
That baby is not 3 1/2 months. Looks more like a 6 to 8 month old.
What's weird is the head is out of proportion to the body length. I'm so sick of this.
Megs and Harry are acting like Michael Jackson did with that stupid hat and Blanket baby. You all might remember how fed up we got with him over that. Enough already.
Notice nobody believed they really went to Spain, then today, photos.
Anonymous said…
Or could it be that whoever planted the red-tufts story knew that photos of the dumbartons would be hitting the papers? Clearly, there are no tufts. And if there are these photos, there are probably more.
marvelousmagda said…
Not to rain on your parade, Hikari, but what if she pulls the Lindbergh gambit and claims someone stole/kidnapped the baby? All the sympathy and none of the blame.

I never understood how HMtQ could make her a duchess, either, since she is not a British citizen. I felt that doing so cheapened the royal mystique. Big mistake, Huge!

Did Wallace I ever become a British citizen?

Anonymous said…
Well, I'm certain that the Countess of Dumbarton reads here. Also, I'm sure that the press reads here (it's why I suggested an ongoing compendium of marklies.) I hope that HRH DoC reads here (crack babies, soon!) and if I were Lord G., I'd certainly monitor the talk and use it to tweak my game.
Anonymous said…
Comments are acting weird, but this:
There will definitely be more photos.... Especially if the place they stayed at. Sorry , private luxury mansion they stay at, complete with pool, seaside view, rooms etc. Basically merching they place!

This is now a while new level of merch. Riding above and beyond clothes and jewelry. We might even get to hear of the place they dine at, the celebrity chef/yoga instructor they hire, a spa for the baby etc etc.
marvelousmagda said…
Deliberate obfuscation. No face shots. Those fancy cameras take picture after picture in a row and these are the best shots? NAW!!

Deliberately provocative and prove nothing. MM is off her game. Poor and puny attempt. Not wasting my time on this.
Anonymous said…
It *could* be merching. Or it could be the BRF letting this go to print knowing that it is building up the contempt for the Dumbartons. This would explain the bad photos from so far away. I doubt most of markle's customers via merching are billionaires who regularly take Ibiza vacations on netjet.
50 and counting said…
We've had Mum's and babe leave our maternity unit after six hours. Twelve to 24 hours is now the norm.
Anonymous said…
I wasn't convinced it was them either, Indy, but I think the purpose of the photos was to up the hate factor, not to merch. If they were merching, the photos would be seen more clearly. It *could* be considered merching by name dropping Netjets and the billionaire row in Ibiza, but do any of us really think that true celebrities and/or million/billionaires are looking to the Dumbartons for tips on how to fly charter or where to stay in Ibiza? I think so not. And like the rest of us are going to say "OMG! Netjets, sure I'll do that instead of commercial because the Dumbartons did it?". Again, that's a yeah, no from me.
Fifi LaRue said…
Hikari, that's what I thought, also. Meghan wants to be a Jackie Kennedy, with the black veil over her face, walking behind a coffin. Nutty asked a couple of posts ago what Markle would do to disrupt Bea's engagement/wedding. We have an answer.
Girl with a Hat said…
punkinseed, maybe Archie is deformed. He certainly looks in in the photo.
Anonymous said…
Mischi, why do you think that? I don't know much about babies.

Anonymous said…
It was bothering me, so I found some of Prince George's baby-on-a-plane photos. Compare Fauxrchie against Prince George at 9 months. Of course, Kate is taller than Countess Dumbarton, but look at the size of the two babies. Also, notice how Kate lets George breathe and face the world like a normal child while markle is suffocating hers.
Now! said…
Mountbatten is important because he introduced Elizabeth and Philip and promoted their marriage.

He was also very close to Prince Charles as Charles grew up, a mentor.

Could we kindly skip the Brexit talk here? There are so many other places to discuss it. Thanks.
Remember their "babymoon" they supposedly spent $30,00 dollars on? I'll bet they just cooked that story up for payment also.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
NikNak said…
Could someone link me to the lady in brown ambush please?
SwampWoman said…
Interesting. If it were my child, I'd have already had him strapped into his car seat so it could be immediately seatbelted into place before exiting the airplane. It is far safer for the child going down the steps, too, and daddy H could carry him if the combined weight of car seat and baby is too heavy for MM. Like Trudy said, something about that baby just doesn't look right.
SwampWoman said…
Well, a lot of things are bothering me about the alleged Archie sighting. The size is off. The infant looks subtly wrong to my eye although I can't put a finger on it. I *think* it may be because my children and grandchildren were such active little perpetual motion wriggle worms even as infants that seeing a baby that doesn't change position is strange. Also, the one little baby fist that I can see looks balled up and not gripping onto clothes, yet doesn't change position as she's coming down the stairs. When something caught their attention they'd be flailing their little arms and legs in excitement. The change from artificial to natural light should have elicited a response.

On the other hand, that's a lot of people to fool, so maybe I'm the crazy one.

You cannot convince me that she held an infant, sleeping or awake, on her lap during her entire plane trip. Nope, he'd be in a baby carrier or held by his nanny. Maybe people that travel in private planes and private security vehicles do not need to carry their own baby carriers with them but instead depend on public baby carriers. (I've never run in those circles, so perhaps the ladies here can enlighten me.) I wouldn't trust the disinfection of such were I caring for an infant, but maybe that's just me.
catskillgreen said…
I have red hair as my sister and brother. Dad dark haired italian, Mom natural very blonde German. I did have a red haired aunt on moms side, that was it.
Anonymous said…
Well, your dad would have had to have the red-haired gene and your mother would have had the red-haired gene. Blonde is actually dominant to red, so if a person has a blonde gene and a red gene, then they have blonde hair. And the fact that you had a red-haired aunt on your mother's side says that red gene was floating around in the gene pool So there you go. A person only gets two and the dominant one shows up. Brunette> Blond > Redhead.
JL said…
The Nice trip was for “personal business.” I believe they went there to collect another Archie, which they were finally able to source after the first Archie didn’t pan out. (I.e. the surtogate refused to give up the baby.) Nice is quite a multicultural city. It could provide the right genes for a child to appear to be of mixed parentage. Arrive with a doll in your arms and depart with a real baby. There was also the CDAN blind item that a royal couple we’re having a business meeting in a side room to a restaurant in a seaside town. They were either negotiating the baby or strategizing about Epstein.
Anonymous said…
Well, maybe they were able to source. Remember, now they're limited to tufts of red hair lol. Business meeting in plain day -- they'd have to be really stupid to negotiate a baby in broad daylight in a public place, but then again, the Dumbarton title is not for nothing.
Jen said…
My brother is a ginger, as are both of his kids. My sister in law is a blonde, and to my knowledge, no one in her family is an outright ginger. The mere fact that BOTH kids are gingers, with just one ginger parent, is pretty rare.
Jen said…
Elle, yes, genetics are very complicated. My parents are blonde/blue eye (dad) and brunette/brown eye (mom) and my older brother is a ginger with blue eyes and my other brother is a blonde with hazel eyes. I am blonde with blue eyes. My dad's family has red (grandfather was a ginger, as was his mother, they were Irish) but I do not know of any one on my mom's side with red hair. They were very dark haired Germans. Both my maternal grandparents had very dark hair. I imagine if I were able to see color photos of ancestors 3 generations back, there may be a blonde/ginger in the mix somewhere. It's just funny that not one of us kids got brown eyes.
Jen said…
Based on your supposition, this also puts Harry in a very bad light as well. Not something I think the BRF is very happy about, and could still harm the family. Harry isn't helping himself either.
Anonymous said…
Yes, it means your SIL has a red-haired gene passed on twice, and I would agree, pretty rare but certainly can happen.
Anonymous said…
It is funny how they get passed down, isn't it? Green is dominant to blue, but I was the only green-eyed child, all the rest were blue. It's like a roll of the dice. But I am glad I got the green eyes. I also got the thick, curly hair whereas everyone else got straight. I hated it growing up but am now thankful for it.

My uncle (dark hair and eyes) and his wife (blonde, blue eyes) had only one dark-haired child with brown eyes and the others blonde/blue. The genes might be recessive, but they fight like hell to be seen lol.
Anonymous said…
I *do* think PH is in merde up to the top of his polo boots. He may not have known at the beginning, but he's certainly in it now. I think that the exits are closing on all sides, and of course, I believe the Dumbartons' newest assistant is a Lord G plant, not a "handler" (because I can't really go with the whole "plant" thing... unless markle is a Venus flytrap - that I'd believe lol.) Mrs. Dumbarton (I like that better than countess) certainly has demonstrated she will make up a whopper when it's convenient, and I believe she saw a "baby" as convenient and the surrogate was found. I do believe it's a real baby although how the hell they get it to be so "calm" is concerning. If PH were smart, he'd find a way to come clean about this lie before it's exposed to the public and the BRF must act outraged and toss him to the curb.
Hikari said…
Since they have shown the world 'Archie' in a presentation video and christening photos (that tot at least was a real baby) . . we know what he looks like. So if he turns up in his next appearance looking like a different child, that will be explained away with "They change so much in the first few months, don't they?"

Just when I think it can't get any more Twilight Zone, the Dumbartons take it up another notch.
Avery said…
Anyone seen this?
Hikari said…

I hadn't considered a kidnapping ploy as something Megs would try. She'd be short-sighted and stupid enough to try it on, I imagine, thinking of all the PR she could get appearing before cameras as the prettily-crying frantic mother beseeching for the return of her child. But that would be the very worst ploy she could try, because the scrutiny on 'Fauxchie' and the Harkle's parenting practices and routines would become intense. Meglodon has proven that you can pretend to give birth to a baby, rent a baby for photos and even carry around a fake baby in public and if you are part of a high-profile family and have your own hired security to keep gawkers at a safe distance, you can get away with it.

But to allege a kidnapping, particularly of a royal baby would kick off an intensive police investigation involving multiple agencies--Interpol, MI-5, MI-6 and probably the CIA, too, since Fauxchie is an American citizen via his mother.

Way too many questions that Smeaghan could not answer. No pictures of her baby . . . professional law enforcement wouldn't shy away from asking her the hardball questions which the world media and the Royal family have so far declined to do. She and Harry would be interviewed separately and relentlessly. How long do you suppose it would take for Hazza to crack under interrogation? He's her hapless henchman in all of this. Then both of them would be facing criminal charges for wasting police time and filing fraudulent police reports and official birth documents.

You know what? I hope she is reckless enough to try this on, after she runs out of size upgrades on the Reborns. That would swiftly put an end to all of this convoluted and self-serving nonsense, and she'd be put in jail or at the very least a secure mental health unit.

I am not sure about Wallis Simpson, but my answer would be 'No', since both of them were prohibited from living in England or even entering the U.K. Any citizenship application from Mrs. Simpson would have been summarily rejected, I imagine. They lived out their days in France.
Hikari said…
P.S. I see by your use of the phrase 'Lindbergh gambit' that you must subscribe to the theory that Col. Lindbergh accidentally killed his own child and implicated an innocent man to his death to cover it up?

Compared to the Lindbergh baby saga, the Fauxchie saga is small potatoes.

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 Not much appears to be going on. Living Legends came and went without fanfare ... what's the next event?   Super Bowl - Sunday February 11th?  Oscar's - March 10th?   In the mean time, some things are still rolling along in various starts and stops like Samantha's law suit. Or tax season is about to begin in the US.  The IRS just never goes away.  Nor do bills (utility, cable, mortgage, food, cars, security, landscape people, cleaning people, koi person and so on).  There's always another one.  Elsewhere others just continue to glide forward without a real hint of being disrupted by some news out of California.   That would be the new King and Queen or the Prince/Princess of Wales.   Yes there are health risks which seemed to come out of nowhere.  But.  The difference is that these people are calmly living their lives with minimal drama.  

As Time Passes and We Get Older

 I started thinking about how time passes when reading some of the articles about the birthday.  It was interesting to think about it from the different points of view.  Besides, it kind of fits as a follow up the last post (the whole saga of can the two brothers reunite). So there is the requisite article about how he will be getting all kinds of money willed to him from his great-grandmother.  There were stories about Princess Anne as trustee (and not allowing earliest access to it all).  Whether or not any or all of this is true (there was money for him and/or other kids) has been debated with claims she actually died owing money with the Queen paying the debts to avoid scandal.  Don't know but I seem to remember that royal estates are shrouded from the public so we may not (ever) know. However, strange things like assisting in a book after repeated denials have popped up in legal papers so nothing is ever really predicable.   We are also seein...

Gosh It Is Quiet In Here

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